313 - Part 14

Part 14 of 19 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Brethren, for those of you who do not attend the meetings, let me advise you that we have lapsed. There has been a lapse of time between part 13 and part 14 of this message. In between part 13 and part 14, we have completed a series on Jeremiah 8, and we have completed a 13-part message on Leviathan, and he is mad. He does not like what we have done. He is causing pain and confusion and distress and division amongst the brethren. And we continue to rebuke him and pray that everybody's mind is open to whatever is God's truth in this message.


What we are doing in this series is exposing the truth about the Serpent. Who is he? What is he? Where did he come from? What is his relationship to man in this hour? And what is Jesus Christ's potential or His planned end for this creature?


And what we have been doing in this message, The Serpent, the Dragon, the Devil and You, is going through the Scripture. I have made a list of Scriptures that talk about the Serpent. And we find that, when we look up every word in the Hebrew in these verses, although the verse makes sense in the modern translations, in the King James translation, in the letter of the word, the verse makes sense. There are blessings in the letter of the word.


God will bless you for reading this word, even in a false translation. I have read books by preachers who, personally, I believe have a false message. And the Lord has taken those words, because they were Scripture, right off the page and quickened them to me and, from the Christ in my own mind, has given me spiritual truth. He has taken a false teaching and made it real to me. This is a reality and a fulfillment of the Scripture that says, No man need teach you.


Christ in you will teach you. When you mature enough to that point, Christ Jesus in you may be able to teach you on a certain level. But if the Lord Jesus Christ has a manifestation of the spiritual man Christ Jesus in the earth at this particular time who is more mature than Christ Jesus in you, there may be something that the Lord wants to teach you through this teacher in whom the man Christ Jesus may be more mature than the man Christ Jesus in you at this moment.


The creation is being matured. When Jesus Christ first formed the creation, it was in seed form. Everything the Lord does is in seed form. We are growing. We are maturing. There is much error in the doctrine in the Church today. Brethren, we are not in the image of God. If we were in the image of God, we would not have the problems that we have. I include myself in this. We are all imperfect. Why? Because we have not been perfected yet.


God made Adam good. Adam, at the outset, was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, with good predominating. The result of the fall flipped the balance of power. We are still the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, with evil predominating. Every child is born evil; that is why he must be taught to do good. And any reasonable man that knows anything about humanity would have to agree that a human being without an upbringing which influenced him to do good would produce a man whose inclination to do evil would predominate his entire life. We must be taught to do good because our nature is to do evil, since the balance of power which Jehovah first placed in this creation was overthrown.


What are waiting for in this hour, brethren, is not to have the balance of power restored to that which it was. We are not waiting to be restored to the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, with good predominating, with the evil lying underneath, waiting to strike and turn us over again at any moment. Because my Bible says, It is given unto a man once to die; the man died when the Serpent bit him at the beginning of time. And the balance of power was overturned, and he died. The man died spiritually, brethren.


The restoration will not be from good to evil. The restoration will be from good to righteousness. Righteousness, definition: a condition of sinlessness with no potential to sin. Good, definition: a condition of sinlessness with a potential to sin. The creation has gone from good, a condition of sinlessness with a potential to sin, to evil, a sin nature, and we shall be restored unto righteousness, a condition of sinlessness with no more potential to sin.


For it is given unto a man once to die, and then the judgment, brethren, which restores him unto righteousness and perfects him. The man was good; the man was not perfect. We shall be restored into a condition higher than we were when we fell. Glory to God. And we shall never experience this again.


The Scripture says that the tribulation is coming, and never before has man experienced anything like this, and never in the future will he experience anything like it again. And I suggest to you, this tribulation is the judgment which will result in the restoration of this creation to a high place that Jehovah intended it to be in. Sin must be judged. The creation is filled with sin. We have a sin nature. We sin all the time. If we do not sin in our behavior, we sin in our mind, and we sin in our emotions.


The judgment, which is producing the tribulation, will destroy sin, but a tenth will remain. The prophet Isaiah says, If it were not that the Lord left us a tenth, we would have been completely destroyed. But a tenth shall remain. Be renewed in the spirit of your mind. Everything that is sinful in you, which is your flesh, your soul, your emotions, will be burnt up. But the spirit that is in you will be joined to the Lord Jesus Christ because he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit, and in that union is eternal life. Jesus.


So let us continue with our exposure of the Serpent. The Lord has given us an incredible amount of information here. The Lord is not frivolous when He says the Serpent in one place and the Devil in another place and the Dragon in another place. He is not just looking for variety. There is a spiritual significance in every nuance, in every subtlety, in every subtle difference in the Word. It is not for everybody.


This Bible is the little red schoolhouse. It is a one-room schoolhouse, and the Spirit of Christ teaches you, from this one textbook, on the level that you are able to understand. As you mature in Christ, he uses the same textbook and gives you deeper and deeper spiritual truth. If you are in a place where you are not ready to hear the difference, the subtle difference between the Serpent, the Dragon, the Devil and Leviathan, it will mean nothing to you. You will read it; you will not even think about why there are different terms. But as you mature, the Lord brings us into a finer and finer and a more refined understanding of His Word.


PASTOR VITALE: Now, what is important about doctrine? Does anybody remember what the importance of the doctrine is? This is one of the latest truths that the Lord has given to us.


COMMENT: Pray the doctrine.


PASTOR VITALE: Pray the doctrine. We are finding out that the Lord has a plan to deliver this fallen creation from this miserable existence that we are in. Now, some people believe that the Lord's deliverance is the removal of the physical body from this planet. I disagree. I believe it is a spiritual catching-up.


I believe God said, Let Adam have dominion. Let him have dominion over the earth, over the trees, over the fish in the sea and over the animal life. I want to tell you, the only people I see with dominion over animal life today, wild animal life, are people with witchcraft minds that speak to the animals, and they obey. Why do the believers not do that? Why can we not do it? Why do we need a gun or a bow and arrow to stop the wild beast from killing us? If we do not have a weapon, we run for the tree. What kind of dominion is this?


We do not have it, brethren. We do not have it. We are waiting, as Job said, for our change. We fell. When the balance of power and the creation flipped over, and evil began to predominate, we lost the spiritual authority that was ours as a gift from Jehovah to the man in the garden.


The only spiritual power to that degree that you see in the world today is in the men who are worshiping the god of this world. Everything Satan does is a counterfeit. Everything Satan has is a counterfeit of our inheritance. Only we shall not inherit spiritual authority over this creation without righteousness, and there is no righteousness without sinlessness.


So the Lord is coming to burn the sin out of us. We are told, in Malachi, he is coming. He is coming with a fire and with a fullers' brush. And who can bear his coming? Because the cleansing from sin is painful, it is painful finding out that you are a sinner even after you have been serving God for 20 years. It is painful finding out that you speak in tongues and you still have sin in your heart. It is painful finding out that you have sinned against someone that you love because sin arose involuntarily in your fallen nature.


For we have not sinned after the similitude of Adam, who was standing with dominion over the evil, we are subject to the god of this world. It is a miracle every time we are tempted to sin and we take the victory and do not do it. Every time we are tempted to hate our brother, and we do not do it, it is a miracle which is implemented by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ in your heart.


We have not received our inheritance yet, brethren. Our inheritance is dominion over this entire world and everything in it, starting with our own fallen mind and our own fallen emotions. Glory to God.


So today we shall continue to expose Satan in his different forms. As we see the Scripture telling us, there is one spirit, many different administrations of that spirit.


Jehovah, the creator of the universe, Spirit, His existence is beyond the realm of time. He is eternity. He has no beginning; He has no end. He is boundaryless, or boundless. The world of time and space, which is the world that we know, is within Jehovah. Our world has a beginning and an end. It has boundaries. Time has a beginning and end. Our flesh has a beginning and end. Our minds are limited. We are within the eternal God. And the eternal God is outside of us and inside of us.


When the eternal Godhead, Jehovah, appears or manifests or engages in any activity within a man, His name changes. He takes a different name as his function changes. What is His name in man? What is the name of the eternal godhead in man? Where is he? Where is God in man?




PASTOR VITALE: He is in his mind. He is in man's mind. And what is His name?


COMMENT: Christ.


COMMENT: The Lord Jesus Christ.


PASTOR VITALE: The Lord Jesus Christ. And another name for Him? Now, the Lord Jesus Christ is the glorified Spirit of the man Jesus, who was Christ. When He is in your mind, He is the Lord Jesus Christ. When He expresses himself outward from you, what is His name?




PASTOR VITALE: No. What is His name? What kind of spirit is He?


COMMENT: Human spirit.




COMMENT: Holy Spirit.


PASTOR VITALE: He is the Holy Spirit. He is the Spirit that is holy. He speaks in tongues. He prophesies. He heals. He delivers. He does good things unto you by the power which is in His holiness.


But there is something else that He does. The healing and the deliverance and the kindnesses that He shows to you, they are signs and wonders. They are given unto you as an offer of friendship because His ultimate intention with you is what?


COMMENT: To redeem us?




COMMENT: Redeem us.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes. But specifically, what is He going to do? Is He going to kick you?


COMMENT: He is going to save you.


PASTOR VITALE: No, what is He going to do? Is He going to bite you? Is He going to pinch you? What is He going to do? Is He going to separate from you?




PASTOR VITALE: He is going to join with you. He wants to join with you. He wants to join with you, so that you can partake of his holiness, because he who is joined to the Lord is one Spirit. And when your sin-stained spirit joins with His Holy Spirit, He is not tainted, but your sin-stained spirit will be purified in the fires of his life. He is trying to get close to you. He is doing good things to you. He wants your confidence so that you will draw near unto Him.


Brethren, spiritual is spiritual. Spirits operate in the same way. If it is the Spirit which is holy, or if it is the spirit that blasphemes God, they both do the same thing. If you have a familiar spirit, He is trying to get close to you. He wants your confidence. He is going to do good things to you, or what you think are good. God does not think they are good. He is going to make you happy, at least on the moment. He is going to let you communicate with your dead husband; he is going to give you tips on the stock market; he is going to heal your body so that you have confidence in him. But the difference between the two spirits is the fruit of that closeness.


Spirits want to join with you. Why? Because the nature of this creation is that this world, Paul tells us, is a stage for the acting out of the mind of the spirit. Spirit wants minds, bodies, hands, legs, mouths. Why? I do not know why. I do not have all the answers yet, but I am going to have them. When my mind becomes the completely mature mind of Christ Jesus, that same mind which was in the man Jesus of Nazareth, I will know all things.


But this is our spiritual condition. We are flesh. We are soul. The spirit world, in relationship to soul, is god. Jesus never said He was the only God. Jehovah never said He was the only God. He said He was the greatest of all the gods. Amen.


Spirit wants to ride you like a man rides a horse. He wants the use of you. He wants the use of you, and the way he gets the use of you is to get close to you. There is a free will in man. We do have the power to resist; otherwise, Satan would just overrun us like a steamroller. Why do we have the power to resist? We were trained to do good. We were taught about righteousness. We were taught about the Lord Jesus Christ.


Even for the people in this world that do not know Jesus, His law is written in the hearts of men. You go into societies anywhere in the world where they have never heard of Jesus; they know you do not kill your brother. They know you do not take your brother's wife. They know you do not steal your brother's food supply.


Just these little bits of righteousness which were left in the earth after the fall, memories of the righteousness that was imparted to Adam when he stood in the garden of Eden with the mind of God fully flowing through him, these little bits of knowledge; they are more than knowledge; they are influences on the soul. They chip away at Satan's authority to take you over without any resistance at all. God put a mark on Cain. He said, Satan, you cannot wipe out this creation completely. They will remain in this condition until I restore them unto righteousness.


So we are the land (we will find out, if I ever get to this message). We are the land of light and darkness. And the evening and the morning, it was the first day. Both evening and morning are mixtures of light and darkness, the evening with the darkness predominating, the morning with the light predominating. We are a mixture.


It is Satan's desire to fully possess us and make us 100 percent expressions of darkness. But there is a mark on us that says, You can only go so far. You cannot wipe us out completely because the Lord has not forgotten us. He has not forgotten us. Praise the name of Jesus. He has not forgotten us. Thank you, Jesus.


I forgot what my point was. We are exposing, this last year, the operation of Satan: who he is, where he came from, what his function is. Oh, I know what my point was: that there are different names for each function of the Godhead. And after the Lord Jesus Christ joins with us: what does He do after He joins with us? What happens after He joins with us? Well, what part of us does He join with?


COMMENT: Christ.


PASTOR VITALE: Christ, but specifically?


COMMENT: The spirit.


PASTOR VITALE: The human spirit. He joins with our spirit. He does not with our ear, does not join with our feet. He does not join with our lungs. He is Spirit. The Lord Jesus Christ is Spirit. God is Spirit. And the one who worships Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. He is Spirit, and He joins with spirit. He does not mix His seed. It is prohibited for Him to mix His seed. He is Spirit, and He joins with our spirit.


PASTOR VITALE: And what happens after this union takes place? What is the next step?


COMMENT: Crucifies?


PASTOR VITALE: Well, that union is the crucifixion of the spirit. This is one of the truths that the Lord has taught us here: that the crucifixion of the physical body of the man Jesus killed that flesh. And of course, we know the Spirit of Christ raised Him from the dead.


But Paul says, I am crucified to the world. We have positive usage of the word crucified. And after much studying and revelation by the Word of God, we have found out that crucifixion of the physical body kills, but crucifixion of the spirit strengthens and shores up. It is in Webster's dictionary. There is a positive definition of the word crucifixion. It is the strength of the Lord Jesus Christ penetrating our human spirit, which is in bondage, in this hour, to the god of this world. The Lord Jesus Christ joins to our spirit and increases. And who does He increase into?


COMMENT: Christ Jesus.


PASTOR VITALE: He increases into Christ Jesus, that same spiritual man that was in the man Jesus of Nazareth. The man Christ Jesus, the spiritual man Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man.


So when the Lord Jesus Christ crucifies our spirit, penetrates our spirit, the event is likened unto a woman's conception, where the ovum in her body is pierced by the sperm of the man, and we see the beginning of a new creature, the spiritual man Christ Jesus, whose mind is called the Word of God. It is the conception of the Word of God in your mind, and He begins to grow. And when He is strong enough, He takes on Leviathan in your mind and knocks him out.


We are told, in Romans 8:20-21, that the whole creation waits on its tiptoes for the manifestation of the Sons of God. First, the Son of God must appear in your mind, and He must destroy your sin-stained mind. He must bring him under submission. Romans 1:4 says that by the Spirit of holiness and the resurrection of the dead, He represented us. He represented Jehovah, according to the Spirit of holiness, and the proof was that He was raised from the dead.


That Spirit of holiness which is in Christ Jesus must overcome the mind that you were born with, swallow him up, tie him up, bind the sacrifice to the horns of the altar. Your sin-filled mind that you are born with must be bound underneath the authority of the spiritual man Christ Jesus. If you want to exercise authority in this world, your carnal mind must cease from sin. By the power of the Spirit of holiness, which is in Christ Jesus, you must ride that bucking bronco. He is killing you. Every day of your life that he thinks through you, he is killing you. Jesus said, I have come to give you life. And the way he gives us life is by giving us the strength to totally dominate sin in us, reverse that balance of power. That evil must get down underneath authority, the god of this world.


My Bible says, All power in heaven and earth has been given to the Lord Jesus Christ. How come you are still dying? Because that power is in you, but you have to use it. You sit in darkness until you turn the switch on the light on. You starve to death with the food that is in cans, and you do not know how to open them with a can opener. You do not know how to use the can opener, and you sit there, and you starve to death. All the power over all the power of the enemy is inside of you, but it has to become a part of you. It has to become you. It has to arise in you and overflow and tread down under sin in you. Glory to God.


