853 - Part 2
Alternate Translation

Part 2 of 3 Parts

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation
By The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



Good morning, brethren. It is an absolute miracle that I am sitting here this morning. When I went to sleep last night, I did not think I would be physically capable of preaching this morning, and the way things are moving forward, I expect to be fully healed by the time I finish preaching this message. I will give you a full testimony on another occasion, but I would appreciate your prayers, because I am still not myself yet. Ten minutes ago, when I prepared this introduction, I was going to say I am still a little weak, but I do not know how weak I am. I am getting healed by the second, but I would appreciate your prayers. There is no doubt in my mind that I will be able to preach this full message, which I did not think I could even do when I woke up this morning.


Glory to God and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Truth, that He has the power to heal. He is the Spirit of Truth, and all healing is in His Name, in His Life, and in His Blood. If you are desiring that healing, you can only get it when you follow His channel. You have to go through channels in this world. If you want the healing of this world, you have to go to a doctor. You have to make an appointment, and you have to wait to be seen. There are channels, an order that you have to follow. You have to qualify for God's supernatural healing; you cannot just hold up the Bible and say, I answered an altar call, and I expect to be healed, although sometimes He will honor such a statement, but He is not obligated to do so.


I have a very interesting message for you today. It is Colossians, Chapter 2. When I first told you, a couple of meetings ago, that we were going to start spending some time in the New Testament, I thought that we reached our climax, and that still  may be true. That tremendous push for new revelations arrived at the climactic point of the understanding that there is a second born-again experience. Why such a press and a push on the revelation? Because it is coming, and God always tells His prophets before it actually happens. We have to expect it for it to happen to us (maybe it would happen to us anyway, but it is in God's right order that we should know about it before it happens to us).


I also said we are going to spend some time in the New Testament, bringing forth the understanding by the wisdom of Kabbalah, revealing it through the New Testament for the people who do not have the wherewithal or the desire to go through Kabbalah, but when I prepared for Chapter 2, I said, This is amazing, because you cannot find the message that I preach in the Old Testament. I can make particular points in the Old Testament by showing it to you through Kabbalah (through the esoteric doctrine), but to understand the message that I preach, Christ in you has to join with the Lord Jesus Christ; Christ has to be reconnected to Ancient Adam, and there has to be a resurrection of our nefesh, by pulling our soul out of our bones.


There are five grades of soul, and to have the nefesh grade of soul saved, it has to be separated from the body, because the body is not going to be saved. This physical body that gets sick and is capable of death is not going to get saved. It is going to be dissolved. That is what Peter was talking about in the Scripture: the elements melting with great fire (2 Pet 3:10). It is a spiritual fire that is going to dissolve this body, which is problematic, but it is the only way our soul can express itself in this dimension at this time.


We are talking about the separation of your nefesh soul, which is your personality, from your body. That is the salvation of your nefesh soul. This whole message is set forth in Colossians, Chapter 2, but you have to have the revelation in your heart in order to see it, because it is abbreviated.


In Colossians, Chapter 1, Paul talks about the mystery that has been hidden from all the generations of all the ages prior to this age, and this generation. The mystery has been hidden; the mystery of how God is going to rescue humanity, how He is going to rescue Adam, how He is going to rescue His own breath (which is the Shekinah in captivity), how He is going to overthrow, (or undo) the accident that happened when Adam in the garden married the Snake instead of Elohim. It is a great mystery, and that mystery today is revealed to those who are chosen to hear it, and it is being prepared for the Gentiles to hear it as well.


That is the message. Of course, not in the detail that I have been preaching it, it is there in Colossians, Chapter 2, if you can see it behind the cherubim with flaming swords, because I have seen it, and it is all set forth in the Alternate Translation. The average person cannot see it, but here is the message. If anyone should ever say to you, where is it in the Scripture? Here it is. And if you cannot understand it from me, perhaps you can believe the Alternate Translation, which also takes a leap of faith (because it is an Alternate Translation). Someday, we will have it in a book with all the notes, so you can see how I worked it up, and how I came to this conclusion. The Lord putting us in the New Testament is more than just revealing the message through the New Testament. Now that we have climaxed (when I say we have climaxed, I do not mean that that is the end of all revelation, because the revelation of the word of God is infinite) to the point that God has assigned us to attain to today, it may change tomorrow, it may be the message of this age, or it may be for now.


Xxxx put these notes together for me, at least the framework of it so that I could work within it. I am very grateful for that. I have asked her to reproduce the Alternate Translation of Colossians, Chapter 1, primarily because, when I went into the Alternate Translation to annotate it, and saw the necessity for a particular footnote, I recognized that I had not made that point during the message. That is the main reason why we have Colossians, Chapter 1 reproduced here with all the annotations. You can see the references, but the footnote I am referring to is on Page 2, Footnote #4. It is the last word in Verse 18.


It is so interesting how the mind of Christ functions. I have so many questions about it. I get words of knowledge that, at least maybe in my ignorance, I think are not important. They are just so interesting. I have a whole list in my mind of all the books we are supposed to be creating. It is insane that we have published 40 books already. In the insanity of getting these 40 books on the market, one of the books that got lost in the crush was the Revised 2nd Edition of The Noah Chronicles, which is a very important book. The problem was that towards the end of the book, I knew I did not have the revelation right, and that is why I pushed it to the back. Right now my priority is to finish The Gadarene Demoniac. About a week ago, The Noah Chronicles rose in my consciousness and I said, I really think I have to finish that book. Most likely, if I check it out now, I should be able to correct the revelation. It was disturbing me that I did not think I had it right. I thought, with everything the Lord has taught us, I should be able to do it, so I am going to do that right after I finish The Gadarene Demoniac.


Here I am writing a footnote referring to The Noah Chronicles, so the word of knowledge rose in my spirit, that what the Lord is teaching in The Noah Chronicles is coming into play. I do not know any other words to express it. It is coming into play in the spiritual plane, and here it is, a cross-reference in Colossians, Chapter 1. Brethren, the spiritual life is so exciting. I pray that you should all have, if you want it, the experience that I have. It is the most exciting thing that ever happened to me in my life. I would not give it up for anything in this world, and I do not think that I have seen anything yet.


Verse 18, Primordial Adam, the one who existed from the beginning... I am trying to call Him Ancient Adam, but the reason I translated it Primordial Adam here is because the word primordial came up in one of the alternate translations, so I am staying with primordial for this verse.


Let us start reading from Verse 15, Primordial Adam, who is the image of the invisible God of the whole creation, because the Whole Adam in heaven and in earth, invisible and visible, was created by Him, including thrones, or civil powers, or primordial entities, or authorities.  See the word primordial that came up? It is an Alternate Translation of something in Verse 16. The Whole Adam was created by Him and for Him, and He came before the Whole Adam, and the Whole Adam is sustained by Him, and Primordial Adam, the one who existed from the beginning, holds the highest rank of the whole Church, which rank is the head of the body of the firstborn Adam that died.


The issue is the body of the firstborn Adam that died. I always saw the body of Christ as spiritual, as the group of the souls of the believers, but I think I have been seeing it incorrectly. The body of Christ is just that: the corporeal, material, physical body of the invisible Christ.


We have discussed a lot recently about the ransom, how Jesus is in potential, and how all the soul sparks of the Second Adam are in potential. They need a body to incarnate in in this world, and that is what the ransom is all about. These soul sparks are in the form of the seed that Jesus sows. We get His seed, which has the potential to become a spiritual child which is eternal. When that spiritual child is joined permanently to Ancient Adam, He becomes immortal and we receive eternal life.


In order to say that Jesus offers us eternal life, we have to understand the process. The Church does not understand the process, so they think it happens after you die. They see people dying, so they think eternal life is after death, but that is not true—eternal life is in the flesh. And they shall be saved in childbearing. When you bear the spiritual child, it qualifies you to marry Ancient Adam, who raises that spiritual child  from the dead. We are told in Colossians, Chapter 2, that the spiritual child is buried under the dead earth. This body is dead, and the nefesh soul in our marrow is dead. We have life because the Lord Jesus has given us His Spirit, and those of us here have a neshamah intellectual spiritual soul (the third grade of soul), but our soul is dead. Paul clearly says, Your soul is dead because of your transgressions. Our soul is dead because of sin, and the body is sin.


There are two different words that mean dead in the Greek. The first word is nekros, which means dead-dead, no chance of resurrection. Dead. The second word is thanatos, which pretty much means the death of the body because the spirit leaves the body. We humans, who are the nefesh grade of soul, our personality experiences death along with the body when our spirit goes back to the Father who gave it. Our nefesh soul (our personality) and our body are intricately enmeshed and joined inseparably together. We are told, in the Book of Hebrews, that the Sword of the Spirit (the Word of God) is capable of separating the soul from the marrow of the body. When that happens, it is a miracle. If a carcass remains after you die, that means your soul and your body are under the ground, and your spirit went back to the Father who gave it. The soul is dead, brethren. The soul that is attached to this body is dead, nekros, but we are alive because of the spirit. The process of resurrection of the nefesh soul is to separate it from the body. That is the only way to save your soul, which is your personality. It has to separate from the marrow of your bones.


Christ in us is buried under the earth of this body and this dead soul. In Colossians, Chapter 2, Paul calls it a baptism of death. I was teaching years ago, in Message #18, A Place Teeming with Life, that the female seed was buried in the earth. It was a part of the beginning of creation. Message #18 describes the experience of that seed, how she was horrified at being buried under the earth. Colossians 2 tells us that Christ was buried in baptism. He was baptized when He was entered into us. Christ was buried in a baptism of earth, and although it does not actually say that, it is the implication. When He is joined to Ancient Adam, and raised up out of this earthen grave (when He is married to our nefesh soul), we rise up with Him. We are co-heirs to that resurrection.


I was talking about the First Adam, the body of the firstborn Adam that died, and telling you that I always thought the body of Christ was a body of souls, but it is not. That phrase, the body of Christ, is talking about the physical people who provide the corporeal body for Christ so that He can express Himself in the earth.


My footnote to that statement is talking about the death of the firstborn. Footnote #4: Jesus Christ is a member of the First Adam who died. Jesus Christ was a mortal man. He was born of a man and a woman. Joseph, who inherited the seed from David, was responsible for the generation of the physical body of the man Jesus of Nazareth. Any deity that was present, was within Him. It was a glorious, living soul that was born with Him, but His body was dead.


Any physical body in this form is dead. The creation is an essential spirit that is clothing itself in clouds, or in shadiness, so that it can be seen. There are multiple dimensions, and the spirit is a many-membered spirit. Each world that it enters into takes on a body that is appropriate for that world. Jesus has a body today that is appropriate for the world that He is in, and if He goes to another world, He takes on a body that is appropriate for that world. This world is hell, and the attribute of this world is death, so the body that clothes the essential spirit in this world is dead. Everything here is dead, or at least in a form of death. Death means immovable. Death means bound. Even the plants—they are alive, but they are dead because they cannot leave the ground. That which is alive is free. That which is from above, Paul says, is free; you are free to go anywhere and do anything that the spirit moves upon you to do.


Jesus Christ is a mortal man, a member of the First Adam who died. He is a mortal man, whose resurrection from the dead faithfully witnessed to the Truth of God's promise to Abraham, that his descendants would inherit the Land of Canaan (Genesis 24:7). That is the faithful witness Jesus was witnessing to. I always thought Jesus was witnessing to God's existence, which is true, but even more than that, He was witnessing to the fulfillment of Jehovah's promise to Abraham, that his descendants would inherit the land.


Who is Abraham's descendant? Abraham's descendant is Christ. Christ in you is the heir, and we are co-heirs with Him. What are we co-heirs to? The land of Israel in the Middle East? No. Christ is inheriting the spiritual earth that formed this dead body, but this dead earth can be formed into a living body also. He inherited the earth. Is that not what the Scripture says? And the meek shall inherit the earth. We are inheriting the earth. Everybody thinks we are inheriting the planet; yes, we are inheriting the planet, but we need a body that will function on this planet; a body made out of the same elements as the planet. The inheritance is a body for an invisible spirit; an invisible consciousness. The inheritance is a body that will let it function in this world without dying. That is the inheritance; the body, the land. 


The Hebrew word translated canaan, actually means, to humiliate. As laid out in The Noah Chronicles... This is a great mystery: Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth were not homo sapiens, they were a higher life form that was made to be joined to homo sapiens (humanity). They were in a spiritual form that was designed to be the inner man of humanity. I was thinking yesterday, as I prepared this message, that I did not know what kind of bodies Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth might have had before the Flood, but I sort of had this revelation in pieces, that at the time of the Flood, they actually came out of their bodies. I knew that they ascended above the Flood into another dimension somehow, and when the flood waters receded, they descended, but as of now, I am thinking that whatever bodies they had must have been made of the material that was destroyed on the other side of the Flood. Their salvation took a form of leaving their bodies. Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth went back into potential somehow, although they had some kind of a body, because they had the ark; they had something that kept them alive. Then, when the time came to descend back down into the earth, their job was to save humanity.


