313 - Part 17

Part 17 of 19 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team


We have just come out of a study on the Hebrew word nachash, which is translated serpent, I think, 27 or 37 times (I do not have that figure in front of me) in the Old Testament. And we are now going to deal with the Hebrew word which is translated whale or sea serpent or, I think, in another Scripture, a large fish. And that Hebrew word is Strong's #8577.


I hope to convince you that the reason the Scripture uses two different words, one serpent alone and the other sea serpent, is to indicate the difference between the conscious and the unconscious mind of man. The sea serpent, the serpent that dwells in the sea, is of the unconscious mind of man. You may recall we have done a lot of teaching here that the sea is the symbol of Satan in the unconscious mind of fallen man. And the serpent, who owns that sea or controls that sea, or who is that sea, is what the Scripture calls the sea serpent. Sometimes the word is translated whale or large fish.


We see that, when the Scripture is referring to the fallen mind which has been incarnated by the serpent in general, we see that the Scripture is speaking about Leviathan, who is more or less known as the conscious mind of fallen man. We did come across a Scripture, in an earlier message of this series, where we saw the word translated serpent, nachash. Just to help you with your notes, nachash is Strong's #5172. We saw that word modified by earth, the serpent of the earth. Nachash of the earth, the serpent of the earth. And then we have another Hebrew word, the serpent of the sea. The serpent of the earth is Leviathan, which is the mind of fallen man which has been incarnated by the serpent. And that part of this fallen mind, which is the sea, has a name of its own. It is called sea serpent. It is referring to the unconscious part of the Serpent's mind in fallen man.


We have a difficult message today. I have spoken to you; I have touched on the issue of the spirit of Cain from time to time. I do not know how clear that I have made it. I know there is somebody who comes to these meetings who has told me that they do not really have it straight in their head yet. And to be honest with you, I did not feel that I had the whole understanding of it myself. I hope this message clarifies the issue of the spirit of Cain.


You all know who Cain is. He was Abel's brother. Cain was the evil side of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil, which incarnated after the Serpent defeated the immature Christ mind in the garden. The offspring of Adam and Eve was Cain and Abel. This took place after the fall. Cain and Abel were a being. I suggest to you they were two aspects of one being.


The creation fell, because of adultery with the Serpent, and incarnated on the east side of Eden. The creation produced a being which was in the image of the Serpent. If this is the first message that you are hearing, and you would like to see where I get all of this information from, you have a lot of messages to listen to. I have established it over and over again on many messages in this series and in the series called Leviathan. The creation incarnated on the negative side.


The creation that Jehovah formed was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil, and He placed that tree in the midst of the Tree of Life. The Scripture says that Jehovah placed Adam in a garden. And the King James translation says that in the midst of the garden was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil, but I suggest to you that this translation is a poor translation and that the reality is that Jehovah created the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil, and that He placed that tree in the midst of a garden whose name was the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life is so great and so all-encompassing that this tree, in and of itself, is a garden. And the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil was in the midst of that tree.


When the creation fell, through a single act of adultery with the Serpent, the spiritual format, the spiritual order of the creation, was reversed. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil came to the outside, and the Tree of Life was forced down under, her authority going to the inside, as a peach pit is found within a peach.


Cain and Abel, I suggest to you, were one superior being, the first offspring of the adulterous union between the creature that Jehovah formed and the Serpent. Cain was the evil side of the creature, and Abel was the good side of the creature.


The fall of Jehovah's creation has been in three stages. The first stage of the fall was spiritual separation from Jehovah. The creature, which is known as Cain and Abel, was a far superior creature to mankind as we see him today. Mankind as we see him today is an expression of the third stage of the fall. We are in outer darkness. Those of us who do not have Christ Jesus, we are abiding in outer darkness. We are as far away from Jehovah as the creation could be. Jehovah is likened unto the sun. He is at the center of our spiritual universe. And if anybody is distressed that I am saying Jehovah instead of the Lord Jesus, in this hour, the Lord Jesus and Jehovah are one. The Lord Jesus and Jehovah are one.


So we see the Father and the Son at the center of our spiritual universe. Our soul surrounds their sun, and these physical bodies surround the soul. Those of us who are living an existence which is primarily, if not completely, in these physical bodies are in outer darkness. We are as far away from a spiritual life in Christ Jesus as we could possibly be. We are in the third stage of the fall, which stage is expressed by the fact that we are in human bodies which are either male or female.


The Father and the Son were intended to dwell in the same vessel, as is demonstrated in the man Jesus of Nazareth. He said, I and the Father are one. The Father, who takes the name the Spirit of Christ when he is appearing in a mind, was the God of the man Jesus of Nazareth. And Christ Jesus, his spiritual or his inner man, was the Son. And both the Father and the Son were dwelling in the fallen man Jesus of Nazareth. He was fallen because he received a fallen body and a fallen carnal mind from his mother.


So we see the man Cain, or who we know to be the man Cain. He was not a human being like we are a human being today, but he was the evil side of a superior being that was both good and evil. This original or this first stage of the separation of the creation from God had in it a mind which was begotten by the Serpent, which was not completed. It was the immature mind of the Serpent, which is called the Dragon. The Dragon is a two-thread mind.


And the creation also had a relationship with Jehovah. So we see that the creation, even though it had incarnated on the east side of Eden, even though the creature had incarnated on the negative side instead of the positive side, even though the mind which was begotten in the creation was the serpentine mind known as the Dragon, instead of the Christ mind, which was known as Christ. Even so, the creation with the Dragon's mind incarnated in it was in submission to Jehovah.


Jehovah said to the creature, to Cain, primarily, If you do well, you shall be received too. What was it that Cain was to do? Jehovah was requiring Cain, or the evil side of the creature, to submit to the good within his own being. He said, I am receiving Abel's sacrifice because Abel is in the male position. He is the authority over this creature.


It is like saying, Who is going to rule? Is your mind going to rule you in your life, or are your emotions going to rule you in your life? We have a counterpart of this choice in our life today. And anyone with any kind of wisdom in today's completely fallen society knows that, if we live a life which is ruled by our emotions, we are headed for destruction. Our emotions cannot rule. Our rational mind must rule.


This was the situation between Cain and Abel. Jehovah said, Abel has the wisdom. He is spirit. He has the rational mind because he is in union with me. I have received his sacrifice. And even though the creation has fallen and incarnated on the negative side, I still have a relationship with that creation. I have a relationship with the good side of the creation. And if you, Cain, the evil side, will just lie low and do not fight for dominion, let the good side of your being rule, things will not be so bad for you in this fallen condition. That is what Jehovah was saying to Cain.


But the Scripture tells us that Cain wanted to make a sacrifice. Only the priest makes the sacrifice. You may recall how Saul completely sealed his rejection by Jehovah when he offered up the sacrifice which was Samuel's place to give. Actually, Jehovah had already rejected Saul. But if there was any hope at all of the Lord giving him another chance, which I do not think there was, according to my understanding of the Scripture. In any event, Saul made it much worse for himself by taking over the priest's function and offering the sacrifice.


Cain offered a sacrifice to Jehovah, which in and of itself was a sin. He was out of order. He was doing someone else's ministry. He was not a priest. He had no right to offer sacrifice to Jehovah. And Jehovah, by His righteousness, refused Cain's sacrifice. Saul did not have the anointing or the authority to come directly to Jehovah with sacrifice.


But nevertheless, Jehovah spoke to him and said, If you function in the role that I have given you, if you do what you are supposed to do, good things will happen to you too. But if you insist on raising up your head and taking on functions that are not yours, sin is lying at the door. What does that mean? Sin, or the Serpent, or the Serpent's mind, called the Dragon, is waiting to bring this creation down one more step, to a creation that had incarnated on the negative side instead of the positive side, which was not in submission to Jehovah.


Let me say it again. This creature that incarnated after the adultery, or after the adulterous act between the Serpent and the creation that God had made, even though it was a negative incarnation of the creature, it was good and evil. And the good was still in a relationship with Jehovah, which made him stronger than the evil. But Jehovah said to the evil, Cain, If you fight your brother, you are strong enough to destroy him. You are going to destroy him, and the whole creature will be turned over to the authority of sin.


And who is sin? Satan is sin, and Satan is the name of the incarnated Serpent. I have so many messages on this, brethren, that a spirit changes its name as its position changes. Jehovah's name, as He is appearing in the mind of a man, becomes the Spirit of Christ. As we evolve, our names change too. We go from infant to child to teenager to young adult to adult. Well, a literary principle of the Scripture, to help us understand it, is that an incarnating spirit changes its name depending on its function or its position in the creation.


So we see that Jehovah said to Cain, Sin is lying at the door. He was saying, Cain, if you rise up to kill Abel, even though Abel is communing with Me, you will be strong enough to take his authority away from him. And if you do it, if you take his authority away from him, you are not qualified to rule. You are going to cause this creation to come down one more notch, where it will still be a negative incarnation but not one where the good is in control, but one where the evil is in control.


Well, Cain did not listen to Jehovah. And he rose up, and he killed his brother, Abel. What did that mean? Jehovah said, Where is your brother? I cannot see him. His blood is crying to me from under the ground. Cain rose up and covered over Abel. What we are speaking about here is a twofold mind which exists in a piggyback condition. Only one mind can be ruling.


Jehovah was connected to the good of the creation, forming some measure of the Christ mind. Cain typified the Dragon, the Serpent's mind. When there are two minds in a creation or in a creature or in a man, only one mind can have the full authority at any given moment. And the mind that is in authority at any given moment is covering over and treading under the other mind in a piggyback condition.


In this hour, those of us in whom the mind of Christ is being formed have within us the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is the mind of Christ. The kingdom of God, or the mind of Christ within us, is in an active warfare with Leviathan, the Serpent's mind. And his full intention is to wound Leviathan so strongly and so completely that he can bring Leviathan under his authority and bind him there.