So we see that there is one Spirit, with many administrations of the Spirit. In the same manner, Satan, well, we call him a spirit because he is acting like a spirit. You may recall that Satan is not a spirit. He is part of the soul or the creature which Jehovah formed. But he came out of his place. He started doing a job that he was not given to do. He started exercising authority that he was not given to exercise. He stole it. He began to do what a spirit does. And in this hour, he is acting like a spirit. What is a spirit? A spirit is a god. He is the god of this world. How come? The Lord sold us under sin. When Adam sinned, the Lord sold us under sin. He said, You want it that bad? Here it is. And when the quail was yet in their mouth, destruction was upon them. Adam, you wanted this experience that the Serpent offered you? Be joined unto the Serpent until I correct the deficiency in you that would make you choose such a foolish selection. There is a deficiency in you. I told you not to do it, and you did not obey.


And the name of that deficiency: rebellion, rebellion, rebellion. We are down here in this fallen, weak condition because of rebellion. And I know that everybody here, including me, is the offspring of Adam who fell because we are all in rebellion, somehow, sometime, somewhere, even when we do not mean it, even when we are trying as hard as we could try. Why? Because rebellion is in our heart. And what is in your heart will eventually be revealed through your mouth and your behavior.


You cannot make yourself good. You cannot make yourself righteous without a righteous heart. Your religious works will get you nothing. You need a conversion of your heart, and you do not have the power to do that. That is why Jehovah sent the Lord Jesus Christ. And the job of the Lord Jesus Christ is to join with your spirit and conceive the new heart, conceive a new heart, conceive the heart of God in you, that he may grow up to be the Tree of Life and overshadow the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, the mind of the Serpent which is in you, and swallow him up.


So we see that the Serpent is a spirit in this hour because she is acting like a spirit. So God says, well, you are a spirit. And she has different names. She takes different names depending on the function that she is performing.


We started out with Jehovah. Then we went to Christ. Then we went to the Lord Jesus Christ, and then we went to Christ Jesus. That is the family of God in heaven. And finally, the Sons of God, human beings whose mind is the mind that was in Christ Jesus, the mind that was in the Lord Jesus Christ; a company of men called the Sons of God, in whom Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man, has fully matured unto the stature of the Lord Jesus Christ, the same maturity as the Lord Jesus Christ, and has brought their sin-filled soul and the mind in that soul under submission to them by the Spirit of holiness which is in Christ Jesus, which is only proven by the resurrection of the dead.


Do not tell me you are saved, until you rise from the dead, because you have bought a lie. The process of salvation has begun in you. The only proof that you are saved is that you stop dying. You are in the process of being saved. You need a new heart to be saved.


So we see the family of God in heaven is a series of stages of maturation, each stage with its own name: Jehovah (I think I left this out before). Jehovah, the breath that He breathed into the creature; the formation of the Christ mind in the creature; the Lord Jesus Christ, the first human being in whom this glorious mind appeared as the true nature of the man; and Christ Jesus, the offspring of the Lord Jesus Christ, which we read about in Isaiah 53; and finally, appearing on the earth, the Sons of God, human beings whose mind is that same glorious mind, which we read about in John 1:1, that was in the Lord Jesus Christ. That is the family of God in heaven.


Then we have the family of the Serpent. We have the Serpentine family. First, the Serpent, she matures into the Dragon. The Dragon first appears in the man Cain. And the man Cain becomes a spirit, just like the man Jesus became a spirit. And the mind that he incarnates is called Leviathan.


And what is comparable to the Sons of God? What are the names of the whole human being who are the offspring of the Serpent in this visible world? Does anybody remember? I gave you the chart on it. The Devil is the whole man. The whole fallen man is the Devil, whose mind is the mind of the Serpent. You are the expression of the incarnated Serpent. The Sons of God are the expression of the incarnated Jehovah, the first in the man Jesus of Nazareth and now in the Sons of God.


And there is a war going on in this world. There is only one soul. Jehovah made one soul. It is a many-membered soul, like a plant has many leaves, but He made one soul. He did not make a good soul and an evil soul. He made one soul with the potential to be good or evil. And what is the determining factor? What determines whether that soul will be good or evil? Does anybody remember? The mind which is born in that soul.


Brethren, that which is of spirit is spirit. When the Spirit of Jehovah joins with the soul, the mind born in that soul is Christ Jesus, and that mind is spirit, and the whole soul is filled with light and good and alive. But when the spirit got in there and seduced the creature into adultery, spiritual adultery; that which is born of the flesh is flesh. The Serpent is flesh and joined with the creature and brought forth a mind of flesh.


And the whole soul died because, when the mind in the soul is spirit, the soul is alive; and when the mind in the soul is flesh, the soul dies. Therefore, brethren, be ye renewed in the spirit of your mind because, in this hour, your mind is flesh. And to be carnally minded; the Latin word for flesh is carneae. To be carnally minded, if the mind in you is flesh, is to be dead. To be carnally minded is death.


So therefore, brethren, be spiritual. Let this mind, which was in Christ Jesus, be in you, that the dead Christ in you might be raised from the dead, and that your soul might receive life. There is only one soul, either dead or alive, either good or evil, depending on the mind which has been born into it; that is how your soul is renewed. That is how your soul is restored.


I used to believe that, to restore my soul, I had to send angels out to gather up the pieces of it that were in other people that I had been attached to. And if that is what you believe, that is OK. I used to believe it. But I do not believe it anymore because, as I study and as I labor in the ministry that the Lord has given me, He has taught me many marvelous truths. And there are many that I still do not know because, until I am in perfection, there is no way I can know all there is to know. But I know this is one thing He has taught me, that that was not an accurate understanding of the restoration of the soul.


My soul needs to be restored because the mind which was alive, His name was Christ. Jehovah gave us everything that we needed. The Scripture says he put the man in the garden of Eden, and he formed the soul, and he caused a mind to be born in the soul. And the mind was the offspring, the very Son of Jehovah. His name was Christ.


But the Serpent killed that mind and birthed her own mind in the creation. This event is called the fall, and we died. The soul died. So the restoration of the soul requires a new mind, and that renewal will take place when the Lord Jesus Christ joins with the spirit, which is in the midst of the mind. Just like when a fetus is formed in a woman's body, the first organ to be formed, I believe, is the heart, and the whole fetus is built around the heart. We human beings are built around our spirit, spiritually speaking. The foundation, our foundation, is spirit.


We are told in the Book of Daniel 7, that we are promised an incorruptible foundation, and we are told that the only foundation that that could possibly be is Who? Who is the only foundation? The Lord Jesus Christ is the only foundation that we will stand upon. Any other foundation, when the wind comes, what is going to happen to us? Our house is going to be blown down.


What does that mean? What does that mean? One of the things we are doing here is trying to understand these words. They sound wonderful; they make us feel good. But what do they mean? What does it mean, your house will come down? Brethren, it means you will die. That is how you know who your foundation is.


And what is a spiritual foundation? A spiritual foundation is the spirit which has incarnated you. Every flesh man has a spirit at the heart of him. If the spirit at the heart of you, your foundation, is the Lord Jesus Christ, you will not be capable of dying. That is how I know that your spirit is not the Lord Jesus Christ: because you were sick last week, because you are aging, and there is every evidence that eventually you will die. That is how I know that the spirit who incarnated you is not the Rock but the sand.


And when the wind comes, when the spirit of Satan comes to call in his rights to you, because we were sold under sin, you will die. But if you are built on the Rock, if the foundation of the Lord Jesus Christ has been injected into you and built into you, when Satan comes to call in the cards, when he comes in to collect your life, the Spirit of Christ will raise you from the dead as He raised that man Jesus from the dead.


You have to get a new foundation. The foundation in you will not stand. Why will it not stand? Because it is your very foundation himself that has the right to take your life. When Jesus is your foundation, He does not desire your death, but He gives you life. Glory to God.


I am going to try and preach this message. We have had a very long introduction today. Are there any questions or comments on what I have preached before I actually start translating? We have two verses today that we will be translating if the Lord lets me. Any questions or comments on the review? This was all review. We have been studying this for months. OK.


We have two verses today, and we are exposing the nature of the Serpent. We are starting with Jeremiah 46:22. We are exposing the nature of the Serpent. We are exposing his operation in our minds. We are exposing the deep spiritual truth that Jesus was talking about when he said to the Pharisees, I will tell you the truth, and the truth will set you free.


Just reminded me that I did not finished my point. That whole introduction, the point that I was making is that the purpose of doctrine is that we can pray it. It is the Lord Jesus Christ's commission. The Lord Jesus Christ has been commissioned by Jehovah to restore this fallen human race into a position of dominion, the overriding major sign of which is that we will cease from dying.


And there is a plan. There is a plan. The only way you will be restored to dominion and cease from dying will be to have this plan completed in you. And part of the plan is that we must understand the plan so that we can pray for it to happen to us. That is not my rule; that is Jehovah's rule, as he has given the commission to the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Lord Jesus Christ is faithfully repeating the message to our limited fallen minds.


We need a mediator because, if sin-filled man comes in direct contact with Jehovah, we will burn up because Jehovah is a consuming fire, and any sin that comes near Him is destroyed. We are the expression of sin in this hour; that is why we need a savior. We need a mediator between the living God and our fallen condition. Jehovah sent the Lord Jesus Christ.


We read about this in our Alternate Translation in the Book of Zephaniah. I think it is chapter 2 or 3. When Jehovah speaks to a fallen man and gives him a message, what happens to that message? If Jehovah comes to a fallen man and says, Go out there and preach; if he does not go through the Lord Jesus Christ, he comes to some man, and he says, Go out there and preach, and tell humanity that I love them and that I am going to burn up their sin. But I am not going to destroy all of them; I am going to save that part of them that is redeemable, and I am going to rebuild them back into a righteous creation. How does that message come out of the mouth of fallen man?




PASTOR VITALE: No. What is the message? What does it say?




PASTOR VITALE: No. The message is you are going to burn in hell forever. Jesus has no forgiveness for you if you reject Him because of your ignorance, because of the darkness in your mind, if you are the most horrible sinner in the world. Whatever the reason is that you rejected Him, you will burn in hell forever with no chance of redemption.


My Bible says, An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, an arm for an arm, a leg for a leg. And fallen man says, If you dare to reject the living God because of whatever affliction in your mind, you will burn forever, rejection for rejection. But you burn forever? That does not sound like the Bible to me.


Then we have the other school of preachers that say, Well, you can reject Jesus all you want and keep on sinning and do anything you want, and you will still be saved. Lie, lie. Both messages coming through the fallen mind of man.


But when Jesus Christ repeats the message, and the only way that Jesus Christ repeats the message is through the mind of Christ that has been born in you. You cannot preach the true message of Jehovah to mankind unless the mind of Christ is functioning on some mature level in you, because your carnal mind is going to mess it up. You are not qualified to translate. Your carnal mind is not qualified to translate. How good do you think a job I would do if I tried to translate one of your books in Tamil into English? No one would know what I was talking about.


Listen, the message is this. This whole creation is sold under sin. We are garbage. We do not deserve anything except death. But Jehovah loves us. And He knows that, if He gets too close to us, we will be destroyed completely. So He sent a savior. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ, and He is going to deal with your sin.


Do not tell me your sin is not going to be dealt with. He is going to burn your sin with fire, spiritual fire. He is going to burn it in your mind. He is going to burn it through the mouth of the two-witness company. Does your Bible not say, When their enemies come against them, fire goes out of their mouth? Not to destroy the physical body of the man, but to destroy the sin in the mind of the man who would be foolish enough to blaspheme against a human being who is delivering the message of God.


So there is a true message. And this is Jehovah's rule; it is not mine. You are not going to be delivered from this vile condition that we are in unless you ask Him. And you have to ask Him to be delivered in accordance with His blueprint for deliverance. And before you could ask Him to deliver you in accordance with His blueprint for deliverance, you have got to be able to read the blueprint. So that is the importance of the true doctrine.


Men should never fight over doctrine, but I pray over every doctrine or aspect of doctrine that someone gives to me. Even if I am convinced that it is wrong, I always put it before the Lord. I say, Lord, I am convinced that is wrong. But just in case I am making a mistake, if that is your truth, let me know it. Let me know it because Jesus said the truth is going to set me free. How? When I know the truth, and I ask the Lord to do that truth unto me, I shall be delivered out of this fallen, vile condition that I am in. I cannot ask for what I do not know. I cannot ask for what I do not believe in.


What does it say in another place, on a more basic level? Brethren, to receive a healing, you must believe. To receive a healing from God, you must believe. For a demon to be cast out of you from God, you must first believe that God is. You must believe that He is. And if you do not believe that God is, you are not likely to get a healing from Him.


How likely is it, brethren, that you get a healing from a god that you do not believe in? Very unlikely. It is not likely we are getting out of this fallen condition until we believe that we are fallen, and until we believe it as the Lord Jesus Christ is faithfully reporting it to us from Jehovah, the truth of how we got into this condition.


PASTOR VITALE: How did we get into this condition? What is the three-letter word that everybody hates?




PASTOR VITALE: Sin, sin, sin, sin, sin. The Church does not like that word today. Everybody wants to say they are innocent.


There is a whole community of preachers out there preaching with power, with money, with international newsletters, that Jehovah did this to us, that we are innocent, that Jehovah did this, that we should be able to tell the difference or learn the difference between good and evil. He had your father incest you. He had you lose a limb when you were two years old. He had your wife walk out on you, just so that you could learn to experience good and evil.


I actually heard one preacher preach that God owes us an apology. I rebuke that mind. That is the carnal mind that preached that. That is not Jehovah's message. God does not owe you anything but death. It is His mercy and His grace that has saved us alive. Jesus.


So we must pray the doctrine. The hope of our deliverance from the hellish conditions of this world is, anybody? Everybody is quiet this morning. Christ in you, the hope of glory. Our hope is Christ inside of us.


Christ in me cannot help you. I might heal your flesh; maybe I will heal a cancer. I cannot give you eternal life from the Christ in me. I can give you the seed of it, but it must be duplicated in you. Sin in you must be wiped out. You must be raised from the dead. I can assist you; I can teach you; I can help you, but you must lay hold of all of the provision that is in the Lord Jesus Christ, which is being provided to you through the teachers that God raises up for you. And you must do it.


Brethren, put on all the armor of God. And when you have done all you can to stand up in full stature, stand up. The fields are white to harvest, but the laborers are few. They have the armor on. They have done all they could do, but they are not standing. Why? Because they will not pay the price.


One says, I have married a wife; sorry, I cannot come. The other says, I have some oxen to prove; sorry, I cannot come. The other one says, but I am a young woman; I have not married or had children yet; I cannot come. I cannot leave my car; I cannot come. I cannot leave my house; I cannot come. Cannot leave my financial security; I cannot come. Cannot leave my money in the bank; I cannot come. I cannot leave my designer clothes; I cannot come. Cannot leave sex; I cannot come. There is no marriage or giving in marriage in heaven. I cannot come.


You must pray the doctrine, and the doctrine is offensive. The closer we get to deliverance from the hellish conditions of this world, the more sacrificial the doctrine becomes. Brethren, if you are praying the doctrine, and you are praying for deliverance from the hellish conditions of this world, you must know that there is no marriage or giving in marriage in heaven. You have to give it up.


Now, you do not give it up until the Lord takes it from you. But eventually, you are going to have to give it up. That knocks out 9 million out of the 9,000,001 people in the Church right now, will not give up marriage. It is the biggest drawback. They do not even preach it. They preach the exact opposite. They preach the exact opposite of the Scripture.


Paul said, Marriage is a good thing, but if you can remain a virgin, it is better. That is a bad translation in there. He is not talking about his niece or his nephew. He is talking about himself. Paul said, I would that you would all be like I am, without a wife. But he also said it is a special gift. Do not do it before God calls you, but know this: that, when God calls you, that is one of the things that will be required of you. Well, that is the end of that, Gideon. Send them all home. They just lost all of their incentive to get out of the hellish conditions of this world. Do not want to have it anymore. Send them all home.


You have to want it with all your heart. You have to be willing to pay every price, to give up anything that Jesus asks you to give up, knowing without a question of a doubt that, if Jesus asks you to give it up, that it is a righteous sacrifice that He is asking you for, and that He is going to take care of all of your affairs and take care of everything that needs to be taken care of.


