819 - 1 Part

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


OK. Good evening, brethren. This is a special message that the Lord has given me for some special people, in particular the Aldrich family and Brett [SP] Page [SP], who I guess is an honorary member of their family, OK. And we are all Living Epistles, people. So I am going to trust God to make this understandable to the children and the family because God wants -- wanted you to be here. He specifically told me that the children were invited. And I know that some of you are not really children anymore. You are all grown, but I am going to say children to include everybody.

And this is a message that we will call truth. You know, the Bible is not in a -- is a parable because it is really very hard to understand, and nobody can understand it without a teacher. It has nothing to do with how intelligent you are or how good a student you are. God can make anybody understand that wants to understand. God is looking for people that want to understand. And I have seen him give blind people the ability to read the Bible. I have seen him help people that are even very slow learners or even retarded to grasp spiritual truth.

So today the world is -- we are in a crisis. Not only is the country in a crisis, but the whole world is in a crisis because God always has his special place where he is ruling from. Like a king sits on a throne in a castle, God always has a special place where he is ruling from, and today he is ruling from America. He has been ruling from America since the inception of America, and in America he has been ruling through the Christian church. And the Bible clearly tells us that there is an enemy that wants to destroy the church and wants to destroy everything that God is doing.

So the question we have to ask is why, and God wants you to ask questions. We are going to have questions and answers after I finish preaching, and I do not know if I will get to do the whole thing tonight or not, but we are going to have questions and answers because the thinking mind says, well, why does somebody want to destroy what God did? What is this all about? And who is this person that dares to think they are equal to God? That they could possibly undo what God is doing? And what is it all about that we have an enemy that is in our mind because we want to do things that are wrong, or we want to do things that we know are bad for ourselves? We have an enemy. Nations are enemies with each other. They want to go to war and take the cream of our youth and stand them up to be shot like crazy people.

I had a friend once, a male friend, who said to me -- he said, “Can you imagine, two camps of men with guns” -- in those days it was just men in the military -- “and they are shooting at each other. Is that not the craziest thing you ever heard of in all of your life? Why do things like that happen on this earth?” Because everything in the earth is a reflection of what is happening in the spirit -- in the invisible spirit world, and what I am going to try to teach you tonight is what happened and what is happening in the spirit world that makes everything so crazy in the earth.

And the good news is that God sent Jesus Christ to stop all this craziness from going on in the spirit world, so that we can have peace on Earth because that is God’s ultimate intention for us, that we should have peace with each other. That means all fighting and arguing and bickering does not glorify God. He wants us to talk to each other and reach a compromise that we can get along with each other. [INAUDIBLE] if two of you are fighting over -- you are too old to fight over a toy -- whatever you are fighting over, the answer is you take care of it now or you enjoy it now and then you enjoy it later. There is a solution to everything, see, if you are willing to sit down and talk about it.

So God has an enemy, and that enemy is in heaven; in an invisible world, God has an enemy. And because God has an enemy that is in rebellion, that is against everything that God wants to do, we have all this craziness down here, that we are mad at each other. Maybe you are mad at your mother. You are mad at your father. You are mad at your sister. You are mad at your brother. You are mad at your teacher, and nobody even knows -- no, nobody even knows why you are mad. [INAUDIBLE] My daughter’s husband said to me once when I visited them in Florida -- he said, “You know, I was happy all day, and I got” -- he was a truck driver. He said he got -- “I got out of my truck, and by the time I walked into the house I am mad at everybody, and I do not even know why.”

So sometimes we are mad, and we do not even know why, and that is because there is a good force in the earth and there is a bad force in the earth, and the answer -- God’s answer for us -- because we are all subject to good and evil -- so God’s answer for us, his warning to us, his counsel, his wisdom to us is that you should know the truth, and the truth will set you free. You need to know that man -- mankind, humanity, that is all the people, OK -- all the people together have one name called humanity, right, [INAUDIBLE] -- that we are not finished yet. We are in the process of being created.

God made a perfect creation. We are supposed to be perfect. That means no bad thoughts in your mind, no fighting with anybody, no wars. The most important thing is peace with God. That means no sin because when you sin, you do not have peace with God [INAUDIBLE]. Peace with God and peace with each other, and you never get sick. You never throw up. You never have a headache. You never get sick. You never get old, and you never die. That is God’s promise. When God said, “Let us make man,” that is what he had in mind, someone that never got sick, never sinned, never died, loves everybody and everybody loves everybody else, and there is no conflict at all. [INAUDIBLE] That was God’s plan.

So what happened? What happened? Because that is not the way it is now. [INAUDIBLE] We are all filled with resentment. I know, me, if I do- -- if something does not go my way, I am aggravated. That is sin. Why am I aggravated? Because it did not go my way? [INAUDIBLE] And I am not different than anyone else. This is what people are like. Some people admit it, and some people do not admit it.

So I am going to try today to explain to you what went wrong, but even that is not true. Nothing -- well, I guess something did go wrong. It was not that God did not know how to build a creation. And what is the creation? The creation is us. We -- you are the creation of God. Did you know that? You are the creation of God, and every single one of us has the potential to have the nature of God, which is a righteous nature which brings prosperity, health, enough money to have a good life. You have a lot of prosperity here [INAUDIBLE]. Health, prosperity, healthy relationships, two parents -- you have two -- you know, par- -- a lot of children your age, their parents are dead, or they are drug addicts, or they are gone. God wants the best for all of us. That is the promise, you see.

So why is it not that way? Did God fail? Did God make a mistake? No. When you -- I do not have any examples of -- because I do not really know what your activities are that much, but let us say you guys were into making a statue, molding it with clay, building a sandcastle, anything like that. You build it, and you put it together, and you do not really exactly think it is exactly right. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] make a little correction here, and you make a little correction there, and sometimes there is an accident. Sometimes you walk away from the table where your clay is, and your elbow hits it, and it gets a big gouge in your -- the man that you are forming, his right arm falls off. So you have to go back, and you have to fix it.

And that is pretty much what is happening here. We are -- all of us, we are the creation of God, a work in progress, and during -- fr- -- this work, OK, an accident happened. You know, some people will say, why, how could God have an accident? You know, that is ridiculous. That is what I said when I first heard that, how could God have an accident?

It is not that God has an accident; it is that sometimes accidents happen. How am I going to explain that to you? OK. The spiritual definition of accident is something that happened that God did not intend. Not that God made a mistake, see. In other words, if I was sitting right here, and that glass was able to fall off of the table, [INAUDIBLE], it was an accident. I did not intend for it to happen, see.

So God made a creation that was able to walk and talk and think and had a consciousness that had a will of its own, just like Breezy. Breezy is your dog, right. Does she do everything you tell her? Does --

            Good analogy.

-- does she do everything you tell her? No. Or if you go horseback riding, the horse that you are riding on has a mind and a consciousness of its own. So the one who is the master -- supposedly the one who is the master is the one that has the greater wisdom, the greater -- your father has the greater wisdom in the household, the greater intelligence, the greater experience, the greater knowledge. You should listen to everything that he says because he knows things that you could not possibly know. You could be a genius, you could have a 500 IQ -- well, that is a joke. No one has a 500 IQ -- you could have -- you could be a genius and not be able to compare yourself to your dad. Why? Because he has lived life -- he has experienced life, and he has learned from experience, which is very different than learning from a book.

Learning from a book is good, you know, but you do not really get it until you have the experience and you make the right choice. When you are confronted with two choices -- will I do what Dad told me to do, or will I not do it? When you are confronted with that choice, and it really looks right to you, but you have a memory and you [INAUDIBLE], Dad told me not to do that. Am I going to rely on what he told me, or am I going to rely on my own intelligence that says, Dad is not here now, and this looks harmless to me. What am I going to do? And I want to tell you that I was saved from a couple of really bad situations by remembering what my father told me and deciding to take the wisdom of someone who has lived life and who has experienced that thing and knows what could go wrong, OK.

So experience is the name of the game. God’s creation has to have experiences for him to be made perfect and get to the point where he never throws up again or has a sore throat again or has a stomach ache. He has to experience life before he can become perfect, and that is where the accident happened. God said, “OK, Adam” -- that is the name of the creation, Adam, or man. He said, “OK, I made you, and now you can walk and you can talk, and you have to make some choices. You have to have experiences. You have to learn to make the right choice. I am going to tell you everything that is right, and I am going to put it in a book.” Today we call that book the Bible. This is what you do. This is what is right, see, and when your friend comes along -- your friend or someone that you are dating or someone that you like -- and they tell you the exact opposite of what your parents have told you or what you have read in the Bible, you will have a choice to make.

