272 - Part 3

Part 3 of 6 Parts

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation
By The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


I do not know about you, but I am really enjoying this study in Zephaniah. I really enjoy doing the prophets, and ever since God has given us this doctrine of Christ and shown it to us in the prophets, I am just so excited to see this message coming forth. It is a hidden message in the Scripture. Why? Because every Hebrew word has a multiplicity of potential translations, so depending on the knowledge of the translator of the spiritual word of God, that is what you will see written.

So as we have discussed many times, the King James translators were scholars; they were not spiritual men. Therefore, when they looked at the Hebrew word and had to make a choice as to which English translation they would choose, they chose the one that made sense to their carnal minds, and we wind up with the books of the prophets preaching doom and gloom and judgment and hellfire and brimstone. But those of us who are spiritual, to whom the Lord has allowed an understanding of the doctrine of Christ, he is allowing us to go into the Hebrew and, without changing the Hebrew word, to choose a different translation. It is just as legitimate as the translation that the King James writers have chosen, and we come up with a d- -- radically different translation that is positive, as opposed to the negative translation of the King James translators.

And as you will see in our message today, very frequently, the King James translators themself [sic] would translate the same Hebrew word two or three different ways within the same chapter, just to show you the versatility of the Hebrew language. It is translators license. What we do here is as legitimate as what the King James translators did, to the carnal mind. To the spiritual mind, it is more legitimate than what the King James translators did. It is just that some people are shocked because the translation is so radically different than the King James.

But be careful that you do not have an idolatry for the King James translation. You should be cleaving unto the spiritual word of Christ. We should want to know the true meaning that the Lord Jesus Christ intended when he gave this message to the prophets. That is what you should be striving to know, and that is what you should be praying for, that God should wipe out every false translation. Let it not cleave unto your mind. But if it is truly of Christ, let it cleave unto your mind, and let ever false doctrine be ripped out at the roots because this doctrine of Christ coming forth under a true anointing is going to raise your spirit from the dead. Hallelujah. That is what this is all about. That is what it is all about.

We are not this body. We are spirit, and our spirit died when she separated from God at the time of the fall. Our bodies die because our spirit is dead. When our spirit is raised from the dead, our bodies will stop dying, so therefore death is not the death of this body: We died centuries ago when our spirit or when the spirit of our ancestors separated from God. So the resurrection of the dead, therefore, brethren, does not have to be after this body dies because we are not talking about the resurrection of the body; we are talking about the resurrection of our dead spirit. Glory to God.

This body is in the image of death. This body is the image of our dead mind, and Jesus clearly told us that our God is not the god of the dead, but he is the God of the living. He is the God of that which is able to be raised from the dead. Only that which came down from heaven can ascend back up to heaven. Brethren, this body was never in heaven. That which came down from heaven that is now in the earth is your spirit. Your spirit was in heaven with the Father; it died, and it fell down to the earth. And when your spirit was alive, his name was --


-- Christ. When he died, he fell down, and now he is called your human spirit. So he who was in heaven has come down from heaven, and he is going to be raised from the dead and go back up to heaven. The Lord Jesus Christ has come down from heaven to touch our human spirit, to raise him from the dead and lead she who was in captivity captive.

Have you heard the Lord Jesus Christ is leading captivity captive? Our human spirit is in captivity. She was once Christ in the heavenlies. He died and became our human spirit, came down and is going back up. Your body was never there in heaven; your body never came down from heaven; your body is not going back up to heaven. Your soul was in heaven. Your soul fell down when Christ died. She is going back up to heaven also, not this body, so it does not matter, therefore, whether your body is dead or alive. Your body has nothing whatsoever to do with the resurrection of the dead because the resurrection of the dead is the resurrection of the dead Christ in you and the soul which died when Christ died. This body is the image of death. Glory to God. OK.

We will start with the recap from the last message, Zephaniah 2:1-4, “Face the that the, you heathen nation, that your true identity, the spirit of man, is married to Satan and that your soul is married to his daughter, the carnal mind, and reform your mind in the image of Jehovah.”

“Nevertheless, because of the Lord Jesus Christ’s sacrifice, humanity is conceiving Christ Jesus, the one who shall offer Satan’s carnal mind up as a sacrifice to Jehovah. But the prophecy that the lake of fire shall be formed in you has not been fulfilled because the engrafted word is not judging your sins.”

“Therefore, brethren, look to God to meet your needs, all of you who have formed the mind of Christ but are still miserable and afflicted in your emotions, and he will give you the ministry of reconciliation which is in Christ Jesus. And you shall search out man’s true motives and extend the mercy of Jehovah’s judgments to the spiritual criminal in the day that Jehovah delivers his people from their bondage to the carnal mind.”