I am going to try and preach this message. I am trying to stay with the anointing today. We have had a very long exhortation. Once again, before I try, any questions or comments on this review? This is all review. I have been preaching this for a long time here.


Jeremiah 46:22: The voice thereof shall go like a Serpent, for they shall march with an army and come against her with axes as hewers of wood.


Let me remind the people, who may be reading this message for the first time, that the commission that the Lord has given us here is to bring forth the doctrine of Christ. It is the hidden manna. The Scripture clearly speaks about a hidden manna. The Scripture clearly speaks, in the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to Saint John, about the mystery of God. And the mystery of God is the blueprint that God has for the end of mankind.


I repeat, for anybody that is getting ready to misquote me, I repeat this continuously. I am not against any translation. The Word of God is excellent on whatever level you read it on, on whatever level it touches your heart on, on whatever level you perceive it on. I could pick up my King James translation and read one verse and have the Spirit of Christ in me all stirred up and be blessed by it. It is good. It is fine. It does its job.


But when I was a child, I acted like a child, and I thought like a child. But now that I am a man, I think like a man, and I do the things that a man does. And a man does not drink milk; a man eats meat. If you are not a man yet, do not be distressed. You will be a man in due season, if that is your heart's desire.


In our fallen condition, when you are born a female child, you mature into a woman. But in the kingdom of the God, with spiritual things, our horizons are much broader than they are in this fallen world. In the kingdom of God, you are born a small child whose sex is undifferentiated. What does that mean? Whether you are a female or a male makes no difference. You are still under governors and tutors, but there is no male or female in Christ Jesus. And as the mind of God matures in you, it transcends your physical flesh.


So therefore, brethren, it is possible to mature, in the kingdom of God, from a child, a male child or a female child, into a spiritual woman, into a spiritual man with regard to spiritual things. It has nothing to do with your physical relationship with your wife or with your husband. We are talking about spiritual things. When the spiritual man Christ Jesus begins to express His glorious holy life through you, you begin to be a man, not in a marriage situation, not in a physical situation, but in a spiritual situation.


And what situations does spiritual manhood affect? Authority. We are talking about issues of authority. So we see that you could be in a physical male body and have a mind which is a female mind. It is a mind that is not expressing the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, and that is no shame. Well, it is a spiritual shame because we are fallen. But as far as the people reading this message go, this is not in any way a putdown of you. The whole world has a female mind, with just a few exceptions in which the mind of Christ Jesus is manifesting in this hour.


But do not be distressed. It is the Lord's desire, brethren, to give you the kingdom. He wants your mind to be a male mind. But you have to follow the rules. You have to study. You have to submit yourself to is Spirit, and you have to submit yourself to His doctrine. And His doctrine, the doctrine of Christ, does not sound anything like what is being preached in a large portion of the Church today.


So you have to pray about everything. You have to ask Him for the truth, no matter what price you are going to have to pay to hear it and to believe it. You are going to have to sacrifice your pride. We do this here all the time in this ministry. When the Lord reveals that something that we believed is not valid, it was good for that season, but now that we are maturing, we have to give up Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. These things do not really exist. They were spiritual childishness. You have to put your pride aside and go on with God.


So that is what we are doing here. We look up every word in the Hebrew, and we go into the Hebrew lexicons. Every word in the Alternate Translation that I give you is a legitimate translation of every Hebrew word in the original Scripture. I, as translator, am making a different choice than the modern-day translators. And the choices that I make are based on the revelation that Christ Jesus is giving me in my heart.


And I believe with all my heart I am bringing forth the hidden manna, which is the doctrine of Christ. I believe the doctrine glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ and gives Him all His due. And it is a doctrine, the hidden manna, that must be understood because Jesus Himself said, When you know the truth, the truth will set you free.


So this is what we are doing here, and we translate on two levels. We frequently, although not all the time, choose a different translation of the Hebrew word. And then, on top of that, we find that prophecy is a parable. And there are many symbols in prophecy. As we have been laboring here for eight years, we find that the Lord has revealed the meaning of many symbols to us.


For example, today, not in this verse but in the second verse, we will read about the bear. And we have everything on a message. We have been laboring here. The fruit that has come forth here is unbelievable. The bear symbolizes the carnal mind of man. The bear tears. He claws. He is an animal. He is a wild beast. He is the beast. He is the fallen mind of man.


So we have discovered many symbols throughout our studies. One that you might be more familiar with is the Rock. Who is the Rock? Jesus Christ is the Rock. So there is your example of a symbol.


Now, some of the symbols we use here, you may have heard because the Church at large knows about them. But the Lord has also revealed to us many symbols that the Church at large has not yet become familiar with. If you do not agree with that symbol, you would be a fool if you do not ask the Lord if it is true. If you do not want to believe it, that is all right.


So we are dealing with these Scriptures on two levels. We are, on occasion, taking a different choice of translation than the King James translators did. And whenever the translation reveals a symbol that has been previously revealed to us, we are using the interpretation of that symbol, and we see a glorious, hidden, mysterious truth coming forth. It is buried underneath the letter of the Scripture. The letter of the Scripture is fine, but there is a hidden, deep truth for those who are mature in the Word of God to hear.


And does anybody recall, at the moment, what the Scripture says the criteria is that indicates you are mature? Anybody? You can discern between the good and the evil. That is one of the signs of maturity in Christ Jesus, the ability to discern between good and evil.


And do not take this lightly, brethren, because there is a seduction going across this whole country. I am telling you, the average Christian cannot discern between good and evil. You might know that, if someone plunges a knife in somebody's heart, that that is evil. But that is not what the Scripture is talking about. The good is Christ Jesus, and the evil is the Serpent's mind, Leviathan.


Can you tell the difference between Christ Jesus and Leviathan in somebody's mind, when your very own Bible says, Do not be deceived, but he goes about like an angel of light? Can you tell the difference? Can you recognize the Devil when he is doing the same things that the Lord Jesus Christ does and when he is saying the same things that the Lord Jesus Christ does? Can you? Not many can.


And even worse than that, the Church today, in many areas, is so uneducated, they do not even know. They cannot tell the difference between what the lying signs and wonders of the Devil are and what the true manifestation of Jesus Christ is.


I just got a report last night. There is a woman in a local church. And you know what the big draw is? Come and see this woman of God. What is the big draw? What does she do that every Christian should come running to see her? Her hands bleed. Stigmata, brethren, stigmata. She stands up in the pulpit, and the blood starts pouring out of her arms. I want to tell you, the Lord Jesus Christ does not do that. That is a demon that does that. There is a whole church full of people saying, Look at the love of God on her. Look at her sweetness. Look at her kindness. Look at the blood flowing down her arms. Is she not a holy woman?


And as far as I know, there was one person in that church that I know about that called me up and said, There must be something wrong with me. I keep hearing in my head that it is witchcraft. Could God really be telling me that it is witchcraft? I am the only one that thinks it is witchcraft. Am I a freak? All of my friends in the church say, look at this woman of God, and I keep hearing the Lord telling me it is witchcraft. Do I have a demon? One person in the whole church knows that it is witchcraft. I do not even have to witness it. I will tell you, sitting right here, it is witchcraft. Why? Because I know the Lord Jesus does not bleed from His hands in this hour.


For lack of knowledge, my people perish. The Church is in darkness. They are in ignorance. Why? They do not want to be taught. They do not want to be taught. They want to go to church on Sunday. They want to dance. They want to sing. They want their soul to feel good and be happy. They want a nice house; they want a husband; they want children; they want a Cadillac; they want to go on vacation. They do not want to be taught. They do not want to sit in a meeting like this and listen to me for three hours or four hours on a Sunday. They want to go to a church where they clap their hands and jump up and down and sing and dance.


And there is nothing wrong with that, if you are doing both. But when the singing and the dancing and the rejoicing blocks out the Word of God, you better start praying and ask the Lord about that church because the singing and the dancing is not going to kill you or make you alive, but the Word of God, which is the bread, is going to either kill you or make you alive. If you eat green, moldy bread, you are going to die. Or if you do not have bread, you are going to die. You had better get the real bread of God, or you are going to die dancing. You will die of starvation.


There is a famine in the land, brethren. You are going to die of starvation. And the pastors who do not feed you, for their own purposes, will be dealt with by God, but you will still be dead. The Church at large will survive. It is just as if you have a plant here. I can lose three quarters of the leaves on this plant and then doctor up the plant, give it nourishment, give it water. The plant will still live; it will produce new leaves. But if you are one of the leaves who died, you are dead.


Jeremiah 46:22: The voice thereof shall go like a Serpent, for they shall march with an army and come against her with axes as hewers of wood.


Well, first, let me point out to you that we are talking about a voice here. The Scripture does not tell whose voice it is. If you read the few verses prior to verse 46, you will see that the Scripture is a prophecy to Egypt. It is a prophecy of the destruction of Egypt. I did not want to take the time to do that, but I think the Lord is telling me to do it. Let us just look at the few verses before that.


So if you go back to verse 14, you will see that the Scripture says, Declare ye in Egypt, so we see this is a message to Egypt. Verse 17 is speaking about Pharaoh, King of Egypt. Verse 18, we see Jehovah exalting Himself. He says, As I live, saith the King, whose name is the Lord of Hosts, and He continues to pronounce judgment. In verse 19, He is speaking about thou daughter dwelling in Egypt. Verse 20, Egypt is like a fair heifer.


And we are picking up in verse 22. The reason we are skipping over all these other verses, I remind you, is that the purpose of this study is to expose the workings of the Serpent. And that is why we are just picking one verse out of the whole chapter.


Now, I suggest to you that the voice that is mentioned in verse 22 is the voice of the Lord through the Sons of God. Verses 1 through 21 are all prophesying judgment. They are rebuking Egypt and the daughters of Egypt and recounting her sins and her transgressions. And of course, I have already translated this verse, so you just put this in your heart. You do not have to believe anything I say, if you do not want to, but I do point out to you that verse 22 does not have a subject. The voice is not a specific subject. We do not know whose voice it is.


The voice thereof shall go like a Serpent. The Hebrew word translated voice is Strong's 6963. First of all, let me put on this message that I use three lexicons, three Hebrew lexicons. One is Strong's Concordance, which most people are familiar with. My second choice is Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon. And I also use Gesenius' Lexicon of the Hebrew and Chaldee Language.


Most of the definitions that I will give you will either be from Strong's Concordance or from Brown-Driver-Briggs because the Lord has just blessed me with some new computer software, and I have these lexicons on CD-ROM on my computer. The messages prior to this, you may know, my primary lexicon was Gesenius' Lexicon of the Hebrew and Chaldee Language. That is now my backup because I have to manually use that book. If I do not tell you that the definition is from Gesenius, then you can assume I have gotten this alternative definition either from Strong's Concordance or the Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon, a very respected scholarly work in the Bible community.


The word voice is Strong's #6963. It can also be translated to call aloud, which translation we will choose for this verse. The voice thereof; a voice calling aloud. Someone or something called aloud, and that someone or something is not identified. I suggest to you the Scripture is speaking about the Sons of God.


As always, we adhere to some very strict language principles, English language principles. And one of those principles is modification. If we have a word the origin of which is not clear, we must look for modifying words, either modifying words or, if necessary, we must evaluate the whole verse to find the modifying influence on the vague word.


We here have a vague word, voice, and we are going to use the whole verse, in this instance, to modify the word voice and try to determine whose voice it is because, no matter how vague a word or a phrase appears in the Scripture, if you look hard enough, if you dig deep enough, if you go back far enough, you will always find where that word originates from.


The Bible is a mystery, but the answers and the keys to it are there if you look for it, and if you pray, and if your heart is truly in Christ. If you are truly seeking the truth, if you are not looking for a translation that is going to justify what is in your heart but if you truly want to hear the true spiritual message that Jehovah is sending to mankind, and the Lord Jesus Christ is in your mind helping to deliver that message to you, you will, in due season, receive the truth, whether it is directly or whether it is through a teacher.


And once again, I am here to teach. Christ Jesus in me is mature in this area, but still you must possess this doctrine. If this is truly Jesus Christ in me, my words are Spirit, and my words are life, and they must root in you. My words are seed. The Scripture clearly says that the Word is the seed, and my seed must root in you. It must crucify your human spirit. It must join with your spirit and produce the fruit; the fruit will reveal what spirit is speaking through me.


And if Christ Jesus is being formed in you, if He is maturing in you, if He is growing up in you, that is the proof that the spirit that is preaching through me is Christ Jesus. Paul said, You are the proof of my apostleship, the fact that Christ Jesus' righteousness is being reproduced in you.


So you listen to me. If you are a responsible believer, you listen to me. You pray. You submit your ears and your mind to the Lord Jesus Christ. You ask Him to let every true word root in your hard, and you ask Him to have your mind reject every word that is not true, every word. So be blessed.


And it has got to become your doctrine. It has got to root in you. It has got to be reproduced in you. This knowledge in me is not doing you any good, and an intellectual knowledge of this word is not going to do anything except puff you up. Its purpose, the purpose of this word, is to reproduce the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ in your heart, so that His righteousness can arise in you, so that the Spirit of holiness will mature in you and wage war against and defeat the spirit of blasphemy which is in the mind that you were born with. That is what this is all about. It is not a game, very serious business.


So the Hebrew word translated voice can also be translated to call aloud. The voice thereof shall go like a serpent. I do not know why I do not have a comment on the word go, unless I moved the position. OK, I moved the position. The Hebrew word translated to go is Strong's 3212. It can be translated to walk, to come, to live or to die, all legitimate translations for this Hebrew word. We are going to choose the translation to die, and I will tell you why I choose that translation: because the next word is the serpent. We see that we are speaking about the Serpent. I know, in my heart, that that Serpent has got to die.


The Hebrew word translated serpent is Strong's 5175. It can be translated a serpent, a snake or an image of a serpent. Now, who is the image of the Serpent? We have a mystery here. Who is the image of the Serpent that is going to die? The image of the Serpent. Let us investigate this.


Jesus is the image of the Father. Amen. Hebrews 1:3: Who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he (Jesus) had laid himself, had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high. So we see that Jesus is the express image of the Father.


And I do not have my board. I do not feel led to open up the board right now. But we have done parallel studies. We have been taught by the Lord that everything in the family of God is positive, and there is also a negative family, a Serpentine family in heaven which is negative. And we have drawn columns, and we have compared the generations. We said the first impartation of Jehovah to the soul is called what? does anybody remember?


COMMENT: The breath.


PASTOR VITALE: The breath. He breathed His breath into the earth. And that breath is on the same genealogical level with the Serpent, the breath and the Serpent.


When the breath joins to the earth, we see the immature, the seedling mind of Christ formed. Remember, I said there is just one soul. It is either alive or dead, depending on the mind which is formed in it. When Jehovah's breath joins to the soul, the mind formed in it is Christ. When the Serpent joins with the soul, the mind formed in it is the mind of the flesh, called the Dragon.


So this is the reason I am showing you that Jesus is the express image of the Father, because we know that there is a negative side to the concept of image. So if Jesus is the image of the Father, who is the image of the Serpent?


Why are we trying to discover this? Because the creation is fallen. And what has made us fall is the fact that the Serpent got a hold of the earth and planted her seed in the earth. [AUDIO CUTS OUT] out the seedling mind of the Father, Christ. The Serpent got in there, knocked that immature Christ out.


Now, anybody reading this message, I am not saying that the Serpent was stronger than Jehovah. I am saying Jehovah planted a seed into the earth, which was the beginnings of His Son. We can liken this to a woman who is in the first week of pregnancy. Her husband's seed is in her body. [AUDIO CUTS OUT] seed can easily be aborted if she is in a car accident. If she does not feel well, that seed can easily be destroyed. But once that seed matures into a full-grown child and is born, and that man child grows up to be a strong warrior, he is not likely to be killed by a light impact.