Let me say it this way: Shem, Ham and Japheth were in the same state as Christ is in today. Noah was in the same role that Jesus is in today, only Noah was not glorified. What role is Jesus in today? Jesus mediates between humanity and Ancient Adam, who has eternal life. Jesus, in and of Himself, does not have eternal life. He has eternal life because He is permanently joined to Ancient Adam. Noah was in the same role as mediator, between humanity and Jehovah, the one that has eternal life, and Shem, Ham and Japheth were his seeds, like Christ is the seed of the Lord Jesus Christ. Only it could not have been exactly the same, because it was happening on a higher plane of consciousness. I do not have any more information than this, other than I know it was not exactly like it is now, and that it had to be on a higher plane of consciousness that I do not understand yet. Shem, Ham and Japheth were in the function of the Christ seed of the Lord Jesus Christ that is being joined to humans. That is the beginning of the process that develops a spiritual child in the individual, making the individual eligible for marriage to Ancient Adam, which is the resurrection of the dead for both the spiritual child that we give birth to, and the soul that the spiritual child is not only attached to, but a part of.


I have a whole interesting teaching in one of my books, I think it is the book About Marriage, that when a man and a woman marry and produce a child, the soul of the two parents is blended immovably in that child. You cannot dissolve that marriage. Maybe a court of law can dissolve the marriage, and you can physically separate, but spiritually, you are bound forever, so long as that child lives, or one of the parties to the marriage dies, because the soul can be in more than one place at a time. If you are a husband, your soul is in yourself, it is in your wife, and it is in your child, so if you separate from your wife—maybe you do not like her anymore and you divorce her—your souls will be bound forever, so long as that child lives. That is why Jesus said, If you marry again, you are an adulterer because you are married to that woman through the existence of your child, if you can understand what I am saying.


Noah was in the same role that Jesus is in, except he was not glorified. He was purified enough, through the process at that time, to have a relationship with Jehovah, and he sent forth his seeds: Shem, Ham and Japheth. I do not know how formed they were. I do not know if they were as subtle as the seed of Christ that we receive, or whether they were in another form. I do not know, neither do I know what form humanity was in back then. Here is a great mystery, because I know what I am telling you is the truth, and I am getting this revelation that is in The Noah Chronicles even deeper as I sit here talking to you. I know that what I just told you is the truth, so if this is the truth, we have a problem. Does anybody know what the problem is? I will tell you what I mean.


I said that Noah was in the same role that Jesus was in, although he was not glorified, and he was not perfect. He was purified enough, through his relationship with Elohim, to have a relationship with Jehovah. On the one hand, he was connected above, and he had three seeds, Shem, Ham and Japheth, that he sent forth to have the same function that the seed of Christ is having with the body of Christ today. That function is for the seed to produce a child in us that is eligible to marry Jehovah, which jumps over the mediator. Can you understand that? Jesus connects us to Ancient Adam. When that man-child is born in us, Ancient Adam marries the man-child, and we do not need the mediator anymore.


Let me say it again: Jesus, at this end (at the bottom) is connected to Ancient Adam, so we are connected to Ancient Adam. We have access to Ancient Adam through our relationship with Jesus Christ, and through our relationship with Jesus Christ, we hope to one day produce a spiritual child. That spiritual child is called the Lamb of God, the bride of Ancient Adam. So when Ancient Adam marries the Lamb of God, which is growing out of us, we do not need the mediator anymore.


The spiritual child that we birth is the product of our very own soul, our nefesh soul, because the man-child is attached to our material self. The man-child is growing out of our nefesh grade of soul, and it is also the seed of the soul of the glorified Jesus. The overcoming soul of Jesus of Nazareth is an element of it, and our soul becomes inextricably joined that it cannot be separated. When Ancient Adam marries the Lamb (the man-child in us), we automatically go with it and are joined to Ancient Adam directly through the child that we produce. The child has a spirit and a soul, and the soul is a combination of our fallen soul and the overcoming soul of the Lord Jesus Christ, so we have to go with it; we cannot be separated from it. And forever we will be with the Lord, because our soul is now married to Ancient Adam through the child we produced that we cannot be separated from.


Does anybody see the problem? Noah was in the same role as Jesus, only he was not glorified, and Shem, Ham and Japheth were the seeds that are like the seed of Christ. Their job was to find a human that they could dwell with, just like a seed of Jesus Christ found me. I became His Canaan. He found a member of the human race; the human race is that female seed that is attached to the earth, and we have an emptiness, there is a big hole in us that needs to be filled; something is lacking in us. We need to produce the child to be whole, and to produce the child, we must have a relationship with a spiritual male. The seed that comes from the Lord Jesus Christ is male in relation to me, a human. It gets inside of me and works towards producing the man-child.


So, what is wrong with this picture? Noah is in Jesus' role, the same role, although not the same. Shem, Ham and Japheth are the seeds that Jesus Christ is sowing into humanity, which was right after the Flood. What is the problem with what I am saying? The Scripture says that everything on the earth was destroyed by the Flood, so where is humanity coming from? We also have non-scriptural ancient literature that shows that the community of Samaria, a flourishing community, existed right after the Flood, so how did this happen?


The answer (that I think the Lord is reminding me of, because the thought rose in my mind as a question I did not know the answer to, but now what is coming to me) is something that I have previously taught, that the Flood occurred on a higher spiritual plane. It did not occur on this spiritual plane. It can been likened to being in a boat that sprung a leak, and the water filled up the boat so much that it sank. The Flood took place on a spiritual plane that was higher than this, but everything that was heavier than the water fell down into a lower world, which is this world. When it says everything on the earth was destroyed, it was destroyed in its present form. It was in a higher form than this world (we do not know what it looked like), and it was moved to a lower world, this world.


Humanity was here; Samaria was here. There were demigods, which were Gilgamesh and his like and ilk, and humanity was here too. They changed form. In some of the esoteric literature that I read, I think it was in the Book of Enoch or the Book of Jasher, they said they just woke up one morning and everyone was covered with clay. All the beings that existed in the world before the Flood that had spiritual bodies were now covered with clay. Did it happen overnight? It might have. I do not know.


We do not know how long it took to happen, but we know that the world before the Flood was destroyed, and there were elements of that world that survived by falling down into a lower world. Noah became the connection to the old world, because in the old world, Jehovah was accessible without a mediator like Jesus Christ. Noah was the connection to Jehovah. He was a carryover from the old world, and he sent forth his seeds. We do not know what they looked like, but they were named. I got a seed, and you got a seed; what it comes down to, if you can hear it, is this: Those of us who have the seed of Christ are comparable to Shem, Ham and Japheth. Right here this morning, I am either Shem, Ham or Japheth, seeking to plant the seed that is in me, in you. Shem, Ham and Japheth were likened to a role that I am in. They were already teachers. They had their own form (I think), and they were teachers of the Word of God, and they were going out to save humans by giving them the seed that would produce the man-child in them. What were they saving them from? They were saving them from the Snake. They were saving them from the reptilian, because the reason humanity was in this condition (a human vessel without a husband and without a child), is because Adam married the Snake instead of Elohim.


Adam actually betrayed the earth. We are the victim. Those of us that are just clay (flesh) are victims of the higher spiritual world that turned evil. That is why God is trying to save us. We are responsible for our own sins, but the truth is that we were overcome by a higher specie of intelligence. The female seed that was attached to the clay was supposed to marry Elohim and become a god, and we were supposed to inherit that godhood, so to speak, with her. But instead of marrying Elohim, she married the Snake, and the clay was formed into this present form. We are the garment for the reptilian. The female seed, the Shekinah in captivity, married the Snake, and produced a visible creation that is the garment for the reptilian. We are Leviathan. We are the clay garment for the reptilian. Are you looking for the reptilians out there? They are here. They are in your mind. The carnal mind is the reptilian mind.


Left to our own devices, if Shem, Ham and Japheth were not going out to save humanity, and if Jesus Christ is not going forth today to save humanity by giving them His spiritual child, the destiny of humanity, which is already the garment of the reptilian, is to be approached by the parallel entity to Arikh Anpin. I told you that Arikh Anpin (you can call Him Adam Kadmon or Ancient Adam, if that helps you; let us not parse the words when we are trying to understand this difficult concept) is to marry the man-child in us. What entity is in a parallel degree of authority to Ancient Adam, not equal to Him, but in a parallel, illegal dimension? Anybody? What is her name?


COMMENT: Sophia.


Yes, Sophia. If the man-child of Jesus Christ is not formed in us, at some point in time, if it has not started already, the reptilian within us is going to start producing the reptilian child. Ancient Egypt called him Horus. He is formed today, and his name is Lucifer. There are people involved in the ancient mysteries that want this child born. The Freemasons, for one, want Lucifer born (they call him Hiram Abiff) because there is power in that birth. The reptilian in the world today is going to stir up some of the people that are his clothing, that want his power, that will study the mystery religions, and produce that spiritual child, which will make them eligible for marriage to Sophia.


You have to get your wisdom from somewhere, and since man (humanity) is nothing, when you start studying the mysteries, you have to have a teacher on a higher level. Sophia comes as a counselor; she comes by her spirit. She gives them the revelation. They start to have a Horus, or a Lucifer formed in them, and when Lucifer is fully formed, Sophia marries him, and that is eternal life for Sophia. I do not believe the Lord is going to allow that to happen, but that is the plan. If Jehovah leaves humanity alone, humanity will be formed in the permanent eternal image of the reptilian, through a marriage to Sophia.


Right after the Flood, Jehovah raised up Noah as a mediator, and sent forth Shem, Ham and Japheth with the ability to impart this seed of Jehovah to humanity, to save them from their ultimate fate; humanity, the riderless horse; ignorant humanity that does not understand and thinks they do not need God. It is getting very close to the time, and it is already happening, that the child of Sophia is being formed in humans, and these people become evil. They start desiring blood, and sacrifice, and things like that.


That is what is happening today, the same thing that happened on the other side of the Flood. Jesus said, As in the days of Noah, and people think He is talking about homosexuality, or some other moral issue. All those things were just symptoms. The essential foundational issue, is this: Ancient Adam is responsible for bringing forth the creation God. He is the essential one that is bringing forth the creation of God. He sowed a female seed through one of His Sefirot. He sowed a female seed with earth attached to it, and that earth cannot survive without being joined internally to the Eternal One. There was an accident, and humanity, the earth that is attached to the female seed, was separated from the male seed, and we are out here on our own. If Jehovah does not get His seed to us and bring forth the man-child in each and every human, they are destined to either die, or produce the child of the reptilian. That is the fruit of the adultery of the Woman with the Snake.


That reptilian in us (we are the garment of the reptilian) is doing everything it can to produce the child inside of us so that we are eligible to marry Sophia, so that the reptilian can enter into eternal life. That is why he encourages us to sin. We know him (or her) as Satan. That is why he, or she, encourages us to sin. For many years I have been saying, Satan gives us wrong motives and influences us to sin, because when we sin it releases energy, and she gobbles up the energy, but it is much more than that. She wants us to sin so that God rejects us; so that we receive her evil seed and produce the evil child that Sophia will marry, and give the reptile inside of us eternal life, because when we die, Satan and Leviathan inside of us die. Just like if Christ is in us and our body dies, Christ dies. Satan, Leviathan, and Christ in the individual all die if the body dies without coming to fulfillment. In the same way Christ in me is crying out to Jesus to fulfill Him so that He does not have to die when my body dies, Satan and Leviathan are also crying out to Sophia, Fulfill us so that we can live, so that we can keep this body alive as the garment of the reptilian, and not die.


Humanity (the female) will either be saved or damned forever in childbearing, depending on the child we bring forth. That is the reality of the condition God is trying to save us from, because He created us. He is responsible for us. There was an accident. The Woman married the wrong guy. We read about it in the Song of Solomon, Chapter 5. She thought she was opening the door for Elohim, and it was the wrong guy. I do not think the female seed was evil; she was the daughter of the Shekinah. She was not evil.


Back to Footnote #4, Jesus Christ is a member of the First Adam who died. He is a mortal man whose resurrection from the dead faithfully witnessed to the Truth of God's promise to Abraham, that his descendants would inherit the Land of Canaan. The Hebrew word translated canaan, actually means, to humiliate. As laid out in The Noah Chronicles, Ham was a being of a higher spiritual order than homo sapiens, who was designed to exist coincidentally with, and as the outer garment of, a spiritual inner man. Homo sapiens was humiliated. Brethren, we are humiliated from the day we are born. There is no way an infant can survive without an adult to take care of it. We are a humiliated species.


Homo sapiens (humanity) was humiliated by the First Adam who died in the previous age when he married the Snake, and filled them with Cain (rather than with Abel), the fruit of his adultery. We are clay. There is an inner man inside of us right now, and he is reptilian. If we allow it, he is open to receive the seed of Sophia, which would begin a parallel process to everything I have been teaching you about the seed of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the end of that would be marriage of that reptilian child to Sophia, and the human that this happens to would be a co-heir to eternal life in the reptilian world where the flesh is abused.


