305 - Part 6

Part 6 of 11 Parts

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation
By The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team. 


I am not going to read you the Alternate Translations that we worked up on the last message because verse 9 through verse 20, at least as I look at it now, appears to be the promises of God. And, up until this point, we have heard Jehovah indicting the living soul. He has been declaring her transgressions to her, telling her about her weaknesses, telling her what she did wrong, how she found herself in this condition and what her sins are. But, beginning with verse 9, he begins to pronounce his sentence upon her.


And we see a radical difference between Jehovah and the judges of our world. The judges of our world, brethren, are in the hierarchy of Satan's government. They do not have spiritual authority to rehabilitate. They merely have spiritual author- -- well, it is not even spiritual authority. They have authority to physically restrain human beings who have engaged in socially unacceptable behavior and have proven themselves to be a threat to society. But Jehovah has the ability to rehabilitate from the spirit out. Jehovah has the ability to remake you, who are unrighteous, in a righteous image. And the Scripture says, "There is no law against a righteous man." Therefore it is Jehovah's judicial decision not to kill you, not even to punish you in most instances by putting you behind bars, but it is his decision to exercise his high spiritual authority and give you a new heart. It is his decision to remove the offending member from you.


Do you know, in Islam, if you steal, they cut your hand off? They remove the offending member. If you blaspheme the king, they cut your tongue out. Nice and simple, is it not? Except it is barbarous to mutilate a person's human being. Jesus is dealing with the criminal by giving him a new heart. And that is the most beautiful thing that I have ever heard in all my life. If you have ears to hear it, the mercy of it is hard to even comprehend. And we find that we have in this world demon gods who try to -- continuously try to counterfeit the ways of Jehovah, and in this hour Jehovah is appearing to humanity in the form of -- does anybody know? What form is he appearing to us in, in this hour? The Lord Jesus Christ. He is appearing to us in his glorified Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.


And we have pagan gods in this world who have traditionally, over the centuries, demanded human sacrifices where they demand the heart of a living man. Right now, there is an attempt to raise up a statue in San Jose, California, to a pagan Peruvian god who requires human sacrifices in a specific prescribed way, this ripping out of the heart of a living male. Now, brethren, if you have spiritual eyes, this is not just some arbitrary way of sacrificing somebody. There is a spiritual message here. OK, first of all, this is a female goddess. Satan is female. She requires the sacrifice of human males, typifying people with the Christ mind. And what she wants from you, brethren, is your heart, only we see this pagan goddess ripping out human hearts from human flesh. It is barbarous. But what Jesus is doing is he is ripping out your fallen carnal heart in the realm of the spirit. And when this pagan goddess has a high priest who cuts open the man's heart and rips -- cuts open his chest and rips his still-beating heart out, the man dies. But when the Lord Jesus Christ opens you spiritually and removes your carnal heart, he is giving you his heart. He is giving you a transplant. He is giving you an exchange, and you do not die; you live. So we see a barbarous counterfeit of spiritual things, of the spiritual things of God, in the earth where Satan rules and reigns. And if you have spiritual eyes to see and spiritual ears to hear, it is really very interesting how Satan just wants to be God. And she does, in the physical visible world down here, what the Lord does in the spiritual world. And when she does, she kills you. And when he does it, he raises you from the dead. Hallelujah.


So let us try this. We have here -- let us see, from 9 to 20, that should be about 11. That should be about 11 verses of the promises of God. If you have read ahead of me, you might be saying, "What is Sister Sheila talking about? These promises are frightening. They are scaring me." Well, that is because the people who translated them from the Hebrew had a mindset, had an opinion of Jehovah that was false, and they interpreted his word in accordance with their opinion of him. Now beware, people, because that is what human beings do. We tend to interpret what people say to us in accordance with our opinion of them. And there is a name for that. Anybody know what the name is? It is called mind control, and it is sin. It is sin to make somebody something that they are not.


So we need to ask the Lord to help us to understand the spirit of what people are telling us. And let us not be Pharisees, brethren, and get hung up on their words, because a particular word can mean one thing to me and another thing to you. And I encourage all of you to take people at face value. If the words they are using mean something to them that you -- and they mean something else to you, and it comes to a conflict, and they qualify what they said to you, and they say, "No, no. I did not mean that. I mean this," please believe them, unless God shows you clearly, in front of other witnesses, otherwise. Do not use mind control on other people. You damage them. And if they are in denial, unless it is Christ in you exposing them, let them have their denial. Unless it is Christ in you attacking that denial, let them crawl up in their corner with their bottle and drink. You cannot lock someone up for it. Be peacemakers, brethren.


Verse 9, Zephaniah 3: "For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord to serve him with one consent." Jesus. Then -- what do you mean then? At that time. At that time that the Lord Jesus Christ executes the judgment he has determined or the sentence that he has pronounced upon humanity. At that time. It is this time; it is right now. We are in the season, but it is not happening to everybody at this moment. Everybody is not under judgment. Who is under judgment at this time?


The elders.


The church and the elders thereof. God is not judging the heathen at this time. I am sorry if you think that that is not fair. You can tell the Lord if you think that it is not fair. It is not likely he will even look at you, because it is none of your business who he judges and what order he judges them in. You are supposed to be judging who?






"For then will I turn to the people a pure language." Will I turn, Strong's 2015, means to overturn or overthrow.


Remember Matthew 10:22, brethren: "And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake, but he that endureth to the end shall be saved." The Greek word translated endureth means to overthrow. He whose soul is overthrown shall be saved, he who endureth in the tribulation and the trouble and the hard times until your soul is overthrown. And we have had that principle in this study of Zephaniah 3 that, once the kingdom of God appears in you, its job is to throw your carnal mind on her back and jump on top of her and pin her shoulders to the mat.


So we see, in verse 9 of Zephaniah 3, the Lord saying, "In that day, I am going to do it." Because, you see, I know you cannot do it. He is saying, "I know you cannot overturn your carnal mind, flip her over and jump on top of her and pin her shoulders to the mat. She is too strong for you. But in that day that I execute my judgments upon you, the individual, there is an overall season for judgment." And, outside of that season, if God wants to break his rule, he can break his rule. He did it in Paul, and he probably did it in a few others. He can do anything he wants. You cannot tell God he is not fair. How dare you? He can do anything that he wants to. Get your eyes off of your brother. But there is an overall season for the overthrowing of the carnal mind, and, once we enter into that season, he is not overthrowing everybody's carnal mind at once. He is not bothering the heathen, brethren. They are skipping through life, a lot of them without any trouble. And you are moaning and groaning and huffing and puffing and having all kinds of problems. You better not tell God he is not fair, because that is the sin of pride, and you better not jump out and try to do his job for him and judge the heathen, because you will be judged. Get your eyes on yourself.


