873 - Part 2

Part 2 of 2 Parts  

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation
By The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



Good afternoon, brethren. This is part 2 of 1 Corinthians. The name of the message is “If the Dead Rise Not,” and it is 1 Corinthians 15. This is the second time I am preaching part 2. I believe we took the previous part 2 off of YouTube.


It is unpublished. And for those of you that look at the unpublished videos, the part 2 that I preached on Thursday night was just no good. We have scratched it completely. So this is a new part 2. I hope that explains it and you do not miss this message, because it is really exciting.


First Corinthians 15, in my humble opinion, should be three chapters. I do not know why it is one chapter. It should be three chapters. We did part 1 of this message, verses 1 through 11, which is an introduction, and there was something there that I wanted to review with you. But I went on to translate verses 12 through 32, which is the second part of 1 Corinthians 15, that excited me so much as to what Paul is actually saying, especially when we got to around verse 30, verses 30 to 32. Now I would like to read you the Alternate Translation before we start going through the verses a verse at a time.


As is not unusual with Paul, he starts out with a fairly surface message, and the message gets more and more intended, and sometimes he actually goes into Kabbalah in a very coded way that, if you do not know what he is saying, it will bless you on the level of a parable. Let me just not talk anymore, and just read.


This message, brethren, is everything that I have been preaching for years. For whichever Christians can believe this Alternate Translation, if they can look at where it is coming from, if they can look at the foundation, which is the Greek text, and pray about it and see where I am coming from and get a witness to it, this is the message that Christians need to believe what I am preaching as the doctrine of Christ. It is the message of the resurrection that God has given me, the message of personal resurrection that I have been preaching here for years, that I would give this witness, and that witness. It is exactly what Paul is talking about in 1 Corinthians 15, so now we have a record, but it is still an esoteric doctrine, so unbelievers will have a problem understanding it. But at least there is a root. They can look up the Greek words. They can pray about it. It is the whole message, including the judgment of your sins, which the church is diametrically opposed to.


I have never met a Christian yet that says, “Come on. Come on in and judge my sins. I just love the idea of you revealing hidden pride and envy in me. It just thrills me.” I have not met one person yet that is saying that. And very few Christians want to acknowledge the need for it, the reality of its necessity to attain eternal life.


Once again, we see that the Lord is giving us messages that are preparing the church, and perhaps the Jews too, to receive the truth, that you have to have the first Adam in you exposed and you have to reject him. Before you do that, you have to have the second Adam in place to take his place. That is the process. And if the individual does not personally cooperate, you will not have the experience. The Lord is getting ready. I do not know what his timetable is, but he is getting ready to launch this message, to launch it publically. Exactly when he will do it, I do not know, but he is getting the information ready, and we are the vehicle that he is using.


I started, two days ago, listening to a YouTube channel that just plays the Scripture. It Starts with Genesis, goes right through to Revelation, then starts over again.


And this morning, it is really interesting. There is an audio voice, and flashing on the screen are quite a few images and New Testament sayings that are very edifying. It was about forgiveness, do not give up. That screen just caught my eye this morning, and I should have written down what it said. It was something like, “Do not give up. Your efforts will be rewarded.” So, this message is going to bear fruit. It must bear fruit. Everybody that has sacrificed to be a part of its production here, you will receive your reward, whatever that will be. It could be a spiritual reward; could be you get whatever you need, brethren. You get whatever you need. So here we go.


1 Corinthians 15:1-32. There is still another third of this message that I have not translated yet. “Moreover, brethren, I declare that you are standing because of the gospel that I preach to you, which you have also received and by which you are saved. And I also say to anyone else, if you hold fast to what I preach to you, unless you have believed the exterior or the surface of the word, which is vanity, because I delivered what I received at the beginning to you also, that the Christ child, national Israel, died because of our sins, according to the Scripture. And after he was roused from sleep on the third day of the creation, according to the Scripture, and after that he was seen by Peter and the 12 disciples, and after that he was seen in the spirit by 500 brethren at one time, of whom the greater part remain to this present day, but some have fallen asleep. And after that, he was seen by James, and then all of the apostles. And last of all he was seen by me also, one of the national Israelites who miscarried the Christ child. Even though I am the least of the apostles, who does not qualify to be called an apostle because I pursue the church of God, but the Shekinah, the grace of God, which is the temple of the point that is the beginning of creation and the head of the whole Adam who is below, did not leave me empty without a spiritual child, but on the contrary, the grace of God filled me with Christ, the superabundant offspring of the whole Adam. Indeed, I did not work hard because the Shekinah, the grace of God, was within me. Therefore, in this manner, whether I or they preached, the only thing that matters is that you believe.”


“Indeed, we have preached that the Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel woke up in Jesus of Nazareth before he died. And then if Christ is awake in someone who dies, that person will stand up again. So how is it that some of you still say that it is not possible for someone to stand up again after he dies? Indeed, it is not possible for someone to stand up again after he dies. This is the proof that the Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel did not wake up in that person. So if Jesus Christ did not stand up again after he died, then the Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel did not wake up in him either, and the message of eternal life that we have proclaimed to you is worthless, and your belief in eternal life is worthless also.”


“Indeed, if what you say is true, that Jesus did not stand up again after he died, we are found to be false witnesses of God, because we have testified that God woke up the Christ child in Jesus before he died. But God could not have awakened the Christ child in Jesus before he died, according to you, because if Jesus did not stand up again after he died, it means that the Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel did not wake up in him either, because if God did wake up the Christ child in Jesus before he died, Jesus would have stood up again after he died. If Jesus did not stand up again after he died, it means that the Christ child did not wake up in Jesus. And if the Christ child did not wake up in Jesus, in that event, the Christ child will not wake up in you either. And if the Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel did not wake up in you, then your faith is worthless, because you are still in your sins. Then in that event, the brethren who fell asleep believing that the Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel woke up in them are fully destroyed and will never rise again.”


“Wherefore, if our expectation of eternal life is based upon our faith that the Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel wakes up in this life only, then how shall we bring the mercy of the whole Adam into existence? Indeed this Christ child that woke up in Jesus is now become the firstfruits of the many counterparts of himself in national Israel that went to sleep when the first Adam did not stand up again after he died. Indeed the first Adam separated from God and died to his immortality, because the flesh of everyone who is exactly like the first Adam dies off, but after that everyone who the Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel wakes up in lives again. So because the Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel woke up in Jesus, the second Adam stood up again after he died. Indeed, the Christ child that woke up in Jesus is the firstfruits of the many-membered Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel, but after that the Christ child must appear in each person individually. Then when the Lord Jesus Christ attains his goal of rendering all the authority and all the power of the chief rulers of the first Adam within the saints utterly useless, he shall surrender the kingdom of God that the father provided for him, because he must rule over all of Satan’s soldiers in the unconscious part of the carnal mind of the saints, until the first Adam comes under his authority. And in order to accomplish that, the Lord Jesus Christ, the last Adam, shall subordinate the carnal mind of all of the saints under the Christ child that woke up within them, and shall separate the human spirit that belongs to God from Satan’s soldiers in the unconscious part of the carnal mind of the saints and render them idle and completely useless.” That is the sowing and reaping judgment, brethren.


“But where the Scripture says that he will subjugate all of the authority and all of the power of the chief rulers of the first Adam within the saints, it is evident that all does not include the power of God. Indeed inasmuch as the Son of God shall subordinate everyone who is in the whole first Adam, as well as subordinate himself to the Shekinah who subjected him, so that everyone who is in the whole second Adam may also be in God, then thereupon Elohim, the Lord Jesus Christ, shall band together or bind to the dead second Adam, who is completely submerged under the powers and principalities of the first Adam, because if the dead second Adam does not rise, the human spirit, the Shekinah in captivity, will also be submerged. For this reason, we and the human spirit, the Shekinah in captivity, are in danger all the time.” Brethren, I swear that I am telling you the truth, that defending yourself against me when I reveal sin in you, is killing the unity I have with Christ Jesus our Lord, the gentle gazelle of the Lord Jesus Christ, our King. And that is Kabbalah, which I will show you when we translate verse 31.


“If I have encountered your beast nature like an Ephesian gladiator, what advantage has it for me if the second Adam does not stand up after he dies? Let Christ wake up and let us eat the flesh of the second Adam and drink down the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, because soon after that we shall die to the animal life of the first Adam.” What an exciting message.


So to page one, I did want to basically review with you verse 10. Or was it verse 10? I guess I will just read the whole -- every time I try to take shortcuts, it does not work. I just read this to you, so I am going to go through it very quickly. This is 1 Corinthians 15, verses 1-11.


“Moreover, brethren, I declare that you are standing because of the gospel that I preach to you, which you have also received and by which you are saved. And I also say to anyone else, if you hold fast to what I preach to you, unless you have believed the exterior or the surface of the word of God, which is vanity” -- which means it is a parable; it has no spiritual root; it cannot produce eternal life -- “because I delivered what I received at the beginning to you also, that the Christ child, national Israel, died because of our sins, according to the Scripture. And after that he was roused from sleep on the third day of creation, according to the Scripture. And after that he was seen by Peter and the 12 disciples, and after that he was seen in the spirit by 500 brethren at one time, of whom the greater part remain to this present day but some have fallen asleep. And after that he was seen by James and then all of the apostles. And last of all he was seen by me also, one of the national Israelites who miscarried the Christ child. Even though I am the least of the apostles, who does not qualify to be called an apostle because I pursue the church of God, but the Shekinah, the grace of God, which is the temple of the point that is the beginning of creation and the head of the whole Adam who is below, did not leave me empty” -- or did not leave me childless -- “but on the contrary, the grace of God filled me with Christ, the superabundant offspring of the whole Adam. Indeed, I did not work hard because Shekinah, the grace of God, was working within me. Therefore, in this manner, whether I or the other apostles preach to you, the only other thing that matters is that you believe what was preached to you.”


I wanted to review to you where he says he died, according to the Scripture. Verse 4: “Then he died, according to the scripture.” Because that is really important, so that proof is in Isaiah 26:18, which is Jehovah speaking to the ancient Israel -- that is the top of page 2 -- saying, “We have been with child. We have been in pain. We have as it were brought forth wind. We have not wrought any deliverance in the earth; neither have the inhabitants in the world fallen.”


Here in Isaiah 26:18 is the assignment, was the assignment of national Israel and is the assignment of the church, to bring deliverance, to set the captive free. And who is the captive? The captive is the human spirit, and we are to cause the fall of the inhabitant of the world in which is the first Adam. Our job is to cause the fall of the first Adam, who is responsible for all of the death and destruction in the world today. So national Israel failed, and the church is failing today. They are seeking to run away in rapture. And then 1 Corinthians 10:5-10, tells you what their sins were. And then, moving onto verse 4 of the Alternate Translation of that again is that, after he was buried, he was roused from sleep on the third day of creation, according to the Scripture. And, of course, I go into this in more detail in part 1 of this message.


And then we have the Alternate Translation of Genesis 1:12-13. I will just read it to you, because I improved on the Alternate Translation. The King James- -- and this is a witness of what the third day of creation is, according to the Scripture. It is a spiritual third day of creation that has to be experienced by every human being that is going on in God.


This is 1:12-13, reads: “And the earth brought forth grass and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind, and God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the third day.”


We know that, on the third day of spiritual creation, when we experience it, this is what is going to happen, as we will see in the Alternate Translation: “And the earthen Adam, the grade of spiritual life called grass, came into existence. And the second Adam, the herb that heals the nations, came into existence. And the Lord Jesus Christ, the tree who has the seed that begins the process of reproducing this new living species that he is the beginning of, came forth, and all of the stages of Adam’s development were good.”


These are the three stages of Adam’s development, take place on the third day of creation. “And all of the stages of Adam’s development were good, because they were in the likeness of” -- and that is the translation of “looked like,” which is a translation of “and the Lord saw that it was good.” Look is another way of saying saw, and I suggest to you that the correct translation is “all three stages of Adam were good, because they were in the likeness of Elohim.” And another Scripture says that we are to be made in the likeness and the image of Elohim. There are two major stages of development. First, mankind is coming forth in the likeness of God, and eventually we will come forth in his image. But his image has to do with his nature and his character. Anyone who tells you that we are in the image of God, at this time, with our fallen nature should not be teaching. Well, I should not be saying that. In that particular area, they are just mistaken.


I have some witnesses for you, and you can read the footnotes yourself. I would like to go forward to verse 12. On page 3, just before the word continuing, I did say there are two major stages of Adam’s development. The first stage is the female stage, which develops him in the likeness of God, which means similar to God. Similar means that there is some basis for communication, which is the mind. Mankind’s ability to think and reason is our potential to develop a mind we now know as the mind of Christ that will be able to have a relationship with God. It is the mind of Christ that is similar to God. Humanity, the animal, has no similarity to God. Our similarity to God is the mind of Christ, so if you do not have the mind of Christ, you have no similarity to God at all.


Listen, brethren. All women, all human women, are similar. Why? Because we all have basic sexual characteristics. We have a womb; we have ovaries. Secondary characteristics, breasts, some women have; some women do not, but the definition of woman is womb. Every woman is similar to every other woman. We have something in common. We all have a womb.


That which humanity or that which mankind has in similarity to God is the mind of God. If we do not have the mind of Christ, we have no similarity to God whatsoever. But we do have the mind of Christ. When we are using it, that thought process that is channeling through the mind of Christ makes us similar to God, but our nature, the nature of the first Adam in us, has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with God. Our similarity to God is the thought process that we are capable of. Nothing else is of God, because we are not in the image of God. We are similar to God. Help us, Lord. Help us. Help us, Lord, to be similar to you and to understand.


