305 - Part 8

Part 8 of 11 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation
By The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Thank you, Jesus. I would like to make a comment on verse 11 before I read you the recap. We worked verse 11 up in part 6, and in that verse, we used the name Satan and the devil, but when I reviewed the verse, I realized that there were actually three subjects and three adjectives describing the moral corruption of the creation. And what I did not understand was that that verse should be reading, “That old serpent, Satan and the devil.” And this is interesting because I have sort of been stumbling around for a while when I talk to you about the first and second generations of Satan. I give you the -- our example is that we have two generations of Christ. First, we have the Lord Jesus Christ who is our unconscious mind and -- I am sorry who -- the Lord Jesus Christ is the first generation of Christ. He is in the earth as the Holy Spirit, and he is joining unto our human spirit and forming Christ Jesus. And in Christ Jesus we have the Spirit of Christ, and the mind of Christ is the second generation. Let me say it again. The first generation of Christ is the Lord Jesus Christ who is now the Father unto us, and in the second generation of Christ, we have Christ Jesus -- the man Christ Jesus who has a conscious mind and an unconscious mind. The unconscious mind of the man, Christ Jesus, is the Spirit of Christ, and the conscious mind of the man Christ Jesus is the mind of Christ.


And in the like manner, we have a first generation of Satan, and I did not -- I never knew what his name was. I just found out from this study. His name is the serpent. He is the serpent. He existed from the beginning. The name of the moral corruption in the earth before he incarnated is the serpent from the moment that he incarnated, and that was the first generation of Satan. He is called the serpent. The second generation of Satan, in the form of the carnal mind, has a conscious and an unconscious mind, and the name of the unconscious mind is Satan, and the name of the conscious mind is the carnal mind.


So it is really interesting because what the Lord seems to do with me is that he shows me principles that I do not really have Scripture for. He shows me principles that I do not have names for, and I struggle with them for a while, and then I get the Scriptures, and then I get the names. If you are in any confusion at all, what I just told you is just a hair different than other things you may have heard from me before. I have told you that the Lord Jesus Christ is the unconscious mind of the new man, and now the Lord is showing me that that is not exactly accurate. That the Lord Jesus Christ is the Father unto us, and the second generation of Christ is the Spirit of Christ in your unconscious mind, and the mind of Christ is your conscious mind.


If you are confused, do not worry about it. These are technical details that the Lord wants us to hear them to the fullest extent we can grasp them, but do not stumble over it. Do not stumble over it. It is just that eventually, we have to get the whole thing right as the mind of Christ in us is able to grasp it. And as I have told you all the time, I am just learning along with you. I give to you as I get it. So we have to -- both of us, all of us, we have to roll with the punches, but do not let it hold you up, and do not worry about it.


But as I am reviewing the Alternate Translation Bible, I see how the revelation has evolved here, and how it is just getting clearer and clearer and clearer. So do not let Satan use it as a stumbling block for you, and take your pride under control. If you are upset, I rebuke it, and just try to roll with it. I am preaching it the right way. If God makes it real to you, fine. If he does not, please do not worry about it. It is just words. The most important thing is that this revelation gets into your spirit, and when it gets into your spirit and Christ is formed in you, you will understand all things. So do not strain at a gnat, you know. Do not strain at a gnat. What did Jesus say? You strain at a gnat and you try and swallow a camel? OK. Do not be Pharisaical, brethren. Just tell the Lord you would like to understand if he wants to give you the understanding and just roll with it.


When I first came to the Lord I was in a church with a lot of people who had grown up in the church. At least they had the letter of the word. I did not even have the letter of the word, and I just went to five services a week. I just sat there, and I just listened, and the teacher taught, and I just sat there and let his words roll over me, and whatever stuck, stuck and what did not stick, did not stick, and look at what happened to me. So just roll with the punches, brethren, and let the seeds pelt on your heart, and let them fall where they may. Do not try to grasp it with your intellect. Your spirit has got to get it. And the only that is going to mess you up is your pride, OK? So leave it in God’s hands and get the spiritual increase. That is the most important thing.


Following along after this same principle of the first and second generation of the Spirit, you might say, oh, well, that is totally insignificant. Well, it is not totally insignificant if you can relate it to the understanding of spiritual altars that the Lord has given us recently. I remember years ago, in the church that I was raised up in, there was a woman who received a prophecy from the man of God. I think she was having some kind of a problem. And a prophecy came forth. Something about the Lord breaking down the enemy’s altars. It was very spiritual along the lines of what we are studying here. And I know after it was all over, someone asked the pastor, “What is an altar? What was God talking about?” And he admitted that he did not know. All he could tell the woman was that the Lord Jesus was moving to defend her. But he did not know what kind of an altar was being broken or what it meant.


In this ministry, we have a revelation of what a spiritual altar is, and I do not know if any of you remember it or not, so I will tell you again. But God has revealed to us that a spiritual altar is that union or that joint spirit which is formed when a male Spirit joins with the human spirit. If it is Jehovah joining with the human spirit, it is Jehovah’s altar and there is always a child born of that union, and the child that is upon that union is the sacrifice that remains on the altar that becomes the continuous offering.


You may know that the Levitical sacrifice call for a continuous offering. There was always an offering burning in, I believe it was in the holy place. It may have been in the outer court. That is not an area of expertise for me. But I do know that there was a continuous burning where the flame never went out. So we see the reality of that Levitical sacrifice is the spiritual altar which is formed of the union between Jehovah and the human spirit, and the offering that burns -- the bush that burns but which is not consumed is Christ.


And in the same way, we have (what I used to call) a satanic altar. Now that I have this additional information, I have to call it the serpentine altar. The serpent joins with the human spirit and forms the serpentine altar and brings forth their offspring, the carnal mind. And the carnal mind is twofold. The unconscious part of the carnal mind is Satan, and the the conscious part is the carnal mind.