So we see, in the day that the Lord Jesus Christ comes to you to execute the judgments for sin, the first thing he is going to do is overthrow your soul. Remember, the judgments of God are merciful. Why? Because we do not have the strength to stop sinning. When the judgments of God fall, the strength to stop sinning is imparted to us. Brethren, if you are experiencing pleasure for sin or some form of satisfaction, it is hard to stop. But when, every time you do that activity that is pleasing to you, or even if it is not pleasing to you, if for whatever reason you cannot stop -- if, every time you do it, you experience pain, you will be very tempted to stop. That is what discipline is all about. That is what paddling children is all about. And that is what spiritual discipline is all about. If, every time you engage in an activity that the Lord is dealing with you on, you experience pain, you might investigate the possibility that it is the Lord Jesus Christ saying to you, "Better not do that because, every time I catch you, you are going to get it. And I am going to catch you every time."


"In that day, when I pronounce judgment upon you," says the Lord, "I will turn to the people a pure language." The Hebrew word translated people is Strong's 5971. It refers to a single race or tribe. It is frequently used to describe the children of Israel. It is in -- this word is in contrast to another Hebrew word that indicates a mixed race; in other words, the people here in the United States, American people, this word translated people would not apply to us. It would apply to the English or to the French or to the Italians. We are a mixed breed here. So actually the word is referring to the tribes. It is referring to a single tribe or the tribes of Israel. In Zephaniah 3:9, the word is plural. The word is plural, so I suggest to you it is referring to the tribes of Israel.


Please remember, however, that the New Covenant is a spiritual covenant, and that Jehovah's New Covenant, which is really not a new covenant but it is the second stage of Jehovah's covenant with humanity, remember, the first stage is that the Lord imputes righteousness to us. He loans us his righteousness; we do not deserve it. The gifts and the calling of God are without repentance, and the second stage of his promise to us, which is really not a new covenant although it is called the New Covenant, is that he will take our sins away. And then the righteousness that he has given unto us will be deserved. And there is a difference in the undeserved righteousness and the deserved righteousness, and this is the difference: The benefits we receive from the measure of undeserved righteousness that we receive improves our life in this existence, but we still die. And the righteousness which is given to us which is deserved results in an unending life.


So we see that, in the New Covenant, Israel becomes spiritual. And we now have the Israel of God, which is extended to the entire human race. Every human being born has the opportunity to be adopted into the Israel of God through the impartation of Christ or through the formation of Christ as your new heart. So we see that the first stage of Jehovah's covenant with mankind has gone to natural Israel, and then to the church in this hour, the church, the potential church being the whole of humanity, and that the second stage of his covenant will be granted to natural Israel and the church, or those members of natural Israel and the church which are going on to perfection together will partake of the second stage of Jehovah's covenant to mankind.


So we see that, in that day, Jehovah is going to overturn the souls of the people of a pure language. The Hebrew word translated pure is 1305, and it does not mean pure so much as it means purified. It does not sound like there is much of a difference in those two words, but there really is. A pure people, to me, implies someone who always has been pure, but to be purified, to me, indicates someone who was not pure who has been made pure. Therefore I can relate this phrase to the fallen dead soul, which is most impure in this hour. The Lord is saying, "In that day, I shall purify her. I shall cleanse her from her sins. I shall wash her and I shall make her clean, and her sin shall be remembered no more." Jesus.


"Of a pure language." The Hebrew word translated language is Strong's 8193. It is translated lip in the interlinear, and it can also be translated edge, as in the edge of a garment, a border or a boundary. And the first thing that popped into my mind was the account of the woman touching the hem or the edge of Jesus' garment. Now you may have heard me comment on that Scripture. I am of the opinion that the woman did not receive her healing from touching the fabric of the physical garment that Jesus was wearing. I believe she received her healing because she touched the garment of Jesus' Spirit. Jesus of Nazareth, who was Christ, was a spiritual man. The miracles he did, the great works that he did, were of his Spirit man. They were not of his flesh, nor were they of his soul. And the garment of the Spirit, let me remind you, is twofold. In Bible days, a man wore two garments. And today, we wear two garments. We wear undergarments, and we wear outer garments. Does anybody know the garments of a man's spirit? The undergarment is a woven material, and it is the mind. The garment of Jesus' Spirit was the mind of Christ, and the outer garment, the garment that covers over the mind, is the soul. The soul, the emotions, the personality. I believe that, the woman who touched the hem of Jesus' garment, she touched his outer garment. He felt her emotions in his soul. In his soul, he felt her emotions, and their emotions touched, and she received healing. That is why he said, "Virtue is gone out of me." That is why his disciples said to him, "Master, what are you talking about? The crowd is crushing you, hundreds of people. What do mean somebody touched you? Everybody is touching you." No, somebody touched his emotions. He perceived their emotions, and the Christ in him had compassion on her, and she was healed.


So we see in Zephaniah 3:9 the same principle: the people of a purified edge, the people of a purified soul. Makes sense, does it not? How is your language going to be purified, brethren? You can test it both ways. You know, when you do a math problem, you can test it both ways. If you have a column that you have added up, you add it from the bottom to the top and you add it from the top to the bottom. This tests out both ways. How could you have a purified tongue? How could you have a purified language, brethren? The only way your language could be pure is if your heart is purified, because the mouth speaks what is in your heart.


Oh, did you think that the Scripture was speaking about a pure language, and are you fighting with your brother over whether it is English or Spanish or French, in the same way that men fight over whether Jesus is black or white or orange or green? God is a Spirit, brethren. God is a Spirit. If you want to live and not die, you must become spiritual. The people of a purified language, the people whose souls have been purified. In that day that the Lord Jesus Christ overthrows your carnal mind, flips her over, knocks her down, jumps on her and pins her shoulders to the mat, your soul shall be purified, and every word that comes out of your mouth shall be pure. So it checks out from both ends. And if you can hear it, hear it. Jesus. Hallelujah.


