313 - Part 18

Part 18 of 19 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


What we are doing with this series is an exhaustive study of every Hebrew word which has been translated serpent at least once. We are now working with Strong's #8577. This word has been translated serpent (I'm sorry, I did not write down the number of times). I think it is only once or twice. It has also been translated whale twice. In the balance of the time that this word appears in the Scripture, it is translated dragon. It is also translated sea monster once, but there must be approximately 20 times that it is translated dragon.


We have already dealt with the Scriptures in which this word is translated serpent. In the last message, we dealt with one of the two verses in which it is translated whale. Today, we will deal with the second verse in which it is translated whale, which is Ezekiel 32:2. And then, Lord willing, in the next message, we will deal with the one Scripture in which this Hebrew word is translated sea monster. And subsequent to that, we will start dealing with all of the many Scriptures in which this word is translated dragon. The Lord is exposing the Serpent, and the Lord is exposing Leviathan, which is the Serpent's mind. The Devil is very mad.


I would like to start this message with just a brief review of the many names that signify the Serpent, her different functions and her different incarnations. The Serpent is the name of the earth which appeared at the beginning of time, the earth out of which God formed the man. That earth was an earth that had an existence. It was not an earth like we have outside of our houses, but the creation was spiritual at that time, and the earth had an existence. And her name was and is the Serpent.


When the Serpent joined with the breath, which Jehovah breathed into the creation, she formed her immature mind in the creation, a mind made of two threads. And the name of that mind is the Dragon. The next step, as the Serpent proceeded along her journey, to the end of which would be her appearance in a visible world, was to increase her mind into a mature condition which would be made of three threads and therefore not easily broken.


This is the mind that we are up against today. It is the mind which is appearing in man as we know him in this hour, and the name of that mind is Leviathan. Leviathan is the mind of man as we know him today. Man as we know him today, and his personality, the whole man, is the human offspring of the Serpent, the many-membered human offspring of the Serpent. And her name is the Devil. Jesus clearly told the Pharisees that their daddy was the Devil, and he told them that they were vipers or serpents. Brethren, if you think that we are in the image of Jehovah or the Lord Jesus Christ today, you are deceived. We are in the image of the Serpent.


And our condition right now is that we are fallen men. Our mystical name is the Devil. The mind which rules us is called Leviathan. The spirit which has woven our mind is called Satan. Satan is a spirit. He dwells in the mind which he has woven. And the name of that mind is Leviathan. And Leviathan dwells in a whole man, including a body and a personality, and the name of that whole man is the Devil.


Leviathan is partially conscious. Leviathan is our mind; he is partially conscious and partially unconscious. Any psychiatrist will tell you that the personality or the mind of man, the Freudian term is the ego, or the psychiatric term is the ego, that is partially conscious and partially unconscious. Leviathan is known as a Dragon. The part of him which is conscious is called the Dragon of the earth, and the part of him which is unconscious is called either the sea monster, the whale or the Dragon of the sea. Glory to God.


Let us proceed to reveal the mysterious hidden message, the spiritual translation and interpretation of what Jehovah was saying to mankind when he spoke through the prophet Ezekiel in 32:2. Glory to God.


There is a hidden message in every Scripture written. You can take it on the surface; you can take it midway in depth, or you can take it to a spiritual depth, in which case it is called the Doctrine of Christ. There is a message which Jehovah has sent to mankind, and Jesus clearly stated that message. He said, I will tell you the truth, and the truth will set you free. The Pharisees said, What could you possibly teach us?


Brethren, every day of my life, somebody is saying to me, What could you possibly teach me? Well, brethren, the teacher is inside of me, and I am his host. He is using my body. He is using all of the resources which are in my mind, in my personality, to do the work that Jehovah has sent him to do. Therefore, I can say that I am a teacher and that I am delivering the message of Jehovah to you.


And the proof of the pudding is that the church at large is treating me the same way that they treated Jesus. They said, Who are you to have anything to teach me? We do not need you. You are wholly born of fornication. They said that to Jesus, speaking about His natural condition. They say that to me every time they say, Your mind is not Christ. Everyone whose mind is Leviathan is born of fornication. Leviathan is born of fornication. That is what you say to me every time you deny the anointing on me and the ability to deliver the deep spiritual truth of the Scripture to you.


But nevertheless, we shall go forward, and we shall faithfully execute the commission that the Lord Jesus has called us to, no matter what the reactions of fallen man may be to this commission. Praise God.


Ezekiel 32:2 (King James): Son of man, take up a lamentation for Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and say unto him, 'Thou art like a young lion of the nations, and thou art as a whale in the seas. And thou camest forth with thy rivers and troublest the waters with thy feet and foulest their rivers.'


Brethren, once again, I have to say to you that that makes absolutely no sense to me at all if it is speaking about a natural man. It sounds wonderful. It has an anointing on it because, even though it is translated in the form of a puzzle that has not been unlocked, it still is the word of the Lord. But it makes no sense at all. And I suggest to you, the only understanding of it is a deep spiritual understanding of it.


