822 - Part 2

Part 2 of 2 Parts

This Message Has Been Transcribed and Edited For 
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By 
The LEM Transcribing and Editing Team.



(Verses 1 – 34)



            The one communion process that is practiced across the whole Church world is based upon the last few verses of 1 Corinthians, Chapter 11. The Scripture is translated as Jesus saying, Now that I have gone away, this is how you are to remember Me. You are to take a cup of grape juice and a cracker, and that will remind you of Me. The whole Church world does it, and I did it for years until the Lord showed me that Jesus said, according to the King James translation (and all of the sister translations as well), Do this until I come.

            That Scripture is not talking about Jesus coming back out of the sky, because Jesus has already come if He is in your heart; if you hear from Him; if you have a desire to do good things and do what the Bible says is right, that is His Spirit in you. He has come again in you. He has come again in me. You know He has come by what comes out of your mouth; when you honor the Word of God.

            I stopped taking that cracker and grape juice after the Lord asked me why, since He has already come, was I still taking the cracker and grape juice? Then he showed me that that cracker and grape juice becomes had become an idol. It is like having a statue of God. Pagans do that—they make a statue of God, and worship the statue, and then one day, God actually appears. So, why are you continuing to worship the statue? The grape juice and cracker are likened to a statue; an idol. I was taking this little cracker and grape juice until Jesus came back, and now He is here in my heart, so I stopped doing taking it. It was not a big deal for me, because it never occurred to me that the communion instruction that the whole Church world has been observing for 2,000 years was completely wrong, that it was a lying translation of those Scriptures. What is so outrageous is that the true translation is the clear instruction of to what we must do to become immortal in this flesh—to not die, and to stop being sick in this flesh. The promise of the Scripture is to overcome death. I want to share with you what we must do to overcome sickness and death, according to the Word of the Lord, as it is revealed in 1 Corinthians 11.






In the first part of this message, we talked about how we treat each other. It was a warning to not get involved with trying to force our beliefs on other people. Not only was it a warning, but it was an explanation as to why we should not do it. This is the blessing of Christ Jesus, who God has sent to us, because it is very hard, almost impossible, to hear from Jehovah directly. Jehovah sent us a book, and it is really hard to read the book and understand what God wants us to do. The blessing is that Jesus Christ is close by. He is right here, and as soon as we pray, He hears us. You may not hear the answer right away, but He hears your question and your request right away. Here is the instruction: Not only are we told to not try to force or push our beliefs on other people, but the Lord Jesus Christ comes with an explanation as to why we are not to do this. It is really important, especially when you are young and you are still underneath the authority of your parents. Sometimes it is really hard when your mother or father tells you not to do something you really want to do and your mind cannot see anything wrong with it. It is painful to submit, but understanding helps, which takes the edge off of it and makes it much easier.

In the marriage relationship, some women have a very hard time submitting to their husband. They could be just as intelligent, or sometimes they could be more intelligent than their husband. You might be more intelligent than your pastor. You may have more information than another person does about a particular topic, but leadership is an office. God appoints leaders, and you have to assume that God equips the person that He appoints to be qualified. Even if the person who is in authority looks to you as if they are not qualified, it does not mean that you have the ability to take over the leadership in an area that God has not placed you. Being smarter, or making more money, or being more successful in a career does not qualify you.





The Lord is telling us in Chapter 11 of 1 Corinthians to not step on each other’s toes. The primary thing God is looking for is peace. As soon as peace goes, another god comes in. As soon as there is conflict, hell rises up, and the Holy Spirit departs. We must strive for a righteous peace which comes through submission to God and to God’s appointed authority.

The Church is in many parts, and everybody has their own level of understanding. Even in this ministry where we share basic doctrines, there are different people who have different degrees of understanding. We are not to inflict ourselves upon others. The Book of Revelation talks about seven churches of God. When Paul talks about the churches of God, he is not talking about the Church. There is the Church of God, the Greek word is the ekklesia. That means there is a soul that we all share that makes us all part of the Church of God, the one Body of Christ that the Lord Jesus ministers to. That is a spiritual Church, but Paul, at least in some of these verses, is talking about the seven churches of Revelation, which represent seven different types of individual churches, different groups of believers.

           Rev 1:11

               11Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.  KJV


People often come together under a commonality. There may be two people who love Jesus, who are both moral people and have the same goals in life, but they should be very careful not to get into a doctrinal dispute, because they could both be right.

Every promise in the Scripture is not for every person at every time. There was a teaching in the Church at one point, in which people would just open their Bible and say, Look at that promise in the Scripture! It is mine, Jesus. I want you to give it to me today. It does not work like that. The Bible is likened to a big bowl of candy. There is chocolate, and coconut, and taffy, and Jesus says, Today you can have the taffy. And you say, But today I want the chocolate. He says, No, today is taffy day.


Physical Body vs. Spiritual Body




In the last 11 verses of 1 Corinthians, Chapter 11, Paul is saying to the brethren at Corinth, Now that I have explained all that to you, I want to give you understanding; I want to tell you why I am telling you this. Then it goes into the passages about what the Church calls communion, but what Paul is really saying is, I am just conveying to you what Jesus told me, and this is what Jesus told me: The pathway to full salvation of spirit, soul and body, is the development of Christ Jesus in you, and when Christ Jesus in you is mature enough, He will accomplish the shedding of your physical body, the source of all sickness, pain and death, and you will continue to live without it. We are promised a spiritual body that does not get sick, that does not die, and that can last for at least 900 or more years, because we are going into longevity before we are going into immortality. The people on the other side of the Flood lived more than 900 years. Their bodies could not survive for more than 900 years on this side of the Flood, so there was something different on the other side of the Flood.

After Paul exhorts everybody about how to relate to one another in a godly manner, he says, The reason I told you all that is because this is what Jesus told me. He told me that we all have the same goal: That Christ Jesus should be formed in us to such a degree of maturity, that we can shed this outer body that will not last for 900 years, and eventually go on to immortality. This body will not make it, but our new body is being formed inside of us, like a chicken is being formed inside of an egg, or like a worm inside of a cocoon breaks out of the cocoon and flies away as a butterfly. We are not waiting for something out there to give us another body. Our spiritual body is being formed inside of us, like a baby is formed inside of the mother's womb.

Paul said, That is what Jesus told me. We all have the same end. We all have the same goal: Christ in you, the hope of glory, that Christ should be formed in us, but we are not all on the same level.

Consume The Word Of God





In the second part of 1 Corinthians, Chapter 11, Paul describes the message Jesus gave to him in detail as to what we must do to attain to longevity, and ultimately, immortality. We need to consume the Word of God, and we consume with our mind. We eat with our mouth to sustain our body, but we consume spiritual food with our mind, and that spiritual food is forming the body of Christ Jesus inside of us. This body of Christ Jesus does not have blood, as we understand blood. When Jesus rose from the dead, He went to see the apostles, and He said, My human blood is gone, and now I am flesh and bone; bone signifying the spiritual blood.

            Luke 24:39

                39Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.  KJV


His human blood was gone because there was no more human body. He had a spiritual body that was flesh, but not the kind of flesh we have. Paul tells us there are all different kinds of flesh. There is human flesh; there is bird flesh; there is animal flesh. There is spiritual flesh, and there is spiritual blood.

            1 Cor 15:39

                 39All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds.  KJV


Jesus said, You must eat My flesh, and drink My Blood. The Hebrew children, at that time, were so horrified when Jesus said that to them, and they left Him. They stopped following Him because they thought He was telling them they had to engage in cannibalism. It may sound crazy to you today, but back in those days of paganism there were people engaging in cannibalism. Back then, there was human sacrifice, cannibalism, slavery, and things we do not have today, at least not in this country.

             Jn 6:53-54

                 53Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.

                 54Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.  KJV


This is a perfect example of Jesus talking in parables, because this whole account of the second half of 1 Corinthians 11 is one big parable. There is no way anyone can understand what it means other than with the mind of Christ. You can have the mind of Christ, but it may not be active in you. I have had the mind of Christ for years, and I never knew what this Scripture meant, but the mind of Christ has started to vibrate, or to activate in me, because it is His will that this message gets out. He is saying, Now it is time. Last year was not the time. This year is the time for this revelation to get out.

To have Christ Jesus formed in us, we must consume Christ Jesus. The mystery is Christ Jesus is a spiritual man, and what makes Him grow like a fetus in a woman’s womb is spiritual food. What we are doing today is eating the Word of God. Consume is another way of saying eat. When you eat food for your natural body, you consume it. You take it into your mouth and digest it; in the processes of the body, the food burns up. It is called consuming, like fire consumes. The gastric juices in the body will consume the food. That is how we are building the body of Christ. It is being formed underneath this physical layer, not inside where your heart or your lungs are. Every aspect of your body, including what is under your skin—your lungs, all of your organs—the whole body is a garment that clothes an invisible man who is developing in you, like a baby develops inside of the womb. What He needs to grow is this Word of Truth. You have to worship Him in Spirit and Truth. When you consume this word with your mind, He is growing.

             Jn 4:24

            God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.  KJV


There is a spiritual man inside of us that is made of body and blood (the blood is in the marrow of the bones). He is made of spiritual flesh and spiritual bones. The spiritual flesh is this word, and the spiritual bones is His spirit. We do not have much of His Spirit today. I have been praying very strongly, Lord, we need Your Spirit. We are waiting for Him to pour out of His Spirit. When He pours out of His spirit, we have miracles of healing and deliverance, and a spiritual atmosphere that can be discerned even by people that do not know God. That is what we are waiting for. We are waiting for Him to quicken the body. Right now the body is being formed—it is a little different than a human fetus, because He is alive.

The Spirit Of Life




Christ Jesus in us down here in this world is capable of maturing to a certain degree, where He can help the person that He is growing in, but He does not have much power to help people outside of Himself. We are waiting for the Spirit of Life to enter into the fetus called Christ Jesus. The mystery (that does not really make any sense to the natural mind) is that the fetus of Christ Jesus does not have the Spirit of Life. The fetus of Christ Jesus has done a lot for me—He has healed me of a lot of things, He teaches me, He helps me preach. A human fetus is totally dependent upon the mother, yet Christ Jesus in me does not have the Spirit of Life. If I were to die today, He would die also. We are waiting for the Blood of Jesus, which is the Spirit of Life, and the Spirit of Life is in the Lord Jesus Christ. We are waiting for Him to come down (the Lord Jesus Christ is in a much higher place than Christ Jesus), and join with Christ Jesus, who will then become immortal, and He will give us His life, and hopefully we will develop His immortality, also.

It is very important to understand how serious it is to not recognize Christ is inside of you. To not recognize Christ is underneath this physical body (because Christ gives us instructions, just like our natural parent gives us instructions), either in yourself or in someone God has anointed to teach you, is the equivalent of aborting a child you are pregnant with, because your physical body has nothing to do with your spirituality.

All physical males and physical females have a female soul. Your soul is female, and your soul is pregnant with Christ. If you live your life in a manner that is not feeding Christ and making Him grow up into Christ Jesus in you, but is destroying Him, you are guilty of the murder of the Christ child within you. You are guilty of spiritual abortion, and you become an open target for pagan gods, who are here all the time. There is another whole spiritual dimension which is here right now, you just cannot see it. Jesus is here all the time, and you cannot see Him. The angels of God are here, and evil angels are here, and they know who is vulnerable.