And, well, I do not know why I really did this, but it is here, so I will give it to you. I recorded Romans 8:11 for you just, I guess, as a witness to speak about your purified soul. "But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you" -- please note that the first phrase is speaking about the man Jesus, the whole man. "But if the Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised up Christ from the dead in you" -- so the resurrection of Christ is a different experience than the resurrection of Jesus, according to this Scripture. OK. The Spirit that raised up Christ from the dead in you then raised up Jesus from the dead in you. "If that same Spirit dwells in you, he shall also quicken your mortal bodies" -- which is your soul -- "by his Spirit when it dwells in you."


And I just put that in as a witness that our souls are to be given life, and the impartation of life to our soul is the purification of our soul, because demons and impurities cannot live in the same place with a mature manifestation of Christ. We hear many preachers without understanding saying that, from the moment you speak the words, "Jesus, I receive you," you are purified, because the Holy Ghost cannot live with all of those demons. Well, I am sorry to disappoint you, brethren, but the Holy Ghost most certainly can live with all those demons. The one who -- not cannot, but the one who will not live with all those demons is a mature Spirit of Christ. He just charges right in, and it is actually the demons who cannot live with him. They go running out screaming. But it is not true of the Holy Ghost. It is true of a mature Spirit of Christ. Take your boxing gloves off. I really do not care whether you believe it or not.


So we see then that Zephaniah is actually speaking about a purified soul, not a purified language, although your language will be purified if your soul is purified. But the way the King James translation presents it, for people who are young in Christ who do not have understanding, they really can stumble over a translation such as "purified language." So I think that "purified soul" is much clearer and leaves much less room for misinterpretation by young Christians.


Please note that the Hebrew word in the interlinear text translated soul is singular. It is singular. The word, it is -- in the King James, it says language. In the interlinear, it says lip. I am translating it soul. It is singular, one soul, one many-membered soul. Therefore the Scripture is saying that the tribes of Israel, of the Israel of God, have one undivided soul. This, I suggest to you, is the reversal of the curse which the Lord pronounced upon humanity at Babel. Remember the curse that was pronounced upon humanity at the Tow- -- at the event or the occurrence of the Tower of Babel. The living soul -- well, the soul was already dying at that point, but the soul which God made was undivided. We are told in the Book of Genesis that they were of one mind and one accord. They were in complete agreement as to what they were doing. Every man on the face of the earth at that time was in agreement. Nobody was fighting with his brother. Everybody was together, and together they were trying to bring down the kingdom of God. This left the Lord one of two choices: to wipe out his creation completely, or to divide them so that they would fight against each other instead of against him, because if they kept on fighting against him, they would have -- he would have had to destroy them, or they would have been destroyed as a natural outgrowth of their rebellion against him. So we see that the soul which God created was divided at Babel. That was where man was divided into different races, different ethnic groups, different colored skins, different mentalities, different languages. And man has been hating each other ever since -- actually hating himself. We are all one.


So we see in Zephaniah 3:9 the reversal of the curse which God pronounced at Babel. When your soul is purified, brethren, it will be one with every other purified soul. And when the soul that God made -- when the entire soul is purified, she will once again be undivided but united under the mind of Christ. You see, when the carnal mind is the mind in the creation, the soul is divided. When Christ is the mind in the soul, which is God's creation, the soul is unified. Christ is a unifying force. Satan divides and conquers, and Christ reconciles and builds.


Alternate Translation, first third, Zephaniah 3:9: "'Because at that time,' says Jehovah, 'I will overthrow and purify the soul of the tribes of Israel.'"


Amplified Translation, first third, Zephaniah 3:9: "Because at that time" -- at what time? At the time that sentence is executed, not pronounced but executed upon the soul -- "I will overthrow and purify the fallen dead soul of the tribes of the Israel of God." That is a promise from Jehovah to you, brethren, that he will overthrow your sin-filled soul. And the result of his overthrowing it is that he shall purify it. He never said it would be fun. He never said it would be painless. He never said it would be a walk down Primrose Lane. He just said he would do it. So what are you screaming and yelling your head off for? He said he would do it, and he is going to do it. You could scream if you want to, but he is going to do it anyway.


Continuing with the second third of Zephaniah 3:9: "They that may -- that they may all call upon the name of the Lord." Now we see why he is going to do it. Why is he going to overthrow your soul? That they may all call upon the name of the Lord. Well, what does that mean? Jesus, help me. Jesus, help me. Jesus, help me. I do not need my soul overthrown to say, "Jesus, help me." I do not need my soul overthrown to ask for a Cadillac. Do not need my soul overthrown to tell him all about my problems. Do not need my soul overthrown to talk to him. All I need is to be reconciled unto him. So there is something wrong with this translation, brethren. Let us try and find out what it is.


"That they may all call upon the name of the Lord." He is going to overthrow our souls, that they may call upon the name of Jehovah. The interlinear text says "by the name of," not "upon the name of." By the name of -- so that this many-membered soul may be called by the name of -- brethren, when a woman gets married, she begins to be called by the name of her husband. What does that mean? It means she has become associated with her husband. She has become affiliated with her husband. She has inherited all of his worldly goods and all of his sin in this fallen world, because a man and his wife, they are one flesh. You inherit each other's curses. She has inherited everything that he has. She has inherited his family line curses. She has inherited his parents, his sisters, his brothers, his debts. Brethren, when you marry the Lord Jesus Christ, you inherit everything he has. So to be called by the name of the Lord is speaking about marriage to the Lord Jesus Christ.


Now, brethren, you cannot marry the Son of God in your sins. You must be purified to marry the Son of God. And the Lord has determined that you will marry his Son. Why? Because that is your salvation in union with the Son. He who is joined to the Lord is one Spirit, and, when your spirit joins to the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, your filthy spirit does not pollute the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ cleanses your filthy spirit. So you have got to get married, brethren. And you cannot marry him when you are dirty. So the Lord is purifying your soul so that you can marry his Son, so that you can stop dying and life for the life for the ages. Got to get clean. You have got to get clean, not so that you can go to church on Sunday and say, "Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. I need a new truck." You have got to get clean in time for the wedding, because the wedding is going to save your life. Jesus.


