393 - Part 6




Part 6 of 10 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


And we are going to start by reviewing verses 1 through 8 of Revelation 11. There will be some changes, and I will comment as I go along on some of the verses. The Lord has really expanded my understanding of verses 1 through 13 of chapter 11. It is a very exciting message, and I just hope it blesses you as much as it blesses me. So let us just go on.


 The first comment I would like to make to you is that we are going to be calling the serpent’s neck the dragon. I have been talking about the serpent’s neck for a while now. When the Lord first started bringing this concept forth, we found that -- the way the Lord showed it to us was that the trunk of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was Leviathan, and then Leviathan branched out into the many branches of the many conscious minds of fallen humanity. So I first saw both the tree trunk and the branches as Leviathan, and as I petitioned the Lord as to what to -- how to differentiate between the two, I was calling the tree trunk Leviathan the subconscious mind, and the branches Leviathan the conscious mind, which was still confusing.


 Then we found a symbology in the Scripture indicating that the tree trunk, being an extension of the serpent, could be called the serpent’s neck in her relationship to the serpent, or the serpent’s captain in the -- in her relationship to the man individual carnal minds, but I still was not satisfied with the term “serpent’s captain” or “serpent’s neck.” I felt it was clumsy. And last night the Lord revealed to me that this is who the dragon is. The serpent’s neck -- what we have been calling the serpent’s neck is the dragon that is spoken about in Revelation 12 and pos- -- and elsewhere in the Scripture.


 So the serpent, when she ascends -- the serpent, who is the root of this world -- the spiritual root of this world or the foundation -- the spiritual foundation of this world, when she begins to ascend into the visible world, she appears as the trunk of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and in that expression of herself, she is called the dragon. So we are now saying that the dragon is the subconscious mind of mortal man. I think that that is much less clumsy and much more easily identifiable. The conscious mind will continue to be Leviathan, and the unconscious mind, Satan. Praise the Lord.

Recap: Revelation 11:1-8: “And a new mind was given to me.” Now, this is John speaking, and this new mind that is being given to him is the second level of consciousness, that is justification, that is the conception of the new mind. “And a new mind was given to me which had all of the weaknesses of my mortal mind, yet it was strong, and Christ Jesus appeared in me saying, ‘Arise into the mind of Christ.’” Now, that is the third level.

As far as I know, everyone in the church, in the kingdom church at least, is somewhere between the second and third level of consciousness. The second level of consciousness is justification, and the third level of consciousness is sanctification. We are between justification and sanctification -- justification, the conception of the Christ mind, and sanctification, the maturation of the Christ mind.

So we see that John is saying, “And a new mind was given to me which had all the weaknesses of my mortal mind.” The principle here is that the embryonic Christ is weak. The embryonic Christ can be killed. The embryonic Christ can abort. The embryonic Christ can make a mistake embryonic Christ is as a prince under tutors and governors until he matures.

And that is why we still need the Lord Jesus Christ, our elder brother, to back us up on the time because the Christ that is being formed in us is -- he is perfect in his essence. He is perfect because he is the son of the Lord Jesus Christ, but he is severely lacking in experience. The Christ that is being formed in us is in the same condition that Adam the living soul was in, in the garden, and the Christ that is being formed in us has the same potential to fall prey to his own evil self as Adam did in the garden, but the difference between us, we who are carrying the Christ and Adam in the garden, is that we have the Lord Jesus Christ -- who is a magnificent man, he has already overcome, and he is very present with us -- to assist us and to complete us in every area that Christ within us is lacking, you see.

The Lord Jesus Christ is not completing our fallen mind. He is completing our Christ mind. He is completing the new man. He is not completing the old man. The new man is not imparted to us as a fully mature new man. Now, this is a mystery in the church which many, many stumble over. Praise the Lord.

So a new mind was given to John. That is the second level of consciousness, justification, which had all of the weaknesses of his mortal mind, yet it was strong, and it was strong because the Lord Jesus Christ was attached to it. He was present with it.

“And Christ Jesus appeared in me saying, --.” And now, all of a sudden, we see “Christ Jesus appeared in me.” Christ Jesus is the new mind that was given to John plus the Lord Jesus Christ that had engrafted that new mind. So the Lord Jesus Christ married to the human spirit is Christ Jesus. OK, now, Christ Jesus comes in different levels of maturity or different levels of strength depending upon the maturity of Christ.

You see, the Lord Jesus never changes. The Lord Jesus is no respecter or persons. He is the same to all men, but Christ is not the same in all men, you see. So therefore, Christ Jesus, which is the Lord Jesus Christ plus the mind of Christ, appears to us in a variety of stages, some of which are imputed and others of which are imparted. Well, what does that mean?

Well, when the Lord Jesus Christ is married to a human spirit, any full strength that comes forth [INAUDIBLE] from this union is imputed. It is without the repentance of the individual. In other words, if you have -- if you are justified and you are doing miracles in the name of the Lord, if you are justified [INAUDIBLE] at the beginning of your cleansing, the beginning of your purification and you still have -- and your sin nature is still functioning, any miracle-working power that you manifest is imputed because you still have sin.

The i- -- but the Christ Jesus that appears in you after the fifth level of consciousness, which is when the Lord Jesus Christ marries the Christ in you who has -- who is victorious over your own sin nature, that is an imparted Christ Jesus. When Christ in you goes from the third level of consciousness, which is full maturity, to the fourth level of consciousness, which is the bending down under himself of Leviathan, [?OK?], and then marries the Lord Jesus, which is the fifth level of consciousness, you now have an imparted Christ Jesus; you are without sin, you see. So there is a miracle-working power -- all miracle-working power comes from Christ Jesus, that is the Lord Jesus Christ plus Christ in you, but if you are still living out of your sin nature in any measure at all, that miracle-working power is imputed, but if you have dominated your own sin nature that Chri- -- the miracle-working power of Christ Jesus is imparted.

“And Christ Jesus appeared in me saying, ‘Arise into the mind of Christ.’” That is the third level of consciousness, arise to full maturity in Christ. And this is the reason he is giving us this spiritual maturity. See, we have people in the church that think he is giving us spiritual maturity to heal the sick or to cast out demons or to provide food, and all these things are the operation of the Spirit of God, but it is not the primary reason that Christ Jesus is given unto us. Christ Jesus is given unto us for the specific purpose of overcoming our sin nature and killing the powers and principalities of this world and bringing this world to an end, and anything -- any other benefit that we receive in the meantime is just a benefit that is found there because of the path that we are upon.

So Christ Jesus appeared in him saying, “Arise into the mind of Christ,” and this is what you are supposed to do. It does not say “heal the sick.” It does not say “cast out the devils.” It does not say “feed the poor.” “Arise into the mind of Christ and compare the individuals worshipping out of the mind of Christ.” Now, he is not talking about the individuals worshipping out of their carnal mind. God is spirit, and we must worship him in spirit and truth.

“Arise into the mind of Christ and compare the individuals worshipping out of the mind of Christ to the Lord Jesus Christ, who is above the firmament for the purpose of estimating their spiritual maturity.” Now, you might say when you see that -- the words “out of the mind of Christ” are added in -- are in brackets, which means I have added them in. You might say, “Well, why did you add them in, Sheila? Maybe this is talking about the ones who are worshipping out of their carnal mind.

Well, the reason I say nay is the -- because of the last phrase, “to estimate” -- to estimate what? -- “to estimate their spiritual maturity.” There is no spiritual maturity, which is in Christ, to those who are worshipping out of their carnal mind. So, you see, we are drawing a lot of educated conclusions here [?because?] it is OK to draw conclusions if they are based on a solid foundation.

Verse 2: “Indeed, the dragon is also estimating the maturity of her carnal minds which she provides for the bestial multitudes.” So there -- and what does that mean? It means there is a war coming. Estimate the body of Christ, estimate the maturity of the warriors in Christ. Why? Because the dragon is -- she is counting the maturity of carnal minds, and she is coming to take over the human race.

“Indeed, the dragon is also estimating the maturity of her carnal minds which she provides for the bestial multitudes. So therefore, cast Satan and Leviathan, which is your external mind.” What does that mean? It means that Christ is growing inside the carnal mind. That is why we need to be circumcised.

“So therefore, cast Satan and Leviathan [?and?] your external mind off of your Christ mind.” Now, that is the fourth level. That is talking about putting Satan and Leviathan down under the authority of your Christ mind because only Christ Jesus, the holy city -- now, that is talking about the fifth level.

After you put Satan and Leviathan under your authority, you ascend into the fifth level and marry the Lord Jesu- -- and Christ in you marries the Lord Jesus, that is the fifth level of consciousness, and you become the holy city because only the holy city can tread the carnal minds of the two-headed beast under himself. Now, that is talking about the carnal minds of other people. You see, I have an imputed Christ Jesus. That is why I tell you all the time I could only help you to the fullest extent that you are willing to cooperate with me because only the imparted Christ Jesus, that is the Lord Jesus Christ married to the Christ in me who is sinless -- OK, who i- -- well, Christ is sinless, but the Lord Jesus Christ married to me when I am sinless, you see.

After Christ has put my sin nature under his authority, that Christ, that victorious Christ married to the Lord Jesus, only he, only the man in that spiritual condition, only the man who has attained to the fifth level of consciousness can tread down under the carnal minds of other people, you see. This is what was going on with the apostles.

We have talked about that, I think, in the account of Ananias and Sapphira. Ananias came to the apostle Peter, and everyone else that was waiting to see Peter, because they had this revelation, and they wanted their carnal mind put down under their Christ mind, and they were not strong enough to do it. That is what everybody here wants, but we are not strong enough to do it, you see. But Peter, who already has authority over his carnal mind, who is cru- -- who had -- it looks like from the teaching that is coming down now Peter had attained to the fifth level of consciousness. He was strong enough to help these men that wanted the same experience, and the Christ in Peter lent his strength to the mind of Christ in Ananias, knocked out Leviathan and Satan and put them under the mind of Christ in Ananias. And all these people were coming to the apostles for this great gift. They were not bringing them any pro se. They were not bringing them money. That is the carnal mind that translated that Scripture.

Now, we have just so many words that Christ is about to stand around here. If it is me, I will come back and do this for you, Lord willing, but I remind you that it was done for the disciples who came asking for the help, you see. But after the firstfruits company is established, we are going forth to the -- to fallen man to do this for people who are not asking for the help, you see. And anyone in less than the fifth level of consciousness cannot put Leviathan and Satan down under the Christ mind in the people who are not asking for help. First of all, they have to give them the Christ mind against their will. This cannot be done unless you are dwelling in the holy city, which means Christ has overcome your powers and principalities and has married the Lord Jesus, the fifth level of consciousness.

Now, I may have said something different on earlier messages. As you know, my revelation is continuously evolving, but I would like to tell you that the two-headed beast is the serpent and the dragon. The two-headed beast is the serpent and the dragon.

Verse 3 -- and, of course, the dragon has incarnated the many members of fallen humanity. “Indeed, I shall present my --.” This is verse 3. “Indeed, I shall present --.” This is still Christ Jesus speaking. “I shall present my two witnesses to mortal man, and they shall prophesy that the carnal minds” -- that is a translation of the serpent’s [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- “which are clothed in mourning” -- that is the fallen personalities -- “shall die.” The carnal minds of the fallen personalities shall die when the ascended mind of Christ marries the Lord Jesus, that is the fifth level of consciousness.

And those of us who have been studying here know that the sixth and seventh and eighth levels of consciousness are in fact the death of Leviathan and Satan. The sixth level of consciousness is the penetration of Leviathan. The seventh level is the circumcision -- the utter severing, or the harvesting, from Leviathan, and the eighth level of consciousness is the destruction of Satan through boiling. So when we ascend to the fifth level of consciousness, we have -- at that point, we receive the power to bring to pass the sixth, seventh and eighth levels of consciousness.

So the job of the two-witness company is to prophesy that the carnal minds which are in fallen personalities shall die when the mind of Christ ascends above the powers and principalities within themselves and marries the Lord Jesus Christ. I do not see anything about healing the sick or casting out demons or feeding the poor. You see, all of this, it is good things to do, but it is the activity of the mercy of God in hell, you see. The two-witness company is talking about the company of believers who are ascending out of hell. Yes, Jesus did all those things, but Jesus also said, “You shall do greater works than I do,” and then, of course, Jesus was the first one to do the greater works; he ascended out of hell.

Now, do not anyone misunderstand me. I am not saying we should not do these good works. There are people in the church that are assigned to c- -- heal the sick, cast out demons and feed the poor, but if you are called to the two-witness company, you cannot -- we see -- everybody cannot do everything. That is why everybody has to has a -- have a function in the body of Christ, and everybody has to have a function in the mini- -- within the ministry, so that we can run like a well-oiled machine. That is why you have to know who you are and what your job is, and you have to know how to related to other people, and you have to know who is in authority in each relationship under each circumstance. And these skills are likened unto the reading and writing skills of someone who wants to go to college. It is a basic education.

Now, you could be a member of the two-witness company, and the Lord could raise you up to heal someone, deliver someone or feed someone, but we are talking out -- about a primary thrust in our ministry, and the primary thrust in this ministry is to study, to show ourselves approved so that we might ascend into a level of consciousness which will impart the strength to us to defeat the powers and principalities of our world, our own selves, and then after we do that, we are being sent out to help others.

Verse 4: “And these two sources of the anointing, that is the Lord Jesus Christ and Christ, together known as Christ Jesus, shall stand in human bodies in the visible physical world, and they shall have --.” Well, I changed that “Jehovah” to “the Lord Jesus,” and apparently I did not do it right here. “And they shall have the Lord Jesus’ authority to use all manner of heavy affliction and public calamity as often as they deem necessary to cut down the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that is in their earth and to repossess the waters of life.”

Now, brethren, we had some chastisement in the meeting this morning. When I chastise you publicly, I am cutting down you tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That is what I am doing, you see. And I am afflicting you heavily. I afflicted you heavily today, and I inflicted calamity on you publicly today, and my motive for doing it was to cut down your tree of the knowledge of good and evil that is in your earth, so that you can repossess the waters of life which are in you because there is no way you are going to repossess the waters of life if you do not cut down your tree.

Now, the waters of life are speaking to the virile semen -- to Jehovah’s virile semen, and the virile semen has two sides to it. It has spermatozoa and waters. Now, the spermatozoa is the head of the waters, and the two are one, and together they are Jehovah’s virile seed which has the authority to produce a visible spiritual world which is eternal, and the men in it are eternal, but something that could not happen in our world happened in the spiritual world, which is on a much higher level.

The waters of the semen separated from the sperm and decided to form her own world without the sperm. Now, because this -- the waters of the semen have all the building blocks of life, but they do not have the life, which is the sperm, the runaway or the rebellious waters was able to form a conscious world, and that is what we are here. We have consciousness, but we do not have life. We have a world filmed by the water -- formed by the waters but not by the sperm. The waters formed her own sperm. She thickened herself because the spermatozoa is thicker than the waters of the semen. So the waters twisted together with the earth and made a counterfeit sperm.

What we are talking about is the repossession of the waters of life, and when we possess the wa- -- you see, we cannot possess the waters of life until we cut down the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and when we possess the waters of life, we are talking about immortality, you see. Immortality will come to pass when the head of the waters beco- -- are restored to the headship of the waters because the waters are run away from the head. When the sperm and the waters are reconciled under the authority of the true life, which the Lord Jesus said, “I am the life,” we will have eternal life.

So the waters that are in us, who today in our fallen condition are -- do you know the name? Does anybody know the name? -- the waters of life. The waters of life --


-- what are they called today? They are in a perverse form today.