When the mind of Christ in us wounds Leviathan, the Serpent's mind, and brings him under his authority completely, and binds him up so that he cannot get out, and when he binds him up to the degree that the two minds are functioning as one mind (and what is our natural example of this? We have two eyes. Does each eye see independently? We have two eyes, but we only see one image when we look. The two eyes are functioning as one.) It is the intention of the Lord Jesus Christ to bring the Serpent's mind so completely under the authority of the kingdom of God in our mind that we think as with a single mind.


And on the contrary, it is Leviathan's intention to totally destroy any manifestation not only of the mind of Christ in us but any manifestation of the good of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil. Let me say that again. It is Leviathan's intention, number one, to destroy any measure of the mind of Christ in us, and number two, to lay hold of any good thought, because we are the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil. It is Leviathan's intention to lay hold of any good thought and bring that good thought, or any potential for good, under the authority of the evil of this human being, which is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil, a mind that can be either good or evil. It is Leviathan's intention to bring the good in submission to the evil so completely that that person will think evil continuously, therefore being a completed, full expression of the Serpent's mind in a human being, a totally evil person with not the slightest shred of good coming through them.


So when we talk about Cain, we are not talking about a human being like we are, at least at this point. At the beginning, Cain was the Serpent's mind in a superior being that was produced by the creature which Jehovah formed. And as we all know, Cain did not obey Jehovah. He rose up. He had the power, as Jehovah had told him, to slay his brother Abel. And Cain, the evil side of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil, became the ruling authority over all of his descendants which were to come after him, all of the descendants of this creature which Jehovah had made.


And as we know, that God had pronounced a curse upon the creation, and that curse continued to be fulfilled in Cain. He was banished from whatever measure of protection he had received because the creation was under the authority of its good potential through union with Jehovah. And Cain was sent out into the east side of Eden, we are told. And I believe that another name of the place he was sent to was the Land of Nod, the place of sleep.


I believe that the creature, which had been born into a visible physical world; the first incarnation of the creature was sent out from under the blessings of Jehovah. And within five generations (and we do not know how many years those generations spanned). In this hour, a generation is 40 years. But in those days, a generation could have been a million years. We do not know. But as we read the Scripture, it took about five generations for the descendants of Cain's to fall out into female and male bodies as we see in this world today.


This is the lowest visible condition the creation can come into, to be in bodies in which the male and female are separate. This was not Jehovah's intention. It was Jehovah's intention that each individual should be both male and female and functioning on a high spiritual level with a form of reproduction that took the form of cell division, not a reproduction which was brought forth as the animals bring forth.


This may offend you, but I am telling you the truth. The reproduction, the continuing of the species, which is accomplished through a physical conception and birth, is a manifestation of the curse. We are reproducing as the animals reproduce. We are not reproducing as people, who are high spiritual beings, reproduce. I am sorry if that offends you, but it is the truth. Jesus said, I have much to tell you, but you cannot bear it now.


The truth is, we are living like animals. We are the living manifestation of Nebuchadnezzar. We have been cast down to an animal existence until such time as we recognize that the living God rules in the earth as well in the heavenlies, at which time we shall begin to be restored to the high realm of the spirit where our God dwells.


This process of restoration began 2,000 years ago with the man Jesus of Nazareth. It involves raising our mind back up into the high place where Jehovah dwells. And when our mind is restored to that high place, there will be an outward expression of that restoration, at least part of which will be the doing away with these animal bodies. And no matter how heroically we use them, our animal bodies (and they are a humiliation for any Son of God or any spiritual human being. They hinder us. They cause us pain. They bind us to the earth. They require a carnal care that takes us away from the things of the spirit.)


I am very sorry if you have fantasized this husband-wife Santa Claus story. Marriage is a manifestation of the curse. It is an institution which Jehovah brought into play, so that the people who were under the curse... what does that mean? People whose minds were fallen and carnal could survive without living in utter chaos. We are told that there is no marriage or giving in marriage in heaven. The reason for it is that spiritual men do not live like fallen men or carnal men live. So if you want to be restored to heaven, you are going to have to be restored to the life of a spiritual man, and that requires giving up the life of captivity. Glory to God.


So our message today is about Cain. What did I say? I have done a lot of talking so far. Basically, what I said is that Cain at his beginning, when we first read about him in the Book of Genesis, was not a man as we know men, but he was the evil side of the being which incarnated after the fall of Adam, the creature which God created. There was an incarnation after the fall. There was an incarnation that was in the image of the Serpent. It was good and evil, but good was predominating.


Cain was the evil side of that being. He had his own intelligence. Just as our heart functions in one way and our lungs function in another way, both our heart and our lungs are the same, are a part of the same body, they have their own appearance, their own identifying characteristics, their own function, and they each do their own thing which contributes to the function of the creature. I know this is hard to understand. I do not know what the creature looked like. I do not know what Cain and Abel looked like. I do not know, but they did not look like us.


So at his beginning, Cain did not look like us. And he was part of a creature in which he was the lower expression. But there was a flip-flop, and the good went to the bottom, and the evil came to the top. And the creature began to descend down to the next stage of separation from Jehovah. Eventually, within five or six generations, that creature, that first incarnation, was looking, I would expect, as humanity looks today.


So at the beginning, Cain was in a spirit form without a body. And he was a part of a whole to which there was another part, Abel. And at Cain's end, he became a carnal man who was in a physical body. And his descendants had fallen out into male and female bodies and were reproducing like the animals, as we are doing today.


So what are we talking about, the spirit of Cain? Well, let me put it to you this way. What I have been doing with these difficult concepts is comparing it to something that we are more familiar with, such as the family of Christ in heaven. We know a lot about the Lord Jesus. We know that he was born a natural man, that he was caught up to full stature, that he had a spiritual man, which was Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man, and that he willingly gave up his soul life, his humanity, his life as Jesus of Nazareth, so that he could be converted into a form where he was pure spirit, a form by which he could pour out of his spirit upon all flesh and engraft himself to the fallen hearts of mankind.


But that did not happen to Cain. Cain died because of sin. Cain did not willingly give up his life; he died because of sin. So Cain could not have been glorified. And we know that, when a man dies because of sin, that his body goes back to the dust of the earth, and his soul goes back to the lump of spiritual clay. We are told in Jeremiah, I think it is chapter 18 that the potter mars the clay, and he reforms it, and that the only thing that goes on is the human spirit, which is gathered unto one's fathers.


So how could we compare a spirit of Cain to the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ? Well, we can compare their function. But the way the Lord Jesus Christ became a spirit in one way, and Cain became a spirit in a completely different way, yet we are talking about the Spirit of the Lord Jesus as opposed to the spirit of Cain because their function is the same. The Lord Jesus is functioning in a particular way in the mind of Christ Jesus, in the family of God. And the spirit of Cain has the comparable function in the negative serpentine family.


We have many messages on this. I have put it on the board for you, how the beginning of Jehovah's family is the breath that He breathed into the creation. And I am not going to go over that whole thing today. But the Lord Jesus Christ is the first man in whom Jehovah's completed mind, the Word of God, appeared. And Cain was the first man in whom the Serpent's completed mind, called Leviathan, appeared.


So they are in the same category, functionally. They are on the same line. As we look at the genealogy of the family of the Serpent, and we look at the genealogy of the family of Jehovah in heaven, they are in the same functioning place. Cain and the Lord Jesus were the first man, the first fallen man in whom a completed mind appeared. Let me say it again. The Lord Jesus was the first fallen man in whom Jehovah's completed mind, called the Word of God, appeared. And Cain was the first fallen man in whom the Serpent's completed mind appeared.


So functionally, they are the same, but they did not get to that place in the same way. They did not become spirit in the same way. So I hope today to give you some information as to how... well, we all know how Jesus became a spirit. I hope to give you some information as to how the man Cain became spirit.


And it is a little difficult; the concept is a little difficult. We speak about deep spiritual truth here. I will just tell you what I have told you all along. If you are having trouble grasping it, do not get stuck. Just go with the flow. Just understand as much as you can and keep on going. This is a little red schoolhouse. I preach on a very high level. But Christ Jesus has the supernatural power to minister to you on whatever level you are on. You take what you can, and do not worry about the rest. Do not compete with other people. Do not worry about it. If you walk out of this meeting having learned one thing, it was worth your being here. And everybody is on a different level.


So with that introduction, we are going to start with one of the two Scriptures which use the word whale. And the word whale, as I told you earlier, is a translation of the Hebrew word, Strong's #8577, sometimes translated sea serpent. We only -- We are only doing one Scripture today. It is Job 7:12, where the word is translated whale. Lord willing, in the next message, we will do the second Scripture in which this word is translated whale. And then, in subsequent Scriptures, we will talk about the other translations of this same Hebrew word.


And pretty much what we are doing is going through the whole Scripture, doing an exhaustive study on the words which are speaking about serpents, whether they be earth serpents or sea serpents or large fishes. We are doing a complete study in an effort, in a gargantuan effort, to expose Leviathan, the Serpent. And he has been very mad, and there has been a lot of retaliation from him. He does not like to be exposed because, if he can keep people in ignorance, he can go on indefinitely.


And I was speaking to one of the members of the congregation this morning. And she had a revelation, which is very true, that the large part of the church world today, they do not even know what it is that they have to overcome. Jesus tells us, in the Book of Revelation, that we are going to inherit all the things of his kingdom if we overcome. How can we overcome if we do not know what we are supposed to be overcoming? And what we are supposed to be overcoming is this criminal mind which is incarnated in this hour in every human being on the face of the earth.


The balance of power is not the same in every human being on the face of the earth. Some people are more evil than good. Some people are more good than evil. And some people have a mind which is mature enough so that it has developed warheads. Everybody has Leviathan as their mind, different measures and different manifestations of Leviathan as their mind.


In this hour, some human beings have a mind whose name is Leviathan, which has matured to the point that it has warheads. Even if they do not deliberately mean to hurt anybody with their mind, these warheads operate in emotion. They operate in emotion. When we get angry, or when we get offended, if we have a mature manifestation of Leviathan, that Leviathan rises up and sends out missiles toward the person that we are angry at, whether you intend to do it or not.


