313 - Part 8

Part 8 of 19 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


PASTOR VITALE: So you thought we were through with this series, did you?




PASTOR VITALE: No. No, we are not through with this series. The Devil got mad when I started preaching this series, one of the things he got mad at. So the teaching has been going back and forth here, but I think we are pretty much headed back on track. And what we are doing is exposing the truth about the Devil, about the Serpent, about Satan, about the carnal mind, about the Dragon, about Leviathan. We are supposed to, as Sons of God, have all knowledge. As we mature into Christ Jesus, we are to inherit all things, which includes all knowledge. And there is nothing in the Bible that we are not to understand.


Now, when the Scripture says the Devil, the Serpent, Satan and the Dragon, that means that there are four different entities. There has to be an understanding of what the difference is. Now, if you are not up to that level of teaching yet or that level of understanding, you just go right past it. But that does not mean that there is not an explanation. There is nothing in this Bible that is a mistake. There is nothing in this Bible that is extraneous; that means there is nothing here that is extra. There is nothing in this Bible that is unnecessary. There is not one comma or one period -- well, of course, the Lord did not put in the punctuation. The King James translators put in the punctuation. But there is not one Hebrew letter in this Bible that is not significant. It depends on where you are spiritually as to how much you get out of it. You take what you could get.


So let us go on. And I am going to start with a review. We are speaking about incarnation here. We are speaking about incarnation. When this creation was first formed, I am sorry to shock you and all of you Pharisees, but it was not formed looking like we look now. And it was not a fallen man with two legs and two arms and a nose and two eyes and a mouth. Marriage was not as it is now. Children were not born as they are now. Society was not as it is now. If you would like to believe that and stay in your fantasy, that is between you and the Lord, whether or not he lets you do it, but you are in a fantasy. The original creation was spiritual, and originally it was the formation of a spiritual entity, a spiritual life form that the Lord called, in the Hebrew, nefesh, a soul.


Now, I hear all of you intelligent people saying, I have heard Pastor Sheila say a hundred times over, 'And God breathed the breath of life into the man, and it became a zoe psuche.' Where does nefesh come from? Anybody know the answer to tat intelligent question? Somebody is thinking that question right here. Who knows the answer to that question? Zoe psuche is what language, anybody?




COMMENT: Greek. Nefesh?




PASTOR VITALE: Hebrew. Two different languages. Zoe psuche: In the Greek, zoe means life; psuche means soul. A soul which is alive. Nefesh: Hebrew word for soul. And anybody know the Hebrew word for life, in Hebrew? Chai.


The creation was spiritual. It first was a soul. I should have asked you that. The first thing that was formed out of the dust of the earth was the soul. And what was the first thing that was added to the dust? Anybody remember?


COMMENT: Breath.


PASTOR VITALE: The breath, right. I just said it. And the breath and the soul together produced a what in the creation?


COMMENT: Spirit.


PASTOR VITALE: Spirit. And what form does spirit take when it is born into the soul?












PASTOR VITALE: Close, yeah.


So we are starting out with our review on the -- what I am going to call the pre-incarnate conditions of the soul. We are going to start with the pre-incarnate condition. That means the condition of the soul before it became visible. Incarnation implies visibility. Jehovah and the Lord Jesus Christ in this hour are one, and they are invisible. That means they are not incarnated. They are not incarnated. Incarnation is visibility.


However, there are some people in this world in whom the Lord Jesus Christ is in the process of incarnating in. What does that mean? It means He has laid hold of a sin-filled man, and He is adding himself to that man, and He is in the process of appearing. But He has not yet appeared. How do I know that? When He appears, the Bible tells me, it shall be such a profound, outstanding, unusual event, which will be witnessed by incredible manifestations of spiritual power, that there will not be room for doubt in anybody's mind that the living God has appeared in this corrupt world system.


PASTOR VITALE: And what is the major manifestation of the confrontation of the power of God with this world system? What is a general word for what happens when the righteousness of God meets this fallen world?


COMMENT: Explosion.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, trouble. If you watch Star Trek, they will call it antimatter. It means an explosion, an incredible explosion, righteousness meeting sin. Va-voom! And who gets destroyed?




PASTOR VITALE: Does the Lord get destroyed? Sin gets destroyed. Everything in you and everything in me that is sin will be destroyed at the moment of the contact between righteousness and sin.


In describing this event, Paul says, And that part of us which is alive and remains after this incredible conflict, which is called Armageddon -- that part of us, not those of us -- it is a bad translation. That part of us which is alive and survives this explosion and the fire that comes off, that proceeds forth as a result of it and burns away our fallen flesh, that part of us which remains, and the only reason it is remaining is because it was alive. In other words, that part of us which is Christ Jesus will go on to be with the Lord forever. All sin will be burnt up. Sin cannot stand in the presence of God's holy angels.


And in this hour, He is dealing with sin on every level. He is dealing with sin on every level, knowing that we are but dust in this hour, being very pitiful and merciful and helping us to overcome as we seek to please Him in all things. The Scripture says, He knows our frame, and He has more pity on those who know that they are in sin and are having a problem, than with all the Pharisees that think they are perfect and are going around condemning all the people who are confessing their sins. Nobody is perfect except the Lord Jesus.


Let us try and bring this forward. I am just laughing. I do not know why I want to say this now, but Xxxx and I were talking the other day about the prophet Hosea, whom the Lord commanded to marry a prostitute. We were talking about that last week, [UNINTELLIGIBLE] God does crazy things. He commanded the prophet Hosea to marry a prostitute, and he had two children by her. The Lord must have had something in mind.


In the beginning -- let me draw a line down the middle here. And let me put on this message one more time that God made a creation, and that that creation was and is positive and negative. This whole world is based on a positive and negative pole operating together. Electricity is positive and negative. Every atom of which this whole world system is formed is positive and negative. The whole creation is based on a foundation of positive and negative powers operating together, hopefully under the dominion of the positive power, although at some point there was a problem and the negative power took authority over the creation.


Only one power can predominate. This is why the Scripture is against partnerships. There is no such thing as an equal partnership. One person or one party must be -- even if it is a hairline, they must be a hairline more powerful than the other. There is no such thing as two totally equal people. So either the positive or the negative power source must be prevailing at any time in your mind and in any aspect of this creation.


PASTOR VITALE: So in the pre-incarnate condition, on the left, we are going to list the positive, and on the right, the negative. In the beginning, the positive power was -- anybody?




COMMENT: Positive.


PASTOR VITALE: What is his name?


COMMENT: Christ.


COMMENT: Christ.


PASTOR VITALE: No. Well, I guess I am not making it clear. Jehovah.


COMMENT: Jehovah.


PASTOR VITALE: Jehovah, the Creator of the universe. The corresponding power source that was on the -- and I do not want to say the equivalent because there is no equal to Jehovah. But the corresponding power source on the negative side of the creation --


COMMENT: Was the Serpent.


PASTOR VITALE: The Serpent. That is correct. Now, let me just put this on the message. Satan is the Serpent in a future generation. So I am telling everybody here again and everybody reading this message: The Lord is bringing us into deep technicalities. Do not let it bother you if you do not get it straight. If you can get it straight, all the more power to you. Do not worry about the technicalities. Just sit there and let this anointing flow over you because, when this kind of message comes forth, the anointing is usually intense, although I do not feel it yet; I am still standing up. I remember preaching one of the earlier messages in this series, and I was falling down when I was preaching it. Let us just go on.


The second condition or the second expression of positive power in the pre-incarnate creation -- now, let me make that clearer to you. The first expression of positive power was the Creator, Jehovah. He was pure spirit, and He reproduced Himself in the creation by breathing the breath of His life into the creation. We just talked about it. And that breath of Jehovah is appearing in the creation as a -- we just had it.




PASTOR VITALE: As a mind. And the name of the mind in the pre-incarnate creation?


COMMENT: Christ.


PASTOR VITALE: OK. Would you please modify that for me? Was it Christ Jesus? What kind of Christ was it?




COMMENT: Immature mind of Christ.


PASTOR VITALE: Immature? That is close. Immature -- that is accurate, OK. But we have been calling it the incomplete mind of Christ, so we want to be consistent. But that is correct. Incomplete. The incomplete Christ -- why was He incomplete?


COMMENT: Jehovah did not join with Him.


PASTOR VITALE: Well, no. Jehovah did join with Him. Jehovah joined with the soul to bring forth the incomplete Christ, the Christ that was made of two threads. But the Christ which is undefeatable is -- do you have the answer? How come nobody is -- see, I rebuke you all. How come nobody is using a microphone around here?


COMMENT: I think the answer is because He was not tested yet.


PASTOR VITALE: Well, that is part of it, but it is not really the answer. The answer is that -- what?


COMMENT: He had not been called [INAUDIBLE]


PASTOR VITALE: He had not been called? You are all hitting all around it, so let me tell you. The answer is that He was not complete because His increase did not come yet. We have to have an increase. We have the breath of God, and we have the soul, and they come together. And we do have a formation of a mind: that immature, incomplete mind. But the mind is not complete until an increase comes.


And our natural example is the male sperm, with the female egg, comes together and forms the first cell of the new baby, but you do not have a baby until the increase comes. That zygote, that new cell that was formed from the male and female seed, has to increase into the new baby for you to have the new life.


So we have an incomplete Christ, a pre-incarnate Christ. He is the result of the union between the breath of life and the soul. Just let me put it on the message: Do not knock your brain. Do not try and understand this with your carnal mind now. This coming together of the breath of God with the soul forms a spiritual altar. And when the increase comes, when the mature Christ comes, He is literally born onto that altar. And He becomes the -- I cannot think of the word. He becomes the continuous sacrifice, which is typified by the bush that Moses saw that burnt but was not consumed. What does that mean? When the increase comes, when Christ Jesus grows out of that union, He abides in the Spirit of Christ, which is a consuming fire, but He is not destroyed because He is without sin.


