313 - Part 1

Part 1 of 19 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.




 [MUSIC: "To God Be the Glory"]


And open the life gate that all may go in. Praise the Lord; praise the Lord. Let the earth hear His voice. Praise the Lord; praise the Lord. Let the people rejoice. Oh, come to the Father through Jesus, the Son. And give Him the glory; great things He hath done.


Oh, perfect redemption that comes by the Son, to every believer to join him as one. The vilest offender, who truly believes, that moment, from Jesus, a pardon receives. Praise the Lord; praise the Lord. Let the earth hear His voice. Praise the Lord; praise the Lord. Let the people rejoice. Oh, come to the Father through Jesus, the Son. And give Him the glory; great things He hath done.


Great things He hath taught us; great things He hath done, and great our rejoicing through Jesus, the Son. But newer and greater creation you will see. A wonderful stature Christ Jesus will be. Praise the Lord; praise the Lord. Let the earth hear His voice. Praise the Lord; praise the Lord. Let the people rejoice. Oh, come to the Father through Jesus, the Son. And give Him the glory; great things He hath done. And give Him the glory; great things He hath done.


[MUSIC: "Arise, Shine"]


Arise; shine, for the light is come. Arise; shine, for the light is come. And the glory of the Lord is risen; the glory of the Lord is come. The glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.


Arise; shine, for the light is come. Arise; shine, for the light is come. And the glory of the Lord is risen; the glory of the Lord is come. The glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.


Arise; shine. Arise; shine.


[MUSIC: "Father, Glorify Yourself"]


Father, glorify Yourself. Father, glorify Yourself. Father, glorify Yourself in me. Whether in pleasure or in pain, over my life, I give you reign. Father, glorify Yourself in me. Father, glorify Yourself in me.


Father, glorify Yourself. Father, glorify Yourself. Father, glorify Yourself in us. Whether in pleasure or in pain, over our life, we give you reign. Father, glorify Yourself in us. Father, glorify Yourself in us.


[MUSIC: "Trust in the Lord with All Thine Heart"]


Trust in the Lord with all thine heart. Lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways, acknowledge Him, and he will direct thy paths. So shall thou walk in thy way clearly. Thy foot shall not stumble. And when thou liest down, thy sleep shall be sweet.


Trust in the Lord with all thine heart. Lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct thy paths.


Trust in the Lord with all thine heart. Lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct thy paths.


[MUSIC: "Thou Will Keep Him in Perfect Peace"]


Thou will keep him in perfect peace. Thou will keep him in perfect peace. Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Him.


Pardon not that I say unto you. Pardon not that I say unto you. Pardon not that I say unto you. You must be born again.


Though your sins are scarlet be, though your sins are scarlet be, though your sins are scarlet be, they shall be white as snow.


If the Son shall make you free, if the Son shall make you free, if the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.


They that wait upon the Lord, they that wait upon the Lord, they that wait upon the Lord; they shall renew their strength.


Whom shall I send, and who will go? Whom shall I send, and who will go? Whom shall I send, and who will go? Here I am, Lord. Send me.


Thou will keep him in perfect peace. Thou will keep him in perfect peace. Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Him.


[MUSIC: "The Law of the Lord is Perfect"]


The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul. The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold, sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.


The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart. The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold, sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.


The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever. The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold, sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.


More to be desired are they than gold, yeah, than much fine gold, sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.




In the Old Testament, we hear about it first in the New Testament, after we work this up, and we talk about generations. We have been talking recently about generations of Christ, of the whole family of Christ in heaven: that Jehovah is the forefather and the Lord Jesus Christ is the first incarnated generation. And then we have Christ Jesus, the second incarnated generation.


In the same manner, there is a serpentine family. And we see in the garden, pre-incarnation, is the Serpent, one Serpent. And there is also a first incarnated generation of the Serpent, which is on the same plane as the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ is positive, and the Dragon is the negative equivalent of the Lord Jesus Christ, the first incarnated generation.


And then we have a second incarnated generation: on the positive side, Christ Jesus, and on the negative side, the Devil. And this is the second incarnated generation, which is appearing in modern man today. The Devil is the personality of the fallen man, and Christ Jesus is the personality of your new man that is being formed in you. Both Christ Jesus and the Devil have a conscious and an unconscious mind. That is why I have put the last two entries in brackets, because they are not another generation; they are the same as the Devil, but the Devil has two parts to him.


The man Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man, has an unconscious mind called the Spirit of Christ. And the Devil, the fallen personality of man, has an unconscious mind called Satan. Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man, has a conscious mind called the mind of Christ. And the Devil, the whole personality of fallen man, has a conscious mind called the carnal mind. And that is why the Spirit of Christ and the mind of Christ, and Satan and the carnal mind, are in brackets, because they are really the same as Christ Jesus and the Devil. Is everybody OK? Have I lost anybody? OK. We have got a bunch of Bible scholars here. We have ot some good people here. Thank you, Jesus.