In this hour, we see that the Lord Jesus Christ and the Father are one, and for our purposes, the Father who is joining with our human spirit is the Lord Jesus Christ, and the offspring, which is brought forth on that altar, is the man Christ Jesus, who has a conscious and an unconscious mind. The unconscious mind of the man Christ Jesus is the Spirit of Christ, and his conscious mind is the mind of Christ. So we say, if we can follow it at this point, that there is a reason to the madness. That the first generation of whichever Spirit we are talking about is the generation which is joining with the human spirit and forming the altar, and the second generation is the mind which is born of that union which lies on that altar.


And if you take it a step further than that, you may recall from our studies in Daniel 8 that the carnal mind is trying, in this hour, and has already one time succeeded, in getting the mind of Christ off of his own altar and sacrificing the mind of Christ on the serpentine altar, therefore destroying the mind of Christ and breaking up the altar of Jehovah. That happened already once, and the name of that event is the fall. And now in this hour, we see the Lord Jesus Christ has erected a second altar in mankind, the altar of the Lord Jesus Christ, and he is bringing forth the man Christ Jesus who fully intends to lay hold of that carnal mind and rip her from the serpentine altar and offer her up on the altar of Christ. He is going to do what was done to him at the time of the fall.


So we see, when a Spirit moves to break down a Spirit stronghold, the first thing that happens is that the offspring of the God who has joined with man is broken up, is ripped from his altar and beaten to dust and then the altar is broken down. Some of you may be familiar with those terms. They are in the Scriptures. They came in and they broke up the altars. It is all through the Old Testament.


That is just a type of what is happening in the Spirit, and everybody here has a serpentine altar in them. Every single one of us. How do I know that? Because in this hour, the altar of Christ, or the foundation of Christ, is not yet established sufficiently to incarnate human life. And all of the human life that is appearing in the earth today is incarnated on the serpentine altar. You do not like that? It is tough. You are all a bunch of baby serpents. That is what you are, including me. Jesus clearly said, “Your daddy is the devil,” so stop playing holy because you are not holy and you are not fooling anybody but yourself.


So if you would like to be holy, you have to get yourself cleaned up, you have to confess that you are not holy, and you have to admit your sins and repent before you can be made holy. Because if you think that you are holy already, there is nothing anybody could do for you. Praise the Lord.


So we see a second altar appearing in mankind, or a second foundation, but that foundation is not yet complete. It was completed in the Lord Jesus Christ but he is not in any perfected flesh in this hour, and that altar of the Lord Jesus Christ is not established anywhere in the earth today with enough strength to incarnate or sustain human life. It is too immature, and in the exact moment that it matures to the point that it can sustain human life, the altar of the Lord Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus, the offering on that altar which burns with the purifying fire of God but is not consumed, will rip the carnal mind off of the serpentine altar, beat her to dust, offer her up to the Lord Jesus Christ, and break down the serpentine altar. And then the altar of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be the only foundation which has the authority to incarnate or -- and/or sustain the life of humanity.


And everybody who is not existing on the foundation or the altar of the Lord Jesus Christ will pass away. Why? Because the serpentine altar is being destroyed. And when the serpentine altar is destroyed in the realm of the Spirit, brethren, it is not possible for it to be sustained in any one man’s mind. It is being burnt out from its root, you see. For you to think that it is possible for the serpentine altar to be destroyed in the deep realm of the Spirit and for one man to survive anyway, that could be likened to your saying the root of a tree is burnt out and completely killed but there are one or two leaves on the external side of the tree that will survive. It is impossible, brethren. It is impossible for any of the leaves to survive when the root of the tree is ripped out of the earth.


If you can hear it, hear it. The anointing here is heavy. As soon as I open my mouth, people are sleeping here. I am telling you, praise the Lord. I feel much better. Thank you all for praying for me. At least I feel I can preach. OK. Let us try this thing.


I have our Alternate Translation of verse 11 which said something like the serpent, the devil or Satan the devil, and I now have altered it to really coincide with the Book of Revelation. I think it is chapter 12 where it says, “That old serpent, Satan and the devil.” OK.


I have conformed our Alternate Translation of verse 11 of Zephaniah 3 to that format: “That old serpent Satan, unconscious mind, and the devil, the conscious mind, of the incarnated serpent.” The serpent is the name of the moral corruption in the earth in a condition where he is not incarnated. Once he is incarnated, he becomes the second generation, and his name changes, and he has two names now: one for his unconscious mind and the other for his conscious mind. So when he is not incarnated, the name of the moral corruption in the earth is the serpent who goes back to the ancient days, and when he is incarnated, his name becomes the two-sided carnal mind, or the carnal mind whose unconscious aspect has a name of its own, Satan, and whose conscious mind is the devil. Boy, this is evolving as I am talking to you. And the name of the whole, the two of them together is the carnal mind. I have just changed it again, brethren. It just came out into the anointing. Listen.


“The serpent is the name of the moral corruption in the earth before he incarnates. When the serpent incarnates, his name is the carnal mind. The unconscious part of the carnal mind is Satan and the conscious part of the carnal mind is the devil.” So we have four names here. Let me say it again. The name of the moral corruption in the earth before incarnation is the serpent. When the serpent incarnates, what does that mean? Appears as a man. He becomes the carnal mind, and the carnal mind has a conscious and an unconscious mind, and the unconscious mind is Satan, and the conscious mind is the devil, but together, they are called the carnal mind. And likewise, we have the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the name of the Father that is not incarnated as a man. When he incarnates as a man, his name becomes the man Christ Jesus, and the man Christ Jesus has an unconscious mind, the Spirit of Christ, and a conscious mind, the mind of Christ. So each Spirit has four names. Is that not interesting? God help us. I am getting slain in the Spirit. I just started to preach here. OK.