Leviathan and Satan? Or just Satan [CROSSTALK]

Well, just Satan [?and the sea?], yes. The waters of life have been polluted by the Earth and become Satan’s sea. So that means to get -- the waters -- to repossess our waters -- OK, because we are Christ, so to repossess our waters, we have to separate the clean waters from the polluted seas, and the only way that is going to happen is by killing Satan. We are going to boil her waters unto her death, and her waters will be distilled, which will release the waters of life, but sh- -- Satan as she now exists will die, will cease to exist. So this is the purpose for the public humiliation that is coming upon you.

“And they shall have the Lord Jesus’ authority to use all manner of heavy affliction and public calamity” -- that means humiliation -- “as often as they deem necessary to cut down the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that is in their earth and to possess the waters of life -- now -- to repossess the waters of life.” Now, this verse is talking about the individual member of the two-witness company doing it for themselves, and what is not clear here is that the Lord will put us in little groups under an authority, all of which are not yet perfect, and if you are called to the two-witness company and you cannot do this yourself, then I am here to help you. In this group anyway, I am here to help you, but my authority is only to the Christians who are in agreement at this time.

Verse 5: “But the hostile ones who are criminally disposed to violate Christ Jesus shall oppose him. So for this reason, the lake of fire shall come out of Christ Jesus’ mouth and devour Leviathan and kill Satan.” Now, we ha- -- we talked about this on part 2, and we are saying that right now because we are not perfect yet, the hostile ones who are criminally disposed to violate Christ Jesus are within ourselves, you see. The hostile ones -- Levi- -- Satan and Leviathan are opposing Christ Jesus in you, and apparently Christ Jesus in you is not strong enough to put them down under, so my job is to rebuke you publicly when it comes to that point, which it has come to thi- -- that -- this point in this ministry, in the hopes that Christ Jesus in you will stand up and put Satan and Leviathan under his authority because, you see, you can only be dragged so far.

You have to do it yourself. I can teach you. I can show you, and I can humiliate you publicly, and if that does not do it, you better cry out to Jesus because that is the end of what I can give you. This is the last help that I could give you, and it has taken me all this time to come to this point where the Lord has told me I am to humiliate you publicly. It is your last chance to stand up, OK. And, of course, p- -- for those reading this message, the public humiliation is here amongst the group. You are in a safe place. Nobody is condemning you here. It is not going out beyond the group.

Verse 6(b) -- [INAUDIBLE] -- well, let me go over 5 one more time. But the hostile ones who are criminally disposed to violate Christ Jesus shall oppose Christ Jesus in themselves and in the one -- that is me -- who is trying to strengthen Christ Jesus in you, and this is the reason why the lake of fire -- and that is the rebuke -- has to come out of Christ Jesus’ mouth, for the specific purpose of devouring Leviathan and killing Satan. But so long as I am not perfect, if you are not willing to take it, you are denying yourself this privilege of the -- of being assisted in putting the powers and principalities in yourself down under your Christ.

Now, if you have so m- -- and I do not think this is true of anybody here, but I feel led to put it in this message. Now, if you have so much pride that you think that you do not need help from someone who has a mature -- more mature Christ Jesus in them than you do and it turns out that it is true that you do not need the help, well, then you are OK. But if it turns out that it is pride telling you that you do not need help and that you are going to do it all by yourself and you will not expose yourself to other Christians or you will not expose yourself to someone in authority who might come to you and tell you, you are not making it, you need help, well, then you are going to reap what you sow, and the chances are that you will not enter in when the door opens.

Now, brethren, the Scripture clearly says the door is going to open and the door is going to close, and I am convinced that there will be a period where it will be possible if you are prepared according to the Lord’s standards, not according to your standards, to ascend into -- at least into the eighth level of consciousness. We will see as we go through this message that there i- -- that the fifth level is very significant, and the eighth level is very significant, and the 10th level is very significant, and I will go over that when we come to it.

There is a door that is going to open, and it is a door into immortality. There is a season where those who are willing to pursue the course of study and training that are required to ascend will be able to ascend, but then that door is closing. And I am convinced -- you can disagree with me if you want, but I am convinced that once that door closes, whoever did not enter into the -- into immortality or at least -- see, I do not really know whether you have to be in the 12th level when the door closes. I tend to doubt it, you know, but I think that you would have to be at least at the fifth level when the door closes, but I could be wrong about that. You have to be at least at the fourth level, which is perfection or full stature.

If you have not entered into that point when the door closes, what is going to happen? Are you going to be tortured forever? No, but I am convinced that you will be grouped with the rest of the world that is unregenerate, that you are going to have to come under the teaching of the sons of God that are ascended, you see.

So what am I talking about? Let me say it in another way. There is a company that is coming forth right now that is being trained unto the sons of God who are not yet ascended. That is me. I am a son of God. I am Christ, but I am not ascended, you see. I am somewhere between the second and third level. I still, God only knows, have a sin nature that manifests every day. Just by the fact of my nature, I am -- I sin every day.

What does that mean? Because my carnal mind is not so fully restrained that she cannot think through me, so I sin every day. I am still worthy of death. You think you are going to be saved by works? With all this doctrine that I brought through -- brought forth, with everything that I do, I am still worthy of nothing but death because my sin nature shows itself every day.

So there is a company of people, which is very small, who are being given the opportunity to train for spiritual ascension under an imperfect son. This is what Paul is talking about when he said -- I think he said it to the Corinthians. I could be wrong. He said, “I came to you with infirmity in my flesh, but you received me as an angel of God.” He said, “I came to you with this message, with this gospel of God, but I was still imperfect, but despite my imperfection, you received me as Christ Jesus.” He is the angel of God, Christ Jesus.

So for those of you who can see that this ministry is upon me -- and if someone else is doing it somewhere else, praise God. I just do not know about it -- you have the opportunity to be amongst the firstfruits company, and when the door is closed for those who are in the firstfruits company, the whole rest of the world is going to come under the teaching and the ministry of the ascended son, who you cannot deny because he will be perfect, you see. That is how I see it, and I am pretty sure that that is accurate. That is what is going to happen.

Now, the world that is under the ascended son will be broken down into categories, and we will see as we go on with this message they are broken down into the -- what did I call it? -- the reconciled Christian, the justified Christian, the natural Jew and those that are still reprobate. They do not have any knowledge of Christ at all. But you will be -- if you do not make it into that firstfruits company, you will have to be in one of those four categories that are s- -- that are coming under the ministry of the sons. Is that the worst thing in the world? No, [?you know,?] but to have known that you had an opportunity to enter in and be the f- -- to enter into the firstfruits company and that you rejected it for whatever reason -- and that is not what is happening here. We are just struggling with you here to help you here, but there are many that were called here that did not enter in -- there is going to be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

More advice, verse 5. So the hostile ones who are criminally disposed to violate Christ Jesus in themselves, in the one that is trying to help them -- and in the one who is trying to help them shall oppose him. So for this reason the lake of fire, that is the words that are coming out of the mind of Christ, and the imperfect one who is trying to help you, either -- that is trying to help you shall come out of Christ Jesus’ mouth not only go you, but to my own Leviathan and Satan. I rebuke her all the time, and the words that are coming out of Christ Jesus shall devour Leviathan and kill Satan eventually -- shall eventually devour Leviathan and kill Satan or -- and/or shall devour Leviathan and kill Satan in a particular circumstance or in a particular conflict, which we saw here last week.

And the reason is because Satan -- and the reason that this has to be this way is because Satan and Leviathan have the serpent’s authority to prevent the seed of Christ Jesus’ prophecy -- that is the spirit of Christ. Brethren, when I preach like this out of the mind of Christ, the spirit of Christ is coming forth from me in seed. It is coming forth from me as seed. This is the sowing of the seed.

Now, if Christ is conceived in you, this seed is falling on Christ and strengthening him to grow. If ever someone who is -- in whom Christ is not conceived would hear this message, when this spirit of Christ goes into the mind of the unregenerate person, it becomes the Holy Spirit. It becomes the Holy Spirit when it gets inside of them. Why is that? Because the spirit of Christ abides in Christ. So the spirit of Christ is coming forth from me because I have Christ, and if you have Christ, when it gets inside of you, he goes right to your Christ mind to strengthen him, but if there is no Christ inside of you, he becomes the Holy Spirit, if you can hear it. If you cannot, that is OK. Put it on a shelf.

Be -- and Satan and Leviathan must be punished because they have the serpent’s authority to prevent this seed of Christ Jesus’ prophecy from drawing the human spirit -- that is a translation of the word “heaven” -- out of their carnal minds for the specific purpose of returning him to the world above. You see, this prophecy of the two witnesses -- witness company, this doctrine of Christ coming forth in the form of the spirit of Christ has a specific purpose. It is not to feed the sick -- it is not to heal the sick or cast out demons or feel -- or feed the poor. The specific purpose of the doctrine of Christ is to draw the human spirit from those who hear it, to draw him out of the carnal mind, to raise him up into Christ, so that he might return to the world above the firmament from which he comes.

And you may recall that in Isaiah where it talks about the seven spirits of God, it talks about the Christ -- the ministry of Christ Jesus, and it clearly says -- well, in our Alternate Translation, it clearly says that he will not heal the sick or cast out demons or feed the poor. And, again, there is nothing wrong with that. That is the ministry of the female church. If you are engaged in preaching or studying the doctrine of Christ, you are moving in the manhood company.

Now, you cannot move in this company unless Jesus calls you to it, and it is no crime being a woman, but if you want to be a man, if you want to be engaged in the ministry that is bringing the woman underneath the authority of the man, which will save the whole world, ask the Lord for it. All you have to do is ask for it. I cannot guarantee that he will give it to you, but be content with what you have and ask the Lord for what you do not have that you would like. But be content with what you have and minister faithfully to whatever he has given you to do each day.

OK. We are going to -- we are up to verse 9 now, and we are going to read you verse 9. I saw a couple of -- I saw -- I made a couple of changes, and I felt I wanted to show you how I found them, so we are redoing the whole of verse 9. Now, I see that I did not put the King James translation of that verse here, so we will just jump in.

“And they shall discern” -- it is talking about the two-witness companies. Now, I change this. In part 2, I said the carnal Christians and the spiritual Christians, but the Lord told me that he did not want me using those words.

“And the two-witness company shall see the justified Christians” -- they are going to see the ones that have Christ conceived in them. That is a translation of “people” -- “and they are going to recognize the natural Jews, and the reconciled Christians” -- they are the one who speak in tongues -- “and they are also going to recognize those who have no knowledge of Christ.” And this -- I did not see this when I translated it the la- -- in the last two parts. “Those who have no knowledge of the dead Christ,” OK. And you will see -- if you look down unto the Alternate Translation, I translated that, “and those who have no knowledge of the dead -- of the Christ” -- what did I do over here? Now, “they have no knowledge of the dead Christ that is in their serpentine timelines” -- what did I do there?

Hmm. I see what I did here. OK, this really should not say “Alternate Translation” over here. What I did over there was just put together all the words without the numbers. So if you want to look down unto Amplified Translation, you could see I translated that, “and those who have no knowledge of the dead Christ that is in the same place as Satan, the third part of their carnal mind.” They have no knowledge that there is a dead Christ in them.

Do you know, I talked to someone many years ago when I worked in Manhattan about the spirit of man, and he said to me, “A spirit of man? I never heard of that. I know that man has a soul. I never heard that man has a spirit.” Well, the human spirit is the dead Christ. Do you know, with all the spiritual talk that is out there with the New Age movement, even in Hinduism and other philosophies, there is not much talk of the spirit, and if you do hear the word “spirit” being used, it is used interchangeably with “soul.” They do not really distinguish that there is a human spirit, which is the dead Christ, that is a part of their carnal mind, that is a part of their personality.

And we say personality instead of soul. That within that soul -- here is a part of that soul -- that the world calls a soul, we call it personality. There is a pa- -- there is something in there that is called a spirit, and that human spirit, he is the dead Christ. He is the residue of the Christ who died, and because that residue is in you, you have the potential to be raised from the dead along with him and ascend into immortality with him who is immortal. So I did not quite see that when we did verse 9.

And another thing that I would like to point out to you is the statement that the two-witness company shall see the natural Jews. I want to suggest to you that the Scripture is not talking about everyone who is a Jew by nationality. You see, a lot of people do not understand that Judaism is really a nationality. The Hebrew -- there is a Hebrew nation, and I am not talking about Israel. There was a country called Judah, and there was a country called Israel that broke up into Judah and Israel, and the Jew -- natural Jews today have a national identity that has survived the breakup of their nation for 2,000 years, which is very rare.

But I do not know that this Scripture is talking about everyone who is a natural Jew because -- well, I -- that is my feeling right now. The Scripture is talking about those who are Jews -- truly Jews amongst the Jews. All of Israel is not Israel, you see. To truly be a Jew as described under the t- -- the word “kindreds,” it is talking about the Jewish nationals who have a relationship with my -- I believe they have a relationship with Jesus Christ. They just do not know it. They think it is Jehovah.

So the two-witness company shall have the ability to identify justified Christians, that is Christians in whom Christ is being formed, reconciled Christians -- now, what does that mean, reconciled Christians? It means -- what makes you a Christian if Christ is not being formed in you? It means that you have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. You can have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ without having Christ being formed in you, and I have seen people who are reconciled but not justified show great commitment and love and affection for the Lord Jesus Christ. They do what they can. Your 2-year-olds love you. They do the best they can. So we as the two-witness company, we must categorize people, you see.

Now, when you first come into this ministry -- we have not had it here for a while, but I do not know where these messages are going -- a lot of people are concerned that we are gossiping. Listen, gossip is a spirit. Gossip is a spirit that has an evil intent towards that person, but you look at a person for the purpose -- for Christ’s purposes, the end of which is to raise them up into immortality, and determine where they are in Christ and to see sin in them for the purpose of helping them is not sin. Now, on the other hand, we have people who go around saying such-and-such is happening to such-and-such. Pray for them, and it is really a spirit of gossip, you see.

So we have to discern the spirit. Is it a spirit of Gossip that is saying pray for them just to justify and make clean -- they are carrying an evil tale? See, and there is the difference right there. If it is gossip, you will most likely hear an evil tale followed by “pray for them,” but if it is the spirit of Christ in the two-witness company, you are not going to be hearing any gossip. You are going to be s- -- you are going to be hearing about discerned sin in the person that they may be acting out or they may not be acting out.

Now, it is possible that in the two-witness company you will hear about a particular incident from someone. You have to try the Spirit from minute to minute, but that is basically the difference. The gossip that says pray for them is saying pray for them just to cover their tail -- for -- just to cover themselves for carrying the tale, and the two-witness company is not talking about behavior. We are talking about revealed sin in a person, if you can hear it. If you cannot hear it, pray about it and put it on a shelf.

So the two-witness company shall evaluate the people that come across their path, and they shall categorize them and decide whether or not they are justified Christians, reconciled Christians, Jews that have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ or w- -- and everyone else will go in a categor- -- in the category of those who have no knowledge of the dead Christ. They do not even know that they have a spirit, but that the residue of the Christ who died is amidst them, and they, therefore, have the potential for greatness, for immortality, because of that potential within them.

OK, I think that -- well -- OK, I will do the whole thing. So the word “days,” we are translating “serpentine timelines.” Why are we doing that? Because the word “day,” if you look it up in Strong’s, it is talking about a 24-hour day broking -- broken into one-hour segments, and the timeline of Almighty God is eternal. So this day -- this concept of day and night, it is indicating the serpent’s timeline. 

