313 - Part 10



Part 10 of 19 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


We are doing a study right now, as a part of this series, on the Dragon. We are looking up pretty much all of the Scriptures that are translated serpent, and we are dealing with Strong's #5175. We are in a study right now of the various Scriptures which translate that Hebrew word, serpent.


I mentioned this at the beginning of this series that I have found the Devil in the Old Testament. That is not the name that she is called by in the Old Testament. There is no Hebrew word that says Devil. We do find Satan in the Old Testament, but there is no actual word, Devil.


But now that the Lord has given us this revelation that the Devil is the third generation of the Serpent, just as Christ Jesus is the third generation of Jehovah and the second generation which is incarnated; let me just review for you, with regard to the family of God. The first incarnated generation is the Lord Jesus Christ, and the second incarnated generation is Christ Jesus. In regard to the Serpent, the first incarnated generation is the Dragon, who is called by name; his name is Leviathan. And the second generation is the Devil.


We do not find the Devil named in the Old Testament, but we do find a third generation or a second incarnated generation. The first generation of the Serpent is not incarnated. There are two incarnated generations: the Dragon and the Devil. And we have found the word which describes the second generation of the incarnated Serpent. It is one Hebrew word, and it is translated two ways. It is translated either adder, which means snake, or cockatrice, which also means snake or serpent, viper's brood, indicating a multiplicity of snakes.


We touched on it in the last message, and we will touch on it again tonight, that the Serpent, which is from old, that ancient Serpent which we read about in the Book of Revelation, that old Serpent (that word means ancient) is incarnating in this physical world in the form of a many-membered man. And this reality appears in the Old Testament. It is recorded as a viper's brood, the offspring, the many-membered offspring of the viper.


We have had at least one Scripture so far which has revealed this. And I believe that was in Proverbs 23. Verse 32 says, And the ultimate state of the Devil is the separation of the witch -- and the Serpent is the witch -- into a many-membered, evil man. And let me see if I found it anyplace else. No, I guess that is the first place that we found it.


And we have another witness today that the third generation of the Serpent, which is a many-membered, evil man, is appearing in the Old Testament but is not yet named. And we find that she is named in the New Testament with the Greek word diablo, a many-membered company of evil men whose ultimate state will be a full stature of evil. That is the Serpent's design. That is the Serpent's plan. That is the Serpent's intention, a many-membered humanity in the full stature of evil.


We will start tonight with Isaiah 14:29. Isaiah 14:29: Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina: because the rod of him that smote thee is broken, for out of the Serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a fiery, flying Serpent.


The word, rejoice, simply means rejoice. The word, translated not, is once again a negative particle which means nothing. And when we get these negative particles, we either translate them Serpent, Dragon or Devil. In this verse, we are going to translate it Dragon. And how do we decide whether we are going to translate it Serpent, Dragon or Devil? By the context of the whole verse. We take the whole verse as a modifying force over that negative particle, and we determine whether or not to translate it as the Serpent, the Dragon or the Devil.


Rejoice not, the whole of Palestina. Of course, whole means all. Now, this word, Palestina, really amazed me when I found out about this word. It is Strong's #6429. It means the land of wanderers, and it also means strangers.


We are told in Gesenius that this geographical area entitled Palestina is a region on the southern shore of Syria to the south and west of Canaan. Now, we know that Syria is an age-old enemy of the Jewish people, of the Hebrew people, and that Canaan is the land of the Canaanites, who are also age-old enemies of the Jewish people. Also, we are told that Palestina is to the south and west of Canaan. And I remind you that both the south and the west are the two directions which indicate the visible world. You may recall that the west typifies this physical, visible world that we live in, and that the south typifies the visible, spiritual world.


So what do we have here? Palestina: It sounds a lot like Palestine. We never really -- honestly, I do not know. I should have checked this out before I preached tonight. I honestly do not know if this Palestina is the same geographical area as the modern Palestine. We have a map right up over here. I do not know if we could see it on this map. I thought Philistia (would you put that on pause and let me take a look at this?)


So we see that Palestina, or Palestine, is the land of the wanderers and strangers. It is a region on the southern shore of Syria to the south. It is underneath Canaan, underneath Canaan Land. It is on the water, and that makes Israel to the east. Is that right, to the east of it? OK.


This Hebrew word is translated Palestina three times: in Exodus 15:14, Isaiah 14:29 and Isaiah 14:31. And it is translated Palestine once, in Joel 3:4. This same word is translated Philistia, however, three times: in Psalms 68, Psalms 87:4 and Psalms 10:8 and 9. So can I have that on a pause, please?