Now, the problem is that for most people, especially teenagers, but even all people, when your friend is right in front of you and is telling you to do something that your dad or your mom told you not to do and your dad or your mom are not there -- you just have a memory of what they said -- and your friend is standing right there saying, “Oh, come on. Oh, do not be a baby. Oh, do not be a sissy. Oh, do not worry about it,” are you going to obey the memory of what your dad or mom said, or are you going to let yourself be influenced by another person who is standing right in front of you saying, “Oh, come on”? When you want that person to like you, you want them to be your friend, you do not want them to be mad at you, you do not want to be the only one in the crowd that is saying no, it is very, very hard to choose the wisdom that is in your memory. It is very, very hard. It takes a very strong person to do that, but the Bible tells us that when Jesus is with us, he is our strength, and we are strong enough to do that.

So this is the predicament, this is the problem that Adam, the creation of God, has. He has the same problem that you guys have, and the reason he has the same problem that you guys have is that he is you, and you are him because Adam is not a single man. Adam is like the name Americans. We are all Americans, right. Adam is like the name Americans or the name Christian. There are a lot of us, see, and we are all Adam. So he knows all about what you are going through because he is you and you are him, and, what is more, Jesus is just like us. He is an American or a Christian or Adam. The name is Adam. We are all the same, but we are not all the same in age. Some of you are male. Some of us are female, OK. Some of us are young. Some of us are old. So there is all different kinds of us. Some of us are sickly. Some of us are very healthy. Some of us have -- some of us are blind. Some of us are deaf. There is all different kinds of us, but we are all Adams. We are all humanity, see.

And Jesus -- that is what this message is about. I am just giving you my introduction now. This message is all about who Jesus really is, and I got so excited because God gave me this message today while I was out walking, and he gave it to me, he told me, especially for you all. I d- -- what I am going to teach you tonight, I did not know when God told me.

The Bible says that there are two Adams, that there is the Adam who came from the earth -- he was formed from the dust of the earth, and his mind was made out of earth, and then there is another Adam, the second Adam, who the Bible says is the Lord from heaven, meaning he is the one with all of the wisdom -- not intelligence, now, but wisdom. Someone that is not very smart can have the wisdom of God and survive, OK, when the person with the high IQ, OK, does not do what God tells them and not survive, see. [INAUDIBLE]

So the first Adam was of the earth, the Bible says. He was an average person like us. And you are just average people. You are of the earth. You are like the things of this world, OK, that is especially because you are young, you know. You are like the things of this world. The second Adam we are told was the Lord from heaven. He is the guy with all of the wisdom and smarts, and the Bible says two times that God put the man in the garden. He put the first man in the garden, and he put the second man in the garden, but the mystery that I did not know until today is that the second man in the garden is not like you two guys [INAUDIBLE]. The second man in the garden got inside of the first guy and became his wisdom. The two guys came together, and they became one man. The guy that likes to do all of the things that you do here, the earthen things, the sports and everything that you do, and then the other guy got inside of him and became his wisdom.

Does that sound funny to you? Well, think of it this way. Is not Jesus inside of you? Jesus is inside of me. Chr- -- this -- the son of Christ -- the son of Jesus is inside of me. We call him Christ Jesus because Jesus is in heaven, and his son is inside of me. I have a man inside of me, and you all have a man inside of you. I believe everybody here has a man inside of him -- excuse me -- and his name is Jesus.

So since what we see here -- in this world here is very similar, almost the same, to what happened in the invisible world, we can now understand a little bit that those two pe- -- those two men that Jehovah put in the garden, one was of the earth doing all your sports and building Brett’s [SP] houses and all the lumber that Jesse works with, all the -- and then the other guy came along, and he was all of the wisdom, and he put them together just like Jesus is inside of us.

So the second man in the garden was really the first man after he received wisdom. Just like you all look the way you look, OK, and you have grown so much, if I was away for 10 years and I came back and the last time I saw you, you were like this, and the next time I see you, you are 6’5” -- how tall are you?


6’3”. The next time I see you, you are 6’3”. You are the same person. What happened to you? Not only did your body grow, but you had all of that experience from all of your years, all kinds of experiences -- experiences with your mom, experiences with your dad, experiences with each other, experiences with your other relatives, experiences with Brett [SP], experiences with the people in the youth group. Every experience, good and bad, you learn something from it. So you are a changed person. So the second man that God put in the garden, he was really the first man that received wisdom. He became a man just like you with Jesus inside of him.

So the Bible talks about the first Adam, the second Adam, and then it says the last Adam. It does not say the third Adam. It says the last Adam. The first Adam was of the earth, earthy, all you sports guys. The second Adam was the one with wisdom, the intellect, the one that is learning God’s wisdom, but then at the end of the whole thing -- because God is building a creation. He is putting it all together a piece at a time. He is building humanity a piece at a time, and when he put it all together, all of the parts, he had the last Adam. No more changes. The Adam that was perfect, the Adam that was final. There is no reason for another Adam because the first Adam had become perfect, OK. After all of the things that had added to him and after all of the experiences that he had and everything that he learned, he became perfect. How did he become perfect? Well, actually, God joined himself to him, and he became perfect. So he is the last Adam. 

So, brethren, if that is all you get, young people, if that is all you get -- and I think that you all understand at least part of what I said -- even Andrew, I think, is understanding. Yeah, I think he did, yeah. If that is all that you get, you are doing great. Now I am going to start reading from the notes, and do not get upset if you do not understand something that I say. Just listen, and whatever God helps you to understand, you understand because I am just going to be saying the same thing that I just told you, and I am going to be saying it in a little more complicated way, so that it will give a greater experience to the adults here because everything is an experience. Right now you are experiencing me as teacher. You are experiencing Jesus teaching through me [INAUDIBLE], and his spirit is touching everybody here. So the only thing that matters is that you get something.

And you have already been fed. So we see this kind of teaching is called spiritual food, and it is spiritual food because Jesus inside of you -- his name is Christ. When Jesus gets inside of you his name is called Christ, and he needs food. Just like you need food for your body, he needs food to grow, and this is his food. Words are his food. Wisdom is his food. That is what he needs. So he is being fed tonight. Christ in you is being fed tonight.

OK. So we are going to get a little deeper now, and you just do the best you can. OK. I pray that the Lord touches all of you and gives you a great -- even greater experience than you have already had.

So this is what the Lord told me. I walked all the way out to the road today. I walked out -- it is a mile and a half to the road, and this is what I got [INAUDIBLE]: the secret of the first and the last Adam because you really do not hear Bible teachers talking about the second Adam very much. It is either the first Adam or the last Adam, OK, and I always thought -- well, I -- let me go by my notes. OK.

The first Adam is the first of the two Adams that Jehovah put into the garden. The first Adam we read about in Genesis 2:7-8: “And the Lord God formed of the dust of the ground and breathed with his nostrils the breath of life, and a man -- and the man became” -- man, that is the same -- man means Adam -- “and the man became a living soul. And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and here he put the man whom he had formed.” So first God formed him, and then he put him in the garden, and that is the Old Testament. The New Testament says -- 1 Corinthians 15:47: “The first man is of the earth.” Earthy. That means he is made of the earth and his mind is of the earth. He is always thinking about the things of the earth. That is not bad, OK. He thinks of the things of this world. The second Adam, Genesis 2:15: “And he Lord took the man and put him into the Garden of Eden, to dress it and keep it.” So, you see, those are two different verses. The first one is -- the first Adam is verses 7 and 8, and the second Adam is verse 15.

So I always thought those were two different people, but they are not. God started with a man that he formed from the dust of the ground, OK, and then after he breathed the breath of life into him and the man became a living soul, he became a new person. And then God took that new person and not only put him in the garden, but he told him to dress it and to keep it, and the word keep means to guard. He said, “Guard yourself.” So we see that the second Adam is really the first Adam changed, a new man.

And the New Testament says in 1 Corinthians 15:47 the second man is the Lord from heaven, --


-- the man of wisdom.


The second Adam is the first Adam after Jehovah breathed the breath of life into him, and Jehovah’s breath is called spirit. So the moisture from the abyss -- because the man he was in, God put him in a -- like, a well, OK, because God is everywhere. So the creation had to be taking place inside of him just like a woman when she is pregnant, OK. Mankind is being formed in the womb of God just like a baby is formed in the womb of a woman, OK. And there is moisture right in it -- right down here there is moisture in the air. This world has a lot of moisture in the air. Where God dwells, there is no moisture, but inside of him where mankind is being formed there is moisture. So we are down here like in a well. God is outside of this well. God is outside of the -- he is beyond the universe. Everything that you can see, the whole universe is inside of God because God is infinite and nothing could ever be outside of him, so everything that goes on has to be inside of him.