This is a big mystery that must be exposed in this hour. The way people are raised today is that, if you have hard feelings towards someone, you crush them. Do not tell them. Do not let them know. The teaching from Jesus in this hour, however, is that you can get away with that with people who are spiritually immature. But with people who are spiritually mature, people who will either hear your thoughts or feel your thoughts, they are feeling the impact of your displeasure. They are feeling the impact of your anger. They are feeling the impact of your fear. They are feeling the impact of your rejection.


And if you are trying to lead a decent life, if you are choosing to do good rather than evil, the message for you in this hour is that you have got to learn a new way. Because when you shut your mouth and eat your feelings, the person who has offended you, or the person who you are offended against, is feeling the full impact of your emotion. If you do not want to hurt them, you must talk about it and work it out.


This is the exact opposite of what you have been taught in the traditional churches. This is the exact opposite of what you have been taught by parents who have done their best to raise you to be a decent, socially acceptable person. Jesus said, Unless you become as a little child, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. There is a whole new set of ground rules.


It just happened here last night. I heard somebody's mind. I heard somebody's mind. Brethren, we are all fallen. We will get offended. Whether our offense is justified or whether or offense is not justified, we need to know that, if we eat it and we do not express it, if we swallow it down and do not tell the other person, it is going to hurt them more than if we go to them and talk to them about it. A spiritually sensitive person will be attacked by negative emotion. I heard the sister's mind. I heard her very words in my mind yesterday.


The Scripture says, In that day, nothing will be hidden. Your thoughts will be exposed. Your thoughts will be exposed, so you had better clean up your thoughts. How do you clean them up? You have to confess that you are just a sinner and that your thoughts are coming out of your emotions. They are not coming out of the rational mind of Christ. And anything coming out of your emotions is sin. It is a hard lesson. It is a hard lesson. It is a hard lesson.


Of course, if you have negative thoughts, they can be dealt with. You do not go running and telling your sister or brother everything if you know it is going to hurt them, if you have the knack of dealing with it in the right way. To swallow it down and not talk to them about it, but nourish those feelings in your own soul, that is sin. To feel in a negative way, to hate somebody, let us say, and to just not tell them, or to accept the fact that you hate them, this hatred will be felt by the spiritually sensitive person. If you are a spiritual person, and you recognize that there is hatred in your heart, and you recognize that it is sin, and you go after it by going before the Lord, confessing that there is sin in your heart and rebuking that hatred and asking the Lord Jesus not to let it hurt anybody, the chances are very good that that hatred will not touch your brother.


So you have two choices to keep out of trouble, brethren. If you are mature enough to deal with the sin in your heart, which not many people are, you do that. If you are not mature enough to do that, your second choice that will keep you from sin is to go to the person and tell them, I am having these feelings. Can we pray about it? Can we work it out?


And if your third choice is to just swallow it and not talk about it, that means you are holding onto the sin, and you are going to have to answer for it. Ask the Lord to help you to learn new ways. It is a new kingdom; it is a new life, and the rules are different. I just pray that everybody that studies with this ministry receives the ability to switch over to the new set of rules.


Just like when you go to sea, you hear people say, I need my sea legs. It is not easy to walk on a ship that is being tossed and turned by the waves. And people that have been on a ship for days, they do not have any problem holding their balance at all. But when they get on the land, they find that they have to get their land legs back, that their legs could be buckling under them when they get onto the land.


We have to get our spirit legs, brethren. We have to get our spirit legs, or our spirit wings anyway. We have to start functioning in the spirit according to the rules of the spirit world. To get the very best that Jesus wants us to have out of our lives and out of our spiritual experiences, we have to get our wings. I guess I will not say spirit legs; I will say wings. We have to start flying. And if you cannot do it, do not worry about it. But you confess it to Jesus, and he will help you.


And we have a lot of people in the Church today that are very stubborn. They do not want to admit that they need to be taught anything. Jesus told the Pharisees, I came to heal the blind, or I came to teach you. If you say that you are not blind, or if you think that you have all the answers, I cannot teach you anything. There is nothing I can teach you. There is nothing he can teach you if you think you already know because, if you are convinced that you already know all the answers, that means you are automatically rejecting whatever I am trying to teach you. Glory to God.


We are starting today with one of the two Scriptures in which the Hebrew word for sea serpent is translated whale. It is Job 7:12.


Job 7:12: Am I a sea or a whale that thou settest a watch over me? Am I a sea or a whale that thou settest a watch over me? I could see Job saying to Jehovah, Do you think I am a whale? although I do not know why he would do that. But why would Job say, Am I a sea?


That makes no sense at all, unless you remember the principles by which we teach here, that we are translating from the original language, Hebrew, into English. And then we are also looking for words, English words, which are symbols of spiritual concepts. It makes no sense at all for Job to say to Jehovah, Am I a sea? Of course you are not a sea; you are a man. We also know that the word sea symbolizes Satan, the unconscious mind of man.


So we see Job saying to Jehovah, Am I Satan? Do you think I am Satan, a sea, or a whale? Or do you think I am a sea serpent? Do you think I am the serpent that dwells in the sea? And I mentioned to you earlier, the serpent of the earth is referring to the conscious mind of man, and the sea serpent is referring to that part of the mind which is in the unconscious.


If you study psychology, you will see that part of the conscious mind is in contact with the unconscious. Half of it is conscious, I think they call it the ego. Half of it is conscious, and half of it is unconscious. So we see there is an aspect of us that is spirit. The spirit in fallen man is Satan, and he is the sea. Then we have a mind, which is called Leviathan, and that mind is partially conscious and partially unconscious.


Let me say it again. Every mind has a spirit in it. Every human being that has an existence in this world has been incarnated by a spirit. You may not know it. You may not believe it. But I am telling you that you would not have any existence; you would not have a body; you would not have a personality; you would not have a mind if there was not a spirit who incarnated you.


And every human being on the face of the earth has been incarnated by the spirit known as Satan. And Satan has formed a mind in you, because what good is a body without a mind? And the mind that Satan forms is called Leviathan. And both Satan and Leviathan are expressions of the Serpent in the form of a man. Satan is the name of the spirit that has incarnated you. Leviathan is the mind that Satan has woven. And Leviathan is partially conscious and partially unconscious. So the serpent of the earth is the part of Leviathan which is conscious, and the serpent that is in the sea is the part of Leviathan that is unconscious. You have a mind that is partially conscious and partially unconscious.


And in addition to that, there is a spirit in your mind which is the god of your person: Satan, the spirit that has incarnated you; the sea serpent, that part of your mind that is unconscious; and the serpent of the earth, the part of your mind that is conscious. Job is saying to Jehovah, What do you think I am? Do you think I am Satan or Leviathan, that you should set a watch over me?


And what does the Hebrew word translated watch mean? It means jail. And what is the name of the jail? Who is jailing Leviathan? Who is seeking to put a harness on Leviathan? Who is seeking to take authority over Leviathan?


Well, it is he, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is coming in his Son, Christ Jesus in you, to set a jail over the Leviathan mind that you were born with, to bring that Leviathan into submission, to break his power, to bind Leviathan under Christ Jesus so completely that the two minds should function, should think, should see, should hear, should reason and should function in every way as one mind with the righteousness of the kingdom of God in charge. And when your two minds are so completely functioning as one, with the kingdom of God in charge, the name of the kingdom of God changes because the kingdom of God has thus increased. And when he increases, his name changes to the kingdom of heaven.


So what do we see Job saying to Jehovah? This is an interesting message. I am doing it backwards. Well, we will just go with the spirit.


Our Alternate Translation of Job 7:12 is Job saying to Jehovah, Why are you crushing me as if I were Satan or Leviathan? Why are you crushing me as if I were Satan or Leviathan? So we see, from Job's question, that he does not appear to believe that he had a fallen mind. I would say, from a question like this, that Job was thinking that his mind was the kingdom of heaven.


And I suggest to you, brethren, this is the question that is going to be asked by Christians across the world as heavy judgment falls on them. Christians who have believed that they are without sin because they said, Jesus, I choose you as my Lord and Savior; Christians who believe that they are incapable of sin; Christians who believe that they sin but that their sins are forgiven the minute they say, I am sorry; Christians who are subscribing to all of these wrong teachings, when judgment falls on them in the form of hard times, are going to be saying to the Lord Jesus Christ, Why are you doing this to me as if I were a sinner? The judgment is only for the sinners. The tribulation is only for the sinners. Why are you doing this to me? I have been perfect in my administration of the law. I have been going to church every day. I do not curse; I do not smoke; I do not drink; I do not fornicate; I do not commit adultery. Why? I thought I was a king's kid, and I [AUDIO SKIPS] from you.


Christians who have been taught incorrectly and who are not expecting judgment but are expecting to be caught away from this world to some fantastical place where the streets are lined, they are going to be severely shocked when they find judgment falling on them. We see that Job is an example of the Christian today.


I seem to have done this whole message backwards. I gave you an overview of the message, and I read you the Alternate Translation. What I would like to do now is read you the Alternate Translation one more time and just go through my notes to show you how I got this definition and to give you this additional information about the spirit of Cain and how the spirit of Cain compares to the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ.


The Alternate Translation of Job 7:12, once again: Why are you crushing me as if I were Satan or Leviathan?


We see a pharisaical Job thinking that his mind is actually the kingdom of heaven. Does that sound fantastic to you? I have heard that preached many times: You have the mind of Christ. You have it now. Every thought that arises in your mind is Christ. God help us. How can we ever be translated out of this kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of his dear Son with the teaching that is in the Church today? Brethren, I am not exactly sure how the Lord Jesus is going to do it. I do not know how He is going to do it. But these false teachings have to come down.


And for the false teachings to come down, the false teachers must come down. They have to lose their pulpits. They have to lose their international newsletters. They have to lose their national or international TV programs, because the sheep out there are receiving the wrong teaching, and their carnal minds are telling them that the men who have all this money and all this coverage must have the truth.