We see that Jehovah is forming a creation, and He has begun that formation from a position of seed. The breath of Jehovah's life is the seed or the sperm. The Greek word for the Word of God is sperma. The Scripture is very clear that Jehovah is raising up this creation from seed. It must go through a processing which will bring it from immaturity to maturity.


So we see that Jehovah breathed His seed into the earth of the soul that He formed. And the Serpent rose up her head. The Serpent, who was supposed to be in submission to that immature mind, that seedling mind, rose up her head and attacked that seedling mind, that one-week-old embryo, and killed it. The Serpent planted her own seed into Jehovah's creation.


This event we call the fall. And the result of it was that the creation, or the creature which Jehovah was forming, incarnated with a predominantly evil nature as opposed to a predominantly good nature. I went over this in the exhortation this morning. So we see that there is an existence of the negative corresponding family of the Serpent in the fallen creation.


Now, we see in Jeremiah 46, verse 22, that it is the judgment of Jehovah upon the Serpent that she should die. She has stolen God's creation and incarnated us in a tormenting condition. The judgment of Jehovah upon her is that she shall surely die. He will take His soul back, and He will reform her by birthing his Christ mind in her once again. And He shall reform this soul, which we are, in the glorious image of the Lord Jesus Christ.


The Serpent must die. She must release us. We are in bondage to her. She is in our mind. She controls us, some of us more than others. She controls everybody because every man has fallen short of the glory of God and sinned. That means that Satan has authority over us in this hour. That authority must be stripped from our -- Jesus Christ of Nazareth was the first man formed in sinful flesh. He was the first man to defeat the Serpent, the first man in sinful flesh to defeat the Serpent.


He made an open show of the powers and principalities of this world. They could not kill Him. They killed His body, and they killed the soul that came down on His mother's family line. But the righteous mind of His Father, Jehovah, which was present in the man Jesus, that righteousness resulted in Jehovah, or the Spirit of Christ, raising the whole man from the dead.


Because one man sinned, all are now under sin. But the righteousness of one man shall make the whole alive, not only the whole creation but the righteous mind of Christ Jesus, which was ruling and reigning through the man Jesus, imparted righteousness. The Father raised the whole man from the dead. Glory to God.


So we see that the judgment upon the Serpent is that she must die. She must die to her existence as the god of this world. She is in an illegal office in this hour. Why is she in an illegal office in this hour? Because all power in heaven and earth was given over to the Lord Jesus Christ.


Jehovah sold us under sin until He could fix the deficiency in us that resulted in Adam's sin. He said, Satan, you have got her for a season, until the judgment which will restore her to righteousness. And that judgment is present in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ, He is sitting on the throne of your heart. From the second He enters into your heart through a perfect union, through a completed union with your spirit, He begins to judge sin in your heart. That is the beginning of what the Church calls the White Throne Judgment. It is from within your heart. It is the judgment of your sin first, that you might be raised up and resurrected into righteousness.


So we see that the Serpent must die, and every expression of the Serpent and every expression of her possession of our soul in us must die through the burning fire of the all-consuming, eternal God.


Back to Jeremiah 46:22, we are trying to find out who it is that is the image of the Serpent. And we see that the image of Jehovah is the Lord Jesus Christ. Now, we have gone over these different variations and these different administrations of the spirit of the Serpent. I know that some of you have told me that you really have not digested this concept of Cain in this hour. I do not feel to go into it in any depth right now, but I will go over it again in the future if you want me to.


Now, we have spoken about the man Cain who murdered Abel, I just really do not feel led to put up that board at this time. We are talking about parallel genealogical lines. We see that Jehovah breathed the breath of life into the soul and that that breath formed the Christ mind. And the first human being in which that Christ mind appeared unto the resurrection of the dead was the man the Lord Jesus Christ. And that man is now a spirit in the earth of men's souls.


On the Serpentine side of the chart, if you can hear this, the first man in which the Serpent's mind appeared was the man Cain. That physical man, in this hour, is dead. But we found, through a deep study of the Scripture, that, after Noah got to this side of the flood, that he planted a vineyard, and he became drunk, and there was some kind of sin that happened.


I know what the Church in America preaches. When I got over to Nigeria, however, I thought I was the only one that had heard from the Lord with a little different revelation about Noah's condition. When we translated those Scriptures, we found out that it was not Noah who planted the vineyard in Noah's mind but that it was Satan who planted the vineyard in Noah's mind. And that wine is a type of spirit.


Satan got in there after Noah did that glorious work for the Lord. He preached for 120 years. Nobody believed him. He must have been severely persecuted. He obeyed God; he built this ark. Whatever that was in those days, we do not really know, but I am sure he was severely persecuted. I know what I go through. He had to be severely persecuted, preaching something that no one had never heard of before. He said it was going to rain, and nobody knew what rain was. It had never rained yet. There had been no rain on the earth before the rains that produced the flood. He did a great work for God. And after it was all over, he fell prey to Satan's spirit. Satan came and planted a vineyard in his mind, and Noah drank of the spirit of that vineyard and became drunk on sin.


I cannot repeat that whole teaching right now. I thought I was the only one that was preaching that until I got to Nigeria, and I found out that at least one man, who produced a newsletter in Nigeria, had heard that same word from the Lord.


Let me relate it to this message. I am getting some interference in my mind. I just rebuke any interference, any curses coming into this meeting. I break your power.


So I am suggesting to you that the first human being in which the full, completed mind of the Serpent appeared, was the man Cain. Now, that man died. But the spirit that was in that man appeared again in Noah, just as the righteous Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ; the man Jesus of Nazareth died, but His Spirit is appearing today in men everywhere. If you speak in tongues, you have his Spirit. You have the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ.


In the same manner, we find the spirit that made Cain a murderer, that blaspheming spirit; we found out, in a further study in the Book of Matthew, that the name of the opposing spirit to the Holy Spirit is that blaspheming spirit. There is a spirit in this world that is holy, and there is a spirit in this world that is blaspheming. It is the spirit of Satan. That spirit that was in Cain that made him a murderer is appearing again in Noah.


So as the Lord Jesus Christ is now in spirit form, the man Cain is now in spirit form. If you cannot understand that, if you have not digested it yet, just let it ride. Do not worry about it. The Lord will make it real to you in due season.


So I have a witness for you here, Matthew 2:31. This is our Alternate Translation. This is where we discovered the blaspheming spirit in the Scripture. Therefore, every sin and hurtful word coming from man shall be forgiven. But Cain, that blaspheming spirit in man, shall not be forgiven.


Now, I do not want to go off on too much of a tangent, but we do hear a lot about the unforgiveable sin. There is a lot of disagreement in the Church, among people who study the Scripture, as to what this unforgiveable sin is. And when we pulled the Scripture apart and looked up all the words, we found out that it is the blaspheming spirit that will not be forgiven.


Man is being forgiven, you see. Man was good. Man fell down and became evil. But because man's roots were good, we now have the potential to be restored to goodness. But the spirit that seduced man, he was never good.


And there is a different Greek word described. There are three different Greek words translated evil. The evil that man is, is an evil that was good, became evil and has the potential to be good again. The evil that the Serpent is has never been good, never fell down and therefore is incapable of being restored. Her very inherent nature is evil. There is no hope for her ever being redeemed or restored in any way. Her purpose is to give form to the creation. The Serpent is the earthen part of the creation.


And God's purpose in this creation was that the invisible God should be made visible. The way he is being made visible is that He is mixing Himself with the darkness of the earth. But for the creation to be holy, this earth must be in submission to the righteousness of Christ in the mixture. The creation is a mixture of darkness and light, evening and morning, if you remember my comment on that from earlier. This creation is a mixture of earth and spirit. Spirit must rule over the bestial nature of the earth.


So any sin that man commits is capable of being forgiven, but that blaspheming spirit shall never be forgiven. She must die to everything that she is now and come in submission to the Christ. The only form of existence the Serpent is allowed is to be the servant of Christ Jesus. And because of the darkness of her earth, the invisible God shall be revealed. That is her function. She is not supposed to think; she is not supposed to make decisions; she is not supposed to do. She is supposed to be present under the complete dominion of the Christ for the purpose of a visual aid. That is what she is.


Matthew 12:32, Alternate Translation: Therefore, whosoever tries to take authority over the Son of Man (that is Christ Jesus in you). I do not know about you, but people try to take authority over me all the time. They cannot perceive my authority. And if they perceive it, sometimes they do not care. Why? Because men are fallen. Sometimes they know what they are doing; sometimes they do not know what they are doing.


But it is a fact of this world that Leviathan, wherever he is appearing, is in rebellion against Christ Jesus and trying to make himself the head and make Christ Jesus the tail. That is a fact of our spiritual existence. The trick, brethren, is to stay in Christ Jesus and not submit to the Serpent's mind. People in the world, when someone tries to take an ungodly authority over them, maybe, if you are a man, you will punch the guy in the nose. Maybe you will say some ungodly thing to him. You will block that attempt to exercise an ungodly dominion over you. The whole world knows how to do that. The trick is to do it without sinning against the person, and it is only possible to do that when the righteousness of Christ Jesus is flowing through you.


So we see that whosoever tries to take authority over Christ Jesus shall be forgiven. But Cain's mouthpiece (that is that Serpent's mind, Leviathan) will not be forgiven. What is going to happen to Leviathan? Does anybody remember?




PASTOR VITALE: No. He is going to be boiled. And what is the result? He is going to be boiled as a sin offering. And the sea is going to evaporate. But what is the result of this boiling?


COMMENT: Your spirit is going to be free.


PASTOR VITALE: He is going to be broken in pieces. We are told, in a mysterious verse in the Book of Hebrews, the soul must be separated from the spirit, and the joints must be separated from the marrow. For years, I said to the Lord, What do you want to separate my soul from my spirit for? Because my spirit is captive, is held captive by my soul. And that separation must take place for my human spirit to increase into Christ Jesus, the warrior who is strong enough to boil Leviathan as a sin offering, break his spiritual military power and bring him back into submission to Christ Jesus.


So we see that every human being shall be forgiven, every expression of Jehovah's soul which we are. We are forgiven. But that blaspheming spirit in us, he has got to die. He has got to lose his power. His military power must be broken. He must be bound to the horns of Christ Jesus. He has got to go down under the feet of Christ. His mouth must be stopped. His whispers in your ear that seduce you to sin must be stopped. The thoughts he is putting in your mind that get you into trouble, they must be killed. His mind must stop functioning. His reasoning must stop functioning. He is killing you.


The Serpent, in this hour, is appearing as Satan, the god of the fallen, dead creation. And the name of the mind that Satan dwells in is Leviathan.


This is the verse we are working with: The voice thereof shall go like a Serpent. The voice shall call aloud. We said the voice is going to be translated call aloud. And we said that the Serpent can be translated the image of the Serpent. And we are saying that the image of the Serpent is the mind of the Serpent.


Jesus Christ is the image of the Father. And in this hour, Jesus Christ is in our mind, and He is bringing forth that mind, Christ Jesus, in our mind. Well, the image of the Serpent in this hour is in our mind, is the spirit of Cain who was forming the Serpent's mind, Leviathan, in our mind.


A voice shall call Leviathan aloud, and he shall die. The Hebrew word translated to go, Strong's 3212, can be translated walk, come, live or die. So we could say, A voice shall call Leviathan aloud, and he shall come. Well, what happens when he comes? If it is the Sons of God calling Leviathan, and he comes, what is going to happen when he gets there? They are going to kill him. The Sons of God are saying, Here, Leviathan, here, Leviathan. And when he gets close enough, they are going to kill him. So we are not going to put all that in our Alternate Translation. Here, Leviathan, here, Leviathan. We are just going to say he will die. The Sons of God will call, and he will die.


Therefore, we see an inferred truth in this statement. Now, remember, there are some conclusions that are legitimate and some conclusions which are not legitimate. If I tell you, or if the Scripture says, The Sons of God will call Leviathan, and he will die, what is the legitimate conclusion? What did we not say? He will come. He will come. The Sons of God will call, and he will die. That means he had to come.


I saw a movie once, going back 100 years or so, where guests came to dinner, and they sent a servant out to catch the chicken. And it was a comedy movie. The servant had a hatchet in his head, and he was chasing this chicken around, saying, Here, chick, chick, chick, chick, chick. And the chicken was going, Bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk, running all around the courtyard. He knew he was about to lose his head.


So the Sons of God shall call, and Leviathan shall die, because when the Son of God calls, you come. We are his fallen servants in this hour. I call all kinds of people. They not only do not come; they run in the opposite direction. But when someone is standing in full stature, when Christ Jesus is manifest in the flesh, and He says, Come, you come. And Leviathan is appearing in the minds of the entire creation in this hour. God is calling many. He is calling many, right within the Church, into a deeper walk, and they will not come.


I had a dream once. Jesus was in the house, and He was calling all his people unto Himself. And He was the only one in this house. And outside of the house were Christians going on buses and giving out tracts and going on evangelistic tours and feeding the poor. And not that there is anything wrong; these are all required works. God only knows, if people are hungry, you have to feed them.


But there is a group within the Church in this hour that Jesus is calling out to, saying, Come closer, come closer. I want to do something to you that will enable you to feed the people supernaturally. You are out there now. You are begging for money. You are eating your heart out. You are going to other fallen men. You are looking for money here; you are looking for money there. Jesus says, I want to do something that is going to give you the power that I had, that you are going to do it supernaturally. And nobody is listening.


And in this dream, He kept lighting a candle, waiting for them to come in, and the candle burnt out. Everybody was outside, doing what they thought was right in their own mind. And He lit the candle several times, and it burnt down several times, and nobody came. And He walked away sad.


But somebody is going to come. Somebody will come. Because everyone is out there building their own kingdom, doing it their way, doing what they think is right. In the time that the Book of Judges was written, we are told, every man did what he thought was right in his own mind, everybody going in their own direction. It cannot be. It cannot be. Every man must come into submission to the Spirit of Christ.


And we are told, in other places in the Scripture, We will walk each man in his own path. No one will thrust the other one. We will not cross over into someone else's path. We will not hinder someone else's work. Why? Because our mind will be Christ Jesus, and our eye will be single unto the Lord Jesus Christ. And there will be no doubt in our mind what we are required to do. And every man will do his job, and the whole job will get done.


That is a promise. I intend to live to see it. I intend to live to see the world fed supernaturally. In the meantime, we must feed them carnally, of course.


Amplified Translation: This is the first half of Jeremiah 46:22. An authoritative voice shall call Christ, and Leviathan shall die. Now, I added something in there. What did I change? I clarified the one calling. I said an authoritative voice. We still do not know who that authoritative voice is yet. And I said he will be calling to Christ, which is the human spirit in men, and Leviathan shall die.


Here is my scriptural backup for that, our Alternate Translation of Amos 6:10. Now, remember, God is interweaving these Alternate Translations. We worked up this Alternate Translation in Amos 6:10 at least three years ago, and now here we see a witness to it, three years later, in Jeremiah.


This is our Alternate Translation, Amos 6:10: And mankind's lover and closest relative (that is the Lord Jesus Christ) shall burn him (burn who? The fallen man's mind, Leviathan) with fire. And of course, when he burns Leviathan, Christ is in the midst of him. He is going to burn this fallen man with fire so as to loosen Leviathan and Satan. And Christ Jesus shall arise within some of the members of mankind -- now, here it is -- and He shall say to the other members of mankind, 'Are you in there?'


We had a lot of fun with this when we did this translation. The Sons of God are going around to men in this hour. And when this word is preached, what it is saying is, Are you in there? Only Christ can hear this word, that it is truth. Every carnal mind that hears this word is blaspheming this word. But every mind that has Christ Jesus in it is at least praying about it, and something in their spirit is responding to it, saying, Go, go, go. Are you in there? Christ, can you hear us calling? It is time for the resurrection of the dead. Come forth. It is not dead human bodies coming out from under this earth outside my window, but it is your dead human spirit arising out from under the earth of your fallen soul.


John 5:25 says, Verily, verily, I say unto you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God. And they that hear shall live. Who is the dead? Who is the one who died? Who died?