So the second Adam is the first Adam after Jehovah breathed the breath of life into him, and Jehovah’s breath is called spirit. So the moisture from the abyss, or the well that we are in, mixed with Jehovah’s breath, which is spirit, and became the mind -- the mind which you think with -- of an earthen vessel called Adam. Jehovah called the mi- -- this mind a garden because things grow out of the mind. That is my mistake. [INAUDIBLE]

Things grow in our mind. Whatever you put in your mind, things grow. The Apostle James tells us that if you think sinful thoughts and it interacts with your mind, it will produce a desire to repeat that sin. If you put the words of God into your mind, it will produce a desire for God and for his righteousness and for the good things of life, the way God says that we should live if we want a good life.

Genesis 2:9-15. See, now I am going to go over those verses a line at a time or a phrase at a time. “And out of the ground” -- I am sorry. Of this verse, I am going to go over it a line at a time. “And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, the tree of life also, in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” So now a phrase at a time, I am going to go over that.

“And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow.” Something called a tree was born in the garden, and I just told you the garden is the mind of the man, and something spiritual grew out of his mind. The Bible calls it a tree, but it was not a tree like the trees out here because this took place in the spiritual plane, and when Jesus prayed for the blind man and he said to the blind man, “Can you see? What can you see?” The blind man said, “I see men walking like trees.” And then the Scripture says Jesus prayed again, [INAUDIBLE], and then he said, “What do you see?” And he said, “I see men.”

So the first -- the man was blind. The first prayer returned his spiritual sight, and the second prayer returned his natural sight. So when the man’s spiritual sight was restored, he saw into the invisible plane, and he saw a mystery that human beings like you and me, inside of us, there is something called a spiritual tree, and what that is, is the life of God inside of us. It is growing in us like a tree. Christ is in us. Christ is in you growing like a tree, and it is a tree that has food on it. It is a tree that you can eat, and what that mean- -- or the fruit of it you can eat.

And what that means is that someday, well, all of you have the potential to be like me. I do not need another man to teach me. I could learn from someone else if they have something to say, but I do not need another person to teach me. God gave me this whole message for you. And I just walked to the road and back, and this is what I got. He feeds me. There is a spiritual food for the spiritual man inside of me, and he needs food just like your body needs food.

So we are being told that every human on the face of the earth has this potential to have this tree inside of us, and that tree is Christ. He can meet your every need. He can teach you whatever it is that you need to know, and even if you are having trouble learning it intellectually. There is a difference between learning from the outside and learning from the inside. Once Christ inside of you starts teaching you -- and he could help you with your schoolwork too. Once he starts teaching you from the inside, it is much easier to learn and much easier to remember. [INAUDIBLE] Very easy for me; hard for you, OK. Easy for me because I am getting it from the inside, and that is the potential for all of us to be s- -- completely self-sustaining.

Brethren, man -- humanity, we are really very weak, even compared to the animals. We need clothing to keep us warm in the winter. Animals do not need that. We need to plant food. We need to have farms or buy food from somebody else. We need houses. The animals do not need this, see. And the reason that mankind is so, really, weak compared to animals -- the only reason that we have defeated the animal life, the wolves and -- you were talking to me about shooting the timber wolves the last time I was here, yeah. The only reason we have defeated the animal world is because we have guns. Guns -- or before guns we had bows and arrows. We had weapons. If it was man against the animal, we would not stand a chance, see.

And the reason mankind is so weak is that there was this accident, and the man that God made separated from God who made him, and the name of God is Jehovah, see, and Jesus is his son. So this man, there was an accident. God made this man, and he was completely self-sustaining. He did not need anything from outside of himself. He did not need to feed his body, did not need to feed his mind, everything came from within, see. And we are, in comparison to the animal world, this weak because it is God’s message to us that he never made us like this. He made us to be independent, self-sustaining. We have to count on the land to produce the f- -- grow corn or grow whatever vegetables we are growing. If there is no rain, there is no crop. We could starve to death. We need food from outside of ourself for our body and food from outside of ourselves for the spiritual man inside of us, and that is not the way it is supposed to be. We are supposed to be completely independent ruling over the earth.

When Jehovah made the creation, he said, “Adam, man is the king of the earth.” You may have heard that the lion is the king of the beasts, well, mankind is the king of the lion. We are the king of the earth, but that does not mean you can do anything that you want. Kings cannot do anything that they want. Authorities cannot do anything that they want. As a matter of fact, the people in authority usually have more bondage in their life, more responsibilities in their life than their children [INAUDIBLE]. Your dad has to go to work every day. He has to provide a home and food for you and all of the things that you have, the clothes that you wear and schools that you go to, everything that is paid for. Your dad has a very big burden. It is a big responsibility to be the head of a family [INAUDIBLE].

So as the children in the family you may think life is tough. I do not know. Maybe your mom makes you make your bed or do -- help around the house or whatever she has you to do. Life is rough, but that is all just training for when you have to go out and really work like an adult because if you do not work, you would not have a roof over your head, you would not have food in your mouth, and you would not have clothes to wear. Do you know that there are people who live on the street? Did you know that? There are people who live on the street, and they -- the food -- do you know where they get their food? Out of garbage dumpsters [INAUDIBLE]. May that never happen to anyone here, see.

So Adam is the king of the earth, and his job is to make sure that the whole earth prospers, just like it is your dad’s job to make sure that the whole family prospers [INAUDIBLE]. See, Adam has a lot of responsibility. He is like a big father to us. So he will tell us when we are wrong, except that he does not -- at this point, he is not talking to you all. But God does talk to you when he -- God does talk to you. That is a degree of your growing up, God will talk to you. But sometimes if you cannot hear a voice, like your mom’s voice, sometimes he teaches you in other ways. For example, if your mom says, “Do not go out at this time,” and you go out anyway -- maybe it is too cold out. If your mom says, “Do not go -- put your jacket on,” and you go out without your jacket, you catch a cold. So God teaches us that way, see.

But I do not want you to think that you could do anything that you want. I actually heard Ann Coulter on TV one night saying, “Yep” -- because there are people in our world today that are making the animals more important than the people are, and these people that believe that, they worship another god. The God that we worship, his name is Jehovah, and Jesus is his son, and I believe he is the only legitimate God. But the Bible says that there are many gods, but Jehovah is the only legitimate God, see.

And there are a lot of people in this country right now that worship another god called Gaia, and she is a god who makes -- she is a goddess that makes animals more important than the people. So Ann Coulter, who is a conservative -- she writes books. I saw her on TV one day, and she was telling them, “That is right. Adam is the king of the earth. We can do anything he -- he can do any -- we can do -- we are the mankind. We are the king of the earth. We can do anything we want. We can chop it, cook it, burn it. We can burn it down if we want to. We are the king of the earth.” Well, no, we cannot.

No, we cannot. We have a tremendous responsibility to preserve the earth, [INAUDIBLE]. In other words, you do not mistreat animals. You do not waste food. You do not waste anything. You have to respect what God has given you here, and we are responsible for it. So that it is why I am going to tell you about your responsibilities right now, because that is all there is for this message. But I want you all to know that mankind is the super creature on the earth. We are the most important creature on the earth. We are more important than any of the animals or all of the animals together, but that does not mean that we can do things that are wrong. It means we are responsible.

So your dad, he does not have to answer to anybody, except maybe your mother, and if he wants out at night -- that is a joke. If he wants to go out, he goes out. Can you go out if you just want to go out? No, you cannot just go out. You need permission to go out. So your dad is free. He can do anything he wants. But can he? Paul, who wrote a large part of the Bible, the way he put it was like this -- he said, “All things are legal for us, but everything is not very smart to do.”

In other words, if your mom said, “Jesse, please, do not go out tonight. I really need you to be here with me. I need your help,” and your dad said, “I am going out,” he could do it, but it was not very smart, and it was not very nice because now his wife is upset, and maybe she really needed him. So whatever the situation in the house is, it is not going to be taken care of, and there is going to be -- he is going to be a bad example for you children because you should not treat your wife like that. You should respect her. If she tells you, “I really need you here,” you should stay.  So the whole family will be hurt and upset. But he could do it if he wants to, but it was not very smart.

So Adam, the king of the earth, he can do anything he wants. Do you know that there are people -- well, we do not -- not around here, but in Africa where they still have, like, wild elephants, people are just killing the elephants just to get their tusks because their tusks are made of ivory, and they are very valuable. So they are not -- you should not be killing an animal, unless you are going to eat it. I mean, you should not be killing an animal just to kill it and let it rot there. God does not appreciate that, [INAUDIBLE]. So that is abuse of power, to kill an animal and just let it rot there or to kill it and just take part of its body and let the rest of it rot there. No, that is not right. God does not like that, and you would be a bad ruler, a bad king over the earth to be doing things like that.