They cannot comprehend that the true teachers of the Lord Jesus' Word (and remember the Lord Jesus is the messenger who is bringing Jehovah's word to humanity. The Lord Jesus is the only one who can faithfully repeat Jehovah's message.) When the Lord Jesus repeats that message through a man in this hour, because the Lord Jesus is spirit, and when He is teaching Jehovah's message to humanity through a man today, He does it by reproducing His own life in that man. The reproduction of the Lord Jesus' life in a fallen man today is called Christ Jesus. So we see Jehovah is in the Lord Jesus, and the Lord Jesus is in Christ Jesus in me or in you, faithfully repeating Jehovah's message of deliverance to humanity.


The average man in the street and the average Christian in the Church does not want to hear this message. And they look at me, and I am just an average human being, and I do not have a big building, and I do not have a big following, and they think for sure I am off. The Lord must do some supernatural feat to discredit the Pharisees from their teaching position. He must take them down, and He must do something to convince the people who He is drawing that the true message in this hour is being preached by spiritual men, human men and women, who do not have all of the trappings of carnal success that the world offers. We must be spiritually discerned. Christ Jesus must be spiritually discerned in us.


And that is like telling an infant, a human infant, you have to recognize your true parent by the way they dress. The Church is carnal; the world is carnal. They cannot discern the Spirit of Christ on a human being. They are looking at the outer trappings. And of those who can discern the Spirit of Christ on a teacher truly raised up by the Lord Jesus, they cannot bear the persecution. They do not stand. And for those who bear the persecution, they cannot bear the exposure of their own sins.


There are very few of us, brethren. We are waiting for a supernatural move of the Spirit of Christ that will open men to this teaching that will strengthen them to bear up under the persecution and the warfare and, even hardest of all, that will enable them to see Leviathan in their own mind and join with the Lord Jesus through the Sons that He has raised up to destroy their own Leviathan. This seems impossible. It seems impossible. Everyone is out there defending themselves, running away from the war, wanting to be comforted in their flesh.


I spoke to a young lady the other day, who was asking me about what activities were acceptable to God, and about marriage, and all sorts of related questions. The Lord gave me a very simple synopsis for her.


Brethren, we are all seeking comfort. Everyone down here in hell is not comforted from within themselves. We are all seeking comfort. If you are a carnal person, you are seeking the comfort of a relationship. You are seeking the comfort of someone's affection. You are seeking the comfort of someone's respect. You are seeking the comfort of food or drink or the comfort that you get when you hear music that you enjoy. We are seeking for comfort outside of ourselves. But even more than that, we are seeking for the comfort that comes through the manipulation or the stimulation of our physical bodies and our emotions.


That is what fallen man is looking for. Do not start screaming. Think about it. It is true. We want things that make us feel good. And the three categories that those things come in are the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. We are seeking to hear things, taste things, experience things, feel things that will stimulate our body and our emotions.


Jesus does not comfort us through the manipulation or stimulation of our body or our emotions. Jesus is sending us the Comforter, and the Comforter is Spirit. And the Comforter comforts us through the manipulation and the stimulation of our spirit.


Let me say it again. The comforter, which is the Spirit of Truth; Jesus said, I am the truth. The Comforter comforts us through the stimulation and the manipulation of our spirit. He does not give us pleasure in our flesh. Satan gives us pleasure in our flesh. The problem of humanity today is that we are so completely under the power of Leviathan that we think we will die without the comfort that he gives us.


Let me be realistic, brethren. We think we will die without our cocaine. The pleasure which men receive through the manipulation and stimulation of our bodies and our souls, as far as the Lord Jesus is concerned, is no different than the fallen members of humanity who are comforted by cocaine, heroin and every other drug or compulsive behavior. Those of us that are comforted by overeating, those of us that are comforted by sexual promiscuity, those of us that are compulsive in any manner: spending money, buying clothes, any form of compulsive behavior which produces comfort in our bodies or in our souls, which is considered abnormal by the society that we live in. As far as Jesus is concerned, these activities which are criminal in our society are no different than any form of stimulation or manipulation of our soul or our emotions which are accepted by the society.


Yes, sex is legal in marriage, but only for so long as you are down here in hell under the curse. You cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven, having your needs met or being comforted through the stimulation or the manipulation of your soul or your body. I am sorry if you do not like it. I am telling you the truth.


So Jesus comes, and He starts stimulating and manipulating your spirit. But we are so bound to Leviathan that we crave the comfort of Leviathan more than we crave the comfort of the Spirit of Truth. And that is true of most if not all people. When we begin to enter into an understanding of what Jesus is doing for us, an understanding such as I am preaching right now, and we cry out for the stimulation of our spirit, while Jesus is stimulating our spirit, while He is blessing us, coming and going out by our spirit, our body and our emotions are raging. You are hungry; you are craving sex; you are craving the company of other human beings instead of the Spirit of Christ. There will be a period, brethren, of transition that, no matter how much glory Jesus is pouring out upon you, you are still going to be wanting the things of the flesh.


Jesus' answer to you, brethren, is to fast from the stimulation and manipulation of your flesh. Take your satisfaction, except that which sustains life. You have to eat and drink, and of course you can have some fellowship on a godly level, but keep it at a minimum. Keep the stimulation and the manipulation of your body and emotions at an absolute minimum. Cleave unto the stimulation and the manipulation of your spirit until you pass through the veil into His kingdom. And once you pass through the veil into His kingdom, Satan will no longer have the power to keep you in this hellish world because your flesh is craving the pleasure that He gives you.


Brethren, you are not going to be set free from the one who is giving you pleasure that you are yielding to. There is nothing wrong with wanting it if you are resisting it. But if you are looking back, if you are Lot's wife, if you are turning back to agree with, to lay hold of, to cleave unto the pleasure that is given by the gods of this world, you are working against your own deliverance. You cannot have both. You do not like that one, huh? It is the truth.


It is going to be a miracle for even one man to make it through into the kingdom of heaven. My whole message, at this point, is that there must be a miraculous change coming. The Lord Jesus must do something to open the people at large to the process that will deliver them out of hell, because the captives do not want to go. They want to be delivered from the pain in their life, but they are very content to stay in hell with the good things that are available to them here. The captives do not want to come out.


Exactly what the Lord will do, your guess is as good as mine. The only thing I know is that it will be by His Spirit, and that it will involve a change of mind that they will start to crave Him instead of the things of this world, and that this change of mind will be brought about by the destruction of the flesh, which we are told about by the apostle Peter (judgment is in the flesh) so that we might learn to reject the flesh and live after the spirit. The life in the flesh must be made so painful that we will seek after and crave the life of the spirit. And if there is any other way to do it, I do not know about it.


That means all your relationships are going down the tubes. Your finances are going down the tubes. Everything that gives you comfort, everything that is an idol unto you, is going down the tubes. What does that mean? I do not know. Some people might die. Jesus said, I came with a sword. I came to set you one against the other. What was a rewarding relationship will become a painful relationship. There is no other way except through judgment.


Job is our example. He lost his lands; he lost his cattle; he lost his houses; he lost his servants; he lost his children; he lost his money, and he lost his health. The Lord is going to do whatever necessary to cause you to let go of the things of this world and turn unto Him. Why is it not happening now? It is not your time. It is not time. It is not time. He is first raising up a firstfruits company of men who will eventually ascend to full stature, who will be his representatives on the earth to the masses of people that will be going through tribulation at the same time.


Am I a sea or a whale that thou settest a watch over me? The definite article a does not appear in the Hebrew text either for the word sea or for the word whale. The symbology for sea is the unconscious mind of fallen man.


Remember, just as Jesus Christ, the first man to be raised from the dead, is now a spirit which is known as the Holy Spirit, Cain, the first man to experience spiritual death (that is, separation from Jehovah) is now a spirit known as Satan. What does that mean? Let us go on. The man Jesus was completely absorbed by the Spirit of Christ which was possessing him. And his soul and body was mingled and became one with that spirit.


1 Corinthians 6:17 says, But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit. The Spirit of Christ is the name that Jehovah takes when he is joined to a mind. And Jehovah is always joined to the mind of Christ. The mind of Christ, in his immaturity, is called Christ, Christ alone. And in his maturity, the mind of Christ is called the Word of God.


Satan is the name that the Serpent takes when she is joined to a mind. And Satan is always joined to the Serpent's mind. The mind of the Serpent, in his immaturity, is called the Dragon, and in his maturity, Leviathan. An immature mind is a two-thread mind, and a mature mind is a three-thread mind.


Ecclesiastes 4:12 says, And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly or easily broken. Satan, who was possessing the first fallen man Cain, used up Cain's soul and body, and Cain died. Then Satan's completed mind, Leviathan, which was in Cain, broke up, releasing Cain's human spirit, which flowed into and became one with the human spirits which his descendants had inherited from him. The Scripture calls this event the gathering of the spirit unto the fathers.


I am sorry if this is shocking you, brethren. But Jehovah breathed the breath of His life into the earth at the beginning of time. That breath is spirit, and it is still in the earth today. That breath is the spirit of Jehovah's Son, who is the Father of this creation. The Father of this creation in this hour is in the human beings who are appearing on this earth. There is only one soul, and there is only one breath breathed into that soul. In this hour, because of the fall, we are divided into many individual human beings. But this division is just an illusion. The division is of the physical body. We are of one soul and one spirit.


The creation is likened unto a spiritual sea. In the natural, we have a large body of water, called a sea, with islands in the midst of the water. Remember that the soulish world is the opposite or the mirror image of the spiritual world. In this world, we have islands; every individual is an island, and a drop of the spiritual sea is within each of us. But it is the same spiritual sea and the same soul running invisibly through all of us, connecting all of us with invisible cords, emotional cords. Some of us call them soul ties.


So we see that the possession of the creature by Satan kills the human bodies that the creation has formed in this hour. The Serpent, through Satan and Leviathan, is expressing herself in the visible world in this hour. But such an expression kills the body and the souls that are appearing in this hour. The soul that sins must die.