Are there any questions on this? I will try to stop at the end of categories. I have to tell you, honestly, I have had a little confusion myself. But I am just going to stay at it, and I know that it will get into my head. Do not worry about it. It is really a very exciting study to find out who the Dragon is and who Leviathan is.


I always used to wonder who Leviathan was. Where did Leviathan fit in with the Devil and Satan? God must really be a frivolous person. He cannot make up his mind whether the Devil's name is the Devil or Satan or Leviathan or -- well, He can make up his mind. You just could not figure it out, what He was telling you, because it is a mystery. The whole Bible is a parable. And it is the textbook of the Little Red Schoolroom. It is the same textbook for everybody, from preschool to a doctoral candidate. And it is the Spirit of God that ministers the level of the Bible that you will understand on. So we see that Leviathan is the Dragon in the sea.


I will try and do this orderly. We will start today by investigating the word, Serpent, as it appears in the Old Testament of the King James translation. I have written down every time that word occurs, but I have only worked up a few verses that I thought were significant and that would be a blessing to us here. And I did not finish the Serpent category today. I anticipate this will be about three messages, but you never know what God will do. So we will not finish up the Serpent category today.


We will start with Strong's #5175. This is the word that is translated Serpent 27 times in the New Testament. It is the word that is used to describe the Serpent in the early chapters of the Book of Genesis. This is the Serpent who spoke to Eve, the original Serpent, the intelligence in the earth of the creation.


In the early verses of Genesis, we see this word referring to the primeval or the Serpent as she appeared in the garden. First of all, let me give you a definition of the word. Gesenius says that Strong's #5175 is a serpent, so called from its hissing. It comes from the root of Strong's #5172, which means to hiss, to whisper. And it is especially used of the whispering of soothsayers, which are workers of witchcraft.


Psalms 58:5, Which will not hearken to the voice of charmers, charming never so wisely.


Psalms 58:5 uses it with the definition, to practice enchantment; to use sorcery; to divine or to use divination. I was interested to find out that this word, divination, can be applied to a gift of the Spirit of God. I always thought that divination was the witchcraft equivalent of Holy Ghost discernment. But the Lord did show me a Scripture where Joseph is telling his brothers, who have not recognized him yet, that he has the ability to divine. So I did find a positive use of this word in the Old Testament, in any event. If you are looking for discernment, or if you are trying to do a study on discernment in the Old Testament, try the word divine. It is used positively there. To the best of my knowledge, there is no word, discernment, in the Old Testament.


You know, I have experienced this several times. I have looked for an equivalent in the Old Testament to something that I have seen in the New Testament. I cannot find the word, and I assume that it is just not there. It is there, brethren. Everything that is in the New Testament is in the Old Testament; they are just using a different word. The translation is different, that is all.


And as I told you earlier, I was very excited that I believe I have found the Devil in the Old Testament. There is no word translated the Devil, but it is generational. It is generational. We see that the Devil is the second incarnated generation of the Serpent. And we are not going to get to it today, but if you know what I am talking about, I have found a Scripture that shows the generations.


Actually, I do have another Scripture on it today, showing the three generations: the Serpent, the Dragon and the Devil. So although the word Devil is not there, I just feel as if I have two Scriptures. I have two witnesses to show you a third generation of the Serpent. You can call it anything that you want. I believe, in the New Testament, we are given the name of the third generation of the Serpent. In the New Testament, John tells us and Paul tells us that the name of the second incarnated generation or the third generation of the Serpent is the Devil. In the Old Testament, she has no name, but there is talk of a third generation.


PASTOR VITALE: Does anybody not know what I am talking about? You do not know what I am talking about?


COMMENT: You lost me.


PASTOR VITALE: I lost you? I will try it again. Do you see, up on that chart, there are three generations of Christ: Jehovah, the Lord Jesus Christ, and Christ Jesus? You see three generations? Two of those generations are incarnated: the Lord Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus. OK. So that is on the positive side. We are most familiar with that. On the negative side, we see the Serpent is the first generation of the serpentine family. The Serpent is the first generation. Are you with me? And then there are two incarnated generations of the Serpent: the Dragon and the Devil. OK?


In the Old Testament, we find the Dragon mentioned. We have a lot of Scriptures talking about the Dragon, but there is no mention of the actual name, the Devil. But there are Scriptures that indicate that there is a third generation of the Serpent. As you follow the translations through, you can see that there is a third unnamed generation.


COMMENT: In the Old Testament?


PASTOR VITALE: In the Old Testament. So it does not say Devil, but it is a third generation. So the name is revealed to us in the New Testament.