I do not know about you, but I was very surprised to find out that Palestine, or Palestina, is the same thing as Philistia. And the Palestinians are the ancient Philistines. Did anybody here know that? I was very surprised to find this out, that all this trouble that modern Israel is having with the Palestinians; they are just their old enemy, the Philistines, kicking up their heels. So I was very surprised to find out that this same Hebrew word, Strong's #6429, that is translated Palestina three times and Palestine once, is also translated Philistia three times: in Psalms 68, Psalms 87:4 and Psalms 10:8 and 9. The true meaning seems to be Philistia, the land of the Philistines, Israel's ancient enemy.


In Psalms 68 and Psalms 10:8, the Lord is speaking about triumphing over Philistia, which concept seems to line up with Isaiah 14:19. What am I talking about? We just read that verse. Rejoice not thou, all of Palestinia, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken. Now, you may not hear it in that King James translation, but as we go through with this translation, you will find out that the word, not, we are going to translate it the Dragon. And the Scripture is really saying, Rejoice, all you Philistines, because God is granting salvation to the Philistines. That is what this verse is saying. And it just really got me excited.


Now, remember, the Philistines are one of the descendants of Ham, and they historically are a criminal people and the ultra-enemies of the Hebrew people. And here in Isaiah 14:29, I believe, and I hope to convince you, that the Lord has promised to bring salvation to Philistia, the ultra-archenemies of the Hebrew people. So once again, we find that the prophets are bringing a message of universal reconciliation.


Now, that is not ultimate reconciliation, which is a doctrine which preaches that every human being ever born shall be saved. I do not preach that here. I believe that the entire spiritual creation, which was from the beginning, will be saved, but that every formation that the clay has been formed into over the centuries, I do not believe will experience salvation. We are spirit. We are not this clay. The clay is continuously reformed and will only abide on this earth in its final formation. I do believe the spirit that was breathed into this creation at the beginning of time, every manifestation of it will be saved.


And that is universal reconciliation: that the all peoples of the world will be saved, every nation, because every human being that has spirit in them will be saved, because the whole spirit, the whole breath that was breathed into this creation, is going to be saved. And the breath of God's life is present in every nation of the world, even the archenemies of the Hebrews, even in the Philistines. And I do not know about you, but that excites me to find something like this.


Let us go on with this translation. I suggest that the translation here is going to be Rejoice, O you Philistines, not Do not rejoice, but rejoice. And this will not be the first time that we have found the Scripture translated in a negative way when, actually, that negative is speaking about the Devil or the Serpent, and the verb should be translated positively. Let me show this to you.


The first phrase of Isaiah 14:29 should be saying, Rejoice, all of you Philistines, because I am breaking the Devil's power over you.


So we see that this is a world and a human race full of people who are good and evil. Some people are more evil than others, but everybody who is evil is evil because they are possessed of the Devil. Now, that does not mean that it is OK to be evil, and we are responsible for our behavior, for our attitudes, for our actions. We are responsible for everything that we do, say and think. But the truth of the matter is that this whole human race, with the exception of the Lord Jesus, is possessed of a criminal mind that makes us what we are.


And it is the prerogative of the Lord Jesus Christ to make a way of escape for us. And His way of escape is not to allow us to continue to sin, but his way of escape is to give us a new mind which is in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ. And when we receive our new mind, that new mind will break the rod and staff of the evil mind in us, and we will no longer be sinners. Once we are no longer sinners, there will no longer be any reason for the Lord Jesus Christ to wipe us off the face of the earth. So, you see, His way of escape is conversion. Conversion is painful, and it is hard, and it involves looking at your sins.


But do not be surprised, brethren, when you see evil men being called into the Kingdom: murderers, rapists, the worst of this human race. Do not be surprised. And I counsel you to be careful not to judge God or condemn God with your pride, saying, How could God forgive these people who have committed these terrible sins? He can do it, if He elects to do so, by giving them a new mind and saying unto them, All things have passed away. Behold, I make all things new. You have a new mind now, and I have completely forgotten your sins. The Lord Jesus Christ has the prerogative to do that. So do not look at the outward flesh.


Let us go on with this study. The first phrase of Isaiah 14:29: Rejoice, all you Philistines, because I am breaking the Devil's power over you. He can do it if He wants to. Remember that Jonah was very angry that He did it over the Ninevites. The Lord broke the Devil's power over the Ninevites. And what happened when the Lord did that? They repented. The sign that the Lord has broken the Devil's power over you is a genuine repentance; not lip service, not repentance that lasts for one day, but a genuine repentance. That is the sign that the Lord Jesus Christ has broken the Devil's power over you.


Now, that does not mean that there is no fight after that. That is when the battle really begins because, when the Devil has power over you, there is no battle. You are his. When the Lord Jesus Christ comes in and breaks the Devil's power over you, that is when the war really starts. But the victory is assured.


Now, remember, the Philistines are descendants of Ham. And we now find the Lord comforting these mortal enemies of Israel, saying, Rejoice, Philistia, I am setting you free. What a message! The Pharisees will absolutely hate it. And this is the reason He is setting them free. Let me give you the English here so you could stay with me on this.