King James Translation. I do not want you reading everything here. We are crossing out on page -- we are crossing out from verse 33 -- that will be from verses 33-58 will be, Lord willing, part 3 of this message.


I would like to do the King James first. 1 Corinthians 15:12-32: “Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some around you that there is no resurrection of the dead? But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen.” That is the great mystery. If there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen. What is he talking about? If there is no resurrection of the dead second Adam in Jesus of Nazareth, then Christ in you is not risen.


That is the whole key that I missed when I tried to preach this on Thursday. It was in the second verse of that study, and I completely missed it, and I lost the depth of the whole message. That is the mystery. The dead one, the one that died, is the second Adam, Jesus of Nazareth. The one that is risen, or the one that is waking up, is Christ in you. If Jesus did not rise from the dead, Jesus who was the second Adam, if he did not rise from the dead, Christ in you is not going to wake up. And that is the play on words through the whole series of verses 12-32. That is so profound. If you do not understand that, the whole message is going over your head.


In addition, there are three Greek words that are translated death, three different kinds of death, and then the waking up or the rising of Christ in the individual. So let us go on.


“But if there be no resurrection of the dead second Adam” -- if Jesus does not stand up after he died, if he did not stand up after he died -- “then Christ is not risen.” That is the whole message. If Jesus did not stand up after he died, it means that Christ never rose in Jesus, because it was the resurrected Christ that was risen in Jesus before he was executed. Resurrected is the wrong word. It was the awakened Christ. It was Christ that died in national Israel, the inner man, that woke up in Jesus before Jesus of Nazareth was crucified. If Christ did not wake up before Jesus was crucified, Jesus of Nazareth would have never risen from the dead. So if Jesus did not rise from the dead, that means Christ did not wake up in him. And if Christ did not wake up in Jesus, that means he cannot wake up in you either. That is the whole message.


“And if Christ be not risen, then our preaching is in vain, and your faith is in vain also. Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ, whom you say he raised not up, if so be that the dead do not rise.” But if the dead second Adam did not rise, then the Christ child did not wake up. The Christ child did not wake up, but the second Adam that the Christ child matured into does not stand up after he is crucified.


And if Christ be not raised, if the Christ child -- see, through my whole Alternate Translation, I was saying the Christ child. In some places where it does not make the verse cumbersome, I am saying the Christ child that died in national Israel, because the church world does not distinguish between Christ and Jesus. The Christ child, the seed, the foundation of the second Adam that is coming forth in us, he was risen in national Israel. That is the seed. Jehovah gave that seed to national Israel, and that seed was the Christ child that matured into the second Adam in Israel. So what happened to the second Adam in Israel? He died and he did not stand up again. The second Adam appeared in Israel, in national Israel. But he died, and he did not stand up again. Of course, there is a difference which is not stated in this particular passage: that Adam and national Israel died because of sin. Adam, the second Adam in Jesus, did not die because of sin. Paul is making the point that the second Adam did stand up in national Israel. They were a supernatural people. And he died, and he did not stand up again.


We know the Christ child was there, because that was the seed that Jehovah gave to national Israel, so the seed that matured into the second Adam. The second Adam died; what happened to the seed? Did the seed die also? Paul says, “The seed did not die also.” He says, “The seed went to sleep.” Adam died dead, nothing that you can go back to look at or save from, dead, gone. Dead, gone, you see? My parents are both dead, gone. They left a seed in me. They left a seed which has the potential to produce other children, to produce other children, to produce other children.


The seed just went to sleep in national Israel. It did not die. The promised seed that Jehovah gave to Abraham that appeared in Isaiah was delivered to Jacob and the 12 tribes. It did not die, but it went to sleep. It stood up. It was a seed that was laying down, and then it stood up and became the second Adam. And then the second Adam, Israel, they sinned, and the second Adam died and it became a seed again, but the seed endured. The seed did not die; the seed endured, and that seed woke up in Jesus of Nazareth and became the second Adam. And then the second Adam, Jesus of Nazareth, was crucified, but he stood up again.


If you do not believe that Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified, if you do not believe that he stood up again, then you cannot believe that the seed that was in him woke up, because if the seed that was in him woke up, he would have stood up again after his body was crucified. The seed is now scattered through people in national Israel. So if the seed in national Israel did not wake up in Jesus, why would you think it is going to wake up in you? The proof that the seed woke up in Jesus is that he rose from the dead.


I said to the Lord, well, I am really not willing to be crucified right now to prove this. I do not really particularly think I would rise from the dead, in other words, resurrect. I do not particularly think that if I died today, I would stand up again. What do we do with that? Is it true that the Christ child has not woken up in me? And the answer has to be that he has not fully woken up in me. I mean, he is waking up in you. He is waking up in stages. First you are lying in bed; then you open your eyes; then maybe you sit up in bed; then maybe you swing one leg over the side of the bed. He is waking up. The Christ child is waking up in spiritual Israel. And when he wakes up, brethren, he is going to be starving for this word.


He is waking up in people all over the Judeo-Christian world and maybe elsewhere. Anything is possible. He is going to be starving for this word.


So then I am on verse 18: “Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished.” There is no truth to the Christ child waking up. Those that believed that, those that went to their grave believing that Christ was risen in them, they perished. “If in this life only we have hope in Christ”. You do not believe that the waking up of Christ in this life will produce a resurrection of the dead, then your hope is only that Christ in this life will bless you and heal your body and enhance your finances. If that is all that you believe, “we are of all men most miserable.” But, of course, that is not the right translation.


“But now is Christ risen from the dead” -- and that is a real -- that is just a real toughie. But now is Christ awakened, risen. Now is Christ risen, awakened, and the second Adam stood up again after he died. It is a mystery, brethren. This is the truth of prophecy, whether it is Paul speaking in 1 Corinthians 15, whether it is the Book of Revelation, whether it is the Zohar, whether it is any prophecy, there is absolutely no way that you could understand the intent of the author unless the author tells you what he is saying before you read it. You have to have the revelation in your heart before you read it, or you will never get the revelation. God has to give it to you before you read the words, either give it to you personally or give it to you through a teacher. And that is why the Kabbalists say -- that is what the Jews say -- you need a teacher. You see, the Jews know that you need a teacher. It is just the church that thinks you do not need a teacher, because they made a Scripture that says the Holy Ghost will teach you everything. I am not prepared to expound on that verse right now, but they completely misunderstood it.


You need a teacher, and it has to be a teacher that God raises up, that God has told the mystery to, that is going to unlock it from the Scripture. Otherwise it remains a parable. The Jewish word for parable is Midrash. It is all Midrash, all stories, fairy stories with a deep spiritual truth locked inside of them. And it is not wise to be reading Midrash or parables, you know, without the truth, because then your carnal mind fills it in. As far as the Scripture goes, the Lord obviously is a genius, so he created a parable. Aside from the history, he created a whole book of parables that you could understand with your carnal mind that would edify God, so that when you read the Bible without understanding the mysteries behind it, it is that you are not getting false doctrine. There is enough to the parable to keep you in the Spirit of God. When you go to the Zohar, you go to the Midrash of the Jews, it is very dangerous to be reading that kind of material unless the Lord is bringing you there or a teacher is bringing you there and telling you the truth behind the words.


Every New Testament Scripture is not as deep as this, but we are finding out 1 Corinthians 15 to be a very, very deep chapter hiding a very, very deep mystery. This is the unlocking of the seals of the Book of Revelation, brethren.


“But now is Christ risen from the dead.” See, the whole church thinks that means the Lord Jesus Christ is risen from the dead, because words are left out. “And become the firstfruits of them that slept.” But who slept? Did Jesus sleep? “But now is Christ risen from the dead and become the firstfruits of them that slept.” Who was sleeping? Oh, all the Christians that went to sleep believing that Christ was raised from the dead in them. No, no. This is the Christ that went to sleep in national Israel. I will give it to you in detail.


“For since by man came death, by man came only the resurrection of the dead.  By one man came death, but -- for since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall be all be made alive. But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming. Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father, when he shall put down all rule and all authority and power, for he must reign till he hath put all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death, for he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him. And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject to him that put all things under him that God made be all in all.”


“Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead?” Who is baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? We are baptized for the dead so that they can rise. Why are they then baptized for the dead? See now, that, I do not see that there is any surface understanding of that that makes any sense at all, but I will make sense out of it.


“And why stand we in jeopardy every hour? I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die early.” Why is he protesting that they are rejoicing that he dies daily? Did I say early, daily? I do not know. “If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me if the dead rise not? Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.” And the whole church world translates that as saying, “Let us go out and drink and carouse, because it is all over. We are all going to die.” And it is the exact opposite.


I would start with the nekros. The Greek word translated death that is most commonly used is neckros, and we find that on page 7. That is in the middle of page 7, Strong’s 3498, and that is a simple one. It says “from an apparently primary nexus, a corpse.” It simply means a corpse. And that means dead-dead, no sign of life, no expectation of resurrection or life coming forth from it.


And the next word in the frequency of usage is thanatos, which is at the bottom of page 9, and that is Strong’s 2288. You have several definitions there. The one that I have bolded for you is “never as extinction.” Thanatos is the complete opposite of nekros. Nekros is extinction; thanatos is never used as extinction.


For years, brethren, I have preached that it means the separation of the soul from the body, but as a result of this spirit, of this study, I think that it means the separation of the spirit from the body. In other words, if the soul leaves the body and the spirit still remains in the body, is the body dead? All right, so the spirit then is the animating force of the body. The soul, when the spirit leaves the body, if the soul remains in the body, the body is dead. That is how the soul is trapped in the marrow of your bones. That is the curse, that your nefesh grade of soul is trapped in the marrow of your bones after your spirit leaves the body and returns to God who gave it. That is a correction to something that I have been preaching for a long time. And I think most of the church will tell you that the soul leaves the body and the body dies. It is the spirit that leaves the body. The body dies, and if the soul -- here is the fly in the ointment -- if the soul is not attached to the spirit, it is trapped in the bones. The salvation of the soul is that it becomes attached to the spirit, and the spirit is attached to Jesus, and the soul gets pulled out of the marrow of your bones as the spirit leaves. That is the salvation of your soul. Got that?


Let us make a short clip out of that, because it is a correction to something that is preached commonly in the church too. You can make a general note of that, please.


Thanatos is the separation of the spirit, of the animating force of the body. And the third Greek word translated death is not that commonly used. It is apothnesko, and we find that on page 10, the bottom on page 10. This apothnesko, on the fourth line down, it says it refers to the natural death of both men and animals. In this translation, we are using it to mean the death of the animal body. That is how Paul uses it in this study.


We have the word at the top of page 6, which is resurrection. This is page 6. The definition of resurrection, in the middle of page 6, we are comparing the Greek word translated rise, which applies to Christ, and the Greek word resurrection, which applies to the second Adam. The Greek word translated rise is 1453, and that means “to awaken from sleep or to arouse from sleep.” The word, Greek word 386, is resurrection, and that means “a standing up again, a resurrection from nekros, a resurrection from death.” The word resurrection only applies to the second Adam who experiences nekros, complete death.


The Christ child cannot experience complete death, because that Christ child is the seed that Jehovah gave to national Israel. The only way the Christ child could experience nekros, would be if there was not one national Israelite left on the face of the earth. And even though we do not know where they are, some Jews are national Israelites, but not all of them. In any event, there are 11 tribes of national Israel. There are descendants of national Israel scattered wherever they are scattered, so that seed is in the people who have inherited that seed, the true descendants of Abraham. Nobody knows who they are. Even the rabbi and the synagogue that I studied in says they do not know who is truly Jewish, that when the Messiah comes, he is going to tell us who is really a Jew and who is not, and that is a rabbi saying that about the Jewish people.


The only true way to identify a national Israelite is whether or not they have the promised seed in them. And that seed cannot die unless the last Israelite on the face of the earth dies, which will never happen, because there is prophecy that that seed has to rise. It has to produce mankind in the image of God, and mankind has to be a house that the Spirit of God will rest in. The whole prophecy of creation has to come to pass. It is impossible that the last national Israelite in the world will die, and there are many. Not only is that not true, there are many national Israelites. There is going to be a great awakening.


We read about it in the Book of Ezekiel. God says to the prophet, “Can those bones rise again?” Can the soul that is trapped in those bones rise again? Now, it is not the soul that is in the bones that are buried under the ground. That soul, the soul that was in those bones, it is a spiritual aspect. I do not know that I am prepared to explain that any further right now, but that is a good question. If it is not the soul that is in -- because that is what the church preaches, that it is the bones that are buried under the ground that is going to be raised up. Now the Jews teach that, when the body dies, that the nefesh grade of soul, which is the personality, hovers over the grave and never leaves the graveyard. That is the genesis of the legend of ghosts inhabiting graveyards. It is the nefesh grade of soul that is attached to the bones. It can rise above the ground where the corpse is buried, but it is bound to those bones and it can only go so far. That is my understanding of what the Jews teach.


What does it mean that these bones are going to rise again? And Ezekiel saw these bones coming one to each other. Based upon my current understanding, it can only mean that there is a spiritual counterpart somewhere in the spiritual plane, that the souls that were attached to or maybe still are attached to national Israel will come together again. And at the moment, it is not really today’s message, but I think if I stop to focus on it, I would probably have an answer for you. But it is not coming to me at the moment. Since it is not today’s message, I am going to go on, but, Lord willing, if I have the answer for you for part 3, I will give it to you. I will make myself a note. I feel very confident I will have that answer for you for part 3.


