305 - Part 7

Part 7 of 11 Parts

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation
By The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


This is the recap, Zephaniah 3:9-11, amplified and interspersed: "Because, at the time that I will overthrow and purify the fallen deal soul of the tribes of the Israel of God and bring them into submission to the single mind of Christ so that all of humanity may be in Jehovah's image, Christ, my bloodless offering, shall appear in the generation whose righteous spiritual power is strong enough to overcome Ham's witchcraft. And, in that day, I will cause that ancient, arrogant and insolent serpent, the devil, to depart from within your mind and make you a most holy nation again. And the whole fallen dead soul shall be disgraced, because it shall be revealed that they turned away from God to act out Satan's lusts."


Scriptural witness to the "holy nation" phrase. We read about that in 1 Peter 2:9: "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation" -- we were singing about that this morning -- "a peculiar people, that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."


Revelation 12:9: "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world" -- actually, the correct way to read that is "that old serpent called the devil and Satan." The serpent has two names, you see. The serpent is the mind of man. He is the unconscious mind and the conscious mind. So the serpent is the whole mind of man; Satan, the unconscious mind; the carnal mind, the conscious mind.


"Which deceiveth the whole world, he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent which is the devil and Satan, and bound him a thousand years."


Back in part 6, I did not comment on the phrase "daughter of my dispersed." I believe that is in verse 10: "From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia, my suppliants, even the daughter of my dispersed, shall bring mine offering." I commented on who the dispersed were, and that is incorporated in our Alternate Translation, but I did not comment on the phrase "the daughter of the dispersed." So I would like to comment on it now.


And if you have read ahead, you might notice that in today's message. Offhand, I do not recall which verse is -- oh, here it is. In verse 14, we read about daughter of Jerusalem, and I think there is a daughter of Zion. Yes, both in verse 14: daughter of Zion and daughter of Jerusalem. So we will start off by defining "daughter of the dispersed" for you, and I will have additional comments on daughter of Zion and daughter of Jerusalem when we get to verse 14.


The word daughter refers to a human or animal offspring. That is according to Gesenius, the writer of our Hebrew lexicon. And therefore, the word daughter is referring, I suggest to you, to the mind born of the soul, because the soul is man. When we talk about human offering -- when we talk about human offspring, we are talking about soulishness. OK. Animals are a soul also. Man is a spirit living in an animal body. So we see the phrase daughter or the word daughter is referring to the offspring on the soul realm, whether it be animal or whether it be human being living in an animal body.


And the offspring of man is a mind. The offspring of the soul is the mind in that man. The way God set it up is that the mind is supposed to be the offspring of the union between the Spirit of God and the spirit of man, in which instance the mind is Spirit. Unfortunately, we had a tragedy with this soul that God made, and the soul committed incest within herself, and a part of the soul rose up and took on a male role and impregnated herself, and therefore the mind which was born of the flesh, the mind which was both fathered and mothered by the flesh, is now flesh, flesh or soul. So the mind, which is in the dead or the fallen creation, is acting like spirit and performing like spirit, but it is an inferior spirit. The mind, which is in the dead soul, is flesh. It does have some lesser degree of spirit in that Satan, the intelligence in the earth which the soul was made out of, has joined with the human spirit. So we see that the measure of spirit in the carnal mind is less than half in that the spirit of the father is -- provides more than 50 percent of the spirit. I do not know what the exact percentage is, but the male seed of the father carries more power than the female seed of the mother. I think that should be obvious to us.


So the fullest degree of spirit that we have existing in this fallen dead soul is the human spirit, which is less than 50 percent of what our spirit power should be. Did you ever wonder why such a small part of the brain is used? Because the brain is supposed to be subjected to a spirit powerful enough to utilize the whole brain, but the mind of fallen man is so inferior because the only measure of spirit is -- that which was given to the female seed is that she can only utilize less than 50 percent of the brain. And if we could get a hold of a scientist to tell us what percentage of the brain is used by man, we would probably know what percentage of spirit the human spirit contributes to the formation of the mind, if you can hear it. Does anybody know what percentage of the mind we -- of the brain we use? What is it?


Five or 10 percent.


Ten percent.




Well, that sounds about right. So the father provides 90 to 95 percent of the spiritual power, and that is why we are sick and dying, brethren. That is why we are sick and dying. We are only operating at 5 to 10 percent of our spiritual -- not of our spiritual capacity but of what the author of this creation has determined is the measure of power that we need to function. We are operating at 5 to 10 percent of the projected necessary power to make this machine function properly, and you wonder why we are all messed up here. Jesus.


The word daughter refers to animal or human offspring and therefore is referring to the mind born of the soul. In this instance, the phrase means human spirit. The human s- -- well, what phrase? The phrase "daughter of my dispersed" means the human spirit remains of the carnal mind, which was broken in pieces. That is the human spirit which survives the destruction of the carnal mind and is now being renewed through her union with the father and her conception of Christ Jesus.


Let me say it again in my own words. Who is the dispersed? The dispersed -- that word, in the Hebrew, means to be broken in pieces. The one who was broken in pieces is the carnal mind. The daughter of the carnal mind, OK, is that which is female, that which is surviving of the carnal mind, which has been broken up. 


Let me say it again. I did not say that exactly right. My fault. The dispersed is the carnal mind, which has been broken up. The daughter of the carnal mind, or -- I am sorry. Boy, I am really messing up tonight. Let me try it again. That which has been broken up is the whole soul, actually. OK. Soul is separated from spirit, joints from marrow. It is the whole soul that is being turned upside down. So the dispersed is the soul, and the daughter of the dispersed is that which is born of the soul, and that which is born of the soul is the mind.