So, yes, you all are kings, every one of you. You are the highest form of life on the planet. You are the highest form of life on the planet, but that does not mean you can do anything you want to the other forms of life on the planet. You have to respect them because they are a form of life. Anything that is conscious, anything that has blood in it, you have to respect it. And I am sure you have an idea about that because you have a dog in this family. It is very good to have a dog in the family that thinks he is human, but he is not. So on with the notes.

So something called a tree was born into the garden, but it was not a tree like out there. It was a tree that is actually Christ in you, OK. Something called a tree was born into the garden. It was a mind formed from the union of the dust-man and Jehovah’s breath. A mind was fo- -- was born in the man. The man was like a horse. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] about a horse and a rider. The horse has his own mind. The man was like an animal with a mind, like a horse, but when the breath of life was breathed into him, OK, then it was like putting a rider on the horse.

So something called a tree was born in the garden, and that is a -- the garden is a mind formed from the union or the mixing together of the dust-man and Jehovah’s breath. The dust-man had a conscious existence. He existed, OK, before Jehovah ever breathed the breath of life into him. But he was spiritually dead because we are spiritually dead until the spirit of life that only comes from God is inside of us. If the spirit of life is not inside of you, then you are walking around and talking and looking like everybody else, but you are spiritually dead, see. So those of us that have the spirit of life inside of us, we are really very different from the rest of the people on the planet, but we look the same. So when you first look at us, you cannot tell the difference.

But I just said to you that you as a person, as a human, you are the highest form of life on the planet. Well, this highest form of life called humanity, you are not all the same. The people that have the spirit of life in them are a higher form of life than the people that do not have the spirit of life. So does that make you a better person? Does that mean you can mistreat the people that do not have the spirit of life? Does that mean that you can disregard them or tell -- say things to them like “I am a higher form of life than you are because I have the spirit of life”? No, that is like killing the elephant and taking the tusks and letting the carcass rot. No.

The person that is the higher form of life has to be a teacher or a minister or a help to the person that does not have the wisdom or knowledge that you have. Something that you know is wrong that they do not know is wrong -- that person that is saying to you, “Oh, come on, come on, your dad and your mom, they do not know what they are talking about. Come on.” You have wisdom from your parents that they do not have. So you being the higher form of life has to say to them, “No, that is wrong. My parents told me that is wrong, and I believe that my parents know what is right. It is wrong, and it is not good for you. If you take those drugs, this could happen to you. If you take that drink, that could happen to you. If you have sex before marriage, that could happen to you. No. No, you are wrong.”

So you never go to somebody and say “I am a higher life form than you are,” and you never tell them that because then they will just hate you, see, but you need to know who you are going to listen to. You are going to listen to Christ inside of your own mind, and he is going to be saying the same thing that your mom and dad are saying, and you are not going to be listening to your friends that do not have the spirit of life because they think that they are right, but they are like the first Adam who was made from the dust, and you are like the second Adam who was made from the dust -- that means you have a physical body -- but you also have wisdom.

So if you have the spirit of life, you are the second Adam, and you can have friends and meet people that are the first Adam, and they look just like you, but in their mind they are not like you. They do not have spiritual wisdom that comes from God, see. And you need to know that when you meet somebody like that, they are going to try and tell you, and the part of you that is the man made from earth is going to try and tell you something, a voice inside your own head is going to try and tell you, “Eh, what mom and dad said, eh, what Sheila said, eh, what the Bible said. My friends are smart.” Look, he knows what he is talking about, and it is going to be a battle inside of you: Who will I listen to?

And that is the same choice that Adam had which resulted in the fall of man. What is the fall of man? Man was perfectly cared for. He never got hungry, and he never got sick, never died, but he made a wrong choice. A being that the Bible calls the snake, but it was not a snake like is out there [INAUDIBLE] someone that thinks -- a conscious entity, someone that thinks, spoke to him and said, “Eh, you do not have to believe what God said. I am smarter,” and Adam believed him.

And what was the result of it? He no longer was completely provided for from within. Now in order to eat, he has to work. He has to plant food, and he has all -- had all of the problems -- has all of the problems that we have today. No rain and the crop dies. [INAUDIBLE] Locust or pestilence? The crop dies. Mad cow disease? You do not have any meat to eat. And it was not like that. Adam had everything he wanted. Whatever he wanted, he just thought it, and it was there for him, but because he listened to the snake instead of what Jehovah said -- why? Because the snake was right there. Jehovah was just a memory. What Jehovah said was just a memory, and the snake was right in front of him saying, “Eh, come on. You do not even remember Chr- -- your dad never said that to you. You must have misunderstood your dad or your mom. They never said that to you,” see. And Adam made the wrong choice. He listened to the snake.

So does that mean he was bad, that God was going to beat him? No, what happened to him was a natural consequence. If your mom says, “Do not go out in the deep water because you are not a good enough swimmer yet,” and you go out into the deep water and you start to drown, that is a natural consequence of doing the wrong thing. If your mom says, “Do not eat that because it is -- the food is bad,” and you eat it anyway and you get a stomach ache, that is a natural consequence of doing what was wrong. No one has to beat your or punish you or do anything. You were already punished. The natural consequence of what you did is your punishment. So God never punished Adam in the way that you might think of being punished. I do not even know what your parents do, if they send you to your room or time out or whatever they do [INAUDIBLE]. It was not that kind of punishment. It was the direct result of his mistake that punished him. Do you understand what I am talking about? Do you understand that? [INAUDIBLE] So something called a tree was born in the garden, which is a mind formed from the union of the dust-man and Jehovah’s breath.

Every tree -- now, we are reading from the other verse. “And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree.” So now we are talking about every tree. “Every tree” means the whole tree, which means there is more -- there were two parts to the tree. And “the whole tree” means that Adam made of dust and Adam Jehovah’s breath together were one living soul-man.


And that tree -- or that tree that Christ inside of him -- OK, that which was born of the two of them was pleasant to the sight. The whole Adam, not just the earth-man, but the earth-man with wisdom, he was visible, and his appearance was delightful to everyone who has spiritual eyes. Adam was not physical. He had a spiritual body like the angels. Adam had a spiritual body like the angels, and when God looked at him he was delightful. There was no sin in him. That is what that means.

And the tree that was inside of him was good for food. The whole tree was self-containing. It produces its own food from within. When the mind lives in -- when the mind that lives -- when this mind lives in you, you do not need to be taught by another man. That mind lives in me, and so I can share my spiritual food with you, and that is what I am doing tonight. I am sharing my spiritual food with you, so that the spirit-man inside of you can grow and be strong and someday teach you directly.

And that tree of life was also in the midst of the garden. Two kinds of knowledge -- now, this is hard. The tree of life was in the garden, and also there was a tree of the knowledge of good and evil. I think I put this in the wrong place. There were two trees in the garden: the tree of life, which is Christ in you, all wisdom -- and the garden is your mind. There is a mind inside of you. Christ in you is a mind that has great wisdom for you, but there is another tree inside of you, another mind, and it is the mind of the natural man. I just explained to you how you probably have friends and, you know, people -- well, you do not go to school, but you must know other children that do not have the spirit of life, OK. They are the -- they are made out of the earth, but they do not have the spirit of life. That is the tree that --

Those people have a mind in them like the mind of the horse compared to the mind of the horse with the rider. They have the mind of a natural man. It is the mind of a natural man. When you receive the Spirit of God through Christ in you, you are a higher life form than the man that does not have Christ, but this should never puff you up or make you think you are better than anybody else. The more responsibility you have, the more you have to help -- humble yourself and help people that do not know what you know, see.

So that is two kinds of people: the person that has the spirit of life and then the wisdom of God that can understand a message like this, and the flesh man before Jehovah breathed the breath of life into him. And every person that is a flesh-man and not a spiritual man like you -- because everybody here has the spirit of life in you -- they all have the opportunity to be -- to get what you have. It is not permanent. Like, you are not going to become a dog like Breezy, and Breezy is not going to become a human like you. That is a line that cannot be crossed, see. But within humanity, the man who does not have the spirit of life yet, he can get the spirit of life. He can actually catch it from you, see. But if you hang out with people that do not have the spirit of life and you choose to follow their advice, you can lose the spirit of life. It can leave you.


It can leave you, and then are you going to die? No. Well, you are not -- you are going to die spiritually, but you are not going to die physically. Are your mom and dad going to beat you? I would not think so. I would hope not. You will experience the consequences of your choice, and the consequence of your choice will be -- mean that you are no longer a higher life form in the earth. You no longer have access to the wisdom of God, but you have become a flesh-person that lacks that wisdom, and because you lack the wisdom, you are more likely to make wrong choices in life. Your own -- the Bible says your own sin will correct you. The consequences of your choices will correct you. Nobody has to punish you.

