Part 4 of 5 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
I worked for two hours last night just putting verses 1 through 10 in a logical sequence and in an understandable English. This takes a long time, and s- -- and I have to go over it and over it and over it. It is -- I refine it and I refine it. So I do not always have time to do that. Hopefully, I -- eventually, I will. That is when of my problems with our Alternate Translation Bible. It took me so long to get it out because what I was trying to do was hold it back until I had time to refine the whole booklet, but the Lord rebuked me for having a spirit of perfection, and he said, "Just get it out. If I give you time to fix it, you will fix it. If I do not, you will not." So I got it out, and there is all kinds of errors in it, and my pride is tingling because people are already coming to me saying, you know, there is a mistake there. You know, there -- yes, I know. Yes, I know there are mistakes in it. I know there are spelling mistakes. I know there are grammatical mistakes. I know there are editorial mistakes. I know. I am not perfect, and God has not let me do my best at this time in this area.
But for today's message, I did have time to do my best on the Alternate Translations of Isaiah 22:1-14. You may recall me telling you at the beginning of this series that we translated verses 15 through 25 on another tape. Let me put it on here what tape we translated it on. On tape number 36, part 6, tape 2. OK. And if the Lord lets me, I expect tonight to review those Alternate Translations and tie it into our message this morning and wind up Isaiah 22 which has turned out to be a very exciting chapter for me. I am really flying high. It is a glorious message.
So this is the Alternate Translation of Isaiah 22:1-10, and they are all interspersed. If you look at your notes, you will see 1A, 2A, 1B. What that means is, if you see 1A, 2A, 1B, that means I have taken part of verse 2 and put it in between the first phrase of verse 1, which I call 1 -- verse 1A and the second phrase of verse 1 which I call 1B. That is what I call interspersion. As I look for the logical sequence of the Scriptures, I find that frequently I will put verse 10 in front of verse 5, and sometimes I will put verse 10 right in the middle of verse 5 in which instance I will have a 5A, verse 10, 5B. And the reason I do this is for any potential critics that -- and y- -- d- -- it is perfectly legitimate. Ch- -- this is a Godly criticism. There is such a thing as a Godly criticism. You have every right to want to know, to the best of your ability, how I got these Alternate Translations, so I go to great lengths to show you all the steps that get me there.
OK. I do -- I would just like to put some pointers on the tape as to what I have done. OK. Actually, with verses 1-10, I have amplified very little. Let me review amplification for you. There is a whole translation of the Bible called the Amplified Bible, and what the authors of this translation have done openly and admittedly is that they have added words to the translation. In other words, instead of taking one English word for one Hebrew word, they have taken three or four English words for the one Hebrew word, and they have even added revelation that they have so that you could understand the Bible better.
For example, if they find a Scripture, they amplify translators. If they find a Scripture which says, "And Jesus was crucified," these translators -- or if I am amplifying, I might add in, and Jesus was crucified on Golgotha Hill, and he died after six hours, and the Father raised him from the dead, and the Centurion saw a vision, and rent -- the veil of the temple was rent, and the rocks rent, and the saints rose up in Jerusalem. Saints rose up out of their graves and walked into Jerusalem, and he was raised from the dead, and he ascended.
I could add all that in, and it is all true, but it is not in the original Hebrew, but I added it in because I am trying to help you to get a grasp of what the Scripture is saying. That is what amplification is. Assuming that what I am adding in is the truth, it is a legitimate tool, I believe it is acceptable to God, and I encourage everybody here to not get caught up in this religious spirit that says you cannot add anything to this book. What that means is, you cannot add any lies to this book. And it says you cannot take anything away from this book. What that means is you cannot take any of the truth away from this book. Do not tell me you cannot take an and out of this book. God help us.
And I want to tell you right now that the doctrine that is in the church today has removed something from this book, and what they removed is that your carnal mind has to die. And they added something to this book, and they are telling you a lie that the death of the man, Jesus of Nazareth, on the cross 2,000 years ago means that you do not have to die. That you can stay in your sins and walk around thinking sin if you are not doing it -- maybe you are doing it and maybe you are not, but you are still thinking sin, you are feeling sin, you are sin, and that you are OK, and when this body dies, you will miraculously be made holy.
That is what they have added to this book, and I am taking out the lie that is been added, and I am putting back the truth that was taken out, and may God have mercy on anybody that comes against this doctrine. Not against me, but against the work that Christ is doing through me, because in this hour, he is delivering his people from their sins. So you better think twice before you come against this doctrine, whoever is hearing this tape, because you are killing people with your opposition to it.
So in this chapter 22, I have amplified very little. I have added very little. Most of the changes that I have made have been in prepositions. For example, the King James translators might say and or until, and I will change it to because, and all of these prepositions, they are pretty much interchangeable. If you look up the words in the Hebrew or in the Greek -- and lots of times, the King James translators puts them in and they are not even in the Hebrew, and this is perfectly acceptable when you translate from one language to another to add little words like and, but, because, because they are not -- the language is different. It is not an exact science. You do not exactly translate from word to word. You have to put it in the proper idiom. What that means is, there is a particular way of speaking English and a particular way of speaking Spanish or Hebrew. It is a mentality as to w- -- the way it comes forth. For example, in England if someone goes into the hospital, they will say to you, so and so is in hospital. Now, in America, that is bad English. Here we say so and so is in the hospital, but in England they say in hospital. And this is -- now, both nations speak English. This is called the idiom. It is what is acceptable in a particular society. So that is why these small words, and, if, but, thus, therefore, you can either add them or switch them around or take them out when you translate from language to language because the idiom is different. And everybody that knows anything about language knows that, and you cannot -- if you put yourself in a rigid law, you are going to die. In whatever area of your life, you put yourself within a rigid law, you will die in that area. You must have liberty to flow with the true spirit if you want to live. Rigidity kills. Flexibility gives life.
So the only significant change that I have made here from what you heard in the prior messages is in verse 10A, and in verse 10A in the prior message -- let me get to that verse for you. I had used the pronoun you, but I made it Satan over here, and Satan taking advantage of the situation. On the prior messages, parts 1 through 3, I did not say Satan, I said you, and this is why. The Hebrew text is not clear as to who the you is, and those of you who have been studying with me for a while know that this is very common, that the Hebrew and the Greek text are very hazy as to who the subject is. Both languages -- and I believe it is not the language, but it is the way the Scripture is written. Why? Because the message -- the true, deep message is hidden. It is a mystery, and we went -- on one tape we went through -- I think it was all of 1 Corinthians 15 -- went through the whole chapter or the whole portion of the chapter. It is just pronouns: you, he, it. And I went through the whole thing saying he, the Holy Ghost, he, Christ. You know that tape that I did that on? OK.
So in verse 10, we had the pronoun you, and it was not clear who God was talking about, so when I translated the verse, I did not clarify it. I left it you. But as I went over it, I realized very clearly that the you is referring to Satan, and the way I translated it, if you look back to the prior verse, the you was referring to the Lord's wife, which is the soul that he created. So it is not that I made an error. Of course, this is true. Why? Because Satan is the intelligence or the moral, negative intelligence, the corruption, which exists in the soul. So when I translated it you, referring back to the verse before, meaning God was speaking to his -- the soul he created, that was not in error. But the Lord told me that I have to be very specific because of the carnal minds of men. They need to hear that it is Satan because that keeps it -- they need to keep hearing it hit home to them that it is Satan in your mind, and that it is Satan in my mind, and that we are not separate from him, and we are not innocent while he is doing all his damage. Why? Because if you believe that, you are going to die in your sins. So the Lord asked me to clarify it, and that is the one significant change that I made. I changed the you to Satan.
Also in verse 5, I changed the word bodies to personalities which is another problem that I have had. If you have -- if you study the early tapes, you will recognize it, or you will even hear me confessing it on some tapes to you that as some of us suffer from our carnal minds seeing things backwards. Sometimes I will come in and I will tell you I had to reverse it. I saw it backwards. I saw -- what I saw on the left should have been on the right, and what I saw on the right should have been on the left. One of the problems I have had over the years when I do these translations is that I think the Scripture is talking about the physical body, but it is not. It -- most of the time, it is talking about the soul or the personality. So I ran into that problem on my last message too, and I made that correction. I have changed the word bodies to personalities or soul.
OK. Can I have a pause in that, please? I think I am going to put the air cond- -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT]
Alternate Translation. Isaiah 22:1-10 interspersed, "Thus says Jehovah to his fallen wife," -- which is the soul which we are. "Satan has triumphantly pierced through your soul and bound you together with the carnal mind. All of you" -- that means all the individuals of humanity -- "are taken as prisoners of war, and your collective strength is completely broken because you have turned away from Christ and put him to flight. Your mind is filled with animalistic, noisy restlessness because you have been mortally wounded by the carnal mind, and you may not know it, and you probably do not know it, but you are dead. But how did the carnal mind manage to sacrifice the completed [?elect?] fallen souls of the Sons of God in full stature who were publicly judging the people up to Satan?"
Now, this verse is speaking about Judah and is also speaking about any believer in whom Christ is manifesting who has fallen backwards into their carnal mind. She was able to do it. Satan was able to -- I am sorry. The carnal mind was able to sacrifice you up to Satan because in the day that Christ has closed your sins, you look to the carnal mind for protection from Christ, and because you claim unto Chri- -- unto the carnal mind and you resisted Christ, Christ died in you, and you became the possession of the carnal mind, and Satan taking advantage of the situation. What situation? Satan, taking advantage of the fact that Christ was revealing your sins, arose in you, and seduced you to deny those sins, but to cleave unto the carnal mind, and the result of that was that Satan broke down the altar which -- with your spiritual altar in your heart which was formed when Jehovah joined himself to your human spirit. And instead of Jehovah being joined to your human spirit, you woke up one morning and you found out that Satan was joined to your human spirit.
And the beast nature of the man of sin was revealed in you, and fallen Adam, of whom we are all members, shook our fists at the Sons of God, which were showing us our sins, and we fought against them with the spiritual power of our carnal minds. And this is how humanity was separated from the Christ mind and sealed with the carnal mind.
And let me point out to you, please, that even though in the -- under the old covenant, 2,000, uh, up to 5,000 years ago, the Christ mind was appearing only in Israel. It is as if to say the brain is only in your head. So long as Christ was appearing in Israel, as far as God was concerned, Christ was present in humanity. In one localized area, but Christ was present. So when Judah -- when the mind of Christ died in Judah, that is what this Scripture is saying, this is how Christ -- the Christ mind was separated from humanity.
And now again in this hour, Christ is appearing once again. Not in every member of humanity, but Christ is appearing in humanity. Where is Christ appearing? In the?
In whose mind? Christ is appearing in the?
In the church. In the Sons of God in the church. If you want to find Christ, you have to find the church of the living God. He is not in the Hindu temple, and he is not in the Buddhist temple, although he is responding on an individual basis to men whose hearts are truly reaching out for him. When any one of those Hindu or Buddhist or Muslim men are received by him, he will lead them to become a member of true body, which is in Christ, whether they believe it now or not. Can anybody not hear that? He is not in the church to the exclusion of the balance of the world. On an individual basis, he is responding to the cries of men's hearts no matter what they believe and no matter what kind of idolatry they are involved in. No matter what religion they are. But once he receives you, he brings you onto the correct path which is his church. You have to move. Once he receives you, you cannot stay where you are. You cannot stay in your filth. You have to move. You have to change.
Therefore, verse 4A, because humanity was separated from the Christ mind and is once again being separated from the Christ mind which is in the church. How is that happening? Well, there has been an imputed Christ mind in the church in Pentecost. And as God comes to the members of the church that speak in tongues and prophesy and read their Bible, and he says, "Well, that is been fun, folks, but now it is time for me to show you your sins." They are falling like flies. Who were falling like flies? The men and women who have known God and in the Pentecostal realm, and they have done healing, and they have done deliverance, and they have had faith, and they have blessed people. They have prayed for people and the people have received help. But now God is showing them their sins, and in that day that he is showing them their sins, they are rejecting Christ and cleaving unto their carnal mind because they do not want to admit their sins, and if you fall prey to that, be warned. If you fall prey to that, you can lose what you have.
The message is to warn you. The Lord does not want to tap into you. He wants you to enter into the fullness so hear the word of God. And when the Sons of God come to you and show you your sins, if you cannot see them, at least say, Lord, if it is true let me say that I am not living, not dying.