PASTOR VITALE: The corresponding negative power to the incomplete Christ -- does anybody --


COMMENT: The Dragon.


PASTOR VITALE: Amen, the Dragon. Very good. Can anybody review for us the difference between the Serpent and the Dragon? What event causes the Serpent's name to be changed to the Dragon? Anybody?


COMMENT: Rebellion.


PASTOR VITALE: Rebellion, but Minnie Mouse would not know what that means.




PASTOR VITALE: OK. And what did the Serpent do that resulted in her name being changed?


COMMENT: [INAUDIBLE] He fell out of the will of God. He went on his own, and his name was changed to the Dragon.


PASTOR VITALE: Let me just make that a little clearer. He disagreed with the mind of Christ in his thinking. The Serpent in his mind thought the same thoughts as the incomplete Christ mind. At some point, the Serpent manifested an independent thought, which was the exact opposite of the thoughts of the mind of Christ. Why? Because Christ is positive, and the Serpent is negative. And the only hope of the Serpent abiding in the will of God is her total submission to the positive authority of the creation, which is the mind of Christ. As soon as she thought independently, by the very virtue of her negative nature, that thought had to be in direct opposition to the thoughts coming forth from Christ.


At which point, she went into rebellion. Somebody said rebellion. And just for the record, I made a mistake on the last message. I told you that the piercing Serpent was the fugitive. Got it wrong. It is the crooked Serpent. The Scripture that I was talking about in the Book of Job speaks about the crooked Serpent, who is the fugitive Serpent, also known as the Dragon.


Are there any questions on this so far? This is the pre-incarnate condition of the creation, not yet visible, still in the invisible realm, still being formed. Remember, everything God does, He does from seed. He brings forth a seed, and He grows up that seed. A lot of Christians do not have that concept in their mind, so they think the creation was manifested completely mature.


And because of that wrong -- see, you get one wrong thought in your mind, and you just keep going off into left field somewhere. Because they think that God produces everything completely finished, that means that they believe everything in the Bible is already ours: that we are in the image of God and that we have completely arrived and that we are without sin. And if you think you are without sin, you will never confess your sins and repent. And if you do not confess your sins and repent, you are going to die in your sins.


So you have to know that we are not finished, and you have to know that we are not in the image of God, and you have to know that we have to repent and that we have to keep on going. Keep on going. Just submit your life to Christ and keep on going. Just keep on going. Try again. Try again.


PASTOR VITALE: So now we are talking about the first generation of the incarnation. How many generations are there of the incarnation?




PASTOR VITALE: Two. Two generations of incarnation. On the positive side, who knows the name of the first incarnated generation?


COMMENT: The Lord Jesus Christ.






PASTOR VITALE:  That is correct. I am going to put it up on this board twofold. The Lord Jesus Christ is the name of the man in whom that generation appeared. I am not up to that yet. I am going to say the name of the first incarnated generation is the completed Christ. Here we have the incomplete Christ. I am going to say the completed Christ.


Now, it is important that you understand. Not many Christians understand this: that the completed Christ appeared in a man whose name was Jesus of Nazareth. And that very same completed Christ has the ability to, and fully intends to, appear in many, many, many men. That is why it is important that we have a name that is not restricted to one man: completed Christ. And the completed Christ is a mind. The completed Christ is a mind. It is not talking about this flesh. It is not talking about hands. It is not talking about legs. It is a mind that appeared in the first generation of incarnation in a man called Jesus of Nazareth.


PASTOR VITALE: And the corresponding negative incarnation --




COMMENT: The Devil.


PASTOR VITALE: Oh, my. Somebody has been studying around here. The negative incarnation of the first generation is called -- that is not right. That is not right.




PASTOR VITALE: No. That is not right. Now, we have the incomplete Christ and the complete Christ.




PASTOR VITALE: Now, over here -- let me tell you because this is tough. Let me back up. For the pre-incarnation, we have the Serpent and the pre-incarnate Dragon. And down here, we now have the incarnate Dragon. Now, please note that, if the pre-incarnate Dragon has a name, I have not found out what it is yet. It very possibly has a name; I just do not know what it is. But we do know the name of the incarnate Dragon. Let me put it in other words. The Dragon, before he became visible, as far as I know, had no name. His name was Dragon. But when he became visible, God gave him a name.


Now, look. When we are dealing with a pregnant woman, although some people pick children's names before they are born, you do not usually name your fetus. It is just baby, right? When the baby is born, you give it a name. Well, before incarnation, the Dragon was just Dragon. And after he became visible, what was his name?






COMMENT: Living spirit?




COMMENT: Living soul.




COMMENT: Living soul?


PASTOR VITALE: When the Dragon became visible, when he pierced through into the visible world --




PASTOR VITALE: No. We were just talking about it the other night. He is the Dragon in the sea: Job 41. Leviathan.




COMMENT: Leviathan.


PASTOR VITALE: Oh, we are going to get all complicated. Leviathan is the name of the first incarnation of the Dragon.


Now, most of us know that the first generation of the incarnated Christ in the man Jesus of Nazareth -- let me do it this way. Let me not do that now.


PASTOR VITALE: Who knows the name of the second generation of the incarnated Christ?


COMMENT: The Devil.


COMMENT: Would that be the Lord --


COMMENT: Christ.


PASTOR VITALE: Christ? OK. What is the name of --


COMMENT: Christ Jesus.


PASTOR VITALE: Christ Jesus. Someone has been reading my messages. And the name of the second generation of the incarnated Serpent?


COMMENT: The Devil.


PASTOR VITALE: The Devil. Now, that is what we are up to now. We are the second generation of the incarnated Serpent. Jesus said to the Pharisees, Your daddy is the devil. He called them a bunch of vipers, which means serpents. This humanity is in the image of the Serpent. We are all little devils. That is what we are.


And the Lord knows our frame, and He loves us anyway. That is why He has come to save us and to change us into the glorious image of His Son. And the first requirement is that you have to confess that you are not in the image of Christ, but that you are in the image of the Serpent, and that you need help, that you are not perfect, that you need help. Jesus.


Now, this second incarnated generation -- I want to break it down for you. It is speaking about us. And, spiritually speaking, we are a threefold creation. And I am not talking about this body. What are the three parts of our spiritual being? Actually, there are two parts of our spiritual being. But one of those parts has two of its own parts. What are we? What are our two basic parts?


COMMENT: Spirit and soul.


PASTOR VITALE: Spirit and soul. So in the second generation, we will put down soul first. Under the positive side of the creation, we have a living soul. Under the negative part of the creation, we have a --


COMMENT: Carnal mind.


COMMENT: -- dead soul.


PASTOR VITALE: Dead soul. That is right. And the second part of us is --




PASTOR VITALE: A mind. We are a mind. We are spirit and soul. And in man, spirit is in the form of mind. And that mind is in two parts. What are the two parts of the mind?


COMMENT: The mind of -- oh, consciousness.


PASTOR VITALE: Conscious and unconscious mind. So technically, man, fallen or otherwise, is in two parts: spirit and soul. But the spirit is in the form of mind, which is in two parts: conscious and unconscious mind.


So on the positive side of the chart we have Christ Jesus, whose soul is alive. And the name of His unconscious mind -- now, remember, Christ Jesus is a man. He is a complete man, the only mediator between God and man, the man, Christ Jesus. He is not a man like you or me. He is a spiritual man. He is a many-membered man, appearing in many human bodies, but He is a man. And what is the name of His unconscious mind?


COMMENT: The Spirit of Christ.


PASTOR VITALE: The Spirit of Christ. And on the negative side --


COMMENT: Carnal mind?


PASTOR VITALE: No, the unconscious mind of the Devil.




PASTOR VITALE: Satan. And we are just going to get this in on this board. And the name of the conscious mind of the man Christ Jesus --


COMMENT: The mind of Christ.


PASTOR VITALE: The Christ mind.


COMMENT: Which mind was that of?


PASTOR VITALE: The conscious mind of the man Christ Jesus is the mind of Christ. And the conscious mind of the Devil is the --


COMMENT: Carnal mind.


PASTOR VITALE: -- carnal mind. Well, I think that went very well. Do you realize how educated we are here? Do you realize what we have got here? We should never forget what we have got here. It is incredible what God has given us.


So here we are. We are the second incarnated generation of the Devil. And hopefully, if you are in this room, you are also the second incarnated generation of Christ Jesus. We are both. Why is it that we are both? Because those of us who are not both are only the second incarnated generation of the Devil. The way the Lord is saving us is by breathing salvation into us. If you can hear this, He is doing the same thing that He did at the beginning of time. He is breathing the breath of life into us, I suggest to you, by a different process. And that breath of life, in this hour, is not a single thread. But the breath of life that is being breathed into humanity in this hour is the threefold cord, whose name is --


COMMENT: Christ Jesus?




COMMENT: The Lord Jesus Christ.


PASTOR VITALE: The Lord Jesus Christ. He has already overcome the world now: not the world out there, but the world in here, the world in your mind. The breath of life that is being breathed into humanity in this hour is a completed mind -- even more than a completed mind, a whole new man. We have got the whole man, you see. We do not have to start from scratch like Adam did at the beginning of time. The whole new man is breathed into us. Actually, to be more technical, the fully formed seed that is capable of producing a whole tree, the Tree of Life, is being breathed into us in this hour. The way the Scripture describes it is that we are receiving a cutting of the Tree of Life.


Now, at the beginning of life, it was a seed, the seed of the Tree of Life, that was breathed into the creation. And it was growing up as a very shaky, very immature, incomplete tree. And the Dragon got it. But we are not starting out with the same drawback that Adam had at the beginning of time. We are starting out with a cutting of a fully grown, overcoming, functioning Tree of Life, who is fully capable of completing the reproduction of His life force in us. It is being shot into us with a peashooter. And when it roots in our soul, it is going to grow up and swallow up everything that we are. It is going to defeat our carnal mind; it is going to defeat Satan. And it is going to take possession of our land, which is our -- what? What is our land?