And the third -- the number three, that is something that we have dealt with many times over the years. It is talking about the third part of the carnal mind, which is Satan, the darkness. And the phrase ha- -- the word “half,” Strong’s 2255, we are translating “in the same place,” and the word “dead bodies” -- the word “bodies” was really added in by the King James translation. “Dead” is the accurate translation. The word “there” we are translating “themselves,” and there is a negative particle translated “not” in the King James translation and in the interlinear, which we are translating “Leviathan.” The word “shall suffer” can be translated “divorce,” and the word “to put” can be translated “to bend down into a passive position.” This is all in Strong’s lexicon. And the word “in” we are translating “underneath,” and the word “graves,” if you look that word up in Strong’s, it is really talking about a stone monument. It is not talking about an earthen grave. Stone typifies spirit, and this is a spirit that is appearing, so we are translating it mind. In your notes, I have it written as “spirit/mind,” and I am translating it spiritual mind.

You see, the whole principle here is that we are walking graves. Jesus called the Pharisees sepulchers. He is talking -- he is calling them walking graves, and the monument that we have, the stone monument that is within us which is for the purpose of marking the grave, is our human spirit, you see. When the two-witness company come looking for people, they are looking for the sign of potential life. They are looking for the human spirit, which is that stone marker. We are dead, but there is a mark on us, which is our potential for resurrection, and in this parable, it is called a monument and translated “grave” in the King James. Well, I have it marked “Amplified Translation,” but that will be the Alternate Translation.

“And Christ Jesus shall discern the justified Christians and the natural Jews” -- let me change that -- “and the Jews” -- let me see -- “and the Jews who” -- actually, it should be “who are reconciled to Jesus,” even though they do not know it. I will have to pray about that. “And the reconciled Christians and those who have no knowledge of the dead Christ that is in the same place as Satan, the third part of their carnal mind,” -- that is a translation of “serpentine timeline -- “and they shall bend Leviathan, their own dead mind, downward into a passive position underneath Christ” -- that is the fourth level. That is perfection or full stature -- “underneath Christ, who is their spiritual mind, and they shall divorce her.” That is Leviathan. That is the sixth and seventh levels of consciousness. The sixth is the penetration of Leviathan, and the seventh is the circumcision, the separation -- the full separation from Leviathan.

I am on page 3. “And Christ Jesus shall discern the justified Christians and the Jews who are reconciled and the reconciled Christians, and those who have no knowledge of the dead Christ that is in the same place as Satan, the third part of their carnal mind. And when Christ Jesus finishes his testimony concerning Satan’s future” -- and that is what we are doing here, brethren. This message is exciting me so much. The message that is being preached here is concerning Satan and Leviathan’s future, and by preaching this word, we are prophesying their death. We are the two-witness company. Here, according to Revelation 11, we are functioning in the role of the two-witness company. Again, I am not saying no one else is doing it, but if they are, I have not heard of them.

“And when Christ Jesus finishes his testimony concerning Satan” -- that should be “Satan and Leviathan’s future, the wild animal that evolved from the Earth, or the bottom of the Earth, and bottom of the abyss, or from the seabed, shall make war against Christ Jesus.” And that is the imputed Christ Jesus, you see. Now, what is interesting is when Christ Jesus finishes or completes his testimony -- now, I do not know how to tell whether it is completed or not because I do not -- I only know what Jesus shows me, but I think we are pretty close to completion. We have got a lot of information here.

“And when Christ Jesus finishes his testimony concerning Satan and Leviathan’s future, the wild animal that evolved from the seabed, or from the bottom of the -- from the Earth and bottom of the abyss, shall make war against Christ Jesus, but the mind of Christ shall overcome.” Now, the wild animal is the whole carnal man, the whole man, and not only the individual in whom Christ Jesus is rising, but the whole man. And we know that a lot of people -- of course, we are advertising this work -- a lot of people do not agree with what we are saying, and people’s reaction to us determines whether or not they are Christ or whether or not they are the wild animal, you see. So this means that every man that comes in contact with us and with our prophesies specifically that is a wild anima- -- that is living out of their carnal mind is going to make war against us.

See, now, I just got a -- we -- I got a letter in the mail the other day from a man that was - - I had to really wage war last night because I kept coming back on me. I blessed him and I forgave him, you know. Why did I forgive him? Because what he did was wrong. We have a specific contract on the Internet: If you want our materials, you have to check the agree box, which says that you are interested in our materials and that they will edify you. But this man apparently took them on false terms because he took them and he read them, and he took one of our messages. I do thank God that he returned the messages, but he sent back a very cutting, short note taking authority over us and is -- and criticizing the work. So he took our material under false pretenses, you see. So he is representing the beast to us, and his mind is attacking Christ Jesus, and this is just one man. There are many more than him, and there shall be many more.

So the beast is making war against Christ Jesus, but the mind of Christ shall overcome Leviathan. Now, what this is saying here is -- this Scripture is talking about the two-witness company that is not yet perfected. OK, that is us right here, but we are preaching -- we are prophesying the future of Satan and Leviathan even though we are not perfect, and the beast, the whole man that hates Christ Jesus because they are given over to their carnal mind is going to wage war against us. Whether it is your friend or whether it is someone in your family, if you are -- if you in any way are prophesying the demise of Satan and Leviathan, the beast is making war against you. And what it does not say here is that the war that the beast is making against you is for the specific purpose of strengthening your own Leviathan and Satan to stop Christ in you from doing this.

So therefore, verse 7(a) says that the beast shall make war against Christ Jesus -- that is an imputed Christ Jesus. That means the -- that means I am not perfect yet or you are not perfect yet, but the mind of Christ in you who is not perfect shall overcome Leviathan, and that is in yourself, you see. It does not say you are going to overcome the wild animal at this point. Let me say it again. I do not think you got it. The beast is making war against you who are not yet perfect with the specific intent of strengthening your own Satan and Leviathan to stop you from going on in Christ, you see.

But the mind of Christ in you shall overcome Leviathan in yourself. You see, not the beast in the other guy who is attacking you -- I am in 9(b) now -- but the mind of Christ is not fighting against the beast that is attacking you. The mind of Christ is fighting against your own Satan and Leviathan. I had to rebuke my own powers and principalities last night because it was a very strong spirit of attack coming against me, and I wanted to rise up and tell this man off and write him and tell him and -- you know, you lied. You know, here you are criticizing us. You took our materials under false pretenses, but I knew that it was my carnal mind.

And, you see, you cannot stop this kind of attack by rebuking the other man. I had an ungodly response to the beast, you see, so I had to confess that as sin to the Lord Jesus. Now, and I prayed, Lord I will -- that I do not say one word to this man unless it is coming out of the mind of Christ, and I am ready to destroy that letter and forget the whole thing and not answer it at all. I just left it for June to make a record on his card that he was hostile to us, and I am going to throw the letter out, and unless I get a word from the Lord to rebuke this man, I am not going to do it.

And I want to tell you that if the word does not come, it means he is a bastard, you see. If the word of correction does not come, it means he is a bastard. I do not know who he is, you see. But it has to come out of Christ. It cannot come out of me defending myself. So when the wild animal attacks me, the mind of Christ in me shall overcome my own Leviathan, not the wild animal, not the guy out there. You see, it takes the fifth level of consciousness to overcome the beast in the guy out there. Do you understand that? All I could do is overcome my own Leviathan and Satan, and then the Lord will deal with him because I am only between the second and third level of consciousness. I am very young.

“But the mind of Christ shall overcome Leviathan,” -- I am in 9(b) -- “their dead conscious mind” -- that is me -- “and bend her down into a passive position underneath Christ.” Now, when that happens permanently, it is the fourth level of consciousness, but last night it happened in this particular incident. I overcame Satan and Leviathan in myself, who was trying to get me to act out the sin of pride with regard to this man, but I bent them down underneath me, and I took dominion over them in this incident. And ev- -- and I will keep on doing this, and eventually -- and whoever is practicing this, eventually, we will put Satan and Leviathan under us permanently, and then we shall have ascended to the third level of consciousness. Well, no, that is the fourth level. I am sorry. We shall have ascended to the fourth level of consciousness, which is perfection or full stature, and then after that we shall divorce her, that is Satan -- oh, I am sorry, that is Leviathan, which is the sixth and seventh levels of consciousness, spiritual circumcision, and we shall kill Satan next, the eighth level of consciousness.

Verse 8: “Indeed, the waters of life penetrated our lord Adam.” Now, right here it -- right here in the middle of nowhere we are getting some very deep revelation of the fall, OK, and what the Scripture is saying that the reason that Christ Jesus is waging war against other men is righteous because, you see, Leviathan and Satan and the dragon and the serpent -- back at the beginning of time, it was not Leviathan and Satan. At the beginning of time it was the serpent -- she killed our original ancestor, Adam, and we are all abiding in death ever since. And therefore, it is righteous for the two-witness company to wage war against the beast, or the wild animal, as we are calling him, because this whole world and the formation that we are in is a lie, and it is a sto- -- it is stolen property. It is ille- -- its existence -- its very existence is illegal, and therefore, it is righteous for the two-witness company out of whom Christ Jesus is manifesting to wage war against the powers and principalities of this world, and that includes the human beings who are in complete agreement with the powers and principalities of this world. But the war is a spiritual warfare. We are not touching -- we are not physically touching anybody.

Verse 8: “Indeed, the waters of life penetrated our lord” -- and this is very controversial. If this is the first message you are reading, please, read part 2 of this message, which establishes how I could put Adam in there. This verse 8 is talking about before the fall, and the lord or the king of the whole creation before the fall was Adam the living soul.

“Indeed, the waters of life penetrated our lord Adam, so that the dragon” -- that large, flat city -- now, remember, Christ Jesus is the holy city, and Christ Jesus is the trunk of the tree of life, and the dragon is the city of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the trunk of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That is very large because the dragon has expanded. She -- the serpent stole the breath of life, and she increased into the dragon, and the dragon has been expanding, incarnating all these many billions and trillions of human beings in this world. So the city is large.

Now, please note, that the city is also flat, which means that it is a four-dimensional city, but the holy city is a fi- -- is a five-dimensional city [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. The four dimensions of the dragon’s city are height, depth, width and spacetime. And the fifth dimension, which does not exist in the dragon’s city but which does exist in Christ Jesus, is a spiritual mind. It is the mind that ascends into immortality. And the fifth dimension is mind.

Now, the dragon’s city has mind in it, but it is a perverse mind that gives no access to the world above. So for all intents and purposes, it is not there. It is flat. It has no spiritual mind according to the Lord’s definition. Now, some people listening to this message might say, well, the dragon does have a spiritual mind. There is spirituality in Satan and in the dragon. Yes, but it is a spirituality of the four gi- -- of the four dimensions. By definition, the dimension called mind ascends beyond the four dimensions, ascends beyond spacetime, but, you see, the serpent’s mind that operates in the dragon’s flat city is a mind that arises out of spacetime. It does not arise out of the world above the firmament.

“Indeed, the waters of life penetrated our lord Adam, so that the dragon, that large, flat city which is the serpent’s timeline, could generate the double-ended tunnel that connects the serpent to Leviathan. But the dragon shall be ruined.” Now, the double-ended tunnel is different than the two-headed beast. The two-headed beast is the serpent and the dragon who incarnate this visible physical world of which Satan and Leviathan are a part. The devil is the two-headed beast plus Satan and Leviathan and the personalities of the many --

OK, let me say this first. I have told you in the past that the devil is the physical body, and I think the Lord is showing me that the devil is more than the physical body. The devil is the whole of fallen man all the way out to the physical body. You see, we are talking about mind, we are talking about personality, but when we accumulate all of the parts of the fallen man and you get that whole man, he is the devil, you see. We are individual devils, and fallen mankind as a whole is the collective devil.

So I am saying that the two-headed beast is the serpent and the dragon who incarnate this visible physical world of which Satan and Leviathan are a part, and the devil is the two-headed beast plus Satan and Leviathan plus the personalities of the many members of mortal man, and each fallen individual is a devil.

The double-ended tunnel is the dragon who connects the serpent at one end to Leviathan -- to the many-membered Leviathan, the conscious mind, at the other end. So the two-headed beast is the serpent and the dragon who incarnate this visible world, but the double-ended tunnel is the dragon. And we have had several drawings on the board of that and -- showing how the dragon connects the serpent to the conscious mind of mortal humanity.

So the double-ended tunnel is the dragon who connects the serpent at one end to Leviathan and the conscious mind at the other end. The “wild animal” is the term we are using in our Alternate Translation for the two-headed beast. I do not know if that is correct. The wild animal and the two-headed -- I am going to have to -- well, I do not know if that is right. If you just want to put a question mark there. I was doing this at 3 o’clock in the morning. I am not sure that is exactly right, so just put a question mark on who the wild animal is. I think really that the wild animal -- hmm, well, I am going to let it go for now.

Now, in “Moses, Part 7,” I told you this: Remember, this world is the opposite from the spiritual world, and this -- I am talking about yoke bar. We came up with the term the “yoke bar” in “Moses, Part 7,” and I think that was in Numbers -- well, I see I did not put it down. It was in Numbers -- one of the passages in Numbers that we were doing. Remember, this world -- now, this is what I said in “Moses, Part 7”: Remember, the world is the opposite from the spiritual world -- this world. One yoke seen with the carnal mind appears to be for two men, but I suggest to you that the spiritual yoke bar holds the spiritual generations together. That is, the spiritual yoke bar connects the serpent and the devil, the first and third generations. And then I said: Remember, Leviathan, which we are now calling the dragon, is the second generation.

So when this concept of the yoke bar came up in “Moses, Part 7,” I said that it connected the serpent, who is at the complete end, to the devil -- the serpent, who is the foundation, to the devil, who is the farthest orbit out. The devil is outer darkness. This physical body is the farthest orbit around our center, which is our spirit. Are you OK with that?

So -- now, the reason I am putting this in is because it does not line up with what I just said about the double-ended tunnel. So first of all, we did “Moses, Part 7” before we started calling the dragon the serpent’s captain. You may remember that we were still calling both the dragon and the conscious mind Leviathan -- both -- well, we are now calling the dragon, that is the tree trunk, and the conscious mind -- we were calling them both Leviathan. I think I told you this at the beginning of the message, but I will read my note. And the reason for that was that I had not yet decided how to distinguish between the two, Leviathan the tree trunk and Leviathan the many-membered conscious mind.

Secondly, I told you in “Moses, Part 7” that the yoke bar connected the serpent and the devil, the first and the third generations. Now, from that point, I drew the conclusion that Satan must be the one conne- -- you see, I drew this conclusion. I made a mistake. I drew the conclusion if the yoke bar was the serpent -- if the yoke bar connected the serpent, the root of the tree, to the devil, the farthest or the [?outer?] expression of man, the physical body, then the only one left that could have been connecting them was Satan. Can you see how I drew that conclusion? But I made a mistake because the yoke bar was not connecting the serpent to the devil, you see, but according to my assumption, I drew the only conclusion that I could, that the yoke bar had to be Satan, but my reasoning was faulty.

So now the Lord has revealed to us that apparently this yoke bar is the same as the double-ended tunnel -- and I will tell you the difference between the two in a minute -- but the yoke bar, OK, connects the serpent to Leviathan the conscious mind, you see. Hmm, I wonder what the Lord is telling me here. The yoke bar. OK, I think I am confusing you. Let me back up a little.

In this message, we are talking about a double-ended tunnel that we decided is the dragon which connects the serpent to the many conscious minds of fallen man called Leviathan, and I am bringing in an old message because what we discovered now contradicts this old message, and I wanted to point it out to you. In “Moses, Part 7," we found a symbol called a yoke bar for yoking two oxen together, and based on that message, I reasoned it out saying that the yoke bar yoked together the serpent, who is the most spiritual aspect of this fallen creation, and the physical body of fallen man, which is the farthest away that you could get from the serpent. And the only -- and then I drew the conclusion that Satan was the yoke bar that was connecting the serpent to the physical body of the fallen man.

