313 - Part 12

Part 12 of 19 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Praise the Lord. We are going on with our exposure of the Devil or, I should actually say, our exposure of the Serpent and the different forms that she takes in the different realms. It is the Serpent in the realm of the spirit; the Dragon exists both in the spirit world and in the visible world; and the Devil, we find, only exists in the visible world. And the expression of the Serpent within the Devil herself, goes by what name? Somebody?




PASTOR VITALE: Satan. Yes, Satan. Let us just check that out in the Scripture here. The two places that I am thinking of right now is in the Book of Revelation. There may be more, but this is just coming to mind right now.


The Book of Revelation 12:7-8: And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon; and the Dragon fought against his angels; And prevailed not; neither was their place found in heaven. And the great Dragon was cast out of heaven, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan...


So we see that the great Dragon is in the heavenlies of this world system. And the Scripture shows us that the Dragon is that old Serpent. The Greek word, translated old, means ancient. So what the Scripture is saying is that the Dragon is the incarnation of the Serpent, which was in the garden at the beginning of time, in this visible world. The Serpent has one name when she was in the garden, called Serpent. When she incarnated and when she separated from Christ and pierced into this visible world, her name was changed to the Dragon.


She is on the same spiritual level as the Lord Jesus Christ. Now, that does not mean she has the same power as the Lord Jesus. We are talking about generations. The Dragon is male and stole her manhood. We are not talking about whether he is equal in power to the Lord Jesus. It is like saying two men are cousins. One comes from an evil line of the family, and the other comes from a righteous line of the family, but genealogically speaking, they are on the same level. Generationally speaking, the Dragon is on the same level with the Lord Jesus.


And then the Lord Jesus has children, and that second generation of Christ, called Christ Jesus, is on the same generational level as what? What is the next generation of the Dragon?


COMMENT: The Devil.


PASTOR VITALE: The Devil. OK. Christ Jesus is a whole man. The Scripture calls him your new man. And he is soul and mind. A whole personality, whether it be negative or positive, is soul and mind. And the mind is in how many parts?




PASTOR VITALE: Two. Which parts?




PASTOR VITALE: Conscious and unconscious. The unconscious mind of the man Christ Jesus is?




PASTOR VITALE: The Spirit of Christ. I should not be listening to you.


COMMENT: The Spirit of Christ.


PASTOR VITALE: I should not be taking answers from people without microphones. The unconscious mind of your new man Christ Jesus is the Spirit of Christ. And his conscious mind is... only people with microphones can answer.


COMMENT: The mind of Christ.


PASTOR VITALE: The mind of Christ. Then we have our old man, which is the criminal, the spiritual criminal, the fugitive. And the proper name of your old man is... I just heard it here.


COMMENT: Christ.


PASTOR VITALE: No, the negative man.


COMMENT: The Devil.


PASTOR VITALE: The Devil. That is right. And the unconscious mind of the Devil is Satan, and the conscious mind of the Devil is the carnal mind.


COMMENT: Carnal mind.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes. And both of these men, Christ Jesus and the Devil, have the same soul. They are two different minds which have been born into the same soul. There is only one soul, the creation the God made at the beginning of time. And depending on the mind appearing in that soul determines whether that soul is alive or dead or good or evil. In this hour, the soul is dead and evil. Yet in some of us, we see a second mind appearing, a righteous mind.


John 1:1 says, And we beheld that glory of the Son of God, and that glory was the mind that was in the man Jesus of Nazareth. It was glorious, and its name was Christ Jesus, and its father was God.


So in this hour, we find ourselves to be a fallen race with a dead mind. But there is another sun ascending on our horizon, a sun, S-U-N. And there is a Scripture in one of the Prophets which says, And the sun -- S-U-N -- of our righteousness shall ascend on our horizon. Christ Jesus is growing up from seed, a young plant who, in his maturity, will have the power to overthrow the criminal fugitive mind which is fully born in our soul and replace him, therefore giving our dead soul life and regenerating the entire creation by reforming us in the image of our true creator and only creator, almighty God.


That is the message of the Bible. If you think it is anything other than that, you have received a lie. The true message of the Bible is the reformation of your fallen mind into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ, which will result in your resurrection from the dead, right in the body that you are in now. It has nothing whatsoever to do with moving your physical body to another place. It is the reformation of your sick mind into a healthy mind against which there is no law. And if the law cannot be executed against you, you cannot die, because the end of the law being executed against you is death. You are guilty. We are all on death row.


Oh, and the second place where that Scripture appears is pretty much the same thing. Just for your information, it is Chapter 20 of the Book of Revelation, verse 2: And he laid hold on the Dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan...


So you may notice that the carnal mind is not specifically named. The carnal mind is not specifically named. It is the unconscious mind, Satan, that is named. And although I believe the reason the carnal mind is not named, it just goes without saying that there is a conscious mind. What we are not aware of is our unconscious mind.


And a lot of people that we teach here are not aware that they have unconscious motives. When they first come here, they are very offended at the suggestion that they might have unconscious motives. It is our unconscious mind that is hiding from us. Everybody knows we have a conscious mind. So we might almost say that our fallen personality is basically our conscious mind. The Devil and the carnal mind; there is just a shade of difference there, so the carnal mind is not mentioned. Someone must have had that question in their mind. I hope that answers you. If it does not, I will have to talk to you about it another time.


We are very late this morning. It will take a miracle for me to finish all this material, even through our evening services. What I have got for you is just very exciting today.


I would like to give you a recap of the verse that we worked up in the last message, Isaiah 11:8: The spirit of heaven shall overspread Satan, and the mind of Christ shall overspread the carnal mind. And the Sons of God shall direct the Devil and the many-membered evil man the Devil is appearing in, to the light.


Now, the point there that I would like to review for you is that the Devil is the fallen personality of this creation, and it does not include the body that we abide in. So we see here a reduction by degrees. What am I talking about? A reduction by degrees. There is a whole man which is fallen. That whole man has a body, has a personality, and within that personality has a soul and a mind.


And that whole man, we have found a hidden word for in the Old Testament, which is what? Does anybody remember? It is cockatrice. And the word cockatrice is speaking about the Serpent's brood of baby serpents. So this many-membered humanity, both spirit, soul and body, including the fallen body, is the current-day expression of the Serpent in this world system.


Then we have a name just for the spiritual man excluding the physical body. And the name for the spiritual man excluding the physical body is Devil. And within the Devil is a soul and a mind. The mind is in two parts, unconscious and conscious. Now, the new man, the spiritual man, he is not going to have a physical body like this. He is going to have a body of light. This physical body is in the image of Satan.


The whole message that is coming forth here in this hour is salvation. I said this earlier on the exhortation. Listen, if you want to get out of hell, you are going to have to face the truth. First of all, you are going to have to believe that this is hell if you want to get out of it. Second of all, you are going to have to believe the truth about your condition. And if you cannot believe it, you have to ask the Lord Jesus to help you to believe every word that I preach here, which is true, not according to your judgment but according to His judgment.


Jesus said to the Pharisees, I have much to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. And I am here to tell you that the most unbearable thing about the truth is that this whole lifestyle, the good as well as the bad of it, is the Devil's lifestyle. And unless you are willing to give it up, you are not getting out of hell.


And if you think that the Lord Jesus is going to force you to give it up so that you can get out of hell, you are mistaken because, if you want it more than you want him, he is going to let you stay here. And the type of it is Lot's wife, who looked back. Not as a punishment, the requirement for getting out of hell is to choose Christ Jesus over the Devil's lifestyle.


We have done a lot of studies here on Adam's fall. Our original ancestor, Adam, died. He fell, and he died to his existence as the Son of God because he actively chose the pleasure of the Devil over the righteousness of Christ Jesus. We are told in the Scripture, The man was not deceived. Just the woman was deceived. The woman is your emotions. The woman will tell you something is righteous when it is not because your emotions want it.


But the man, Christ Jesus in your mind, he knows the truth. The man was not deceived. He actively chose the pleasure of the moment over all of the glory which is in Christ Jesus, some of which we know about and some of which we do not. Whether or not the extent to which Christ Jesus at the beginning of time knew the full disclosure of what was waiting for him, I do not know. My Bible says, Eye hath not seen and ear hath not heard what God has in store for us. But based on our experience with Christ Jesus right now, we must actively choose between him and the pleasure that the Devil can give us. And you are not getting out of hell unless you choose Christ Jesus.


And that does not mean choose in principle; that means choose in experience. That means the experience of the Devil's pleasure will be offered to you. I am telling you the truth. This whole lifestyle and everything in it that the world considers good, including marriage and everything of it, has to be rejected in favor of Christ Jesus if you want to get out of here.


Now, you do not reject it when Christ Jesus is not saying, Now is your time. Come. You do not reject it and have nothing. If it is not your time, if Christ Jesus is not standing there saying, Come, get your marriage, and get every good thing in this world. But if it is your time, and Christ Jesus is saying, If you choose me, I will give you all the glory of my kingdom, you are going to have to choose one or the other. And you have to choose to give up every pleasure of this world, or you are not going in. That is the message of the hour.


So all you little Christian babies out there that are preaching that God made a man to look like the fallen man you see walking down the street, and God made a woman to look like the fallen woman that you see walking down the street, and He from the beginning arranged that babies would be born the way they are born, you are silly because it is a lie.


This is a fallen, dead creation, and everything about it is dead. And that which you love about it, you are going to have to give up if you want to get out of here because that which you love, which is a part of this fallen, dead creation, is binding you to this fallen, dead creation. We cannot leave it and have it at the same time. If you go into the kingdom, you are not going to have it anymore, and you have to give it up here in order to get into the kingdom.


So that is what this is talking about. The Sons of God shall direct the Devil (that is your fallen man), and the many-membered evil man she is appearing in (that is the whole man, including his body), to the light. There is going to be instruction by the Sons of God to this fallen, dead creation.


We read about that in either Colossians or Ephesians where it says that the Sons of God will teach the powers and principalities the things of God.


Those of us who have given up the things of this world to have power with God will teach the other members of humanity. Why? Brethren, listen. No one in their right mind is going to give up the pleasures of this world if they do not really have a reason to give it up. You have to have a reason to give it up. You have to hear the message of what is promised in its place, or why would you give it up? Nobody is that crazy.


Teaching is important. You have to have an incentive to give it up. You have to believe that there is something better. And the only way you are going to get that understanding is by at least submitting to the instruction, at least listening to it with an open mind of the true doctrine of Christ. You cannot make an intelligent choice if you do not know what your choices are.


Who is going to make an intelligent choice when you have got something that you can see, something that you can feel, something that you can experience that is positive on the one hand, and on the other hand you have got darkness and lack of understanding? Who in their right mind is going to choose the obscure, unclear promise of maybe? Nobody.


You have got to hear the truth. You have got to know what your choice is, and you have got to know that the choice is real, and it is valid, and that the second choice is available to you now if you give up the first choice. And the only way you are going to know that is by listening to the message and by having your own personal experience with Christ Jesus witness to you that your time is now and that, if you give up the one, the other is available to you right here and now in this lifetime.


You have got to hear the message. And in this hour, most people will not even sit for the message. If they hear about it, they will not even pray about it and ask if it is possibly true. But I am just here to preach it. That is my job. The Lord Jesus has to convince you that it is the truth, and then you have to get your personal word from him, whether he is challenging you to choose now in this lifetime or not.