Once again, the Scriptures need to be translated and interpreted. We translate them from the Hebrew into the English, and then the English must be interpreted. The symbols which we see in the English language must be worked into the translation so that we can understand what Jehovah, through the Lord Jesus Christ, is saying to us. Let us try, brethren.


Son of man, take up a lamentation for Pharaoh, king of Egypt. The word son, we have seen and dealt with many times in the Scriptures. It is Strong's 1121. It means son in the sense of the builder of a family name. It means son in the sense of an ancestor. We are also told, in our Hebrew lexicons, however, that this word can be translated to mean daughter, grandson, any offspring, including female offspring.


And I would like to suggest to you that Adam, at the beginning, was a female. There is nowhere in the early Scripture where it says that Adam was a man. Adam is the name that Jehovah gave to the soul that He made. Soul is female, brethren, and spirit is male. Soul, however, has the potential to mature into a male condition or a condition of manhood. That which matures soul into manhood is the birth of a male mind in her.


In our human fallen condition, if we are born into a female body, we are, or we are supposed to be, what our body says we are. But that is because we are fallen. And every human being on the face of the earth today has been incarnated by the Serpent. We are in a solid, frozen, unchangeable, rigid condition. Spiritually speaking, however, when the Lord Jesus Christ begets us, we are not frozen, and we are not spiritually rigid, and we are given the potential in Him to mature from a condition of spiritual femaleness up into spiritual maleness.


This is not only possible in Christ, but it is that which He desires for us. He desires that the mind of God, the mind which is begotten of Jehovah (His name is the Word of God) should be born in all of us. When our mind is male, we shall be spiritually male, and we shall no longer be identified by our physical bodies, which have been generated by the Serpent, but we shall be known by our mind, which hopefully has been generated by the Lord Jesus Christ.


When we live our existence as it is dictated by our physical bodies, whether our body is male or female, spiritually speaking, we are male if we yield to the existence which is allowed to us in this fallen place called hell. In that hour, brethren, that the Lord Jesus Christ grants us the grace of deliverance from the bondage to this physical, rigid world, He starts to change our mind, not our opinion.


Well, our opinion changes. But you hear it preached in the Church that you need to change your mind to be saved. This is inaccurate. What the preachers are telling you, most of them, is that you need to change your opinion. A change of opinion will not transform you from spiritual femaleness to spiritual maleness; neither will a change of opinion save your soul; neither will a change of opinion get you out of hell.


A change of opinion will give you a better life down here in hell because you shall surely reap what you sow. And if your opinion was that you hated all people, and you had a life filled with hate, and you changed your opinion, and you started thinking well of people, your life will begin to experience some good things. But a change of opinion cannot give you eternal life. You need a new mind to receive eternal life. You must actually, literally have the mind of God born in you, and then you must live out of that mind. Glory to God.


So we see that the word son is speaking about an ancestor. And I am suggesting to you that the soul, at its inception, was female, but that that soul became male when Jehovah joined with the soul and begot His Son in her. The Son of God, brethren, is a mind. The soul was mindless until Jehovah breathed the breath of life into her and then joined with that breath, begetting a male mind in the soul. And the name of that male mind was Christ. At this point, Adam became male.


We are told that he was not perfect but that he was good. Somewhere along the line, he had an encounter with the Serpent. There was a reformation of the mind, the temporary or the immature mind that was in the creation. That male mind was broken up and died, and it was replaced by the Serpent's mind. God's creation, Jehovah's creation, Adam, had his male mind destroyed and had it replaced by the Serpent's female mind. From that moment forward, from that moment until today, Jehovah's creation became, was and still is female, not because of what our body is but because of what our mind is.


So whether you have a male body or a female body, spiritually speaking, so long as your mind is Leviathan, which is the condition of all of humanity today, spiritually speaking, we are female, except for those of us who are double-minded, except for those of us in whom the Lord Jesus Christ has caused Christ Jesus to be conceived. And then, by the grace of God, through the assistance of our elder brother who has already overcome the world, the Lord Jesus Christ, together with Him, hopefully we are walking at least in some measure of masculine victory over the wicked government which is ruled by Satan, through Leviathan, in the many-membered Devil which is occupying this world today.


For this message, I suggest to you that the phrase the Son of Adam (the Scripture says Son of man, but that Hebrew word translated man is Adam, not man, simply Adam). I therefore suggest to you that the phrase Son of Adam is speaking about the mind which was born into Jehovah's creature.


Now, this is a little sticky because I have taught you that the Son of man can only be Christ. I feel I have not made my point here. Let me try this again. Let me review the birth of the mind for you.