PASTOR VITALE: Our soul. This is a war of the two minds or the two men, the strong men. How can you take over a man's house unless you first bind the --


COMMENT: Bind the strong man.


PASTOR VITALE: -- strong man. All you religious deliverance workers out there, you do not even know what the strong man is. God is honoring what you believe, but it is time to move on. I am not mocking you or making fun of you, but do not get stuck with an immature revelation. There is only one strong man; his name is the Devil, and he has got this whole creation, and he will not let Christ Jesus have it.


So Christ Jesus in this hour, or the Spirit of Christ, which is the power source within him, is in the process of binding that Devil so that he can take his whole house. What do you mean, house? His household, brethren, his harem of wives. That is us. Did not know you are part of a harem, did you? Well, you are. And Christ Jesus wants the whole harem. And He is out there binding up the Devil, who is fully determined to shoot His head off before he turns his harem over.


Well, I guess the anointing is falling. People are falling asleep over here. I am still standing; that is a good sign. Any questions on this review here? It went pretty well, I think.


COMMENT: I do not have a question, but I want to comment. I think this is what I have been wanting all along.


PASTOR VITALE: What is that?


COMMENT: This whole format. [INAUDIBLE]


PASTOR VITALE: Oh. Well, praise the Lord.


COMMENT: [INAUDIBLE] review that message over and over again. [INAUDIBLE]


PASTOR VITALE: Xxxx is one of my best customers.




PASTOR VITALE: Praise God. I hope everybody here knows that, if you feel that you have a need for a review or a schedule like this, that what you are supposed to do is pray to the Lord, that you should not come to me directly because I just teach what I am told. I just teach what I am told. And so it is to your disadvantage, and it just causes stress to me if you come to me and make requests like that because all that I will tell you is that I will pray about it. And if I feel any pressure from you, it causes me stress.


So the mature thing now -- if you have done that, it is OK. I am just giving you instruction on protocol. You know what protocol is? You know what parliamentary procedure is? There is a way to get things done. If you are in the army, there is a way to get things done. If you are on the floor of the Senate, there is a way to get things done. It is called parliamentary procedure. You have to follow the rules. You do not go to the general to get a pencil; you go to the sergeant that is in charge of supplies.


Well, I only preach what I am told to preach. And the more people follow the procedure laid out by the Lord, the more smoothly things are going to function here. So apparently, Xxxx did the right thing. She never said a word to me, but God heard her prayer.


And as you all know, I have really been through a lot lately. My whole life has turned upside-down, and the teaching here was a little disrupted. So when I finally started to get back to the teaching last week -- this was my third try -- I tried to teach on Ezekiel 38, put in several hours. Could not preach it. Went to Micah 7, put in a few hours; could not preach it. Was not right. This was my third try, and I think I hit on it. What am I talking about? I am trying to find out what God wants me to preach.


So it is best for everybody concerned. Just make your petitions known to the Lord. Make your petitions known to the Lord. And I want to thank you all for your prayers as I seem to be coming out of this hell that I descended into. I am not out yet, but at least I could see the light of day. So I just thank you all for your prayers, and I thank God for this message and that it is coming forth with the power that it is coming forth.


Are there any other questions on this outline? If not, I am going to sit down. Praise the Lord.




We are now going to pick up on this series and continue with our investigation of how to identify the Serpent in modern man because we do not look like serpents. Unless you know what a Serpent looks like, the average person, when you talk about a Serpent, is looking for a physical snake. It is necessary for us, who are in Christ Jesus and who have hopes of maturing into Christ Jesus, to be able to recognize the spiritual Serpent.


Now, I remember not that long ago, certainly within this past year, when I was preaching on darkness and light. And some very well-meaning, beloved saint said to me, I do not see what the problem is discerning between darkness and light. Well, when it is light out there, it is light, and when it is dark, it is dark.


But the problem is that the Scripture is talking about spiritual darkness and spiritual light, and that is not so easy to discern between. Why? Because, frequently, that which is darkness appears as an angel of light. That which is a wolf appears in sheep's clothing. You cannot look at the exterior. You must look at the hearts of men, or you may be eaten while you are sleeping one night. The wolf may get you, or you may be deceived by someone who you think is an extremely spiritual believer who will cause you to fall.


Well, how do you look? How do you test the spirit? You pray always. You pray always, and you look for the fruit. But you have to be careful to look for the long-range fruit. Just pray always that, if you are in deception, that Jesus save you; that, if you are in trouble, that He save you; that, if you are in sin, that He save you. And do not try to do it in your own power. Make your covenant with the Lord. But we are in training to become a Son of God.


Now, some Christians get very upset with that, and they think that it is the epitome of pride. It is not. Why? Because God said, Ye are gods. Anyone want to finish that Scripture? Ye are gods, but --


COMMENT: But ye shall die as men.


PASTOR VITALE: Ye shall die as men. What does that mean? It means that the God-head is within us. It means we are double-minded. It means we have the life of God in us, but we also have the life of the Serpent in us. It is a question of which one we are living out of. So the Lord is saying we have the potential to be a Son of God, but we are living as devils. If we want to be a Son of God, we must transfer over from Devil to a Son of God.


And that is not easy. The Devil will not let you go. You have to fight a warfare to transfer over from Devil to a Son of God. To go from a Son of God to the Devil is easy, just sit down on the sliding part, and you go right down the chute, no problem at all. But going from Devil to a Son of God, that is uphill all the way. The Devil is trying to kill you every step of the way. The Devil is trying to deceive you every step of the way, telling you that which is good is evil and that which is evil is good, trying to tell you that your friends are your enemies and your enemies are your friends and get everything backwards in your head. Jesus.


And my Bible says, Pray always. I pray always. In the midst of your darkest sin, you pray always. Pray always. Pray always. He is faithful to deliver you. He is faithful to deliver you. Do not get caught up in condemnation; it blocks the move of the spirit. Do not let anybody condemn you. I do not care what you have done. Condemnation blocks the move of the spirit. Anyone who condemns you is not of Christ. How do I know that? My Bible says, There is now no more condemnation in Christ Jesus to those who love Him and who are called according to his purposes. There is now no condemnation to those who love him and who are called according to his purposes. Condemnation will destroy you. You, for whom Christ died, do not receive anybody's condemnation. Do not receive it.


So this series is an attempt, on the Lord's part, to equip His saints to recognize the Serpent in modern man. Now, Serpents bite. Serpents bite, and they inject poison into your vein. There are not many people in the Church today, as far as I know, who can recognize that they have been bitten.


I know that I have been bitten by spiritual serpents all of my life, but I did not know what was happening to me. I did not know what was wrong with me. I did not understand it. All I knew is that I was running in terrible pain, from my earliest memory, and I did not even know I was in pain. I remember the day that I asked the Lord, what in God's name is wrong with me? And I had been in God five, six years already. I know exactly where I was when he told me, Your soul is bleeding. You have been severely wounded, and you are in terrible pain. And I said, I do not believe it. All this time, and all I had to do was ask, and You would have told me? I did not even know what was wrong with me.


And that was the beginning of a radical change in my life: when I realized that your soul could bleed, when I realized that your soul could be bitten, when I realized that there were spiritual weapons that could be shot into you, that could make you so crazy with spiritual pain that you do not even know which way you are running or what you are doing.


And the natural example is a bull in the bull ring that has had all of these darts thrown in his back, preparing him for the matador who is coming to kill him with the one thrust of the sword. Brethren, all of these spiritual darts that have been shot in us, they are the preparation for the way of that one sword thrust. And the man who is coming with that one sword thrust is called the Devil who wants to finish us off.


What does that mean? Wants to kill you off the face of this earth. Is that the worst that the Devil could do? Is that the worst that the Devil can do: take your life from this plane? I used to think so. I used to think so, that the Devil can take your life from this plane. But I found out that is not true. And I do not know if it is going to bless you or not, but it blessed me to find out that. We have a Scripture today which is right out of the Word of God, talking about the differentiation of the creation into either good or evil.


Now, you may recall, I did quite a bit of preaching about that. Let me review that principle for you. There was quite a bit of teaching came down here over this past year, saying that the creation is in the process of maturing. The creation is growing up from seed, and she has now reached puberty. She has reached the age where she is starting to mature into a spiritually sexual direction. What are the two sexes in spiritual sexuality? What are the two spiritual sexes?


COMMENT: Female and male.


PASTOR VITALE: Well, Minnie Mouse does not know what you are talking about. What are the two spiritual sexes?


COMMENT: Are you looking for authority and submission?


PASTOR VITALE: No, no, no. Male is what?




PASTOR VITALE: No. Male is righteousness. And female is --


COMMENT: Unrighteousness.


PASTOR VITALE: -- unrighteousness or evil. Now, all you women's libbers, do not get mad at me. That is God's type. So mature into a spiritual man and be righteous. You are not restricted to your physical sex. There is no male or female in Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus is a mind. Let this mind, which was in Christ Jesus, be in you. Let that righteous mind be in you. It does not matter what your body is.


So the creation is at a point right now where it is differentiating. That means it is becoming spiritually sexual. It is either going strongly in the direction of evil or in the direction of righteousness. And anybody reading this message that thinks I am crazy, I am not crazy. Look up the Scripture that says that: where Jehovah is speaking to Israel, and He says it was time. The creation had matured, and it was time for love. The creation is coming to a point where she is going to get married. Have you not heard that the Church is the Bride of Christ? Come on. Snap out of it, all you Pharisees. Have you not heard the Church is getting married? Have you not heard there is a Bride for Christ?


The creation right now is neutral, just like little children running around, small children. They do not engage in sexual activity. They are not either male or female. Well, certainly, infants are not. Maybe little boys and little girls, you could see little characteristics, but they are certainly not engaging in any such activity. The creation is in the process of differentiating. Every individual is either headed in the male direction or in the female direction. Either that individual is developing in righteousness, or that individual is developing in evil. And the process has already begun.