Ham, a spiritual being, rescued one of these humiliated humans by becoming its inner man. Maybe that is not even true. Maybe Shem, Ham and Japheth were like I am now, or like you are now (if any of you have seed). I am talking about myself because I know I have seed. We do not know whether Ham was a seed that actually became the inner man of this human, or if this human, this Canaan that was rescued, was a disciple like one of you. For example, let us say one of you was rescued because you received a seed from me. I do not know which is true at this point. Ham, a spiritual being, rescued one of these humiliated humans by becoming its inner man, just like the glorified Jesus Christ is becoming the new inner man of the members of the Church today. Ham also had a son named Canaan.


I told you all this to try to explain Verse 18 in a better way. The King James translation says the body of the firstborn that died, so everyone believes this Scripture is talking about Jesus of Nazareth, because they think Jesus was the first begotten of the dead. I think we even translated that Scripture differently. I have to read my own Alternate Translation to get this into my spirit, because I cannot recall how I translated it. The King James translation is not correct in saying that Jesus is the first begotten of the dead. There was another translation for that in Colossians, Chapter 1.


When we read about the death of Jesus, the Church is always talking about the physical body Jesus of Nazareth, but that is not what the Lord is talking about. The physical body of Jesus of Nazareth was just a sack that died. The whole exciting message about salvation and eternal life is not about the body. It is about the soul. If you automatically think of the death of the body when you hear the word death, you are thinking in a carnal way. The default thought should be the death of the soul.


When the Scripture uses the word nekros, that word means dead, never to rise again. That refers to the body. Dead, thanatos, means the soul died to its present existence; it left the body and went someplace else while the body deteriorated. If there is a higher soul in the body when it dies, the soul is saved. If there is no higher soul in the body, the spirit is saved. The spirit is always saved; it goes back to the Father who gave it.


When the body dies, the spirit returns to the Father who gave it. If there is a neshamah in that body, that neshamah is Christ, and if it is not mature enough to be extracted from the body because it is attached to the Lord Jesus, then it dies with the body. The nefesh soul is in the marrow. The only way your personality can be saved is to have it extracted from the marrow, which is the final process of salvation. That means, all the personalities of the Christians that have lived so far have not been saved. Their spirit was saved, so it is OK to say they were saved, but their soul was not saved. That is a word that is going to traumatize the Church. I do not believe that the nefesh soul, which is in the marrow of your bones, has eternal life. How can we say that it has eternal life? How can the Church teach you that your soul will burn in hell forever when the Scripture clearly says, The soul that sins, dies? The soul that sins, dies. It might have a hellish experience from being buried alive with the bones in the body, if you can hear that, but I believe there is a provision for the people that have served Jesus as faithfully as possible, that they will not suffer after the body dies. I have to believe that. Until that soul dies, it is trapped in the bones. This kind of teaching would empty out the Church. When Jesus said, You have to eat My flesh, and drink My blood, they all left Him, except for a few. The true teaching of Jesus Christ would empty out the Church.


When we read about the death of Christ, it is not talking about Jesus of Nazareth. The Church thinks it is talking about Jesus of Nazareth. I had a thought this morning about John the Revelator in Patmos. He saw, in the Spirit, the whole revelation that became the Book of Revelation, and just before he saw it in the Spirit, he saw this being that was glorious, shining. He did not recognize him. He did not think he was Jesus. He fell down on his knees in front of him, and that glorious, shining being said to him, Do not do that. I am a man just like you are. It was not Jesus, per se—it was Ancient Adam clothed in the personality of Jesus, but He was so different than the Jesus John knew, that he did not know who he was. It was a spiritual being, Ancient Adam, clothed in the personality of Jesus of Nazareth, or the material that formed the personality, because the nefesh grade of soul is made of earth. It was the nefesh grade of soul of Jesus that enabled Ancient Adam to appear to John the Revelator in a form. It was the soul of Jesus of Nazareth being integrated with that glorious being; Elijah was in there, and Moses was in there too. It was a collective soul, but it did not look like Jesus of Nazareth because John did not recognize Him.


We are talking about Jesus as the name, because who can understand this? Jesus is the name of this glorious one, but the glorified Jesus is different than Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus of Nazareth was absorbed into the glorious one. The name of the glorious one is Jesus, but He is much more than Jesus of Nazareth. Who can understand this? You can continue to think it is Jesus of Nazareth, if you want, until the day comes for the Lord to elevate your consciousness, which He is trying to do with this message.


Christ, in the Scripture, is not Jesus of Nazareth. There is no distinction in the Scripture between Christ in you and Ancient Adam. It is all the Anointed One, because Christ means the Anointed One. The New Testament is the simplified version for people who do not have a strong background in the Scripture. It is simplified. Christ can mean any member of the household of God. You have to decide who it is by the words of the surrounding verses, and by the context; by reading the whole verse, if not the whole chapter. It is just like the Hebrew words that do not have vowels. I told you years ago that when the Bible was written, there was no beginning or end of a sentence. The whole Bible was just one Hebrew letter after the other; you had to put in the vowels, and you had to put in the beginning and the end of the sentence. That is what the New Testament is regarding the word Christ. You have to read the whole sentence or the whole chapter to find out which aspect of the Anointed One the particular Scripture is talking about.


There are a couple of verses in Colossians, Chapter 2, that talk about the corporeal body, which is the material body. The word is corporeal, solid. If the Scripture says the corporeal body, then it is talking about the physical, corporeal body. If it just says the word body, then it is not talking about the corporeal body, it is talking about the soul.


If you are someone who is reading the surface of the Word (and I am not condemning anyone that is on this level), you might have faith in a concept, like Jesus Christ, and you probably think He is God, and that He is capable of answering your prayers and having mercy on you, and that is how you live, but when your body dies, your soul (your personality) will die with it. Hopefully, because of your faith in Jesus Christ, your experience until that soul dies will not be tormenting (I do not know about that; I have to believe God has mercy on people that have served Him faithfully, with great faith to the level they had it, who do not separate from their bones at death). Jesus is the only one that separated from His bones (that I know about), so there has to be some provision for mercy.


This explanation should have been given in Colossians, Chapter 1, but I did not receive it in my spirit. Are there any questions or comments about what I told you? If you are interested, Colossians, Chapter 1 is now annotated. I also want to talk about the Whole Adam, which is Footnote #1: The Whole Adam is the First and Second Adam, that is, Christ in the individual joined to the Lord Jesus Christ.


I have a note to discuss the Whole Adam because there is a correction I need to make. At one point, not too long ago, I was confusing the function of the Lord Jesus Christ with the function of Ancient Adam. I think it was regarding the difference between Ancient Adam and Arikh Anpin. The name Arikh Anpin is in my consciousness because of a principle that came up in my study of Colossians, Chapter 2, which we will get to eventually. I was thinking to myself, Why would the Scripture be saying Arikh Anpin instead of Ancient Adam? So here is the answer for you.


Arikh Anpin is the partzuf, or the personality, associated with the Keter. The third degree of power is Binah (Understanding), and her partzuf, or personality, is Mother. The attribute of the second degree of power is Wisdom, and His partzuf, or His personality, is the Father. The partzuf, or the personality associated with the Keter, is Arikh Anpin. Actually, the Keter has two personalities: Arikh Anpin and Atik Yomin. Atik Yomin is the Ancient of Days.


All the worlds have to be connected, and this is the way they are connected: The Malkhut of the higher world spreads, sort of like the cell reproduction of a one-celled organism (like a paramecium); when it reproduces, it breaks into two. The Malkhut of the higher world does not separate, but it stretches itself out and becomes the seed of the lower world. The seed that we receive comes from the Malkhut of the Lord Jesus Christ, and it is attached to Him (if you can hear it). It is the Malkhut of the Lord Jesus Christ descending into my body in the form of the seed called Christ, and Christ in me is building a whole new world, which eventually will have 10 Sefirot of its own. So, to me, Atik Yomin is the seed of the Lord Jesus Christ, which then starts to divide itself and bring forth the tenfold Sefirot of the world in me, and the Keter of the tenfold Sefirot in me is Arikh Anpin. He is attached to, or emerges from, Atik Yomin.


I will say that again: The Lord Jesus Christ sends forth a seed. The seed is still attached to Him, because the higher world that wants to build a lower world extends His Malkhut into the lower world and begins to form a whole new world. The Lord Jesus Christ sent forth a seed. He is still attached to the seed that is Atik Yomin, and He is a part of the Keter of the higher world. That Keter of the higher world then becomes the first seed of the new organism, and extends itself into Arikh Anpin, which becomes the Keter of the 10 Sefirot that will be within me. Of the 10 Sefirot that will be within me, Arikh Anpin, the Keter, is attached to Atik Yomin, the tip of the Malkhut of Jesus, who sent the seed in the first place. For all intents and purposes, it depends on how you look at it. Atik Yomin and Arikh Anpin are two different aspects (or faces) of the Keter in me. One looks up to Jesus, and one looks down to me, or to the world that is being formed in me, because a whole new world is being formed in me, and a whole new world is being formed in you.


Not too long ago, I thought it was the Lord Jesus Christ that was going to marry Christ in me, and that would be the marriage that would produce the man-child. Then, the Lord Jesus Christ would marry me, and that would be the ultimate salvation. A few months ago, I found out that that was not true. I was using the word Ancient Adam, and I just gave you the whole explanation as to the difference between Arikh Anpin and Ancient Adam.


Ancient Adam is in a higher world and Arikh Anpin exists in every world. He is the beginning of the Keter of the new world. Ancient Adam is specifically in a higher world. He is in the world of Adam Kadmon, and He probably never gets down here to us. I do not want to start confusing you at this point, but I started it, so let me finish it, because you have to hear this. Arikh Anpin is more accurate than Ancient Adam because Ancient Adam is so high above us, He can never be interacting with us. That was my understanding at the time. Everything I taught, when I said it was Ancient Adam, was correct. I had the name wrong. It is not Ancient Adam coming down to marry the man-child in us. He is in a very faraway exalted place, and we can never, at least in this state, even hope to even communicate with Ancient Adam. He is the extension of the light that entered into the empty space; He is in a very high, exalted place. I should have been saying Arikh Anpin, meaning the Keter; either Arikh Anpin or Atik Yomin. The one that is going to be marrying the man-child is Arikh Anpin.


We are talking about the unification. The fall put a separation between the upper triad and the Sefirot below. There is this big, empty space. Christ in us is the seven Sefirot below. The upper triad, eternal life, is up here. The lower triad,  Christ in you, has to be connected to life, which is in the upper triad. The upper triad, Arikh Anpin, Chokmah and Binah, are all attached to the Lord Jesus Christ, who is attached to the God World of Atzilut. We are down here. There is this big empty space in between. Who is coming to marry the child in us, that is going to attach us to the upper triad of the Lord Jesus Christ? Arikh Anpin, the Keter of the upper triad in us, is going to marry the lower triad in us. Jesus sent His seed that is attached to Him, that is attached to the world above, and that seed that Jesus sent has developed into something within us that is capable of being joined to the upper triad.


I will try to explain that again. The Lord Jesus Christ is ascended. He is attached to eternity. He is attached to the God World of Atzilut. There is nothing in us (the average human) for the Lord Jesus Christ to reach down and grab hold of, nothing to pull our soul out of this body, and save our soul. There is nothing in us that He can lay hold of, because everything is sin. His seed in us is a holy seed that, when it develops in us, will be something that the Lord Jesus can grab hold of. When He grabs hold of that seed (which is developing into the child), to rip the child out of us, our soul will go with Him. We will separate from the bones in our body and go with Him. That is the plan.


The question is, Who is coming down to marry the man-child in us? I thought it was the Lord Jesus Christ, but I just told you that I found out that that is wrong. It cannot be the Lord Jesus Christ coming down to marry the man-child in us, because the Lord Jesus Christ, who was the Second Adam, joined to Christ in us, makes the Whole Adam. Christ Jesus, in heaven and earth together, is the Whole Adam. Jesus is not coming down to marry Christ in us. Jesus is coming down to join with Christ in us, and that will make us the Whole Adam.


I am trying to bring the correction here; the last thing I told you was that the Whole Adam is the Lord Jesus Christ: Christ in me and Ancient Adam together. I told you that was the Whole Adam, and I have to take that back. There was a mistake. It was an overcorrection, because I realized that it could not be the Lord Jesus marrying the man-child in me because Jesus is a part of the man-child. I realized that it could not be Jesus marrying Christ in me because it takes the Whole Adam, Jesus above and Jesus below, to produce the man-child that Ancient Adam is going to come and marry.


Since I messed this whole thing up, and I have to review it with the Lord, let me just leave it with you that the Whole Adam is the Lord Jesus above (who is the Second Adam) and Christ below. That is the Whole Adam. He exists in heaven, and He exists in earth. Where I am stuck right now is that I am not exactly sure where the man-child is in all this. Is the Whole Adam the man-child? The Whole Adam is the Lord Jesus above and Christ below. The last thing I told you was that the Whole Adam included Ancient Adam, and that is wrong. The Whole Adam is the Lord Jesus above attached to Christ (His feet in the earth). His head is in heaven, and His feet are in our earth.


