313 - Part 13

Part 13 of 19 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


We finished up the last message with an Amplified Translation of Isaiah 59:4-5. I am going to read that for you, and then I am going to do a comparative. I am going to compare it to James 1, verses 15 probably through 18. These comparative studies are very difficult. I have tried. Sometimes I have done it. On other occasions, I have started and stopped because it was too difficult. But I did complete it this time. Isaiah 59, the last phrase of verse 4 and verse 5, I have compared it for you to James 1:15-18.


And it is interesting because there really is nothing new in the New Testament. It really is the Word of God. It is the Old Testament, usually in a more understandable form. However, sometimes we do get little bits of additional information.


A good example of this is the four Gospels. If you want to fully understand a scriptural event which is spoken about in one of the Gospels, you really have to go into all four Gospels and dig up any reference to the same event in all four Gospels. Upon doing this, you are very likely to find that the basic message is the same, but in each Gospel, you may have one little tidbit of different information. Therefore, to get the whole picture of the event, The Temptation, for example, you have to go into all four Gospels and look for that extra little tidbit.


We also found this principle when we did Daniel 7. You may recall Daniel 7 is Daniel speaking about a dream that he had. In the first few verses, he tells you all about the dream. Then in the second part of the chapter, he tells you that he is asking the angel for an understanding of the dream. And he goes in to repeat the dream to the angel, and he says, Remember those beasts that I talked about? And we find that, when he speaks to the angel, repeating the dream, even out of his own mouth, we found additional information. And then of course, when the angel answers him, there was even more additional information.


Detectives know about this. When they are trying to get information from a witness to a crime scene, they will ask them the same question over and over again. Or they will say to them, over and over again, Tell me what happened. Tell me again. Tell me again. And out of the witness's own mouth, maybe the second or the third time, they will find that they are adding information that they did not give the first time. This is how the mind works. This is how the human mind works.


I even have this experience with people in this ministry. When they come to me with a dream, I will say, Could you tell me the dream again? Could you tell me the dream again? Could you tell me the dream again? And sometimes, by the fourth time, they are ready to kill me. Michelle is laughing because I do that to her all the time. She has a lot of dreams. But by the fourth time you are telling me the dream, you are telling me something that you did not tell me the first time. It is just how the human mind works.


So I am going to read you our Alternate Translation of Isaiah 59, the last phrase of verse 4 and verse 5. And we are going to go over James 1:15. I will show you the comparisons, and I will show you the conclusions that both the Old and New Testament draw. And the moral as to what to do as a result of gaining all this information appears in the New Testament, so try and follow. Actually, I was thinking of putting this on the board. Let us put this on the board.


Amplified Translation, Isaiah 59, the last phrase of verse 4 and verse 5, speaking about Israel: And they (specifically the men of Israel). Now, please note that, in natural Israel, the Lord is never chastising the women and the children. He is always after the men.


And I suggest to you the same situation occurs in the New Testament. The problem with the New Testament Church is that we have some confusion here. The men do not know who the men are, and the women do not know who the women are. And the modern-day Church is really Babylon because we are in total confusion as to who are the men and who are the women.


Why is this? Anybody know? How come there is such a confusion in the Church as to who are the men and who are the women?


I think the reason is that they do not know there is a difference between imputed and imparted and that, when you start off with the anointing, you have to go into Christ. And if you are not really into Christ, you will never be a Son, which is what God is doing when He is giving you the imparted. That is His special sign that you are a Son, and that makes you a man, whether you are a woman or a man.


Well, there is truth in what you are saying. But you gave a very difficult, complicated answer. What is the simplest answer? How come nobody can tell, or very few people can tell the difference between the men and women in the Church?


COMMENT: I think it is all out of order, that the women are not in submission to the men, and the men are not taking their parts as the head.


PASTOR VITALE: Well, that is true. What is the easy answer?


COMMENT: That the spirit is neither male nor female.


PASTOR VITALE: And what does that mean? Tell Minnie Mouse what that means.


COMMENT: A spiritual man can be a physical woman.


PASTOR VITALE: You are getting there. Say it in another way. Make it real simple to someone who has not the vaguest idea what you are talking about. Can anybody? That is the answer. Can anybody make it really simple?


COMMENT: Women are ministers.


PASTOR VITALE: No. Men are ministers. Men are supposed to be ministers. A lot of women are.


Listen, brethren, you cannot tell by what someone looks like. In the New Covenant, whether they are a man or a woman has nothing to do with their body. It has to do with their mind. I could pull somebody off the street and say to them, Look, under the New Covenant, you cannot tell whether a man is a man by looking at his body. You have to look at his mind. You have to look at a person's mind to find out whether they are a man or a woman. How do you look at their mind? How do you look at somebody's mind? The problem is most people cannot. But how do you look at somebody's mind?


COMMENT: You examine the words that they speak.


PASTOR VITALE: You listen to what they say. Yes. You try the spirit, which is much more difficult, to try the spirit behind the words.


The New Testament problem is that you cannot tell someone's sex by looking at their body. And the truth of the matter is that the Church is in transition. Eventually, the whole Church will be male. Whether they start out in a female body or in a male body, the problem is that you get your new mind before the power of that mind changes your body. So we have some spiritual men walking around in male bodies and some walking around in female bodies. And we have some spiritual women walking around in female bodies, and some of them are in male bodies. And everybody is in transition, and the whole Church is in confusion.


PASTOR VITALE: What did Paul say? We no longer know any man by the what?