Therefore, the spirit who is expressing himself, the Serpent in form of Satan in this hour, expresses himself through a human being for a period of years, and then that body dies. And when the body dies, the soul dissolves. And the spirit, which is the only thing which is eternal (in one place, Paul calls it the immortal soul, or the part of the soul which is immortal). Remember, Jehovah breathed the breath of his life into the soul, and the soul became a living soul. That part of the soul which is immortal is the breath of Jehovah, which in this hour in fallen man is called human spirit.


Cain died. His body dissolved; his soul dissolved. It was marred and went back into the lump of spiritual clay to be reformed. And the human spirit that was in him was merely gathered or spread out or distributed or joined to or returned to the breath of Jehovah, which is presently in the earth of this creation. It was just absorbed into other human beings in which this breath of Jehovah is abiding. If you can hear it, hear it. It is the truth. His spirit did not go to heaven; his spirit did not go to some fantasy hell. When a man dies, the spirit stays in this earth, which is hell.


It is as if to say, you have a sea, with an island in the middle of the sea. And by some supernatural power, a great hand came down from heaven and ripped that island up out of the sea. The sea just closed up on the missing space. When a human body dies, and his soul goes back to the clay, that is just like an island that is just ripped up out of this cosmic sea, the cosmic sea, which is our spirit and the mind of fallen man. If you cannot hear it, read this message again. It is really incredible.


Let me say it again. In the natural, we have a large body of water, which is a sea, and islands in the sea. The spiritual reality is that we are living underwater. We are living under the water of a spiritual sea, and each man is an island in that spiritual sea. The waters, the spiritual waters of this world, are underneath us, on top of us, and they also flow through us. The whole world is 99 percent water, including our bodies. When your body dies, the sea remains. That part of the sea, that part of the spiritual sea, which was flowing through you, is still there. It is just your body that leaves, and your soul goes to a place where it is reformed. But the spiritual waters of this world remain. It is the truth.


So Satan, who was possessing the fallen man Cain, used up Cain's stolen body, and that man Cain died. Then Satan's completed mind, Leviathan, which was in Cain, broke up, released Cain's human spirit, which spirit flowed into and became one with the human spirits which his descendants had inherited from him, or the human spirits that are in this world. I believe that the human spirit flows into those who are your direct descendants, but it is just one spirit throughout the whole creation.


1 Corinthians 15:22 says, For as in Adam, all die. Even so, in Christ shall all be made alive.


Daniel 7:9, in our Alternate Translation, says, And I continue to look at the vision until the fallen, dead creature, which Christ Jesus is to rule over, came into submission to him. And now listen to this. And the Spirit of Christ was like one pure covering in the visible physical world, but many human spirits that had birthed Christ Jesus in the visible spiritual world. In the visible physical world, it looked like one covering. But underneath, in the realm of the spirit, it was many human spirits that had birthed one Christ Jesus. We are all of one spirit. We are also all of one soul.


Cain's physical descendants were all destroyed in the great flood. But Leviathan, the mind that possessed Cain, was born again. Have you heard that term before, born again? Very few people even know what it means. Listen. The mind that had possessed Cain was born again, for the second time, and continues to be born again in all of Seth's descendants, which we are, since that criminal mind Leviathan appeared in Noah.


The Serpent's completed three-cord mind was born in the man Cain. Cain was the first man in which the Serpent's mind was completed as Leviathan, and that man died. Now, the Serpent's mind is being born again a second time. In all of Noah's descendants, it is happening again. The Serpent is completing her three-cord mind in fallen humanity.


Remember, the Serpent had only succeeded in forming the Dragon, her two-thread mind, in the men who existed before the flood. The men who existed before the flood, they were different than we were. My teacher, whose church I was raised up in, I remember him saying once, Well, there had to be something different about the men before the flood because the provision for eating meat only came after the flood. Brethren, the men before the flood were different. I believe they were giants. I believe they were male and female. I do not believe they reproduced like the animals. I believe they reproduced by a form of cell division. They were far superior to the form that we are in now.


Humanity fell for the third and final of the fall after the flood. When Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth fell, it was our last chance. We fell. The whole creation fell. Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth were the creation's last chance. And when they fell, all of humanity fell down to the lowest position, which is evidenced in the physical visible world by men and women having separate bodies. We are supposed to be superior beings who are male and female within ourselves.


And if you are a fallen human being who has been called to a life of celibacy, and you cannot do it unless God calls you to it. But if you are a man or a woman, a fallen human being who has been called like Paul to give up your family life and have a life of celibacy, and Christ Jesus is the head of your life, you are a superior being which is male and female.


But the rest of the fallen world, including the Church world, will persecute you and tell you that your life is unnatural. Their life is unnatural. It is acceptable to God until He calls you out. But their life is under the curse. Family life is under the curse. You love it and you enjoy it until God calls you out. But as the men who were captive in Babylon, they married the Babylonian women. They had half-breed children. But when they were called out, they had to leave them behind. If you want to be a spiritual man, you must be married to Christ Jesus, and He must be number one in your life.


Do not anyone lay hold of my words. If you have dependent people relying on you, if you have dependent children or elderly parents, or if you have a wife that is raising your children, if you have anyone that is dependent on you, the Lord Jesus is not telling you to abandon your responsibility. But do not take any ungodly dependency. Check it out with the Lord, and do not do anything unless it is your time.


But neither should you attack and tear down the people who are leading a celibate, isolated life in Christ Jesus because they have been called to it. Do not try to bring them down where you are because they are ascending before it is your time. We shall not all ascend at once but each man in his own order. Mind your business. Worry about your own life. Mind your business.


So Cain's physical descendants were all destroyed in the great flood, his physical descendants. But Leviathan, the mind that had possessed him, was born again for the second time and continues to be born again in all of Seth's descendants. Remember, Noah was a descendant of Seth. Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth were the only descendants of Seth who survived the old world. And they all fell.


And they all fell because Leviathan appeared in them. What does that mean? It means, when Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth got on the ark on the other side of the flood, their fallen mind was only two threads. I suggest to you that the righteousness that the Scripture talks about, with regard to Noah, was in that he and his sons were the only ones on the other side of the flood whose Dragon mind had not increased into Leviathan. That is the righteousness that he had.


And the Lord saved him alive in the hopes of regenerating the creation with a two-thread serpentine mind and hoping to stop the plague at that point. It was Jehovah's intention to keep the creation with a two-thread serpentine mind and restore us without us falling the rest of the way, falling the rest of the way meaning that the Serpent would succeed in completing her mind in the creation. And the completed serpentine mind is called Leviathan. Jehovah was trying to block it. He was trying to stop it. He took the only four men whose mind was still the Dragon and killed everybody else because their mind had increased into Leviathan.


And after all that work and preparation and the flood and the ark and the whole thing, Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth increased. Their mind increased from the Dragon into Leviathan. And everyone after them, which we all are, have been born with a serpentine, three-thread, completed mind called Leviathan. The creation fell as far as it could go. Jesus.


Remember, the Serpent had only succeeded in forming the Dragon, her two-thread mind, in the men who existed before the flood, which men also had some measure of the mind of Christ. Why? Because Jehovah had laid hold of their human spirit despite the fact that the Dragon was their mind. And he was relating to them in the same manner that the Lord Jesus Christ has his mind in us while we still have Leviathan as our mind, which we were born with. Somehow, Jehovah had a vital relationship with Seth's descendants. They were two-minded men. But they were two-minded men on a much higher level than we are two-minded men.


Noah's righteousness, as Jehovah saw it, was based upon the fact that he was the only man before the flood in whom the Dragon had not increased into Leviathan. Nevertheless, just as Elijah fell after executing the prophets of Baal, Noah too fell after building the ark and preserving the seed of the creature. Noah's fallen mind, the Dragon, increased into Leviathan after he drank of his own (that is, the Serpent's) vineyard.


What does that mean? Noah's own vineyard, it was the Serpent's vineyard. Noah was a fallen man. And he had a fallen mind called the Dragon. And he also had a mind of Christ because Jehovah was linked into him. He was a double-minded man, with Jehovah's mind of Christ stronger or in authority over his whole person.


And we are told, when Noah got to the other side of the flood, he drank of his own vineyard. He was not drinking of Jehovah's vineyard. The vineyard is our soul, and the soul has a mind born in it. So our own mind is a mind born of the flesh. That is the Serpent's mind. So when the Scripture says that Noah planted a vineyard, he did it himself. It was not Jehovah's mind that Noah was drinking of. It was the mind of his flesh.


Noah's fallen mind, the Dragon, increased into Leviathan after Noah drank of his own (that is, the Serpent's) vineyard. And since that time, all of Noah's descendants, which we are, have been born into this physical visible world with Leviathan as our mind.


Genesis 9:20-21, in our Alternate Translation, says, And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard. And he drank of the wine and was drunken. And he was uncovered within his tent. Please note that Noah planted his own vineyard. Jehovah plants the vine, which is spirit, in the vineyard, which is soul or earth.


Tree symbolizes mind. The seed of the tree which will produce the true vine is called Jehovah's breath. The immature tree is called Christ. And the mature tree is called the engrafted Word and the Word of God.


The seed of the tree which will produce the false vine is called the Serpent. The immature tree is called the Dragon. And the mature tree is called Behemoth and Leviathan.


Vine symbolizes the first incarnation of a spirit as the mind of a man, which man has died to this visible physical world and is now appearing as the unconscious mind of this present generation. The Lord Jesus, in spirit form, is called the Holy Spirit, and He is the true vine. And the spirit of Cain, which in this hour is called Satan, is the false vine.


John 15:5 says, I am the vine; ye are the branches. He that abideth in me and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit. What is that talking about? It is talking about spiritual reproduction. If the Lord Jesus, which is the male seed, abides in you, whose human spirit is the female seed, you will bring forth much fruit, Christ Jesus. There it is right there. I had a man write to me from California once, Where do you see spiritual reproduction in the Scripture? It is everywhere, brethren.