It may not be your time. If it is not your time, get married and be happy. And all of you people who say I am against marriage are lying about me. I am not against marriage. But there is a time that the Scripture must come to pass. There is no marriage or giving in marriage in heaven. God has a people for whom that Scripture is real. But I am not against marriage for people for whom that Scripture is not real. Get married and be happy and stop lying about me.


We are going on with Isaiah 59:4-5. We are not going to do all of verse 4, but the last phrase of verse 4 and verse 5.


Isaiah 59, the last phrase of verse 4, which reads, in the King James, They conceive mischief and bring forth inequity.


We will run it together with verse 5. For those of you who do not know it, the chapter numbers and the verse numbers of the King James translation were inserted by the King James translators, and on occasion they made an incorrect choice of where to break the text and start a new verse. I therefore suggest to you, in this instance, that that last phrase of verse 4 should in fact be where the verse 5 starts. And that is why we are doing this.


Isaiah 59:5: They trust in vanity and speak lies. They conceive mischief and bring forth inequity. They hatched cockatrice eggs and weave the spider's web. He that eateth of their eggs dieth, and that which is crushed breaketh out into a viper.


And once again, for all you critics that criticize me for changing the translation, I challenge you to tell me what that means. It is written in English. Anybody here, can you tell me what that means? What I just read, do you have the vaguest idea what the Scripture is talking about? You know what the Scripture is talking about? You know what the Scripture is talking about?


COMMENT: I can give it a shot.




COMMENT: It is talking about sins in your mind, in the way you think, and how you can perceive something outwardly. It is how you constantly are caught up in your own thoughts of sin and how you project it out, and how no one can speak the truth and no one can trust in the real justice of the Lord's ways. But it is talking about sins in your mind.






PASTOR VITALE: Well, that is true. But you got that by revelation. You got that by revelation. The average person picking up that verse would not have any idea what that means. People who do not have a spirit of revelation would not understand what that means. So therefore, once again, prophecy needs to be translated from the Hebrew. The words need to be interpreted because even the translation is symbolic. That term spider's web has a spiritual meaning. So prophecy has to be translated and interpreted, and that is what we are doing here.


In order to do it, we must change the English words chosen by the King James translators. And once again, the warning from the Lord to not change the words of this prophecy is speaking about the spiritual intention, the concept, the ideas. We must not change the idea that the living God is attempting to convey to fallen man by speaking these words, either in Hebrew or in English. It does not mean you cannot change the King James translation. It means you cannot change the intent of the message. You cannot change the message that God is trying to convey to man. That is what it means. We have to have the truth. Let us go on.


First of all, let me tell you who the they is. If you go back to the beginning of chapter 59, you see that the Lord is speaking to Israel. And he is speaking to fallen Israel. In my Bible, at the beginning of chapter 57, the little introduction says, Condemnation of Israel's idolatry. And 58 says, A description of true religion. And 59 says, National corruption. And the consequences of national corruption is suffering.


So we see that 59 is speaking about the sin of God's people. Whether it is Israel, whether it is Judah, whether it is the Church today, I suggest to you, fallen man is fallen man. Fallen man who is receiving the blessing of God is still fallen man. This is the bottom line of God's message to us.


Do not get all lifted up in pride. Do not think you are standing, when you are not standing, because you have the blessings of God in your life. Do not think you are safe because you have the blessings of God in your life. Do not think you are safe because you have revelation in the Scripture. Do not think you are safe because you speak in tongues. Do not think you are safe because God has prospered you financially. You are not safe. Your life is in danger every second of every day of your life.


Why? Because your basic nature by which you exist, your spiritual foundation, is death. And so long as you are standing on a faulty foundation, no matter what measure of Christ Jesus you have in your life, the day is coming that you shall surely die because the foundation that you are standing on cannot support you. There is only one thing that is going to deliver you from death, and that is the impartation to you of the one and only true foundation which has the power to keep you from falling.


And the name of that foundation is the Lord Jesus Christ. And then Christ Jesus together with him is the double portion, but the foundation is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the only foundation that you could stand upon that will not give out from under you, no matter what the stress. Every other foundation will finally, at some point, meet up with a weight that it cannot bear up under. And when it goes down, you will go down with it.


Paul puts it to us in this way: When the foundation that you are standing on is made of sand, when the wind blows and the storm comes, surely your house will go down. It is only the house that is built on the rock that will stand. And if you think your house is built on the rock because you speak in tongues or cast out demons or do any of this other stuff that the Church is doing today, you are believing a lie.


The only sign that you are standing on the Rock is an endless life. The fact that you cannot die is the only sign. Everything else that you have is in part. It means that the Lord Jesus has begun the work in you, which has the potential to build that glorious foundation in you and set your feet firmly upon it. But the work is not complete.


Oh, I hear them screaming, Jesus completed the work on Calvary. False doctrine. No, you are without understanding. If you have half a brain in your head, listen to the rest of the sentence. The work that was completed on Calvary was the Lord Jesus Christ in His glorified condition. If he does not get inside of you and become your foundation, He is not doing you one bit of good.


And if you think believing in what happened to Him, with an intellectual belief, is going to keep you from falling, that makes you a foolish Son. And I tell you that without rancor. I love you. My whole life is being sacrificed to preach you this message. I condemn you not. I am telling you the truth. You cannot have your soul saved because you believe that Jesus Christ is the foundation that can keep you from falling. That foundation must be laid in you.


Men have a spiritual foundation. What does that mean? It means that there is something inside of us upon which our life is built. The foundation of this physical body is what? Does anybody know?




PASTOR VITALE: Well, physically speaking.




PASTOR VITALE: Yes, bone. It starts with the spinal column. Yes, that is true.


There is a spiritual foundation, and his name is the Lord Jesus Christ. And if your existence in this world is not based upon Jesus Christ being your foundation, your life here is temporal. If you are aging, that is a bad sign. It is a sign that your foundation is the one who dies, the one who ages and the one who dies, the Dragon.


So if you wish to continue believing your lie, that is between you and the Lord Jesus. If you have not shut the message off yet, I am telling you that that only glorious thing which can save your life has to be growing, built, founded and growing inside of you. And you are not in that condition now. That has only happened to one man, the Lord Jesus Himself. Even Paul; I believe Paul ascended to full stature, but there are three stages of resurrection. The work was not completed in Paul. Jesus is the only one who was fully resurrected and delivered from hell.


And for you to be resurrected from the dead and delivered from hell must be the foundation upon which your existence depends, and that is not true of you. Your existence depends on the Dragon, and Jesus is influencing your ungodly life. He is influencing your reprobate mind for the better, but your very existence here is because the Dragon has incarnated you. Your daddy is the Devil, and you are the sons of the Serpent. And Jesus said it to the Pharisees, and I am saying it to you because it is the truth.


Let us go on: They trust in vanity. Speaking about Israel, about Judah, about the Church, about the whole world, They trust in vanity. Well, let us go to vanity first. Vanity is Strong's 8414. The Interlinear translates this Hebrew word emptiness. And Gesenius' lexicon says it means destruction and a desolated city. Spiritually speaking, can anybody tell us what the city is? What part of our spiritual being is the city?






COMMENT: The soul.


PASTOR VITALE: The soul, yes. The city that the spirit is living in is the soul. The mind is the house of the spirit, and the soul is the house of the mind. And the physical body, in this fallen condition, is the house of the soul. And in some places, the Scripture describes it as a cup and saucer. The saucer is the body; the cup is the soul, and the liquid in the cup is the mind or the spirit.


The desolated city is the fallen, dead soul. Now, the city is the soul. The word desolated modifies the word city and indicates it is the fallen, dead soul. If it was a glorious soul or a renewed soul, it would mean the soul in which the mind of Christ was born. But we find the word vanity, meaning a desolated city, speaking about the fallen, dead soul. This soul is referred to as Babylon in some Scriptures and Sodom in other Scriptures.


Now, as I have told you before, when there is a variation in terms, it usually means that one particular name is referring to a particular aspect of the soul. I am suggesting to you that this fallen soul is called Sodom to indicate its [AUDIO SKIPS] where the Lord is. The point that the Lord is making is the lesbian nature of this incarnated generation.


I am not going to go into the whole thing now, but I have a lot of messages on it. The creation is a spiritual lesbian which has produced this creation. We are the product of homosexuality. Now, in our fallen condition, two homosexuals cannot produce an offspring. But in the high spiritual realms of this creation, where we were when we were first created, the spiritual lesbian relationship had the power to produce a perverse offspring, which we are. That is why we cannot live. We are a perversion. And the nature of the perversion is homosexuality, more specifically lesbianism.


So we see that, when the Scripture refers to this dead soul as Sodom, the Lord is giving us the message. I am zeroing in on the lesbian aspect of the soul, the lesbian nature of this soul which has a flesh mind. And also, the Scripture refers to this soul as Babylon, which means confusion, which is also referring to the lesbian nature of the soul. And we go into that in great detail at the beginning of this series.


At the moment, I do not seem to have any information for you as to why the Lord would say Babylon in one instance and Sodom in another. Oh, I think I did have a revelation on that.


When God refers to the soul as Babylon, he is specifically zeroing in on the aspect of confusion, confusion meaning that the man in the creation; and who is the man in the creation? Christ got all confused and forgot that he was a man and started acting like a woman. And the result of the [AUDIO SKIPS] from his manhood to his womanhood resulted in a perverse creation. This is what the Lord is speaking about when he refers to the soul as Babylon. When he refers to the soul as Sodom, he is specifically zeroing in on the homosexual offspring, or the offspring of homosexuality.


Those of us who study may be aware that there are many more references to the soul as Babylon than as to the soul as Sodom. There may only be one or two references to the soul as Sodom. And at this moment, I really do not have any explanation for you as to why there are so many more references to the soul as Babylon than as Sodom. Maybe it will come out under revelation as I preach. I do not know the answer to that. But I do have one Scripture for you, and we will go over that.


So let me just read you my notes, so I know I have not left anything out. The desolated city is the fallen, dead soul. This soul is referred to as Babylon and Sodom when the Scripture is speaking about the lesbian nature of her flesh mind, and the soul is referred to as Egypt when speaking about fallen man's dependence on that flesh mind for help, the flesh mind being the product of the homosexual union.


Remember, the mind is that which is born into the soul after the union of spirit and soul is completed. So the fact that this creation has a flesh mind is the unequivocal proof that the soul, God's wife, was adulterous. If she had had intercourse with her true husband, Jehovah, the mind in the creation would be the man Christ Jesus. But the mind in the creation is the Devil, unequivocal proof that the soul was adulterous and that she had intercourse with the Serpent. And the Serpent is another part of the creation, indicating incest and homosexuality. Now, I have these principles on other messages, if you would like to pursue them further.


Speaking about the two witnesses now. Revelation 11:8: And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city (that is the soul) which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where our Lord was crucified. And who are the two witnesses? Truth and judgment. I forgot myself, to be honest with you. It is in the Old Testament. But basically, it is the Word and the Spirit. The Word is truth, and I think the Spirit is judgment. I think that is what it is.


So all of us who are dwelling in this fallen city; truth and judgment are lying dead in the streets of our city, which is called Sodom, this city which is a product of incest and lesbianism, and Egypt. The city is called spiritual Egypt. What that means is that we go to our own soul for help. We go to the flesh mind. We go to the mind of man for help and not to God. For the people who do not turn to Jesus for their wisdom and their counsel and their salvation, as far as God is concerned, we are dwelling in the great city which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt.


