Part 2 of 19 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
When we finished Part 1, I had expected to go on with the list of Scriptures that I had, which were giving us information about the Serpent and the Devil. But the Lord surprised me, and he is going to show us today the formation of the Devil, how the Devil came into being in Genesis 2.
The Lord is going to show us the formation of the Serpent and the Devil. Now, those of you who have read Genesis 2 - 1, 2 and 3, but do not see any information in it as to where the Devil came from -- we do see the Serpent in Genesis 3, but we have no information as to where he came from. He just appeared. I have wondered about that for years. And when the Lord gave us a deep study in Daniel 8, it was very exciting for me. And you may hear me announcing on those messages, wow, I always wondered about the details of what happened in Eden and where the Devil came from. And I was aware that Genesis 3 is a parable. I knew that there had to be more information; I just did not know where it was. And here we found it in Daniel 8.
Well, now the Lord is showing to me that it is right there in Genesis 2, if you just have the mind to perceive it with, because I have already done an Alternate Translation on Genesis 2, and I did not see it there. This is one more example of how the Scripture has no bottom to it or, let me say, no cap on the height to it. That is why you can read this Bible over and over and over again, and what you get out of these words, which are written by Spirit, is completely dependent on where your mind is.
When your mind is carnal, you read it as it appears in the King James. It is wonderful for Sunday school, for young children and for physical adults who are not into the spiritual word. But as Christ is formed in you, all knowledge is in this Bible, and you just have to go underneath the surface of the words. And there is not any truth that God will not tell you, as you are mature enough to hear it, that he cannot tell you through this Bible as a point of contact.
Jesus said, I have much to tell you, but you cannot bear it. What does that mean? It means what we have been witnessing here for all these years. Sometimes I preach things, and people get up and run out of here. Or I have had someone stand up, right in the middle of my preaching, and accuse me of some ungodly spirit.
You never heard of that? It is in the Bible. Jesus was preaching, and someone stood right up in the middle of the congregation and said something ungodly, and he had to cast the Devil out of him right then and there. Brethren, I tell you, the manifestations that we see in the deliverance Churches -- that is not the way it happened in the Bible. What is happening today -- how exciting. That is how it happened in the Bible: people jumping up and running out, people attacking the preacher. That is how it happened in the Bible. So you want the power? You have to bear the persecution. Hallelujah.
So right now, we are halfway through. We are seeing a lot of manifestations. But I do not believe, at this time, I have the power to say, I recognize this is a manifestation; come out in the name of Jesus. So we are in transition. But I believe the day will come that we will see manifestations in the service, and the power will be present in this ministry for me to say, out, in the name of Jesus, the man that you are manifesting through; sit down and enjoy the rest of the service.
It is coming. It has to come because Jesus does not do a halfway job. He does not do a halfway job. He does not bring you to a place where you are going to have these kinds of manifestation and then not give you the power to give the person relief. But we are in transition right now. It is coming, brethren. Hang on. Glue yourself down to the seat. It is coming, if you just do not run. Do not run, brethren. Stay at your post. Do not run.
So that is what we are doing today. We are going to go over some Scriptures in Genesis 2. And I believe that the Lord has shown me, and I hope that he witnesses to you that it is true, that we see the Scripture telling us about the formation of the -- where the Serpent was formed. We are told, in Genesis 3, all of a sudden, they are talking about a Serpent who was the most subtle beast. Well, I do not know. I read Genesis 1-2; I could not find anything about a Serpent. But I found him in there now. And we found the Devil in there now. And we found the carnal mind in there now, in Genesis 2.
This series is essentially important, brethren, because there is a serious perversion in the Church today that is corrupting the entire Kingdom Church. It is going through the entire Kingdom Church like a leprosy. And this doctrine is saying that God deliberately planned for man to fall because that was the only way man would learn how to overcome sin. And a lot of the messages, including this one that we are bringing forth here, directly contradicts that teaching. Brethren, God did not cause you to sin. God is not the source of your infirmity. God is not the source of your pain. What is the source of your fall, your infirmity and your pain? What did you do that this is happening to you? Sin, sin, sin, sin, sin.
We are sinners. Sin, sin. You did it. I did it. We did it, and we died. Sin -- it has become a dirty word in the Kingdom Church. I challenge you to go to choose 10 Kingdom ministries and pick up their recent newsletter and show me the word, sin, in one of them. It is not there. They are telling you there is no sin, that all of the pain and torment you are going through is God's blessing to you so that you could learn about evil. It is a lie. God did not do this to you. God had a plan for us to learn all about evil through instruction. You see, we had to learn about evil. There is two ways we could have learned about it: through instruction with our mind or through experience with our emotions.
And I have already preached on this out of Romans 8:20-21 on an Alternate Translation. And also, in Romans 6, I have given you some Alternate Translations, showing you that it was Adam's choice. It was Adam's choice, brethren, just as, in the book of the law, the Lord says, I have put before you today good and evil; I have put before you a blessing and a curse. And then what does he say? What do you do? Choose. You choose. That is what God said to the man, and the man chose. And we are the result of what he chose.
And this is a great mystery, but we are him. Who? Our original ancestor, Adam. And he is us. We are just other leaves on the plant of the soul that God made. It is a great mystery. It is a great spiritual mystery because we do not have any memory of our original ancestor choosing. But nevertheless, Jesus said, I know you are the offspring of those who killed the prophets. How did Jesus know the Pharisees were the offspring of those who killed the prophets? Because they were doing the same thing.
Brethren, how do I know for sure that you are an offspring of fallen Adam? You kill Christ every minute of every second of every day. So we therefore know that we are the offspring of the Christ killer. Oh, that sounds so strong. I go to church every Sunday. You Christ killer, you kill him with your mind every second of every minute of every day that you are not living out of Christ, which very few people are doing. So we are the offspring of the Christ killer, the Devil, our father, who has formed us in the nature of our great ancestor, the Serpent. We are in the image of the Serpent. Hallelujah.
Sin has done this to you. Sin. You must confess your sins; repent. And by the grace and power of almighty God, change. You must transfer over from death unto life. You must stop thinking with your carnal mind and begin to think with the mind of Christ, which is an impossible thing to do without the power of God.
So let me try to show this to you. I pray that God helps me bring this message forth. I have some new -- well, let me just give you this. I have some new Alternate Translations for you. Now, listen. These Alternate Translations of Genesis 2 do not invalidate the existing Alternate Translations. We have just gone deeper. We have just gone deeper; that is all.
When I was in school and I learned to type, or when I learned to take shorthand, we were told how to do it. When you typed, you had to use certain fingers and certain techniques. And when you took shorthand, you had to write it in a certain way. But as soon as you became practiced, you could start taking shortcuts and omitting steps and doing things more easily. There is no contradiction between what I am saying now and the existing Alternate Translation. It is just a deeper revelation.
So the verses which we will start with on our new Alternate Translation are Genesis 3:18. But before we start that, I would like to read to you from the Alternate Translation. And I will start reading. Just to give you the background here, I will start reading Chapter 2, Verse 1, and I will read through Verse 17. Thank you, Lord.
Genesis 2: Well, I see it just starts with Verse 4 here: This is the story of the Christ and the Sons of God, the offspring of Christ, the ones whom Jehovah declared would appear in the enclosed place before they ever sprang forth or were seen in the earth of humanity, and of the whole living spiritual plant -- this is us. We are the living spiritual plant. We are supposed to be consistently shining with the life of God. We are almost never shining with the life of God.
But this plant is nevertheless appearing, dying and reappearing on a regular schedule -- and that is speaking about human beings dying and carrying on in their offspring -- because the Lord Jehovah had not yet poured Himself out from heaven upon the beginning generation of the creation, which is called heat or lust. Lust is characteristic of the immature Christian, of the immature man, in which the Sons of God were concealed in seed form.
And a man had not yet appeared, in the light-filled earth of humanity, who was mature enough to bring the living soul into servitude to Christ by molding man's mind in Jehovah's image.
And after that the life substance of the Son of God rose up from underneath the earth of the living soul in a gaseous form. And he watered the part of the living soul that was turned toward the visible world, which is the conscious mind. But the part of the living soul that was turned away from the visible world, the unconscious mind, was not watered, and it remained dark. And then we are talking about our satanic unconscious mind now.
And this is how the Son of God mixed the basic elements of the creation, which are spirit and the dust of the ground. He mixed them together, and the spirit moistened the surface of the soil, out of which the man was to be made, and the soil became clay. And the Son of God molded the clay into the form of a man. And the Lord Jehovah cast his Son away from himself into the enclosed clay place, which breathes. And the Son of God infused himself into an exerted great pressure upon the powdered, grey rubbish of the field. Our soul and our physical body is spiritual garbage. And the earth became filled with light, and it was converted into fertile soul. And the Lord Jehovah caused the soil to cleave to his Son, his spiritual Son, and this is how the man was formed.
And the Lord God closed up the clay member, or the man, into which he had breathed his Son. That is the breath of life. And He stood the man upright and rooted him in a garden, a spiritual garden, which is the soul, which existed in the eternal place where Jehovah is, so that the Son's spiritual life could grow. And the name of the garden is Eden. And the man's upright spiritual condition is called the imputed or the loaned righteousness of God, which is given as a gift, without repentance.
And Jehovah caused the whole, two-sided Tree of Life -- remember, it is the Tree of Life, and in the midst, just like a pit inside of a peach, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. And Jehovah caused the whole, two-sided Tree of Life, which satisfies the soul and also has the potential to develop into a source of spiritual food, to spring forth out of the irrigated soil. And he became a garden; the man became a garden when the Tree of Life appeared in him. That is Christ. And the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, the moral corruption in the earth, was in the midst of the Tree of Life, like the peach pit in the middle of the peach. And a river went out of the garden -- that is Christ -- and irrigated the living soul, and the river had four separate and distinct functions.
The name of the first administration of Christ, which flows out of the garden of Eden and separates into four parts, is Pison. This river flows about the land of Havilah, the place where the humbled Son of God dwells, and where, with much pain, he is birthed into the visible world. And the Son of God, buried in the earth, supplies the wisdom necessary to preserve the soul life. That is spirit. That is the ability to discern good from evil. And death is there in the creation also.
And the Lord Jehovah married and possessed Adam, and righteous Adam guarded the garden, and Christ enslaved the garden by fastening it securely to himself. And this is how Christ formed the living soul in the image of Jehovah and preserved him from lust, or from the lust of the good but not yet perfect man, whose overriding characteristic was lust. The overriding characteristic of the imperfect man, who was moving as a good person, is lust.
So, we see, when we are talking about the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and we have talked a lot about that, some men are good manifestations of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. They still have an overriding amount of lust in them, not necessarily sexual lust, although that might be part of it. Lust for things, lust for people, lust for experiences -- lust, the exact opposite of living in faith, believing that the Lord will supply all your needs. Lust is the driving force of the natural man.
And the Lord Jehovah married and possessed Adam, and righteous Adam guarded the garden. And Christ enslaved the garden by fastening it securely to himself. And this is how Christ formed the living soul in the image of Jehovah and preserved him from the lust of the good but not yet perfect man, Adam. And this is how the Father and the Son prevented the creation from falling under the penalty of death because of sin. And Adam rested from his spiritual labor of treading that carnal mind, of keeping that carnal mind underfoot. And the Lord Jehovah formed the mind of Christ in Adam, and Christ dominated the whole man. And Adam appeared on the positive side of Eden, and God imparted the knowledge into Adam's very being that it is lawful for him to join with the Spirit of God but unlawful for him to join with Satan.
And Christ was strong enough to keep Satan out of the garden, but he could not distinguish between good, the Spirit of Christ, and evil, Satan. See, Adam was strong enough to do it; he just could not tell the difference between good and evil. And Satan broke forth into the garden, which was dominated by Christ, and birthed her carnal mind in the man. And the man materialized, or became visible, on the negative side of Eden. He materialized as a fallen man.
You see, at the beginning of time, in Genesis 2, when it says that the Father formed the man, what He actually formed was the mind of the man because the man is mind. We are not this flesh; we are not this body; we are not these emotions. We are mind. We are what we think. What you think is what you are. We are mind.
That is why it is such an offense unto God for one of His Sons to be, or for any man to be, in a condition where this flesh, this physical flesh, or these emotions control us. There is no condemnation in this, but this is a condition of weakness, that is an offense unto God, because we are mind. Our mind is supposed to be ruling. And if our emotions are controlling us, that means our horse is leading the rider, wherever the horse would go. And this condition does not glorify God, brethren.
So, without condemnation, we are to submit ourselves to instruction and to ministry, which will strengthen our mind, so that we can begin to lead a life which glorifies God. And this is what the Lord is speaking about when he says, You shall be the lender and not the borrower. You, your mind, shall be the head and not the tail. Your mind shall run your life, not your horse. This physical body is our horse. It gets our spirit or our mind where it wants to go in this world.
Yet many people are ruled by their body. Some people have control over their body, but they are ruled by their emotions. And the very best of us only rules our whole person part of the time with our mind. The most disciplined men in our world, the cream of the crop, the most highly trained and educated men in the world, which are usually diplomats -- you know, you cannot be a diplomat without being a highly disciplined person. The best of us only rule our complete person some of the time. Everybody has a breaking point, you see? And this is the sign of Christ. He cannot be broken. No matter how strong a person is, you put enough physical pain on them, you put enough emotional pain on them, and they will break. The strongest man will break. But Christ will not break. Christ will rise from the dead, you see? You cannot break him.
So we are now picking up in Chapter 2 of Genesis, Verse 18: And the Lord God said, 'It is not good that a man should be alone. I will help -- make a help meet for him.' Now, I do not know about you, but I always read this chapter in faith, but it never made any sense to me that, first, the Lord is talking about all these rivers. He is talking about the garden. He is talking about rivers up to Verse 15. Then, in Verse 15, he put the man in the garden to keep it. In Verse 16, the Lord says, all right, you know, I put you in the garden to keep it, but if you eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, you will die. And then, all of a sudden, in Verse 18, it says, And the Lord God said, 'It is not good that a man should be alone. I will make a help meet for him.' And out of the ground, the Lord formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air. I do not know. It just never followed suit to me.
So this is what we have got, brethren. Verse 18: And the Lord God said, 'It is not good that the man should be alone.' And the whole world and Church world says you have got to get married; brethren, it is not godly to be single. But my Bible says, in another place, through the apostle Paul, to be single is preferable to marriage. That is what my Bible says.
You never hear it preached, brethren. It is a real hush-hush in the Church. It is a real no-no. I want to tell you that the strongest men in the Church are terrified of that thought. And I am just being honest with you. It is a so -- it is a great distress to men and women alike for a series of -- for a variety of reasons: the thought of not marrying. And when it is discussed, when this issue is discussed, it is not taught properly.
Should God call you, should it happen -- there are some people who are called to not marry -- it does not mean a life which is bankrupt. To not marry, when God puts this in your life, is a condition of being so filled with Christ that you have no time for a wife or a husband and children and a family because, when Christ has truly called you, your life is so full with the word of God, with the ministry of Christ and with the people that he has you ministering to that for you to have a mate and a family would be a great distress and pressure on you because you will not have time to do everything. It does not mean that you are going to be alone with nothing to do and miserable. So at least let us get it straight. God is calling some people unto Himself.
But perhaps you have not entered into that place yet where you can bear being in the things of God, day in and day out. You know, there are some people that God has praying all night. He wakes them up in the middle of the night to intercede. Life in Christ is a continuous activity. Most people work seven days a week, when they are really called, because there is no separation between your work and your hobbies, and you just keep on going. It is a glorious, fulfilled life, if you are called to it. It is not a life which is bankrupt and empty. So let us get it straight. Let us hear the truth.
It is not good for a man to be alone. Well, if you are a thinking person, this has to be an inaccurate translation because, if you just think about it, brethren, we are fallen. We died, -- it was a radical change of fallen man from before the flood until after the flood. Man, before the flood, was fallen man, but he lived 800, 900 years. Men lived 800, 900 years. So something happened after the flood, which made us fall even lower.
I believe that the fall of man is in stages. We keep going down. Now, you know, if someone lives to 100 years old, that is a ripe, old age. They used to live to 800, 900 years. So I think that it is unreasonable to draw an assumption. Here is your assumption again: that, at the very beginning of time, when man first fell, that he was in bodies that looked like this, bodies that dry up and die and become sick, except in instances where God is keeping you. In the average person, they become sick and dried-up and withered, you know, by 90 years old or so. Well, how did those people live to 900 years? Their bodies had to be different.
So to think that, when this Scripture was written, at the beginning of time, that men and women had bodies like we are living in now, I suggest to you that you are engaging in a fantasy. We do not really know what they looked like, but to think that they looked like this is a fantasy because, at the very least, they lived to 900 years of age. Also, there is no indication of meat consumption before the flood. And after the flood, God gives Israel dietary laws, which includes meat consumption. There was a radical change in our physical appearance from the time before the flood to the time after the flood. So to assume that Adam and Eve were a man and a woman, who looked like us, has to be filed under G along with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and all this other stuff. It just does not make any sense. Now the whole world knows that. It is just the Church that is ready to fight you to the death on this parable.
So what could God possibly be talking about when he said, It is not good for a man to be alone? I suggest to you, once again, that the King James translators, doing the best that they could -- they looked up all these Hebrew words in this verse, and they set it out in front of them, and they made the best sense out of it that they could. But their minds were thinking that men and women, at the beginning of time, looked like they do today. They did not stop to reason it out. And therefore, they chose translations of each of the Hebrew word that formed this translation: It is not good for a man to be alone.
But I, under the anointing of Christ, with a deeper concept of spiritual things, have chosen other translations of the very same Hebrew words. I have not changed one word of this Scripture, which was written in Hebrew. It was not written in English. This Scripture was dictated, under the anointing of Christ Jesus, to the prophet. Who wrote the Book of Genesis?
PASTOR VITALE: Moses. The Book of Genesis was dictated under the anointing of Christ, in the Hebrew or the Arabic, to the prophet Moses. The English translation was done by carnal men, scholars. So let us see what this really means.
And the Lord God said -- first of all, you may be interested to know that, where the Scripture says Lord God, I always wondered why the Lord would say it twice: Lord, God. The Hebrew word translated Lord is Jehovah, and the Hebrew word translated God is Elohim. We found out, in our study of John, the Gospel of John, that the word, Elohim, is the Hebrew equivalent of the Son. So when you see the Scripture saying the Lord God, the Lord is not stuttering. He is saying the Father and the Son. They are one. Jesus said, The Father and I are one. He said, The Father is greater than I, but the Father and I are one. There is a Father, and there is a Son. There are two elements of the Godhead. One is pure Spirit, and the other is God in the soul realm. This is the soul realm here, in the visible world.