In Genesis 6, we read that there are evil angels who want to marry human beings and give them a spiritual child. Just like we can be pregnant with Christ Jesus, they want to give us their spiritual child, which means they will have authority over us to abuse us. Life is not good when you are married to a pagan god. You better take Jesus. That is what Jesus meant when He said, My burden is light. What He is telling us is every human is subject to a god, and especially in this country where people think they are so smart because of what has been achieved here and the degree of secular education; many people do not even believe in spiritual things anymore. But Jesus said, My burden is light. Everybody has a god in their life, including a god that lets you justify, or do whatever you want (that is a pagan god), and pretty soon the god you belong to is going to reveal himself.

           Gen 6:1-4

               1And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

               2That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

               3And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

               4There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.  KJV


           Matt 11:30

               30For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.  KJV


It is happening across the whole country, and across the whole world, because humanity is maturing by itself. It is like saying that your whole body is maturing in one way, and your mind and your emotions are maturing in another way. The whole body of humanity is maturing, and each individual is maturing on its own level. In regards to the maturation of humanity these days, we are going to be forced to recognize that every human has a god that is strongly influencing their life. Jesus said, You had better choose Me because the other gods will not be kind to you. That is what He meant when He said, My burden is light. The problem in this country, and in the world today, is people do not believe this. They think they are their own god, which is what Buddhism teaches, but it is a lie.

             1 Cor 11:1-7 - AT


           1    Follow me as I follow Christ.

           2    I praise you for reminding me of all the traditional ordinances that you were given to keep,

         3    However, I prefer that you should know that Christ is the head of every male and the male is the head of the woman, and God is the head of Christ, and

         4    Every male who prays [to another god], or prophesies [by the spirit of another god] covers [Christ, his] head, and dishonors him, and

       5    Every [spiritual] female who prays [to another god], or prophesies [by the spirit of another god], dishonors [Christ], the head of the spiritual male that God gave to be an authority over her], which puts her in the same spiritual condition as someone who is still enslaved by the powers of this world,

         6    Because [the judgment upon] a spiritual female who is not in submission to the spiritual male who is in submission to Christ, his head, is to lose the gift of the Holy Spirit: Wherefore, it is better for the spiritual woman to be in submission to a spiritual male who is in submission to Christ, his head, than to be without the Holy Spirit,

        7    Indeed, the spiritual male who is in submission to Christ, his head, should not be in submission to the spiritual female, because Christ, who is the image of God, has the opinion of God, but the spiritual female can only reflect the opinion of God by learning it from the spiritual male that she submits to,


Spiritual Authority


The reason the next two verses are set apart is that I have two versions of verses 8 and 9. I prayed about this a lot. The first two verses, 8 and 9, is the simple translation for carnal people, and the second two verses, which I reversed, 9 and 8, is the spiritual understanding, and both are valid. I could not get a clear word from the Lord as to which He wanted me to put in the Alternate Translation, and that is why they are both there.

             1 Cor 11:8

                  8Because the man was not taken out of the woman, but the woman was taken out of the man, and  KJV


(This verse is referring to the Book of Genesis where it says, And God put Adam to sleep, and took one of his ribs...)

            Gen 2:21

                21And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;  KJV


            1 Cor 11:9

                9Also, the man was not created to be a companion for the woman, but the woman was created to be a companion for the man.  KJV


God promised Adam He would give him a helpmeet. The woman is the helpmeet, from the natural point of view. From the spiritual point of view, all humans with physical male bodies and physical female bodies have a female soul.

The first set of verses 8 and 9, defines the way human males and females should relate to each other. The man was made first. The woman was taken out of the man. A woman should not try to take authority over a man who has authority over her. That does not mean, if you are a physical woman with a job, and you have co-workers who happen to be male, that you have to listen to every male. We are talking about issues of authority.

There is an established authority in marriage, and also in relation to your parents. No matter how foolish you may think your parents are in any area, if you are the child, they have a legal office that comes from God. They have authority over you. You may be twice as smart as them, and better than them in every way, and, unless they are abusing you in some terrible way, you need to submit to their authority. If you are a woman, that does not mean any man in the world has authority over you. Not at all.


        9    Because [the last Adam], the spiritual male [who is] the creation [of God], did not come into existence after the spiritual female, but the spiritual female… that is your soul … came into existence after of [the Lord Jesus Christ], the spiritual male [from the world above], and


The soul we have which is pregnant comes from the seed of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ existed before the seed that is bringing the spiritual female into existence; therefore, you should submit to the Lord Jesus Christ and to everyone who wants to teach you about His Spirit.


        8    Neither did the spiritual male [who is the second Adam] come into existence from the spiritual female, but the spiritual female came into existence from [the seed of the Lord Jesus Christ], the spiritual male [who is the last Adam];


That does not mean every spiritual male is more intelligent, smarter, or better equipped than every spiritual woman. What it means is they have the office, and you have to make your peace with them. Hopefully, whoever has spiritual authority will be a godly person, and recognize you may know something they do not, and welcome your advice and information.


         10  Wherefore, if a spiritual woman is not under the authority of a spiritual male whose head is Christ,… Not just any physical man out there, this is spiritual. ...one of the evil angels will marry her, and she will be [neither a spiritual male nor a spiritual woman in Christ, but the concubine of an evil god];


If you are a woman and your physical husband is not in Christ, you could be under the Lord Jesus Christ if He sends you to a church which has a godly head, and you could be in submission for spiritual matters to that godly head, but primarily you need to be in submission to the Lord Jesus Christ, and He will bring people into your life who will make your life safe.


          11  So, because of the difference between a spiritual male and a spiritual female [that I have explained in the previous verses], the Lord does not desire that the spiritual woman should separate from the spiritual male,


When God puts a spiritual male into your life, and you do not like what they have to say, or you have a falling out, it is not the will of God to separate you. God hates divorce, and He hates separation, and He expects everybody to submit to the Lord. When two people are submitting to the Lord, you will find peace, and there is no reason for separation. The only time there is a reason for separation, is when it becomes impossible to live with that person. If they are abusing you, you need to seek God, and seek help in that situation.


         12  Because even though the opinion of God is given to the spiritual women by the spiritual male, the spiritual woman is also a part of the whole Adam, [who is the Son of God];

          13  Judge for yourselves, is it proper that a spiritual woman should pray [as an authority in the church] when she is not in submission to the spiritual male?


In Verse 12, Paul says, Judge for yourselves: Is it proper that a spiritual woman should pray as an authority in the church when she is not in submission to the spiritual male? No matter how spiritual you think you are in church, and no matter how much doctrine you know—if you speak in tongues, or you are prophesying before the church—that does not mean you should exercise authority over the pastor, or anyone else in the church who is a spiritual male.


Recognizing The Spiritual Male




How do you recognize the spiritual male? The spiritual male is the one who teaches. It is possible the teacher does not speak in tongues, and you do. The one that teaches by the Spirit of God is the male. The pastor in the church is a God-ordained authority. If something is really wrong, you have to leave the church. If God wants you in that church, they are the authority you need to submit to for spiritual issues. Of course, if someone tells you to do something you know is morally wrong, you do not do it.


        14  Has not the grafted Christ… Has not Christ within you, or Christ within the spiritual authority that is teaching you ...taught you that it is a disgrace for a spiritual male to have the opinion of [the Holy Spirit, which is] the long hair of the spiritual female?


In other words, it is a disgrace for someone who has Christ to go with the opinion of the carnal mind. If you do not have the mind of Christ, or the mind of Christ is not available to you, and you have the opinion of your carnal mind, God is winking because you never heard the true opinion. That is why judgment is falling very mildly on the Church today because the true word is not out there.


       15  But the spiritual female has the opinion of the long hair [of the Holy Spirit] as a covering until she is assigned to the spiritual male for instruction;

       16  And the people who quarrel over this issue... whether a woman should have long hair or not, or a man should have long hair or not ...cannot share the friendship and positive relationships based upon shared interests that the Lord intends for the churches of God to have,


Authority When Gathering Together




Paul is talking about the seven local churches in the Book of Revelation. We need to be friends with the local churches, and that cannot happen if we start to fight over the differences we have in doctrine. What we have in common is the Lord Jesus Christ is Savior.


         17  Wherefore, it is my understanding that you are better off not gathering together because of this issue that I have just explained to you; and for this I do not applaud you;


I hear that when you gather together, you cannot get along. You are so far from following this instruction of God, you are better off staying apart. Paul says, I am not happy about this. I do not praise you for that.


        18  First of all, I hear that when you gather together, there are divisions among those of you who have different beliefs because of your different roles in the Church;


Paul is talking about the Church of the Living God; the spiritual Church. Different people have different roles. Some are maturing faster than others, similar to a tomato plant, or any plant that grows—there are the first fruits, and there is more fruit to come. People are maturing at different ages and stages.


        19 Indeed, the anointing identifies the spiritual males among you who are approved to make you strong by speaking the truth, which destroys heretical doctrines.


When you know the truth; when you carry the truth in your heart, it goes forth like a threshing machine that will rip to pieces every false doctrine. You have to have it in your heart and in your mind, and that is why we study.


          20  So when you gather together, it is not to share the Word of God.


         Paul is saying, You are gathering together to fellowship, to get to know other people that believe in Jesus, and to share His Spirit, not His doctrine (His Word). The reason you are not to gather together to share the Word of God is...


       21  Because everyone believes his own doctrine before you come together: some are starving for the Word of God and others lust for the emotionalism of the Holy Spirit.

     22  Is this not true? Do you not have your own local churches where you can share doctrine and experience the Holy Spirit? Why must you disrespect other members of the Church of God... the spiritual Church ...who do not believe as you do and shame those who do not have what you have? And the Pentecostal Church is notorious for that.

      23 Because I passed on to you what I received from [Christ], the Lord [within me], that the Supernal Mother seized and delivered up the carnal mind of the Lord Jesus, according to the Scriptures,


Verse 23, Because I passed on to you what I received from Christ, the Lord within me. Paul told them, I have the message. The instruction that I have just given you is what I received from Christ.

This is interesting. The Interlinear text says, What I received from Christ, the Lord. There is a difference between Christ, the Lord, and Jesus Christ. In the Scripture, when Paul just says the Lord, he is talking about Christ in you. When he says Jesus, the Lord, he is talking about the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul is saying, Jesus did not tell me this, but the Christ child in me told me this. That kills right away the idea Jesus gave this instruction at some Passover Seder. Paul is saying, This is what Christ in me told me.

Now, I have passed on to you what I received from Christ, the Lord within me, that the Supernal Mother... When we go to this specific verse in the notes, there is a word (which) that can be translated who, and that is the hidden way of saying Binah, the third degree of power, which is understanding. Binah is the aspect of God that is actually performing the creation of Adam, the creation of mankind. ...seized and delivered up the carnal mind of the Lord Jesus, according to the Scripture.

Jehovah is the Creator, but Binah, who is under Jehovah, is doing the actual work. For example, a man and a woman come together to produce a child, but the father did not get morning sickness, walk around carrying the child, or give birth, yet they both had a role in producing the child. The mother is (usually) the one that has hands-on with the children, and the father goes to work, so the mother is more likely to correct the child. She is forming the child's soul by teaching him/her right and wrong.


