313 - Part 15

Part 15 of 19 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


We only have one verse that we are going to do tonight. That is Micah 7:17. This is the last verse in which we find the Hebrew word translated Serpent. We have been working on this series. I am trying to look for that number. It is Strong's #5175, nachash. We have picked out and worked up almost every verse that contains that word.


It has been a very interesting study. Whether or not the Lord will let me continue after this, I am not sure. We do have a series of other Hebrew words that are translated whales and there are several Hebrew words which mean serpent also but have been translated other than serpent. I will let you know on Sunday whether or not the Lord will let me continue with this series. Personally, I think that we will be going in that direction.


In any event, tonight we are doing an Alternate Translation on Micah 7:17, which is the last verse that we will be studying in which the Hebrew word translated serpent, Strong's #5175, appears. With regard to the backup, Micah 7:11 begins to prophesy about Messiah. Verses 1 through 10 speak largely about the sin that is found in the nation of Israel. Verse 11 begins to prophesy about Messiah.


And we know, because we have been blessed with knowledge, that Messiah is a many-membered company of human beings called the Sons of God. There is one Messiah; He is a spiritual man. His name is Christ Jesus. He is the only mediator between God and man. But he is appearing in a many-membered company of human beings, the spiritual man Christ Jesus.


Micah 7:17. So verses 1 through 16 begin to prophesy about Messiah. This is one of those chapters that you have to read very carefully and ask the Lord who He is speaking about because, for a few verses, He is speaking about the Sons of God; then He is speaking about the nations; then He is speaking about the Sons of God again. And who are the nations? The nations are the human beings on the face of the earth which are possessed of Leviathan, the Serpent's mind.


I hear somebody saying, I thought that is who the Devil was. That is who the Devil was. The Devil is a mystical name for the many-membered human offspring of the Serpent. But to carnal man, who does not know anything about the mysteries of the Scripture, this many-membered human race that we are a part of is called the nations. That means anyone who is not a Jew. As far as God is concerned, humanity is broken down into two parts, Israel and the nations, or the Gentiles. Glory to God.


Actually, the word Devil is a mystical name for all of humanity, even if you are a part of Israel, or part of spiritual Israel. The Devil is the name for this entire fallen creation, which is broken down into two parts, Israel and the nations, or the Gentiles.


Let us go on, Micah 7:17: They shall lick the dust like a serpent. They shall move out of their holes like worms of the earth. They shall be afraid of the Lord, our God, and shall fear because of thee.


So on the surface, it sounds like this verse is speaking about the nations, saying they shall lick the dust like a Serpent. To the carnal mind, that would sound like a terrible judgment. You are going to lick the dust like a Serpent. You are going to crawl on your belly forever and ever.


Let us take a look at verse 16. Let me see. I think I brought my Bible here with me. Verse 16 says, The nations shall see and be confounded at all their might. I suggest to you the nations shall see the Sons of God and shall be confounded at their power, at the power of the Sons of God.


They shall lay their hand upon their mouth, and their ears shall be deaf. I have not studied that in the Hebrew. I am not really sure whether that phrase is speaking about the Sons or the nations, but I suspect it is the Sons of God. Why? Because verse 17 seems to continue on. It says, They shall lick the dust like a Serpent. And I know that that phrase is speaking about the Sons of God because I have studied that.


So let me show you what we have got. They shall lick. Lick is Strong's #3897. I have two definitions for lick from Random House Unabridged Dictionary, to pass the tongue over the surface of, so as to moisten or to taste or to eat. To pass the tongue over the surface of. Lick also means to make or cause to become by stroking with the tongue.


Dust is Strong's #6083. We have studied this before. It merely means the powdered gray material that is lying on the surface of the creation.


First of all, let me remind you that verse 16 is speaking about the nations. Second, does anybody remember what the tongue represents?


COMMENT: The mind.


PASTOR VITALE: The mind. The tongue represents the mind. Amen.


So what is this verse saying? The tongue, or the Sons of God, the mind of Christ Jesus, shall pass their mind of Christ Jesus, which is the Word of God, over Leviathan or over the carnal minds of fallen humanity. And the carnal minds of the nations shall become, or the Sons of God shall cause them to become or shall cause them to be converted into, the Word of God. Do you hear this? The Sons of God shall pass their mind over the carnal minds of men, and thus the carnal minds of men shall be caused to be converted into the Word of God.