From that perspective, I am not sure where the man-child is. Is the Whole Adam the man-child Himself, or does the Whole Adam first produce the man-child? That is where I am stuck right now. I want to leave it at that, that I brought the correction that the Whole Adam is the head in heaven and the feet in the earth. The Whole Adam does not include Ancient Adam. That is the correction. Now I have to see if I can hear from God—I thought that I had it when I came out here—as to exactly where the man-child is, and who is joining with the man-child. I have to reevaluate that whole thing, so I hope I left you with something you can lay hold of. The Whole Adam is Jesus, the head in heaven, and Christ, His feet in the earth. Exactly where the man-child comes in, I am going to have to get back to you, because if I had it, I lost it. I am sorry about the confusion. I will clear it up for you as soon as I can.


That is my main point, because these Scriptures are talking about the Whole Adam all the time, so you need to understand that the Whole Adam does not include Ancient Adam. It includes the glorified Jesus in heaven, and Christ, His feet in the earth.


Moving on now to Colossians, Chapter 2, King James translation:


Colossians 2:1-23


1 For I would that ye knew what great conflict I have for you, and for them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh;


2 That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ;


In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.


And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing words.


5 For though I be absent in the flesh, yet am I with you in the spirit, joying and beholding your order, and the stedfastness of your faith in Christ.


6 As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him:


7 Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.


8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.


9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.


10 And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:


11 In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ:


12 Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.


13 And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;


14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;


15 And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.


16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:


17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.


18 Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind,


19 And not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God.


20 Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances,


21 (Touch not; taste not; handle not;


22 Which all are to perish with the using;) after the commandments and doctrines of men?


23 Which things have indeed a shew of wisdom in will worship, and humility, and neglecting of the body: not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh.  KJV


This chapter started off with a bang, because in Verse 1, Paul is preaching this absolutely great message to the people, and it was completely missed by the King James translators.


For I would that ye knew what conflict I have for you... The Greek word conflict is Strong's #73. The first definition of the word is a place of assembly, and the King James translators did not know what to do with that, so they took the second definition, but the correct definition is a place of assembly.


I talked about this before, but it has been a long time, so let us review it. Israel is called the community of Israel, or the assembly of Israel. It is all throughout the Scripture. We have some exhibits from the internet, giving you some information about the Greater Assembly, which is the ruling body of the Jews. The Sanhedrin is the Greater Assembly, the gathering together of the rulers of Israel. That term assembly is so prominent in Jewish literature, and the King James translators completely missed what Paul was saying. Let us just take a minute to read this article, to give you some information about how important this concept of community, or the assembly of the Israelites is to Jewish life. I gave you the URL to the whole article. It seems to be a very good Christian site; they talk about the New Testament also.


I pick up in the middle of the website. A Community Set Apart. The Hebrew word edah means a gathering of people. The King James translation always translates this word as community, while the NIV will translate it as community or assembly. When edah is used of Israel, it always refers to all the descendants of Jacob, the entire nation of Israel. In the following verses are examples of how the word edah is used.


Ex 16:1, The whole Israelite community set out from Elin and came to the desert of sin.


Ex 35:1, Moses assembled the whole Israelite community and said to them, 'These are the things the Lord has commanded you to do.'


Num 26:2, Take a census of the whole Israelite community by families.


Since God has set the entire nation of Israel apart from all other nations, we can say that the community, edah, of Israel are those whom God has set apart.


The next topic underneath, on this website, is The Holy Assembly. Another Hebrew word used for gathering of the people is qahal. Again, the King James version is consistent in translating this word as assembly, but the NIV may translate it as assembly or community. The assembly of Israel are those within the community, within the edah, who have consecrated themselves by keeping God's decrees, and are therefore made holy by God. Here are a few verses using the word qahal.


Lev 4:14, When they become aware of the sin they committed, the assembly must bring a young bull as a sin offering and present it before the tent of meeting.


Psa 89:5, The heavens praise your wonders, O Lord, your faithfulness too, in the assembly of the holy ones.


The difference between the assembly and the community is based on an individual's relationship with God. All the people within the community have been set apart by God. They were all delivered out of Egypt, crossed the red sea, and were given God's decrees. But there are some within the community who rejected God and his covenant. Those who remain faithful to God and His covenant are a part of the assembly of Israel. Those who are in the assembly of Israel are also a part of the community of Israel, but not everyone in the community of Israel is part of the assembly of Israel. Although the whole community is set apart by God, only those who keep God's covenant are part of the assembly and are made holy. This, then, is the holy assembly.


That was all off the website. This is my comment: I have a book here, The Kabbalah Unveiled, by MacGregor Mathers, which seems to be a very prominent book in the field of Christian Kabbalah, though I do not recommend that you read it because it is Christian Kabbalah. The Kabbalah Unveiled talks about the Greater and the Lesser Assembly. The author is speaking about Arikh Anpin, the Greater Assembly: the long face, the infinitely patient one (that is the Keter), and Ze'ir Anpin, the Lesser Assembly, the impatient one. We know this as the Father and the Son: Arikh Anpin, the Greater Assembly, and Ze'ir Anpin, the Lesser Assembly. Arikh Anpin apparently includes Chokmah and Binah, so the divide is between the Father and the Son. It was the Son who died. The Father still exists in the form of Keter, Chokmah and Binah, known as Arikh Anpin, and the Son is being raised from the dead in the womb of you and me. It was the Son of God (Ze'ir Anpin) that died. It is Arikh Anpin, the upper triad, that is raising Him from the dead in you and me.


There is another name for them, which also appears in the Zohar, and that is the Macroprosopus and the Microprosopus. I spoke to you about this over the years. I say Macroprosopus and Microprosopus, because if there is a micro, there should be a macro, but the word Macroprosopus is not found in the Zohar. It is, however, found in The Kabbalah Unveiled, by MacGregor Mathers, an apparently well-accepted book on Kabbalah from the non-Jewish community. I may not have made it clear, but the Zohar talks about Arikh Anpin, but they do not talk about the Macroprosopus; they call him Arikh Anpin. I have a quote from the Zohar which uses the word Microprosopus: We have learnt that when the priests hold their hands outspread in blessing, the congregation should be in fear and awe, and realize that it is time of favor in all the worlds,  when the upper and lower worlds are being blessed, and there is everywhere an absence of rigor (that means harsh judgment). It is a moment when the undisclosed aspect of the Ancient of Ancients (Atik Yomin) is being revealed as Microprosopus, and thus peace prevails then everywhere.


The information I gave you above was from what I found on the internet. The Kabbalah Unveiled is speaking about Arikh Anpin, the Macroprosopus, and the Zohar does not even use that word, but they talk about the Atik Yomin, the Ancient of Days, not Arikh Anpin. I spent about five minutes explaining the difference between Atik and Arikh, and the difference is that Arikh Anpin is a part of the lower world, and Atik Yomin is a part of the highest world. I will ask the Lord to help me to review that and get a better explanation for you in the future, because I am not satisfied with what I said here, and I apologize for the confusion.


The issue is between the Ancient of Days and the Son. It is between the Ancient One (I guess it is Ancient Adam), whose Sons died before time began. We had that whole teaching recently, how the stream of light entered into the empty space (that is the Ancient One), and that the first aspect of the creation was to create these six, which was literally the Son. These six, which is the Son joined to the Ancient One, is Ancient Adam.


It was the six that got into trouble. Ancient Adam (as I just tried to explain to you in the most imperfect way), to initiate the building of the worlds below, started to descend into the lower world. In the teachings I gave you recently, that came out of the Zohar, about these six that were created to be joined to the Ancient One, that equals only nine: the six and the three from the upper triad. What happened to the 10th? I was assuming the stream of light was the upper three, and then there was the six, but there has to be a seventh, because the group below the upper triad are seven. The seventh one is Malkhut. I did not understand why the teaching in the Zohar was not including Malkhut; they were not including the female. There were these six Sons that brought forth out of themselves the female, and it is the Malkhut that descends into the lower world. This is really deep; I hope I am not ruining this for you. I hope that you can understand this.


Of course, this is just a parable. We have the Ancient One who brought forth these six, so now she has an entity called Ancient Adam. The job of the six is to bring into existence lower, and collectively more visible, worlds. Ancient Adam brought forth a female (Malkhut), and this female entered into a lower world, where there already existed a conscious material substance. The female descended into the undeveloped substance of the lower world, and she started receiving worship from the beings in that lower world. (Think in terms of beings like us to help you understand what I am saying). It was like God coming down to these beings that were below, and they started worshipping Malkhut only, giving no glory to the six or to the Ancient One, who was the progenitor of the whole creation.


Malkhut is the only part that is visible to the lower world, and it is the job of Malkhut to tell the people about the invisible God. In the Book of Acts (Acts 14:11), the same thing happened to Paul. In one of the cities he visited, they thought he came down from another planet, and they wanted to sacrifice to him. He said, Please do not do that. I am not a god. I have come to tell you about the invisible God that you are seeking.


It was the job of Malkhut to tell the people, Do not worship me, and that was what the being in the Book of Revelation said to John, Do not worship me. I am a man just like you are: worship God, and that is my job, and that is your job. When God starts doing miracles here, you better get your act together, and make sure that if anyone tries to give you the glory, that you redirect them to the one who gave you the power. Do not take it for yourself, because you will not last very long.


This Malkhut from the original Ancient Adam (for lack of a better way to express it) was not telling the lower beings below, I am not a god: worship God up here that you cannot see. No, she (Sophia) was taking the worship, and the result was that the Ancient One up here said, I am not going to tolerate that, and separated the Malkhut from the six. Maybe the six were corrupted also; the six might have gone along with it. I do not know exactly what happened, but everything fell down. Only the Ancient One remained, because the Ancient One is the root.


That was the initial fall, and we have been falling ever since; falling from world to world, experiencing that fall over and over and over again. The creation is still tumbling, but we are just about hitting bottom because this is the end of the ages, and the Ancient One has sent forth Himself, clothed in the name Jesus, the glorified Jesus, to rescue that which was lost. His Spirit, His Son, was lost; the female, the Shekinah in captivity, was lost; and the material substance was lost. He is coming to get that which was lost. We belong to Him, and we have been purchased back by the glorification of Jesus Christ. There is no longer any excuse. The Lord Jesus Christ has overcome Sophia, and now it is just a matter of the victory being expanded to all the human beings on the face of the earth.


The rest is easy now. It is easy because Jesus has the authority. If you could just understand this, you would stop fighting with me, telling me that Jesus is God. A human being, born of a man and a woman, overcame death. What good does it do you to believe that Jesus is God? That will not stop you from dying. Jesus, a man born of a man and a woman, overcame death, and He has been enabled, by the power of God, to share his victory with us in the form of a seed that will enable us to have the same experience. That is the message, not that He is God.


This is what Paul was talking about. He was not saying that I have a great affliction for you. Paul came as a messenger to tell the Colossians about his wonderful, incredible, unbelievable experience, and to tell them that God wanted him to share it with them so that they could have it too. Paul said, I have come to tell you about the Greater Assembly that is inside of me, the assemblage of the world above and the world below, the reconnection of the Father and the Son. The Son was separated from the Father. Paul said, I have come to tell you about this wonderful, great experience that I am having, that the Father and the Son are reconciled within me, and they have commissioned me to give you this message, to reveal the mystery of the ages so that you too will become eligible for the same experience. It is the will of God that you should have this same experience. That is what he was saying to them, not that he was afflicted for them. That is a big, big, big, big, big difference.


Paul is telling the Colossians that the unified Father and the Son dwell in the midst of him, and that he desires that they should know about the Father and the Son, so that they might have the same experience.


Alternate Translation, Verse 1, Paul speaking, It is my desire for you, and for them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh... that includes you and me ...to know about the Great Assembly that I am possessed of,... another translation of the word have is possess ...even the Father and the Son. That is why I am here, to tell you that it is my desire that you should have this same experience.


I would like to do what I did with Chapter 1; I would like to go through the Alternate Translation. It was just the first two verses that are very complicated; all the other verses are not this complicated. We will do Verse 2 this way also.


King James, Verse 2, That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ.


That sounds nice, but do you have any idea what that verse means? It is this message that I preached in code. An alternate translation of the word translated comforted is invited. Being knit meaning united; that is easy. Riches mean abundance; that is easy. Acknowledgement, we are translating recognition; that is no big deal. All the rest of this is easy, but I have a comment here. Paul is saying, they are invited to be united with the Lord Jesus Christ so that they could be a part of the Whole Adam, but for that to happen, they must recognize that he (Paul) is a father to them, as well as the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Father of Christ that is being planted in the midst of them, to accomplish that union.


This is very interesting. In 1 Corinthians 4:15, Paul says, For though you have ten thousand instructors in Christ, ye have not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. Paul is saying, I am your father in the Lord. The Lord Jesus Christ is the seed; He is the Father of Christ in you, but I am also a father because I have begotten you. It is through my word and my teaching that Christ is growing in you, and you are having this experience.


