313 - Part 11

Part 11 of 19 Parts  


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Glory to God. This is going to be probably one of the longest series that we have done to date. I do not know about you, but I am really enjoying it.


We found out, in the previous message, that Strong's number 6848, translated adder, meaning serpent, once, and cockatrice four times, is a hidden word describing the Serpent's ultimate form in the visible, physical world. What does that mean? It means that the creation is not yet permanent. We are told by the prophet Jeremiah that this creation is clay, which is being formed by the master potter.


PASTOR VITALE: Who is the master potter?


COMMENT: Christ Jesus.


PASTOR VITALE: OK. Well, is he Christ Jesus? Or is it the Lord Jesus? I think it is the Lord Jesus.


COMMENT: The Lord Jesus.


PASTOR VITALE: Yeah. I think it is the Lord Jesus and that this creation is not yet in its permanent form, but He keeps changing the clay, and he keeps remolding it. How can we say that?


Brethren, every time a human being dies, every time a generation passes on and we see a new generation of human beings on the face of the earth, spiritually speaking, what has happened is that the master potter, the Lord Jesus, has said, I have not yet finished forming this creation, or I am not yet satisfied with the appearance of this creation, so I am still working on it to get it right. Those human beings who you saw on the face of the earth, who no longer exist, I did not choose to keep the form of their person as a permanent vessel on the earth.


The Scripture says that he marred the clay. He took the image and he crushed it down, or he made another ball of clay out of it, and he began to reform it. What does that mean to us? It means a whole new generation of babies were born, human beings that look different than the prior generation. We must get spiritual. The creation is still being formed. The creation is still being matured. The creation is still being made, or in the process which will end in the creation being in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ. So we see that the ultimate end of this creation is not yet appearing.


But the Scripture says we see Jesus. You see? We have an idea of what this creation will look like at its ultimate end or in the last day. We have an idea of what it is going to look like, but we do not really know. Well, the Serpent has a plan also, and it is her plan to have this creation in her image in that last day. So we are speaking about the ultimate end of the creation.


The Serpent has a plan, and the Lord Jesus has a plan, as to what this creation is going to look like at her ultimate end or, we might say, at her maturity. What is she going to look like? It is like having an infant in your hands, one day old or even six months old, and saying, what is this baby going to look like at maturity? Will she be a beautiful woman? Or will he be a handsome man? This creation is not yet fully grown.


And when we speak about the appearance of the creation at her ultimate end, we are not speaking about the physical appearance. Basically, we are speaking about the image that she will be in. We are speaking about what spirit will be expressed through this soul. And depending on which spirit, either the Spirit of the Lord Jesus or the spirit of Satan -- depending on which spirit is going to be impressed in the clay of this spiritual soul, that spirit will also have a visible, physical form. So what the creation looks like to the eye depends on which spirit will succeed in engraving his spirit on the spirit of man and impressing his spirit in the clay of the soul of this creation.


When we speak about the ultimate end of the creation, we are speaking about what humanity will look like when she comes into a permanent, unchangeable condition. We find this concept dealt with in the Scripture as we contrast the salt sea, which typifies Satan. The unconscious mind of man is not formed in this hour. The salt sea is not formed. It takes the form of whatever container you pour it into. It takes the form of the boundaries of hard land that contain the sea. It is not permanently formed in this hour.


But in that last day that the creation enters into its ultimate end, it shall be formed in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ. And we know what that formation is. What is that formation? What kind of a sea? A crystal sea.


We know that it will be hard. It will be permanently formed. It will have many facets or planes to it. There will be many human beings that are a part of the crystal sea, although the sea will be one sea, and we will be joined in the spirit, and we shall be joined in the soul. We shall be one in that day, yet we shall not completely lose our individuality. Each of us will have a plane or a facet that is cut into the crystal.


And as I have told you many times, I do not have more information for you right now. But I believe that we will have more opportunity and creativity in that condition of oneness with all of humanity than we can ever hope to achieve in our condition of division as a part of fallen humanity.


So we are doing a study which is hopefully, and, I believe, in fact, exposing the Devil. And we found out that there is a hidden word in the Old Testament signifying the Devil. It is as if to say we are speaking about a beast who does not have a name. You see, Devil is a personal name. It is a personal name. It is as if you are speaking to a cow, and the cow's name is Bossy. Cow is a general term for a particular kind of animal, but this particular cow's name is Bossy.


So in the Old Testament, we have a word that is translated, by the King James translators, cockatrice four times and adder one time. And I suggest to you it is speaking about the negative spiritual offspring of the Serpent in this world. But in the Old Testament, we are not told what her name is, just that she is the offspring or the daughter of the Serpent in the visible world.


In the New Testament, we find out that her name is the Devil. She is the god of this world. She is the god of forces, which is spoken about in the Book of Daniel. And if you have listened to our studies on several of the prophets, or if you have done your own studies, you will find a female deity mentioned consistently throughout the prophets. She is mentioned sometimes by name, Astaroth.