So the whole Adam was visible, and his appearance was delightful to everyone who has spiritual eyes. Adam is a mind. Brethren, this message tonight, what is going on in this room tonight is a delight. God is delighted to see what is happening here tonight. And he is not delighted with our physical form. He is delighted with our mind. He is delighted with our submission. He is delighted with all of you that you chose to be here, rather than to go to your activity and Brett [SP] with his business. God is delighted with the choices that we have made here tonight, and I cannot wait to see what the consequences of our choices will be. Maybe -- I just pray that if not the children, if your parents had the eyes to see the positive consequence of this, so you can point it out to him because there has to be a positive consequence to your sa- --

It was a sacrifice. You all made a sacrifice tonight. You all had plans. I do not know about your dad, but -- or your mom, but the children and Brett [SP], you all had plans, and you chose to give up your plans of this -- of the natural life, of the flesh-man. They were all plans of the flesh-man. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] the flesh-man is not bad. He is just in a different stage of development. Are you bad because you are your age and your parents are older? No. The flesh-man is not bad. He is just in a different stage of growth, and you all heard God call you and say, “I want to teach you something that is going to increase your spiritual man,” and you all sacrificed the activity of the flesh-man -- because you are both. You are a flesh-man and you are a spiritual man, right. You are the first Adam and the second Adam. You are both. And you all made a sacrifice of what you had to do tonight. You put that on hold, and you answered the call of Christ Jesus, and that is very special, and there has to be a positive consequence for your sacrifice. God calls that a sacrifice.

You know, that was the whole conflict between Cain and Abel. You know about Cain and Abel? You know of Cain and Abel? Have you ever heard of Cain and Abel?

            I used to.

You used to.


Cain and Abel were two brothers in the Bible, and Cain was very jealous of Abel because God -- they both brought sacrifices. Abel brought -- Abel was a shepherd, and he brought an animal [UNINTELLIGIBLE] an animal of his flock, he gave it to God. And Cain was the man of the ground. So Abel signified the man with the spirit of life, the second Adam. The first Adam was Cain, and he was a farmer. Now, there is not anything wrong with being a farmer. This is a spiritual example. Cain brought the fruit of the land, but Jehovah prefers the spiritual man.

Now, when I say Jehovah prefers the spiritual man, that does not mean that you are better than other people that do not have the spirit. That is -- would be to say that your dad is better than you are. You dad is not better than you are. We are all equal before God, OK, but we are not -- we do not all have the same office. Your dad is a father and an adult. You are not an adult, and you are not a father yet, but as people before God when it comes to right and wrong and reaping what we sow and consequences of our behavior, we are all the same. The same judgment will come on me if I do something wrong that will come on you if you do something wrong. The same blessing will come on you that will come on me if you do something right.

So Cain brought a sacrifice of the land when Jehovah was saying, “I want you to grow up and become a spiritual man. I prefer the spiritual man.” Not because the spiritual man is better than the earth man, but that God wants us to be more like him, and I want all of you earth people, you flesh people that do not have the spirit of life to get the spirit of life, but that is God’s business. It is not your business to tell people that they are bad or that they have to have something that they do not have. I hope none of you are going to do anything like that. That would be very wrong.

So Cain was so jealous of Abel, so mad that Jehovah took Abel’s sacrifice and said, “I prefer -- I would prefer that you all become spiritual people. I love the people of the flesh. I love the people that are farmers, but I wish that you would all be shepherds.” Cain was so jealous that he killed Abel. He killed Abel. And there had to be a reason that I started to tell you that, and I do not remember what it is.

So the whole Adam was visible, and his appearance was delightful. I told you that. And it was good for food. the whole tree is self-containing. It produces its own food from within. When this mind lives in you, you do not need to be taught by another man. I told you all that. [INAUDIBLE] life in the midst of the garden. OK.

There are two kinds of knowledge -- two kinds of knowledge were competing to plant their vision of what a visible world would be like in the garden of Adam’s mind. Adam had a mind, you see. You all, you have a vision. You want to be an outdoorsman, right? What do you want to be when you grow up, Andrew?

            An outdoorsman.

An outdoor- -- so you have a vision. You have a vision of what you want to be. Micah [SP], what do you want to be?

            Hmm, I do not know yet.

OK. Micah [SP] does not have a vision yet, and that is OK, but you will get a vision. At some time in your life, you are going to have a vision of what you would like to be. So Adam was one man. He was a spiritual man because he had the breath of life inside of him, and he had a vision of what he wanted his life to be. He wanted to be an outdoorsman, let us say, but the earthen part of him, the part that did not have a spiritual mind, he wanted to be something else. So there was a conflict inside of Adam, whether or not he would be an outdoorsman or he would be an accountant and sit behind a desk. And those were the two conflicting thoughts in Adam’s mind, [INAUDIBLE].

And he had to choose, and the -- choosing the thoughts of God would produce a life of immortality without sickness or death or sin, and the other choice, the choice of the carnal man, of the flesh-man, would result in a separation from Jehovah. Why? Because Jehovah joins with the spiritual man. He took Abel’s sacrifice. That means he married or he joined with Abel, that spiritual man, and Abel would become immortal and permanent and never gets sick and he would never do anything wrong, see.

But the earth-man, Jehovah would not join with him. That is what it means. Jehovah would not accept his sacrifice. It means Jehovah would not join with him, and they separated, and that is what happened. And we are what happened to Adam. He separated -- Cain and Abel -- it is just another way of saying the two Adams, the first and the second Adam. They separated from Jehovah, and now everything that we need comes from outside of us because we separated from him.

So Jehovah has sent his son, Jesus Christ, to try to put us back together again, and that is what Christ in you and Christ in me is all about, putting us back together again. So when we are joined to Jehovah again, we will no longer be dependent on -- bad weather. If you are a fisherman, you cannot fish because it is bad weather. If you are going duck hunting, you cannot shoot the ducks because it is pouring out or it is -- there is hail coming down. If you hunt ducks in a hailstorm, whether -- I do not know. It is just an example, OK. [INAUDIBLE] but everything will be inside of us. Jehovah wants to put us back in that state again, and he way we start is with Christ in you. That is how we start.

So you are all started here. The whole world -- you alwa- -- you are born as a natural man. [INAUDIBLE] You are born as a natural man. You get the spirit later, see. So you are on your way. You have taken the first step back towards being perfect and having all of your needs met from inside of yourself.

So union with Jehovah’s knowledge would produce a righteous, immortal world, a world in which you never die, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil -- union with the knowledge of another world produces a mixture of Jehovah’s righteous thoughts -- that is your conflict -- from his breath and the thoughts of the creature form from the ground. So when you are separated from Jehovah you have conflict. You have thoughts going back and forth, and when you are joined to Jehovah you have no problems. So that which made Adam visible had a mind of its own, and that was completely separate from the mind-form from Jehovah’s breath.

Now, the next few pa- -- paragraphs, I call it advanced. I am going to skip over it. It is really for the adults maybe. If we stay after the children go to sleep, we will go back to it.

Genesis 2:10 -- actually it is 2:10-15. The Bible says: “And a river went out of Eden to water the garden, and from thence it was parted and came into four heads.” Well, what in the world is the Bible talking about? I just spent all this time reading about Adam, the first Adam, the second Adam, the tree of life in the garden. Where did this river come from [INAUDIBLE]? Well, the Bible is a big mystery, and it is written like a fairy tale, so only the people that God wants to understand it can understand it.

And what this is all about is the soul is talking about -- [PHONE RINGS] Sorry. I should have shut my phone off. It is talking about the soul -- now, remember, Adam was two people He was an earth-man, and he was a soul, and they were all together in one person. I am an earth-man, and I have the soul of God inside of me. His name is Christ Jesus. So now the Bible starts to talk about the soul-man, Christ Jesus, OK. And I have never been able to interpret these verses. I just put it in there [UNINTELLIGIBLE] I wanted to complete the teaching, but I believe that this is talking about the soul of God that is in the man, and I am not going to comment on that because I do not have the key to that yet. But it was there, so I put it in. OK. Moving on. I believe these represent the three parts of the mind, but I am not sure.

Now, I want to finish off this teaching with some New Testament teaching. Everything I just taught you so far came out of the Old Testament. In the New Testament the glorified Jesus said, “I am the first and the last.” And now everybody here tonight knows that when you read that Scripture that says “I am the first and the last,” Jesus means, “I am the first Adam and I am also the last Adam.” [INAUDIBLE] Revelation 2:8: “Unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write these things: ‘Saith the First and the Last, which was dead and is alive.’” Jesus is the first Adam and the last Adam. He was dead. He was a dead natural man, and he received the spirit of life and completed the process of creation, and now he is alive.