I have messages and messages and messages on this. And I found a Scripture for it. The Lord gave us a Scripture for it. I am telling you, this is the way He works. First, I get it in my heart; then He gives me the Scripture for it. Why does it have to be that way? Because, if I did not have the revelation in my heart first, when I looked up all the alternate translations in the lexicons, I would never recognize the revelation. I have to have it in my heart so that I could recognize it when I see it in the lexicons.


So let us go on. We are going to do an Alternate Translation on a couple of Scriptures, which hopefully will give us some insight as to how to recognize the Serpent in man.


In this hour, everybody is at least a manifestation of the Serpent. Some of us are double-minded manifestations of the Serpent in the form of the Devil because we are the second incarnated generation. And in our thoughts, when we perceive the Devil's mind in us, when we are a carnally-minded person, when we are thinking with our carnal mind, we are a manifestation of the Devil.


But most of us in this room right now also have Christ Jesus, so we are both good and evil. That means we have not differentiated yet. We have not become all male or all female. So let us do everything we can do to develop into our spiritual manhood in the form of righteousness because, once we fully rise into whatever our spiritual sex will be, that is what we will be.


So it is very necessary to recognize the Serpent in ourselves first, first in ourselves. The Serpent must be recognized in us. Then we recognize the Serpent in close family members. And then, as we overcome her, we begin to recognize the Serpent wherever he is appearing, the Serpent.


We see Strong's #5175 translated the Serpent 27 times. Strong's #8314 is translated the Serpent eight times. Strong's #8577 is translated the Serpent three times. Strong's #2119 is translated the Serpent one time. We are right now in the midst of studying various Scriptures. I have looked up, and I do have a list, of all the Scriptures that are translated Serpent. But we are not going to do an Alternate Translation on all of them, just the ones that appear to me to be significant or interesting, or as the spirit moves upon me.


I will review for you what we did; I think this was in Part One. And I will just read you the Alternate Translation that we worked up. This is Job 26:13. Job 26:13 says, By his spirit, he hath garnished the heavens. His hand hath formed the crooked Serpent. And that Hebrew word, translated crooked, is Strong's #1281. It means fugitive or fleeing. This verse is speaking about the Serpent, who is a fugitive from the Lord since she came out of her place in Eden. Glory to God.


I see I have no Alternate Translation on that. The second verse we did was Psalms 58:4, which says, Their poison is like the poison of a Serpent. They are like the death adder that stoppeth her ear.


And our Alternate Translation of that is as follows: The Dragon, who was in the Serpent's image, shuts up the many-membered Devil's ears. Now, that is humanity. The many-membered Devil is modern humanity. The Dragon, who was in the Serpent's image, shuts up the many-membered Devil's ears to Jehovah's instructions so that he -- who? humanity -- is a like a deaf, poisonous Serpent who blindly obeys his satanic, unconscious mind, which is saying, 'Form a soul tie with the carnal minds which are making you wise by experience instead of instruction.'


The Dragon, who was in the Serpent's image, shuts up the many-membered Devil's ears to Jehovah's instructions so that he is a like a deaf, poisonous Serpent who blindly obeys his satanic, unconscious mind, which is saying, 'Form a soul tie with the carnal minds which are making you wise by experience instead of instruction.'


Psalms 140: This is new. This is not a review. We are starting with a new Scripture, trying to learn how to recognize the Serpent through hidden information given to us in the Scripture. You have to remember that the King James translators have translated these Scriptures to the best of their ability. It sounds wonderful. It talks about the Serpent. But we know that every Scripture has a deep, hidden message. And in this instant, it is how to recognize the Serpent in human qualities.


Psalms 110:1: To the chief musician, a psalm of David: Deliver me, O Lord, from the evil man. Preserve me from the violent man. Let me tell you this. We will be doing verses 1, 2 and 3. The Serpent is mentioned in verse 3. We are also doing verses 1 and 2 of Psalms 140 to get the full understanding of what the Lord is saying.


So let me read you verses 1 to 3 from the King James: To the chief musician, a psalm of David: Deliver me, O Lord, from the evil man. Preserve me from the violent man, which imagine mischiefs in their heart. Continually are they gathered together for war. They have sharpened their tongues like a Serpent. Adders' poison is under their lips.


Now, the average person reading this would say, Oh, I understand that. These men, who are evil, they have sharp tongues like a Serpent, and poison is in their lips. Well, OK. We know that men's words can hurt, and men's words can wound. But let us see what additional information the Lord gives us as we pull these Scriptures apart.


Verse 1: First of all, let us determine who the evil and the violent man is. And what is the difference between an evil and a violent man? If the Scripture uses two different words, that means there is two different messages being given. Now, a lot of people would say, Evil man, violent man: What is the difference? There is a difference. If there was not a difference, the Scripture would use one, not two, words. There is a difference.


Evil is Strong's #7451, and it refers to evil actions. It is not referring, necessarily, to an evil heart but evil actions. Well, you would say, does your heart not have to be evil for you to do evil? Yes. But there are three different words in the Greek, at least -- and in the Hebrew, there may be more -- which are translated evil.


There are different conditions of evil in the heart of man. Satan, for example, is an unredeemable evil. He never was good. He always was evil, and he always will be evil. There is nothing that could change him. He is inherently evil. He is evil.


There is another word that --in the Greek, it is poneros; I do not know what it is in the Hebrew -- that speaks about evil men who once were good, or evil men who have the potential to be good but are doing evil because of a fallen condition of their mind, which may or may not have been their fall. But the fact is that they were good at one time, and they have fallen down and are now doing evil.


But by virtue of the fact that they were good at one time, they are redeemable back up to the condition that they fell from. Does that not make sense? Only he who has come down from heaven can go back up into heaven. If you have never been in heaven, you cannot get back up there. If you were righteous and you have fallen down into unrighteousness, you have the hope of restoration unto righteousness. But no one that is down here in the earth that is unrighteous can get back up into righteousness because only -- who is the only one who is in heaven?




PASTOR VITALE: Well, what is the Scripture? It is in the Book of John. Only the Son of Man, which is in heaven, can get you back up into heaven. So if you were righteous and you fell down, now you are unrighteous; you have the potential to be raised back up. But the only one who can get you back up is the Son of Man, who is already in heaven. The Lord Jesus Christ has come down unto you to breathe the breath of his life into you, that righteousness should be found in you.


PASTOR VITALE: And we are told that, when Jesus ascended -- does anybody know the Scripture? He led captivity --


COMMENT Captive.


PASTOR VITALE: -- captive. When the Lord Jesus Christ ascended back up into heaven, even the Son of Man who came down from heaven to deliver you, when He ascended back up into heaven, He did not go back up by himself. He went back up hanging onto you and hanging onto me and dragging us up by our bootstraps.


So there is a word in the Hebrew, and in the Greek, which means evil. You are an evil man, but you are a category of evil which is redeemable. So it is very important, when we speak about evil and when we speak about sin, that we know who we are talking to and what we are talking about. We are not supposed to be wasting our time trying to redeem someone who is unredeemable. You do not like the way that sounds? You are telling me your Bible said this salvation is for all men? My Bible says, Do not pray for that man. Well, how do you know who to pray for and who not to pray for? How do you know? How do you know, somebody? How do you know?


COMMENT: [INAUDIBLE] Thought, spiritual thought powers in a person.


PASTOR VITALE: When the Lord tells you. When the Lord tells you. I have pleaded with them. I have ministered to them, and I have loved them. I have forgiven them; I have helped them. I have picked them up, and they will not repent. Stop praying for that man. You stop praying because, if you do not stop praying, God is coming after you. Who are you to know the mind of God?


So when we speak about evil, well, we must seek God continuously for everything. You follow His instructions. You do not follow the beat of your own drum. You do good unto all men. You do good unto everyone until God comes to you and says, Do not pray for that man.


I saw it happen. I saw it on a prayer line when I was ministering in that church that I was raised up in. A prayer line the whole length of the church, and this woman walked right up to my pastor who was training me, and he got all red in the face. He got red in the face a lot, did he not? He used to get red in the face. This man, he had very white skin. When he got embarrassed, he got red in the face. He said, I am sorry, Madam, but the Lord told me not to pray for you. The woman was very offended. And then he proceeded to tell her why. The Lord had instructed her, and the Lord had instructed her, and the Lord had instructed her, and she thought she could do her own thing. And that was a miracle night and, the Lord told my pastor, not for her.


So you do good unto all men until a specific instruction comes down from the Lord. And then you do whatever God tells you to do. And that does not mean that the woman is going into hellfire forever. She is just under some kind of judgment that will break her rebellion. Lord willing, prayer will be returned unto her when she repents. When God says, Do not pray for that person, that command is disannulled when you repent. Jesus.


This word, evil, in Psalms 140:1 is referring to evil actions, not necessarily an unredeemable, evil heart. The evil actions of a man who is overtaken with his own evil, who, if he had the power to not do evil, would not do it. Now, that does not mean that it is OK to do evil. Every sin will have its just recompense. You must reap what you have sown. But God deals differently with people who have the potential to be redeemed than He does with people for whom the Lord has made a judgment, are unredeemable.


And a lot of people do not like this, but I find it in my Bible that there are some people that are not going to be redeemed. Is that not in your Bible? Does the Bible not say that? Does the Bible not say that? Some people are not going to be redeemed.


So evil actions, to me, when I get a word in the Scripture that is referring to evil actions, what it is saying to me is that God is not judging this man on their heart. He is just talking about the deeds. He is talking about evil actions, very possibly from a man who is redeemable, but at this time is overcome. You will surely reap what you have sown. Every sin will have its just recompense.