Sometimes, if you just look up Hebrew words in the lexicon, what appears to be some harmless Hebrew is speaking about some female deity. The Serpent is female, brethren. We are speaking about a female deity who is functioning as a male, who is imperfectly functioning as a male in this world system. And because of her dysfunction, this creation and this world is dying.


In accordance with the Lord's instructions, we are exposing her. Eventually, I will look somewhat into the New Testament. But right now we are exposing her in the Old Testament, where we see her spoken about and described in principle but without being given a specific name. Satan is named specifically in the Old Testament, for whatever reason. The Lord has not explained that to me. Lord, I pray that, before this series is over, you explain to me why Satan, the unconscious mind of modern man, is named with a name in the Old Testament but that the whole fallen personality of man is not named.


And, actually, there is some mystery about the Devil that I do not have the full revelation on yet because, even in the New Testament, where she is named, she is not declared to be the god of this world. I was a very surprised teacher when I went into my computer looking for Scriptures that declared Satan to be the god of this world. There is not one. The god of this world is not named in the New Testament. We are told that there is a god who has authority over this world. It is the same principle as the cow who does not have a particular name. We are told there is a god who is the ruler of this world, but we are not told what her name is.


Now, from various studies, I believe it is the Devil. It is not Satan; it is the Devil who is the god of this world. So there has to be a reason why there is more secrecy surrounding the name of the Devil than of Satan. And the only thing that is coming to me right now is that Satan is the expression of the Serpent in the earth today. Serpent, Dragon, a mysterious generation, the Devil, but Satan - so let us leave Devil out of this for the minute. The Serpent, the Dragon and Satan: They are all the same entity in different forms, as if to say spirit, water, ice.


We have talked about that. Spirit is invisible. As spirit moves into the soul realm, it takes the form of water or, like, something likened unto water. And as it continues to descend into this visible, physical world, it can be likened to ice. It hardens, and it becomes very visible. This is the condition of the Serpent, vapor or spirit; the Dragon, typified by water. And is not the Dragon known to be in the sea? If you study the Scriptures, it is the Dragon who is in the sea. And Satan, very visible, is the mind of a man.


Now, the reason (this is what is coming to me now, my revelation. Let it be true, or let it not come out of my mouth). The reason we have less information about the Devil is that the Devil is an illegal offspring of the Serpent. You see, the Serpent was created by God. God created the darkness. He created the Serpent, and she has a valid function in the creation. The Devil is an illegitimate offspring, the product of incest, an abomination unto the Lord and a shame unto humanity.


Her very existence has a stigma as an illegitimate child used to have in our world. It is no big deal to have illegitimate children anymore, but there was a time that it was a great shame to produce an illegitimate child. The Devil is the illegitimate child of this creation. She is a shame. And that is why her name is not as openly spoken as the name of the Serpent, the Dragon or Satan. The Serpent, the Dragon, Satan: One entity in three different forms, they are a legitimate part of this creation. They are not a shame. But the illegitimate baby of God's wife, she is a shame, so her name is only mentioned here and there, just a little bit.


We have already translated Proverbs 23:32, where this word, Strong's 6848, is translated, by the King James translators, adder. And we have already translated Isaiah 14:29, one of the four verses in which this word is translated cockatrice. So we will start this message with Isaiah 11:8, which is one of the three remaining verses where we find this Hebrew word, Strong's 6848, translated cockatrice four times.


Before we do that, however, I would like to recap for you Proverbs 23; I am going to read you all three verses, 30 through 32. And it is at the end of 32 that we have a translation of the word adder, and then Isaiah 14:29, where it is translated cockatrice. In both instances, we translate it a many-membered evil man because the ultimate state of the Serpent, if she can perform it, brethren, is to produce a man who is completed in evil. We might say full stature of evil.


Now, whether or not there are men in full stature of evil today, I really do not know. I do not know how I would recognize a man in full stature of evil. I know how I would recognize a man in full stature of righteousness. What is the sign that you are in full stature of righteousness? You do not die. You cannot die. I do not know how to recognize a man in full stature of evil. I do not know whether or not he exists. I know that there are some people in this world that are very high in witchcraft or that have a lot of power. But whether or not they have attained to full stature, I do not know.


But this is how we have translated this word, which is sometimes translated adder and sometimes cockatrice. It is speaking about the negative man who is a negative expression of full stature, completion on the evil side.


And let me remind you that we are not looking for completion of a good man. We are dealing with the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The very best that a man, who is a manifestation of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, the very best that he could attain to, the greatest manifestation of good on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, is still short of eternal life. You still die. If you attain to the highest potential of man as a manifestation of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, you will still die because the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil produces death. Eternal life is only in the Tree of Life, and the characteristic of that tree is righteousness.