I am the vine; ye are the branches. He that abideth in me and I in him (if there is a union between the Spirit of Jesus Christ and the spirit in man), that man bringeth forth much fruit (the increase, which is Christ Jesus); for without me, ye can do nothing.


I have heard this verse preached on and preached on and preached on. You cannot get a job without me; you cannot get well without me; you cannot live without me. Well, all of this is true. But, brethren, that is not what Jesus is saying. He is saying, Without me, you cannot produce Christ Jesus. He is saying, Without me, you cannot arise from the dead. He is saying, Without me, you can have no spiritual strength. He is saying, Without me, you cannot attain to the kingdom of heaven. He is saying, Without me, you cannot arise out of hell.


And we have a whole Church world that is saying, We can do it without you, Jesus, that we were Christ from the day we were born. We are Christ. We are begotten of the dead. We are the Sons of God. We do not need Jesus. You are equal to us. We are equal to you. We are having the same experience that you had, Lord Jesus. You were just the first one to go through.


Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie. Without the Lord Jesus, you can do nothing because the Christ which is within you is a powerless female seed. We must be crucified by the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ that your dead human spirit might produce much fruit, Christ Jesus, the warrior who will kill your carnal mind and raise you out of hell. You can do nothing without him, you foolish Christians, filled with pride unto your own death.


The fruit of the vine is personality. The good grapes are men who are expressing the nature of Jehovah, and the wild grapes are men who are expressing the nature of the Serpent.


Isaiah 5:1-5 says, Now will I sing, to my well-beloved, a song of my beloved touching his vineyard. My well-beloved hath a vineyard in a very fruitful hill. And he fenced it and gathered out the stones thereof and planted it with the choicest vine and built a tower in the midst of it and also made a wine press therein. And he looked that it should bring forth grapes, and it brought forth wild grapes.


And now, O inhabitants of Jerusalem and men of Judah, judge, I pray you, betwixt me and my vineyard, what could have been done more to my vineyard that I have not done in it? Wherefore, when I looked that it should bring forth grapes, brought it forth wild grapes? And now, go to; I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard. I will take away the hedge thereof, and it shall be eaten up, and break down the wall thereof, and it shall be trodden down.


The word vineyard typifies soul. Vineyard is another way of saying garden. Genesis tells us that the Lord planted a garden in Eden. What He planted in the garden was grapes. And a garden that is planted with grapes is called a vineyard. That is the soul, the earth that the spiritual seed of Jehovah was planted in. In human terms, we would say the seed was planted in the womb.


And the Scripture says, And he fenced it in. The word fence, I looked it up in Random House Unabridged Dictionary, and that word means to ward off or to keep out. It also means to mitigate a possible loss by counterbalancing. I found that very interesting. What it is saying, in simple English, is that the word to fence means to avoid a possible loss by counterbalancing. What that says to me is that Jehovah knew He had a Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil, and that the evil was stronger than the good. So He counterbalanced the evil by joining Himself to the good, thereby making the good stronger than the evil.


Random House Unabridged Dictionary also tells us that the word fence means to prevent or hinder free movement or to obstruct. And that which was prevented or obstructed was the evil side of the tree. God said to Adam, Keep the garden. Guard it. Do not let that evil side get out. Hinder him; obstruct him; fence him in.


And that brings us right back to Job's question to Jehovah from the beginning of this message. He says, What am I, Satan or Leviathan, that you are fencing me in? Well, it looks like you are, Job. You just did not know it.


The word fence means to prevent or hinder free movement, to obstruct or to be hedged in. It also means to defend, to protect, to guard. That is what Jehovah said to Adam: Guard that garden.


Now I will sing to my beloved a song about my vineyard. And he fenced it in and gathered out the stones thereof. Stone typifies spirit. He gathered out the spirit that was not of God, the spirits that were not of God. And which are the spirits that were not of God? The spirits that were not of God is speaking about the Serpent who had joined with the human spirit, thus calling himself spirit, in the formation of the immature mind of the Serpent called the Dragon.


So we are told, in this account in Isaiah, that the Lord be protector of the garden, and He gathered the serpentine mind out. He took the Dragon's mind out, or He covered it over, or He made it useless by forming the mind of Christ. By creating a balance of power which made the good stronger than the evil, He rendered the Serpent's mind, the Dragon, useless.


And he planted it with the choicest vine. There is only one Hebrew word translated choicest vine. It is Strong's #8321. And we are told it is from Strong's #8319 in the sense of redness. The choice vine is speaking about a vine stock, which is one yielding purple grapes.


We have purple grapes, and we have white grapes. Although, in our society, both are edible, I suggest to you that the purple grapes typify the fruit of Jehovah, which is Christ, red typifying the life of God. And white, spiritually speaking, typifies fruit that is absent the life of God. So the red grapes typify Christ Jesus, and the white grapes typify Leviathan. We are told in another place that some of those grapes were edible and others were not edible. So although, in our natural world, white grapes are edible, as far as Jesus is concerned, the mind which is born without the life of God is useless.


He said he also put a tower in it. The tower is speaking about the Spirit of Christ. And He also put a wine press in his garden. A wine press, we are told in chapter 14 in the Book of Revelation, is the provision for the judgment which will produce Christ Jesus. A wine press is what the fruit must go into. Remember, when Christ Jesus is produced in our hearts, Christ Jesus is being born in the same place where Leviathan has been born. So the wine press is a crushing that will separate Christ Jesus from the Serpent's spiritual man, which is the Devil. Leviathan is the name of the mind. The name of the man who was possessed of the Serpent's mind is the Devil.


So we see the double mind of a man, the double mind of a fallen man. I just got a flash of a horror movie, of two heads coming out of one man. That is what we are, a two-headed man. And we have two minds, Leviathan and the Word of God, and they are stuck together.


The separation comes from a spiritual crushing, from hard times which will force us to use only one mind or the other. So long as there is no challenge, both minds will exist. But when we are confronted with problems, and Leviathan says go left, and the Word of God says go right, we must choose. And as we consistently choose to follow after the Word of God, it will be the death, or it will result in the death, of Leviathan. So heavy judgment is coming upon us, which is forcing us to choose which mind we will live out of. Hopefully, the choice, your choice, will be the Word of God.


So when we see that Jesus put a wine press in his garden, we see that he provided for full stature to National Israel. And I want to give you my opinion; you do not have to agree with me. It really does not matter. This is my opinion; I do not care if you do not agree with me. It is all right if you do not agree with me. But I did ask the Lord about this. And unless He corrects me, I am standing with the opinion that every man in National Israel had the ability to go into full stature.


And out of all those men who had the ability to go into full stature, only two or three went in. Jesus went into full stature; Paul went into full stature; Lazarus went into full stature, and I think John did. Full stature now, the first stage of the resurrection. Jesus was the only one who went on to the second and the third stage of resurrection. But there are four men that I believe went into full stature. The only one that the Scripture is not clear about, as far as I am concerned, is John. But we know Jesus, Paul and Lazarus went into full stature.


God believed that the Spirit of Christ, which was available through the Scripture to National Israel, offered that possibility to every man. I do not believe every man had the opportunity to go on to glorification. I believe that the best that could have been hoped for in National Israel was full stature.


I asked the Lord about this; I prayed about this last night, and I believe this is what He told me. This is why Paul said he was offered up. He did not say he was going to die. He had to give up his life because he was born out of season. There could be only one man who would give up his life to go on to be the savior of the world, and that man was Jesus of Nazareth.


But the opportunity for every man in Israel was there to go on to full stature, and enjoy and experience a season of full stature, before it was time where they would have to give it up because that was Jehovah's plan that that whole first generation that was of Christ, which was in National Israel, would die, and that one of those men would be glorified, would become the savior of the world and would go forth as seed to the rest of the world.


And as I prayed about this last night, the Lord reminded me that only Christ Jesus in a man can recognize Christ Jesus in another man. He said to me, Remember Joseph of Arimathea? He knew that Jesus was Messiah. Anna and Simeon, they could have never known that Jesus was Messiah if they did not have Christ Jesus formed in them.


They had a temporary manifestation of Christ Jesus formed in them, as a result of Jehovah's covenant with National Israel. And deep calls to deep. Christ Jesus in them recognized Christ Jesus in the Lord Jesus. But they could not have gone beyond full stature, as I told you. Only one man could have been glorified, so that the whole world could be seeded with the life of Jehovah.


So we do not know how many people in Israel had conceived Christ Jesus, and we really do not even know how many went into full stature. We just know about four. Whether or not there were more, I do not know.


And likewise, brethren, I believe there are thousands of people today in the church that have conceived Christ Jesus. And they have the potential to go on to full stature, and they are not going to do it. Jesus himself said, The fields are white to harvest, but the laborers are few. I believe we have thousands of Christians that have conceived Christ Jesus but will not live out of Him.


Before we went on the message this morning, we read a Scripture from the Alternate Translation of Zechariah 11, which describes the ministry of the Sons of God. And it was a negative description. The Scripture was saying the Sons of God will not minister to this group of people, will not minister to that group of people. The Sons of God are not going to do healing and deliverance, and the Sons of God are not going to minister to people who have conceived Christ Jesus but are not living out of Him.


The ministry of the Sons of God are to the people who are faithfully and relentlessly seeking the righteousness of the kingdom of God, not the people who are faithfully and relentlessly seeking revelation, and not the people who are faithfully and relentlessly seeking to do good works, although that is nice if you want to do it. But they are going to minister to the people who are faithfully and relentlessly seeking righteousness.


And their ministry to those people is to pull their minds apart. Leviathan must be broken up so that the human spirit can be freed, so that Christ Jesus may come forth in him, so that that person may be delivered from hell. That is as clear as a bell, for those who have ears to hear.