PASTOR VITALE: By the flesh. You do not know who someone is by looking at them, neither can you tell whether he is a man or a woman. Not only can you not tell whether he is a man or a woman, you cannot tell whether he is a Christian by the clothes that he wears or because he goes to church every Sunday. You cannot tell whether or not he is a Christian because he jumps up and down.


You have to test his spiritual manhood with a spiritual test, the very least of listening to his words, but even that can be a false witness. You have to try the spirit, and you have to look for the fruit in his life. And what is the fruit in his life? That Christ is appearing. Perhaps not in perfection at the moment, but Christ is appearing. And that people's lives are changing, that people who have a relationship with him have their lives changed for the better.


Amplified Translation, Isaiah 59, the last phrase of verse 4 and verse 5, speaking about Israel: Speaking about Israel now, They cast Christ Jesus down onto his back, trust in Sodom and Egypt, and are lying witnesses to the resurrection of Christ.


Now, please note, in this paragraph, it is broken down into three parts: spirit, soul and body. This is what the spiritual men of Israel did. Spiritually speaking, they cast Christ Jesus down onto Hiss back. How did they do that? Because of their sin, the Devil was raised up. And the Devil covered over Christ Jesus, casting him down on his back, making a harlot out of the Son of God. Joel 2:2.


They cast Christ Jesus down onto his back, they trust in Sodom and Gomorrah, and are lying witnesses to the resurrection of Christ. That is the spiritual.


Now, the soul: They conceive the negative engrafted word and give birth to the mature Devil. They weave the Dragon's three-thread mind to cover the Serpent and cause completed evil men to be born.


Now, body: The one who engages in the Devil's lifestyle, their body dies outright. And we talked about this on the last message; that is spiritual menstruation. And the spirit that is separated from Christ becomes a worthless spirit dwelling in a dead soul.


How could I say this is spiritual menstruation? Brethren, every human being on the face of the earth is a spiritual egg; can be likened to an ovum in a woman's body. If our mind is fertilized, we produce Christ Jesus, and He gives life to our soul and preserves our body, and we never die. We are a spiritual egg. If we do not turn into the Son of God, we pass out of this system as a waste product.


Let us go on with James 1:15: Then when lust has conceived, it bringeth forth sin. And sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.


I gave you the Alternate Translation of Isaiah 59, but you might want to turn to the King James Translation when we compare it to James 1:15. Why do we not do that? I told you these comparative studies are difficult.


Isaiah 59: They conceive mischief and speak lies and bring forth inequity. They hatch cockatrice eggs and weave the spider's web.


So we are comparing the Old Testament to the New Testament. Old Testament: They conceive mischief. New Testament: Then when lust has conceived. Old Testament: And bring forth inequity. New Testament: When it is finished, bringeth forth death.


I am going to put this on the board because it is going to be hard to follow. Before I get up, I am going to do this first phrase for you.


Then when lust has conceived. The Greek word lust means desire for that which is forbidden. The word conceived can mean conception, and also to seize and to take on prisoner. And to bring forth means to give birth to. And sin is that which is wrong. Let me put this on the board for you. Jesus, help me.


Please note that, when Israel conceives negatively, we are not really told what it is that is operating in Israel that conceives negatively. We are told in the New Testament that it is lust in Israel that has conceived and brought forth the Devil.


Now, we did this on the last message. We found out that the Hebrew word translated mischief means the Devil. I am not going to redo the whole study. It is on the last message. So let me just put this in parentheses here for you. Mischief is the Devil. We came to that conclusion on part 12.


Now, we are told that, in the New Testament, When lust has conceived, it bringeth forth sin. Says, when Israel conceives mischief, it brings forth the Devil. Let me read it to you this way. Please note that, when Israel conceives negatively, he brings forth mischief, the Devil.


And when lust... Lust is the desire for that which is forbidden. Now, when we desire something that is forbidden, who is it? Whose desires is it? It is the Dragon's desire in us. Brethren, everything that we desire that is an offense unto God is coming forth from the mind of the Dragon in us. We are a double-minded person. We have the desires of the Dragon, and we have the desires of the Lord Jesus Christ. And the problem with fallen man is that, in this hour, the desires of the Dragon are stronger than the desires of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Why? Does anybody know why? Because, brethren, the Dragon has incarnated us. He is our foundation. He is our original ancestor. We owe our existence to him. His offspring, the Devil, is the sitting queen. She is attached to our soul. She is living through us. She is ruling through us. She is feeling through us. She is thinking through us. She is the beast. And in the hour that the beast is ripped out of us, we will no longer think with the mind of the Dragon.


Are you tired of resisting sin? A lot of people are tired of resisting sin. That is the best that we could do right now when our nature is sin. We fight, and we fight, and we fight. And lots of times, we fail, and we fail, and we fail. But in that hour that Christ Jesus defeats the Devil and surgically removes her from our soul, there will be no more battle. We will not have a sin nature. Our nature will be righteousness.


And we will no longer be subject to the law because the law is only for an unrighteous man, because our reprobate mind would have us doing all kinds of sin. So the Lord gave us a law and says, Thou shalt not, Thou shalt not, Thou shalt not, because we do not know we are not supposed to be doing it. Everything in our being is saying, go, go, go. So the Lord has to say, Thou shalt not, Thou shalt not. But when the life of the Dragon in the form of the Devil is surgically removed from us, we will no longer need a law to say, Thou shalt not, because our very nature shall no longer desire what is displeasing to God. Why? Because our nature shall be God.