Jesus did not mean that he was a combination of the first earthen Adam and the second spiritual Adam because the earthen Adam overcame and destroyed the second spiritual Adam that Jehovah put in the garden. Genesis 4:8: “And Cain talked with Abel his brother, and it came to pass when they were in the field that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and slew him.”

So Jesus was not saying “I am the first Adam and I am the second Adam” because I am the second Adam. I am the spiritual Adam. Well, I still die. I still get sick. I am still aging. If the Lord does not intervene, I am going to die because everybody in this world dies, right. I am not -- I am mortal. I am not immortal. So Jesus is not saying “I am the first Adam and the second Adam.” Jesus, now, is immortal, so he has to be something different. OK.

This spiritual truth is revealed in the parable -- well, I put this in the wrong place. This spiritual truth is revealed in the parable of Cain killing Abel. Abel is crying out from under the ground to this very day. Genesis 4:10: “And he said, ‘What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood crieth unto me from the ground.’” That is Jehovah speaking. So, in other words, Cain -- I am sorry, Christ inside of me is crying out to God daily. The Bible says that the Hebrew children -- that the children cried out to Jehovah when the Hebrew children were in bondage in Egypt. It was not children like you. It was not physical children like you all. The Christ child inside of me and the Christ child inside of you, the invisible spiritual wisdom cries out to God continuously to do what? To do what? To raise him up above the authority of the flesh-man because when we were separated from Jehovah -- when everything was provided for us from within, the reason we separated from Jehovah was that the equivalent of Christ in me was knocked out, he was killed by Cain, and Cain the flesh-man took over the whole creation, if you can understand that. Let me see if I can make that simpler for you. I know that did not go over.

In order for Jehovah to be joined to us, the spiritual man, the Christ in us has -- OK, we have to be choosing the wisdom all of the time. Now, we cannot do that now. It is not possible to make the wise choice all the time. Why is it not possible? Because we are very young, and we still make wrong choices. There are certain things that your dad can do that you simply cannot do [INAUDIBLE].

I saw -- I was working one year, and I saw -- I do not even know what led up to it, but one of the women in the office said to the senior partner -- it was a law firm -- “I can do anything.” She was coming from a women’s lib point of view, and he looked down at her, and he said, “Be six feet tall.”

[INAUDIBLE] cannot do anything. You cannot do anything that you want. You cannot be anything that you want. So we cannot choose wisdom all the time. We are not capable of it. The smartest human is not capable of choosing wisdom every time. I cannot choose wisdom every time. I am not capable of it, and the reason I am not capable of it is that the mind of my flesh-man, OK, is stronger than the wisdom in me. And the reason the mind of my flesh-man is stronger than the wisdom in me is because my ancestor Adam under the name of Cain and Abel, his flesh mind killed his -- killed the wisdom in him, and the wisdom is lying under the -- underground and crying out to Jehovah to say “Make wisdom stronger than the desires and the choices of my carnal man, my flesh-man.”

Wisdom is weaker than my flesh-man. Wisdom is weaker than my emotions. Wisdom is weaker than what my mind wants. We want things that wisdom says are not right for us, see, and we frequently choose what our flesh-man wants because wisdom is weak, and wisdom is weak because he was slain. What does that mean, he was slain? It means that Adam chose the other choice. He did not choose wisdom, and Jehovah separated from him, and now all of our needs are out- -- we have to work to have all of our needs met now. So -- I mean, that is the best I could do. Whatever you can understand -- whatever part of that you can understand is good.

So we know that Abel’s consciousness did not die because the Bible says he is crying out from under the earth. The spiritual consciousness of righteous Adam was forced unto the author- -- it should be under the authority of the earthen Adam. And I picked two Scriptures from the New Testament just to prove to you that Abel was righteous in God’s eyes. Matthew 23:35: “That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah’s” -- well, the rest -- I do not want to confuse you. The rest is not important for this message tonight. God calls -- or at least -- God calls -- in the Book of Matthew he calls [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- I am sorry, Jesus calls Abel righteous, and Jesus had them -- sa- -- everything Jesus said was what God says. Hebrews 11:4. They have the same opinion. Jesus has the same opinion as Jehovah. “By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he, Abel, was righteous. God testifying of his gifts” -- well, I do not want to confuse you with the rest of it.

Jesus was saying that -- this is what Jesus was telling us. Jesus was saying -- when he said “I am the first and the last,” when he was saying “I am the last Adam,” he -- this is what he meant, and this is going to w- -- pull the whole thing together. Jesus was saying that he was righteous Abel. He was righteous. He was the -- he was -- well, let me leave it at that. He was righteous Abel who rose above the ground, who rose above the physical body. He rose above, the mind that makes all the wrong choices, and illegally obtained authority over the first Adam. Jesus is talking about the past. He was saying Abel -- when Abel was killed, Cain rose above the ground and illegally obtained -- he stole the spiritual authority. I was rushing at this point [INAUDIBLE]. He stole the spiritual authority of -- do you have a pen? [INAUDIBLE] pen [INAUDIBLE]?

            It is a marker pen?

Oh, thanks. He rose above -- righteous Abel, who rose above the ground of the physical body -- it should not be “the physical body.” It should be “of the flesh mind.” -- and illegally obtained -- I am sorry. I am so sorry [INAUDIBLE] want to confuse you. This is Jesus talking. He said, “He was righteous Abel” -- see, what happened was that Abel is buried under this physical body. He is not only buried under the flesh mind, he is buried under the physical body because when the righteous mind of the spirit of life in us rises above the mind of the flesh, we are not going to have bodies like this anymore.

How can we be immortal with a body like this? This body gets weak, and this body deteriorates, and eventually it dies. The Bible compares this body to the grass in the field, that it grows up, it comes to its maturity, and then it withers and it dies. That is what happens to the body that our soul lives in because we are not this body. We are not this body. We are the mind and the soul that it talking to you and that is learning from me right now. We are not this body.

This body -- the body is the first Adam. The second Adam is the mind and the wisdom that you are hearing right now. So Jesus was saying that in our condition right now the righteous mind of God is buried underneath our flesh mind, and it is buried underneath this flesh that withers and dies. Jesus, when he said, “I am the last Adam,” he said, “I rose above that.” He said -- Jesus -- in Jesus the righteous mind rose above the mind of the flesh and actually rose above the power of this body and converted this body that withers and dies into an immortal body that can never die. That is what the last Adam is. Let me just try to do this again. 

The first Adam is this body without a spirit of life. The second Adam is this body with the spirit of life. Jesus went beyond that. He said, “I am not this body plus the spirit of life, see. I am more than that.” He said, “I do not have conflict in my mind anymore. The righteous mind of Abel rose above and made all of the choices of wisdom and pushed down that other mind that always is giving me a conflict and making me desire bad things and do bad things.” He said, “I rose above it permanently. The righteous mind in me rose above that other mind permanently, so permanently that it changed my body, and now I have a body that can never die.”


[INAUDIBLE] and he did not call himself the third Adam. He called himself he last Adam. No more changes after him. He had arrived. Jesus has arrived at perfection. He was righteous Abel who rose above the ground of the physical body and le- -- and -- of the physical body -- I guess this is my voice software that is confusing me. It was righteous Abel who rose above the ground of the physical body which had illegally obtained spiritual authority over the first Adam. That is what I was trying to say there. It was righteous Adam who rose above the ground of the -- I would still say the flesh-mind. I do not know that there was a physical body at that time -- the flesh-mind, and illegally -- he rose above the ground of the flesh-mind and illegally obtained spiritual authority over the first Adam.

I do not know why I am stuck here. Let me try this again. Jesus was saying he was righteous Adam who rose above the ground of the flesh-mind and the body and -- that should be a “who.” That is where that “and” is wrong. He was right Abel who rose above the ground of the flesh-mind and the body, which had illegally obtained spiritual authority -- I do not know why -- I bet you just tell -- better just tell you what this is because apparently this is all wrong here. He was righteous Abel who rose above the ground of the flesh-mind and the physical body -- I guess it is not illegally. It is legally.

            Right, illegally.

It is legally. Yeah.


He was righteous Abel who had risen above the ground of the flesh-mind and the physical body and legally obtained spiritual authority over the first Adam in one of the many members of earthen Adam called Jesus of Nazareth.

So Jesus was saying, “This was my experience. Righteous Abel inside of me, Christ inside of me, rose up, overcame” -- in Jesus of Nazareth, rose up, overcame his carnal mind and overcame his physical body, and he did it legally, OK, and he did it in one person out of all the people that answer to the name humanity. Remember I said everybody is American -- everybody -- well, everybody is a Christian, OK? In all the people that are humans, one man called Jesus of Nazareth had this experience. The righteous mind in him, which we call Christ, made the -- all the right choices, chose wisdom every time, and every time his flesh-mind tried to d- -- make him think something else, he crushed it down and stepped on it, and he did that with the legal power of God to the point that he was able to come out from this physical body. He was a soul-man, and he came out from this physical body, and his body changed, and he beca- -- and he received a spiritual body. That is really hard.