The end of the verse says, where our Lord was crucified. Brethren, if you crucified Christ Jesus in your own mind, if you have killed any manifestation of righteousness that was growing in your mind; and why would you do such a thing? Why would you do it? Because you really want sin. You are lying to yourself. You are killing your Lord. You are in deception. You are making all kinds of excuses because you love that sin. You have crucified Christ.


You have killed truth and judgment. When you have killed Christ Jesus, you have killed the witness that is standing there, saying, Stop, do not do it. And you have believed the lie. So the two witnesses are lying dead in your streets.


And the city that you are dwelling in is now called Sodom and Egypt. It means you are having homosexual spiritual intercourse with the devilish wisdom of your own mind, and that you are depending on the wisdom or the power of this world to help you. Why? Because you love your sin more than you love Jesus.


Now, if you choose Jesus over your desire for sin, your soul is made alive by the presence of the glory of God. And if you keep crying out, he will deliver you. Nothing can pluck you out of his hand except your refusal to confess the fact that you love that sin and everything that follows after that. Confess it. Cry out that it is too strong for you, and he will surely deliver you from your own soul.


But you cannot do that if you have not been instructed. You cannot do that. You cannot do what is necessary to save your life if you have not received the instruction of, number one, that which is sin and, number two, what to do when that sin rears its ugly head and is too strong for you.


The average human being denies their sin. They hide it. And you will surely die if that is what you do. Your sin must be exposed. You have to confess it. You have to cry out to Jesus for help, and he is faithful to answer you and deliver you.


I have another reference for you. Isaiah 30. I put this Scripture in to indicate God's response to people who go to Egypt for help. What is Egypt? Egypt is the world or your fallen mind. And going to Egypt for help is basically, in the context of this teaching here, denial.


The world teaches you denial. Well, you are not supposed to go out and do all these sins. You are supposed to do everything you can to resist your behavior. But mentally speaking, the world tells you to deny it. Say, well, you are just human, or whatever other excuse or justification you would like to give for your sin. And then just resist, and do not do it.


But that is not what the Bible says, and that attitude will destroy you. You will surely die. You are supposed to resist the physical expression of your sin. But if you want the Lord Jesus to help you, it must be confessed as sin, as weakness and as something that you are powerless to deal with. And he will swoop down and save you. If your confession is that you have power over it and you do not need him, he will not swoop down to save you. But when you cry out and say, Lord Jesus, this sin has a power over me that is terrifying me, and I appear to be powerless over it, my Bible says, In my weakness, he will be my strength, my overcoming strength.


Now, you do not go out and express it and confess it to the church gossip, and you do not make a sign and wear it down the street. You confess it to the Lord. And if he sends you to a trusted brethren, you do that. But you do not have to. It can be between you and the Lord. You must admit that you are powerless over the sin if you want him to help you. But if your pride indicates that you have power to stop it, he is going to let you find out that it is a lie, and you just might die in the process.


The issue of the hour, brethren, is confession of sin and repentance. You are not going to make it out of hell into the kingdom without confession of sin and repentance. Denial will destroy you. I do not care what your sin is. Denial will destroy you. It must be confessed as a weakness. You must ask the Lord to forgive you and help you, and he surely will. Your part of it is to confess it, that it is sin and that you have no power over it. Then you receive his power, and you rise up, and you overcome it with his power, not with the power of Egypt, because the power of Egypt will surely fail you.


That is probably why I put this Scripture in. Let us read it. Isaiah 30:2-3: Those that walk to go down into Egypt and have not asked the Lord Jesus to help them. Those who go down to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, which is their own power that they are born with, and to trust in the shadow of Egypt.


Pharaoh is the carnal mind, and the shadow of Egypt would be this world system. This world system is the shadow or the reflection of the Dragon's mind, which is known as the Devil. So when you trust in your own self, the Devil; and the shadow of Egypt, which is this world, which would mean the counsel of this world, the systems of this world.


Now, do not get me wrong. You can use the systems of this world when the Lord Jesus tells you it is OK to use them. I know, when I am faced with a crisis, no matter what it is; if I am not feeling well, if I am attacked mentally, emotionally, physically, if I am threatened, the first thing I do is cry out, Jesus. If I do not have time to say one more word, my first mental reaction to any crisis, no matter how suddenly it comes upon me, is Jesus, because the promise of the Bible is, if I do that, he will be there with his mind, telling me what to think, what to say and what to do, even in moments of infirmity.


Some of you know that I almost choked to death twice over this last couple of years. It is a miracle that I am alive. I have almost died so many times; it is unbelievable. As I was choking to death, the first thought in my mind was Jesus. And I personally think it was a miracle both times that I did not die. No matter what the crisis, no matter how suddenly it comes upon you, when Jesus is your first thought, he is amongst you. And it is his mind and his Spirit working on your behalf.


We are dealing with Isaiah 30, which is warning us, those that go down into Egypt to strengthen themselves with Pharaoh, which is the Devil in their own mind, and to trust in the shadow of Egypt, the systems of this world.


Verse 3: Therefore shall the strength of pharaoh be your shame. When you trust in your own strength, you will find out that your own strength is a shame. You are going to find out that you cannot do it in your own strength. The Devil is too strong for you. It was just the pride of your own mind telling you that you can overcome him in your own strength.


Now, I hear all of you screaming at me, Well, people stop drinking; people stop drugging. People stop doing all kinds of things without Jesus. Brethren, this Scripture is written to the household of God. It is written by the prophet Isaiah to the household of God. If you are in the world, if you do not have a relationship with Jesus, all of these programs are the mercy of God to the Gentile.


If you are not reconciled with the Lord, everything in this world, every support group, every self-help group that would help you to stop drinking or drugging or whatever else thing that you are doing, is a mercy of God to the peoples of this world. Good, partake in them. Use them. May God have mercy on the Gentile's soul.


But when you have been reconciled unto Christ Jesus, and you are now a member of the household of God, it is an abomination for you to take any of the helps of the world without first going to Jesus. If he sends you to the help of this world, then that is where he sent you. You go.


We see two elements in the Church abusing this principle. Some of them go and choose the counsel of this world without first seeking Jesus, and we see that scriptural principle. I think it was the King Hezekiah, if I am not mistaken, who sent his servant. He said, Go to the god of Ekron and ask him, Am I going to live, or am I going to die? Well, what does that have to do with us today? Well, you just went to the doctor yesterday and asked him if you were going to live or die. And guess what? He told you that you are going to die. Two months, three months, six months; he pronounced an incurable disease upon you. Well, then let him be a prophet, says the Lord.


And God sent his prophet to stop the king's servant in the way. And what did he say? What were the words that God put in the mouth of the prophet to the servant of King Hezekiah? I hope that is the king that it was. Anybody remember? Nobody? Is there no God in Israel, that you go to the god of Ekron to find out whether or not you will live or die? For this abomination, says the Lord, you shall surely die.


Now, some Pharisees reading this message are saying, Sister Sheila says you should not go to the doctor. Go back, and read it again. I did not say that. I said, You go to Jesus first. And if you do not get a clear answer from him, if you do not have that kind of relationship with the Lord, which I do, that you could say to him, should I go to a doctor or should I not? then you say, Jesus, should I go to the doctor or should I not? And if you do not hear from him in a week or two or whatever, however your relationship is with him, then you go to the doctor. But your conscience is clear because you asked him.


Is there no God in Israel, that you go to the god of Ekron to find out whether or not you will live or die? Is Christ Jesus not appearing in you, that you would ask your carnal mind whether or not you will stand up in full stature in this lifetime?


There is someone who I love very dearly who honestly, in a right humble spirit, confesses to me periodically that they cannot believe they will stand up in full stature in this lifetime. They do not have what it takes to believe it. But they are confessing it as lack of faith.


So what do you say? Lord Jesus, will I stand up in full stature in this lifetime? Is marriage for me, or is it not? Let your perfect will be done in my life. And then you go out, and you live your life. And if the Lord gives you a husband, you get married, and you be ecstatically happy. But if nobody comes into your life, stop cursing God because maybe the answer is, yes, you are going to stand up in full stature in this lifetime. Or maybe the answer is marriage is not for you now, maybe in a few years.


Submit your life to God, brethren, and be safe. You want insurance? You want the best life you could possibly have in this world? Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and stop deceiving yourself.


Isaiah 31:1: Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help and stay on horses and trust in chariots. That is all talking about the systems of this world and the minds and the wisdom of men.


While we had the message on hold, I was questioned about whether or not that king was Hezekiah. So let me give you the scriptural reference on my comments on the god of Ekron, please. It is not Hezekiah; it is Ahaziah.


2 Kings 1: Then Moab rebelled against Israel after the death of Ahab, and Ahaziah fell down through a lattice in his upper chamber that was in Samaria and was sick. And he sent messengers and said unto them, 'Go inquire of Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron, whether I shall recover of this disease.'


Verse 3: But the angel of the Lord said to Elijah the Tishbite... Who is the angel of the Lord? Jesus said to Elijah the Tishbite, Arise. That would be like the Lord saying to any one of us who was a messenger for God that has Christ Jesus in us. What it means is the invisible God sent a man. The angel of the Lord said to Elijah the Tishbite, a visible man, Arise and go up to meet the messengers of the king of Samaria. And say unto them, 'Is it not because there is not a God in Israel that you go to inquire of Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron?' Now therefore thus saith the Lord, 'Thou shalt not come down from that bed on which thou art gone up, but thou shalt surely die.' And Elijah departed.


Any questions or comments on that before we go back to Isaiah 31:1? King Ahaziah, not Hezekiah, Ahaziah. Pardon me.


Isaiah 31:1: Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help and stay on horses and trust in chariots because they are many. The minds and the people of this world system, they are many. Brethren, do not put your faith in the numbers of men. Do not put your faith in money. Do not put your faith in the wisdom of this world. Brethren, do not put your faith anywhere except on Jesus.


Is there no God in your Israel that you would go to inquire of the god of Ekron, Baal-zebub? What does Baal-zebub mean? Flies. The god of all the devils. You shall surely die if you put your faith there.


Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help and stay on horses and trust in chariots because they are many, and trust in horsemen because they are very strong. Do not trust in the strong or the strength of this world. But they look not unto the Holy One of Israel; neither seek they the Lord. Destruction unto those that depend on this world, either the mind of this world in themselves, or the mind or physical or financial or spiritual health of this world. You shall surely die.


Isaiah 36:9: How then wilt thou turn away the face of one captain of the least of my master's servants and put thy trust on Egypt for chariots and horsemen? Well, I do not know why I put that in. There must be another verse that would clarify that, but I am not going to look it up because I have enough witnesses here.


If you would like to pursue that a little further, read the verse before; read the verse after. You will see that it is a verse witnessing to the fact that, if you trust in Egypt, which is the mind or the physical power or wisdom or the numbers of this world, you shall surely die. But if the living God, if the Lord Jesus Christ, sends you one little servant, no matter how weak or humble they appear to be, the spiritual power flowing through them can save your life.


PASTOR VITALE: You see, brethren, it is the what that breaks the yoke? Who knows the Scripture?


COMMENT: The anointing.


PASTOR VITALE: It is the anointing that breaks the yoke. It is not the man. It is not his muscles. It is not his wisdom. It is not his money. It is not his numbers. It is not his machines. It is not his education. But it is the anointing, the spirit, the eternal Spirit of almighty God that will break your yoke.