COMMENT: [?Jesus?].


COMMENT: Christ died.


COMMENT: Christ.


PASTOR VITALE: Christ died. Christ died. And Christ, in his dead condition, his name changed to what?


COMMENT: The human spirit.


PASTOR VITALE: The human spirit. Your human spirit is a bone in the skeleton of Christ.


And the day is coming, brethren. My Bible says, The hour is coming, and it is now when the dead Christ in you shall hear the voice of the Son of God. That is coming out of me now. That is the doctrine of Christ. That is His glorious word. And those of you that hear it and recognize it as the truth of God's word, you shall live. Why are you going to live? Because this word is going to pierce your spirit. It is going to crucify your spirit. It is going to impart life to your spirit. Christ Jesus is going to start arising in you. And the process of the resurrection of the dead shall have begun in you. But everybody will not hear, we are told. Some people will be bound with pride to such a degree that this word will not penetrate deep enough.


Let me read you my note. The dead is Christ. The Son of God is Christ Jesus. Christ shall hear the voice of Christ Jesus. That means Christ in you, your dead human spirit, is going to hear the voice of Christ Jesus in me that is preaching right now. And they, the men in whom Christ hears, you shall receive life. The implication here is that Christ in every individual will not hear. But the men in whom Christ hears will live again because, when Christ is raised from the dead in you, your whole soul and your whole person will receive life.


Romans 8:11 says, But if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwells in you. Now, please note, if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus -- not Jesus Christ, Jesus. That is the human man, Jesus, the spirit that raised up the man who was crucified, from the dead. If He dwells in you, the one that raised up Christ from the dead, that means the human spirit of the man Jesus was raised from the dead and increased into the mind of God, Christ Jesus. And then the whole man Jesus was raised from the dead. And then His mortal body, or His soul, was also raised from the dead.


Let us go back to John 5, verse 28: Marvel not at this, for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice. Now, verse 25 did not say that. Verse 25 says that only those who hear shall live. But verse 28 says, The hour is coming in which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice.


Also, please note that verse 25 says, The hour is coming, and now is. Verse 28 does not say and now is. What is happening here? Verse 25 is speaking about the firstfruits company, the first group of men in which Christ will be resurrected.


The Book of Revelation speaks about the first resurrection. Most teachers that I have ever heard teach that the first resurrection is about the first group of people to be raised from the dead. Well, I guess that is true, but there is also another understanding of it. The first resurrection is the first stage of resurrection. I believe we are resurrected in three stages, and the first stage is the ascension to full stature. There is a group of men who will ascend into the fullness of the stature that the Lord Jesus Christ experienced, and they will go forth and call to the rest of the world.


Now, when the firstfruits is called, we read about that in verse 25. The first call will go forth, and not every man will answer. But those who answer will be a part of the firstfruits company, the first group of men to ascend to full stature. And they will go out to the rest of the world. And we read about that in verse 28: The hour is coming in which everyone that is in their spiritual graves of their dead soul shall hear his voice.


In this hour, brethren, the Lord is raising up the firstfruits company. That is why everybody does not hear this word. That is why we are so hidden. That is why it looks like things are moving so slowly. It is not the time for this word to go to the whole world. In this hour, there is another company of believers in the earth who are doing a different function of Jehovah's plan. They are preparing the earth for this word. They are going forth with the Holy Spirit. They are going forth, speaking about Jesus' experience, His crucifixion, His resurrection, His ascension. They are going forth, teaching about baptism and in fact baptizing in water. This is the groundwork that is being done by a group of very dedicated preachers in this world today.


But there is another company coming behind them. They are coming behind them with the next stage of ministry, which is actually going to connect with the human spirit of man, causing Christ to be raised from the dead in that individual. And this experience is painful. It is likened to a woman's wedding night. It is painful. Your mind must be penetrated by the Lord Jesus Christ.


And in this hour, the Lord is only engaging in this union with men who come when they hear Him. He is not forcing people in this hour. But after the firstfruits company is raised up, He is taking the whole world. He is taking the whole world when the time comes. This whole soul belongs to him. We are His property. We are His wife. Nobody will say no to Him in that hour.


The reason it is taking so long is that the Lord is righteous. A fallen man cannot take another man against his will. Only a righteous, sinless man can take a man against his will into the kingdom of God. And in this hour, there is no man in the flesh that is without sin. What does that mean? It means, if you attempt to force somebody, your motives will be corrupted, and you will destroy that man instead of imparting life to him.


Jesus went around, and he said, Follow me. He did not ask anyone if they wanted to come. He said, Follow me, and whoever he said Follow me to, they came. I cannot do that. Only a righteous man can do that.


So we are waiting all this time to see Jehovah's plan move. It is just like starting a car up. It takes all the power of your engine to get those wheels to just move an inch. Once the car is on the highway, it is rolling with a minimum of power. It has taken 2,000 years, or probably longer, to get Jehovah's plan of redemption moving. It was 5,000 years of Jewish history; it took 5,000 years of Jewish history to produce the Lord Jesus Christ. Now, we are waiting 2,000 years since that corn of wheat fell into the ground. We are waiting for the great harvest to come forth of Sons of God, of righteous men who will go forth with the authority to judge men's sins because they themselves will be righteous. But once it starts moving, it is going to go very quickly. It is going to move very quickly once that company of righteous men appears in the earth.


So we are continuing to refine this Alternate Translation, now, of the first half of Jeremiah 46:22: The Sons of God shall call, and the Lord Jesus Christ shall crucify Christ in the men who hear him. And Christ shall increase into Christ Jesus in the individual, the spiritual warrior in the individual, who shall boil your own Leviathan, your own mind of the Serpent, as a sin offering. This is the Lord's plan of salvation, the warrior Christ Jesus.


We read about him in the back of the Book of Revelation. He is riding on a white horse. He has to be born in your heart, and He has to boil your Serpentine mind as a sin offering. He has to kill the Serpent in you. And before Christ Jesus can kill the Serpent in your mind, H must be born in you. And before He can born in you, the Lord Jesus Christ must penetrate your heart. And how does the Lord Jesus Christ penetrate your heart? How are they saved? By the foolishness of preaching. And your sin-stained soul must be judged, and your sins must be exposed, and you must confess them, and you must repent, and you must fight the warfare that will surgically remove sin from your heart.


Continuing with the second half of Jeremiah 46:22: For they shall march with an army and come against her with axes as hewers of wood. Who shall march as an army? The Sons of God. And they are going to come with weapons. Are we not going to be made into keen, sharp weapons that cut? With teeth, yes.


PASTOR VITALE: As hewers of wood. What kind of wood are we going to be chewing up? What kind of wood?


COMMENT: The carnal mind.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes. But what is the wood from? What is the source of the wood?


COMMENT: The Serpent?


PASTOR VITALE: No, the tree. What is the name of the tree?


COMMENT: Oh, the Tree of the Knowledge --


PASTOR VITALE: The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. We are coming with axes to cut that thing to pieces.


For they shall march with an army. The Hebrew word translated for is Strong's 3588. It can also be translated then. We shall translate it then.


The phrase with an army is the translation of one Hebrew word, Strong's 2428. It can also be translated strength, might, efficiency or wealth. The phrase they shall march is a translation of Strong's 3212. It can also be translated to go, to walk, to come.


The phrase and with axes is a translation of Strong's 7134, which comes from the sense of striking upon. We are going to keep that translation. That is what it means. It is an axe, to chop with an axe.


And they shall come with axes. They Hebrew word translated come, Strong's 935, means to go into, to enter into, to come into. That is pretty much the same. We will keep that. They shall come against her. The Hebrew word translated against is Strong's 8705. It can also be translated into. They shall enter into her. Pretty close, no big deal about that.


As hewers of a tree. The phrase translated as hewers of is a translation of Strong's 2404. It means to chop or carve wood. That is pretty similar to what we are saying. It also can be translated to polish. I find that interesting. The chopping down of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in our mind will result in the Christ in us being shined up and polished up, made beautiful. That is the doing away of sin. And the word translated tree is merely tree.


Alternate Translation, the second half of Jeremiah 46:22: Then they shall come with a mighty army and enter into her and chop up her tree. The her is the fallen, dead creature known as humanity, the soul. That is the soul that Jehovah formed. The tree is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. And the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is the Serpent.


Now, remember, tree signifies mind. The Tree of Life is the mind of Christ; the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is the mind of the Serpent, Leviathan. So they are coming to chop up your mind. They are coming to separate your soul from your spirit and the joints from the marrow. They are separating your human spirit from your soul, and your human spirit is dissolved in the sea of Satan.


The human spirit, her symbol is minerals. We will see this in the next verse that we do after dinner. We will see a good witness to that. Christ is minerals, signified by minerals in the earth. There is power in minerals.


And water signifies this world which is a level below Jehovah, the world of Jehovah's Spirit. This is a world of soul. It is 99 percent water. We cannot live without water. Our body is filled with water. The seas are 99 percent of this world. It is a watery grave. We are in a watery grave.


So Christ, the dead Christ, whose name in His dead condition is the human spirit, He is signified by minerals. And His life is dissolved in this watery grave which is ruled over by Satan. There must be a separation. Why? Because Christ must be taken back so that He could be crucified or strengthened by the Lord Jesus and increase into Christ Jesus, the warrior who is capable of destroying the Serpent's mind.


Now, how do you get the salt out of the salt sea? You have to boil it. So we see that Satan shall be boiled as a sin offering. And when we look at the Levitical sacrifices, we see that one of the sacrifices that is ordained in the Law of Moses is the boiling of the meat.


The Sons of God shall chop up the fallen, dead creature's mind, and Leviathan is the mind of the fallen, dead creature. Here is a witness, Hebrews 4:12: For the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow, and is the discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.


Amplified Translation, the second half of Jeremiah 46:22: Then the Sons of God shall come with a mighty army and enter into the fallen, dead creature and separate Christ from Satan.


This is the whole verse, Alternate Translation, Jeremiah 46:22: The Sons of God shall call, and the Lord Jesus Christ shall crucify Christ in the first members of the fallen creature to be raised from the dead. And Christ shall increase into Christ Jesus, the spiritual warrior who is strong enough to boil Leviathan as a sin offering. And then the Sons of God shall come with a mighty army and enter into the fallen, dead creature and separate Christ from Satan.


Let me point out to you, what we just did in this Alternate Translation was amplify it. I added in all those steps that were not in the Scripture. The Sons of God shall call, and Satan shall die. I added in all the steps that would lead up to Satan's death. It is called amplification. You can only understand what the Lord is saying if you already have the revelation in your heart. It is abbreviated. I have found, after years of study, that the deeper the spiritual truth, the more abbreviated it is. Why? It is a mystery. You can only hear it if the Lord Jesus Christ brings it to your ears.


No fallen man is going to steal God's Word. No fallen man is going to lay hold of God's word and make money off of it. You cannot sell it; you cannot buy it. You cannot get a deep enough knowledge of it to make money off it. The Lord will not let it be in your heart. And there are men in this hour making money off of the doctrine that is in the Church today because it is just a surface doctrine. When it comes to this deep spiritual truth, the hidden manner, no man will make money off of this doctrine. If you preach it, if the Lord calls you to preach it, and He chooses to support you when you preach it, you will have what He gives you.


As you all know, I was in poverty for years. Just these last few months, I have a few dollars in my pocket. I was in poverty for years, bringing forth this word. No man will make money off of this word. If you are called, and you go, you will have what God gives you. If He gives you seven years of poverty, you will have seven years of poverty. If He gives you 20 years of poverty, you will have 20 years of poverty. If He brings you out of that poverty, praise God. But if He does not, praise God too because it is an honor to suffer that the word of God should come forth through you.


I have amplified this verse. I have amplified it further. Well, actually, what I have done is intersperse it. We have found, many times, the way this translation comes forth is that the phrases are not in a logical sequence. What is an example of a logical sequence? I woke up in the morning; I brushed my teeth; I had breakfast; I got dressed, and I went to church. We find that the translations come forth frequently in an illogical sequence. I went to church; I brushed my teeth; I got dressed; I ate breakfast. It makes no sense in the scheme of things, the way our life is. So I take the phrases, and I put them into a logical order. It call it interspersion.


If you are reading a copy of our Alternate Translation, and I have translated a whole chapter, you might see the verses come in an order that sounds like verse 1, verse 5, verse 8, verse 7A, verse 6, verse 7A. What does that mean? It means that a whole verse was fitted in the middle of verse 7. And I broke verse 7 up into verse 7A and 7B because verse 6 fitted right in the middle of that verse. That is what interspersion is.


The Sons of God shall come with a mighty army. They will enter into the fallen, dead creature and separate Christ from Satan. And then they shall call, and the Lord Jesus Christ shall crucify Christ in the men who hear Him. And He shall increase, who? Christ in the man who hears Him shall increase into Christ Jesus, the warrior who shall boil Leviathan as a sin offering.


Now, I have one more witness, which I will not expound on now. I would just like to tell you that I have two witnesses, Joel 2:1-11, which I will just go over briefly after dinner, and Zechariah 10. Well, let me give you Zechariah 10:8-9 because it is just real short. This is a witness to the calling.


Zechariah 10:8-9: I will hiss for them and gather them, for I have redeemed them, and they shall increase as they have increased. Do you hear this? I will call them. I am going to redeem them, and they are going to increase into Christ Jesus. There it is, right there.


Verse 9: And after I increase them, I will sow them among the people. Those are the Sons of God now. Zechariah 10:8 lines up with John 5:25: I am going to call them and gather them and redeem them and increase them into Christ Jesus.


And Zechariah 10:9 lines up with John 5:28: And after that firstfruit company has matured, I will sow them among the people, and the people shall remember me in far countries. And they shall live with their children and turn again, or they shall return unto me again, or they shall be delivered out of this condition of being predominantly evil. And they will return unto a relationship with me that will produce everlasting life.


Salvation and everlasting life are a result of reunion or union with the Father. There is no life outside of union with the Father. There is no life resulting from karma, and there is no life resulting from good works, and there is no life resulting from beautiful physical bodies. There is no life resulting from healing the sick. There is no life resulting from casting out demons. There is life only through union with the Son, union with the Father, no other way.


Well, I feel that you are a bit saturated, so I am going to break here. But when we come back, I will just briefly expound on Joel 2:1-11, which you may know talks about the mighty army of the Sons of God that are going forth to judge men's sins. And where does judgment begin? At the house of the Lord with the elders thereof.


The judgment is already falling on the church, but most of the Church do not realize what is happening. They think Satan has got them. Satan has not gotten you. Judgment is falling upon your sin. And in this hour, we are called, as the Lord leads us, to show men their sins in a spirit of righteousness, not to destroy them but to give them the opportunity to confess those sins and repent.


And if God lays someone on your heart, and you do not tell them, their blood is on your hands. If you tell them, and they do not listen, you are free. That is your only job, to tell them. It is not your job to enforce repentance. It is not your job to enforce change. You tell them, and you turn them over to God. And of course, you pray for them. Praise the Lord.


Praise the Lord. We are back from dinner. I would like to make some comments on Joel 2:1-11. We will not spend much time on it. And I do have one more verse exposing the operation of the Serpent, and that verse is Amos 5:19. So we will be there shortly.


I am going to exhort you first on Joel 2, with respect to our Alternate Translation of Jeremiah 46:22, which we did this morning. Well, let me read you that Amplified Translation. Then I will exhort you on Joel 2, and then we will go on to our second verse for today.


Amplified Translation, Jeremiah 46:22: The Sons of God shall come with a mighty army. They shall enter into the fallen, dead creature and separate Christ from Satan. And then they shall call, and the Lord Jesus Christ shall crucify Christ in the men who hear His voice. And he shall increase (who? The one who hears his voice) into Christ Jesus, the warrior who shall boil Leviathan as a sin offering.