So in this hour, what happened to Judah is happening to the church. It is the hour of the judgment of the world, and this judgment is starting -- where is the judgment starting? In the church and at the elders thereof.
Now, being in the church 50 years does not make you an elder. What makes you an elder is your potential to bear forth the Christ child. That means you could be a physically young person. You could be a brand new convert in the church. If you were born with the root that has a strong potential to produce Christ quickly, you are an elder, and the Lord is looking for you to judge your sins so that Christ can appear in you so that you can be a part of the company which will help save the balance of humanity who do not have a strong -- as strong a potential as you have to bring forth this Christ child.
And by way of natural example, brethren, most of us, you know, -- not all of us, perhaps, but most of us here should know that all women do not have the same potential to bear a child. Some women are barren, some women are very fertile, and others, it takes them a long time to conceive. So the elders of the -- and some women conceive and they have trouble bringing the child to term. So every man on the earth today does not have the same potential to bear the Christ child which will raise him up into the sinless condition which is necessary to bring the rest of humanity out of hell. So those of us who are fertile in Christ are the elders. So if you are wondering why you are getting judged and the guy down the street is just singing and dancing, it does not mean that God loves him and hates you. It means that you are an elder.
But remember, it says in another place that his Son, when he is not full grown, is still -- is considered a servant by God, and he is still under governors and tutors, and the fact that you have this potential does not mean that you can rise up and start taking a dominion that you are still too young to exercise even though you have the potential for it. Is anybody not understanding me? Jesus.
Verse 9A, "And this is how humanity was separated from the Christ mind and sealed with the Christ mind -- with the carnal mind. Therefore," -- what do you mean therefore? Because we lost the Christ mind and we have a carnal mind. "Therefore," says the Lord, "I will not cease from taking vengeance on the devastating tempest" -- that is our carnal mind -- "of my human people so that the same spiritual substance which is the foundation" -- that is the human spirit -- "which is the foundation of fallen atoms, carnal mind, is gathered together or regrouped or reformed and increased into Christ" -- that is the Christ mind -- "so that once again they may" -- who? My people -- "may be righteous."
You see? Your human spirit must be separated from your carnal mind and reformed into Christ. That is what judgment is all about. Because if you do not become righteous, you are going to die, and there is only one way for you to become righteous, and that is for your human spirit to be separated from your carnal mind and Satan and reformed in the righteous image of Christ. And God has a plan as to how he is going to do that, and whether you like it or not, he is doing it his way, and the way he is doing it is that he is beating your carnal mind to pieces.
Can I have a little more volume on this, please? Thank you. Jesus.
And he is beating your carnal mind to pieces by showing you your sins. Therefore, let the water of Satan's seed -- that is your unconscious mind -- be boiled. And he is been -- and your unconscious mind is being boiled because Christ, who was the lake of fire, has set a fire underneath you. So why are you surprised that the fiery trial is upon you? Therefore, let the water of Satan -- see, that is his mind -- be boiled and pass away, and let Christ -- that is the new mind being formed in you -- be smeared together with their carnal mind. A smearing implies a joining. Let Christ be joined to your carnal mind. This is the capturing of your carnal mind by Christ. Christ is trying to capture your carnal mind and put her underneath him and bind to there in a permanent position so that she cannot move, so that she cannot sin through you. Let them be smeared together.
Verse 5, "Because this is the day that the Lord of hosts is [?treading?] down your carnal mind underneath Christ, and he is also destroying the deformed personalities." He is destroying our deformed personalities which are formed in the image of sin which the carnal mind has fashioned out of our human spirit. We are deformed, brethren, and these deformed personalities are expressing the confused, irregular state of mind that has covered over humanity's awareness of who we really are, of our true existence, which is Christ. And the carnal mind has also covered over our awareness of our surroundings and our feelings, and she is done it with sensual pleasure.
Brother, we -- brethren, we are spirit. We are royalty. But our mind is all messed up, and we fell down into a beast body. We fell down into a pit with the lions and the tigers, and we forgot that we were the trainer, and we think we are one of the lions or the tigers. You know the story of Tarzan? That is what happened to us. We think we are one of the monkeys, but we are not. We are spiritual royalty.
God has said, "Let man have dominion over this whole earth and everything in it," and you cannot rule from a position of bestiality. You have got to rise up and become spirit again. You cannot rule what you are. You have to rise up above it. Why? Because if you are down there on the level with the beast, there is always going to be some beast that is stronger than you. Jesus said, "The least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than the greatest natural man."
You must start living out of Christ, and you will be undefeatable over every device of the enemy which is seeking to drag you down to a bestial level which is producing death in your life, and the technique she is using is sensory pleasure: that which you feel, that which you taste, that which you touch, that which you see, that which you experience. So the challenge of the hour, brethren, is to obtain our satisfaction, to have our needs met, through the rational mind of Christ and not through the sensory experiences which the carnal mind gives us because the -- in a comparison, the two satisfactions are not even comparable. We are just so caught up in the satisfactions or the fulfillments that the carnal mind has given us. We are so possessed of her that we cannot even imagine that there could be something as good, let alone better, outside of her.
Brethren, we are a battered woman who is being abused by a vicious husband who is telling us that if we dare to leave him, we will never get another man. We will be miserable. We will never be able to support ourselves. We will be without love. No one will want us. And that if we leave his abusive home life and relationship, we will be much worse off than taking our beating once a month. Brethren, you have to get out of this bad marriage before you have a hope of making a good marriage. So we find some weak people in the world, some weak women. They think they will find another man before they leave the abusive man, but that does not work, brethren. Aside from the fact that it is adultery, usually you will wind up with another abusive man.
Why? Because you must stand on your own two feet and survive by faith in God until such time as you enter into the complete satisfaction which is in Christ. The Scripture calls it a wilderness experience of fast from the soul realm. You will not have every need met for a season, but it is not forever, and eventually you will enter into a whole new life in Christ with peace and joy and contentment and a measure of satisfaction you have only thought about in your wildest dreams. But you cannot have both. Well, you could -- you can have both for a season, and if you desire to go on with Christ, you have to start giving up soulish pleasures, not as a religious work, but you cannot enter in until you first come out.
Going on with verse 11, Isaiah 22, "Ye made also a ditch between the two walls for the water of the old pool, but ye have not looked unto the maker thereof. Neither had respect unto him that fashioned it long ago."
As I tell you all the time, the prophets amaze me, you know. I can read Isaiah, and I just get blessed because of the spirit on it, but I have no idea what that verse just said. It means abs- -- in a -- using my intelligence, it means absolutely nothing. Does anybody know what that verse said? Makes no sense at all.
OK. Let us find out the mystery behind the words. It is a parable, brethren. Let us find out what the parable means. And I remind you that Jesus took his disciples on the side and explained the parable to them, and Jesus is here today, and he is explaining the parable to us, and everybody who is here or whose ears are here by this tape is a very blessed person.
"Ye made also a ditch between the two walls." The word also is not in the Hebrew. The Hebrew word translated ditch is Strong's 4724. Gesenius says, "It is a place in which water flows together." Another translation is to be gathered together. Gesenius further goes on to say that this word implies existence. Existence, not life. Now, we have an existence. It is not called life. It is called death. But you have existence. It means we think. We have an experience. And I -- without Gesenius saying that this word implies existence, just on the basis of the words saying a place where waters throw toge -- flow together, would imply to me it is a place where the carnal mind is formed.
What are the waters? Water typifies spirit in the soul realm. Why? Water is a coming together. The human spirit and the male spirit that she is joining with. A second witness that this word means to be gathered together. We have a study -- we have done several studies, one in particular in the Book of Revelation. I think it is chapter 18. I could be mistaken -- when we find out this expression, to be gathered together, implies incarnation. When a child is born, the Lord gathers all of the elements of that human being, and what would he be gathering together, just by way of an example? A heart and lungs and bones and blood and ears and eyes. There are spiritual components that must be gathered together for a human being to incarnate. This is the scriptural way of expressing incarnation. To be gathered together. One day, you see a baby born, but that baby is being gathered together in the mother's womb. It is my understanding the first organ that appears is the heart, and the fetus, and the eventual child is built. It is really built around the heart in utero.
Spiritually speaking, we must be built, and the Lord starts with a foundation. You might say the foundation of the human child is the heart, that the heart is the foundation, and what is the foundation of the spiritual child? What is the only foundation?
The Lord Jesus Christ who is one with the Father. Yes, he is the only foundation, brethren, upon which we can stand. What does that mean? It means if we have another foundation when the floods come, our whole house will be broken up. What does that mean? It means that eventually you are going to die. If your foundation -- if your spiritual foundation is anything other than the Lord Jesus Christ, you will be in this world for a season and you will die. But if your foundation is a perfected or a completed manifestation of the Lord Jesus Christ, you shall never die, nor will your house be broken up when the floods come.
So those of us who are listening to this message, I would go so far as to guess, have a foundation in place. Otherwise, you would never be listening to me. So you are likened unto a fetus inside a woman's womb whose heart has begun to be formed, but you may not be complete enough to survive outside of her womb at this time.
You see? There is such a thing as a -- there is survival of a premature child, maybe a 7-month-old fetus can survive. Is that not true? Seven-month-old fetus can survive, an 8-month-old fetus stands a much better chance, and a fetus at the beginning of the 9th month stands an excellent chance of survival. But less than 7 months, not likely you will survive if you lose your home.
And in this same way, brethren, those of us who are beginning to be formed around the foundation of Christ, if our house is broken up, what does that mean? If our body dies when the Christ fetus, which is in us, is not yet mature enough to survive without this body, the fetus will die. So that means even if Christ is being formed in you, and the Lord permits you to be taken from this world, Christ in you dies. I believe the blessings that are upon your life from his having had experiences through you will be reaped by your offspring, but your personality as a potential permanent house for Christ has not come to pass. Your house was broken up. Does Paul not say, "Your house will be broken up, but nevertheless, they will still be saved"? Your spirit is going on, but you lost your house, brethren.
"Ye made also a ditch between the two walls." Well, I am suggesting to you that the Hebrew word ditch is speaking about the carnal mind. It is speaking about the place where the male spirit, whether it be Satan or Jehovah or the Lord Jesus Christ, is joining with the human spirit, and that is the unconscious realm, and it is also -- we were instructed in our series on Elijah that this is the formation of the spiritual altar. The joining of the male spirit to the human spirit causes an altar to be erected. The altar upon which the mind, which will rule the individual, will appear, and when that mind appears on the altar, it becomes a continuous sacrifice. When it is the Lord Jesus Christ joining with your human spirit, and the altar is formed, and the mind of Christ is brought forth, that mind and the soul that it dwells in becomes the bush which burns but is not consumed. It is the continuous, eternal offering of which we see a type onto the Levitical law. It burns continuously in the fires of God, but it is not consumed.
"And anyone that tries to offer strange fire unto the Lord dies." If your human spirit joins with Satan and brings forth the carnal mind, that is strange fire. The Lord will not receive your offering, and you shall surely die, and we died.
"Ye made also a ditch between the two walls." Between, Strong's 996. It can be translated within or between, and to be honest with you, I learned something here. I really was not aware that there were two walls around Jerusalem. Two walls. Strong's 2346 is speaking specifically about the double series of walls such as Jerusalem was surrounded by. Did anybody here know that? That there was a double wall around Jerusalem, and that there was -- I guess, it was something like a moat. There was w- -- a ditch. They call it a ditch but it was a reservoir. There was water in between the two walls. I did not know that.
So you also made a ditch. You brought forth the carnal mind between the two walls of Jerusalem. Now, I will tell you up front that I suggest you spiritually speaking that the two walls which surrounded Jerusalem are the Spirit of Christ and the mind of Christ. Now, let me remind you, these -- in the spirit, things are the opposite of things in the natural. Naturally speaking, when you think of the walls around a city, the city is in the center, and the walls are around. But spiritually speaking, that part which is strong -- and the walls are strong -- spiritually speaking, that part which is strong is in the center spirit, and that which is weak is on the outside. Nevertheless, the Lord says that the city is surrounded by these two walls, because the spirit which is at the center has the authority to vibrate out past the soul and put a ring of fiery protection around it, even though that which is external is an image, and that the spiritual reality or the true strength is at the center. Is everybody OK? OK. That is a tough concept.