And sometimes this spirit appears through the weakest of vessels, through imperfect men, sinners. But the anointing in them, at the moment that it is manifesting, makes them a Son of God. Do not mock their power, brethren, because you see sin in them, because, when you do that, you are cutting yourself off from the spirit that has the power to save you. Because you have lifted up in pride and made a judgment that that anointing, that glorious spirit, could not possibly be in that weak little sinner, you have cut yourself off from the anointing. Why? Because that is where it is.


And if you think that God is going to manifest himself to you through a more perfect person, which does not even exist; but even if that person did exist, if you think God is going to honor your rejection of the vessel through which he is manifesting his anointing to you, because of your pride, you are deceived by the pride of your own mind. You must receive the Spirit of Christ through whatever fallen vessel the Lord manifests himself to you, imperfect as he may be, or you cut yourself off from the power of God to deliver you.


Because of your pride, not because of the sin that you found in the imperfect vessel but because of your pride, you could not receive the gift of God because you did not like the vessel that he was manifesting through. Who do you think you are, you imperfect, fallen vessel? You imperfect, fallen man, who do you think you are?


Jeremiah 46:25: The Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, saith; 'Behold, I will punish the multitude of No, and Pharaoh, and Egypt, with their gods, and their kings, even Pharaoh, and all them that trust in him.' Listen. The Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, says, I will punish all those that trust in the flesh.


And how will God punish you? Will he whip you with a cat of nine tails? Will he visit poverty on you? Will he send demons to stick you with pitchforks? No. He will punish you by making sure that, every time you seek the power of this world, that it fails to accomplish your purpose. If you seek the power of this world for employment, you will not find a job. If you seek the power of this world to make money, you will be in poverty.


Why? Because God's punishment to you is to teach you. When Jesus is in charge of your life, there will be no punishment that will come upon you which will not bring with it a lesson. When Satan punishes you, there is no lesson. He just destroys you. God teaches you through painful and disappointing experiences. But all things work for the good for those who love the Lord.


And a righteous man; what makes you righteous? When righteousness is within an imperfect man, and your life is submitted to Christ Jesus, he considers you a righteous man. A righteous man can be cast down how many times?




PASTOR VITALE: Seven times, but he will never be destroyed. He will learn and he will grow from every time he is cast down, and he will overcome, and he will go forward. And he will ascend into the fullness of the purposes of God in his life.


Well, I am ready to continue on with the first quarter of Isaiah 59. Were there any questions or comments on this aspect of the message?


We were dealing with the phrase, And they trust in vanity. The Hebrew word, translated trust, is Strong's 982, and Gesenius says that it means to throw one down on his back, to set one's hope and confidence in. Well, how can trust mean that? Remember the teaching here that pretty much every Hebrew word has a negative and a positive translation. So to trust in vanity (and we just did a whole study on vanity), vanity means the fallen soul. To trust in the fallen soul means to set one's hope and confidence in the fallen soul. But another legitimate translation is to throw one down on his back.


And I suggest to you that, to trust in the fallen soul or the things of this world, in order to do that, you have to first cast Christ Jesus in your own mind down on his back, because Christ Jesus wants to be your faith. He wants to be your hope. He wants to be your help in a time of trouble. And once you have been reconciled to the Lord, and he is operating in your life, even if you have not yet conceived the engrafted Word, once the Lord Jesus is in your life, in order for you to have confidence and set your hope on the things of this world, you have to first cast down the Lord. You have to crucify the Lord Jesus in your own heart. And why would you do that? Only because of sin, because your own sin chooses to believe in the things of this world rather than in the Lord Jesus.


So you will see, when we get to our Alternate Translation, that we are going to incorporate this translation: to cast one down on one's back. To trust in the things of this world is to cast down the Lord. Did you ever wonder how trusting in the things of this world could be such a serious sin? Well, it is just pride, you know, so I trusted in this world. No. To do it, you had to crucify the Lord in your own mind. That makes it a very serious sin, not only of pride but of murder of the very Son of God. We crucify him all the day long.


I have to say my father sleeps all day, but he does not snore like that. He is definitely under the anointing. God bless him, Lord. Please do something really special in him in these last years of his life.


We are dealing with Isaiah 59:4-5: They trust in vanity, and they speak lies. We have just dealt with, They trust in vanity, and we shall now deal with the phrase, and speak lies. The word speak is Strong's 1696. It is the typical Hebrew word that means speak. And the Hebrew word, translated lies, means vanity.


Now, sometimes these translations become very confusing. Let me refer you back to the first phrase: They trust in vanity. That Hebrew word, translated vanity, means emptiness, destruction or desolated city. In the context of those translations, emptiness, destruction or desolated city, vanity does not even seem to fit in. Yet in the next phrase, they speak lies, that Hebrew word, translated lies, means vanity.


So we see the English word vanity in the first phrase, which does not mean vanity. It means the fallen soul. And then we see the English word lies, which really means vanity, calamity, emptiness or nothingness. The English word vanity in Isaiah, in the last phrase of verse 4 of Isaiah 59, is Strong's 8414. And the word translated vanity in the Interlinear, is translated lies in the King James; that is Strong's 7723. It gets very confusing, these translations. We are dealing with the phrase, and speak lies. The Interlinear translates that word vanity, the number Strong's 7723. Gesenius says it means calamity, emptiness or nothingness.


I did these notes a couple of weeks ago. To be honest with you, I do not even remember what I put down. But to me, when I hear calamity, emptiness or nothingness, the first thing I think about is the Dragon and his modern incarnation, the form of the Devil. I know that the Lord can see the mind which is in fallen man, the god of this world and this whole world system; God can see it as nothing because it is just a shadow that will fade away when the sun of his righteousness arises to high noon. This world is going to fade away like it is just a shadow. It is made out of nothing. It cannot continue. It is a dream. It is just here for a season. But for those of us who are subjected to it, it is very real.


And I have, as a witness, our Alternate Translation, Micah 2:11. This is an Alternate Translation that we very recently worked up. We just recently did a whole series on Micah 2 where we found a reference to a lying witness and where the Lord gave us an understanding of what a spiritual lie is. So for the purposes of this study, I have incorporated that Alternate Translation. I will read it to you.


Micah 2:11: For so long as mortal man is a lying witness about the resurrection of Christ, because they have had intercourse with an unclean spirit (that is the spirit of this world) and are saying, I will prophesy for you that your dead human spirit shall increase into Christ Jesus without confession of sin and repentance, mortal man shall be the prophet of this rebellious people.


The lie, brethren, is fallen man. And so long as anyone chooses to believe his false doctrine; and what is the false doctrine of fallen man? It is that you are going to be saved without confession of sin and repentance. God loves you. He is saving the whole world in your filth, with you thinking you are a jewel when you are not.


Now, that does not mean you have to walk around in shame. You need to walk around knowing that you need a savior. You have to find that line. Do not let anyone condemn you. You do not walk around feeling like you are worthless. You are not worthless. You are very valuable, but you are gold ore. You are valueless until you are separated from the ore and refined into pure gold, which you cannot experience without a savior. So you have got to find that line, that fine line. You are valueless with a potential of great value.


When Christ Jesus is controlling your life, you are very valuable. As you abide in rebellion and separated from him, you are worthless. When you are controlled by the Dragon, you are a worthless spirit. When you are adopted by Christ Jesus, you are very valuable. The Dragon has no power to make you valuable. Christ Jesus has power to make you very valuable. And what you are is completely dependent on whom you worship. Worship the Dragon and you are worthless. Worship Christ Jesus and you are very valuable.


It is the same thing as saying you have a chunk of old wood laying there. It is worth nothing, but you put it in the hands of a master craftsman, and he will carve a work of art out of it. We are the clay, and he is the potter. If the master potter lays hold of us, we are very valuable. If the perverse spirit of this world lays hold of us, we are worthless.


So what am I saying? We are not valuable or invaluable based upon anything which we are. Is that not a Scripture in the New Testament? Everything you have is given. You are nothing in and of yourself, but your value or your valuelessness is dependent on your master, on the god you serve, on the one who owns you. So lend your members to the living God, brethren, that you might be very valuable and found worthy of everlasting life in his household.


Because the Son abides in the house forever, brethren, when you are living in the household of God, you live forever. But the servant, fallen man, ruled by the Dragon, does not abide forever. He will surely die.


Alternate Translation, the first quarter of Isaiah 59:4-5: They (this is speaking about fallen people, brethren: Israel, Judah, the Church; this is talking about people that have known the Lord, not the whole world at this time, but Israel, Judah, the Church, believers, those who have been reconciled to Christ) cast down Christ Jesus onto his back. They trust in Sodom and Egypt and are lying witnesses to the resurrection of Christ.


This is the Lord's indictment of fallen humanity. Listen, I just talked about it for 10 minutes. You cannot trust in Sodom and Egypt unless you first cast down Christ Jesus onto his back. Your first choice is to trust in Christ Jesus as your God. You cannot trust in this world unless you go past him, and he is not about to let you past him because he loves you too much. So in order to put your faith in this world, you have to cast him down. You have to wage a warfare against Christ Jesus in your own mind.


And we just read a Scripture from the Book of Revelation that says, And truth and judgment lay in the street in that city spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, where our Lord was crucified. To trust in this world, you must crucify your Lord and trust in the gods that he himself is protecting you from. And to do that, you have to love your sin more than you love him because he knows. If you truly love him more than you love your sin, he will know it. He will join his strength to you, and he will not be crucified, but your sin will be cast down.


Amplified Translation, first quarter, Isaiah 59:4-5: And they cast down Christ's manhood and turn him into a harlot, trust in Sodom and Egypt and are lying witnesses to the resurrection of Christ.


Now, for those of you who do not remember, we have a whole teaching on casting down Christ's manhood and turning him into a harlot. We find it in Joel 2:2. I am sorry if you are offended. Oh, I hear them screaming. That is what happened at the time of the fall. Christ was a man, and he was reformed into a woman, and he is now being used as a harlot by the Dragon and the Devil. That is our spiritual condition. Christ is caught in a homosexual bondage. The woman is the man, and he has been made the woman. It is a perversion.


They cast down Christ's manhood and turn him into a harlot. They trust in Sodom and Egypt, and they are lying witnesses to the resurrection of Christ. They go around telling you, God is going to save you. All you have to do is say I repent and love Jesus. It is a lie. Your nature has to be changed. You will not experience salvation unless your nature is changed.


You will not experience salvation. Salvation is an endless life. Salvation is resurrection from the dead. You will not experience it without a change of nature. And you will not have your nature changed without confession of sin and repentance. And you will not confess your sin and repent without faith in Jesus Christ. And you will not have faith in Jesus Christ without a preacher. You will not have faith in Jesus Christ unless you hear the true message. And how will there be a preacher unless he sent? Go to a false preacher and you are as good as dead. You run from the true preacher because what she says or what he says hurts. Run, and die in your sins.


They cast down Christ's manhood and turn him into a harlot, trust in Sodom and Egypt and are lying witnesses to the resurrection of Christ.


The second quarter of Isaiah 59:4-5: They conceive mischief and bring forth inequity.


Conceive, Strong's 2059: to become pregnant. And Gesenius tells us this word can indicate pregnancy of the mind. We have been studying here for months now that conception and pregnancy of the mind is spiritual reality, and that the mind which is born into the creation is dependent upon the male seed.