"So that they may all call upon the name of the Lord." It is speaking about a people which is about to be engraved with the nature of God, the name of the Lord. A name is a nature, brethren. When you marry the Lord Jesus Christ, you inherit his nature. You are about to be branded. It is not a pleasant experience having the nature of the Lord engraved into your soul. It hurts. Why? Because it is contrary to what -- the nature of God is contrary to your nature. You are being completely reversed. You were darkness, and you are being made light. You were evil, and you are being made good. You were a liar, and you are being made truthful. You were the devil, and you are becoming made -- and you are being made into an angel. And it hurts. And you may have been one of the best devils on the earth, but you were still a devil, and you are being reformed into an angel. So even if you were the best trustee on the cell block, brethren, you still have to go through the process of getting your nature changed.


See, this is a confusion for a lot of people. It does not matter whether you are a manifestation of good or a manifestation of evil of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Your goodness is not good enough to keep you alive. Only righteousness will keep you alive. You must transfer from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil into the tree of life if you desire to live. So you see, even if you are a good piece of fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you are still of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and your own righteousness cannot keep you alive. Thank you, Jesus.


Alternate Translation, second third of Zephaniah 3:9: "So that all of humanity may be engraved with the nature of Jehovah."


Amplified Translation, second third, Zephaniah 3:9: "So that all of humanity may be in the image of Jehovah."


Ephesians 4:23 says, "And be renewed in the spirit of your mind." That means we need a new mind. We need a new nature. Our mind must be renewed or remade or re-engraved in the Spirit of God. We have to have the s- -- the markings of the spirit of Satan erased from our mind.


2 Corinthians 4:4 says, "In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." Christ, brethren, is the image of God. That means, when Christ becomes your mind, your soul will be forced to conform to the mind of Christ, and your soul as well as your mind shall be in the image of the Father.


Continuing with the third third of Zephaniah 3:9: "To serve him with one consent." To serve him with one consent. The word serve, the Hebrew word translated serve, is Strong's 5647, and it can be translated "to till a field or to bring into bondage." And I did not check it out, but this is probably the same word that we read about in Genesis 3 or Genesis 2. I guess it is Genesis 2 where the Lord said to Adam, "Guard the field," or God put Adam in the garden and told him to keep the garden. If you look that word up in the Hebrew, it is speaking about keeping the garden weeded, guarding it and keeping it in place. And this is probably the same word. It means to till a field or to bring the field into bondage. Brethren, when you till a field, you bring it into bondage. You make it do what you want. You get rid of the stones and the weeds and you make it produce a cultivated fruit, a cultivated plant which will produce fruit. And a way to describe that is to bring that soil into bondage. You bring it into submission to you. You make it do what you want it to do, and what you want it to do is to produce a plant which produces edible fruit. So we see, spiritually speaking, that Jehovah wants this soul to produce the fruit of Christ. And I suggest to you that this word serve, "to serve him with one consent," is speaking about the whole of humanity, bringing their soul into submission to Jehovah. And for this to happen, the soul must bow her knee to the Lord's Christ, the Son of God, and the God-appointed mind of the creation.


The Hebrew word translated consent really means shoulder. It is Strong's 7926. And, even more than shoulder, it is speaking about the upper part of the back below the neck. The concept here is that we should be an undivided soul under the authority of the mind of Christ. Our divided condition at this time is a perversion, brethren. Our divided soul is a perversion. Our divided bodies, which are just a reflection of our soul, is a perversion. We are one creation. And I know that your carnal mind cannot comprehend us all being stuck together, but the truth of the matter is that we are all stuck together in the soul, in the realm of the soul or the spiritual realm. And this appearance of our being divided or separate because of our flesh is just an illusion. It is an illusion of separation. We all have one -- we have in common an unconscious mind, and our conscious minds are divided somewhat at this time but not in all cases. A man and his wife, they are one flesh. You know, you have one soul with your immediate family. And with many people in your life, you form soul ties. You are the same soul.


Alternate Translation, the third third of Zephaniah 3:9: "To bring the soul that Jehovah formed into submission to the single mind of Christ."


Alternate Translation, the whole of Zephaniah 3:9: "Because, at that time, I will overthrow" -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT]


Alternate Translation, Zephaniah 3:9: "Because, at that time, I will overthrow and purify the fallen dead soul of the tribes of the Israel of God, so that all of humanity may be in the image of Jehovah, to bring the soul that Jehovah formed into submission to the single mind of Christ." It does not make very much sense in that order, so I have restated verse 9 in a sequence which is logical for the English language as follows: "Because, at that time, I will overthrow and purify the fallen dead soul of the tribes of the Israel of God and bring them into submission to the single mind of Christ, so that all of humanity may be in Jehovah's image." Hallelujah.


Continuing with Zephaniah 3:10: "From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia, my suppliants, even the daughter of my dispersed, shall bring mine offering." Brethren, this verse blessed me so much. I want to tell you it excited me. Every time I find a witness in the Scripture to something that I had been preaching without a witness to, I just really get high on it. It just really excites me. And you have been hearing me say this for, I think, at least two years that, with regard to Africa and Ethiopia, Ethiopia is speaking about Africa, speaking about Ham's descendants.


You have been hearing me say for at least two years that the African people -- now there could be exceptions to the rule, but, as a general rule, they have very strong minds. We know that the witchcraft over in Africa, well, I am told it is the highest level of witchcraft anywhere in the world, and there is a lot of it going on over in Africa. There is witchcraft going on all most parts of the world, but the African witchcraft is very powerful. And I have been saying for two years that there is not enough Pent- -- there is not enough power in Pentecost to put down or to overcome African witchcraft. The spiritual power in Pentecost is not strong enough to shut down the African witchcraft. And in this hour, Pentecost is fading away in Africa, and there are many people that are heartbroken, thinking that Christ has failed.


But part of my message to Africa is that Christ has not failed. You have not seen Christ yet. You have seen the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Ghost has not failed either. He never was ever strong enough to put down African witchcraft. And I have asked several groups of Africans over there, have you ever, ever seen God raise up a man and send him in to the witch doctor to shut down his business? And with one accord, they all answered me, "No, God has not done it." The only case I ever heard of a Pentecostal preacher taking on an African witch doctor, he did it without the Lord's consent, and the witch doctor cursed him and he turned green. What an absolute humiliation for a minister of Christ. He had to go running back to the United States and receive several weeks of deliverance. He hid in the house until his skin pigmentation returned to white. God never told him to go into that witch doctor's house and rebuke him.