I find that interesting in a sort of parallel to Jesus' experience. God is the Father of Christ within Jesus, but Joseph was the father of Jesus' physical body. I, Pastor Vitale, am a physical father to you, raising you up in a similar manner to the way your father raised you up when you were a child. I am teaching you about your sins; I am teaching you right from wrong in the spiritual world; I am teaching you how to function in the spiritual world; and I am teaching you how to function in the Body of Christ and in the Kingdom of God. I am a father to you in a parallel experience to your natural father; I am training up the natural man to function in the spiritual life. God is the Father of Christ in you; I am not the father of Christ, but I am your father in that I am teaching you how to grow up into and live a whole new lifestyle, and Paul made that very clear. That was a major issue in this ministry that the Lord began to correct 3-1/2 years ago in Texas. Unfortunately, I had to ask someone to leave the ministry over it, because she absolutely refused to give me that respect that Paul is demanding in Colossians, Chapter 2. He is absolutely demanding it. He is saying, You cannot have this experience if you do not recognize that I am your father, in the manner I just described. You have two fathers, a Father of the Spirit and a father of the flesh.


Alternate Translation, Verse 2, That all of you might be invited to have your hearts united together with the agape love of the Son of God, so that you might experience His spiritual abundance.


Paul says, I want you to know about the Father and the Son, that all of you might be invited to have your hearts united together with the agape love of the Son of God, so that you might experience His spiritual abundance, and be entirely confident that you understand the mystery of God, that you can recognize this father, and the Father of Christ.


I had to go back after I translated this verse because it was not clear to me, but if you need the explanation, you can see above in your notes that the word the is translated this. The word of actually means father, because the word father does appear twice in the Interlinear text, although it is not translated twice. That is in the paragraph right under the King James Version, you can see that the word father is a correct translation of the English word of, and the word this is a correct translation of the English word the. The mystery of God and the father of the... I have the word father there twice. That is a mistake in my notes. The word father appears in the Interlinear text twice, but it is only translated once, and the word this is not translated.


Here is the correct translation: You can have this if you understand the mystery of God; that you should be confident that you understand the mystery of God, and can recognize this father, and the Father of Christ. Because if you do not recognize me as a father or a leader, you will not learn from me, and there is more that you have to learn. Christ is not going to teach you what I teach here, and I told you many times, if you do not understand, or you have a problem, go home, and talk to the Lord at home. Talk to your husband; talk to the Christ in the midst of you at home and ask for a witness. We seem to be in very good shape right now in the ministry, but over the years, there has always been somebody that did not want to learn from me. They were determined that God would teach them, or Christ within them would teach them themselves. They wanted to keep that unique relationship. Of course, you can keep your unique relationship with the Holy Spirit, but He is not going to give you what He does not have to give you. I am the one, a human teacher is what God has given you to teach your humanity how to function in the spiritual life, and you cannot deny me, and say that your unique relationship with the Holy Spirit will teach you everything that you need, based on a Scripture in the Old Testament that says, In that day, everyone will be taught of God. That has not happened to you yet.


Verse 2, It is my desire for you, and for them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh, to know about the Great Assembly that I am possessed of, even the Father and the Son, that all of you might be invited to have your hearts united together with the agape love of the Son of God, so that you might experience His spiritual abundance, and be entirely confident that you can understand the mystery of God, if you recognize this father, and the Father of Christ. I want to pray about that. It looks like that should be conditional. That you might be entirely confident that you understand the mystery of God, if you can recognize this father, and the Father of Christ. That has to be a conditional. I have to rewrite that.


That you might experience His spiritual abundance... that is His desire for you ...and be entirely confident. I have to rewrite this whole verse. That you might experience His spiritual abundance and be entirely confident... I guess it would be in receiving eternal life ...in receiving eternal life, if you understand, or when you understand the mystery of God, and recognize this father as well as the Father of Christ. Those are the terms; those are the conditions. If you recognize this father and the Father of Jesus Christ, then you are invited to have your hearts united and tied together with the Son of God, and experience His abundance, and receive the confidence that you will have this experience; that this experience I am telling you about will manifest in your life. It is my will that it will manifest in your life, and it will manifest in your life if you can recognize this father, as well as the Father of Jesus Christ. I have to rewrite this whole verse.


From here on in, I am going to go directly to the Alternate Translation, because the rest of the verses are pretty easy.


Verse 3, In whom are all the secrets of wealth... that is Christ, Christ in you ...which come from wisdom and knowledge. This verse is talking about wealth without sorrow. There are some very wealthy people in this world that have great sorrow in their life—they lose children, they are sick, they have all kinds of bad experiences. Wealth without sorrow arises out of wisdom and knowledge, and knowledge comes before wisdom; it is always backwards in the Scripture. A knowledge of God results in wisdom, and if you live for God out of that knowledge and wisdom, wealth will find you.


Verse 4, I say this to you so that no one should deceive you with persuasive language. I want you to have it. These are the conditions: You have to understand that Jesus is the Father of Christ in you, and you have to understand that you need a father in the earth to teach you, because Christ in you is not going to teach you everything. The Scripture that says, No man need teach you, does not apply to this stage of your life. You need to understand that. You need to understand that wealth is spiritual, and that when you are spiritually wealthy, it will produce material wealth in this world. The spiritual wealth comes from a knowledge of God and what He requires of you, and when you live that life that arises out of the wisdom of God, it eventually materializes in this world as wealth.


I say this to you that no one should deceive you with persuasive language. There is no shortcut. I am telling you what is required of you to understand the mysteries and to have wealth in this world, and anything else that anyone is telling you is persuasive language which is intended to deceive you. There is no shortcut. When your heart is to love, and serve God; when your primary heart is to develop His kingdom, everything will be added unto you. You must come out of your selfishness.


Verse 5: Because even though I am absent in the flesh, I am nevertheless with you, rejoicing in the Spirit at the sight of your orderly lifestyle and the stability of your faith in Christ. There is no separation from an orderly lifestyle and a stable faith in Jesus Christ. You must be in order. For everything you want to accomplish, you should ask the Lord, How do I accomplish this? Will you make a way for me to give my teaching? There is no separating an orderly lifestyle from the stability of your faith in Christ. You cannot separate them.


Verse 6, Therefore, since you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, you should live according to a lifestyle built upon His root in you. Christ in us is the root, the beginning of a spiritual kingdom, and the Scripture, or certainly the esoteric doctrine says that every one of us is a spiritual world in and of ourselves, and the root of that world is Christ in you. It is a whole new kingdom being built in the midst of the kingdom of darkness, because right now, everyone born of a woman has an inner man, and that inner man is a kingdom, the kingdom of darkness, and the kingdom of darkness dwells in us. The seed of Christ is the seed of a whole new kingdom.


Surely, the principalities of the kingdom of darkness within us, which we know is our carnal mind (which we simplify by calling them Satan and Leviathan), are going to try to kill that seed, and if they cannot kill that seed, they will try to kill us. But if we are truly clinging to the Lord Jesus Christ, truly clinging to Him for His whole life, for His kingdom, not just for a particular benefit that we want in our life, the wisdom and understanding of it will ultimately produce everything in our lives that we desire. What is going to make you cling to Him is what I am teaching, that there are no shortcuts to all the abundance, and the power, and everything that you desire to have in your life. It starts with a knowledge of what God requires of you.


You cannot take the kingdom by violence. You cannot take it by force. You cannot jump over proper godly motives, or proper channels to accomplish your goal, and not knowing what those channels are is unacceptable to God, because you have me. There is absolutely no reason for you in this ministry to not know the proper way of accomplishing what you would desire, as long as it is a legitimate desire in the ministry. You have me, and there are probably other people in the ministry that could tell you, you do not even have to come to me. There are other elders in the ministry right now that could tell you what channels to go through, and how you go about accomplishing what you want to accomplish in the ministry. There are ways to do things, and you cannot take what you desire by force.


The violent take it by force. That means you are a violent person, in that instance. It means the violence within you (which is the kingdom of darkness within you), it was your carnal mind that tried to control the right order that is in Christ in this ministry. You have to lay down the violence of your carnal mind, and find out how to do it in Christ. You need to understand and admit that you have been a violent person your whole life, although no one would ever think you were a violent person. You never killed anybody, but your mind was violent, that you did not communicate with people properly. Properly means a way that is not sin, how to accomplish something without violating another person. Brethren, I had to learn that. I am teaching you because I had to learn it. I did not learn that when I was growing up. I did not know how to accomplish what I wanted without sinning. The Lord taught me, and now I can teach you, but you have to be willing to learn.


Verse 7, Therefore, since you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, you should live according to a lifestyle built upon His root in you, and established upon the faith that you have been taught, and overflowing with thanksgiving.


Verse 8, Here is a warning from Paul: Watch out; be careful that no one seduces you through philosophy, or through unfounded delusions about the future, that they learn from the traditions of the First Adam, who was cast down into the orderly arrangement of this world, and not after Christ.


This is an interesting verse because the whole Church thinks Paul is saying that you should not be involved in philosophy, but Paul never told us not to be involved in philosophy. He says, Watch out that no one seduces you through philosophy. It means that you need to know the true philosophy. To not be seduced by philosophy means you have to not be ignorant.


It reminds me of a problem that I had here years ago. A woman came to this ministry and said the Lord told her she had to have this message.  She did not want to stay in the ministry for whatever reason, and she was demanding I give her free cassette tapes, when she left the ministry in an ungodly manner, and I would not do it. She was enraged at me, and called me up, saying, Do you not understand? The Lord told me I need to have this message, and therefore, you have to give me what I want. No, she had to come into the ministry and submit to me to obey God. She was disobedient to God by leaving this ministry (there have been a lot of people that have left here. I have not said this about anyone else), but I am telling you the truth. She said, God told me I need that message and therefore, you have to give me those tapes. She did not understand that the tapes alone would not have helped her. If you want what I have, you have to come and follow my rules. May my rules always be God's rules.


There is a big understanding in people's minds. This is the mind of the flesh. Your mind is confused. Paul never said, Do not study philosophy. Do not learn the true philosophy, which is the wisdom of God. No. Paul says, Do not be seduced by philosophy. Study philosophy. Study the true philosophy of God so that you are not seduced by the false philosophy. Philosophy is just another word for wisdom. Study the true wisdom so that you are not seduced by the false wisdom. But the Church says, Oh no, no philosophy. We will just stay ignorant. Now, that makes a lot of sense, does it not? It makes no sense at all.


Paul is saying, Watch out that no one seduces you. He does not say watch out for philosophy. He says, Watch out that no one seduces you, because they have wisdom, and you are ignorant. The Scripture says, Put on the full armor of God, and then stand. The full armor of God includes wisdom. It says, Put on the helmet of salvation, which goes around your mind. How do you defend your mind? By knowing the truth. When you know the truth, you will recognize the error every time.


The seducible ones are the uneducated ones. I asked a couple of people recently, because I have noticed in the local church services I have gone to recently that the evangelists they are bringing into the church want the people to scream and yell and jump through the whole hour or two—jump up, sit down, jump up, sit down, and scream and yell. One of the brethren here told me, Yes, that seems to be what they are doing. It is all over the internet. Jump up, scream, yell and holler.


The Lord told me where they are getting this from. I believe it was in 1 Samuel. I recently read in my Daily Devotions that the Israelites were losing the battle to the Philistines, so they said, What is the solution? Let us go get the ark of God. It never occurred to them to say, Lord, what sins are we in that we are losing the battle? They said, Let us go get the ark of God. Let us go get a big cross and stand it up over here. Maybe the anointing will come down if we get a big cross and stick it in the middle of the church, for example. Let us go get the ark of God, because we were just defeated by the Philistines; but we are the Israelites, how could we be defeated by the Philistines? Sin? That never entered their mind. Let us go get the ark of God. When the ark of God came into the camp, all the men screamed, yelled and shouted. Then what happened? They were defeated by the Philistines again, so their shouting was in vain.


The Lord told me that is what these evangelists and pastors are trying to get their people to do, because there is no anointing in the Church, so they think, if they can get them to scream and yell, maybe the anointing will come down. First of all, the Israelites screamed and yelled when the ark of God came into the camp, they did not scream and yell to get it to come into the camp, so that is an error out there. And second of all, the screaming and yelling and the bringing of the ark did them no good. Why did it do them no good? They were defeated twice. Without the ark, the screaming and yelling, and with the ark, the screaming and yelling, the Philistines defeated them, and the second time, they captured the ark of God. Why were the Israelites defeated?


COMMENT: Because they did not confess their sins.


COMMENT: They did not think what they were doing was sin.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, they were not dealing with their sins.


Do you want to bring down the anointing? Confess your sins. Are you are a pastor, and there is no anointing in your church? Teach your people to confess their sins, and the anointing will come down. Is it a big mystery? It is right there in the book. I do not get it. It is called self-delusion. Pastors, do you want the anointing to come down in your church? Teach about sin and righteousness, and stop with the miracles already. The miracles, described in Colossians 2 as wealth, is the fruit of a knowledge of God and what He requires of us, and the wisdom of God, which is the esoteric, or the philosophy of the religion, for lack of a better word. The philosophy of the religion, the philosophy of what you believe. That means you preach Colossians, Ephesians and Galatians, at least to the best of your ability to understand it. Which of you pastors are doing that? It is all about the miracles, and you are moaning and groaning for the days of the glory that went away because you never taught your people about their sins.