So we are talking about the human spirit. We are talking about the mind, which is born of the soul. And in this instance, the soul -- the daughter of my dispersed is that which is broken in pieces. So the daughter of my dispersed is that which remains of the mind after the whole soul is wrecked by God, and that which remains after the tribulation has burnt everything it could burn and shaken everything that it could shake is the human spirit. She stands alone. We will see in a further verse -- I do not know if we will get to it tonight or not -- that she stands alone in a weak, afflicted position because the human spirit by herself is completely powerless. She is only 10 percent -- 5 to 10 percent, we just discovered -- of a potential 100 percent unit of power, and she is really nothing without a male being joined to her. So in that brief moment that she is stripped from Satan, her husband, and the carnal mind, her offspring, she stands naked and alone until such time as the Holy Spirit joins with her and Christ Jesus is formed in her unto a position of power. It is called a wilderness experience. I mentioned it in a different context in the message this morning. When you are between that which you have given up and that which God is bringing you into, you are in a wilderness position, and it is a position of weakness.


Continuing with Zephaniah 3:12: "I will also leave in the midst of thee an afflicted and poor people, and they shall trust in the name of the Lord." I will also leave in the midst of thee an afflicted and poor people, and they shall trust in the name of the Lord.


"I will leave," Strong's 7604: to leave over, to remain. It means a survivor. "In the midst of": We have had this word several times in our studies in Zephaniah, "in the midst of," Strong's 7130, and it means especially in the midst of the mind. And what is in the midst of the mind? In the very center of the mind is the human spirit. It is the human spirit.


Afflicted, Strong's 1800: It means powerless and feeble. The first entry for this word in Gesenius is "something that is hanging and swinging." Now, the translation in Gesenius is afflicted, but the first entry of potential translations in Gesenius is "something that is hanging or swinging, such as the leaf of a door as being hung up and swinging both ways." I suggest to you then that the spiritual meaning of this word is the human spirit. She swings both ways.


We even have an expression like that in the world here. Someone goes both ways. We use that to refer to bisexual people. Brethren, the human spirit, she is bisexual. She goes both ways. She joined with Satan, who is a spiritual lesbian, and she also was joining with the Spirit of the Father in the form of the Lord Jesus Christ. She is a swinging door. She is the girl who cannot say no. She joins -- she is the harlot of revelation. She joins with any man who comes her way. She is fair game. That is why Adam was directed to protect her. Adam was protected to keep the garden, the garden being the soul that God breathed the breath of life into, and the human spirit is a part of that soul. It was Adam that failed to protect her. The human spirit is not capable of protecting herself, and God equipped Adam to protect her when he gave Adam the mind of Christ.


So we see that the first entry for this word in Gesenius is "something hanging or swinging, hence the leaf of a door as being hung up and swinging both ways." I suggest to you the spiritual meaning of this word is the human spirit, which is powerless and feeble when standing alone and also swings both ways, either good or evil, and she is Adam's door into the spirit world.


Second witness. First witness is that she swings both ways, and the second witness is that the human spirit is Adam, the soul's door into the spirit world. It takes a spiritual corridor to enter into the spirit world, brethren. You have to have a connection with spirit. That is what Christ is all about. That is what Christ Jesus is all about. The human spirit alone is not strong enough to connect us to the spiritual realm of God. It is only the human spirit joined to her offspring, or the human spirit raised from the dead in the form of Christ Jesus, who was the product of the Lord Jesus Christ and the human spirit, that is a door which can actually give us entrance into the spiritual realm of God.


John 10:7, Jesus speaking: "Then said Jesus unto them again, 'Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep.'" Jesus is the door. When he comes and joins with our human spirit and forms Christ Jesus in us, then the door is inside of us. You see? The door is not an external door. For us to enter into the spiritual realm of God, although it does not tell us in John 10:7 what Jesus is speaking about -- he just says he is the door that the sheep go through -- have you ever asked yourself, the door to what? It is the door to the spiritual realm of God, also known as the Garden of Eden. He is the door to the Garden of Eden.


So the door to the Garden of Eden, for us to get in, must be imparted to us. You see, our physical body is not going through a physical door. It is a spiritual door, and if the door is in me, it is not -- there is no provision for you to get through the door that is in me. The only thing that you could hope for is that the door will be erected in you. The door must be opened in you. And the way that door is opened is that the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, joins to your human spirit and, Lord willing, Christ Jesus is formed in you, and he is your personal doorway into the spiritual realm of God.


That is why you need a savior, and that is why, even though the Lord Jesus Christ died for the whole world, it is not doing you any good unless he builds a door in you into heaven, unless he makes a place for you inside of your very spiritual being for you to enter into. So you see that you cannot enter into heaven by good works or by doing the best that you can or by being a good person. Neither is God punishing you if you do not do it his way. If you do not do it the Lord Jesus Christ's way, you have punished yourself. You have locked yourself out of heaven, not because God is vindictive but because God is stable and he is mature and he is righteous and he is honorable and he has made a provision for you. And he has said, "This is the way I am doing it. If you do not like the way I am doing it, you have to change; I am not changing. You conform to me; I am not conforming to you. You can come in or you cannot come in, but this is the way it is. It is my way; it is not your way. You change; I do not change. You yield; I do not yield. You come into my image; I do not come into your image." So, if you miss it, you miss it. That does not mean the Lord has not provided for you and it does not mean that he does not love you. It means that your sin has stolen his provision from you. That is what it means.