And I am now telling you that I think that was wrong. I think the yoke bar is the same dragon that is the two-ended tunnel which connects the serpent to Leviathan the many-membered mind of fallen man. The yoke bar and the two-ended tunnel are both the dragon. Why is there two names? For the same reason that we call the dragon sometimes the serpent’s neck when we looked at the dragon as that part of the serpent that was reaching out to the physical world. Now, we called the dragon the serpent’s captain when we thought of the serpent -- when we thought of the dragon in her relationship of authority to all the many conscious minds of the carnal mind. You following me? OK.

So what is the difference then between the yoke bar and the double-ended tunnel? We would use the term yoke bar when we are thinking of the dragon as the one that holds the two ends of the creation together, the very spiritual end and the very physical end. But we think of the dragon as the double-ended tunnel when we consider that the serpent does -- intends to arise into that tunnel to grab the minds of the people who are descending into the tunnel. I am going to put this on the board for you. OK.

OK. We have -- now, you are checking your arrows to make sure it is recording, right? OK. It is not playing. It is recording, right? OK? OK. Is that what it says? It says “record”? Can you see it? OK.

OK. We are looking at drawing number one, and this is -- it is a drawing of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but it is emphasizing the tree trunk, which is the dragon. It is not the holy city. It is the opposite of the holy city. We are calling it the impure city. It is also the subconscious mind of mortal man. And remember, please, that the subconscious mind is the place where all -- or everyone that is a part of this fallen humanity meets each other. It is a spiritual place where we can meet each other. It is going into the city.

Now, to get into the city, your conscious mind, which is turned outward when you are born -- everyone is born with a conscious mind called Leviathan that is turned towards the world outside of themselves, and that is typified by the branches of the tree reaching upward. You may have heard the expression “If you want to be spiritual, you have to turn inward. The spiritual life is within.” Well, each one of us is a branch on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We have a conscious mind called Leviathan. So when we begin to seek spiritual experiences -- that is what I have written over here in red. When we consciously -- when our conscious mind begins to seek spiritual experiences, we have to enter into the city.

That is interesting because I had several dreams going all the way back about the city, and I really did not know what it meant. I am going to have to go back and look for those dreams and see if I can make some sense out of them. The city is the subconscious mind. This is the ingathering. This is the place where everybody meets, but of course, this is in the serpent. According to this drawing, it is in the serpent. So if you are an individual with a conscious mind who is consciously seeking spiritual experiences, you are turning away from the world outside of you, and you are turning to -- inward, to the world within you.

Now, this is what is happening to you. Your branch is turning inward. Did you ever hear of an ingrown toenail? OK. Your branch, your mind is turning inward. You are less and less. Now, it is a process, but you are less and -- as you are more and more attracted to the things that you do with your mind, you must correspondingly be less and less attracted to the things that you do with your body because they are complete opposite from one another, see.

So this diagram shows your mind turning inward, see, and you are turning into the impure city, OK, and the impure city is the two-ended tunnel, and your conscious mind is at one end of the tunnel, and the serpent is down at the other end of the tunnel. And of course, what I did not show on this board -- because it is really hard to show Satan. It just confuses the board. Satan is the fluids -- is -- she is the sea, and she is throughout this whole tunnel, you see. The tunnel is filled with a fluid which is called Satan.

So when you first turn inward, you are communicating with Satan, and you are having all kinds of spiritual experiences if you are not in God, and you think that you are really cool, but while you are having these spiritual experiences with Satan that make you feel like you are in control -- excuse me -- the serpent -- we are going to have to take this picture again, June -- the serpent is ascending out of the depths of the pit because the serpent is formed in the ocean bed. She is ascending upwards, and while you are fooling around with Satan, she is coming to snatch you and to join with you in a spiritual union that is likened to marriage. The serpent ascends into a two -- into the two-ended tunnel to seek a wife, and when she snatches you, she joins with you in the fifth level of negative consciousness.

And you are hers, and she is going to do anything that she wants to you, and the first thing that she wants to do is to kill Christ and kill the Christ that is growing in you and to completely cut you off from the Lord Jesus. That is the first -- just like the sixth and several [sic] levels of consciousness in Christ ought to kill Leviathan and the eighth level is to kill Satan, once the serpent gets you to the fifth level of consciousness, she is out to kill Christ in you and to break your relationship with the Lord Jesus. That is what she is out to do.

So this is the danger of seeking spiritual things outside of God, OK, and sometimes you may think you are seeking them in God, but it does not matter that you did not mean it or you did not know. It does not matter, you see. If the truth, if the reality is that you are entering into this unholy city and it is not the Lord Jesus that is bringing you in, you are in danger of getting snatched by the serpent, and there is no saying, “I did not know.”

Now, I am going to -- this board is so -- [INAUDIBLE]

OK, I have just added Satan to this drawing. I did not do it earlier because the drawing is very busy, but I felt I had to do it. The dragon -- the two-ended tunnel -- the tunnel is filled with water, and the water is Satan, who is the sea. So we see that when our conscious mind first bends inward towards spiritual things, she bends inward to the inner city, OK, which is an impure city. She has spiritual experiences with Satan. Satan is the bait, OK.

Do you remember that the Holy Spirit comes with gifts? Holy Spirit comes with gifts to the people that he is trying to attract into a marriage with the Lord Jesus Christ. Well, Satan comes with spiritual gifts. The Holy Spirit comes with spiritual gifts. Satan comes with spiritual gifts, and it -- the initial experiences with her are pleasant, and there is no sign of danger at all until suddenly without warning the serpent arises, and when your face is turned towards Satan, the serpent snatches you, and it is too late.

Now, we have a Scripture in the Alternate Translation Bible which I could not find. I could not -- I cannot remember where it is, but it says something about if you look for spiritual experiences in the serpent -- I am sorry. If you look for spiritual experiences outside of Christ Jesus, the serpent will rise up and snatch you or you could fall in, something about falling in. And what that means -- I would have liked to put that Scripture on this exhibit, but I cannot find it. What that means is that when you turn inward into the sea, into the spiritual sea, when you turn inward towards Satan and you enter into the city, you may think you are just wading in the upper parts of the water, OK, but you are in danger of falling all the way to the bottom, and that is talking about being completely possessed by the serpent.

So we see that being possessed by a demon is not being possessed by Satan, is not being possessed by the serpent. They are all different experiences. You can have a demon acting out her behavior through you because demons are really thoughts, OK, of your carnal mind, but when Satan is expressing herself through you, you are already in spiritual place, and when the serpent is expressing herself through you, there is real evil manifesting through you.

And we have had some teaching on the difference, that when you are Leviathan, when you are just acting out or living out of Leviathan and you are a branch that is turned outward, your fallen nature is manifesting as pride, pride that thinks you are a great one, and then that pride can become malignant by blaming other people for things that you will not take responsibility for. But when you turn inwards and you start having a relationship with Satan, we find that the activity of our carnal mind now becomes satanic in nature, which means that you are likely to be breaking other people’s will.

You see, when you are in pride, you are blaming other people for what you did. When Satan is living out you, you are breaking people’s will. Whatever it is that they want to do, whatever it is that they are trying to take authority over their fallen nature for -- if they do not want to eat, if they do not want to fornicate, if they are putting restraints on their fallen nature, Satan is arising out of you to strengthen them on the wrong side, to strengthen them to do what they have purposed not to do. That is sa- -- that is -- that means that you have a relationship with Satan if that kind of behavior is habitual in you.

OK, I am not talking about one isolated incident. Examine yourself. See how far into the city you have descended, and if you have a relationship with the serpent, you are wishing evil on people for no gain for yourself whatsoever -- just wishing evil on people and being unhappy when good things happen to them for nothing that would benefit you, except to say that you will be -- if everyone -- if evil comes to everyone, you will be the only one prospering. But it is just wanting people to fail and wanting people to fall in a situation that will not benefit you in any way, except to exalt you to such a degree that you are the only one who made it, but that is pretty extreme.

So I hope that -- I have more drawings for you, but it is 3 o’clock, and we have not eaten dinner. Are there any questions or comments up to this point? This is a Sunday. For anyone reading this message, we are going to break for dinner, and we will come back with this same message.

Did you have a question? Anybody had a question? OK. So you did not take this picture yet, June, right? You got it? You did? OK. OK. S- --

This was an experience we had this morning, and the lesson that we had learned -- and it is all written out now on the board exactly what had happened to us this morning.

My question was [INAUDIBLE]

My question is when would it be that we would be overtaken by the serpent in this experience that is showing on the board?


Well -- are we on? OK. Well, to manifest the serpent is not to be overtaken by the serpent. Now, remember, what we have on the board is the fifth level of consciousness in the serpent. To be overtaken by the serpent, we would be talking about the eighth and the 10th level of consciousness, OK. So I do not see anybody here anywhere near that, and I think to go to the eighth level of negative consciousness, you would have to be pretty high in the occult and pretty high in Satanism.

Now, what is interesting here is that when we were Africa, we heard about people that travel through this impure city. They travel through it, and they claim that their world or universes and the planets -- and they have all kinds of experiences in this city, you know. And to be honest with you, I do not fully understand it myself, but I believe it in principle, that as we enter in, OK, that there are worlds within. And when we get back from dinner, I have some drawings by which I hope to show you how we get into Christ, which -- Christ Jesus, which is the holy city, you know, because the holy city is within the impure city.

So what is going to happen to us? We are turning inward in Christ, but the serpent -- Satan is still there waiting for us, right? We wrestle with Satan, and the serpent is still there waiting to snatch us. So we are ha- -- when we become spiritual, we become fish, you see, who are swimming around [AUDIO CUTS OUT]

See, when Jesus said, “You shall be fishers of men,” he was saying that we shall be seeking men who are spiritual. Jesus is looking for spiritual men, see, and when we enter into this city, we are just swimming around there, and it is -- and there is a potential for every experience of Satan. You see, that is why it is so hard for the believer to tell the difference whether they are in Satan or whether they are in Christ because we are all in the same sea, you see. Christ is in there too.

So I do have a couple of drawings for you that I hope will encourage you, to show you the -- what Christ is doing and what the Lord Jesus Christ is doing in our spiritual being that will help us to enter into the holy city, you see, and not into the impure city. You have a question?

This picture that is on the board is proof to the church world who says that the Christian cannot have a demon. It is right on there.

Well, that is just Satan telling everybody -- that is just a demon saying that a Christian cannot have a demon. It is really a very naïve thing to say. It is more than naïve. It is a deadly thing to say, OK, and what is happening in the church today may -- you have heard me say this before, but I have not said it in a long time, is that the church today is visited by the Holy Spirit. They have the gifts of the Holy Spirit in some cases. In some churches, they just have faith in Jesus Christ, but the doctrine is the doctrine of the dragon, you see. The doctrine in the church is false doctrine.

And I am talking about the doctrine that has to do with our spiritual walk. It is true -- the gospel of what happened to Jesus on the cross is true, and what they preach about faith is true, but anything that is preached with regard to our spirituality and our deliverance from this world is the doctrine of the serpent that is being channeled into Leviathan in our conscious mind by the dragon, OK.

Praise the Lord, we are back from dinner, and we are still looking at drawing number one. I am not really going to go over that, except to say that I found the Scripture that I could not find this morning which speaks about seeking out spiritual experiences and falling all the way down into the serpent. You may recall this morning that I said the mind or the consciousness or the personality that seeks spiritual experiences must turn inward. Spiritual experiences are inward. You may think that you are going to a card reader and that you are looking for spiritual experiences outward, but when you engage in any kind of spiritual activity, it is building spirit in you, and spirit is within you. And whether it makes sense to you now or not, to pursue spiritual things is to turn inward. It is to turn away from the activities of the physical world and to turn inward because spirit is within.

So we see that the conscious mind that is seeking spiritual experiences turns inward, as typified by the red line, and the blue typifies the sea because Satan is inside the channel, that has two N’s. So when you turn inward, the first contact that you make is to Satan, and spiritual experiences with Satan can be pleasurable, and they can be edifying if that is what you consider edification. Some people are edified to find out that there is some beautiful woman waiting for them or some rich husband, but it is a short-lived edification. It is not to your best interest.

So as your consciousness turns inward and you start communing with Satan, at the one end of the tunnel, unaware -- you are unaware that at the other end of the tunnel the serpent is waiting to ascend into the tunnel and snatch you while you are engaged in a relationship with Satan. And that is what this black line is, the serpent ascending. The red line is you descending, and while your attention is drawn to your relationship with Satan, the serpent is coming up and snatching you and marrying you.

The serpent ascends into a two-ended tunnel to seek a wife, and the serpent captures Leviathan -- that is your conscious mind -- in the individual and brings you into the fifth level of negative consciousness. She marries you. She captures you and marries you, and outside of the power of the Lord Jesus Christ, there is no hope for you to ever -- to be delivered from there, and you just go deeper and deeper as you ascend into the 12th level of consciousness in the serpent.

So we talked about all that this morning, and I did find a Scripture in our -- it is in our Alternate Translation.

It is Ecclesiastes 10:8: “The one who searches out the spiritual part of this visible physical world may fall into it --.” Well, I guess that should not be physical.

“The one who searches out the spiritual part,” OK, “of this visible physical world may fall into it and be reformed in the serpent’s image and lose her salvation.”

“You may fall into it,” OK. Now, it is not exact. That Scripture does not exactly indicate that the search is -- the serpent is going to snatch you, but if you fall all the way down, it is because the search -- the serpent snatched you and caused you to fall all the way down. Praise the Lord. Is everybody OK on this?

Now, yesterday the Lord had given me a series of diagrams that I really thought I would bring forth with a different message, but, much to my surprise, the Lord started us on this path this morning. I asked him if he wanted me to make this a different message on a different message tonight, and I do not feel that he wants me to do it. So we are going to stop right in the middle of part 3 of “The Two Witnesses Revisited,” and we are going to have a spiritual message here, which would not -- it would not surprise me if it takes us for the rest of the evening.

If you are reading this message, I have not decided at this time whether I will finish this message or resume this message on -- in our Thursday meeting on this message or whether or not I will make it into a part 4. All right, we will wait and see how much time we put into these drawings, OK.

This series of drawings that I am going to show you right now will be relating -- drawing number 1, which is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil -- to the physical body, you see. And this is the hard part, relating all this high spiritual truth to us, OK. We are spirit -- excuse me -- and we abide in a physical body, which has been [?imparted to you?]. He has a personality. He has a mind, the whole story -- the whole nine yards, as they say in the world.

OK. So in order to do this, the first thing that I have to do is tell you that all of these months and years that I have been drawing a tree for you with the roots at the bottom of the board and the branches at the top of the board, that is spiritually speaking -- spiritually speaking, our tree is upside down, OK. And I have known that, but I was trying to make it as easy as possible for you. But for me to relate this tree to the physical body with the diagrams I have now, we are going to have to turn this tree upside-down.

So basically for the people reading this message, I am just going to make a quick drawing showing this tree upside-down. This will be drawing [AUDIO CUTS OUT] [INAUDIBLE] physical, the visible spiritual world.

This is drawing number two. I have drawn a line across the middle of the board, and, as you can see, the visible spiritual world -- in the visible spiritual world is the tree that is upright. This is the way I have been drawing the tree for you -- this is the way I have been drawing the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for you for a long time. Now, I have been drawing it upright because I thought it would confuse you to draw it upside-down, but as I told you before we -- before I put this on the board, we are now going to related the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to the physical body, and to do so, it is necessary for you to see that the visible physical world -- the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the visible physical world is upside-down.

So the top of the board is the visible physical world, the bottom of the board is the visible spiritual world, the tree of life, the roots of the Lord Jesus Christ. The channel that connects the roots to the branches is Christ Jesus, the holy city. It is the trunk of the tree, which is a spiritual place where the ingathering takes place, you see. The ingathering -- the whole church is out there saying that the ingathering is a big party from saints -- for saints from all over the country. This is not true. The ingathering is the gathering of your spirit inward, hopefully into the holy Jerusalem. You have to be gathered inward.