Just as in the natural, whether or not a girl or a boy is born to a woman is dependent upon the male seed. It has to be an X or a Y, male seed. Y determines the child will be a boy, and X determines the child will be a girl, and that factor is carried in the male seed. In the same manner, whether or not the mind born into the creation; now, not the individual human being because the whole creation is really just one.


But dependent upon the spirit that has fertilized the soul, we are the offspring of God's creation, the soul, and her adultery with the Serpent. And we know that the Serpent is a woman because the creation is female. Only a male seed can produce a male son. God, I hear them screaming. Thank you, Jesus.


And they conceive mischief. Strong's 5999, the Hebrew word, translated mischief, means heavy, wearisome labor. And it can be speaking of labor of the mind. This word can mean vexation, sorrow and anguish.


Remember that Jesus experienced a labor of the mind in the Garden when he asked the Father if he was strong enough to pass through into the second stage of resurrection, which second stage is the circumcision of his carnal mind. I suggest to you that the Devil is the taskmaster who drives fallen humanity under a heavy yoke which is both physical, mental and emotional.


And our Alternate Translation of Micah 2:10 supports this. Micah 2:10, our Alternate Translation: So die to the Devil's lifestyle and stand up in full stature because the carnal mind is the idol which binds you to this hellish world with a cord of hard labor. The Hebrew translation of the word mischief speaks about wearisome labor of the mind. So what I have just said to you is that our Alternate Translation of Micah 2:10 supports that the carnal mind is a cord of hard labor.


Also, please note that the Devil is one of the cords of the negative, threefold cord. We have talked about a threefold cord; another way of saying threefold cord is a completed mind.


It has been taught here that Christ, at the beginning of time, was an incomplete mind. He was made from two cords or two threads, more accurately two threads. The mind is a woven garment. It is the product of a male and a female seed, or a male and a female thread.


I am sure I have it on an earlier part of this message. DNA and RNA, the genetic material, appears to be threads woven together. The mind is a woven garment, a garment for the male spirit, which has begotten that mind into this soul which the Lord Jehovah has created.


Christ, at the beginning of time, was an incomplete mind, a mind formed from two threads, the male and the female thread, also known as a spiritual altar which has not yet produced its increase, that increase being the offspring of the union of the first two threads, that increase being the production of the third thread.


In spiritual things, the father, the mother and the offspring are joined in one and remain woven together. If the mind is Christ Jesus, they are together for the life of the ages. If the mind is the carnal mind, they are woven together until Christ Jesus unweaves them.


What is the process which will unweave the increase of the union between the Serpent and the soul? The process is heat. They will be melted. That mind, that personality; I hear you all saying, What about Satan being boiled? Each aspect of the ungodly personality will have a different ministration. The whole Devilish personality is being melted apart.


The mind in the Devilish personality is in two phases. The unconscious mind is being boiled because the unconscious mind is typified by the sea. The conscious mind is being cast into the Lake of Fire. Of course, the unconscious mind is being cast into the Lake of Fire too, but the effect that the Lake of Fire is having on Satan is that he is boiling, and the effect that the Lake of Fire is having on the conscious mind is that it is melting and dissolving.


The effect that the Lake of Fire is having on the human spirit which is joined to Satan, which is typified by metal, is that she is being purified. Oh, I thought the human spirit was typified by salt. Brethren, the Lord has different symbols for the same truth, depending upon the point that he is trying to make, or depending upon the aspect from which he is dealing with that aspect of the human mind.


In the same manner, we see the judgment that is directed towards fallen man described in at least two different ways. Does anybody remember any of the symbols for the judgment which is coming upon fallen man?


COMMENT: The sickle?


PASTOR VITALE: No, no. One judgment is the wine press. And the other judgment. Anybody?


COMMENT: Lake of Fire.


PASTOR VITALE: The Lake of Fire, yes. If there are more than those two, offhand at this moment, it is not coming to me.


COMMENT: I always think of sulfur and brimstone.


PASTOR VITALE: Well, that is all the Lake of Fire. That is the Lake of Fire. Well, that is interesting, what you just said, because that brimstone fire, which is another word for sulfur, meant more for people that are not familiar with the term sulfur. The word brimstone is speaking about sulfur.


If I am not mistaken, that judgment appears in the Book of Revelation as coming out of the mouths of the horses, or the Sons of God. Well, it is the Lake of Fire in the Sons of God. But that Lake of Fire, coming out of the mouth of the man or coming out of the mouth of the Son, is described as brimstone and fire, the lake burning with brimstone and fire. So that is another way to express it, but it is all the Lake of Fire. It is just a question of what point the Lord is trying to make and what aspect from which he is viewing the judgment or the subject which he is talking about.


Another way to express this is one spirit, many administrations thereof. For each function of the spirit, the Lord calls the Spirit of God by another name. For each function of the judgment, God calls the judgment by another name to make it easier for us to identify what function the judgment is performing. He gives each function of the judgment, of the spirit, whatever we are talking about; He gives each function its own name, so we do not have to stop to figure out what is happening here. Just by the very name, we have an insight into what God is doing.


So we were speaking about a threefold cord being a completed mind, having three threads: male seed, female seed and offspring. We see that the Dragon has produced a completed mind in this fallen creation. You see, the completed mind produces a visible world. The completed mind produces a visible world.


So I think we have good reason to believe that the early mind of Christ, the incomplete mind of Christ, cannot produce a visible world. Not produce; it was a spiritual world. I do not think it had yet appeared. Now, I may change my mind on that, if the Lord corrects me. But I do not think that the world that we live in is an image which is projected by the mind. I do not think a two-thread mind is powerful or mature enough to produce a visible world.


If you review the messages we did on Daniel 8, if I am not mistaken, I think the Scripture teaches that, when the Dragon stole the breath of life which was in the creation, in order to form the clay of the creation into the Serpent's image; if I am not mistaken, our Alternate Translation says, And the image of the visible world that was in the mind of Christ was brought down, and the image that was in the mind of the goat was manifested.


What am I saying to you? The image of the garden of Eden that was in the mind of Christ was knocked down. It does not say that the image had taken form. We saw that the goat had his own image in his mind, and he destroyed the ram. And the goat succeeded in bringing forth a visible, physical world.


He manifested the image that was in his mind. Once again, like an artist has an image or a concept in his mind of what they would like to paint, it is in their mind; it is in their heart. Then they take a canvas and paints, and they start working.


So we are dealing with the second quarter of Isaiah 59, the end of verse 4 and verse 5: They conceive mischief. To conceive, to become pregnant in the mind. The word mischief, meaning heavy, wearisome labor of the mind; vexation, sorrow and anguish.


Our witness that this word mischief is speaking about the carnal mind is our Alternate Translation of Micah 2:10: So die to the Devil's lifestyle and stand up in full stature because the carnal mind is the idol which binds you to this hellish world with a cord (singular) of hard labor. When the third cord of the completed mind is the carnal mind, you are bound to the Devil's world of hard labor.


In the same manner, Christ Jesus is the third thread of the mind which is the man Christ Jesus. And Jesus said, My yoke is easy, and my yoke is light. When you are bound to the world of Christ Jesus, you are not bound with a cord of hard labor but with cords of love of the Lord Jesus Christ, whose power is given to you to refrain from and resist sin.


See, brethren, in this condition that we are in, we must resist sin because the carnal mind desires to sin continuously. And those of us who desire to lead a holy life, we must resist sin continuously. Now, a lot of us have the mind of Christ Jesus, but as I told you earlier in this message, he is not our foundation. He is the invading force. When the man Christ Jesus is your source of existence, you will not have to resist sin anymore because the man Christ Jesus does not lust, nor does he desire any unholy thing.


He is a righteous man, and you shall desire only righteousness against which there is no law. And living a holy life will not be a burden unto you. Living a holy life is only painful and hard and grievous because your very nature is sin. To lead a holy life therefore is to live a life which is completely opposite and opposed to your very nature.


Our hope, brethren, is Christ in us, the hope of glory. Why? Why would I hope for Christ in me? Why is he the hope of this soul realm, of this visible, physical world? Because none of us can cease from sin. No matter how hard we try, the nature that we are born with is stronger than any willpower that we can find within ourselves.


And when we sin, the god of this world has the power and the right and the authority to kill us. And to date, everyone has died, brethren, except the Lord Jesus. Therefore, our hope is that Christ Jesus will be formed in us to the fullness of his maturity and subject the Devil in our mind and defeat him and rip out our sin nature and become our true nature, thereby imparting righteousness to us against which there is no law. That is why he is our hope. He is our only hope to stop dying.


And you say, well, you live your 70, 80, 90 years, and you pass out of this world system. Who cares? We do not preach hell and damnation here. So, you say, well, who cares? Brethren, if that is what you are thinking, you are ignorant because the truth is that there is one spiritual man who is fallen and dead, and he continues to exist in this visible world in your offspring.


And although you may not have a consciousness of this, the truth of the matter is there is one spiritual man who is presently in eternal torment. And although this manifestation, this expression of him in you, may die after 80 or 90 years, he will continue to be in torment in your children and in your grandchildren and in your great-grandchildren and in your great-great-grandchildren. And if you are so selfish that you do not care about your great-great-grandchildren, then I declare unto you, whether you are aware of it or not, it is you living in your great-great-grandchildren. You, your present existence, is the same man that lived four generations back; it is just that your memory has been wiped out.


Jesus said to the Pharisees, I know you are the offspring of those who killed the prophet. Why? Because you are doing the same thing. Christ in you, the hope of glory, the only way we will ever get out of this endless cycle of continuous deaths and births and this continuous reaping and sowing for the wickedness that we do, which reaping and sowing goes from generation to generation on the family line.


I am not preaching karma. Karma preaches a reaping and sowing until you work your way out of this cycle with good works. I am preaching a reaping and sowing which can only be ended by the mercy of God because sin does not get better, sin gets worse. Sin spirals downward. Without the mercy of God in your life, each generation gets worse until you are wiped off the face of the earth, usually because of lack of offspring due to barrenness or tragedy. Your family line is wiped out because of sin.


So although both karma and the Scripture teaches a reaping and a sowing that goes from generation to generation, what does that mean? What one man sows can be reaped in a future generation. Both karma and the Scripture teaches that. That is the end of the agreement between karma and the Scripture on reaping and sowing.


And if you think I am preaching occult teachings, open your Bible. David sinned with Bathsheba, and the child of the union died. The Scripture says, The fathers bite a sour grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge. Come off of your silly religious spirit. Come up out of your false doctrine and your Phariseeism because you are going to die with your false doctrine.


Let us go on. We see here that the Hebrew word translated mischief is a negative engrafted word. What am I talking about? Brethren, everything that is happening to the man Christ Jesus has happened or is happening to the Woman. What is the name of the Woman?




PASTOR VITALE: The Devil. What is happening to the man Christ Jesus is happening in a positive mode, and what is happening to the Woman called the Devil is happening in a negative mode.


And I remind you that this creation was created with a negative and a positive pole designed to be operating as one under the authority of the positive pole. We had a tragedy, however. The negative pole separated itself from being under the authority of the positive pole. It is having a separate existence and is in fact at enmity with the positive pole. So that which was one is now two, and there is war everywhere until such time as the fugitive is brought back under the authority of the positive pole.