So we hold on with all the strength that we have. And when we confess our sins and repent, the Lord is faithful to forgive us because he knows that the Dragon has engraved his image in us. And that is why the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ has been imparted to us, because the Lord knows that we are just dust.


So we see the Old Testament says, When they (Israel) conceive the Devil because lust was found in them. Brethren, do you hear this? Israel, who had the mind of Christ. Israel that was feared by every nation and every army in the area, the geographical area where they covered. They were invincible. They were an undefeatable army. They saw the miracle-working power of God. They had the Word of God. They had the power of God. And they had lust. Brethren, there is no way anybody is entering into full salvation without having our present nature destroyed and the nature of Christ Jesus replacing it.


We most recently studied Jehu and his work for the Lord. Do you remember what Jehu did? He destroyed all of the worshippers of Baal in Israel, and then he wrecked their temple. He was a faithful man of God, did everything the Lord told him. And after he did this great work, the Scripture says, But nevertheless, Jehu did not cleanse the land of all the idols.


And you read about that, about a lot of men in the Scripture that have done great works for the Lord. I always wondered about it. Why did they not complete the work? Why did they not complete the work? Why did they do this great work for God and then mess up?


And then answer is because they were fallen men. They were fallen men, and it was impossible for them to perform perfectly in their lifetime. They did the job that God gave them to do. He gave them the power to do it; He gave them the anointing to do it. And when the job that was assigned and allotted to them was completed, they fell back into their true nature. It is impossible for any of us to do anything else until such time as God surgically removes our fallen nature and imparts the nature of Christ Jesus to us.


We will complete, Lord willing, we will complete the work He gives us to do because He will impart enough power to us to do it. And as soon as that job is done, and He withdraws the energizing force of his Spirit, we are going to find out that we are still Mickey Mouse.


They (the men of Israel, the physical men of Israel) conceived the Devil, we are told in the New Testament, because despite all the power that was on them, lust was found in them. And when lust has conceived... I suggest to you, lust conceives the Devil. So you see, in the New Testament, it says, when lust has conceived, but it is really not clear what it conceives. But over here, in the Old Testament, it is pretty clear: when mischief, or the Devil, is conceived.


So the Old Testament tells us that it is the Devil, and the New Testament tells us that it is lust found in the man which is causing the conception. And when lust, which is the desire for that which is forbidden or the desires of the Dragon, conceives, it brings forth... We are told, over here in the New Testament, it brings forth sin.


And I read to you earlier that sin is that which is wrong. I want to suggest to you that that which is wrong is the Devil, and it brings forth the wrong offspring. That which is wrong is the Devil. When lust conceives, it does not bring forth Christ Jesus. It brings forth the wrong offspring, the Devil. So we see a witness both in the Old and the New Testament that it is the Devil that comes forth. It brings forth the wrong offspring.


So we can say then that, for Israel to have brought forth the mischief of the Devil, he must have desired that which was forbidden, the desires of the Dragon. And if you can hear what I am saying, I am suggesting to you, what is not clear in the Old Testament, that that which went wrong with natural Israel was that lust was found in them. That, despite all of the power of God and the word of God and the glory cloud of God, lust was still found in them, or we could say the fallen nature was still found in them.


So the Scripture says, Ye are gods, but ye shall die like men. You are gods because you have the Word of God. You are gods because you have the power of God. You are gods because you have access to the mind of Christ. But you are going to die like men because you have the Serpent's nature.


And the Church today is in the same condition. Even those of us that have the imparted anointing, we have everything we need to go on into eternal life. We have more of what we need than Israel had. We have the Lord Jesus, who has already overcome the world. We have every reason to go on. But Jesus said, The fields are white to harvest, but the laborers are few. I do not care what you have got, brethren. I do not care how anointed you are. I do not care how powerful you are. As long as your nature remains the nature of the beast, you are not going on to eternal life.


Do you hear it? You today, in the New Covenant, have even more than they had in Israel, and you are not going in either. You are going to menstruate also if you do not use the power which has been imparted to you to destroy your fallen nature. And if you believe this false doctrine in the Church today that says you are ascending automatically, you might as well check out now because your fallen nature is not falling down on bended knees and committing hara-kiri.


PASTOR VITALE: Who is going to tell us who hara-kiri is? Anybody know what hara-kiri is?


COMMENT: Japanese suicide.


PASTOR VITALE: Japanese-style suicide. He is not doing it. You have to kill him. He is not accommodating you.


So with Christ Jesus being formed in you, growing up from seed, grand and glorious and marvelous, you are not entering into eternal life until He defeats Satan in your own personal temptation experience. I tell you the truth, brethren. If you do not believe me, you will die. Glory to God.


So we can say then that, for Israel to have brought forth the mischief of the Devil, he must have desired that which was forbidden. He must have had the desire of the Dragon. We now have proof that lust was found in Israel, that the word of God and the power of God was not enough to overcome the inborn lust of the man. The firstborn of death was found in Israel in the form of a threefold cord. A completed mind of the Devil was found in natural Israel. And that completed mind proved to be more powerful than the formation of Christ Jesus, which was found in Israel, which did not grow up from seed.


In this hour, we have a formation of Christ Jesus in the Church which has grown up from seed. And that manifestation of Christ Jesus, which has grown up from seed, is more powerful than the Devil. But if you do not use Him, if you do not wage war out of Him, if you do not rise up in Him to kill the Devil, it is as good as having nothing. The fields are white to harvest, brethren, but the laborers are few. The people do not want to fight.