The prophecy that Jehovah put in national Israel cannot die. Jehovah will make sure to it that there is more than one. There will always be a company of national Israelites. How does that happen? The promised seed the Jehovah gave to Abraham is a many-membered seed. That many-membered seed is traveling from human generation to human generation through natural genetic offspring, through the natural offspring of the people. That seed is in the earth, in the flesh of the human descendants of national Israel. No matter how many national Israelites you kill, that seed will always be in the earth.


There is no way that Herod, for example, or Pharaoh, could root out every single national Israelite. Maybe that is the reason they are dispersed. Maybe that is the reason national Israel is hidden, that we do not know who they are. Maybe the evil people that are ruling the world today would really kill everybody, if they could find every last national Israelite and round them up and kill them. Maybe they are capable of that. Maybe that is why all of this interest in the DNA. I have known that it was demonic from the beginning, encouraging everybody to get their DNA taken. And at one point, some organization went into a New Jersey town and actually collected toenail clippings of every person in the time. They gave them some excuses to why they wanted their toenail clippings. Why all this interest in DNA? Maybe that is the reason.


Maybe that is the reality that is behind the depopulation. What is this lie that is coming out of the U.N. that there are too many people in the world? We cannot feed them, so we are going to depopulate the world to 500 million. It is on the record that that is what they want to do. It is coming out of the U.N. I go to Minnesota and I drive for hours of undeveloped land. All across this country, hours, you can drive for hours, acres of undeveloped land. What are they talking about? Why is the federal government buying up public land? They are, the federal government, buying up state land all over the country and saying people cannot live there. They are making it a national territory and you cannot build there. What is that all about? Why are they trying to reduce us to 500 million? Maybe it is just a modern-day Herod or a modern-day Pharaoh. Maybe they are thinking because they cannot actually identify every national Israelite, they are just going to kill as many people as they can. Do you have a better solution as to why they are doing it? Do you have a better solution as to why they are doing it? Do you have a better idea? Can you think of a better idea as to why they are killing all these people? No? How is that?


My point is that this promised seed is in the earth of humanity, traveling from generation to generation through the genome of the descendants of national Israel; actually, the descendants of Abraham, although the seed did wind up in national Israel.


The name of the seed is Christ. Christ is the Greek word for anointed. When you read in the Book of Genesis that the Hebrew children cried out to Jehovah, the word is really not children. It is seed. And the seed, Christ in the people, Christ in Israel, cried out to Jehovah. So that Christ child, he is the one that went to sleep. He can go to sleep or he can wake up, but he cannot be destroyed. The Lord will not allow him to be destroyed, and he will never be able to be nekroed. Only Adam can be nekroed. The first Adam, nekros, was completely killed. The second Adam, Jesus of Nazareth, was nekroed, completely killed. But the first Adam did not rise from the dead, but the second Adam rose from the dead. Resurrection: Christ child sleeping and waking up or rising. Adam: either nekros, completely dead or resurrected from the dead.


We see that there is no resurrection of our humanity. The one that is dying outright, necros, that will be raised from the dead, is the second Adam in you. If the second Adam is not formed in you and your body is killed, then there is no one to stand up in you again. We see that it is not enough to have the Christ child awakened in us. He has to be fully matured until his name changes to the second Adam if we expect to resurrect after our body is killed outright, nekros.


We are up to verse 12. Resurrection brings to life again.


Verse 12, Alternate Translation: “Indeed, we have preached that the Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel woke up in Jesus of Nazareth before he died, and that if Christ is awake in someone who dies, that person will stand up again. So how is it that, after I have taught you this, some of you still say that it is not possible for someone to stand up again after he dies?”


Please forgive me as I tell you. It is the story about my little granddaughter again, who is not so little anymore. But I was teaching her about Jesus, and I told her he rose from the dead, and she started a controversy with me. She was about 6. She says, “He died.” I said, "Well, he rose from the dead." She says, “No, he did not. I saw him. I saw the picture of him. I saw that guy hanging on the cross,” is what she said to me. “I saw that guy hanging on the cross. He is dead.” I told her, "No, God raised him from the dead."


My comment: We have explained to you how it is possible for someone to stand up again after he dies. We have told you that where Christ, the spiritual inner man, is awake before physical death, the outer man will stand up again after his body dies. Brethren, you all have to grow up, because the unstated fact, the conclusion that you must draw, is that every one of your beloved relatives that died and did not stand up again did not resurrect. They are not waiting for you on the other side of heaven or the other side of hell, whatever you want to say, on the other side.


Most people do not say die anymore. Do you know that die has become a politically incorrect word? Now, everybody passed. He passed. He passed to the other side. No, he died. Did he stand up again? He died, and he is still dead. He is dead. His spirit is alive. If he knew the Lord Jesus, his spirit is alive. If his soul was saved, his body would have stood up again.


That is a hard word for the church. That was the first attack on me. I think I was preaching less than a year. This woman was waiting for me when I came in. I had a secular job at the time. She was waiting for me to challenge me in front of the other members of the congregation. She reported me to Preston Eby and Scott Paris. She left the ministry, and she reported me. It got back to me. They never said anything to me, but it got back to me that she reported me. I do not know what it was they told me. Preston Eby said, “All I know is Christ crucified.” He did not want to get involved, thank God. Smart man.


Verse 13, King James: “But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen.”


Alternate Translation: We have the word resurrection in there, 386, and the word dead, nekros, and the word wake up, 1453. It is all there in that verse 13. “Indeed if it is not possible for someone to stand up again before he dies, this is the proof that the Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel, did not wake up in that person.” We have to say the Christ child, because the whole church world thinks that Christ is Jesus Christ. They do not distinguish between the Holy Ghost, Christ, Christ Jesus and the Lord Jesus Christ. We will be saying the Christ child in all translations where it is applicable from here on.


Verse 14, King James: “And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain and your faith is vain also.” And vain is a Greek word that means empty, so we have translated that word empty “worthless.”


Alternate Translation, verse 14: “So if Jesus Christ” -- in this case, Christ has to do with Jesus. So in other words, the word Christ has to be qualified depending on the whole verse. “So if Jesus Christ did not stand up again after he died, then the Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel did not wake up in him either, and the message of eternal life that we have proclaimed to you is worthless, and your belief in eternal life is worthless also.” OK. I think there is a little overkill there, but it is basically the truth. I will have to edit that.


Verse 15, King James: “Yea, and we have found false witnesses of God. And we are found false witnesses of God, because we have testified that God raised up Christ, whom you say he did not raise up, if so be that the dead rise not.”


Let us see what I did here. False witnesses, raised up, Strong’s 1543, did not raise up, 14- -- did I say that wrong? 1453, dead, is nekros, and wake up is 1453. This verse was so confusing. I must have spent two hours trying to get this verse that I wrote it out as prose because it was really just driving me crazy.


Verse 15, Alternate Translation: “Indeed, if what you say is true that Jesus did not stand up again after he died, we are found to be liars, because we have testified that God woke up the Christ child in Jesus before he died. But God could not have awakened the Christ child in Jesus before he died, because if God did wake up the Christ child in Jesus before he died, Jesus would have stood up again after he died.” If Jesus did not stand up after he died, it means that the Christ child did not wake up in Jesus.


Verse 16: Nekros, rise, 1543, and rise again, 1543.


Alternate Translation: “Because if Jesus did not stand up again after he died, it means that the Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel did not wake up in Jesus either. And if the Christ child did not wake up in Jesus, in that event, the Christ child will not wake up in you either.”


I interspersed these two verses, 15 and 16, and this is what we have: “Indeed if what you say is true that Jesus did not stand up again after he died, we are found to be false witnesses of God or liars, because we have testified that God woke up the Christ child in Jesus before he died. But God could not have awakened the Christ child in Jesus before he died because, if Jesus did not stand up again after he died, it means that the Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel did not wake up in Jesus, because if God did wake up the Christ child in Jesus before he died, Jesus would have stood up again after he died. So, if Jesus did not stand up again after he died, it means that the Christ child did not wake up in Jesus. And if the Christ child did not wake up in Jesus, in that event, the Christ child did not wake up in you either.”


Let me say this again for those that do not get this, or for the future. The argument here is that the Corinthians are willing to believe that Christ, the Christ child, is resurrected in them. They are willing to reap all of the benefits of having a Christ child awakened in them. But they are not willing to believe that the physical man Jesus of Nazareth, who physically died, stood up and was alive again. And Paul is trying to explain to them that the only reason that Jesus rose again was because the Christ child was first raised in him.


This was one of the first messages. This idea was the first book, “Mind, Hell and Death,” that God had gave me, this principle. Paul is trying to tell them that the only reason Jesus stood up again was because the Christ child, which is the promised seed, was awakened in him. When the promised seed was awakened in him, fully awakened in him, that means, when you physically die, you stand up again. So, if Jesus did not physically stand up again after he died, that means the Christ child was not fully awakened in him. And if the Christ child was not fully awakened in him, he would not be awakened in you either. Listen, if God did not do it for Jesus, why would you think he is going to do it for you? The message that you have is a false message, if you believe that the Christ that was in national Israel, that the power that was in national Israel, is in you, that the seed is in you and you have the potential to rise up to the power that was in national Israel. If you do not also believe that physically Jesus rose from the dead, your belief is worthless, because Jesus could not possibly have risen from the dead unless the Christ child was risen in him. If you do not think that he did not rise from the dead, that means the Christ child did not rise in him; then he did not rise in you either. You cannot have it both ways.


Verse 17, King James: “And if Christ be not raised, your faith is in vain. You are yet in your sins.”


Alternate Translation: “If the Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel did not wake up in you, then your faith is worthless, because you are still in your sins.”


Because it is the Christ child within you that forgives your sins. This idea that the Lord Jesus Christ, who is sitting on a cloud somewhere -- I do not mean to be irreverent. I am trying to make a point for whoever is listening. For those of you that believe that Jesus is sitting on a cloud somewhere, forgiving your sins, you are mistaken. The forgiveness of sins is a principle, a spiritual principle. We have to find out how that spiritual principle becomes effective in our lives. It is the same principle as the blood of Jesus. Do you think it was the blood that fell out from the physical body of Jesus of Nazareth that dried up on the ground than 2000 years ago? It is the spiritual reality that is behind the spiritual principle of the Blood of Jesus. It is a spiritual reality, a spiritual archetype that is behind the phrase “the Blood of Jesus” or your understanding of the Blood of Jesus.


 “You are still in your sins.” Brethren, the spiritual reality of the forgiveness of sins is the Christ child. Brethren, when your sins are forgiven, you stop dying. We die because of sin. If your loved one died and did not stand up again, they were not forgiven. Maybe they were not fully forgiven. Is Jesus a liar? No. The process is not fully manifested yet. It is not available in its full manifestation yet except for Jesus of Nazareth, our example.


The Christ child awakening in you is your potential for forgiveness of sin. Of course, you have to confess your sin. You have to repent. Assuming that you confess your sin and repent, the actual reality of forgiveness, because the true forgiveness not only wipes the sin out of your life, but rips out the root of your potential to do that sin again. And the only way that can happen is that the Christ child in you rips it out and replaces that root of that sin with its own righteousness. It is like a chess game. He takes your pawn and he puts his pawn in the place. Until that happens, that the Christ child in you exchanges his consciousness for the consciousness of the first Adam that drives you to do that sin in the first place, you are in danger of committing that sin again under the right circumstances.


The forgiveness of sins is the Blood of Jesus as manifested as a spiritual sperm, the Christ child in you. He is there. The Christ child in you is a spiritual sperm that, when he matures, becomes the second Adam. That is the forgiveness of sin. When Jesus said to the adulterous woman, “Go and sin no more,” what he did was impart the Christ seed to her. He wrote in the earth of her soul. If he imparted the Christ child to her, why did he have to admonish her, “Go and sin no more”? Because he gave her the Christ seed, her potential to stop committing adultery. Now that she had the power to stop committing adultery, she has to stop committing adultery. God gives us the power to not sin, and then he says, “Do not do it anymore.” You are more guilty when you sin if you receive the power to stop sinning. You are more guilty when you sin after you have received the power to stop sinning than when you have not received the power to stop sinning. There is more mercy for the sinner that has not come to Jesus yet than for the sinner that is in Jesus and is still sinning.


Let me qualify that. Not the person that is in Jesus, but the person that is in Jesus that has received the power. The person in Jesus that has been convicted of that sin, has repented of that sin, knows about it and does it again. You are getting more stripes than the person that does not know anything about it. Why? Because you are supposed to be using that power. That is a weapon. That is a weapon to not do it anymore. Why are you not using your weapon? The thief just came to rob you, and why is your gun under your bed or your bullets on the other side of the house?


Your sin is still with you. If the Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel did not wake up in you, then your faith is worthless, brethren, because your faith in a man who is sitting on a cloud is not going to get you anything. Brethren, the church has so much to understand. Jesus said, “Occupy till I come.” He was speaking to the Christ child. He is gone. The glorified Jesus Christ is on the other side of the river. His agent is here. His agent is in you. His agent is in other people that might be sent to you to help you. Jesus is on the other side of the river.