Rejoice not thou, all of Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken. The Hebrew word, translated rod, is Strong's #7626. It means a spear, and it is sometimes used for the scepter of a king. In view of the context of Isaiah 14:29, we are going to translate this word, translated rod, spiritual authority. And we are going to translate that negative particle, the Dragon; we are going to say the spiritual authority of the Dragon is broken over you.


Now, the King James says, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken, but it does not say who the him is. So once again, I am suggesting to you that the him is written in code. The him is that nothing that God does not even name. And the King James translators, not having this revelation, translated the negative particle, not, and said, Rejoice not, Palestina. But, no, it is, Rejoice, Palestina, because the power of the not is broken over you. The power of the nothing is broken over you. The power of the Dragon is broken over you.


And we saw a child's fantasy movie here not too long ago that had spiritual principles in it, called, The NeverEnding Story. And the great enemy that was destroying the city of Fantasia was called The Nothing. See, the children of darkness, they have this revelation. It is just the children of light that are in the darkness. There is a spiritual power out there called The Nothing, and it is Satan's power. It is the Serpent's power manifesting either as the Dragon or as the Devil or as Satan.


So we are going to translate these Scriptures along with those principles. Rejoice, Palestine, because the Lord is breaking the rod of the Dragon, or the Dragon's rod, or the rod of his power, the rod of his spiritual authority over you. Let me just get this English for you over here.


Because the rod of him that smote thee is broken. The Hebrew word, translated smote, is Strong's #5221: to pierce through, to pierce into, to transfix. And I suggest to you that the meaning here is crucifixion. To transfix means to pierce through. In other words, if a spear were to go through me, and it would be nailing me to this chair, that is what transfix means: to pierce through you and fix you in a particular place.


And I suggest to you that this is speaking about the crucifixion of Christ, Christ being the incomplete mind which appeared at the beginning of time. He was crucified, I remind you, by the Dragon's power. He was crucified by the Dragon's power at the beginning of time, and this was the fall of man. When the Dragon pierced through the immature or the incomplete Christ, he took Him captive and reformed Him in the image of the Serpent, thereby changing Him from a man, the Son of God (although immature, the Son of God), into the woman.


We have that study in the earlier messages of this series. And our scriptural backup is Joel; I think it is Joel 2:2. I know it is the Book of Joel where the Scripture talks about giving a young boy to be a harlot. That was what happened to Christ when the Dragon pierced him through and transfixed him, and the name of this event is The Fall.


The rod of him that smote thee is broken, Strong's #7665, to break in pieces. And this word can also be translated to break anyone's mind.


Alternate Translation, the first half of Isaiah 14:29: Let all the inhabitants of Palestine rejoice because the carnal mind, which was formed when the Dragon's spiritual power crucified Christ, is broken in pieces.


Continuing with the second half of Isaiah 14:29: For out of the Serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a fiery, flying Serpent. There is not even a Hebrew word translated for; it is merely a letter which appears as a prefix before the verb, out of the root. We are going to translate that prefix, and, instead of for.


The Hebrew word, translated out of the root, is Strong's #8328. It means the lowest part of a thing. It means a fixed dwelling, a shoot which springs forth. Spiritually speaking, that which is lowest is that which is most internal. You may remember, spiritually speaking, we do not go from bottom to top, but we go from inside to outside. So that which is the lowest would be the most internalized, and spirit is the most internalized aspect of our being.


I am suggesting you, therefore, that this Hebrew word, translated out of the root, is speaking about the innermost part, the spirit. It is also speaking about a fixed dwelling. The only part of us that is eternal is spirit. I suggest to you that that phrase, fixed dwelling, also speaks about spirit. And it also means a shoot which springs forth.


I could not find which verse it was. But I know that, when I did my deep studies in the Book of Genesis; it was probably in Genesis 2. One of the alternate translations of the words was a shoot appeared, the concept being God spoke the creation into existence. God had a vision. God had an imagination of what the end product of the creation would be. And the next thing that happened was that a shoot appeared. You see? God saw the end product, and the first little seedling that would eventually grow into the end product appeared.


So what am I saying to you? I am saying to you that that word, a shoot, was an alternate translation of a word that appears in Genesis. I just could not locate what that word was. If I could have located it, I would give you the Scripture in Genesis and say, you see this King James word in Genesis? The alternate translation is a shoot. So that is one more indication to you that God spoke spirit. His words were spirit, and the next thing that happened was that spirit appeared in the visible world as a shoot. One more witness to you that this word, out of the root, is speaking about a shoot which springs forth from the root, which is spirit.


Is anybody confused? Is everybody OK with this? I am telling you that the verb, out of the root, is talking about the spiritual root and, in view of the context of the whole Scripture, the spiritual root which is the Serpent. And out of that root came forth the next generation, which is the Dragon. And the following generation is the Devil, the Devil being the personality of modern man.