I have some witnesses for you. Well, first, let me give you -- I did not finish here. OK. We are dealing with verse 12: "I will also leave in the midst of thee an afflicted and poor people, and they shall trust in the name of the Lord." Poor is Strong's 6041. It means afflicted, wretched or meek, with the idea of piety. So once again we see that the human spirit is wretched, afflicted, poor and weak. She is without her husband. Nevertheless, that piety or that righteousness is there because she is made out of the same substance of God. He is Spirit and she is spirit. So she, in her pristine state, is holy. But she, in this hour, is polluted, because she is joined to the moral corruption which is in the earth. But because, in her pure state -- pristine means pure -- in her pure state, in her state of separation from the spiritual filth in the earth -- she, in and of her herself, her basic nature, is pure, and therefore she is capable of being cleansed. You see, Satan's basic nature is not pure. Satan's basic nature is evil. That is why he can never become good. And he has a place in the creation because there is strength in that evil, and there is a place for him in the structure of the creation, but he must be under the complete control of Christ because, from his very nature, he is evil.


It is like atomic power, brethren. At its nature is the power for great destruction. But if it is completely controlled, it can be used for good. The human spirit is redeemable, and she is purifiable because her basic nature is holiness. She is just weak. And we at our root are spirit, brethren, and that is why we are redeemable, because our true nature is spirit. But we are filthy right now because we are weak, spiritually weak. The Lord has determined to restore us, but he will not take us back with our filth. We must be cleansed. And the dirtier we are, the harsher he must rub us and scrub us, but it is the love of God who rubs us and scrubs us. Thank you, Jesus.


"I will also leave in the midst of thee an afflicted and poor people." The word people, we have been dealing with that quite a bit. In the book of Zephaniah, it is referring to a single tribe, a people of the same nation. The population of America would not fall into that category. We are a nation of many different tribes. We are a mixed breed here in the United States. This Hebrew word translated people is referring to a single tribe such as the British or the French or the Italian. It is referring to a single tribe of people, a single race.


"They shall trust in the name of the Lord." Trust, Strong's 2620: It means to take refuge. To trust in someone is to take refuge. If you trust someone, that means they must have the power to do good unto you. You do not trust someone that does not have power over you. You only trust someone who has power over you.


The name, as I have told you many times before, is -- refers to nature. Name refers to nature, and we are speaking here about the nature of Jehovah. The Hebrew letter base appears before this Hebrew word translated name in this instance, and, for the purposes of this Scripture, we are translating this single-letter prefix "in the presence of." This is a legitimate translation of this single letter being used as a prefix. It appears in the Gesenius lexicon: "in the presence of." In the presence of the name or in the presence of the nature of Jehovah, they shall take refuge in the presence of Jehovah.


Brethren, to take refuge in Jehovah, he must be in the midst of you. When Jehovah is in the midst of you, your spirit can hide in him. The principle here is that our human spirit presently is trapped in a union with Satan and the carnal mind. And from the moment that Christ Jesus begins to be formed in us, he is an alternate city. You see, the carnal mind is a city within us, a spiritual city. And when Christ Jesus begins to be formed in us, he is another city that our human spirit can begin to run to. And that is how you take refuge in the Lord. Now, the Lord might help you with your problems. When you reconcile, he may talk to you; he may guide you. But the spiritual expression "to take refuge" is speaking about your human spirit actually entering into the city of God and hiding herself, not from the wicked men of this world outside of you but from your own carnal mind who is inflicting you and enslaving you and binding you to the death of this world system. So we see that the spiritual meaning of this expression is much more serious than it sounds on the surface. To take refuge in Jehovah -- well, I will pray and he will save me from my enemy at work. It is much deeper than that. He will save you from the enemy within you that is killing you day by day.


Alternate Translation, Zephaniah 3:12: "And there shall remain, in the midst of the people's mind, a righteous but afflicted survivor, and they shall take refuge in the presence of Jehovah."


Amplified Translation: "And your righteous but afflicted human spirit shall remain, and she shall join with the Holy Spirit."


Now I would like to read that to you with a phrase from the previous verse, just so that you can really understand what is going on there. This is Zephaniah 3:12: "And after I cause Satan and the devil to depart from your mind" -- that happens in verse 11 -- "your righteous but afflicted human spirit shall remain" -- after Satan and the devil are gone, your righteous but afflicted human spirit shall remain -- "and she shall join with the Holy Spirit."


When I first put this Amplified Translation together, I amplified it further by saying, "And she shall join with the Holy Spirit and form Christ Jesus." But then, when we did verse 13, I found out that the formation of Christ Jesus is appearing in verse 13, so I have left it off of the Amplified Translation of verse 12. And you will see, when we run the verses together, that the Lord has not forgotten any part of his own revelation. He has got the whole thing there.


But what excites me -- and I have told you this before. What excites me is that what I perceive to be the natural continuation of an idea as we translate one verse -- when I find that perception in the next verse, it is just a very strong witness to me that the revelation in my heart is truly of Christ. Does anyone not know what I am talking about? That is very exciting to me personally as a teacher to find that happening.


And we had one day here; we were here on a Tuesday when we were doing one of the chapters of the Book of Romans. As I preached, I got to a certain verse, and I preached for about 10 or 15 minutes beyond that verse just what was coming out of my spirit. And then, when I got back to the book, I saw that the next couple of verses was everything that I had just preached. So the logical sequence came out of my spirit before I ever read it in the book. And that is a great blessing to me, because it tells me that it is Christ in me that is preaching, and that the same spirit is on me, at least in that meeting, that was on Paul. And it is just very exciting for me, and it should be exciting for you that you have the opportunity to sit under a ministry where God is doing this incredible thing because, if it truly is Christ in me to this degree that I am preaching without even knowing what I am doing, exactly, almost exactly as Paul wrote the Scriptures, that means there is a lot of Christ here, and there is power here, and there is good things for you here, and it is very exciting.