I preach a radical message, but it is radical because it is the truth. You have believed a lie, and you have to understand how your lie blasphemes the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. If he was to say that the Lord Jesus Christ is rooted and grounded and is in the world, to say that the Lord Jesus Christ is in this world, ruling and reigning, and this world is in the shape that it is in, is an insult to the Lord Jesus Christ. He is not here. He went away on a long journey. And not only did he go away on a long journey in accordance with the parable, but when he tries to come back, the employees that he left to take care of his land, which is his church, will not give back the land. What does that mean? He is trying to come back. He wants to get inside of their bodies and their minds to do the work of the church, and the church people will not let him in. Why? They do not want to give up their power. They do not want to be wrong. They do not want to sacrifice. The truth frightens them.


The Lord Jesus Christ, as any other spiritual entity, needs to be inside of a body to affect humanity. He is not a free-flying spirit that flies around and makes the lights go on and off, like some criminal poltergeist. To exert his power on humanity, he needs to be inside of a human. And right now, the part of him that is inside of humans is the Christ child. He is on the other side of the river. Why, after 2000 years, is he on the other side of the river? Because he cannot get into the people that are his house. The church is his house. He cannot enter indirectly to us. He has to enter into the place that is specifically prepared for him, which is the Christ child. There has to be a Christ child prepared for him to enter into, a mature Christ child. And the only way the Christ child matures is through this understanding of esoteric doctrine.


He cannot come back. You have people, both in the church and the Jews, saying, “Well, he is not coming back until we are perfect. He will come back when we clean up this mess. He left the assignment to us, and he will come back when we clean up this mess and become perfect and make the world right.” No, brethren. He will come back when we confess our sins and repent.


The Scripture says, “If my people will confess their sins and repent, I will bring restoration.” Does anybody ask him, confess their sins of what? Repent of what? Repent of not producing the Christ child. Why have they not produced the Christ child? That involves looking into your heart and seeing the depths of the sin of the first Adam in you. Who is doing that? Without the understanding of this message, I do not think anybody would do it. And is the message being received? We have been preaching for 30 years now. No. People do not want it. They do not want it.


He is on the other side of the river, brethren. The person responsible for this mess in the world today is the Christ child. The church has overthrown him. The Christ child, the seed of the Christ child, came in the Holy Spirit. The first Adam in God’s own people have overthrown the seed that could produce the second Adam, the savior, you see, or at the least the lower half of the savior, the part that the Lord Jesus Christ would join to, to produce a manifestation of the whole savior in the world.


Christ has failed, or is failing, but he is not really failing, because he is rising over here. But he is largely failing in God’s people. Why? Because it is possible to resist the Christ child. It is not possible to resist the Lord Jesus Christ. He will knock you on your tail. But it is possible to resist the Christ child. The pride that is in the church has overthrown the occupant of the household. Jesus said, “Occupy until I come.” He was speaking to Christ, the occupant of the household, of the human household. That household has locked the occupant out.


Years ago when I used to watch occult movies, there was an episode in “Charmed” where the house locks them out. That is a spiritual principle. Spiritual principles are the same in the occult and in God. Did anybody here see that episode? Did anybody here watch “Charmed”? You know the house? Did you see that episode? The house locked them out.


The people in the church are the house. They have locked the occupant out of the house. They are beating them up. That is who the Gadarene Demoniac is. It was the first Adam in the Jews that were beating up the occupant of the house, the legitimate occupant of the house, the Christ child in national Israel. That is Jesus’ job. I read that to you at the beginning of the message. What is the job of Israel, and what is the job of the church?


Just let me read it to you exactly as it is. Isaiah 26:18: to bring deliverance to the Christ child in the earth. Let me read the whole thing. “We have as it were brought forth wind. We have not wrought any deliverance in the earth” -- they have not delivered the Christ child -- “neither have the inhabitants of the world fallen.” The first Adam is occupying the house, and he has succeeded in throwing the legitimate heir, the legitimate occupant of the house, outside. And the first Adam is the house itself.


Oh, so what does that say? The first Adam is stronger than the Christ child. What does that mean? The first Adam is stronger than the Christ child. How could that possibly be? It is because of the sins of the house. When my people confess their sins of locking out the Christ child, of choosing the reasoning of their carnal mind over the reasoning of the Christ mind, of preferring the doctrine of the first Adam, the most obvious Christmas and Easter, but that is just the beginning of it, preferring the opinion of the first Adam over the opinion of the Christ child when they start to confess their sins, and that is just the tip of the iceberg, I will restore the land, heal the land. My people perish for lack of knowledge, brethren.


But there is a day coming. The Lord only lets it go so far. We have a time period. We do not know what it is, but there is a set time period to repent. And if God’s people do not repent, he always has a remnant. He always has a faithful remnant. He comes in and he does it. I gave you my testimony this morning, someone that had to be put out of the ministry. I did not do it, so I suffered for all those years until he came in and he did it. The day is coming. It does not look like the church is doing it. He is coming in and he is going to do it, just like Jesus went in and chased the many changes out of the temple. There is a time, a set time that he says, “You have had all the time I am going to give you. I am going to do it myself. I am going to weaken the first Adam so that Christ in you can stand a chance.” And how does he weaken the first Adam? He has to hurt you. He has to hurt you. We are the first Adam in our humanity.


So if the Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel did not wake up in you, then your faith is worthless. If your faith is in someone sitting on a cloud, your faith is worthless.


Brethren, did you ever wonder about the Christians being killed in the Middle East? Most of them are Coptic Christians. “Oh, they are Catholic. Jesus is not with the Catholics.” Do not give me that. Do not give me that story. How come Jesus did not come down off his cloud and protect those Christians that were all lined up and beheaded? Why did he not do it? What is wrong with Jesus? Is he a liar? No. It is not someone sitting on a cloud. The promised deliverance is from the internalized Christ child, and we do not tend to find that in Catholic Christians. Is that Jesus’ fault? Is that God’s fault? Is God a respecter of persons, and he does not give the Christ child to Catholics, just to you Pentecostals? No. You have to reach up and get it, and you get the Christ child through the message of the Christ child. And that message is not in the Catholic Church. You get it, at least the beginning of it, through the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Ghost is not available in the Catholic Church. And there are those who would argue with me about it. I will not argue with you. They were crucified over there in the Middle East, and they did not stand up again. This is not an anti-Catholic message. This is not an anti-Catholic message, because he has not enlarged members of the Pentecostal Church or the Baptist Church or the Lutheran Church either. I mentioned the Catholic Church because they are the ones that are being crucified in the Middle East (some of them are actually being crucified). So where is Jesus? Jesus is on the other side of the river. He said to Christ, “Occupy until I come.” The correct question is, where was Christ in those people that were beheaded and crucified? He was sleeping. If he was there at all, he was sleeping. Why? Because the fivefold ministry did not raise him up.


One of the ministries here is to vindicate the name of Jesus and to vindicate the name of God. There are lots of bad things that are said about God and about Jesus. He is no respecter of persons, although in all fairness, in certain parts of the world, certain peoples, even right here in this country, do not have the opportunity to hear this message. Jesus is doing the best that he can to get the message out to Pentecostals, to Baptists, and to Catholics, and to Lutherans and everybody else, and to Jews. But he is oppressed. The Christ child is oppressed. Look at what we go through trying to get this message out. And then, he is oppressed in the minds of the beholder. It is because of our sin, not because God has failed, not because Jesus has failed, but the sin of the first Adam, which we are, has rendered some people more capable of laying hold of the true message than others.


"If my people confess their sins, I will heal their land." How about stop blaming all of God’s judgments on Satan? How about every time you get sick or something goes wrong in your life that you blame it on Satan, and you are not asking the Lord, what did I do to bring this upon myself? How come?


If Christ is not raised in you, Paul said, your faith is worthless. I did not say it. He said your faith is worthless if Christ is not raised in you. And what is the sign that Christ is raised in you? You are hungry for esoteric doctrine. And maybe you are hungry enough for esoteric doctrine to go over the head of your carnal preacher. Now I am not promoting rebellion, but if you are not being fed in the church that you are in, you need to see God about where you need to go, about where to find a living church. Are you more faithful to your local pastor or your local fellowship than you are to the Christ in you?


Years ago, there was a woman that used to email me, and she used to talk to me through the website. I have not heard from her in years. She was just in love with the doctrine, but she told me really clearly, “I am faithful to my church, you know, my church.” The problem is the sin of the people. We are the first Adam. We are the one who died. We are the one who died and cannot stand up again. But a magnanimous God, a merciful God, has done a miracle. He said, “There is a seed. I have given you a seed. I have given Israel a seed, and from Israel to the whole world, and today it is whosoever will can find it. I have given you a seed, a seed by which you can stand up again. And when you do stand up again, I have changed your name, because the old guy is dead. And it is not really the first Adam standing up again. It is a new chance that I have given you, and his name is the second Adam. When he dies, I will raise you from the dead.” You have to lay hold of the seed, and then you have to work the work.


Brethren, the way is very narrow, and very few that be shall find it. I resisted that Scripture when I first started preaching. I really resisted that Scripture, because for about six months I carried over the doctrine of ultimate reconciliation from my pastor until the Lord showed me it was not true. The doctrine of ultimate reconciliation completely opposes that Scripture that says the way is straight and the gate is very narrow, and very few that be that find it.


“If the Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel did not wake up in you, then your faith is worthless, because you are still in your sins.”


Verse 18: “Then they also which have fallen asleep in Christ are perished.”


Alternate Translation: “Then in that event, the brethren who fell asleep believing that the Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel woke up in them are fully destroyed and will never wake up again.” And that is the word perished. I did not give you the Greek word. I think it is a different word. It is not any of the words that mean death. I thought I put that in there. They will never rise again.


Verse 19, King James: “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.” So let us see what Paul is saying here, because he is not saying that. The word men, is a translation of Strong’s 444, which I translate Adam, have very little spiritual strength. Take a look at the top of page 9. What did I do there? What is the word that means miserable? I did not spell it out for you. Maybe I explained it with the comment. Let me see what that says.


The Alternate Translation is: “Wherefore if our expectation of eternal life is based upon the faith that the Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel wakes up in this life alone, then how shall we bring the mercy of the whole Adam into existence?” There is a word there that means mercy, and I did not indicate which word that it was. And it has to have something to do with the word that is translated miserable. I will have that fixed for you, Lord willing, by part 3 of this message.


Most miserable. There is obviously a Greek word there that means the exact opposite, which is mercy. It is really strange, because I remember doing that. I hope I did not mess up my files somewhere along the line.


My comment is: If you want to believe that the Christ child woke up in Jesus, but that Jesus did not stand up again after he died, then your believing that the awakening of the Christ child is for this life only, not life after the death of the physical body... I hope that this is the right file. Do you know what I did? When I did it, I left the only one file for you, right? So I am hoping I did not make a mistake, Lord.


The whole Adam comes into existence when the glorified Jesus Christ joins with the awakened Christ child. That is what this verse is saying. I do not have the word. The word “most miserable,” somehow it seems to be merciful, and I did not put that reference for you. But this is what the verse means: “Wherefore if our expectation of eternal life is based upon the faith that the Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel wakes up in this life alone, then how shall we bring the mercy of the whole Adam into existence?” You can see that the word all is translated whole, and I completely left the word mercy out of here, or miserable. I just left it out. That word miserable somehow means merciful.


Here is my explanation. What he is talking about when he says we are the most miserable, I guess you could translate it that way if you want to. The misery that he is talking about is that if Christ did not stand up, there is no way for the Lord Jesus Christ to join with you. The Christ child in you is the mediating force. The whole problem, brethren, is that the first Adam died and was cut off from immortality, and he cannot stand up again. The mercy of Jehovah is the Lord Jesus Christ, the Christ child in us that produces the lower half of the second Adam so that the Lord Jesus can join with him and reconnect us to immortality. That is what Paul is talking about when the word is translated “most miserable.” But I prefer to choose the translation that meant compassion. You can really do it either way. Let me read it to you that way.


If in this life only we have hope in Christ, of all men we are most miserable, because if you do not believe that the Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead, there is no one to attach to Christ in you, so you are miserable. You are still going to remain a mortal man in misery. Can you understand that?


Rose said it means in need of great mercy, if that helps you.


The word miserable? OK, so the word translated miserable means “in need of great mercy.” That was the way that the King James translators translated it.


What it is saying is, if you do not believe that the physical Jesus rose from the dead, then that means that the Christ in him did not wake up. If you believe that Christ woke up in you and that is all that you need, you are in need of great mercy. You are miserable because you cannot go any farther, and the misery is the misery of this fallen world. The misery is the misery of this fallen world. If all that you have is Christ, and the Lord Jesus did not stand up again to join you to the eternal world, you are still in misery. What good is Christ doing you if you are still in your sins? What good is Christ doing you if you are still in misery?


So I chose to translate it on the other side, saying, if all that you have is Christ, how will we live without the mercy of the second Adam? We will translate the word misery to the mercy, and we added it to the word Adam. There is the word Adam in there. And then we get: “Wherefore if our expectation of eternal life is based upon the faith that the Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel wakes up in this life alone, then how shall we bring the mercy of the whole Adam into existence?” That which is our connection to immortality. That is what he is saying. This is everything that I have been teaching you for years, that the Lord Jesus has to join with Christ in us. Christ has to be developed in us. The Lord Jesus has to join with him. We have to experience spiritual ascension through that unity, which reconnects us to immortality. That is what this whole chapter is about.


My comment again: If you want to believe that the Christ child woke up in Jesus, but that Jesus did not stand up again after he died, then you are believing that the awakening of the Christ child is for this life only, not life after the death of the physical body. The whole Adam comes into existence when the glorified Jesus Christ joins with the awakened Christ child. If Jesus did not stand up again after he died, the awakened Christ child in us will have no way of being rejoined to the Shekinah, which is the spirit of life.