Recap, Zephaniah 3:9-13: “Because at the time that I will overthrow and purify the fallen dead soul of the tribes of the Israel God and bring them into submission to the single mind of Christ so that all of humanity may be in Jehovah’s image, Christ, my bloodless offering, shall appear in the generation whose righteous, spiritual power is strong enough to overcome Ham’s witchcraft. And in that day, I will cause that ancient serpent, that arrogant Satan and insolent devil, to depart from within your mind and make you a most holy nation again, and the whole fallen dead soul shall be disgraced because it shall be revealed that they turned away from God to act out Satan’s lusts. And after I cause Satan and the devil to depart from your mind, your righteous but afflicted human spirit shall remain, and she shall join with the Holy Spirit, and the human spirit shall birth Christ Jesus, and he shall subdue Satan, that wicked one, and subject her and the carnal mind to his authority, and Satan shall respect him and Christ Jesus shall marry the soul that the Father and the Son made, and govern and feed her, and the human spirit will not commit adultery with the carnal mind anymore.”


Continuing with Zephaniah 3:14: “Sing, O daughter of Zion. Shout, O Israel. Be glad and rejoice with all the heart, O daughter of Jerusalem.” “Sing for joy” is Strong’s 7442. This word means -- this is the same word, by the way, that appears in the Book of Job where it says in the Sons of God sang with God before they were born, and a lot of Kingdom churches -- I did not quote it exactly. But there are Kingdom churches who quote this Scripture as proof of the pre-incarnate condition of the Sons of God. But they preach it that the Sons of God were fully mature in their pre-incarnate condition, that they were pretty much in the condition that we are in now, and they just took on the flesh, and that they were very happy, singing for joy in the Spirit realm. And they say the same thing about Jesus, that he was fully mature in the realm of the Spirit, and he just walked through a veil and took on flesh.


But I declare to you, brethren, this is not true. That everything that God does begins in seed form and grows and increases until maturity. And I preach here that the Lord Jesus, when he was with the Father, was in seed form likened unto a sperm, and that each and every one of us was in seed form, and therefore the Sons of God who sang with the Lord before they were incarnated, OK, they were not fully formed human beings romping around the May pole, singing with the Lord. Number one, they were seed in his loins, and number two, this Hebrew word translated “sing for joy” has other meanings which are very negative, and my personal opinion after studying the Scripture is that one of the definitions is evil. They were evil. What does that mean? Brethren, when the spirit of man separated from the Spirit of God, the creation died spiritually and man became evil. Man became evil. But because he was good and became evil, he has the potential to become good again. But you see, man was evil before he incarnated. He became evil upon separation from the Spirit of God. And the reason that we incarnated in animal bodies is because of our illegal separation from God which made us evil. So this is the same word used to speak about the Sons of God singing with the Lord before their incarnation. What it really means is that they became evil. So your doctrine is all wrong, brethren, because you do not even have the word -- the definition of the word straight, yeah. God help us.


This is the same word, and it is translated in Zephaniah 3:14, “sing for joy,” Strong’s 7442. However, Gesenius says that aside from the fact that this word can also mean evil, it has another meaning which is to emit, and it means to give off a tremulous and stridulous sound. What does that mean? It is a sound that comes from a vibrating string like a harp or a guitar. And it is not necessarily used to describe a musical instrument. It is a sound that is made from vibration, and that is how the word evolved to mean singing coming from the vibration of the vocal cord, but it does not have to mean that, and Gesenius tells us that this word it a primary translation, especially used to describe the tremulous, that means the vibrating sound, of a mast or a tall pole shaken by the wind. If you have a tall pole in a hurricane and it gets whipped back and forth, it makes, like, a shrieking sound. It makes, like, a high-pitched sound of a high, shrill whistle. It is not a pleasant sound at all. And basically, the intention of the word is the interaction between this solid object and the wind. The solid object is made of matter typifying this world and the wind typifying Spirit. So the basic meaning of the word is the interaction between Spirit and matter. Between something solid and something spiritual. The Spirit moving upon the something solid and getting it to produce a sound. What does that mean to us? I will get to that in just a minute.


We are talking about “sing, O daughter of Zion.” Let us talk about daughter of Zion for a minute, and then I will go on that. Daughter means human daughter. Zion is speaking about the mind of Christ, OK? Back in the part before this, we talked about the daughter of the dispersed being the human spirit remaining after the breakup of the carnal mind. We find that this word daughter, it is referring to offspring. It is referring to female offspring, and the daughter of the dispersed one was the carnal mind that was broken up, and the only thing that remained when she was broken up was the human spirit, that which remained of the original.


And remember also that the Lord calls the dead human spirit Christ. As far as God is concerned, our human spirit is the dead Son, the skeleton of the Son, and the Lord fully intends to raise him from the dead. So even though he has become female and weak and beggarly, as far as the Father is concerned, his Son is in us and our human spirit is Christ as far as the Father is concerned.


This is a mystery. The Father will call the dead human spirit as well as the mature completed Christ Jesus in us. He will call both of them Christ alone as it pleases him. He will call the Lord Jesus Christ. He will call Christ Jesus in you Christ. He will call your human spirit Christ. It is like a family, brethren, of Johnsons, and there is the father Johnson, and the mother Johnson and then the eldest son Johnson and then the second son Johnson and then the third and fourth son Johnson. They all have different first names. The father is John and the eldest son is Joe and the next son is Jimmy, but they are all Johnson, and you go into the Army, and you are all called Johnson, and that is where this confusion is coming in. They are all in the family of God, and they are all Christ. So if God is talking about Christ alone, you have to ask him which Christ he is talking about.


You know, that guy on TV that advertises Midas mufflers? He has got four sons named George. Did you see that advertisement? It is got his name is George and he is got four sons named George. He named all his sons George. I am sure that each boy must have a nickname but they are all named George. So there has to be a modifying name. This is getting so confusing.


But the bottom line is that there is a family of God in heaven, and the name of that family is Christ, and there are many members of that family, several spiritual members and many human members, and we are all Christ. And they are not all the same but they all have the same Father, Jehovah.