And in case you are wondering what happened to the Serpent in the original verse, the answer is that, in this hour, the Serpent who was in the garden at the time that Jehovah breathed His breath into the soul, that Serpent has had several changes of condition. As she traveled from the spiritual world, and she pierced through the Tree of Life and entered into this visible, physical world, she is now appearing as the mind of fallen man, the name of which mind is Leviathan.


In the same manner that Jehovah, the Creator of our universe, has penetrated through the realm of His spirit and is now appearing, He too has pierced through the Tree of Life and is appearing in this visible, physical world in the form of Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus does not sound anything like Jehovah. Christ Jesus is the spiritual man in which Jehovah is appearing in this world, and the mind of that man Christ Jesus is called the Word of God. That does not sound anything like Jehovah either.


And in the same manner, Leviathan does not sound anything like Serpent because both Jehovah and the Serpent have had a change of position. Neither one has had a change of nature, but they both have had a change of position. And both have traveled or journeyed from the innermost recesses, where the spiritual world is, into and are now appearing in outer darkness, this visible, physical world.


The prophet Isaiah said, The whole world is covered with darkness, and within the people gross darkness. The appearance of Jehovah in outer darkness, or the expression of Jehovah in outer darkness, is called the man Christ Jesus, whose mind is the Word of God. And the expression of the Serpent in outer darkness is the Devil, whose mind is Leviathan, different names describing the condition of the spirit or the location of the spirit.


It helps you if you can learn this secret. Every time He uses a different name, it is no accident that one time He says the Spirit of Christ, and the next time He says the Spirit of Truth, and the next time He says the Spirit of Life, and the next time He says the Holy Spirit. Jehovah does not stutter. Each variation or each administration of his Holy Spirit has a different function, and the different name immediately identifies the function of that Spirit of Christ.


If you know the key to the puzzle, you do not have to look for modifying words. You do not have to study the whole verse to see how it modifies the word spirit. When you hear Spirit of Truth, you know what the function of the Spirit of God is at that moment. And what is that function? He is speaking the truth. If you hear the word or the name Holy Spirit, if you have learned this lesson, you know immediately that the Holy Spirit is not a full-grown warrior but the sperm of God which is being sprayed or rained upon all of humanity in this hour. When you hear the Spirit of Christ, you know the Spirit of Christ is not the sperm of God but the mature Spirit that is appearing in the fully mature man Christ Jesus.


You do not have to sit here and read and pray and wonder and meditate. Each variation of the name of God means something. When you solve the puzzle, you have the answers like that. And what would you want the answers like that for? When you have the answers like that, it prepares you; it equips you to go on and learn the next layer of truth that the Lord Jesus Christ is filtering into your mind or making available to you at this moment.


The message that comes from Jehovah through His mediator, through his messenger, the Lord Jesus Christ, to humanity is an unfolding revelation of His Spirit and of His spiritual life, which He fully intends to absorb us into. That is His intention. We are to be absorbed into the eternal Godhead. Hallelujah.


Joel 2:1-11. I am beginning with verse 11. Why am I beginning with verse 11? Because I think that makes the most sense in view of our study in Jeremiah 46:22. Verse 11 says, And the Lord shall utter his voice. Well, we were wondering whose voice it was. In Jeremiah 46:22, when we first started this study, all we heard about was a voice. Joel 2:11 says, And the Lord shall utter his voice before his army, for his camp is very great, for he is strong that executeth his word, for the day of the Lord is great and terrible. Who can abide it?


And this is very interesting because -- I am going to risk confusing you, and I am going to stop here for a second, jump ahead to Amos 5:18. Now, the next verse we will be studying is Amos 5:19. And the preceding verse, Amos 5:18, says, Woe unto you that desire the day of the Lord. To what end is it for you? The day of the Lord is darkness and not light.


The lines right up with Joel 2:11: When the Lord utters his voice before his great army, the day of the Lord is a great and terrible day. Who can abide it? I quoted Malachi to you this morning, who said, The Lord is coming as a refiner's fire to make you white as a fuller's cloth.


Brethren, we have some ignorant Christians waiting for the Day of the Lord. The Day of the Lord is the judgment of your sin-filled soul. The end of it, the fruit of this judgment, is everlasting life. But that scrubbing away the sin which has stained your soul is painful.


And anyone who tells you that childbirth is not painful is deceiving you because deliverance from the sin that has stained your soul is in the form of the man Christ Jesus. He must be born in you, brethren, for we shall be saved in childbearing. When the man child of Revelation 12 is born in you, He shall mature into the fullness of the stature of the Lord Jesus Christ and slay that wicked Dragon in the sea of your unconscious mind who is killing you. The day of the Lord is terrible. You must know it because you must work with the Lord to cleanse you from sin, or you shall surely die in your sins.


Joel 2:1: Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain. Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand. It is a day that men will be afraid, brethren. The judgment of the Lord will bring forth fear in fallen men.


Verse 2: It is a day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness. As the morning spread upon the mountains, a great people and a strong (those are the Sons of God who are judging your sin). There hath not ever been the like, neither shall there be any more after it, even to the years of many generations. That sounds a little bit to me like what Jesus said. This great tribulation that is coming, He said, there has never been anything like it before, and there will never be anything like it afterwards.


And a lot of Christians think that means there has been nothing so terrible before, and there will never be a tribulation as terrible afterwards. But I have a different opinion. My opinion is that this tribulation is of a different type. No one has ever seen anything like it before, and no one will ever see anything like it afterwards.


This tribulation is a spiritual tribulation. It is the vexation of your soul. It is the bringing of Satan into submission to the authority of Christ, Satan who in this hour is the god of this world. He is the head of the powers and the principalities of this world system. He is ruling and he is reigning through the minds and the hearts of men. He, in the hearts and minds of men, is about to be forced down under the authority of that man child, Christ Jesus, who is being born in you.


There is only one problem. When Satan is forced down under the authority of the man child, he is a part of you. He is a part of your fallen condition, and you feel his distress; you feel his pain. Remember, there is just one soul. When the mind in that soul is Leviathan, that soul which you are is dead. When the mind in that soul is Christ Jesus, you shall live forevermore. And when Christ Jesus comes to take your soul away from the headship of Leviathan, you are feeling the pain.


Jesus is coming to circumcise Leviathan off of your soul. It is called the circumcision without hands. It is the cutting away of the mind that the Serpent has birthed in your soul. And I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Christ. I did not see their physical bodies. I saw the souls of them that were beheaded. There is no word guillotine anywhere in the Scripture. There is a circumcision without hands, circumcision meaning cutting away. I saw the souls of them that were beheaded. I saw the souls that had Leviathan cut off of them.


And what the Scripture does not say is, after Leviathan is cut off, Christ Jesus is sewn on. We are getting a new head. We are getting a new mind. We are getting a renewed soul. We are getting a new lease on life. We are being restored unto righteousness, and it is a process that is painful. And if anyone tells you different, they are leaving you unprepared for the birth.


The prophet said, I have never seen anything like it before, a man with his hands on his loins, his face filled with blackness of pain, as a woman in travail. Spiritual birth, brethren. You must be born again. You shall not see the kingdom of heaven if the mind of God is not born in you.


And if you think standing on a prayer line and saying, Jesus, I love you, means you are born again, you had better pray about it, because it is not true. That may be the first step in the process which will result in the Son of God being born as your mind. You have got to change, and you cannot change by your own power. It is by the life of the Son of God, which has been born in you, that you enter into the kingdom of heaven.


Why can you not enter into the kingdom of heaven if you are not born again? Because that birth is the very kingdom of heaven. You cannot enter into what you do not have. The kingdom of heaven is within you. Behold, said our Lord, I tell you a mystery. The kingdom of God is where? Is it on Mars? Is it outside of the house? Is it inside that famous evangelist? It is inside of you. And if it is not born inside of you, there is no way you will enter in.


Be ye renewed in the spirit of your mind. That spirit which is in your mind is that part of you which is entering into the kingdom of God when it is born in you. And when the spirit which is in your mind, which in this hour is Leviathan, enters through the door, which is the Lord Jesus Christ, into the kingdom of God, she will leave the kingdom of darkness, and she will be joined to the kingdom of God. And the flood will come and will wash away the kingdom of darkness. And forever you will be with the Lord.


Brethren, God is a spirit. Those who worship him must worship him in spirit and truth. God is not this body. God is not flesh. God is spirit, and everything He does is spiritual.


Verse 3: A fire devoureth before them, and behind them a flame burneth. The land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness. That is all their sin being burnt up. Yea, and nothing shall escape the Sons of God. And nothing shall escape the Sons of God. Nothing that is of the Devil shall escape them. For the appearance of them is as the appearance of horses, and as horsemen, so shall they run. Like the noise of chariots on the tops of mountains shall they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble, as a strong people (those are the Sons of God) sit in a battle array.


Verse 6: Now, hear this. Before their face, the people shall be much pained. All faces  shall gather blackness. Brethren, we are maturing from fallen, sin-stained men into sinless Sons of God. It will not be without pain.


I know, when I was preparing to give birth to my daughter, I asked my mother-in-law if childbirth was painful. She looked me right in the eye and said, Oh, no. She lied to me. Maybe that was the right thing to do, and maybe it was not. I do not really know. That is with regard to natural childbirth.


But I do know this: that Jehovah has sent his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to tell us that it is painful. Why? Because if you do not think it is painful, if you do not believe this message, if you have received the lie about some utopia flying you away, when the judgment hits you, you are not going to know what to do. You are going to go into confusion.


Brethren, you must be prepared for this birth. You need to know what to do, when the judgment begins for you, because everyone is not going through. Every human being on the face of the earth is not going through. Everyone is not going to make it. You have got to be prepared for this cleansing. The Church shall be delivered from every spot and every wrinkle. You have got to be prepared, or you are not going to make it.


This is not a popular message, but there will be a company of men who will make it. And when they make it, the Lord is sending them back to get the rest of humanity out. I see saviors arising on Mount Zion, says the Lord. I am sending them to save my people.


Verse 7: They shall run like mighty men. They shall climb the wall like men of war. And they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break ranks.


Everyone has got a course; everyone has got a path; everyone has got a job. Everyone is going to stay in the line, in the pathway, that is ordained for them. Brethren, you cannot stay in the track that you have been appointed to if you do not know that that is your track. You have got to know what your job is if you are to do it. You have got to hear from God. You have got to be developed spiritually.


God is a spirit. He is babying us in this hour. But when the time for us to be a man arises, I am telling you, He is not going to be talking to you baby talk. And if you have not learned how to talk spiritual adult talk by the time the Lord Jesus Christ switches over from baby talk to spiritual adult talk, you are not going to hear what He has to say. Or you might hear it, but you will not understand it. And when He says, Run to the hills, if you wind up out in the field, you are going to be finished. Got to get spiritual.


Our conversion is from a flesh, carnal existence into a spiritual being who responds to the move of the spirit. What does the Scripture say about the move of the spirit? The man who moves in the spirit, he is like a leaf that is blown by the wind. What does this mean? It means we have to be limber, have to be ready to be blown. As the Lord moves us this way, as the Lord moves us that way, we have to be ready. Relax.


PASTOR VITALE: Did anyone here ever take swimming lessons where they are teaching you to float on the water? You have got to relax. If you tense up, what happens to you?


COMMENT: You sink.


PASTOR VITALE: You sink. I think I read something like that in my Bible. Who did that happen to? Who tensed up when they were walking on the water and sank?




PASTOR VITALE: Yes. You have got to relax. You have to work with the Spirit of God. He wants to move you. You have got to be prepared and ready and willing and able to go when He blows on you because, more often than not, the move of the Spirit is subtle and gentle like a cool breeze. You have got to lay down your own mind if you want to move in the Spirit. And that is where the life of God is, in His Spirit. Brethren, the day is coming that there is going to be no food. And if the Spirit of God says, Go down that block, and you go down that street, you might starve to death.


Verse 9: They shall run to and fro in the city. They shall run upon the wall. They shall climb up upon the houses, and they shall enter in at the windows like a thief. This is speaking about the Sons of God.


Jesus said, I come as a thief. He said, I do not come as a thief to those who are watching for me. Those that hear the message, He is not coming as a thief. But for those that cannot hear this message, He is coming as a thief. And we are told, in the Book of Malachi, He is coming with judgment. He is not coming with a mansion for you. It is a false doctrine. You are the mansion that He is coming to possess, to dwell in.


We have a whole Church full of people that would like to lay hold of the power of God and use Him like a familiar spirit, use Him like a genie. I will rub the lamp three times. I will ask the Lord for a Cadillac; I will ask the Lord for a mansion; and I will ask the Lord for a husband that is likened to some movie star.


Brethren, we are here for the Lord's pleasure. When we become a fruitful servant; and what is a fruitful servant? When we become a man who is engaged in those works of God's Spirit that He has specifically called us to do, not the works of His Spirit that you decided to do. But when the Lord Jesus Christ calls you, and you come, and you submit to the training that brings you to a place where the Lord Jesus Christ is expressing His nature and His will through you, you become a profitable servant. That is why we are here. We are to be His hands and His eyes and His ears and His mouthpiece and His legs.


If you are a man whom the Lord Jesus Christ has called, and you have refused to come, or if you have come but are doing your own thing in disobedience, you are an unprofitable servant. Brethren, the Lord Jesus Christ sustains our life. We are alive for His use, for the Master's use. If you are not doing His will, you are an unprofitable servant, and you are turned over to the god of this world to be disposed of. The end of everyone that comes into this world is death.


So He is coming as a thief to those who are not watching for Him. He is coming like a thief to those who think that, one night in the middle of their sleep, they are going to find themselves in a place called heaven with streets paved with gold. There is nothing in the Scripture to support that, brethren. He is coming in His people.


He who confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is an anti-Christ. Is come in the flesh, not has come in the flesh. Is come in the flesh. He came in the flesh in the man Jesus, and He is coming in your flesh, and He is coming in my flesh, and He is coming in the flesh of everybody through whom He is expressing His spiritual life.


The earth shall quake before them. That is the earth of your soul. The heavens shall tremble. That is the heavens of your mind. And the sun and the moon shall be dark, and the stars shall withdraw their shining. It is a day of darkness.


The Day of the Lord is a day of darkness for everyone who has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, and that is every single one of us. But if you do not faint, brethren, if you do not faint, He will be glorified in you. Do not faint. Do not faint. As long as there is breath in your flesh, there is hope. Do not faint.


I do not know about you, but when I read a Scripture that tells me that if I do not faint, I will make it through, I am drawing a conclusion from that statement that the tribulation is going to be faintable. I do not see myself at a dance recital when the Lord says to me, Do not faint. Judgment begins at the house of the Lord, and it begins with the elders thereof.


If you think you are going to escape this judgment because you speak in tongues, you have received a lie. If you think that you are already without sin because you speak in tongues, you have received a lie. There are people in the Church world who believe that. I had a pastor say that to me once. Sister, do you really believe that you sin? You had better believe it, brother. I sin all the time, and so do you.


Are there any questions or comments with regard to Jeremiah? If not, we will continue with Amos 5:19. I am reading you verse 18 just to lead you into verse 19.


Verse 18 says, Woe unto you that desire the day of the Lord. To what end is it for you? The day of the Lord is darkness and not light. It is judgment.


The verse that we will be translating, verse 19: As if a man did flee from a lion and a bear met him, or went into the house and leaned his hand on the wall and a Serpent bit him. As I say to you many times when we translate prophecy, What in the world does that mean?


I am not in any way knocking the King James translation. I am telling you that the letter of the Scripture is limited. If you are in a spiritual place where that is your grade, that is your level, the Lord will honor it. He will bless it. He will speak to you by His Spirit. He will give you revelation. You will be blessed by reading that verse. But, brethren, when I was a child, I did what children did. But now that I am a man, I want to understand what my God is saying to me.


And I want to tell you that does not make any sense to me at all. I would venture to say the King James translators, although they did the very best they could with what they had to work with, made some poor selections when they chose the English words to translate the Hebrew, because this English does not make any sense to me whatsoever. Does it make any sense to anybody here? I do not think so.