Now, is this not just an outstanding example of the need for amplification in prophecy? This is a perfect example. Someone who does not know the Doctrine of Christ, has not been studying with us all this time, would be sitting here scratching their head, saying, What in the world is this Scripture talking about? The Sons of God are going to pass their mind over their carnal minds, and they are going to be become the Word of God? What is this? Magic, hocus pocus, voodoo, ishkabibble? What does this mean?


So we must amplify this. We must say the Sons of God will overshadow the carnal minds of men. They will call out to the human spirit. And then we will say, In the men in whom the human spirit answer, the Sons of God will draw out that thread. They will draw out the human spirit, which is woven into the Serpent's completed mind, called Leviathan. They will draw her out, and she will be crucified by the Lord Jesus Christ.


And she will increase into Christ Jesus, and Christ Jesus will cover over Leviathan and force him down under her authority, at which point Leviathan will become female, break up Leviathan, separate the soul from the spirit and the joints from the marrow. And Christ Jesus will arise. And forever we, by virtue of our human spirit, shall be with the Lord. What does that mean? Are we going to Mars? No. Our human spirit will be woven into the mind of Christ Jesus forever and ever.


All that was left out. Is that not amazing? It reminds me of shorthand. If you are a secretary, and you know how to take shorthand, you just put down symbols. But it is highly difficult to read back shorthand notes if you do not know what the subject is about, if you did not take it down yourself. It is very, very difficult.


The Scripture here is speaking about the formation of the Kingdom of Heaven. Please note that the mind, the Sons of God, they are going to layer over Leviathan. We are talking about a piggyback situation.


Brethren, there is an incomplete teaching in the Church. It is not enough to have the mind of God. It is not enough to have the Kingdom of God within you. That mind of Christ Jesus must take dominion over the Serpent's mind, which has been ruling in this humanity for thousands of years, and who has been ruling you since you were born.


There has to be a standoff. There has to be a showdown at the O.K. Corral. Jesus went through it; it is called the temptation. It is not enough to have the mind of Christ Jesus. The mind of Christ Jesus must subject the one who has subjected the Lord's creation.


And that takes a warfare. All you preachers out there preaching the war is over, may God have mercy on your soul. Or if you are preaching you will ascend automatically, may God have mercy on your soul because you are going to have to answer for preaching this false doctrine. You are going to be held responsible for it.


They shall lick the dust like a Serpent. The English words like a are not translated from any Hebrew word. They were just inserted by the King James translators because this verse is so abbreviated. All it says is they shall lick, dust, Serpent. That is what it says in the Hebrew. Shall lick, dust, serpent. Boy, that leaves a lot of room for translator's license Even in the Hebrew, if you are a Hebrew scholar, brethren, it is just not clear what the Lord is saying.


And what completely amazes me is that this is how the Lord speaks. I have heard from the Lord so many times, and he will speak one or two words, and I have to pray to get the understanding of what He is saying. The way prophecy is written is the way the Lord,  well, the way Jehovah, who is now one with the Lord Jesus, communicates with us. It is just a couple of words, and you have to have a mind-expanding experience to understand what He is talking about.


I just had an impression pop into my mind, I believe, from the Lord. Once again, we will use computers as a source of explanation.


Something that is being done with computers today is that they condense files. In other words, people have so many files on their computer, they are using up their storage space. So there is a program that condenses the file. As an example, let us say this file would take three hard floppy disks to duplicate. But when you condense it, you can put the whole file on one floppy disk. The only problem is, when you want to use that file again, you have to un-condense it. The word they are using is zip. Unzip it. You have to unzip it. And it is wonderful, unless you do not know how to unzip it. I spent three hours one night trying to unzip a file. I could not unzip it.


So here we see prophecy frequently speaking in condensed form. Three words make no sense at all. You have to find the formula that will unzip it. And if you let the Serpent in your mind unzip it, you had better believe you are going to have a false doctrine. If Leviathan interprets this prophecy for you, you are in trouble.


PASTOR VITALE: So what is the technique? What do you need to be able to unzip this parable? What do you need?