We see that the daughter of my dispersed is the human spirit which was separated from the carnal mind but has not yet been completed in Christ Jesus. The daughter of my dispersed. She is the human spirit that slept alone after the carnal mind has broken up. And the reason she is called a daughter is that she is female and she is weak. As soon as the Lord Jesus Christ joins with her and forms Christ Jesus, she will become a virile man. She would not be a daughter anymore. She would be a son.


Let me say it again. I feel like I am losing you. I will say it one more time then I will go on. The daughter of the dispersed is that which is left of the carnal mind after the carnal mind is beaten to pieces. It is the human spirit that has been freed from the carnal mind but who has not yet been joined to the Lord Jesus Christ and who has not yet borne the man Christ Jesus. So she is a daughter because she is weak and feeble because she has been stripped of her husband and her offspring and has not yet been renewed in Christ. She is the daughter of the dispersed. And the daughter of Zion is the separated human spirit that I just described to you. After the Lord Jesus Christ joins with her and forms Christ Jesus in her, she then becomes the daughter of Zion. So we see the transition is from the daughter of the dispersed unto the daughter of Zion. The human spirit in the carnal mind. The human spirit in the mind of Christ. The human spirit stripped of the carnal mind. The human spirit in various conditions.


Colossians 2:10 says, “And ye are complete in him which is the head of all principality and power.”


Excuse me. I think I am going to need that over here. You can go get the other fan if you want to. Thanks.


I suggest to you that the Hebrew word translated sing in the phrase, “Sing, O daughter of Zion,” is speaking about the interaction between the tall pole, which is matter or is typifying the soul, and the wind which is typifying the Holy Spirit. This phrase is speaking about the liberated human spirit’s union with the Holy Spirit which will result in the conception of the completed Christ. How can I be referring to the human spirit as matter? The human spirit, brethren, is a part of the soul. She is a part of the soul. So, when we see this phrase shout for joy, the joy is coming because the human spirit is joining with the Holy Spirit and Christ is being formed. That is a joyous occasion because the human spirit was in bondage to the carnal mind, and now she is freed, and not only is she freed, but she is not left alone. I mean, she is weak and beggarly, but she is joining to the Lord himself where she shall be made glorious and wealthy. So it is a reason to be singing, brethren, and it is a reason to be shouting for joy.


“Sing, O daughter of Zion. Shout, O Israel.” The word shout is Strong’s 7321. It means to make a loud noise as one would make over a conquered enemy. And Israel is referring to the whole spiritual man. Remember that there is now an Israel of God which includes the circumcised of natural Israel and the circumcised of spiritual Israel, and everyone whose heart is circumcised is now a part of the Israel of God. So we see that Israel typifies the whole spiritual man.


“Sing, O daughter of Zion. Shout, O Israel. Be glad and rejoice with all of the heart.” “Be glad,” Strong’s 8056. It means rejoicing, and the word rejoice, Strong’s 5937, says that “this word can be applied in a bad sense to an insolent, haughty men,” and I suggest to you that Strong’s number 8056, the word translated rejoicing, is referring to the individual member of the soul, and Strong’s 5937, which is translated rejoice, is referring to the moral corruption in the earth of the soul because we just said it can refer to an insolent, haughty man. And we see that the Scripture is saying let all of Israel rejoice. Not only Israel from natural Israel and Israel from spiritual Israel, but let the whole man rejoice, both the soul and the moral corruption in the earth. It is saying that Satan rejoice also because this may be hard for you to believe, but Satan in her freedom is in torment.


Brethren, we are all the offspring of Satan. Humanity is in torment, yet Satan will not turn around. She will not give up her world. She will not give up authority. She will not give up dominion. She will not submit to the Lord Jesus Christ. And she fully refuses to believe that there is peace for her in submission to Christ. But when she is forced into that submission, she will rejoice too because her torment will be assuaged. Satan is in torment here. She is her own worst enemy. She is causing her own torment but in torment she is. Sounds like a confusion. Well, she is confused. How? She is spiritual insane. She does not know what is good for herself. She thinks she knows what is best for herself, but she does not know what is best for herself, and she perpetuates her own torment. The problem is that she is so strong. She is the strongman who Christ has come to bind up so that he can wreck her house. She is like an atom bomb that has gotten loose. Totally self-destructive.


The Scripture is saying then let the soul rejoice and let Satan rejoice as well. Let both the positive and the negative sides of Israel rejoice with a completed heart because the human spirit has conceived Christ Jesus, the one who is able to subdue the earth and bring this creation into correct moral order and deliver her out of the torments of hell. Deliver both the soul and Satan out of the torments of hell. Jesus.


So the Scripture is saying then let the soul rejoice and let Satan rejoice as well. Let both the positive and negative sides of Israel rejoice with a completed heart. And what is the completed heart? It is the human spirit which has conceived Christ Jesus.


“Rejoice with all the heart” -- or the completed heart -- “O daughter of Jerusalem.” Jerusalem, I remind you, is the soul that Jehovah made, and the daughter of Jerusalem is the female mind which is born of that soul. In other words, the daughter of Jerusalem is the soul whose mind is carnal. When the soul produces a Son, he is called Son of man. There is no Scripture which says daughter of man that I know of nor is there any Scripture that I know of that says Son of Jerusalem. When the soul produces a daughter, she is referred to as Jerusalem and when she produces a Son, she is referred to as a man. When her offspring is female, the soul is referred to in parable or hidden form by the term woman, but when her offspring is male, she is openly referred to as man. The catch is that the sex of the soul is dependent upon her offspring or upon her mind. When the soul gives birth to the Son, he marries her and the whole soul becomes male. The daughter of Babylon is the carnal mind produced by the gentiles, and the daughter of Jerusalem is the carnal mind produced by Israel.