So we are dealing with a full stature in righteousness, which produces everlasting life, or a full stature of evil. I do not believe there is any full stature of good because the Dragon has no desire to produce someone in a full stature of goodness. She is only tolerating goodness for a season until she can stamp it out completely. If you would like some more understanding of that, you might want to listen to The Gospel According to Thomas, whereby we expose the Satanic doctrine.


So we are dealing with the potential for a full stature in righteousness, which is the Tree of Life, or a full stature of evil, which is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. And let me say it one more time, to help you: We are translating the word that the King James translators by and large call cockatrice as an evil man, a man completed in evil, full stature of evil.


Can you imagine it, brethren? A world filled with people who have attained to a full stature of evil, nothing good in them, no restraint, evil continuously. I cannot imagine it. I really do not know that anyone could imagine it. It would surely be eternal torment. And because our God is a merciful God who does not desire eternal torment for us, He has given us this glorious Book, called the Holy Scripture, with the promise that the end of man shall be everlasting life and not eternal torment.


He has promised us that He would not let that happen to us, despite our fallen mind, despite our reprobate mind, despite our hatred and resentment for Him, despite the fact that we blame Him for all our pain when our pain is the result of our own sin. Despite our mistreatment of Him, despite our evil thinking of Him, despite the fact that we would kill Him if we could; we are so reprobate and spiritually insane in our minds. He is determined to save us despite ourselves. He is determined to heal us despite ourselves, and He is going to do it.


So those of us here, and those of us who are serious servants of the Lord Jesus, we know that eternal torment will never come to this earth because the Lord Jesus has said so. So those who preach by Satan, you can preach anything you want. You can preach hellfire; you can preach eternal torment; you can preach eternal hell. I know it is not true.


I am looking for everlasting life in Christ Jesus with forgiveness of sin which forgiveness does not leave you a sinner. The true forgiveness of sin surgically removes your sin and converts you into a righteous man against whom there is no law. And when there is no law against you, there is no longer any death in your life.


Recap, Proverbs 23:30-32: The Dragon incarnates as the Devil when he causes the soul to receive the Dragon seed instead of having intercourse with the Spirit of Christ. So those who delay in increasing into Christ Jesus enter into the earth of their carnal minds, where they search out the knowledge of the Serpent.


And the ultimate state of the Devil is the separation of the witch... Who is the witch? The witch is the Serpent. And the ultimate state of the Devil is the separation of the witch into a many-membered, completed evil man. Any question on that Scripture?


The second one we worked up was Isaiah 14:29. This is the Amplified and Interspersed translation: Let all the inhabitants of Palestine rejoice because, although the Serpent is incarnating as a many-membered, completely evil generation, the carnal mind, which was formed when the Dragon's spiritual power crucified Christ, is being broken in pieces. Here it is. And the Serpent's ultimate generation shall nevertheless be a many-membered, redeemed Serpent which shall surround the throne of God.


This is the promise of the Lord, brethren. The Devil wants to fill this earth with a many-membered evil man in full stature. And if you remember, that was what Satan challenged Jesus to do during the temptation. And Jesus turned him down, said, Sorry, no can do. And the reason Jesus said, Sorry, no can do, is that it is the will of the Lord that, despite everything that has happened, despite the fall of man, despite your sin, despite everything, the living God has said this creation, in its ultimate state, shall be a many-membered, redeemed Serpent which shall surround the throne of God.


PASTOR VITALE: And what is the name of such a Serpent?


COMMENT: Seraphim.


PASTOR VITALE: Seraphim, the seraphim. And we read about the seraphim in which book of the Bible?


COMMENT: Revelations?




COMMENT: Old Testament?


PASTOR VITALE: Which book of the Old Testament?


PASTOR VITALE: Isaiah, so the Book of Isaiah. Amen. OK. We read about it in the Book of Isaiah. Yes. And I just love to tell you that Gesenius, my favorite Hebrew lexicon; Mr. Gesenius just cannot figure out how a Serpent could possibly surround the throne of God. And in his famous book, he writes that he is convinced it must be some kind of mistake in the translation. I declare to you the Serpent is being redeemed. We are the Serpent.


Now, I hear a question in my mind. A lot of people are very upset at some preachers out there that are saying the Serpent is going to be saved. The way I just expressed that, it sounds like I am preaching the Serpent is going to be saved, and I do not preach that. So let me clarify that.


The spiritual entity known as the Serpent was a serpent, is a serpent, and always shall be a serpent. She was a Serpent in submission to Christ. She is now a Serpent in rebellion to Christ, and in rebellion, her name has become the Dragon. She is a Dragon in rebellion against Christ, and she will be returned to her rightful position of submission to Christ, and she will still be a serpent.