For those of you that are taking notes, let us write it this way: Mischief, lust equals the Devil. Mischief is the word in the Old Testament; lust is the word in the New Testament. The Scripture is talking about the Devil.


Now, we have a word that is in the New Testament only. And that says, Then when lust has conceived, it bringeth forth sin. Now, sin is that which is forbidden. And when sin is finished... we do not have that word in the New Testament, and I will just put it down for you. Finished means completed. When that which is forbidden, brethren, has produced a completed mind. When that which is forbidden, the desire for forbidden things, when lust completes itself in the form of the mind. We are talking about a completed mind. We can say completed; we can say accomplished. But the word we have been using here is completed.


When sin completes itself... how does sin complete itself? How does that which is forbidden complete itself? That which is forbidden is the thought of the Dragon. The thought of the Dragon is joining with the human spirit and bringing forth his increase, the Devil. That is how he is completing himself. That is how he is doing it.


So I ask you, from my notes: What is accomplished when the Dragon's efforts to produce the Devil, when the Dragon's efforts to reproduce himself, is accomplished? It is supposed to be a driving force in men and women to reproduce themselves. In this nation, we do not see it happen because a lot of the aspects of our society are perverse in this nation. But traditionally, throughout the history of mankind, reproduction of the species was a driving force. People got married to have children. It was a sad day when someone was found barren. And it is just in this country that people are killing their kids, and many do not want any. It is a sign of a sick society.


So the Dragon, you see, has a very strong desire to reproduce himself. And when the Dragon reproduces himself, he produces a Devil.


And the next word is bringeth forth. We see, in the Old Testament, it says to conceive mischief. They conceive mischief, and they bring forth inequity. In the New Testament, we see the word bringeth forth sin. And in the New Testament, And when it is finished, it bringeth forth death. To bring forth means, according to Thayer's Greek lexicon, to produce from seed.


Does that sound familiar? We have been preaching that here for a while. To produce from seed, to grow up from seed, that is a description of the imparted anointing. To grow up from seed, to start as a seed and to increase and have overcoming experiences which produces a mature adult, which is mature on every level, not only physical, not only soulish, but spiritually and experientially.


Remember the teaching that natural Israel came into existence as a full-grown ram, physically mature but without overcoming experiences that equipped him to overcome the wiles of the Devil or the lust in his own heart? Brethren, you can find Christ Jesus in your heart. But if that spiritual man has not been taught to war, the Devil will eat Him up and chew Him up and spit Him out. Christ Jesus in your mind can be destroyed. He can be aborted. He must learn how to fight spiritual warfare, or the Devil will destroy Him. For all intents and purposes, you are Christ Jesus. If you do not use what you have in a warrior format, the Devil is going to chew you up and spit you out. There are very few Christians that know how to fight, brethren, very few that really know how to fight.


Then when lust is conceived, it bringeth forth sin. And sin, when it is completed, brings forth death from seed. And what does the New Testament say death is? What is death? What is the scriptural definition of death? Somebody? To be carnally minded is death. The carnal mind is death.


So we see James telling us that, when sin is finished, it brings forth death from seed. And what is our definition of death from seed? A completed mind. When sin completes itself, it brings forth death in the form of a threefold cord, a completed negative mind.


And is this not the teaching coming forth here that, as the creation matures, the question is, Will it mature as a male, or will it mature as a female? Remember, there is just one creation. It was not meant to be men and women. It was meant to be male and female, negative and positive, under the authority of either the negative or the positive pole. It was not meant to be a bunch of men and women running around happily. In the end, there can be only one. That is what it says in the Highlander. In the end, this creation can be only female or only male.


Now, geneticists know that all men have some female hormone operating in them, and all women have some male hormone operating in them. Nevertheless, they are either a male or a female. In the end, this creation must be either male or female. There will be some of the opposite hormone flowing through them, but they will be either male or female. This creation will be either male or female, the whole creation, every member of it.


The reason we are both right now is that the creation is not completed. We are not differentiated yet. We are likened to little children who are asexual. In our activity, we are neither male nor female. It has not been permanently determined yet what we shall be.


But some of us have read the Book, and we know that this creation will be male, at whatever cost that it takes, because the Creator has said so. But the Devil does not believe it, so we have got a war on our hands because the negative and the positive pole of the creation are not in one accord. Why? Because the negative pole of the creation has separated from the mind of her master and is a fugitive from Jehovah's justice. Her name is the Dragon, and she is appearing in the earth in the form of the Devil. Hallelujah.


So when the Dragon's efforts to produce the Devil is accomplished, the carnal mind is produced from seed. We are talking about a completed mind which is produced from negative experiences, negative meaning evil. This creation has been practicing evil for the centuries of its existence.


You may recall me talking about witchcraft in the earth, brethren, or talking about spiritual power. You may recall me talking about that. How come there really does not seem to be any intense spiritual power in the Church today? We are talking about spiritual power that is inherited.


You should hear what is going on in Africa today amongst the 10-year-olds. Inherited spiritual power, intense, 10-year-olds traveling in the spirit, 10-year-olds killing with their minds. Forget about 10-year-olds. How come we do not see adults walking around with that kind of spiritual power on the positive side? Why are we not inheriting positive spiritual power?