Alternate Translation, Zephaniah 3:14: “Let the human spirit be completed in Christ Jesus. Let Israel shout victoriously over his enemy. Let the many-membered soul rejoice and let the insolent one rejoice also.”


Amplified Translation, Zephaniah 3:14: “Let Israel shout victoriously over his enemy. Let the many-membered soul rejoice and let Satan rejoice also because the human spirit is completed in Christ Jesus.”


Continuing with Zephaniah 3:15: “The Lord hath taken away thy judgments. He hath cast out thine enemy. The king of Israel, even the Lord, is in the midst of thee. Thou shalt not see evil anymore.”


“The Lord hath taken away thy judgments.” The word Lord is Jehovah, and “taken away” is Strong’s 5493. It means “to cause to depart.” And the word judgments, 4941. It means forensic cause which means a cause that is based in fact of law, something that can be established in court. And you may have heard that Jehovah is a legalist. He has a legal court, he has a spiritual court, and everything that he does is based on spiritual law which he has established. He will never kill anybody or wipe anybody out unless he has proven satisfactorily that they are deserving of the judgment or the sentence which is afflicted upon them. He is a legalist.


So a judgment of law based on facts. That is a sentence based on the facts of the case. The Lord’s judgment of death is righteous because it has been proven that our mind, which is spirit, is morally diseased, and this judgment of death is in the form of the carnal mind. You see, when Jehovah pronounced us worthy of death, he gave us a mind which was death. The carnal mind is our judgment. It is the judgment of God upon us. We are told in another place, I think it is 2 Peter, that God sold us into sin, we were given unto chains of darkness, reserved by chains of darkness, until the judgment which would restore us unto righteousness. God decided not to wipe us out completely, but he withdrew his Son from us. We lost the mind of Christ. So if we were not to be wiped out completely, he had to give us some kind of a mind to keep us existing, and that mind that he gave us was the carnal mind which is the judgment of death.


If we are to get a true pardon, the sentence must be repealed. But the sentence is an existing thing that is in the midst of us. So for us to be truly pardoned, this carnal mind has to be taken back, and the mind of life has to be given unto us. So you are not pardoned so long as you have the carnal mind. You are still dead so long as you have a carnal mind.


The church is just missing the whole point of everything. As I have been telling you for a long time, they do good works. They are feeding the hungry. They are clothing the poor. Having a lot of mercy on a lot of people down here in hell. But the works that they are doing will not get them or anybody else out of hell, and they have benefits because the Lord blesses them for honoring his name to the strongest ability that they can. The Lord blesses them. He blesses their children. He gives them some peace, and he heals them if they are sick, and he improves their relationships. God improves their life or their existence down here in hell because they are honoring his name. But there is nothing in the works that the church is doing today which will produce eternal life. There is nothing that they are doing that will get us out of hell. And all it is doing is giving them positions as trustees in the jailhouse, and the longer your family line has served Christ and done good works, the more senior a trustee you are, and you have a lot of privileges down here in hell: good health, happy marriages, different measures of liberty, an ability to think with a clear mind, spiritual liberty, mental liberty, intelligence, financial blessings that give you liberty. But it is all improvement of your existence in hell. There has been no power to get out of hell since Jesus and the apostles. There has been no power to get out of hell. Just power to get your needs met in hell.


I do not know about you, but that is not good enough for me. I want out of this place, brethren, and I do not mean that I want to be taken from the earth because I know that our Lord prayed that he did not ask for that, but he asked that we should be delivered from the evil. Do not try and snare me in my words when I said I want out of this place. I mean, I want out of my carnal mind. I want to walk on the water of this soul realm. I want the dominion that the Lord has promised me. I want to enter into my inheritance. I want to be one of the gods of this world. I want to rule in righteousness. I want it to be true for me that sin shall not have dominion over me. I want to inherit the life of the ages, not in sin but in righteousness. I want peace of mind. I want contentment. I want deliverance from torment. I want my life in right order. I want my mind in right order. I want my soul and my spirit and my body in right order. I want my relationships in right order. I want to do righteousness 100 percent of the time. And I want to be freed from the corruption of sin and death and the fear of death which has kept me in bondage all of my life.


And all the time you thought that meant to be scared of death. No, it does not mean that, brethren. It means the respect of death. It means submission to death. It means the worship of the carnal mind which has kept you in bondage all of your life because so long as you worship her, you are going to die. You must stop worshiping the idol in your own heart, brethren.


Is the one of the two laws not “thou shalt worship the Lord thy God with all thy heart and thy mind and thy soul and treat your brother as yourself”? And on this hinges all the law and the prophets, and when you keep the law, you get out of hell? Well, you cannot get out of hell, brethren, if you are fearing death. And how do you fear death? How do you worship death? Death is the carnal mind. You fear her when you submit to her. Worship is submission and obedience. Well, brethren, how are you going to stop submitting to her if she comes to you and tells you she is Christ and you cannot tell the difference? You have to stop doing what she tells you, brethren. You have to start resisting her thoughts, and you have to start resisting her emotions, and you have to stop doing her thing. You have to stop acting out her lusts if you want to be delivered from death.


I wish it were true that it was a rapture, brethren, but it is not true. It is a lie, and I will tell you, this battle is fierce. But I do not believe I came this far for God to turn me over now. I am going through or I am going to die trying.


Roman 8:6 says, “For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” Numbers 32:23 says, “But if you will not do so, behold. Ye have sinned against the Lord and be sure your sin will find you out.” Your own sin will expose you. Galatians verses -- 6:7, 9 and 10: “But be not deceived. God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. And let us not be weary in well doing for in due season, we shall reap if we faint not. And we have, therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith,” because our sentence, brethren, is based on the facts. What facts? To what degree are you obeying your carnal mind and to what degree are you obeying Christ?