When the Scripture talks about redeemed serpents, you see, there is no redemption for the Serpent. When the Scripture talks about the seraphim being redeemed serpents, it is speaking about fallen humanity, who is in the image of the Serpent. Man is being redeemed. The soul, the creation that God made, is being redeemed. To be redeemed means to be purchased. We are being purchased back.


Right now, we are in the image of the Serpent. We are one with the Serpent. So it is more correct to say it is the offspring of the Serpent, which we are, which are being redeemed and which will surround the throne of God. But the original Serpent who was formed, who was created by the living God for the specific purpose of being the warp or the contrasting threads of God's garment, she is not being redeemed.


She was not sold, and she is not being bought back. The Serpent was not sold; she ran away. She is a fugitive. Her face is on the poster in the post office. She is a criminal. But it is the offspring of the Serpent, humanity, the illegitimate offspring of God's wife and the Serpent. We are serpents because our father is the Devil. We are the Serpent who is being redeemed.


Does anybody not understand what I just said? Everybody OK with these lines? These points, they just get finer and finer and finer. You are going to have some Pharisee someday calling you on these issues. You need to know the answers. Yeah.


COMMENT: So, in effect, he is only redeeming what is his? That little drop of the dead Christ in us? That is all he is redeeming?


PASTOR VITALE: No, the whole creation is being purchased back, OK, the whole soul. See, God made a soul. He formed a soul out of the earth, and he sold the soul to the Serpent. He sold us to the Devil. He sold the whole creation, and now He is buying us back.


So you might want to review some of the early messages on the difference between redemption and reconciliation and adoption. There are a very good series of messages there around number 20, around there somewhere. Salvation - there are about five messages that are really excellent, and it goes into the subtle differences of those words.


The human spirit is being raised from the dead. The human spirit is being resurrected. The whole creation is being bought back. You can only buy back that which was sold. The whole creation was sold. OK? Praise the Lord!


Everybody OK? We are going on with Isaiah 11:8. This is a very interesting study I have for you tonight. I will go all the way through it, if I can. If not, we will finish it Sunday.


Isaiah 11:8: And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp. And the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice's den. Very interesting. First of all, I will tell you right off that, in that verse, there is a negative particle. It is Strong's 3808; it means not. It is negative.


The King James translators just did not bother to translate it. I mean, talk about translator's license. I am sorry; I cannot let go of this. These people that are criticizing me because I choose a different translation of a Hebrew word, the King James translators have taken an incredible amount of license. To leave a negative particle out, it is like me saying I do not like you, or it is like me saying I like you when my writing says I do not like you.


They completely left the negative particle out because they could not see how this verse could be negative. And once again, I am not faulting them at all. They did the best they could. But it is amazing to me that people say that current, modern translators, that you cannot change any one of these English words. People just show their ignorance.


You are not supposed to change the spiritual intention of the Scripture. You can change the English word. You are cursed if you change the spiritual intention of the message that the Lord Jesus has for His people. You use any English words, any Spanish words, any Greek words, any Pig Latin that you could use that will convey the true spiritual intention of the Scripture to the peoples of this world.


And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp. First of all, the correct word is a, not the. It is an indefinite article. I am not sure what that means, but I just thought I would let you know. The correct word is a sucking child. It is Strong's 3243.


And in view of the entire verse - it may not be obvious to you now, but what I do is I go through the whole verse, and I look up all the words, and I look at all the potential meanings. Sometimes I have to really work this through before I get this Alternate Translation. And then I ask the Lord what He is saying, and then I go back. OK.


So after looking at the whole verse, I am drawing the conclusion that the sucking child is speaking about the immature imparted anointing. There is an immature imparted anointing and a mature imparted anointing. What is the name of the imparted anointing? He is a man; He is a person. What is His name? Christ Jesus. When He is not in perfection, He has a name. When He grows up and enters into perfection, His name changes.


PASTOR VITALE: Does anybody remember the name of Christ Jesus at conception and up until the point just before He becomes perfect? What is another way of expressing? What English words do we find in the Scripture that indicates Christ Jesus before his perfection?


COMMENT: The human spirit?


PASTOR VITALE: No, because we know that Christ Jesus is growing up from seed. So from the moment of His conception, He has one name. And when He attains to perfection, He has another name. The human spirit is not an imparted anointing. No. Going, going, going.


The engrafted Word: It is indicating the fact that the Lord Jesus has engrafted Himself to the human spirit and that what was two have now become one. What was a male seed and a female seed have now become the first cell of the increase. And the increase has one name before perfection, the engrafted Word, and another name at perfection, the mature Christ Jesus or the warrior Son.


Or when the male spirit cleaves unto the female spirit, we have the formation of a spiritual altar. And the sacrifice is produced from that altar. That which comes forth from that union, that increase, that offspring, Christ Jesus, also becomes the eternal sacrifice, which abides in the fire of the Spirit of Christ but is never consumed.