So everything that we see in Christ Jesus exists in the negative. What is the engrafted Word? The engrafted Word is the first phase, or the immature phase, of the imparted anointing. The engrafted Word; who is the Word? Jesus is the Word. The engrafted Word is Jesus engrafted to your human spirit.


After that graft takes place, a new life is conceived. Male cell grafts to female cell; the first cell of a new life results. When the Lord Jesus engrafts to your human spirit, the first cell of the offspring of the double portion of Christ Jesus is conceived in you, and he begins to grow. Christ begins to be formed in you. The end of this process is that the man Christ Jesus becomes the warrior Son, fully grown and stronger than the Devil, able to offer the Devil up as a sin offering to the Lord Jesus.


We have taught this. This is all review. From the minute Jesus is conceived in you, he begins to grow. In his early stages, he is called the engrafted Word, or the immature completed mind, or the immature imparted anointing. And then as he grows and increases, he grows into his maturity, which is called full stature, in which his completed mind is fully functioning and operating and powerful enough to defeat the Devil.


We see the same experience in the negative. The Serpent joins with the human spirit or with Christ, and the first cell of the Serpent's offspring is formed. And the name of the Serpent's offspring? We just had it. It is the Devil, a female offspring. So we have an immature engrafted negative word, and we have a completed negative word.


Now, in this creation, the negative word is completed. The creation has materialized. Every man born has a completed mind but not a fully mature completed mind. How do I know that? A fully mature completed mind is speaking about spiritual maturity. Spiritual maturity leaves no room for duality.


In this hour, man is both good and evil. A completed spiritual mind is either evil or righteous. If your mind is completed by the Dragon in the Serpent's image, you have been completed in an evil form. Evil will defeat good every time. The world knows that evil is stronger than good. Your only other option is to be completed in righteousness, which is in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ.


So in this hour, every human being on the face of the earth, in order to be born, you must have a three-thread mind. But your mind is not yet completed. It is still not permanently determined that you will be formed in the image of the Serpent.

And until that mind is completed, the race is on, and the Lord Jesus is in humanity in this hour, bringing forth the man Christ Jesus in a company of human beings, in the hope that, Romans 8:20-21 tells us, Christ Jesus will be formed despite all of the opposition of the Devil, who was supported by the Dragon, that Christ Jesus will arise in the minds and the hearts of a company of men and subject the one, the Devil, who is actually the Dragon, who subjected us, and take this creation back for the Lord Jesus.


So we see there is a negative engrafted word. That is the condition all of humanity is in, except perhaps in some nations where there is heavy witchcraft. I honestly do not know if there are any completed men in evil at this time. I honestly do not know. I have heard all kinds of testimonies about people over in Africa, mostly. I heard one testimony about someone in the Philippines who kills people by just thinking them dead.


Now, I believe that people who have minds like that exist. Whether or not, to do that, your mind must be completed in evil, I do not know. My opinion is, in order to have that kind of power, assuming that we are measuring your mind on a scale of 1 to 10, and that, if you measure from 1 to 5 on this scale, your mind is an incomplete mind in evil, and from 5 to 10, your mind is moving towards completion, it may be possible that, if you have 7 or 8 or 9 points on this scale, that you have the power to kill with your mind, but you may not yet be at 10, which would be fully completed in evil, irreversible.


I do not know the answer to that question. I put it before the Lord. If he tells me,  I will let you know. I do not know. But I believe there are people in this world today with negative spiritual power that even would boggle my mind. I do not believe I have all knowledge on it. I believe there are people in this world with some very intense negative spiritual power.


I believe there are people in this world today with a measure of a negative spiritual power that there is no match for in the world today, that no Christian can match, no Christian in the flesh. I am not talking about the Lord Jesus, who is a glorified spirit. I believe there are human beings today whose minds have such a measure of spiritual power that only a man of full stature could match it, or someone real close to it. And I do not know about you, but I do not know any Christian that has that kind of power. And I have asked people in Africa if they have ever seen a Christian with that kind of power, and the answer was a unanimous no.


On the contrary, the word out of Nigeria is that Pentecostals are backsliding every day because, in a nation and in a continent where spiritual power is understood, these Nigerians are seeing that there is no Pentecostal around that can match the power of the witch doctor. And a lot of them are backsliding because they do not have the understanding that the imputed anointing, that which is given without repentance, will never overcome the negative imparted spiritual power of the witch doctors in Africa. Only the imparted power of Christ, which is in the mature Christ Jesus, which power comes with confession of sin and repentance.


And I have got a flash for you: You are not going to have it without celibacy. Oh, my God, they hate this message. I am telling you, brethren. I do not care what you say about me. This imparted spiritual power in Christ Jesus that is powerful enough to take on these witch doctors, you cannot have it when you are living the Serpent's lifestyle, even when you are married. Sexual activity is legal in marriage, but you will not know this kind of spiritual power engaging in bestial activity, even in marriage.


If you think I am a nut, you had better pray about what I am telling you because I am no nut. I am telling you the truth. For power with God, you have to give up the Devil's lifestyle. You cannot be in bed with the Devil and manifesting an intense power of Christ Jesus.


For years, that Scripture that Paul spoke about bothered me. The young widow should serve Christ, but most of them do not. If they are not kept busy, if they do not work, they are likely to go after Satan. For years, that bothered me. What is Paul talking about? He is telling you that a celibate lifestyle puts you in a lifestyle which gives you an opportunity to go on to get power with God.


But young women who are not kept busy, and that is spiritual women; we are talking about physical men and women. If you do not keep yourself busy serving God, you are going to find yourself going after Satan's form of comfort. And that does not have to mean fornication; that can mean marriage. It is a step backwards. When you have walked in the realms of the high spirit with God, marriage is a step backwards.


Oh, you just hate me for this. I am telling you the truth. This Church today, they do not want to pay the price, and the price is everything. The price is this whole fallen lifestyle and every aspect of it. The price for what? The price for true power with God. The price is everything. The price is your husband. The price is your children. The price is your grandchildren. That does not mean you give them up. It means, when the test comes, you choose Christ Jesus. Until the test comes, you enjoy both. When the test comes, if you want that power with Christ, you have to choose him. I am telling you the truth. Very few are going in. Hallelujah.


So we see here that the Hebrew word translated mischief is speaking about a negative engrafted word. They conceive mischief and bring forth inequity. The Hebrew word translated inequity in the next phrase is speaking about the mature negative root: an immature Devil, a Devil which is still good and evil, not yet completed in evil, mischief, and inequity; a Devil, a man whose personality is completed in evil.


And Christ Jesus, the engrafted Word, is a man in whom righteousness has been conceived. And the maturity of the ripened fruit is the very man himself in full spiritual authority and splendor, the man Christ Jesus as we see him in the back of the Book of Revelation, riding on his white horse, completely victorious over the powers and principalities of this world system. Jesus made an open show of them. They could not keep him in the grave. The powers and principalities of this world had no power to kill the righteous one because, against righteousness, brethren, there is no law. They could not do a thing to him.


The god of this world, the very Devil herself, only has power over sinners. She has no power over righteousness, to punish you, to torment you, to make you sick or to kill you, nor do the physical laws of this system have power over a righteous man. Gravity has no power over you. Heat has no power over you. Cold has no power over you. The need for food has no power over you. You are fully sustained in every aspect of your life by your very foundation, which is the Lord Jesus Christ.


Brethren, your foundation has authority over you. When the Lord Jesus Christ is your foundation (I spoke about this earlier). Do not give me your religious junk. The spirit that has incarnated you and which is sustaining your existence in this world system is your foundation, and that is not the Lord Jesus. He came into your life after you were born. The Dragon has incarnated you. Jesus clearly said, your daddy is the Devil.


Do not go getting religious on me. If your foundation was Jesus, you would not be able to die. You are so confused; you do not even know who your Father is. You truly are Babylon. You do not even know what your name is. Not only that, you do not even know what sex you are. You think you are a man, and you are a woman. You think you are holy, and you are filthy. And you surely need a savior, brethren. You will never get out of this place. Jesus.


A mature Devil is one who is completed in evil. A member of the ultimate personality, or the final and last expression of the Serpent, we have found out, is expressed in the Old Testament as the cockatrice. That is an English word which means a brood of vipers, a many-membered humanity, each member of which has a Devilish mind, expressed in the Old Testament as the cockatrice.


The whole human being: the mind, which is the Devil, a soul, which is dead because your mind is the Devil, and this physical body which we dwell in now, which are completed in evil, are called the eggs of the cockatrice. And we see this in the third quarter of Isaiah 59:4-5: They hatch cockatrice eggs.


So I suggest to you that the eggs of the cockatrice is the whole person, including the physical body. The cockatrice is speaking about your fallen mind. The eggs of the cockatrice are speaking about the whole man, including the body. We will talk about this a little more in a few minutes. I jumped ahead of myself here.


So we see the Scripture saying that they, speaking about Israel in the Church, conceived the negative engrafted word, which is mischief, and they give birth to the Devil, which is the mature personality of the evil fallen man in a many-membered human company, whole human beings: soul, mind and body. Did I get that right? Israel conceives the negative engrafted word, mischief, and they give birth to the Devil, the mature personality of the evil fallen man in a many-membered... why do I think this is wrong?


They, Israel, conceive the negative engrafted word, mischief, and give birth to the Devil, the mature personality of the evil fallen man (and we just found that that is described as inequity), in a many-membered human company, whole human beings: soul, mind and body, which are called cockatrice eggs, the offspring of the cockatrice.


They, Israel, conceived the negative engrafted word, mischief, and give birth to the Devil, the mature personality of the evil fallen man. And we find this Devilish personality in a many-membered human company, the whole human being: soul, mind and body, called, in the Old Testament, cockatrice eggs.


OK, I put this in. I jumped ahead of myself. We are going to talk about this some more. I guess I put that in the wrong place.


Continuing with the second quarter of Isaiah 59:4-5: And they bring forth inequity. Speaking about fallen Israel and the Church, they are supposed to be bringing forth the man Christ Jesus, but they are bringing forth mischief, the negative engrafted word, and they are bringing forth inequity.


The word bring forth is Strong's 3205. It means to bear as a mother. Remember, they conceive mischief, and they bear inequity. They conceive the negative engrafted word, and they give birth to, as a woman gives birth to a child, the fully mature evil personality, which is called the Devil.


Remember, now, the Devil is a twofold idol. The Devil is mind and spirit, both of which are engraved. The mind is made of spirit, which is typified by metal, so we find the molten image as a type of that engraving. And the soul is made of clay, or sometimes described as a tree. I guess the soul is made out of clay. The whole spiritual man is described as a tree. So we see both the tree and the clay described as a graven image. But the image of the spirit which has begotten the mind makes the mind a molten image because the mind is typified by metal.


Alternate Translation, the second half of Isaiah 59:4-5: They conceive the negative engrafted word and give birth to the mature Devil. Now, remember, the Lord is speaking about Israel. He is speaking about the Church. We are supposed to be conceiving Christ Jesus and giving birth to the fully mature Christ Jesus, but we are not doing it.


And at the end of this study, I doubt that I am going to get to it tonight because I am getting slain in the Spirit in my own service again. Well, I may start on it, but I definitely will not finish it. We are going to do a chapter in Jeremiah, where the Lord tells us why this is happening.