Because to inherit spiritual power is an event which occurs over many generations, and Christ Jesus has only been in the earth for 2,000 years. The Devil has been around, having negative or evil experiences, for generations. She has been growing up from seed for generations. And therefore she is producing, in some parts of the world, very young children with inherited negative spiritual power.


Christ Jesus has only been working at it for 2,000 years. Thank God Christ Jesus is not restricted to time and space. Christ Jesus is jumping way ahead of all of the years that the Devil has been raising up her brood. Christ Jesus is jumping ahead in the very near future. He will not only produce a company of men which will have spiritual power equal to the inherited spiritual power of the most advanced offspring of the Devil in the earth, but we will find upon the earth the offspring of the Lord Jesus Christ, whose spiritual power will exceed the greatest negative spiritual power found in the earth. And He will have done it in 2,000 years because He is not restricted to time and space.


So both the Old and the New Testament are saying that the conception of mischief or lust both produce the carnal mind. And the New Testament tells us that the carnal mind is produced from seed. So right now, as of this point, we have a little additional information, carnal mind produced from seed.


Now, there is no more information in the New Testament. But the Old Testament goes on to say, They weave the Dragon's three-thread mind to cover the Serpent. Well, is that not the same thing as saying that the carnal mind is produced from seed? The Old Testament says, They, the men of Israel, weave the three-thread, or the Dragon's three-thread to cover the Serpent. A completed mind is a three-thread mind.


So here we see the same thing being said in a different way. The Serpent's three-thread mind, a completed mind on the negative side, carnal mind produced from seed. It is really saying the same thing, if you can decipher the code.


And the Old Testament goes on one step further by saying, They, the men of Israel, cause completed evil men to be born. Completed evil men. That is the whole man, including the body. We have not heard anything like that from the New Testament yet.


Both the Old and the New Testament then begin to give advice. So let me draw a line over here because we have completed speaking about the conception and the production of the completed mind. And now we see advice coming forth from both the Old and the New Testament.


The Old Testament says, well, let me write the advice over here. So we see that this is pretty equal. Mischief is conceived. Inequity is -- Did I talk about what inequity was? According to our study from the last week, inequity was the carnal mind. Mischief was the Devil, and inequity was the carnal mind. So comparing that to the New Testament, we were saying, When lust has conceived... So inequity is the carnal mind and death. We know also death is the carnal mind. So we see both.


Mischief is equal to lust, the Devil, and inequity is equal to the carnal mind, which is death. So we see both the Old Testament and the New Testament speaking about bringing forth the Devil and then bringing forth the carnal mind in its completed form. And we see that the Old Testament also speaks about completed evil men, which we have not yet come across in the New Testament. Is that clear?


Both the Old and the New Testament speak about the Devil, mischief, lust. And they both speak about the carnal mind, inequity, death. And both the Old and the New Testament speak about that death being completed. In the Old Testament, it says the Serpent's three-thread mind, and in the New Testament, it says that death is brought forth from seed. So we just have one event in the Old Testament, completed evil men, that we do not at this point read about in the New Testament.


Now we are going onto the advice that is given. The Old Testament says, The one who engages in the Devil's lifestyle dies outright. You are going to die outright if you yield to your lust. Why? Because your lust is going to result in the Devil living through you. And when the Devil lives through you, he produces death in you. Now, the result of death in your mind will result in the death of your soul and your body.


The one who engages in the Devil's lifestyle dies outright. And the spirit that is separated from Christ becomes a worthless spirit dwelling in a dead soul. So you are going to die outright, and there is going to be a spiritual death before a natural death. You are going to have a worthless spirit, which means that your spirit is going to be Satan, and your soul will be dead. You are going to die outright. If lust conceives in you, Satan will become your spirit, and your soul will die. And then, eventually, you will die outright. It means your body will die also.


Now, we are going onto the New Testament. Verse 17, James 1:17, says: Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. I am going to go through this quickly.


The New Testament says that everything that is given from above... above means the high place. I do not have any Strong's numbers for you, but I looked all these words up. Every gift comes from the high place, and the high place is the spirit. We have talked about that before.


Everything that is given, and every good and every perfect gift... a gift is that which is given. And every gift that is good... the word good, if you look it up in Thayer's, it is talking about things which proceed forth from the nature of God. It is not the goodness of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It is the goodness of God. It is everything that comes forth out of Christ Jesus, every gift that comes forth out of Christ Jesus, and every gift that is also perfect. This Greek word translated perfect means mature or completed.


So what is the good thing that comes down from above that is a good thing of God? I suggest to you it is the Lord Jesus Christ. Rom 5:5: The gift of God is the Holy Ghost, brethren. The gift of God is the Holy Ghost. The gift that comes down from above that is good, the goodness of God, is the Holy Ghost, which is the glorified Spirit of Christ Jesus when He is perfected or when He is completed in you. Every good gift and every perfect gift which comes from above... the good gift is Holy Spirit; the perfected gift is Christ Jesus.


Can you hear it? This is now a contrast against the lust. The good gift, in its immaturity the Lord Jesus, in its completion Christ Jesus, it comes from the Father of lights, brethren. It does not come from lust. It comes from your ancestor of light. It does not come from your ancestor of darkness. It comes from your ancestor which is the Spirit of God.


And then we are told, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. The gift is the Holy Ghost, which, when it's completed, is Christ Jesus. The gift is either lust or the Lord Jesus. So we have a bad gift, and we have a good gift. When the bad gift is completed, it becomes the Devil. When the good gift is completed, it is Christ Jesus. And they both come down from the spirit, from the high place, so there must be two spirits.