But on the other hand, do not expect the power of God to be present without having your sins exposed, and do not expect your sins to be exposed without pain, brethren, because it is just not going to happen. It is not going to be without pain. It is just not. So we are told that, in your mouth, the word is as sweet as honey, but in your belly, it is bitter. And I was working on revising the Alternate Translation for the Old Testament today. I was going over some of the verses from Genesis where I read that, where I read about the place that the Son of God is birthed into the soul realm with much pain. Thank you, Jesus.


1 Thessalonians 4:15 says: "For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep." So we see this concept of a remains after the tribulation in the New Testament.


"For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain" -- now the church world will tell you that those who are alive and remain are a group of people, but I have been preaching here for years that this is not true, that that which remains and is now alive because she is joined to Christ after the tribulation is your human spirit. So it is not a group of people who remain after the Lord does terrible things to this world, but it is that seed, that tenth, that part of your whole being that remains after you come out of the lake of fire. Praise God. You shall be as pure gold, brethren, and you shall never be the same, and forever you shall be with the Lord.


1 Thessalonians 4:17: "Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord."


1 Timothy 2:15: "Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing." That is the Christ child. Your salvation is in bearing the Christ child. The only way you can bear the Christ child is if you join with the Holy Spirit. The Word is not about to engraft to you completely unless you go through the tribulation and burn yourself away from the -- well, Christ is going to burn you free from Satan and the carnal mind. Your salvation is in the birth of the Christ child. You are born again, brethren, when Christ Jesus is fully born in you.


You are not born again when you say, "Hallelujah, Jesus is my savior." When you say, "Hallelujah, Jesus is my savior," first of all, you have to find out if he is in agreement, because everybody who says that is not even reconciled unto God. Reconciliation involves two people, you and the Lord, and the decision is not primarily yours. He can receive you or reject you, no matter how many times you say you receive him. And it is a matter of statistics that more than 50 percent of people who answer a Pentecostal altar call, one year later or two years later, are not serving the Lord. Does anybody here not know that? That is a matter of statistics. Why? Jesus has not received them, brethren. They received Jesus, but he did not receive them. So not only are you not born again when you answer a Pentecostal altar call, you may not even be reconciled unto God.


"Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety."


Proverbs 11:21: "Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished, but the seed of the righteous" -- that is the human spirit, the seed of the righteous one, the seed of Christ -- "shall be delivered." The seed of Christ. Brethren, Christ Jesus is the full-grown man. The seed of Christ is the human seed, the human spirit that is in you, the potential to become the man Christ Jesus. She is the one that is going to be delivered.


Psalms 22:30: "A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation." A many-membered seed shall serve him, and a many-membered human spirit shall be counted to the Lord for a generation, and the name of that generation is Christ. When that seed is crucified, I exhort you all to get the message that was made in Nigeria on Zachariah 11. It is a very important revelation that the Lord is bringing forth here that the crucifixion of Christ -- I had not preached it exactly correctly. I think I went over it once in a meeting here. I do not know what message it was on. It was probably in Zephaniah somewhere. Does anybody remember where I preached that and gave a whole exhortation on the crucifixion of Christ? The crucifixion of Christ is the strengthening of the human spirit. God calls her Christ, even in her dead condition, and this is a great mystery. This is the difference between Christ and Christ Jesus. Christ is your human spirit. He is dead. When he is raised from the dead, he is raised from the dead because the Lord Jesus Christ crucifies him, pierces him through, joins himself to him and forms Christ Jesus out of the two seeds, out of the female seed, human spirit --




Out of the two seeds. Out of the female seed, human spirit Christ, and out of the male seed, the Lord Jesus Christ, there is formed the mature Christ Jesus.


So when you hear about the New Age people talking about Christ, they are talking about the dead, weak human spirit. We are talking about Christ Jesus, the one who will save us in childbearing. It is a very important revelation. The Lord has brought forth at least three, if I am not mistaken. Three very important revelations have come forth in this ministry over the last couple of months: the truth about Christ crucified, the truth about the kingdom of heaven, how we become undefeatable in Christ Jesus in that the carnal mind must be paralyzed, that, as long as she is moving around and has activity, there is the danger of her killing Christ Jesus in us because she is technically stronger than Christ Jesus. Without the Lord Jesus Christ backing us up, the one who has already overcome the world, the carnal mind is stronger than Christ Jesus. So it is the Lord Jesus Christ, who has already overcome, plus Christ Jesus in us, who is going to paralyze and eventually kill the carnal mind, and the only way that can be done is through confession of sin and repentance. So all the kingdom people that think they are ascending automatically are in great danger of having Christ in them killed. So -- and there are one or two other revelations that I am not going to stop to try and remember in this hour, but there is some important stuff coming forth here right now. Jesus.


Does somebody have a pen for me, please? Thanks.


Continuing with Zephaniah 3:12. I guess this should be 3:13. 3:13: "The remnant of Israel shall not do inequity nor speak lies; neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth, for they shall feed and lie down, and none shall make them afraid." For the remnant of Israel shall not do inequity nor speak lies; neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth, for they shall feed and lie down, and none shall make them afraid.