You can translate the verse: You are still going to be miserable if you do not believe in the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ, you will still be trapped down in this world. Or you can translate the verse the way I prefer to do it: How shall we bring the mercy of the whole Adam into existence? What whole Adam? The Lord Jesus Christ joined to Christ in me is the whole Adam. If all I have is Christ, I am still miserable.


Brethren, Paul must be listening to my prayers. I pray all the time. How could I experience moments of misery when I have this life? I just repent. I have this revelation. I have the glory of God. He saved my life so many times. I do not even have the words to express what he is in my life, and what he does for me, and what my life is because of him, and I have moments of emotional and mental misery. Years ago, I cried out to the Lord, and I am still crying out, because it is disgraceful, that someone that has as much as I have that should have moments of misery and unhappiness. What is the problem? It is my fallen soul, brethren. It is my fallen soul. It is the first Adam in me that is miserable.


We used to preach this in terms of Samson and Delilah years ago. The pathos lust of the soul is never satisfied. It always finds something to be unhappy with. Years ago, I said, Lord, this is terrible. When is this going to stop? Because, as you get spiritual, you experience the unhappiness of the other people that you are attached to. So even if you are fighting to be happy, how do you fight to be happy? You have to express the gratitude, your gratitude for all the good things that you have. And you are fighting the war and doing everything that you can, and someone who you have a soul tie with has a bad moment and gets depressed and, boom, it is right on you. Where did that come from?


Years ago, I said, Lord, when is this going to stop? The answer, he said, is in the marriage bed. It is in the unity of the Lord Jesus Christ with Christ in me. All of this emotional and mental misery of the first Adam is going to go away in the unification of the Lord Jesus Christ with Christ in me. Paul is saying, if you do not believe in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, you are going to remain miserable. And how shall we bring the compassion and the mercy of the whole Adam to Christ in us if you do not believe in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ?


Verse 20, King James: “But now is Christ risen from the dead” -- nekros -- “and become the firstfruits of them that slept.” And now is Christ risen -- that is the word 1453.


Alternate Translation, verse 20: “Indeed the Christ child that woke up in Jesus is now become the firstfruits of the many counterparts of himself in national Israel that went to sleep when the first Adam did not stand up again after he died.” This is major amplification in this verse based upon the intention and the meaning of the entire chapter.


“Indeed the Christ child that woke up in Jesus is now become the firstfruits of the many counterparts of himself in national Israel that went to sleep when the first Adam did not stand up again after he died.” We see, in the King James, we have the word risen and the word dead together. It sounds like it is talking about the Lord Jesus Christ, but now Christ is risen from the dead. It is not even the King James translators’ fault. It is a hidden message. The Kabbalists would call it the concealed Kabbalah. There is a revealed message and a concealed message. This is a deeply concealed message that was actually blocked from me when I tried to bring it forth on Thursday after having a meeting with someone whose mind is veiled. I had a meeting with the rabbi, and I came home and started to study, and his veil was on me. I could not see the depth of the message.


That is interesting. You would say, well, Sheila, how come you did not influence him? Because the carnal mind is stronger than the Christ child. My anointing is from the Christ child. I do not have Christ Jesus. There is no unity between the Lord Jesus and Christ in me, and the carnal mind is stronger than the Christ child, so he influenced me in that way. I had to get delivered. But I was not able to influence him in any great way. I did influence him in a couple of -- what is the right word -- from underneath, which was the intention of the Lord through the meeting, because you cannot get past that mindset.


Let me give you a laugh in the middle of this serious study. So I took a couple of my books to show the rabbi, and I did what the Lord told me to do. We have this narrow portfolio of books, and I pointed to the book that said “Jesus and the Learned Jew.” I said, I wanted you to see this. And he looked at the little rubric that I had describing the book next to it, and he read it, and he looks at me and he says, “Oh, you mean you are telling them that they are barking up the wrong tree?”


Because, for those of you that do not know, the book “Jesus and the Learned Jew” is telling the Christian evangelists that they are not going to get anywhere in converting -- or maybe converting is not even the wrong word. If they just want to introduce Christ, they really do want to convert them. If they just want to introduce Christ to these Ultra-Orthodox Jews, they are not going to get anywhere, which is what they are doing by telling them, “Look. Look at this Scripture. Messiah is going to do this. Messiah is going to do that. Messiah is going to do that, and Jesus did all of those things.” That is how they are ministering. They spent a fortune. They built a big building right in the middle of the Ultra-Orthodox community where they are celebrating, getting big signs for Christmas and everything all over. And that is how they minister to them. Look, Jesus. You see that in Isaiah? Jesus did it. You see that in verse -- what was it? Jesus did it. My book, “Jesus and the Learned Jew,” says you will never convert them, because they have no problem believing Jesus did it. The problem is they think he did it by an unclean spirit. You are just barking up the wrong tree.


I showed him the little picture of the cover, and he read what I said, and he said to me, “Oh, you mean you are telling them that they are barking up the wrong tree?” And I said, yeah. He said, “Yeah. Yeah, they are barking up the wrong tree. That is right.” He said, “You have to make that clearer. Make sure they understand they are barking up the wrong tree.” That is what he said. They are barking up the wrong tree. These people are defensed, and you cannot blame them.


I gave a very exciting exhortation in an unpublished message. We are going to have to separate it and pull it out. You cannot introduce the branch. The branch cannot take authority over the root. It is not talking about people. The spiritual man that is incarnate today as the Jews, which are the only representatives of national Israel that we have today, even though they are converts, he has a higher authority than the spiritual man that is incarnate in the church, which is Christ. You cannot tell the Keter that he has to submit to the Christ, who is not even the Shekinah. The Christ is Malkhut. You cannot tell the Keter -- you cannot tell Adam Kadmon that his doctrine must submit to the doctrine of Adonai. They will never do it. Why? Because it makes no sense whatsoever.


The church has to change -- well, everyone has to change. The church has to learn the Old Testament in a depth that it is not dealing with. Now most ministers do not even read the Old Testament. People do not even read the Old Testament anymore. You have to. If you want to reach the learned Jew, you have to go through the altars. You have to go through their source. You have to go through their door. You have to go through their house. I mean, speak to any Jew; this is what they tell you. I saw a video on it in Israel, “The Black Hat.” The men were saying to the Christian missionaries, “Do you not understand? You are asking me to completely give up my religion that is more than 3000 years old. When you come and preach this, you are asking me to give up that whole heritage. Do you not understand that?” Well, they do not understand it. They want them to give up everything and come celebrate Christmas. They are barking up the wrong tree. If you want to evangelize Jews, you have to learn who they are. You have to learn their ways, and you have to let the Lord show you Christ in their ways. And Christians cannot do that.


I am in the middle of another message, so I have to stop here. I have more to say on that. I am sure the Lord will bring it out at some time in the future.


We are on verse 20, King James: “Indeed the Christ child that woke up”, 1453, “in Jesus is now become the firstfruits of the many counterparts of himself that went to sleep in national Israel when Adam died.” Jesus of Nazareth is not the firstfruits. Jesus of Nazareth, who died and was resurrected, that is talking about the Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel. Jesus of Nazareth, who died and was resurrected in the second Adam. But the firstfruits are them who slept. Well, what does that mean? The firstfruits are those who died believing that they were saved in Christ? No. The firstfruits are the Christ child that was ascended in national Israel and went back to seed when the second Adam in national Israel died.


“Indeed the Christ child that woke up in Jesus is now become the firstfruits of the many counterparts of himself that went to sleep when Adam did not stand up again after he died.”


Verse 21, King James: “For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.” Since, we are translating indeed. Again Adam, man, we are translating Adam; that is Strong’s 444. Died, the word died, the Greek word translated died, is thanatos; his spirit separated from his body. Man again is Adam. And the word resurrection, we are translating “stood up again.” And the word death is nekros.


So we have thanatos and nekros both in this verse, in verse 21. We have the two types of death. And I see in my definition of thanatos -- I think, when I introduced this to you at the beginning of my message, I told you thanatos meant “never as extinction.” But I see that I have more definitions underscored for you, including “the rejection from the kingdom of God” and “spiritual separation from God” and “spiritual death.” Thanatos is spiritual death. It is actually the death of the soul.


The dictionary says spiritual separation from God, which is right there in the lexicon, but the whole church seems to preach that the soul separates from the body, but it is the spirit that separates from the body, and the dictionary calls it spiritual death; it is really soul death. When the spirit departs from the body, the body, and the soul that is attached to it in the bone marrow, dies. The physical death that we experience in this world is actually soul death. And thanatos, they are calling it spiritual death. Let us see how it fits into our Alternate Translation here.


Spiritual death would be death of the spirit. I think they are confusing the spiritual death with soul death. Let us see. It is the spiritual death. No, I am sorry about that. Spiritual death and spiritual life consists in constant communication with the divine life. So spiritual death is separation from that life. That is correct. Spiritual death is disconnection from the Lord Jesus Christ or disconnection from Christ in us. When we let our carnal mind override Christ in us, we are committing spiritual suicide.


Verse 1, verse 21, page 10. All right, once again, the King James is: “For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.” In the middle of page 10, the word for, we are translating indeed. The word since, we are translated when; Adam, man is Adam. He died to his immortality; that is thanatos. He died to his immortality. His spiritual connection with God separated. And the word nekros is referring to the second man, Adam, standing up again.


Alternate Translation, verse 21: “Indeed the first Adam separated from God and died to his immortality. But when the second Adam died, he stood up again.” See, again there is just no way, unless God has given you this revelation, there is just no way that this chapter could be understood correctly. And again we have to see the thread authorizing itself, this thought spread authorizing itself and reauthorizing itself through all of these verses. The same thread is through all of these verses. If the Christ child did not wake up, the second Adam could not have physically stood up again. And if the second Adam did not, if Jesus did not physically stand up again, then the Christ child did not rise in him. And if the Christ child did not wake up in him, he is not going to wake up in you, because the only way the Christ child is waking up in us is through the seed of the Lord Jesus Christ. Either through his seed or through his power, if you happen to be a member of national Israel, the Lord Jesus Christ has the power to raise that seed from the dead in you or to impart a new seed through the Holy Spirit.


Without the physical resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, none of that is possible. So the Christ waking up in you in this world, which can happen, that is the state of the Jews today. That is the state of the Jews that have the seed of national Israel. All of their deep studies in the Scripture and their praises of Jehovah has resurrected, in many of them, the Christ child. But they cannot go any further. Paul is talking to Greeks here, but this message is really for Jews, as well as Greeks, where the Christ child is raised. I have gone to their services. I go to their services. There is an anointing. The whole service is praises to Jehovah. They have three-hour services. They read what is written down, continuous praises to Jehovah, and there is an anointing there. There is a peace there, but they cannot go any further.


Alternate Translation, verse 21: “Indeed the first Adam separated from God and died to his immortality. But when the second Adam died, he stood up again.”


Verse 22, King James: “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.” The word for is because. All, we are translating everyone. As, we are translating “exactly like.” The third type, the third Greek word for death, is here: apothnesko. Adam dies off the animal body or the animal nature in the body associated with it. The soul, the nefesh in the marrow of your bones and your body dies apothnesko. We are translating so “after that”; even, but; all, everyone; and “shall be made alive,” we are saying “live again.”


Alternate Translation, verse 22: “Because the flesh of everyone who is exactly like the first Adam” -- and that is all of us. In our nature, we are exactly like the first Adam. “Because the flesh of everyone who is exactly like the first Adam dies off.”


 “The flesh of” should be in a bracket. I will question that. “Because the flesh of everyone who is exactly like the first Adam dies off, but after that, everyone who the Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel wakes up in lives again.” I see why I did that. That “flesh of,” that is a part of the apothnesko, the death of the animal body, so I will let that stand. That word, apothnesko, the death of the physical body -- so I made it “the flesh of,” which is a part of the usage of apothnesko. Instead of just saying die, I am clarifying that it is the flesh that is dying, apothnesko. “Because the flesh of everyone who is exactly like the first Adam dies off, but after that, everyone who the Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel wakes up in lives again.”


I have an interspersion here on page 11: “Indeed the first Adam separated from God and died to his immortality, because the flesh of everyone who is exactly like the first Adam dies off, but after that, everyone who the Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel wakes up in lives again. So because the Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel woke up in Jesus, the second Adam stood up again after he died.” That is an amplification of “shall be made alive.” The first Adam separated. Adam stood up again after he died. That is actually a definition of resurrect. I made it a part of “shall be made alive again.” That was an interspersion of verses 21 and 22.


Verse 23, King James: “But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ that is coming.” So every man actually means individual if you look it up, and “old order” means “by himself.” And afterwards, we are translating “after that,” and the word coming means appearance.


Alternate Translation, verse 23: “Indeed the Christ child that woke up in Jesus is the firstfruits of the many-membered Christ child that went to sleep in national Israel, but after that, the Christ child must appear in each person individually.”


“Then comes the end.” Verse 24, King James: “Then comes the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father, when he shall have put down all rule and authority and power.” Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father, when he shall have put down all rule and authority and power.


“Shall have put down” means “to render utterly useless.” The Greek word translated “the highest rank,” that Greek word is archon. It means ruler. The Greek word translated authority is exousia, so we are familiar with that, exousia authority as opposed to dunamis authority. And then there are powers, the dunamis authority, which is the raw power. The Greek word translated end means “the point aimed at.” Let us see what we have here. I have some asterisks. The referencing starts to get heavy at this point, so I did not put in a number one, two or three; I just put one, two or three asterisks referencing references below the text of the verse.