For out of the Serpent's root: This Hebrew word, translated Serpent, is Strong's #5175. That is what we are dealing with in this whole study: Serpent. Out of the Serpent's root shall come forth. The Hebrew word, come forth, is Strong's# 3318. It means to incarnate, I suggest to you, a cockatrice.


Now, cockatrice, that is Strong's #6848. We talked about that earlier. That is the same word that, I think, once was translated adder. And it is speaking about a viper's brood. I suggest to you it is speaking about the many-membered creation which is coming forth as a result of the Serpent's rising up and rebelling against Christ and forming this creation in her own image. I suggest to you that the cockatrice is the second incarnated generation of the Serpent.


And we are calling her, in the New Testament, the Devil. In the Old Testament, she has no proper name. She is either a cockatrice or an adder. It is as if you have a cow called Bossy. You could call her Bossy, or you could call her cow. So we see, in the Old Testament, the Devil has no proper name. She is just called a cockatrice or adder or viper or Serpent.


And the way we could tell that the Scripture is not speaking about the old Serpent, which existed in the garden, but talking about the second incarnated generation, is that she has become plural. She has now become a viper's brood. She has multiplied. So the fact that she has multiplied indicates a future generation.


Gesenius says that the Latin translation of the Bible translates this word in the plural as the horned Serpent. Now, here is another mystery. We do not see the word, Dragon, used. But we see that what was a Serpent is now a horned Serpent, horns typifying spiritual power. Remember, the Serpent was in submission to Christ. The Latin translation calls this manifestation of the Serpent the horned Serpent. We are calling her the Dragon. But the fact remains that, when she separated outside from Christ Jesus, there was a change that took place in her. Whether you call her the horned Serpent or you call her the Dragon, she now is a Serpent which had taken on military spiritual power, which is directly opposite the power of the Son of God.


This is the same Hebrew word translated adder in Proverbs 23:32, which we translated a many-membered, evil man, indicating the final and completely evil generation of the Serpent which is to incarnate in the last days.


For out of the Serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a fiery, flying Serpent; fruit meaning offspring. And flying, Strong's #5774, means to cover or to make to fly. So we see the fruit of the Serpent is coming forth as a covering. And I remind you that the Lord Jesus Christ is our covering. So we see that the cockatrice is an ungodly covering. Christ Jesus is your godly covering. Your ungodly covering is the Devil. You have to have a covering; you have to have a protection. A covering is that which protects you.


So we see that this Hebrew word, Strong's #5774, means to cover. It also means to make to fly. This same word is used to impute spiritual power to a sword in Ezekiel 32:10. Now, remember, the spiritual power of a man is his mind. If his mind is Christ Jesus, his weapon is of God. And if his mind is the carnal mind, he has an illegal weapon. But both the carnal mind and the mind of Christ are circumcising knives. They are swords which have power to do great damage and to kill and to hurt.


Our witness to this is in Ezekiel 32:10: Yea, I will make many people amazed at thee, and their kings shall be horribly afraid for thee when I shall brandish... Now this word, brandish, that is the translation, Strong's #5774, of the word translated flying in Isaiah 14:19. And his fruit shall be a fiery, flying Serpent. The Hebrew word, translated flying, is translated brandish in Ezekiel 32:10: Yea, I will make many people amazed at thee, and their kings shall be horribly afraid for thee when I shall brandish my sword before them. And they shall tremble at every moment, every man for his own life in the day of thy fall.


So we see that we are talking about a spiritual weapon. The flying, fiery Serpent: We are talking about the Serpent in the form of a spiritual weapon. That means the Serpent in the form of a mind. And I remind you that the Devil is the whole personality of fallen man. The Devil is the whole personality of fallen man, a soul and a mind, that mind being in two parts: the unconscious mind, whose name is Satan, and the conscious mind, which is called the carnal mind. And it is the carnal mind, that aspect of fallen man's mind, the carnal mind, which is the sword, which is the spiritual weapon. Our mind is a weapon.


Fiery Serpent is Strong's #8314. Gesenius says it is a species of venomous serpents. It is also a flying Dragon or a poisonous Serpent, a flying Serpent. And the Hebrew word is seraphim. I have told you this on other messages. Gesenius has a comment, in his very fine scholarly dictionary, that he cannot understand how this word, seraphim, can be found in the Book of Isaiah in the context of the seraphim being found around the throne of God. He finds them poisonous serpents, evil serpents, and he thinks it is a mistake.


But I suggest to you that all these translations are true; that the word means a species of venomous serpents, a flying Dragon, a poisonous Serpent, a flying Serpent, and that this wicked, wicked being that is described by all these words is about to be apprehended by the Lord Jesus Christ and redeemed. And when this poisonous Serpent is redeemed, they shall be made righteous. They shall be reformed in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ, and they shall surround God's throne and serve Him.