Jeremiah 8:17, but probably not tonight. We will do an exhortation on the whole chapter and find out why this is happening to God's people, why we are conceiving the negative word instead of the positive Word, why we are conceiving the Devil instead of the man Christ Jesus, and why the Devil is being born in us in the fullness, or the evil of the Devil is being completed in us and not the righteousness of the man Christ Jesus.


See, something is wrong. In another place, the Scripture says, The bellows are burning, and the fire is hot, and all the parts of our spiritual being are melted. But the wicked is not plucked out. And you shall be called reprobate silver, saith the Lord, because I have done everything I can do for you but the wicked is not plucked out. How come?


And when we do the exhortation on Jeremiah 8, I hope to show you that there is only one reason that that could happen. Your refusal to confess your sins and repent will stop the man Christ Jesus from being formed in you and give the Devil free license to be completed in evil in you. It is so simple, but it is so hard. Your refusal to confess your sins will kill you. That study is coming up. It is the message of the hour, brethren.


It is time to break out of hell. If you think it is going to be easy getting out, you are believing in Santa Claus. I do not believe it was evil when the Jews came out of Egypt. I think it was very hard going into the wilderness, traveling all day long, walking in the desert. It must have been physically horrendous. It must have been emotionally horrendous, terrifying, not knowing where your food was coming from or where you were going. It must have been a horrendously difficult, painful experience. And getting out of spiritual Egypt is not going to be any easier, probably harder because most of us do not even know that we are in spiritual Egypt.


Dancing around the Church is not going to cut it, brethren. It is a horrendously painful experience, and very few are going to get out, at least in this first exit. Once the firstfruits get out and go back for the rest, I do not know exactly what is going to happen. But I know that, somehow, the Lord has to make an easier way because otherwise nobody is going to come out. No one will come out. It is too hard. It is just too hard; nobody is going to make it. If the righteous [UNINTELLIGIBLE] where is the sinner going to appear? So somehow, when this firstfruits company stands up in full stature, they have to have a power and authority that will make it easier for the masses of people, or they will never come out.


But it is still going to be very hard. Everything is relative, you see. It is so hard in this hour. What does that mean, everything is relative? It means that everything is so hard in this hour that very few are going to make it. And when the Sons of God go back, with whatever power they have to make it easier for those masses of people, it will be just as hard as it was for the firstfruits company. What does that mean? They will have to strain themselves to their maximum to get out. What their maximum is might have been easy for the firstfruits company, but it is the hardest that they could bear for the next company coming out. That is what it means that everything is relative.


Jesus put it this way: The widow put two mites in, and she did more than the millionaire putting in $100,000, because she threw in all that she had, and the millionaire gave $100,000 out of his excess. He did not sacrifice anything to give that $100,000 offering. It was not a sacrifice. See, Jesus does not think like you think, brethren. He does not think like you think.


And bring forth inequity. They bear as a mother bears young. Inequity, Strong's 205: evil, used especially of idols. Remember that the Devil is the twofold idol. The mind is the molten image, and the soul is the wood or clay image. I guess the soul is the clay, and the wood is the whole personality. I guess it is a threefold idol. The Devil is the tree or the wood image; the mind in the Devil is the molten image, and the soul part of the Devil is the clay image. I am telling you, these technicalities just keep on rolling in. It just keeps getting refined and refined and refined.


Alternate Translation, the second half of Isaiah 59:4-5: They conceive the negative engrafted word and give birth to the mature Devil.


Continuing with the third quarter of Isaiah 59:4-5: They hatch cockatrice eggs and weave the spider's web. Hatch, Strong's 1234, merely means to cause to come forth. Cockatrice is the word on which this whole study is based. It is Strong's 6848. It is speaking about a viper's brood. It is speaking about the many-membered personality of fallen humanity called the Devil.


Eggs, Strong's 1000. Gesenius just says that an egg is called an egg from its whiteness. Now, remember, in the plant kingdom, white typifies righteousness, but in the animal kingdom, it typifies the carnal mind in that this color white is the opposite of righteous Adam, who was ruddy-colored. I suggest to you that the cockatrice eggs are the human ovum which produce the human individual. I suggest to you that the cockatrice eggs are the human ovum which produce the individual human beings of fallen humanity.


So we are saying now the Devil is the fallen personality of man. The cockatrice is the many-membered Devil or humanity, modern humanity. And the cockatrice eggs is speaking to the whole man, whole fallen man, including the physical body. Can you hear it?


The Dragon is, on this, likened unto the Lord Jesus Christ. Generally speaking, he is the hidden sire of this whole of fallen humanity. The Devil is the personality of modern man. The word cockatrice is referring to the fact that this Devil is being expressed through a many-membered humanity, and the term cockatrice eggs is referring to the whole individual man, including his fallen body.


Now, remember, this has really blessed me because I have been preaching here for a couple of years now that every individual man is a spiritual egg. Remember that? I have been preaching here we are all spiritual eggs with the potential to be fertilized into and produce the spiritual man Christ Jesus. If we are not fertilized, and the spiritual man Christ Jesus does not appear in our mind, we pass out of this world system, just as an ovum of a human woman which is not fertilizes passes out of her body as waste material.


Our flesh goes back. Our body goes back to the dust; our soul goes back to the lump of spiritual clay, and our spirit returns to the Father. But we, as an individual, personal human being, cease to exist and are never seen or heard from again. We had our chance. We ovulated. Incarnation can be likened to ovulation. We were born into this world system. We incarnated, but we were not fertilized. We abided for a season. We were not fertilized, and we passed out of this world system as a waste product.


I have been preaching this for several years. Now I find Scriptures that say that, as far as the interpretation that the Lord is showing me, to me, it is clear anyway that we are described as cockatrice eggs, the whole fallen human man. So once again, that is a real blessing to me that a revelation that God has given me has been found in the Scripture, although this revelation is not too obvious. If you can receive it, fine. If you cannot, that is fine too, but I have received it, and it is a blessing to me one more time to find a witness to what the Lord has shown me in my heart. Thank you, Jesus.


So what have we got here? Let me read you my note. Also, please remember the teaching here that every human being is a spiritual egg with the potential to be fertilized by the Lord Jesus Christ and produce Christ Jesus. Spiritually speaking, an egg is the whole man, including the body, with a spiritually immature mind, and a hatched egg is a man with a spiritually completed mind. Is that not interesting?


And of course, let me remind you that the Lord referred to Israel as menstruous rags. If you do a study on that, what Jehovah is really saying to Israel is that you have menstruated. You have not produced the man Christ Jesus. Jehovah is saying to Israel, You are all spiritual eggs with the potential to produce the mind of Christ Jesus, and you have not done so. You are therefore passing out of this world system as waste. You had everything you needed to produce Christ Jesus in your mind, and you did not do it. How come? You could not overcome sin.


I believe Christ Jesus was formed in the mind of Israel in an immature (well, I do not believe it was an engrafted, I should not say Christ Jesus). Christ was formed in the mind of Israel. They had the Spirit of Christ. They had a two-thread mind, and he was not strong enough to overcome the sin nature of the Devil, which was their foundation.


In this hour, the Church stands a chance because we have the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ who has already overcome the world. So if we confess our sins and repent, we stand a chance. I do not believe Israel stood a chance to overcome their sin nature. You see, Christ, at the beginning of time, stood a chance because his nature was not sin. His nature was Christ, but it was not complete, so he stood a chance of overcoming the Serpent.


But once mankind fell, I believe it is impossible for anyone with an incomplete mind to overcome the completed mind or the... well, let me put it this way. The Devil's mind is not completed in the average man, but we have a... boy, this is really getting complicated.


Listen. I do not think any human being has a negative engrafted mind. I do not think any human being today has a two-thread mind. Everybody has a threefold mind in various stages of maturity. And I think humanity today, on a scale of 1 to 10, is in the 5 to 7 category of completion. We are more in the mature negative completed mind than the immature negative completed mind. The heart of man is desperately wicked. It is evil continuously. We are not completed yet because to be completed in evil means it is irreversible. We are not irreversible. We could still be saved. So we must be somewhere between 5 and 7, or 5 and 8, on the scale.


Does anyone not know what I am talking about? Do you know what I am talking about? I am getting slain in the spirit here. I cannot even see you. You are all a big blur to me. I am surprised you are all up. How come you are not all sleeping on me when I am getting slain? OK. Thank you, Jesus.


A man whose mind is not mature spiritually in Christ Jesus deteriorates and passes out of this world system as waste. Only his spirit survives. The Scripture says his spirit returns to the Father's to be reformed. And the Woman, which is this fallen creation, experiences spiritual menstruation.


Jeremiah 18:4 says, And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter, so he made it again into another vessel as seemed good to the potter to make it.


And verse 6: 'O, house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter?' saith the Lord. 'Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in my hand, O, house of Israel.' The Lord forms us, and he mars us, and he reforms us. And that is speaking about the soul. Even more than the body, it is speaking about the soul. Did you have a question?


Continuing with the third quarter of Isaiah 59:4-5: And weave the spider's web. We are talking about Israel and the Church now. They weave the spider's web. The Hebrew word translated weave is Strong's 707, and the first translation means to braid. I am sure the ladies here, maybe some of the men, know that you need three threads to make a braid. Right? You need three threads. So the threefold cord, brethren, is a braid. It is a braid. It is a woven garment.


So we see to weave the spider's web is speaking about completing a mind. We are speaking about the threefold cord here. To weave the spider's web; The word spider is Strong's 5908, and there is really no spiritual significance that I can see in that. It just means to be a weaver, to be agile or swift.


Now, the Lord Jesus Christ is weaving a garment for Jehovah. The garment is the mind. Well, actually, there are two garments, an undergarment and an overgarment. And the garments are being woven for the benefit of the male spirit who is incarnating the creation. I guess the soul is not being woven; the mind is being woven. The undergarment is being woven. The Lord Jesus Christ is weaving a garment for Jehovah, and you need three threads to weave a garment.


So before the Lord Jesus can weave the garment for Jehovah, he has to produce the third thread, and the third thread is Christ Jesus. The Lord Jesus has to join with the dead Christ in humanity, bring forth the increase, Christ Jesus, and then weave the three threads together.


Now, before the Lord Jesus can weave the three threads together, the second thread, which is the dead Christ, must be separated from the braid which she is existing in right now, in which she is joined to the Dragon and the carnal mind. So before the Lord Jesus can lay hold of the dead Christ, who is in a female role, he must bind the strong man before he can rob his house and get the human spirit free. So it is not all that easy. The Lord Jesus Christ has a difficult job ahead of him.


So until the Lord should show me otherwise, I am suggesting that the spider is signifying the Dragon, on the same generational level as the Lord Jesus Christ, who is weaving a garment or a mind for the Serpent. Well, the name of that garment is the Devil. And then the soul, of course, is the outer garment, which is not offered but formed.


And they weave spider's webs. The Hebrew word translated web is Strong's 6980. It is speaking about slender threads, thread made of cotton, or cross-threads in weaving. Now, we have had a lot of teaching about Satan being the warp or the cross-threads of God's garment. We know that linen is the righteousness of the saints, but this is the first reference I personally know of or have come across that describes Satan's threads as cotton.


I do not really know what the significance of that is right now, and I did not take the time to go find an encyclopedia and research the difference between linen and cotton. The only thing that I know offhand is that linen is more valuable than cotton. I know cotton is a cheap fabric. When you go to buy a dress, a linen dress is expensive. But if the Lord allows me the time, I will go to the library and look for an encyclopedia, which might give me some significant information on the difference between linen and cotton.