Jesus said, I am the Son of man, and I am the Son of God. What He meant was that His mother was the human spirit, which she inherited from His natural mother Mary, and that His father was Jehovah, that Jehovah's Spirit joined with the human spirit in the man Jesus and produced the mind of God, which is called the Word of God, and the whole new man called Christ Jesus. Therefore, the man Jesus of Nazareth could say, My father is God. I am the Son of God, and I am the Son of man. He was male.


But in this instance, in Ezekiel 32:2, the Hebrew word translated son can also mean daughter. And since I read this Scripture, and I see that Jehovah is speaking to Pharaoh, a fallen man, I am going to draw the educated conclusion that Son of man is not an accurate translation, but that daughter of man is the accurate translation. This creation called Adam has been producing nothing but female offspring since the fall, with one exception, the Lord Jesus Christ. I therefore suggest to you that the Lord is speaking to the daughter of man.


Now, if Jesus said, I am the Son of God and the Son of man, if He could say that because the mind in Him was the mind which was fathered by God, therefore, if the Scripture is saying daughter of man, we would have to say that the Scripture can be saying that because the mind in fallen man was fathered by the Serpent, and the Serpent can only bring forth females. The name of the female mind which is in man today is Leviathan. She is the daughter of the Serpent and the daughter of man. Jesus is the Son of Jehovah and Adam, and Leviathan is the daughter of the Serpent and Adam.


We are going to translate this phrase, Son of man, daughter of man. Or we are even going to go further. We are going to translate it Leviathan. The female offspring of Adam is Leviathan.


Leviathan, take up a lamentation for Pharaoh, king of Egypt. The Hebrew word translated take up is Strong's #3575. It means to lift, to accept, to advance, to arise. All of these words suggest incarnation to me.


Take up a lamentation. Lamentation, Strong's #7015. We are told in the lexicons that this word means a dirge or an elegy. Random House Dictionary tells us that the word dirge is a funeral song or a tune expressing mourning in commemoration of the dead. It can also be used to describe the office of the dead or the funeral service as it is sung.


So what are we saying? And the word elegy means the same thing: mournful, melancholy, poem; a funeral song or a wailing for the dead. But we are going to choose this translation or this definition of dirge, the office of the dead. To hold the office is to have authority. We are going to translate this phrase, take up a lamentation, execute your authority over the dead ones. We are taking the definition of the word dirge from Random House Dictionary, the office of the dead, and we are going to translate the phrase, take up a lamentation, execute your authority over the dead ones.


I have to tell you, brethren, even if you believe it is the Son of man, whoever you think that is, Adam, to take up a lamentation, to start singing a song to the Pharaoh, it does not mean anything at all. But I suggest to you that to say, Execute your authority over the dead ones makes a lot of sense.


Who are the dead ones? The dead ones are the many members of the human race which died when their Christ mind died. We died, but we did not cease to exist. We died, but our spirit still exists in a place underneath the ground of our soul and our human bodies. Brethren, this is hell. Our spirit is in hell, buried underneath the ground, waiting to be resurrected out of this deep, dark pit by our elder brother, the Lord Jesus Christ, who has been sent by Jehovah, the Creator of the universe.


Son of man, take up a lamentation for Pharaoh, king of Egypt. Pharaoh is Strong's #6547, and the word means great house. Now, we know that that is a common title of the king of Egypt, Pharaoh, king of Egypt. But it is also interesting to know that the actual meaning of the word Pharaoh is great house.


What is this great house? What is a house? A house is another way of speaking about a family. That is common in English. We speak about household; we speak about a house, speaking about a family. This great family. What great family? The great family that the soul, which Jehovah created, has multiplied into. We have covered the earth with human beings. We are a great house. The word great can also imply pride or exalting oneself, so we can also say this proud house. Pharaoh means this proud house, I suggest to you, this proud soul which is inhabiting the earth in this hour.


Egypt is Strong's 4714. It is speaking about the inhabitants of or the natives of Egypt. And the word Egypt means the land of the Copts. I have some interesting information for you tonight. I do not know about you, but I have heard the term Coptic texts many times. I never really knew what it meant. I found out tonight that it is speaking about ancient Egyptian. The ancient Egyptian language was Copt, or the Coptic language. And the word Egypt is the land of the Copts. I hope I am spelling it right. It sounds like policemen, cops.


The word Egyptians, which would signify a man of that nation, we are told in our Hebrew lexicons, means double straits. The Random House Dictionary tells us that one of the definitions of the word strait means a narrow passage of water connecting two large bodies of water. I suggest to you that the phrase double strait is speaking about a double mind.


Remember the firmament which divided the waters from the waters? The soul divides the Spirit of Christ from Jehovah's breath, which is His Son. The Spirit of Christ is the male spirit, and Jehovah's breath, which has been breathed into and become a part of the soul, is female until the Spirit of Christ joins with her, and her Son is born, Christ. We are told she shall be saved in childbearing. When the soul produces the Son of God, which is Christ, she becomes male.