It has nothing whatsoever to do with what you feel like. It has to do with righteousness. And if you think you have a right to your feelings, well, keep your feelings. It is the same thing as keeping your sin. If you love your sin, you will surely die. You have got to hate it. And you cannot hate it until you know that it is sin. And if you are in denial that it is sin, you have got a real problem. If you think you just said something the wrong way or you just happened to make a mistake and you are going to brush it off and pooh-pooh it off like that, you shall surely die in your sins. Ye are gods, but you shall die like men.


Zephaniah 3:15 is declaring that the Lord shall cause our carnal mind to depart from us. “The Lord hath taken away thy judgments. He hath cast out thine enemy.” Cast out, Strong’s 6437, means “to turn itself.” This is speaking, brethren, about repentance and conversion -- repentance or conversion. See, we hear the church world teaching you that if you are a drug addict or an alcoholic or an adulterer, and you are reconciled unto Christ, and you stop drinking or drugging or adultering, that you have been converted but that is a lie. You have not been converted. The conversion is of your spirit from being a worshipper of the carnal mind unto being a worshipper of the Christ mind. You see, if you are a drug addict or an alcoholic and you stop doing that, you have just gone from being a malignant or a negative worshipper of the carnal mind to being a positive worshipper of the carnal mind. You are still a worshipper of the carnal mind. You are just doing it in a cleaner way. You have not been converted at all, not at all. You are still a dirty, no-good sinner. True conversion converts you from sin unto righteousness.


“He has cast out thine enemy.” Enemy, Strong’s 341, means advisory. And our adversary shall be converted. Well, I do not believe that Satan shall repent, and to me the word conversion includes repentance so I have trouble believing that this word can be referring to Satan. I believe that Satan shall be forcibly returned to her God-ordained role in the creation. She is soul and not Spirit. She is female and not male. She is supposed to be passive and not dominant. So I cannot offer you any grammatical proof, brethren, but once again we have a situation where I feel that the subjects, that is the carnal mind and Satan, are appearing with the wrong verb here in verse 15.


You may recall that we had this same situation in verse 13 where I felt that the phrase “shall not do iniquity nor speak lies” should be restated as “shall not do lies nor speak iniquity.” Now, that makes no sense at all in the English translation but it makes a lot more sense in the -- when we find out what the Hebrew words really mean. That is the only way, as far as I am concerned, that you can really state it. And it is my opinions that some changes were made in the Hebrew during the translation because the King James translators just could not make any sense out of it the way it appears then. In English, it does not make any sense at all to do lies and to speak iniquity. Makes no sense at all. But if you choose other translations of the verb, it makes sense, and we found that out when we worked up verse 13.


We see the same situation in verse 15. It says, “The Lord shall take away thy judgments and cast out thy enemies,” and we would really have to say, “The Lord hath taken away thy enemy and cast out thy judgment.” Take away thy enemy. Satan is being taken away. It is the carnal mind that is being cast out. Not so much cast out as broken up -- as converted. How is the carnal mind being converted? She is being broken or dashed to pieces and her core, the human spirit, is being renewed. She is being renewed in the spirit of her mind, and that core of the carnal mind which is left after she is dashed to pieces is being rebuilt through union with Jesus Christ. That is the true conversion: the breaking up of the carnal mind and the rebuilding of the remnant, which is the human spirit, into the Christ mind. That is the conversion, brethren. That is the reality of the conversion. Jesus. So we see in verse 15 that Satan is the one departing from us, and the carnal mind is being converted -- or rather the human spirit, which is in the midst of the carnal mind, is being renewed into the mind of Christ.


Alternate Translation, the first third of Zephaniah 3:15: “Jehovah has caused Satan to depart from you and converted your carnal mind into Christ.” First third, Zephaniah 3:15: “Jehovah has caused Satan to depart from you and converted your carnal mind into Christ.”


Continuing with the second third of Zephaniah 3:15: “The king of Israel, even the Lord, is in the midst of thee.” The title king indicates Jehovah’s authority over the land or soul that he rules. Jesus is king of kings in that he is the chief honcho king or unconscious mind over all the individual kings, or conscious minds, of the body of Christ.


Actually, that is not correct in accordance with the revelation that came down at the beginning of this message. We are going to have change that. The title king indicates Jehovah’s authority. OK, we are told Jehovah is the king of Israel. The title king indicates Jehovah’s authority over the land or soul that he has formed, and we are told in the Book of Revelation that it is Christ Jesus is king of kings so Christ Jesus, the man Christ Jesus, is the king of all the individual kings or human beings of the body of Christ.


Colossians 1:18 says, “And he is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things he might have the preeminence.”


The king of Israel, even the Lord, is in the midst of them. The Lord is Jehovah. “In the midst” means in the most interior part, specifically talking about the mind.


Alternate Translation, the second third of Zephaniah 3:15: “Jehovah is become Christ Jesus in the midst of you.”


How is Jesus become Christ Jesus in the midst of you? He has brought forth Messiah, brethren, the Lord Jesus Christ. He has sacrificed the soul life of his only begotten Son. He has allowed him to be crucified so that he can be raised from the dead and ascended on high. The man who had no sin, who had the spiritual, legal right to live forever was crucified and sacrificed so that he could be raised from the dead in a new form, in a form of pure Spirit, in a form whereby he could pour out of himself upon all of humanity and reproduce his life-saving life in every dead human being in a relatively short period of time, a couple of thousand years relatively short period of time.


We see that the phrase that “Jehovah is become Christ Jesus in the midst of you” forgets to tell you about the Lord Jesus Christ, and this is where amplification comes in. We find this not at all uncommon in the Scripture to find steps left out that if you do not have the revelation in your own heart, you just do not know how the Lord got from point A to point C because in this particular Scripture, he is not talking about point B. But we know that for Jehovah to get to be Christ Jesus in your heart, there had to be the work of the Lord Jesus Christ on Calvary. “Jehovah is become Christ Jesus in the midst of you.”