PASTOR VITALE: What is the difference? What is the major difference in how God deals with a man who is potentially redeemable and a man who is not redeemable? Can anybody answer that question?


COMMENT: If a man is redeemable, He chastens him. And if He is not, God considers him a bastard if he is not redeemable.


PASTOR VITALE: Well, that is true. But could someone make that clearer for Minnie Mouse? What does God specifically do to the person who is redeemable? You said He chastens him. What does that mean?


COMMENT: Well, when we say chasten, we mean that God would really reprimand him and just bring him into the right line.


PASTOR VITALE: God would correct him.


COMMENT: Right, correct.


PASTOR VITALE: God would correct him.


COMMENT: But when you are not in God's [?command?], he [?pretends?] to either forget you or --




COMMENT: Destroy.


PASTOR VITALE: Destroys you. Yes, yes. When you are redeemable, God corrects you. First, He talks to you directly in your own heart and in dreams. If you do not hear Him, He sends a man to speak the language of your choice to you, to tell you what you are doing wrong and what your alternative is. Then, if you do not do it, you reap the consequences of your failure to heed the warning. And then, if you still do not do as you are told, if you are truly a Son, you just go through some painful experiences until you decide to start thinking with God's mind. But if you are not a Son, if you are not redeemable, He lets you go into destruction. He turns you over to the forces of the powers and the principalities of this world, which means that your experience will end in death; destruction and death.


So in Psalms 140:1, we are speaking about the evil actions of a probably, potentially redeemable man. But now the violent man is speaking about a false witness. And I would like to suggest to you that, actions versus witness, witness is speaking about the spirit of the man; actions are speaking about behavior. And I remind you that, under the Old Covenant, it was just the behavior that was tried. It was just the behavior that was tried. But under the New Covenant, the spirit of a man is tried. Violent man is speaking about a false witness.


I would like to read to you here our Alternate Translation of Micah 2:11, where the Lord taught us the truth about a false witness. I remind you that the Lord Jesus Christ, He is the true and faithful witness. He is the true witness. The witness to what?


COMMENT: Righteousness?


PASTOR VITALE: Well, you could say that. But let me give you the answer. What is being witnessed to in this world, in this hour, is --




PASTOR VITALE: --the truth. But Minnie Mouse does not know what that means. That is all correct. What is being witnessed to in this hour is the resurrection in the Lord Jesus Christ. That is what is being witnessed to in this hour. And how does any individual witness to the fact that Jesus Christ has been raised from the dead? You, yourself, must be raised from the dead on some level. You must have a life which has been turned around. It does not have to be a physical healing. It can be a spiritual healing. It can be an emotional healing. The resurrection of the dead must be taking place in you.


When I first read the Book of Acts, that the apostles went out and they were witnessing to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, I thought they were preaching it. No, they did not go out preaching the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. The witness, the true witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, were that these apostles were performing signs and wonders like unto those which were performed by the very Lord Jesus. And this was the proof that the Lord Jesus was raised from the dead and expressing himself through these apostles, doing the very same signs and wonders that He did when He walked the earth.


Do not be confused because you are going to churches where people stand up and give testimony. It is the same Greek and Hebrew word, witness and testimony. It is the same word. Listen, brethren. Giving your testimony is excellent. It helps people. It blesses people. It strengthens people. But this is not what the Scripture is talking about when it speaks about witness. Witness is the expression of the resurrected Christ Jesus manifesting through you, not your words, but your life.


Alternate Translation, Micah 2:11: For so long as mortal man is a lying witness about the resurrection of Christ, saying, 'I will prophesy for you that your dead human spirit shall increase into Christ Jesus without confession of sin and repentance,' he, mortal man, shall be the prophet of this rebellious people because the'y have had intercourse with an unclean spirit. The false witness is the man who says, Your dead human spirit shall be raised from the dead and increase into Christ Jesus without confession of sin and repentance.' And it is being preached all through the Church today. Jesus.


It looks like I did not do verse 2. Looks like I goofed over here. Which imagine mischiefs in their heart. Continually are they gathered together for war. I did verse 3. We are talking about the evil and the violent man. We are talking about the man who does evil actions and the man whose Christ is dead.


Verse 3: They have sharpened their tongues like a Serpent. Adders' poison is under their lips. Selah. 


Sharpened. The interlinear says this is the present tense, not the past tense: They sharpen their tongues.


Strong's #8150: to wound or pierce through with sharp sayings. To wound or pierce through with words. This Hebrew word, translated sharpened, means to wound or pierce through with words. Tongues, Strong's #3956, is used especially of the malignant tongue. And the word, Serpent, is the word that we are researching. It is Strong's #5175, and that is the Hebrew word translated Serpent 27 times, and it means enchanter or witch.


Alternate Translation, the first half of Psalms 140: Men who are false prophets do evil deeds. They are like a witch who wounds and pierces with his tongue. What I gave you there was an Alternate Translation of verse 1, and then I went into the first half of verse 3. Listen, I will give it to you again.


Alternate Translation, verse 1: Men who are false prophets do evil deeds. Men who are false prophets do evil deeds. Now, remember, the false prophet or the false witness is the one whose Christ is not raised from the dead. And the man whose Christ is not raised from the dead does evil deeds. Why? Because Christ, who is our righteousness, is dead within him. That means, if Christ has not been raised from the dead in you, you will do evil deeds because your righteousness is not present within you. And without righteousness within you, you cannot do righteous deeds.


They are like a witch who wounds and pierces with his tongue. Now, do you think the Scripture is actually talking about the man's tongue? No. He is speaking about the words, which are spoken with the tongue.


This is an Amplified Translation, first half of Psalms 140. False prophets are like a witch whose wounding words pierce men's hearts. We are speaking about wounding words. False prophets, men whose Christ is dead, are like a witch whose wounding words pierce men's hearts.


So we see a very important principle here, which is denied by thousands and millions of not only Christians but people everywhere: that, if Christ is not raised from the dead in you, there is witchcraft power present in you. I do not care how good you have been all of your life. There is witchcraft power in you because, if the positive charge of your manifestation or your expression of the creation is dead, you are a negative expression of the creation. And the power source which has incarnated you is witchcraft. That means, when you get angry, or if you are rebellious, or if your pride rises up, it is all a manifestation of witchcraft.


So for you to say, That is how everybody reacts, that is what everybody does, what is the big deal? The big deal is that it is witchcraft, and you need to repent of it so that your righteousness can be added unto you. That is what you need to know, and that your words are capable of really hurting people, even words that you whisper in secret. They go forth under spiritual power, and they wound, and they hurt. And you need to know that.


Actually, even thoughts that are unspoken go forth and wound and hurt. It is very important that we do not judge before the time. Do not judge if it is not coming out of Christ Jesus in you. If you feel the thoughts rising up in your mind, it is not enough to push them aside because, if you push them aside, they are still doing hurt. You need to confess that there is judgment in your mind, and that this judgment is not coming out of Christ Jesus. And you need to confess that it is the sin of pride that is making this judgment, and ask the Lord Jesus to destroy this unrighteous judgment. If you just push it aside, you are in denial, and the arrow is going forth to the other person.


Denial gives license to your mind to kill. Denial of sin appearing in you gives the Devil in you a free reign to do whatever he wants. You must turn and kill that Devil and say, You cannot use my mind to hurt. And the way you do that is by confessing that it is sin in your thinking, and that it is sin in your mind, and by asking the Lord to help you.


Continuing with the second half of Psalms 140: Adders' poison is under their lips. Adders' poison is under their lips. Adder, Strong's #5919, it means poisonous snake. This is a different Hebrew word than the one translated adder in Psalms 58:4. It is from a root which means to bend backwards, backwards typifying, I suggest to you, typifying the unconscious mind. I remind you that our motives evolve or our motives take form in the unconscious mind. They begin to take form in the unconscious mind, and then they penetrate and pierce into the conscious mind. But the motives originate in the unconscious mind, which is spirit. Motives do not originate in the soul. They originate in the spirit.


Adders' poison is under their lips. Poison is Strong's #2534, and it means anger or wrath. And I remind you, that the word, wrath, is a very powerful word which includes murder. Wrath is much greater than anger. It includes violence and murder and all forms of hurt.


Under their lips. The word under, Strong's #8478, is speaking about the lower parts, once again, the unconscious mind. And the word, lips, Strong's #8193, means speech, edge, border, and that is the conscious mind.


Alternate Translation, second half of Psalms 140: The Serpent's wrath is underneath, or behind, their speech. You see, you are not just saying words. It is spiritual power that is propelling your words. And if Christ in you is dead, the spiritual power that is propelling your words is the Serpent's power, and that makes it witchcraft. And witchcraft is punishable by death. You cannot just push it aside. You must confess it as sin and repent.


Alternate Translation, Psalms 114: False prophets are like a witch whose wounding words pierce men's hearts because the Serpent's poisonous, spiritual power is motivating their speech.


Amplified Translation, Psalms 114: False prophets are like a witch whose wounding words pierce men's hearts because the Serpent's poisonous spirit is their unconscious mind.


We have three verses here. Proverbs 23:30, 31 and 32, They that tarry long at the wine; they that go to seek mixed wine. Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his color in the cup, when it moveth itself upright. Verse 32: At the last, it biteth like a Serpent and stingeth like an adder. So we see the word serpent is in verse 32.


And I was very surprised to see the Alternate Translation of these verses, very surprised and very blessed. These are the verses that I was telling you about which speak about differentiating between good or evil. So let us go on with this, and I hope that it blesses you as much as it blessed me.


Proverbs 23, verse 30: They that tarry long at the wine; they that go to seek mixed wine. Tarry long is Strong's #309, and it means delay. Tarry long means delay -- those who delay over wine. Now, if you are translating this word wine as wine, it makes no sense at all. Those who delay at wine makes no sense at all. But if we are doing a spiritual translation on this, and we are looking at the word, wine, as the symbol of -- what is the word, wine, a symbol of?