The combination of the Spirit of Christ, the Father, Christ Jesus, the Son, and the soul, Jehovah's female creature, are the creation of God. Let me say that again. The combination of the Spirit of Christ, which is the Father, Christ Jesus, which is the Son, and the soul, which is Jehovah's female creature, all of them together, are the creation of God.


We are going to diverge a little to do just a brief study on the Coptic language and the Coptic religion. I find this information very interesting.


We in this ministry are looking for the truth as the Creator teaches it. And we have found a lot of error that is being taught in the Church world. We have found that the truth of God is scattered throughout many different religions, that just about every religion has some nugget of truth in it, and that what is called the Christian religion today is lacking a lot of truth. Those of us who are truly looking for the truth of God's Word have to be open to be taught of His Spirit, knowing that no doctrine is perfect in this hour.


One of the things that we are teaching here is that, in the days of Jesus' youth, He had a carnal mind. He had a carnal mind, and He also had the mind of Christ. And in His glorification, that pre-eminence of the mind of God in Him was made permanent because the carnal mind was broken down into soul and spirit, joints and marrow.


And there are many that would disagree with us, but I did not realize that this controversy went back to antiquity. I should have known that it must have, but I found this information just very interesting. It is an issue over which the Roman Catholic Church split, the issue of whether Jesus was totally divine or whether he had two natures, human and divine. There was a split in the ancient Catholic Church over this very issue, which I find very interesting.


Let me just say one more thing, before I read to you from our encyclopedias and go into the authorities on what I have to say here, that one of the biggest problems in understanding the Scripture, I find, is that many, many people try to apply spiritual truth to aspects of the Scripture which are existing in a time frame that that truth is not valid in yet.


If you are telling me that Jesus was only divine after His resurrection, I have no argument with you. But if you are telling me that Jesus was only divine, that He had no carnal mind or nothing fallen about His person at all in the days of His youth, I have a scholarly argument with you. I have been teaching this here for years. You must define your time period. What is true in one time period is probably not true in another time period.


The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language says that the word Copts is an Egyptian man or woman, an Egyptian human being, belonging to or descended from the people of ancient or pre-Islamic Egypt.


Now, at one point in history, there were nations who had conquered Egypt. Egypt was conquered by an Arab nation, which brought the Islamic religion into Egypt. However, there were also Christians in Egypt, from what I understand, Catholics. I do not have any information from the encyclopedia that speaks about Spirit-filled Christians, but the encyclopedia that I am studying with does say there were Catholics in Egypt who became the minority when the Arabic influence spread over the land of Egypt. And the amounts of Christians in Egypt at that time, I think, were between 10 and 20 percent, and the Muslims in Egypt were between 80 and 90 percent, making the Catholics a minority. This minority of Catholics in Egypt were and are called Coptics.


The word Coptic is the word used to describe the Afroasiatic language of the Copts, which language survives only as a liturgical language of the Coptic church. What is that saying?


Let me give you this again. The word Copts is the name for an Egyptian belonging to or descended from the people of ancient or pre-Islamic Egypt. The word Coptic is speaking about the language of the Copts, which is only used today in the Coptic church, just like Latin is a dead language today. We find it used, as far as I know, only in the Roman Catholic Church.


Coptic is a dead language, and it is used only in the Church, and we are going to get into that in a few minutes, the names of the churches there. The split that came in the Roman Catholic Church over the issue, which I just described, caused several other churches to be raised up. And we are going to go into their names and what they believe in, in just a minute.


The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia says that a Copt is a member of the native Christian minority (I just told you that) between 5 and 10 percent (I was wrong when I said 10 to 20) of Egypt that has resisted conversion to Islam. Most Copts belong to the Coptic Church, an autonomous sect (that means they are independent) an independent sect that adheres to the doctrine of Monophysitism. The Coptic language, now extinct, was the Egyptian language spoken in early Christian times.


The same Concise Columbia Encyclopedia gives us a definition of Monophysitism. It means belief in one nature. This belief that Jesus had only one nature is considered, according to this encyclopedia, a heresy of the fifth and sixth century, and that it arose as a reaction against another doctrine called Nestorianism, which we will define in just a moment.


The doctrine of Monophysitism challenged the Orthodox belief of the Catholic Council of Chalcedon by teaching that Jesus had only a divine nature. And for invalidating Chalcedon (that means for contradicting the Catholic Church) the eastern nations that believed in the one nature were put under excommunication by the pope until the year 519.


In Syria, Egypt and Armenia, Monophysitism dominated. The belief that Jesus had only one nature, and He was only divine, dominated. And a permanent schism, a permanent separation, set in between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church in Syria, Egypt and Armenia. And that schism set in by the year 600, resulting in the creation of the Jacobite, Coptic and Armenian Churches. Jacobite, Coptic and Armenian Churches believed that Jesus had only one nature.


Now, I find this very interesting because most of the Christian Church world that I know of today teach that He had only one nature. When I teach that he had a carnal mind, some people get very upset.