The only power that I have ever seen exerted successfully of a Pentecostal strength against African witchcraft, or the only time I have ever heard of it or seen it, is when someone with an African charm or an African spell came against a Pentecostal preacher who was minding his own business, who was not bothering this witch doctor, a Pentecostal preacher who was obeying God and holding meetings and preaching and teaching and praying for people. No matter how strong the witchcraft of that witch doctor was, to try to shut down the Pentecostal preacher who was engaged in an activity out of obedience to the Lord was shut down. The charm did not work. The witchcraft did not work. Sometimes the witch doctor was converted.


So we see the Holy Ghost defensive, and I have been preaching this for seven years. The Holy Ghost is defensive. He does not go out looking for trouble. Christ is the one who goes out looking for trouble. Christ is the warrior. Christ that goes out is the one that goes out and challenges sin. Christ has the weapons. So I have been preaching. I mean, this was my third year in Africa. I do not know if I have been preaching this for three years, but I have been preaching it for two years. The Holy Ghost is not strong enough to put down this witchcraft. You need Christ, and you need Christ in full stature, and nothing less than Christ in full stature is going to clean up this Dark Continent. And I found it in the Scripture. Zephaniah 3:10 is a witness to what I have been teaching for the last two years, and all the Pentecostals with one voice are yelling false doctrine. No, it is not false doctrine. It is the truth, and here is a Scripture for it. And if you can receive it, fine, and if you cannot, that is fine too. It is what the Bible says, brethren. And if you do not at least pray about it, you are a fool. Let me show it to you.


"From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia, my suppliants, even the daughter of my dispersed, shall bring mine offering." The Hebrew word translated beyond is Strong's 5676. It is speaking about the region on the opposite side. The Hebrew word translated beyond, meaning across, the opposite side, across, is preceded by a prefix, which is the Hebrew letter mem. The meaning of the mem is generation. So, for the purposes of this translation, we are saying the generation which is across from, or the generation on the opposite side. Across from what? Across from the rivers of Ethiopia, from beyond the rivers of Ethiopia or, we can say, across from the spiritual power of Ethiopia. I am going to make this clear as we go on. I will make it clearer as we go on.


"From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia" -- rivers, Strong's 5104. It means a flowing out, speaking about spiritual power. Waters are speaking about spiritual power. Jesus said that you will have fountains of living water rising in your belly. The flowing of water is referring to the spiritual power that exists in the soul realm. And Ethiopia, Strong's 3568, is speaking about those who are descended from Ham. So we are speaking about the rivers of Ethiopia. Gihon is the major river of Ethiopia. It surrounds the whole nation. It is mentioned in Genesis 1, and the Strong's Concordance says that Gihon speaks of a child issuing forth from the womb. It means to come forth as an infant and a flowing. It is speaking of spiritual power in a man. And I suggest to you that the flowing from Ham or the flowing from Ethiopia is speaking about Ham's witchcraft power, spiritual power in the soul realm coming from the descendants of Ham, and that the region on the opposite side of the witchcraft power flowing from Ham -- who is on the opposite side? Who is on the opposite side of the witchcraft power flowing from Ham? It is the spiritual power of Christ, brethren. One is from the soul realm, and the other is from the spiritual realm of God, and the soul realm stands opposite of the spiritual realm of God. Ham has a lot of spiritual power, brethren.


So, as I am saying, I suggest to you that the flowing from Ham is speaking about Ham's witchcraft power and that the region on the opposite side is speaking about the spiritual power on the same level as Ham, which is in Christ. It is not in the Holy Ghost. You better believe it because, if you think it is in the Holy Ghost, you are going to have some problems. The Holy Ghost is no match for African witchcraft. It is probably not a match for any witchcraft anywhere. It is defensive. If that witchcraft comes against you in your service to God, it will defend you, but the Holy Ghost is not equipped to go out and shut down witchcraft. You will get creamed, I promise you. Stay home. But the spiritual power, which is in Christ, is not only on the same level or in the same category as the witchcraft power of Ham; it is in the same ballpark and superior to it. When the spiritual power you go forth with is Christ, you will be converting workers of witchcraft. They will be bowing their knee to Christ as a result of your defeat of them.


Brethren, there are broken hearts all over Africa in their disappointment of the Holy Ghost. I heard a testimony when I was over there about a man who gave up witchcraft because he believed the gospel of the cross, and he was being defeated every day of his life. He could not earn a living. There were people working witchcraft at his employment. They kept taking his jobs away from him. He could not survive. And he prayed and he prayed, and he went from church to church, and he finally said, "This is ridiculous." And he went to the local witch doctor, and he not only stopped losing his job; they made him owner and director, and he is a wealthy man today. I am telling you, those curses are heavy duty over there. Pentecost will not cut it. Pentecost has one purpose, brethren. Does anybody know what the purpose of Pentecost is? What is it?


To bring forth Christ.


To bring forth Christ. Yes, to bring forth Christ. Pentecost is the first step to bringing forth Christ. First, you get the Holy Ghost; then the Holy Ghost joins with your willing spirit and, Lord willing, Christ is formed in you. So if you think the first stage is the end stage, your heart is going to be broken. You have got a sperm instead of a man, brethren. OK, I have never seen a sperm riding a horse. You have got to get the man. Jesus. Oh, God forgive me.


"From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia, my suppliants shall bring mine offering." Suppliants, Strong's 6282 -- I do not know where they got suppliants from, but the word means incense or odoriferous smoke, incense or smoke that has an odor.


I refer you to Revelation 8:3, which reads, "And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer, and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne."


When we worked up that Alternate Translation, we found out that the incense typified the purified body of Christ, and our Alternate Translation of that verse is as follows: "And Christ appeared and was established in his rightful place in the minds of the spiritual men, and he was possessing a sinless body" -- that is the incense, a sinless body -- "and many souls were delivered to him so that, when he had possessed their desires and wills and become joined to them in their minds, he could then turn over to God the wills and desires of all of the members of the purified holy living soul, which were now delivered towards God, so that their souls could be consumed in the fire of God, which had appeared in their own human spirits and which was appearing in the realm of appearance in front of the prostrated soul of Jesus Christ." So we see that the incense is the purified soul which Jehovah made.