And the Father and the Son said, 'It is not good that the man should be alone.' This Hebrew word, translated alone, is Strong's #905. And much to my surprise, there is a translation of this word which appears in Gesenius Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon as a thread; a piece of yarn, especially a thread of linen. Linen typifies the righteousness of the saints. Fine, white linen.
For the last at least two, if not three, years, have had several witnesses when we have done -- when we have studied the prophets about the fact that Jesus is weaving a garment that -- well, that is all through the Scripture, that man is designed to be a covering for the Father. Jehovah is an invisible Spirit. He desires to be seen. And the way He is showing Himself is by covering himself with a garment. That is throughout the whole Scripture.
And back as early as six years ago, seven years ago, as early as the Message #18 Series, we talked about this. The example that we gave was that of The Invisible Man. Has anybody not seen or heard about the movie of the The Invisible Man? Well, there was a whole series of invisible men: Abbott and Costello and the Invisible Man, Dr. Jekyll and the Invisible Man. It goes back. If you watch old movies, you might see it.
And the story is that there was a scientist. It is fantasy. There was a scientist who discovered a drug that would make him invisible. And when he went to talk to his wife and his friends, he found that he was frightening them so badly, because they heard this voice coming out of the air, that, to make them comfortable, he put on his clothing. He put on his jacket and a pair of pants and shoes and socks and a hat, and he took gauze bandage and wrapped it around his head. And when he put all of these pieces of clothing on him and wrapped the gauze bandage around his head, you could see the form of the invisible man. When he was walking around naked, you could not see him. But he covered himself with a garment, and he became visible.
This is the intention of Jehovah. He is invisible. Men cannot see Him. When they hear Him, they usually become so frightened that they do not listen to what he is trying to tell them. He is covering Himself with a garment. And the garment, which Jehovah is covering Himself with, is Christ in the flesh. Amen. And Christ is a mind. Christ is a mind.
So we see that the garment of God is a mind and that that garment is being woven. It is a woven garment. And all woven garments have threads going in opposite directions. The woof of the garment, the thread which goes vertically from heaven to earth, is the Son of God or the Spirit. And then there has to be a thread going opposite to weave it through. Just look at a loom. And the threads running horizontally are called the warp of the garment.
We have, on many messages -- if you would like witnesses to this, please use our cyclopedic index. If you do not know how to use it, someone will show you. We have several messages where we have found Scriptures in the Hebrew lexicon. And we have found Scriptures in the Prophets, mostly, because that is where the deep mysteries are, in the Prophets, that Satan is the warp of God's garment. Christ, the Spirit of Christ, the human spirit sheaf runs vertically from heaven to earth. And in order to make this garment, God had to form a negative, an opposite, something that would run in opposition to the true Spirit.
That is why the Scripture says, I have created the evil. For the Day of Judgment, I have made the darkness. Remember, I told somebody that once; they flipped out on me. God made the Devil. To torment you? To punish you? He likes to stick you with pitchforks? No. God made the Devil. He made a shadow of the real man. The real man is spirit. God made a shadow, an image, a reproduction of the real thing to oppose the real thing, to weave through him so that the garment would be completed.
And, in fact, if you look at the way cloth is woven, you will see. If you look at a loom, if you have an opportunity to look at a loom, you will see that the warp of the garment is thin, colorless thread, and then the woof of the garment is many colors, depending on what you are doing with the fabric. All of the color, all of the design, all of the life in the garment is in the woof. And it is woven through the warp threads, which have no color. They are just there for the purpose of holding and sustaining the woof, the color, the design, in position.
And this is the purpose of the Devil in the creation. That is why he is not being completely wiped out. I have had people freak out on me with that. What do you mean, he is not being destroyed? It says right there in the Bible. He is being destroyed. Yes, brethren. I had someone run out of my house, fully manifested on that, 10 years ago. We were here for a Bible study. Closed his Bible, packed up and left my house.
Listen, brethren, when we become a Son of God, when we turn around and start living for Christ, we die to everything that was in our past life. Satan is being destroyed with regard to his position in this world system. The Devil is being destroyed with regard to her position as the god of this world. As the prince and the power of the air, she is being destroyed. But she will continue on, in another form, as the colorless threads of the warp of the mind, which is covering God.
She has a job to do, but she has left her post. You see, she did not like being the warp of the garment, which goes horizontally along the plane of the earth. She wanted to be the woof. So she pulled herself free of that garment, and she stood herself upright, by the power or by the spiritual authority of -- the Devil did it by the spiritual authority of the Serpent, who was in the garden, OK, by the spiritual authority of the Serpent, and now we have all the threads standing upright.
And what happens when you have the warp and the woof standing upright, and nothing is going across? The garment that God covered his breath with, at the beginning of time, was a temporary garment. It fell apart because the warp got loose. She was woven through the woof, but she was not secured. We will talk about that a little more in a little while. And she pulled out of her God-ordained position, which was along the line of the earth because the Devil is the earth. The Serpent is in the earth, and the Devil is the Serpent's offspring. And she stood herself upright, in a position where she had no business being, and the garment fell apart.
And we see that principle throughout the lives of men. In ministries, in households, in countries, everybody has a job. Everybody has a place. And if you do not do your job, and you try to do someone else's job, then, if it goes far enough, the ministry falls apart. The family falls apart. The country falls apart because people are not doing their assigned jobs. And everything falls apart. The fabric disintegrates. It happens in businesses, happens in governments, happens in relationships.
If you have two people -- it happens in marriages. Both want to be the head. No one wants to be the warp of the marriage. The woman wants to be the woof. She wants to be standing straight up. She wants to be ruling the marriage. It falls apart. You cannot be making the man the warp of the garment. That is a perversion. So you have two men; the marriage falls apart.
Let us go on with this. I got very excited when I found this. That the word, alone -- that is why I look up every single word. The most harmless-looking words, sometimes, turn out to have the most exciting potential translations. And the King James translators just went right past it because they just did not know what to do with it. I keep telling you, they did the best they could. They just could not make any sense out of it. Sometimes, they do not even translate the word at all. Sometimes, I find words in the Hebrew that have not even been translated. And we will see, further on, there is another word that I think was translated now. Is that not a harmless word, now? But it has another translation that is very significant, and we have chosen that other translation.
So let us go on. And the Lord God said -- the Father and the Son said -- 'It is not good that the man should be alone. I will make a help meet for him.' Let me point out to you here, also, a very confusing aspect of the translation here. At this point, the Hebrew does not say man. There is no indication that the creation was male at this point. God just named the creation, and he named him Adam. There is no indication whatsoever that the creation was male. The creation was not male; it was neuter.
The word, Adam, is only one entry off in the lexicon from the word -- I think it is adam, which merely is describing the soil of the creation. There was a being, which the Lord God formed out of that soil. The name of the soil was adam, so he named the man Adam. He did not name the man Adam. He named the creation Adam, after the soil. And what the word adam means -- it is talking about the red and ruddy appearance of the soil.
So we see, in the Scripture, going all the way back, that the color white, applied to anything that has existence in it, is usually lacking the life of God. Whiteness is usually referring to Satan. At the beginning of Genesis, we are told that the creation was dry and wet, water and dry: water to bring the life of -- typifying the soulish life of the Son of God, and the dry typifying the fallout which appeared when the creation, when the Son, separated from the Father. So we see that it does not really say dry land. It just says dry. That dry part was white.
But if you follow through with Genesis 1, you see that the Lord God said, Let the waters of the soul realm flow over the dry part and drench the dry part with moisture. And then the Father said, Let the waters come back, and let the seas be gathered. Let the waters be gathered in the center. And let those waters, which came back with particles of the dry part in it -- let them now be called sea. And let the dry part that was drenched with the waters and then dried out -- let that now be called ground because, when the waters flowed over the dry part, even though the liquid came back, mineral deposits were left in the dry part, thus changing the nature of the dry part. Minerals typify spirit. Jesus said, You are the salt of the earth. Salt is minerals. So we see the dry part has no life.
Brethren, if you know anything about gardening at all, you will know that you cannot grow anything in sterile soil. Is that not true? We have a couple of gardeners here. You cannot grow anything in sterile soil. You have to put fertilizer, mix fertilizer with the soil, or nothing will grow there. Plants need minerals in the soil to absorb into their roots so that they can grow.
So we saw this dry part of the creation that was sterile. But when the waters, which were the life of the Son, flowed over that dry part and withdrew, they left a mineral form. They left mineral deposits in the dry part. And because there was now a change in the nature of the dry part, consistent with scriptural principles, when there is a change in nature, God changes the name of the substance. So he is no longer calling it the dry part. He is calling it the ground, fertilized or cultivated soil, prepared for the spiritual life of God to grow in it.
So my whole point here is that it is very confusing. But when you read all of Genesis 1, almost up until Genesis -- probably, the word, man, does not appear in the Scripture. The Hebrew word that means man, which is ish -- I do not think it appears until Verse 21. Every other time that you read the word, man, in the Scripture before that, the Hebrew word is adam. And Adam was not a man at that time. He was Adam, the asexual creation of God. There was no sex in him yet.
When you have an infant, that infant is both spiritually and emotionally and physically, functionally asexual because they are not functioning on any kind of a sexual level at all. When you see children, by the time they are, I do not know, 3 or 4 or 5 years old, even by that early age, you can really see, in many children, some masculine characteristics. Little boys tend to be rougher than little girls. Usually, you could see some differences. By 3, would you say, or 5? More like 5 -- 3, 5? But at infancy and 1 and even up to 2 years old, you cannot tell the difference, whether it is a boy or a girl.
So the creation, Adam, was asexual. He was manifesting no sexuality whatsoever. Therefore, to translate the word, adam, as man, is very misleading. I still get a little snared in my words myself. And then, of course, when the Hebrew word transfers over to the Hebrew word which means man, in approximately Verse 21, there is no indication in the King James at all because the King James just goes on to say man. So you have no way of knowing that, through Verse 20, the Hebrew word was adam, asexual, and that, beginning with verse -- I think it is 21; I may be off a verse or 2. Beginning with Verse 21, the Hebrew word that is translated man now really means man.
Let us define man: man, as opposed to woman. The creation has become sexual. What does that mean? Well, either you are a man, or you are a woman. But up until that point, there was no sexuality attributed to this creation whatsoever. So the Lord is saying, it is no good for the creation -- not the man, but it is no good for the creation to be a single thread. It is no good for the creation to have a mind which is made out of a single thread. Now, mind is made out of what, brethren?
COMMENT: Spirit.
Spirit. Mind is spirit. Mind is the form that spirit takes in a man. The human spirit of man is in the form of a mind. And how does the spirit get to be that mind? A mind is born into the creation. At the beginning of time, when God breathed the breath of life into Adam, that breath of life went in, in the form of the human spirit, a single strand of life. It was breathed into the creation, and it temporarily joined with the Spirit of Jehovah.
The Scripture says, God put the man in the garden. If you look up that word, put, it is likened unto the imputed anointing, a gift from God. When the Scripture says, God put the man in the garden, the implication is that God gave him dominion over the death, which exists in the soul realm, by joining himself -- who? By Jehovah joining himself with that human spirit. He gave the man a temporary but incomplete mind, so that the man would not be destroyed by the pestilence in the soul realm.
Now, why was the mind incomplete? Let me remind you of the teaching here. When Jehovah, or when a male spirit, joins with the human spirit, what we have formed here -- does anybody remember? I do not expect you to remember. What is that called? The formation of the male spirit and the female spirit is called -- it is called --
COMMENT: Zygote?
PASTOR VITALE: No. It is called an altar. And even in biology, it is not a zygote. It is called an altar.
You have a union of a male and a female spirit, but there must be a birth of that union. And the birth of that union is the mind. The male is Jehovah, and the female is always the human spirit. When the male is Jehovah, the offspring of that union is a mind.
Let me say it again. When the male joins with the female, an altar, a spiritual altar, is formed. And a mind is born forth on that altar. When the male spirit is the Father, the mind which is born is the Son of God. His name is Christ Jesus. When the male spirit is the Serpent, the offspring which is born of that Serpentine altar is the carnal mind. She is female. Actually, I know I taught you that for a long time. But now we found out it is the Devil that is born. The Devil has an unconscious mind; her name is Satan. And the Devil has a conscious mind; her name is the carnal mind. And when the man, Christ Jesus, is born as a result of the union between the Father and the human spirit, the man, Christ Jesus, is born. And he has an unconscious mind, whose name is the Spirit of Christ. And he has a conscious mind, whose name is the mind of Christ.
So we see that, at the beginning of time, so that the man would survive, the Father joined with the human spirit and formed an altar. It was a Christine altar. It was made of the male spirit of the Father and the human spirit. But the offspring had not yet been born. All they had was an altar, and that altar was enough to keep the man from being overcome by the death that was existing in the soul.
So we see that the creation was abiding. It was an incomplete mind. What form it took, I do not know. But it must have had some intelligence because God talked to him. He said, Do not eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. What did that mean? He said, Do not let that Serpent, that spirit that is in that Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, do not let him join with your human spirit. He spoke to the whole creation, Adam. Your mind is incomplete.
Now, listen, brethren. I know I have experienced this. And I am sure some of you must have experienced knowing or being aware of some of your weaknesses. I have experienced it. I know I am in a weakened condition. I will say to somebody, or I will say to myself, I know I am in a condition right now where I could get mad very easily. I know I am in a condition right now where I am not going to be able to hand one more minute's stress. And if one more stressful thing falls on me, I am going to act in an ungodly manner. I come in the house. I lock the door. I go in my office. I shut the telephone off, and I pray. And I do not want to talk to anybody or do anything or go anywhere, and I cry out to God to pull me out of that weakened condition. Can anybody here not relate to this? We can all relate to this.
Now, I am still thinking; I am still functioning. But I am aware that I am vulnerable. That was the condition of the creation. His mind was incomplete. That is just another way of saying his mind was in a weakened condition. That is for our understanding. But for technicalities, the mind was not complete because a complete mind is a strong mind. A complete mind is an invulnerable mind. A complete mind is a mind that are walls against every invading force.
So, just as Jesus said, What difference does it make if I say to the man, your sins are forgiven, or you are healed? What difference does it make? I say unto you, what difference does it make if I say unto you, the man's mind was incomplete, or the man's mind was weak? However you need to hear it to understand this message, I will never argue with you over words. However, you need to hear it. You hear it. Just understand it. God wants you to understand it.
The man's mind was weak. And another way of saying weak mind in the Scripture -- weak mind is associated with a sexual connotation. Which is the weak mind? Male or female?
COMMENT: Female.
PASTOR VITALE: Female. The creation had a female mind. It was not independent. A male mind is independent. So all you macho guys reading this message, you are not independent. Jesus removes his breath from you when you are dead, man. You cannot keep your own soul alive. Every human being on the face of this earth, I do not care how tough you think you are. Your mind is female. The creation had a female mind.
So not only is it inaccurate to call Adam the man at this point -- because the word does not mean man; the word just means Adam -- in fact, the creation was female at this point. Here I am saying it was asexual, and now the Lord is bringing forth a correction here. The mind was female, but God was sustaining the creation. God was behind that weak mind, holding him up, letting him act like a man because he was strong. How do I know he was strong? God said to him, Guard the garden. What does that mean? Do not let Satan in. Well, you have to have some strength to not let Satan in. So we see that the man had an incomplete female mind, but the Father was right there behind him, holding him up, lending him his strength. So the creation, Adam, was acting like a man. He was functioning like a man. But it was not his own strength; it was the Father's strength.
Do we not find this condition in the Church today? Everybody that has been strengthened by the Lord, it is not our strength when we receive the Holy Ghost. And when you receive the Holy Ghost, you shall receive --
PASTOR VITALE: -- power. Your power? Does the Scripture say, When you receive the Holy Ghost, you shall be made strong? That is not what my Bible says. When you receive the Holy Ghost, you shall receive power, not your power but God's power. And the one who gave it to you can take it back whenever he wants. If you are misusing it, or for any reason that he chooses, the one who gave it to you can take it back because he has not yet made you strong, but he has loaned you his very own power.
So the creation in the garden, Adam, received power, so that he would not be destroyed, until such time as the Father made him strong in his own strength. And in whom does this strength reside? How do you become strong in your own strength? It is when the Son of God is born in the individual on the altar of the union between Jehovah and the human spirit. When the Son is born, Christ Jesus, the Son of God; when he grows up to full stature. He has to grow up to full manhood. Now, you have become strong. You have not received strength; you have become strong in your own right when the Son of God is born in you.
So we see that the creation was weak, but he was made strong. And do we not have a Scripture like that? In your weakness, my strength is perfected. In Adam's weakness, the strength of Jehovah was perfected, temporarily perfected. So he was really a woman, but he was acting like a man because God gave him the ability to do so. So I guess I have to take back that he was asexual.
I hope that you are blessed and not confused when you witness the Lord correcting me right within my own message. If you are confused, you need to pray about it because this is a very exciting thing to witness and to experience the correction of Christ coming forth as you think or as you preach. You have to roll with it, brethren. Go with the flow. If you cannot do it, you have to confess it as the sin of pride, so that the Lord can help you to go with the flow. It is very exciting to be corrected by the Lord. Would you really want to abide in your error for the rest of your life? What a great blessing, to be corrected, brethren. If it causes you distress, it is just the sin of pride. It does not cause me any distress at all. I thank God for it. Hallelujah.
So we are talking about the mind that was in the man at the beginning of time. It was incomplete. We have a Scripture which says, in Ecclesiastes 4:12, And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him, and a three-fold cord is not quickly broken. The three-fold cord, brethren, is the Spirit of Jehovah, the human spirit and the child born of the marriage, Christ Jesus. It is not easily broken.
Now we know that it can be broken, even after the condition of full stature. It can be broken, until the three strands that are woven together are permanently joined in the third stage of the resurrection, which is called glorification. But once you have those three strands woven together, it is not easily broken. Once you stand up in full stature, it is not easily broken. It is a very hard thing to do, although not impossible. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
The creation had an incomplete mind, a temporary mind. Did you ever get a temporary filling in your tooth? You are chewing with your tooth; you are eating with your tooth. But you know there is no way it is going to last forever. You have got to get the real thing. So the creation had a temporarily complete mind. It was not the real thing, but it was acting like the real thing. The man was now in a position to bring forth the man, Christ Jesus, whereby the creation would stand up in his own strength. But that altar, that two-fold cord, could easily be broken. The Father knew and warned the man that the Serpent in the garden had the strength to come in and knock that altar down and set up his own Serpentine altar, joining the spirit in the role of male to the human spirit and bringing forth his own offspring, the Devil.