I know we know linen typifies the righteousness of the saints. Why cotton would signify the unrighteousness of the Devil's crowd, I do not know. Cotton is a plant. I know that no wool is allowed to touch the flesh of the Levi priests because there is not supposed to be anything animalistic about them. But cotton is not an animal product; cotton is a plant. Is linen a plant? Does anybody know anything about linen?




PASTOR VITALE: Is that a natural fiber, or is it a mixture, linen? Does anybody know?




PASTOR VITALE: Yes. Well, right now, please, let us keep our mind ordered. OK. Does anybody know anything about the nature of linen?




PASTOR VITALE: No, not now. It is what?




PASTOR VITALE: A flack? I do not know. I am asking. I do not know what a flack is.




PASTOR VITALE: OK. But I am asking you because...


COMMENT: [INAUDIBLE] I am not sure.


PASTOR VITALE: I do not know. OK. So maybe we will do some research on that for the next message. I did not have time to do it for this message. But apparently, there is an indication here that the fibers which the Dragon is using to weave the garment for the Serpent is cotton. And, Lord willing, we will find out what the significance of that is. In any event, I suggest to you that spiders' webs are the many-membered mind which the Dragon is weaving for the Serpent.


Alternate Translation, the third quarter of Isaiah 59:4-5: They weave the Dragon's three-thread mind to cover the Serpent and cause completed evil men to be born. They weave the Dragon's three-thread mind to cover the Serpent and cause completed evil men to be born.


Continuing with the fourth quarter of Isaiah 59:4-5: He that eateth of their eggs (speaking about the cockatrice eggs now). He that eateth of their eggs dieth, and that which is crushed breaketh out into a viper.


He who eats. The Interlinear says he who eats, and that is Strong's 398. It is merely referring to eating, which speaks about the consumption or the burning up for energy of food. Eggs, we have already talked about, Strong's 1000.


Dieth. There are several Hebrew words which mean die. This is Strong's 4191. It is the Hebrew word muth, which means to kill outright. It is the equivalent of the Greek word nekros. Dead, dead, dead, dead, dead. Thanatos, for example, means the separation of the soul from the body with a continued existence for the soul. The Greek nekros and the Hebrew word muth means annihilation, no continuation of any part of the person at all, outright death.


So he who eats of the cockatrice eggs dies outright. Now, we said the cockatrice eggs are referring to the whole fallen man, including his body. And I am suggesting to you that what this is saying is that he who partakes of the activities of the whole fallen man dies outright.


Brethren, this says there is no afterlife. We have got another witness to there being no afterlife. I do not know offhand the equivalent of the Greek thanatos, which means a death which results in the separation of the soul from the body with a continued existence for the soul. There is a Hebrew equivalent of it; I do not know what it is, but this word is not it. This word says, when you die, you are dead.


Brethren, when you die, you are dead. The soul that sins dies. You are not going to meet your dearly departed beloved in the heavenlies if you die unconverted. It is a lie. It is a teaching from paganism. The Egyptians believe it. That is why they bury their kings in the pyramids. It is an Egyptian teaching that your soul goes on to the afterlife. It is a pagan teaching. The Bible does not teach that. Christianity, or Christian doctrine, is utterly corrupted with pagan doctrine.


I suggest to you that the eating of the cockatrice eggs is speaking about partaking of the Devil's lifestyle. Our Alternate Translation, once again, of Micah 2:10, says, So die to the Devil's lifestyle and stand up in full stature because the carnal mind is the idol which binds you to this hellish world with a cord of hard labor. Because, if you partake of the Devil's lifestyle, of the lifestyle which is pursued by fallen man in a fallen body, you will die outright. You are not going on to heaven because you speak in tongues. It is a lie. If you die unconverted, you die outright.


The death which has resulted in the separation of man is the separation of man from God, and that has already happened. It is the separation of our spirit; it is the separation of Christ in us from Jehovah. That has already happened to us. We have already experienced and are in fact experiencing thanatos. The soul has separated from her true life source, from her husband. The soul has separated from Christ.


The Greek teaching is the soul separates from the body and continues in an existence in the afterlife. The truth upon which this counterfeit is based is that the soul separates from Christ. Upon the death of Christ, the soul separates from Christ, not from the body. That has already happened to us.


And when we die in this condition, we die outright because, in this condition, each one of us is a spiritual egg, and we can only live if we receive that male seed and are converted into a baby. Brethren, stop and think about it. The only ovum in the natural woman which continues on is the ovum which is fertilized by the male seed and becomes a new baby. Otherwise, you pass out as a waste product. You pass out of this world system as a waste product.


Continuing with the fourth quarter of Isaiah 59:4-5: He that eateth of their eggs dieth, and that which is crushed breaketh out into a viper.


And that which is crushed, Strong's 2116. There was not too much information under that number, 2116, so I went back one; 2116 roots back to 2115, and Strong's 2115 means to be pressed, to be unclean or to be not closed up in healing. To be pressed down, or pressed; unclean or not closed up in healing. This is not too clear. You can say yea or nay. It is up to you.


But I refer you to Proverbs 18:14: The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity. But a wounded spirit, who can bear it? So I suggest to you that this word crushed is speaking about a wound which is not closed up, and that wound occurred for this creation when the soul separated from her husband, Christ Jesus, who can bear it. Let us follow through on this.


And that which is crushed breaketh out into a viper. Now, my notes are not complete here. What should I do, Lord? I will try to check this out and give this to you on the next message. What I have in my notes, brethren, is Webster's definition of the word afflict, and I have not used that word. So I would guess that afflict must have appeared under one of the definitions for crushed, but it is not in my notes.


So what I am going to do, for the purposes of this message, is tell you that this Hebrew word translated crushed can also mean afflict, and I just did not write it down. If that is in error, I will tell you about it on the next message. And another translation of the Hebrew word translated crushed, is to afflict. And Webster says that the English word afflict can also mean to overthrow.


Now, we have used that word overthrow a lot: He who endureth to the end shall be saved. We found out that that Greek word translated endureth can be translated overthrow. He whose soul is overthrown shall be saved; he whose criminally ruled soul is overthrown, because you can only have Christ Jesus established as your king when your criminal soul is overthrown. So when Christ Jesus overthrows your criminal soul, defeats it and brings it into submission and establishes himself as your king, you shall be saved.


Remember, an overthrown spirit has been conquered by the Dragon and is separated from Christ. Who can bear being separated from Christ? That is just a witness to Proverbs 18:14, speaking about the meaning of the Hebrew word crushed. The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity. But a wounded spirit, who can bear it? Who can bear having a spirit that has been conquered by the Dragon and separated from Christ? Who can bear it? I suggest to you that is the intention of the Hebrew word translated crushed.


And that which is crushed breaketh out into a viper. The Hebrew word translated breaketh out, the Interlinear says hatcheth. Is that the same word as hatched? This is Strong's 1234. Let me see if it is the same word. I thought I had this word once before.


Yes. They hatch cockatrice eggs. Strong's 1234, it is the same word. The Hebrew word translated breaketh out is the same Hebrew word as translated hatcheth. They hatcheth cockatrice eggs. And I suggest to you all, the phrase we are dealing with is, That which is crushed breaketh out, or hatches, into a viper.


Brethren, the one whose soul is separated from Christ, hatcheth out into a Serpent. Why? Because there is only one thing that would separate you from Christ. That is adultery with the Serpent. And if you hatch out into a viper, brethren, if, when you incarnate, you look like a viper whose mind is in the image of the Serpent. You cannot deny that your daddy is the Serpent. Can you hear this?


That which is crushed. The one whose soul is separated from Christ pierces through or incarnates into the visible world as a viper because there is only one thing that will separate you from Christ, adultery with the Serpent. And the proof of your adultery, the proof that the soul which God formed to be his wife committed adultery with the Serpent, is that his soul, his wife, the soul the Lord created, has produced a child in the image of the Serpent.


Do you hear this? I am not picking up on your reactions too well tonight because I am being zonked by this anointing. Can you hear it?

That which is crushed; that which is separated from Christ. What has been separated from Christ? This soul, which we are, breaketh out, or pierces through into the visible world, or incarnates, as a viper. That soul, which is separated from her husband, Christ, incarnates as a viper.


Now, you have to read between the lines because, if all you are reading is the words given to us, you would say, what? What does incarnating as a viper have to do with separating from Christ? Well, you have to know that only adultery with the Serpent would separate you from Christ. And the proof of that adultery is that you have incarnated in the image of the Serpent.


Look, brethren. I know someone, a young Caucasian girl who just had a baby that looks Chinese. Her father is Caucasian; her mother is Caucasian; her grandparents are Caucasian. How does it appear that this baby looks Chinese? What would be your guess? How does the baby appear to be Chinese? Well, it must be a Chinese father.


Brethren, if we are in the image of the Serpent, God is not a Serpent. The father must have been a Serpent. Wake up. There is none as blind as those who refuse to see.


And the word viper, of course, is Strong's 660, which means poisonous Serpent. It is from the root 659, which means worthless, which comes from an unused root meaning to breathe or breath. I suggest to you that a worthless breath, or a breath, is a hidden word for spirit.


I suggest to you that a worthless breath, as opposed to a living breath; as, when Jehovah breathed the breath of life into the soul, it became a living soul, when Satan breathed the breath of death into this soul, what does that mean? He gave it the male seed, which is required for incarnation. The Serpent breathed the breath of death into the soul, enabling her to reproduce and produce a visible creation. When Jehovah breathed the breath of life, the soul became alive. When the Serpent breathed his breath or his spirit into the soul, she died, and she became a worthless, dead soul.


Alternate Translation, the fourth quarter, Isaiah 59:4-5: The one who engages in the Devil's lifestyle dies outright, which is described by menstruation, spiritual menstruation. We pass out of this world system. There is no afterlife. There is no dancing on streets of gold. Do you hear it? The one who engages in the Devil's lifestyle dies outright, no existence after the death of a fallen man. This present existence is the existence after the death which occurs -- which is known as the separation from Christ. When you die out of this existence, you die outright.


The one who engages in the Devil's lifestyle dies outright (we might say menstruates), and the spirit that is separated from Christ becomes a worthless spirit dwelling in a dead soul.


Alternate Translation, the whole of Isaiah 59:4-5: They cast Christ Jesus down onto his back, trust in Sodom and Egypt, and are lying witnesses to the resurrection of Christ. They conceive the negative engrafted word and give birth to the mature Devil. They weave the Dragon's three-thread mind to cover the Serpent and cause completed evil men to be born. The one who engages in the Devil's lifestyle dies outright, and the spirit that is separated from Christ becomes a worthless spirit dwelling in a dead soul.


Please note the breakdown of the above verse into consequences to the spirit, consequences to the soul and consequences to the body. Consequences to the spirit: They cast Christ Jesus down onto his back, trust in Sodom and Egypt, and are lying witnesses to the resurrection of Christ. Consequences to the soul: They conceive the negative engrafted word and give birth to the mature Devil. They weave the Dragon's three-thread mind to cover the Serpent and cause completed evil men to be born. Consequences to the body: The one who engages in the Devil's lifestyle dies outright, and the spirit that is separated from Christ becomes a worthless spirit dwelling in a dead soul.


Transcribed by VerbalFusion 07/23/20

1st Edit 07/31/20 rh

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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