According to the revelation that the Lord is giving me, the Hebrew text should read, "The remnant of Israel shall not speak inequity nor do lies." Now let me show it to you again. This is very subtle. In the King James, it says, "The kingdom of Israel shall not do inequity nor speak lies," but, when you see the revelation that is coming down here, you will see that it is backwards, and it should be, "They shall not do inequity nor speak lies." I am sorry. In the King James, it says "do inequity or speak lies," and it should be "shall not speak inequity or do lies."


Now, I cannot prove this to you, but I believe that what happened here is that, somewhere along the line, the two Hebrew verbs translated do and speak were interchanged by someone working on the Hebrew text to appear as they do in the King James, because to say "to speak inequity and to do lies" does not make any sense in English. It makes sense to say "to do inequity and to speak lies." So I suggest to you that, somewhere along the line, some translator decided there was a mistake and reversed it, because, as I bring forth the revelation, you will see that that which makes sense in the English does not make sense revelationally. So let me try and show this to you.


The word remnant is Strong's 7611. It means "remaining part, survivor after a slaughter." This word is speaking about the human spirit surviving the tribulation. Israel, Strong's 3478, means "contender, soldier of God." Well, that is what Israel means, but we are going to translate it Israel here. And here we have the word "not": "Israel shall not do inequity." Once again, we are translating this word "not" Satan. And the word speak is Strong's 1696: "to set in a row, to subdue."


This verse, verse 13 of Zephaniah 3, is witnessing to Genesis 2:16-17. It is the same message. Following are the King James translation and our Alternate Translation of those verses.


King James, verses 16-17: "And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, 'Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat.'" Verse 17: "'But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it, for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.'"


This is our Alternate Translation now, Genesis 2:16-17: "And the Lord God formed the mind of Christ in Adam, and Christ dominated the whole man" -- the whole soul of man -- "and Adam appeared on the positive or the west side of Eden, and God imparted the knowledge into Adam's very being that is it lawful for him to join with the Spirit of God, which is the positive charge of the creation, but unlawful for him to join with Satan, the negative charge of the creation. And Christ was strong enough to subjugate or keep Satan, the moral pestilence, out of the garden, but Christ could not distinguish between good, the Spirit of Christ, and evil, Satan. And therefore Satan broke forth into the garden and materialized her carnal mind on the negative east side of Eden."


We are dealing with verse 13: "The remnant of Israel shall not do inequity nor speak lies." The Hebrew word translated inequity is Strong's 5766, and it means "the wicked one." Shall not do inequity -- I thought I moved this around. Shall not -- it should be "shall not speak inequity nor do lies." What did I do here?


The word do is Strong's 6213. It means to produce by labor. Now, out of all the translations available here for this word do, Gesenius says that this word is -- in the Hebrew language is used as a euphemism for sexual intercourse. What is a euphemism? It is a nice of saying something that is sometimes socially unacceptable. This word, do, is sometimes used to describe sexual intercourse. That is an idiom in the English language also. It is not a very pleasant one, and it is not something that you usually say in polite society, but you may hear a man say, "I did that woman," and that is what it means. He has been to bed with her. It is not something you say about your wife. It is something you say about someone that you just had a casual encounter with, and we are going to translate it that way for the purposes of this text.


The word lies is Strong's 3577, and a -- spiritually speaking, a lie is anything that deceives by false hope, and it is used to describe idols. An idol is a lie. It gives you a false hope. It tells you that it has power to help you; it has power to bless you; it has power to meet your needs. But an idol is a lie. It has no power to do anything for you.


So I am wondering if I messed this up here. It was supposed to be saying, "The remnant of Israel shall not speak inequity or do lies." What did I do with my pen? I lost my pen. I found the pen, and now I lost it. Does anybody know what I did with the pen? I just had it here. He finds all kinds of things in this couch. Thanks. OK, so we are talking about speaking inequity or doing lies. So apparently we are putting the doing lies first.


Alternate Translation, the first third of Zephaniah 3:13: "And the survivor of the slaughter of Israel" -- that is the remnant of Israel, the survivor of the tribulation, brethren -- "she shall subdue Satan." That is the wicked one. Inequity is the wicked one. And I guess I really -- I remember I was working on this late last night, and I did mess it up because -- oh, I did tell you what subdue meant. The word speak, Strong's 1696, means to subdue, so I got that right. OK. "The remnant of Israel shall not speak inequity." Inequity is the wicked one. Speak is to subdue. The word "not" is Satan. The daughter of Israel shall subdue Satan, the wicked one. The daughter of Israel, the remnant, the human spirit, shall subdue that wicked one, Satan.


And the next phrase is -- neither is another negative. Neither -- and I am sorry. Please forgive me tonight. "The remnant of Israel shall not speak inequity nor do lies." The word do means to produce by labor, and lies is the carnal mind. So she shall not produce by labor the carnal mind. The human spirit shall no longer form the carnal mind. And how does she form the carnal mind? Through union with Satan. So she is going to subdue the wicked one. Who? The survivor of the tribulation, the human spirit. She is going to subdue the wicked one. She is going to bring her under authority, and she will no longer form the carnal mind.


First third of Zephaniah 3:13: "The survivor of the slaughter of Israel shall subdue Satan, the wicked one, and shall not commit adultery with the carnal mind."