So the Scripture says you made a ditch. You made a place where the waters flow together between the two walls which were surrounding Jerusalem, and this is highly spiritual. You are going to have to pray about it if you are having a problem. I just suggest to you what this Scripture is saying was that where the Christ mind existed, where Jehovah was joined to the human spirit, and the mind of Christ was formed, you, because of sin in your heart, let Satan get in, and he joined with the human spirit and brought forth the carnal mind. It is just like saying, the way I teach you here, that we have a carnal mind, and the Holy Spirit is penetrating right into our carnal mind and committing a form of legal adultery with the human spirit, and she is the harlot of Revelation. She has a relationship with two men, and she is bearing two children.
You know that -- remember that teaching here? Well, that is what this Scripture is saying, that Christ was formed in [?Junah?]. And of course, this message is true for the church, and Satan got right into Eve despite that fact. Satan got in there. She is a harlot. She is the girl who cannot say no. Anybody that can pierce through Christ can get to her. The full burden for keeping her chaste is upon the mind because she is the girl who cannot say no, and the Scripture is saying Satan got past her defenses, which was the righteous mind of Adam which was the immature Christ. Satan got past him and penetrated her fertilized her, and right in the middle of the two walls, right between the Spirit of Christ and the mind of Christ, the carnal mind started to come forth.
Now, for all you Pharisees listening to this tape that have not been studying with us for a while, if you are shocked at what I just said, let me just advise you that the Christ mind at the beginning of time was not a perfected mind. Everything that God does, he does from seed. He starts with the seed and that seed grows unto perfection. The Christ mind which was appearing in Adam at the beginning of time was not a fully mature mind of Christ. It was not completed. It was good, but it was not perfect. It was not fully interwoven with the soul. It is as if a dressmaker made a beautiful dress and just basted it together. It was not finished, and that is the reason that Satan was able to penetrate the mind of Christ and the Spirit of Christ.
I am not saying that Jehovah was defeatable. Jehovah was not defeatable. But the Son which was being raised up who was not yet fully matured was defeatable and, in fact, cast down because of lack of experience, because of his youth. But Jehovah was never defeated.
And in this hour, we see the Lord Jesus Christ having overcome the world and now reproducing himself in many human beings on the face of this earth, all of which human beings are defeatable so long as the Christ in them is still a servant because of his youth. But the Lord Jesus Christ who has already overcome the world is not defeatable, but Christ Jesus, in an individual here or an individual there, does have the potential to abort. We must cry out to the Lord Jesus Christ continuously to sustain us because we are not yet mature enough to sustain ourselves.
Brethren, a 10-year-old heir to the throne cannot sustain himself against a fully mature and trained and armed soldier from the enemy army. I do not care whether he is the king or not. He is 10 years old, and his physical strength is minimized, and his skills at the war games is at a -- are at a minimal -- minimum. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Come out of your fantasy. Santa Claus is dead. God help us.
"Ye made also a ditch between the two walls," between the Spirit of Christ and the mind of Christ, "for the water of the old pool." The Hebrew word translated old is Strong's 3465, and it means not so much opposite of new as opposite to fresh. The opposite to fresh water is what?
Salt water.
Salt. Salt water. And the salt sea typifies? The salt sea typifies Satan and the fresh water typifies Christ. So we are speaking about the satanic mind here. The word -- Hebrew word translated pool is Strong's 1295, and that is speaking about a place that holds water, a reservoir. The Hebrew word translated water simply means water. So I am suggesting to you that the water of the -- do I have a pen here? OK. Thanks -- that the water of the old pool is speaking about the salt water of Satan's life, and it is the salt water which has brought forth the carnal mind between the two walls of spiritual Jerusalem as I just explained to you.
Satan made a place for herself, I suggest to you, between the Spirit of Christ and the mind of Christ. That is to say, the human spirit is between the Father and the Son. Satan penetrated into the human spirit and created or formed -- she did not create. She formed her own mind. Did Jesus not say, "I go to make a place for you"? What was he speaking about? He was telling us in a parable, brethren, that he had to be crucified because when he was converted -- when he would be converted into spirit form, he would then have the ability to enter into our heart and do the same thing that Satan did. Pierce right into the carnal mind and make a place for us. The mind of Christ, the Kingdom of God, right in between Satan's salt sea and the carnal mind.
You see, the whole process of the fall is being reversed. He who lives by the sword must die by the sword. Everything that Satan did, Christ is doing in reversal. It is so simple. The only reason we cannot understand it is because we have a carnal mind. It is so simple. When you have the Christ mind, it is simple. Otherwise, it is impossible to understand with your carnal mind.
Alternate Translation, the first half, Isaiah 22:11, "You made a place for the carnal mind within the mind of Christ." You gave place to the enemy, brethren. You gave him a toehold, you received his seed, and you woke up one morning, and he had taken your whole life. [?You see?]. Do not give place to the enemy, brethren. It is a whole different ballgame trying to ward somebody off when they have nothing inside of you. When they have a hook inside of you, you have one problem: warding them off. And there is a good chance you are going to fail. You have got a fifth column inside of you. They have power inside of you. They are going to bring you down when they are inside of your fortress. Got to get the enemy from within out.
Nothing, no one, no enemy outside of you can bring you down if you are standing within yourself. No one can reject you if you do not reject yourself. No one's hatred can have any negative effect on you if you truly love yourself and Christ. Every problem you have is in your own head and in your own heart. That is not to say that people do not sin against you. That is to say that the answer to people sinning against you is not to control or condemn or to shoot down the person who is sinning against you, because in that event, they kill you, and you kill them, and then you are both dead. Now, does that make any sense? The answer is to fix yourself so that even though they stab you, you will not die, and then you could turn around and save them from themselves. Or if you die, the Lord will raise you from the dead, and then you lift them up, and then instead of both of you dying, both of you live.
The Hatfields and the McCoy, the feud is over. The feud is over, brethren. "He who warreth or fighteth this war between Christ and the carnal mind entangleth himself not in the arguments of this world." Suffer the loss, and trust in Christ, and you shall cease from death, and you shall live.
Continuing with the second half of Isaiah 22:11, "But you have not looked unto the maker thereof. Neither had respect unto him that fashioned it long ago." Well, I do not know about you, but I do not know what that means either. OK. The Hebrew word translated but, we are translating it and.
"Ye have not." I have spoken too many times about this word -- Hebrew word translated not is Strong's 3808, and we did do a word study on it at one time in the 78 series, and I am convinced that the Lord in enough places uses this word to describe Satan for me to take that translation whenever I feel the Lord is telling me to do it. God does not even call Satan by name. As far as the Lord is concerned, she is nothing. She is an empty wind. She has no substance to her. She is a shadow. And the Lord calls her nothing. This word, Hebrew word 3808, it is what the grammarians call a negative particle. You can translate it not, never, neither, and included in that -- those translations, the Lord includes Satan. She is a nothing. She is zero on the scale of one to 10.
"Ye you have not looked unto the maker." That Hebrew word translated looked is Strong's 5027, and Gesenius says we can also translate that word respect or respected if we want to. Gesenius more specifically -- we have a really strong witness on this one. Gesenius says that this word -- Hebrew word translated looked when followed by the Hebrew word [SPEAKING IN TONGUES] which is Strong's number 314 which is exactly the case -- if you can read the Hebrew text, you will see that the Hebrew word translated looked is followed by the word which is Strong's 314 that the correct meaning of the word is to regard anything or to have respect for something.
And the word maker is Strong's 6213. One of the translations listed by Gesenius for that word is offering or sacrifice, and I am suggesting to you that these words are saying that Satan sacrificed the Christ mind -- but that is wrong. That is the carnal mind sacrificed the Christ mind up to Satan. The carnal mind is Satan's high priest. He o- -- he sacrificed Christ up to Satan. In this hour, Christ is being formed in you, and sacrificing the carnal mind up to the Lord Jesus Christ.
OK. Now, this is a very important issue, brethren. The whole church is stumbling over this. Christ Jesus is being born in you, and when he is born in you, he is sacrificing your carnal mind up to the Lord Jesus Christ because without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin, and it is your carnal mind's blood, you see. It is not the red blood that fell on the ground 2,000 years ago in Calvary, and there is nothing for you to do but dance and sing. It is a lie that if you believe it will result in your death.
What happened on Calvary 2,000 years ago is that the provision was made for Christ Jesus to be formed in your heart. That is what happened on Calvary 2,000 years ago. And this teaching in no way diminishes the power, authority or importance of the Lord Jesus Christ or his work. If he was not crucified 2,000 years ago, Christ Jesus could not be formed in us. I am in no way taking away any authority or power from him. What I am saying is the teaching in the church is incomplete. Everything the church preaches that he did, he did. He sacrificed for us. We can live because of him. But the parable is, brethren, that if you are sinning in complete darkness, and you have a whole ceiling full of fluorescent lights but you do not know enough to flip the switch, you are still in darkness. So we must lay hold of this -- of that sacrifice that he made for us, and we must do what is necessary to make it real for us.
Brethren, if I am starving to death, and there is all kinds of food on the other side of that wall, if I cannot get the food into my body, I am going to die. If there is all kinds of food in your house, but you have a disease by which your body does not absorb the food, you are going to die. That does not mean that the person who provided the food has been unfaithful to you. If the food is on the table and you will not eat, does that in any way diminish the power of the food? Does it in any way diminish the power of the faithfulness of the man who has provided the food? You must eat. We must eat his flesh and we must eat his blood. We must partake of and become one with the work that he has provided for us. We must lay hold of it. We must take it. It must be reproduced in us. And when that [?sinless?sin is?] overcoming life of the Lord Jesus Christ begins to appear in us, he is going to sacrifice our carnal mind up into the Lord Jesus Christ, because the Lord Jesus Christ to us is now the Father, and Christ Jesus, the Son, is appearing in us, and then when he gets of age, he is going to kill Goliath in you. Your carnal mind, he is going to cut his head off, and he is going to burn him in the fire of the Lake of Fire, of the Christ mind, and until this happens, brethren, there is no remission of sin.
You have heard a false message. And we will see at the end of our message today, verse 14 in Isaiah 22. It is a great mystery, but doth saith the Lord God unto you, "You shall have no remission of sin until your carnal mind dies." And there was no Scripture which says your sins in reality are remitted when your body dies. It is not in there. Your sins are forgiven potentially. We had an exhortation on it earlier this morning. Your sins are forgiven in faith, and then the power of God rips your sins out of you, casts them into the sea, and makes your holiness a reality. Brethren, your carnal mind is sin so long has she has life in her. The remission of sins is a promise to you, but not a reality. Now, without the shedding of blood of your very own personal carnal mind, there is no remission of sin. You have received a doctrine of demons which has come out of the carnal mind, and if you do not make some changes, you shall surely die in your sins.
Jesus. "But ye have not looked unto the maker thereof." You have -- but Satan not s- -- not as Satan, but sate and Satan respected -- the word maker can be translated sacrifice -- the sacrifice of the carnal mind. Satan received the sacrificial offering of the carnal mind which was Christ. Satan took her position as God.
What does that mean for us, brethren? It means as we walk this walk and we try to live for Christ, if someone comes to us and offers us one of our brothers to sacrifice them up into us, what does that mean? Something that would benefit us? Something ungodly that would benefit us? That would benefit our pride? That would benefit or further our position, or benefit our ego? Whether it is the silent shedding of blood through agreement of condemning that person, or whether it is something more obvious of actually stripping them of some privilege or something that they are entitled to. If you receive your neighbor's suggestion, and you fall into agreement with them, and you crucify your brother, you have received their sacrifice. You have made yourself God. Now listen to me. Adam and Eve fallen -- Adam has lifted himself up above Christ and has received the sacrifice of your brother's innocence in this area for your own self gain. You see? Fallen man is acting the part of Satan every day of his life.