“And the Lord Jesus Christ [AUDIO CUTS OUT] [?you?] shall dry up Satan, fallen Adam’s unconscious mind, and Christ Jesus shall cut off the Christ killer who violently carried the woman away and make him barren, and your human spirit shall overcome Satan’s spiritual power and separate from the carnal mind, and Adam shall divorce Satan.”

Continuing with Zephaniah 2:5, “Woe unto the inhabitants of the sea coast, the nation of the Cherethites! the word of the Lord is against you; O Canaan, the land of the Philistines, I will even destroy thee, that there shall be no inhabitant.”

Let me remind you that when we deal with the prophets, we are dealing with two levels of translation. The first level I already mentioned, that in many instances we choose a different translation than the King James translators chose. This is without changing the Hebrew word. On the second level, we find in the prophets many words that the prophet used are -- that the prophets use are symbols, so we also have to interpret the symbols. In this particular chapter of Zephaniah, there are many -- there are n- -- many cities named, and there is always a spiritual significance to the city when you are dealing with prophecy, and the city is a parable, is used as a parable.

So we see that the -- as every Scripture -- we are even finding this in the Book of John. We are in the middle of a series on the Book of John, that Jesus spoke in double entendre, if you recall that teaching. There were two ways that you could take what he said: You could take it on the surface as an everyday statement, or you could take it by the deep, spiritual truth that it meant. And Jesus’ disciples clearly said to him, why do you speak in parables, but you tell us the hidden meaning of the parable? And Jesus said -- why did Jesus say he did that, anybody?

            It was given to them to understand but not to the others.

Right. So the deep, spiritual truth of the anointed word of God is not for everybody. Now that does not sound right to the carnal mind, but Jesus said it. It is not for everybody, and/or it is not for everybody at this time. It may not be for brother John right now, but it may be for him a year from now. So if it is your time -- how do you know when it is your time? If the Lord brings you to a fellowship that deals with the hidden spiritual truth under the surface of the parable. And if you begin to understand it, you know the Lord has opened your ears. If you do not understand it and you desire to understand it, by all means, ask for wisdom. The Lord shall give unto you liberally.

But for this message, my point is that this is a very difficult study which we are operating -- which we are dealing with on two levels. It is a parable on one level, which needs to be interpreted, and then we are, in many instances, choosing different translations without changing one Hebrew word. And this Scripture was written in Hebrew; it was not written in English. OK. Let us try this. If you cannot follow me, you know, do not worry about it; just do the best you can, and let the Spirit minister to you. This is a very difficult study.

We are in verse 5. “Woe unto the inhabitants of the sea coast.” The Hebrew word in trans- -- translated “inhabitants” is Strong's 3427. The interlinear says -- the interlinear translates this same Hebrew word “those dwelling.” As I went through all of the possible translations in Gesenius’ Chaldee-Hebrew Lexicon, which is the one that I use, in view of the context of the whole verse, I chose the translation which means “to be sitting on a throne.” And as we go down the -- and find out the meanings of the other words, you will see why I chose that translation. Strong's 3427 can legitimately be translated “to be sitting on a throne.”

With regard to our spiritual being, what is the throne? What part of our spiritual being is the throne?  The soul is the throne, that which is sat upon by the mind. The soul, God’s creation, is sat upon by the mind, and we, right now, have someone sitting on the throne of our soul. Now we know who is supposed to be sitting on the throne of our soul. Who is supposed to be sitting on the throne of our soul? Christ is supposed to be there, but who is there?


Satan, through his carnal mind, is sitting on the throne of our soul. The significance of sitting on the throne is possession. The mind which is sitting on the soul is attached to or joined to our soul. In some instances, the Scripture says married to our soul, so the mind which is married to or joined to or knitted together with our soul is the one who is possessing our soul, and possession is 9/10ths of the law. The mind that is joined to your soul is the mind that determines whether or not your soul is alive or dead. If the carnal mind is joined to your soul, your soul is dead. If the Christ mind is joined to your soul, your mind -- or y- -- I am sorry, your soul receives life.

What many people do not understand in this hour, especially when they see Christians, anointed Christians, dying, they do not understand that even if the mind of Christ is being formed in you, that is not enough to keep this body alive. The mind of Christ must be sitting on and possessing and joined to your soul to quicken your mortal body, to give life to your soul and to preserve this body and prevent it from dying. So having the mind of Christ formed in you is not enough. What is the next step after the mind of Christ is formed in you, anybody?

            Full stature.

Well, what must he do to take posse- -- well, that is true, but what must he do to take possession of your soul? What are we waiting for him to do?


            [CROSSTALK] [?the?] carnal mind.