Two Souls

Paul is saying, Now, I have passed on to you what I received from Christ within me...  the Lord within me ...that the Supernal Mother... whose attribute is understanding ...seized and delivered up the carnal mind of the Lord Jesus, according to the Scripture, and


           24  [Christ within Jesus] said, in response to being delivered...


The Supernal Mother (Binah) delivered up Jesus’ carnal mind to Christ within Jesus. The Mother (understanding) brought forth a spiritual child within the man Jesus of Nazareth, and when that spiritual child was of full stature (when it became a man, and it was powerful enough to sustain the life of Jesus of Nazareth), she delivered up, or gave over for execution, His carnal mind.

There are two souls growing inside of us. The body of Christ is a soul, and the carnal mind is a soul. Only one can live, and one has to die. That is what Jesus was talking about when He said, Two were grinding at the mill: one was taken and one was left.

Matt 24:41

41Two women shall be grinding at the mill; one will be taken, and the other left.  KJV


Right now we are double-minded, but we cannot continue this way. One will be taken, which means one will be joined to the immortal world of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the other has to be delivered over to destruction. The carnal mind has to be destroyed, which would be the end of all conflict within us, and the ultimate goal of God, which is peace: peace in the individual, and peace with God.

The Supernal Mother seized... This is radically controversial because the Church believes Jesus is God, but Jesus was born of a man and a woman, Mary and Joseph. Mary produced a natural child, and what Gabriel gave to her when he visited her (she was probably already pregnant) was the seed of the soul that came from God. Jesus of Nazareth was a natural man born of a man and a woman who was spiritually pregnant with a soul that came from God. Jesus is the first person who has completed that process. He is the first begotten of the dead, meaning everyone in this world is dead. Everybody dies. Spiritually speaking, if you live in a world where you know everybody dies, you are already dead, because if you truly had life in you, you could not die. From a spiritual point of view, unless Christ is grafted to you, you are dead.

             Rev 1:5

                 5And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,  KJV


The Supernal Mother delivered up the carnal mind of Jesus. She destroyed the carnal mind so that Christ could live. Jesus is the first begotten of this realm of death, and the only begotten Son of God. He is the first one who was delivered from death, and now everybody who is delivered from death is delivered, because He is sharing His soul with us. He is the only one who was actually conceived by the Father. The soul Jesus of Nazareth was pregnant with became so mature, that it was possible to kill His physical body and for Him to still live, and now He is sharing that soul with us. He is the only begotten Son. We all enter into His labor. He was the first one to be raised out of this realm of death, and we can all share in that with Him.


          23 Now, I passed on to you what I received from [Christ], the Lord [within me], that the Supernal Mother seized and delivered up the carnal mind of the Lord Jesus, according to the Scripture, and

         24  [Christ within Jesus] said,... I am glad that you did that. ...I am glad that my [spiritual] body... the body of Christ ...will be broken [into many soul sparks] which will be formed into [higher souls] that mirror Me in all of humanity.


The carnal mind in Jesus died, and it was Christ within Jesus who was experiencing the crucifixion—because everything your physical body experiences, your soul experiences too. It was Christ within Jesus who said, Forgive them, Father. They know not what they do.

            Lk 23:34

               34Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.  KJV


In Verse 24, Christ within Jesus was saying, I am glad you are doing this, Mom. It is like when a parent disciplines a child, and the child understands that his/her parents are doing it for their benefit. They say, I am glad you disciplined me, because I understand what I did was damaging and dangerous for me. It will help me to resist the next time I am tempted; I will remember this discipline, and hopefully I will not do it.

That is what Christ in Jesus was saying, I am glad that I am going through this experience with Jesus, that He was crucified, resurrected, and the Christ soul within Me is being broken up into many pieces, so each one of us can get a piece of that soul. He was saying, I am glad that you are doing that. I am glad My body is going to be broken up.


        25  [Jesus], the man, said, The New Testament is in the blood of my [material] body, [also, so] whosoever drinks in [the Spirit of Christ, which is] reminiscent of me, [will have a body] made from this [soul]


The New Testament is the promise of the immortality of the body. The Old Testament did not promise immortality to the body, only to the soul.

Christ, the soul, said, I am glad you are breaking Me up into many pieces, so that all of humanity can enter into My victory.

And Jesus, the man, said, The New Testament, the promise of the immortality of a body, is in My Blood right now. He said, My Blood has been purified. My carnal mind is dead—the mind is throughout your whole body. There is no longer death in My Blood.

The Scripture says, The life of the flesh is in the blood. The blood that lets us live for a season and then die is in our bones, but Jesus said, Not in My case. The blood inside of My bones no longer will sustain this body for a season and then let it die. The Blood of the New Covenant, which makes the body live forever, is now in My body. He was talking about His physical body.

             Lev 17:11

                11For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.  KJV


Jesus said, The New Testament is in the Blood of My physical body. Jesus did not have to die. He could have lived forever in the condition He was in, but in order for us to enter into His victory—in order for us to get a piece of His soul so we can live forever too—He had to physically die and enter into a higher spiritual state we call glorification, so He would be able to send forth His seed, that we should all share in His victory.

Jesus could have lived forever. He had a physical body which looked like a human physical body, but His blood was different. The blood in our physical body can only sustain the life of our body for a season. These days you can live 70, 80, 90, and some people live to 100 years, but not much beyond that. Jesus had a different kind of blood, and His Blood was purified. He could have lived forever in a body which looks like ours because the blood inside of Him stopped His body from deteriorating.

The difference between our bodies and the bodies on the other side of the Flood is the type of soul that is inside of the body. When the soul inside of the body is a mortal soul, the body only lives a few years. When the soul inside of the body is an immortal soul, it sustains the flesh of the body; it actually changes it and keeps it alive.


We Need A New Soul



          25  [Jesus], said, The New Testament is in the blood of my [material] body, [also, so] whosoever drinks in [the Spirit of Christ, which is] reminiscent of me, [will have a body] made from this [soul]

Jesus said, The New Testament is in the blood of My physical body. Do you want to live forever? You need a blood transfusion. You have to get My Blood, and this is how you get it:

Whosoever drinks in the Spirit of Christ...The body of Christ is built in us by consuming, and that means understanding. To whatever degree you understand this word, it is building Christ in you, and then you have to get His spiritual blood, which is the Spirit of Christ. We have some of the Spirit of Christ here, but there is not enough to bring us into immortality at this time. Christ in us has to join with the Lord Jesus to receive the Spirit of Life, which will give us that blood transfusion.

Whosoever drinks in the Spirit of Christ will receive a soul... You need a new soul. Before you get a body that is going to live forever, you need to acquire a soul that will live forever.

We are talking about Jesus’ sacrifice. Christ is being sacrificed—Christ Jesus is being broken into many pieces, so that all of humanity can be saved. This is the sacrifice of Jesus, the man who was born of a mother and a father, but is now glorified.


Whosoever drinks in [the Spirit of Christ will receive a soul that is] reminiscent of me.


            1 Cor 11:24

                24And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.  KJV


There is a big confusion in the Church over this Scripture. The King James translation is a fantasy, a complete lie. They actually added words into the translation to make it fit. The word remembrance means reminiscent, and it is more likely to mean a memento. For example, when someone you love dies, you may want a memento to remember them by. A horrible example of this is when someone dies and is cremated, and the family takes the ashes and puts them in the house. The Lord says you should not do that. Anything that has to do with death needs to be buried under the ground.

As far as a memento, though, there is nothing wrong with it, if you want to do it. I have something in the house that belonged to my father, but the point is that something like that is dangerous. People today are being taught, When your husband dies, or your daughter dies, talk to them every night. They are actually talking to the dead, or they look at something that their departed loved one made, and say, My husband made this for me, and when I look at it, I think of him; I see him, and I talk to him. That becomes idolatry.

That is what the word remembrance means, a memento: something that reminds you of Jesus. The Catholic Church gets into relics. They have little bones and little pieces of stone that they say came from Jesus' grave. I hear people saying, I found Noah’s Ark. Who cares if you found Noah’s Ark? Jesus is alive. He is alive in me. He is teaching us and giving us the power to enter into immortality without sorrow. What do I care about something that came from His grave? If you visit Jerusalem today, that is all that is there, different kinds of graves and tombs.

What we have that reminds us of Jesus is His soul. We do not have a dead piece of stone or a dead piece of anything. Some people save the hair of their loved ones. We have a piece of a living soul that is inside of us, and is the memento. That is how we remember Jesus, because His soul is in us, and this soul is alive, and this soul is doing for us exactly what Jesus did when He was here. He is teaching us righteousness, telling us the difference between right and wrong. He is helping us to make right decisions, that we should live and not die; to live a prosperous, safe and valuable life.

Jesus said, Do this in remembrance of Me. The word remembrance is talking about the piece of His soul. The Mother, who is doing the work of creation, fully formed Christ inside of the man Jesus of Nazareth. Christ is the regenerated Righteous Adam, because Adam died. That is how the Fall came into existence. Christ is Righteous Adam being born again. When the Mother brought Righteous Adam to a place of being reborn within the man Jesus of Nazareth, she killed His carnal mind, but the new man in Him, Christ (which to this day is keeping Jesus alive, He is the life of the Lord Jesus Christ) in the Lord Jesus said, I do not mind that you are going to chop Me up into pieces. I do not mind. That is OK. I want all of humanity saved, and everybody can get a piece of Me. That is fine. That is what Christ said.

Jesus, the man, said, My physical body now has a different kind of blood, and because of that I can live forever, and I want to give you My Blood. Christ inside of Me wants to give you My soul because He is My soul, and I want to give you My Blood, and the way you get my spiritual blood is through the Spirit of Christ.

We have a mild manifestation of the Spirit of Christ here. We are waiting for the Lord to pour out of His Spirit from a higher spiritual plane with the Spirit of Christ, which is the Spirit of Life. The trick is that that Spirit of Life, when it pours out, is going to pour out on the whole earth, but it can only cleave to Christ in you. The person that does not have Christ in them will experience the Spirit of Life as the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is typified by water. It will flow over them—they will experience it, they might get healed, something good will happen to them—but there is no immortality in it. When that Spirit flows over someone that is pregnant with Christ, and Christ soaks in that Spirit of Life, the physical body of that person will receive immortality.


The Soul Forms The Body




Jesus said, The New Testament is in the blood of My physical body, so whosoever drinks in the Spirit of Christ will receive a soul that is reminiscent of Me. You are going to receive a soul that is going to be like My soul, and you will have a body made by this soul.

That is a great mystery, that the body that we have is formed by the soul inside of us. The reason we have a physical body that ages, gets sick, and ultimately dies is because the soul inside of us is Adam, who died to his immortality. He died, but he still exists. To give you an example, before a child is eighteen, they are considered a minor, or they are in their minority, but when the child turns 18, they now have the right to vote, and other privileges. They are dying to their minority, and entering into their majority. That is the legal way of saying it.

A Scripture in the Book of Hebrews says that no matter how good what you have is, when something new comes, that which was once wonderful becomes old.

            Heb 8:13

               13In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.  KJV


When a child turns 18 years old, they officially become an adult. They are entering into their majority, and their minority, or their childhood, is now old; it is just a memory. It happened in the past, and now they are starting a whole new life. That is what Paul is saying in this Scripture, and that is what Jesus was saying.