So as we work this through, I hope that you could see what I am trying to tell you: that the sucking child, the infant, is speaking about the engrafted Word, speaking about the conceived Christ Jesus who is still yet imperfect.


I am going to be reading you our Alternate Translations of Romans 8:15-16. The reason I am reading you these verses is because it is clear, in these verses, that there are two stages of the imparted anointing, which is Christ Jesus Himself. The imparted anointing is the increase, the bubbling up, the double portion, the offspring of our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ.


Romans 8:15-16, Alternate Translation: Indeed, you have not received the spirit of the carnal mind, which brings your human spirit into submission to Satan again, but you have received the engrafted Word by which we are crying to Jehovah, the Lord Jesus Christ, to avenge Himself, which cry of the engrafted Word now is the immature manifestation of the Spirit of Christ personally acknowledging that Christ Jesus is appearing in our human spirit.


And verse 24 says: So then the engrafted Word was rescuing us from the death of this existence that we should be adopted as Sons. But since the immature Christ cannot be seen... Why? What does that mean? It means that people with the immature Christ, being imperfect, look like everybody else. And carnal men everywhere cannot recognize that Christ is in them; only spiritual people who have Christ can see the Christ in them.


The average man looks at the person with the engrafted Word and says, How dare you call yourself a Son of God. You are not a Son of God; you are as fallen as everybody else. Well, I am, but the Son of God is in me, and He manifests through me a lot and through a lot of other people. And if you cannot see Him, it means you are a carnal man. But do not be distressed because Romans 8:24 says that, basically, He cannot be seen.


So then the engrafted Word was rescuing us from the death of this existence that we should be adopted as Sons. But since the immature Christ cannot be seen, why would anyone look for the mature Christ Jesus or expect the good things which are associated with His life?


If you cannot see the immature Christ Jesus, you have no basis to hope for the mature Christ Jesus. When you have a garden plant, and you see the plant, you hope for the fruit. Then you come out one morning, and you see flowers on the plant, and you are really excited. You are waiting for the tomatoes to come forth.


But the world, and most of the church world, cannot see the immature Christ Jesus today. They do not have any hope at all of His appearing. Most of them are waiting to be raptured. The reason they are waiting to be raptured is they cannot see what God is doing.


However, let me read you verse 25. It does not have anything to do with our study tonight, but it just blessed me, and I hope it blesses you. You see, verse 24 says you cannot see the immature Christ Jesus, so why would you have any hope of the mature one?


And the answer to the question is: By studying, brethren. You have to study. You have to hear the Word preached. Because by understanding God's intentions and promises towards us, we can endure the hardships of our spiritual labor and eagerly expect Christ to appear in us if we rely on His strength.


See, we cannot see Him. But if we study this Word, the promise is in the Word. So if you believe this Word; if you do not, try to do it in your own power, which we have a whole church world out there trying to do it in their own power. Trying to do what? Trying to bring the increase. What does that mean? Trying to complete themselves, trying to bring themselves to a condition of spiritual completeness whereby they are no longer dependent on this soul realm but, on the contrary, have total and complete dominion over this soul realm. They are trying to do it, relying on their own strength, and they will never make it.


It is the same principle as dealing with people in denial. I tell them over and over and over and over again. You are doing the exact opposite thing of what you are supposed to do. Deliverance is the result of confessing your predicament, confessing your problem, confessing your sin, confessing your fear, confessing your hatred. Let your sin hang out, and let Jesus deal with it.


If you deny your sin, it cannot be dealt with. Jesus has come to deliver the blind. If you say that you see, if you deny your blindness, there is nothing He can do for you. If you confess your sin to me, I can pray for you, and my prayers are powerful. If you deny your sin, there is nothing I can do for you. Only judgment will help you. OK, let us go on.


And a sucking child... the immature imparted anointing... shall play on the hole of the asp. Shall play, Strong's 8173. I do not know where the King James translators got this translation from. They pulled it out of the sky. It is not even in the book.


Strong's 8173 can be translated to overspread, to smear or to be smeared over, and in other places in the Scripture, this word or this phrase, to smear or to be smeared over, does anybody know what it is associated with? It is associated with Christ Jesus. You smear oil, brethren. Water is poured over you, but oil is smeared on you. Oil is typifying Christ Jesus. The water is typifying the Holy Ghost, rivers of living water, the Holy Ghost.


Well, let me put it to you this way. We have received of the Holy Ghost, those of us who have received it. The apostles were baptized with the Holy Ghost, typifying immersion, in an expression of the Godhead, which is typified by water. But Jesus of Nazareth, brethren, was anointed with the Holy Ghost. What is the difference?


When you are baptized with the Holy Ghost, with an expression of the Godhead which is likened unto water, it passes over you. You can come up out of it. It can dry on your skin. It is not permanent. You could fill up with the Holy Ghost, and the levels of the Holy Ghost can go down. They can rise, and they can fall. It is possible to be completely filled up with the Holy Ghost, whereby you are experiencing a temporary full stature. And then the water levels go down.