Well, kill, yes, but, more accurately, behead our souls. Revelation 20:4 speaks about the souls of those who were beheaded for Christ. That carnal mind has to be cut off. The carnal -- the Scripture says that the carnal mind is stitched together with our soul, OK. Now some Christians believe there are going to be lines on the street waiting for Christians to be guillotined, but I declare to you the Scripture says I saw the souls of those who were beheaded, not the bodies. So as soon as Christ is formed in you and strong enough to do it, he is going to lop off the head of the carnal mind and sit himself down on the throne of your soul and stitch himself together or marry your soul. And when Christ is in possession of your soul, you shall never die because he shall give life to your soul, and he shall preserve your body. And this is all a spiritual warfare that we are talking about here. So in the view of the context of the whole of verse 5, as you will see as we go along, I have chosen the translation of “inhabitants” to be “to be sitting on a throne,” those who are occupying the vessels of humanity in this hour, the carnal minds of men.

“Sea coast;” the word “sea” is Strong's 3220, and Gesenius’ Chaldee and Hebrew Lexicon says that this word can also be translated “western quarter.” The earth is broken down into four quadrants: north, east, south, west. And the same word translated “sea” can be translated “western quarter.” It makes no sense at all, but it is the Hebrew language. The Lord Jesus Christ put it together. Now those of you that have been studying with us for a while and have heard our deep studies in Daniel, you may recall that the western quarter is referring to this physical, visible world that we live in, spiritually speaking, the physical, visible world that we live in is called the western quarter. Does anybody know what the eastern quarter represents?


I did not hear what you said.


The eastern quarter is the eternal realm of God. That is where God is, OK. That is where the sun arises from. It [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- the sun arises from a place of obscurity. The sun is in a place where you cannot see it at night, and then all of a sudden it arises out of the east. The east, the unseen realm, is speaking about the invisible, eternal realm of God. The northern quarter represents, anybody?


Satan. Yes, Satan. That is correct. The northern quarter is dark, frequently, and cold, and it typifies Satan’s area of the spiritual realm. And the southern quarter, which is always warm and has spring breezes -- if you want to take a vacation, some people like to go south and lay on the beach. The southern quarter typifies the visible spiritual world. There is a visible spiritual world, which was called Eden at the beginning of time, and there is a visible physical world, which is this world system. So we have two quadrants typifying the visible world, one physical and one spiritual. The western quarter is speaking about the visible, physical world, this world system.

And the word “coast,” the Hebrew word translated “coast,” is Strong's 2256, and Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon says that this word can legitimately be translated “a band of men.” We are choosing that translation. The Hebrew word translated “nation” -- I did not -- if we have used these words many times, I have not bothered to write down the number. We have u- -- we have come across that word so many times. It can also be -- this word -- Hebrew word can also be translated “heathen” or “gentile.” That is no so far off from what the King James have chosen.

And the word “Cherethites” is Strong's 3774; this word means “executioners.” Now here we have a symbol. The word “Cherethites,” I believe, it is the name of some nationality, people of a certain nationality, but the -- but Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon says the word means “executioners,” and it is a name that was born by the guards of King David, whose office it was to both inflict capital punishments and to convey the king’s mandates as q- -- or the king’s orders as quickly as possible to those who held places in government. In other words, if King David proclaimed a death sentence on somebody, these men went out looking for this man, and they probably killed him right on the spot, nothing like we do today. They must have gone out, apprehended the man, and whatever the means of execution was, they did it right on the spot. There was swift justice in Bible days, you know. It was legitimate in those days for a family member to take vengeance if a member of their family was killed. The ol- -- the eldest male in the family went looking for the murderer and slew him.

So we are going to take the symbolic meaning of the word Cherethites and find out what the hidden spiritual meaning of the first phrase of verse 5 is. “Woe unto the inhabitants of the sea coast, the nation of the Cherethites.” And this is what the Lord gave me: “Woe to the company of men who are joined -- sitting on the throne, who are joined to their own carnal mind. They are joined to the western quarter in the visible, physical world, the nation of Christ killers.”

How did I get this? “Woe to the inhabitants,” or, “Woe to the coast;” that is the band of men, OK, who are joined to, sitting on their throne -- sitting on the throne of their own souls because, if your carnal mind is your mind, that means you are joined to your own soul. If your -- if you are existing by virtue of your carnal mind, what that means is that the mind in you was not brought forth by the Spirit of God, but your own dead soul rose up and brought forth its own mind. It fertilized itself, therefore that which is born of the flesh is flesh. That is why Paul said that your mind is carnal; your mind is of the flesh; your mind is begotten of your own flesh soul instead of the Spirit of God.

“Woe to the company of men joined to their own souls in the visible, physical world, the nation of Christ killers.” I have translated the word “Cherethites,” which typified King David’s executioners, as “Christ killers” because it fits in with the rest of the phrase. The Lord is not talking about th- -- King David’s executioners. He is talking about men who are sitting on the thrones of their own soul in the visible, physical world, and he is saying that they are gentiles; they are heathens. Therefore, they are not executing King David’s commandments, but I suggest to you that they are executing Satan and the carnal mind’s commandments, and there is only one person that Satan and the carnal mind wants executed, and his name is the Lord’s Christ. Is everybody OK?