Now, listen, all your Pharisees out there. Jesus only Has one nature now. In His glorified condition, He has only one nature. I believe, when He was in full stature, He had only one nature, although His body was still the expression of the Serpent. But before He ascended to full stature, after He overcame the Devil during the temptation, prior to the temptation, Jesus was double-minded. He had two natures. He had two natures.


And the account of the temptation says that He hungered, I suggest to you, not for food but for dominion. Christ Jesus, the new man in the man Jesus of Nazareth, hungered for dominion over the old man. He hungered to be single. He hungered to have only one nature. And the temptation was the testing which resulted in His treading His old man underfoot so completely that he had only one nature.


So we see Jesus in three stages: a man with two natures, because He was born with the Word of God in Him. From birth, He had two natures. I suggest to you, at birth, the nature of the Serpent was prevailing in Him. I suggest to you He cried, and He had temper tantrums, and He was rebellious against He parents. And we have this teaching on many other messages. It says He came the second time without sin. That means He had to be here with sin the first time.


During His life, according to Romans 1:4, He brought that carnal mind, which He inherited from his mother, into submission to the Spirit of Holiness, which He received from His father, and ascended into the second stage of His development, where He had a single mind, full stature, where He completely dominated that sin nature, but He was still dwelling in a flesh body, which had been generated by the Serpent. And the third stage of His existence was glorification whereby even this flesh body, which had been generated by the Serpent, was swallowed up by the glory which abode within Him.


So when I read in this encyclopedia, that the Jacobite, Coptic and Armenian Churches were excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church because they believed in one nature, I have to ask them, At what time of Jesus' life do you believe He had only one nature? before I can say whether or not I agree with them.


I said earlier that this doctrine of Monophysitism arose as an opposition to the doctrine of Nestorianism. The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia defines Nestorianism for us, and calls it a heresy. It calls it a heresy. It says that it is a heresy advanced by a man named Nestorius, who was the patriarch of Constantinople. I believe the patriarch of Constantinople is likened to the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. And this doctrine declared that Jesus was two distinct persons, one human and one divine.


Now, this is very interesting because I believe that is true. Up until the time of the temptation, in which He ascended to full stature, He was two men. He had a new man, and He had an old man.


Nestorius opposed the title of mother of God for the virgin, contending that she bore Jesus only as a man. Well, I agree with that. She had a human child. She is not the mother of God. She is the mother of the man Jesus of Nazareth, and the man Jesus of Nazareth was born with a human spirit that had conceived the new man, Christ Jesus.


So what are we saying here? We see truth spread everywhere. There is a drop of it in the Roman Catholic Church, a drop of it in the Greek Church. Nobody can get together because everybody just has a few little bits of the truth. But the truth is in the earth. The truth is in the earth. I find that just fascinating.


The Councils of Ephesus and Chalcedon clarify the Orthodox Catholic view that Jesus' two natures are inseparably joined in one person and partake of the one divine substance. The Nestorian Church that was formed in Persia has few connections today with modern Nestorianism. Well, the two natures are inseparably joined in one person in Jesus' glorified condition.


So we see a split in a Church, and both doctrines are correct, depending on what time period of the man Jesus' life you are talking about. Is that not interesting? And we see so many Christians today arguing about issues which is like comparing apples and oranges because you are not rightly dividing the Word of Truth. Why? Because you cannot rightly divide the Word of Truth without the mind of Christ. You just cannot do it with your carnal mind. It is an impossibility.


We are still dealing with the Concise Columbia Encyclopedia. The Armenian Church is an autonomous, or an independent, Christian church established in Armenia in the fourth century. It differs from other eastern churches because it believes in this doctrine of Monophysitism.


Now, I have it written down here somewhere, but I want to say it to you now that the Catholic Church considers these churches which believe in Monophysitism, divinity only, considers them not just a simple break; they consider this doctrine an outright heresy and have utterly ostracized these churches that believe it. These are Armenian Church, the Jacobite Church and Coptic Churches. The Coptic Church is in Egypt, the Jacobite Church is in England, I believe, and the Armenian Church is in Armenia.


The same encyclopedia says that the Jacobite Church is in Syria. It is in England too, but here it is in Syria. And it also believes in this doctrine of singleness, that Jesus did not have two natures at any time. The Jacobite Church, a member of the Syrian Monophysitic Church which was founded in the sixth century and was governed by the patriarch of Antioch.


Now, for whatever my reason, I copied a whole two or three paragraphs on the Orthodox Eastern Church into my notes. I guess I will read it to you. I do not know. There must be a reason why I copied it in. Let me just read it to you. It is right out of the Columbia Concise Encyclopedia. And then we will go on will our translation of Ezekiel 32:2.


The Orthodox Eastern Church is a community of Christian churches, independent but mutually recognized, originating in Eastern Europe and Southwest Asia through a split with the Western Church. They agree in accepting the decrees of the first seven ecumenical councils and in rejecting the jurisdiction of the Pope.