So what we are dealing with here, brethren, is this. Now, listen. This is just really important. The Scripture says God made the creation male and female. He made the creation male and female. This whole world is male and female. Atoms have male and female, have positive and negative charges. Electricity has a positive and a negative charge. The whole creation, the whole world we live in, is positive and negative: men and women, evil and good. The whole creation is positive and negative.
It was not yet determined, at the beginning of time, where the creation's mind was -- it is still incomplete. It had not yet been determined whether this still-invisible creation would appear as a positive expression or as a negative expression. The whole creation is both positive and negative, good and evil. But only one of the two can be predominant.
We have talked about this. Everybody in the world today is both good and evil. If you could measure yourself on a scale of 1 to 10, the very best you can be in this life, the very best a fallen man can be, is someone whose overall effect on other human beings and on their own environment is positive, is good. You still have a potential for evil, which makes you a sinner. But the good in you has that potential for evil under control, and therefore, your life and the effects of your life on people and upon your environment is positive.
So we see that, in each individual, in each society, there is both positive and negative, but one or the other must be predominant. When you look at the person overall, what do you see? When you look at the effects of their life, what do you see? Positive or negative? Good or evil? At this point, at the beginning of time, it was not yet determined whether the creation would be predominantly good or predominantly evil.
So to that degree -- oh, thank you, Jesus -- to that degree, the creation was neuter. We got it straight. OK. The mind of the man was female because it was incomplete. Yet he was acting like a man because he had Jehovah's loaned strength unto him. But the creation was neuter in that it was not yet determined which sex would appear in the creation once the mind was completed.
Is everybody OK? Let me say that another time. Thank you, Lord. The creation's mind was incomplete. And therefore, and as far as his spiritual sex goes, he was neuter because it was not yet determined whether or not the creation would be completed as a negative being or as a positive being. So he was neuter.
But for temporary purposes, he was female because of his weakness but male because of God's strength. But it was a temporary condition. So when we use the word neuter, we are talking about the condition of the completed mind. Would the completed mind be positive or negative? It was not determined yet, so therefore the man was neuter with regard to the formation of a completed mind in him. But in his condition of incompleteness, he was male because the Father was lending his strength to him. Hallelujah.
Let me get back to my point here. The word, alone, is speaking about a single thread. That is what I am talking about. I said all that to say this: that the creation's mind, at this point, was a single thread. It was an incomplete mind. And the Father and the Son were saying to the man not that it is not good for this guy to not have some woman to scrub his floors and wash his dishes, as so many men would like to believe. I am sorry, fellows. But what the Lord is saying here is that it is not good for not the man but the creation, whose sex had not yet been determined, to have an incomplete mind.
And why is it not good to have an incomplete mind? Because to have an incomplete mind is to be weaker than the Serpent. The Serpent in the garden was stronger than the incomplete mind of Christ. The only reason the creation was not overcome by the Serpent was that the Father was standing right behind that creation, defending the infantile creation. It is not good for a man to have an incomplete mind.
Now, brethren, that refers to the whole creation today. It is not good for us to have an incomplete mind, brethren. And in the case of some of us, who are really blessed down here in hell, the Father is standing behind us, lending us his strength. We call it an imputed anointing, giving us spiritual strength, giving us righteousness that is not coming forth from our state of being. It is not coming forth from an internalized righteousness. But we have a spiritual strength which is given to us because the Father is behind us, lending his strength to us. And when we draw upon that strength, there is nothing that can destroy us, and there is not anything that we cannot overcome.
But there are conditions, which we must comply with before we can draw upon his strength. And those conditions are: We can receive his strength only if we confess our sins and repent. At the exact moment that you are not consciously or unconsciously confessing your sin, confessing that your weakness is because of your sin -- if you cannot do that, you cannot borrow the Father's strength. You cannot get a book out of the library without a library card, brethren, and you cannot get strength from the Father without confessing the fact that your weakness is because of sin. You cannot make a withdrawal. If you could just keep that confession and repentance flowing, the measure of God which is available to you is without measure. Your source of supply is without measure, so long as you can stay in a condition of confession and repentance.
And as I keep telling you, I am going to say it until you cannot hear the sound of my voice anymore: Make your covenant with the Lord when you are not weak. Make your covenant when you are strong. Make your covenant when you are in a sane mind that, should you flip out and have a moment of insanity or a moment of loss of control over yourself, that you make a living will that you want the Lord Jesus to jump in there and save you from yourself. No matter how much you are screaming, I want it, I want it, I want it, that he should prevent you, against your own will, from going for it, whatever your weakness is.
So it is not good for the man to be alone. Just blew up all the dreams of all you male chauvinists out there. It is not good for anyone, male or female, fallen man, to have an incomplete mind. Now, I do not know about you, but that sounds much more like something I would read in the Bible than, It is not good for a man to be alone. I saw a man once. He stood up in the pulpit, and he said, Women are just made to be servants to men. And I think half the church got up and left. The pastor was out of town. He was just a -- did you hear that? Were you in church that day? You do not know who I am talking about? Yeah.
Well, this man is supposed to be a Bible student. So when the pastor came back and heard what he preached, he had the man apologize to the whole church. We were a church of ministry, brethren. There is no male or female in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah.
Well, let me just get it on this message, in case this is the first message you are reading. What does that mean? It means, for spiritual purposes, your physical sex has no significance. For spiritual ministry, for spiritual teaching, for spiritual exercises, as the man Christ Jesus appears in your mind, you become qualified to do what spiritual men do. It has nothing to do with your body.
But in your human marriage, the human physical male is the head of the human physical woman and the children. And if you happen to be a physical woman, who is married, in whom the man, Christ Jesus, is appearing in your mind, you need to receive instruction as how to balance your life because you cannot be rising up against your husband and making a woman out of him. You could lose the man, Christ Jesus, in you. So we have a lot of messages on that. I am not going to take any more time on that here. The man is the head of the family. He is the head of the woman. Do not make your husband a woman. It is perverse, and God hates it. And there will be a price to pay for it. OK.
Now I will tell you what I wrote down in my note here. Remember that God's garment is a mind. Well, God has two garments in Bible times, as even in today. There are two garments. So we wear undergarments, and we wear overgarments. The undergarment is the mind, and the overgarment is the -- what does the mind rest in?
COMMENT: The spirit.
PASTOR VITALE: Right. The spirit rests in the mind, and the mind rests in the soul. Symbolically speaking, in the Scripture, the spirit is typified by wine. OK. And the mind is typified -- what is the wine? What does the wine abide in? A cup. The mind is typified by the cup. And what does the cup rest in? What does a cup rest in?
COMMENT: A saucer.
PASTOR VITALE: And the soul is typified by the saucer. And there is not very much said about this body in the Scripture because this physical body, brethren, is extraneous. What does that mean? It means it is extra. It means it is not necessary when your soul is alive. The only reason we need this body is because our soul is dead. Therefore, when this body dies, the soul separates from it, and the soul cannot live without the body. So, although the soul is already dead, its existence deteriorates, and it separates from the spirit, and the spirit goes back to the Father.
But when the spirit in the man is the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, when the spirit in the man is the living Spirit of Christ, and that living Spirit of Christ has made your soul alive, you will not need a body like this. So for all of you people out there that think you have already received the promise, that is a good checklist. Try living without this body. If you still need the body, you have not been raised from the dead yet. As far as I know, Jesus is the only man who has been raised from the dead. He is the only man that I know of that can live and exist and function without this body.
And we read about that in Daniel 7. Clearly, in Daniel 7, that is the definition of the Ancient of Days: the one who can live without a body. That is the sign of your resurrection from the dead. You are alive in this world without a body. So if you think that you are alive because you speak in tongues, and you know somebody whose body died, and you think they are living on the other side of the veil, they are not, brethren, because, if they were truly alive, they would be living on this side of the veil without a body. They would be going back and forth, like Jesus does.
There is an error in your doctrine. They are not alive on the other side of the veil. If they were not raised from the dead in this existence, if their body died without them being raised from the dead, they are not alive on the other side of the veil. They are not going to church on the other side of the veil. They are not holding Bible studies on the other side of the veil. And they are certainly not sending evangelists from the other side of the veil into this world.
And if that is your experience, you have been reading a demon. Get it together, brethren. At least pray about it, or you are in trouble. Why? What do I mean, you are in trouble? Demons are not satisfied with having one-tenth of your day. They want more, and they want more, and they want more. And they want your whole mind. They want all of you. It is a seduction.
Does that sound strange? Brethren, the Lord Jesus Christ wants all of you. You think you are in control because the spirit is subject to the prophet. Does that make you feel like you are in control? I have got a flash for you: You are not the prophet. Who is the prophet? Christ Jesus is the prophet, and he is inside of you. And he is engaged in a seduction of you, which is not sin. He wants more of you and more of you and more of you. And it may look like you have got control over the relationship for the courtship, but wait until you get married, brethren. You are going to find out who is boss, and it is not you. You are the woman. And either Christ Jesus is going to be controlling you, or the Devil is going to be controlling you.
And this is what we talk about when we speak about differentiated spiritual maturity. Every human being on the face of the earth has begun to mature and identify with their spiritual sexual roles. You will either be predominantly righteous in Christ or predominantly evil. And the process has begun. The direction that you are traveling in is being determined today, not for everybody at this moment, but for the more mature elements of the creation, they have already begun to walk in one direction or the other.
And the Lord God said, 'It is not good that man should be alone. I will make a help meet for him.' Let me point out to you that the words, help and meet, are two different words. I know that they have been preached, by many preachers, as one word, helpmeet, meaning wife. This is grossly inaccurate to say that the word helpmeet means wife. First of all, it is two Hebrew words, help and meet. Help means an aid, an assistance. And I have preached it for several years now that the Hebrew word translated meet means sufficient, a help or an assistance which is appropriate for the creation.
But now we are taking it a step further, as I told you at the introduction to the message. And we find that an Alternate Translation for the word, meet, which is Strong's 5048, is in opposition to. A legitimate translation for the Hebrew word translated meet is in opposition to. Now, remember, we said that the word, alone, means a thread, and the word, meet, means in opposition to. So this falls right in line with the whole message that we have been teaching this morning that what the man needs, the answer to his incomplete mind, is a thread running in opposition to him. He is the woof. The incomplete mind of the man has the woof. And what is lacking is the warp, which is a thread or a series of thread which run in opposition to the woof.
So if you are struggling with these Alternate Translations, you have to have an inquiring mind to be studying here. You have to be like the Bereans of the Book of Acts. The Bereans would listen to anything you had to say and think about it. That is what makes you a mentally mature man. You do not have to be in Christ. Mature people are not afraid to listen to new ideas. And they have a confidence in themselves and, if you are a Christian, a confidence in God. You eat the chicken; you spit out the bones. If you are afraid of ideas, you are going to spend your whole life down in a dark hole of ignorance. It is a horrible way to live. It is death.
So if you have an inquiring mind, if you are really thinking about what I am saying, I point out to you that there are two words in Verse 18 that witness to one another. The Hebrew word, alone, speaks about a thread, and the Hebrew word translated meet speaks about in opposition to. You have two witnesses, if you can hear it, to the revelation I just delivered to you.
One word speaks about a thread, and the other word speaks about in opposition to. So we are not even going on just an Alternate Translation of one word, but we see two words in this same verse that are witnessing to each other that we are talking about threads and we are speaking about something in opposition to something else. The two words complement one another. When you put the two of them together, it makes sense to say that that which is in opposition must also be thread. Since we are first talking about a thread, and we are talking about something in opposition to, well, it must be another thread going in opposition to the first thread, which is the whole concept that I just spent an hour and a half putting forth to you.
So you do have something to think about here. And as somebody said to me once -- I think it is somebody sitting right in this room. I had gone out with them to hear some preacher, you know, that was preaching all of the traditional Church doctrine about Nebuchadnezzar's statue and the world government, and he was preaching about the 10 toes on the statue being the common market.
And as we had coffee after that church service -- I was really never very much into that false doctrine. I was certainly never any expert on it. From the very beginning, the Lord had me doing my own studies in the Scriptures, except for a few studies that -- he put me in a good church that gave me a good background, except for that teacher. And he did not teach that stuff. I really did not get into the other stuff very much.
And I was saying to them, what is this? The 10 toes on the statue is talking about the world common market. Where in the world did they get that connection from? Ten toes, 10 nations in the world common market -- I mean, that is way out. That is an assumption that is not reasonable. And the person that I was talking to said, Yeah, at least, what you preach, it is reasonable. If you want to think about it and pray about it and look it up -- and you see that, the words that you are talking about, they are in the dictionary. And even now, I am telling you two Alternate Translations of two words in the same verse complement one another. They said to me, What you say, at least, it makes sense.
But to say that the 10 toes of Nebuchadnezzar's statue correlates to the 10 nations of the world common market -- where in the world did you get that from? Out of the air? There is no basis for it at all. So this person really blessed me. They said, What you are preaching makes more sense than the doctrine that is in the Church today, except that the whole Church world believes that, and so few are receiving your doctrine.
Why? Not only are most people afraid to be different -- that is a large part of it -- but this doctrine burns, brethren. It brings something with it. And what it brings with it is judgment. It brings judgment into your life, this doctrine. There is a spirit behind this doctrine that comes in and judges your soul. So most people that are in their carnal minds, they cannot bear it, but they can bear the lie because their mind is a lie. The carnal mind is a lie, so they have no trouble believing the lie. But the mind, which is a lie, cannot bear the truth. There is a mind, which is a lie. What does that mean? There is a mind, which is a false mind. It is not the real thing. It is not what the Lord intended your mind to be. It is a counterfeit. It is a shadow of he who which is to come, the true Son of God.
So when your mind, which is a lie, comes up against the true Spirit of Christ, it is like the sun rolling into the pitch-black nighttime. The carnal mind knows he will never stand under the shadow or under the light of this sun. He is going to cease to exist. It burns him up, and he flees from it.
The problem is that the carnal mind, who is fleeing from this truth, is having a gut reaction. There, he is having an emotional reaction to the presence of a spirit. And that reaction is without understanding. He does not know why he is fleeing. He does not know why he is mad. He does not know why he is frightened. Why are you doing that, brother? Do not know. Why are you doing that, sister? Do not know. That is what your emotions -- that is how the Devil in you is responding to the Spirit of Christ, and she is bypassing your intellect. You are having a gut emotional reaction.
Let me put it in another way, brethren: Your horse has taken off without your permission and has decided where you will ride today. Now, your horse might make a decision to take you for a trot down the Bridle Path in Central Path, but not likely. Much more likely, your horse will make a decision to take you through the piles of compost that are stinking from all the garbage today. And not only that, but, if she can do it, she is going to knock you right off her back and leave you on the compost heap.
You think that is a joke? You think I do not know what I am talking about? Check out the prophet Zachariah. I think it is Chapter 5; it may be Chapter 6. I think it is Chapter 5. The horses are riderless. And the horses, which typify this dead, fallen soul, have been riderless for thousands of years, at this point. And the man, Christ Jesus, is getting on her back. And she does not like it. And if you think that she is not going to do everything she can to knock him off, you are silly.
Just look at natural horses: wild, unbroken horses. What do they do? How far will they go to get that cowboy off their back? Have you ever seen a wild bronco in the process of being broken? They will buck. They will try and knock you into the side of the corral. They will try to rub you up against the fence to pull you off. They will try to bite you. Horses will try to bite you. Ever been bit by a horse? That is tough. And not only that, but, when they knock you off, if they can get you on the ground, they will stomp you to death. So this is not some little pony whose back you are trying to get on. We are talking about a wild, bucking bronco that has been out in the hills running wild for thousands of years. And she is mad at you, does not want you on her back, does not want your saddle on her back, does not want any bit in her mouth or reins on her. That is what you are up against, brethren.
And if you could sit there and say to me, I do not know what you are talking about; my life is wonderful; Jesus has given me everything that I want; have not got no problems in this whole world -- what that means, brethren, is that your horse is safely riding on top of you. She is not nervous; she is not upset. There are no ropes on her; there is no saddle on her. She is not in danger at all. But you are the one that is all saddled up with a leash in your mouth. And you are saying, peace, peace, but there is no peace because, if you do not fight with your horse, the day is going to come that you are going to have to fight with the Lord Jesus. You fight the bully on the block, or you fight Daddy. And you would do best to take the bully on the block, brethren, because, when you take the bully on the block, Daddy is behind you. You are going to really be hurt.
What is that Scripture? If you fall on the rock one way, you will be ground to powder. Do you know the Scripture? Can you quote that Scripture? If the rock falls on you, you will get crushed. But if you fall on the rock -- that means, if you cry out for mercy -- you will -- whatever the Scripture says. You will wind up living and not die. Do not let the rock fall on you. Fall on the mercy of the rock. Amen. Let us go on with this.
I have an Alternate Translation for you and a note. Jehovah would make an opposite for Adam. Adam was spirit, and Jehovah would make a shadow, a soul counterpart, to the woof: the warp of Jehovah's garment, also known as the Devil. The Devil is the shadow of the righteous Son of God. We are told -- I believe it is in the Book of 1 Corinthians. Well, I should not name books if I am not sure. It is in the New Testament: He who is a new type of the one to come, speaking about the soul man.
At the beginning Adam was a soul man. And at the end of his maturing process, he had become a quickening, a life-giving spirit. The first Adam, the first appearance of Adam -- he was a type, a shadow of the glorious Son of God, which was to come.
We have already seen the first expression of him in the man, Jesus of Nazareth. What do you mean? I thought Jesus of Nazareth was him. No. Christ Jesus, the spiritual man, the only mediator between man and God, a spiritual man appearing in a many-membered humanity. The man, Christ Jesus, appeared as the mind of Jesus of Nazareth and married him and gave him his name. Therefore, Jesus of Nazareth took the name of his husband, her husband -- I get confused here with this -- and became Jesus, the Christ, Jesus, who was Christ.