So we see that the Lord Jesus is the good spirit, and lust is the bad spirit. And another name for lust then is the Dragon. The bad spirit is the Dragon. The Dragon's overriding quality is lust. The good spirit is the Lord Jesus, and the Lord Jesus' overriding quality is goodness and, we will find out in a little further on, truth. He is the truth spirit. In verse 18, it says He is the Word of truth. I am getting ahead of myself a little.


So every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of lights. So we have two fathers. One father is the Devil; he is the father of our fallen personality. And our other Father is Christ Jesus, and He is the Father which comes from the spirit of light, in which spirit there is no variableness. No variableness means there is no changing. He is not one day good and one day evil. He is always righteous. There is no change in Him. He is consistent.


Neither is there a shadow of turning. The word shadow is referring to a reflection, and the word turning is referring to a heavenly body. Thayer says the Greek word translated turning can be translated a heavenly body. So did you ever wonder what this meant, no shadow of turning? I am suggesting to you it means nor is he a... nor is who? The Father of lights. Nor is he a reflection or a shadow, nor is he a counterfeit or a reflection of the true God, or is He a counterfeit of the true heavenly body. There is only one true sun, and the other sun is a reflection. It is not really a sun; it is the moon. The moon is the reflection of the one true God.


So that is what the Scripture is saying, that everything that is given from the high place and completed in goodness is from God's nature. And it does not descend from the father of darkness, but it descends from the Father of light, the one who never changes. He is not good and evil; He is always righteous. Nor is He a reflection or a counterfeit of the true heavenly body. He is the true heavenly body. Hallelujah.


Verse 18: And of his own will begat he us... who? The Father of lights begat he us with the word of truth that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.


Of his own will... the Greek word translated will can be translated mind. The Father of lights begat us with his own mind. The Father of lights begat us with the man Christ Jesus, who is His mind.


What is the mind of God? And what is another way of saying the mind of God? The mind of God is the Son of God. What is the mind of God? The mind of Jehovah in the creation is Christ Jesus. Jehovah joins with the human spirit and produces the mind in the creation. Therefore, the mind of God, which is the expression of the Spirit of God in a man, is in the form of a mind. And the mind of God is Christ Jesus.


So if He begot us with his own will... and the Greek word translated will can also be translated mind. But the Scripture is saying we are begotten of God. And how are we begotten of God? You must be born again, brethren. You are begotten of God when the mind of God appears in you. And the way you got pregnant with the mind of God is that the Lord sent His mind to you, Christ Jesus, in the form of the Lord Jesus Christ, to impregnate you with that same mind.


So of his own will, he begat you. He begat you by Christ Jesus. Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth. Another witness that His mind is the Lord Jesus. Lord Jesus is the Word. Is He not the truth? Does not the Scripture say the Lord Jesus is the truth? He is the Word; He is the truth. So the Father begat us with His own mind, the Word of truth, the Lord Jesus. And of course the mind in the Lord Jesus was Christ Jesus, and now that same mind is being imparted to us.


If I confused you, going back and forth between the Lord Jesus and Christ Jesus, the mind in the man Jesus of Nazareth was Christ Jesus. The mind of God is Christ Jesus. The Lord Jesus is the name of the whole man in whom the mind of Christ was appearing. He was just one man in whom the mind of Christ was appearing.


Now there are many men in whom the mind of Christ are appearing, and in due season, we shall be completed. That mind shall be completed in us, and we shall become whole spiritual men, complete in Christ Jesus, righteous men, a whole company of righteous men.


That we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures... I always wondered about that phrase. What in the world does that mean, a kind of firstfruits? Well, I finally got around to looking it up. This Greek word translated kind is a word that is an indefinite particle, and it is translated some. That we should be some of the firstfruits, we are not all that there is.


There are more people coming into the kingdom. The apostles were not the only ones. The early Church were not the only ones. Those of us in this room are not the only ones. We are some of the firstfruits. We do not even know who all the firstfruits are. Maybe that drunk down on the corner is one of the firstfruits. We do not know, and we will not know until the company is completed.


And, of course, we all know what the firstfruits are. They are the first ones in whom Christ Jesus will appear in the fullness. And the word creatures merely means the created thing.


Of Christ Jesus. He brought us forth by Jesus Christ, who is the truth and is no lie, that we should be some of the firstfruits of the thing that God has created. Of his own will, Christ Jesus, he brought us forth by the Word of truth, Jesus Christ, who is the truth and no lie, that we should be some of the firstfruits of the created thing.


So we now have all this information here about what happens if you produce the Devil in your mind. You are going to die outright because Satan is going to be your spirit, and your soul is going to die. Of course, the bad spirit over here is the Dragon. If you get the mind which comes from the Dragon, you are going to die outright because Satan will be your spirit, and your soul will die, and your whole personality will be called the Devil. But if you have the personality which comes from the good spirit, the Lord Jesus is going to produce Christ Jesus in your life, and you are going to live, and you are going to be some of the firstfruits.


So we have all this teaching on what going to happen if you conceive the good mind and the evil mind.


And now we have one last moral or one last exhortation in verse 16 of James 1: Now that you have all of this information, brethren, therefore, Do not err, my beloved brethren. And what does that mean? Now that you have all this information, where is the error? Where is your potential for error? Where is your potential for error?