We are that fiery, flying Serpent: fallen humanity. And the promise of God to us is to change our nature by reforming our human spirit in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ, and we shall be redeemed serpents who shall surround the throne of God. And in Mark 16, where Jesus said, Ye shall take up serpents, we are the serpents he was talking about. And the word, take up, means not to pick them up in your hands but to elevate us spiritually from carnal fallen men to resurrected spiritual men who are in the image of God. And this is a miracle that the Lord Jesus Christ is doing for fallen humanity.


There are many people in this planet that cannot believe that God would do that. And they are without faith, and they are filled with pride because their fallen minds cannot comprehend the goodness of God. And He really does not care what you are. I have said this before, and I repeat it again: You and I, we are responsible for everything we are and everything we do, and every sin will have its just recompense. But God knows that we are completely overtaken by the Devil.


Now, that does not mean that you have a license to sin. You are supposed to restrain yourself. You are supposed to discipline yourself. You are supposed to cry out to God when you are losing control of yourself, and God will punish sin. To the fallen carnal mind, this is a great mystery. God will punish your sin. But nevertheless, the day is coming, that He is going to break the rod of the Devil over you so that you will not sin anymore, so that He will not have to punish you anymore. But so long as the Devil has power over you, and so long as you yield to that power, and so long as you sin, God will punish your sin. Do not think He will not punish your sin because He has promised to break the Devil's power over you. Every sin will have its just recompense. But nevertheless, the Lord has promised to break the Devil's power over you.


Alternate Translation, the second half of Isaiah 14:29: And the Serpent shall incarnate as a many-membered, completely evil generation. But nevertheless, despite that fact, his final fruit, that final generation of the Serpent, shall be a many-membered, redeemed Serpent which shall surround the throne of God. I do not know about you, but I find that very exciting. Let me give you the whole thing.


Alternate Translation, Isaiah 14:29: Let all the inhabitants of Palestine rejoice, because the carnal mind, which was formed when the Dragon's spiritual power crucified Christ, is broken is pieces. And the Serpent is incarnating a many-membered, completely evil generation. But nevertheless, his final fruit shall be a many-membered, redeemed Serpent which shall surround the throne of God.


I amplified that, and I interspersed it. Let all the inhabitants of Palestine rejoice because, although the Serpent is incarnating as a many-membered, completely evil generation, the carnal mind, which was formed when the Dragon's spiritual power crucified Christ, is being broken in pieces. And the Serpent's ultimate generation shall nevertheless be a many-membered, redeemed Serpent which shall surround the throne of God.


Let me give that to you again: Let all the inhabitants of Palestine rejoice because, although the Serpent is incarnating as a many-membered, completely evil generation, the carnal mind, which was formed when the Dragon's spiritual power crucified Christ, is being broken in pieces. And the Serpent's ultimate generation shall nevertheless be a many-membered, redeemed Serpent which shall surround the throne of God.


Are there any questions or comments on that verse?


Continuing with Isaiah 27:1: In that day, the Lord, with his sore and great and strong sword, shall punish Leviathan, the piercing Serpent: even Leviathan, that crooked Serpent. And he shall slay the Dragon that is in the sea.


In that day, the Lord, with his sore and great and strong sword; the word sore is Strong's #7186. It is used of hard servitude. Great means powerful. Strong means hardened. And I remind you that, spiritually speaking, the concept of being hardened is speaking about physical manifestation. Spirit is not hard; it is not formed. But once spirit is formed in these physical bodies, spirit is considered spiritually hardened.


So we are speaking about the Sons of God here. The word, sword, is speaking about a circumcising knife. In that day, the Lord, with his sore and great and strong sword -- those are the Sons of God. They are the circumcising knife, which are powerful. They are hardened into physical form, and they are putting hard judgment on the Church and eventually on the whole world. Shall punish Leviathan, the piercing Serpent -- Leviathan being this incarnation, this ungodly incarnation of the Serpent.


So we see here that the Scripture is not telling us that the Sons of Gods are judging only the Church, they are judging all of humanity, but beginning with the Church. The problem is you do not know who the Church is. And God use a Son of God to bring judgment on or correction on anybody that He chooses to do so. And anyone who has an interaction with a Son of God is subject to the correction of that Son of God. And I do know two other people who are moving in this sonship ministry, and they have brought correction to heathens, to church people, to all kinds of people.


It is just like a policeman is on duty wherever they go. Wherever crime comes in contact with an officer of the law, they are subject to that law. You cannot say, Well, that is not fair; I did not know you were an off-duty policeman. You committed your crime in front of him, and now you are subject to him.