“Woe to the company of men joined to their own souls in the visible, physical world, the nation of Christ killers.” Brethren, every man with a fallen mind is considered a Christ killer by the Lord. I do not care how nice you are; I do not care how sweetly you smile; I do not care about your perfume or your deodorant; I do not care how much money you are worth; I do not care how much you tithe. If your mind is carnal, you are the enemy of Christ wherever he is appearing. That is why, when Christ begins to be formed in you, your first and foremost enemy will be your own carnal mind, which will try to knock Christ out of existence in your mind. As soon as you overcome your own carnal mind, you will have everybody else’s carnal mind trying to knock Christ out. If you have not taken the victory over your own carnal mind, you will never take the victory over your brother’s carnal mind. So get your eyes off of your brother, and put your eyes on yourself, and start waging that warfare against your own carnal mind because you will continue to be victimized by other people’s carnal minds so long as your carnal mind is ruling and reigning over the Christ which has begun to be formed in you.

So, you see, from the moment that Christ begins to be formed in you, you have been drafted into the army of the Lord, and you need to know this. Why? Because when your carnal mind starts waging war against your Christ, it is going to take the form of difficult times in your life. And if you are not educated, if you do not hear this message, you are going to think that Satan is plaguing you, and you are going to wonder why your God is not protecting you, and you might be disillusioned or become bitter towards the Lord. You need to know that from the moment Christ begins to be formed in you that he is a weapon unto you, and you are to pick him up and slay the Christ killer in your own mind. You need to know it. You need to know that the Lord has not abandoned you, but the Lord has given you a weapon, and he has called you, and he has equipped you, and he has anointed you, and you are to fight the good fight of faith. You are not a baby anymore.

Continuing with the second third of Zephaniah 2:5, “The word of the Lord is against you; O Canaan, the land of the Philistines.” The Hebrew word translated “word” is the equivalent of the Greek “logos,” meaning the physical expression of a spiritually powerful word. I suggest to you that this word is indicating the resurrected Christ. It is speaking about the word; Jesus is the word, and it is speaking about the resurrected Christ as opposed to the immac- -- immature Christ, which was killed by the carnal mind at the time of the fall.

Let me review that for you. When God formed the man, the Scripture says he breathed the breath of life into the man and that man became a living soul. That which made the man come to life was the fact that the breath of the Lord joined with the spirit of man and formed a mind in the creation, and the name of that mind was Christ, the Son of the living God. The event called the fall w- -- occurred when Satan brought forth her carnal mind in the creation, and that carnal mind killed the mind of Christ.

Now some people get upset when they hear this, but, brethren, the Scripture clearly states that the creation was good. The creation was not perfect; the creation was good. It -- but it was young; it was immature. And Adam had no what? Experiences at overcoming evil. He was fully formed. It would be as if a full -- physically full-grown man appeared in the middle of Manhattan, physically perfect, but with not enough knowledge to get out of the way when the traffic started heading for him. Adam had no experience whatsoever. All that he had was the instruction of the Lord: Thou shalt not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because, if you do, you shall surely cease to be immortal. The Hebrew word translated “die” means not cease to exist; it means you shall cease to be immortal. And as we all know, Adam ate of that tree. How do we ne- -- how do we know? Because we, as all of his descendants, have ceased to be immortal.

So we see that the immature Christ died at the beginning of time, but we also see, glory to God, that he was resurrected in the man Jesus of Nazareth. And my Bible says Christ, having been raised from the dead, dieth no more. The [?resurrected?] [AUDIO CUTS OUT] [INAUDIBLE] [?overcoming?] experiences. The Book of Revelation tells us that he who overcometh shall inherit all things. He who overcomes his carnal mind and has many, many experiences in so doing shall inherit the entire creation. So we see that it is a great mystery, but the Scripture will speak about the Christ -- the immature Christ which died at the beginning of time sometimes; and sometimes the Scripture will speak about the mature Christ, which was resurrected in Jesus of Nazareth. So we must read the whole verse to determine which Christ the Scripture is speaking about at any given moment.

In the second phrase of verse 5, I suggest to you “the word of the Lord” is speaking about the resurrected Christ. Now this is a great mystery. Many people in the church think that the Hebrew prophets wrote only to Israel, and then other scholars in the church think that the Hebrew prophets wrote only to the church because there are many prophecies that have not yet been fulfilled and many prophecies that could not even have been fulfilled in the time of Israel. Why? Because the sacrifice for sins was not yet made, OK. There are certain prophecies that can only be fulfilled in the Lord Jesus Christ, which did not happen until years after these prophecies were written.