The soul inside of us forms our body. We all die because the soul inside of every person born of a woman, which is the whole world, is Adam, who died to his immortality. He still exists, but he did the reverse of what I just explained. He was in his majority. He was an independent adult, and he sinned to the degree that he lost that majority and went back into his minority.

It is like saying to someone who attains to their majority, Now you are a free agent; you can do anything you want. You do not have your parents telling you not to do something anymore, but if you violate a law of this country, you will go to jail. Even though you are in your majority, and you are a legal adult, your parents cannot tell you what to do anymore, but the law can tell you what to do. They can lock you up, and even take your life, depending on the crime you commit.

Then there is another law, the spiritual law of God in this world, which is called justice. The spiritual law is, You reap what you sow. When you become 18, you can do anything you want, but you will pay the consequences of what you do, because there are consequences for everything that we do. For 18 years, you have your parents teaching you what is right and what is wrong, and helping you to discipline yourself. If you cannot discipline yourself, they will discipline you. Hopefully, by the time you turn 18, you can discipline yourself, so that you do not wind up in jail, or wind up having bad things happen to you because you violated a spiritual law that rules the whole world.

It is the soul inside of us that forms the body. When I came to the Lord, my physical body was dying, because the soul inside of me was the soul of Adam who died, and it was very sick. There were problems when I was growing up, and my soul was very sick, but the Lord Jesus laid ahold of me and He has given me a new soul. The new soul that I have is not strong enough to stop me from physically dying at this point. If someone put a knife in my heart, I would die. Back then, I was dying every day. I was a very sick person, and it was very hard to function. I was in the hospital for three months, and the Scripture calls that premature death, because I was too young to be dying. I was delivered from premature death because of the new soul that the Lord Jesus gave me. This new soul that He gave me is now growing and getting bigger and stronger, and everything that I preach to you, He is teaching to me. I am waiting and hoping for the Lord Jesus to come down and give me that Spirit of Life, so that He can save my physical body in the same way that He saved my soul.

Jesus is saying, When you get My soul, that is how you get your physical body. That is how you get immortality. You first have to get an immortal soul. The soul that you are born with is mortal, so your body is mortal. You have to get My immortal soul. An immortal soul has to develop to the fullness of the maturity that Jesus’ soul developed to, to the fullness and the stature of the Lord Jesus Christ, so that when He pours out the Spirit of Life on you, there is something inside of you to catch it. If there is nothing inside of you to catch it, you will still die like everybody dies in this world. It is like a woman who is barren. Some women cannot have children. Even though a woman is married, and has a husband who is capable of impregnating her, she does not get pregnant, because either she does not have a womb, or her eggs do not work. When that Spirit of Life pours out on us, it is like a man giving his seed. If you do not have the egg (that the female has), it blesses you for a moment, and then it just rolls off of your back.

Christ in Jesus is saying, I gladly break My soul in pieces, so that all of humanity can live.

And Jesus is saying, I want to give you My Blood. You are welcome to My Blood, but there is something you have to do: You have to study. You have to pray. You have to desire to live a godly life to enter into immortality.

Young people are not interested in immortality, but it is more than immortality—it is health where you are right now. People of all ages get sick. You do not know what is coming tomorrow. This righteous soul from Jesus keeps you healthy. It keeps you from making wrong choices, and it brings blessings in your life: spiritual blessings, emotional blessings, blessings with the people in your life, the friendships and relationships that you have, and the ultimate blessing, which is immortality. So, even if you are not interested in immortality, you can be interested in being healthy. You have your whole life ahead of you, accomplishing new goals, being successful in this world. Being successful is not about money. Being successful is being a good person, a person that lives according to the instructions of the Lord.

Of course, you need money to live on, and to live a good life, but first you want to be a godly person. If immortality is not interesting you right now because of your age, you should still be interested, because it is all about your future—a positive, prosperous future for you.

Back to Verse 25: Jesus said, The New Testament is in the blood of my material body, so whosoever drinks... It is not the blood of the soul that is inside of Him. His physical body was glorified; He has a material body. It is the blood of His material body.

Whosoever drinks in that blood will receive a soul that is reminiscent of me.. It will be a part of My soul, and that soul, when it matures, will have the ability to form a body around you that will never die. When that body is formed inside of you that can never die—just like we are told that the Mother offered up the carnal mind of Jesus of Nazareth—your physical body will be offered up. The Scripture says Jesus was offered up when He was crucified. We do not have to be crucified, but this body will be shed just like a caterpillar sheds its cocoon.

            Heb 7:27

               27Who needeth not daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people's: for this he did once, when he offered up himself.  KJV


Jesus said, The New Testament is in the blood of my material body, so whosoever drinks in the Spirit of Christ... which is not separate from the word. The Spirit of Christ is a part of the Word of God. The Spirit of Christ that we are waiting to flow in, will flow down when the word is preached. It does not just come out of the blue. When the word is preached, when you are praying, when you are in communion with God, that is when He pours His Spirit out.





         25  And [Jesus] said, the New Testament is in the blood of my [material] body, [so] whosoever drinks in [the Spirit of Christ, will receive a soul that is] reminiscent of mine, [and will have a body] made by this [soul],

        26  Provided that their [soul] consumes the Scripture and drinks in [the Spirit of Christ] so often that [Christ], the Lord, appears in their physical body and proclaims the death of [the first Adam in their vessel],


Provided that... there is a provision ...your soul consumes the Scripture and drinks in the Spirit of Christ so often... you have to do it a lot ...that Christ, the Lord, appears in your physical body and proclaims the death of the first Adam in your vessel.

All of these promises are yours provided that you listen to the Word of God, you consume the Word of God, and you drink in the Spirit of God often enough so that Christ appears in you. Christ is appearing in my physical body right now. You have to eat enough of this Word and drink enough of this Spirit so that Christ appears in your physical body, and when He appears in your physical body, He is proclaiming the death of the first Adam in you.

When the righteous soul of Jesus became fully mature, the Supernal Mother offered up, or turned over to death, His carnal mind. When we eat enough of this word and drink in enough of this Spirit, and Christ Jesus matures to the fullness of the stature of the Lord Jesus Christ, He is going to destroy our carnal mind. He is going to destroy the first Adam (the fallen Adam) who made this body that only lasts for 70, 80 or 90 years. You cannot have two souls in a body. You can only have two souls so long as one prevails over the other, and eventually one will kill the other.

If you have both Christ in your soul and the carnal mind (Fallen Adam), and you physically die, it means the carnal mind has overcome Christ in you. Your physical body dies, and Christ in you dies also. Fallen Adam has overcome Christ that is developing in you. That is what has been happening ever since Adam died. Jesus is the first and only one that overcame death. He utterly broke the power of the spiritual forces that kill people.

It is because one person did it, because one person said to Satan, You cannot kill me. Jesus said, Satan cometh, and he has nothing in Me; no legal grounds by which to kill Me, because Jesus had become sinless. He said, Because you cannot kill Me, I am going to give humanity My soul, and My soul will have the power to mature in the individual and grow up to the fullness of the stature of spiritual manhood, and offer up their carnal mind (like the Mother offered up the carnal mind of Jesus), and then you will not be able to kill them, either.

            Jn 14:30

                30Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.  KJV


When Christ Jesus appears in your body, He is proclaiming the death of the first Adam. The carnal mind is the mind of the first Adam. Christ Jesus is appearing in me. I preach this incredible message. It is amazing what God teaches me, that I can teach you. I am saying the same thing to you that Paul said to the Corinthians. This is what the Lord within me told me. I am sharing with you what the Lord within me told you. As I speak the words, the first Adam is dying in me. He is slowly dying in me, but unfortunately, he is still too alive to make me happy. He is slowly dying because only one of the souls can survive. You cannot have two mature souls in you. One will live, and the other will die. They will fight, and one will overcome the other.

I am hoping that the soul of the Lord Jesus in me will offer up my old man; will offer up and destroy my carnal mind before my body dies, because everybody dies. Sooner or later we all die in this world, but if Christ in me matures to the point that He can overthrow my carnal mind before my body dies of natural causes, I will live forever like Jesus did.

You never hear it preached, but that is the promise of the Scripture, and this is the message of how it is done. He is not coming down from the sky. He is not going to grab you up, and it is going to be all over, and there is nothing for you to do (which is what the Church is preaching). There is a lot for us to do. We have to prepare for His coming.

This is what I have heard preached in the synagogue and in a lot churches: God will come back to the earth if we make ourselves perfect. It is not possible to make ourselves perfect! All that we can do is the best that we can do, and when He comes and joins with us, and offers up our carnal mind, we become perfect. The bottom-line is that we do not physically have to die. Our sin nature has to die, and our sin nature is not going to die until our new, righteous nature is fully formed in us, and then they fight with each other. The nature that we agree with will prevail over the other nature.

When you see somebody speaking righteousness, speaking the Word of God, you know that it is the death knell for the fallen nature of Adam within them. Every time they say something that comes out of Christ, they are proclaiming the death of the fallen soul that created a body that will eventually die within them.


Righteous Motives

         27  Wherefore, whosoever consumes Scripture and drinks in [the spirit of Christ, our] Lord, with a wrong motive, shall be responsible for [aborting] the soul and spirit of [Christ, our] Lord [that is destined to be born within them],


If you are listening to this message because you want to teach it, it is the wrong reason. The right reason for listening to this message is so that Christ can be formed in you; that He can overcome your sin nature, and that you can become a righteous person. You cannot be doing it just because you want immortality. You need to love God.

If you are listening to this message because you love God and His word, and because you want to be a righteous person in this world; that you want to reap good things because you are going to sow good things, that is a right motive. If, however, you are listening to this word because you want to be a big shot, and you want to teach, and you want people to follow you and look up to you, you can be consuming this doctrine and drinking down this Spirit, and it will not do you any good. If your motive for studying this word is wrong, that means your carnal mind, or your old man, is the one that is rising up to full maturity, and he will kill Christ in you.

You could spend your whole life listening to this word and drinking in this Spirit, but unless you humble yourself and resist and rebuke—and to whatever degree, destroy the evil inclination within yourself—the evil inclination in yourself will destroy the righteous Christ in you. It is literally Cain and Abel inside of you. Who is going to live? Is Righteous Able going to destroy Cain? Or is Cain going to kill Abel? That is what we read about in the Bible, that Cain killed Abel, but Abel was still conscious, and he was crying out to Jehovah from under the ground.

           Gen 4:8-10

               8And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.

                9And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper?

                10And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.  KJV


There is a righteous Abel inside of us, and our natural inclination is to try to destroy him, because we are born of Fallen Adam. The nature we are born with wants to destroy the righteous one inside of us. It is the nature that we are born with that would bring us into complete destruction if we were to follow it.

That is why the Lord is giving us this understanding. He sends us preachers and teachers and parents because we have to resist our fallen nature. It is the reversal of the Fall—we have to go back. We get to a point where being righteous comes natural to us because it is painful to resist things that we want to do that are really not in our best interest. It hurts us emotionally in our mind.

The end of submitting to God is that we come to a place where we no longer desire anything that offends Him. When we desire what God says is right, we have peace.