COMMENT: Revelation from [INAUDIBLE]


PASTOR VITALE: You need the mind of Christ Jesus to unzip this parable.


There is a special file in the computer banks. It is called unzip. And when you figure out how to use it, you can unzip any condensed file. I never did figure out how to use it. It is the mind of Christ Jesus that unzips or unlocks the mystery of the parables.


We are working with, They shall lick the dust like a serpent. And we have said that they are the Sons of God. They are going to pass over the dust. And I am suggesting to you that the dust is the mind of the Serpent.


So let us have some review on the dust here. Remember that the dust is the residue which appeared when the Son separated from the Father. The earth, as opposed to the dust. The earth is that part of the creation which was flooded with the water of the Son's life.


And then, if you recall, the waters were called back, and the earth dried out. But the water left a residue of the life that was in the water. It left a mineral residue. And even though the earth was now dry again, that mineral residue stayed in the ground. And the result of it was that the earth received a form of existence. We cannot say the earth received life because Satan (well, the name of the earth that has been quickened the Serpent). I am going out in the spirit.


It is the Serpent, but she is not really alive. You cannot say the Serpent is alive. Why? Because the Serpent herself is death, and the mind that she produces is death. And when she produces her mind in the soul, the soul is dead because to be carnally minded is death. So we say the fact that the dust, which was the fallout from the separation, when the Son separated from the Father, received a form of existence when it was mixed with the waters of the Son's life. And even though the water was called back, a residue was left.


This is the basis of the whole creation. It is a mixture of darkness and light. The whole creation is a mixture of earth and spirit. And the evening and the morning were the first day. The evening is darkness and light, or spirit and earth, with the darkness predominating. The morning is a mixture of darkness and light, or spirit and earth is another way to say it, with the light or the spirit predominating. But everything in this creation that Jehovah is making is a mixture. The blueprint provides for the Son of God to control the whole mixture. Only darkness or light can predominate.


And we see authority issues becoming, at least for me, I have never seen authority issues such a major issue as they are today. As I look back over history books and movies and whatever I can see from past generations, I see that authority was very important, but it was in place. There was authority in the household. The father was king of his castle. Extended families submitted to the titular head, the grandfather or whoever he was. Authority issues were very important.


America, however, is rooted and founded in rebellion. That is just the truth. Any history book would tell you that. Although originally, we were settled by the pilgrims, who were seeking to worship, even so, they had a free spirit. But after that, many criminals came and settled in America because that was how they got out of jail. So we have a very wild heritage.


You may know, however, that the wildness is strength, that the hybrid is always stronger than the cultivated plant. The mutt dog is sturdier than the well-bred or the (I do not know what the correct word is, the word is skipping my mind) dog that will have papers.


COMMENT: Pedigree.


PASTOR VITALE: The pedigree, yes. The mutt is much sturdier and heartier, both physically and mentally, than the pedigree animal.


So the Lord made a mixture here. He brought in some tough people into this country. But we also have a criminal background. And that criminal background can work for us, or it can work against us. Most of the people called to this end-time ministry are very rebellious, proud people, including me, because someone without spiritual and emotional strength will not make it through this walk that will end in full stature. You just would not make it through. So the Lord picks a bunch of rebels, and then He sets about to harness that rebellion and make it work for Him.


So most of us that are called to this end-time ministry are a bunch of pretty bad sinners, and we are being broken like a cowboy breaks a wild stallion. We are the cream of the crop. We have got some really good stuff in us, but we have got to be smashed to get that good stuff out. So most of us have had a pretty tough life, but we are survivors. Anyone who is other than a survivor is not going to make it through. They are not going to make it through. It is too tough.


First Alternate Translation, first quarter of Micah 7:17: The Sons of God shall pass their mind of Christ Jesus, which is the Word of God, over Leviathan, the many-membered carnal mind of the nations, and cause him to become, or convert him into, the Word of God.


Amplified Translation, first quarter of Micah 7:17: The Sons of God shall pass over Leviathan, the fallen dead creature's many-membered carnal mind, and convert him into the Word of God.


Exodus 12:12-13 read as follows: For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast. And against all the gods of Egypt, I will execute judgment. I am the Lord.


Verse 13: And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you when I smite the land of Egypt.