And what I find very interesting is that there is so much talk of the Dragon in the Old Testament and very little talk of the Dragon in the New Testament. I think, probably only in the Book of Revelation do we hear about the Dragon. And yet we hear about the Dragon in the New Testament, and we do not hear about the Devil in the Old Testament. So why the emphasis is on the Dragon in the Old Testament and the emphasis is on the Devil in the New Testament, I do not know. Do you know what I am talking about? I do not know. Maybe the Lord will tell me for the next message.


Actually, the question has just evolved into my mind right now. So if the Lord has put the question in my mind, that means He wants to answer it. Either He will answer it as we go through tonight, or I would expect Him to answer it as I study for the balance of this message. That is an excellent questions. Any questions on this genealogy?


We have two families here. We have talked about the family of Christ a couple of times. It is the whole family of God in heaven. Jehovah is the original ancestor, the forefather, the Lord Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus. And then we have the serpentine family in hell. The Serpent -- although, actually, the Serpent did not start out in hell. The serpentine family started out in heaven. The serpentine family started out in heaven and fell down into hell and became the Dragon, the first incarnated generation, and then the Devil, the second incarnated generation.


We are starting with Numbers, Chapter 21, verses 6 through 9. We are doing a word study on Strong's #5175, selected Scripture verses, in Numbers 21, verses 6 through 9.


Num 21:6-9 

6 And the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died.

Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against the Lord, and against thee; pray unto the Lord, that he take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people.

And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.

And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.  KJV


In verse 6, we see that the word, serpents, appears twice. The first appearance is Strong's #5175. I do not know which one appears first. Let me see.


And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent. The first appearance is Strong's #8314, and the second appearance, And Moses made a serpent of brass.


In Numbers 21, verse 6, the word translated serpent is Strong's #8314. In verse 7, the word translated serpent is Strong's #5175. And in verses 8 and 9, we have a different story. So let us stay with verse 6 and 7 to start with: And the Lord sent serpents, which were poisonous serpents. Poisonous serpents is Strong's #8314.


That is the word which is translated serpent eight times, and it is a word that is translated both positively and negatively. Negatively speaking, it is a word that speaks about a serpent that is burning, a hurtful serpent. But it is the same word that is translated seraphim, speaking about the redeemed serpents that we read about in the Book of Isaiah, that have six wings and hands like men and stand in front of the throne of God. Glory to God.


And the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people, and much of the people of Israel died. Fiery, poisonous serpents.


Verse 7, Therefore the people came to Moses and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against the Lord and against thee. Pray unto the Lord that he take away the serpents from us.


Now this word, serpent, is not seraphim. It is Strong's #5175, which is the same word that is translated the serpent in the garden. This word is also used for natural serpents. In the garden, it signifies the intelligence in the earth. Also, throughout the Scripture, the word used for the natural snake in the ground is this word, the same word as the serpent in the garden. It has a spiritual significance and has a natural significance.


So we see the people crying out to Moses, asking him to pray to the Lord to take the natural serpents away from biting them. And we are told, in verse 7, that Moses prayed unto the Lord.


And then, in verse 8, I have a very interesting translation for you. I think we have talked about this verse before, and I never saw this.


Verse 8, And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent. Make thee a seraphim, and set it upon a pole, and it shall come to pass that, everyone that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.


Verse 9, And Moses made a serpent of brass and put it on a pole.


Now, please note, the Lord said to Moses, Make a seraphim, and Moses made a serpent of brass. Moses did not do what the Lord told him to do, one might think.


Verse 8 says, The Lord said to Moses, Make a fiery serpent. Make a seraphim, and put him on a pole. And verse 9 says, And Moses made a serpent of brass and put him on a pole.


Now, how do you figure this?


Let us look a little more carefully at what happened here. The word, make, is Strong's #6213. Gesenius says this word is used of living creatures and can be translated, to make from within yourself, such as milk; to form from within yourself. I suggest that the Lord was saying to Moses, not make a fiery serpent, but make yourself a seraphim. Arise. The Lord was not commanding Moses to do something of his own accord, but was saying to him, Thus saith the Lord, 'Moses, arise into a temporary full stature. Stand up. I have a supernatural miracle for you to do. It is going to take a supernatural miracle to save all of these people.'


Did you ever wonder how the people looking on the pole of a brazen serpent, or a brazen serpent stuck on the pole, could have been saved from dying? Well, I think I have even preached it myself. When they looked at the brazen serpent, they were convicted of their sins. And when they repented, they were saved. What the Lord showed me today is that it was much more than that. The Lord, by saying, Moses, make yourself into a seraphim, was actually imparting the spiritual power to Moses to stand up in full stature. He said, Moses, stand up in full stature, and set yourself on a pole.


Let us see what that means.