It is not enough to just listen to Scripture and then be exposed to the Spirit. You have to resist your sin nature.


Holy Spirit vs. Spirit of Christ

        28        Indeed, test yourself in this way, has the second Adam, [your new soul, been formed] out of the Scripture that you have consumed? And has your physical body absorbed [so much of the Spirit of Christ that it does not get sick and cannot die]?


Indeed, test yourself... this is how you can test yourself to find out where you are spiritually. It is not a big secret. ...has the second Adam, your new soul, been formed out of the Scripture that you have consumed? You are consuming Scripture, is it forming Christ in you? The second Adam is Christ in you.

And has your physical body absorbed so much of the Spirit of Christ that it does not get sick and can no longer die? I have a personal testimony about that. I was really, really sick when I first came to the Lord. I went to a local church called Christ for the Nations. I think they are still around, but they are not on Long Island anymore. I was so sick that I could not even stand up sometimes. One time they were having a Pentecostal meeting, and I remember all the people were up on their feet, jumping and dancing and singing, and I was just sitting there. I said to the Lord, I do not understand why I am not healed.

I thought, at that time, that the Holy Spirit would heal me, and I had been in the Church for quite a while. I asked, Why can I not do what they are doing? And the Lord spoke to me in an audible voice and said, Sheila, it is not the Holy Spirit that quickens your body, it is the Spirit of Christ. The Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Christ are not the same thing.

We need the Spirit of Christ, which is the Blood of Jesus. This is how you can test yourself to find out where you are in the program of God: Has the second Adam, your new soul, been formed out of the Scripture that you have been consuming? Let us find out. Has your physical body absorbed so much of the Spirit of Christ that it does not get sick and die? We know that we have not drunk down enough of the Spirit of Christ, because we all still get sick. But we want to find out, is the body of Christ is developed in us? Have we eaten enough Scripture so that the body of Christ, our new soul, is inside of us?

Judge Yourself



       29  Because [whosoever] consumes [Scripture] and drinks in [the Spirit of Christ], passes judgment upon himself [as to whether or not] he is consuming [Scripture] and drinking in [the Spirit of Christ] without thoroughly separating [the spiritual] body of the Lord [within himself] from [the first Adam within himself],


So you should test yourself, because whosoever consumes Scripture and drinks in the Spirit of Christ, passes judgment upon himself. You can test yourself and find out ...whether or not you are consuming Scripture and drinking in the Spirit of Christ without thoroughly separating your spiritual body of the Lord within yourself from the first Adam within yourself.

If you are in church every day, but you are still living after the ways of this world, the body of Christ can be in you, but you have not separated from the first Adam. There is no condemnation in this. You need to know where you are. If you still desire things that the Lord says are not right, you know that you have not consumed enough of the Word of God to separate yourself from the influence of Fallen Adam. When our new soul comes, when Christ is formed in us, we are supposed to be joined to Him and leave Fallen Adam.

The soul is female. If you are a physical male, your soul is female. It is a perversion for your female soul to be joined to two men. You have to have one husband. Paul said, Let every woman have her own husband.

            1 Cor 7:2

                2Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.  KJV


If you are still being tormented because of your desire to do wrong things, or you are doing wrong things, it means that you have not thoroughly or completely separated from your fallen nature. None of us has done this yet. The sign that you have consumed so much of this doctrine, (spiritual truth) that you are moving towards the promise of the Scripture, is that you are no longer being tormented, or the desire to do things that are not in your best interest is diminishing.

That is the sign: judge yourself. Find out whether or not Christ is being formed in you. Look at yourself last year or the year before. You have been under the instruction from your parents and from church. You know whatever it is that you desire to do that is not in your best interest. We are talking about anything; any spiritual thing in life.

Compare yourself to the way you were in the past. Are you more inclined to do the righteous things of God? Do you have a better opinion of God? That is how you can tell whether or not the body of Christ is being formed in you. The way you tell whether or not you are drinking in the Spirit of Christ has to do with your physical condition.

In my case, I am not dying from premature death anymore. I should have died years ago, and that is not happening to me anymore, so I know that I have absorbed enough of the Spirit of Christ to deliver me from premature death. Have I drunk in enough of the Spirit of Christ to stop my body from dying the way normal people die in this world? I do not think that has happened to me yet, and that is what I am praying for very heavily.

You can test yourself. You know whether or not the body of Christ is being formed in you, and whether or not you have thoroughly separated from the inclination of the evil one, which is the Fallen Adam within you.


        29  Because [whosoever] consumes [Scripture] and drinks in [the Spirit of Christ], passes judgment upon himself [as to whether or not] he is consuming [Scripture] and drinking in [the Spirit of Christ] without thoroughly separating [the spiritual] body of the Lord [within himself] from [the first Adam within himself],

          30  And that is the reason why so many among you are sickly and many have died,


Even though you are in church five days a week, you still die, because the body of Adam has not been formed in you to the point that it has absorbed enough of the Blood of Jesus to keep your body alive.

This is so important: It is not God’s fault that 2,000 years have gone by since this provision was made for us. Why are we still dying? The answer is not because you die and you live forever after physical death; that is a lie. Why are people not becoming immortal?

Nobody in 2,000 years has done what Jesus did. In Verse 30, Paul is saying, Nobody has done it yet. It is not Jesus’ fault. It is not God’s fault, and this is not to condemn you. No man has done it. Maybe it is because no one has preached this message, and they do not understand it. It is something that we have to do, but there is a mystery, too. God shows us things from both sides, but sometimes they get confusing. It is not God’s fault, but why has it not happened? Because the Church has not produced a new man, Christ Jesus.


Doing Our Part




I talked to the Lord yesterday. This message was really for me because I was so upset that I have to go on blood pressure medication. I was really upset over it, hoping for the Lord to fully heal my body completely. The conditions that I am having in my body now are not conditions that you would call premature death. They are conditions that people get sometimes as they go on in years. As your body breaks down, things happen. There is no more premature death in my life.

I am really believing God, and I am hoping that I should not have conditions that other people have as their body gets older. I was really disappointed to the point that I really had to repent, because it was a bitter disappointment that I have to go on this blood pressure medication. This message is probably for me, because I was saying, Lord, my whole life is given over to you. When is this going to happen to me, that my body is going to stop aging, because that is the promise, and I preach it.

This is His answer to me: It is not His fault. He is waiting for Christ Jesus in me to become mature enough for Him to join with Him. It is not God’s fault that it has not happened to anyone yet. No one has lived the lifestyle that has produced Christ within them to the degree of maturity that the lifespan of their bodies start to be extended. That is true, but also, it is not even possible for us to do it.

Someone in the ministry had a dream that I thought was about me. She had it the night that I was so disappointed that I had to go and get this blood pressure medication. In the dream, I was trying to get to the other side of a river, and there was a plank, a wood plank.

The river Jordan signifies death. I am believing the message that God gave me—I am believing that I can cross over to another spiritual dimension where my body stops aging, and eventually where my body will not die at all. But the plank was too short. It did not get all the way to the other side of the river.

To me, a plank is a piece of wood that you would put across a creek so that you can walk across it. That signifies my own efforts. I have spent a long time; I spent hours working out this Alternate Translation. I work very hard, and that is my plank that is trying to get me to the other side of the river where there is no death, but the plank was too short. All of my efforts were not enough to create a plank that would get me to the other side of the river, because we do not attain immortality through works.

I think she typified Christ Jesus; He tried to carry me across. In other words, I was bitter towards Christ, very disappointed, and according to the dream, Christ Jesus in me tried to get me across, but He was not strong enough. What He did do was get me back to dry land safely because I was endangering my own life by refusing to take this medication, and being very stubborn about it. I was endangering my own physical life, so He gave me a rational mind, and I said, I have to take it. He got me back to land safely, but I am still on the mortal side of the river.

This is the message: Yes, we need to try as hard as we can, and everybody does not have the same call. This does not mean you have to do what I do. You just have to do the best that you can do, and God will lead you in your own path. For those of us that do the absolute best that we can, the most we can accomplish is a mature Christ Jesus who is prepared for the marriage. But until the Lord Jesus comes down and marries Christ Jesus in us, there is no getting across to the other side of the river. Jesus is on the other side of the river; the immortal side of the river. We are on the mortal side of the river, so He has to come and get us.

If you recall, in 1 Thessalonians, Chapter 4, He is descending with a shout, and we are going to meet Him in the air.

            1 Thes 4:16-17

                16For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

               17Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  KJV


The rising up to meet Him is the development of Christ Jesus in you; it is not a physical rising up. When He comes down, He is only coming so far, and if you can reach Him when He comes down, you will cross the river. But if you have not let Christ in, to the degree that you can reach Him when He comes down, you will not cross the river.

Both are true: 1) We have to do all that we can. If we are not fully equipped when He comes, we will not go into immortality. 2) We could be as fully equipped as possible, but unless He comes down to get us, we are not going to the other side of the river.


         30        And that is the reason why so many among you are sickly and many have died,

      31        Because, if we would separate ourselves thoroughly from the first Adam, we would be able to recognize [Christ, the Lord within ourselves, and within others],


And that is the reason why so many among you are sickly and many have died, because if we would separate ourselves thoroughly from the first Adam... our old man, who wants to do all these things that hurt us, or that are not good for us ...we would be able to recognize Christ, the second Adam, within ourselves and within others.


        32  Indeed, [Christ], the Lord with[in us], disciplines us so that we can recognize [him when he is still lying down] under [the first Adam, so that Satan, the enforcer of the Sowing & Reaping Judgment], will not [be able to carry out the death] sentence [that all the inhabitants of this] world [experience],


Indeed, Christ, the Lord within us, disciplines us so that we can recognize Him when He is still lying down under the first Adam... Christ Jesus in us is lying down under the first Adam. This physical body is the first Adam. Christ Jesus is inside of us, and He is lying down, and the only way He is going to stand up is when the Lord Jesus comes down and attaches to Him, and stands Him up. When the Lord Jesus stands up in us, we will cross over to the other side of the river and be immortal in these bodies.


         33  Wherefore, my brethren, when you come together, each one of you should stay in the place where you are when you consume [Scripture].


Paul is not talking about a physical place. He means, Do not try to be something that you are not. Do not try to act like you know something that you do not know, and do not talk to people that know less than you do, unless you are ready to humble yourself and come down to their level.


        34  If anyone is famished [for the Word of God], let him consume [Scripture] at home, [so that his craving] to consume [Scripture] does not result in [Satan, the enforcer of the Sowing & Reaping Judgment], finding him guilty [of the sin of pride].


What we are being told here is that when we come together with people that have different doctrine than we do, frequently we assume that we know more than they do, and the truth is that they know more than we do. You should not be teaching people, unless they ask you a question. You are here in this meeting, and you are learning from me. I did not force you to be here. You should not be teaching people that are not asking to be taught. If someone asks you a question, you answer the question. Otherwise, you do not show that you know more than they know.





On The Notes For

Verses 23-34


King James Translation

23For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread:

24And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.

25After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.

26For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come.

27Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.

28But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.

29For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body.

30For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.

31For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.

32But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world.

33Wherefore, my brethren, when ye come together to eat, tarry one for another.  KJV


Verse 23 - Workup




Verse 23, King James, For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread.


The Greek word translated delivered, means to pass on. That human seed, He passed it on to us.