That spiritual man, today, is appearing as the mind of many men. So if you think that Jesus, the God Christ, however you know him, however you were taught to recognize him, whatever you are calling him, the Lord Jesus, Christ, Christ Jesus -- most people are confused over those change in terms. If you think he is a white God, you are mistaken. He is a Spirit. God is a Spirit, and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and truth. He is a Spirit, and your spirit must worship him by joining with him. And in this hour, he is appearing in white men, in black men, in yellow men, in red men and in every human being of every form and/or shape that exists in this world. He is a Spirit, and he lives inside of men.
And when he grows up inside of that man to full maturity, he marries that man. And that man, in whomever he, Christ Jesus, is dwelling, then becomes Christ because there is no longer any separation between the natural man and the spiritual man, Christ Jesus. And when a natural man is joined to the spiritual man, Christ Jesus, the Scripture says, the spiritual man, Christ Jesus, does not take on the fallen characteristics of the natural man. But the natural, fallen man takes on the characteristics of the very Son of God. He who is joined to the Lord is one Spirit.
The coming together of a human being with the spiritual man, Christ Jesus, can be likened to the coming together of a metal die and soft clay. The soft clay, which is the fallen man, does not mold the metal die. The metal die brings the soft clay into the image of the metal die. Natural man, when fused to the Spirit of Christ, becomes one with Christ and therefore, for all intents and purposes, becomes Christ.
I have a witness to the Devil or to the fact that Jehovah is making an opposite, a negative manifestation of the Son of God, which is positive. Genesis 3:15: And I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed -- who? The seed of the woman shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Now, if you look up the Hebrew word translated heel, I believe it means footstep, which is the same concept as shadow. It is the negative, brethren. If you step on soft sand or soft clay or soft cement and remove your foot, you will see the image of your foot, but it is negative. Your foot it convex; it comes out. And the footprint is concave; it goes in. One fits inside the other. So we see that a footstep is a negative expression of something that has existence.
The Devil, brethren, is a negative expression. It can be called a shadow or can be called a footstep. She is a negative expression of the true reality, the man, Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man: Christ Jesus, positive; the Devil, negative. The Devil has an unconscious mind called Satan and a conscious mind called the carnal mind. And the Devil is the incarnated offspring of that old Serpent, which was in the garden from the beginning. Just like Christ Jesus is the offspring or the incarnation of Jehovah, the Devil is the offspring or the incarnation of that old Serpent.
Alternate Translation, Verse 18, Genesis 2:18: And the Father and the Son said, 'It is not good for the man to have an incomplete mind, so I will make a thread to run in the opposite direction.' Is that not exciting?
Genesis 2:19: And out of the ground, the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them. And whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
Now this every beast of the field -- that Hebrew word translated every, it means whole. When you translate this word, every beast, the implication is there are many beasts out there. But the Hebrew word easily means the whole beast. It is just as if we could say all of humanity. There is just one soul that was created; it is a many-membered soul. We have one plant here, many leaves on it, but there is just one root system. This soul is just one soul. The word, beast, refers to the soul realm.
Most everyone that translates this or preaches on this passage thinks that the beasts of the field are the lions and the tigers and the bears, but, brethren, that is not what the Scripture is talking about. The Scripture is talking about spiritual things.
And I want to suggest to you, there is only one beast. We read about him in the Book of Revelation. What Chapter is it? Is it 12 or somewhere around there? I am not sure. I am not sure which Chapter of Revelation he is in. We read all about the beast, and his number is 666. It does not say all of the beasts. There is one beast. There is one creation. There is one Son of God. There is one beast, one spiritual beast. And his number is 666, and the number 6 is the number of a man. We are the beast. You are wasting your energy looking in the Middle East. It is you. We are all members of a many-membered beast.
And, brethren, now, come on. Let us just use our intelligence here. Let us not be subjected to the mind control of the people who have interpreted this Bible for us over the years. What is the name of the only beast that is mentioned in the Scripture? I do not see lions and tigers and bears. I only see one beast named in the Scripture, and that is the --
COMMENT: Serpent.
PASTOR VITALE: The Serpent. Amen. That is what you said. Is that not what you said? The Serpent. I do not hear the Bible talking about any other beast: lions, tigers, hippopotamuses, elephants. I cannot find it in there, brethren. In Genesis, we are talking about the Serpent.
You see, the dry part of the creation was dead. It was dead until the waters of the soul life of the Son flowed over it. The waters pulled out again. And even though the dry land dried out again, if you recall, the waters of the life of the Son left a mineral deposit. So the mineral deposit, which is spirit, which came from the life of the Son, when it joined with the dry part of the creation, formed a new substance. When you mix paints -- when you mix blue and yellow, what do you get?
PASTOR VITALE: Green. You get a new color. You put the spirit together with the dry part, and you got a new substance. And that new substance has a name. Some people call it earth. The Scripture calls it earth, but we found a hidden name for it when we did deep studies. Satan is the earth. Satan -- I am sorry -- the Devil -- I have to get all these names straight. The Serpent -- oh, goodness, help me, Lord. It is the Serpent.
That dry land came to life. Well, you cannot really call it life, but it entered into a form of existence. And when that dry part of the creation, which was dead, began to manifest an existence, the Lord gives it a name. It is no longer dry, dead earth, but it is earth that is thinking, that is plotting, that is scheming. It is earth that has the potential to pollute God's creation. This, brethren, is the formation of the beast, which is the Serpent, the most subtle of all. He was in the garden. The Serpent is that dry part of the creation, which has risen up with an existence because his contact with the life of the Son.
Now, the reason there is a discrepancy here -- let me clarify it for you. I am saying that the beast is the Serpent in the garden. But in the Book of Revelation, the beast is man. What does that mean? Brethren, we are the offspring of the Serpent. Our daddy is the Devil, and the Devil is the incarnation of the Serpent. Just as Christ Jesus is the incarnation of Jehovah, the Devil is the incarnation of the Serpent. So if our Daddy is the Devil, that means we are in the image of our ancestor, the Serpent. So we see that the beast, in the Book of Revelation, is speaking about the offspring of the Serpent, humanity, which is fallen and dead. And the term, the Serpent in the garden, is speaking about the spiritual entity, our forefather, the Serpent, in whose image we are.
Blasphemy, blasphemy, blasphemy. We are in the image of Christ. How come you are sick and dying? You are sick and dying because you cannot discern the body of Christ. He is within you, but he is not yet you. And before he can become you, he must kill the you which is presently existing in the image of the Serpent. And he is going to kill that part of you without killing your physical body. He is going to kill your nature, which is in the image of the Serpent. You must die to that nature. You must have the mark of the beast removed from your forehead and your hand. Do not worry about getting it; you were born with it. Worry about getting it removed and receiving the mark of God, which is his mind, on your forehead and the mark of God on your hand, which is the behavior of the Lord Jesus Christ and his righteousness, his righteous behavior.
So we see the formation of the Serpent. Here we find it, in Genesis 2: And out of the ground, the Lord God formed not every but the whole beast of the field -- field being a Hebrew word describing the cultivated earth, speaking about the dry part, which was infused with the life of God, became a cultivated field that had an existence.
Does that sound strange to you? Brethren, the Scripture clearly says we are made of the dust of the earth. And we walk, and we talk, and we have an existence: spiritualized earth. Spiritualized earth, this flesh that we are living in -- it is clay. It is the substance of which the Serpent is made. Come up. Come on, let your minds expand. Do not be stuck down there in that dark hole. Think. Ask God to help your mind work. It is a wonderful way to experience this existence. To be a thinking, reasoning, logical person -- there is life in it. And there is death in believing only what you are told. Do not even believe what I tell you. Think, and ask God to be in your thoughts now. Ask God to be in your thoughts. Think. Reason. Use your mind. There is life in it. It is a whole new world waiting for you.
Listen, brethren. Your lifestyle must have a predominant emphasis. Either you are predominantly living out of your flesh, or you are predominantly living out of your mind. You are either one or the other, and that is just the truth about human existence.
Now, people who live out of their flesh can be living a godly life. You can be a godly life, living out of your flesh. Do not misunderstand me. You could have a godly life. You could be engaged -- for example, let me give you an example. If you are married, you have a family, and you are a farmer, and your whole work is physical, and you do not think very much, and you do not converse very much. You are a quiet, introverted person. And your whole life is your physical work, and even for your hobby, you are doing physical things, and you are engaged in a physical existence of a human family. That is godly. It is acceptable to God, and it can be very gratifying.
But there is something higher. And the two could be mixed, but there is something higher. Begin to use your mind. There is gratification in it. There is satisfaction in it. There is growth. There are great things if you begin to use your mind under the influence of Christ.
And out of the ground -- out of the dry part that was infused with the Spirit of God -- the Lord God formed the whole beast of the field. He formed the Serpent, who was not yet divided into many members. And I have a note here for you. In Verse 7, Chapter 2, Verse 7, it says, And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, which is referring to the formation of the mind. And the formation of the beast of the field out of the ground is speaking about the soul. The dust of the ground is forming the mind, and the ground alone is speaking about the formation of the soul. And out of the ground, the Lord also formed the whole fowl of the air. Fowls and air always speak to spiritual beings. They speak about spiritual beings.
So we see what the Scripture is really saying here is that the Lord formed the whole beast. Now what does that mean? The many members of the beast? I would like to give you another thought. The Lord formed the whole creation, the beast, which was the Serpent, and he joined to it the mind, the incomplete mind, which he had formed, and he called that the whole beast, with an incomplete mind in it, which was spirit. That is what the Scripture is saying here. I know it is not very clear. Do not worry about it. Just pray about it.
And the Father and the Son formed the Serpent out of the earth, and the whole spiritual man, the whole fowl of the air, was made from the incomplete mind and the Serpent. The two of them together formed the whole fowl of the air, the spiritual man. The whole beast, plus the mind that was formed in Verse 5, makes the whole fowl of the air or the whole spiritual man, two parts. Adam had two ribs.
Now, if you think that he had two ribs which are ribs like yours, sorry, but that lines up with Santa Claus. If you think that he had 10 ribs, and Adam took one of those ribs and formed a woman out of it, I encourage you to grow up. This whole account is a parable, a very simple way of expressing deep spiritual truth. If you look up the Hebrew word translated rib, the word, rib, as in a human man, is way down at the bottom of the list of definitions. The Hebrew word means -- first of all, it means pillar.
Some of us saw a Hollywood version of Samson and Delilah last week. And Dagon's whole temple, which was an amphitheater, a stone amphitheater, was resting on two pillars. And there is something in the Old Testament about two pillars holding up the whole thing. What are the two pillars holding up the whole ball of wax? Who are the two pillars?
PASTOR VITALE: No. No, no, no. No. Who?
COMMENT: Joachin and Boaz.
PASTOR VITALE: Oh, those are the parable names that are used. But the two pillars --
PASTOR VITALE: The Father and the Son. Amen. The Father and the Son. Jesus Christ, Christ Jesus.
That was just a side comment. Adam had only two ribs, brethren. He did not have 10 ribs. He had two sides to him. That Hebrew word translated rib means sides. He had two sides to him. He was made out of the spirit -- his mind was spirit -- and earth. He was a mind whose name -- what was the name of his mind? Christ. And he was earth. And the name of his earth was Serpent, the Serpent. Amen.
And the whole man, or the whole creation, was called Adam. He had two sides: a mind, which was spirit, and a soul, which had a name of its own. A mind and a spirit -- the name of the mind was Christ Jesus, and the name of the soul was the Serpent. And the whole man, or the whole creation, was called Adam, with two sides to him. Hallelujah. Good stuff.
COMMENT: Adam means red earth, right?
PASTOR VITALE: Adam is the name of the whole creation. He had two parts to him, two sides.
And out of the ground, the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them. Now, if you look in your King James translation, the phrase which says, and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them, the first them is in brackets, which means the translators put it in. It is not in the Hebrew. And the second word, them, to see what he would call them -- the interlinear text, which is much more accurate, indicates that that word is not plural. It is not them. It is it.
So here we see translators' license clearly taken by the King James translators. They had a discrepancy. They made the beasts and the fowls of the air plural; therefore, they had to put in a plural pronoun, them. But the fact that the Hebrew clearly indicates that the pronoun is singular should have been a clue to the King James translators that the fowl of the air and the beast of the air were singular. But their minds could not comprehend there being just one beast or one fowl, so they merely changed the pronoun to a plural pronoun. They took a lot of license in this translation, brethren. And I am not faulting them for it. When I tell you things like this, I am just trying to show you that it is allowable and that what I am doing is allowable, by translation standards.
And brought it -- and out of the ground, the Lord God formed the whole beast of the field and the whole fowl of the air and brought it -- you see, it was one creation -- unto Adam -- that is the name of the whole creation -- to see what he would call it. Adam had within him a mind, called Christ Jesus, and a soul, which was called the Serpent. So what does this mean, what Adam would call it? I suggest to you that, as we said earlier, at this point, the creation was neuter. The Hebrew word translated called means to give a name, like to give a family name, to give a nature to. Name means nature.
We have not traditionally been very superstitious in this society. But, going back, some people have a revelation that names are very important. People that are close to God -- they will give their children names from great Bible heroes. Names are important. There is really something to it. It is like putting a blessing or a curse on a child. If the name is not coming right out from the mind of God in you, most parents will give their children the name of a great person, in the hopes that they will grow up with some of the characteristics of that great person. This has been going on over the whole world or all of humanity for centuries.
So the word, name, means nature. So the Lord brought the whole man together: the mind, Christ Jesus, and the soul, called the Serpent. And he brought the man in his completeness, although I say that word lightly; the mind was not complete. He brought the two elements of the man together as one whole to see what the man would call it, to see what name, what nature Adam would give to the whole -- to see which nature the creation, Adam, would give to the whole.
And what determines the nature of the creation? The mind, the offspring, the completed mind determines the nature of the creation. I said it earlier. Because the spiritual man, Christ Jesus, was fully born in the man, Jesus of Nazareth, that spiritual man married that flesh man, and the flesh man took on the name of the spiritual man. And Jesus of Nazareth became Jesus, the Christ.
So when the Scripture says, God brought the whole creation, God brought the creation to the man. Time flies when you are having fun, right? God brought the whole creation together. He brought the mind of Christ Jesus and the soul of the Serpent. He put them together, and he said to the whole creation, Adam, On which side are you going to incarnate the mind? Which spirit will you receive? Whose child will you bear?
Now, remember, the incomplete mind was formed from an altar made up of the Spirit of Jehovah and the human spirit. So that means Adam had the potential to bring forth the man-child, Christ Jesus, in which event the creation would have been named Christ. But the Father also knew that the Serpent, which had now been joined to that mind, was powerful enough to tear down the altar formed between Jehovah and the human spirit and set up his own altar, the Serpentine altar, the union of the Serpent and the human spirit, and cause the creation to bear forth, or to be born unto the creation, the offspring of the Serpent. The Serpent can only have female offspring. So the offspring of the Serpentine altar would be the woman, daughter of Babylon, mysteriously known as the Devil.
Now, we read a lot about the woman in the Scripture. I have to tell you, the first time I looked up the Hebrew word translated woman in the Strong's Concordance, I was very offended. And a lot of women in this country and across the world are very offended at the Christian Bible. They think it is a woman-hating religion. They think it is a woman-hating Bible. If you look up the Hebrew word that is translated woman in Strong's Concordance, it is the same word as adulteress, the same word. You could be a married woman, living a godly life, and the same Hebrew word describes you as the Hebrew word that describes a whore.
So just as many people think that Paul is a woman-hater, carnal minds, who do not have the understanding, think that Christianity hates women. But it does not. The fallen creation is known as the woman. The fallen, dead creation is the woman. The standing, living creation is known as the man.
So if you try to understand the Scripture with your carnal mind, you are going to see evil in it. And God only knows, unfortunately, how many people have seen evil in this Scripture. They have used the Christian Bible as a jumping-off point to murder, to shed blood, to torment, to torture, to do all kinds of terrible things. Carnal minds, laying hold of this Scripture, have misused it and abused it and killed and tortured in the name of Christ Jesus. But in due season, every tongue that has spoken evil of the glorious word of God shall be made straight. But for a season, we have abuses.
So we see, one more time, the Serpent, joining with the human spirit, forming a Serpentine altar, causes the creation to give birth to the woman, the adulteress who betrayed her true husband, Jehovah. She lay with the Serpent and bore his child. And the name of the whole creation took on the name of the sire of the creation, the Devil.
Now, we do not see the word, the Devil, in the Old Testament. And that is because, technically speaking, the woman was never supposed to have been born. It was supposed to be the man. We know the man's name, Christ Jesus. He was supposed to be born, so we know what his name is. But the word, the Devil, does not appear in the Old Testament because she is a perversion. She is a mistake. She was never supposed to be born.
You see, the Serpent we read about -- because God formed the Serpent. Why? Because the Serpent was necessary to be the woof of the garment, God formed the Serpent. The Devil was never supposed to be born. And I have talked to you about this several times. I believe it is in the Message #78 series. We did a word study, and usage is very important. If you really want to find out what a Hebrew word can possibly mean, you do a study, through the whole Scripture, of how it is used. So when you find out how this word is used, you can get a lot of knowledge.
And we found that the Lord frequently refers to the Devil and to Satan by what they call a negative particle in the Hebrew language. If you are not translating spiritually, if you are translating in the natural, the word is translated no, not, neither. It is a negative particle. But we have found enough Scriptures that clearly indicated, by the usage of the whole passage, that the Lord was using this negative particle to refer to the Devil. He does not even name her. She is a perversion. She is only existing for a season. She has got to die. And He refers to her as nothing, an emptiness, a vacuity, a shadow that disappears when you shine the light upon her, a footstep that disappears when you just spread the wet sand out, a nothing. She is a nothing. She is insignificant.
Well, you say, that nothingness sure has the power to hurt me. That is because you are subject to her, brethren. Now, remember, this whole world that we live in is an illusion. It is only real to us because we are trapped down here. But as far as the Lord is concerned, even this whole existence does not exist. It does not exist for him. This is a dream. It is a bad dream that Adam is having. God put him to sleep. Jehovah caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he is having a nightmare. And we are in his nightmare. So, for us, it is very real. But to the Lord, who is above it, who is outside of it, to the Lord, upon whom it has no power to hurt or to frighten, it is just a passing bad dream.
When your little boy calls you at night, he is having a bad dream. You sit him up; you hug him. You give him a glass of water, and you say, Well, that is OK, honey, it was just a bad dream. But for him, it was very real. You can comfort him, however, because it has no reality for you whatsoever. That is what this whole existence is. It is a bad dream that the Son of God is having, but the Father is not involved in this. He is not hurt by it. It is not touching him at all.