Brethren, discern between good and evil. Discern between darkness and light. And when the evil spirit comes to you to seduce you, discern between good and evil that you might choose the good spirit, which will produce Christ Jesus in your mind, and reject the evil spirit, which will produce the Devil in your mind, because if the Devil is formed in your mind, you shall eventually die outright. But if Christ Jesus is formed in your mind, you will have the Spirit of Truth, and you will be some of the firstfruits of the creation of God. Jesus says, in the Book of Revelation, I am the beginning of the creation of God.


So the end of this whole teaching is that, if you cannot discern between good and evil, you are going to wind up having spiritual intercourse with the Dragon. And the result of that is that you will die outright. It is only if you do not err, and you can and you do succeed in telling the difference between the good spirit and the evil spirit, that you will have spiritual sexual intercourse with the good spirit, the Lord Jesus, and Christ Jesus will be formed in your mind, and you will be co-heir, joint heir. Is that not the word in the Scripture? You will be a joint heir with the Lord Jesus. You will be some, or a member, of the firstfruits of this creation of God. And in that, brethren, is implied eternal or everlasting life.


So to make it real simple, if you fail to distinguish between good and evil, you shall by default wind up cohabiting with the Dragon, and you shall surely die. And the only way you will ever cohabit with the good spirit which comes from the Father of lights, the Lord Jesus, is by consistently wounding the Dragon and defeating him through your confession of sin and repentance. There is no other way to defeat the Dragon other than by confession of sin and repentance, in which event you will produce the person of Christ Jesus, or he will be reproduced in you, and you shall experience being some of the firstfruits of God's creation, made in the holy image of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah.


Any questions or comments on this teaching? Did you enjoy this?


I have one more witness for you to this teaching. Romans 6:19, Paul speaking: I speak after the manner of man because of the infirmity of your flesh. That means the weakness of your flesh. Paul says he is speaking to you like you are Minnie Mouse. For as ye have yielded your members (that is your mind and your emotions) servants to uncleanness (that is the Dragon) and to inequity (that is Devil that has produced the carnal mind) even... and you have already done that. God knows you have already done it, brethren. Why? Because you are fallen and you are dying. You are dying from the minute that you are born.


Even so now, yield your members (your mind, brethren, and your soul) servants to righteousness (that is the Spirit of the Lord Jesus) unto holiness. Do you hear this? The Lord says He knows you have already yielded to the Dragon, and you have yielded to the Devil, and you have produced the carnal mind. That is already accomplished. But He wants to forget about it.


Now in the same manner, yield your members (have spiritual intercourse with righteousness, the Spirit of the Lord Jesus) unto holiness (which is Christ Jesus in you, the hope of glory).


I do have another verse for you. It is Jeremiah 8:17. But before I go onto that, I would like to refer to a word that I had in the last message.


When we were working this up, I gave you the word afflict, and I did not know where it came from. I just wanted to tell you that, if you go back on the other message, that word afflict was the translation of the word wounded in Proverbs 18:14: But a wounded spirit that can bear. That word wounded means afflict. So if you are really doing a deep study, that is an answer to that question.


I have one more verse for you. This is the last verse that I have for you which uses the word cockatrice. And you may remember the word cockatrice is referring to the Devil's personality in you.


Jeremiah 8:17: For, behold, I will send serpents, cockatrices, among you, which will not be charmed, and they shall bite you, saith the Lord.


The Hebrew word translated send is Strong's #7971, and it means to assign authority. The Gesenius says the word means depute. I looked that up in Webster, and it means to assign authority.


I will assign authority to serpents and cockatrices. That is another way of saying that the Lord sold us to the Devil. The Lord sold us to the Devil. I have been preaching that for a long time. We read about that in 2 Peter 2:4.


This is our Alternate Translation, 2 Peter 2:4: Because if God did not grant leniency to the spiritual men that sinned (the ones before the flood) but thrust them out of the realm of God's Spirit, down into the world which exists underneath the earth of the fallen, dead soul (that is this world).


This Scripture is talking about the spiritual men who are not in male and female bodies. The Scripture is speaking about the superior spiritual men, the last of which righteous ones were Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth. They were giants, and they were both male and female. Their wives were within them, and they had not yet broken down into male and female bodies. They reproduced by some form of cell division. They were superior men, and we are told here that God did not spare them when they sinned.


God does not spare anybody that sins, brethren. It does not matter who you are or what you have done for Christ. Paul even said himself, I keep my body under, lest I shall be shipwrecked. And those that I have taught should go on, and I should be left behind. Paul said that. Do not think you are standing, because you are not. Do not think you cannot fall, because you can. So you had better repent quickly.


Because if God did not grant leniency to the spiritual men that sinned, but thrust them out of the realm of God's Spirit, down into the world which exists underneath the earth of the fallen, dead soul (that is where we are now) and subjected them to Satan, the spirit which rules there, by joining them to the Devil, who put them in the dark prison of the carnal mind for the purpose of preventing them from marrying Jesus Christ until the judgment which will restore their virginity has been completed.


Brethren, you cannot be a harlot and marry the Lord Jesus Christ. You have to get cleaned up first. And we have been sold to the Devil to stay in this condition until we become virgins again. And the Book of Revelation talks about the virgins that follow Christ Jesus everywhere He goes. Things are different spiritually than soulishly. In the spirit, lesbians have an offspring; that is what we are. In the spirit, you can be made a virgin again. And you are not going to marry Jesus until you are cleansed from sin and made a virgin again.