So, the Sons of God are the spiritual policemen of the Lord. And whenever someone comes into contact with them, it manifests an ungodly spirit. They are subject to the hard correction of the Lord. The correction of the Lord is hard. And if you cannot understand it, you will think it is without mercy. But the mercy of God is the correction, and the opposite of it is enablement. The opposite of it is enablement.


In that day, the Lord, with his sore and great and strong sword, shall punish Leviathan. Punish is Strong's #6485: to cause to be found lacking. We had this word several times when we did the Book of Zephaniah, that the evil mind, the Devil, will be caused to be found lacking. What is going to happen to the Devil and our evil mind? How or why, or why and how, will she be found lacking?


She is going to be cast into the Lake of Fire, where she shall be broken down by the great heat. She shall be broken down into soul and spirit, or soul and mind. And then the mind shall be separated. The joints shall be separated from the marrow. Why? Because the mind is made up of two spirits: the dead Christ, which is the human spirit joined to the spirit known as Satan. Peter says the elements will separate. They will melt, and they will come down with a great crash.


And the Devil shall be found lacking. She will not be around anymore. She will not exist anymore. And the purpose for this separation is the freeing up of the human spirit, which is the dead Christ, so that He may be rejoined to the Lord Jesus Christ and produce the increase of Christ Jesus, which is the very Son of God, the true heir and ruler of this creation.


In that day, the Lord, with his sore and great and strong sword, shall punish Leviathan, the piercing Serpent. Leviathan is Strong's #3882. The Interlinear calls him the sea monster. And the meaning of the name is to be wreathed or twisted in folds. And I suggest to you that the indication is the Serpent's mind.


Jehovah is weaving a garment. And the creation was stolen; now the creation is weaving a garment. Jesus said we will receive a crown of life, and that crown is a woven, interwoven crown -- the Greek style, not the European style of the solid gold crown -- the concept being the weaving together of a garment made of three fibers that will not be easily broken.


So we see Leviathan is wreathed or in folds. He is woven together; he is the power of the Serpent woven together with the dead Christ. And he is coming forth in the next generation as the Devil, the serpentine increase. The increase of the family in heaven is the Christ Jesus. We have the Lord Jesus Christ woven together with the dead Christ, the human spirit. And the increase, the third cord or the third thread, is Christ Jesus. In the serpentine family, we have the Serpent woven together with the dead Christ, and the increase is the Devil. So the very meaning of the name, Leviathan, is that he is bringing forth the increase of the threefold mind of the Devil, which is the mind of the flesh twisted in folds.


Please note that the wreathed crown that was placed on Jesus' head symbolized the Dragon's authority, and that Christmas wreaths, et cetera, also symbolize the Dragon's authority.


We are speaking about the sword that shall punish Leviathan, the piercing Serpent. The Interlinear translates the word piercing as fleeing or fugitive Serpent; it is Strong's #1281. And the word, serpent, is Serpent.


And then our last phrase is, even Leviathan, that crooked Serpent. And the Hebrew word, translated crooked, is Strong's #6129. And I suggest to you that it is no accident that the name, Leviathan, appears twice. In that day, the Lord, with his sore, great and strong sword, shall punish Leviathan, the fugitive Serpent: even Leviathan, that twisted Serpent. And I suggest to you the indication are the two generations of the Serpent: the Dragon, which is the first generation, and the Devil, which is the second generation. The Scripture calls both generations Leviathan.


Listen, brethren. In the family of heaven, the two incarnated generations are both called Christ. The first generation is the Lord Jesus Christ, and the second generation is Christ Jesus. In the serpentine family, both the first and second incarnated generations are called Leviathan. The first one is called the fugitive Serpent, and the second generation is called the twisted Serpent, meaning that the increase of the Devil has come forth and twisted or woven the entire human race into a condition of mind which is a completed mind, a threefold cord, all three threads twisted together.


Is everybody OK? I do not know about you, but this is so exciting. There is a heavy anointing. I have such a bad cold. The anointing is very heavy. I find that, the deeper the revelation, the heavier the anointing. And what is the reason for it? I think that Christ Jesus is being exalted here tonight, that no fallen mind could teach this. I do not think any fallen mind could teach this. And in order for it to come out of my mouth, that Christ Jesus, which is in me, is very highly manifested to teach this kind of a message. It is incredible. The doctrine in the revelation is awesome, and it is such a privilege to be able to teach it.


There has been an incredible war going on in the ministry and in my personal life. The Devil wants to stop this, brethren. And look at how small a group we are. But I do not care. Jesus said, I have much to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. People cannot bear it. They cannot bear this word. They cannot bear this anointing. They cannot bear the truth. I just had a revelation of how painful it is for them. And to the fullest degree that I am able, I forgive the sins of everybody who has fled from this message, who has not been able to bear the anointing or bear the truth or bear the fire on their lives.