I suggest to you, however, that the fulfillment of these Hebrew prophecies are for both Israel and the church, although not Israel at the time of the writing, but Israel in this present day, Israel in the time of the appearance of Christ at the end of the ages. These prophecies shall be fulfilled both within the church and within natural Israel because, in that day, Israel shall be grafted back into her own tree, and the two shall be one.

W- -- O -- “the word of the Lord is against you; O Canaan.” Well, we all know Canaan is the name of a nation, Strong's #3667, and, once again, Gesenius tells us the meaning of this name, Canaan, means “depressed or low region.” So I suggest to you that Canaan symbolizes the dead soul. The dead soul is in a valley or a pit, and we had some teachings here that this dead soul is actually a black hole that we read about existing in space. “O Canaan, the land of the Philistines.” “The Philistines” is Strong's 6430, and we are told that that -- well, the Philistines are a people the dwell in the -- dwelt in the land of Philistia, and Strong's tells us that the word means “wanderers” and “strangers,” so we are going to take the symbolic names of these nations and try to understand what the Lord is saying here in the depth of the spiritual understanding.

Carnally-minded men are strangers to God; Christ-minded men are strangers to Satan. Genesis 4:14 says,  “Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me.” Strangers to God are wanders, and the c- -- it is the carnally-minded men who are strangers to God.

Hebrews 11:13 says, “These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.”

Alternate Translation, second third of Zephaniah 2:5, “The resurrected Christ is against you, O dead soul where the wanders are dwelling.”

The resurrected Christ is against you wherever he is appearing. The resurrected Christ in you is against your carnal mind. The resurrected Christ in me is against my carnal mind and your carnal mind. Christ is against the carnal mind wherever he is appearing. You are at war whether you like it or whether you do not like it. If you have gotten so far in God that Christ is being formed in you, you have been drafted.

There is no place that you could run, and there is no place that you could hide because this is a spiritual war, and you cannot run away from yourself because your original self was carnal. And even if you could run away from yourself, to avoid the carnal mind you would have to avoid all human beings, and even then you could not avoid them because the carnal mind is after you even if you are locked up alone in your room. He is moving in the realm of the spirit. There is no place to run, brethren. Turn and fight, because if you do not kill that thing, he is sure going to try and kill you, and in some cases, he might succeed, so turn your back around and stand and face the thing in Christ.

“The resurrected Christ is against you, O dead soul where the wanderers are dwelling.”

Continuing with the third third of Zephaniah 2:5, “I will even destroy thee, that there shall be no inhabitant.”

That is Christ speaking to the carnal mind. I shall destroy you, that you shall not be an inhabitant of this soul which belongs to me, says the Christ. “Destroy” is Strong's #6; it can also be translated “cut off” as men or nations are cut off, and I suggest to you it is the carnal mind being cut off. “That there shall be no,” Strong's 369. Now we dealt with this word in studies in Isaiah specifically. This word means “nothing,” “emptiness,” “vacuity,” and we found in a deep study in the Book of Isaiah that the Lord uses this word to describe Satan. We did a word study. We went all through the Old Testament, and we found that for large numbers of times, God used this word “nothing” to describe Satan. As far as God is concerned, Satan is nothing, empty, a shadow that will flee away as soon as his light shines upon her. He laughs at her.

The only reason we have such a problem with Satan is that God sold us unto her, and we are subject to her. When God drove us out of -- or our original ancestor w- -- and us, we are a -- we are one and the same. When he drove us out of the Garden of Eden, he sold us to Satan, reserved us by binding us to the chains of darkness until the --


-- judgment which will set us free from the chains of darkness and raise us back up into the heavenlies. The Lord chose not to wipe us out completely but to let us be bound to Satan and under her authority for a season until he could judge our sins, and the judgments of God are merciful and rehabilitative, so therefore the judgment of our sins will restore us back into the heavenlies.

“Inhabitant,” “one who dwells in a place,” and I suggest to you that that place is this living soul -- is this dead soul, excuse me.

Alternate Translation, the third third of Zephaniah 2:5, “I will disperse you, who Satan is inhabiting.”

I am going to break you up; I am going to scatter you, the one in whom Satan is inhabiting. And I suggest to you that the Lord is speaking about the carnal mind. He is going to be breaking up that carnal mind because the renewing of our mind can only take place when our carnal mind is broken up. Our carnal mind is in three parts, the human spirit, Satan and the carnal m- -- and the offspring of that union, the carnal mind, and all three take the name, the carnal mind. And the renewing of the mind is in the breaking up of that mind and the saving or the liberating of the human spirit, that she might join with Christ, and that is the renewal of our mind. Our spirit, which is joined to Satan and the carnal mind, shall be renewed when she is freed from Satan and the carnal mind and joined to the Father and the Christ. The transference from being the carnal mind into being the Christ mind is the renewing of the mind. Hallelujah.