That is what we are doing down here. We are in a holding tank until we get cleaned up. You cannot return back to heaven until you are cleaned. You are not going to get cleaned up until you confess your sins and repent and then have your sins surgically removed. This process is called the judgment. It is painful. And if there is any anesthesia, I sure... if I am going through this with anesthesia, I sure would not want to be going through it without it, because it is pretty painful with the anesthesia, if I have anesthesia.


I am about to pass out from this anointing. Am I the only one? Incredible anointing. Maybe someday the Lord will explain to me how I am supposed to preach under this anointing. I can hardly read my notes. Let us try and finish this up.


For, behold, I will send serpents... we all know what serpents are. For this verse, we will use the separated expression of the Serpent, the Dragon, the first generation of the unconscious mind of fallen man. So I will send the Dragon amongst you... amongst you is Strong's #5842, be close to.


And I will also send cockatrices. That is what this study is all about, Strong's #6848, cockatrices, the Devil's personality in fallen man, which will not be charmed. The word will is not in the Hebrew. The word be is not in the Hebrew. The only word that is in the Hebrew is not, and once again we find God's mysterious way of speaking about the Devil. He calls him nothing, and He expresses the idea of the Devil in the Scripture by the negative particle not. God says He is nothing.


And the King James says, they will not be charmed, but I suggest to you, Satan will not be a charm. The King James says charmed, making the word a verb. But the Hebrew is not a verb. The Hebrew is a noun which means a charm, Strong's #3908.


And I want to read you exactly what Gesenius says about this word, Strong's #3908. It means a whispering. It is talking about prayers uttered in a low voice. It is speaking about magic, and it is translated that way in Isaiah 3:3. It means incantation; that is a spiritual spell. And in Jeremiah 8:17 and Ecclesiastes 10:11, it is used to indicate specifically the charming of serpents.


In Isaiah 3:20, it is used to describe amulets or superstitious ornaments, commonly gems and precious stones or plates of gold and silver on which magical formulae were inscribed. All I could think about when I read this is the Hebrew mezuzah. Are you familiar with it? A lot of Jews, they wear little gold objects around their neck, and they have the Ten Commandments engraved on it. It is supposed to be good luck.


It is witchcraft. It is witchcraft. It is a charm. They think that this little piece of gold with Hebrew letters engraved on it could keep them safe. I have worn it myself at one time. It never occurred to me that it was a charm or witchcraft, but that was all I could think about when I read this: amulets or superstitious ornaments, commonly gems and precious stones or plates of gold and silver on which magical formulae were inscribed, such as women in the East were accustomed to hang around their necks or put in their ears. And according to certain authors, into their ears. Earrings.


Now, this says, Compare Genesis 35:4. If you look that up, it talks about the Hebrew women giving their earrings over. I always thought it was for the gold to be melted down to be used for something else. No, their earrings are magical charms. They were used for witchcraft. When the women gave up their earrings, it was the giving up of their witchcraft, not giving up of their wealth, to be used for the making of the tabernacle. That blessed me. I thought it would bless you.


So this same word is used to describe charms against enchantment. Gesenius says, And it should not be deemed strange that this same word should both mean charms and enchantment, since it was by the same thing, namely a magical song, that the witches both enchanted and sought to avert the effects of enchantment. So this Hebrew word translated charmed, which means a charm, can be translated enchantment, witchcraft, or the amulet that is a protection against witchcraft. And it is also the word for a magical song. And those of us that have been studying here for a while know that songs are frequently used in the working of witchcraft.


For, behold, I will send serpents and cockatrices (the Devil's personality) amongst you, which will be the charm of the Dragon.


Listen. I will assign authority over your unconscious mind to the Dragon, and he will increase into the Devil and Satan, and they will enchant you with their magical incantations, saith the Lord.


The Hebrew word translated saith is Strong's #5002. It is rarely used of mortal men. It is speaking about an utterance or a song concerning wickedness. It is speaking about the oracle of God. It is not just a powerless word; it is the creative word. The Lord is prophesying doom upon these rebellious people.


I will assign authority over your unconscious mind to the Devil (2 Peter 2:4) and he will increase into the Devil and Satan, and they will enchant you with their magical incantations.


Brethren, for every man that has Christ Jesus as his mind, in the hour that you submit to the mind of the Devil, you have been charmed. You have been enchanted. You have fallen prey to a magical song of witchcraft in your mind. There will never be peace until the Devil in your mind is completely destroyed. The Devil in your mind is a witch, and he is lying to you, and he is seducing you, and he is telling you that it is OK to sin.


And in many instances, he is stronger than Christ Jesus. He is stronger than Christ Jesus. Why? Because he is a threefold cord. It is the Dragon in there, and it is the Devil in there, and it is the carnal mind in there. And the three of them are a threefold cord that is not easily broken. They are completed. They are a mature Devilish mind.


But you have the Lord Jesus. I have the Lord Jesus. He may not be completed yet, but the Lord Jesus has already overcome the world. And if we access him, if Christ Jesus in us cries out to Him, together, the Lord Jesus and Christ Jesus together is stronger than the Dragon and the Devil and the carnal mind in this hour.


But the Lord Jesus is not assisting you if you are not confessing your sins and repenting. He is only fighting for humble people that are confessing. They do not stand a chance without Him, and that is the bottom line.


Any questions or comments on Jeremiah 8:17?


Transcribed by Verbal Fusion 08/04/20

08/26/20 1st Edit rh

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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