Listen, brethren, you have got to hear this. You see, if you want to go on with Christ, you have go to hear this. In the visible physical world, in the animal world, we travel in herds, you see. Lots of us together. But in the spiritual world, if you want to abide in the visible spiritual world, if you want to enter into the visible spiritual world, the herd that you travel in -- and that is a bit of -- well, it is not sarcasm. It is a bit of a joke, OK. There is no herd because herds refer to animals, OK. The household that you travel in if you are a spiritual man is within you, and your household is the Lord Jesus Christ, and Christ, the mind of Christ, and your human spirit, who is now a part of the mind of Christ, and your personality. That is your household. That is your family, and any group that you travel in is a group of individual, complete men, and you are complete because your primary relationship -- the primary relationship of your personality is with the God in the midst of you. See, it is a radical difference.

So this whole concept in the church today of the ingathering, and they are having conferences and seminars, and whatever they call them, all over the country. Come to the ingathering for tabernacles. This is a total misconception of the principle of ingathering in the Scripture. And I will say it one more time. The principle of ingathering in the Scripture, the end-time ingathering, the convocation of all the saints is your human spirit going -- and it hopefully eventually your personality, but your human spirit going inward into the inner city, and to get to the holy Jerusalem, you first have to enter into Babylon. We had that on the board earlier.

And when we go inward, we get spiritual, and when you are in the spiritual city and I am in the spiritual city, we can communicate. And you could be in California or Nigeria, and I could be here on Long Island, and we will have a conversation back and forth on the same level that is possible that I do -- I do not know about you -- have conversations with the Lord Jesus Christ. This is our potential, but you have to be gathered in. The church has to get spiritual.

OK. So Christ Jesus is the holy Jerusalem. That is the city, which is also the subconscious mind of the body of Christ. Now, until we get [?in?] there, the Lord has mercy on us.


-- [INAUDIBLE] and messages and sound systems and all kinds of things, but, brethren, that is only because we are carnal. If we were spiritual, I would be having a class of students all across the world that not only would be hearing me in the spirit but would be seeing me in the spirit because when you are a spiritual man in Christ Jesus, there is a fifth dimension to your life, and that fifth dimension is the mind of Christ.

The fifth dimension is mind, and when you are operating out of your mind to a degree of maturity, there are no walls. You see through walls. You see long distances away. Technically speaking, if we were all spiritual, I would not even be using words. I would be communicating with my mind to a class of disciples that stretched across the world, who are sitting in their own homes and viewing me and hearing me. So this should tell you how carnal we are. So if anybody reading this message -- I do not think anybody here is all puffed up because of all the knowledge that we have -- let me knock you down. We are very carnal, including me, but we are on our way up. Thank God for that.

The church is filled with people that are carnal, and they are very content to be carnal, convinced that after they die and go to heaven they will be perfected, or convinced that all they have to do is gather in large groups and celebrate tabernacles, and they are going to ascend automatically, but they are going to find out that they are wrong. And how are they going to find out that they are wrong? When the firstfruit stands up, there is going to be wailing and gnashing of teeth because this invitation to come this way -- to come the only way by which we can ascend; it is a spiritual maturity in Christ Jesus -- has gone out to many that have refused it, and they have refused it because they really thought they had a choice. Praise the Lord.

OK, I do not want to get off my subject, or I will -- we will be here all night, and I will not finish this message.

OK, drawing number 2. We see that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life are opposite to one another, and we see that on the tree of life the leaves -- Revelation 22:2 tells us they are leaves of healing, which means that the leaves are immortal, and the leaves typify the personality and the physical body. Now, if you do a study on leaves, which I am not going to take the time to do right now because, to be honest with you, I do not remember the information, but if you just take the time to look them up in an encyclopedia, you will see that there is more than one part to the leaf. So what am I saying? I am saying that the leaf typifies the physical body and the personality, and there are at least two parts to the leaf.

And, of course, the branches are Christ. Maybe I should say the mind of Christ over there. There -- I will leave it Christ because the mind of Christ is merely Christ while he is still under Satan’s dominion, and he becomes Christ when he ascends to the surface of the sea. So I will leave that Christ.

And in the visible physical world, we see the roots of the tree on the serpent. The city -- the name of the city is Babylon, the unholy city, and the name of the person -- Babylon is the name of the city, but the name of the person who is the city, who connects the serpent at the roots to the branches, the conscious minds of men called Leviathan. And the name of the connecting tube is the dragon, and the branches are the conscious minds, Leviathan, and the leaves are the personality and the physical body that are not -- that are mortal, see. In the tree of life, the leaves are immortal. They do not fall off, but as we see in our world out here, the leaves fall -- of the trees fall off every year, and they never rise again. The leaves do not rise again. The tree puts out new leaves, new personalities in new physical bodies, but the leaves live for a season, and they die because this is a dead world.

OK. Any questions about this, drawing number 2? If not, we will go on. Please, Xxxx.

Now, specifically, the way that I hope to convince you that -- to -- the way that I intend to relate the tree to our physical body is basically in the tree trunk, talking about either Christ Jesus or drago- -- or the dragon. Right now, we are a fallen creation, so we are going to emphasize the fallen man, the dragon, the two-ended tunnel or the two-ended passageway that connects the serpent to the branches that can -- to -- which are the conscious minds of mortal man, the dragon, whose city is known as Babylon. What does that --


-- [INAUDIBLE] as a person. When the dragon relates to the serpent, he does not relate as city. He is a person. The dragon relates to the serpent, and the dragon -- and he is the serpent’s neck, and the dragon relates to the branches, to the many conscious minds of fallen man, and he is the serpent’s captain to the branches. But when we talk about the dragon as a place where the spirits who are being ingathered come, he becomes a city. The dragon now becomes Babylon, the infernal city, the wicked city. Is everybody OK?

Our name changes with regard to our function. OK, June is June to her husband, but she is Mom to her children, and if she had a job 50 years ago, she would be Mrs. -- I do not want to put your name in this  message -- Mrs. So-and-so, but now nobody calls anybody Mrs. anything anymore. Everything is the first name, right, but you get the message. You get what I am saying. So the dragon has three names that we know of besides “dragon”: serpent’s neck, serpent’s captain and Babylon, the wicked city.

This is the basis for all telepathy, turning inward into the spiritual city where you -- where, if you are mature enough to do it, you can meet other consciousnesses, the consciousness of other people. If you are mature enough to do it, you can have relationships in the spirit, and I am told that there is a whole world, a whole inner world, which I have told you many times. I believe it because it is true, but my mind is still too carnal to comprehend worlds that take up no time or space. I do not understand it because I think in terms of time and space. It is very hard for me to think of relationships and whatever goes on in the spirit.

I -- the -- I have not read anything or heard from the Lord at all about what relationships in the spirit are like in Christ. I have read an occult book. I do not know how accurate it is, although there are people who are high in the occult that claim that they go inward, and they actually have meetings and stay in hotels in a spirit world. And personally, I believe that that exists, but it is an illegal world. So I do not know what it is like to live on the inside in Christ. I have absolutely no idea, and I have trouble comprehending this spirit world that takes up no space. I have trouble comprehending it. And your body does not go there. Your spirit man goes there. [?OK.?] Well, I think the Lord just gave me a flash of it, but I am not sure, and I do not want to go with it right now. 

OK. The way I will start -- or the basic witness that I have -- did I tell you that the tree trunk, Babylon the wicked city, the dragon, that I am likening her to our backbone, to our spinal column? Did I tell you that? OK. I hope to show you on the board how this spiritual [AUDIO CUTS OUT] [INAUDIBLE] is in our human nervous system. Now, I do not want to go any further right now because I will put it on the board for you. I just want to give you this witness first.

There is a Hebrew word. It is Strong’s 650, and it is translated most of the time as “rivers.” It is also translated “channel, streams, mighty,” and in Job 41:15, it is translated “scales.” Strong -- well, not Strong’s, but, I am sorry, Brown-Driver-Briggs says that this word means a tube, T-U-B-E, and that is what we are calling the dragon, a connecting tube, a passageway, a tunnel. Brown-Driver-Briggs says this word, Strong’s 650, can describe a bed or a valley of a stream, also a brook, a channel, a mighty river, a ravine, and it can also be translated “hollow bones” -- hollow bones.


Bones, B-O-N-E-S. Now, if you stop to think about it, our spinal column is a -- well, it is made up of many vertebrae, but I could see how it could be called a hollow bone. Now, in the spinal column is a spinal cord, which at this point I do not know -- I cannot relate the spinal cord to anything spiritual at this point.

There is also spinal fluid, which would typify the sea that flows in the channel. I told you earlier on the earlier drawing that Satan flows through the city. It is an under- -- it is a water city. It is a water world. It is an underwater city. Now, water does not have to be physical water as we know it. If you follow this through in your dictionaries and your lexicons, gas can be called water. It is liquid in a gaseous state, in a fluid state. Ice is considered water also. So the -- spiritually speaking, the city of the inner world is filled with water, but it may not be physical water as we know it -- spiritual water, whatever that means. I do not know what it means. Most likely some form of air, spirit, [?see?].

And then we see our natural type, the spinal column, has fluid in it, which lines right up with what I said, that Satan flows -- well, Satan is the fluids of the body. She s- -- not only the body. I am going back and forth now between the spiritual and the body.


I did not put Satan down here because on these drawings it really is confusing. I have so much on the board, to draw lines that would indicate a sea would really just confuse you, but Satan is covering this whole tree. The tree is underwater. So Satan is in the spiritual city, and she is also outside of it. Just like I have told you, we live in a cosmic state as far as we physically are concerned. There is water in our body. There is fluids in our body. There is water outside. There is water in the ground. There is water in the atmosphere.

Do you know that the Scriptures call us islands? And for years I could not understand how we could be called islands, or the King James says isles. Well, the truth of the matter is that there is water everywhere. It may not look like the water in the ocean to you, but there is water in different forms everywhere all through the atmosphere, and we are mounds of earth that are piled up in the midst of the water, and the water is inside of us and outside of us, and we are the islands, mounds of earth, if you can hear it. It is a spiritual truth. That is how we are the islands.

So Satan is everywhere. She is in the wicked city, Babylon, and the whole tree is underneath water. Now, I do not have all the answers, but what God is telling me right now, what is coming forth right now is that the ingathering, that spiritual maturity, that communication with other people, it takes place inside the connecting channel.

Now, if there is water everywhere and the whole tree is underwater, you might say to me, well, why cannot the leaves of the tree be communicating with other leaves on the tree since they are underwater? Well, I am not really sure. I am not really sure. I mean, I think I could see it, but I do not want to go that way because I am just following my nose as the Lord leads me, you see. So to say one leaf could speak to another leaf because they are underwater is -- underwater, you are still speaking as leaf to leaf, you see. You are still speaking as a whole physical man to another whole physical man, but the whole purpose of being a spiritual person is that you are not functioning out of this animal body, but that you are functioning out of a part of your existence that excludes this physical body. You are functioning out of your spirit in preparation for coming out of the body, you see.

Now, a lot of people do not like that and many do not know it, but that is what spiritual -- being spiritual is all about. It is practice and preparation for coming out of this body because this body is a prison house, and it is not a good place to be. You can experience pain in this body and bondage in this body and labor in this body, and, yes, you can experience pleasure in this body, but you better monitor that pleasure, or you will become a slave to that pleasure. This body is a dangerous place to be, and this world is a dangerous place to be. You may be functioning in it, but, I tell you, lifetime inmates function in jail also. You function. You adopt [sic] to anything -- adapt to anything, excuse me.

So -- and down here in the visible spiritual world, of course, the seas exist also, but the seas are not Satan. In the visible spiritual world, the seas consist of the same waters that Satan consists of, but the proportion of earth, or dust, to the water is much more dense in the visible physical world [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. The density caused by the proportion of earth to water is much greater in the visible physical world. In the visible spiritual world, the percentage of dust or earth is strictly controlled, and it is minimal. There is just enough earth to produce an image because you need darkness and light to produce an image. OK?

So if you want to be a spiritual person, the first thing that you do is start pulling away from the use of your body, you see, and you start going after the things of your mind. Now, there is only 24 hours in the day, so the more you are inclined to pursue the things of your mind, without even trying you are giving up the things of the body because you cannot do both, you see. Is everybody OK?

Now, I looked up -- I did a word study on this Strong’s 650, and in the King James translation, it is never translated bone. I did have another message prepared on quantum mechanics where I had hoped to follow this word through, and I found a couple of Scriptures where on the Alternate Translation it really translated backbone -- it really fitted -- and I never preached it. I do not know whether I was not fast enough for the Lord because sometimes he just goes on. If I cannot get it preached, he just goes on. So I do not know whether I was not fast enough or whether we will come back to it at another time. I really would like to put it in the message, these few Scriptures where this word is used and where we can translate it bone and ba- -- and spinal column and that it really makes sense. So I hope the Lord lets me do it. I think it is really important that we do it, but I have not done it yet.

I would like to take a crack at Job 41:15. Now, I am not looking at the interlinear text, and I have not looked up any of the Hebrew words. This is just off the top of my head. Let us try to use this word which is translated “scales.” Now, if you look in the King James, you will see that the word “his” and “are his” are in italics. That means all that we have is scales and pride shut up together, and then “as with” was added in much later. So what we have is “scales,” which we are translating “hollow bone” or “backbone.” Pride, shut up together, close seal.

So his hollow backbone -- or the pride of his backbone -- now, we know the dragon is pride, OK, so the pride of his backbone or the -- whose backbone? The serpent’s backbone. Pride is the serpent’s backbone that shuts up together a close seal, and I want to suggest to you is that backbone of pride is shutting up the potential for Christ to come forth, and I am going to put this on the board for you shortly. And I guess I should wait till I get it on the board to go over it in detail, and I will show you -- and now I want you to know that I have not researched this verse. This is off the top of my head, but I will show you how I perceive the serpent’s backbone shutting or sealing off Christ. That is who he -- that is who she is sealing off with a close --


-- [INAUDIBLE] and are we not talking about the seven seals? Have we not talked about one seven-part seal that binds us or that seals us into this world underneath the firmament? So how are we sealed in here? We ae sealed -- we are trapped in here because the serpent’s backbone, the d- -- also known as the dragon, or physically speaking, our own backbone here, is preventing us -- or preventing Christ from communicating with us. And I will put that on the board for you.

Now, I did not identify the waters above the firmament to you. I just said that they are waters that have a less density of earth than Satan, but I -- what I did not tell you was that -- at least for those of us down here in this fallen world, for us, the waters above the firmament are the Holy Spirit.

Now, there is more of a difference between Satan and the Holy Spirit. Satan, you may recall -- and I think we talked about it in this message. We talked about the virile seed before time began having two parts to it, the spermatozoa -- am I on here? Testing, testing. Yes, I am. OK -- the spermatozoa and the waters, and the two form the Jehovah semen. And the spermatozoa was the head of the waters. Well, the waters rebelled and departed from the sperm and incarnated her own world by twisting herself together with the earth and making a pseudo-sperm out of the earth. What this means is that the waters, who are female in relationship to the sperm, departed from the sperm that would rule over her and cleave unto a sperm that she herself made that she could control.

So we see the relationship of sperm to water in this world is perverse. OK. So Satan is the waters of life separated from the virile spermatozoa. She is the waters of life alone, and she covers this whole world. She is the fluids of our body. She is the blood. She is the fi- -- spinal fluid. She is -- wherever you see liquid in this world, it is Satan: the waters of life which have departed from her husband, Jehovah’s sperm.