The word set is Strong's #7760. It can be translated to set over or to constitute oneself a king. The Lord was saying to Moses, Make yourself a seraphim. (Remember, the seraphim is the anointed angel that guards the throne of God, the redeemed Serpent, full stature). Appoint yourself king. Christ is the only king. The Lord was saying, Stand up, Moses. I have something supernatural for you to do. Make yourself a seraphim. Constitute yourself a king. Set yourself on a pole.


The word, pole, is Strong's #5251. It is something lifted up, a token to be seen of far off, especially a banner as was set up on high mountains, especially in case of an invasion, when it showed the people where to assemble.


Let me read you this verse again. And the Lord said to Moses, 'Make yourself into a fiery serpent, and constitute yourself king, and set yourself up in a high place where the people can see you. And it shall come to pass that, everyone that is bitten, when he looketh upon the Christ in you, shall live.'


And although it is not clear here, I suggest that it was the power of the living Christ, which came through the man Moses, that brought the conviction upon the people. How could a brazen serpent bring conviction upon the people? But the people were ignorant. They may not have recognized Christ Jesus arising in the man Moses. All they knew was that they were convicted. And they looked up, and they saw the brazen serpent because that was all they could see. But the fact is that they were convicted because of the holiness of Christ Jesus that arose in the man Moses and, by the spiritual power of his life, brought conviction of sin.


Brethren, when you cry out to God for help, He will bring conviction of sin. I know, when I first came to the Lord, I did not know what I had done wrong. I did not know that I was a sinner. I just knew that my life was a disaster and that I was physically dying. And I cried out, night after night: Lord, I do not know what I have done wrong, but please help me. And his help for me, brethren, was to show me my sins, because the Lord cannot deliver you if He does not show you your sins.


So the people cried out to Moses, Save us. Pray to the Lord that He save us. And the Lord caused Christ Jesus to arise in Moses, and the holiness of the incarnated Christ convicted the Hebrew children of their sins. And because they confessed their sins and repented, they were saved. You cannot even confess your sins and repent, brethren, unless God grants you the privilege by the holiness of His very life.


Verse 8, And it shall come to pass that, everyone that is bitten, when he looketh upon the glorious Christ, shall live. When he sees the holiness of God, he shall be convicted of his own sins, and he shall live.


Then we are told, after Moses hears the commandment of God, he makes a serpent of brass, and he put it on a pole. And it came to pass that, if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.


Notice verse 8. It says, And that, everyone that is bitten, when he looketh about it -- when he looketh upon Christ Jesus -- he shall live. And verse 9 says that, if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.


So the bottom line is this, brethren: Nobody beheld the serpent of brass if they were not first convicted by Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus arose in the man Moses, and if they were not convicted, they would have never even looked up at the brazen serpent.


So all you people that think that you are saved because you got yourself into a church or because you did good works, you could not even have gotten that far if you did not first somehow get a glimpse of the holiness of Christ. You just were not aware. You just were not aware of what was happening to you. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Let me read you my note. The significance here, brethren, is that, in accordance with the Lord's command, Moses rose up to a condition of temporary full stature, thus making himself into a seraphim and constituting himself king, or Christ, the king. And when he was in full stature, he made a brazen serpent for the people to look upon. Brethren, the people thought they were being convicted by the brazen serpent but were actually being convicted by the invisible Christ Jesus within Moses.


And 2 Kings 18:4 is a second witness that Moses fashioned a serpent of brass.


2 Ki 18:4

4 He removed the high places, and brake the images, and cut down the groves, and brake in pieces the brasen serpent that Moses had made: for unto those days the children of Israel did burn incense to it: and he called it Nehushtan.  KJV


We find, in 2 Kings 18:4, the people idolizing that serpent and worshipping it. Why? What happened? When Christ Jesus, in the man Moses, no longer was present to convict them of their sins, they worshipped the symbol.


And today we see men who have been anointed of the Holy Ghost, some men who have had Christ. And when that anointing leaves them, the people begin to worship the man because they cannot tell that the anointing left the man. They cannot tell the difference between the anointing and the man. When the anointing is present, the anointing influences you and controls you, and you worship the anointing. When he leaves, if you are carnal, if you do not have Christ in yourself, you will not recognize that he left, and you will worship the empty vessel.


Hear and beware. I know people that this has happened to today. They cannot tell that the anointing is gone, so they worship the shell. May God have mercy on their soul. You could only tell that the anointing is gone when you have Christ in you. When you are truly worshipping the living God, and you truly have a relationship with him, you will recognize when he has left that man. Hallelujah.


Going on to Job 26:13, By his Spirit, he hath garnished the heavens. His hand hath formed the crooked serpent.