Alternate Translation, the whole of Zephaniah 2:5, “Woe unto the company of men joined to their own souls in the visible, physical world, the nation of Christ killers.” That is us, brethren. “The resurrected Christ is against you, O dead soul where the wanderers are dwelling. I will disperse you, who Satan is inhabiting.”

Please note that the term “nation of Christ killers” is speaking about the many-membered spiritual man; his name is fallen Adam. And the term “company of men joined to their own souls” is speaking about human beings, the individual human beings.

I have amplified the translation of Zephaniah 2:5; that means I am putting it in better English for you. “Woe unto the nation who killed Christ and is appearing” -- I am sorry. “Woe unto the heathen who killed Christ and is appearing in the visible, physical world as a company of wandering men who are joined to their own souls. The resurrected Christ is against you, O dead soul, and shall break you up so that Satan cannot inhabit you.”

The heathen is the carnal mind who killed Christ, is appearing in this visible, physical world as a company of wandering men. He is appearing in us; he is thinking through us; he is talking through us; he is living through us; he is doing his evil deeds through us; and we are God’s creation who has been taken captive by this heathen. The Lord shall deliver us from his clutches by renewing our mind, as I just previously described.

So please note that the breaking up of this -- how is it expressed? “I shall break you up so that Satan cannot inhabit you.” Please note that the breaking up is the separation or the beheading of the carnal mind from the soul. The Scripture describes this as the separating of the soul from the spirit, and also this breaking up is the dissolving of the carnal mind, and the Scripture calls that the separation of the joints from the marrow.

Remember that Satan can only inhabit God’s soul when her offspring, the carnal mind, is the sitting queen. That is why Christ is coming to behead her. Remember, also, that two unions are required to form a mind: One, the male spirit joins to the female human spirit, forming a spiritual altar which is a means of communication between male spirit and female soul. And, two, the male spirit begets his offspring or mind upon that altar, thus joining himself to the soul through his offspring. The soul then becomes a throne, which the mind sits upon, and the male spirit or god -- and the male spirit becomes the God that dwells in that mind. The soul then becomes a throne which the mind sits on, and the male spirit or the god of that mind -- well, I -- apparently, I have bad English here. I will say it to you in my own language, OK. The male spirit becomes the god of the creation as he rules through the mind which he has formed is what I was trying to say.

The Lord Jesus Christ is breaking up the throne of the carnal mind and the altar of Eve’s union with Satan, and he is going to rebuild that altar. The Lord Jesus Christ is going to rebuild that altar by joining with the human spirit of man and bringing forth is offspring, Christ Jesus in you, and he is going to do it in each and every individual. The Lord Jesus Christ died for us, and he did all that was necessary to do to make the provision or to make it possible for the nature of Christ to be formed in us, but the nature of Christ must now be formed in us. We must lay hold of the Lord Jesus Christ and have the experience of his joining with our human spirit and bringing forth his Son in us, the manchild of Revelation 12, thus fulfilling the Scripture, they shall be saved in childbearing. You must bear the Christ child; you must bear the manchild of Revelation 12 for your salvation to be completed.

It is not true that Jesus did everything on Calvary and you are just waiting for this body to die. You have received a fairytale, brethren, that is in line with the Easter bunny and Santa Claus, and I am sorry if I am offending you, but I am telling you the truth, and you owe it to yourself to at least pray about it. Glory to God. Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and salvation after the death of the body. Hallelujah.

I further amplified Zephaniah 2:5 for you, putting it into perspective, “Woe unto the heathen who killed Christ and is appearing in the visible, physical world as a company of wandering men who are joined to their own souls. The resurrected Christ is against you, you dead soul, and shall stop Satan from living through you by cutting off your carnal mind.”

Hallelujah, what a promise. That is a promise, brethren. It is a promise. Jehovah is not out to kill you; he is not out to burn you in Hell forever. He is out to save your life, and you are so overtaken by the enemy of your soul that you think he is out to kill you. No, J- -- no, no. Jehovah loves us. The Lord Jesus Christ loves you. He loves you enough to destroy your carnal mind, even though the surgery that is necessary to destroy him is causing you pain. The Lord Jesus Christ loves you enough to not leave you in this condition forever.

Paul said, if I desire to do good and I cannot do that which I desire to do, it is no longer me but sin that dwelleth in me. So, you see, from the moment Christ comes to you and begins to form his life in you, you are no longer one of those men wandering in this world system; you have become Christ. And the Lord Jesus Christ, your big brother, is fighting to save you from the domination of your own carnal mind, which would keep you dead. He wants to raise you from the dead and give you the life of the ages.

Continuing with Zephaniah 2:6, “And the sea coast shall be dwellings and cottages for shepherds, and folds for flocks.”