Let us find out what our God and our Creator is saying to us. Brethren, this whole Scripture is a message from Jehovah to fallen man. It is like you or me trying to communicate with a canary. Let us find out what he is saying to us.


As if a man did flee from a lion. As if is Strong's 834. Another legitimate translation of that Hebrew word is since. We are translating it since.


Amos 5:19: As if a man did flee. There is more than one Hebrew word which is translated man. This Hebrew word is Strong's 376. It is pronounced ish, and it is a word which specifically means male as opposed to female. There are other words, one for example which speaks about man in the context of strength. Male is the strong vessel. This particular word, ish, simply means male as opposed to female.


And you may recall, from our studies in Genesis 2, that Adam at the beginning was not called a man. The King James translation which says the man, the Hebrew word that that word man is rendered from is merely Adam; that is the name that Jehovah gave to the creation, which is not even reflected in the Hebrew text. But the only reason the creation was male is; does anybody remember why? Why was the creation male at the beginning?




PASTOR VITALE: But He is not in God's image yet. Why was the creature male at the beginning? Because the mind that was born in the creature was the Son of Jehovah. When Jehovah begets a mind in the creature, that mind is always male, the Son of God, Christ.


But there is no Hebrew word, in the beginning chapters of Genesis, that says the creation was male. It is merely Adam, Adam coming from the word adam, the red earth. That is all it means. The first time that there is any indication or reference to a male in the Scripture is at the end of Genesis 2. At the time that the creation fell, that soul, that creature that Jehovah formed, was male. And when the Serpent killed that seedling Christ mind, the creation fell and became female.


We are a female creation. The minds of men in the earth today are female. How do I know? Everybody dies. The man does not die. The man is Christ Jesus. He lives forever. We are a female creation. We fell down, female in the sense of weaker vessel.


The context of male and female in Genesis is not as we know male and female today. Men and women, as they appear today, did not exist at the beginning of time. Genesis speaks about the creation of the mind of man, of the soul of man, of the personality of man. These bodies are an expression of the curse. After Adam sinned, God gave skins to Adam and Eve. Because they fell down and flesh formed over them, they were given animal bodies. They were spiritual, and they were given animal bodies.


This word merely means male as opposed to female. And we find this word, ish, appearing for the first time after the fall.


We did a lot of work on this revelation that the man became a woman when he fell. His male mind was changed into a female mind. The mind in the creation was Christ. The Serpent killed that seedling mind and begat her own mind in the creation, called Leviathan, and we died because to be carnally minded is death. That is why we die. The mind in us is flesh instead of spirit, carneae, flesh. We died.


As if a man did flee from a lion. The Hebrew word translated flee is Strong's 5127. Another completely legitimate translation of that word is to disappear. I think that is pretty obvious. If you flee away, you disappear. It makes sense to me.


Sometimes we find translations of these words that are shocking. Even I have to read the lexicon twice to see that this Hebrew word could really be translated that way. But this is not radical to say, if someone flees or runs away, they disappear. If Rosie was to get up and run through that door, she would have disappeared. You would not see her anymore. We will choose the translation to disappear.


As if a man did flee from a lion. The Hebrew word translated from is Strong's 6440. It can also be translated behind, and we will use that translation.


There are several Hebrew words translated lion. The word in this verse is Strong's 738, and it is speaking about a lion in the sense of violence. A lion in the Scripture signifies spirit. Well, I just told you this; there are several Hebrew words which mean lion. Well, we know that Jesus is the lion of the tribe of Judah. So lion is one of those words which could be good or evil. It could be the good lion or the evil lion, the lion of the tribe of Judah or Satan, that roaring lion that is seeking to destroy you. Lion means spirit.


Based on the rest of this verse and based on the choice of the Hebrew word which means violent lion, I am going to suggest to you that this word is describing the Dragon. Let me take a minute to review for you where the Dragon comes into this.


I have exhorted you several times on how both Jehovah and the Serpent change their name as they change their position, or as they change their function, or as they journey from the spirit world into this physical world. As their function changes, their name changes. We see the Serpent is the name that is given to the earth, which has been infused with the life of God.


I am going to have to do this briefly. As we get into deep prophecy, we find that spiritual truths which the Lord has revealed here; after weeks and weeks of study in the Scripture, we now find it. We find this spiritual truth appearing in one verse. And I cannot be reteaching everything. I touched on this earlier, at the beginning of this message, when I told you we are translating here on two levels. One level is the choice of the word from the Hebrew lexicon. And the other level on which we translate is the symbols.


Now, this verse here, we are talking about the Dragon. And based on studies that we have spent hours and weeks and months on, I am going to remind you that the Serpent began her existence -- Now, remember, the Lord says, I form the light, and I create the darkness. The darkness, the evil in the earth, is created. That which is created has a beginning and has an end. The Serpent's existence began when the waters of the life of the Son flowed over the earth.


And we read about this in Genesis 1. The earth was covered with water, and then the Lord said, Let the water be pulled back, and let the watery part of the creation be called seas, and let the dry be called earth. So we see that the whole world at the beginning was completely covered with water. Water, brethren, is dissolved minerals, minerals dissolved in water. So we see, when the water of this world, of this spiritual world, flowed over the earth and then was withdrawn, a residue of minerals were left in the earth.


When you water your plants out there, the water evaporates; the earth becomes dry, but the minerals that were in the water stay in the ground and nourish the plants. When the waters of the life of the Son of God flowed over the earth, out of which this world is made, and then they were called back, when the Lord said, Let them be gathered into one place and be called seas, there was a mineral, a spiritual mineral residue, left in the earthen part or the dry part of the creation.


And because the Son of God is so great, even though the earth was just garbage (the earth is garbage, we are told in many places), it received a form of existence. And if that existence is called the Serpent, the purpose of this creation is that the invisible God wants to be seen. And He is revealing Himself by contrast. He is light; He has produced a darkness, the Serpent. He is invisible; He has created a visible darkness. He is righteous; He has created unrighteousness so that He might be revealed to us through contrast. Brethren, how would you know righteousness if you have not known sin? Contrast, contrast, contrast.


So we see that, at the beginning of time, there was an intelligent dry part of the creation that was evil. She was designed to give form to the creation and to be under the strict dominion of the Son of God because evil she was. It is as if to say a man was given a tiger to ride as one would ride a horse; that tiger must be under strict control of the rider. A tiger run wild can kill people.


So we see the Dragon. We are speaking about the Dragon. Just a little interference here. So we see, when the Serpent rose up and came out from her God-ordained position of submission to the Son of God; she became aggressive. She separated from the Son of God in her mind and became His enemy.


We read about this in Daniel 8. There was a ram standing in the high place of God's creation. And all of a sudden, a goat appeared. Brethren, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil separated from the Tree of Life. There was one tree, the Tree of Life, with the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the midst. And then, all of a sudden, we are told in Genesis, Adam and Eve were hiding behind the trees, plural. There was one tree, the Tree of Life, and then there were two trees, the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.


So we see, when the Serpent separated, when she went off her course, when she went on a different direction, when she rejected submission to Christ and started to do her own thing, her name changed. Her name changed for the specific purpose of giving the information, to those of us who are studying this word, that her nature changed. She was an evil intelligence, which was in submission to Christ, and her name was the Serpent. And then she became an evil intelligence which was in rebellion against Christ, and her name was the Dragon.


And when she was an evil intelligence in submission to Christ, she was female because she was in submission to the man. But when she went out and did her own thing, she became a man. She started acting like a man, doing the things that men do, and she made herself a man, an inferior man. So we see that this lion is the Dragon.


And this is our Alternate Translation of the first quarter of Amos 5:19, As if a man did flee from a lion. Alternate Translation: Since Adam made peace with Leviathan and disappeared behind the Dragon. Let me go over how I got that.


As if a man escaped. As if (since) a man (man in contrast to woman) fled (escaped) from a lion. The lion is the Dragon, and the Dragon in this hour is appearing as Leviathan. It is all the Serpent, just different administrations of the Serpent. So as if a man did escape from the Dragon.


Since Adam disappeared behind the Dragon. The word from is translated behind. Since Adam disappeared behind the Dragon. How did Adam disappear behind the Dragon? Now, remember, he was hiding behind the trees. God came looking for him. He said, Adam, where are you? And Adam was hiding behind the trees, plural, indicating that the one Tree of Life had now separated into two trees.


Well, Pastor Sheila, how can you say he was hiding behind the Dragon when the Scripture says he was hiding behind the tree? Because, brethren, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is the Dragon, in the same manner that the Tree of Life is the Lord Jesus Christ.


Brethren, we are told that this world is covered over, or Eden is covered over, by this fallen world. That is why, when judgment comes, the sky is going to roll up like a scroll, because this evil world has been formed by the Serpent illegally. And it is lying over Eden, spiritually speaking, if you can hear it. If you cannot, just ask the Lord to help you. And this world is going to be rolled back by the Lord Jesus Christ.


And let me tell you something. If a screen were to come up in front of me now, I would be hidden behind the screen. There is even an advertisement on TV these days. I pointed it out to some of you not too long ago, where it shows you a very rich woman walking down the steps of a mansion. And all of a sudden, the scene as you see it starts to break apart, and it turns out that it was just paper. There is a man behind it, chopping away with his knife. And when he spreads all the paper away, there is another whole world behind that piece of paper.


Brethren, have you ever heard about another dimension? Have you ever heard about a parallel world? The occult talks about this, but Satan cannot come up with anything new. Every information he gives you is a perversion of spiritual truth. Brethren, there is another dimension. There is a parallel world. It is called the kingdom of God. This is the kingdom of darkness.


Since Adam disappeared behind the Dragon, Adam's righteousness, Christ, disappeared when sin was revealed in Adam. The result of that sin was that he was joined to the Dragon, joined with chains of darkness in his mind to the powers and principalities and the god of this world.


Adam disappeared behind the Dragon. What is that Scripture in the Book of Revelation? I think it is chapter 13. He looked like a lamb, but he spake like a Dragon. Christ, He is supposed to be the Son of God. He is the son of God, but He does not look like the Son of God. He looks like a Dragon. He is supposed to be talking like the Son of God, but He does not talk like the Son of God. He talks like a Dragon. He is supposed to be acting like the Son of God, but He does not act like the Son of God.


The Church is filled with sin. They are lying; they are cheating; they are stealing; they are fornicating. They are doing everything the world does. They are supposed to be acting like the Son of God, but they are acting like the Dragon.


The Son of God, righteous Adam, disappeared behind the Dragon. He is in there. Christ is in there. He is in you, and He is in me. The righteousness of God is in us, but we sin every day. How come? We disappeared behind the Dragon, if you can hear it, brethren.


Look up. What an exciting word. You were in heaven, and you fell down from heaven. But only the one who was in heaven can go back up to heaven. So the fact that you were up there at one time, and you fell down, means there is hope of you going back up again. Keep it positive, brethren. Keep it positive.


Since Adam disappeared behind the Dragon. And how did fallen Adam disappear behind the Dragon, specifically, technically? We are into technicalities in this ministry. How did it happen? Righteous Adam had a mind that was righteous. Adam was the soul. Adam is the soul that Jehovah created. What made him righteous? The mind that was in him, which mind was fathered by Jehovah.


Is there not a Scripture that says Jesus is our righteousness? The mind that was in the creation made the creation righteous. Christ is our righteousness. If we do not have Christ, we have no righteousness. The Serpent rose up and attacked Christ. Christ was a seedling mind. The Lord has revealed to us that a mind is a woven garment.


A mind is a woven garment, typified by the crown that you read about in the Book of Revelation. The crown that we are to inherit, brethren, it is not a European-type crown of solid gold with jewels in it. It is a Greek-type crown. Look it up. Look it up in Strong's; it is there. It is a Greek-type crown of three strands interwoven, signifying the mind. The mind is a woven garment. Does not Paul tell us that we are taking on a new garment? The mind is a garment that covers the invisible spirit and reveals that spirit.


The example that we have been using in this ministry for eight years is The Invisible Man. There was a movie that was made in the United States, back in the 1940s probably, called The Invisible Man. It was about a scientist who drank a potion that made him invisible. Nobody could see him, but you could hear his voice. And he was frightening people. He spoke to his wife, and he terrified her. He spoke to his parents, and he terrified them, a voice coming out of the middle of the room.


So what did he do? He put a jacket on him. He put a pair of pants and shoes and socks and gloves on his hands, and he took bandage and wrapped it around his face and put a hat on his head. This invisible man still had substance to him, but the substance was invisible. When he put cloth, when he put a woven garment over his invisible substance, his invisible substance and form was revealed.


The Lord Jesus Christ is building a house for Jehovah. It is a spiritual house that is called a mind, and it is being woven. At the beginning, it is woven from two threads, and then eventually a third thread is introduced. And a three-thread mind is not easily broken. The two-thread mind is easily broken.


Christ at the beginning of time, the immature seedling mind, was formed of the breath that Jehovah breathed into the creation and the mature Creator Spirit of Jehovah. They intertwined; they twisted together, and the seedling Christ mind was formed. It was Jehovah's plan that this union of the Spirit of Jehovah with the spirit that was in the soul would increase into a third strand. The increase would be called Christ Jesus. The three-thread mind, which, when completely matured, is undefeatable and indestructible, the Word of God.


The Serpent rose up and broke that seedling mind apart. A three-thread mind is not easily broken, but this seedling mind, this two-thread mind, was ripped apart by the strong wind of the Serpent. And the soul was separated from Jehovah, and the Serpent laid hold of the spirit in the soul and joined with him as with a woman.


And instead of the mind of Jehovah being born in the creation, the Serpent begot her mind in the creature. First, the Serpent brought forth a two-thread mind. His name is the Dragon. And when the Dragon increases into a three-thread mind, or when the Dragon matures, his name is Leviathan.


So that is how Adam disappeared behind the Dragon. His true nature, spirit, separated from Jehovah, was forced into a union with the Serpent. The Dragon appeared, and Adam, God's creation, died to everything that he was, died to all the righteousness of Christ and began to appear with the Dragon. All you could see is the Dragon.


And a bear met him. Since Adam disappeared behind the Dragon, a bear met him. The Hebrew word translated met is Strong's 6293. This word can also be translated to reach, to make a covenant with or to make peace with.


And some of you may know that Jehovah made a covenant with Abraham, and that He makes a covenant with every one of us. When He enters into a relationship with us, He makes a contract with us that produces union. I would like to suggest to you that, when Adam disappeared behind the Dragon, he made a covenant with him. He made peace with him. He stopped fighting him.


Brethren, every one of us is in a covenant relationship with Leviathan in this hour. Paul clearly says, Resist your husband. Start acting like your new husband, the Lord Jesus Christ, is really your husband. Rebel against your fallen husband. Rebel against that fallen mind. Rebel against Leviathan. Act like you are already divorced. Do not listen to him. Do not do the sin that he puts in your mind. Resist him; rebel against him; hate him; kill him.


But we see that the man who fell at the beginning of time made peace with Leviathan. He accepted the union, which was formed as the result of sin. Brethren, we must fight every second of every minute of every day of our life. We must resist sin in our own mind. But the man-made peace with the Dragon.


The Scripture says, And a bear met him. The Hebrew word translated bear means bear. However, those of us that have been studying for a while; does anybody remember what the bear symbolizes?




PASTOR VITALE: No, no. That is what the Church world will teach us.




PASTOR VITALE: Yes. We have studied the bear in Daniel 7, and we have studied the bear in the Book of Revelation. Now, I read in my Bible that there were some teenagers mocking Elijah, and he cursed them, and two bears came out of the forest and devoured them. They were not little children. The King James translation is not too accurate. They were teenagers.


And I want to suggest to you that the bear typifies the carnal mind. They mocked the servant of God. They mocked the prophet of God. They mocked the works of Jehovah. And what happened to them? They died to their spiritual life.


Now, in the Old Covenant, when the works of God were physical, these young men died. In this hour, if you mock the things of God, you lose your spiritual life. You lose the mind of Christ. You curse God's prophet; you lose the mind of Christ.