Amplified Translation, the first third of Zephaniah 3:13: "And the human spirit shall birth Christ and not commit adultery with the carnal mind anymore, and Christ shall subdue Satan, the wicked one." Actually, that should be Christ Jesus. Listen. The human spirit, she is going to birth Christ while she is still joined to the carnal mind. She is a harlot. She has two men at once, a child from each man. She is going to be joined to two men at the same time. And when Christ is born in her, when Christ Jesus is born in her, he is going to rise up and subdue Satan and kill the carnal mind.


"The survivor of the" -- OK. "And the human spirit shall birth Christ Jesus and not commit adultery with the carnal mind anymore, and Christ Jesus shall subdue Satan, that wicked one." And you wonder why Satan is trying to kill you with such a fervency. He is fighting for his very life.


Once again, this is the Amplified Translation, the first third of Zephaniah 3:13: "And the human spirit shall birth Christ Jesus and not commit adultery with the carnal mind anymore, and Christ Jesus shall subdue Satan, that wicked one."


Continuing with the second third of Zephaniah 3:13: "Neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth." Neither: It is the same Hebrew word translated not. It is that negative, 3808. We are translating it Satan this time. Deceitful: It is a feminine word. It is Strong's 8649. It means fraud and deceit, and I suggest to you it is speaking about the carnal mind. The fact that it is feminine, right up front, we know it is not Christ. OK.


And I hear somebody saying, "Well, how could deceit or fraud be Christ?" Brethren, in the New Testament, we hear Jesus refer to himself as a thief under certain circumstances. You must be very careful not to rule out that any word could be Christ on its surface appearance. You have to read the context of the whole verse, of the whole idea, possibly more than one verse. But the fact that the word is feminine is a clear indication, without reading the whole verse, that it is not Christ but the carnal mind.


We are speaking about the word translated deceitful in the King James translation. Webster says -- well, one of the translations in Gesenius is fraud and deceit. Webster says that fraud means an imposter, and this Scripture is speaking about the carnal mind who is appearing instead of anti-Christ. The imposter, brethren, is anti-Christ. Anti-Christ, not -- Anti-Christ means instead of Christ, in place of Christ. It does not mean against Christ; it means in place of Christ.


So the carnal mind is anti-Christ. She is the imposter. She does not go around telling you that she is anti-Christ. She goes around telling you that she is Christ. And you want to know something? That it is not even a complete lie when the carnal mind tells you that she is Christ. Can anybody figure out why? Because at the center, in the midst of the carnal mind, is Christ, the human spirit. You see? She is Christ. She is not Christ Jesus, the mature male offspring, the warrior, but the carnal mind is Christ. She has got the human spirit right in the midst of her, who is only 5 to 10 percent of God's potential, who is weak, afflicted and beggarly, and who is dead.


So we see here the operation of a form of subtlety that is commonly found in men. I believe that it is worse than an outright lie to tell a truth in a perverted way. You see, an outright lie, most or many people will catch. But to speak a half-truth or a truth that is slanted, it is malignant pride, brethren, and God hates it. It is a dishonesty. It is dishonesty.


We have a witness to that, 2 Thessalonians 2:4: "Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped, so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God." That is what anti-Christ does; that is what the carnal mind does. And, as we found out here tonight, he not only can sit in the temple of the mind that he is born into but that someone with a strong mind can actually astral project into someone else's mind and sit in that temple of God and call himself God and think through that person and act through that person.


And that is mind-boggling. But I am telling you, brethren, as we enter into the last days, we are going to find minds mature enough to utterly possess us. Right now, we have seen little previews of it, thinking that it is only a rare thing that can happen to some weak person, those women that Charles Manson rounded up. Well, they must have been damaged women. Something was wrong with them, weak. Their fathers did not love them. They would run away from home. They had weak minds, so it happened to them. Brethren, I do not have a weak mind. I have a strong mind, and I have found that there are minds stronger than me that can possess me. I do not like it. I am in a mad scramble to do everything that I can do so that the Lord stands up in me because, when this earth starts to be covered with minds that are that strong in mind control, I would like my mind in Christ to be in full stature, because I have no intention, as long as I have anything to say about it at all, to be enslaved by someone else's mind. This is hideous, but it is the preview of the future. It is the preview of the future. It is coming.


Please follow my example. When in doubt, just cry out to the Lord Jesus to bring forth the spirit of truth in you. It is Christ Jesus in you that has overcome, Christ Jesus who is not yet perfected but the Lord Jesus Christ who has the preeminence, who is already perfected. He will deliver you from the strongest mind which is possessing you. But if you have pride, if you think that, because Christ is being formed in you, this cannot happen in you, then you will not cry out. And if you do not cry out, brethren, you shall be possessed. Hear the word of the Lord.


1 John 2:18: "Little children, it is the last time; and as ye have heard that anti-Christ shall come, even now there are many anti-Christs, whereby we know that it is the last time." There are many carnal minds, brethren. The carnal mind is the anti-Christ, the imposter, the fraudulent one, the one who says that she is Christ, and it is not a complete lie. It is partly the truth. In fact, she is Christ, but you do not understand that there is a difference between Christ and Christ Jesus. Oh, what subtlety. What subtlety.


"Neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth." Tongue, Strong's 3956: It means of men or animals. Gesenius says that this word is derived from a root which does not appear in the Hebrew Bible, and this root means to throw oneself down. Now is that not way out? A word that is translated tongue: It is derived from a root, which root is not used in the Hebrew Bible. So that puts us at a disadvantage. It means we cannot check the Scripture for usage. So we have to go by the spirit. And you are perfectly free to disagree with me on this if you like, but when I read that this root from which the word tongue is derived means to throw oneself down, I am inclined to use this translation because it lines up with the revelation the Lord has been giving me about us flipping the carnal mind on her back and pinning her shoulders to the mat.