I just need to tell you one more time. Some of these translations are so far-fetched because the King James translators just did not know what to make out of the Hebrew. They just had no idea. The deeper the symbology and the deeper the message, the very well-meaning King James translators just had no idea what the Lord was talking about, so some of these translations are just way, way off.

“And the sea coast shall be dwellings and cottages for shepherds.” Well, what does that mean? “And folds for the flocks.” “Sea coast,” the same as above; “sea” means “the western quarter,” a physical, visible world. “Coast” means “band of men.” “Shall be;” that is the verb “to be,” and we are translating it “to become.” It means “to become,” actually. “Dwellings,” the interlinear translates the He- -- this Hebrew word “pastures;” it is Strong's 5116, but one of the potential translations for this word translated “dwellings” in the King James and “pastures” in the interlinear is “seat;” an alternative meaning is “seat.”

Now the word “seat” is used the Scripture to describe the soul inhabited by Satan. The word “throne” is used to describe the word inhabited by Christ. We have had this in other studies over the years. We know -- we hear about Satan’s seat in the Book of Revelation. It is a mystery, you see. God calls the throne inhabited -- the soul inhabited by Christ a throne, but when it is in- -- when that soul is inhabited by Satan’s carnal mind, the Lord calls it a seat. Why? Because even though it is the same soul, it is really not the same soul. Jesus said I go where the -- and you will not be able to see you. W- -- ho- -- what did he say? I am leaving, and you will not be able to see me anymore, but, nevertheless, I will be back here. He said something like that, and his disciples said what is he talking about? He is going; we cannot be there, but he will see us again. What is he talking about? I am saying the same kind of thing to you. It is the -- it is not the same soul, but it is the same soul.

What am I talking about? There is one soul. When the mind is Christ, the soul is a throne. When the mind in that soul is the carnal mind, the soul is a seat. So it is only one soul, but when it is a s- -- when it is a -- when it is inhabited by the carnal mind, it is a seat, but when it is inhabited by Christ, it is a throne, so it is the same soul, but it is not the same soul depending on the mind that is inhabiting it. Peter Piper had a peck of picked peppers. It is a mystery; it is a parable. It is the truth, one soul, different mind changes the nature of that soul. And to express that subtlety that the indwelling, internalized mind changes the nature of the soul, the Scripture changes the name from throne to seat, so therefore, when you see the word seat, you do not have to be reading the whole verse. You know when the word seat is used, the Lord is talking about the soul which is inhabited by the carnal mind. It is a code, you see. When the word throne is used, you know right away that the Lord is speaking about the soul which is inhabited by Christ, makes it easier for you. OK. Glory to God.

In the same manner, the company of wandering men who are joined to their own souls is speaking about men who are joined to or married to their carnal minds instead of Christ. I think I mentioned that earlier. To be joined to your own soul means to be joined to the mind which is born of the flesh. Now this word translated “cottages,” the interlinear calls it “meadows;” it is Strong's 3741. Gesenius Chaldee Lexicon translates this word “pits,” P-I-T-S. Now how did he get from cottages and meadows to pits and cisterns or wells? Well, this happens a lot. The King Jame- -- very well-meaning King James translators just did the best they could to make some sort of rational since out of the translation, and it sure sounds good in the book, except that it has nothing whatsoever to do with the L- -- with what the Lord intended to say.

This Hebrew word translated “cottages” is the root of the word translated “Cherethites” in verse 5. You remember what the Cherethites were? The word “Cherethites” [?meaned?] ex- -- was translated “executioners.” That was the name of David’s executioners, so this is the root word from which “Cherethites” came, and they are translating it “cottages” and “meadows.” I suggest to you that this word translated “cottages,” Strong's 3741, means “that which is cut off.” The Cherethites were the ones who did the cutting off, and this form of the word, 3741, is speaking about that which is actually cut off. Does any- -- can anybody hear this? What is cut off?

            [?The carnal mind?].

Right. The carnal mind is cut off. The carnal mind is beheaded from the soul. The carnal mind is circumcised off of Christ. Amen, cannot wait. Glory to God.

“Shepherds” -- well, we are dealing with the phrase, “And the sea coast shall be dwellings and cottages for shepherds.” “Shepherds,” Strong's 7462, is actually a verb. Now “shepherd” is a noun. You know, this is a serious fellowship here, OK. Please, OK. The Hebrew word translated fellowship, Strong's 7462, is a noun. They are translating it as a noun, “shepherds,” but it is really a verb, and that verb means “to take care of,” “to feed,” “to delight,” “to join oneself to.” Does that sound familiar, “to join oneself to”? So we will choose that translation, “to join oneself to.”

“And the sea coast shall be dwellings and cottages for shepherds, and folds for the -- for flocks.”