COMMENT: Spirit.


PASTOR VITALE: Spirit. So if you are looking at wine as Spirit, then we can make some sense out of this, saying, If you delay doing something in the Spirit, it makes sense. And as you go forward with me, you will see that the hidden meaning of this Scripture is, if you delay increasing into Christ Jesus.


Now, how could we delay increasing into Christ Jesus? Brethren, everybody does not have a choice in this hour. Everybody is not being invited to increase into Christ Jesus in this hour. But out of those who are being invited, some people have a choice. Some people do not have a choice. Some people are being taken against their will. Some people have a choice. And some of those people, both those who are being taken against their will and those who do have a choice, some are cooperating, and others are not cooperating.


So you see, there are some people who are in a position to delay increasing into Christ Jesus. And we are finding in these Scriptures a warning. If you are one of these people who have the opportunity to spiritually increase into Christ Jesus -- that means to have your human spirit raised from the dead and to go on to spiritual things -- if you are one of these people, and you delay, there is going to be consequence. We are going to read about that. We are going to study about that today and see what the Scripture says about it.


There are consequences to everything that we do. God is not killing you with -- I have never seen him kill anybody that has walked away from Him. Some people He lets go; other people He does not let go. And the consequences vary.


Those that tarry long at the wine. Those who delay at the wine. And the wine is Strong's #3196, and it means wine from bubbling up and fermenting. So as I suggest to you, those who delay increasing into Christ Jesus, this is what is going to happen to you.


They that go to seek mixed wine. The Hebrew word, translated go, is Strong's #935. It means to enter in. And the Hebrew word, translated to seek, is Strong's #2713. It means to search, to investigate, to explore, to search out. And Gesenius says that the primary idea of this Hebrew word is searching in the earth by digging -- not just to search but to search in the earth by digging. So we see that those people who have the opportunity to increase into Christ Jesus and delay are going to find themselves searching in the earth. And what does the earth typify?




PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the soul, your carnal mind. So you see, God is not killing you. But if you have the opportunity to be spiritual, and you choose to not take it, you are going to be carnal. Now, is that not simple? So if you do not mind being carnal, and you do not mind the consequences of being carnal, and you are one of the people who God is giving a choice, if you do not choose spirituality, you will be carnal. If that is OK with you, and if it is OK with God, then be carnal.


I do not know about you, but when I am carnal, I am in pain. I was just talking to Xxxx about this last night. I am much more carnal these days than I was a few months ago. It is very painful being carnal after having spent several years of my life in a high spiritual place. For whatever reason, the Lord has allowed me to come down to this carnal level, and there is nothing but pain down here. Any pleasure you have is just for a moment and is immediately swallowed up by pain.


Your only hope for continuous peace and contentment is in the high realms of the Spirit. Down here is upheaval and turmoil and torment and continuous ups and downs. I would choose the high realms of the Spirit. I have to get back up there, and the only way I am going to get back up there is if the Lord has mercy on me. I cannot remember the last time I have been this carnal. It is not good.


But if you choose it -- if you prefer to be carnal, and God agrees, then the consequences of your rejecting spirituality is that you will be carnal. It is so simple, you see? It is just the Devil in our mind that wants us to think God is going to break our bones or burn us in hell forever. He very rarely does anything like that. I cannot tell you He never does it. I cannot tell you that because I do know a couple of cases where He did allow that to happen.


One woman that comes to mind, and she is still not coming -- this was years ago -- she has a high call on her life. She would not come. She would not come. She would not come. She told me -- and this her personal, spoken testimony to me -- that the Lord told her she had idolatry for her husband. She would not spend the time with the Lord. You see, there is nothing wrong with ministering to your husband unless God calls you to do something, and you choose your husband over God. Or if you choose your wife over God, it becomes idolatry. And she broke her ankle in three places. When she was laid up in the hospital, she told me that the Lord clearly told her it was the only way He could get her attention.


So God does it sometimes, but I think it is very rare. I do not think it is a common thing that the Lord does. Usually, the consequence of your failing to follow Him in spiritual things is that you lose the spiritual thing. That is usually the consequence. I have seen it happen time and time again. You lose the spiritual experience. You lose the spiritual life. God is not about to be killing you because you have gotten a little carnal.


So we see that, if you delay in increasing into Christ Jesus, you are going to find yourself searching for information with your carnal mind. And the King James is, they that go to seek mixed wine. This Hebrew word meaning mixed wine is Strong's #4469, and it means wine mixed with spices.


Alternate Translation, Proverbs 23:30: Those who delay in increasing into Christ Jesus enter into the earth of their carnal minds, where they search out the knowledge of the Serpent. And let me remind you, there is the knowledge which is in Christ Jesus, and there is the knowledge which is in the Serpent.


So, if you are a person who is pursuing knowledge, and you are delaying in increasing into Christ Jesus, that means you are not doing what you are supposed to be doing. To increase into Christ Jesus, you are going to find yourself seeking knowledge, the knowledge of the Serpent. Now, basically, what is the difference between the knowledge of the Serpent and the knowledge of Christ Jesus? Can anybody answer that question?


COMMENT: [?Difference?]?


PASTOR VITALE: What is the difference?


COMMENT: One is truth, and one is deception.


COMMENT: Witchcraft?


PASTOR VITALE: No, what you are -- with regard to your experience.


COMMENT: One will bring life; one will bring death.


PASTOR VITALE No. One is experienced in the emotions, and the other is experienced in the mind. The knowledge of Christ Jesus is experienced in the mind, and there is no pain involved. The knowledge of the Serpent is experienced in the emotions and that knowledge or that acquiring of knowledge can be very painful.


In other words, if God says to you, Listen, son, you should do everything that you could do to increase into Christ Jesus at this time, because, if you do not do everything that you could do to increase into Christ Jesus at this time, there are some heavy trials coming your way that you can avoid, possibly, by being in church or whatever God is telling you to do. So God is giving you knowledge. He says to you, If you go out, and you do something that I tell you not to do, I am telling you, there is going to be a negative consequence to your behavior. So God has given you knowledge in your mind.


Let me give you a more specific example. Somebody gets a word of knowledge that says, If you go out drinking tonight, you are going to have a car accident. You can stay home and avoid the car accident, and you have obtained knowledge without any pain. But if you choose to disobey God, you can go out drinking and have your car accident and find out all of the pain and what is involved in having a car accident. The difference is experiencing the car accident in your body and in your emotions or experiencing it by having a knowledge of it but not partaking of it.


And this is the whole issue of humanity in this hour. Back in the Garden, God said to Adam, I want to give you all knowledge, and I want to teach you everything that you need to know by an experience of mind which will be unpainful.


It is like a father telling his daughter, Look, remain a virgin until you get married because there are consequences of losing your virginity before marriage that could be very painful. A girl can believe her father and have an easier life experience. Or she can disobey him and experience everything that her father was warning her about.


Well, what happened to the creation at the beginning of time was God told the creation, Do not fool around with the Serpent because, if you fool around with the Serpent, you are going to gain all of the knowledge that I desire to teach you as in your mind. You are going to gain that knowledge not in a classroom but by experiencing the evil of the Serpent. And Adam apparently disobeyed God.


You see, the creation has to mature one way or another. The creation is going to mature. We are going to obtain all knowledge either through instruction from the Lord or through experience with the Serpent. The Lord says, Thou shalt not touch the unclean thing. And you touch the unclean thing. You are going to learn to not touch it either through obedience to the Lord or because, when you touch it, you get burnt. But one way or another, you are going to learn to not touch the unclean thing.


So what this Scripture is saying is that those who delay in increasing into Christ Jesus are going to find themselves acquiring the knowledge of the Serpent. Brethren, that is talking about painful experience. Acquiring knowledge through God should not be painful. And I hear somebody saying, Oh, my God, what is she talking about? All these trials and tribulations that we are going through, which are so painful -- what is she talking about?


Brethren, the reason we are all having all this pain acquiring this knowledge is that we are fallen. We are fallen. So we are acquiring this knowledge by digging in the earth through the Serpent. It did not have to be this way, but our original ancestor disobeyed God. And all of us have the same choice every day of our life on a small level.


God says, Do it My way, and it will be much less painless. Do it your own rebellious way; you are still going to do what I want you to do. It is going be more painful. At the end of the whole thing, you are going to be exactly where I told you you were going to be. You are going to be exactly what I have called you to be. You are going to do exactly what I have called you to do. And you can go the easy way, or you can go the hard way.


That is, if you are truly called. If you are not truly called, He just may let you walk away. I know a lot of people that he has let walk away. I know a lot of people. I know more people that He has let walk away than people He has not let walk away.


There was a time in my life that I was completely frustrated as I did not see the reality of the Scripture. I was the only person that I knew that He did not let walk away. My life was horrendous. I was in terrible pain. I looked around me; nobody else in the Church was in this kind of pain, and I thought I was some kind of a freak.


But since me, I see Him bringing one here and one there -- more and more people in, that are having very similar experiences to me. And when I question Him about it, His answer to me was that people do not have this kind of intense experience, which usually is very painful, until Christ is being formed in them. And at least, when I began to go through it, there were so few people with Christ being formed in them that it looked like I was the freak. But we are going to be seeing more and more people going through more and more painful experiences as Christ Jesus begins to be formed in the multitudes.


And the Scripture says, Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of Armageddon. And that word means decision. This battle of Armageddon, we do not even know what it is. It is a valley of decision. Valley means a low place. That is where the soul is. It is the valley of decision.


Which way are you going: into the depth of carnality or into the life of Christ Jesus? Which way are you going: into evil or into righteousness? Which way are you going? There are very few people who have begun to move into spiritual maturity. We have a lot of people in negative spiritual maturity. There are witch doctors, workers of witchcraft all over the world in very high levels of witchcraft.