And I just pray that somebody stands up, and I just pray that God forgives my sins because the Devil has been trying to kill me, and he has been trying to bring me down and bring down this ministry. And he is very mad at me, brethren, because I am fighting the good fight of faith. And he has not brought me down. He came pretty close, but he has not done it. And right now, I am really on top of it, and he is mad. He is mad as a hornet's nest.


And I just pray that Jesus keeps me because it is quite a privilege to bring this forth. And I hope that I do not miss one iota of what God has for me of my greatest potential in this world. And I will openly pray the prayer that I am praying that God remove everything from my life that would keep me from going on, that he removes it absolutely and completely, he removes it from within me and from outside of me, because there is nothing in this world that I want more than to fulfill my potential in Christ Jesus.


And if I could do it, I would translate this entire Bible; it just takes forever. I am openly praying that He help me. There is a big seduction on my life right now that I am struggling with. And I am just openly declaring that I choose Jesus Christ. I hope that His word should be true in me that, in my weakest point, He should be my strength, and that He helps me, and that He delivers me, because this is just tremendous. There is just nothing like it. It is an awesome experience in Christ Jesus.


Alternate Translation, the first half of Isaiah 27:1: In that day, the Sons of God shall cause the Dragon, which is a fugitive from Jehovah's justice, to disappear from the visible creation. But you may notice that, in the King James, Leviathan was mentioned twice. And the Lord just told us that that was the first and second incarnated generation of the Serpent. So let us try and get that in our Alternate Translation. Please note that the incarnated Dragon, which is a three-thread mind, is called the Devil. So let us do it this way.


Amplified Translation, the first half of Isaiah 27:1: In that day, the Sons of God shall cause that fugitive from Jehovah's justice, the Devil with the completed mind, to disappear from God's creation. In that day, the Sons of God shall cause that fugitive from Jehovah's justice, the Devil with the completed mind, to disappear from God's creation.


Continuing with the second half of Isaiah 27:1: And he, Jehovah, shall slay the Dragon that is in the sea. And He, Jehovah, shall slay the Dragon that is in the sea. The word, slay, is Strong's #2026, and it is used of the slaughter of enemies in war. I suggest to you this word implies the breaking down into the soul and spirit of that criminal mind. I just talked about it a few minutes ago.


And He, Jehovah, shall slay the Dragon in the sea. Now, remember, the Dragon and Leviathan are one and the same. It is just that Leviathan is a proper name. It is like saying the name of the cow is Bossy. And a name gives us information about the Dragon. The name, Leviathan, means that he is twisted and he is in folds, and it is talking about the criminal mind of the fallen creation.


So we see, And He, Jehovah, shall slay the Dragon that is in the sea. Now, in the first part of the verse, we saw Leviathan mentioned twice, the two generations of the Dragon mentioned twice. And now, in the second half of the verse, it is talking about the Dragon. Leviathan, the proper name, mentioned twice, and now the Dragon mentioned once, speaking about the two generations together. I suggest to you it is like saying Christ, the family of Christ, meaning the Lord Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus. We will say the family of the Dragon, meaning Leviathan, which is -- Leviathan and the Devil.


If I am confusing you, do not worry about it. It is a very deep technicality. If you can understand it, fine. If you cannot, do not worry about it.


And He, Jehovah, in the form of the Sons of God, shall slay the Dragon that is in the sea. The sea is Strong's# 3220, and it means the western quarter. You may remember, from our study in Daniel 8, that the western quarter symbolizes the visible, physical world, and the southern quarter symbolizes the visible, spiritual world. I mentioned this at the beginning of the message.


So please note that the fugitive Serpent shall be found missing, and the naked or the twisted Serpent, the completed Serpent, shall be slaughtered or broken down into her component parts. That is, the Dragon shall not be found, and the Devil shall be slaughtered. Or I should say it the other way around: The Devil shall be slaughtered, soul separated from spirit and then the joints separated from the marrow. The Devil shall be slaughtered, broken down, and then the Dragon will not be found anymore.


How come the Dragon will not be found anymore? He is going to be boiled away so that the human spirit can be freed up and joined to the Lord Jesus Christ. That is how the Dragon will not be found anymore; he is going to be boiled away. Glory to God. Turned into vapor. That means he is going to be chased out of this soulish realm. His condition of sea indicates he is in a soulish form. When he is boiled into steam or into vapor, he is going back into spirit form or a form that is not in this incarnated realm. He is going back into the form of Serpent, which is going to be in submission to Christ Jesus. That is the indication here.


Alternate Translation, the second half of Isaiah 27:1: And He, Jehovah, shall dissolve the Devil, who is the Dragon's physical incarnation in the visible, physical world.


Alternate Translation, Isaiah 27:1: In that day, the Sons of God shall cause that fugitive from Jehovah's justice, the Devil with the completed mind, to disappear from God's creation. And He, Jehovah, shall dissolve the Devil, the Dragon's physical incarnation in the visible, physical world.