Orthodox and Roman Catholics view each other as schismatic but consider the Nestorian, Coptic, Jacobite and Armenian Churches heretical. The split between East and West began in the fifth century and became definite only with the condemnation of the patriarch of Constantinople by Pope Leo IX. The crusades embittered feelings, and many attempts at reunion since have failed.


Eastern Church liturgy is always sung and is not usually celebrated as in the West, and communion is given in a spoon. Parish priests may marry; bishops and monks may not. The term 'Greek Church' may be used very loosely and is best confined to the patriarch of Constantinople, the Church of Greece and churches using the Byzantine rite. That means their prayers are said in Greek.


Among the national churches, the most ancient is the Church of Cypress, and the most important is the Russian Orthodox Church. The latter was first under Constantinople, but a patriarchate was set up in Moscow in 1589. The rite is in Old Church Slavonic.


After the Russian Revolution, the church suffered greatly and went into an eclipse. But a new patriarch was elected in 1943. After World War II, communist influences greatly weakened the Orthodox Churches in Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Romania and Poland. With the collapse of communist rule in the countries of Eastern Europe during the late 1980s and early 1990s, many Orthodox Churches revived and gained new members.


The U.S. has several Orthodox Churches with ties to Old World churches. Several observers from Orthodox Churches attended the Second Vatican Council in 1962, and afterward, most agreed to open a dialogue with Rome as equals. That was just a little tidbit.


Let us continue with Ezekiel 32:2 (King James): Son of man, take up a lamentation for Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and say unto him, 'Thou art like a young lion of the nations, and thou art as a whale in the seas, and thou camest forth with thy rivers and troublest the waters with thy feet and foulest their rivers.'


Alternate Translation, the first quarter of Ezekiel 32:2: Son of man, take up a lamentation for Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and say unto him, (the Son of man, or the daughter of man, is Leviathan) 'Leviathan, take up a lamentation for the dead. Execute your authority over the dead ones, the King of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, that great house or that great family of the double-minded ones. Leviathan, execute your authority over the dead ones, that great house or that great family of the double minded ones.'


Continuing with the second quarter of Ezekiel 32:2 (King James): And say unto him, 'Thou art like a young lion of the nations and a whale in the sea.'


Say is Strong's #559. It can also be translated to utter, to command, to avow or to avouch. And I suggest to you that the intention of this word in this Scripture is to utter words. I believe the suggestion is utter the words of God. We might say here prophesy. Prophesy unto Pharaoh. Leviathan, prophesy unto Pharaoh. Let the mind of fallen man speak to mankind. The Lord God is saying, Let the mind of fallen man speak to all mankind, and this is what you are going to say to him.


And say unto him, 'Thou art like a young lion.'


Now, thou art like is a translation of one Hebrew word, Strong's #1819, which merely means to resemble, to liken or to consider. So the tense of the word translated thou art like was determined by translator's license, and I am going to change the tense. I suggest to you that the tense should be future. Leviathan, prophesy unto the human race, and say unto him, he shall be (not he is, but he shall be).


Speak unto Pharaoh, and tell him you shall be. Prophesy unto him, You shall be a young lion. Young lion is Strong's #3715, and it is from the root #3722. Now, the first definition in the lexicons under this word is not young lion. The first definition is a village, a covered village. And then, as an afterthought, they say, well, it could mean a young lion. I do not really know what the Hebrew lexicons really say about that, or whether the translators did not just add it in because it made no sense to them whatsoever to be telling Pharaoh that he was a covered village. It just sounded much better to be telling Pharaoh he was a young lion. But we are going to take the first translation in the lexicon, a covered village. I suggest to you that the phrase covered village indicates a protected village.


And say unto Pharaoh, you are like a protected village, or you shall be like a protected village of the nations, a village of the nations. The Hebrew word translated nations is Strong's #1471. We have dealt with this word many times, and it is talking about the heathen nations of the world. Jehovah is saying, Leviathan, prophesy unto mankind, and tell them your cover is going to be the fallen men of the world. Instead of having your cover from Jehovah, your covering is going to be yourself.


And is that not the condition of mankind today? Are we not our own covering? That is why we are dying. Our head is not covered, and the angels have gotten in here, and we are dying.


Thou art like a young lion, or thou art like a covered village, a village that is covered by the nations. And you are also like a whale in the sea. The Hebrew word translated whale, as I told you at the beginning of this message, is Strong's #8577. It typifies sea monster. I am suggesting to you it is speaking about the mind of fallen man, or that part of the mind of fallen man which is unconscious, the part of man's mind which is in the sea. The conscious part of man's mind is in the earth.


Thou art a whale in the seas. Well, what in the world is this talking about? I am going to give you my translation, whether you believe it or not. In my opinion, it makes a lot more sense than the one in the King James translation. At least it makes sense, whether you believe it or not. The words in the King James translation make no sense at all. They are flowery, and they are poetic, but they make no sense at all.