I have been preaching about that a lot, that it is not enough to have the kingdom of God within you. It is not enough to have Christ Jesus standing up in you. When he is strong enough, he has to flip your carnal mind on her back and jump on top of her and paralyze her because, if he does not do that, if he lets her exist freely, even though Christ Jesus is in full stature, the day will come that she will come up behind him and knife him in the back. As soon as Christ Jesus is strong enough, he must flip over the carnal mind and paralyze her. So this word fits right into what the Lord has been giving me to preach, and therefore I am inclined to take that translation. So let us see how it fits in, brethren.


"Neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth." To be found, to acquire. Strong's 4672, to acquire. What is being acquired, brethren? The soul is the possession. The soul is the purchased possession. OK. The Son of God is acquiring land. He is acquiring a kingdom. He is acquiring this soul that God has formed.


Ephesians 1:14 tells us: "Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession unto the praise of his glory." The soul is the purchased possession. And I do recall, when we did the message on Lazarus and the rich man, that the word tongue -- you may recall, in that parable, the -- I believe it is -- the rich man is saying, "Lazarus, come and dip your finger in the water and put it on my tongue." At the moment, I cannot recall what the tongue meant, but I know that that whole encounter has a spiritual significance to it. So my whole point in telling you that is that, in the Greek, we see the word tongue used for spiritual significance. And I am suggesting to you that, here in the Hebrew, the word tongue has a spiritual significance, although, as I said, I did not stop to look up that meaning in the Greek. Maybe I will do it for the next message. Glory to God.


The tongue of men or animals is from a root which means "to throw oneself down." The word to be found means to acquire. The word mouth -- we are in the second phrase of Zephaniah 3:13, brethren: "Neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth." Strong's 6310, it means or it can be translated "the edge of a garment." Now, we had this in a recent message of prior Scriptures in this very same chapter, I believe. The edge of a garment. I refer to you -- I suggest to you that that is speaking about the soul. We said that the garment of the spirit is the mind. OK. The spirit rests in the mind, and the mind is that which is woven together. It is spirit and soul woven together. The mind is the offspring of the spiritual seed of the father, which is male, and the spiritual seed of the woman, which is soul. And the edge of the garment or the outer garment is the soul. The undergarment is the mind, and the edge of the garment or the outer garment is the soul.


Alternate Translation, second third of Zephaniah 3:13: "And Satan and the carnal mind shall be cast down, and the soul shall be acquired." And Satan and the carnal mind shall be cast down, and the soul shall be acquired. That is a translation for "Neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth." And Satan and the carnal mind shall be cast down, and the soul shall be acquired.


Well, if you stop to think about it, it is really not that far away. A deceitful tongue will not be found in their mouth. Well, a tongue only speaks what is in the heart. So we are saying Satan and the carnal mind shall be cast down. And when Satan and the carnal mind is cast down, the tongue will not be deceitful. You see, the thing is, when you tell people the tongue will not be deceitful, they really cannot relate to it. When you tell people Satan and the carnal mind will be cast down, that is really powerful, brethren. So we are really getting to the meat of the word. It is all how you express it. When you really understand what the word is saying, it is powerful, completely powerful.


Amplified Translation, the second third of Zephaniah 3:13: "And Satan and the carnal mind shall be cast down, and Christ shall marry the soul that Jehovah made." And Satan and the carnal mind shall be cast down, and Christ shall marry the soul that Jehovah made. The acquisition of the soul or the purchase of the soul is in the marriage. When Christ Jesus joins to the soul, that is Christ marrying the soul, and it is the purchase of the possession or the acquisition of the soul. And this marriage, this purchasing, is the joining of Christ to the soul. And what must happen before Christ is joined to the soul? What must happen? Does anybody remember? What must happen before Christ can sit down and be king and married to and joined to the soul?




Well, no. It is a good guess, but no. Anybody else dare to try? Thank you for your bravery. What?




What is that? Yeah. No. What must be happening, brethren, is that your carnal mind must be beheaded. You see? Well, your soul has to be beheaded. The carnal mind has to be cut off of your soul, because right now your carnal mind is attached to your soul, and your soul is a throne, and your carnal mind is sitting on the throne of your soul, so she must be surgically removed. She is being guillotined, you see? And when she is surgically removed, Christ will sit down on that throne and marry her and be joined to her.


And in this hour, even though Christ Jesus is being formed in you -- I know that you are wonderful, that you are prophesying, you have all kinds of knowledge and you are very gifted, but Christ Jesus is not joined to your soul. If he was, you would not be aging, sick or dying. And the reason that you are aging, you are sick and you are dying, is not because the promise is for after death of this body. It is because your carnal mind is in possession of the purchased possession, and her state of being is death, and therefore you are dead. And because your spirit is dead, your soul and your body is aging, sick and dying. But as soon as we surgically remove your soul from the ownership of death, and as soon as life is sown back to your soul, your soul and your body will stop being sick and dead and dying. And, contrary to what you have been taught, if this body dies, you are out of the race. Thank you, Jesus.


Continuing with the third third of Zephaniah 3:13: "For they shall feed and lie down, and none shall make them afraid." For they shall feed and lie down, and none shall make them afraid.