Now I amplified that, and I interspersed a few phrases, and this is what it sounds like: In that day, the Sons of God shall melt the Devil, the Dragon's many-membered incarnation in the visible, physical world, in the Lake of Fire. And the dead Christ shall be reformed into Jehovah's image. And that Devil, the fugitive with the completed mind who is running from Jehovah's justice, shall disappear from humanity. And Christ Jesus, the Son of God, shall possess His kingdom and exercise dominion over the whole earth.


Let me give that to you again. In that day, the Sons of God shall melt the Devil, the Dragon's many-membered incarnation in the visible, physical world, in the Lake of Fire. And the dead Christ shall be reformed into Jehovah's image. And that Devil, the fugitive with the completed mind who is running from Jehovah's justice, shall disappear from humanity. And Christ Jesus, the Son of God, shall possess His kingdom and exercise dominion over the whole earth.


Now, once again, we found out above that Strong's #6848, sometimes translated adder and sometimes translated cockatrice, is a hidden word describing the Serpent's ultimate form in the visible, physical world: a many-membered, evil humanity. We have already translated the first one of those verses, Proverbs 23:32. We are not going to do it tonight, but, Lord willing, on the next part, part 11 of this series, we are going to interfere our --


We are in the middle of a study on the word, Serpent, and I could keep on going until we finish all the verses that have the word Serpent in them. But I feel to stop here and do those; I think there are three more verses that are translated cockatrice, because that is what we are up to now, cockatrice meaning that final manifestation or that final generation of the Serpent's offspring, a many-membered humanity completed in evil.


So, Lord willing, with the next message, we will do those three verses, and then we will go back to finish our study on the Serpent. We just have a few more verses translated the Serpent. And then after that, we have a couple of verses where the same Hebrew word, translated Serpent, is translated whale or sea monster or whatever. So we will have a couple of more messages on this series. I think it is really blessing you. I know it is really blessing me.


And there has been a lot of opposition to it; the Devil is really mad. He is really -- or she; I call you a she. She is really mad. And everything that can be shaken is being shaken, and everything is tossing and turning and upside-down. But the Lord is going to win, and we will just keep on fighting the fight.


PASTOR VITALE: Are there any questions or comments here tonight?


COMMENT: You said that the Philistines were descended from Ham. I know the Philistines are mentioned in connection with Abraham, and I also thought that they were the giants in the land, like Goliath.


PASTOR VITALE: That is true. The giants in the Book of Genesis were Philistines. They were also descended from Ham. I do not know what you are talking about when you say they are connected with Abraham.


COMMENT: I always get an impression that they -- Like, Ham was like [UNINTELLIGIBLE] But you are saying they existed even before Ham? In other words, the Philistines were --


PASTOR VITALE: No, they did not exist before Ham. They are descendants of Ham.


COMMENT: Then how can they be mentioned before Ham?


PASTOR VITALE: They are not.


COMMENT: Yeah. They were mentioned in connection with Abraham. Ham is before Abraham. Ham is the offspring of Noah.


PASTOR VITALE: Oh, that is right. Well, yeah. OK. Our whole modern-day society is a descendant of Noah and a descendant of one of his three sons: Shem, Ham or Japheth.


COMMENT: You know, the Philistines, they were giants in the land. But you said something about there was no bones of them ever found. Were they real, flesh-and-blood-type people?


PASTOR VITALE: I do not know about the giants on this side of the flood. But I know that, to the best of my knowledge, there have been no bones found of any. I think I read somewhere that Goliath's head was found. But Goliath was already a fallen race. I do not believe there have been any giant bones found from before the flood.


So they must have either had bones that dissolved, or they did not have bones like we have today. Either they had a bone structure that did survive and is not recognized by the anthropologists or the archaeologists as bone structure, or they had a bone structure that dissolved, and there are no traces of it. With that whole race that was destroyed in the flood, all those people that were wiped out, there should be all kinds of skeletons of giants. Where are they?


So I think the most, and this may be completely off, but the most logical answer I have heard anything about is that they did not have bones like we have. So either they do not exist, or they are not recognizable as bones.


COMMENT: Now, my thought always was that the giants in the land were evil. But there must have been good and bad giants. Am I right?


PASTOR VITALE: On this side of the flood? As far as I know, they were all evil.


COMMENT: On this side of the flood? So on the side --


PASTOR VITALE: And on the other side of the flood, they were evil too. That is why God wiped them out. All of humanity was evil, with the exception of Noah. But Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth were giants. Excuse me. What happened to their skeletons?


COMMENT: And so they were the good giants then. Is that --


PASTOR VITALE: Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth were the only good ones, the only ones that were found righteous, that came over to this side of the flood, at which point they too were corrupted.


Transcribed by VerbalFusion, 07/23/29

1st Edit, 07/26/19, rh

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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