The word, crooked, is Strong's #1281, and it means fleeing or fugitive. I suggest that the serpent who was in the garden is today a fugitive. You have heard of a fugitive from justice. The serpent is a fugitive. Why? He has run away from the authority of Christ Jesus who is appearing in the creation. He has run away from the Christ who was incarnated.


I guess I have to add something else because we did have an incarnation in the garden of Christ Jesus in the creation. Is that not interesting? OK. I have another problem here. I am not going to stay with that tonight.


So we see that, in the garden, Jehovah breathed the breath of life into the man. And Christ Jesus, the immature Christ Jesus with the imputed anointing, you might recall, was formed in the creation. And the Serpent was under the authority of the man, righteous Adam, whose mind was Christ Jesus. And the Serpent came out from under Christ Jesus' authority and stole God's wife.


You might remember, we learned when we worked up the whole Book of Zephaniah, that the Serpent stole God's wife, which is the soul, which the Lord made. And now, as a fugitive, she has run off with God's wife. And we found out, in the Book of Zephaniah, that every time Jehovah tries to talk to us (we are his wife) down here, we do not hear a word that He is saying. And we will find out, in another verse that we are doing tonight, that the Devil is deaf, he makes us deaf to the Word of Jehovah. And that is why Jehovah sent the Lord Jesus Christ. We found this out, in the Book of Zephaniah, that fallen man is deaf to the Word of Jehovah. We cannot hear him. So the Lord sent us a savior. Hallelujah.


We see, in Job 26:13, that the Scripture is speaking about the fugitive serpent. And you may remember the principle that we teach here, that every time somebody's condition changes, their name changes. I suggest that once the Serpent ran away (the Serpent was the tree, the partial tree in the midst of the Tree of Life), she came out from under the authority of the Tree of Life, and her name changed. And I suggest that she became the Dragon. She became the Dragon.


Now, as I sit here talking to you, I do not want to complicate this. I am not going to say this now. But the Serpent, when she separated from the Tree of Life, her name changed, and she became the Dragon. The Serpent was in submission to Christ Jesus. The Dragon became the ruler of the creation in Eden. The Serpent was in submission to the man. The Serpent typified the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, the pit inside the peach that was one with the Tree of Life. When the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil separated out, the creation fell. The Serpent stole the creation, which is God's wife, and her role changed. She went from a female role to a male role. She went from a negative role to a positive role. She went from being soul to acting like a spirit, and her name changed. She became the Dragon. Praise the Lord.


And she is now a fugitive. So also, in accordance with principles which we have taught you here already, when we see a word modified, it changes the word. Even though we are dealing with the word serpent, which is the same word that signifies the serpent in the garden, in Job 26:13, the fact that the word, serpent, is modified – it says crooked serpent. The fact that the word, serpent, is modified, means that it is not the same serpent that was in the garden. So we could say the crooked serpent equals the Dragon.


Once the Serpent became a fugitive, her name changed to the Dragon, just like, once Abram made his covenant with the Lord, his name was changed to Abraham. When the Serpent separated from her cover, her God-given cover, and went out in her own existence, her name was changed to the Dragon.


Psalms 58:4, Their poison is like the poison of a serpent. They are like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ear.


The word, poison, is Strong's #2534. Please note that this word appears twice. Also, this Hebrew word is translated curdled milk in Job 29:6.


We can say, then, that their anger is like curdled milk. Now what does curdled milk means? When milk curdles, it separates. It separates into curds and whey. It separates into solid chunks and a fine liquid. The solid chunks it separates into is, for example, cottage cheese or ricotta cheese. That is the way you make that kind of cheese. Any white cheese -- most nationalities have their own white cheese. The way you make white cheese is you just drop a piece of -- they call it starter or something. You take a big vat of milk, and you drop something into the milk that will make it curdle. And it separates into curds and whey, the solid parts and the liquid part.


And then you take the cheese, and you put it through cheesecloth. That is why it is called cheesecloth, in case you did not know that. Cheesecloth is a very thin piece of cloth that is woven very closely. And you pour the cheese into the cheesecloth, and you wrap it up, and you press it so that all the liquid comes out of it. And all you have left is the solid part of the milk. It is called curds, or it is called cheese: cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, feta cheese, made from curdled milk.


This word, translated poison, is translated curdled milk, or cheese, in Job 29:6. So we can say, then, we can legitimately translate this phrase, Their poison is like the poison of a serpent. We can translate it that their anger is like milk or the solid part of curdled milk. Or can we possibly be talking about the earth; the earth part of the creation?


Do you remember the study of creation? The waters arose, and they flowed over the earth and drenched the earth. And then the Lord said, Let the waters be called back and come to the center. And we will call all the waters the seas. This creation is separated into curds and whey. The solid part of this creation is the earth, the curds; and the whey is the liquid, the spirit. This creation is curd and whey, solid and liquid, positive and negative. That which is liquid is positive, and that which is negative is solid, typifying the earth.