But, brethren, when you are anointed, and that experience with Christ is smeared on you, it does not come off. It is talking about the permanent full stature, that which is smeared on you, Christ Jesus. The anointing of the Holy Ghost is permanent full stature. To be baptized with the Holy Ghost means a temporary full stature, and to have received the Holy Ghost is what we have here. Sometimes He manifests, and sometimes He does not, but never in full stature.


Are you all OK? That is all on message called The Truth about Baptism, if you would like to review that message.


So we see the Hebrew word, translated shall play, means to be smeared with oil. Is that not interesting? And another translation of that word is to be blinded. I find this so interesting, the variation of translations of the words of the Hebrew language. I have told you this before. I find that one category of words will be applied positively, and the same word will have a series of translations which can be applied negatively. Usually, the negative translations apply to the Devil, and the positive translations apply to Christ Jesus.


It is just like saying you have fire. Fire will affect wood one way and will affect metal another way. Fire to metal is a purifying force; fire to wood is a destructive force. Fire is fire. There is no variation in the fire. The variation is that which the fire contacts.


So when this particular Hebrew word is contacting someone who is moving in Christ, it is speaking about the anointing of Christ Jesus that abides. When this word, translated the anointing, is speaking about or is in the context of its effect on the negative anointing, on the Devil, on the carnal mind, the effect that the smearing with oil has on the carnal mind is that it blinds it. Can you hear this?


The anointing on someone who is moving in Christ means an increase in the power of God into full stature. But this smearing, the effect that it has on your carnal mind, is to bind it. Why? Because that which is smeared over is your carnal mind. It is all so logical. The anointing that abides forever blinds your carnal mind.


All of you people with experience in deliverance, have you ever prayed for the blinding of the third eye, which is witchcraft? How do you think the third eye is blinded, brethren? When you pray for someone to have their third eye blinded, you may not know it, but you are praying for an anointing of full stature for that person because it is Christ Jesus who will blind that third eye by smearing Himself over it with the oil of the life of Christ Jesus.


And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp. So we see the immature imparted anointing, the engrafted Word, shall be spread over or smeared over the hole. What hole? Strong's 2352. The King James says on the hole; the Interlinear says over the hole. And this word, hole, another translation of that word, Strong's 2352, can be translated an abominable subterranean prison. And you may recall that our Alternate Translation of Zephaniah 1:15 reveals; we found it in the Scripture, that the carnal mind is a dark prison.


Zephaniah 1:15: This day is the day the Lord shall express his anger against Satan and his passionate love for mankind. It is a day of great distress for Satan because Christ is cutting into the carnal mind, flowing through and scabbing over, bringing sudden room to the dark prison of the carnal mind, which covers over the spirit of man with the misery of the kingdom of darkness.


Now, we also find the carnal mind referred to as a dark prison in Zephaniah 2:9: Therefore their carnal minds shall be prison houses for their hurtful spirits, and they shall occupy a dead soul until the end of the age. 'Nevertheless,' says Jehovah, the living God of the armies of Israel, 'I shall boil their unconscious mind so that they can pull their carnal minds to pieces, and their carnal minds shall turn into dead salt, and Christ shall judge the nations.'


Zephaniah 2:9: Therefore their carnal minds shall be prison houses for their hurtful spirits. Maybe I took the wrong verse, or maybe prison house (dark prison); I guess I did pick 2:9. Dark prison, prison house.


And the sucking child... and the immature imparted anointing... shall play, or shall smear that imparted anointing over the dark prison of the carnal mind.


And then we have the word asp. On the hole of the asp. Asp, Strong's 6620, is a poisonous snake. So what we are saying is the engrafted Word, which is the immature Christ Jesus, shall smear himself over the carnal mind, which is produced by the Serpent, or over the Serpent's carnal mind. The immature imparted anointing will begin to cover over the carnal mind.


What is another way of saying that? What is the covering over of the carnal mind? Anybody? Which stage of the resurrection is that? It is the second stage. Yes, it is the circumcision without hands. That is the second stage of the resurrection. The first stage is full stature; the second stage is the circumcision without hands, and the third stage is glorification.


Hallelujah. I think I am back. Thank you all for your prayers. I think I am back. It was a long, ugly journey.


Webster says that an asp is any of several poisonous snakes, especially a horned viper, viper meaning snake. And I suggest to you that the horned viper is the Dragon. See, we have a snake; that is the Serpent. When the word Serpent or snake is modified, a Serpent with horns, that is another way of saying a different expression of the Serpent, the Dragon, the masculine expression of the Serpent who is a fugitive from Jehovah's justice. You can say the horned Serpent, or you can say the Dragon. It means the same thing. It is the Serpent in a different form, the Serpent running from the law. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation, the first half of Isaiah 11:8: The engrafted Word shall overspread the Dragon and the carnal mind. Please note that the Dragon is appearing in this present generation as Satan, the unconscious mind of the many-membered human race.