Remember there were two Adams at the beginning? The man made from the dust and the man that was wisdom, and the man that was wisdom had a form like an angel. Christ in us -- Christ in you is an angel inside of you. So Jesus -- the angel which was inside of Jesus of Nazareth came out of him. When he hung on the cross, the angel which was Jesus of Nazareth came out of him. It was the body -- it was the first Adam that died on the cross. The spirit-man was not crucified. He left before the man hanging on the cross died.

            Hmm. [INAUDIBLE]

And then he proce- -- we do not really know what the process was, but he processed that dead physical body, and it was converted into a spiritual body. So I am going to leave it at that because I know it is too hard for the young people here.

So Jesus was saying two things: what I just explained to you, number one, and, number two, that he was the perfect expression of what God intended Adam to be. When Jesus said “I am the last Adam,” he said, “I am not the first Adam. I am not the second Adam. I am not the combination of the two. I am a whole new creature.”


OK. “My righteous mind overcame all of the temptations of my flesh mind to the point that it changed my body, and now my body cannot die anymore, and I have become perfect. I am the perfect expression of what God intended Adam to be.”

Hebrews 1:3: “Who, being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power” -- talking about Jesus now -- “when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high.”

What does that mean, when Jesus purged our sins? I thought he was the one that became immortal. Well, this is how it works: Because Jesus became immortal -- that means that every single human being on the face of the earth, those that are spiritual like we are and those that are still flesh, we all have the potential to become just like him. We all have the potential, and the way it starts is by him giving us Christ inside of us. That is what that means.

Wherefore -- this is the conclusion -- since that which was perfect has appeared -- Jesus became a perfect man because that which was perfect has appeared -- 1 Corinthians 13:10: “But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.” That means it is just a matter of time until we do not see people that look like us anymore on this earth. Every man that is on the face of the earth at some time in the future is going to look like Jesus -- perfect, sinless, no conflict of mind or emotion and immortal.



One man at a time. It is going to happen one man at a time. And the mystery is somebody that does not understand would say, “Oh, Sheila, I see all kinds of people that have died over the last 2,000 years, and it has not happened yet.” [INAUDIBLE] it is happening one man at a time, and it has taken 2,000 years for Jesus to get the mechanism -- the way he is going to do it, the way -- it is called salvation, OK. It is called the full salvation of spirit, soul and body.

There is a certain procedure that has to be followed. There is a certain mechanism. If you want catch a fish, you need to throw in a rod with -- a line with bait on it and really -- and your mechanism is the fishing pole. If you want to catch a fish, your mechanism is the fishing pole, see. So there is a certain mechanism, a certain way -- something that has to be set in place that will make it possible for every human being on the face of the earth to no longer be either the first Adam, which is just the earth -- earthy man, or even the second Adam, which is this earth-man who is spiritual, OK. No more. Now we are all going to be like Jesus, who -- Jesus of Nazareth does not exist anymore. He has become the glorified Jesus, Jesus with a spiritual body that can never die -- no sin, no sickness, no problems, just perfection through attachment to God, and that is the plan, and it has been 2,000 years.

If anybody ever asks you this question, “Well, it has been 2,000 years. How do you say that that is true?” The answer is, well, two things. The Bible says that one day to God is like 1,000 years to man. What it takes God to do, as far as God is concerned it is one day, but it is 1,000 years down here. And, second of all, it has been taking -- it has taken this 2,000 years to get the mechanism in place. If it is time for dinner and your mom wants to feed you, it is time to feed you, she has to get out the pots and the pans and the food and everything that she is doing. She has to take out all of the mechanics -- mechanism -- all the -- of the mechanics that are going to help her to prepare a dinner that you sit down and eat. So it has taken 2,000 years for Jesus to get the mechanics of his plan actually in working order.

And what is happening right now at this time in the earth is we are about to see this mechanism appear. It is a spiritual mechanism. It is a spiritual way of Jesus bringing God’s promise to pass within humanity. It is going to take a long time for it to happen to everybody. It is going to happen one man at a time, and some people will die before it happens to them. But the time is coming. It is probably going to take another 1,000 years, but during this 1,000 years we will start seeing this man and that man and the -- that woman, that person becoming like Jesus, and at the end of another 1,000 years all of humanity will look like the last Adam. There will be no more first Adam of the earth with an earthen mind, and there will be no more second Adam, an earth man with a spirit of life. Everybody will be immortal, sinless in the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is the promise of the Scripture.

And I hope I have --

            That is awesome.

-- given you some -- I hope I have given you some answers for anybody that might challenge you on it because people that -- the people with the flesh-mind, you see, or the people that worship other gods, they do not understand, and they will challenge Christians, and not many Christians have the answers. I have just given you -- you have a lot of challenges where you are right now with the people that you know and your friends. I have just given you some very important answers that you can have for people that challenge you and try to make you doubt the Bible or doubt your own God.

So this is the true message of the Bible. It is really not being taught in most of the churches, but this is the true message of the Bible: what God desires for us, why it has not come to pass yet, and hope -- a hope that is about to come -- to begin to come to pass, and the promise is fulfilled one man at a time, one person at a time. And, yes, many people will die without the promise being fulfilled because the Lord has another 1,000 years for it to happen to everybody.

And the bottom line is that when your body dies your soul does not die. The soul is immortal. Well, I am not going to get into that. It is too complicated. Here, let me just finish this out. I know you are -- you are all doing great, and I really did not even think you would be able to tolerate this much. So let me just finish this up for you.

There will be no more prototypes, no more conscious working models of Jehovah’s creation. The first Adam, the second Adam, and now Jesus is the last Adam. There is not going to be anymore trial, errors or papier-mâché types or models. The perfection has arrived. Wherefore, every member of the earthen Adam, which is humanity, who experiences Abel’s resurrection from underneath the ground of their physical body and the -- oh, I see what I was saying over there. I did not have a comma in the right place. Wherefore, every member of the earthen Adam who experiences Abel’s resurrection from underneath the ground of their physical body and the illegally obtained spiritual authority of their carnal mind -- it was the carnal mind that attained the illegal authority -- every member of earthen Adam -- that is you and me -- who experiences Abel coming back to life -- Christ in me is Abel, who was killed by Cain, who has been raised from the dead. Every human that experiences that w- -- experiences Abel’s resurrection from underneath the ground of their physical body and the illegally obtained spiritual authority of their carnal mind shall be perfected.

And here is your Scripture, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4: “For I delivered unto you” -- Paul speaking. “For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scripture” -- Christ, meaning Abel. O- -- in the Old Testament he is called Abel -- “and that he was buried” -- under the carnal mind and the mind of the flesh -- “but that he rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures” -- in Jesus of Nazareth. So that was just the -- that was the scriptural witness. Let me get back here.

Wherefore, every member of the earthen humanity who experiences Abel’s resurrection from underneath the ground of their physical body and the illegally obtained spiritual authority of their carnal mind shall be perfected. Shall be perfected. Shall be perfected. Shall be perfected. Shall be perfected.


Shall be perfected.

So getting this -- the Christ in you is the first step. He has to rise above your carnal mind. That means -- how does he rise above your carnal mind? Every time you have a choice to make, you choose the wisdom of God. Your emotions are screaming, no, I want to do something else. The mind of your body is screaming, no, I want to do something else. But you do not listen to your emotions. You do not listen to the mind of your body. You listen to the wisdom of God, and when you live your life like that, the Bible says you shall be perfected.


John 17:22-23: “And the glor-” -- this is Jesus speaking. “And the glory which thou gavest me, I have given them” -- that is you all and me. The same glory that Jesus received from God, he has given it to us -- “that they may be one, even as we are one.” That we -- that means that you and me that we should be one with God, like Jesus is one with God. “I in them and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one.” So when we become perfect with Jesus, who w- -- Jesus is already perfect with God. So when we become perfect with Jesus, then we automatically become perfect with God. “I in them and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that thou hast sent me and hast loved them as you have loved me.”

Now, that is a big mystery because God does not love us like human people love. God does not love you like your mother and father loves [sic] you. God does not love you like your mother and father love each other. That is human love. God loves you by adj- -- by attaching himself to you, which means that he is going to meet your every need. That means he is going to -- when you serve God properly, you will never be hungry. You will never be without food. You will never be without a home. You will never be out -- without the nec- -- the human companion that you need for your emotional sanity. You will be safe, and eventually you will become perfected. That is the love of God, that he meets your every need.