The Holy Spirit, on the contrary, is the completed virile seed. You see, the man Jesus of Nazareth, who was Christ, you see, within him the spermatozoa was restored to the waters of life. You may recall that the spirit of Elijah raised Christ from the dead in the man Jesus, and he went on through the 12th level of consciousness. And speaking about levels of consciousness, of the eighth level of consciousness, he killed Satan. So what does that mean? He killed Satan. He took back his waters from her and she died, you see. The virile seed took back the waters from the man Jesus of Nazareth, and Satan in the man Jesus died, and in the man Jesus, the sperm was restored to the waters of life.

Jesus was crucified. He rose from the dead, and he ascended on high, and he is now pouring out of this glorified spirit, which is the virile semen of the Father. It is not just water. It is water and blood, you see. And we have found out that this term “blood” or “spiritual blood,” especially when it is associated with water, is a hidden way of saying the sperm of Jehovah. Blood -- “The life of the flesh is in the blood.” So we know that blood means life. Well, the life of the waters is in the sperm. The life of the flesh is in the physical blood, and the life of the spiritual waters is in the spiritual blood, which is the spermatozoa, you see.

So the Holy Spirit is virile seed, and in our condition down here, when we receive the Holy Spirit, he -- the revelation that I have right now, brethren, is that he is flowing everywhere that Satan is flowing. That is the revelation that I have right now. He is moving into our body, and he is moving into our mind, and he is in our brain, and he wants to get control of our brain because the serpent has control of our brain right now.

So the Holy Spirit is flowing in us. The virile seed is flowing, and the lying seed, the serpent’s seed, is flowing. And they are both fighting for our brain and for our whole nervous system, you know. I looked at a picture of our nervous system in our online encyclopedia the other day, and it was just so obvious to me that we are our nervous system. Our legs are nothing; they are just hanging there. Our arms are nothing; they are just hanging there. We are a spinal column and a brain, and every other part of us serves the spinal column and the brain. And the serpent and Satan are manipulating our brain, and that is the way we are born, and they want to get Leviathan up there too, so that they will have -- you see, the reason so much of our brain is not being used is that it is just the serpent and Satan in our brain. They have to get Leviathan up there to get enough power together to fully manipulate our brain.  In this hour, the Lord Jesus Christ is in a war to get back the waters of life and also to get back the land of our nervous system.

So let me show you this on the board. That backup -- is there any question before I attempt to put this on the board for you? Anybody? OK.

OK, the first and most important thing that I want to point out to you -- well, OK. Let me not start that way.

This -- as you can see, the tubular column -- this is a diagram -- a not-too-good diagram of our nervous system. The tubular column typifies our backbone. I am not dealing with the spinal fluid or the spinal cord today. I have indicated the tailbone, which is a part of our physical anatomy, and I have shown the first five seals, which arri- -- ascend up our back. They are probably not placed correctly. They are not -- their placement is not pertinent to this study. And I have shown you how the backbone -- and, of course, this is not an accurate drawing. There is a brain stem, et cetera, that I have not put in here. So we see the backbone ascending right into the brain. This curlicue outline is the cerebral cortex. That is the upper part of the brain, and it is given over to higher learning.

But let me stop right here because this is the major point that I have to make. This is the first major deviation from Hindu philosophy that we are making, OK, and I prayed about it, and I am going with it. I believe this is what the Lord is saying. Now, Hindu philosophy tells us that the serpent is coiled at the base of the spine, but today, I believe I speak to you in the name of Christ Jesus, and he says nay. Leviathan, the tailbone, is at the base of the spine, and the serpent is in the brain.

Now, if you stop to think about it, that really makes a lot of sense because the serpe- -- the brain looks like a coiled serpent, and ever since we have been looking at Hindu philosophy, I could not really quite figure out where this coiled serpent was down at the base of [AUDIO CUTS OUT]

Now, if you have been studying with us for a while, you would know that we have found Hindu philosophy to be 99 perc- -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT] the only major [AUDIO CUTS OUT] point that I perceive them to make [AUDIO CUTS OUT] [?relation?] at all that there is a world outside of this world. All of their spiritual information is of the serpent’s world, OK, with no knowledge whatsoever that there is another world and a greater God outside. But within that framework, the Lord has used Hindu teaching to witness a lot of spiritual truth to me which he backed up with Scripture.

Now, if you are a Christian and that offends you, I am sorry, but there is no Christian books out there about all this spiritual stuff, and I am not all that spiritual that I am going to sit down contemplating my naval and get all of this information, you know, just by meditating. Maybe if there was no Hindu philosophy, sure, the Lord would get it to me in another way, but he is using Hindu philosophy as a jumping off point to show me what is true, what is not true, and everything that he has told me is true he has backed up with Scripture. So we have found Hindu philosophy 99 percent accurate with the exception of that one major error, that they do not perceive the world outside of this world.

Now, this is a radical turnaround. OK, the -- Hindu philosophy says the serpent is coiled at the base of the spine, and they perceive Leviathan -- and we are in agreement. I and the Lord, we are doing this together here. OK, as far as I know, the Lord is teaching through me. Our definition of Leviathan is the same. I had just looked in my Hindu philosophy book, and it says Leviathan is the ego. Well, it is close enough. Most people would say the ego is the personality. We say he is the carnal mind, and that is close enough for me, considering I am dealing with another philosophy here.

So Hindu philosophy says that Leviathan is here somewhere around the second or third seal. Now, I do not know why they say that or what that means. I have -- excuse me -- I have not been able to find anything in the limited knowledge that I have of Hindu philosophy that would explain to me why they put Leviathan down here in a low place on the spinal column.

So I said to the Lord, how -- I do not understand this. How could there be such a radical turnaround here? It is a complete reversal, see, and this is the thought that came to me, that people who experience what the Hindus say is Kundalini, the serpent ascending up your spine, OK, they -- well, I guess I did not say [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. People who experience what the Hindus call Kundalini, which is a spiritual experience that they claim is the serpent ascending up your spine for the specific purpose of joining with -- I do not have any of the Hindu terms, but of joining with the cosmic consciousness or the powers of the world -- and if I am saying this wrong, please, forgive me. So as the serpent ascends up your spine, in context, the power that is the power of this whole world, there is supposed to be an ascension of consciousness that apparently many yogis have experienced, a very high level of consciousness.

And the reason the perceive it this way is that the people who have had this experience -- what experience? -- of the energy of their own body rising to join with the energy of the whole world -- is that not what we are doing? Is not our human spirit arising to join with the Lord Jesus Christ? That is what they are talking about, but they have all their own names for it. OK.

So people have experienced this, experienced and actual physical rising of heat and power that starts at the base of the spine, and it ascends and it goes up their spine, and this ascension is frequently associated with sexual activity -- with sexual stimulation -- not activity, sexual stimulation. So, therefore, they have drawn this conclusion that it is the serpent at the bottom of the spine that is ascending, and, of course, they are seeing this with their carnal mind, so they have got it backwards. OK.

And the fact that the people have experienced Kundalini ascending, or whatever it is that is ascending -- the fact that people have experienced an ascension of some spiritual power up their spine -- I lost my thought -- they have drawn a conclusion that it is the serpent unwinding, the serpent being the energy of the individual arising to meet her lover, the energy of the world. OK. And it --

Oh, I know what my point was. So because of this experience of the rising of the energy, the people that have brought forth this doctrine, which go back to the 10th century I am told, have ignored the fact, unless they did not know it at that time, that the brain, the organic brain, the physical brain, appears serpentine. It looks like a serpent. Maybe the people who brought forth this doctrine had never seen a human brain, although I am sure they have seen animal brains. So it is my educated opinion -- I cannot prove it to you -- that they had a choice, you see. They could believe that the coiled serpent was in the brain because the brain looked coiled, or they could believe that the serpent was at the base of the spine because everyone who experienced the ascending of this spiritual power ascen- -- experienced it from the tailbone up. So they had to make a choice. They had to make a choice. They had to decide whether the serpent was at the base of the spine or in the brain, and they decided the serpent was in the base of the spine. And, for whatever reason, they thought Leviathan was by the second or third chakra. This is the first major error I have found in this doctrine.

Now, we have been teaching here for quite a while that the serpent is the head and Leviathan is the tail -- have we not been teaching that? -- and that this world system is the serpent grabbing ahold of her own tail, her tail being Leviathan in the form of a spiritual marriage that gives her the opportunity to fully -- when this marriage is fully expressed, [?it?] gives the serpent the opportunity to fully express herself in a human being, which is no pleasant thing. She is purely evil, the serpent.

So we see that it is not the serpent, but it is Leviathan, our conscious mind, that is abiding spiritually -- it is spiritually located by our physical tailbone. Now, at first this might sound strange to you, brethren, until you get a revelation of how sexual this world is. Sex makes this world go around. Lots of people are doing it. There is trillions of babies being born every year, and spiritual power generates the sex drive, you see. So our consciousness, the consciousness of most of the people in this world with very few exceptions, is abiding down in their tailbone.

Now, according to the Hindu philosophy, the first, second and third chakras are a very low place to be. The first is the anus; the second is the sex organs; and the third one is appetites, lusts, that if your consciousness is abiding anywhere in these three levels, you are at a very low spiritual plane. Now, Paul talks about the belly and lusts and all that, so unless the Lord shows me otherwise, I have no problem believing that the first three Hindu chakras line up with the first three seals. I have no problem with it, but that is not the purpose of this study right now. Any error that we are making, the Lord will take care of in due season. All I know is that we are headed in the right direction, and if we are in a state of mind that can make changes, there is no stopping us.

So to say that we are abiding in our tailbone or that Leviathan is in the tailbone, I really think it is just a way of saying that this whole world abides in the first three seals, except for so- -- except for a very few. We are -- the whole world wants sex and to fill and satisfy their lusts.

Now, if this is the first message that you are reading, if you think I am against sex, you are mistaken. I am not against sex, but I am here to tell you that if you want to be a spiritually enlightened person, if you want to ascend above the powers and principalities of this world, if you want to go from being a dependent person who could be wiped out by the powers of this world in a moment to being an independent person over whom the powers of this world have no power whatsoever, you must ascend out of these first three seals. You must ascend out of your tailbone, or you will surely die.

That is what I am here to tell you. Sex bad? No, absolutely not. Within marriage, absolutely not. No one is telling you to give up sex under condemnation, but what is being presented here is truth that gives you a choice as to what kind of life you want to live. You want to live down here, or you want to live up there? And you can only have both for a season, and there is no way that you can have both when you are independent of this world system. To be independent of this world system is to be a eunuch, to have nothing to do with this world system, which is the animal life. And, once again, if this is your first message, you do not give up anything before the Lord Jesus takes it away. We are talking about readiness of mind. If you are married, we are talking about readiness of mind.

So, now, is this not interesting? Leviathan, our consciousness, OK, in which the majority of our human spirit abides. OK. Now, I have told you that our human spirit is throughout our entire spiritual being and our physical body. Our human spirit has been absorbed by the serpent. That is why the Scripture calls him a homosexual harlot. Our human spirit is being used by the serpent to incarnate this whole world, and he has nothing to say about it. His male powers are being used while he is forced into a female role. His male powers are being ju- -- are being used, and he has nothing to say about how.

Well, let us just follow our nose here. If our consciousness is down here, we have to start ascending up our spinal column.

Now, I think I was trying to make another point. Let me go back to that. OK. Our human spirit is dispersed throughout our entire being, but the majority or the most powerful conglomeration of our human spirit is appearing in our consciousness. I hope you could see that because consci- -- our consciousness is the highest part of our being. Our ability to reason, our talents, our creativity are in our consciousness, so the greatest amount of our human spirit is gathered together in our consciousness.

And Leviathan is our consciousness, and human spirit will be married to Leviathan until the divorce, which is the sixth and seventh levels of consciousness, and we have not even attained to the third yet. I am not sure about the third. I do not think we have attained to the third, but, I mean, with all this doctrine that is coming out of me, I am not -- I do not even think I have attained to the third, but certainly no one has attained to the fourth, which is perfection. And what is the third level? The third level is the maturation of Christ. See, I do not know what the signs are that Christ is mature, so I am going to say that all of us are between the second and third levels of consciousness.

So if we want the immortality that is promised to us in the Scripture, we have to start the journey up our spinal column. Now, the carnal mind of man -- if you are reading this message and your carnal mind is hearing me, you are thinking, I do not want to give up this, and I do not want to give up that; and how am I going to do it? That is your carnal mind, you see. Your spiritual mind says -- your Christ mind says, I am going to pant after the Lord Jesus Christ. I am not going to worry about giving up anything. I am going to pursue the kingdom of God and his righteousness with all of my strength and all of my being, and whatever gets left behind, because I do not have time to do everything, will get left behind, you see.

Do you see the difference? The positive mind says [?I am?] pursuing after immortality, and whatever I cannot do will fall away. The negative mind says, I will [AUDIO CUTS OUT] [INAUDIBLE] I will fast. I will give up sex. I will give up the things of this world. You will never enter in because it is just works. You will never become spiritual from doing works. Pursue the kingdom of God, pursue the Spirit with all your strength, and everything will reconcile itself.

Praise the Lord. Any questions or comments thus far? OK, I am going to continue on with this board, which indicates the upper part of the brain, which is called the cerebral cortex, this is the place where the higher functions, learning and creativity and talent, take place, and this is where the serpent is. Can the whole -- now, it is not -- the organic brain is not your ability to learn or to be creative. That comes out of your spirit, you see. So we see a large part of your spirit is down here in your consciousness, in Leviathan, and a large part of your spirit is up here in your brain.

Now, you may recall, when we translated Genesis 11, that Jehovah separated the serpent from Leviathan because when they get together, they are very powerful. So Jehovah put Leviathan down at one end and the serpent up at the other end, and Leviathan is facing downward. That is the sex drive. Leviathan is continuously lunging downward keeping people -- the peoples of this world frantically -- most people are frantically attempting to satisfy the lusts of their flesh, the greatest one of which is sex, and they cannot see anything else. All they can think about is getting it, getting it, getting it. I am sorry if I am being vulgar. Is this not true? Especially in our society today. 

So we have a large measure of our spirit in our consciousness and a large measure of our spirit in our brain. Now, I read in an article that I took out of our encyclopedia that more than 50 percent of the -- I think of the nerve endings -- I hope I am not telling you the wrong thing -- are in the brain. The brain is very powerful. Let me see if I could find where I saw that 50 percent. I think it is talking about the nerve cells. More than 50 percent of the nerve cells are in the brain. So we see two sources of intense power, our consciousness in Leviathan and our creative potential in the brain, separated by a long channel. 

Now, in the midst of the brain -- you have heard me talking a- -- for a long time about the play and -- pain and pleasure center. Well, I have located it. The Lord has shown me where it is. It is right here in the center of the brain. It is called the limbic system. Our encyclopedia tells us that within the limbic system are the areas which give us vivid emotions, memory, sexuality and smell. So if you ever wondered why s- -- the smell of perfume or whatever is intimately associated with sexuality, it is because these two functions are very close together in the limbic system.

And there are three glands that are associated in the limbic system. Now, this is a very sketchy study. If you are a biologist and you are hearing me and I am off, please, understand we are just -- this is just very sketchy for spiritual principals. There is the thalamus, the hypothalamus and the pituitary glands, and they are all -- I do not know if you could see it, but I tried to draw three big dots there. They are all located very close to one another in the center of the brain. It is the pain and pleasure center.

So we see the center of the brain, a very valuable place. Also we are told that the third eye, which is the sixth seal, which is the center of some of our spiritual being, the center which gives us that fifth dimension of mind is right in the center of the brain. Now, I do not know exactly where it is from -- as a matter of fact, when I drew this diagram, the question occurred -- the thought occurred to me that the sixth seal might be right in here with the limbic system, you see.