Watch out that no one seduces you. Paul never said watch out for philosophy. He said, Watch out that no one seduces you through philosophy,... or through unfounded delusions about a rapture, for example ...or through unfounded delusions about the future. I got all carried away with rebuking the poor pastors that I forgot about my comment. I love them all. I really do like them, they just frustrate me.


I have a comment in Verse 8. Please note that Paul did not say that philosophy was bad. He said that it is possible to be deceived through philosophy, which means you should receive permission from the Lord, who will direct you to a proper teacher if He gives you permission to go on to advanced study.


Verse 8, Watch out that no one seduces you through philosophy, or through unfounded delusions about the future,... thinking that you are going to a place where you are going to walk on streets of gold, and meet your dog, and all of your old relatives ...that they learn from the traditions of the First Adam, who was cast down into the orderly arrangement of this world,... to not learn your philosophy or about the future from the traditions of the First Adam. Who is the First Adam? Humanity is the First Adam, who was cast down into the orderly arrangement of this world ...and not after Christ. Do not learn from the traditions of anyone other than Christ.


Watch out that no one seduces you through philosophy, or through unfounded delusions about the future,... which the Church is filled with  ...that they learn from the traditions of the First Adam,... Satan and Leviathan are the First Adam ...who was cast down into the orderly arrangement of this world, and not after Christ,... because Christ is a part of the Whole Adam,  that is, I should say ...who is the permanent resident of the corporeal body that contains divinity. We learned about this concept of the permanent resident in our study of the Gadarene demoniac. Christ is the permanent resident of the corporeal body—that is this body right here—that contains divinity. Paul is saying, Be careful. Every corporeal body does not have Christ as a permanent resident. Christ is the permanent resident of the corporeal body that contains divinity. If your body does not contain divinity, the permanent resident is Leviathan, which is the reptilian.


How about this for a thought, brethren? The reptilians everyone has been seeing (and I do not doubt that they exist)—what if they were actually, at one time, human beings who birthed the reptilian child, and it changed their body? Were these reptilians at one time human beings? I described the process earlier. You need to listen to this message again. Were these reptilians at one time human beings who received a seed from Sophia, produced a child of the reptile, Sophia married the child, and they became reptilians that live for thousands of years (which is a form of immortality)? There is an immortal world, and I do not doubt that there are immortals in it, but the immortality of Jesus Christ (which is actually the immortality of Ancient Adam) will bring it to an end. There is an immortality of the other side. I have known that for years, and I mention it all the time. How about that, brethren?


Maybe that is what was happening on the other side of the Flood, and maybe that was the reason for the Flood. The race called homo sapiens, or the race parallel to humanity today that was empty, was a product of the union of Adam and the Snake, a specie that existed for the specific purpose of bearing a spiritual child that Elohim would marry. But there was an accident, and Adam married the Snake instead of Elohim, and produced this race of beings that were at least parallel to humanity. They were empty. They were supposed to produce a man-child and be joined to an entity (a deity above) so that they could receive eternal life, but Adam married the Snake, and Sophia dropped her seed, and they produced the reptilian child. Sophia married the child, which changed their external form and gave them eternal life as a reptile. Things were so out of control, happening all over the face of the earth, that Jehovah came down and said, This has to stop, or there will be no flesh left (Matt 24:22). All the flesh, all the specie of corporeal bodies were being formed as an eternal reptilian, so Jehovah said, I had better stop this now, or there will not be any flesh left.


I think we just had a word of knowledge about who the reptilians are. That Scripture I just referenced above appears to be talking about the affliction today. There is nothing new under the sun. If the Lord does not stop it now, there will be no flesh left. You thought that meant there was going to be a World War III, a nuclear war, and there will be no flesh left. How about, there will be a World War III, but there will be no flesh left means that the flesh will be converted into reptilian scales? How about that? Because humanity is metamorphic—we are not permanent, we are a chameleon—our final form will come into existence after we produce the child, which you can liken to a virile egg, and marry the deity. That will be our final form. Wow.


Verse 9, Because Christ is a part of the Whole Adam,... that is, the head is in heaven, and the feet are in the earth ...who is the permanent resident... the Whole Adam is the permanent resident ...of the corporeal body that contains divinity, and you are fully furnished in Christ... you are fully equipped in Christ ...to overcome the First Adam. You have everything you need to overcome the First Adam. If you are not overcoming the First Adam, it is because you are doing something wrong, and you need to find out what you are doing wrong.


Verse 10, You are fully equipped to overcome the First Adam, the principality who is the head of all of the soldiers of Satan, the power that enforces Jehovah's righteous sowing and reaping judgment. I used to talk a lot about Satan's soldiers. Satan's soldiers refers to Satan in your own mind (all of the evil thoughts) that manifest the Sowing & Reaping judgment in your life; thoughts that make you do something that is going to bring evil upon you, or even more than that. (I do not know how correct that was.)


Let me change that: You are fully equipped to overcome the First Adam, the principality who is the head of all of Satan's soldiers in your mind that do damage to other people. And the person that receives the damage is receiving a reaping of some evil they had sown, because we all think evil thoughts. We all spew out evil thoughts, and then other people think evil thoughts toward us, so Satan in our own mind is continuously enforcing the Sowing & Reaping judgment. Glory to God.


Verse 9 and 10, Because Christ in you is a part of the Whole Adam, who is the permanent resident of the corporeal body that contains divinity, and you are fully furnished in Christ to overcome the First Adam, the principality who is the head of all of the soldiers of Satan, the power that enforces Jehovah's righteous Sowing & Reaping judgment, through whom... meaning Christ ...it is possible to be circumcised with the genuine circumcision. If there is a genuine circumcision, there is a what?


COMMENT: A false circumcision.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, a false circumcision.


Verse 11, Through whom it is possible to be circumcised with the genuine circumcision that separates the soul from the body of flesh. That is the corporeal body, the body of flesh. The true circumcision separates your nefesh from the bones of your corporeal body, and the reason this is possible ...is because the soul of Jesus of Nazareth, who was the Christ in the days of His flesh, was cut away... circumcised away ...from His material body. Because Jesus' nefesh was cut away from His material body, and He was glorified, and He is sending you the seed, it is now possible for you to experience the true circumcision, not because His spirit was saved, but because His nefesh was saved.


What does Jesus' nefesh have to do with it? I used to think that Jesus had the seed. I used to tell you, Jesus was glorified. He became mature enough to have seed. Then very recently I told you, No, the seed is in the Mother. Jesus is the Son; He is joined to the Mother; together they are Elohim. Elohim has seed; Jesus alone does not have seed. The Mother and Son together are Elohim, and they have seed, so that means the Mother has the seed. The Mother holds the seed of the Father.


In order for something to graft, there must be something in common. If you want to donate an organ for a transplant, you have to have the same kind of blood; you have to be compatible. The seed of the Father that the Mother holds is not compatible with fallen humanity. She is righteous, and her seed is righteous. We are filled with sin. There is nothing in common; there is no way to graft that seed to us, but the seed of the Father that the Mother holds is now attached to a glorified soul which has something in common with my fallen soul. He is glorified; He is righteous now, but He can attach to my nefesh, even though there is sin in me. His soul is the mediating factor that makes it possible to join that seed to my corrupt soul.


Verse 10, You are fully furnished in Christ to overcome the First Adam, the principality who is the head of all of the soldiers of Satan, the power that enforces Jehovah's righteous Sowing & Reaping judgment,


Verse 11, Through whom it is possible to be circumcised with the genuine circumcision that separates the soul from the body of flesh, because the soul of Jesus of Nazareth, who was the Christ in the days of His flesh, was cut away, or circumcised from his material body, and... After He was circumcised, after His soul was pulled out of the marrow of His bones, which bones then turned to dust, the nefesh, the personality of Jesus Christ ...rose with Christ, who was also buried in baptism with Jesus. The Christ inside Jesus of Nazareth was baptized under the earth of Jesus' flesh, or baptized under the waters of Jesus' dead soul. Baptism is in water, so let us say Christ was baptized under the water of Jesus' dead soul.


Hebrews 5:5-9, King James: So also Christ glorified not himself to be made a High Priest; but he that said unto him, 'Thou art my Son; today I have begotten thee'. As he saith also in another place, 'Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.' Who... Christ ...in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard... His strong cries were heard ...in that he feared; because He feared God. His strong cries were heard because He feared God. Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which suffered; And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him.


Alternate Translation, an interspersion of Matthew 15:34 and Luke 23:46: And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, saying, 'Elohim, my God, and my Supernal Mother have given me permission to continue to live.' My Supernal Mother, who is a part of Elohim, my God, has given Me; or, the spokesperson for Elohim, my God, said that I will live. And Christ said, 'Father, into your hands I present my Spirit.' And, having said that, Christ breathed out of the body of Jesus of Nazareth.


If you go back to the notes that I took this from, you will see that I made a change here, because I did not understand it fully back in Message #906, All About Adam. In Message #906, I thought it was still Jesus speaking in Verse 46b, but there were two consciousnesses in the body called Jesus of Nazareth, and they both spoke. Jesus spoke, saying, My Mother said I have permission to live, and then Christ said, Father, into your hands I present my Spirit, and it was Christ that breathed out of that body.


And now we read, going back to Colossians, Chapter 2, Verse 12: And they rose together. Jesus said, You cannot kill me. My Mother said I could live. And Christ said, Father, my Spirit is returning to the God who gave it. As Christ breathed out of the body to return to the Father who gave it to Him, the soul of Jesus of Nazareth went with Him. They rose together. He rose together with Christ, who was also buried in baptism... under the soul of Jesus, the dead soul of Jesus, which is water ...wherein Jesus, through faith in the Shekinah, his Mother, and the energy of God, rose from the dead. He rose from the dead because He was joined to Christ within Himself, but it was not because He was joined to Christ within Himself alone—He had to receive permission from His Mother. His Mother said He would live.


They rose together. If Christ does not rise, we cannot rise. Christ in me cannot save you from death. If you die, and I should have the power to raise you from the dead, it is a temporary resurrection. You are going to die again anyway. I cannot give you eternal life. Christ in me cannot give you eternal life. Christ in you can receive eternal life from Elohim, whose name is the Lord Jesus Christ today, and you need permission from your Mother. You cannot do it by your own rules. You have to find out what God's rules are. You have to get a knowledge of God, and then you have to get the wisdom that includes understanding. You need to understand the rules and how to implement them.


Verse 10, You are fully furnished to do this through Christ, who overcame the First Adam, and through Christ, it is possible to be circumcised, cut away from your material body. Even being cut away from your material body is not enough. You have to rise, and you can only rise if you have permission. Christ may be present in you—maybe you understand this message, maybe you can teach this message, and maybe someday you will have miracles so that you can lay hands on people. Do not get all carried away that you have Christ in you. You need permission to rise. The second half of the verse  is about coming out of the body. We are not up to that yet.


Verse 12, Through faith in the Shekinah, His Mother, and the energy of God, rose from the dead.


Verse 13, And your soul, which is spiritually dead because of your sins, and because Christ is still attached to your flesh body. Christ cannot save you when He is still attached, or under the authority of your flesh body. Your soul, being spiritually dead because of your sins, and because Christ is still attached to your flesh body... in order for Christ to save your soul, He has to remove it from your flesh body ...will be made alive also when Christ within you is reanimated through union with the Lord Jesus Christ, the one who pardons all of your transgressions. Please note, there is a difference between the circumcision, which is the cutting away of the soul from your flesh body, and the reanimation of your soul. We are being told that the soul that is dead (that is in the marrow of our bones) can be reanimated, made alive, while it is still in the marrow of our bones.


Verse 11 talks about the circumcision, the cutting away. Actually, it is talking about the escape from the body, so Paul tells us that first in Verses 11 and 12. It is the circumcision which results in the escape from the body. Then he goes back and says, But your soul is dead. Your dead soul is not going to escape; your soul has to be made alive before it is eligible to escape.


Verse 13:  Your soul, being spiritually dead because of your transgressions, and Christ, who is still attached to your flesh body, will be made alive when Christ within you is reanimated through union with the Lord Jesus Christ, the one who pardons all of your sins.


Your soul is dead; there is no way your dead soul is going to be pulled out of your bones. The soul has to be made alive before you even become eligible for it to be pulled out of your bones. You cannot experience the promise of Verses 11 and 12, which is escape from the body, until your soul is first reanimated. Your dead soul has to be made alive.


That is what Paul is saying in Verse 13, You cannot experience this because your soul is still dead because of your sins. But you, with your spiritually dead soul, and Christ, who is still attached to your flesh body, will be made alive when Christ within you is reanimated through union with the Lord Jesus Christ, the one who pardons all of your sins. That is what we are waiting for now, and am wondering if it is has already happened. Look at this incredible healing that I had, which is about 99 percent complete. Wow.