Alternate Translation, the second quarter of Ezekiel 32:2: And prophesy to him that the nations (not Jehovah) shall be his cover. And prophesy to him that the nation shall be his cover.


Amplified Translation, the second quarter of Ezekiel 32:2 (amplified): And prophesy to him that the nations, whose mind is Leviathan, shall be his cover.


And I amplified it further, making (this is a very difficult translation, and I am giving you all these different amplifications so you can see how I wound up where I wound up).


This is the second Amplified Translation, the second quarter of Ezekiel 32:2: And prophesy to him that Leviathan shall rule over him through the nations who do not know Jehovah.


Continuing with the third quarter of Ezekiel 32:2 (King James): And thou camest forth with thy rivers and troublest the waters with thy feet and foulest their rivers. Well, that does not make any sense to me at all. He must have had some pretty smelly feet to be troubling the waters. If you want to take this naturally, it makes no sense at all.


And thou camest forth. The Hebrew word translated camest forth is Strong's 1518, and it means to gush forth as water. It is used generally to speak about that which issues forth or breaks forth or labors to bring forth.


And I suggest to you that the word implies birth. I did not have time to check it out and see if it is the same word that is used in Genesis. But I know that, in Genesis, when we read about the birthing of the creation, that is the idea that comes forth, that a river broke forth into Eden, and it gushed forth, and that that river is speaking about the begetting of the mind into the creation.


And thou camest forth with thy rivers. The Hebrew word translated rivers is Strong's 5104. And the King James translators just added the words with thy into it. The Hebrew word is rivers. And one of the translations for that word is an underground stream. The word means streams and, in some instances, underground streams.


I suggest to you, the waters that we are talking about here are the waters (do you know that the Hebrew word for sperm is water? The Hebrew word for sperm is water). I am suggesting to you that this word water means sperm. It is speaking about the sperm that came forth from underneath the ground. It is speaking about the Serpent's seed, speaking about the Serpent's sperm, which brought forth the Dragon, which caused the Dragon to gush forth in the creation.


Alternate Translation, the third quarter of Ezekiel 32:2: You were born from underneath the ground. You were born from underneath the ground.


Amplified Translation, the third quarter of Ezekiel 32:2: You were begotten by the Serpent. Jesus told the Pharisees, You are vipers. Can an olive tree bear grapes? If you are begotten by the Serpent, that makes you a Serpent. If you want olives, you have to go to an olive tree. If you want figs, you have to go to a fig tree. If you are a Serpent, that means you were begotten by the Serpent. Conversely, if you were begotten by the Serpent, you are a Serpent.


Continuing with the fourth quarter of Ezekiel 32:2 (King James): And troublest the waters with thy feet and foulest the rivers. The Hebrew word translated troublest, Strong's 1804, means to stir up or to make turbid, to stir up, to make trouble or to make turbid. Random House Unabridged Dictionary says that turbid means not clear or transparent because of stirred-up sediment or the like. It means clouded, opaque, obscured. It means thick, dense, as smoke or clouds.


I suggest to you that the Serpent stirred up and brought forth her mind in the creation and dirtied, or darkened, the visible spiritual world. She brought her dirt into Jehovah's creation.


And troublest the waters with thy feet. The Hebrew word translated feet is Strong's #7272, and it is from 7270. It means a foot, as used in walking. And we are told that this word can also mean pudenda. There was a time when we were finding that word frequently in the Scripture, and we find it used in the Prophets a lot: pudenda, sexual parts, most often speaking of the male sexual parts, but it can be speaking of the female sexual parts.


And we know that the Serpent rose up, and although I really cannot understand it, the idea of the Scripture is that she became a male. So somehow, she manifested a male sexual part because she did in fact impregnate the creation. It was a spiritual creation in those days, and I do not know exactly what happened. We know, in this hour, lesbians can have a sexual relationship with each other, but they cannot impregnate each other. However, when this creation was spiritual, the Serpent, who is female, rose up, took on a male role, acted like a male and succeeded in impregnating the creation.


I do not fully understand it myself. I just know that she did it. God told me she did it. I believe that is the message of the Scripture. And maybe someday I will figure out how she did it. It is hard to know how she did it if you do not know what she looked like or what you were dealing with. She was not a human being; she was a part of the soul that Jehovah had formed. The creation was not yet in human bodies as we are today.


So she troubled the waters; she stirred up dirt in the soul realm because of her sperm, her ungodly sperm, and she foulest their rivers. The Hebrew word translated foulest is Strong's 7515. It means to stamp, to tread, to foul by stamping or treading, or to tread down or to foul by treading.


And I suggest to you that the Serpent introduced her sperm into the creation, she brought forth or begot her Dragon mind, and that that Dragon tread Christ underfoot. So we see that the waters of the soulish or the visible spiritual world were dirtied when the sperm of the Serpent entered in, begot the Dragon, and the Dragon tread Christ down under his feet.