I thought this was going to be a light message tonight. Everybody is manifesting here. My goodness. Help us, Lord. Help us hear this. Glory to God!


So we could say their earth, or their soul, is in the image of an angry serpent. How did I get that? The word, like, Strong's #1823, can be translated image. The solid part of the creation, their earth or their soul, is in the image of an angry serpent.


Their poison is like the poison of a serpent. Their earth is like an angry serpent. This word, anger, is used in other phrases in the Scripture, such as the cup of Jehovah's wrath (Rev 14:10). It symbolizes the angry judgment of God's Spirit.


And along those lines, I would like to read you our Alternate Translation of Daniel 8:6-12, which indicates the anger with which the Serpent rose up to steal the creation from the Lord. And I know, when we first did these Alternate Translations in the Book of Daniel 8, my whole body tensed up, as I read about the rage with which Satan arose and killed the Lord's Christ, a rage, brethren, that comes out of envy.


And I hear somebody asking themselves, Why would Satan be in a rage? It is a rage that comes out of envy, brethren. Satan was envious of the man (because Satan, the earth, is female). Satan is female, and she was in a rage of envy that the man had the authority to incarnate the creation. And she felt that she could do it just as well as the man, so she rose up and killed him, took his commission away and, in fact, incarnated this creation. She incarnated us in a perverse form, brethren. We are a spiritual perversion in our present form. So, Satan was correct. She did have what it took to incarnate the creation. But she incarnated it on the negative side. She did not have what it took to incarnate it positively. And we, therefore, died. She has incarnated or brought forth a dead offspring.


All of you look like you are all passed out in the Spirit. But try and follow, if you can, the play, back and forth, between the Serpent and the Devil and the Dragon. I added it into these verses.


Alternate Translation, Daniel 8:6-12


And Adam, the Lord and master of God's negative positive creation, could not escape from the Serpent's witchcraft power. And the Dragon fell upon righteous Adam, whom I had seen standing in Eden, with full spiritual authority over heaven and earth, and took Eve for a wife. And I saw the Devil penetrate her. And Satan, his spiritual substance, flowed into her. And Eve became the harlot who birthed the carnal mind because of the Serpent's witchcraft. And the Dragon's carnal mind overthrew the Father's Christ, and fallen Adam was not strong enough to sustain the image of the Garden of Eden in the earth any longer.


And the Dragon used violent, military strength to make the Devil High Priest over the creation. And Satan entered into righteous Adam's unconscious mind, and the carnal mind entered into his conscious mind and into Eden, the vision which his Christ mind was sustaining in the spiritual earth. And the Dragon broke the spiritual bones of the Father's Christ, and the Devil offered him up as a sacrifice to the Serpent. And this is how the Serpent purchased God's creation.


And the Dragon went beyond Eden, the visible, spiritual earth, and caused Nod, the visible, physical earth, to appear. And the Devil aborted Christ Jesus, and righteous Adam and the many members of God's creation were given into the Devil's custody beyond the spiritual earth of Eden because of rebellion. And the Dragon broke forth upon them and intertwined herself with them. And the spiritual potential of God's creation, and the many members which were to be born into it, was permanently altered because of the Dragon's union with Adam. And the Dragon reformed the many members of God's creation into her own image, and built a nation of earthly, sensual and devilish physical men, who would engage in continuous labor in order to survive. And they entered into the physical earth of Nod. And this is how Christ Jesus' dwelling place was overthrown.


And I also have our Alternate Translation of Genesis 3:1-3, which indicate the divided tree; that the creation died when the Serpent came out from under the authority of Christ Jesus.


Alternate Translation, Genesis 3:1-3


And the Serpent was revealed to be a spiritual presence in the uncultivated earth, or the soul, which the Lord God had made out of the elements that He created. And He said to the fertile woman, 'Yea, the Lord has said that you shall not eat of the whole tree of the garden.' And the Woman said to the Serpent, 'But God has said we may eat of the one who is the fruit of the completed tree of the garden, but not of the fruit of the partial tree, which is within the divided garden. And you should be especially careful not to have intercourse with him, lest you die to your immortality and become a natural man.'


And I suggest that these verses are a witness that the Serpent is presently incarnated as fallen Adam's soul. I am saying that the soul, which we are in this hour, is an incarnation of the Serpent. The Serpent married God's wife, the soul man, and we are the bastard children which she has brought forth. Jesus clearly told the Pharisees that their father was the Devil (John 8:44). God help us. Our daddy is the Devil. We are in the process of being adopted, but we are not adopted yet.


And we have the balance of Psalms 58:4, They are like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ear.