“Then when the Lord Jesus Christ attains his goal of rendering all the authority and all of the power of the chief rulers of the first Adam within the saints utterly useless” -- that is the carnal mind-- “utterly useless” -- that is the spiritual power of Satan -- “he shall surrender the kingdom of God that the Father provided for him.” We are going to define the kingdom of -- well, the kingdom of God is the people. Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of this world. He offered Jesus the use of all of the human beings of this world.


The first asterisk is the first Adam, all of the authority and all of the power of the chief rulers of the first Adam. Daniel 7:20-22: “And the ten horns that were in his head and the other which came up and before whom three fell, even of that horn that had eyes and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows. I beheld, the same horn made war with the saints and prevailed against them until the Ancient of Days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High, and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.”


I have been preaching since 1998, that this little horn is Christ. The teachers of the church cannot imagine that God would be bringing judgment against his own people. We are told that the Jews have a veil over their mind, that they cannot understand what God is doing until Christ is revealed in them. Well, let me tell you, the church has one veil over their mind that they cannot imagine that they could have sin. It is just really quite unbelievable. But this little horn is Christ, and he is judging the witchcraft power of the saints. What witchcraft power? The witchcraft power that says, “You do not come near me, and you do not tell me that I have sin. And even if I admit that I am a sinner, you do not tell me. God will tell me. You stay away from me. Who do you think you are?” Except that the judgment of sinners is being ministered by Christ in flawed humans, so you have to deal with your pride if you want what God has to offer. You are going to have to deal with your pride.


My comment: We must look at the context of the whole verse and its surrounding verses, because following this is an account of the beast in the Book of Revelation. These two accounts are not speaking about the same person. The first speaks about the Christ child, and the second speaks about Lucifer. Daniel 7:20-22, and in particular verse 21, is speaking about the Christ child. It is saying that the Christ child made war. Christ in you is trying to make war against your old man, the first Adam in you, and sometimes he needs help, so I may try to assist him. I may try to assist the Christ in you to reveal the sin of the first Adam in you, because Christ has been telling you for five years and you have not heard him yet. I am exaggerating, brethren. The Lord may send me to assist Christ in you. That is Christ waging war against the witchcraft of the first Adam, which is your carnal mind.


It is no accident that these two accounts -- that is, the account of the little horn and the account of the beast -- sound the same, because they represent the two spiritual inner men, Christ and Lucifer, who will meet in a final showdown. I did say Lucifer here, but the first Adam is not Lucifer. Lucifer is the offspring of the first Adam. But the final showdown will be -- maybe I will not say Lucifer here, because there are two showdowns, brethren. There is a showdown between Christ in the church and the first Adam, and then there is another showdown between the members of Jesus’ church, where Christ Jesus is appearing, they are going to have a showdown with Lucifer and people that are anti-Christ. Since we are talking about God’s people, I am going to change this Lucifer to the first Adam. Did anyone not understand what I just said?


It is no accident that these two accounts sound the same, because they represent the two spiritual inner men, Christ and the first Adam, who will meet in a final showdown at the end of the age to determine which one will dominate and then fully possess God’s people. And then after that, the God’s people, the church in whom Christ has prevailed, and have joined to the Lord Jesus so that now Christ Jesus is in God’s people, they will have a showdown with another group of people where Lucifer is prevailing. The battle takes place initially within the individuals who have birthed Christ, the man-child, and it will ultimately take place between two groups of people where either Christ or Lucifer is ruling. This scenario is playing out right now in the form of a civil war, primarily in the United States, but also in the European Union, that does not involve armed conflict between the government and a rebel force. A civil war that does not yet -- I hope the word yet is not appropriate; I hope it may never happen -- that does not involve armed conflict between the government and a rebel force. It is a civil war nevertheless. I cannot say a spiritual civil war, because it is very much raging on every level except an armed conflict between governmental forces and an organized rebel military force. The civil war is raging on every level short of an armed conflict between a government army and an armed rebel military force.


We have the account of the peacemaking war against the saints in Revelation 13:4-8: “And they worshipped the dragon, which gave power unto the beast, and they worshipped the beast, saying, ‘Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?’ And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and a power was given unto him to continue 40 and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the lambs slain from the foundation of the earth.”


My comment: The collective Christ child in the church is the kingdom that Jesus inherits. Before I go forward with that -- so that is the difference, that Daniel is speaking about Christ waging war, Christ in the individual waging war with the first Adam in his people. The account in the Book of Revelation is actually -- it is either Lucifer in the people or it is actually the first Adam. It is the first Adam waging war with Christ in the people. It is from the other point of view. Daniel is Christ, in righteousness, waging war against the church. And Revelation 13 is the beast that is the first Adam unrighteously waging war against Christ in you. So. it is really the same event from the two opposite perspectives.


Comment: The collective Christ child in the church is the kingdom that Jesus inherits. Let us see where I put two asterisks in here. These two asterisks are the kingdom of God, and he shall surrender the kingdom of God that the Father provided him.


The kingdom of God, Daniel 7:14: “And there was given him dominion and glory and a kingdom that all people, nations and languages shall serve him. The dominion is an everlasting dominion which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.” Dominion means governing body. We talked about this recently. It is government. There is government in God’s church. If you are in a ministry where there is no government, if the Lord is there, he is there in a very weak manifestation. There has to be government. There has to be righteousness. Sin has to be recognized. Order has to be established. And there has to be an acknowledgement and a respect for the authority.


Isaiah 9:6-7: “For unto us a child is born; unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder. And his name shall be Wonderful Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” Brethren, that is not the Holy Ghost. Now if you go to a Holy Ghost church, there should be government in the church. The man that built the church, the man that is the pastor, should set down certain rules, you know. They have to be quiet when he is talking, et cetera, et cetera. But this government is talking about a higher authority of government. It is talking about the government that judges sin. It is talking about the authority that will rebuke sin. So the church that I was raised up in, brethren, it really would not rebuke sin.


I think I gave you this testimony once. There was a woman prophesying by a spirit of divination. And I was young; I was naive. In my spirit, I knew something was wrong. So I asked someone else in the church, what was wrong with that prophecy? Pastor did not say anything. Nobody said a word to her. And the woman that I asked just said, “Oh, well. No, it was not right.” What do you mean, it was not right? She is prophesying by a spirit of divination and nobody says a word to her. You have to sit down. That is the wrong spirit. There was no government in the church. Why was there no government? Because the pastor was in sin. He knew it. He could not stand up to her.


I was in another local church over there on Old Town Road, where I did hear the pastor say that it was not of God. I did hear him say that was not of God. That is the government, that the floor is open for the brethren to prophesy or to speak in tongues, but the government, the spiritual government in the pastor, judges the spirit and either says, “Amen, that was from God,” or “Sit down, brethren. I am sorry. That was not of God.” That is the government that says, “What you just said, the comment that you just gave, that is not of God. You have to keep quiet in the service.” The government of God judges between the true spirit and the counterfeit spirit. So dominion means governing authority.


Verse 7: “And of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom, to order it and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.” The Lord of hosts is the Spirit of God that comes from Shaddai.


2 Peter 2:10: “But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise government. Presumptuous are they, self-willed; they are not afraid to speak evil of dignitaries.” We had someone in this ministry that had no respect for the authority here. It is through the whole church today. No respect for the authority. If they do not like what the pastor says to them, they leave and go to another church, and then they talk about the pastor. This is the behavior of the first Adam in the church. The person that has Christ awakened in them understands that God assigns you to a church, and you should not leave unless God moves you out, and that a conflict in the church, either with another believer or with the pastor, is not reason to leave. It has to be resolved properly. Only the Lord can assign you to another church. If you want to be a part of the kingdom, if you want to be your own person and just bop around and decide whatever church you want to go to, then you are not part of the kingdom. You need to grow up and find out where God wants you to be, and then you need to settle down and do some volunteer work and submit to the pastor and grow in that ministry.


My opinion continues. Glory means opinion or mind, and kingdom is the Christ child within the people, who makes the people habitable. Glory means opinion, or mind -- there should be a comma there -- and kingdom is the Christ child within the people, who makes the people habitable. We have done some Kabbalah work on this, and we are houses. Human beings that we are, and that the church is made up of human beings, we are the houses for spiritual life. And we have found out that spiritual life can only inhabit us permanently if there is a mediator. The Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ cannot inhabit us permanently. We have to produce a Christ child, his relative, so that the Lord Jesus Christ can dwell in his relative, and his relative can dwell in us because his relative is born out of our humanity, out of the spiritual ability of our humanity to reproduce.


I am going to say that again. The Christ child is born in us. He is not just raised from sleep. He is literally born in us as the fruit of the union of that seed, that promised seed, and the ability of the soul to reproduce spiritually. The man-child is a mediator. He is a hybrid that is both human and spiritual. And then the Lord Jesus Christ can dwell in his man-child and can remain permanently in his man-child.


I have a definition of kingdom for you. It is country, a state or territory ruled by a king or queen. Humanity, we are the kingdoms. The government in the kingdom is the Christ child in us. If you do not have the Christ child, if all that you have is faith in Jesus or the Holy Ghost, you do not have spiritual government, and you would actually have no spiritual authority to judge sin. You have the authority to tell someone to sit down and stop making a scene in your church, but you do not have the authority to judge the spirit.


Verse 25, King James: “For he must reign till he hath put all enemies under his feet.” Feet is a translation for carnal mind, is a symbol for the carnal mind. “He must rule over” -- I put the brackets in the wrong place. “He must rule over” -- and that should be reign. That is a translation of reign. And enemies, means adversaries, and we are translated adversaries “soldiers.” I have been teaching for years that Satan in the unconscious mind of the individual is a soldier, and we have many soldiers in our unconscious mind that bring judgment upon us and upon other people when we allow them to do it. But we are not supposed to permit the carnal mind to judge other people. That is what Paul was talking about when he said, “Do not judge before the time.” Do not judge by the soldiers of your carnal mind. But if Christ is bringing judgment, that is legitimate.


Alternate Translation, verse 25: “Because he must rule over all of Satan’s soldiers in the unconscious part of the carnal mind of the saints until the first Adam comes under his authority. The Christ child must rule over all of Satan’s soldiers in the unconscious part of the carnal mind of the saints until the first Adam comes under his authority.”


Verse 26, King James: “The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.” And this death is thanatos. Enemy is Satan’s soldiers, and the word destroy is translated “render utterly useless and idle.” And that, where it says the accusers, I had eliminated that, so I am going to scratch that out.


Alternate Translation, verse 26: “In order to accomplish that, the Lord Jesus Christ, the last Adam, shall separate the human spirit that belongs to God from Satan’s soldiers in the unconscious part of the carnal mind of the saints and render them idle and completely useless.”


The last Adam is 1 Corinthians 15:45: “And so it is written, the first man Adam was made a living soul, and the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.” Two asterisks; it is talking about separating the human spirit that belongs to God.


Hebrews 4:12: “For the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” And the spirit returning to God is three asterisks. Ecclesiastes 12:7: “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.”


Verse 27, King James: “For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him.” Now, brethren, this verse gave me one run for the money. I actually spent hours trying to figure this out, and this is what we have got.


Things is never in the Greek; the word is all. For, we are translating because. To put under can mean to subjugate or subordinate, and I actually used both of those translations. Feet is the carnal mind. All is everything. Put is subordinate again. Manifest is evident. Excepted is “does not include.” Subjugate again. And himself and all -- I think there are four “all's"in there.


Verse 27: “Subordinate the carnal mind of all of the saints under Christ, under the Christ child that woke up within.” Did I start that right? “Subordinate the carnal mind of all of the saints under the Christ child that woke up within them, but when the Scripture says” -- it sounds like I am missing a couple of words there. Let me just read the whole thing.


“Subordinate the carnal mind of the saints under the Christ child that woke up within them, but when the Scripture says that he will subjugate all of the authority and all of the power of the chief rulers of the first Adam within the saints, it is evident that all does not include the power of God.” And that is verse 24.


It sounds like something is missing there. But I did not see anything wrong when I read the Alternate Translation, so let me just take a look at verse 27. In order to accomplish that, the Lord Jesus Christ, the last Adam -- the reason it starts that way is that it follows through from the previous verse. “Shall subordinate the carnal mind of all of the saints under the Christ child that woke up within them, but when the Scripture says that he will subjugate all of the authority and all of the power of the chief rulers of the first Adam within the saints, it is evident that all does not include the power of God.”


I did an interspersion of verses 26 and 27: “In order to accomplish that” -- let us see what it says before that.


Verse 25: “Because the Christ child must rule over all of Satan’s soldiers in the unconscious part of the carnal mind of the saints until the first Adam comes under his authority, and, in order to accomplish that, the Lord Jesus Christ, the last Adam, shall subordinate the carnal mind of all of the saints under the Christ child that woke up within them, and shall separate the human spirit that belongs to God from Satan’s soldiers in the unconscious part of the carnal mind of the saints and render them idle and completely useless. But when the Scripture says that he will subjugate all of the authority and all of the power of the chief rulers of the first Adam within the saints, it is evident that all does not include the power of God.”


Verse 28, King James: “And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him that God may be all in all.” Well, this one too. I just spent hours on these two verses, on these few verses. So what do we do here? Subjugate again. Subject means “to put in right order.” I do not know if I translated that. I think I translated that subject, not subjugate.