The man Jesus is the first generation of incarnated righteousness; that is Jehovah. And the man Cain is the first generation of incarnated evil; that is the Serpent. The man Jesus willingly gave up his soul and body and was raised from the dead because of his righteous mind. But the man Cain died and lost his soul and body because of sin. The fallen dead man Cain was the first man to be completely possessed of the Serpent through her completed mind, Leviathan, just as Jesus was the first man to be completely possessed of Jehovah through His completed mind, the Word of God.


Jesus could say, Before Abraham was, I am, because it was not the fallen man Jesus speaking but Jesus' inner or new man, Christ Jesus, whose mind was the Word of God. Likewise, any fallen man can say, I existed before the man Abraham was born, because Leviathan, the mind which is possessing me, existed before Abraham. My body is only clay, and my personality is only one segment of a spiritual lifetime which transcends any one human generation. Therefore, I am Leviathan. Leviathan is the mind which is possessing all of mankind in this hour. The mind of Christ is the invading army which shall destroy Leviathan in those men who are judging their own souls, confessing their sins and rebelling against that Leviathan.


And I see that I typed into my notes those verses of Zechariah 11 that I was telling you about. Zechariah 11, our Alternate Translation, I have the whole chapter here. Our Alternate Translation of 1 through 17, well, I will read it into the message. I will read the whole Alternate Translation into the message.


But I think I will just comment on the part which is pertinent to this message, and that is the principle that the mind of Christ, the many-membered mind of Christ in many Sons of God, is the invading army which is going to destroy Leviathan. And the Sons of God in this hour are beginning to destroy Leviathan only in those men who are judging their own souls, confessing their sins and rebelling against Leviathan. In due season, the Sons of God will be judging the minds of men who are not cooperating, but that is not the step that the Lord's plan is up to at this moment.


What is happening right now is that the firstfruits company is being raised up. And to be a member of the firstfruits company, you have to be working in conjunction with the Lord to have Leviathan destroyed in your own person. And that is to be a member of the firstfruits company. Those men who will have Leviathan judged in them against their will, will not be members of the firstfruits company. And there are special honors associated with the firstfruits company. We will be amongst the first to experience the glory of the splendor of the Lord.


So I am just going to read this Alternate Translation of Zechariah 11 to you. Verse 1: Let down your defenses, humanity, so that the lake of fire (which is the mind of Christ, the lake of fire; our God is a consuming fire) can consume your fallen nature. And our fallen nature is manifested in our fallen mind, Leviathan.


Sound a war cry, all of you men in whom Christ Jesus is being formed, because Satan has been cast down. That powerful one has been returned to the true nature of the Serpent, which is soul. The Serpent is soul. Satan is soul. Satan has been acting like a spirit, is in the role of a spirit, is functioning as a spirit, but her true nature is soul, female in relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ.


Sound a war cry, even though Leviathan is still expressing himself through you, because the Spirit of Christ is come down to the earth of your soul. The pastors are wailing out loud because the mind of Christ is spread out into the Sons of God. The cry of grief-stricken men is heard because Christ Jesus is bringing down the spirit of death. 'Therefore', says Jehovah, govern the bestial men whose carnal minds you are slaughtering.'


Brethren, the Sons of God are to govern. The men in whom the mind of Christ is prevailing are to govern men who are living out of the mind of Leviathan. The superior mind is to rule, first within our own person, then within our families and over those over whom we have a natural authority, and then the whole world. When we are righteous, when the Sons of God are without sin, we are to rule over every man which still has some measure of sin in him.


The cry of grief-stricken men is heard because Christ Jesus is bringing down the spirit of death. 'Therefore,' says Jehovah, 'govern the bestial men whose carnal minds you are slaughtering, the ones who are enslaved by Leviathan but nevertheless declare their own righteousness, the men whose own pastors do not have enough compassion to show them their sins. I will not extend the gentle judgment of the Holy Spirit to those who are agreeing with their carnal minds anymore,' says Jehovah, 'but will turn them individually over to Satan's calamitous judgment, and Satan and Leviathan shall break up their Christ mind. And I will not snatch them out of danger.'


These men who are double-minded, who have Leviathan as their mind and have the Christ mind also, if they do not confess their sins and repent, the Lord is going to allow Leviathan to rise up and defeat the Christ mind in them. And the Lord is telling us, in Zechariah 11, that he will not interfere with the destruction of the Christ mind in the men who will not confess their sins.


Verse 7: But I will govern the sheep who are slaughtering their carnal minds. The Lord Jesus, through the Sons of God, will govern the sheep who are slaughtering their own carnal minds. He is coming to those who want him, at least initially. He is coming to those who want him badly enough to be destroying Leviathan in their own mind.


Those who are wretched and afflicted because of their faithfulness to Jesus Christ. Brethren, if you are at war with Leviathan in your own mind, you are going to be wretched and afflicted. The Church world condemns those Christians who are wretched and afflicted because they have no understanding that the warfare against Leviathan, in many if not most instances, will leave the believer wretched and afflicted. It is not that Jesus is not with them. It is that they are in the war, and you are not.


And this is how Jehovah is going to do it. This is how he is going to deliver the faithful that are slaughtering their own soul and are wretched and afflicted because of their faithfulness to Jesus Christ.


Jehovah speaking, I entered into a marriage contract with humanity, which provided that I would make Christ Jesus her mind. Well, I guess that is wrong. I guess I lost my pen here. Which provided that I will make the Word of God her mind.


The first stage of this contract is called grace, or the imputed anointing. And the second stage is called crucifixion, or the imparted anointing. And this is how I am governing all of mankind until the marriage. What marriage? The marriage between Christ Jesus and humanity. And I am overcoming the third part of the whole soul (Satan is that third part of the whole soul) in battle. And my Holy Spirit formed Christ Jesus in them, but they refuse to live out of him.


Then I said, I will not extend the gentle judgment of the Holy Spirit to you anymore. So whoever has the Holy Spirit and lets him die, let him die. And whoever has Christ Jesus and refuses to live out of him, let Christ Jesus be tread underfoot in that man.


And let the rest of them who are to be ruled by Israel, or ruled by the Sons of God, continue in their adulterous relationship with Leviathan. And I took back the grace I had extended through the Holy Spirit by breaking the Christ mind I had formed in the people into pieces. And then I separated myself from them. And my covenant of grace was broken in that day. But the faithful of the flock, who were crucifying their carnal minds, knew the Word of the Lord.


So we see that this is a scriptural principle. Whenever you read in the Scripture that the Lord would rain judgment, or that the Lord would break his covenant, or that the Lord would bring some form of destruction, there is always a faithful remnant that is the exception to this fate.


And here we see, in Zechariah 11:11, that principle spelled out: And my covenant of grace was broken in that day with all of Israel, but there was a faithful remnant in Israel who were crucifying their carnal minds, and they knew the Word of the Lord. They knew the truth of what Jehovah was doing. And the Scripture says Jehovah said to them, in the day that Jehovah broke his covenant with Israel, he spoke to the faithful remnant in Israel.


And this is what he said: If your judgment of your own sins is coming from the mind of Christ within you, then loose my Christ, or loose my human spirit, which was given to you by Jehovah, even though that human spirit is appearing as Satan right now. How could the human spirit be appearing as Satan? The human spirit is joined to Satan, and all you see is Satan. The human spirit reflects the nature of the male spirit that she is joined to. And the Lord said to that faithful remnant, 'Overturn the spirit of the idol maker's garment.' And that is Satan.


If you are interested, we go into detail how I get this in this translation on the message called Zechariah, Chapter 11, LEM Message #284.


And the Lord said to me, 'Overturn the spirit of the idol maker's garment in the men in whom I am highly esteemed. And I see Satan in the members of Jehovah's household, and I overturn the carnal minds (or overturn Leviathan), so that the imparted anointing (that is the human spirit) could be liberated.'


What does that mean? The Lord broke up Leviathan. He overturned him. He put him under the authority of Christ Jesus so that the human spirit could be liberated, so that the grace of the Old Covenant, first to Judah and then Israel, could be bound together with the grace of the New Covenant, which is with the Israel of God.


And then Jehovah said to me, 'Seize the carnal minds (or seize Leviathan) in the company of unreformed men who are called to judge the world, and I shall raise up a governor over the fallen creation who shall not seek new converts nor heal the bodies and souls which have been broken because of sin; neither shall he minister to those who have not conceived Christ Jesus nor those who have conceived him but are not living out of him. But the Sons of God shall tear the carnal minds (that is, tear Leviathan) of those who have faithfully and persistently sought the kingdom of God and the righteousness which is in Christ Jesus. In those men, Leviathan will be torn to pieces.'


The destruction or the slaughter of your carnal mind is a blessing and an honor from God. He is not doing it to reprobate men. He is doing it to the men who have been moaning and groaning over the sins in Israel and crying out over their own inability to manifest righteousness. He is going to rip their carnal minds apart and give them the ability to be righteous.


Woe unto the carnally minded ministers who have not produced the fruit of the Lord Jesus in Jehovah's people because Christ Jesus shall wage war against their god, Satan. And their carnal minds, Leviathan, shall be completely overthrown, and Satan shall be cast down.


So we see that the name of Jesus' spiritual man is Christ Jesus. And the name of Cain's spiritual man, which is actually a woman, is the Devil. Jesus the man, Jesus the human being, had a spiritual man inside of him called Christ Jesus. And Cain the man had a spiritual man inside of him called the Devil, except that spiritual man is actually a woman. The Devil is our old man, and Christ Jesus is our new man.


Leviathan was born for the first time in the man Cain. The Word of God was born for the first time in the man Jesus. Leviathan is being born for the second time, every time a baby is born into this visible physical world. The Word of God has not yet been born a second time in any man but is in utero in many fallen men today.


The man Cain was not completed, as the man Jesus was, but nevertheless exists today because the mind which was completely possessing him has appeared and is appearing again in all of the generations after the flood. The personalities and bodies which he is appearing in are insignificant. It is only the mind that is significant, and the spirit which has woven that mind. Those are the only significant aspects of our being, the spirit which has incarnated us and that mind which the spirit has woven.