On the same night in which He was betrayed... There is no Greek word translated same. It was added in by the King James translators. It is very important that the English word, in, is the Greek word that can be translated according to.

The word night, we are translating the carnal mind. The darkness is the carnal mind. The Greek word whichin which He was betrayed—means who, and we know that who is the secret way of saying, the Supernal Mother, Binah. The Greek word translated betrayed, means to deliver up. The Greek word translated took, means to seize.

This is the translation. It is just amazing. It was not Jesus that was delivered up. The carnal mind gets it backward. It was the Mother delivering up the carnal mind of Jesus.


       23  Because I passed on to you what I received from the Lord, that the Supernal Mother seized and delivered up the carnal mind of the Lord Jesus, according to the Scriptures,


That just got me very excited, because translating from the Greek is much more difficult than translating from the Hebrew, which is a much richer language. I think I worked until 2 or 3 o'clock this morning, and this was one verse where I said, Lord, this just does not make any sense.

The Lord gave me that one phrase, according to the Scriptures, and I immediately related it to 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, and proved that it witnessed the same language. When I say the same language, I do not mean English. That is a term used in law: two passages have the same language, but they are not saying the same thing.

            1 Cor 15:3-4 

                3For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;

                4And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:  KJV


Verse 3, King James, For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures. And that He was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.

Verse 23, Alternate Translation, Because I passed on to you what I received from the Lord... this is saying the same thing.

Verse 3, King James, ...how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures.

Verse 23, Alternate Translation, ...that the Supernal Mother seized and delivered up the carnal mind of the Lord Jesus, according to the Scriptures.

Can you see the parallel? The correct translation of Verse 23 is, Because I passed on to you what I received from the Lord... not the Lord Jesus, but the Lord within Paul ...that the Supernal Mother seized and delivered up the carnal mind of the Lord Jesus, according to the Scriptures.

What does the Scripture say? According to the Scripture, He rose from the dead. If the Supernal Mother did not seize and deliver up His carnal mind, He would not have risen from the dead.

Verse 24 - Workup




1 Cor 11:24

                24And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.  KJV


Verses 24-28 were extremely difficult to translate. I could never have done it without the Lord's help. As I have explained to you, there are different kinds of Kabbalah. The easier kind of Kabbalah is when I look up every single word in the dictionary, I look at the Alternate Translations, I pray about it, and I get a different translation. But for this translation, I used prophetic Kabbalah. In other words, I had to hear it from God, because the language and the lexicons (the Greek dictionary) gave me no clue whatsoever. I had to hear it from God, and then after I heard it from God, I had to be able to fit it in.

I have to get the witness in my heart that I am hearing from the Lord, but first I am required to believe it. I get it prophetically by prophecy, and then He will show me Scriptures, because you may need to hear that second witness, and I need to hear it too. This translation came by prophecy, by prophetic Kabbalah, and I could have never gotten this understanding from the Greek words.

Verse 24, And when he had given thanks, he brake it... break what? We were talking about bread ...and said, Take, eat: This is my body, which is broken for you: This do in remembrance of me.

I do not have the workup from the earlier verses, so I need to know if Jesus was talking about bread before that or not. In the Greek, there is nothing that says he brake it. There is no Greek word translated it.

And he said take, eat... the words take and eat, key words in the King James translation, are not in the Greek.

...this is my body, which is broken... the word which is not in the Greek. The word broken is not in the Greek. It is not in the Greek! They added it in.

For all of the years that I have been translating and doing these Alternate Translations, I have never been as outraged as I was when I saw what is being done to the people of God with these Scriptures. And I do believe that it had to be the Jesuits that did it. They knew exactly what they were doing. They knew how important this passage was, actually giving us the most clear blueprint of what is required of us, of all the translations and teachings that I have had in the Lord in 29 years. This is the core blueprint of what He expects of us, and what we need to do to enter into the promises, and they mutilated it and murdered it. I am still outraged at what they did to the people of the Church, and the people of the world. I am outraged! I am indignant!

I have been praying very strongly since last night (I do not recall ever doing this before), asking the Lord, What do You want me to do with this translation to get it out to the world? We have a very small following. I do not know what I can do other than put it up on the internet. I guess He has not told me to do anything, He has to do it, but I have been so enraged and indignant at the rape of God’s people with this wrong translation. Not only did it deny us this understanding, but it moved us towards idolatry with those little crackers and cups of grape juice, which of course, is largely a practice of the Catholic Church.

I had to work on this with several different possible translations because I could not make it work. I do not just pull things out of the air. It has to work. It has to make sense, and it has to flow with the rest of Scripture. I just could not make it work.

There were two things that helped me: the word, according to the Scripture, and the understanding of the word remembrance. The key that I needed was the Greek word translated a remembrance. I looked it up in the English dictionary, and it means something that is done or made to honor the memory of a person. That really started me off thinking about the memento of a dead person, and put me on the right track.

The word God gave me for the Alternate Translation is reminiscing. It is just another form of remember. Reminiscent means similar to something else. Jesus is giving us a soul that is similar to His soul; it is His soul in us, so it is similar to His soul, but not exactly the same as His soul.

If any of you have taken advanced math in high school or college, they talk about similar triangles. If I remember correctly, what makes two triangles similar is that they have the same angles, but the length of their sides can be different. We are not Jesus; we have a different length and width than He does, but the angles are the same. The soul that we have is the same as His soul but in a different format.

After much prayer, this is what we came up with: And Christ within Jesus said, I am glad that My spiritual body will be broken into many soul sparks, which will be formed into higher souls that mirror Me... that look like Me. They are not exactly Me, but they are going to reflect Me.

What an outrageous translation by the Jesuits!! I am still enraged over it, and I gave you a witness to this, that the soul that we are receiving from the Lord Jesus is actually the form of a spiritual child. The Lord gave me this Scripture before I even understood what it meant. Years ago, this Scripture was always close to my heart, and I have never heard anyone preach on it.

            Acts 4:30

               30By stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus. KJV


This is not Jehovah’s holy child. It is the holy child of Jesus in me.


Here is another Scripture witness:

           Rom 5:18-19

              18Yes, Adam's one sin brings condemnation for everyone, but Christ's one act of righteousness brings a right relationship with God and new life for everyone.

              19Because one person disobeyed God, many became sinners. But because one other person obeyed God, many will be made righteous.


Holy Bible, New Living Translation ®, copyright © 1996, 2004 by Tyndale Charitable Trust. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers. All rights reserved.

We are sinners because of the sin of the first Adam, but we are on the way to becoming righteous on account of the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ, because we have His soul. Our hope of being restored to righteousness is His soul. We can never make it on our own.


Verse 25 - Workup






 1 Cor 11:25

               25After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.  KJV


This whole idea of Jesus doing this at a Seder is nothing less than a total fantasy!

After the same manner... the Greek word translated same manner, can be translated and likewise. 

...He took the cup... He did not take anything; the word took is not in the Greek.

...when He had supped... the Greek word translated when, can be translated in the midst. To sup means to eat, and eat means to consume. This was another major breakthrough for me, that in this verse Paul is talking about consuming the Word of God.

This whole account is a parable. Another big breakthrough was the understanding of the word cup. When Paul used the word cup, he was talking about a vessel. Our physical body is the vessel in which Christ Jesus is growing.

I have been preaching a lot lately, that to walk away with the prize, which is immortality without sorrow, we need to understand what our role is in this creation, and who we are. We are not Christ. We are the clay vessel. We are the earthen vessel that God talks to us about in the Book of Jeremiah; if it does not fulfill its purpose, He smashes it and reuses the clay.

             Jer 18:3-6

                 3Then I went down to the potter's house, and, behold, he wrought a work on the wheels.

                 4And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it.

                 5Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying,

                 6O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the Lord. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel.  KJV


We only live once. If our body is not preserved, it only lives once, and if the soul, which is the spiritual aspect of the body, is not joined to the Lord Jesus, that also only lives once. The object of salvation is the soul that is attached to this body, that actually has formed this body.

After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, this cup is the New Testament in my blood: This do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.

The Greek word translated same manner, can be translated likewise. Took is not in the Greek. The word translated when, we are translating in the midst of. Supped means eaten, and we are translating it consumed. Cup is vessel, the physical body.

This do ye... the Greek word translated do, can also be translated to form, to make.

As oft as... the English word translated as oft as, is actually two Greek words. One means great, or many times, and the other word means if, what or who.

As oft as ye drink it... the word drink is not in the Greek ...in remembrance of me.

I put it all together, and this is my final understanding:

Verse 25, And Jesus said, The New Testament is in the blood (the spiritual blood) of My material body, so whosoever drinks in the Spirit of Christ, which is reminiscent of Me... it will remind you of Me because it is coming from My soul. It is its own soul, but it comes from My soul, so it is reminiscent of Me, it is similar to mine.

...will have a body made from this soul. Because the soul makes your body. If your body is broken (and everybody’s body is broken, some a little more than others), it is because this body was formed by Fallen Adam, the fallen soul in the midst of us.

When we get a new soul, the soul that comes from Jesus, it is already a proven soul. This soul that you got from Jesus, it already formed a spiritual, material body, which is immortal for the man, Jesus of Nazareth, who became the Lord Jesus Christ. You need to get that soul. If you want any hope at all of a body that will last forever, you have to get the soul that will last forever.


Verse 26 - Workup




1 Cor 11:26

                26For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come.  KJV


The Greek word translated for, can be translated because. The Greek word translated as often as, means multiple times. We have as often as again, but it is a different Greek word, which means provided that. The word ate, we are translating consumed, and bread, we are translating Scripture. The word cup, we are translating material body.

The Greek word translated show, we are translating proclaim. To shew up usually means something visible, but to proclaim it means to come from the voice, or more so for a visible proclamation, but we are translating it proclaim.

The Lord's death till... the Greek word translated till is two Greek words. One means up to a particular point or place, and the other word means where. Up to the place where such-and-such takes place.

Verse 23          Because I passed on to you what I received from Christ, the Lord within me, that the Supernal Mother seized and delivered up the carnal mind of the Lord Jesus, according to the Scripture. What does the Scripture say? It says that His body died; the body that was formed by His carnal mind. His carnal mind died, so His body died.

Verse 24          And Christ within Jesus said, I am glad that my spiritual body will be broken into many soul sparks, which will be formed into higher souls that mirror me.

Verse 25          And Jesus said, The New Testament is in the blood of My material body, so whosoever drinks in the Spirit of Christ will receive a soul that is reminiscent of me, and will have a body made by this soul,

Verse 26          Provided that their soul consumes the Scripture and drinks in the Spirit of Christ so often that Christ, the Lord, appears in their physical body and proclaims the death of the first Adam in their own vessel... with Jesus, we are talking about His material body, but when it comes to us, it is our physical body.

Provided that their soul consumes the Scripture and drinks in the Spirit of Christ so often... or, as often as necessary

...that Christ, the Lord, appears in their physical body and proclaims the death of the first Adam in their vessel. The appearance of Christ in their vessel, which is talking about the lifestyle and the work that you see, proclaiming the death of Fallen Adam, because only one can survive. One will be taken, and one will be left to destruction.