So we see that, in the Old Testament in particular, the Lord refers to this negative particle, which has expressed, or which is expressing itself through God's creation. The creation has incarnated on the negative side. God does not even give it a name in the Old Testament. When we get into the New Testament, he names it. But even in the New Testament, it is a big mystery. We see the word, the Devil, mentioned a few times.
But when God first started preparing me for this message, I started noticing little things. I know I always thought that the God of this world was Satan. I always thought that the prince and the power of this air was Satan. And when I looked up those Scriptures, I found out that the Scripture does not say that. It does not give a name to the prince of the power of the air. It does not give a name to the god of this world. And I wondered about that.
So, for whatever reason, it is hidden. The fact that the god of this world has a name, and that that name is the Devil, is not clear. It is a part of the mystery of God. It is a part of the hidden manner, although everyone that believes the Scripture knows that the god of this world -- they think he is Satan. So if you are not into the Scripture this deep, Satan and the Devil -- there really is not any difference. They know he is a negative god. But all of these little details are only for the elect. Does that make the elect better than the rest of the people? No. The one who is greatest amongst you shall be your --
COMMENT: Minister.
PASTOR VITALE: -- your minister. The greater you are, the more you are required to sacrifice and give your life for those who are your enemies. You are the best friend that your enemy has ever had, if you are the greatest amongst you, amongst the people. So --
PASTOR VITALE: Servant, minister. Yes. OK.
So we are on the phrase brought it -- the whole creation -- together under the title Adam, and to see what he would call it. Would the nature of the Serpent complete that mind? Or would the nature of Jehovah complete the mind in the creation, called Adam? And whichever spirit completed the mind, that is the name that the creation would take.
We see that in the last phrase of Genesis 2:19: And whatsoever Adam called the whole living creature -- that is the whole creation together, mind and Serpent, or Christ Jesus and Serpent, or mind and soul -- whatsoever Adam called the whole living creature, that would be the mind thereof. Call means to name or give identity to.
Now this Hebrew word translated brought -- and brought them unto Adam or brought it unto Adam to see what he would call them. That Hebrew word translated brought is Strong's #935. And one legitimate translation, appearing in Gesenius Hebrew-Chaldee Dictionary, is to have intercourse with. The Father put them all together to see whether the man -- whether the creation would have intercourse with the Father or the Serpent.
And the way you find out who we did it with is by looking at the baby. You can tell who the dad is when you look at the baby. And when you take a look at us, it is very clear who Adam did it with. He did not do it with the Son of God. He did it with the Serpent. And he gave birth to a Devil, and the Devil gave birth to us: The Serpent, the Dragon, the Devil and You.
Jesus told the Pharisees, Your Daddy is the Devil. They did not like that. Oh, I hear those Pharisees screaming. I hear them. They are throwing rotten eggs at me and tomatoes. Oh, my goodness. The truth will set you free. You can kill me, but you cannot kill him.
So this translation was very difficult, and it is usually my method to give it to you a word at a time and show you how I get it. And I really cannot do it with this Hebrew language. It is a very difficult translation, and I cannot give it to you a word at a time. But I believe this is what God told me. You pray about it. I honestly do not know whether the Hebrew text that I have is an exact reproduction of the original text. It is very possible that, over the years, the Hebrew text was altered to get someone copying. These manuscripts were copied manually by hand, and you would get some copier that says, Oh, that word, it cannot possibly be right. And they change it, or they move the word around. So all kinds of things have happened over the years. Maybe if I had more of a scholarly background, I could do it for you. But the way the Hebrew reads, I cannot give it to you, word by word, in the Hebrew. But when I put all the Hebrew words together, and I looked at all the English potentials, and I mixed it together with the mind of Christ in me, this is what the Lord gave me. And you can believe it or not believe it. It is up to you.
This is my note: Jehovah formed a temporary mind in the creation, which is named Adam, which had not produced. It was a single-thread creation. It had not yet produced the mature Son of God, Christ Jesus. And Jehovah also formed the Serpent. Jehovah then joined the immature Adam, or the immature mind of Adam, to the Serpent, or to the earth. And the Lord watched to see whether the whole creation, named Adam, would complete or mature the mind of the creation by having intercourse either with Jehovah or the Serpent.
Alternate Translation, Verse 19, Genesis 2: And the Father and the Son formed the Serpent out of the earth. And the spiritual man was made from the incomplete mind and the Serpent. And they watched to see -- who? The Father and Son -- they watched to see whether Adam would complete his mind by having intercourse with Jehovah or the Serpent. And the living soul -- that is the single-thread mind -- would be called by the name of the spirit which completed Adam's mind.
Let me read it again. And the Father and the Son formed the Serpent out of the earth. And the spiritual man was put together or he was made of the incomplete mind, which was called the living soul, and the Serpent. And they watched to see whether Adam would complete his mind by having intercourse with Jehovah or the Serpent. And the living soul would be called by the name of the spirit which completed Adam's mind.
Well, I just want to make that a little clearer. In Verse 7, where it says, And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living soul, please note that the living soul is a name for the mind. It is not the name of the whole creation. The breath of God, which is Spirit, plus the dust of earth, became a living soul. Then the beast of the field was made out of the ground.
Every aspect of the creation has a name. A lot of these names, I did not know up until this point. I always thought the living soul was the name of the whole creation, but apparently, it is not. Apparently, living soul is the name of the one-thread, incomplete, immature mind, which was joined to the Serpent, which is the earth. And the two parts together are called Adam, the creation of God.
And the creation was neuter in that the living soul, the undergarment, was not yet completed. It had not produced an offspring. And then we will find out the name and the nature of the whole creation, called Adam. We are watching to see who Adam would have intercourse with, thus completing the mind of the creation. And that creation would be called by the name of the mature mind, either Christ Jesus or the Devil. Is that not interesting?
PASTOR VITALE: You have a question?
COMMENT: I am a little confused. Are you saying the earth and the ground are the same? Or is there a difference?
PASTOR VITALE: The earth and the ground are --
COMMENT: Because you said that, out of the ground, the Lord formed every beast, in 19. And yet, when you read it on the Alternate, you said, out of the earth. So --
PASTOR VITALE: Yeah. I am pretty sure I looked it up, and it was the same word.
COMMENT: So they both mean the Serpent?
PASTOR VITALE: Yes. I will have to -- I will double-check that for you when I start preaching.
PASTOR VITALE: I think I looked it up, and it is the same word.
COMMENT: See, this is where I am confused then. But they were -- on 6, they went up, a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground, of the Serpent. That is what that means? And then 10 or 9 -- 8, rather: And the Lord planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there he put a man, whom he had formed and, out of the ground -- out of the Serpent -- made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant in his sight. Why would the Serpent be pleasant in the Lord's sight?
PASTOR VITALE: Well, you have to go by the Alternate Translation, which I do not have in front of me right now.
COMMENT: Oh, right. I am kind of confused.
PASTOR VITALE: Yeah. So you would have to really go into the notes from the Message #18 series and see where we did that because those words do not mean that at all. But you can look at this Alternate Translation, if you want, after the message is over. Although I do have an Alternate Translation here for you -- I will read it to you, although I do not have the definitions of the actual words for you. But I will look it up for you.
Verse 5, Genesis 2:5: Because the Lord Jehovah had not yet poured himself out from heaven upon the beginning generation -- that means he did not join with the incomplete mind to bring forth Christ Jesus yet, -- and a man had not yet appeared -- that is, Christ Jesus did not appear yet -- Jehovah did not join with the incomplete creation. So the man was not there for the purpose of bringing the earth into servitude, which means to bind up the Serpent so that he could not complete his mind. When we looked it up, that is what we got.
So these particular Scriptures in Genesis are way off. They are just way off. So what you would have to do, if you wanted to, was to look at the Alternate Translation. If you want, the notes are available to you. Or you could look up the words yourself and see what they mean. But as soon as you get into prophecy and/or parables, you just cannot go by the King James translation.
COMMENT: So does that mean just in Genesis 2, when he is speaking to the ground? Or is that the same thing all through the Scriptures, the ground meaning the Serpent?
PASTOR VITALE: Yeah. You have to --
COMMENT: [?It is most?] --
PASTOR VITALE: As far as I know, I cannot tell you for every instance. Any Scripture I would look at, I would look at it with that in the mind: that the ground was the Serpent, unless, of course, you are in a history book, where it has a natural application. But I cannot give you a blanket yes. But pretty much, from what I have seen, yes, the earth is the Serpent.
And that is pretty obvious in our -- it is happening in our society today. Paganism is coming into the nation, and they are talking about worshipping Mother Earth, and it is all coming out of that Wicca religion; Satan is the god of this religion. I have seen them on TV, talking about Mother Earth. They are talking about Satan. It is a hidden name for Satan.
So, generally, off the top of my head, I would say the answer is yes. But I do not remember the translation of each word here, so I cannot comment on those Scriptures right now.
COMMENT: [INAUDIBLE] Have we spoken about the ground being the Serpent all along? I do not remember that.
PASTOR VITALE: I have mentioned it several times over the last year.
COMMENT: So I guess it is [INAUDIBLE].
PASTOR VITALE: Yes. It came out strongly in that series we did on false doctrine. The Secret of Life, Right Identification; it came out strongly in that series that Satan is the earth. Yes, I have mentioned it quite a few times. You cannot possibly absorb everything; there is just so much material that comes forth here.
I tell you all the time, I have to study my own messages. As a matter of fact, in preparation for this message tonight, I preached Part 1 such a while ago that, as I started to get my mind ready, because the Lord told me last week I would be going back to this message, I said to the Lord, Lord, at what point did the Serpent become the Dragon? And I really did not know at what point the Serpent became the Dragon. When I reviewed Part 1, I found out that I had preached it on Part 1, and I forgot what I preached.
See, the point at which the Serpent became the Dragon is the point at which the partial Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil separated out from the Tree of Life. It is like saying the point at which the peach pit separated from the peach, and the pit took on an existence of its own. God gave it another name. The Serpent is the earth in union with the incomplete mind, as a part of the whole creation, called Adam. As soon as the Serpent separated out and started her own existence, her name changed, and she became the Dragon.
So the Dragon existed in Eden, from the point at which she brought herself out from under Adam's dominion. And it was the Dragon who pierced through from Eden into this world system. The Scripture says she pierced through the tree. She went beyond her authority, and she incarnated this whole world system. And the Dragon still exists.
The Dragon existed in Eden, and the Dragon exists here. And there is a Scripture; I think it is in Psalms. I think it is in Psalms, where it talks about that piercing Serpent. We did an Alternate Translation on that recently, and we found out that another translation for the word, piercing, is fugitive.
The Dragon is a fugitive. What is she a fugitive from? Who is she running away from? She is a fugitive from Christ Jesus. She is the warp of God's garment, and she has not only run away, but she has stolen the whole creation. And the police force of God is after her. And the name of the police force of God is Christ Jesus in a many-membered company called the Sons of God. We are out looking for her. We are going to lasso her. We are going to rein her in and put her back down under the authority of Christ.
So the Dragon is a fugitive, and she has come into this world system, a spiritual entity known as the Dragon. And she has incarnated a physical man. And that physical man, who exists in this world, who labors continuously to exist, is called the Devil. Just as if the Lord Jesus Christ is the first generation of Christ, and Christ Jesus is the second generation of Christ, the Dragon is the first generation of the Serpent, pierced through into this world. And the second generation of the Serpent is the Devil, us. Can you hear it?
PASTOR VITALE: The Serpent is us, until Christ Jesus swallows us up, and we become all Christ. Yeah. What did you just ask me? Who was the Dragon? Is that what you said?
COMMENT: Are all of them not us? The Serpent and the [?Devil?].
PASTOR VITALE: All of humanity, we are the Devil, which is the second generation of the Dragon. And we are in the image of the Serpent. And we see that, both in Revelation 12 and in Revelation 20. Those are the only two Scriptures I am thinking of right now where we see the Scripture talking about that old or that ancient Serpent, the Dragon, who is the Devil and Satan. That is in Revelation 20, all four of them together. And I have read that for years. I say, all four of them together? There has got to be a difference. I am just really blessed by this series.
I will just read you the Alternate Translation of Genesis 2:18-19: And the Father and the Son said, 'It is not good for the man to have an incomplete mind, so I will make a thread to run in the opposite direction.' And the Father and the Son formed the Serpent out of the earth, and the spiritual man was made from the incomplete mind and the Serpent. And they watched -- who? The Father and Son watched to see whether Adam would complete his mind by having intercourse with Jehovah or with the Serpent. And the living soul, the single-thread mind, would be called by the name of the spirit which completed Adam's mind by bringing forth his offspring into the creation.
COMMENT: The question that I was asking is in Verse 5: For the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. And I was wondering about the ground being to till the Serpent.
PASTOR VITALE: Yes. You see, these Scriptures that are so parabolized, for lack of a better word -- you really have to study them in the Hebrew. Now, I guess you do not have a King James translation, then, because the King James translation speaks about -- well, not exactly in that Scripture, but it speaks about Adam keeping the garden. And the Hebrew word translated keeping the garden, which -- whether or not it is the same word that means till or not, offhand, I do not know. But the Hebrew word translated keep means to guard, and the indication is to militaristically guard the garden.
Now you have to realize that the garden is speaking about the soul and the mind in it. What the Father is saying to the man is, Make sure that the Serpent does not get in there and form that Serpentine altar and bring forth his offspring. That is what he is saying to him. So that is a parable, to say to till the ground. You have to look up every word and find out what it really means. And the garden -- it is talking about the Serpent getting in there, the earth. In other words, it is like saying, Watch out that weeds do not grow in your garden. You just cannot take it on the surface value like that. So you would have to look at the Alternate Translation and, if you wanted to, to go into our notes from the Message #18 series, where we looked all these things up.
Verse 2 of Revelation 20: And he laid hold on the Dragon, that old Serpent, which is the Devil and Satan -- all four names in one verse. Is that not amazing? All four names in one verse, and we know the difference. God has shared with us this intimate secret of his mind. This kind of knowledge, brethren, is an example of true intimacy with Christ. He tells us his secrets. I do not know about you, but that excites me. I do not care about your motorcycles. I do not care about anything out there that excites people. This excites me. It is what turns me on. It is just incredible that he would share these secrets with me. That is quite amazing.
I have looked at it, from time to time. But, you know, you just read over these things, and you just skim over it. Cannot be bothering your head with all these little details when you are still trying to learn the difference between Christ Jesus and Jesus of Nazareth. You are not up to this stuff yet. It does not even register. But there is nothing in this Scripture that is insignificant. Some of it is just so far beyond us that we do not even recognize that there should be a question there.
The Serpent, the beast in the garden that was joined to the incomplete mind, which was in the creation -- the Serpent, the name of the earth that was joined and in submission to the incomplete mind in the creation. And the name of the incomplete mind in the creation is the living soul, the Dragon, the name of the earth after the Serpent separated out from under the authority of the creation, named Adam. The Serpent, the name of the earth in submission to the incomplete mind; the Dragon, the name of the earth in rebellion against the authority of the incomplete mind, called the living soul; the Devil, the the incarnation of humanity, the incarnation of the Serpent in the form of modern humanity, called the Devil or the Woman. We are the Woman, but the woman has a name. Her name is the Devil. The Devil has an unconscious mind, called --
PASTOR VITALE: -- Satan. And the Devil has a conscious mind, called the carnal mind, that ancient Serpent, the Dragon, which is the Devil and Satan. Amen. How exciting. Jesus.
We had a question earlier, referring back to Genesis 2:5, If the earth is the Serpent, how could the earth be tilled?
I looked up the Hebrew word translated till, and I found out that another translation, which appears, I think, in -- it appears even in Strong's, not only in Gesenius -- is to enslave the land. So you can certainly enslave Satan. You may not be able to till him, because tilling is a gardening term. But you certainly can enslave him.
As a matter of fact, the commandment of Jehovah to Adam was to enslave the land. What does that mean? Do not let Satan rise up out from under your authority. Why? Because, as soon as he gets out from under your authority, he is going to join with your incomplete mind. He is going to first tear down the altar, which is your incomplete mind. An altar, a spiritual altar, is a union between a male spirit and the human spirit, which is in the creation.
So, if you do not enslave the earth, if you do not keep that Serpent down under your authority, she is going to rise up. She is going to get free from you, rise up and start acting like a man. She is going to tear down the altar, which is formed by Jehovah and the human spirit, and form her own Serpentine altar. She is going to act like a man and join with the human spirit of the creation. And she is going to bring forth her offspring as the completed mind of the creation. And the name of her offspring is the Woman, also known as the daughter of Babylon and the Devil.
So we see that we really, when we are looking for deep spiritual truth, cannot, in most instances, go by the King James translation. Why? Because the King James translators' carnal mind chose a translation of the Hebrew word which is referring to a natural garden. But we find that there is another translation, not even a difficult one that we had to go into Gesenius. But right in Strong's Concordance we have another choice. We can choose a spiritual translation of that word: not to till the natural garden, and not the natural earth, but to enslave the spiritual earth, whose name is the Serpent.
Enslave the Serpent, brethren. In this hour, those of us who are the descendants of the creation, which died when the Serpent completed the creation's mind in her own image -- in whose image? In the image of the Serpent. The creation died, and those of us who are the descendants of that fallen creation, named Adam, we too are in the image of the Serpent. And the same command is given to us. Even though the Serpent has completed his mind in us, we still have the same commandment: Enslave the earth. Enslave Satan.
Now, there is no way we can enslave Satan without a spiritual weapon and spiritual strength, which is designed to enslave him. So first we must receive the Lord Jesus Christ into our spiritual being. And, Lord willing, he will form an altar in us, a second altar. You see, an altar already exists in us. It is the Serpentine altar, which has produced a completed mind in the image of the Serpent. And that mind or that whole personality is called the Devil. The mind is the carnal mind. Well, if the Holy Spirit visits you, he will do a miracle in you. He will establish a second spiritual altar in you, a Christine altar, the union of the Lord Jesus Christ and your human spirit. And you will now have two altars in you: one producing the completed carnal mind of the Devil, and the other altar, Lord willing, containing the beginnings of a completed mind in Christ Jesus.