And foulest their rivers. Rivers is Strong's #5104. And we may have noticed that the English word rivers appear twice in this verse. And both of those translations are translations of the same Hebrew word. But we shall use two different definitions for that same Hebrew word.


The first time the word appears, we shall translate it underground stream, speaking about the sperm which comes from the Serpent. And the second time, we shall translate it merely stream. The implication is that of sperm, as I told you earlier. Leviathan was begotten by the Serpent, and his mind tread down the clear stream, or the clear seed which had produced Christ.


Alternate Translation, the fourth quarter of Ezekiel 32:2: And you darkened the visible world by treading Christ under your feet.


Amplified Translation, fourth quarter, Ezekiel 32:2: And you darkened the visible world by fouling Christ with your sexual parts.


Second Amplified Translation, fourth quarter, Ezekiel 32:2: And you darkened the visible world by making Christ a homosexual harlot.


Joel 3:3: They made a young man a harlot. We have preached on that a lot.


Recap, Ezekiel 32:2: Leviathan, execute your authority over the dead, that great house of the double-minded ones. And prophesy to him that Leviathan shall rule over him through the nations who do not know Jehovah. You were begotten by the Serpent, and you darkened the visible world by making Christ a homosexual harlot.


Amplified and Interspersed Translation, Ezekiel 32:2: Leviathan, you were begotten by the Serpent. Therefore, execute your authority over the dead creature, that great family of double-minded ones. And prophesy to them that you shall rule over them through the nations who do not know Jehovah because the visible world was darkened when you made Christ a homosexual harlot.


Our second witness to this Alternate Translation, brethren, is the apostle Peter, who says we were joined by chains of darkness to Satan so that we should be reserved until the judgment which would restore us to righteousness.


Let me read it to you one more time, Amplified and Interspersed Translation of Ezekiel 32:2: Leviathan, you were begotten by the Serpent. Therefore, execute your authority over the dead creature. You were born as their mind because Jehovah cursed the creation, and the result of that curse was that they were joined by chains of darkness to Satan, the god who lives inside of the mind of Leviathan.


Leviathan, you were begotten by the Serpent, so do your thing. Execute your authority over the dead creature. You were born as their mind. Rule over them, that great family of double-minded ones. That is fallen humanity as we know it today. And prophesy to all of them that you shall rule over them.


Do you hear that? Leviathan, in the minds of fallen man, is telling that individual, I am your boss; I am your god; this is god speaking. Leviathan, the mind of every fallen man. And the Lord is saying, I give you authority to tell them that you are their boss. That is, until such time as Christ Jesus begins to appear in them.


Leviathan, you were begotten by the Serpent. Therefore, execute your authority over the dead creature, that great family of double-minded ones. And prophesy to them that you shall rule over them through the nations who do not know Jehovah because the visible world was darkened when you made Christ a homosexual harlot.


That means, Leviathan, you are going to rule over fallen men with other fallen men. And is that not the condition that this world is in, men ruling over men, reprobate men ruling over reprobate men? Is that not our existence under the curse?


And, brethren, a second witness to this Alternate Translation is the Book of Genesis, where Eve received the Serpent. And in that reception of him, in that union with him, she married him, and she had an offspring. And that offspring is this fallen humanity. And more specifically, the offspring, her offspring, was the mind of the Serpent called Leviathan, which incarnated and produced this group of fallen men called the Devil.


I will read it one more time: Leviathan, you were begotten by the Serpent. Therefore, execute your authority over the dead creature. In other words, I am turning them over to you. My creation joined with you instead of with Me. Well, they are all yours. My creation joined with you and has borne your offspring, and you are the Serpent's offspring. They are all yours, until the judgment that will raise us back up into righteousness.


Leviathan, you were begotten by the Serpent. Therefore, execute your authority over the dead creature, that great family of double-minded ones. And prophesy to them that you shall rule over them through the nations who do not know Jehovah (you are going to rule over them through other men) because the visible world was darkened when you made Christ a homosexual harlot.


I had a man just ask me the other day, How come God lets terrible things happen in this world? There is your answer. The creation sinned. The creation married the Serpent and bore his offspring, which offspring is our mind. And we have been turned over until the judgment which will raise us up out of hell.


God is righteous. We are down here in hell because He is righteous. We are having hard times because He is righteous. We have sinned. He is righteous. Stop blaming God. You are not innocent. The whole world, with only a few exceptions, is under deception. We do not think we deserve what is happening to us down here. We deserve everything that is happening to us.


Repent, and ask God for mercy, and He will spread a blanket or a table in front of you, down here in the valley of the shadow of death. But if you blame Him and call Him unrighteous, you can bring nothing but disaster into your life.


Any questions tonight?


Translated by Verbal Fusion, 4/2/21

1st Edit, rh, 4/6/21

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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