The word, adder, is Strong's #6620. It means viper or asp, which is a poisonous snake. The word, serpent, does not indicate whether the snake is poisonous or not, but the word, adder, means a poisonous snake. And we see that this poisonous snake is deaf. And I just mentioned to you a moment ago, that the Devil is the one who has stopped up the ears of fallen man, so that she cannot hear the instruction of the Lord. We read about that in Zephaniah 3. And that is why Jehovah has sent the Lord Jesus Christ, because we are here under the sea, and we cannot hear.


Alternate Translation, Psalms 58:4: The separated earth is in the image of an angry Serpent.


Who is the separated earth? The Serpent. The earth has separated out from the spirit. And, incarnated, she is in the image of an incarnated Serpent. He shuts up his ears like a deaf, poisonous serpent. The earth is shutting up her ears to Christ Jesus, who is speaking to us, or to the Lord Jesus Christ. Also, I suggest that the angry serpent is the next generation of the Serpent, known as the Dragon. As we will find out, in the next part of this study, that the Dragon lives in the water of the soulish, physical, visible world called Nod or hell.


Amplified Translation, Psalms 58:4: The separated earth, the Serpent, is in the image of the Dragon. The Devil, which is the second incarnated generation, shuts up his ears to Jehovah's instructions, like a deaf, poisonous Serpent.


So we see three generations of the Serpent family here in Psalms 58:4. The separated earth, which is the Serpent, is in the image of the Dragon. I may have that backwards. The Dragon is in the image of the Serpent. And the Devil, which is modern man's personality, our mind, our fallen mind, shuts up our ears to Jehovah's instructions like a deaf, poisonous Serpent.


Alternate Translation, Zephaniah 21:1-2, Woe to the soul which is unclean because of her rebellious mind.


She did not obey Jehovah's voice or benefit from His instruction because her carnal mind was not overthrown. And her carnal mind was not overthrown because she was not sacrificed to Jehovah. And her carnal mind was not sacrificed to Jehovah because she would not confess her sins and repent.


And her priests have committed treason by violently prostituting Christ Jesus and tearing away the Spirit of Christ from the altar formed from the union of the Lord Jesus Christ and the human spirit.


Also, in Romans 11:20 we have another witness.


Rom 11:20

20 Well; because of unbelief, they were broken off, and now standeth by faith. Be not high-minded, but fear. KJV


The Greek word translated unbelief, means disobedience. So we see that we are disobedient to the Lord Jesus Christ because the Devil has shut up our ears. Is there not another Scripture that says those that are blinded are blinded by the god of this world?


2 Cor 4:4 

4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.  KJV


And when we get to the New Testament Scriptures, I will be able to give you some proof of something that really has been puzzling me over the last few weeks. I thought that Satan was the god of this world. When I did a search, through my computer, I could not find any Scripture that said Satan is the god of this world. The Scripture talks about the prince of the power of the air. But it does not say Satan is the god of this world. It does not name the god of this world, and that is because the Devil is the god of this world. We are getting into these subtleties. The Devil is the god of this world, and Satan is underneath the Devil. She is the unconscious mind of the whole personality. Satan is a part of the Devil. The Devil is the whole personality, and Satan is the unconscious mind, and the carnal mind is the conscious mind.


Continuing with Psalms 58:5, Which will not hearken to the voice of charmers, charming never so wisely.


The word translated which is Strong's #834; it means in order that, or so that. And the word, not  (which will not hearken), this is one of those instances where the word not is speaking about a negative. And we are choosing the word Devil here. We could choose Satan; we could choose the carnal mind; we could choose Devil. We are choosing the word Devil here. Please note that the Devil is fallen mankind, the personality of fallen mankind.


Which will not hearken to the voice of charmers. The word, hearken, is Strong's #8085. It means to render obedience. The word, voice, means voice, and charmers is Strong's #3907. It means to whisper in the ear; to use enchantment.


We will not hearken to the voice of the enchanters, who are charming never so wisely. The word, charming, is Strong's #2266, and it means to be joined together; to make an alliance. I suggest that it is speaking about soul ties.


The phrase, never so wisely, is two different words in the interlinear that are translated skillful spells. I do not know where they got never so wisely from. The word, wisely, is Strong's #2449. It means to make wise. And the word, never; I do not know why they translated it never. In the interlinear, this is the word Strong's #2266. It is the same word translated charming above, and it means spells, stripes, bruises, spots. It is referring to sin, brethren. This is a difficult translation, but this is what we have got.


Alternate Translation, Psalms 58:5, So that fallen Adam, who is the Devil, obeys the voice of the enchanters, the satanic unconscious minds, which are saying, 'Form a soul tie with the sins or with the carnal minds which are making you wise.'


So that fallen Adam obeys the voice of the enchanters, which is your satanic unconscious mind, which is saying, 'Form a soul tie with the sins or with the carnal mind' -- the carnal mind is sin -- 'which are making you wise.'