Continuing with the third third of Zephaniah 3:15: “Thou shalt not see evil anymore.” The Hebrew word translated see is Strong’s 3372. The Interlinear says “fear” and Gesenius says, “This word means to fear or to reverence.” Evil is Strong’s 7451. It is referring to “evil in the manner of thinking and acting wickedness or malice.” It is speaking about that which is physically bad such as bad cattle, bad meat. It is speaking about being sad of heart or mind. It is speaking about the negative aspects of humanity.


“Thou shalt not see evil anymore.” Strong’s 5750, the words “anymore.” Your human’s spirit and your physical body will not worship. That is they will not submit to evil anymore, and your soul, that is your emotions, will not fear it. Now, this is interesting. Human spirit and your physical body will not worship or submit to evil anymore, and your soul or your emotions will not respect it. Again have to pray about this, but I suggest to you that God has told me that this Scripture is speaking about what I was talking about at the beginning of this message: the situation of feeling other people’s sins in your emotions. And we are told that when Christ Jesus is in full stature, is fully the God in the midst of us, that our physical body will not be sick anymore, that our emotions will not be subject to other people’s sin anymore, and our human spirit will not submit to the wickedness of the carnal mind anymore. So we are going to be delivered on all three levels when Christ Jesus becomes the God in the midst of us.


What three levels? Emotional, physical and spiritual, or spiritual in the soul and in the physical. And when will Christ Jesus become the God in the midst of us? After we are beheaded for the witness of Christ, you see? We have a God in the midst of us right now. Actually, she is a female goddess and her name is the carnal mind, and she is sitting down on the throne of our soul, and she is married to us, and she is inhabiting us, she is dwelling in us, and she is joined to us. And that is why she is the goddess of our soul. So she must be surgically removed.


Revelation 20, I think it is verse 4. I may be off on that verse number. “And I saw the souls of them which were beheaded for the witness of Christ.” And when Christ Jesus beheads her, or surgically removes her from her union to the soul which we are, he shall join himself to us, and when he is actually joined to us, sewn together to us, the Scripture says, he will be the God -- truly the God in the midst of us. You see, right now, he is our Lord but he is not the God in the midst of us. He is the invading force. That offends you? I am sorry. It is the truth. You did not have him when you were born, and even though you have been reconciled unto him, you are still leading an animal existence and that is just the truth.


Alternate Translation, the third third of Zephaniah 3:15: “Your spirit will not be subjected to the evil mind anymore. Neither shall you experience the wicked deeds of fallen men in your emotions, nor sickness or disease in your body.”


Alternate Translation, the whole of Zephaniah 3:15: “Jehovah has caused Satan to depart from you and converted your carnal mind into Christ. Jehovah is become Christ Jesus in the midst of you. Your spirit will not be subjected to the evil mind anymore. Neither shall you experience the wicked deeds of fallen men in your emotions, nor sickness or disease in your body.”


That sequence is not too good, so I have changed the sequence, and put it in better English.


Amplified Translation, Zephaniah 3:15: “Your human spirit will not be subjected to the carnal mind anymore. Neither shall you experience the wicked deeds of fallen men in your emotions, nor your body experience sickness or disease anymore because Jehovah, who is become Christ Jesus in the midst of you, has caused Satan to depart from you and converted your carnal mind into Christ.”


It is exciting. Let me read that again.


Amplified Translation, Zephaniah 3:15: “Your human spirit will not be subjected to the carnal mind anymore. Neither shall you experience the wicked deeds of fallen men in your emotions, nor your body experience sickness or disease anymore because Jehovah, who is become Christ Jesus in the midst of you, has caused Satan to depart from you and converted your carnal mind into Christ.”


Continuing with Zephaniah 3:16: “In that day, it shall be said to Jerusalem, fear thou not, and to Zion, let not thine hands be slack.”


Day means day. Said means said. Jerusalem means the soul. Fear means fear. Fear not Zion. Zion, I remind you, is the high place of the soul. It is really the mind of Christ. And let not --


(It is on reverse now, right?)


-- Zion, the high place of the soul. That is the mind of Christ. “Let not thine hands be slack.” Hands are hands. Slack means to stop, let down the hand, let anyone go. This is an easy verse. I just have a quick translation on it.


Zephaniah 3:16: “In that day, it shall be said to the fallen dead soul, do not be afraid, and to the mind of Christ, do not stop waging war against your carnal mind.” “In that day, it shall be said to the fallen dead soul, do not be afraid, and to the mind of Christ, do not stop waging war against your carnal mind.”


Continuing with Zephaniah 3:17. I think this is the last one -- the last verse that we did today, so, yeah, try and hang in there with me, please.


“The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty. He will save. He will rejoice over thee with joy. He will rest in his love. He will joy over thee with singing.”


The Lord is Jehovah. The word God means Christ. You know, the Lord showed me something today. I have been reading that expression for years. The Lord God, the Lord God, the Lord God, the Lord thy God, and I did not realize until today that what it is really saying is the Father and the Son. The Father and the Son. The Hebrew word translated Lord is Jehovah, and the Hebrew word translated God is Elohim, which we established in another message, I think, the message John 1, that Elohim is referring to the Son. The Father is God outside of man and Elohim is the Old Testament equivalent of the Son. Whenever the Scripture says “the Lord your God,” what it is saying is “Jehovah, the eternal one, who is appearing in the midst of you as Christ.” Elohim is Christ, the Father and the Son, that is what it is saying. “The Lord your God.” The Father and the Son. Praise God.


“The Lord thy God in the midst of you,” Jehovah, who has incarnated as Christ in the midst of you, is mighty, powerful, and he is mighty to save you. And the word salvation, as very few people know, is speaking about the completion of our incomplete existence. We are dead because we are not complete. Our righteousness is missing from us. Our very life is missing from us. The essential element, the essence of life, is missing from us, Christ himself. So we see that when Jehovah becomes the Christ in the midst of us, he is powerful enough to save us. To save us from what? From the bondage of hell and death which is separation from Jehovah. So when Christ Jesus and the man Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man, is in the midst of us, we shall have our connection to God, and we shall be saved in that we which are in part shall be completed.