Every time you see sin in your brother to cover your own sin, you have received the carnal mind's sacrifice unto you of the innocent. Whoever is innocent. Whoever is innocent, whoever you are lying about, whoever you are believing a lie about, whoever you are mistreating for self-gain or simply to make yourself feel good, you at that moment are Satan receiving the sacrifice of that person's innocence, and that is why we need a savior. Because we cannot stop doing that. You see? You can stop stealing, and you can stop lying, and you can stop gambling, and you can stop fornicating, but you cannot stop your unconscious mind from receiving the sacrifice of your brother's Christ because it makes you feel good. Why? Because it is on an unconscious level, and that is why you need a savior, and that is why I need a savior, and that is why our carnal mind must die, because she will never stop sinning so long as she has a breath of life in her. And so long as she sins, we will remain dead, and there is no remission of sin that goes on and on and on. There is remission of sin for those who cease from sin. Otherwise, you are in the Catholic Church, brethren, spending the rest of eternity confessing your sins and saying three Hail Marys and going out and doing it again. That is not the remission of sin which is promised to us by our Savior. The remission of sin which is promised to us is the removal of that sin from our heart, thus stamping out the necessity for continuous amends and apologies and new starts.
The remission of sins which is in Christ is perfect. If you do not have Christ, the remission of sin which comes by amends and apologies and new starts is certainly better than nothing, but it is not perfect. In Christ, we have the opportunity to receive the perfect remission of sin. And when you come to a place in your life where the perfect remission of sin is made available to you by Christ Jesus, for you to reject that perfect remission of sin which requires confession of that sin and true repentance. If you reject that offer, that perfect remission, and cleave unto the imperfect remission which says I did not do it. I do not have it. I will hold it down and nobody will see. Whereas what was acceptable to God for a season has now become sin unto you.
"Neither had respect unto him that fashioned it long ago." The Hebrew word translated neither once again is Strong's 3808, and I suggest to you the first time the word appears, it is speaking about Satan, and the second time the word appears, it is speaking about the carnal mind. So we see that Satan respected the carnal mind's offering, and then neither had respect. The carnal mind had respect. Strong's 7200 can be translated to despise or to behold with contempt. So we see that Satan accepted the carnal mind's offering of the Christ mind and that the carnal mind despised the Christ which she sacrificed [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. The Hebrew word fashioned is Strong's 3335. It is speaking about that which is formed, and the Hebrew word translated long ago, Strong's 7350, can be translated precious. The precious thing formed.
So we have a perverse thing formed, which is the carnal mind, and a precious thing formed which is the Christ mind. So we see that Judah, or the Son of God, rejected the exposure of his sin, thus opening the door or giving place to a penetration by Satan who did not miss a second but got right in there and formed her carnal mind, which carnal mind sacrificed the Christ mind up to Satan, Satan received the offering and the carnal mind despised -- I said it out of order. I am sorry. Satan brought forth the carnal mind, the carnal mind despised the Christ mind, enmity was between the two of them, the carnal mind sacrificed the Christ mind, killed him and Satan said, "Amen." And this is a great mystery, brethren, but until such time as Christ is perfected in us, the carnal mind is stronger than an immature Christ.
Now, do not go getting religious on me because even the world knows that is true. I had my first ministry to a New Age believer yesterday, and I could not believe the measure of doctrine she had. She was right up there with me. She was a challenge. And she said to me, "It is amazing, but evil is stronger than good." She said, "Everywhere I go I see it. Evil is stronger than good," and I said that is true. Evil will always be stronger than good. What you are not aware of is that there is something higher than good. Does anybody know what it is?
Hmm? What is it? Righteous, which is in Christ. The righteousness which is in Christ is higher or greater than the good that is in this world side by side with the evil.
But in this hour, Christ is still not full grown. The Bible says when you are not full grown, even though you are a prince, you are no different than a servant. So the righteousness which is in Christ is not yet strong enough to challenge the Goliath of the evil of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And for those people who do not know that righteousness is different from goodness, many die of a broken heart because they do not know the Scripture or the power of God. Him -- this is good this morning, is it not?
Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord, for visiting us.
Alternate Translation. Second half of Isaiah 22:11, "And Satan respected his -- or the carnal mind's sacrifice, and the carnal mind despised Christ."
I would like to give you a witness on this expression to respect one's sacrifice. I have the Scripture that I will quote to you where that exact expression appears. However, I will tell you that the Hebrew word -- well, let me give you the Scripture first.
It is number 16, verse 15, "And Moses was very wroth and said unto the Lord, 'Respect not Thou their offering. Respect not Thou their offering. I have not taken one ass from them. Neither have I hurt one of them.'" and Moses was saying do n- -- they were accusing Moses falsely and giving sacrifices. They were communicating with God in a condemnation of the God-appointed head, and Moses said, "Do not respect their offering. I have not done anything wrong. Their heart is evil towards your prophet."
So my point is the phrase respect of offering. I am giving it to you as a witness to my translation of Isaiah 22:11 that Satan respected or received or acted upon the carnal mind's sacrifice. However, I would point out to you that the Hebrew word used in Numbers 16:15 is a different Hebrew word than the word appearing in Isaiah 22:11. But I would not let that put me off because even in the English language, we have something called synonyms. There is more than one word in the language that has the same meaning, number one, and number two, I think the Lord has clearly demonstrated over the years that we have been studying here that he will deliberately not use the same word -- Hebrew or Greek word if in one context the meaning is spiritual, and in the other context the meaning is natural. This is a very subtle way that the Lord distinguishes between spiritual and natural truths. He will just use two synonyms. He will not use the same word to express spiritual and natural things.
Genesis 16:4. I have another witness for you. Well, this witness is with regard to the phrase that says the carnal mind despised Christ. Genesis 16:4 is an allegory depicting the mother of the illegitimate son despising the true heir. And this is Genesis 16:4. "And he went in unto Hagar, and she conceived, and when she saw that she had conceived, her mistress was despised in her eyes." The implication being as soon as Hagar perceived that she had power, she perceived that she had an in with Isaac. She had given him the son that he wanted. As soon as she got that little edge, hatred came up in her heart towards the barren wife instead of mercy and compassion that this woman was barren and she had borne the child. Typically, the carnal mind that obtains power despises the weak.
Brethren, the carnal mind despises the weak things of this world and abuses them and takes advantage of them and kills them all the day long. Christ does not do that. Christ has mercy on the weak things of this world. Christ makes the weak things strong and gives them life all the day long. So we see the carnal mind despising Christ in the realm of the spirit, and Isaiah 22:11, "The root of every time any human being despises a weak thing, we know who is manifesting as his mind." You see? This is how you discern what distinguished the difference between Christ and the carnal mind. You must know what Christ does for you to tell the difference between Christ and the carnal mind.
So whenever you see someone despising someone who was weaker than them, you know what you are dealing with, and if you are in Christ, you rebuke it, or you pray against it. If you are not in Christ, you turn around and go away because you do not want to be judging before the time and get yourself in trouble with the Lord. If you judge before the time, you are subject to judgment yourself because if you judge, you shall be judged. And if you cannot tell the difference between Christ and your own carnal mind in yourself, you better not be judging whether it is Christ or the carnal mind in an elder, because the chances of you being wrong are, like, 999 out of 1,000, and that means you are just reaping judgment unto yourself. So get your eyes back on yourself until you are qualified.
Well, I do not know what I did here. I said that I have an Alternate -- OK. I also have one more witness for you about the carnal mind despising Christ, and it is our Alternate Translation of Daniel 8:6-9. The carnal mind despises Christ.
Alternate Translation, Daniel 8, verses 6 and 7, and then 8 and 9. "And Adam, the lord and master of God's two-horn creation, could not" -- that means the creation was negative and positive. Horns mean power in the Scripture. "And Adam, the lord and master of God's two-horn creation, could not escape from Satan's witchcraft power, and Satan fell upon righteous Adam whom I had seen standing in Eden with full spiritual authority over heaven and earth. And Satan took Eve for a wife, and I saw Satan go in unto her, and Satan's spiritual substance floated to her, and Eve became the harlot who birthed the carnal mind because of Satan's witchcraft, and Satan's carnal mind overthrew the Father's Christ, and fallen Adam was not strong enough to sustain the image of the garden of Eden in the earth any longer, and Satan's carnal mind used violent, military strength to make herself high priest over the creation, and Satan entered into righteous Adam's unconscious mind, and the carnal mind entered into his conscious mind and into Eden the vision which is Christ mind was sustaining in the spiritual earth, and the carnal mind broke the spiritual bones of the Father's Christ and offered him up as a sacrifice to Satan, and Satan's carnal mind purchased God's creation."
So we see the interpretation that is coming forth in Isaiah 22:11 is -- has been witnessed to us and of the Scriptures before, and I am convinced it is the truth of the Scripture.
Alternate Translation, Isaiah 22:11, "You made a place for the carnal mind within the mind of Christ and Satan respected his sacrifice, and the carnal mind despised Christ." Now, I have restated that in a more logical order and better English. "You brought forth the carnal mind underneath the mind of Christ, and the carnal mind despised Christ and sacrificed him unto Satan, and Satan respected his sacrifice."
Now, the words and sacrificed him unto Satan did not appear in Isaiah, so once again I tell you the deeper -- the revelation. The deeper the meaning of the message, the more likely there are to be words missing in prophecy. Why? Because Jesus clearly said he speaks to the common people in parables, and the truth he gives to his disciples, and this message that we are hearing here, the doctrine of Christ, it is not for everybody in this hour. God is no respecter of persons. It is for the mature in Christ. It is for those in whom the mind of Christ is coming forth in this hour, and you have to have the revelation in your heart to understand it from the parable. If you do not have it in your heart before you read the parable, you will never understand it because all truth is in Christ.
So if you are reading this Bible with your carnal mind, there is great good in it, great blessings in it. But children of all different ages do not all receive the same benefits. A 15-year-old son has more benefits than an 8-year-old brother. So if you are all lifted up in pride because you can understand this, God is already headed for you with a big stick. And if you cannot understand it at all, and you are hating your brother because you know he understands and you cannot, God is probably just winking at you because he is just a 2-year-old knocking down his Tinker Toy. So if you are the one that is getting it all the time, and if you are the one that is having your sins exposed all the time, if you are the one that is being rebuked all the time, it very well may mean that you are an elder brother, so stop saying it is not fair. You are supposed to be growing up. You are not supposed to be getting younger.
Continuing with verse 12, Isaiah 22, "And in that day did the Lord GOD of hosts call to weeping, and to mourning, and to baldness, and to girding with sackcloth” -- “And in that day did the Lord GOD of hosts call" -- well, the Lord God, speaking about Jehovah, and the word hosts means the armies or the battle. We know that Jehovah takes many different names, o- -- each name referring to a different aspect of his personality. And we see the Lord consistently calling himself the God of battle when he speaks about dealing with the carnal mind, because the carnal mind is a military machine. She is a spiritual, military machine. The form that the Lord Jehovah takes when he is dealing with her is described by the name that he takes which is the Lord God of battle or the Lord God of the armies. And we are told in another place in the Old Testament that Israel -- the many men of Israel are the armies of God. You would never believe we are an army. We are in really bad shape here, but nevertheless we are in the army.
I saw a movie once. I wish I -- maybe God will give me the name of it. It was with Kirk Douglas. An excellent movie about the army that was formed when the nation of Israel was first formed, and the rulers of Israel came to the United States looking for a military adviser. They asked some ar- -- United States -- I think it was an army officer -- either marine or an army officer, and the guy took the job. He was pulling his hair out of his head. Nobody did anything he told them. Everybody did their own thing, walked in their own direction. No one wanted to wear that uniform. No one came for basic training. That is what we have in the church today. We are an army that does not know we are an army. We do not know we are an army. We cannot recognize the officers. We do not have a true revelation that we could wind up in Leavenworth. We do not even know that we have a weapon, and if we have it, we do not know how to use it. And we do not even know where the enemy is.
If the Lord will remind me of the name of that movie, maybe I will get it for us on one Sunday. It is an excellent example. They had no equipment. They had no weapons. At one point there, they were all volunteers from -- quite a few volunteers from the United States Army coming to train these people up, and in one scene there was a volunteer pilot who had gone up in a totally inadequate plane, and his plane was attacked by whoever the enemy was at that time, and the guns did not work, and he happened to have a bottle of seltzer in the plane. Do you remember the old seltzer bottles where you press the plunger in? So he squirted them with the seltzer bottle, and he died. I mean, that was his last statement. The guns on the plane did not work, so he shot them with the seltzer bottle, and the plane crashed, and he died.
But God put it together, put the army together, and Israel became a nation. And is going to put this army together. It is going to take a miracle, but he is going to do it, and we are all getting out of this place. We are busting out of hell, and we are going to make it out. We are going to make it out despite ourselves because most of us are collaborating with the enemy and killing the heroes. Jesus.