Verse 10-13, You are fully furnished in Christ to overcome the First Adam, the principality who is the head of all of the soldiers of Satan, the power that enforces Jehovah's righteous Sowing & Reaping judgment, through whom (Christ) it is possible to be circumcised with the genuine circumcision that separates the soul from the body of flesh, because the soul of Jesus of Nazareth, who was the Christ in the days of his flesh, was cut away, or circumcised from his material body, and rose together with Christ, who was also buried in baptism within Jesus, wherein Jesus, through faith in the Shekinah, his Mother, and the energy of God, rose from the dead, but your soul, being spiritually dead because of your transgressions, and Christ, who is still attached to your flesh body, will be made alive when Christ within you is reanimated through union with the Lord Jesus Christ, the one who pardons all of your sins.


There needs to be a but at the end of Verse 12, Rose together with Christ, who was also buried in baptism within Jesus, wherein Jesus, through faith in the Shekinah, his Mother, and the energy of God, rose from the dead, but your soul, being spiritually dead because of your sins, and Christ, who is still attached to your flesh body, will be made alive only when Christ within you is reanimated through union with the Lord Jesus Christ, the one who pardons all of your transgressions, and obliterates the handwriting on the wall...


Do you remember the story of Daniel and the handwriting on the wall: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN? That is what Paul is talking about. There is a handwriting against us, and the word handwriting specifically means written by hand; written by the hand of God. There is a written judgment, a judgment written by the hand of God against the First Adam (which we are), and that judgment is death. We killed Abel, brethren.


Verse 13-14, But this union of Christ in you with the Lord Jesus Christ, the one who pardons all of your transgressions, and obliterates (wipes out) the handwriting on the wall that is against us... Hallelujah! The reason the handwriting is against us is because the law is contrary to our nature. Paul gives a whole exhortation about that in the Book of Romans. The law is good. The problem we have with the law is that it is against our nature. We want to do things the Lord has said, Thou shalt not. Is the law bad because it prevents us, or exhorts us, to not do what is our natural inclination to do? There was a whole study that was done, saying that homosexuality is all throughout the animal kingdom, so why can we not do it too? A possibility for homosexuality is present in humanity, but God says, Do not do it. The law is against us only because our nature is fallen. The law is good. The law is a protection for us. It is not our enemy. Teenagers, your parents are not your enemy. Your parents are the law to you. They are trying to save you from ruining your life before you even get started. The law is right and good. Our fallen nature is not good, and therefore the law is contrary to us and takes the form of thou shalt not, because if we do not have the law telling us, Thou shalt not, we will follow our own inclination and get into trouble.


Verse 13, Your soul is made alive only when Christ within you is reanimated through union with the Lord Jesus Christ, the one who pardons all of your transgressions, and obliterates the handwriting on the wall that is against us. The reason that it is against us is because the law is contrary to our nature. Who also (the Lord Jesus Christ) took our sins out of the way by nailing Christ, the seed of himself, to our material body. The whole Church says, God nailed Jesus of Nazareth to the cross, and God saw the blood, and the bloodthirsty Jehovah is now satisfied. Thank God, the Lord is merciful for our ignorance! That is blasphemy of the anointing; it is blasphemy to say that.


Here is what Verse 14 means: Who also took our sins out of the way by nailing Christ, his seed, the seed of himself, to the material body, because the material body is a pole. The word translated cross simply means pole; a wooden pole. This body is considered wood. We are the trees of the forest out of which the house of God is being built. So He took our sins away by nailing Christ, the seed of Himself, to our material body. And throughout the Scripture (if you have any experience with the Scripture at all) the Lord calls the seed of Himself, Himself. The Lord Jesus Christ calls Christ in me, Himself, both in the New Testament and the Old Testament. He calls Christ in you, Himself.


We have some Scripture references for Verse 14:


Daniel 5:24-28: Then was the part of the hand sent from him, and this writing was written. And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered your kingdom, and finished it. TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and the Persians.


Romans 11:24: For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree, which is wild by nature, and wert grafted contrary to nature into the good olive tree... Paul is clearly telling humanity that we are contrary to the nature of righteousness. We are the sinners. You can go to church every Sunday; you can play your music; you can do your studies; you can give to charity; but there is nothing that you can do to make yourself righteous. You are a sinner, and the sooner you accept that, the faster you will get delivered. I want you to be delivered. He obliterates the handwriting on the wall that is against us, and he nails Christ, the seed of Himself to us.


Verse 15, We are His cross, which wholly separates us from the Whole Adam, the principality who is the head of all of the soldiers of Satan, the power that enforces Jehovah's righteous Sowing & Reaping judgment, and publicly exhibited the victory that Christ within Himself had over them. That was why He had to be publicly crucified. He publicly shamed Satan and Leviathan, which is the First Adam, proving that He was a higher form of Adam, and that the First Adam could not kill him. He proved that the Second Adam rose above the authority of the First Adam, therefore breaking his power.


Technically, the power of death is broken over all of humanity, so why do we keep on dying? Because of sin, which prevents us from having the experience that is laid out in Colossians, Chapter 2. Jesus overcame death because He received the wisdom and understanding of God's plan. He did everything that He had to do so that God's plan would be implemented in His life, and He overcame death. This plan has been available for 2,000 years.


Verse 15, He wholly separated us from the First Adam, the principality who is the head of all of the soldiers of Satan, the power that enforces Jehovah's righteous Sowing & Reaping judgment, and publicly exhibited the victory that Christ within Himself had over them. Therefore, the work is done; the hardest part is done. Eternal life is available to humanity. We have to find out about it, understand it, and work the process, which is no small thing, because the First Adam works against us every step of the way, beginning with doubt and unbelief, and secondarily with pride that says, Not me, I am OK.


Verses 16-17, Therefore, do not let anyone condemn you concerning the food that you eat, or the beverages that you drink, or the degree to which you participate in or practice religious festivals, or new moons, or the Sabbath, because the body (the corporeal body) is just the shadiness (the shadow) that covers the invisible Christ within you, who is about to come into existence.


Pastor Sheila, how could you say that? If Christ is within you, what do you mean He is about to come into existence? To come into existence means to appear. He is in you, but He is not appearing. When you say things, and do things that are not something that Christ would say or do, He is not appearing in you. He could be in you—you could be the greatest teacher; you could have wonderful thoughts of heaven and truth; you could have wonderful truth of esoteric knowledge, but when you sin with your mouth, and you sin with your behavior, He is not appearing in you.


In Colossians, Chapter 2, this is the plan: He will appear in you. He is already in you, blessing you, giving you teaching and understanding, healing you, and doing  all kinds of wonderful things in you, but you are still going to die, unless He appears in you. He has to appear in you—in your behavior, in your words, and in your thought process. Your thought process is very hard to change, because that is the evil in you, but you can change the behavior.


(Personal ministry to one of the brethren): How will you ever hope to change your thoughts, which is pretty much impossible to change at this stage, if you cannot change your behavior? You say, I do not realize that I am doing it. Listen to me, if you do not realize that you are doing it when you do it, you are going about stopping it incorrectly. It is like saying, I want to knock down this tree. Anyone else would come in and cut the tree off at the root over here. They would knock down the tree and take out the root. What you are doing is like trying to dig out the root while the tree is still standing. You cannot do it that way. If you cannot even see it in your behavior, then you have no hope of rooting it out in your mind. The way you root it out is by seeing it in your behavior. You are going about it incorrectly, and I am telling you, with all the love that I have, you go about a lot of things incorrectly. You really do. All I can tell you is to encourage you to take my advice, which I have been giving you for years, that you have not taken, because your thought process is not right.


The most important thing, if you want this help, is that you see it in your behavior, and the last few times I have shown you something, your resistance is right there. You should say, Thank you for showing it to me in my behavior, but your resistance is right there. Your initial reaction is to deny it. So that is what you must go after, the pride that denies the truth. You have to do it in order. You have to be beating up the pride that does not let you see the truth, begging God to open your eyes so that you can see the truth, but there is still a strong part of you that does not want to see the truth. You will never acquire your goal until your eyes are wide open and you see the truth with all the ugliness. And we are all ugly, Xxxx. Every one of us is ugly. That is the beginning of accomplishing your goal. You have to see the ugliness in yourself, that it is you and what you do. You are focusing on the wrong thing, and that is why you have not had any, or very little victory. You are working on the wrong thing because you are hoping to get rid of it so that you can keep your reputation, but I have a flash for you: your reputation is ruined anyway, because I know the truth. You are not perfect, so secret is out. Stop trying to cover it up. We all know. Now everybody reading this message knows the truth: Xxxx is not perfect. She is not the bastion of religious piety. (End of Personal Ministry)


Verse 17, The body is just the shadiness that covers the invisible Christ within you, who is about to come into existence. Or let us say, about to appear. About to appear is clearer. He appears first in your behavior, your words and your deeds, and then with miracle-working power; everything decently in order. The miracle-working power is not coming out of someone whose behavior is habitually ungodly. Anyone can make a mistake.


That is what happened in Pentecost. The miracle-working power came out of ungodly men, because in Pentecost, the gifts and calling of God were given without repentance, but Pentecost is over. That was the counterfeit. We talked about a counterfeit circumcision. What is a counterfeit circumcision? Up until this minute, I thought that the counterfeit circumcision was the circumcision of the flesh; the physical male circumcision. But no, the counterfeit circumcision is what happened in Pentecost,  the circumcision that was the gift, the imputed anointing. In other words, God looked through Jesus at all these evangelists and said, I am going to count you as circumcised and give you miracle-working power that belongs to the glorified Jesus Christ, because you could never have miracle-working power of your own, because the miracle-working power of God arises out of a soul that is alive.


Your souls are dead, all you fivefold ministry guys, and that is not an indictment. All of us that were in Pentecost, our soul was still dead. The miracle-working power that we had was loaned to us by Jesus Christ, so we were allowed to behave as if we were circumcised. Anyone who manifested miracle-working power was granted the gift of behaving, acting, and having the ability to be as one who was spiritually circumcised, but it was untrue; it was a counterfeit circumcision in Pentecost. You are all moaning and groaning, wondering where it went, and wanting it to come back. It was not real. It was a counterfeit, but it was a legal counterfeiting called a taste. The Scripture calls it a taste of the world to come. The counterfeit circumcision was in Pentecost. The power was never yours. Do you want power? You have to produce the child. You have to be dealing with the hidden sins of your heart, and start behaving like Christ behaves, which means dying to your own aspirations. I am talking to all of you fivefold ministers that are wanting to build your own ministry for your own glory, being satisfied by your own accomplishments rather than your relationship with Christ.


Wow. This new move of God is going to be something to see. There will be a lot of people crying, grown men dissolved in tears when they understand the mistakes they have made and the wrong thinking that has gone through their mind. Of course, women will cry too, but we do not expect grown men to be dissolved in tears. It is not shocking to see women dissolved in tears. That is all that I meant. It is for everybody, male and female. There will be a lot of people dissolved in tears, especially the pastors and the fivefold ministers.


Verse 17, Because the corporeal body is just shadiness that covers the invisible Christ within you, who is about to appear.


Verse 18, Wherefore, do not let anyone judge you in the activities of the body. Do not let them judge your behavior. In other words, do not let them judge you jumping up and down, swinging a tambourine, or falling down in the spirit. Do not let them tell you that that is incorrect, because you are doing the spiritual things that delight you.


Indeed, the Supernal Mother has seen that those who are intruding upon your life without reason, to puff up the mind of their flesh, ceremonially worshipping angels... and celebrating Christmas. To all of you Christians out there, do not criticize other Christians. Do not get into saying other Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christians, or that Seventh-day Adventists are not Christians. Who do you think you are? Do not get into that stuff. What about Mormons? I do not know. Leave them alone. Study to show yourself approved. Deal with your sins. Unless God specifically raises you up, leave them alone. That is what is being said here.


Wherefore, do not let anyone judge your behavior as incorrect because you are doing the spiritual things that delight you. Indeed, the Supernal Mother has seen that those who are intruding upon your life without reason... Maybe there is a reason. With the Mormons, I am not too sure. I know there are a lot of everyday Mormons that are very good and moral people. Our courts are filled with judges and public servants that are Mormons. They are supposedly into the mystery religions. Unless God sends me to them, I am to leave them alone. From what I can see, they are basically a moral people. They live morally, they are a positive force in the community: they are not criminals; they are not drug addicts; they preach. I do not agree with everything that they teach, but they have a right. It is between them and God. Leave them alone.


Do not let them judge you because of the spiritual things that you do that delight you. Indeed, the Supernal Mother has seen (she notices) those who are intruding upon your life without reason. Without reason means God did not send you. The fact that you know the beliefs of that group are wrong does not give you the right to intrude on their life. You say, But they are doing it to puff up the mind of their flesh. The Mother knows that you, who are intruding, are celebrating Christmas, and worshipping angels, and doing many things wrong yourself.