"From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia, my suppliants, even the daughter of my dispersed" -- daughter of my dispersed. The Hebrew word translated dispersed is Strong's 6327. It means to be broken in pieces, as a rock with a hammer, and I suggest to you that this is the separating of the soul from the spirit and the joints from the marrow. It is the renewing of our mind through the renewing of the spirit, which is in the mind. Brethren, to have your mind renewed, your soul must be -- your spirit must be -- your human spirit must be separated from your soul. She is married to your soul. Your human spirit is joined to your soul. She has got to be separated. You need surgery. It is as if your two fingers grew together. Your spirit has to be separated from your soul. And when you finally separate your spirit from your soul, you find out that your spirit is joined to Satan, so then she has to be separated from Satan. Two separations, brethren, and that is what this word is speaking about here. It is a painful process, but God is able, and you will survive. So this Hebrew word translated dispersed is speaking about those who have been broken in pieces, those who have been separated from their soul and whose spirit has been separated from Satan, those who have been purified. That is the purification, brethren. You are broken apart from Satan's influence and you are joined to Christ. That is the purification.


So those people who fall into that category "shall bring mine offering," says Jehovah. Shall bring is the Hebrew word 2986, and it means to produce, to bring forth as the fertile earth. It means to rain or to flow copiously, and I suggest to you that this word is speaking about the reproductive ability of the human spirit and her potential to bring forth Christ.


"Mine offering" -- this is a very interesting word. It is Strong's 4503, and it means bloodless sacrifice. If you have done any studies at all on the Levitical sacrifices, you will know that there are several of them, and they are not all bloody sacrifices. Some of them are sacrifice of grain, sacrifices of grain, sacrifices of wine, sacrifices of loaves of bread. So there is a bloody sacrifice and there is a not bloody sacrifice. And I suggest to you that the sacrifice which is not bloody is Christ. Christ is the bush that burns but is not consumed. His blood is not shed, and we have been preaching on that here. Let me go over it, because it sounds like blasphemy, but it is not blasphemy, brethren.


The blood of the man Jesus of Nazareth was shed on Calvary so that the mind of Christ, which was in that man, was raised -- so the mind of Christ, which was in that man, and the spirit, which was in that mind, raised the whole man from the dead, thereby converting the man Jesus into a new form, all Spirit. For all intents and purpose, all of the components of the man -- the mind of Christ, the carnal mind which was paralyzed and the fallen body he was living in -- were all mixed together, just like you would mix the ingredients of butter, sugar, eggs and milk to make a cake. And they were all broken down into their basic atoms and mixed together, and a new product was formed, the beginning of the creation of God, of the twain. Of what twain? Of the two minds, the carnal mind and the Christ man, was made one new man. The beginning of the creation of God, he does not look like fallen man looks anymore. He can take the form of a fallen man if he wants to, but he is a glorified man. He can have existence without a fallen body. He can exist as a pure light if he wants to, or he can take any form that he wants to. He can abide in heaven with the Father or he can abide in the earth with you. He is no longer restricted or restrained in any way by the laws, physical or spiritual, of this world system. He has ascended above them.


So we see that the man Jesus of Nazareth, who was Christ, died to his soul life. His human blood was shed. His human fallen blood was shed so that he could be ascended up to a higher life form, from which form he is presently pouring out of his Spirit and raining on the hearts of men. When a drop of his life lands on your heart, he is seeding your soul and reproducing himself in your heart. He is reproducing the superior spiritual life of God in your heart so that Christ in you, the hope of glory, will bring your carnal mind into submission and eventually kill her, in the same way that the mind of Christ brought the carnal mind of Jesus of Nazareth into submission and eventually killed her.


Please remember the Scripture in Romans that we read just about half an hour ago: "And if that Spirit, which raised the whole man Jesus from the dead, then the one that first raised Christ from the dead, if he dwells in you, he will do the same thing for you." So we see that the blood of Jesus' soul life was shed so that he could be converted into a form, which is now a seed, which seed is now reproducing his life in us. But that shed blood, which fell on the ground 2000 years ago, is not the blood by which you are entering into the most holy place.


And we have a message on this. It is called "Not without Blood." You have to -- to enter into the most holy place, you have to enter in with two kinds of blood. Does that sound so bizarre to you, brethren? There were many different kinds of sacrifices under the Levitical law. There was more than one type of sacrifice. There was a sacrifice that burned eternally; it never stopped burning. Then there were the sacrifices that was more -- that you brought for sin. There were many different sacrifices. So we see that we enter into the holy place by Jesus' resurrected glorified life, but we -- why? Because he is the holy place. You cannot get into the holy place if his kingdom is not in you, so you cannot get in without his glorified blood, but neither do you enter in without the shedding of blood. You cannot enter in without the shedding of the blood of your own carnal mind. The beast in you must die. And it is not blasphemy; it is the truth.


Your physical body does not have to die, but your carnal mind must die. You cannot enter into the holy place, which is the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus is the holy place that you are entering into. He said, "I go to prepare a place for you." What was he speaking about? The kingdom of God, which is his own Christ. He is the holy place that you cannot enter into without the shedding of blood. You cannot take your sins in with you, brethren. You have to come in with the blood of your beast. If you cannot receive it, please pray about it. It is the -- I am telling you, it is the truth. Your body does not have to die, but your sin-filled mind must die. Why? Because you cannot take sin into the holy place. Your human spirit has to be freed up and completely joined to Christ for you to go on.


So we see that the word offering in Zephaniah 3:9 is speaking about the bloodless sacrifice, and I find this a witness to what the Lord has had me preaching over the last couple of months, that which I have just outlined for you. Christ is not the blood that you need to enter into the holy place. He is the most holy place. Christ is the bloodless sacrifice. It was Christ's human blood that was shed. Jesus Christ of Nazareth shed his human blood for you; shed the blood of his soul life for you. He shed the blood of the carnal mind that he was born with for you. He shed the blood of the physical body that he was born with for you. But Jesus of Nazareth, who was Christ, is now a glorified Spirit, and his soul life was converted into Spirit, so he is now the bloodless sacrifice. There is only one sacrifice left that has blood in it: your carnal mind. Christ is the bloodless sacrifice. He is the bread from heaven. He is the Word of God. He is the flesh that you must eat. Thank you, Jesus.


Alternate Translation, Zephaniah 3:10. Now this is a difficult verse, so I put it together to you -- for you in the three stages that we worked it up, and then I will give you an Amplified Translation that sounds nothing whatsoever like the verse, but I am convinced it is the intention of the idea that the Lord intended to convey to us through the Scripture.