PASTOR VITALE: Who is the land of Egypt? What is the spiritual application of the land of Egypt? We are told that our Lord was crucified, where? Where was He crucified, spiritually speaking? In Sodom --




PASTOR VITALE: -- and Egypt. He was crucified in Sodom and Egypt.


That is another witness, that His soul, or at least the soul that was being killed up there on the cross, was the product of incest. And the carnal mind is the product of incest. And Egypt is the physical body which is incarnated by the Serpent. That is another witness, is it not?


Our Lord was crucified, our Lord. Who is our Lord? Our Lord is the spiritual man Christ Jesus, who was dwelling inside the man Jesus of Nazareth. He was crucified in Sodom and Egypt. The man Jesus was Sodom and Egypt. But the spiritual man Christ Jesus was within him.


Because the spiritual man Christ Jesus, however, completely dominated and prevented Jesus' human heritage from sinning, the Father raised up the whole man, mixed that sin-filled soul and the body which was in the image of the Serpent, broke them down into their basic atoms and mixed them all together and glorified the whole man, Jesus of Nazareth. And now He is our Lord, the glorified Jesus Christ. That just came out under the anointing. Christ Jesus was crucified, and the fallen soul and the fallen body of the man Jesus. Lord, help me to get that into my file. Praise you, Jesus.


When I see the blood, I will pass over you. The blood signifies justification. And what is justification? Let us review. Justification is the second step which leads up to full stature.


PASTOR VITALE: The first step is what? Does anybody know?




PASTOR VITALE: No, reconciliation. You are invited back into a relationship with the Lord Jesus. The second step is justification. That means it is the conception. It is the engrafted Word. It is the conception of his life in you.


This is our Alternate Translation, Romans 5:8-9: But since we are sinners, because the immature Christ's death in the past age is still overshadowing us, the love of God is uniting the members of the whole living soul into himself through the mature Christ Jesus -- which is much more preferable than the present righteousness we receive by the engrafted Word, which is the immature Christ Jesus -- because the mature Christ Jesus shall save our soul from God's judgment of destruction which presently abides upon the fallen creation.


Christ Jesus, being formed in you, will cover over your sin-filled soul so that, when the Satanic judgment which is unto destruction comes for you (we are going to read a verse in a minute that is going to show who is executing the Satanic judgment). When those men who are executing the satanic judgment come looking for you, they can only bring destruction upon a soul that is filled with sin or stained with sin. But if Christ Jesus is being formed in you, and he is mature enough to layer over your sin-stained soul, so that those men which are executing the Satanic judgment cannot see your sin, you will escape.


Zephaniah 3:3a, Alternate Translation: And that is why Satan, the fallen dead soul's unconscious mind, is like an army of fierce young soldiers executing the sowing and reaping judgment upon herself because of the sins of her carnal mind. So our own unconscious mind is executing the satanic judgment upon us.


Did you ever hear of automatic failure mechanism? Did you ever hear of self-destruction? It is Satan in your own unconscious mind trying to destroy you. But when Christ Jesus begins to be formed in you, when He is mature enough in you to layer over your own unconscious mind, that will put an end to the Satanic judgment in your life. And the Satanic judgment coming from anyone else's mind will have no power over you because, when they come and scan your mind looking for sin, they will not be able to find it. All they will see will be Christ Jesus.


If you have not been studying with this ministry, or if you do not remember this teaching, let me review it for you. Other people's minds come looking to seduce you to sin. Sometimes the people know they are doing it, and sometimes they do not know that they are doing it. They come, and they make suggestions. Sometimes they speak it, and it puts ungodly thoughts in your mind. And sometimes they do not speak it. Sometimes they have a powerful spirit of witchcraft that enables them to propel their thoughts into your mind without speaking the words.


And do not give me that junk, it can only happen if you believe it. That is a lot of junk. If somebody's mind is strong enough, they will. It is a spiritual rape. They will penetrate your mind, and they will plant their seed in you. And you will find yourself thinking with their thoughts. Quite amazing, is it not? But it is the truth.