Now, remember, the immature manifestation of the Spirit of Christ is called the spirit of heaven. Now, listen, we have the man Christ Jesus. In His imperfect state, He is the engrafted Word. In his perfected state, He is called Christ Jesus. Now, within the man Christ Jesus, there is a spirit. The spirit in the man Christ Jesus is the Spirit of Christ. The mature Christ Jesus has within Him the Spirit of Christ. When the man Christ Jesus is immature, we call that Spirit of Christ the spirit of heaven, just to signify that is a Spirit of Christ which is in the imperfect man.


And I tell you again, this is a scriptural principle. There is one spirit, many administrations thereof. The Lord changes the name to help us instantly by recognizing the name. We know the spirit of heaven; it is the immature Christ Jesus. If both the immature Christ Jesus and the mature Christ Jesus had a spirit which was called the Spirit of Christ, we would have to be reading whole sentences and whole verses, looking for modifying words to determine whether or not this Spirit of Christ was immature or mature.


So the Lord makes it easy. He does give the Spirit of Christ a different name, in not that many Scriptures, but it is there. We found it in another study. If you ever read about the spirit of heaven, it is speaking about the Spirit of Christ in the engrafted Word, the immature Spirit of Christ. That is what it is speaking about. Hallelujah.


Within the engrafted Word is the spirit of heaven. And what did I write here? The engrafted Word is the spirit. I had better fix that in my notes. Hallelujah. Oh, I see what I said. The engrafted Word is the spirit of heaven, which is an immature Spirit of Christ, together with the mind of Christ, with an imperfect mind of Christ.


The Lord had given me something else to tell you there, and I could not hold onto it. The thought went into my mind, and I could not hold onto it. If you bring it back, Lord, I will try to give it to them. I am getting slain in the spirit in my own meeting. Thank you, Father. I was speaking about the spirit of heaven. I lost it.


Amplified Translation, the first half of Isaiah 11:8: The spirit of heaven shall overspread Satan, and the mind of Christ shall overspread the carnal mind. So what we see here is the Scripture breaking down this swallowing up of our ungodly personality.


We have a fallen personality, which is both spirit and mind. We have an ungodly personality called the Devil. The Devil is our whole personality, which is soul and mind. The soul is harmless enough in that she will reflect whatever mind is in her. The warrior is the mind. That which must be defeated is the mind, and the mind is in two parts: an unconscious mind and a conscious mind. So we see the unconscious mind of the man Christ Jesus, the spirit of heaven, going after the unconscious mind of the mind of the Devil, which is Satan. And we see the conscious mind of the mind of the man Christ Jesus, the mind of Christ, going after and defeating and swallowing up the conscious mind of the mind of the Devil.


And we see this principle; we found this principle in our Alternate Translation of 1 Kings 19:13. I want to tell you that I just am so blessed by these Alternate Translations which are witnesses to other Alternate Translations because they are just proof to me as to how valid they are. When we could spend a couple of months translating 1 Kings 19, and then a year later we wind up doing Isaiah 11, and I find a second witness, in an Alternate Translation that we did a year ago, to support what we are doing now, to me, it is proof. It is just proof that this is the mind of Christ bringing forth this doctrine.


So let me show you this principle in 1 Kings 19:13, our Alternate Translation: And when Elijah's soul was made alive, Christ Jesus in Elijah went after the Sons of God... who had just killed Elijah. And now, listen, Christ Jesus and Elijah went after them.


Now, here are the two parts: The Spirit of Christ chased after and overtook Satan in their unconscious mind, and the mind of Christ chased after and overtook the beast in their unconscious mind, and the Spirit of Christ broke Satan's power and divided the unified unconscious mind of the Sons of God, and Christ Jesus crushed the bones of the Devil, and they died also.


So we see the Spirit of Christ going after Satan, the mind of Christ going after... it says the beast here; that is just another way to say the carnal mind. And then we have the whole of Christ Jesus crushing the bones of the Devil. Spirit defeats spirit; soul defeats soul; whole personality defeats whole personality. And the Devil in Elijah's mind was completely crushed.


So in your mind today, if you have received the engrafted Word, the spirit of heaven is continuously attacking Satan in your mind, and the mind of Christ is continuously after your carnal mind. And the whole man Christ Jesus, which is mind and soul, is going after your whole Devilish personality to utterly crush it in the wine press, with the specific intent of killing every ungodly thing in it and then making himself the whole and only foundation of your existence and life source in this world system.


What a glorious message. It is life... I do not know how you feel. It is life to my bones. I am not against watching TV if you would like to watch TV. Wherever you are, you have got to get a workable relationship with the Lord. But I am telling you, this Word is working in me with such intensity. I put this cable in for my father. There must be 50 stations on there; I cannot find anything I want to watch. This word is so glorious; I cannot look at this junk on TV.