Alternate Translation, Zephaniah 3:10: "From the region on the opposite side from the flowing forth of Ham, the purified souls, the daughter which shall be broken in pieces, shall produce Christ, my bloodless offering." It does not make much sense. I put it in a logical sequence and amplified a couple of the words, and this is what we have got.


Zephaniah 3:10, Amplified: "The generation whose righteous spiritual power is strong enough to overcome Ham's witchcraft shall be born in the purified souls which have produced Christ, my bloodless offering."


Let me read it again. "The generation" -- who is that? The 42nd generation. It is the Sons of God. "The generation" -- that is the prefix before the word shall -- this is such a complicated translation. I do not even remember where the prefix was, so I better stop talking now. Let me see if I can find it for you here. I feel the Lord wants me to do it. It is the prefix before the word translated beyond. There is a prefix before the Hebrew word translated beyond, which means generation. "The generation whose righteous spiritual power" -- that is the Sons of God. They have righteous spiritual power. It is legal. "The generation whose righteous spiritual power is strong enough to overcome Ham's witchcraft shall be born in the purified souls which have produced Christ, my bloodless offering." Hallelujah.


Continuing with Zephaniah 3:11, the last one for today: "In that day shalt thou not be ashamed for all thy doings, wherein thou hast transgressed against me, for then I will take away out of the midst of thee them that rejoice in thy pride, and thou shalt no more be haughty because of my holy mountain." Now, brethren, we have a classic example here of the negative Hebrew word translated 380- -- Strong's number 3808, being -- we have a classic situation where the Scripture intends it to mean Satan. And I have told you in this whole series on Zephaniah that we did do a usage study on this negative once and found several Scriptures whereby God uses this negative to describe Satan. He calls her nothing. He does not even give her a name. He calls her nothing, emptiness, vacuity. But it is a great mystery, because sometimes this word means no in the Scripture. Sometimes it means no; sometimes it means not; and sometimes it means Satan. You have to take it from the context of the verse. And I have been telling you this throughout the study in Zephaniah. Here is a classic example. Let me show it to you. Get your brains ready to think.


"In that day, thou shalt not be ashamed for all thy doings." In what day? In the day that Jehovah is going to execute sentence upon you. What does that mean? It is the day of judgment. It is the day that your sins are going to be exposed. It is the day that you are going to be reconciled to God. What do you mean you will not be ashamed of your doings? Your doings are evil. The doings of men are evil. The word ashamed, Strong's 954, means disgraced. From all the whole totality of doings, Strong's 5949, the deeds of men. Well, I do not know about you, but I am ashamed of the deeds of men. They are all sin. So how could the Scripture be saying, in that day that I execute judgment, you will not be ashamed? It makes no sense at all.


I suggest to you that the word not -- "in that day shalt thou not be ashamed for all thy doings" -- the word not should be translated Satan and moved to the next phrase, "wherein thou hast transgressed against me." And I will show you where we are going to translate that. "Wherein thou hast transgressed against me." How have you transgressed against me? You have turned away from God and you have done the deeds of Satan. You have done the deeds of Satan. We are going to take that negative, translated not, and we are going to hook it up with the Hebrew word that is translated doings, Strong's 5949, doings meaning deeds. Whose deeds? Satan's deeds. Let me tell you again. "In that day shalt thou be ashamed for all thy doings," or for all Satan's doings. OK. "In that day shalt thou be ashamed for all Satan's doings." But the King James translator is saying, "In that day shalt thou not be ashamed because of your doings." But you will be ashamed because of your doings. It is not -- the translation that the King James gives you is that you shall not be ashamed because of your deeds. And I say it should say, "You shall be ashamed because of Satan's deeds that you are doing." How could you not be ashamed because of the deeds of men? You have to be ashamed, so what is the negative doing in there? The negative should be translated Satan. "In that day that I execute judgment upon your sins so that you can be purified, you will be ashamed because" -- we will see as we go further on, the reason you will be ashamed is that you are going to be exposed that you thought you were righteous and you said you were righteous and you blew your own horn and told everybody how righteous you were, but when you see the righteous works of God, you will know that the very best you could do in your own strength were the works of Satan.


Now this is not the shame that we see. It is called a toxic shame or a malignant shame that kills, that makes you so ashamed that it cripples you. This is not the shame we are talking about. This is a spiritual shame that men must experience to go on with God. You must recognize that the very best you could do is of Satan, and you will not recognize that until you measure yourself up against the standard, which is Jesus Christ. To put it simply, brethren, the very best that you could do will still result in your ultimate death. Brethren, you will die after a season. You think you are righteous; you tell everybody that you are righteous; you act righteous; you talk righteous. But you are going to die if your righteousness does not exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees. So, in that sense, you shall be ashamed in that day that Christ appears in the flesh of men and it is revealed for all the world to see that your very best could not keep your own soul alive. That is the shame. Is everybody OK? OK.


So we are changing the negative not to Satan. And the King James says, "You shall not be ashamed." I say, "You shall be ashamed because of Satan." OK.


Alternate Translation, the first third of verse 11: "In that day" -- what day? That Jehovah exposes your sins and executes judgment upon your soul in order to purify your soul. "In that day, the whole fallen dead soul shall be disgraced, because it shall be revealed that they turned away from God and acted out Satan's lusts."


And the word, the Hebrew word that is translated "to turn away from God," is transgressed. The whole living soul shall be ashamed when it is revealed that the very best of us have transgressed against God. We have turned away from his righteousness, and, instead of doing the acts and the deeds of righteousness and holiness, we are acting out Satan's lusts. That is what we do every day. We think his thoughts, we speak his words, and we do his deeds, the very best of us. And the very best that we could hope for in this world is to recognize his thoughts in our mind and wage war against those thoughts before they come out of our mouth or our behavior. But we are filled -- our minds are filled with Satan's thoughts, and this is our sin nature, and this is why we need a Savior. We may in many instances be able to restrain sinful behavior, and we may in many instances be able to restrain sinful words, but we cannot restrain sinful thoughts. We are not able. We are not strong enough. It takes Christ to knock that sin nature down and paralyze her, and that is why we are dying, and that is why the very best of us need a Savior, because the best we could do is not good enough. That is why we are all sinners.