As far as I know, Jesus is the only one that has entered into a full manifestation of righteousness. And in this hour, I really do not know hardly anybody that is moving into maturity in Christ Jesus with any great power. Just a few people have got their toe in the water. It is a very horrendous process. It is very painful. It is very difficult. But the end of it is power with God and everlasting life.


And we saw a movie here called The Neverending Story. I think that was the name of it, The Neverending Story, and it was a new age movie. And it is amazing because it really told the tale of what we are going through and how hard it was for this young man to go through. And to go through, one of the things he had to do was look at his own soul. And in this new age movie, they tell you almost nobody gets past that. People cannot look at their own soul. They cannot look at their sins. They cannot see what they are made of. They cannot face it, and they fail to enter in.


But we know that, in Christ Jesus, all things are possible. All things are possible in Christ in that He fully intends to appear in this world system. And He is raising up a people that He intends to appear in, and that group of people will look at their own soul. They will look at their sin. They will confess it, and they will overcome. And when they overcome their soul and enter into unending life, that company of people are going back to the rest of the Church and, eventually, the rest of the world, to judge the sins of the world and bring them through this horrendous experience.


The Scripture says, Their face was black with pain. The Scripture says that he saw a man with his hands on his loins as a woman giving birth. That is the kind of pain we are going to be going through to give birth to the man child within our own heart. But in that man child is an endless life. It is the power of an endless life which is rooted in righteousness. And when the power of God starts reaching for you, if you are one of those that do not have a choice, there is no place that you could run. And I know that we found this Scripture at least twice in the book of Revelation: that the passion of God is beginning to reach for his people. And there is no place to hide. Praise the Lord.


We will look at our sins, and we will experience the pain associated with looking at our sins. In the Book of Amos, it says, if we run to hell to hide from the Lord exposing our sins, He will send the Serpent to bite us. If we run into heaven to hide behind Christ Jesus, what does that mean? If you are a Pharisee, saying, Look at how righteous I am; I do not have any sins, He will get us there, our sins will be exposed. The mark of the Serpent will be erased from our soul and from our mind. And we shall appear in the righteousness of Christ Jesus by hook or by crook. And everybody has their personal walk with the Lord, who never ceases to amaze me at what He is doing. He never, ever ceases to amaze me.


Alternate Translation, Proverbs 23:30: Those who delay in increasing into Christ Jesus enter into the earth of their carnal minds, where they search out the knowledge of the Serpent, knowledge by painful experience.


Verse 31: Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his color in the cup, when it moveth itself aright. I do not know about you, but I have absolutely no idea what that means. So let us try and figure it out. Look not thou upon the wine when it is red. Gesenius says an alternate translation of that word, look, which is Strong's #7200, means to choose or procure for oneself. And Webster says an alternate definition of the word, procure, is to acquire, gain or purchase. So we see the word, translated look, can mean purchase.


Look not thou -- the word, not, once again, I have told you this many times. As the verse reveals it, many times we find -- this is a mystery in the Scripture -- many times that there is a simple negative like that, that the hidden meaning is negative, Devil or Dragon, as it fits in. God considers the Devil a nothing and, in a hidden way, uses that word, not, frequently to mean the Devil or the Dragon. And we are translating this word, not, that way. In this verse, we are going to translate it Serpent. So we are not going to say, look not; we are going to say, acquire the Serpent. Two perfectly legitimate translations.


Look not thou upon the wine. And this word, wine, is the same as above. It means fermented, talking about the increase. It is red. That word, red, is Strong's #119. It means to be red or ruddy. It is the word from which Adam is taken, and it is speaking about color of the red earth. Several of us here were in Africa, and the earth is red. It is the most beautiful earth I have ever seen, the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Red-colored earth. This is the word that means red-colored earth.


So this is what we have got. You do not have to believe it if you do not want to. But every translation I am using is a legitimate Alternate Translation of this Hebrew word, translated, Look not thou upon the wine when it is red. I have made different choices right out of the book, right out of the lexicon. And I say that the first half of Proverbs 23:31 should say, The Serpent acquires the increase of the earth. The Serpent acquires the increase of the earth.


What does that mean? What is the increase of the earth? It is the incarnated creation, remember? The pre-incarnate condition is Jehovah in the Serpent. The incarnate condition is either -- humanity is either Christ Jesus in a many-membered human race or the Devil in a many-membered human race.


So for the Serpent to acquire the increase, it means that humanity is not a manifestation of Christ Jesus, but humanity is a manifestation of the Devil. And again, I remind you that Jehovah sold this creation under sin. We were sold to the Devil by the Lord Himself. And I have all kinds of messages on that with all kinds of Scriptures. We were sold to -- I do not know. I guess, to the Dragon, we were sold. And I do not know; I get these names mixed up myself. We were sold to the Dragon, and we were bound by chains of darkness in our mind to this fallen world until what? How come nobody never knows the answer to this question?




PASTOR VITALE: No, I rebuke all of you carnal minds.


COMMENT: What was it, Pastor Sheila?


PASTOR VITALE: We were sold unto the Dragon and bound by chains of darkness in our mind until --




PASTOR VITALE: OK. Until the judgment, which judgment results in --


COMMENT: The forgiveness [INAUDIBLE]


PASTOR VITALE: -- the forgiveness of sins, which is the resurrection from the dead. Right. When your sins are judged, you shall be forgiven and raised from the dead. There is no forgiveness or resurrection without judgment. You have got to be corrected. God is not raising you from the dead so that you can go out and do the same junk again.


COMMENT: When you say resurrection from the dead, you mean the mind, right? Your mind, the person's mind?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes. First, our mind is resurrected from the dead, and then the whole body is raised from the dead. But it starts in the mind. When your mind is -- what?


COMMENT: Even before we are dead, right?


COMMENT: Before our body dies?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes. We are constantly [UNINTELLIGIBLE] the process that we are going through.


Right now, everybody in this kind of a teaching is in the process of having their mind raised from the dead. At the moment that our mind is raised from the dead, that resurrected Christ will preserve our soul and our body, and we will stop dying. And that is what happened to Jesus of Nazareth. His mind was raised from the dead. Then, when evil men tried to kill it, or did in fact kill His body, the Father raised the whole man from the dead because His mind was already raised from the dead. So the Father raised His body from the dead also.


The Serpent acquires the increase of the earth. That means the Serpent brings forth the Devil as the personality of man. And we have an Amplified Translation of that. The Serpent incarnates as the Devil. We are going to find out the circumstances under which the Serpent incarnates as the Devil in you.


Now, let me tell you something. If Christ Jesus is being formed in you, the Serpent is incarnating as the Devil continuously. Every time Christ manifests in your mind, that is a temporary resurrection of the dead. And then if the Devil raises up and manifests in your mind, that is the battle going on back and forth. The Serpent is manifesting or incarnating as the Devil in your mind, and that is what the temptation was all about. Both the Serpent, in the form of Satan, and Jehovah, in the form of Christ Jesus, were fighting for who would be the incarnation of this creation. Which mind would possess this creation? Christ Jesus or the Devil?




PASTOR VITALE: Right now, the Devil has us.




But on the Mount of Transfiguration in the man Jesus of Nazareth, Christ Jesus won the battle, and Satan departed from Him for a season. Why for a season? Because Jesus of Nazareth would give up or sacrifice that life as the man Jesus of Nazareth, and He is now entering into everybody's mind. He is in your mind, and He is in my mind. And He is doing the same thing for us that He did in the man Jesus of Nazareth.


What is that? He is having a confrontation with Satan all over again. Jesus of Nazareth, who has already overcome the world, is in our mind in spirit form, reproducing Himself in our mind, confronting Satan in another expression of the temptation, the exact confrontation that He had with Satan 2,000 years ago. He is doing it in your mind. He is doing it in my mind; He is doing it in your mind, and it is going on right now. But it is not a five-minute encounter. It is going on for days and weeks and months and, in some cases, for years.


And as Jesus of Nazareth defeated him 2,000 years ago, He will defeat him again. And Christ Jesus will appear in this earth again in my flesh and in your flesh and in our flesh as He overcomes all of the power of the enemy.


This is what is happening in this hour. It is the greatest hour that humanity has ever seen. It is the hour that God is taking us back from our slave owners. Some of us are cooperating; some of us are not cooperating. But He is going to take you anyway, whether you cooperate or not, because He loves you with a love that you cannot even comprehend.


The second half of Proverbs 23:31: When it giveth his color in the cup, when it moveth itself aright. When it giveth his color in the cup -- the Hebrew word, translated give, is Strong's #5414, and this word can also mean to cause to receive. The words, his color -- the Interlinear says its eye. The King James says his color. The Interlinear says its eye. It is Strong's #5860. Nobody can figure this verse out.


Everybody has got a different translation, and I want to tell you that the translation that I have chosen is soul. All legitimate translations. Listen. The Serpent incarnates as the Devil when he causes the soul to receive the Dragon's seed. You hear this? The Serpent incarnates as the Devil. How does he incarnate as the Devil? He causes his mind to be born into the soul.


How is the mind of the Serpent born into the soul? The Dragon gives his male seed to the soul, and the soul gives birth to a mind. And the creation becomes the Devil when the male seed is the Dragon's. When the male seed is Jehovah's or the Lord Jesus Christ's, the mind which is born into the creation is Christ Jesus, and the whole creation becomes Christ Jesus or righteous.


So the Scripture is telling us the Serpent is going to incarnate in your soul when your soul receives the Dragon's seed. And the Dragon's seed is coming through your mind. It is what you think. Do you accept it, or do you reject it? What you think, what your friend thinks, what your wife thinks, what your mother thinks, what your father thinks, ideas, ideas, ideas; ideas are spirit. Words are spirit. When you receive the seed of the Serpent, the Devil is appearing in your mind with regard to that issue. When you receive the seed of the Lord Jesus Christ, when you receive the seed of Christ Jesus, Christ Jesus is appearing in your mind.