           Matt 24:39-42

              39And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

              40Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

              41Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

              42Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.  KJV


Verse 27 - Workup




1 Cor 11:27

               27 Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. KJV


Wherefore whosoever shall eat... Eat, we are translating consume

...this bread... Bread means Scripture

...and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily... We are translating unworthily, a wrong motive

...shall be guilty... Guilty, we are translating responsible for.

...the body and blood of the Lord... We are translating, the abortion of the spiritual fetus.

Verse 27 - Alternate Translation:

         27  Wherefore, whosoever consumes Scripture and drinks in [the spirit of Christ, our] Lord, with a wrong motive, shall be responsible for [aborting] the soul and spirit of [Christ, our] Lord [that is destined to be born within them],


If you are pursuing God through doctrine for the wrong reason, you are guilty of aborting Him, and you would be better off not pursuing advanced doctrine at all. Once you pursue advanced doctrine, and the fetus begins to be formed in you, if you are doing it for the wrong motive, you are guilty of murder, because there is no way He can be born. If you are coming here for the wrong motive, your carnal mind (your old Adam) will surely destroy the second Adam. The first Adam will surely destroy the second Adam if your motive for forming the second Adam in you is to glorify yourself. It is better that you should not ever have become pregnant (you should stay away from ascended doctrine), than to pursue it with a wrong motive.


Verse 28 - Workup




1 Cor 11:28

                 28But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.  KJV


The Greek word translated man, is Strong’s #444. The Lord told me years ago, that whenever you see Strong’s #444 translated man, it is talking about the spiritual man. The other word that is translated man is mortal man. Here we are talking about the spiritual man Adam inside of a mortal man. The word examine means test.

What came to mind when I was doing this translation were the movies I have seen about the Spanish Inquisition, where the evil person is getting ready to torture the other person, and he asks permission of the king to examine the person. He says, Let us examine him. The definition of examining a person during the Inquisition was to torture them until they confessed the truth. This is the Scripture that they got it from. This Scripture has been radically abused in more ways than one.

The word to examine, we are translating test. The Greek word translated so, can be translated, in this way. Bread, we are translating Scripture. Eat, we are translating consume, and cup, we are translating either material body if it is for the Lord Jesus, or physical body if it is for one of us.


       28  Indeed, test yourself in this way, has the Second Adam, [your new soul, been formed] out of the Scripture that you have consumed? And has your physical body absorbed [so much of the Spirit of Christ that it does not get sick and cannot die]?


Indeed, you can test yourself... you do not have to be in the dark about how spiritually mature you are. You can test yourself, and this is how you do it.

...in this way, has the Second Adam, your new soul, been formed out of the Scripture that you have consumed? And has your physical body absorbed so much of the Spirit of Christ that it does not get sick and cannot die?

Test yourself. Do you want to know if the body of Christ is being formed in you? If you are pursuing this message—if you are listening to me live, or you are listening to this message by playing it back—you should know that the body of Christ is forming in you. We are all still dying, so nobody has absorbed enough of the Spirit of Christ to stop dying yet, after Jesus. But if you are less sick than you used to be, if you are getting stronger, be very careful that you do not give the glory to the vitamins that you are taking, or anything else that you are doing.

I am going to read you Verses 23 through 28 because we will need to read all of them to get the main gist of it.


        23  Because I passed on to you what I received from [Christ], the Lord [within me], that the Supernal Mother seized and delivered up the carnal mind of the Lord Jesus, according to the Scripture,

       24  And [Christ within Jesus] said, I am glad that my [spiritual] body will be broken [into many soul sparks] which will be formed into [higher souls] that mirror me,

          25  And [Jesus] said, the New Testament is in the blood of my [material] body, [so] whosoever drinks in [the Spirit of Christ, will receive a soul that is] reminiscent of mine, [and will have a body] made by this [soul],

       26  Provided that their [soul] consumes the Scripture and drinks in [the Spirit of Christ] so often that [Christ], the Lord, appears in their physical body and proclaims the death of [the first Adam in their vessel];

        27  Wherefore, whosoever consumes Scripture and drinks in [the Spirit of Christ, our] Lord, with a wrong motive, shall be responsible for [aborting] the soul and spirit of [Christ], the Lord [that is destined to be born within them],

       28  Indeed, test yourself in this way: Has Adam, [your new soul, been formed] out of the Scripture that you have consumed? And has your physical body absorbed [so much, or enough of the Spirit of Christ that it does not get sick and cannot die]?


          Heb 6:7

             7For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God:  KJV


Someone told me that at the end of Part 1 of this message, I called the Blood of Jesus the Holy Spirit. If I did that, if you heard me say that, it was a mistake. The Blood of Jesus is the Spirit of Christ, and the Spirit of Christ and the Holy Spirit are not the same. The Holy Spirit is likened to water, and the Blood of Jesus, or the Spirit of Christ, is the anointing, like oil.

Verse 29 - Workup




1 Cor 11:29

               29For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body.  KJV


Eat, we are translating consume. The word unworthily is not in the Greek. The word damnation means to pass judgment, to make a judgment. It does not mean to go to hell. The word eats, we are translating consumes. The Greek word translated discerning actually means to separate. To discern means to separate thoroughly. The word Lord's is not in the Greek.


         29  Because [whosoever] consumes [Scripture] and drinks in [the Spirit of Christ], passes judgment upon himself [as to whether or not] he is consuming [Scripture] and drinking in [the Spirit of Christ] without thoroughly separating [the spiritual] body of the Lord [within himself] from [the first Adam within himself],


Simply by eating this doctrine you are judging yourself, and everyone with spiritual discernment will know whether or not you are taking this word in with the right motive, because if your carnal mind continues to prevail in you, your motive for studying has been wrong.


         29  Because [whosoever] consumes [Scripture] and drinks in [the Spirit of Christ], passes judgment upon himself [as to whether or not] he is consuming [Scripture] and drinking in [the Spirit of Christ] without thoroughly separating [the spiritual] body of the Lord [within himself] from [the first Adam within himself], and


Because whosoever consumes Scripture and drinks in the Spirit of Christ, passes judgment upon himself... judge yourself. You should not be seeking spiritual ascension for an ungodly motive. The only possible motive is that you love God, you love His word, and you recognize your fallen nature, despise it, and are willing to reject it. It is OK to desire immortality if you have the other things also. Do you want immortality too? That is OK. But immortality alone? To do what?

When I was a disciple, I heard a woman in the church say, When the Lord comes, I am going to travel in the Spirit. I am going to go here, and I am going to go there. She was waiting for her experience of traveling in the Spirit. If you study ascended doctrine with that motive, you are setting yourself up for destruction.


        29  Because [whosoever] consumes [Scripture] and drinks in [the Spirit of Christ], passes judgment upon himself [as to whether or not] he is consuming [Scripture] and drinking in [the Spirit of Christ] without thoroughly separating [the spiritual] body of the Lord [within himself] from [the first Adam within himself], and


You have to divorce your first [spiritual] husband, your old man. Paul talks about that in the Book of Romans. You have to divorce that old man, and you have to live as if you are not married because you have divorced him in your mind, but you are still attached to him as long as you are in this body. You must reject him because Christ is your new man, your new husband.

             Rom 7:1-4

                1Know ye not, brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law,) how that the law hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth?

                2For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband.

                3So then if, while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man.

                4Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that ye should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God.  KJV


There was a woman who would not reject the first Adam because, in her mind anyway, it was while she was joined to the first Adam that she received the Holy Spirit, which exalted her and made her a big shot in the Church. God gave her disciples, and she laid hands on people, and they were healed.

She had that experience while she was in the first Adam, and she did not understand that it was not the first Adam that gave her that experience; it was the Lord, who was now saying to her, You need to lay that down and join yourself to Me through this doctrine. She just would not accept that teaching, even though she heard me preach it over and over again for 20 years. She would not let go of the ego and the esteem that she had acquired from her life in Pentecost. She could not separate from the first Adam, and she was not willing to let go long enough for the Lord to highly esteem her in Christ.

Before you are highly esteemed in Christ, you have to really humble yourself. It could take years, and she would not go through that period of time. No matter what the promise of the future was, she would not give up that self-esteem.


Verse 30 - Workup




1 Cor 11:30

                30For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.  KJV


Verse 30, Alternate Translation:

           30  And that is the reason why so many among you are sickly and many have died,

Verse 31 - Workup




1 Cor 11:31

                31For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.  KJV


The English word judge is actually two different Greek words. The first word translated judge is Strong’s #1252, and it means to separate thoroughly.

The word not—if you have a problem with this, you have to pray about it—years ago, the Lord told me that any negative word: not, neither—we can translate as Satan, Leviathan; anyone on the negative side. In this case, this is the first time I have ever done this—I translated a negative word (not) as the first Adam, because the first Adam is fallen, and he is evil.

The second Greek word translated judge, is Strong’s #2919, which means to distinguish, to recognize. It means, to distinguish between two different things, to distinguish between good and evil—to distinguish between the first and the second Adam. We are translating it, to recognize.


Verse 31, Alternate Translation:


       31  Because, if we would separate ourselves thoroughly from the first Adam, we would be able to recognize [Christ, the Lord within ourselves, and within others],


She could not recognize the second Adam within me, because she could not recognize the second Adam within herself, if He was there. She thought that the one that she was joined to was the second Adam, but it was the first Adam. She could not distinguish between the first and second Adam. If you cannot distinguish between your old nature and your new nature in yourself, you will never recognize the new nature or the nature of Christ in another person.


Verse 32 - Workup




1 Cor 11:32

                 32 But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world.  KJV


The word judged (again) is Strong's #2919, which means, to distinguish. We are translating it, to recognize.

The Greek word translated of means under, and that is an important difference, because Christ is lying down underneath the first Adam. We are waiting for the Lord Jesus to join with him and stand him up on his feet.

The word chastened, we are translating disciplined.

The word condemned means to be sentenced. It does not mean condemnation the way we use it in our vernacular. If you are tried in a court, and the jury brings down the decision, that is the word translated condemned here. It means a judgment has been brought against you.

It does not mean that you are innocent, it means that you are found guilty, and this is the judgment. It does not mean that the judgment is being executed against you. To me, to say to someone, You are condemned, means, You are going to hell. But that is not what it means here. Carrying out the sentence is another issue. This word condemned merely means you have been found guilty, and you have been sentenced. It is not talking about the execution of the judgment upon you. That honor of executing the judgment belongs to Christ Jesus.

Ideally, Christ Jesus in me will execute that judgment of death upon the first Adam in me. And ideally, the second Adam in you would execute the judgment of death upon the first Adam in you, but if you are not strong enough to do it (and the Lord decides to do it, we are not talking about physical death), the Lord will raise up someone who is living out of the second Adam, to join with the second Adam in you, to help you to overthrow the first Adam.

That is what the parable of Ananias and Sapphira was about. All of the disciples were coming to Peter to join his strength with theirs to overthrow their carnal mind. That parable is another in the New Testament that is not at all what it appears to be.


Verse 32, Alternate Translation:

          32  Indeed, [Christ], the Lord with[in us], disciplines us so that we can recognize [him when he is still lying down] under [the first Adam, so that Satan, the enforcer of the Sowing & Reaping Judgment], will not [be able to carry out the death] sentence [that all the inhabitants of this] world [experience]


We have to be a citizen of another world—we have to be translated to the other side of the river if we want to escape death.