Now, the -- when I looked in our encyclopedia, the biologists and the -- whatever they are called, not biologists, I am sure -- whatever the scientists are called that study the human body, they do not know about the sixth seal or the spiritual center of the mind. Now, there are some people who are into spiritual things. I personally -- well, I am not going to say that. There are some people that talk about a gland being in the mind, and I cannot remember what it is called. I know there is a couple of ministries that teach about it, the pineal gland, and they claim -- the ministries that teach this, they claim that when this gland is open, we will ascend spiritually. Well, I do not know that it is a physical gland. I have no witness from the Lord that the -- and as far as the sciences go, it is my understanding that the pineal gland has never been located. The scientists and the medical physicians that study the human body, they have not located any pineal gland. It is the people who are in spiritual areas that claim that there is a physical pineal gland that when it is opened, our spiritually shall pour out of -- I have no witness from the Lord that this is true. That does not mean that it is not true, but I have not yet heard from the Lord that it is true.

Here we are, however, talking about the limbic system, the plai- -- pain/pleasure center, and I do have a witness in my heart, although I cannot tell you that I have the Scripture for it at this time, that the seven seals ascend all the way up into our brain because mind works with brain. Mind is spirit, and spirit and mind functions through the organic brain. It is spirit functioning through the brain. So I do not know where the third eye is. The third eye is a high level of spirituality, very high, OK. I believe it is talking about full stature, but I am not here to get into any of that right now, or perfection -- maybe higher. I do not know. And maybe it is not true, but this is going to be very interesting to see that comes out of this message tonight because the Lord teaches by revelation in a message like this. Now, I just had a flash that may disprove that whole thing, but let me just follow what I am doing here.

Somewhere in the brain, there is a potential for high spirituality. Now, the Hindu philosophy shows it right up about here where I put it. That is why I put it there, but I do not think it belongs there. I think the Lord just told me it does not belong there. OK.

We are going to move that before we take the picture probably.

OK, down over here is the cerebellum. Some scientists call it the “little brain” or the primitive brain, and organically speaking, the primitive brain is much older than the cerebral cortex. The primitive brain deals with muscular movements and posture. Now, we have had some teaching on this so far, but the Lord revealed in another message that this cerebellum is the withered southern kingdom, which is Christ Jesus’ palace. Now, what does that mean? Well, if the cerebellum is the southern kingdom, which is Christ Jesus’ palace, then this whole cerebral cortex is the northern kingdom, which is the dragon’s palace. I am sorry, it is the serpent’s palace. What does that mean? It means the serpent operates out of here, and since this is the serpent’s fallen kingdom, she has control over the part of the brain that deals with higher learning, creativity and every good thing known to man, and the part of the brain that is Christ Jesus’ kingdom is withered and dried and only controlling muscular movements and posture because in our fallen condition, Christ Jesus is completely defeated and a slave to the purposes of the serpent. That is the truth of our condition.

So is there anything that I left out here?

OK, now, I suggest to you, and I have told you this before, that the cerebellum is the place that Christ is -- the embryonic Christ is nailed to, see. Just as a human embryo -- a human ovum is fertilized by a male sperm, that embryo must be nailed to the side -- or secured to the side of the womb for the baby to come to term. Well, when the Holy Spirit crucifies our human spirit -- excuse me -- and brings forth the embryonic Christ, the Holy Spirit nails him to his palace, to his withered palace.

And I think that what the Lord told me as I was teaching, that perhaps the third eye in Christ is in a different place than the third eye in the serpent because this cerebellum, or the embryonic Christ nailed to it, is our third eye. Those of us which are in Christ, this is our third eye, the cerebellum. But, of course, the people who are in the occult, they have a third eye that is somewhere in the middle of the cerebral cortex. Is that clear to everybody?

See, we are not in the same place as the rest of the world. It is just another way of saying what I said on the message 384, “Quantum Mechanics: The Science of Spiritual Activity,” there are two ways of ascension. John clearly said there are two resurrections. The whole world to date, except, you know, for Jesus and Paul and the Apostles, they ascend into spiritual maturity in Cain or in the serpent, but we are ascending in the Spirit of God. We are ascending in Christ, and we look the same. Our doctrine even sounds the cr- -- the same for people who cannot discern it, but we are not the same. We are very, very, very different, and the resurrection which is in Christ is unto eternal life, and the resurrection which is in the serpent is unto eternal damnation for so long as her age continues to exist.

Now, I do have more drawings for you during which I will -- I hope to show you that as Christ matures in us, see, that our cerebellum begins to expand. I sure wish I had access to a doctor that would be willing to do a brain scan for me -- I do not know what it would cost, but -- and I do not know what my brain would look like now, but maybe after we ascend, I sure would like to see our brain. But this is what is in my heart, that as the embryonic Christ increases, our organic cerebellum begins to expand, and as he begins to expand, what he does is start moving into this canal here to block it off.

Now, I am really going to have to go to another drawing here because I cannot show it to you here. Let me see, is there anything else that I would say to you? Ah-ha-ha. OK. Well, let me just say this to you, that Satan is flowing in the spinal column, and she is flowing freely over the brain. The -- I mentioned this earlier, that the serpent and Satan together manipulate our brain at will.

Brethren, there is -- there -- every experience known to man can be experienced sitting in a chair if you have the ability to manipulate your brain. Scientists have taken volunteers and hooked up electrodes to their brains and given them all kinds of experiences. This whole world is an illusion. Satan and the serpent are orchestrating our life. You have got a problem? You are overeating? Satan and the serpent is manipulating some aspect of your brain. You are torn up with sex, sexual desire? The serpent and Satan are in there in your sex center for the specific purpose of keeping your mind away from spiritual things. You have a problem with homosexuality? The serpent and Satan are pressing your buttons in your brain that are making you a homosexual. You are a criminal? You have problems with stealing and murder? The serpent and Satan have legal ground -- you see, they have to have legal ground to do this, to s- -- to depress whatever centers of your brain are making you a murderer and a criminal. The brain is the control panel of the whole man, and only a very small portion of our brain is being used, but, you see, if Leviathan can get up there, we are going to have access to the whole brain.

So Satan is flowing here in the spinal column. Satan is the blood, the fluids of the body. She is all in the brain. And I want to suggest to you that it is Christ Jesus’ intention to move into this spinal column and stop Satan’s flow to the brain.

OK. I have other drawings. I do not want to get ahead of myself. Any comments or questions? Right here [INAUDIBLE]

When you just said “column,” my mind instantly flashed to Revelations where it speaks about the pillars.

The two pillars? Uh-huh.

The two pillars. I do not know exactly what that means, but scientists have said they have just discovered what they call a discipline gene, and they say people who are psychopathic, they all have this gene --

Gene, mm-hmm.

-- and they are very afraid that women will desire to have different tests before their children are born and try to abort them, so they do not want this made available to anybody. And when you started talking about the smell there on the limbic system, first of all, I thought about the limbo stick and that dance, and they say “How low can you go?” And the serpent with the rattler, --


-- the tail at the end, when you were talking about that. But -- and the smell. Even when a dog is in heat, everything it smells through its sexuality and things like that. But the pain and pleasure is what caught my eye. There is people in Appalachia who claim the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, and they handle all of these snakes, and they go into some kind of a worship --

A trance.

-- a trance, and they get to the place where they take fire and literally burn themselves all over their body, and they do not feel it. And the minister says you have to get to a certain level before you can do that, but they really believe it is the Lord Jesus Christ, and they are bringing it all down to the physical.

Well, I tend to doubt that it is the Lord Jesus, but I do believe that people who are ascended in the serpent can cut themselves and not bleed, can burn themselves and not be hurt, and I believe that people who are ascended in Jesus cannot feel pain. I do not believe that Jesus felt pain on the cross. I do not feel -- I do not believe that, but I have trouble believing that someone who is truly ascended in the Lord Jesus Christ to that place would be using that spiritual power as you just described. I have a real problem believing that. I do not believe it, you know, and if I am wrong, let the Lord correct me.

I could see if they -- like Paul says, if they take any deadly thing, it will not kill them, but if they inflict it upon themselves, that does not seem --

No, no.

-- in the Spirit of God.

So I think that they are deceived, you know, that they have another spirit. Anybody else? OK.

This is drawing number four, and as you could see, the tailbone has turned upward. The tailbone typifying Leviathan or our conscious mind, our consciousness has become interested in spiritual things and has turned inward, and as sh- -- as we turn inward, the first one that we meet is Satan, the fluid in the tunnel. Now, Christ is all the way up here. You see, we are being drawn by Christ, you see. So we turn upward, and we are hoping to get over here into Christ, but Satan is filling the connecting tunnel, and we are ascending through muddy water which is blinding us and deceiving us and influencing us, and we are having spiritual experiences with her. In many instances, she is telling us that she is Christ. We cannot see. The waters are filled with mud. The Scripture says we see through a glass darkly. We cannot see.

Now, at the same time as we start to ascend, the serpent, who was up here in our brain, gets a revelation that we have started to ascend, and she becomes filled with lust for us because her purpose is to -- the serpent’s purpose is to be rejoined to the Leviathan that she was separated from in Genesis 11, so that the serpent, Leviathan and Satan can all be possessing the brain together and corporately or collectively have enough power to fully operate the brain, whatever that would mean, but it cannot be good for mankind. I do not know what it means, but it cannot be good for us.

Now, when the -- this -- the -- what -- see, now let me say this again. What turns Leviathan inward is a desire for spiritual experiences, OK, and it could be a desire for spiritual experiences in Christ or a desire for occult experiences. At the beginning, our experience is the same. Our consciousness turns inward. Christ is all the way up here, you see, and Christ is young. His power is very limited. What is he doing? He is attempting to influence the pain/pleasure center. He is giving us self-control. The conception of Christ imparts the beginnings of or the power to attain self-control.

So he is reaching upward towards the pain/pleasure center, and he is also reaching outward towards us, but he is very young, you see. He is very young, and he is on the outside of the spinal column, you see. The spinal column ascends directly -- well, it passes through the brain stem, but the spinal column is a direct connection to the cerebral cortex. Christ is on the outside, see.

So he is reaching for us down here, and he is attempting to contro- -- to influence the pain/pleasure center which is already under the control of the serpent. You see, it says here the serpent manipulates the pain/pleasure center. That is hers, man. It is hers, see, but now Christ is beginning to influence it in opposition to the serpent’s influence.

Now, this is an important point. The serpent, when she recognizes that our consciousness has begun to ascend gets excited, see. She gets excited. She gets all filled with lust, whatever that is -- however that spiritual lust manifests, and she starts moving. Does not Paul -- is it Paul or is it James that talks about the motions of sins? Does anybody know? You do not know. OK. Well, there is a Scripture. I will look it up before we take this picture, and I will put it on the board.

The motions or the movement of sin -- the serpent -- the spiritual serpent in the organic brain starts moving. She starts vibrating, and when she starts vibrating, she start- -- because spirits move by vibration, right? So she starts ascending downward into the tube, into the connecting tube, into the tunnel here, into the two-ended tunnel, to meet our ascending consciousness, and she passes through the pain/pleasure center, or maybe she does not even have to pass through it. Maybe just her agitation, the vibration of her movement stimulates the pain/pleasure center.

So if you are having -- if you are being unduly sexually stimulated after a deep spiritual experience with Christ Jesus, it is likely that this is what is happening to you. If you have been in the Scriptures, if you have been in the doctrine of Christ for any -- for a length of time that is sufficient to turn your consciousness inward -- what is that length of time? I do not know. It may not be the same for everybody. But if after spending time with the Lord, and in particular in the doctrine of Christ, which is a powerful experience with the Lord, if you experience intense sexual stimulation, apparently what is happening to you is that in your experience with the Lord you have ascended significantly inward -- significantly enough to get the serpent’s attention, and the motion of her sins is stimulating the sexual center of your limbic system. Does anyone not know what I am talking about?

So what is your recourse? Your recourse is to get into Christ to control that pain/pleasure center. How do you do that? With words. The first thing you do is say, “Jesus, help!” That is always number one, no matter what your problem is, and then you start praying, “In the name of Jesus, I utterly rebuke the activity of the serpent in my pain/pleasure center, and I speak to that section of my brain, and I say be still, and I cover you over with the blood of Jesus, so that the vibration of the serpent should not stir you up. And I rebuke the serpent. Be still, serpent, and I say in the blood of Jesus and the power of God to turn your back because I do not want to meet you in the alley. It is bad enough I have got Satan in the alley. I am not looking for the serpent in the alley. I am hoping to get to Christ.”

Jesus. Now, I have on this board that as you begin to ascend, you commune with Satan in Babylon, spiritual experiences. Now, that is for the unbeliever. The believer who was specifically connecting to Christ by way of his word, you see -- I guess I will have to fix this board before you -- before we take the picture -- has to pass through Satan to get to -- you can reach Christ, you see, but you have to pass through Satan to get to Christ. And if you cannot tell the difference between Satan and Christ, you are going to stop right here in Satan and think that you are having spiritual experiences with Christ.

Now, how do you secure your connection to Christ when you are passing through Satan? Hmm? Now, Satan -- remember, Satan is spiritual experiences, miracles, signs and wonders, pulpits splitting down the middle, which I heard from a grounded man of God. He actually believed that a sign of revival in this church was that a wooden pulpit split down the middle. This man is a pastor of a group of pastors of a national Bible college, and he believed that Jesus started his revival by splitting a wood pulpit down the middle. He believed it.

 OK. Satan is spiri- -- Satan and the Holy Spirit -- now, the Holy Spirit is in here too. They are all in there together. Spiritual experiences. You feel wonderful. You are speaking in tongues. You are prophesying. Maybe you get healed, but the keyword is you feel good.

So how do you secure or confirm that you are in the Holy Ghost, if not in Christ? How do you tell the difference, you see? Well, I want to tell you something. It is really hard, if it is possible at all, to tell the difference between Satan and the Holy Spirit under these circumstances. That is why the Scripture says, “If it were possible, the very elect would be deceived.” So how do you secure yourself? You see, Christ is not a spiritual experience. Christ is the Word of God. Christ is doctrine. Christ is truth. Christ is a rational mind. Christ is the exact opposite of spiritual experiences that make your fallen nature feel good.

So you say, are you against the Holy Spirit? No, I am not against the Holy Spirit, but I want to tell you something, brethren, the Holy Spirit is not given for you to ascend spiritually. Now, is that a shock to you? The Holy Spirit is not given for you to ascend spiritually. The Holy Spirit is given for one purpose. There are many nice things he will do for you in the process of arising to that one purpose, but he is given for one purpose, and that is to conceive Christ in you and nail him to your cerebellum. And I want to tell you that once Christ is nailed to your cerebellum, the Holy Spirit is already waving goodbye to you.

And I want to tell you something else, that if you have never heard this message, or if you have heard it and you reject it -- what message? That as soon as you conceive, the Holy Spirit is already waving goodbye to you. You see, there is another spirit that is willing to do exactly what the Holy Spirit did for you. Her name is Satan, you see. You do not want to believe this, do you? You do not want to go on and study to show yourself approved. You do not want to learn the doctrine of Christ. You do not want to sacrifice. You want to play in your playpen for the rest of your life, even though your playpen is gone. You may find yourself in the enemy’s playpen.

The Holy Spirit stays at the very lowest level of spiritual consciousness. This is not the Holy Spirit up here, all the way up. This is not the Holy Spirit giving you deep spiritual experiences. It is Christ. And along with those spiritual experiences is the Word of God, and you cannot have one without the other. And in this false revival that is capturing the whole church, the Word is being locked out, and everything is the move of the spirit, and it is a false Holy Spirit.