The difference between Cain and Jesus is that Jesus' soul and body were absorbed into and mingled with the spiritual man Christ Jesus, thus converting Jesus of Nazareth, whose mind was the Word of God, into a form which could be grafted into the hearts of fallen man. It was not necessary for Cain to become a spiritual man who could be grafted into men's hearts, because the Serpent, which is Leviathan's progenitor, has been strongly rooted in the earth of the creature since she committed adultery with Jehovah's soul. Leviathan, the mind born as a result of that adultery, is the spiritual foundation which has incarnated fallen dead humanity. So he only needs to produce new personalities and bodies through human reproduction to continue to appear in the earth, which he is already possessing as that fallen woman, the Devil.


The Lord Jesus is in the process of taking Jehovah's soul back from Leviathan by reforming the personalities of the men which have already been born in the image of Cain by grafting his glorified life to their fallen dead minds, thus radically shortening the time which would be necessary to form every individual in the image of Jehovah by raising him up from seed. Jesus of Nazareth was formed in the image of Jehovah from seed. The Lord did it in one man; it took a long time to do it. And now he is grafting cuttings from that one man into many members of humanity in this hour, saving thousands of years.


So we see that, even though Cain, the first man to be a complete expression of the Serpent, lost his soul and body because of death, he nevertheless lives today because the mind which was possessing him continues to incarnate over and over again in the many members of fallen humanity. It was necessary for the Lord Jesus to be glorified and converted into a form which could be grafted to humanity because, since the fall, Jehovah's root in the earth, the human spirit, is too weak to overcome the Serpent's mature mind.


Our Alternate Translation of Romans 5:6-9 says, Because in the age of innocence which is now past, Christ died when he failed to distinguish between good and evil, and we were cast down to this present evil age with him and became ungodly. Therefore, the fall has made it very difficult for anyone to die to their carnal mind so that Christ Jesus can be fully born in them.


Under these present circumstances then, how can anyone possibly not only slay their carnal mind but also cross over into the life of Christ? But since we are sinners, because the immature Christ's death in the past age is still overshadowing us, the love of God is uniting the members of the whole fallen dead soul into himself through the mature Christ Jesus, which is much more preferable than the present righteousness we receive by the engrafted Word because it shall save our soul from God's judgment of destruction which presently abides upon the fallen creation.


This is just a little side piece of information that I thought you might find interesting. Leviathan is a transliteration of the Hebrew word Livyathan. And it appears in the lexicon right after the word Levi.


We have recently come out of a series called Leviathan, LEM Message #340. And I think I told you in that series that the word or the name means to be wreathed or enfolded or intertwined, which is true. However, the Lord has shown me something further and more interesting about that name, Leviathan.


First of all, let me review what a transliteration is for you. A transliteration is a transference of a word from one language to another language. In other words, the name Satan, for example, is a Hebrew word, satan. There was no translation of the Hebrew word satan. There was no known word in the English language which would be a translation for satan. So the translators did not translate the word; they transliterated it. They took the Hebrew word satan, and they made an English word out of it, Satan. They changed the pronunciation a little bit, and they made an English word out of it.


Leviathan likewise is a transliteration of the Hebrew word Livyathan. There is no translation of the word Livyathan, so the translators merely carried it over into the English and made an English word out of it, Leviathan.


We know that Leviathan means to be folded, wreathed, intertwined. But what I have not told you is that it comes right after the word Levi in the lexicon. What does this mean?


I have the Strong's numbers of the few words surrounding Levi and Leviathan. Strong's #3867 means to twine or to unite. Strong's #3867 also means to be joined. The basic meaning of the word Levi, Leviathan, means to join. It also means to be intertwined. And I suggest to you that the meaning of the root of these two words, Levi and Leviathan, is to be joined. And I believe that these several words are suggesting the joinings that produce the mind which is found in man.


Strong's #3879, it means Levite. And the word Levite means joined to. Strong's #3880 simply means a wreath. Strong's #3881 also means Levite and means joined to. And I see I have another definition for Strong's #3880: Livyah, Levi, means something attached, a wreath, an ornament.


Levi means to be joined to. I suggest to you that the word itself, Levi, suggests the enfolded union which we know as mind, and in particular the mind born of the Serpent and the soul which Jehovah created. In the case of the man Levi and his descendants, the word signifies the mind which is begotten of the Serpent, which is also joined to Jehovah.


A mind begotten of the Serpent, which is also joined to Jehovah. Brethren, that is the condition we are in today. We are born with Leviathan as our mind. And if the Holy Spirit has penetrated that mind and caused Christ Jesus to be conceived, we are a person with two minds. We are double-minded.


In the case of the man Levi and his descendants, the word signifies the mind which is begotten of the Serpent, which is also joined to Jehovah. This concept suggests the teaching we have had on the fig tree. The fig tree left to itself produces evil figs. But the fig tree influenced by the Spirit of Christ produces good figs. I suggest to you that Leviathan is the mysterious name given to those joined in mind to the Serpent, and Levi is the name given to those joined in mind to the Serpent who are also joined to the Spirit of Christ. So we might say Leviathan is the name of the fig tree, and Levi is the name of the fig tree which is influenced by the Spirit of Christ. We see a direct connection between Levi, the priestly tribe of Israel, and Leviathan.


The Lord is telling me to say it again. Leviathan is the name of the fallen mind of man. The priestly tribe of Levi is a group of men whose mind is Leviathan, which mind is under the influence of the Spirit of Christ. Jesus.


So we see that Job is asking Jehovah, in Job 7:12, Am I a sea, or a whale, that thou settest a watch over me? So we see that Job is asking Jehovah, Why do you treat me as a sea? That is Satan. Or why do you treat me as a whale? That is the Serpent's mind, Leviathan. Why are you treating me like I am Satan and Leviathan? Maybe it is because that is what you are, Job. Am I a sea, or a whale?


So we see that the Hebrew word nachash, Strong's #5172, is used to describe the serpent of the earth; that is the conscious mind. And the Hebrew word tannin, Strong's #8577, is used to describe the sea serpent; that is the unconscious part of the Serpent's mind.


As I told you earlier in this message, the spirit which incarnated us is Satan. That spirit has woven a mind, a house for himself, and that mind is partially conscious and partially unconscious. The serpent of the earth is the conscious part of that mind, and the sea serpent is the unconscious part of that mind.


And again, as I told you at the beginning of this message, modern psychiatry tells us that our ego, or the personality of man, is partially conscious and partially unconscious. So once again, the teachings that the Lord is giving us about the mind lines right up with the study of the mind called psychiatry.


We are still dealing with the second half, continuing now with the second half of Job 7:12: Am I a sea, or a whale, that thou settest a watch over me? The word that means that, and settest means to set or to put. The word translated watch, Strong's #4929, means to guard, to put in prison. And over me means over me.


And who is the watch or the jail that is being set over Job? I suggest to you that it is Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus is being set over Leviathan, which is Job's mind. It is Christ Jesus who is setting himself over Job's Leviathan so that the kingdom of God can increase into the kingdom of heaven.


In order for Job to ask this question, Why are you questioning me like this? In order for Job to ask this question, he must have thought that his mind was already the kingdom of heaven. What question? Why are you questioning me as if I were Satan or Leviathan? At which point, we have now come full circle and wound up at the very same place where I began this message this morning. Job was a Pharisee. Job thought he already had the mind of Christ. Job thought that he could not sin. All of these doctrines are still being preached today.


And if this message gets to any Pharisee out there, I suggest that you open your ears and your heart and listen because judgment is already headed for you like a missile. And you are going to be shocked, when you find yourself in tribulation and under judgment, if you think that you are without sin, or that you are incapable of sin, or that your sins are so forgiven that you are not subject to judgment.


The Lord is sounding the warning. He is preaching this message through a few faithful men. Confess your sins and repent. Every man on the face of the earth is a sinner. Our nature is sin. Our state of being is sin. We are vipers and the children of the Devil. We have the mark of the beast. We were born with it.


And we must undergo judgment; we must undergo correction. Our mind must be ripped apart and reformed. In order for us to enter into everlasting life, we must be in a condition of righteous mind. We need surgery. We need an operation. There is no operation on our flesh that is painless, and there is no operation on our mind which is painless.




'Prepare yourself, O ye men of Israel, for the storm is already headed your way,' saith the Lord. 'Yea, the sky is darkened with flying locusts,' saith the Lord. 'All of you that have rejected my words and have rejected my servant and have blasphemed his name and accused him of evil and set oneself against him, beware, for the sky is darkened with locusts. And I shall exalt those who have served me faithfully and fervently. And everyone who has exalted himself shall be brought low,' saith the Lord. And the Scripture shall surely come to pass.


'Yea,' saith the Lord, 'that day is coming, and already is, that there shall be a famine in the land,' saith the Lord, 'and my faithful servant shall have the key to the silos that are filled with corn. And you will starve to death if you do not humble yourself and come and ask for food.'


'And I shall require a recompense from you,' saith the Lord. 'For every sin and for every stripe that you have inflicted upon my servant, you shall receive five stripes,' saith the Lord, 'for you have been foolish,' saith God. 'And I shall recompense. Yea, I shall requite,' saith the Lord, 'for my Word is my law, and I shall not break it,' saith the Lord. 'You who have murdered, you shall be murdered. You who have blasphemed, you shall be blasphemed against. You who have stolen, you shall lose that which you have,' saith the Lord.


'And I shall humble you, and I shall bring you low. And a great whale shall go up from the midst of my people,' saith God, 'and my faithful servant shall judge your sins without mercy. And they shall wield the rod,' saith the Lord, 'which judgment shall impart life unto you. Despite your unfaithfulness to me and your murder of my faithful servant,' saith the Lord, 'I shall give you life for my own name's sake. But you shall surely reap the evil and the pain that you have sown upon my faithful servant,' saith the Lord.


Transcribed by VerbalFusion 12/24/20

1st Edit 01/11/21, rh


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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