PASTOR VITALE: The bear signifies the carnal mind, whose name is? What is the proper name of the carnal mind?


COMMENT: Leviathan.


PASTOR VITALE: Leviathan, Leviathan, Leviathan.


Alternate Translation, this is the first quarter of Amos 5:19: Since Adam made peace with Leviathan and disappeared behind the Dragon. Since Adam made peace with Leviathan and disappeared behind the Dragon.


You may be recognizing, those of you that have been studying with us for a while, that we seem to have a translation of a second clause before the first clause, because that does not make any sense in English; it is half a sentence: Since Adam made peace with Leviathan and disappeared behind the Dragon. So we will keep on translating, and we will get these thoughts into a logical order.


Is anybody discerning this anointing? That anointing that slays you in the spirit is falling. It is heavier than it was this morning. My own eyes are closing on me. So let us just hang in there. If your eyes should close on you, if you cannot keep your eyes open, do not take any condemnation. This word is going into your spirit. It is a very heavy anointing.


We have one message in which I was actually slurring my words. I had to stop preaching after 45 minutes, and for me, 45 minutes is a joke. Sometimes I preach up to three hours in one day or in one sitting. I had to end the session because I was actually passing out in the spirit. And this is the kind of visitation the Lord has been giving us for months now. It has to be at least a year that this is going on, has it not?


So do not let anyone condemn you, brethren. Just do the best you can. The word is going into your heart. Do not worry about anything.


Continuing with the second quarter of Amos 5:19: Since Adam made peace with Leviathan and disappeared behind the Dragon, or went into the house. As if a man did flee from the lion, and a bear met him, or went into the house. Well, I am going to make sense out of this. You will hear it.


There is no Hebrew word translated or. This word was added in by the King James translators in their desperate attempt to make some kind of sense out of these Hebrew words. The Hebrew word translated went into is Strong's 935. It means to go in or to enter in.


And the word house is Strong's 1004. Now, this has some interesting translations. This Hebrew word translated house can also be translated human bodies. And we know that the demon said, This is our house. Amen. It is also used of Sheol, and it is also used to describe the abode of light and darkness.


What is light and darkness? I believe I mentioned it this morning. Light and darkness, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil; this world is a mixture of light and darkness. The morning and the evening of the first day, both evening and morning are mixtures of light and darkness. The evening is a mixture of light and darkness, with the darkness predominating. Morning is a mixture of light and darkness, with the light predominating. This whole creature, this whole creation, is a mixture of the darkness of the earth and the light of the Spirit of Jehovah, a mixture of light and darkness, with the Lord ordaining that the light should rule over the darkness.


But Adam was tested, and he failed the test. He lost his grip. He let go of the reins that he had on the Serpent, and she rose up, and she bit him, and she put him down under her. And now we see the harlot of Revelation riding on a big beast, a big, scarlet-colored beast. Scarlet color; the beast that Christ is supposed to be ruling is stained with the sin nature of the Serpent. And the breath of Jehovah, which was designed to be the glorious Christ and Lord and Master of this creation, is now joined to Satan. And he is using her. She is a harlot. He has made her into a harlot.


And the Lord Jesus Christ has come to rescue us. We are in spiritual white slavery. We are in bondage, brethren, to the rulership of the Serpent.


And the man incarnated. The phrase is or went into the house. Went into the body, went into the abode of light and darkness. Went into the body. We are going to translate those two words together, to go into the body, as incarnation.


Now, the man, when he was formed at the beginning of time, was an incomplete creation. Jehovah began by forming the mind of the creation. Adam existed in the spirit world before he incarnated. How do I know? It says it right in the Bible. It says, in Genesis, the beginning of chapter 2, And Jehovah formed every herb and every plant before it was -- Where? Anybody? In the earth. Jehovah formed it before it was in the earth. Jehovah formed the mind of man before man incarnated into a visible world.


And Adam was tested. If he incarnated on the good side, the world that he incarnated into would have been spiritual, visible and spiritual. If he incarnated by the strength of the Serpent, by the Serpent's seed, the world that he incarnated in would be visible and physical. This visible, physical world is the product of Adam's sin in his union with the Serpent. I know you are saying Eve took the fruit, and she gave it to her husband, and he ate it with her. This creation, which began as a mind, incarnated on the negative side of Eden.


So we shall translate the three words, went into the house, as incarnation. And the man incarnated as the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.


That is what we are, brethren. If you think we are the Tree of Life, you had better look again. Everything in this world deteriorates. That is why we need maintenance. You have to wash every day. You have to dust every day. You have to plant every season. You have to reap, and you have to sow, and you have to prepare food. It is a world of labor that came into being as a result of God's curse on fallen man. And the man incarnated, not as the Tree of Life, but he incarnated as the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.


The third quarter of Amos 5:19: And leaned his hand on the wall. The Hebrew word translated lean, Strong's 5564, can be taken and translated reflexively. It can mean to lean upon or to take hold of oneself.


A reflexive verb comes around and goes back to you. The verb, for example, to dress means you could be dressing anybody. If you make that verb reflexive, it means to dress oneself. Whatever the verb is, whatever the action of the verb is, when the verb is reflexive, you do it to yourself.


So we see here the Hebrew word translated leaned, Strong's 5564, can mean to take hold of or to take hold of oneself. Does anybody recognize that?


We just came out of a very long study of Job 41. And one of the verses in Job 41, which turns out to be a history of the fall of man, said that, At the beginning of time, man laid hold of himself. Do you remember that? What does that mean? It means that man, the soul which was supposed to be the receptacle for the spiritual sperm of God, laid hold of himself and fertilized himself, and brought forth a mind of the flesh instead of a mind of the spirit because that which is of the flesh, brethren, is flesh. We see a second witness to that verse.


So the man laid hold of himself, and he leaned his hand on the wall. The Hebrew word translated hand is Strong's 3027. And, brethren, Brown-Driver-Briggs Lexicon says that this word can be translated -- Now, remember, what we are finding out here is that this whole creation is born as a result of a spiritual sexuality. Human sexuality is a type of what is operating in the spirit.


Paul said, Gird up the loins of your mind. The Scripture talks about spiritual adultery. The Scripture speaks about the birth of the man child. The Scripture says there is a marriage taking place. When there is a marriage, there is a consummation. Brethren, human sexuality is a type of the sexuality of the mind. We are supposed to be in a union with Jehovah, the male, and our soul and the spirit in our soul, the female. And there is a child being born, the Son of God. His name is Christ Jesus.


What happened at the time of the fall was that the soul did not wait for the seed of the Father but fertilized herself, bringing forth a mind of the flesh. And that is what this verse is speaking about here.

Leaned his hand; leaned, to take hold of. The hand, Brown-Driver-Briggs says, look it up yourself, this word can be translated as sexual organ.


This verse lines up with Job 41:23, which we translated because the Serpent was out of course. She was supposed to be a woman; she was acting like a man. And she formed the creature as a female instead of a male. And now mankind is occupying himself like a woman. That is the translation of Job 41:23 and 17. We just spent weeks on it, and everyone on here has been severely persecuted for bringing forth this deep revelation.


So what have we got? The Alternate Translation of the third quarter of Amos 5:19 is: By laying hold of his own reproductive organs. Listen. And the man incarnated as the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil by laying hold of his own reproductive organs. He fertilized himself. He did not want to wait for Jehovah. He did not want to submit to Jehovah. He did not want to be the female. He wanted to be the male. He wanted to be the boss. So he fertilized himself, and he brought forth a mind in the creation.


Only one problem, it was an inferior mind. It was not a mind of the spirit, but it was a mind of the flesh. And to be carnally minded is death. The Serpent did it. He did it. He did what a man does. He fertilized and caused the soul to beget an offspring. But the offspring is retarded. And everyone who has incarnated as a result of the Serpent's mind in this creation is spiritually retarded. We are a shadow of what we are supposed to be.


We are supposed to have dominion. And a mosquito bites us, and we die. A tick bites us, and we go running to the doctor because the stinger is infected. We are vile. Our condition is vile. We are dependent. We are needy. Brethren, a man has everything he needs to survive within himself. Females, spiritually speaking, are dependent. We are dependent. Everything we need to survive is outside of us.


But Jehovah said, Let the fruit-bearing tree whose seed is within himself come forth. We would perish without clothing from the outside, without food from the outside, without fellowship from the outside, without love from the outside, without companionship from the outside. We are bankrupt, dependent. We are the product of spiritual incest. The soul fertilized herself, did not wait for a man. Rebellion did not want to submit to the man, said she did not need him. And the man incarnated as the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil by laying hold of his own reproductive organs. He fertilized himself.


On the wall. The Hebrew word translated wall is Strong's 7023. It is a feminine word, which means we know we cannot be speaking about Christ because he is always male. And Gesenius Hebrew Lexicon says that this word can also be translated lime. The word translated wall can also be translated lime.


So we have an interesting study here. Random House Unabridged Dictionary says that lime is a calcium compound for improving crops grown in soils deficient in lime. It is a substance that is used to paint or cover over a surface, and that substance is made of lime and water. It is commonly known as whitewash. This Hebrew word translated wall is commonly known as whitewash. The American Heritage Dictionary says that whitewash is a mixture of lime and water. It usually has glue added to it. It is used to whiten walls. It is used to describe deceptive words or actions. And it is used to cover up or gloss over faults, errors or wrongdoing.


I am going to make my point in a minute. The chemical name of whitewash is calcium oxide. And the Concise Columbia Encyclopedia says that calcium oxide, or lime, or whitewash, is a colorless, crystalline or white substance. It is used to produce glass, water and cement.


PASTOR VITALE: Now, what does that mean to us? First of all, it is white. We know that anything that has the Spirit of God in it is what color?




PASTOR VITALE: No, no. When the life of God is in something, the color is red. Adam is red. He comes from the red, ruddy soil. Spiritually speaking, white signifies the absence of the life of God. Now, I know what you are thinking of. The white is righteousness. That is a different symbology of the word. But when we are speaking about the life of God, red means it is present, and white means it is absent.


Now, you will find a variation like this in the Scriptures. For example, when you are speaking about spiritual life, the color green means health. When you are speaking about animal life, the color green means disease. Gangrene is putrefying flesh. Whoever said this gospel was simple? The Jews have been studying for centuries. Brethren, the study of this Word is a life pursuit.


So what does this mean? The Hebrew word translated wall is speaking about a colorless, crystalline substance that is used in making glass and cement. Now, glass and cement is a solid, rigid substance. We know that spiritual life is not solid, nor is it rigid. What have we got here?


Remember, now, the dust out of which Jehovah formed the creature was white (you can look that up in Strong's), indicating that it lacked the life of God. But a mist, we are told, which is vapor, went up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground.


Water in the Scripture signifies Jehovah's spiritual seed in the visible world. Water contains minerals. I touched on this earlier. The minerals signify the actual life of Jehovah in seed form, and the liquid that the Son is dissolved in is the form Jehovah's Spirit takes in this visible world. Now, I told you all this already. I went ahead in my notes. But I will read you my notes anyway, just in case I forgot something.


Remember how, in Genesis 1, the waters flowed over the earth and were then called back, leaving a residue of spiritual minerals which gave an intelligent existence to the earth, which the Scriptures call the Serpent. I suggest to you that the mineral-infused earth is signified by lime. Lime is a symbol of the mineral-infused earth without the life of God. That is what I am suggesting to you. The creature became a living soul that is fertile ground, in which Jehovah's Son could mature only after Jehovah breathed His breath into it. So we see that lime is a symbol for the earth that had received a form of existence. And the form of that existence is called the Serpent. But the earth did not become a living soul, until Jehovah breathed the breath into it.


Matthew 23:27 says, Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, for ye are like unto whited sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward but are within full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness. So this Hebrew word translated wall is referring to what Jesus called the Pharisees, whited sepulchers, whited walls. That is the word we are dealing with in Amos 5.


Acts 23:3 says, 'Then', said Paul unto him, 'God shall smite thee, thou whited wall, for sittest thou to judge me after the law and commandest me to be smitten contrary to the law.' So we see the expression, whited sepulcher or whited wall, is an insult. It is saying you have an existence that is without the life of God, a negative existence.


Alternate Translation, the third quarter of Amos 5:19: He was joined to Christ's skeleton instead of the living Christ. Who? The man Adam. When he fell, he was supposed to be joined to the living Christ. He was supposed to be a living soul, but something went wrong. He died. What went wrong? Sin was revealed in him, and he died.


And as I have been teaching you here for weeks, if not months now, no creation can exist without Jehovah's breath. When Jehovah joins to that breath, the creation is alive. When the Serpent joins to that breath, the creation is dead. But there can be no form of existence without Jehovah's breath. So we see here that the spirit in man was joined to Christ's skeleton, the human spirit, instead of the living Christ.


We are almost done. The fourth quarter of Amos 5:19: And a serpent bit him. All this happened to him. He laid hold of his own reproductive organs. He incarnated as the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and he was joined to Christ's skeleton instead of the living Christ, and a Serpent bit him.


The word and is not in the Hebrew but was added by the King James translators for clarity. I suggest to you that word was added for clarity; I am not going to add the word and. I am going to add the word when. I agree with the King James translators that a word needs to be added for clarity. But I choose when, and they chose and.


The Hebrew word translated bit is Strong's 5391. It means to strike with a sting. And serpent simply means snake.


1 Corinthians 15:56 says, The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. And we are finding out that everything that we have just studied that happened to the man happened when he was stung with the sting of sin. None of this could have happened to him if the potential for sin was not in him.


God never tempts us. God tests us, but he never tempts us. God will test us. He will say, Choose ye this day good or evil, a curse or a blessing. Which will you choose? But the Serpent comes and tries to seduce you to sin, tries to make you sin, tries to make you fall, looks for your soft underside and stings you in it and pressures you to do what you are resisting not to do. Jesus does not do that to you. He gives you an honest test.


So the Serpent bit the man, and all this came upon him because the potential for sin in that man was revealed. And the strength of sin is the law. That means, when Adam sinned, he came under the judgment of Jehovah's law. He died. The judgment for sin is death. So when the Serpent tempted him, and Adam sinned, the Serpent did not kill him. Jehovah killed him. Brethren, read the Bible. Man was put out of the garden of Eden by Jehovah because he sinned. The strength of sin is the law. The Serpent gets us to sin, and Jehovah punishes us.


Amplified Alternate Translation, the fourth quarter of Amos 5:19: When the Serpent stung him, or When the Serpent revealed sin in him.


Alternate Translation, the whole of Amos 5:19: Since Adam made peace with Leviathan and disappeared behind the Dragon, and the man incarnated as the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, he was joined to Christ's skeleton instead of the living Christ when the Serpent revealed sin in him.


It makes no sense at all, so I have put it in a logical order. I have interspersed the phrases into a logical order, and this is what it sounds like: Adam incarnated as the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, instead of the Tree of Life (in other verses, we say he incarnated as a woman instead of a man) when the Serpent revealed sin in him. And he was joined to Christ's skeleton instead of the living Christ. And he disappeared behind the Dragon and made peace with Leviathan.


Still does not make too much sense. I have interspersed it; I have amplified it; I have made sense out of it. This is what I suggest to you is Jehovah's message to humanity through Amos 5:19: Adam incarnated as the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, instead of the Tree of Life, when the Serpent revealed sin in him. And he was joined to Christ's skeleton instead of the living Christ. And the Dragon joined with the human spirit, and Leviathan was born as the creature's mind. And righteous Adam disappeared behind the Dragon.


I will read it one more time, and we will call it quits for the night. This is an interspersed Amplified Translation of Amos 5:19: Adam incarnated as the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, instead of the Tree of Life, when the Serpent revealed sin in him. And he was joined to Christ's skeleton instead of the living Christ. And the Dragon joined with the human spirit, and Leviathan was born as the creature's mind. And righteous Adam disappeared behind the Dragon.


Any questions or comments on this message? Praise the Lord.


Transcribed by VerbalFusion 09/04/20

1st Edit 09/08/20, rh

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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