And in fact, this American officer who pulled this army into shape, he was killed by an Israeli soldier who could not recognize him, thought he was an enemy and shot him dead. The whole message was true right to form right across the board.
Verse 12, "And in that day did the Lord GOD of hosts call to weeping, and to mourning.”
“And in that day did the Lord GOD of hosts call to weeping.” The correct tense of the verb translated to call is past, called. It is Strong’s 7121 and can be translated to call anyone to oneself. I am calling you. Come here. Come over here. The Lord is saying to us “Come over here.” I remember somebody in this ministry right now had a vision once, and in that vision somebody was saying to them “Call them by name. You, get over here.” And right after they had that vision God really brought them in. They were running and running and running and running. God really reeled them in right af- -- within a year after that vision. The Lord is calling us to himself.
Hmm? It was you. You do not remember?
Hmm. Rita, get over here.
Oh, that dream.
Was it a dream? OK. “And in that day did the Lord GOD of hosts call to weeping.” The Hebrew word translated weeping, Strong’s 1065. One of the translations for this word is a dropping or a distilling of water in mines. To distill water is to boil water. Mine is underground.
I suggest to you we are once again speaking about the water of Satan’s sea. He must be boiled. Why must he be boiled? You see, distilling is even a better word than boiling because the word distill clearly implies the separation of parts. To distill seawater separates the water from the minerals in the sea, and the minerals in the seawater typify -- typify? Somebody? -- Eve, the human spirit. She is completely dissolved in Satan. When she committed adultery with him, she joined into a soul tie in which she completely became dissolved in him. The ultimate codependence. They are inseparable. She is utterly subjected to him and without miracle-working power will never be separated from him. And the method that the Lord has chosen to separate his wife from her illegal lover is to boil him. Of course, she is in the water when he is boiling him, so if you hear “Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch,” it is because we are the water when he is being boiled.
So the term distilling actually is more accurate. It implies separation. The word boiling merely means evaporation. So our satanic mind is being distilled, and this is the Hebrew word translated weeping, so we see a deep spiritual meaning here. Jesus.
I have a witness for you. Isaiah -- I have two witnesses for you that the judgment of God upon Satan is to dry up his sea, Isaiah 50:2: “Wherefore, when I came, -- wherefore, was there no man? When I called, was there none to answer? Is my hand shortened at all, that it cannot redeem?” This is the Lord speaking. “Or have I no power to deliver you? Behold,” -- the Lord speaking -- “at my rebuke I dry up the sea, I make the rivers a wilderness: their fish stinketh because there is no water and dieth for thirst.” That is speaking about the carnal mind.
Isaiah 51:10: “Thou -- art thou not it which hath dried the sea, the waters of the great deep, that hath made the depths of the sea a way for the ransomed to pass over?”
Now, if yous [sic] -- if you are listening to this message with your carnal mind, you are saying, “Well, Sheila, that is just the Lord talking about the Red Sea, and they went over [UNINTELLIGIBLE].” That is what you are thinking, huh?
OK, right? And the second witness would be, well, the Lord dried up Jordan, and they went over [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. Yes, and in another place my Bible says first in the natural and then in the spiritual. He is about to dry up the spiritual sea of Satan that we who have been ransomed can cross over from carna- -- from the carnal mind to Christ, from death unto life. And if you want to stay bound in the natural, you stay bound in the natural. Man, I am going through, and I will wave at you from heaven.
Remember the lepers. Remember the lepers after the famine which was in Israel. The nation was starving to death, and Elisha -- oh, was it Elijah or Elisha? Who -- I think it was Elijah. Elijah called an end to the famine, and nobody wanted to believe it, but there were a couple of lepers, two or three -- I think there were three of them. They said, well, Elijah said we could go out there and go into the Assyrian’s camp, that it is safe, and everybody was afraid to go. But the lepers said, what have we got to lose? We are dying anyway. We are lepers. So if the Assyrians kill us, we will die a couple of days earlier, but if it turns out that it is true, that the Assyrians have gone and we have inherited all their riches, we will live, we will be safe.
So nobody had the guts to check out the Assyrian camp, except the people who were already dying, and, guess what, they walked in and they found the camp abandoned, and all kinds of wealth and valuables left behind because God had frightened the so that they had left all their wealth for the faithful. So if you want to be afraid to walk through the doors because you would rather keep what you have than take that gamble, you stay here. I am going through, and if I die, I die, and if I die, God will raise me from the dead. It is called faith, brethren.
“And in that day the Lord God of hosts called to weeping and to mourning.” Mourning, Strong’s 4553. It is a wailing for the dead, and I suggest to you that fallen Adam, each of us in our spirit, is wailing. We are in mourning because Christ died and we fell down into hell. In Adam all die. When our original ancestor sinned, his Christ mind died, and he and all of his descendants, which we are, fell down into hell, and we are in mourning.
And what are the signs of mourning? You see, under the Old Test- -- under the old covenant you sit in dust and ashes. You wore sackcloth. You afflict your flesh. Our flesh is afflicted down here. And we are sitting. We are not flying. We are in mourning, brethren, yeah, and we are under the dust too, and under the subjection to the dust. Jesus. We are all spiritually in mourning. We are shrouded over. We are covered over with the dust. OK.
Alternate Translation, first have of Isaiah 22:12: “And in the day that Jehovah, the God of battle, called fallen humanity to himself.” What does that mean? Says, “I am going to bust you out of your union with the carnal mind. I want you to join with me. I am Calling you unto myself for the purposes of union.”
In that day that he did that -- and please notice that that is past tense. In the day that Jehovah called fallen humanity to himself -- now, this is confusing to a lot of people, but as far as the Lord is concerned, it is still the same day. And the day that he calls fallen humanity to himself was the day that he gave the law to Israel, which was something like 5,000 years ago, if not more -- 5,000 to 7,000 years ago. I really should check that out. I have had this on a few tapes, and I am not sure. I think it is probably closer to 7,000 years ago that God called all humanity to himself when he imparted the law, the te- -- the spiritual law, the 10 commandments through Israel to the world. That was the impartation of the old or the first covenant.
I strongly suggest you get the tapes which we did in Nigeria on Zechariah 11 where he speaks about his two sticks, [?beauty in bands?]. He is speaking about the two covenants, and God gave the first covenant to humanity through Israel approximately 7,000, the covenant of grace, and in this hour we are being granted permission to enter into the second covenant, the covenant of union with Christ. The first covenant, grace, gives us an imputed righteousness which we do not deserve. We get it because God loves us, and the second covenant we receive the real thing, true righteousness, which ends in an endle- -- which results in an endless life because of righteousness.
So we see that Jehovah has already called all of humanity to himself 7,000 years ago. It is just that one day with the Lord, brethren, is as 1,000 years unto us. As far as God is concerned it is only a week since he started to get us out of this pit. I would imagine some -- y- -- every once in a while you see on TV some man is trapped down in a mine, you know, and they are talking to him through a megaphone saying, “Now, do not move,” because every time he moves the beam starts to shake and the dust starts falling down. There is danger of his being buried alive, and he is just laying down there for a week. It must be like a million years to be in that condition. That is where we are spiritually speaking, and for some of us it is more terrible than others. For some of us, it is more tolerable than others. For some of us, it is really hell. Amen? Oh, my goodness.
“And baldness and to girding with sackcloth.” Baldness, Strong’s 7142. This is referring to being bald on the back part of the head. Hair, brethren, typifies spirit, and I suggest to you that baldness is speaking about the loss of hair, the loss of spirit, and, I suggest to you, the loss of the carnal mind in this context of this verse.
“And to baldness and to girding with sackcloth.” The Hebrew word translated girding, Strong's 2296. It merely refers to wrapping yourself with -- like, putting on a garment. Sackcloth, 842 -- 8242, is speaking about the clothing of choice of monks and holy pilgrims and prophets. It is referring to the clothing of holy men. And we know that Paul clearly speaks about taking on a new garment. Spiritually speaking, I suggest to you, the sackcloth is the new man or the garment of Christ, which is being imparted to us, the garment of righteousness.
Alternate Translation, the second half of Isaiah 22:12: “And the plucking up of their carnal mind, and he is covering them with holy garments.”
Amplified Translation, the second half of Isaiah 22:12: “And plucking up their carnal minds and covering them with Christ,” because, you see, your carnal mind is a cover. If the Lord plucks up your carnal mind and does not give you Christ, you will die. You cannot live without a mind. You have to have one or the other or you will cease to exist.
Alternate Translation, Isaiah 22:12: “And in the day that Jehovah, the Lord of battle, called mourning humanity unto himself, he is liberating their human spirits by drawing up Satan’s unconscious mind, plucking up their carnal minds and covering them with Christ.”
I have a witness to that for you. Isaiah 61:3 says “The Lord is appointing unto them that mourn in Zion” -- we were just speaking about mourning, were we not? And he is appointing unto the mourners in Zion “to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, for the purpose that they might be called tress of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified.”
And we see that scripture also a witness to verse 13 of Isaiah 22 as we go on. “And behold joy and gladness, the slaying of oxen, the eating of flesh and the drinking of wine. Let us eat and drink for tomorrow we shall die.” And we find many reprobate in our society saying it is all right, brethren. Do your thing because tomorrow you are dying, but that is not what this scripture is saying. God is a holy God, brethren. He never justifies sin -- never, ever.
In the name of Jesus, I just -- there is -- somebody is manifesting here. I just want to pray. I really do not care who you are. I just rebuke sin wherever it is rising. In the name of Jesus, I cast you down, every opposition to the mind of Christ. Every thought which is out of sync with this message, I utterly condemn you, and I join with your Christ mind that he should rise up and be your attention. In the name of Jesus, amen.
“And behold joy and gladness.” Joy, Strong’s 8342. I suggest to you this is speaking about the joy which is in the spirit. You may remember that we had a teaching on that not too long ago, that carnally minded men will tell you that in the midst of your torment you should be filled with joy. It is a misunderstanding of the Scripture, brethren, and frequently people who are suffering and unable to come out of that suffering at the moment are rebuked by Pharisitical [sic] religious spirits saying to them, now, you be happy. You are supposed to be happy. Brethren, you cannot force yourself to be happy. The joy that the Scripture is speaking about is a joy which arises in your spirit despite the persecution which is coming upon you.
Now, you can resist self-pity. You can be told, well, now, you have talked about it, and you have expressed your emotions, and it is enough. Now, stand up and start doing something else. Put your mind on something else. You can tell people that, and it is probably good counsel, but you cannot tell people they have to be happy. Some people do not have power to be happy when they are unhappy, and if that is the case, then you put condemnation on them.
So I suggest to you that this joy that we read about is the spiritual joy which arises as we begin to mature in Christ. I have experienced it. In the midst of torment in my emotions, Christ begins singing to me, and before I know it I have pulled out of it, but I was not always in this condition. There were times in my life that I was unhappy that I could pull out of this unhappiness. No matter how much I bound and loosed or rebuked, I could not come out of it. So do not condemn your brother, brethren, for whom Christ died, but pray that the Lord give them an experience of joy in the spirit in the midst of their either physical or emotional pain.
Joy and gladness. Gladness is 8057, and I suggest to you -- although it is not that clear if you look the word up, I suggest to you it is speaking about the happiness which comes in the soul because once that joy -- once Christ in you matures to the point that you can experience joy in the spirit despite what is happening to you out here in your flesh or in your soul, it is just a matter of time until your spirit man, Christ, becomes strong enough to give you gladness in your soul no matter what is happening out here in your life.
So first comes joy in the spirit, and then comes joy in the soul. And the term joy is correct spiritually speaking with regard to your soul. Joy is not exactly a correct word. The correct word -- when applied to your soul -- does anybody know? I do not think anybody here knows -- it is peace and contentment in your soul. Joy in your spirit means your spirit man is strong and manifesting and taking dominion over your f- -- emotions which are paining you, and then you receive joy in your soul, which is peace and contentment and satisfaction and rest. We are promised rest, brethren.
And as a witness to that I would like to give you our Alternate Translation of Romans 14:17, which is f- -- is so almost unanimously misquoted in the church world. “The kingdom of God is the righteous mind of Christ which treads down the sinful thoughts of the criminal carnal mind, so that we may experience the peace which results from the Lord’s absolute rulership of us, as well as the spiritual joy which results from communion with him. And this holy work of treading the carnal mind underfoot is acceptable to God and man.” That is an Alternate Translation of the kingdom of God, is peach and joy and righteousness in the Holy Ghost, which is -- it is not an accurate translation, [?brethren?]. Joy comes from communion with the spirit of Christ, and peace comes from a Christ which is ruling your soul.