But because the carnal mind is complete in this hour, and Christ Jesus is not fully mature in this hour, and because your existence is rooted and grounded in the completed mind of the Devil, the carnal mind, therefore, the Lord Jesus Christ or Christ Jesus in you cannot just outright destroy the Devil in you. Why? Because Christ Jesus is not yet mature enough to sustain the life of your flesh. In other words, brethren, you will die. If you pull up the wheat, if you pull up the tares before the wheat is full-grown, Jesus said, you will destroy the wheat along with the tares. So wait the harvest. Wait until the harvest. Do not pull up the tares before the wheat is full-grown, or you will destroy the precious fruit of the Lord from heaven.
Brethren, before you attempt to do a deep study in these Scriptures or even ask questions, ask the Lord to cover your mind with his life and with his mind because -- it is not that I mind answering your questions. I do not. But I am telling you, from personal experience, that if you try to understand this with your carnal mind, you are going to wind up with a headache.
This has happened to me. The sign that will make me put down these studies is a headache or confusion. At the first sign of confusion, I put it down because Christ is not confused. And if I am confused, that means I am thinking with my carnal mind. Put it away; put it away; put it away. Do not drive yourself to distraction. You will lose confidence, and you will not want to bother with it at all anymore.
The ministry of Christ is like the little red schoolhouse. You go at your own pace. Do not compare yourself to anybody else. Do not put any pressure on yourself. If you leave here today having learned one thing or experienced one measure, no matter how small, of spiritual growth, it was well worth your while being here. And I believe, brethren, that everybody that has been here today or that comes here on any regular basis, or maybe not even on a regular basis, receives some form of increase every time they are here. And the reason I can say that is because this place is dripping with the anointing. It is dripping like honey, the Scripture says, out of a comb, a honeycomb that is overflowing. Honey is a type of who, in the Scripture?
COMMENT: Christ.
PASTOR VITALE: Christ, the wisdom of God. And this man is made unto us wisdom. This place is dripping with the wisdom of God. And you cannot walk in here and spend any amount of time here and leave without it touching you.
Honey is sticky. It gets on you, and it does not come off all that easily. Not only that, but when one has honey all over one's hands, one is tempted to not go to the sink and wash with soap, but one is tempted to lick it off of your fingers. It is delicious.
PASTOR VITALE: But in another place the Scripture says it is sweet in your mouth, but it is --
COMMENT: Bitter.
PASTOR VITALE: -- bitter. Where is it bitter?
COMMENT: In your stomach.
PASTOR VITALE: In your belly. Now let us get some spiritual understanding of that. What is the spiritual significance of belly? Does anybody know?
PASTOR VITALE: Your reproductive spiritual parts. Yes. If you look up that word, particularly in the Greek, also in the Hebrew, it is usually referring to your spiritual reproductive parts. That does not mean your belly down here, where you take in natural food. It means your belly up here, where you take in the spiritual food. And, those of you who are reading the message, I am speaking about your mind.
So honey is delicious as it is going into your mind. Oh, this is wonderful here today. But when your carnal mind responds to this glory, it is bitter in your reproductive parts. This honey that is so delicious here today is death unto your carnal mind, and she will punish you, and she will retaliate against you. That is the bitterness, sweet and bitter.
Brethren, sweet and bitter water should not be coming out of the same fountain. These things should not be. Who said that? The $64,000 question. James said it. Sweet and bitter water should not be coming out of the same spirit. Praise the Lord.
Let us try to go on with this glorious message. The Devil is very mad, brethren. I hope all of you -- I am not trying to put fear on any of you, but you have got to be wise. Brethren, when you tell your children not to go out in the street because a car might hit them, you are not trying to raise a fearful child, but you have got to tell them that there is death in the street.
Brethren, I hope you are all praying and breaking curses and rebuking the works of the Devil over your life. She is mad as a hornet, and she is mad at you, and she is mad at me. And, despite what you have heard preached in the Church, she is not a toothless wonder. She has very sharp teeth and a whole army of demons that are very well-equipped with piercing, penetrating, death-giving weapons.
This is not a time to be slack with your prayers, and your prayers need to be warfare prayers. You need to be breaking curses, brethren, and surrounding yourself with the blood of Jesus and armed cherubim and angels and covering yourself with the blood. And you need to be forgiving your enemies and praying for those who despitefully use you because, if you are not forgiving your enemies, and your enemy happens to be a believer who is breaking curses, you are going to have your own hatred coming right back on your head.
Then I am going to be getting a phone call: I am under attack. Are you hating your brother today? Maybe he is sending your curses back. Let us get it together, brethren. This is not a baby group. This is the real thing. You are in the war. There is no place you can run from the bullets. You are marked. The Devil has got your number. Your name is in her book. You cannot go back. It is too late. If you have been in this place for any amount of time, you have passed the point of no return. The Devil will never trust you again. Jesus.
We are up to Verse 20, Genesis 2: And Adam gave names to all cattle and to the fowl of the air and to every beast of the field. But, for Adam, there was not found a help meet for him.
Why do we not read the Alternate Translation on 18 and 19 first, since it is so different from the King James? Verse 18: And the Father and the Son said, 'It is not good for the man to have an incomplete mind, so I will make a thread to run in the opposite direction.'
Verse 19: And the Father and the Son formed the Serpent out of the earth, and the spiritual man was made from the incomplete mind and the Serpent. And they, the Father and the Son, watched to see whether Adam would complete his mind by having intercourse with Jehovah or with the Serpent. And the living soul, which is the single-thread, incomplete mind, would be called by the name of the spirit which completed Adam's mind.
As the Lord revealed this morning, the completed mind which is completed by Jehovah is called Christ Jesus. And the completed mind of the creation which is completed by the Serpent is called the Devil. We do not see that name, the Devil, anywhere in the Old Testament. The completed mind which is completed by the Serpent, which causes the creation of God to incarnate on the negative side or in its negative potential, is -- in the Old Testament, in the Book of Genesis, at the beginning, is called the Woman. Because Jehovah produces a mind in the creation which is the man, his name is Christ Jesus. And the Serpent produces a mind in the creation, which is the woman that is not named in the Old Testament because she is a perversion. The mind is supposed to be male.
We see later on in the Prophets that the Woman is called the daughter of Babylon. And who could tell me what Babylon means? Confusion. We talked about that earlier, and we will see that word come up, believe it or not. The word translated ashamed in Verse 25 of Genesis 2 means confused. And that is a poor translation, which says, And they were not ashamed. They were very much ashamed; they were very much confused.
Hopefully, we will get to that verse, if not tonight, next year, whenever we get to it. I have been very long-winded, but the Lord has really been blessing us. The message has been coming out slowly, concisely, very clear. And we will just take as much time as we need. It was excellent this morning, and that same anointing is on me tonight. So I expect we will go right through at the Lord's pace.
The man and the woman were naked. They lost their spiritual cover, and they were very much confused. That word, not, is a mistranslation. They were confused, and the humanity, the visible man that they produced, the visible creation that they produced, is not a man. She is a Woman, and she is a product of confusion.
As I said earlier, the mind, the completed mind of the creation, was designed by the Father to be a man. His name is Christ Jesus. But something went wrong. The mind thought she was married to the Serpent. She could not tell the difference between the Father and the Serpent. I mean, talk about naive, brethren. That is naive. And not only could she not tell the difference between her true husband, Jehovah, and the Serpent; the Serpent was not even a man. She could not tell the difference between a man and a woman. That is confusion.
And, therefore, the mind which resulted from the ungodly union, the ungodly formation of the Serpentine altar, formed by the Serpent and the human spirit, the mind -- the completed mind that was born of that is a mind born of confusion. It is the product of a lesbian union. Now, we know, in fallen man, two lesbians cannot produce a child. But this creation was on a high spiritual level, and two lesbians produced a child.
In spiritual circles, the child, the offspring of God's creation, is what? What is the child of the creation? What part of the creation is it? Is it the arm of the creation? It is the mind of the creation. So two spiritual lesbians can produce a mind, but that mind is female. When you have a male spirit and a female spirit, the mind is male.
So, we see, the Woman received another Woman as her husband. And there was a child produced. A completed mind was born into the creation, and the two women produced a female mind, which the Scripture calls the Woman. Not so. Not supposed to be, brethren. The mind is supposed to be male. So the female mind is a product of confusion. She is the daughter of confusion. Two women produced a child. They produced a female mind. That makes her, the mind that was born, a female, a daughter, and she is the offspring of two lesbians. That is confusion, brethren. And the Prophets call her the daughter of confusion.
But just to make sure that this truth is deeply hidden, because it is only for the ears of those to whom it is given to understand the mysteries of God, the prophets call the name of the Woman the daughter of Babylon. The prophet Isaiah said, in another place, Let the spirit of sleep fall upon them that their ears should not understand, that their eyes should not see, so that they should not receive the salvation of God.
I am not quoting it exactly, but that is what the prophet Isaiah said. I used to read that and say, Oh, my goodness, how terrible. Except that I know God is righteous, why in the world would the Lord say that? Let the spirit of sleep fall upon them that they should not see, and they should not hear, and they should stay dead in their sins. Why would God say such a thing, brethren? Anybody, why would God say such a thing? Because they had not confessed their sins and repented. And the Lord would not have his creation spiritually matured in a condition of sin because, when you spiritually mature in a condition of sin, you mature as a full manifestation of the Devil, evil. And this would be a manifestation of eternal torment. The Lord does not approve of that. He is against it.
The final and permanent expression of God's creation, that expression of God's creation which will abide for the life of the ages, will not be eternal torment, but it shall be eternal --
PASTOR VITALE: -- life. OK. Eternal life, the exact opposite of torment.
Be careful before you judge your God with your carnal mind. He is righteous; he is holy. He is the only decent thing in this whole world system. Think twice before you judge him unholy and think twice before you judge his servants because he is a jealous God, and he is jealous of the people that are serving him faithfully. Do not play with what you do not understand. You could get hurt. I am telling you the truth.
The Lord is merciful if you are just a stupid kid, but you better not be playing in any form of maturity. You could get real hurt. I tell you the truth. He killed Ananias and Sapphira, and he blinded Simon the sorcerer. Do not be a fool. So how did I get off on that?
And the Father and the Son said, 'It is not good for the man to have an incomplete mind, so I will make a thread to run in the opposite direction.' And the Father and the Son formed the Serpent out of the earth, and the spiritual man was made from the incomplete mind and the Serpent together. And the Father and the Son watched to see whether Adam would complete his mind by having intercourse with Jehovah or the Serpent. And the living soul, which is the single-thread, incomplete mind, would be called by the name of the spirit which completed Adam's mind.
So we can tell which spirit she joined with by looking at her child because the child looks like the one who sired her. What do you look at? Do you look at my face? Do you look at my feet? Do you look at my hands? What do you look at to determine who my dad is? What do you look at? My --
PASTOR VITALE: My mind. Do not look at my face, brethren. Do not look at my clay body. Look at my mind.
Now, we are going through a period of transition, where there are people beginning to appear on the earth whose physical body is still in the image of the Serpent but whose mind is more and more appearing in the image of Christ. We are double-minded in this season. Nobody is completely in the image of Christ yet, so do not be deceived. Do not look at my body and say, Well, I checked out your body, and it is the image of the Serpent, and I checked out your life, and you are definitely aging. So that means you are still in the image of the Serpent. That is true, but there is another image present. There is another mind present. Be wise. Do not be silly; be wise.
Understand the signs of the times. This is a time of duality, where those men in whom Christ is appearing have two minds. Examine somebody. Examine the fruit of their life. Compare them to the year before. Are they growing, or are they sliding backwards? Be wise, be wise, be wise. Do not make snap judgments. Ask the Lord about people. Ask him which spirit is predominating their life. They may not be in full stature, but what is the predominant spirit in their life? Or who is the predominant spirit?
Verse 20: And Adam gave names to all cattle and to the fowl of the air and to every beast of the field. But, for Adam, there was not found a help meet for him. In case you had not picked up on it, brethren, we talked about it earlier. The term, help meet: I am sorry, all you believers in Santa Claus, but it is not speaking about a natural wife or a natural man. It is speaking about a help which is suitable for a mind, which the Father formed at the beginning of time, which did not look anything at all like men and women look today.
And we found out that the reason the man needed a help was that his mind was not complete and that his mind, being in an incomplete condition, was in danger of being ripped apart by the Serpent. We found out that the mind of the creation was a woven garment with threads, one set of threads going vertically, called the woof, and another set of threads going horizontally, called the warp, and that this incomplete mind, which had not yet produced a child, which would glue the whole ball of wax together, was in danger of being ripped apart by the Serpent.
See, a three-fold cord is not easily broken, but a two-fold cord or a two-fold garment, is easily ripped apart. The Serpent was stronger than a twofold court, or the Serpent was stronger than a mind which was not completed by the birth of a child. And we are told they shall be saved in childbearing, when you bear the Christ child, that he is your salvation.
John 8: The servant does not abide in the house -- does not abide in your flesh forever. And the servant is the Devil or the carnal mind. She will not be able to keep your flesh alive forever, for the life of the ages. If the one who is giving you existence is the Devil or the woman, you will be in this earth only for a season.
But the Son, brethren (John 8) abides in the house -- anybody? Forever. When the child that your mind has borne is the Son of God, whose name is Christ Jesus, forever you will be with the Lord, inhabiting this flesh. And you will enter into an everlasting life because he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit. And when your spirit is joined to the eternal spirit of Almighty God, you will not steal his eternity, but he will swallow up your temporality, your temporariness. His eternal life will swallow it up. And forever you shall be with the Lord.
What a message. What an absolutely glorious message. You want to preach hell, brethren, you preach hell. I will take heaven. I would much rather tell the people this. But you want to hear a strange thing, brethren, a mystery? Most of the people would rather hear about hell than hear about this glorious message. They want to know that their enemies will burn forever, being tortured by the Devil with fire and pitchforks. It makes them happy because their minds are dead in sin. And they have waxed cold, and the love of God is not in them. They are filled with hate, and every poison is a wicked thing.
We are going to try one more time with Verse 20. Hallelujah. The Lord is hot tonight, brethren. The Lord is hot tonight.
And Adam gave names to all cattle. Now we see a new word here, cattle. Prior to that, we have read about the beast of the field, the fowl of the air. Where does this word, cattle, come from? The Scripture just pulls it out of the air. This book must surely have been written by a man who had one drink too many. No, brethren. This book was written under the anointing of the Holy Ghost. And it knows exactly what it is saying, although the translation may not be completely accurate.
PASTOR VITALE: The Scripture spoke about the beast of the field, the whole beast of the field. Does anybody remember who the beast is in the Book of Genesis?
COMMENT: The Serpent.
PASTOR VITALE: The Serpent is the beast of the field, the beast of the earth. And the Scripture speaks about the whole fowl of heaven. I think that is what he talks about. Is that the word? And the every, or the whole fowl of the air. And the fowl of the air is speaking about the spiritual aspect of the man, and the spiritual aspect of the man is his mind. And when that mind was put together with the Serpent in one creation, the creation got a new name because the two of them were put together. The creation received a new name, and the Scripture calls it cattle. And Adam gave names to all cattle. That word, all, means the whole cattle.
That word, cattle, is the next word in the lexicon to the word, behemoth. Some of you, who have read the Book of Job, have heard about behemoth. You have heard all kinds of things about him. He is a hippopotamus; he is a sea monster; he is a this; he is a that. If you read Job, somewhere between Chapter 40 or 42 tells us about behemoth. If you read that chapter, even in the King James translation, carefully and discerningly, and you pray about it, you will see that behemoth is described in that book. And the overriding characteristic of this animal is -- what? Anybody know? Lust.
And who is it that we know of whose overriding characteristic is lust? Fallen man. The overriding characteristic of resurrected man is righteousness. And the overriding characteristic of fallen man is lust: lust for everything, not just sexual lust. I want it. I want things. I want possessions. I want to feel good. I want, I want, I want, I want. Fallen man is negative. He takes in, he takes in, he takes in. He is a drain. Resurrected man is positive. He gives out, he gives out, he gives out. He is a source of unending supply to those less fortunate than himself.
So I would have to say, brethren, that, at this point in Verse 20, the Scripture is already indicating that Adam has fornicated with the Serpent and produced the Devil because we see that the whole creation has been named. And, although we do not see that it is called the Devil here, we see that it is named by type. What does that mean? The creation is now called beast.
Did we not just read, in the prior verse, that the spirit which completes the mind of the creation -- that that spirit's name will be the name of the creation? Well, brethren, Adam mated with the Serpent because the completed creation is now called behemoth, beast. Is everybody OK?
COMMENT: It in Job, Chapter 40.
PASTOR VITALE: OK. Chapter 40. Thank you. The Book of Job.
So we see that the word, cattle, is the plural of the word behemoth. There is one, many-membered beast. We read further about the beast in the Book of Revelation. We are the offspring of the Serpent. The Serpent mated with Adam and incarnated a creation in the image of the Serpent. We are told, in the Book of Zephaniah, that the Serpent incarnated a generation of wandering men, who must labor continuously to survive. And this incarnated form of the Serpent is called the Devil. And Jesus said, your dad is the Devil. We are the company of wandering men, who must labor continuously to survive because of our illegitimate birth and our condition of separation from God.
Brethren, Jesus said, The truth will set you free. You want to be the Son of God. You want to be raised from the dead. You want to be holy, as your Father in heaven is holy. You want to be righteous. There is no way to achieve these ends unless you can confess that you are not holy, that you are not righteous, that your dad is not the Lord Jesus Christ, that you are not in the image of God in your wicked, fallen, disgusting condition where you sin every day. Do not tell me you are in the image of God. You are a liar. And there is no way you are going to enter into heaven until you can confess your condition without condemnation. Truth is not accusation. Truth is not condemnation. Truth is in its own category. It is just true.
And now what will you do about it? Let us get on the stick, brethren, and start working God's program, which will result in a change of mind, an ultimate resurrection from the dead. God wants it for you. He wants to give it to you. He wants it to happen to you. He loves you. But he is not playing with you. And there is no way you are entering into his holiness with sin in your heart. Either he is going to rip that sin out of your heart, or he is going to kick you out of the Kingdom. And those are your two choices.
Now, you may not see that clearly now because we are still under grace. But I am telling you, as the prophet of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am telling you, you are going to go one way or the other. He is going to rip that sin out of your heart, or he is going to kick you out of the Kingdom. And those are your only two choices. It may not look that way right now, but that is your only two choices.
Now, the word, Adam -- And Adam gave names to all cattle. In the Hebrew, when I study this, we have two prefixes before the word, Adam. A prefix is a syllable, usually. It is an incomplete word that appears before another word, which changes the meaning of the word. For example, if you have a word, count, and you add the prefix, R-E, before it, the word now becomes recount, and it changes the meaning of the word.