Verse 33 - Workup




1 Cor 11:33

             33Wherefore, my brethren, when ye come together to eat, tarry one for another.  KJV


Verse 33, Alternate Translation:

          Verse 33    Wherefore, my brethren, when you come together, each one of you should stay in the place where you are when you consume [Scripture], and


Do not exalt yourself, and do not try to come down to someone’s level and teach them, unless they ask you a question, and you are sure that is God. Stay in your own place. Do not get involved in doctrine. Talk about the things of the Lord that you can enjoy together.

In the church that I grew up in, I remember there were a lot of people fighting over doctrine. I do not recall who it was, but someone with authority came into the church and said, We are not going to discuss doctrine, and I was so offended because I just loved the Word from the beginning. I thought it was so wrong to say two churches could come together, but that they should not discuss doctrine. I guess they heard from the Lord, unless I am not remembering correctly, because a lot of churches have stopped preaching the word.

I had a man tell me that at the dentist’s office. He said, We just have music. We do not talk about the word anymore. Too much controversy. We just sing. That would be the right message for visiting churches, or when your families gather together and you are from different churches. But when you are in your own church, you should be at least in enough of one mind and one accord that you can share the doctrine, but a lot of the brethren are giving up on the word. They just want the dancing, and singing, and power.


Verse 34 - Workup




1 Cor 11:34

              34And if any man hunger, let him eat at home; that ye come not together unto condemnation. And the rest will I set in order when I come. KJV


       34  If anyone is famished [for the Word of God], let him consume [Scripture] at home, [so that his craving] to consume [Scripture] does not result in [Satan, the enforcer of the Sowing & Reaping Judgment], finding him guilty [of the sin of pride].


And then Paul says, And the rest will I set in order when I come.

I have a Scripture witness for Verse 34:

            Rom 7:7-8

                7What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet.

                8But sin, taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. For without the law sin was dead.  KJV


The reason I gave you this verse is because it does apply. It is saying that if you love this word to the point that whenever you are together with other people, you think that you have to be giving them this word, even when it is not ready for them to hear it, or they do not want it—that is a spirit of lust to minister in you, and it is a spirit of pride.

Paul is saying, Do not do that. When you are together with other churches, or other members of the body of Christ that are not where you are doctrinally, feed yourself at home. If you are suffering from pride, when you see younger believers, you will want to teach them.

It is a lust to minister, and Paul is telling you that it is sin. I have given you this Scripture reference to tell you that it is a sin that is likened to the sin of covetousness. When you are fellowshipping, either with your family, or at work, or wherever you are with somebody that does not believe as you do, Satan within you (your fallen nature) will lay hold of this occasion to cause lust to minister (pride) to rise up in you, and you will be found guilty. You may think that you have a good motive, but your real motive is to satisfy yourself, and Paul said that he was slain because of it.

Romans 7, Verse 8, But sin... sin in the person ...taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. For without the law sin was dead. Meaning, if there was no law against lusting to minister, but God says it is wrong. You are being told right now by Paul that it is wrong. Paul said that everything he received, in 1 Corinthians, Chapter 11, was from Christ within himself.

It is not Paul, the man, talking to you. It is the Lord telling you, It is wrong to lust to minister. It is wrong to have, as your driving motive, a desire to teach, when God is not telling you to teach. It is sin in you; it is pride in you, and your fallen nature will take advantage of your sin to bring you under condemnation. It means that if you yield to that lust to minister (or that pride that thinks because now you know a little bit, you want to go out and teach the world), Satan within you (your fallen nature) will execute the Sowing and Reaping Judgment against you, which is the law that governs this world. She will find you guilty, and there will be a judgment against you.

The judgment might not be enforced right away. I do not know what it is like here in Minnesota, but it is very common in New York for someone to have a warrant against them, and they are living out on the streets. Many times they do not even know that there is a warrant against them. It is called a bench warrant; the judge issues it, and no one ever tells you. If you get stopped for passing a red light or for speeding, they put your name into the computer and find out there is a bench warrant for you, they put handcuffs on you and take you away. When Satan finds you guilty, it may be a long time before judgment is enforced or executed upon you.

The lust to minister is a very serious spiritual crime, because you are literally using another person to make yourself feel good. Not only that, but this is a holy word, and you are using it to afflict another person who does not want to hear what you are saying (most of the time). Even if they do want to hear it, if it is not the Lord in you telling you to do it, that means the first Adam in you has laid hold of the glory of God within you to glorify yourself instead of the Lord, and Satan will not miss that opportunity to bring a judgment against you.

Do not think for a second that you can use this word to glorify yourself, or boost your ego or your self-esteem, and think that Satan will not lay hold of that occasion to call you before the Lord and render a verdict of guilty against you. Do not think that you are getting away with it because the judgment is not enforced or acted out, because even if there is nothing bad happening to you right now, that judgment, that bench warrant, is there. It is in the computer, and when the circumstances are right—it is not the same for everybody—Satan will lay hold of that judgment and use it against you in a bad way.


1 Corinthians, Chapter 11

Alternate Amplified Translation

1               Follow me as I follow Christ

2               I praise you for reminding me of all the traditional ordinances that you were given to keep,

3               However, I prefer that you should know that Christ is the head of every male and the male is the head of the woman, and God is the head of Christ, and

4               Every male who prays [to another god], or prophesies [by the spirit of another god] covers [Christ, his] head, and dishonors him, and

5               Every [spiritual] female who prays [to another god], or prophesies [by the spirit of another god], dishonors [Christ], the head of the spiritual male that God gave to be an authority over her], which puts her in the same spiritual condition as someone who is still enslaved by the powers of this world,

6               Because [the judgment upon] a spiritual female who is not in submission to the spiritual male who is in submission to Christ, his head, is to lose the gift of the Holy Spirit: Wherefore, it is better for the spiritual woman to be in submission to a spiritual male who was in submission to Christ, his head, than to be without the Holy Spirit,

7               Indeed, the spiritual male who is in submission to Christ, his head, should not be in submission to the spiritual female, because Christ, who is the image of God, has the opinion of God, but the spiritual female can only reflect the opinion of God by learning it from the spiritual male that she submits to,


[1][8   Because the man was not taken out of the woman, but the woman was taken out of the man, and

9   Also, the man was not created to be a companion for the woman, but the woman was created to be a companion for the man.]


9               Because [the last Adam], the spiritual male [who is] the creation [of God], did not come into existence after [the Church, which is] the spiritual female, but [the Church, which is] the spiritual female, came into existence after [the Lord Jesus Christ], the spiritual male [from the world above], and

8               Neither did the spiritual male [who is the second Adam] come into existence from [the Church, which is] the spiritual female, but [the Church, which is] the spiritual female, came into existence from [the seed of the Lord Jesus Christ], the spiritual male [who is the last Adam];

10             Wherefore, if a spiritual woman is not under the authority of a spiritual male whose head is Christ, one of the evil angels will marry her, and she will be [neither a spiritual male nor a spiritual woman in Christ, but the concubine of an evil god];

11             So, because of the difference between a spiritual male and a spiritual woman [that I have explained in the previous verses], the Lord does not desire that the spiritual woman should separate from the spiritual male,

12             Because even though the opinion of God is given to the spiritual women by the spiritual male, the spiritual woman is also a part of the whole Adam, [who is the son of God];

13             Judge for yourselves, is it proper that a spiritual woman should pray [as an authority in the church] when she is not in submission to the spiritual male?

14             Has not the grafted Christ taught you that it is a disgrace for a spiritual male to have the opinion of [the Holy Spirit, which is] the long hair of the spiritual female?

15             But the spiritual female has the opinion of the long hair [of the Holy Spirit] as a covering until she is assigned to a spiritual male for instruction;

16             And the people who quarrel over this issue, cannot share the friendship and positive relationships based upon shared interests that the Lord intends for the churches of God to have,

17             Wherefore, it is my understanding that you are better off not gathering together because of this issue that I have just explained to you, and for this I do not applaud you;

18             First of all, I hear that when you gather together, there are divisions among those of you who have different beliefs because of your different roles in the Church;

19             Indeed, the anointing identifies the spiritual males among you who are approved to make you strong by speaking the truth, which destroys heretical doctrines;

20             So, when you gather together it is not to share the word of God,

21             Because everyone believes his own doctrine before you come together: some are starving for the word of God, and others lust for the emotionalism of the Holy Spirit;

22             Is this not true? Do you not have your own local churches where you can share doctrine and experience the Holy Spirit? Why must you disrespect other members of the Church of God who do not believe as you do, and shame those who do not have what you have?

23             Now, I passed on to you what I received from [Christ], the Lord [within me], that the Supernal Mother seized and delivered up the carnal mind of the Lord Jesus, according to the Scripture, and

24             [Christ within Jesus] said, I am glad that my [spiritual] body will be broken [into many soul sparks] which will be formed into [higher souls] that mirror humanity, and

25             [Jesus] said, the New Testament is in the blood of my [material] body, [so] whosoever drinks in [the Spirit of Christ, will receive a soul that is] reminiscent of me, [and will have a body] made by this [soul],

26             Provided that their [soul] consumes the Scripture and drinks in [the Spirit of Christ] so often that [Christ], the Lord, appears in their physical body and proclaims the death of [the first Adam in their vessel];

27             Wherefore, whosoever consumes Scripture and drinks in [the Spirit of Christ, our] Lord, with a wrong motive, shall be responsible for [aborting] the soul and spirit of [Christ], the Lord [that is destined to be born within them];

28             Indeed, test yourself in this way: Has the Second [the Regenerated] Adam, [your new soul, been formed] out of the Scripture that you have consumed? And has your physical body absorbed [so much of the Spirit of Christ that it does not get sick and cannot die]?

29             Because [whosoever] consumes [Scripture] and drinks in [the Spirit of Christ], passes judgment upon himself [as to whether or not] he is consuming [Scripture] and drinking in [the Spirit of Christ], without thoroughly separating [the spiritual] body of the Lord [within himself] from [the first Adam within himself], and

30             That is the reason why so many among you are sickly and many have died,

31             Because, if we would separate ourselves thoroughly from the first Adam, we would be able to recognize [Christ, the second Adam within ourselves, and within others];

32             Indeed, [Christ], the Lord with[in us], disciplines us so that we can recognize [him when he is still lying down] under [the first Adam, so that Satan, the enforcer of the Sowing & Reaping Judgment], will not [be able to carry out the death] sentence [that all the inhabitants of this] world [are subject to];

33             Wherefore, my brethren, when you come together, each one of you should stay in the place where you are when you consume [Scripture], and

34             If anyone is [that] famished [for the Word of God], let him consume [Scripture] at home, [in addition to his local church, so that his craving] to consume [Scripture] does not result in [Satan, the enforcer of the Sowing & Reaping Judgment], finding him guilty [of the sin of pride, which would give her the occasion to destroy him].

Transcribed by Verbal Fusion 10/12/16
1st Edit/Format 10/12/16 sp
Final Edit 03/21/17 SRV

[1]  Both the natural and the spiritual understanding of verses 8 and 9 can be applied to the spiritual understanding of these Scriptures, so we have included both. However, we have given the spiritual understand precedence, e.g., the natural understanding is set apart within brackets and indented. In addition, we have reversed verses 8 and 9 in the spiritual translation.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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