The first quarter -- Alternate Translation, the first quarter of Isaiah 22:13: “And there it was: spiritual joy, peace and contentment.”
Continuing with the second quarter of Isaiah 22:13: “The slaying of oxen and the killing of sheep.” The Hebrew word translated slaying is Strong’s 2026. It means the slaughter of enemies in war. And the oxen. This Hebrew word translated oxen is Strong’s 1241. It can also be translated bull.
And you may recall both from Ezekiel and from the Book of Revelation we read about the new creation man which has four faces. One of those faces is a bull. When we did those studies we found out that Satan is the raging bull who was possessing God’s wife, humanity, and bringing forth on a continuous basis his carnal mind. We found in those same studies that Satan’s judgment is to be castrated, so that he can no longer bring forth his carnal mind, and that in that castration he will become an oxen. He will become a gelded bull, which is a benefit to mankind. Gelded bulls, oxen, usually pull the plow. They are of service to humanity. So we see in the slaying of oxen the Scripture is speaking about the castration of Satan.
“And the killing of sheep.” The Interlinear says the Hebrew word translated killing should be translated slaughter. It is Strong's 7819. And although I could not find the word in Gesenius or Strong’s, I suggest to you the word implied by the Scripture is a crucifixion of the sheep, and we know that God’s people are described as sheep, and we know that Christ is the lamb, which is a young sheep. This Hebrew word is a generic word. It can mean male sheep, female sheep, big sheep, baby sheep. I suggest to you it is speaking about the crucifixion of Christ.
Now, over in Nigeria God gave us some deeper understanding of the crucifixion of Christ that you have never heard me preach here. Again, it is in Zechariah 11, but I am going to repeat it today. It will take 5 or 10 minutes. It is a very important revelation. So I am going to repeat it for the people here, and I am going to put it on this tape.
Up until now you have heard me say that the crucifixion of Christ is the joining of the Christ mind to the carnal mind, which joining kills the carnal mind and raises the man to full stature. That is not exact- -- I did not have it exactly right, OK, and the Lord showed me that the crucifixion of Christ is -- well, first of all, let me say this. God considers our human spirit Christ. Our human spirit is the skeleton of the Christ who died. I have been preaching that to you, OK. And just as God comes to us and he says “Now that I have received you, I call you a saint. I call you righteous, even though it has not happened to you yet.” God looks at our human spirit and says that is Christ -- “That is my Christ in there. He is dead, and technically his name is human spirit because he died, but that is my Christ because I know I am going to raise him from the dead. So, therefore, if I want to call him Christ, I can call him Christ, even though he is dead and his real name is skeleton, or human spirit.”
The crucifixion of Christ is the raising of the human spirit or the raising of Christ from the dead. The crucifixion or penetration of the dead Christ by the Lord Jesus Christ is the crucifixion of Christ. So I have been teaching you that the crucifixion of Christ is killing the carnal mind. I did not have it right. The crucifixion of Christ is the empowering of the dead Christ or the resurrection of the dead, and I will give you the backup on it right now.
The word to crucify -- this is a New Testament study -- Strong's 4717. The definition is to fortify -- crucifixion means to fortify with driven stakes. Now, it is a legitimate translation to say that crucify means to kill. I think I got this out of Webster’s Dictionary. I did not make it clear whether it was in Thayer’s or in Webster’s Dictionary. I got it out of one of those reference books. There is a legitimate definition of the word to crucify which means to fortify with wooden stakes, to fortify with driven stakes, to palisade a fence or -- a fence or wooden or iron stakes. I must have gotten that out of Webster. I am not sure. And there are several Scriptures which use this word, Strong's 4717: Galatians 2:20, Matthew 27:44 and Mark 15:32. Actually, there are three words in the New Testament translated crucify. The majority of them are 4717, which can be translated to fortify with driven stakes. Now, the way I got this revelation was that it is necessary to support what we found out Zechariah 11 was truly saying. That is how I wound up with this correction of my doctrine. Everybody OK?
The second Greek word translated crucify is Strong's 4759, and that means to crucify along with. That is the word used when it says “And there were two thieves crucified along with him,” and there is a third word translated crucify, Strong's 4362, which means to fasten. So everybody always thought, well, to crucify meant to fasten Jesus to the cross. That is true, but there is another meaning to the word. And in fact the man Jesus of Nazareth was crucified, fastened, to the cross, but there is another subtle meaning when the Scripture says -- when Paul says “I -- all I know is Christ crucified.” What he is speaking about is the resurrection of the dead Christ in him. He is speaking about the Lord Jesus Christ penetrating his own human spirit in order to fortify it, in order to strengthen him. And the strength that comes from the penetration of the Lord Jesus Christ -- the penetration of the human spirit by the Lord Jesus Christ -- the penetra- -- the strength that results from it is that Christ Jesus is conceived and our strength is in him. Christ in you, the hope of glory -- Christ Jesus in you, the hope of glory, that is your strength.
So I found out -- the Lord showed us in Nigeria that crucifixion -- not the death of the carnal mind, but the adding of Jesus Christ to the human spirit, thus forming Christ Jesus. The crucifixion of Christ -- not the crucifixion of the man Jesus of Nazareth, but the crucifixion of Christ is the building up of or the making of or the conception of Christ Jesus.
1 Corinthians 1:23 says “But we preach Christ crucified: unto the Jews a stumbling block and unto the Greeks foolishness.” Well, I always thought that that meant that the Jews could not believe that God came in the flesh. They stumbled because they could not believe that God came in the flesh, but when the Lord gave us this study in Nigeria he showed me that which the Jews stumbled over was not so much that God came in the flesh of a man, but what they could not receive was that the measure of Christ which they had was not enough.
Now, listen to this it is very important. The stumbl- -- that which the Jews stumbled over was not so much that they could not believe that God came in a man because the Jews -- I know today -- the ultra-orthodox Jews that I know today, they believe that Messiah is God in a man. So why could they not believe that Jesus was Messiah? Well, what we are being told here is that what they could not believe was that that which they were born with was not strong enough. What they could not believe, what they stumbled over, was that something had to be added to them. Brethren, they stumbled over the concept of Christ crucified. 1 Corinthians 1:23: “But we preach Christ crucified.” The needing of the Christ, the human spirit, in the Jew, the needing of that Christ to be crucified, or penetrated, by the male seed of the Father, thus shoring him up and making him stronger. That is what they could not receive: that they were not already perfect, that they had not already received it. They could not receive Christ crucified that they had not already received all there was.
Let me say it again. The Jews did not stumble over the fact that God came in a man. They stumbled over the teaching that said they did not have it all, that they needed something to be added to them, that the human spirit in them needed to be crucified, strengthened, shored up with sticks. They could not receive that they needed something added to them, and this is the same problem that the church has today, and it is the same problem that that the New Age movement has. It is the same movement that the Kingdom Church has. They do not want to receive Christ crucified. They do not want to believe that the Christ that they were born with is not strong enough to get us out of hell, but that he must have the Lord Jesus Christ added to him, that he needs an aide, that he needs a help. Pride: They do not want to believe it. That Christ should need to be strengthened -- Christ as he is born in the Jew or in the church today needed be strengthened was an offense or a trap unto the Jews and unto many Christians today.
2 Corinthians 13:4: “For though he was crucified through weakness, yet he lived by the power of God. For we also are weak in him, but we shall live with him by the power of God towards you.” Weakness is Strong’s 769 -- that is New Testament now -- and it means the mental state in which weakness, which is a tendency towards sin manifests itself. There is a mental state in which the tendency towards sin manifests itself, and that state is when we are in the carnal mind.
“For though he was crucified through weakness, yet he liveth by the power of God.” Speaking about the Lord Jesus Christ, is it not? Is that not speaking about the Lord Jesus Christ? 2 Corinthians 13:4: “Since you seek a proof of Christ speaking in me, which to you-ward is not weak, but is mighty in you. For though he was crucified through weakness, yet he liveth by the power of God.” Always wondered what that meant with regard to the Lord Jesus Christ. He was crucified because of weakness. Well, they will tell you weakness of his body. No, the Lord Jesus Christ was penetrated by Jehovah. The human spirit that he was born with needed to be strengthened because the Christ that he was born with was weak because it was dead because of sin.
Let me say it again. This is heavy. Everybody is going to sleep on me. The man Jesus of Nazareth was born with a human spirit, which is Christ in a dead form, and Christ in the man Jesus of Nazareth was crucified. The spirit of Jehovah crucified the human spirit of the man Jesus of Nazareth. What does that mean? Jehovah penetrated his human spirit, and the human spirit of the man Jesus of Nazareth conceived Christ. A threefold cord is not easily broken. Christ in you, the product of the dead Christ, human spirit, plus the male seed, Jehovah, that Christ, the threefold cord, the Christ born of the two seeds, is strong enough to overcome the carnal mind. So we see one more witness that Jesus of Nazareth indeed was a natural man. Write it down. Was a natural man. Jesus.
“For though he was crucified through weakness, yet he lived by the power of God. For we also are weak in him, but we shall live with him by the power of God towards you.” We are weak in Christ. We need to be crucified also. We need the dead Christ in us crucified, shored up, strengthened, that we can go on with God. It is speaking about the resurrection of the dead.
OK. You have a question? I finished that sentence.
I thought that Jesus of Nazareth was born with the seed of God already had penetrated his human spirit.
That is true. He was crucified in-utero.
It was done in-utero. [CROSSTALK]
So the crucifixion of Christ, of Jesus of Nazareth, was done when he was not even yet even born, but i- -- within the womb it was there?
The crucifixion of the Christ which was his human spirit. The man Jesus of Nazareth was also physically crucified on the cross. I am not denying that, OK.
But you are saying -- but it was not Christ in the man Jesus of Nazareth -- was not crucified on the cross. He was crucified in the womb.
Yes, OK, and what I had --
That is what you are telling?
Yes, and what I had been teaching up until now -- I had been teaching that the Christ mind was resurrected before the man Jesus of Nazareth, but what I thought was that the crucifixion of the mature Christ mind being joined to the carnal mind took place while the man Jesus of Nazareth hung on the cross. That is what I have been teaching you, and I did not have it straight. Did I make the difference clear? I am still -- let me just say it one more time. I am still saying that the Christ mind of Jesus of Nazareth was crucified and raised from the dead before the man Jesus of Nazareth was crucified. I have not changed that, OK.
What I did not have straight was when the Christ mind was crucified. I told you it was while he hung on the cross, and now I am telling you it was in-utero because what I am saying now is that the crucifixion of Christ is the resurrection of the dead Christ. I did not have that. The crucifixion of Christ is the resurrection of the dead Christ. The resurrection of the dead Christ results from the Spirit of the Father joining with the human spirit and the conception of Christ Jesus. That is the resurrection of the dead. I have taught you that, but what I did not realize was that the crucifixion of Christ is the same thing as the resurrection of the dead Christ.
And the joining -- what I had been teaching you was -- I was saying that the joining of the Christ mind to the carnal mind was the crucifixion of Christ, and apparently that is not correct. The joining of the Christ mind to the carnal mind is the maturing of a condition known as the kingdom of god unto the kingdom of heaven, OK. Oh, you have a question?
So does that mean that the crucifixion of Christ was to show that the flesh had no part of God? Not of him but of Satan [INAUDIBLE]
No, well -- no. The crucifixion of the flesh was for the purpose -- it was the way God chose to show that the flesh would be transmuted, that this flesh body eventually in all of us will be completely broken down to its basic atoms and incorporated with the whole being of the spiritual man, and this is the glorification. Jesus said, “I am the beginning of the creation of God.” His spirit, his soul and his body was all broken down and mixed together, and he came forth in a new form as a ball of light. That was the purpose of the crucifixion of the flesh -- of the physical body.
But it is true that the Christ in the man Jesus of Nazareth was risen from the dead before he was even born? If he was crucified and it is the ri- -- raising of the dead Christ in the person, then he -- the Christ was risen from the dead at --
No. Because the resurrection of the dead is a process which begins with the conception of Christ and then goes to full stature, OK. So I believe that he was born with a concei- -- with Christ conceived in him, but I do not think he was in full stature until the time of the water baptism.