In the English, as I just demonstrated, prefixes are usually two letters, although sometimes not. We have the word, for example, moral. There is an English word, moral, and if we add the prefix, a, before it, the word becomes amoral, and the word now has the exact opposite meaning of the word. Moral means righteous; amoral means without righteousness. Well, not righteous, but moral means conscience, having a conscience, and amoral means not that your conscience failed you but that you are without conscience.
So we see two prefixes before the word, Adam, in the Hebrew. And they are the Hebrew letters, vav and lamed. The Hebrew letter, vav, means -- we are going to choose the translation, wherefore. And the Hebrew letter, lamed -- we are using the alternate translation, on account of. And you will hear that in the Alternate Translation.
Again: And Adam gave names to all cattle and to the fowl of the air. Now, the whole behemah -- we already talked about that. And to the fowl of the air -- the fowl of the air, remember, was the incomplete mind. So when the Scripture says that Adam gave a name to the incomplete mind, it means he completed the mind. And the name that he gave to the mind was cattle, beast.
So, by deductive reasoning -- what is deductive reasoning? It is drawing educated conclusions. It is not just pulling things out of the air that you would like to believe. But there are some legitimate conclusions which are based on fact. And the fact is that the Scripture says that Adam gave a name to the incomplete mind. And, just before that, it says that the -- let me give you the exact expression here -- that Adam named all the cattle. We found out that the name of the mind is beast. Therefore, the conclusion is that the spirit which completed the mind of Adam was the Serpent because Adam gave birth to a beast instead of the Son of God. Hallelujah.
And to every beast of the field, or to the whole beast of the field -- beast of the field, we found out, is the Serpent. But, for Adam, there was not found a help meet for him. Now, brethren, you are going to have to pray about this. As I told you this morning, this translation is so difficult because the King James translators just did a fairy tale out of all these Hebrew words. They just made a fairy tale out of it.
So I am going to give you a few more pointers, and I am going to give you an Alternate Translation. I cannot go word by word, like I have done in the past, because of what the King James translators did with this. I just -- even because of the way that the Hebrew is set up, it just is not clear. But I am going to give you what God gave me. You pray about it. If you do not want to believe it, it is fine. You do not have to. But I believe it, and I think there is enough evidence to believe it if God quickens to you.
Now, you may recall, in recent studies in the Prophets, we talked about a negative particle being used to describe Satan and the Devil in the Scriptures. What is a negative particle? A negative particle is a Hebrew word, a short Hebrew word which is translated either not or neither or none. It is called a negative particle. We did a word study in the Message #78 series, where the Lord revealed several Scriptures in the Prophets where he used, in a secret way, as a parable, only for those who are given to understand the parables, to know that the Lord used a negative particle to describe Satan or the Devil. There is no distinction made between the Serpent, Satan, or the Devil, it is just a negative particle.
God does not give any power to the Devil, does not give her a name, calls her a nothing. She is a not, a neither, a none. She is a vacuity. She is empty. She is an empty wind. She means nothing to the Lord at all. She is a shadow. This whole world that she has formed is a shadow and an illusion that has no reality whatsoever to the Lord or to those who are bearing his mind. This world is real to us because we are subjected to the Devil, which means we are dead because our mind is dead because of sin, S-I-N, sin. Not your sin and not your sin, but my sin -- that is a dirty word in the Church today. They do not like to use it. Glory to God.
So we have a negative particle in Verse 20. It appears at the end of the verse. But, for Adam, there was not found a help meet for him. The Hebrew word translated not is that negative particle. It is Strong's #3808. We translated it the Devil or Satan several times during our Alternate Translation of the Book of Zephaniah. We found that translation -- in the context of the whole verse, we found it appropriate to translate that negative particle, either the Devil or Satan, in selected passages in Isaiah and other Prophets. And we are going to translate it that way here; and let me show you how.
Now, listen. You cannot just go into any Scripture that you want to and pick up this negative particle, because the word not and no and none and neither is throughout the Scripture. You cannot just arbitrarily pick up that negative particle and translate it the Devil. The whole verse has to witness to the fact that, in this particular verse, this negative particle is speaking about that empty thing that the Lord is mocking by not even giving a name. The whole verse, the whole context of the verse, must witness to it.
So let us see how I drew this conclusion. The word, found -- and a help meet was not found for him, is speaking about Adam. This Hebrew word, translated found, is Strong's # 4672. And an Alternate Translation, which appears in the lexicons, is arrived at. I am going to put it all together for you. Just bear with me.
For him -- now, this is interesting. It seems like such a harmless word, for him. It seems like a nothing word. But the Hebrew word that it is translated from -- the interlinear calls it suited. Now that word, suited, is a verb. Verbs have power. How could you translate it for him? Was not suited to him -- it is Strong's #5048. Look it up yourself. It is the same Hebrew word that is translated meet in Verse 18. I will make a help meet for him.
I wonder if I made a mistake there. I wonder if that is not the translation of for him, but it is the translation of meet. I think I made a mistake there. OK. It must be a translation of the word, meet. I should change my notes on that. Let me just fix that up. OK.
And, as in Verse 18, an Alternate Translation of the word, meet, is in opposition to. The Hebrew word translated meet, Strong's #5048, is speaking about the thread which goes in opposition to.
Now, remember, the mind is the garment for the Father's Spirit. And a garment is woven with a series of threads running vertically, from heaven to the earth. And we see that there are threads running along the surface of the earth, which are the woof of the garment, and threads running vertically, from heaven to earth, which are the warp of the garment. So we have the word, meet, translated in opposition to, speaking about the threads in opposition to the human spirit or the warp of the garment. And, as we established earlier, we have several messages whereby we establish that Satan is the warp of the garment. Satan is the warp of the garment.
Therefore, our Alternate Translation for Verse 20 is as follows: Therefore, the Devil -- we are not saying Satan; we are saying the Devil because we now have a deeper understanding of the difference between the Devil and Satan. And we are saying, Therefore, the Devil, the whole fallen personality, became the warp of God's garment because Adam completed the corporate mind of the whole creation and its many members by having intercourse with the Serpent.
Let me read you the last phrase of Verse 19: And the living soul, the single-thread mind, the incomplete mind, will be called by the name of the spirit which completed Adam's mind. Therefore, the Devil -- so that this could be accomplished, the Devil became the warp of God's garment because Adam completed the corporate mind of the whole creation and its many members by having intercourse with the Serpent.
Well, that is not right. That is the wrong -- Therefore, the Devil, who was the warp of God's garment, became the completed mind of the whole creation because Adam had intercourse with the Serpent.
Therefore, the Devil became the, or, Therefore, the completed mind of the creation was in the image of the Serpent, called the Devil, because Adam had intercourse with the Serpent. I am going to have to work on that Alternate Translation. I will try it one more time, and then I will go on.
Therefore, the Devil became the warp of God's garment, and Adam completed the corporate mind of the whole creation in the image of the Serpent, and the Devil became the name of the whole incarnated creation because Adam had intercourse with the Serpent.
One more time: Therefore, the Devil became the warp of God's garment. And Adam had intercourse with the Serpent, and the completed mind was formed in the image of the Serpent, and the creation was therefore called the Devil.
So we see that the Devil, who was formed to be the warp of the garment, rose up and took on the male role, made herself the woof of the garment. And, therefore, the mind of the creation was completed in a damaged, deficient way.
You see, the mind was supposed to be clearly interwoven, the warp and the woof clearly interwoven, one set of threads going vertical, the other set of threads going horizontal. But the mind was completed in a deficient way. The Devil did not run horizontally, along the earth. She rose up and took a male position, and all of the threads were vertical. And the garment, therefore, fell apart.
The mind and the creation were completed in the image of the Serpent instead of in the image of the Father. In accordance with the Lord's command, the whole creation took the name or took the nature of the spirit which completed the mind in the creation. Therefore, the name of this fallen creation, brethren, is the Devil, and she is the god of this world. And each of us has the Devil for our father. We are in the image of the Serpent, and that is the mark of the beast, which is in our nature. It must be erased and replaced by the mark of God.
So I will have to work on that Alternate Translation of Verse 20. It did not come out too right. But I hope that I made the point with you. I will try one more time: Therefore, the Devil became the warp of God's garment. No, I am not going to try it. I cannot do it off the hoof like that. I am going to have to work on it.
Let us go on to Verse 21: And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept, and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead. Now, remember, this is all a fairy tale that carnal minds devised because they could not even comprehend the deep spiritual truth of what was happening here, that we are talking about the formation of the creation, which began with an incomplete mind.
Just as a fetus is forming in a woman's womb, you have an incomplete fetus. It begins with the heart. And, as the pregnancy continues, organs are literally built into the fetus. This is how God made man, in a spiritual context. He started with an incomplete mind, called the living soul. He joined that mind to the earth, which had a name and an existence. And the name of the earth is the Serpent. And when he put them together, the incomplete mind, which was in the image of the Father -- when he put it together with the Serpent, the Serpent was stronger than the incomplete mind.
And God said to Adam, Guard that garden because the Serpent is stronger than your incomplete mind. Do not let him fertilize you and bring forth his offspring because, if you let that happen, the whole creation will incarnate in a perverse form. Adam failed the test. The Serpent rose up. Adam could not tell the difference between the Serpent, which was a woman and Jehovah. The incomplete mind, which was temporarily in the image of the Father, was torn down. The Serpent set up his own altar through a union with the human spirit and brought forth his offspring, the Devil.
And, therefore, the whole creation took the name of the spirit which completed the mind, the name or the nature -- name is another way of saying nature -- of the Serpent. OK. And the completed mind has a name. It is called the Devil, and we are the offspring of the Devil. The creation manifested visibly on the negative side.
When Cain was put out of the garden, we are told that he left the garden, and he went eastward. He went to the east. Now, that word, east -- it is a different Hebrew word than the word in Verse 8 of Chapter 2, which says, God planted a garden eastward in Eden. That is not the same word as in Verse 16 of Chapter 4: And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord and dwelt in the Land of Nod, on the east of Eden. That is a different Hebrew word than Chapter 2, Verse 8, which is translated eastward. The word translated east, in Chapter 4, is a word which means the female side, the weak side of Eden. Cain incarnated on the negative side: negative, weak; positive, strong.
So when Adam mistook the Serpent for Jehovah, had intercourse with the Serpent, bore the Serpent's offspring, called the woman or the daughter or the product of confusion -- Adam was confused -- the daughter of Babylon, also known as the Devil, which name is not revealed until the New Testament, OK, we see that the creation incarnated in the negative, perverse form.
That is the condition we are in now. And that is why we need a savior. We have to break out of this place. We are in hell. We fell down into it, and we have to break out. We are trapped in a black hole down here, in a pit, and we cannot get ourselves out. So we are waiting for the Lord Jesus Christ to get us out.
From time to time, you hear on TV that some child has fallen down into a hole in the ground. And the whole town comes out, urging the rescue workers on to get the child out. Well, we are the child that fell down into the black hole. And all the family in heaven is working feverishly to get us out. It has only been two days that we are down here. But, brethren, you try sitting down in a pit for two days. It must feel like a million years.
Well, that is what it feels like to us down here. One day, to the Lord, is as a thousand years to us down here, who are trapped in hell. Time flies when you are having fun. If you are enjoying your day, the day flies by. If you are sitting down in a black hole, just waiting for someone to rescue you, it is like eternity. And that is what has happened to us. To God, we are only in the end of the second day or the very beginning of the third day. And we are about to be raised up out of the pit very soon. Glory to God.
Verse 21: And the Lord caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept. And he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof.
And the Lord caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam. The Hebrew word translated sleep means to be dried up, old, dead. It is speaking about the sleep of death. Adam went into a spiritual sleep, a sleep whereby he died spiritually. What does that mean? He died to his immortality.
In Chapter 2 of the Book of Genesis, the Lord said to Adam, If you eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, you shall surely die. And that Hebrew word translated die means die to your immortality. It does not mean to cease to exist. It means that you will become mortal. You will die to your immortality and become a mortal man, a man who is capable of death.
And that is what happened to Adam. He died to his immortality and became a man who died. But this death is not a cessation of existence. It is a death which results from the separation of God. It is a death whereby the person separates from God and goes on to have an existence in hell. This is what the whole Church world teaches, except they teach that it has not happened yet. And they teach that, when your body dies, your soul goes someplace and burns in hell forever.
No. When our spirit died, when our spirit separated from God thousands of years ago and we fell down into this place right here, called hell, into these flesh bodies and into this soul, whereby we are ruled by our emotions, and many of us are tormented continuously, and everybody has some measure of torment, and some people have a lot more torment than others, you do not have to die and go to hell. There is spiritual fire burning you every day and spiritual pitchforks burning you every day. What do you have to go someplace else for?
And some people in this earth are in hell physically. If you are living in a war-torn land, if you are in Rwanda right now, if you were in Vietnam when the Vietnam War was going on, you are not only in torment emotionally; you are in torment physically. What do you have to die and go someplace else for? This is it, right here. And there are different levels of hell. Some people are more tormented than others.
And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept. And he took one of his ribs. Now, the interlinear does not say of his ribs in the Hebrew. It says from his ribs.
And the Lord took one from his ribs. The word, ribs -- we talked about it earlier today. The Hebrew word really means sides. Adam had two sides, spirit and earth. He was mind and Serpent, spirit and earth. And the Scripture says the Lord took one from his ribs. And, I suggest to you, the Lord took the human spirit out from the fallen creation.
Adam had intercourse with the Serpent. The mind of the creation was completed in the nature of the Serpent, called the Devil, and the human spirit was trapped in there. She was trapped in there. How was she trapped in there? The Serpent joined with her, and she bore the Serpent's child, the Devil. And part of the Devil was the carnal mind. So Eve was all trapped in there, joined to the Serpent and the Devil. And we see that the Lord reached in there and took her out from this trap. Let us see what this means.
He took one out. He took the human spirit out and closed up -- Strong's #5462. This word translated closed up, Gesenius tells us, can also be translated precious, believe it or not, and is in fact translated precious or pure gold in a whole string of Scriptures he gives you. But you will have to look it up yourself; I did not make a note of them. Gesenius says this word, which is translated closed up, can be translated precious, as that which is pure, genuine, and that which is opposed to common or adulterated. This translation is used especially with regard to precious gold. Please remember that that gold typifies the human spirit. The word, flesh, can be the flesh of animals or men. And the word, instead, means the lower part. So, you see, the human spirit was cast down into the lower part. She was joined to the Serpent.
Let us try this Alternate Translation with me. Verse 21: And the Father and the Son caused the sleep of death to fall upon Adam. And his spirit, his human spirit, dried up, and he died. She dried up when she was joined to the Serpent, and he died. And the Father and the Son took that precious gold, the human spirit side, the spirit side of Adam, which had fallen under the lower part, which had fallen under the power of the Devil.
And the Father and the Son caused the sleep of death to fall upon Adam. And his spirit dried up, and he died. And the Father and the Son took that precious gold, the human spirit, that spirit side of Adam which had fallen under the power of the Devil. And what did the Father do with it? We will find out, in the next verse, that the Father rebuilt that human spirit.
Now, remember. Now, try and stay with me. The anointing is even slaying me. This is intense. The human spirit was joined to Jehovah in the formation of an incomplete mind, which was in the image of the Father, called the living soul. And, as we said earlier this morning, the immature or the incomplete creation was considered a man, not because the creation, in and of itself, was a man but because the Father was putting his whole power and strength behind the creation. The creation was still neuter. It had not matured either as a spiritual man or a spiritual woman. But the whole strength of the masculine Father was behind the creation. Therefore, he was appearing as a man but was not really a man in his heart yet.
So, we see, what is happening here is that, when Adam messed up and mated with the Serpent, we see, the Father took back the human spirit, or actually took back the Spirit of Jehovah that had made that human spirit a man. The union, the altar of God, when Jehovah joined with the human spirit, forming the altar of God -- that was what gave the creation his manhood, his temporary manhood. The Father took back his own Spirit.
I am sorry. The Lord just corrected me. Whether you could recognize it or not, the Lord just corrected me, and thank God for the correction. The Father did not draw back the human spirit. He drew back the Spirit of Jehovah that had been joined with the human spirit. When Adam mated with the servant, Jehovah withdrew. Do you hear me? There was a temporary union between Jehovah and the human spirit. Adam messed up, and he mated with the Serpent, and the Father withdrew his Spirit. Therefore, the human spirit was left with a union with the Serpent, therefore rebuilding the whole nature of the creation.
What does that mean? The nature of the creation was male. Jehovah was joined to the human spirit. And, even though the mind was incomplete, it was male. But the Father withdrew, and the only spirit that was joined to the human spirit was the Serpent, and the nature of the creation became female. We will see, in the next verse, the Father withdrew his Spirit and rebuilt the human spirit as a woman.
Listen, brethren, let us take this from the top.
In Genesis 2:7, it says, The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. And man became a living soul. Now, we said earlier that the living soul was the incomplete mind. It was the union of the breath of the Father, plus the dust of the ground, formed the garment, in which the Spirit of Jehovah was resting. Then we find the ground, the Serpent, is formed of the ground, the Serpent being the soul. So we see a temporary mind in the creation. It is an incomplete mind.
A complete mind has three parts to it: the human spirit, a male spirit and an offspring. So we see the initial union of Jehovah to the human spirit, forming an altar. And the third element that will complete the mind is the Son that is born of the union, called Christ Jesus. In the event that the Serpent joins with the human spirit, we have a Serpentine altar. And the offspring that is born of this union is female; she is a daughter. She is called the Devil. And when the creation joins with the Serpent and produces the Devil, we can say that the creation was completed or matured on the negative side. And when the creation or the human spirit joins with Jehovah and produces the Son of God, we can say that the creation is completed on the positive side. And the name of the whole creation is now Christ Jesus, and the mind of the creation is the mind of Christ.
So the Father and the Son -- they are watching Adam to see who he is going to copulate with, the Serpent or the Father, because it is the man's choice. The Father gave the man a handicap. He started him out by giving him a temporary, incomplete mind, which was backed up by the power of the Father, making him a man, not because he was a man in his own heart but because the Father lent him his power and his authority, hoping that the man would grow up into the office.