Here is the final Alternate Translation on page 15: “Indeed inasmuch as the Son of God shall subordinate everyone who is in the whole first Adam, as well as subordinate himself to the Shekinah who subjected him, so that everyone who is in the whole second Adam may also be, in God, men.” So one of those “subject” should really be “in the right order.” It does not really change the meaning of the verse, but I like it to be perfect, as perfect as I can make it, so I will correct that for Thursday.


“Indeed, inasmuch as the Son of God shall subordinate, or put in right order, everyone who is in the whole first Adam, as well as subordinate himself to the Shekinah who subjected him, so that everyone who is in the whole second Adam may also be, in God, men.”


I am going to jump to verse 29, Alternate Translation, at the bottom of the page: “Then thereupon Elohim, the Lord Jesus Christ, shall band together with the second Adam, who was completely submerged in me under the powers and principalities of the dead first Adam in me because, if the dead second Adam does not stand up again, the Shekinah in captivity will also be submerged.”


So it looks to me like the -- what we have been calling the Christ child in this verse, Paul is calling the Shekinah in captivity, which they really are the same thing. Does anyone have a problem with that? The Shekinah in captivity is the Christ child, is the breath of Jehovah.


Can I ask a question?


Yes, of course.


I just want to clear something up. Did you say that Christ is born by the seed and the ability to reproduce it?


I said that the Christ child is born from the potential of the -- from the reproductive potential of the soul, and then the Christ seed touches the reproductive potential of the soul, and the Christ child is born.


OK, thank you.


I had verse 29 translated incorrectly. I know, and I told you in the past, that in some circumstances the Christ that was in national Israel that went to sleep, an individual seed, did die. The collective Christ in national Israel cannot die unless every single seed was dead, which is impossible. But some of those seeds did die.


Some people are walking around with a dead Christ seed in them, and that is what verse 29 is talking about. And what I saw was wrong with it -- when I saw the word rise, which should be applied to Christ, I was applying that to the second Adam, because I was under a mindset that was saying, every time I see the word dead, it has to do with the second Adam, and does not have to do with Christ. And then Paul flipped, just to make sure that I was awake, which I was not until now.


Verse 29 is actually saying, in the instance where the Christ seed is dead, where it cannot wake up because it is dead, thereupon Elohim -- and Elohim is the Son of God -- is the Shekinah with the Son of God. Where the Christ seed is completely dead, the Shekinah, who is the spirit of life, will band together with this dead Christ, who is completely submerged, because if the dead Christ does not rise, the Shekinah in captivity will also be submerged. That has to do with verse 29, talking about the dead Christ. The Shekinah herself will come down and join together with that seed, to cause it to rise, to be Christ that is going to rise, which will stop the process in those people where Christ is dead. And there are a lot of people like that in the church and in Israel.


What does that mean? It means maybe it is the whole church. It means that this word that I am preaching, that we keep saying, “How come there is no response from the body of Christ? Where are all the believers?” Excuse me, brethren. Whenever I preach like this, especially in a group when you are all listening to me and agreeing with me, this is a vibration that is going out in the spiritual plane, saying, “Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.” How come nobody is waking up? Because many of them are dead now. In the Jewish community, they are completely defensed against me. In the Christian community -- I should not even distinguish that. Maybe the Scripture is saying the majority of seeds are dead. Maybe the only seeds that are alive are here. And that is not a spirit of pride. I would that it would be millions of people here, but the reality is we are preaching this message for years and we have this small group. Maybe all the other seeds died.


The beginning verses, where the Christ seed is awakened, that is for the people who can hear the message. For the people who cannot hear the message, either the Christ seed is actually dead, or functionally dead, because they are not responding. Verse 29 tells us what the Lord is going to do for the believers in whom the Christ seed is either physically dead in reality or functionally dead. Right now, brethren, it is the Christ in me. It is the collective Christ in here. It is not just me. It is the collective Christ in LEM/CCK that is sending out this message: “Wake up, Christ. Wake up. Wake up. Wherever this seed is just sleeping, wake up. Wake up. Wake up.” And we have the response that we have had over 30 years of preaching. There is about 35 of us, something like that. Very small response. Maybe all the other seeds are dead.


The significance of verse 29 is that Christ in this ministry does not have the spiritual strength to raise up the dead Christ seeds. We have the strength to reach out to those who were just sleeping, and that happened especially to the people that are in other countries, in other states, that the Christ child in the people around me, because it is centered around me. He was strong enough to touch people in Africa. He was strong enough to touch people in McGregor. He was strong enough to touch Tony, who is in Florida, and Rose, who is in Florida. Tony and Rose are the two people who came in from the internet, and everybody else that did not come in through a main gateway, like Nigeria or McGregor or Lagos. Tony was alone; Rose was alone. And then there was people in South Carolina. This message touched Sue Willis and Aurelia and went to the whole group that they had, but the whole group fell away. Just Aurelia and Sue remained. So those were the people that Christ in this ministry had the power to awaken. And according to what Paul is saying here, the Christ seeds that did not awaken are dead, and we do not have the strength to raise them.


It is possible to raise a dead Christ seed that is not sleeping but is dead, but the Lord Jesus Christ has to do that. When the Lord Jesus Christ comes down and joins with Christ in this ministry, the strength will be here to awaken the Christ child that died. Did I explain that? So most of them are dead.


Yeah. Amen. Wow.


So thereupon Elohim will band together with the dead Christ, who is completely submerged under the first Adam, because if the dead Christ does not rise -- not nekros -- she is not going to be resurrected. She is going to rise.


I sort of explained that earlier in the message, that what happened with me with the Lord Jesus Christ. I was dying. He touched me, and I am no longer dying. I stopped dying and I went on the path of life with every other believer developing in Christ. That is exactly the principle here that this verse is talking about. The Christ that is dead is completely submerged under the first Adam. So if the dead Christ does not rise -- I am not talking about a resurrection, because a resurrection would mean come fully to life. We are talking about rising, rousing from sleep. Right now you are dead, but you are going to wake up from sleep and join all the other believers who just have a Christ that has awakened.


It is interesting because Jesus was called to raise a child from the dead, and what he said was, “The child was just sleeping.” Is that not interesting, what that would really mean? The child was just sleeping. Someday we will have to look into that, maybe for part 3. I do not know. Right now I want to finish. I hope that you are refreshed. I am refreshed. I think I can make it through another 15 minutes.


I have a witness for you for the word banded. Matthew 16:18-19: “And I say also unto thee, thou art Peter. And upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom, and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever shall be loosed on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” That is what Jesus was talking about. He was not talking about binding demons, and all of the other ways that we used it. He was talking about binding the Lord Jesus Christ -- well, he was telling about it. He was saying, “I am going to be glorified. I am telling you that I am going to be glorified, and whatever you bind to me, whoever you raise up the Christ in, whoever you awaken the Christ in -- if you awaken the Christ in Peter, my agent here on the earth” -- it is like Jesus saying to us, “Anybody that you can touch with my message, that Christ will rise in, I, in my glorified state, will join with them.”


I believe that, when the Lord Jesus Christ comes down for this union, I believe that he is going to touch everyone. And you need to understand, it is not because you are special because you are in this ministry. He is going to touch everyone who is spiritually prepared for the union. And if you are spiritually prepared for the union and you are not in this ministry, God bless you. My understanding today is that you need this esoteric doctrine, which is the awakened Christ child in you, and I am hoping that it is everybody here. I would think that, to listen to me, you have to have an awakened Christ. The unification that we are waiting for, it is not just with me. That is what I see in the Scripture here. Thank God. He is coming down, and he is going to join with everyone who is spiritually prepared for the union in this ministry and elsewhere, wherever that might be. That is his business.


Verse 30, King James: “And why stand we in jeopardy every hour?” The word why is Binah again, and jeopardy -- “stand we in jeopardy” is the word danger. And every hour simply means all the time.


“For this reason, we and the human spirit” -- I guess I have to change that. “We and the” -- let me just say the dead Christ. The dead Christ. We are being told that the dead Christ is the Shekinah in captivity. I definitely will try to clarify that for part 3. “For this reason, we and the Shekinah in captivity are in danger all the time.” What does that mean? It means that the carnal mind is stronger; the first Adam is stronger than Christ. Until the day that the Lord Jesus joins with Christ in us, we are vulnerable. We can get physically ill; we can get mentally ill; not mentally ill, but mentally disturbed, spiritually harassed. This is the warfare that we go through all the time. That is going to come to an end at the time of the unification of the Lord Jesus and Christ.


What the Lord just told me to tell you is that, as the hidden ministry, he is coming down to join with Christ in me. To whatever degree he joins with Christ in the other brethren, at the very least, I think what he wants me to tell you is that the unification will produce Christ Jesus, and then Christ Jesus will be the head of this ministry. Right now Christ is the head of this ministry. When the Lord Jesus joins with Christ in me, Christ Jesus will become the head of this ministry. If there is no direct union for you because the Christ in you is not mature enough, the encouragement that I have for you is that Christ Jesus, being the head of the ministry, will have that much more power to mature that Christ in you. Tou should all be encouraged. Everybody is going to get something in accordance with what you are capable of receiving. The Lord’s arm is not short to bless you. Any shortness is in our sins. That is a good word.


Verse 31, King James: “I protest by your rejoicing, which I have in Christ Jesus, our Lord, I die daily.” Well, that makes no sense at all. It actually is a deep Kabbalistic principle here, which got me really excited.


First of all, the word protest means “to attest, to swear.” An attestation is a legal office is an affidavit. The difference between an affidavit and an attestation is that an affidavit is witnessed to by someone that has the authority to be a legal witness, and an attestation is an affidavit that is not legally witnessed to. You swear; you sign it and you say, “This is my intention. This is what I mean. This is what I am saying. I attest to this fact,” and you sign your name. So Paul is actually saying to them, “I swear to you, I am telling you the truth.”


Rejoicing, that word, means boasting. It is obvious. Anyone could look it up. It means boasting; it is in the lexicon. The King James translators just did not know what to do with this, so they made it boasting. I mean, they made it rejoicing, but it means boasting. And there is a word there that is not translated that clearly means unity. You can look it up yourself. I will put the number in for you. You will have it on the next time I preach. Hidden, just not translated. And the word die is apothnesko, the death of the animal body and the nature that goes with it. So here we have apothnesko. I am translating it basically “natural death applied to our animal body and nature.”


Down at the bottom of page 16, the literal translation of the two Greek words -- there are two Greek words that are translated daily. The literal translation is “gentle day,” but the usage is either -- this is according to the lexicon. The usage is either “the time between dawn and dark” or “a 24-hour day,” in other words, a time period. However the Kabbalistic meaning of this word is as follows: The literal translations of the two Greek words translated daily, mean gentle, Strong’s 2596, and sit, Strong’s 2250. And sit is the euphemism for married. Sit means married throughout the Kabbalistic literature. In other words, the meaning of the Greek words, of the two Greek words translated daily, from a Kabbalistic perspective, is “the gentle married” or “the gentle mate.” The gentle mate.


Soncino Zohar, the top of page 17: “Oh ye unseen celestials, ye open-eyed." I will just tell you upfront. The Zohar talks about the gazelle, the beloved gazelle of the King. Humanity is a beloved animal. We are a beloved animal called the gazelle.I have told you this over the years. I found it in the Zohar years ago. “Oh, ye unseen celestials, ye open-eyed, who sweep to and fro throughout the world, look and see. Oh, ye terrestrial beings, who are so deep in slumber, wake up.”


I find it so interesting that this passage from the Zohar fits right in with what we are talking about in 1 Corinthians 15. “You who are spiritually minded, who are sweeping to and fro throughout the world, look at what I have to tell you. You who are out of the earth, earthy, you are in a deep slumber because you are buried under the earth. Wake up. It is time to wake up."


“Who among you labored to turn darkness into light?” The word daily means the time period between light and darkness. “Who among you labored to turn darkness into light and bitter into sweet before you entered here? Who among you awaited every day the light that shall break forth?” Who was it that waited every day for the light to break forth on your mind? What time the King shall visit his beloved gazelle? When the light breaks forth on your mind, that is the King visiting you, his beloved animal, at which time he will be glorified and called King by all the kings of the world.” Who are the kings of the world? I guess the kings in the natural, but really what this is talking about is those who have a spiritual king, those who have Christ Jesus in them. You will have the 10 Sefirot, and the King is Malkhut, and Malkhut is closest to your conscious mind. Everyone that has the consciousness of Christ will be calling the Lord Jesus Christ King.


Let me just read the whole thing through without comment: “Oh, ye unseen celestials, those of you that are in the spirit, open your eye -- those who are open-eyed, who sweep to and fro throughout the world” -- that is us -- “look and see.” That is the phrase that is repeated throughout the Book of Revelation. Come, come, come look and see what the Lord has to tell us now. “Oh, ye terrestrial beings, you of the earth who are so deep in slumber, wake up.” Paul says, “Everybody, wake up. You are of the day. Wake up.”


“Who among you labored to turn darkness into light? Who is it that labored to turn darkness into light and bitter into sweet before you entered in here? Who among you awaited every day for the light to shine and break forth on your mind? At which time the King shall visit his beloved gazelle, when he will be glorified and called King by all the kings of the world.”


The Old Testament equivalent of the Greek word translated rejoicing means boasting, Strong's 5850, which actually means crown, and that information came from the Strong’s lexicon, one of the two lexicons that I use. And the word crown, Strong’s 5850, is a derivative of Strong’s 5849, which means “to encircle for attack or protection.”