You have to be careful who you take your counsel from. Some of the nicest people, some of the most well-meaning people -- do not take their counsel with regard to spiritual things. With regard to carnal things, take their counsel. They may be very qualified to counsel you. When it comes to spiritual things, if you take the counsel of anyone who is counselling out of their carnal mind, you should know without a question of the doubt that you are receiving the Serpent's seed, and the answer in your mind will be the product of the Devil.


Do not take spiritual counsel from someone that does not have Christ Jesus. Take counsel about your car. Take counsel about any carnal thing in this world but not spiritual matters. Why? Because the answer that you get must be of the Devil. An orange tree cannot produce apples. Counsel from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, you will not find the fruit which is the wisdom of Christ appearing in your mind. If you take counsel from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, the only fruit that can be appearing in your mind is the inedible figs that we are told about by the prophet, unprofitable fruit that will kill your spiritual life.


When it giveth his color in the cup. In the cup, Strong's #3563, is speaking about a cup of intoxicating wine. That is speaking about the Dragon, brethren, intoxicating wine. We are told that Noah planted a vineyard, and he became drunk. And all the carnal Christians think he actually planted a grape vineyard and got physically drunk. No, brethren. Satan planted a vineyard in Noah's mind, and he got drunk on the intoxicating spirit which seduced him away from the righteousness of Christ Jesus. The vineyard was in Noah's mind. His mind was corrupted because of his own pride.


When it gives his color in the cup; when it moveth itself aright. I have no idea. I speak English, but I have no idea what that means. Speaking about wine, when it giveth his color in the cup; when it moveth itself aright. What in the world does that mean? The Hebrew word, translated moveth -- the Interlinear says it means to go down. It is Strong's #1980, and another legitimate translation in the Gesenius lexicon is to have intercourse with. And we know that we are talking about intercourse of the mind. Either you receive the seed of the Dragon, or you receive the seed of the Lord Jesus Christ.


This word, aright -- it moveth itself aright. The Interlinear says smoothly. It is Strong's #4334, and it means uprightness, justice. And I suggest to you it is speaking about the Spirit of Christ. I have an Alternate Translation here for the second half of Proverbs 23:31 that sounds nothing whatsoever like the King James. But as I told you, the King James makes no sense at all. When it giveth his color in the cup; when it moveth itself aright. Talking about wine, you have got me. This is what I say it means.


Alternate Translation, the second half of Proverbs 23:31: When he causes -- who? When the Serpent causes the soul to receive the Dragon's seed, instead of the soul having intercourse with the Spirit of Christ, the Serpent will incarnate as the Devil.


Listen to the whole thing. The Serpent incarnates as the Devil when he causes the soul, your soul, to receive the Dragon's thought instead of you receiving the thought which comes from the Spirit of Christ. You will have an incarnation of the Devil in your mind. The Serpent incarnates as the Devil when he causes the soul to receive the Dragon seed instead of having intercourse with the Spirit of Christ.


Now, I will admit to you that I have taken translator's license and added in the words, instead of. I am sure, if I had the time, and I looked up every little prefix in that verse, I would find something that could be translated instead of. I just did not have the time to do it last night. So I have taken translator's license.


Those of you that have been studying with me for a while know that the King James translators have taken much, much more license than that. They add words in. They leave words out. They switch words around. When you are a translator, your job is to make some sense out of these words. And I think that I have made a lot more sense in this phrase than the King James translators.


Let me give it to you again. That is Proverbs 23:31: The Serpent incarnates as the Devil when he causes the soul to receive the Dragon's seed instead of having intercourse with the Spirit of Christ.


Let me put those two verses together for you. You will see what we are getting here.


Verses 30 and 31, Proverbs 23: The Dragon incarnates as the Devil when he causes the soul to receive the Dragon's seed instead of having intercourse with the Spirit of Christ. So those who delay in increasing into Christ Jesus enter into the earth of their carnal minds, where they search out the knowledge of the Serpent by experience. And you may notice I put verse 31 ahead of verse 30. OK. Let us finish this out. We are almost done.


Verse 32: At the last, it biteth like a Serpent. What? Wine. At the last, the wine biteth like a Serpent and stingeth like an adder. At the last, it is speaking about the ultimate state. What does that mean? The Serpent starts as the Serpent, becomes the Dragon, becomes the Devil. What is the ultimate state of the Serpent? Jehovah became the Lord Jesus Christ, became Christ Jesus. What is the ultimate state of the Serpent? I want to suggest to you that, as we go through this verse, you are going to see what I have been preaching here: that if the Serpent has his way, the ultimate state of the Serpent will be that he will appear in a many-membered humanity of totally and completely evil and wicked men.


If Jehovah has His way, the end of this process will be that this whole human race will be an expression of the righteousness of almighty God. And this is what is going on in each individual mind right now and in the whole creation. Will you be an expression of the righteousness of God, or will you be an expression of the evil of the Serpent? Everyone on their individual basis will be making that decision and the creation as a whole.


If you have been following The Highlander with me, you know there can be only one. This double-minded creation of good and evil, or of righteousness and evil, cannot continue. The creation must either become all righteousness or all evil. There can be only one. The creation cannot continue to be double-minded indefinitely. This is what we are in the midst of. I do not know any church that is preaching it, but that is the message. You are going to be good, or you are going to be evil.


And I will tell you right now, if you are going to do nothing, you are going to be evil. If you do nothing, you default to evil. If you want to be the righteousness of God, you have got a war on your hands because the Devil has already got you, and he is not about to let you go without World War III.


At the last, it biteth like a Serpent. The ultimate state of the Serpent, it biteth. The word, biteth, is Strong's #5391. It means to take usury. Does anyone know what usury is? Anyone here that is not sleeping that might know what usury is? Does anybody know what usury is? We have a Bible scholar here.


COMMENT: Usury is usually charging extra money and taking advantage of the people so that you can have a profit on them.




COMMENT: [UNINTELLIGIBLE] money, and [?then men fall?].


PASTOR VITALE: That is correct. Let me make it clearer. Usury is an illegal rate of interest. It is an illegal rate of interest. That is what loan sharks do; they will charge you 50 percent interest. The interest rate is controlled by the government. You cannot charge people 50 percent interest. It is illegal to do that. And it is also against God's law to charge any interest at all on a loan that you give to a brother, even one percent. You are supposed to be helping people out. You are not supposed to be making money on their misery.


But for our purposes here, usury is an increase. And once again, we are speaking either about the spiritual increase into Christ Jesus or the spiritual increase into the Devil. Everybody is increasing in this hour, either into righteousness or into evil. Which way are you going? If you are not fighting the war, you are headed for the evil side. And if you think I do not know what I am talking about, you are very sadly mistaken, because I know what I am talking about.


At the last, wine biteth like a Serpent. At the last, wine -- the Spirit -- increases like a Serpent. The Serpent is a witch and stingeth like an adder. The word, translated sting, is Strong's #6567, and that is the word that means to separate or distinguish. And it says, right in Gesenius lexicon, oh, I am sorry. I think I looked it up in the thesaurus, where they give you other words for separate or distinguish. It means differentiate. These words mean differentiate. And God gave me that word by revelation.


So what do we have here? The final end of the Serpent is that he increases and separates or differentiates like an adder into a Serpent. And the word, adder, is Strong's #6848. It means viper's brood, brood meaning a family, meaning a many-membered man in the image of the Serpent. This verse is saying the ultimate end of the Serpent is a many-membered creation in the image of the Serpent. That which started out as a spiritual entity in the pre-incarnate Garden, if she has her way, will end up as a many-membered, incarnated evil human race, purely evil.


The closest example I can think of is Hitler's cronies, and even they were not 100 percent. Can you imagine? I cannot even imagine what it would be like being subject to men that were given over to pure evil -- hell, brethren, eternal torment.


Alternate Translation, Proverbs 23:32: And the ultimate state of the Devil is the separation of the witch. Who is the witch?






And the ultimate state of the Devil is the separation of the witch into a many-membered evil man. The Serpent, the Dragon, the Devil and a many-membered, 100 percent evil creation. Let us take those three verses together, and that is it. We will break for dinner.


Proverbs 23 -- I think I had verse 31, verse 30 and then verse 32: The Dragon incarnates as the Devil when he causes the soul to receive the Dragon's seed instead of having intercourse with the Spirit of Christ. So those who delay in increasing into Christ Jesus enter into the earth of their carnal minds, where they search out the knowledge of the Serpent. And the ultimate state of the Devil is the separation of the witch into a many-membered, evil man.


PASTOR VITALE: Are there any comments or questions? Any comments or questions? OK. We will just put that on pause and give people a chance.


COMMENT: So in essence, what you are saying is that the Serpent is the witch, and it is the witchcraft in the mind?


PASTOR VITALE: The Serpent is the witch. That is correct. The Serpent was the witch in the Garden all the way back in Eden. She was the witch that whispered into Adam's mind that resulted, eventually, in the fall of the creation. And we are saying that she is going through a series of changes. The Serpent is changing to the pre-incarnate Dragon and then to the post-incarnate Dragon, whose name is Leviathan. Then the next stage of her development is the Devil as we appear today, both good and evil.


But the ultimate state of the Serpent -- you see, she keeps changing form. The ultimate state of the Serpent is a many-membered humanity, which is not good and evil like we are, but which is a creation of a humanity of purely evil people with no redeeming grace or mercy in them whatsoever, people like Charles Manson or worse.


The whole creation is going to be like that if the Serpent has her way. But I read the Book, and I do not believe the Serpent is going to have her way. I believe Christ Jesus is going to win this war and that this many-membered humanity will be at its ultimate state, a manifestation of the highest form of righteousness that man is capable of.


COMMENT: Even with Manson, that was witchcraft in the mind?






PASTOR VITALE: It is in mind. But anything in the mind is eventually expressed physically.


Transcribed by VerbalFusion, 6/7/19

1st Edit, 6/11/19, rh

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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