And the way out of this mess, which is called hell, is to confess this fact. And if you cannot confess it, ask God to help you, because it is true of everybody. If you do not start looking at your sins and admitting that this filth is in your mind, it is going to stop you from entering into the kingdom. You cannot go in with your sin. You have got to see it, you have got to hate it, and you have got to kill it by the power of Christ.


"In that day, the whole fallen dead soul shall be disgraced because they have turned away from God and acted out Satan's lusts."


Continuing with the second third of Zephaniah 3:11: "For then I will take away out of the midst of thee them that rejoice in thy pride." Now, once again, we are going to take a negative that is translated no in the King James and we are going to make it Satan. This time, we are taking the negative from the third third of verse 11. Now listen carefully: "And thou shalt no more be haughty because of my holy mountain." Thou shalt no more be haughty. Now that sounds all right, but I will show you why it is not in a little while. We are taking that negative "no more be haughty," and we are moving it up to the phrase before that: "For then I will take away out of the midst of thee them that rejoice in thy pride." And, well, I will put it in the Alternate Translation.


Well, let me give you the Alternate Translation, and then I will go back: "For then I will take away out of the midst of thee them that rejoice in thy pride." And we are putting a negative in there, and it is going to replace "them that rejoice in thy pride." I am going to take away out of the midst of you Satan, who was rejoicing in pride.


Alternate Translation: "Because I will cause that ancient, insolent and arrogant serpent" -- that is the not. I made it serpent instead of Satan because of the word ancient in there, and it reminded me of Revelation 12 where it talks about Satan, that old serpent. So, based on that, I translated the negative serpent here instead of Satan.


Let me give you some more of these translations. I jumped ahead. "For then I will take away" -- the Hebrew word translated then, Strong's 227, it means "from old, formally, in that place, from that time." And the phrase, "from old," it is speaking about ancient things, speaking about that old serpent, the devil.


"I will take away out of the midst of thee." To take away means to cause to depart from, speaking about the carnal mind and Satan. "Out of the midst of thee" -- Strong's 7130. This word could be in the midst of anywhere, but it specifically means inside of the mind. I will take away out of the midst of thee them that rejoice in thy pride. Rejoice, Strong's 5947 -- Gesenius said, in a bad sense, this word means insolent. Pride, Strong's 1346, means arrogant. And I suggest that the insolent and arrogant -- one word is for Satan and one is for the carnal mind. I really do not know which is which, but the Lord is promising to take the Satan and the carnal mind out from the midst of thee.


"Because I will cause that ancient, insolent serpent and the -- or that ancient, insolent serpent and that arrogant carnal mind to depart from within your mind." I am sure that the Scripture is specific. One of these words is for Satan, and the other is for the carnal mind. I will see if I can find out which goes with which by the next meeting. I did not have time to really pray about it for this meeting.


This is the second third of Zephaniah 3:11: "Because I will cause that ancient, insolent serpent and arrogant carnal mind" -- that serpent, the devil -- "to depart from within your mind." I am going to have to work on that translation. I would like to make it sound like the Revelation one. "Because I will cause that ancient, insolent serpent and arrogant devil to depart from within your mind."


"And thou shalt" -- this is continuing with the third third of Zephaniah 3:11 -- "and thou shalt no more be haughty because of my holy mountain." So we took the no out of there, so the third third reads, "And thou shalt be haughty because of my holy mountain." So it does not make any sense in the English, but in the Hebrew, the words that are translated "more be" -- see, we are not saying "no more be." We are just saying "more be." The interlinear says "you shall again," and that is Strong's 3254. It means to continue. You shall continue to be haughty, high -- Strong's 1361 -- elevated, high, elevated to a greater degree of dignity and honor. So we see the King James translator saying you will not be haughty anymore.


On the third third of Zephaniah 3:11: "And thou shalt no more be haughty." That is the King James translation, but we see that the “no” does not belong there, and that the word “haughty,” which is a negative word, should really be translated exalted, elevated to a greater degree of dignity and honor. That thou shalt no more be haughty but thou shalt again be or thou shalt continue to be" -- or better -- "that thou shalt once again be exalted to a higher degree of dignity and honor." You see, the King James translators got messed up because of that negative in there, that word that they translated no. They did not realize it should have been translated Satan in the prior phrase. Just a lack of understanding.


"And thou shalt no more be haughty because of my holy mountain." The Hebrew word translated holy is Strong's 6944. It means the innermost part of the temple or the most holy thing. It means the sanctuary. And a mountain, it means God's nation, God's spiritual nation.


Alternate Translation, the third third of Zephaniah 3:11: "And you shall be a most holy nation again." Brethren, after your soul is purified, you shall be a most holy nation again. That is Jehovah's judgment. That is his sentence upon you. He has decided not to kill you but to make you holy again. He has decided not to rub you out but to rub out all -- everything that is in you that would call down a judgment of death upon you. Is that not incredible?


Alternate Translation, 3 -- Zephaniah 3:11: "In the day that the whole fallen dead soul shall be disgraced, because they turned away from God and acted out Satan's lusts, I will cause that ancient, insolent and arrogant serpent to depart from within your mind, and you shall be a most holy nation again."


Amplified Translation, Zephaniah 3:11: "In the day that I will cause that ancient, insolent and arrogant serpent to depart from within your mind and make you a most holy nation again, the whole fallen dead soul shall be disgraced, because it shall be revealed that they turned away from God and acted out Satan's lusts." One more time.


Amplified Translation, Zephaniah 3:11: "In the day that I will cause that ancient, insolent and arrogant serpent to depart from within your mind and make you a most holy nation again, the whole fallen dead soul shall be disgraced, because it shall be revealed that they turned away from God and acted out Satan's lusts."


Recap, Zephaniah 3:9-11: "Because at the time that I will overthrow" -- because -- I am sorry. At that time -- "because, at that time, I will overthrow" -- sorry. "Because, at the time that I will overthrow and purify the fallen deal soul of the tribes of the Israel of God and bring them into submission to the single mind of Christ so that all of humanity may be in Jehovah's image -- at that time, the generation whose righteous spiritual power is strong enough to overcome Ham's witchcraft shall be born in the purified souls which have produced Christ, my bloodless offering. And, in that day, I will cause that ancient, insolent serpent and that arrogant devil to depart from within your mind and make you a most holy nation again. The whole fallen dead soul shall be disgraced, because it shall be revealed that they turned away from God and acted out Satan's lusts."


09/11/17 Transcribed by VerbalFusion


11/08/17 1st Edit rh


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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