So the crucifixion of the Christ that is in the person is the conception of --
Yes, that is --
-- the same -- it is one in the same?
Yes, that is my understanding at this time. Yes. Or we might put it this way. The crucifixion in the -- as with the resurrection of the dead, is a process, which begins with the penetration, which is really a strengthening, in which Christ is conceived and ends with the full resurrection of the dead, which comes in three stages: full stature, circumcision without hands and glorification. OK? So because what I had wrong was the thought that the crucifixion of Christ was the joining of the carnal mind to the Christ mind, which I was teaching you did not kill Christ, but killed the carnal mind. So I had it right in that the crucifixion of Christ did not kill Christ, OK. I had that part right. I just did not have a full understanding of it. Are you OK? Yeah. Everybody OK? Got a little off there, OK.
OK. Basically the principle of what I was teaching is the same. It was just how it happened, I did not have it exactly straight. If you have any problem with it, please talk to me about it. I tell you all the time, you know, that this is going to happen in this ministry. I do not think it happens that often, but it could happen, and it can happen, that I do not get it exactly straight. My carnal mind gets in there, and I do not get it exactly straight. So I do not -- what I am telling you now, I do not really see it as any great contradiction to what I have taught you in principle. I see it as a -- not understanding how it happened accurately. But if you have any problem with it, please come and talk to me about it. OK?
OK. I just have one more witness for you. Galatians 5:24: “And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts thereof.” The Greek word translated affections, it is Strong's 3804. It is speaking about an inward state of affliction. It is from the root word pathos, which means pathological. It is not speaking about any kind of godly affection. It is speaking about a pathological craving. And the word lusts -- the Greek word translated lusts, Strong's 1939, is speaking about a craving or longing for that which is forbidden. You see, it is OK to gra- -- crave and long for God. It is OK to lust for God and for the things of God. This condition of affliction and craving is destroyed in Christ because they -- this affliction and craving are problems which the human spirit experiences when she is formed into the carnal mind. The human spirit formed into the image of Christ does not have the problem of craving or lusting.
You see, if you are suffering from any kind of craving or lust, whether it is of the mind or of your body, your problem is that your carnal mind is ruling and reigning and very strong in you. As your carnal mind dies, even lusts which manifest in your physical body will cease to exist because your physical body is just an expression of your mind. So if you are having any kind of problem with your body, OK, it is coming from your carnal mind. Your mind has to die. That area of your mind -- if you are being tormented in any way, your problem is with your mind. You need the spiritual ministry of Christ applied to your mind. Your body just registers what is in your mind.
I have one more for you. Galatians 6:14: “But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.” So Paul is saying that he cannot take any credit for himself, but it is the glorified Jesus Christ whose Christ mind is already joined to his carnal mind -- or was joined to his carnal mind, who is now glorified -- who now in his glorified condition is inside of Paul. That is what he is saying, that the world which typifies his carnal mind is crucified unto Christ in Paul because of the work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And in case anybody is misunderstanding me, let me clarify that, again, I am in no way denying the work or the necessity or the deity of Jesus Christ. He and his work are essential for our salvation. OK, without him there would be no salvation for us, but what he did was provide the spiritual weapon or the spiritual mechanism that made our salvation possible. It is like saying someone invented penicillin or a smallpox vaccination. You have to get the penicillin inside of you, you have the vaccination into you or onto you, onto your arm for it to help you, and the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ in this hour to save your life must get inside of you. And when it gets inside of you, it has a work to do, and the work that it does is to kill your carnal mind and offer her up as a sacrifice to Christ, and that is what you do not hear preached.
So we see that the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ -- Jesus is now fastened to his cross, which is his humanity, for the life of the ages, and when his glorified spirit, which is Jesus who has been made one with his humanity -- when he fastens himself to our human spirit, we too become fastened to our humanity, which is -- our humanity is our carnal mind -- thus rendering her powerless -- powerless to think through us, powerless to do through us, powerless to manipulate our thoughts, our emotions and/or our behavior. She must die.
OK. Now, we took a diversion there to do a study on the crucifixion of Christ because I suggested to you that the phrase “the killing of sheep” in Isaiah 22:13 was speaking about the crucifixion of Christ in the individual. So we repeated a study on the crucifixion of Christ, which the Lord first revealed to us when we did Zechariah 11.
And I will now read you the Alternate Translation of the second quarter of Isaiah 22:13, saying, “The castration of Satan -- the slaying of oxen is the castration of Satan, and the slaying of -- and the killing of sheep is the crucifixion of Christ.”
And we are continuing with -- I lost my pen. I [?have it?]. I got it. Thanks. [INAUDIBLE] We are continuing with the “eating flesh, and drinking wine: let us eat and drink.” The Hebrew word translated eating means that -- to eat, to consume flesh, and the Hebrew word translated flesh, 1320 -- flesh, in and of itself, refers to the carnal mind. The bone refers to the spirit. The flesh refers to the mind, but we do see in this Hebrew word, Strong's 1320, a witness in Gesenius that this word is used in the prophets. It is used as a mysterious scriptural word. We find in the prophets all the time referring to the female parts. The word is pudenda [SP], and, of course, the female parts of our mind are the carnal mind.
“And drinking of wine.” Strong’s 8354. The exact spelling of this Hebrew word which appears in the Interlinear text is found under Strong's 8356 instead of 8354. It is a masculine word which means columns, princes or nobles. Gesenius points out that this word appears in Psalms 11:3 where Gesenius translates it “when the columns are overturned,” in other words when the noblest hath perished. So the word is translated drinking in the King James. We find that this -- the number of Strong's which is given is a wrong number and that the true meaning of this word drinking is speaking about nobles or strong men in a kingdom.
And the suggestion is -- where did I do that? The drinking of wine -- I do not know why I did that. The drinking of wine or the wine typifying spirit, the nobles of the spirit. So you have to ask yourself -- what do you have to ask yourself? If you are speaking about the nobles of the spirit, you have to ask yourself which spirit. And since we already established that the Scripture just before was speaking about the carnal mind, I suggest to you it is speaking about the drinking in of the spirit of Satan.
And the word wine -- the Hebrew word translated wine is Strong's 3196 and can be translated vineyard. The Lord has shown us that a vineyard is a symbol for a mind. And a witness to that in Genesis 9:1 and 20: “And God blessed Noah and his sons and said unto them, ‘Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.’” “And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard.” And we -- those of us who were here when we did this study we found out that the vineyard that Noah planted was not in the external earth, but it was in his mind, and we found that the true meaning of this Scripture is that Noah was seduced, that Satan found place in his mind.
So let me read you our Alternate Translation of Genesis 9:1 and 20. We are almost finished, brethren. Try and hang in with me. Verse 1: “And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, ‘Keep the intelligence in the earth, which is Cain, under your feet’” -- the spirit of Cain in the mind, keep him under your feet -- “’and bring forth the fruit of Christ in your minds and multiply unto many members, and may each member be filled with the fruit of Christ.’” Verse 20: “And Noah, who was a natural man, yielded to Satan in his unconscious mind, and Satan pierced through and rooted in Noah’s conscious mind, so the vineyard, which Noah planted and which began to grow, was the mind -- the carnal mind, also known as the mind of Cain, in Noah’s conscious mind.”
Alternate Translation, the third quarter of Isaiah 22:13. I made a mistake here. Would you put that on pause for a minute, please?
[INAUDIBLE] Alternate Translation, the third quarter of Isaiah 22:13: “And the swallowing up of the prince of the individual carnal mind -- or the swallowing up of the prince of the carnal mind.” It is speaking about the individual carnal mind. And we have a tape, one of the earliest tapes that we made here. It is called “Satan Swallowed Up,” and, to be honest with you, God gave me that title. I never actually saw that term in the Scripture that Satan will be swallowed up. So after six years of laboring here, we found a Scripture to back up that title, that Satan shall be swallowed up by Christ because remember that Satan’s original condition was that she was a partial tree within the midst of the tree of life. She can be likened to the pit inside of a peach, and in the Book of Genesis we read about a tree being in the midst.
The translation sounds like the tree is in the midst of the garden, but at closer inspection we found out that Satan is a partial tree. The name of the tree is the knowledge of good and evil, and that that tree of the knowledge of good and evil is in the midst of the tree of life. The tree of life can live without the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but the tree of the knowledge of good and evil cannot live without the tree of life, and when she is separated out -- Satan, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, when she is separated from the tree of life, she died, and we are the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
We are supposed to be one with the tree of life and ascend into our spiritual inheritance, but after the separation Christ in us died and became our human spirit. We are now in the process of being raised from the dead. Our human spirit, which is the dead Christ, is in the process of being raised from the dead, but until such time as she is in fact raised from the dead, we are the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We are Satan, and we are the carnal mind. But when Christ is raised in the dead in us, he will swallow up the Satan and the carnal mind, which we are, and he shall become our life. And we who were crimson with sin shall be holy and righteous, and we who were dead shall be alive because there is a changing of the mind within us, and we shall be the same soul, but we shall have a renewed mind.
So we were good, and we became evil, and we are being restored unto good. We were in heaven, and we fell down, and we are being restored back up into heaven. But, brethren, we cannot deny that at this time in our existence, or in our growth period -- we are growing up, OK -- that presently we are evil, and that our nature is the nature of Satan, and that our daddy is the devil, and we are not going to be restored unto righteousness until we can admit that we are unrighteous because Jesus said the Pharisees, “I came to give sight to the blind, but you tell me you are not blind, so there is nothing I could do for you. And if you continue to proclaim that you are righteous and that you do not have any sin, and that you do not need a new mind, you will never get the new mind, and you shall surely die in your sins.”
Because your mind control is not powerful enough to make you righteous when the Lord Jesus Christ says you are in denial, and you are unrighteous, and you are evil, and your righteousness is as filthy rags. And if you continue to proclaim your own righteousness, in that day when Christ makes a public appearance you shall be ashamed because when what you are in your heart is contrasted against the men in whom the true Christ is appearing, by that contrast it shall be revealed that your righteousness is of yourself and that it is filthy, and you shall be ashamed in that day that the comparison is made, you see.
You can get away with it now because you are comparing yourself to the evil members of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but when righteousness appears in men, the very best of this world system who call themselves the goodest [sic] of the good will be revealed to be filthy next to those who have been made righteous in Christ. So the Scripture says do not put yourself in the front row of the church because you may be the best one in this fellowship right now, you may be the goodest [sic] of the good, but when the righteous comes into the fellowship, you shall be asked to move to the back of the church because one better than you has replaced you whether you believe it or whether you do not believe it.
So believe it, brethren, and confess your sins, and be part of the Christ company. Live, brethren. Live and do not die. Ask the Lord to destroy your pride that you might go through. Ask him to give sight to your blind eyes, brethren.
Continuing with the third -- I guess it is the fourth quarter of verse 13, Isaiah 22: “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die.” Eat means to eat, drink means to drink, and the word for can be translated because. The Hebrew word translated tomorrow is Strong's 4279, and it can be translated the third day. Now, we have had a lot of teaching, brethren, on the third part being Satan -- Adam, Eve and Satan, the third part. Some of you have received that revelation; others have a problem with it. If you have a problem with it, that is OK, but I am convinced that God has shown me that when he speaks about the third part, he is speaking about the darkness in the earth.
Now, here we have the third day, and I would like to point out to you that in Genesis 1 -- on the third day, 1:9, Satan appeared. Genesis 1:9: “And God said, ‘Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear,’ and it was so. And God called the dry land earth.” And, of course, that is not that clear there, but if you have been following the teachings here, you know that Satan is present in the earth. She is not spirit; she is earth. And that the whole big push in our society today of honoring mother earth is the worship of Satan. I have been talking about that here for a long time. So we have what I would call circumstantial evidence that the third day is speaking about Satan. If you would rather not believe it, that is perfectly all right. Just do not kill me. It is OK if you do not believe it. I will not bother you if you do not bother me.
“For tomorrow we dies [sic].” And the wor- -- Hebrew word to die is Strong's 4191. It means to perish.
Alternate Translation, the fourth quarter of Isaiah 22:13: “And consume or swallow up the prince of your carnal mind because this is how the third day dies.”