Now, sometimes he meets your every need by telling you that you are doing something wrong. If God -- if you are doing something that God says you should not do, he cannot meet your need. You have to do it his way. If he says to you -- [UNINTELLIGIBLE] --

It is a big joke in the church world. A man is stranded on a desert island, and he is praying to God, save me. And a helicopter comes, and he says, “No, I am getting on the heli- -- I am not getting on the helicopter. God is going to save me with a miracle.” Then the ship comes, and he will not get on the ship because he says, “No, God is going to save me by a miracle.” And the man dies on the island waiting, and he says, “God did not answer my prayer.” God did answer his prayer. You have to be delivered the way God wants to deliver you. He should have gotten on the helicopter or he should have gotten on the ship. Do you know what I am talking about? No, you do not. You have to do it God’s way.

If you want a particular skateboard or, for the younger ones, toy, or whatever you want, whatever your hearts’ desire is -- a new iPod or anything like that, how do you get it? God says that you ask him for it, and then you wait, [INAUDIBLE], and maybe he will give it to you as a present for your birthday. Oh, you do not celebrate birthdays. Maybe -- and I do not know how he is going to get it to you, but you have to wait. And if God says if you wait, it will come to you. Maybe your parents will get it for you, but then if God says, “No, your parents are not going to give it to you, you have to go to work for it. So you have to take your money, and you have to pay for it. This, your dad or your mom are not going to pay for it. You have to pay for it.” Well, maybe you want to say, “Well, I do not want to pay for it. I want my money to buy something else. I want my mother and father to pay for it,” and you throw a tantrum. You will never get it that way. You have to do it God’s way. If he says, “This time you are going to have to earn it yourself,” you have to earn it yourself. That is the best I can do, kids, and it is very late. So let us finish this up.

2 Corinthians 12:9: “And he said unto me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness.’” Do not worry about your weaknesses or the things that you do not do well or that you do not understand or that you do not remember. Jesus said, “My strength is made perfect in weakness.” That means all that he wants is you to believe him, that he will meet your every legitimate need. Now, that does not mean he is going to make you a millionaire if you ask him to make you a millionaire, but you will never be hungry. You will never be without clothing. You will never be without food, OK. He will be there. He will meet your every human need if you can just believe him, if you can just believe that he will do it, and then do whatever he tells you to do. So he is saying your weakness, your inability to provide for yourself is his opportunity to perfect you because he will join himself to you and give you the power to do it. So Paul says, “Most greatly, therefore, I will rather glory in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”

Hebrews 11:39-40: “And these all, having obtained a good report through faith” -- they did not receive the promise. That is what I was just talking about a few minutes ago. People are going to be dying without receiving the promise. What is the promise? Perfection. The promise is perfection, and perfection means immortality.

“And these all, having obtained a good report” -- they did a good job. They had great faith. They did everything God told them to do, but they did not receive the promise. What happened? “God, having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect.” We who are living at the ends of the ages, we who are living at the time where it is possible to be perfected, we are having a better opportunity than the people that served God and died, but Paul says it is still possible for their soul to be made perfect, although their body was not made perfect.

Hebrews 12:22-23: “But ye are come unto Mount Zion and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, to the” -- and that is the angels -- that is Christ inside of us, brethren, an unnumbered -- so many people are going to have Christ in them that you are not going to be able to count them. “To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven.” Jesus is the firstborn. He is the firstborn because techni- -- spiritually we are all dead. All of humanity is born dead. Jesus was the first person who could call himself humanity that rose out of death and is now immortal.


So he is -- and all of us, we are called the assembly of the church of the firstborn. We are his church [UNINTELLIGIBLE] working with to give us the same experience that he has had. “To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God, the judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect.” Perfect. The spirits of men who have been justified with God made perfect.

1 John 4:16-17: “And we have known and believed the love that God hath for us. God is love, and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God and God in him.” Now, that is not that emotional love that your parents love you and you love them. This is the love of God that lives according to the Scripture and does good to his neighbor, that you seek peace with all men, and you start right here in the family. I really have no idea how you guys all get along. I really have not heard anything from your parents about it, but this is talking about the love that I mentioned at the very beginning. If you both want something, instead of fighting over it, you find a reasonable -- a conclusion. You play with it now, and I will play with it later, or you can have it. You are my brother or my sister, and I love you. You want it that badly? You can have it. That is the love of God.

“Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment because as he is, so are we in this world.” And what that means is the Bible says there is a day coming where Jesus Christ is going to judge all men. Now, the church world makes you think it is a 24-hour day, but it is not a 24-hour day. It is a spiritual day, and it is going on right now.

“That we may be bold when we are judged.” What does that mean? Because we are all sinners, brethren, and technically we are all under a judgment of death. That is why every person dies at some sta- -- at some point, everybody dies because we are under a judgment of death. We are not supposed to be dying. The -- mankind, Adam is not supposed to die. So people die because we are under a judgment of death. It is not natural. See, Buddhism, which is another religion that serves another god, tells you death is just a part of life. Death is not a part of life. Death has nothing to do with life. Death is the exact opposite of life.


So we are not li- -- we are not te- -- we are not alive here. We are down here in the world where death rules and reigns, see. So the Scripture that I am talking about says, yes, we will be bold in the day of judgment. That means when Jesus Christ comes to judge us, everybody should be trembling in their boots because we are all sinners, but we do not have to be trembling in our boots. We can be bold and say I am not afraid to have you judge my sins because I know that Jesus Christ loves me, and he has attached himself to me, and he has forgiven my sins, and I, therefore, will accept this judgment. What judgment? Some natural consequence of my behavior, something that will not be pleasant. I will accept it because I know that it is not to destroy me, but that it is only to make me perfect.

I can be bold. I do not have to be afraid of the judgment. I do not have to lie about something that I do wrong. I do not have to be afra- -- I do not have to walk around being afraid of God. I have to know that if I will just confess my sins and just speak the truth and admit when I do something wrong and accept the consequence -- whether it is a natural consequence for my behavior or whether it is a penalty put on you by your parents, either one, if I just accept it, I do not have to be afraid because I know that Jesus forgives my sins, and, therefore, God in heaven forgives my sins, and I am not going to die because of this. I am going to be made perfect, and I ho- -- and I have hope of eternal life. Even if my body dies, I have hope that my soul will be saved and join with Jesus’ soul in the invisible world. I do not have to be afraid of the judgment. I do not have to be afraid of death. I can be bold because Jesus has forgiven me, and whatever happens, I am -- at least my soul is going to be alive, and I hope that I will see my body preserved also.

So this was all me telling you -- on the last page. Hang in there, guys. You are really doing great. I was back on page five saying wherefore, every member of the earth and Adam, which is humanity, who experiences Abel’s resurrection from underneath the ground of their physical body and the illegally obtained spiritual authority of their carnal mind, number one, shall be perfected, and, number two, shall become a new kind of man: neither a carnal mind, neither an earth man, nor a spiritual earthen man, but a new creation that cannot sin and will never die.

Revelation 3:14: “And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write: ‘These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God.’” That is Jesus.

Revelation 1:5: “And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead and the prince of the kings of the earth, unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood.” So we see that Jesus was dead. That means he was just like us because all of humanity is born spiritually dead. He is not God. He was not born as a god. He was born as an earth-man, and he was the first earth-man to be raised from the dead and can no longer die again.

“He is the prince of the kings of the earth.” Remember, I told you that you are all kings. Remember I told you that you are all kings? Jesus is the prince of the kings. Now, in our world a king is higher than a prince. The prince is usually the son of a king, but in spiritual -- in the spiritual world a prince is higher. So Jesus is the once prince. He has the authority over all the kings, and that means that even though you are the kings of the earth and you are the highest life form, and if you have the spirit of life, which you guys have -- even though you are the highest life form on the earth, Jesus is in heaven, and he is a higher life form than you are.

And you should always know that there is someone watching you from above and you need to behave yourself and do the right thing and treat everybody well, with respect. Do not cheat anybody. Do not lie to anybody. I hope you know what the Ten Commandments are. You need to honor your parents, that you should live long on the earth. Do not commit adultery. Do not cheat. Do not lie. Do not bear false witness. I did not tell you all of them.

Revelation 1:5 -- did I say do not steal? Do not steal. “From Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead and the prince of the kings of the earth, unto him that loved us” -- oh, I told you that.

So that is it. You survived my teaching. How great. You did great. You did great.

            Push --


            Push that to stop?

Unless they have questions. Does anybody have questions?


Andrew has a question.

            No, he wants to show you something.

            No, he wants to show you that after [CROSSTALK]

OK. Any questions? Anybody? No. OK, the ending is not that button. It is the button that has the square symbol next to it. One of these buttons here has a square on it.


Transcribed by Verbal Fusion 09/21/16

09/27/16 1st Edit rh

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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