In the old deliverance church, they called it transference of spirits. But it is not a transference of spirit. It is a spiritual rape of your mind, and it can only happen to you if you are uncovered. That is why you need to be covered, because of the angels. If you start getting involved in spiritual things, and you do not have a mature cover, either Christ Jesus is not mature in you, or unless you are under a fellowship with a man of God at the head who is appointed by God to be covering you until Christ Jesus in you is strong enough for you to go out on your own, you will find yourself prophesying by your own carnal mind.


And that is the least of it, brethren. Leviathan is strong enough to prophesy through you. He keeps on taking ground. He keeps on taking ground. He keeps on taking ground. And one of the extremes is that Leviathan within you will be having physical sexual intercourse with you. Do not stop reading the message. It is true. They know all about it in Africa. They call it a spiritual husband.


Better get Christ Jesus, brethren. That Leviathan, he is exalting himself. He is gaining in strength. He is getting stronger and stronger. That means the day is about to dawn when he will be able to do whatever he wants through whomever he wants to do it through except those people in whom Christ Jesus is mature. That means, if you have the Holy Ghost, he is still going to be able to rape you. That means, if you have the engrafted Word that has barely started to form, he is still going to be able to rape you. Do not stop reading the message. It is the truth.


When Satan's army of carnal minds see Christ Jesus, they will pass over that man. Brethren, the mind is designed to be a warhead. In this hour, there are a lot of fallen men whose mind is a warhead powerful enough to penetrate other men's minds. There are very few in whom Christ Jesus is mature enough to be a warhead. They are out there, but they are very few. And as far as I know, nobody is in full stature yet.


You had better get your mind tuned up. You had better start practicing how to shoot because the war is coming right into your backyard. And if you do not have a weapon, you are going to be somebody's slave.


Continuing with the second quarter of Micah 7:17: They shall move out of their holes like worms of the earth.


They shall move, Strong's #7264, to quiver. It means to quiver; that means to vibrate. To quiver with any violent emotion, especially anger or fear. It can also be translated to move.


As I did this study, the translation violent emotion caught my attention. And the Lord led me to the following two verses, both of which are Alternate Translations.


Revelation 4:10: Christ Jesus in the mature spiritual men made contact with and submitted themselves to the glorified Jesus Christ, whose life is endless, thus violently casting down their spiritual life in the visible physical world.


When Christ Jesus matured, Christ Jesus in the mature spiritual men, they made contact with and submitted themselves to the glorified Lord Jesus, the one whose life is endless. We read about that in the Book of Hebrews. And the result of this contact was that they violently cast down the spiritual life that they were enjoying in this visible physical world. And what is the name of that spiritual life?


COMMENT: Carnal mind.


PASTOR VITALE: The carnal mind or Leviathan. Amen.


Revelation 14:18, also an Alternate Translation: And those who had become spiritual men were violently and verbally rejecting their Adamic emotions. And there we go, violently again. They were violently and verbally rejecting their Adamic or their carnal or their fallen human emotions and Satan's spiritual authority over their thoughts.


And they were furiously determined to live by the emotions of Jesus Christ and the righteous thoughts of the Father. And they were saying to Jesus, Let your emotions and the Father's righteous thoughts prepare and strengthen us for the fiery trials which shall separate us from our fallen souls, now that Christ Jesus is mature enough to keep us alive in this world system.


And these spiritual men flowed out of their Adamic souls by their human spirit. They flowed into the glorified life of the Lord Jesus Christ. And the firstfruits of the second generation of Sons appeared in and became one with the glorified soul of Jesus Christ, which had authority over Satan.


He has already overcome the world. Let us join with Him, because He who is joined to Him is one spirit, and when we are joined to the One that has already overcome this world, we shall have overcome this world. If you have not overcome this world, you are not joined to Him yet. Come out of your fantasy.


Continuing with the second quarter of Micah 7:17: They shall move out of their holes like worms of the earth.


Out of their holes is Strong's #4526. It means something enclosing or a stronghold. This Hebrew word, every time it appears, with only two exceptions, is translated borders. One of the two exceptions is this verse, Micah 7:17, where it is translated holes. And the second exception is Psalms 18:45, where it is translated close places. And I suggest to you that the borders, which are close places, are the fallen dead physical bodies that the spirit is living in, in these days.


We are finding out that this violent determination to give up this life of hell and enter into Christ Jesus will ultimately result in our leaving these bodies. These bodies are in the image of Satan. They are borders. They close us in; they restrict us.