We receive an instruction at the end of all of this talk. The first few verses tell us what happened to us. Then we are explain- -- we receive an explanation of how it happened to us. Then we are told about Jehovah’s plan to deliver us, and now we are told about what the Lord requires of us, and this is what the Lord requires of us. Swallow up the prince of your carnal mind because this is how Satan will die. You have to conceive Christ, and Christ must swallow him up. He must go back to being inside of and under the total dominion of the tree of life within you.
Please note that the verb to die appears in the first-person plural, we die, and the reason for that is because Satan is a many-membered mourning humanity. The fact that the Hebrew appears in the first-person plural, we die, is a subtle indication that Satan is a many-membered. If you can hear it, it is us. We are the beast.
Alternate Translation, Isaiah 22:13: “And there it is: spiritual joy, peace and contentment, the castration of Satan and the crucifixion of Christ, the swallowing up of the prince of the carnal mind. Therefore, brethren, consume the prince of your carnal mind, swallow up Satan, because this is how the third day dies.”
OK, here it is amplified: “And there it is” -- in the King James it says “And behold.” “And there it is.” There what is? The whole plan of salvation, brethren. The whole plan of salvation is laid out for you in I- -- in the first 14 verses of Isaiah 22. “And there it is: the crucifixion of Christ, the castration of Satan, and the swallowing up of the prince of the carnal mind. So consume the prince of your carnal mind -- swallow up Satan, brethren, -- because you will experience spiritual joy, peace and contentment only when Satan dies.”
“There it is, the plan of salvation: the crucifixion of Christ, the castration of Satan, the swallowing up of the prince of your carnal mind. Therefore, brethren, swallow up you- -- the prince of your carnal mind because you will experience spiritual joy, peace and contentment only when Satan dies.”
Now, let me remind you that Satan is the king, and the carnal mind is the second generation. He is the prince. The word prince is referring to the carnal mind, and Satan is the king, just as the Lord Jesus Christ is the king, and the second generation of Christ, we are known as princes. The difference between king and prince is generational. It is the same person, different generation.
So we see an admonition to swallow up Satan, speaking about the unconscious mind or the first generation of Satan. And swallow up the prince of the carnal mind. It is speaking about the individual carnal mind. The first generation of Satan is the corporate unconscious mind of fallen man, and the next generation, which the Scripture identifies by calling him the prince of your carnal mind, is speaking about the individual -- the carnal mind in the individual. It is the same difference or it has the same relationship as Christ Jesus has to the Lord Jesus Christ: Satan and the carnal mind, the Lord Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus.
Sometimes instead of Satan I will say the corporate carnal mind. I am speaking about the first generation of the carnal mind which is present in everybody on an unconscious level. First generation of Satan, the corporate carnal mind. I might call it either of those things. First generation of the carnal mind: Satan or the corporate carnal mind. I call him all those things. And the conscious mind in the individual -- or the fallen individual is the carnal mind, the second generation of the carnal mind, the second generation of Satan, [?and they are?] the individual carnal mind. The same relationship as Christ Jesus has to the Lord Jesus Christ.
OK. There is just one more very short verse. I would like to finish it if you will just hang in there with me. Verse 14: “And it was revealed in mine ears by the Lord of hosts, ‘Surely this iniquity shall not be purged from you till you die,’ says the Lord God of hosts.”
“And it was revealed.” The Hebrew word translated revealed, Strong's 1450, a taking away of the veil, to make naked. And the Hebrew word translated ears is Strong's 241. It means to be hearing with the ears. I suggest to you that the phrase “revealed in my ears” is indicating a secret which can only be understood by the Christ mind when the veil of the carnal mind is removed. “And Jehovah revealed in my ears.” He pulled back the hair, or he pulled back the carnal mind and gave the prophet an understanding that could only be understood by the Christ mind. It is a secret. It is the mystery of the Scripture. It is not for everybody.
The Scripture that says God is no respecter of persons means that the Lord does not unrighteously prefer one over the other, but he does have elders. Grow up, grow up, grow up. John was definitely preferred not because Jesus was unrighteous, but because of the relationship with the -- which the Father gave them. They had a spirit tie. Everyone in Christ is not equal. Some people are definitely preferred, but the reason and the basis for the preference is righteous. God and any of his true servants do not prefer somebody because of the money they give or because that man agrees with them when there is a problem. That is respect of persons. But a preference of one man over the other because God says that is the way it is, that is a righteous preference.
It is the same principle as saying if you are judged before the time, you shall be judged. Jesus says, “I judge no man, but when I judge, I judge righteous judgment.” He is talking about the two minds. When it is done with the carnal mind it is sin, and when it is done with the Christ mind it is not sin. Everyone is not equal, brethren. You are equal with regard to fairness. You are equal with regard to love, but you are not equal in function. Everybody is not in the same place.
“And it was revealed in mine ears by the Lord of hosts, by the God of battle, ‘Surely’” -- the word surely is not in the Hebrew -- “‘this iniquity shall not be purged from you till you die.’” Iniquity, Strong’s 5771. It means perversity, depravity or guilt contracted by sinning. It also means anything unjustly acquired. I suggest to you the carnal mind was unjustly acquired by Satan, and I have been teaching here for seven years that iniquity is the fruit of sin. Sin is an act; iniquity is what results from the act. It can be a demon. It can be the carnal mind. This creation sinned, and the iniquity which we have borne because of that sin is that we are possessed of the carnal mind.
“’Your iniquity shall not be purged until you die.’” Purged, Strong's the- -- 3722. It means to cover over, to overspread, to pardon sin, to obtain forgiveness, to be freed from the charge. I touched on this earlier in this message, brethren. If you think that your sins are forgiven you when you still sin, you have a wrong message in your mind. Your sins are forgiven on faith, and if the Lord Jesus Christ has received you, and your sins are truly forgiven, the Lord is chasing after you to rip the roots of that sin out of your heart, and before he rips the roots out of you, he exposes those roots. He cuts you open and shows them before he rips them out. That is what judgment is all about.
So we see here the hidden message to the prophet Isaiah. Brethren, your sins are not forgiven until the carnal mind dies. You have received a lie which is a doctrine of demons which is being preached by the women and the children in the pulpit. Your sins are not forgiven when your body dies and you go to heaven. Your sins are truly forgiven when your carnal mind dies, and that is the blood which produces the remission of sin, and that is the sacrifice which activates your inheritance because Christ takes over completely.
And you will know when your sins are truly forgiven because you will stop aging. Your body will stop aging and stop dying when your carnal mind dies. It is not your body that is to die; it is your carnal mind that is to die. Wake up, wake up, wake up. The trumpet is sounding.
Until, used of a limit of time, and die means outright death. This is not the word that means your soul separating from your body. It means cessation of existence. Your sins shall be forgiven unto you, brethren, when your sin ceases to exist. The promise that your sins are forgiven is a promise to rid you from the sin which is freely expressing itself through you. Pardon from sin is freedom from a sinful mind which expresses herself through your emotions and your words and your behavior at will the result of which is a continuing existence of hell and death. You need a correct definition of the forgiveness of sins. Pardon means you are innocent. You cannot be innocent if you are still doing it. The promise is that you shall stop doing it.
Alternate Translation, Isaiah 22:14: “And Jehovah, the God of battle, pulled back the veil of my carnal mind, so that I could understand him when he said, ‘You shall not be freed from the carnal mind until she dies.’”
And if you think that all you have to do is ignore her and that she is going away, you are a scriptural fool because she is a spiritually insane, raving lunatic, homicidal maniac who will not be stopped by anything other than death.
This is the s- -- this tr- -- Hebrew word translated die, brethren, it is the same Hebrew word translated die in verse 13 where the subject is Satan. Please note that we are the many-membered Satan which must die before we can experience the Lord’s pardon from sin which produces peace, joy and contentment. So we see that verse 13 declares the necessity of Satan and the carnal mind dying, and verse 14 uncovers the mystery that is our fallen condition. We are Satan and the carnal mind. Verse 13 also declares that no man in his carnal or in his left mind, as I like to say, will believe this de- -- this message, but only those who have the mind of Christ will believe this message.
Verse 14 of Isaiah 22 was the second witness to Daniel 10:21, which says, “’But I will show thee that which is noted in the Scripture of truth, and there is none that holdeth with me in these things,’” -- “Nobody is in agreement with me,” says the angel -- “’except Michael your prince,’” Christ in you. No one is going to believe it.
Recap, Isaiah 22:11-14: “You brought forth the carnal mind underneath the mind of Christ, and the carnal mind despised Christ and sacrificed him unto Satan, and Satan respected his sacrifice. And in the day that Jehovah, the Lord of battle, called mourning humanity unto himself, he is liberating their human spirits by drying up Satan’s unconscious mind, plucking up their individual carnal minds and covering them with Christ. And there it is, the whole plan. There is the whole plan of salvation: the crucifixion of Christ, the castration of Satan and the swallowing up of the prince, or of the individual carnal mind.
“So, therefore, brethren, swallow up your carnal mind, swallow up Satan, because you will experience spiritual joy, peace and contentment only when Satan dies. And Jehovah, the God of battle, pulled back the veil of my carnal mind, so that I could understand him when he said, ‘You shall not be freed from the carnal mind until she dies.’”
Please notice in verse 12 the three stages of the resurrection. In that day Jehovah will liberate their human spirits by drying up Satan’s unconscious mind -- I am sorry. Did I get that right? I am sorry. It is verse 13. I am going to let that go. I have it written down in another place.
OK, I have a recap of verses 1 through 14 interspersed. I would like to get it on the tape, and then I will let you go. The three stages of the resurrection what -- were in verse 12, but I will give it to you in the interspersion here.
Recap, Isaiah 22:1-14, interspersed:
“Thus says Jehovah to his fallen wife, ‘Satan has triumphantly pierced through your soul and bound you together with the carnal mind.’ All of you are taken as prisoners of war, and your collective strength completely broken because you have turned away from Christ and put him to flight. Your mind is filled with animalistic noisy restlessness because you have been mortally wounded by the carnal mind, and whether you know it or not, you are dead.
“But how did the carnal mind manage to sacrifice the completed elect fallen souls of the sons of God in full stature who were publicly judging the people up to Satan? She was able to do it because in the day that Christ disclosed Judah’s sins he looked to the carnal mind for protection from Christ and brought for the carnal mind underneath the mind of Christ, and the carnal mind despised Christ and sacrificed him unto Satan, and Satan respected, or received, his sacrifice.
“And Satan, taking advantage of the situation, broke down the altar which was formed when Jehovah joined himself to their human spirits and joined herself to them. And the beast nature of the man of sin was revealed, and fallen Adam shook his fist at the sons of God and fought against them with the spiritual power of their carnal minds, and this is how humanity was separated from the Christ mind and sealed with the carnal mind.
“And Jehovah, the God of battle, pulled back the veil of my carnal mind, so that I could understand him when he said, ‘You shall not be freed from the carnal mind until she dies. Therefore,’ says Jehovah, ‘I will not cease from taking vengeance on the devastating tempest, which is the carnal mind, of my human people, so that this same spiritual substance, which is the foundation of fallen Adam’s carnal mind, is gathered together and increased into Christ, so that they, once again, may be righteous,’ says Jehovah.
“Therefore, let the water of Satan’s sea be boiled and pass away, and let Christ be smeared together with their carnal mind. And in the day that Jehovah, the Lord of battle, called mourning humanity unto himself, he is destroying the deformed personalities Satan fashions out of the human spirit that are expressing the confused, irregular state of mind, which has covered over humanity’s awareness of her true existence, surroundings and feelings with sensual pleasure.
“And he is liberating their human spirits by drawing Satan up, treading the corporate carnal mind down under Christ, plucking up their individual carnal minds and covering them with Christ. And there it is, the whole plan of salvation: the crucifixion of Christ, the castration of Satan, the swallowing up of the prince or of the individual carnal mind. So, brethren, consume or swallow up your carnal mind because you will experience spiritual joy, peace and contentment only when Satan dies.”
And just let me point out for you in verse 12(b) the three stages of resurrection: the treading down of the corporate carnal mind, the first stage; the plucking up of their individual carnal minds, the second stage; and the covering of them with Christ, the third stage of the resurrection.
Praise the Lord. Any questions or comments on this message?
I heard a confirming Scripture, Psalm 116:15: “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints,” which means the death of the carnal mind.
Transcribed by Verbal Fusion 02/22/17
02/28/17 1st Edit rh