Feed, Strong's 7462, means to govern, rule, nourish, or it means to feed others. When I -- the way I read it in the King James, I always think that it means to feed oneself, but it means to feed others. Who is the one that is feeding others, brethren? Who is the one that is going to nourish? Christ. Yes, Christ. Christ Jesus, the Sons of God. Amen. So I suggest to you, you see --


Now please note that Zephaniah 3:13 says, "For they shall feed and lie down." This happens so many times in the Scripture. The Scripture uses a pronoun, and you have to make a determination who this verb is speaking about. And what happens frequently is that the Scripture is talking about -- well, it is happening right here. Up until this point, the Scripture is speaking about Satan and the carnal mind, and all of a sudden it says, "They shall feed." Well, how do you know who they are talking -- who the Scripture is talking about? I suggest to you, the Scripture is speaking about the Sons of God. How do I know? Well, you have to take the whole verse and its context. In this parti- [AUDIO CUTS OUT] word, shall feed, it means govern. Christ, the government shall be on his shoulders. Rule means dominion. Feed means others. Now you always thought that the poor human beings that have been afflicted in this life are going to [?lay down, see?] going to [AUDIO CUTS OUT] up in dominion, and they are going to be glorious and feed others. Can you see the difference?


"For they shall feed and lie down." Lie down [INAUDIBLE] used of a beast of prey, lying in wait. Now is that not confusing? "Shall feed and lie down." It sounds like the same person is feeding and lying down.  No, brethren. The Sons of God shall gov- [AUDIO CUTS OUT] and those who are lying in wait, the murderers. The Sons of God shall govern, rule and feed and nourish those whose minds are still criminal, fallen man. Jesus.


Christ [AUDIO CUTS OUT] the beast.


Revelation 12:13-14: "And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man-child. And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished" -- where she is fed -- "for a time, and times, and half a time from the face of the serpent."


We see in Zephaniah 3:13 that the Sons of God shall feed those people who are still carnal, who are lying in wait. They are still murderers, but the Sons of God are nourishing them despite the fact that the serpent is their mind. And that nourishment shall result in their conversion from the serpent unto Christ.


"And none shall make them afraid." [AUDIO CUTS OUT] Negative. It is 369 this time, but it is still a negative, and we are translating [AUDIO CUTS OUT] Satan [AUDIO CUTS OUT] make them [AUDIO CUTS OUT] Strong's 9- [AUDIO CUTS OUT] Strong's 2- [AUDIO CUTS OUT] Gesenius 29 [AUDIO CUTS OUT] and [INAUDIBLE] [?the number here to sign that?] [AUDIO CUTS OUT] make these anymore, but I suggest to you that the correct translation is 2730, which means those or their [AUDIO CUTS OUT] fear God. The transl- [AUDIO CUTS OUT]


Zephaniah 3:13: "And Christ shall govern and feed her." [AUDIO CUTS OUT] Sat- [AUDIO CUTS OUT] respect [AUDIO CUTS OUT] fear him. And Christ shall govern [AUDIO CUTS OUT] that does not save him.


Ephesians 3:9- [AUDIO CUTS OUT] "And [AUDIO CUTS OUT] men see what  is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning [AUDIO CUTS OUT] God [AUDIO CUTS OUT] all things by Christ Jesus, to the intent that now [AUDIO CUTS OUT] principalit- [AUDIO CUTS OUT] might be known by the church [AUDIO CUTS OUT] manifold wis-" -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT]


To the [AUDIO CUTS OUT] in the [AUDIO CUTS OUT] creation. We are not, brethren. [INAUDIBLE] to bring [AUDIO CUTS OUT] [?burning?] mind. We do not discipline for discipline's sake. [AUDIO CUTS OUT] you, so that you can find the strength to sit in your seat and learn.


Alternate Translation, Zephaniah 3:13: "And spirit shall birth Christ and not commit adultery with the carnal mind anymore, and Christ Jesus shall subdue Satan, the wicked one, and Satan and the carnal mind shall be cast down. And Christ shall marry the soul that Jehovah [AUDIO CUTS OUT] and Christ shall govern and feed her, and Satan shall respect him."


Amplified Translation, Zephaniah 3:13: "And the human spirit shall birth Christ, and he shall subdue Satan, subject her and the carnal mind to his authority, and Satan shall respect him. [AUDIO CUTS OUT] that Jehovah made, and govern and feed her, and the human spirit will not commit adultery with the carnal mind anymore."


I have a witness for you here. This is Romans, brethren. This is our Alternate Translation of Romans 8:18-22: "Nevertheless because the Lord hath given us the hope that Christ will subject the one who has subjected us, I believe that the calamities of this present age are nothing in comparison to what we shall experience when the Spirit of God is revealed in us and the creature shall be freed from the slavery of corruption into the glorious freedom of the children of God. Therefore we know that, since neither the Father nor the man desired that the creation be subjected to Satan, the whole creature is groaning until this present time, with the labor pains that are preceding the birth of the Sons, which God is eagerly expecting."


The Amplified Translation of verse 13, one more time: "And the human spirit shall birth Christ, and he shall subdue Satan, the wicked one, and subject her and the carnal mind to his authority, and Satan shall respect him. And Christ shall marry the soul that Jehovah made and govern and feed her, and the human spirit will not commit adultery with the carnal mind anymore."


Recap, Zephaniah 3:12-13: "And after I cause Satan and the devil to depart from your mind, your righteous but afflicted human spirit shall remain, and she shall join with the Holy Spirit. And the human spirit shall birth Christ, and he shall subdue Satan, the wicked one, and subject her and the carnal mind to his authority, and Satan shall respect him. And Christ Jesus shall marry the soul that Jehovah made, and govern and feed her, and the human spirit will not commit adultery with the carnal mind anymore."


10/04/17 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

11/08/17 1st Edit rh


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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