Like worms of. The words like and of are not in the Hebrew. The word is just worms, Strong's #2119. It is from a primitive root which means to crawl, and it can also be translated serpent, that which crawls on the ground. The earth is the word earth.


Brethren, there is just one great Serpent, and that Serpent is Leviathan. He is the incarnation of the earth that is the Serpent. And the unconscious part of him, Satan, dwells in the sea. Leviathan is the incarnation of the Serpent, and the Serpent is the earth. There is just one Dragon, this whole creation. It is earth and seas. Leviathan is in the mind, but he is this whole creation. He is the water and the dry, the seas and the earth. There is two parts to him. So when we talk about the Dragon that is in the sea, we are talking about the unconscious part of this great Dragon, which is Satan. So for the purpose of this study, the Serpent of the earth is the many-membered carnal mind of fallen mankind.


Alternate Translation, the second quarter of Micah 7:17: The Serpents of the earth shall violently vibrate out of their bodies. And who are the Serpents of the earth?


Matthew 3:7: But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, Jesus said unto them, 'O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?'


Matthew 12:34: O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh.


Matthew 23:33: Ye Serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?


Luke 3:7: Then said he to the multitude that came forth to be baptized of him, 'O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?' Jesus.


Continuing with the third quarter of Micah 7:17: They shall be afraid of the Lord, our God.


They shall be afraid, Strong's #6342, to be startled, as if by a sudden alarm, hence to stand in awe or to be in fear, to make to shake. We are going to take the translation from this word to stand in awe. You have to be very careful in the Scripture. Frequently, when it talks about fear, it is talking about a reverence or respect. And that is how we will translate this phrase.


They shall be afraid of the Lord, our God, because, in this hour, not many people respect the Lord, our God. They do not respect Him. And it is not even a question of them using His name as a curse word. That is not the issue. The issue is they do not even realize He has the power to smite them, to hurt them, to kill them, to bless them, to raise them from the dead. They have no recognition of Him, except on the rare occasion when they are desperate; then they turn to God. But they do not believe Him as a matter of course. They do not honor Him. If they do honor Him, it is with their lips but not with their life.


They shall be afraid of the Lord, our God. The word Lord is Jehovah, and the word God is Elohim, which we found out when we studied John 1:1. When we studied John 1, Elohim is the word for the Son. The Lord Jesus is now one with Jehovah and appearing in the mature Christ Jesus as the Spirit of Christ. The Spirit of Christ is Lord. Jehovah is Lord; the Lord Jesus is Lord; the Spirit of Christ is Lord. And they are all the godhead in spirit form. The godhead in spirit form is Lord. The Spirit of God is Lord.


The Lord Jesus in this hour, however, is reproducing Himself in fallen dead men today. And the name that the Lord Jesus takes when His very nature is being formed in a fallen man is, what? What is the name that he takes?


COMMENT: Christ Jesus.


PASTOR VITALE: Christ Jesus. Amen.


Jehovah and the Lord Jesus in this hour, because they are one, they transcend. They can appear outside of a man's mind. They are both in eternity and in a man's mind. But Christ Jesus, He is the God that is attached to you. When the Lord Jesus Christ is reproducing Himself in your heart, that part of Him which has joined with you and is now increasing into an offspring of the Lord Jesus, that now becomes your savior. That is who your savior is, the reproduction of the Lord Jesus Christ in your very own heart, your very own personal savior.


Do you know what you have been preaching for all these years? You need a personal savior. The Holy Ghost is not your personal savior. The glorified Lord Jesus is not your personal savior. When the glorified Lord Jesus, whose name is the Holy Ghost, gets inside of you and joins with your spirit, they come together, and they increase into a new creature. His name is Christ Jesus, and He is the savior. He is attached to you, and it is His very presence in your soul that is going to save you.


So we see it is very common in the Scripture to read about the Lord God, the Lord God. Did you ever wonder why the Scripture repeats itself? The Lord God, the Lord God. What it is saying is the Lord Jesus Christ, the spirit form of God, plus the God in the midst of you. In man today, the names of the Spirit of God and the God that is attached to us are the Spirit of Christ and the man Christ Jesus.