If you recall the teaching from Genesis, God said to the man, “Thou shalt not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,” which is the partial tree which exists in the midst of the tree of life, you see. The tree of life can exist without the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It can have life. But the tree of the knowledge of good and evil cannot have life without the tree of life. So when the tree of the knowledge of good and evil separated from the tree of life, we died. We are the partial tree. We have an existence and that existence has a name. It is called death. When we separated from the tree of life, we died.


We see that Jehovah, who is the Christ in the midst of us, is powerful enough to save us. What does that mean? To reattach us to the tree of life. But before he can attach us to the tree of life, he has to deliver us from the death which is our death sentence which is in the midst of us. He has to break up the carnal mind, beat it small as dust, boil Satan to distill the human spirit out from him and renew the residue, that which remains after all the tribulation, our human spirit. Renew her or rebuild her in Christ. And Jehovah in the form of Christ Jesus in the midst of us is powerful enough to do this work. He is powerful enough to save us from our fallen condition known as death which is our judgment which is in the midst of us and ruling over us and possessing us.


“He will rejoice over the thee with joy.” Another translation of the word rejoice, Strong’s 7797, means “to leap.” He will leap over thee. Who is leaping over whom? I remind you that Christ is the wall of our salvation. He is the wall around our city. But right now there is another wall around our city because we are possessed of the carnal mind, and it is her wall that is around our city, not Christ. The carnal mind is around our city, and inside the city, trapped there and captive, is our human spirit. When our human spirit is completed in Christ, the two of them together shall leap over the wall of the carnal mind, and we shall be delivered out of this realm of hell and death. The walls of salvation are Christ and the walls of death are the carnal mind.


“He will rejoice over us with joy.” Strong’s 8057. In past studies, we have established that joy is speaking about the Spirit of God, and this Hebrew word translated joy is preceded by the letter base that is a prefix which can be translated also by the instrument of, which means by the power of. It is speaking about the power to do something. I suggest to you that the correct translation here of the phrase that says, “He will rejoice over the thee with joy,” is -- or at least the words with joy, that the correct translation is “by the power of his Spirit.” Not with joy or with Spirit but “by the power of his Spirit.”


“He will rest in his love.” “He will rest in his love.” The Interlinear says, “He is silent.” It is Strong’s 2790. And another translation of that word is to fabricate or to make out of metal. And I suggest to you that this word is speaking about the engraving of the nature of Jehovah on the gold of our human spirit. To make out of metal. One of the images spoken about in the Old Testament is the molten image. That is speaking about spirit. Our spirit must be in the image of Jehovah, and when our spirit is in the image of Jehovah -- and what is our spirit? It is our mind. When our mind is in the image of Jehovah. That means our mind is Christ. Christ is the image of the only true God. Christ is the only one in the image of the true God. So to have our spirit in the image of God, we must have the mind of Christ, and when we have the mind of Christ, he will engrave the clay of our soul in the image of himself. So we see Jehovah engraving his image in our spirit, and Christ Jesus bringing our soul into that same image. Hallelujah.


“He will rest.” Speaking about engraving our spirit in the image of God. “In his love.” Strong’s 160 is speaking of a beloved female. He will engrave his nature upon the gold of the human spirit of his beloved female which is the soul. We are his wife, brethren.


“He will joy over thee with singing.” “Joy over thee,” Strong’s 1524, and another translation of that word is speaking about a circle of contemporaries, and I suggest to you what this verse is saying is that Jehovah will engrave his nature upon our human spirit of the soul and over the many members, the circle of contemporaries, the many members of that soul. Joy is speaking about the Spirit, and “joy over thee,” the many human members of the many-membered human spirit.


“And he will joy over thee with singing.” And the Interlinear says, “A shout of joy.” He will joy over thee with a shout of joy, Strong’s 7440. 1 Thessalonians 4:16 says, “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God.” So we see that the shout is associated with the catching up. And I suggest to you it is a shout of victory when Christ Jesus puts down and destroys the carnal mind.


Alternate Translation, Zephaniah 3:17: “Jehovah, the mighty God in the midst of you, shall save you. You shall leap over the carnal mind with gladness, and he shall engrave his nature in his beloved soul Spirit, and her many members shall shout for joy.”


Amplified Translation, Zephaniah 3:17: “Jehovah, the mighty God in the midst of you, shall save his beloved soul by engraving his nature upon her many-membered human spirit, and Christ Jesus shall arise with a joyful shout, and they shall leap over the carnal mind by the Spirit of Christ.”


Recap, Zephaniah 3:14-17: “Let Israel shout victoriously over his enemy. Let the many-membered soul rejoice and let Satan rejoice also because their human spirit is completed in Christ Jesus. Their human spirit will not be subjected to the carnal mind anymore. Neither shall they experience the wicked deeds of fallen men in their emotions, nor their body experience sickness or disease anymore because Jehovah, who has become Christ Jesus in the midst of them, has caused Satan to depart from them and converted their carnal mind into Christ. In that day, it shall be said to the fallen dead soul, do not be afraid, and to the mind of Christ, do not stop waging war against your carnal mind because Jehovah, the mighty God in the midst of you, shall save his beloved soul by engraving his nature upon their many-membered human spirit, and Christ Jesus shall arise with a joyful shout, and they shall leap over the carnal mind by the Spirit of Christ.”


Recap, Zephaniah 3:14-17, amplified and interspersed: “Let Israel shout victoriously over his enemy. Let Jehovah’s many-membered soul rejoice and let Satan rejoice also because in that day it shall be said to the fallen dead soul, do not be afraid, and to the mind of Christ, do not stop waging war against your carnal mind because Jehovah, the mighty God in the midst of you.”


11/20/17 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

12/08/17 - 1st Edit, rh


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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