The indication here, brethren, is that we are receiving wisdom by experiencing sin. We can either experience wisdom through instruction of the Lord, or we can experience wisdom by experiencing sin. And there are actually some people in the Church preaching that today: that we are down here to experience sin, so go out and experience it. Go out and do everything. You were in a church like that, were you not? Go out and do it. Be incestuous; fornicate; commit adultery. Have all your experiences because you are down here to experience sin.


But I declare to you, brethren, we are supposed to be learning about sin through the Spirit of Christ, which will teach us without polluting us. We are not supposed to be down here doing it, learning it from the Serpent. It is a question of who will teach us about sin. Will the Serpent teach us about sin, or will the Lord Jesus Christ teach us about sin? When the Serpent teaches us about sin, we experience it in our soul and in our body, and we die. When the Lord Jesus Christ teaches us about sin, we learn about it with our spirit, and we live.


This falls right in line with what I have been teaching you about something that I am going through right now, that I have a discernment that operates in my soul. I experience other people's distress. And it is good because I know they are distressed, and I can pray for them. But on the other hand, it is terribly painful for me and sometimes afflicts me to the point that I cannot even work. This is not positive, brethren. And yet, in certain areas, I am aware that I recognize sin with my spirit. I see it; I recognize it; I know about it. I could pray for the people. But it is with my spirit, and it is not damaging me at all.


I am in transition, from experiencing or learning about sin from the Devil, and learning about sin from the Lord Jesus Christ. I am double-minded right now. I am in a transition period. I look forward to the day that all of my instruction will be by the Lord Jesus Christ because there is no pain and suffering involved in that instruction. We must ascend up out of our soul. We must come up out from under the authority of the Devil, who is teaching us about sin by having us experience sin. And sin causes pain and death.


This is another way of saying, every sin shall have its just recompense. The Devil teaches us about sin, and then she executes the Sowing & Reaping upon us and takes our life. The wages of sin is death (Rom 6:23). You learn about sin from the Devil, and she then has the right to kill you. She teaches you, and then she kills you, sort of like the black widow spider. Now there are certain species of spiders, where the female copulates with the male, conceives, and then kills the male. When the Lord Jesus Christ teaches us about sin, brethren, we reject the experience of it, and we have a knowledge of it which is without experience, and we live, and we do not die.


My goodness, I do not believe this anointing here tonight. I thought this was going to be a light message. Incredible anointing here.


So that fallen Adam, which is the Devil -- let me point this out to you. The Scripture, Psalms 58:5, makes the word, hearken, negative. Which will not hearken to the voice of the charmers, but that is a bad translation. The word, hearken, or pay attention to, is positive.


And this is how it should read, So that fallen Adam, which is the Devil, obeys the voice of the enchanters, which is speaking about our satanic unconscious minds, which satanic unconscious mind is saying, whispering in our ear, Form a soul tie with the sins, with the carnal minds which are making you wise. Go out and form soul ties through fornication. Go out and form soul ties through drugs or alcohol or through gossip or whatever you are doing with your ungodly soul ties.


Please note that this verse is speaking about the voice of the enchanters, which is plural. I suggest that this verse is speaking about the next serpentine generation, the Devil, which is fallen Adam. The witch, in fallen man, is our satanic unconscious mind, and the voice of the witch is the carnal mind. Also, please note that the word, voice, is singular, but the word, serpents, is plural, indicating a many-membered man. So we are speaking now about the three generations of the Serpent, which was first seen in Eden: one generation un-incarnated and two generations incarnated.


Amplified Translation, Psalms 58:5: So that fallen Adam obeys his satanic unconscious mind, which is saying, 'Form a soul tie with the carnal minds which are making you wise by experience instead of instruction.'


Let us read the whole thing.


Psalms 58:4-5: The Dragon is in the image of the Serpent. The Devil shuts up the ears of the man that he is incarnated in, to Jehovah's instructions, like a deaf, poisonous Serpent, so that fallen Adam obeys his satanic unconscious mind, which is whispering to him, 'Form a soul tie with the carnal minds which are making you wise.'


The Dragon is in the image of the Serpent, and because the Dragon is in the image of the Serpent, your fallen personality is the Devil. And the unconscious mind of the Devil is whispering to you, Go out and experience sin through soulish soul ties with other carnal minds.


I have also worked up Psalms 143: They have sharpened their tongues like a serpent.


Well, maybe we will stop here. Are there any questions on this? Everybody is absolutely passing out here on me tonight. You should see what you all look like. I do not think we have enough time on this recording to do another verse. And you all look like I am torturing you. And I am passing out, myself, to tell you the truth. Are there any questions or comments?


Transcribed by VerbalFusion 01/11/19

1st Edit, 1/15/19, rh

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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