But the man had a choice. He would either join with the Father or with the Serpent to complete his mind. And the Scripture tells us that, whoever the man joined with to complete his mind, the whole creation would be named after that spirit. If the man chose to join with Jehovah, to join his incomplete mind with Jehovah to produce the offspring, Christ Jesus, the name of the creation would be Christ Jesus and would be incarnated on the positive side. But if the man with the incomplete mind joined with the Serpent and produced the offspring of the Serpent, which would be called the Woman or the daughter of Babylon or the Devil, the creation would incarnate on the negative side. OK.
So we see that, in the temporary condition, God gave the man a handicap. He was temporarily appearing as a man, and Jehovah's Spirit was in there. But when Adam messed up, and he could not tell the difference between the Serpent and the Spirit of Christ, and he mated with the wrong guy and bore the Serpent's child, the Devil, Jehovah went in there and removed the Spirit of Jehovah that was in there that formed the temporary, incomplete mind. Are you with me? The Spirit of Jehovah was in there from the beginning. The Lord loaned it to him to form that temporary, incomplete mind. And when the Father realized that the man mated with the Serpent instead of the Spirit of Christ, the Father went in there and took back that Spirit of Jehovah.
Now, that Spirit of Jehovah that was in there, when the mind was temporary, made the creation a man, a temporary man, not because he was a man from within himself but because the Father lent his power to the creation. But he was a man. Is everybody OK?
When the Father removed that Spirit, the human spirit that was still in the mind of the man that was now joined to the Serpent, the only thing that was left there was the spirit, the human spirit, and the spirit of the Serpent.
And the Scripture says, The mind of the creation, Adam's mind, was rebuilt. It had been man, and it was now rebuilt as a woman. The temporary mind was male. But when it came into its permanent form, it was rebuilt. It was a man, and now it is a woman.
And do we not have a perversion of that in this nation today? It is called transsexuality. We have mostly men, I think, going to Sweden. I do not know if they are doing it here anymore. They used to do it in Sweden. They went to Sweden. They did a surgery on your physical body. We have men becoming women; they are called transsexuals. They are usually people who were born with both female and male sexual organs, physically speaking. And these people -- they are not homosexuals, I am told, but they are human beings who are born in a perverse form, both male and female primary sexual organs. And they claim that, in their hearts and their souls, they are a woman. So they have the male sexual organ removed. And some of them go out and get married. They find some guy that is willing to marry them.
So that is a bizarre example of what happened. I am trying to help you understand. The mind of the man, at the beginning, was formed -- although temporarily formed, it was formed as a man. But when Adam messed up and mated with the Serpent, Jehovah went in there, and the human spirit, which was formed in the image of Jehovah, was now rebuilt and formed in the image of the Serpent. The creation was a man, and it became a woman. We have the spiritual basis for transsexuality. Let us go on.
Alternate Translation, Verse 21, Genesis 2: And the Father and the Son caused the sleep of death to fall upon Adam. And his spirit dried up, and he died. And the Father and the Son took that precious gold, which is speaking about the Father's spirit, which was in Adam, and took it back, that spirit which had fallen under the power of the Devil. You see, the Spirit of Jehovah was joined to one with the human spirit. So, when the human spirit fell under the power of the Devil, Jehovah's Spirit was trapped in there too. And, of course, the Lord cannot stay in a perverse condition. So the Lord went in there and took back his Spirit, leaving the human spirit joined to the Serpent. And the human spirit is still in that condition today. Hallelujah. That was Verse 21.
Verse 22: And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman and brought her unto the man. So I was ahead of myself. I have already done Verse 22. To make can be translated to build or to rebuild.
And the woman, Strong's #802 -- this is the first time that the word, woman, I believe, appears in the Scripture. And what woman means is simply a distinction between woman and man. Up until this point, there was no woman. The woman did not exist. There was only the creation, which was God's wife, whose name was Adam. But now that the mind of the creation was formed in the image of the Serpent, we see the appearance of woman as opposed to man. This is the first appearance. And the Hebrew word translated wife is the same Hebrew word translated woman.
Alternate Translation, Verse 22: And the Father and the Son rebuilt the human spirit, which he had taken from the man, and he rebuilt her into a woman.
And the Father and the Son rebuilt the human spirit, which he had taken from the man -- well, I guess that is not right. And the Father and the Son rebuilt the human spirit into the woman. I will redo these Alternate Translations for you by the next message. They are apparently not ideal.
This is Verse 22: And the Father and the Son rebuilt that human spirit, which was a man in the image of the Father -- they rebuilt it into a woman, which was in the image of the Serpent, because Adam had had intercourse with the Serpent. Jesus.
Verse 23: And Adam said, 'This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman because she was taken out of man.'
And Adam said, 'This is now bone of my bones.' The Hebrew word translated now is Strong's #6471, and it can be translated to strike or to tread under. The Serpent strikes and bites you, and the Devil treads wherever she can, treads Christ underfoot. The Devil and her carnal mind is out to kill the man, Christ Jesus, and tread his mind and his authority under her feet. That is what she is out to do. So, we see, this Hebrew word translated now, Strong's #6471, can also be translated to tread under.
And Adam said, 'This is now bone of my bones.' The word, bone, in the Scripture, typifies spirit. Soul is being separated from spirit and the joints from the marrow, joints meaning bones. And there are many Scriptures indicating that bones typify spirit in the Scripture. So Adam said, This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She is spirit of my spirit, which comes from my spirit, and flesh, which comes from my flesh. She shall be called woman because she was taken out of man.
And Adam said, This one who is treading under -- I did not put that down -- is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman. The Hebrew word translated called can also be translated cried out. And Adam is saying, This one, she was from my spirit, and she was from my flesh. Now, not only is she going to be called woman, but she is going to be crying out. Did you ever hear somebody say, you will be sorry? OK. This human spirit that was joined to Jehovah but is now joined to the Serpent -- the consequences of Adam's mistake is that human spirit is going to be calling out. Calling out for what? Calling out for help. She is trapped. She is now joined to the Serpent and his child, the carnal mind.
So we see Adam saying not this wonderful thing that people use in marriage ceremonies, bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh. But Adam is saying, Boy, I messed up, and now my human spirit is joined to Satan and really trapped. And she is going to be crying out for help because of this ungodly union.
Did you ever see a young girl determine to marry some man? And her father says, Do not do it. The guy is no good. And she says, I am going to do it. I do not care what you say. And the father says, You will see. That is what this is talking about. Adam said she is going to be crying out because of this, and the human spirit of man has been crying out ever since the fall. She is in bondage to her husband and her daughter.
She shall be called woman because she was taken out of man. This Hebrew word translated taken out, it is Strong's #3947, and it is translated, in the Book of Ezekiel, to describe a fire taking hold of itself; that means a fire turning inward. So what this means is not that the human spirit -- not that she was taken out of man but that she was turned inward. The human spirit was exalted in her union with Jehovah, but she turned inward and joined to the tree that was in the midst of the Tree of Life.
Remember, there was a Tree of Life in the garden. And in the midst thereof, like a pit in the midst of a peach, was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. So when the human spirit turned inward, that is another way of saying she joined with the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Serpent is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
I hear somebody saying, I thought the Serpent was the earth. That is a good question. I am completely passing out. I will talk to you about these fine points when we go over this on the next message. I would like to finish it up. I am going to finish this up as best as I can. And, if the Lord lets me, I will go over it again on the next message. I am completely passing out here.
Verse 23, Alternate Translation: And Adam said, 'This striking spirit, which is born from my spirit' -- speaking about the Devil. The Devil is the one who was born as a result of the union between the Serpent and the human spirit. And the mind that is born from the union of the male spirit and a female spirit is also spirit. So Adam is saying, This striking spirit, the Devil, which is born from the union of my spirit and the Serpent, and whose flesh -- the soul is formed from my flesh. She shall be crying out because her manhood was tread underfoot.
And we are told, in another place, when women and children rule, the people cry out. This whole creation is in torment because our manhood has been tread underfoot. This creation, brethren, has been castrated. And our rulers are women and children, except in the areas where Christ is exalting himself. But the creation, in general, is a castrated creation, which is under female domination. And that is why are writhing in torment and dying. Women and children are not qualified to rule.
Verse 24: Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh. This, I believe, is the first time that the word translated man is not Adam. It is the Hebrew word, ish. It means mortal man, man as opposed to woman. It also means husband. It indicates, at this point, that the Scripture is drawing a difference between the woman, which is the Devil, which is born of the union between the Serpent and the human spirit, and the man, OK, and the man. Jesus.
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh. The word, cleave, is to be glued together, to adhere firmly. And the word, wife, means woman.
Alternate Translation, Verse 24, Genesis 2: Because intercourse with the Serpent results in man separating from Jehovah and becoming one flesh with the Serpent.
Let us put that with Verse 23: And Adam said, 'This striking spirit, which is born from my spirit, the result of the union of the Serpent and the human spirit, and whose flesh is formed from my flesh, shall be crying out because her manhood was tread underfoot because intercourse with the Serpent results in man separating from Jehovah and becoming one flesh with the Serpent.' Do you hear it? Her manhood was tread underfoot because intercourse with the Serpent results in man separating from Jehovah, spiritual death, and becoming one flesh with the Serpent.
Verse 25: And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed. The Hebrew word translated both means two-fold. It is a feminine word, and it means two-fold. And I suggest to you that it is indicating the lesbian nature of the union between the Serpent and the creation.
Now, remember, the creation, Adam, is female. Jehovah had removed his Spirit, leaving the creation in a female condition. And this female creation is now joined with the Serpent, the negative aspect of the creation. She is spiritually female. We have two negatives, two females, and we therefore have a lesbian creation. We have two females, and they are going to produce a female mind called the Woman, the daughter of Babylon, the daughter of confusion. This is the origination of the original incest, which produced a lesbian creation. And we have several messages on this; we found it in Isaiah.
This creation is a perverse creation, a product of incest and spiritually lesbian and spiritually weak. We do not have dominion over our surroundings. We do not have dominion over our bodies. Most of us do not have dominion over our minds. We are all crippled and corrupt in some way and falling down and in need of help. And we all die after a season because we are female and the product of a lesbian union between Satan and God's wife.
And they were both naked. This Hebrew word translated naked in Genesis 2:25 is a different Hebrew word than the word translated naked in Genesis 3:7. They are two different Hebrew words. The Hebrew word translated naked in Verse 25 of Chapter 2, it is Strong's #6172, and it can be translated pudenda, which is referring to a sexual organ, usually the female sexual organ, most of the time. It can also be translated shame, filthiness or any defect found in a woman. And I suggest to you, the term, both naked, are referring to the female sexual organ, the female shame, the female defect found in a woman. I suggest to you, it is referring to the lesbianism. And I will give you another witness to it right now.
And they were not ashamed. The word, not, once again, is a negative particle, which we are going to translate the Devil. And they were found to be lesbians, and the Devil was ashamed. It is not, the man and woman were naked and were not ashamed. They were naked. They were found to be perverse, and their name was the Devil, and they were ashamed. The King James translators got this one backwards.
I suggest to you, the Hebrew word translated ashamed means confused or disgraced. And, for whatever my reason, I did not put down the Strong's number. If you want it, you will have to look it up yourself. The word translated ashamed means to be confused or disgraced. And I suggest to you that, in view of the two prior words, naked, which means a female sexual organ, shame or filthiness, and the word both, which means two-fold -- I suggest to you that, when you put the whole thing together, the shame is a sexual shame, and the confusion is a sexual confusion.
The creation mated with a woman, could not tell the difference between a woman and a man, and the result was total confusion. The product of the union was the woman, a perverse female offspring, which caused the creation to incarnate on the negative side. Satan is female. The Devil is female. This creation is female. All female dominance is rooted in a satanic mind that is trying to bring this creation into the ultimate manifestation of lesbianism, female dominance on every level.
Just look around you; it is happening everywhere. It is perverse. It is corruption. It is a sign that the god of this world is prevailing over the Lord Jesus Christ. It only looks that way, of course. We know what the end will be: The Lord Jesus Christ will be glorified. But, at large, in this nation right now, the Devil is exalting herself through role perversion, role reversal. It is a spiritual, sexual perversion.
Alternative Translation, Verse 25: And the lesbian Adam and his wife and, more specifically, the Devil, were confused. Let me give you just those last three verses.
Verse 23: And Adam said, 'This striking Serpent, which is born from my spirit and whose flesh is formed from my flesh, shall be crying out because her manhood was tread underfoot because intercourse with the Serpent results in man separating from Jehovah and becoming one flesh with the Serpent.' And the lesbian Adam and his wife and, more specifically, the Devil, were confused.
I will read you the Alternate Translations, Verses 18 through 25 of Genesis 2. And if the Lord lets me, we will review this at the next meeting because I do not even know what this message is going to sound like. Let us just read this.
Verse 18: And the Father and the Son said, 'It is not good for the man to have an incomplete mind, so I will make a thread to run in the opposite direction.' And the Father and the Son formed the Serpent out of the earth, and the spiritual man was made from the incomplete mind and the Serpent. And they watched -- the Father and the Son watched to see whether Adam would complete his mind by having intercourse with Jehovah or the Serpent. And the living soul, the single-thread mind, would be called by the name of the spirit which completed Adam's mind.
This verse, I have to work on, Verse 20. Therefore, the Devil became the warp of God's garment, and the mind was completed in the image of the Serpent. And I will have that, the rest of that, for you next week.
Verse 21: And the Father and the Son caused the sleep of death to fall upon Adam. And his spirit dried up, and he died. And the Father and the Son took that precious gold, Jehovah's Spirit, that side of Adam which was Jehovah's Spirit, which had fallen under the power of the Devil. The Father took it back. And the Father and the Son rebuilt the human spirit, which he had taken from the man, which he had -- and been given to the -- and the Father and the Son rebuilt the human spirit, which he had taken from the man, and built her into a woman because Adam had had intercourse with the Serpent.
And Adam said, 'This striking spirit, which is born from my spirit and whose flesh is formed from my flesh, shall be crying out because her manhood was tread underfoot because intercourse with the Serpent results in man separating from Jehovah' -- that is spiritual death -- 'and becoming one flesh with the Serpent.' And the lesbian Adam, the whole creation, and his wife and, more specifically, the Devil, were confused.
So, brethren, that Chapter 2 of Genesis, which is made to sound like a love story idolizing human marriage, is in fact a story -- the story of the tragedy of the fall of man. And the fall of man is another way of saying the mind of the creation was completed in the image of the Serpent. Jehovah took his Spirit back. The man separated from Jehovah, and the creation died. So that Genesis 2 is not a glorious story. It is a story of tragedy, if you can understand it with the mind of the spirit.
But we are told, in the Book of Zachariah, and we did an Alternate Translation about the four horses, that the angel of the Lord stood there with his fists raised and said, Despite everything that has happened to this creation, which God loves with a love that we cannot comprehend, he said, she will still one day be formed in the image of Jehovah.
So the Lord is going to straighten this whole thing out. It is painful. We are in hell. The correction is painful. But the Lord Jesus Christ has been sent to us by Jehovah because of his love for us. And he fully intends to save us from hell, even though, if given our choice, we would stay here. Why would we stay here? Because a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Most of us are afraid of change. They are afraid of what is coming in the future. We know what we have got, and most men would choose to stay right where we are.
But the Lord Jesus Christ, because of his faithfulness to Jehovah, will save us despite ourselves. He is going to raise us from the dead, deliver us from hell against our will. He is not a gentleman. He is the lord of the armies of God. He is the captain of the host. He is here on direct assignment from his Father, Jehovah. And if he has a choice of obeying Jehovah or obeying fallen man, he is not going to obey fallen man. Fallen man is saying, Leave me alone; I am happy here. Jehovah is saying, Get them out, one way or another. And the Lord Jesus Christ is not subject to Jezebel. He is not obeying your voice. He is not obeying your cries. He is not obeying your desires. He is not succumbing to your witchcraft. He is obeying Jehovah. He is going to take you. I see an image, right now, of a man grabbing a woman and throwing her over his shoulder, and her legs are kicking like this. He is taking us out of here, with our consent or without our consent.
Why? Because our husband, brethren, wants us back. We are unfaithful. We have committed adultery. We are silly women. We are fools. We do not know which end is up. And he loves us anyway, and he wants us back. And he sent the Lord Jesus Christ to get us. And the Lord Jesus Christ is faithful to Jehovah, not to fallen man. My Bible says Jesus committed himself to no man because -- does anyone -- could anyone finish the Scripture? Because he knew what was in men. Absolutely. He is faithful to Jehovah, his Father. So do not go telling me he is some gentleman. He is no gentleman. He is a soldier that is going to complete his assignment, with your consent or without it.
We are going back, brethren. We are going back to our husband. And it is a miracle that he even wants us. Why is it a miracle that he wants us? Because we are spiritually polluted. We are dirty. We are filthy, spiritually speaking. The equivalent in this world? We are loaded with every venereal disease out there, if you need an example. But Jehovah -- he has the ability to cleanse us, to not only make us clean but, the Scripture says, to make us virgins again. Miracle-working power -- he has the ability to fix us as if we were never polluted. And once he rips our sins out of us and throws them into the sea, he will never remember them again.
But if you think that he is going to forget about your sin before your filth is cleansed, you are mistaken because he is not. And if you think that he is taking you back into his house before you are healed of all your venereal diseases, you are mistaken because he is not. Therefore, you must submit yourself to the purifying process, which is painful, and the process that will make you a virgin again.
And we read about those virgins in the Book of Revelation. They follow him everywhere that he goes, and they are faithful to him. And we are told, in another place in the Book of Revelation, that it is the faithfulness of Jesus Christ which will cover over our weakness, which makes us a harlot. And his faithfulness to the Father will keep us faithful to the Father, and forever we shall be with the Lord. We are that adulteress woman that Jesus said to, Go and sin no more. And he will give us the ability to be faithful.
Well, brethren, it was not easy preaching this message. I hope that it blessed you. Are there any questions at all? Praise the Lord. OK. All right, one question.
COMMENT: I am not sure [?if this is in line with it?], but what about the spirit died? Is that after the fall?
PASTOR VITALE: What spirit?
COMMENT: The human spirit died.
PASTOR VITALE: When she separated from the Father, that was the fall. That is the fall.
COMMENT: And that is the death?
PASTOR VITALE: That is the death: separation from the Father.
COMMENT: Christ.
COMMENT: Christ death.
PASTOR VITALE: The death of the incomplete mind.
PASTOR VITALE: Anybody else?
Transcribed by VerbalFusion 1/22/19
1st Edit, 01/28/19, rh