If you look at it, do not let what I am saying condemn you. If that is where you are, enjoy yourself. What I am telling you is, if you keep feasting on this Word, it is going to grow you up out of that other stuff. Do not try to do it in your own power. If you like it, watch it. But I am telling you that, if you keep chewing on this Word, it is going to change you. It will change you, and it will change you for the better. It will change you.


Continuing with the second half of Isaiah 11:8: And the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice's den. Again, it is not the definite article; it is the indefinite article. It does not say the in the Interlinear or in the Hebrew text. It does not say the weaned child; it says a weaned child.


And we were talking about the suckling child before, the immature Christ Jesus. And now we are speaking about a weaned child, who is off the breast. Strong's 1580, it means ripening fruit, the mature Christ Jesus.


And the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice's den. And the word hand, Strong's 2037, I suggest to you, typifies ministry and the hand of Christ Jesus. And I suggest to you that the ministry or the hand of the spiritual man Christ Jesus...


PASTOR VITALE: Who is the hand of the man Christ Jesus? Who is His hand?


COMMENT: The many members.


PASTOR VITALE: The Sons of God. The Sons of God are the hand or the ministry of the spiritual man Christ Jesus.


And the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice's den. To put, Strong's 1911, means to show the way or to direct. And here comes in the word not that I told you about, that the King James translators did not even put it in. In the Hebrew, it says, And the weaned child shall not put his hand on the cockatrice's den. And the King James translators could not make any sense out of that at all, so they just left the negative particle out. Is that not incredible?


Well, the word not is in there. It is Strong's 3808. And as we have been doing for a long time now, the Lord showed us, with a word study, that He considers the Dragon nothing, considers the Dragon vanity without power, without any substance at all, and frequently refers to him in the Old Testament with this Hebrew negative particle or with any one of several negative particles, which mean nothing. In the context of the whole verse, if you read it with revelation, you see that the nothing that the Lord is talking about is the Devil. We are going to translate this negative particle as the Devil.


Now I am just going to read you my note to make sure I did not leave anything out. The Interlinear text reveals the negative particle, Strong's 3808, appearing in the Hebrew, which reads: And a weaned child shall put his hand not; that is how it comes forth in the Interlinear. Please note, that the King James translators simply ignored this negative particle because they could not figure out what to do with it. That is, it did not make any sense in English. But we know the secret that a negative particle is a code for the Serpent or one of her offspring.


And the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice's den. The cockatrice, the basis of this whole study, is Strong's 6848, and it means a viper's brood. It is referring to the Serpent's offspring. As we have been teaching here, it is speaking about the many-membered Devil. Jesus said to the Pharisees, Your daddy is the Devil. The personality of fallen man, brethren, is the Devil.


And the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice's den. Den is Strong's 3975, and it is speaking about a hole through which light shines into the den of a viper. It is speaking about a cavern. And I suggest to you that the significant word here is that the light is shining through.


Alternate Translation, the second half of Isaiah 11:8: And the Sons of God shall direct the Devil and the many-membered evil man she is appearing in, to the light. And the Sons of God shall direct the Devil and the many-membered evil man... that is us; that is humanity... that she is appearing in, to the light.


Our New Testament witness to that is Ephesians 3:10: To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God. The church is commissioned to teach the manifold wisdom of God to the principalities and powers which are in heavenly places.


Our Alternate Translation of the second half of Isaiah 11:8 says: And the Sons of God shall direct the Devil and the many-membered evil man she is appearing in, to the light.


Our whole Alternate Translation, Isaiah 11:8: The spirit of heaven shall overspread Satan, and the mind of Christ shall overspread the carnal mind. And the Sons of God shall direct the Devil and the many-membered evil man she is appearing in, to the light.


So we see that, when Christ Jesus overtakes the Devil, it may be the destruction of the Devil, but the Devil is being led to the light. So it is not the destruction of the whole man; it is the destruction of the devilish mind and the impartation of a righteous mind and the actual preservation of the life of the fallen man.


If you can hear it, when Christ Jesus overtakes the Devil, it is not the destruction of the whole man; it is the destruction of his devilish mind. But if Christ Jesus pursues you and breaks and destroys and burns your devilish mind, you think and you feel like you are dying, like you are being destroyed, like you will never survive this. But you will survive it. You will receive a new mind and a whole new life in the righteous image of Christ. It just does not feel that way at the moment.


Please note that the Devil is the personality; that is soul and mind. And the many-membered evil man is the personality plus the body. The body is not destroyed, just the devilish mind. Neither is the soul destroyed; just the devilish mind is destroyed.


Are there any questions or comments on this verse, Isaiah 11:8? Any questions or comments?


Transcribed by VerbalFusion 07/06/20

07/14/20 1st Edit rh

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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