If God leads you to it, it does not mean you cannot publish the truth on the internet. This is not talking about not publishing the truth on the internet for anyone who is seeking that information. It means not persecuting a particular group of people, naming them, saying they are bad. When you go on the internet, do not say (for example), Stay away from Joyce Meyer. Of every televangelist up there, Joyce Meyer helped me a lot during a particular time in my life. Leave her alone. There is somebody up there condemning every one of them. Is what they are saying about them wrong? Maybe not, maybe what they are saying is the truth. The whole question is, did God tell you to do it? If God did not tell you to do it, you are doing it without a cause, because you are puffed up by the mind of the flesh, and the Lord knows you are doing your own stuff also. You are ceremonially worshipping angels, which means you are celebrating Christmas.


Verse 19, And they are not seizing the head of the Lord Jesus Christ. In other words, they are so busy looking at these other guys, that they are not following this procedure that is going to save their life. I am going to tell you in advance what the Scripture is saying. It is saying, the holy Mother knows about it. Jesus is the garment. She is appearing to us today through the name Jesus; she knows all about it. If you leave them alone, He will leave you alone. Do not judge them; He will not judge you for that; they are going to reap what they sow. They are going to be alive with wide open eyes when they see other people manifesting the glory of God, and realize they were left out because they were looking in the wrong place. They were busy judging their brother when they should have been judging themselves.


The holy Mother knows. The Supernal Mother knows that they are not seizing the head of the Lord Jesus Christ, the uniting principle to which the whole body attaches itself, after which, having been fully supplied and mentally joined together with Christ within themselves, increases into God. What does that mean, Christ in you joined to the Lord Jesus Christ? After the Lord Jesus Christ joins to Christ in you, and fully supplies Him, and mentally joins Him together with Himself, that becomes the mind of Christ in you which is knocking out your carnal mind. You are a part of this. After the mind of Christ is fully supplied and formed in you, through a union of Christ in you to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord Jesus Christ joined to Christ becomes God in you, and that makes you a Son of God. It means God speaks through you. Right now, it is Christ speaking through you, the Holy Spirit speaking through you. That is not God speaking through you. That is baby stuff, the Holy Spirit speaking through you. I am not putting it down. I am trying to tell you it is pre-school; it is the beginning. God speaking through you speaks profound things. He speaks this doctrine, and He speaks judgment on sin.


God is about to appear in you. The Colossians are not doing what they need to do to have God speaking through them. They are satisfied with spiritual infancy, speaking in tongues, prophesying from the floor of the Church, and judging everybody else. They are going to miss the experience of God appearing through them with miracle-working power, with power that is good for humanity.


They are not seizing the head of the Lord Jesus Christ and increasing into God. Remember, Jehovah said to Israel, Ye are gods, but ye shall die like men. Paul is actually talking about us increasing into God. The Colossians are not doing that, and the Church today is not doing it either.


Christ in the individual is to seize the Lord Jesus Christ, the uniting principle, and when that happens, Christ, which is attached to the body, joins to the Lord Jesus Christ, and they, Christ and the Lord Jesus Christ, increase into God, or Elohim. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Supernal Mother, and Christ is the Son. Together they are Elohim (God), and the human that Christ is attached to, becomes a Son of God, a lesser god. Paul is saying that the Supernal Mother sees what these foolish Jews and Christians are doing by persecuting the believers who are following after the Spirit, and their reward for their ungodly behavior will be the direct consequence of that behavior. They are persecuting the spiritual believers instead of seeking to acquire Christ, the only means by which they might seize the Lord Jesus Christ, and the result of their error is that they will not become Sons of God.


As I was preparing this message, it became so clear to me about all these megalomaniacs today that do not even believe in God, that are determined to attain to eternal life. Here it is right here: God wants to give it to them, and they will not take it from Him. They think they are doing it themselves, but they are actually taking it from Sophia, the reptilian.


Verse 20, Wherefore, if you are dead with Christ concerning the First Adam,... I meant to get you a reference there and I did not, but Paul says in, 1 Corinthians, Chapter 7, Verse 29, Live as if you are no longer married to your first husband. You are still married to Leviathan, but live as if you are a widow; live as if you have nothing to do with Leviathan. The only way you can have nothing to do with Leviathan is to cleave unto Christ. You have to be believing Christ. You have to do what Jesus did in the temptation.


(Personal ministry to one of the brethren): If you have hate for somebody in your mind, you have to say to that thought, The Scripture says, 'Thou shalt not hate thy brother.' Answer it with the truth, Thou shalt not hate thy brother. Do not so much try to stop it; you cannot stop it at this stage of your development. Satan is in you; you are generating these thoughts. You cannot stop them. You are trying to strong-arm them. You need to respond to them, Thou shalt not hate thy brother, then go and do something good for that person. Behavior always helps when that happens to me. If I am mad at somebody, or I feel hate for them, or I am envious of them, I speak to it. I say, No, that is wrong, and then I do the exact opposite. I pray for them, I bless them, and, if it is possible in the natural, I do something good for them.


You cannot stop the thought. You are trying to rip out the tree by the root. You cannot do it. All these years you were doing the wrong thing. Is this the time that you are going to change? Are you going to change now? And why are you trying to rip out the thought? It is because you do not want it to be true that you are thinking hateful thoughts, but you are thinking hateful thoughts. I know this because you just told me a few hours ago. I know that you hate. You just told me, and now everybody in this meeting knows: Xxxx hates. Now you have to deal with it instead of hiding it. You are trying to rip it out so nobody knows that you are hateful on occasion. Do you understand what I am telling you? (End of personal ministry)


Verse 20, Wherefore, if you are dead with Christ concerning the First Adam, the founding principle of this world (this fallen world), why would you, who are alive... because if you have followed this whole process, your soul is now alive, right? We were just told that in the previous verse. Your soul, which is spiritually dead, and Christ, which is still attached to your flesh body, will be made alive. Christ in you is made alive when He joins with the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul is talking to them as if they have already had the experience, and he is saying, If that has already happened to you... At the very least, Christ in you has some contact with the Lord Jesus Christ through these meetings—I believe the whole Godhead is visiting us in some measure in these meetings, cleansing us from sin; these meetings are very powerful.


Wherefore, if you are dead with Christ concerning the First Adam, the founding principle of this world, why would you, whose soul is made alive because Christ in you has a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, at least in these meetings, subject yourself to the ceremonial rules of this world? Why are you under the law? Why are you yielding to a religious spirit? Why do you not cleave unto Christ only? You must cleave unto Christ.


Verse 21, Why do you subject yourself to the ceremonial rules of the world, such as do not approach... Do not approach means do not have a relationship with people that do not believe as you do. Do not have a relationship with a Jehovah's Witness. Do not have a relationship with someone that is different than you. Do not go out in the world. Hide. Do not taste, which means do not experience. You do not want to go into a house of witchcraft; it has to be cleared with the Lord.


Years ago, I was so sick, and the Lord told me to take tai chi lessons. It was traumatic, for the few people in this ministry, knowing that I was taking tai chi lessons. One woman was so upset about me doing it, even though I was convinced the Lord told me to do it, that when I left for my first lesson, I could not find the school. I drove around in circles, and I was convinced that it was her fear that did not want me to do it. But the Lord told me to experience tai chi, and it helped me.


When it says do not approach, it means do not approach unless the Lord says that you can approach, but do not be afraid to approach because the Lord is telling you to approach something that is different, or experience something that the average Christian would not do.


Do not handle... Do not engage or handle with your hands, whatever that means. I am not sure what the example of that would be, but do not be subject to the things of this world if the Lord is telling you to do it. Actually, I just spiritualized it, but it really is talking about having a religious spirit, and being a part of a religious movement or a church that tells you that you cannot do certain things, experience certain things, or touch certain things. Paul was probably meaning that directly. He is talking about the ceremonial rules of the religious institutions of this world.


If you are dead in Christ concerning the First Adam... He is saying, With all these rules that come out of the First Adam, no matter what religion you are, if God tells you to fast, you fast. But a rule that says, on Wednesday of the third week of every month the whole church fasts, why are you subject to that? Why are you subject to any rule that comes out of the First Adam? He is saying that all these rules come out of the mind of the First Adam, which is your carnal mind. Once you become spiritual (because Christ is in you), why would you do all these things?


Christ was raised in me just about from the beginning, but I did not understand any of this. The whole church I going to fasted together, and I could not fast. There was a certain day they were supposed to pray for two hours. I went down on my knees, but I could not pray for five minutes. I could not do it, and I knew that the Lord did not want me to do it. And I still do not pray in a religious way. My prayers are very different. I told you many that many times. Once Christ takes up residence with you, and is communicating with you in the manner that I describe, what are you going along with all this other stuff for? Why are you taking communion when you already are communing with the Lord Jesus Christ through Christ? Why would you take a cracker and grape juice? Why are you doing that? That is what Paul is saying.


Verse 22, Which commandments are all to be destroyed, after the objects that you approach, the food that you taste, and the materials that you handle are used up, just like the teaching of the First Adam will be destroyed after its purpose is served. The teaching of the First Adam has served a purpose. The carnal understanding of the Scripture served its purpose for Christians that wanted to know God better and had no means by which to understand esoteric doctrine. That carnal teaching is going to come to an end now that the teaching of the Spirit is here. All these rules in your religious organizations are going to be swallowed up into the spiritual life.


I have given you my testimony about the spiritual life, how I do not like to pray, which sounds terrible. Let me bring that correction again. I said this to the brethren here in New York after the camera went off on Sunday, that I do not like to pray because I am aware that it is a carnal activity. It grieves my spirit to a degree that it is a carnal activity, when I lead such a spiritual life. The question I left you with was, When you call me, or text me for prayer, or something that needs an instant response, why is Christ not rising in me to answer your prayer? Why do I have to say I do not like to pray? Because I know it is my carnal mind. Why does Christ not rise in me? The Lord gave me the answer right after I asked the question on Sunday. The answer that Christ does not rise in me is because, if and when Christ should rise in me in response to your prayer, your prayer would be instantly answered, which is the definition of a miracle, and the miracle-working power is not yet arising in me. My time is not yet come that I have miracle-working power.


We read in the Scripture, that a man came to Jesus with a prayer request, and Jesus said, So be it unto you. I do not have that miracle-working power yet, so there is nothing. When the day comes that Christ rises in me to answer your prayer, I will have received miracle-working power, and your prayer will be answered instantly. That is why Christ does not rise in me when you call me for prayer, but I may pray for you instantly, and then pray for you later. Sometimes He has a word for me, but not always, because that degree of His maturity, or that degree of His connection with the Lord Jesus Christ has not been completed, is not functioning, or is not appearing in me yet. That is what I, what we have to look forward to. As Christ in me continuously matures, it continuously engages in the process of joining with the Lord Jesus Christ. One day, you are going to call and/or text me, and Christ is going to rise and answer your prayer, and that will be the beginning of miracles.


Verses 22-23, All of these commandments... all of these religious commandments ...will be destroyed... in other words, you will not be using them anymore ...after the objects that you approach, the food that you taste, and the materials that you handle are used up, just like the teaching of the First Adam will be destroyed after its purpose is served, which First Adam is said indeed to have the lower wisdom, which requires unwarranted piety, and modesty, and depriving of the body... fasting ...which is not valuable to anyone, but only satisfies the flesh. Regarding unwarranted piety, everyone should be holy, but we do not want a religious spirit that says, I will not talk to a tax collector.


I had someone who was in this ministry for a while say to me, Would you buy a house from the bank, who foreclosed on that house? And she said, I would never buy a house that was foreclosed on. I would not sow into that person's hardship. Well, then, you have a religious spirit. If that house was offered to you at a reduced rate because it was foreclosed upon, you were not the one who cause the foreclosure of that house for that family. In my estimation, that is a religious spirit depriving you of a benefit you might receive if the Lord directed you to that house. That is what Paul is talking about, a religious spirit. It is your own holiness saying, I am holy because I did this, I am holy because I did that, when God never told you to do it.


Verse 23, Which the First Adam is said indeed to have the lower wisdom,... there is a wisdom there, but it is a lower wisdom ...which requires unwarranted piety,... unwarranted, self-imposed activities that make you think you are holy, or feel holy ...and unwarranted modesty,... wearing long dresses in 100-degree weather ...and depriving the body, which is not valuable to anyone, but only satisfies the flesh. That all dies when you become spiritual.


Paul said, in 1 Corinthians 10:23, All things are legal for me, but it is not wise to do everything. Everything is legal for you. That means, you do it at your own risk. You will experience the consequences of your behavior, but not necessarily fall out of right standing with God. According to many, it would cause you to be separated from Israel. You are not separated from God if you do something that is not too smart. If you willfully sin, then you have a problem. If you want to experience something, and it was a mistake, the judgment is the consequence of the mistake. You do not lose your relationship with Jesus Christ, as long as you repent.


I have kept you late today, but I think it was a very good day. It is an absolute miracle that I have brought forth this message, and I want to give all the glory to the Lord Jesus Christ. Very exciting! Are there any questions before we close?


QUESTION: When you were talking about the First Adam, and it being the carnal mind, for some reason, what came to my mind was the law. Would you say that the law is a part of the First Adam?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the law functions through the First Adam. Absolutely, that is true.


08/21/17 Transcribed by Verbal Fusion


09/06/17 1st Edit, rh


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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