In the middle of page 17: “I am boasting” -- oh, sorry. The reason I have -- I have three verses 31; only one is in the alternate translation. Usually I do not read you the workups, you know, because they are not important, but these workups are very important, so that is why they are underlined. “I swear that I am telling you the truth. Your boasting is killing the unity I have with Christ Jesus, our Lord, the gentle gazelle of the Lord Jesus Christ, our King.”


So I guess I have to correct what I have just told you. We are physically not his gazelle. The gentle gazelle is actually Christ in us, because the Christ in us is a spiritual animal. Brethren, in the Book of Ezekiel, we see Ezekiel’s glorified man two times. The second time, a cherub replaces the ox, I believe, and then we see the four-sided man in the Book of Revelation and there is a calf. Where did the calf come from? A calf is that which is born. That which is born in humanity is Christ. Christ has animal aspects. He is born of the soul of our -- the soul in our bones has a spiritual reproductive ability, and that soul is the soul of the animal. So it is not a human thing. It is our soul. It is our soul that has interacted with the seed of Christ and produced an offspring. The beloved gazelle is the offspring of our soul, which is Christ. Can you understand that?


It is not us physically. It is the spiritual life that we reproduce, and once we produce that spiritual life, that is our reality. “I swear that I am telling you the truth. Your boasting is killing the unity I have with Christ Jesus, our Lord, the gentle gazelle of the Lord Jesus Christ, our King.”


I am going to try it again now. Three times I did this. “I swear that I am telling you the truth, that defending yourself against me” -- that is another way of saying you are boasting -- “I swear that I am telling you the truth, that defending yourself against me when I reveal sin in you is killing the unity that I have with Christ Jesus, our Lord, the gentle gazelle of the Lord Jesus Christ, our King.”


Final Alternate Translation, at least for now: “I swear that I am telling you the truth, that defending yourself against me when I reveal sin in you is killing the unity that I have with Christ Jesus, our Lord, the gentle gazelle of the Lord Jesus Christ, our King.”


Verse 32. This is the last verse: “If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.” The word if means “after the manner of.” That is really in the wrong place. “After the manner of” should be after the if. And the word down, you see, it is in the wrong place. It is a legitimate translation, but it is in the wrong place over there.


Man is Adam, Strong's 444. This word translated, “I have fought wild beasts at Ephesus,” really means encountered, from the meaning of the gladiators; the encounter that the Greek gladiators had when they took on the beasts to fight with the lions and the tigers in the stadiums there. Paul is saying to them, “If you think that, when I reveal sin in you, I am so rough and hard on you that I am like a gladiator in the arena fighting with a tiger, if you think that is how rough I am on you” -- that is the meaning of it. What advantage is it for me if I am giving you a hard time, and the second Adam does not rise from the dead in you? And the dead is nekros. The word rise means to wake up, and that is talking about Christ.


This is what got me all excited. For is because. Tomorrow means soon after. And then we have one more die, which we did not put in here. It must be apothnesko for me to have said this.


Alternate Translation: “If I have encountered your beast nature or your bestial nature like an Ephesian gladiator, like a Greek gladiator, what advantage has it for me if the second Adam does not stand up in you after he dies? Let Christ wake up, and let us eat the flesh of the second Adam and drink down the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, because soon after we do that, we shall die to the animal life of the first Adam.”


Oh, wow.


He is referring to the true meaning of the Communion, which I have reproduced here for you. Three verses of the Alternate Translation of 1 Corinthians 11: “Christ within Jesus said, ‘I am glad that my spiritual body will be broken into many soul sparks, which will be formed into higher souls for humanity which will reflect the mind of Christ within mankind.’ And Jesus said, ‘The New Testament is in the spiritual blood of Christ Jesus, my spiritual body, so whosoever absorbs the spirit of life, which is in the blood of Christ Jesus, will receive a soul spark that is not identical, but similar to Christ Jesus, which has my intellectual moral insight, and you will also receive an immortal, material body, made from the substance of that soul. Provided that Christ Jesus, their new soul that is similar to my immortal soul, consumes the spiritual understanding of the Scripture and absorbs the spirit of life, which is the blood of Christ Jesus, often enough so that Christ the Lord, the second Adam, appears in their physical body...'"  What is the sign of the second Adam? That you are hungry for spiritual doctrine, “‘which appearance proclaims the death of the first Adam, whom he has replaced.’”


I did want to make one comment here. This reference to similarity -- it says in verse 25  that they will receive a soul that is not identical, to but similar to Christ Jesus, and that is what Jesus was talking about when he said, “If you can receive it, this is the spirit of Elias that is in me."The spirit of Elias. It is not Elijah the Tishbite of the Old Testament, but it is a spirit that is similar to Elijah the Tishbite. Jesus is saying, “What do I have in common with Elijah the Tishbite? We have both the mind of God, and an aspect of the soul of God. But he is Elijah the Tishbite, and I am Jesus of Nazareth. But we both have the same mind and the aspect of the soul of God that was in -- the soul being personality, being nature, we both have the nature of God." Elijah and Jesus both have the nature and the mindset of God, because God has an unlimited, infinite mindset. The mindset that was operating in Elijah the Tishbite, and the spirit and the soul of God that made him what he was, was in Jesus of Nazareth, but they had a different nefesh.


Kabbalah says you can have up to four souls. I preached on this. Actually, it was such a hard message, I preached on it two or three times. I took it right out of Rabbi Luria’s book, “The Gate of Reincarnations.” You can have as many as four souls. You can have as many as four souls, which integrate. I mean, you cannot have four separate personalities. Only one soul, the nefesh, is a personality. You can have four different grades of soul in you.


Jesus and Elijah both had a different nefesh. The nefesh is the personality. That is what makes me Sheila. Jesus was not Elijah the Tishbite. He was Jesus of Nazareth. His nefesh was Jesus of Nazareth. Elijah’s nefesh was Elijah the Tishbite. Let me just say they both had, to the degree that I understand it now, a similar ruach, a similar neshamah, and they both had the spirit of life. Both Elijah and Jesus ascended to heaven, although Elijah went without dying. Jesus died and rose from the dead. They both ascended to heaven. They had the same ruach, the same neshamah, and the same chaya, spirit of life. But their nefesh was diferent. They were two different people.


This is the mystery of reincarnation. The nefesh does not reincarnate. That is why, if I die or if you die, when we reincarnate -- how am I going to say this? I am not talking about Jesus’ resurrection now. I am talking about human death and the possibility of the soul reincarnating. The nefesh does not reincarnate, the nefesh that is attached to the body. Once the body dies and there is a carcass in the ground, the nefesh does not reincarnate. But the neshamah that was in that person (and I am not sure about the ruach. This is not the time to get too deep, because we are all tired, especially me), but the neshamah at least, the spiritual intellect that was in the person, that is what reincarnates. I believe Rabbi Luria says that the ruach, which is the spirit, the neshamah, which is the intellect, and the chaya, the spirit of life, they will reincarnate. There is a whole process that I do not understand myself.


But what I want to leave you with is this, and this is the most intellectual explanation that I have ever given you of reincarnation. I told you that our spirit or our soul reincarnates, but the personality does not. This is the most intellectual explanation I have ever given you in accordance with my present-day understanding of Rabbi Luria’s teaching on reincarnation. The nefesh does not reincarnate. The other grades of soul do reincarnate. The personality does not reincarnate.


I would like to read you just those last few verses that were so profound and that I had that difficulty with. Verse 29. I would just like to read to you from verse 29. It was a very trying message, especially when I realized that verse 29 was wrong.


I will start with verse 28, on page 23: “Indeed inasmuch as the Son of God shall subordinate everyone who is in the whole first Adam, as well as subordinate himself to the Shekinah who subjected him, so that everyone who was in the whole second Adam may also be in God, then thereupon Elohim, the Lord Jesus Christ." Well, that is the wrong one. I do not want to read you the wrong one. I have to get it from over here.


“Thereupon Elohim shall band together with the dead Christ, who is completely submerged under the first Adam, because if the dead Christ does not rise, the Shekinah in captivity will remain submerged. And for this reason” -- because the people where Christ is dead for this reason -- “both we and the Shekinah in captivity are in danger all the time.” In danger of whom? In danger of the first Adam, of him destroying our potential for immortality. Brethren, every step along the way before we are fully immortal, we can be destroyed. It gets harder. The stronger we get and the closer we get to immortality, the harder it is for the first Adam to destroy us, but the bottom line is, until we are like Jesus is, we can lose it at any time.


“So for this reason, we and the Shekinah in captivity are in danger all the time. I swear that I am telling you the truth, that defending yourself against me when I reveal sin in you is killing the unity I have with Christ Jesus, our Lord, the gazelle of the Lord Jesus Christ, our King. And if you do not have that mediating gazelle, which is Christ Jesus, you have no eternal life. Wherefore if I have encountered your beast nature like an Ephesian gladiator” -- do not get mad if I come on like gangbusters, OK? “What advantage is it to me, if after that, the second Adam still does not rise from the dead in you?” Therefore stop fighting with me. Make it easy for me, so that I do not have to come on like gangbusters. “And let Christ in you wake up. “Let us eat the flesh of the second Adam and drink down the spirit, or the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, because soon after we do this, we shall die to the animal life of the first Adam.” Incredible translation.




Everything I have ever taught you along those lines, is vindicated in an actual translation in an actual chapter in the Book of Corinthians. Vindication for the doctrine of Christ for those who can appreciate an Alternate Translation. Now we have something to show people.


This word came to me this morning. Jesus said, “Blessed are you who believe.” When he appeared after the resurrection, he said, “Blessed are you who believe because you see the holes in my hands. But even more blessed are the people that believed without seeing the holes.” Blessed are you who believe this doctrine because the Christ in you witnesses to it, but also, blessed are the people that are going to need this translation to see it. But those of you that believed it before the witness, before the scriptural witness, you are really blessed.


Are there any questions?


Rose has a question. She asks, “Would you say that Paul was preaching this deep doctrine to the Corinthians? If so, why did they not bring forth the Christ child? They had a lot more time to study than we do.”


Did I believe he was preaching this deep doctrine to the Christ child? Well, that is a very interesting question, because it is really, in my opinion, a message that should be preached to -- well, maybe he was -- I do not know. I do not think he was preaching to believers in Corinth, and if they were not believers, why was he preaching this deep message to them?


The only answer that I have, off the top of my head, is what the Lord taught us recently about a message that came up with Laodicea. And it was either Colossians or Ephesians where Paul said, “Make sure the brethren at Laodicea hear this message.” And the Lord supernaturally showed me what that meant through another teacher online, that the brethren at Laodicea were the only brethren where he addressed the people individually. So where Paul was saying, “I am preaching this to you now,” either in Colossae or in Ephesus, which -- again they were not Jews. “I am preaching this message to you, but this message is really important for the end-time church. Make sure this message gets to Laodicea, even though I am preaching it here.”


So it seems that Paul, on occasion, would preach to a group that were not capable of understanding the depth of the message, but he was preaching to a group of Greeks that were receiving the exhortation that I gave you earlier. They were receiving the cloud. They were receiving the branch without a root. They were receiving what they needed to get them started. He was preaching a New Testament message to these Greeks, but buried behind the parable was a message for the end-time church or for the Jew that could understand it. I hope that I explained that, because I am dying to explain that. Do you need me to say it again, anyone?


She said, “I do remember that about the Laodiceans. Thank you. That makes sense.”


Paul does that a lot. He preaches to the Greeks on the surface level, on the parable level, or to those who are capable to understand it, those to whom the Lord reveals it, he has this incredible -- it was Christ in him that did this incredible work, preaching one set of words coming out of his mouth that could be understood on two different levels, depending on who was listening to it. And, of course, that is Jesus telling his disciples, “I just spoke to the crowd out there, but to you, I am going to give the concealed message.” That is what Paul was doing. And the reason that they did not bring forth the Christ child is that they did not understand the message. But even more important than that, Rose, when I heard you say they studied a lot. What did she say? Something about studying.


They had a lot more time to study than we do.


Because -- and why did they not bring forth the Christ child? Is that what she said?




Maybe they did not have the seed. I do not know. They were not national Israel. Did they receive the seed from Paul? The seed is in the Holy Ghost. I do not even know if they received the seed. So it is beyond -- the issue is not just studying. You have to have the seed. And if they did receive the seed, if the Holy Ghost did fall on them, we do not know. We do not know that it did not rise in them. What we do know is that it did not come to full fruition, but the only one that it came to full fruition in is Jesus.


Unless I am not understanding your question, the question is really not valid. First of all, we do not know that the Christ child did not rise. The only thing that we know is that they did not enter into eternal life. Did I not understand you, Rose? Or do you need to review that question? Do you understand what I just said to her?


She also wrote, “I understand. Thank you. I should have thought it through before asking.”


That is OK. I am glad that you asked it. I am glad that, in this mental state, I was able to answer you. It was a real exercise of our mind today. Please do not stop asking questions because you did not think something through. Do not do that. It is a good question, because I had never thought of it. Now, if anyone else asks me, I know the answer to that question.


Brethren, it has been a real honor bringing forth this translation. We have another 10 or 15 left of 1 Corinthians, Chapter 15. There are over 50 verses in Chapter 15. It really should have been three chapters, in my opinion. Anyway, it has been an incredible honor bringing forth this translation. I am very moved by it. I will just say goodnight to you except those that want to stay and want to give your comments. That would be nice if you would like to do that. If not, Lord willing, I will see you on Thursday. If I do not see you on Thursday, I will see you hopefully in South Carolina in January. I hope you can all come. God bless you all.


11/20/17 Transcribed by Verbal Fusion


12/08/17 1st Edit, rh


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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