So we see that it is possible to ascend in consciousness and connect with Christ, but do not think that you will not -- do not think that you will do it without the necessity of waging a warfare because you have to go through Satan to get to Christ, and she is trying to stop you. She is trying to seduce you. She is trying to tell you that she is God. She is talking to you. She is giving you counsel. She is giving you instructions. She is telling you that what you are hearing from Christ is not God.

And I want to tell you that this whole account is discussed on our message #2, “The Seduction of Eve.”  The Song of Solomon 5 says, “My beloved was at the hole of the door.” He was at the opening of the door. Her beloved was right here at the bottom of her spinal column. She thought it was her beloved, but it was not. It was Satan. She says, “I dripped with passion for him.” And she went into the city, and she said, “Where is my beloved? Where is my beloved?” She could not find Christ all the way up here. She was down here. And Satan said, “I am he.”

So we see that it is possible to go inward with our spiritual consciousness and communicate with Christ. When you do that, you will experience the doctrine of Christ. It is not possible to turn inward and communicate with God in any of his forms without the Word of God, without the spiritual Word of God. You cannot go inward and cling to the carnal understanding of the Scripture because if you do that, your communion will be with Satan.

You see, if you turn inward and you touch Christ, the fruit of this communion is the doctrine of Christ, and if you cannot perceive the truth in the doctrine of Christ, if you are hostile to it in any way -- but you do not have to be hostile to it -- if you are not being drawn to it, you are not contacting Christ, brethren. You have a relationship with Satan because when you are intimate with Christ, he gives you his doctrine, and he gives you his doctrine for a specific purpose, that you should ultimately ascend the 12th level of consciousness.

He is not playing games with you. He is not roller skating with you. If you need healing, he may heal you, but he owes you nothing. He has come to deliver you out of this world, and you cannot ascend out of this world without the doctrine of Christ. So if you are having spiritual experiences without the doctrine of Christ, you are in trouble. If you are flying in the spirit, if you are talking to people in the spirit, if you are getting words of knowledge and deep spiritual experiences, traveling and healing people -- there are certain experiences that you can have, you know, before you ascend to this place, which is Christ.

When you are still in your carnal mind, you can have experiences with the Holy Ghost. You can heal. You can cast out demons. You can speak in tongues, but, brethren, the minute Christ is conc- -- you see, there is a string. When you cast out demons and you heal the sick and you act spiritual in the Holy Ghost, you get pregnant. And from the minute you get pregnant, the Holy Ghost is on his way out, and if you cannot perceive that and you are going everywhere looking for that same experience that he gave you, you will wind up having communion with Satan. And the more you reject the Word on any level, the more likely you are to end up in a communion with Satan.

It is bad enough to be in false doctrine, it is bad enough to be in immature doctrine and not want to go forward, but to do away with the Word completely, you have just slit your throat because not only do you have communion with Satan, the motions of sins is stirring her passions, waiting for you to get high enough in, waiting for you to get deep enough in so that she can descend and snatch you. It is called the full stature of Phariseeism. You fools! Your pride has destroyed you.

Jesus. OK. Any questions or comments on this point? Very intense anointing here today. Very intense. Any questions or comments? Oh, please note that I said over here, Christ begins to influence the pain/pleasure center. This is the second level of consciousness. Brethren, if you are not in the war, you are communing with Satan. As soon as you conceive, Christ is out to possess your brain.

The first level of consciousness is reconciliation. You merely have a relationship with the Lord Jesus in the form of the Holy Spirit, but that Holy Spirit is [?not full?not a fool?], and he wants to go to bed with you, and when he does, you are going to conceive because he never goes to bed with anybody that does not conceive. And when you conceive, he nails you, he nails the Christ in you to your cerebellum, and you are in the war. Now, you may be AOL [sic], and you may be a coward and not fighting, but as far as the Holy Spirit is concerned, his job is over, honey.

You see, in this world, it is not meet for a man to make love to a woman and beat it, but in the spiritual world, things are the complete opposite that they are here. The Holy Spirit takes you to bed, and he beats it out the door. He turns you over to another man, and all the rules change. It is not fun anymore. It is study. It is hard work, and it is intense warfare, and if you have convinced yourself with some ruse that this is not of God and have gone in another direction, you are in communion with Satan.

And let me tell you that if you are fighting the war and Satan gets a revelation that you are piercing through her and making contact with Christ, you better believe that she is punishing you every way that she can. She is restricted by the balance of the curses and blessings on your life. She cannot go any further than your spiritual condition allows her. But, you see, you can have all kinds of generational curses on your life that have not yet been lifted off of you, and Christ is saying, “Put them aside and follow me, and they will work themselves out.” If you come to a crisis in your life where you cannot go on because of an infirmity, he will heal you -- he will do just enough for you to keep you functioning because your full deliverance comes when your consciousness completely ascends into Christ.

And that is the truth of the Christian message, which is almost unheard of except for here. I do not know who else is preaching it. Little bits here and little bits there. It is a happy-go-lucky message. Happy God -- he is a happy God, and you have just killed yourself. Everyone who believes this, you have murdered yourself and everyone that you have taught this false doctrine to.

OK, if there are no questions on this -- I do not know how late we will go tonight. I have a couple of more drawings. I will do at least one more. You did not take this picture here, did you? I wanted to put a Scripture in there.

Romans 7:5: “For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death.”

So the motions of sins is the motions of the serpent in your brain as she vibrates down into -- through the brain stem into your spinal column to capture your consciousness, which is descending in the hopes of getting into Christ. But Christ is preaching and teaching doctrine, you see. If you want to connect with Christ, you have got to be in doctrine, and if all you are looking for is the spiritual experiences and the Holy Spirit is gone and Christ is in his place -- does that sound strange to you? That is just like saying the flower has disappeared and the fruit is in his place. If all you are looking for is spiritual signs and wonders, all you have got is Satan and the serpent. You do not stand a chance. Your only connection with Christ is the Word, you see.

So the sins -- the motions of sins is the serpent moving downward to snatch your consciousness. OK, Mary.

I was just comparing this drawing that you have put on the board to an experience I had this past week. I had been in the message about the two witnesses, and I was in constant -- listening to them in the evening before I fell asleep and sometimes during the day. And then that Friday evening, I had an experience of a perverse sexual act happened to me, and I compared it to what you had said during the time of this -- the serpent --

Passing through the pain and pleasure center.

Yes, passing through the pain and pleasure center.

Well, praise the Lord. So we have a witness to that effect, that you were turning inward, you were seeking after spiritual things with Christ. You were in a safe place because you were communing with Christ in his Word, you see. That is as safe as you could be, but when you came -- when you broke that communion and came back to the r- -- to what is the real world for you, but it is not the real world, you then experienced the motions of the serpent.

You see, while we are turning inward and in- -- locked in this communion with Christ, you know, we may not feel the serpent’s motions, although some people -- I have heard testimonies that people are mortified while they are reading the Bible that they are being sexually stimulated. But, of course, these are usually people that are young Christians, and they are just reading the King James translation. You were in an intense communion with the Lord through the doctrine of Christ. And I know that there is someone else -- I will not put her name on the message -- who has been having this experience. She is going to read this message, and she is -- and she and you -- you were in an intense communion with the Lord, and you were turning inward and ascending -- your consciousness was ascending, and then when you withdrew from your communion with the Lord, you experienced the serpent’s motions which you were not feeling. You were not feeling them. They were not touching you because you were in -- you were safely hidden in Christ, you see.

So what do you do to protect yourself? I am going to give you some counsel, and as far as I know, it should work, that if you perceive that you are entering into this spiritual phase of your relationship with Christ, then you really need to start praying and putting yourself inside the castle. Now, this is what the Lord gave me a few years ago when I was being molested every night. Every night, I was being molested. I tried everything I knew, and I could not stop this spiritual atta- -- this sexual attack on me while I was sleeping. I was in great distress, and this is what the Lord gave me.

Now, the occult world would call it visualization, and I have never heard it preached in Christ. When the Lord told me to do it, it concerned me because I thought it was occult, and the Lord told me what I should have known, that he could do anything that he wants, and anything that is done by his spirit is OK, you see. Now, visualization in the occult world is designed to control people. [?In other words,?] I had a woman say to me once that her husband was very aggressive. I do not know what the details of their problems were, but she would sit down at the kitchen table a half an hour before she expected him home, and she would visualize him walking through the door with a happy smile on his face and every other positive quality that she desired to see in him. Brethren, this is witchcraft, you see. But to visualize a castle that will protect you against an invading hoard, this is not witchcraft. This is acceptable to God.

So this is what he told me to do, visualize a castle and lock yourself inside of it. I put myself -- and I -- and it is all with words, and sometimes I see it, but it is basically all with words. I build a castle around myself, and I build a tower in the castle, and I put myself in the castle, and I put a moat around the castle and fill it with alligators and crocodiles. And I know that they are not from the same part of the country, but I do it anyway. And then I pull the drawbridge up over the moat. And I put mounted horsemen on the far side of the moat, and I put mounted horsemen on the ramparts of the castle, and I command them to start shooting their arrows into the darkness when they cannot even see a target. And this has -- this kind of prayer has never -- to date, has never failed to defend me against any kind of molestation in my sleep.

So there was a time that I would not go to sleep without praying that prayer. That was several years ago. Now, I do not do it on a regular basis, but if I have any reason to believe I am under a heavy attack -- I pretty much go by the spirit. I do it when I have to. It has never failed to work. So that is what I recommend that you do. OK, now, some of you here are having a little problem praying as you should pray. Well, it will take something like this to make you pray like you should pray. This will get you on the stick, will it not? Yeah, OK. This is -- now, if this does not do it, nothing will. 

So you have to get ready, brethren. When we enter into the city, we are going to be meeting up with Satan, and we are going to be meeting up with the serpent. Now, this last revelation is very interesting because what I believe is coming out here is that before the serpent even descends into the tunnel to try and snatch us, just the fact that she is stirred up, that her lust is stirred up at the thought of snatching us, is manifesting in a physical way because her vibrations are stirring up our sexual center. So I think this is a tremendous revelation, and i- -- and I know there is a couple of people that suffer from this right now. And just this very message alone, it is a great message for people anywhere in the world that are having this problem. The Lord can now send this message out to anyone that he chooses.

So we need to know what is happening to us. A lot of people are just ashamed with this kind of sexual stimulation, but you have to know that the spirit is connected to the body. This was a big revelation for me. I would think in retrospect that this should have been the most obvious thing in the world to me, that the spirit is connected to the body, but I never thought of it. I think, perhaps, because the general teaching in the church is that spirit is as far away from the flesh as it could be, and I never could make the connection until the Lord showed us. I think it is within the last year that he showed us. Spirit is intimately intertwined with our flesh in this fallen condition.

And, apparently, our spirituality is manifesting through our nervous system, and that makes sense too because the nervous system operates with nerves, and nerves do not touch each other. I do not know if you know this or not. They come -- the ends -- the nerve endings come real close to each other, but they do not touch each other, and the nerves are the -- well, let me say it this way [AUDIO CUTS OUT]

-- the nervous system operates with nerves, and nerves do not touch each other. I do not know if you know this or not. They come -- the ends -- the nerve endings come real close to each other, but they do not touch each other, and the nerves are the -- well, let me say it this way. The energy of our body, the energy that keeps us alive, takes the form of electrical type energy -- that may not be the right word. If you know more than I do, I am sorry if I am using the wrong word, but I am going to say electrical type energy. It goes through our body, and it travels through the nerve end- -- through the nerves. You get all these nerves that are not really touching each other. When the electrical charge gets to the end of the nerve, it has to jump to the other nerve. It is called a synapse. It has to jump over that space where the nerve endings are not touching each other. And this is going on in our body probably millions and trillions of times a day.

And the energy, of course, is our human spirit. That was my whole point, that the energy in our body arises out of the human spirit -- largely out of the human spirit. We also -- our physical body gets energy from the food that we eat, but there would be no body, there would be no consciousness without the human spirit. So -- and I just know if this was heard in the fundamental church, they would call it a cult, just this concept of spirit being so intertwined with the flesh, but it is. And if you just stop to think of it, it really makes sense, and all these years in the church, it never occurred to me. It never occurred to me, but I got there. That is all that matters, is I got there, and we are growing, and we are ascending. That is all that matters.

OK. Did you take this picture, June? Did you have something else to say? OK.

See, I have had reports from people, that they ha- -- experienced what they might even describe as mental illness associated with this intense sexual stimulation, and I was just talking to someone about this a couple of days ago, and I said to them, well, I cannot relate to that. Then when I started thinking about it, I remember that there have been times that I have told the group here that the attack that I am under is so severe that it is like mental illness. Have I not told you that? I believe I have told you that.

The reason I got thrown off was that I have not experienced this overwhelming sexual stimulation with it, but I think that the Lord is telling me that because I have been celibate for all of these years, that I have a grip on my sexuality for whatever reason that even though the serpent is moving to enough of a degree to make me experience what could really be classified as mental illness, it is not torment -- she is not tormenting me sexually. Ever since I took that victory two or three years ago with my castle, OK, I am not being tormented in that area. So never really associated my experiences with what -- with the other people who have told me -- there are two other people that I know who are in Christ who have told me that they have experienced the heat going up their spine and extreme sexual stimulation and something that seems like mental illness.

So I have experienced what seems like mental illness. To the best of my knowledge, I have never experienced heat going up my spine, and the sexual torment has gone so many years ago, I did not put it together. So I do not know why I do not feel heat going up my spine. Sometimes I get very warm, but that is usually when I am preaching, and I do not have any awareness of it being during these attacks that I come under, which I -- sometimes I really do feel like I am mentally ill, and I have shared that with you.

So now I have an understanding myself that when that serpent starts to move, when she perceives our consciousness turning inward, she gets so excited and so stimulated, she starts to vibrate, and that vibration in our brain must -- there must be some center in our brain that gets unsettled just like she t- -- upsets the pain and pleasure center and stimulates our sexuality if she can. There must be some aspect of sanity in our brain that the motions of her sins turns over or upsets or stimulates or knocks around.

And I myself have learned a lot from this study because I go through hell. Thank God, the la- -- I think things have been good here for a month now. All I know is I tell the Lord every day, that I praise him for every good day that I have because I do not know when I am going back into torment again, but it is -- things have been good for about a month. And apparently, a lot of my torment is because of the motions and the vibration of the serpent that is stirring up.

Now, I would like to make a very important point to you here, brethren, you see. Once you get into this spiritual life, there is really no backing out of it, you see, because the more time you spend turning inward, the more the serpent is going to be stimulated in your brain, you see. And it gets to the point after a while that the only place that you have peace, the only place you can run away from this torment or this -- what sometimes manifests as mental illness -- and if it is affecting you with ungodly sexual stimulation, if that is what is happening to you, the only safe place is in Christ. So once you get far enough in to be -- had to -- so that the serpent is moving, OK, you are going to have to go more and more into Christ to be protected from here, you see. You are going to need more and more of this doctrine.

I want to tell you, any move of the spirit is not going to do it. I have been in churches with moves of the Holy Spirit. It does not help me, you see. When I am in this torment -- when the serpent is all stirred up and I am in this torment, I have been in churches where the Holy Spirit is moving. It has not helped me. I have been in churches where there is beautiful, anointed music. Well, sometimes there is beautiful, anointed music playing here. It does not help me. Nothing helps me when the serpent is moving except fleeing into the city of refuge, which is Christ, and the only way that I can get in there is through the doctrine of Christ. So, you see, once you are in this far, you are really in deep. There is no turning back. Praise God.

Does anybody have anything to say? Any comments or questions? It is midnight. We had a long day today. Anybody have anything to say? Praise the Lord. We will pick up on part 4 on Thursday night.

Transcribed by Verbal Fusion 04/16/16

04/22/16 1st Edit rh

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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