Alternate Translation, the third quarter of Micah 7:17: The nations shall stand in fearful awe of the Sons of God. They shall stand in awe of them.


Continuing with the fourth quarter of Micah 7:17: And shall fear because of thee.


And this is a different word, fear. This is a different Hebrew word than the Hebrew word translated afraid. The Hebrew word translated afraid is Strong's #6342, and this Hebrew word translated fear is Strong's #3372. Strong's #3372 means to fear morally or to revere. The word translated to be afraid, Strong's #6342, is a Hebrew word that means to be amazed, to stand in awe and to actually make to shake and to be alarmed.


Men will be alarmed when they realize that the Sons of God really have power to cause them pain. They probably will not understand that this pain will result in life being born in them. But people are going to be very afraid when they see what they consider to be silly Christians, or Christians preaching false doctrine, or whatever error was in their mind. When they see that these people really have power, they are going to be frightened because they are going to know that they blasphemed against them. But the word translated they shall fear because of thee means that they will have a reverence for them.


The Hebrew word translated because of thee can be translated on the side of, and it is indicating separation. I suggest to you that the part of fallen mankind that is to be separated is the human spirit, the spiritual side of mankind. We are choosing the translation of the Hebrew word translated because of thee. We are choosing an Alternate Translation meaning either on the side of, which indicates a separation, meaning there are two sides.


And they shall fear because of the side of you that will have become joined to the Lord Jesus Christ, I suggest to you. The human spirit, the spiritual side of mankind, shall respect the Father and the Son when she separates from Leviathan, joins with the Lord Jesus and increases into Christ Jesus.


Alternate Translation, the fourth quarter of Micah 7:17: And the nations shall revere the Lord Jesus Christ because of them.


Recap, Micah 7:17: The Sons of God shall pass over Leviathan, the fallen dead creature's many-membered carnal mind, and he shall be converted into the Word of God. The Serpents of the earth shall violently vibrate out of their bodies. The nations shall stand in fearful awe of the Sons of God, and they shall revere the Lord Jesus Christ because of them.


Amplified and Interspersed Translation, Micah 7:17: The Sons of God shall pass over Leviathan, the fallen dead creature's many-membered carnal mind, and the nations shall stand in fearful awe of the Sons of God. And they shall revere the Lord Jesus Christ because of the Sons, and their minds shall be converted into the Word of God. And they shall violently vibrate out of their physical bodies.


Let me read that again: The Sons of God shall pass over Leviathan, the fallen dead creature's many-membered carnal mind, and the nations shall stand in fearful awe of the Sons of God. And they shall revere the Lord Jesus Christ because of the Sons, and their minds shall be converted into the Word of God. And they shall violently vibrate out of their physical bodies.


And that violent vibration is an activity of the mind. It is an activity of the mind. When Jesus was on His knees in the garden of Gethsemane, the Church world teaches that He was begging to get off the cross. But that is not what the Lord has told us here. After looking up every word in the Greek, we have drawn the conclusion that Jesus was saying to the Father, Am I strong enough? Am I strong enough to pierce through my carnal mind and move into the next step, the circumcision without hands, the next step towards full glorification or full resurrection? It is an activity of the mind.


And the way you leave Leviathan behind and enter into the mind of Christ Jesus is that you reject his thoughts on every turn, and you believe the thoughts of the Lord Jesus. And you ignore your emotions because your emotions are tied to Leviathan's mind. So there is a dichotomy; there is a separation between your mind and your emotions, very stressful, very straining and very painful. Jesus.


Alternate Translation, Daniel 7:22: Until Jesus Christ, the one who overcame the visible spiritual world of time and space, reproduced his resurrected life in them. I guess that is not a complete sentence. But the reason that I chose it was because Daniel 7:22 speaks about the Lord Jesus Christ overcoming this visible physical world.


And when he overcame this visible physical world, He also overcame His visible physical body, because our visible physical body is a part of this visible physical world. It is to be overcome. It is to return to the dust. It is not of God. It is the outer court. It is to be tread under by the Gentiles. It is vile. It breaks easily. And when it breaks, our contents spill out, and we cease to exist.


Jesus, the anointing has got me tonight. Anybody have any questions or comments?


Transcribed by VerbalFusion, 09/25/20

1st Edit, rh, 09/30/20


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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