“Folds,” Strong's 1448, can be translated “a place fortified with a wall.” Does that sound familiar to you? Brethren, we are supposed to be fortified cities, and the way man is fortified is that the mind or the spirit that dwells in the mind within him vibrates out from him and sets up an invisible force field around him. If you are trying to defend yourself by dealing with your external person, this body, you may have some success for a season, but it is an inf- -- w- -- you are using an inferior method. For example, if your body is sick and you are dealing with this illness and trying to heal your body by going to doctors or by surgery or by topical treatments to your skin, you will probably get some relief for a season, but eventually this body is going to die, and please do not anyone interpret what I am saying to mean that I am counseling you to not go to doctors. I am not saying that at all. I am telling you a spiritual truth, that no matter what degree to which you heal this body, whether it is an external skin problem or an internal organ problem, that it is only a Band-Aid, that eventually, unless Christ in you is raised from the dead, this body will die.

And the reason that your body is dying and the reason that you can only have sometimes limited healing in your body is that the nature of the illness of your body is in your spiritual being. That is how healing in the Holy Ghost takes place; it is a healing that deals with the root of the problem. All illness is a spiritual problem, and everyone has the same spiritual problem: Your mind is dead, and that death is being expressed in the condition of the city that that mind lives in. And you are a walking statement, to everyone who has eyes to see and ears to hear, that the walls of your city are down and that your city is not fortified because the mind is in you is supposed to [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- have vibrated out and built a wall around your city, that nothing could touch you from the inside and nothing could touch you from the outside. If you are hit by a car and you are damaged, your walls are down.

Jesus said, “No man can take my life.” Peter cut off the ear of the guard. Jesus put the ear back on. Do you not think he could have done the same thing for himself? Any damage to his body, he could have restored instantly. He had full authority over his flesh. Jesus Christ of Nazareth was a fortified city. The mind in him was alive, and it vibrated out from him and built a fortified wall around him. There was nothing that could have killed his body that he could not have repaired in a second because, internally, he was fully equipped. If you are internally fully equipped, nothing can damage the possessions of the mind, which is internally equipping you.

You see, now to fallen man it appears and is in fact, you know, p- -- it is in fact a truth that this external wall, this body that we live in, is protecting our internal organs. If we strip the skin off of ourselves, we would die from infection. The skin keeps us from dying from infection. If we were to open our flesh, our internal organs could not survive. We would die eventually, but it just looks that way. It is an illusion; it is an image. The truth is that the spirit, which is internalized even beyond your internal, physical organs, is controlling and sustaining every aspect of your visible life. It is a great mystery, brethren, but it is time to grow up. The sugar fairy has just died. It is grow-up time. Hallelujah.

So we see the Hebrew word translated “folds” means “a place fortified with a wall,” and I suggest to you it is speaking about Christ. The Hebrew word translated “flocks” is Strong's 6629; that can be translated “small cattle.” The Hebrew word translated “flocks,” however, is not plural; it is in the singular, “the flock,” and I suggest to you it is speaking about the flock of the Lord, his church.

Alternate Translation, Zephaniah 2:6, “The company of wandering men who are joined to their own souls shall be beheaded and become a flock which is joined to a fortified, walled place.”

The company of wandering men who are joined to their own souls, that is us. We shall be beheaded; we are going to lose our minds and become a flock which is joined to Christ.

Revelation 20:4 says, “And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast,” that is your carnal mind, “neither the image of the beast, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads,” that is the thinking of the beast; that is your carnal mind, “or in their hands,” that is the behavior of your carnal mind, “and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.”

Amplified translation, Zephaniah 2:6, “The company of wandering men who are married to their carnal minds shall use the spiritual, military power of the Lord Jesus Christ to divorce themselves from her, to divorce themselves from their carnal minds, and they shall marry Christ.”

“The company of wandering men who are married to their carnal minds shall use the spiritual, military power of the Lord Jesus Christ to divorce themselves from their carnal minds, and they shall marry Christ.”

I have one more verse for you, brethren, verse 7. Continuing with Zephaniah 2:7, “And the coast shall be for the remnant of the house of Judah; they shall feed thereupon: in the houses of Ashkelon shall they lie down in the evening: for the Lord their God shall visit them, and turn away their captivity.”

I have changed the punctuation in this verse, and that is another thing that we find frequently when we do these translations, that the punctuation is wrong because the translation is wrong, but for the translation that we are bringing forth, it is necessary to change the punctuation. So we are moving that colon, “they shall feed thereupon:” -- we are moving that colon from after the word “thereupon” to after the word “Ashkelon.” The phrase now reads, “they shall feed thereupon in the houses of Ashkelon: they shall lie down in the evening.”

We will take the first phrase first. “They shall feed thereupon in the houses of Ashkelon.” Well, we will start with -- I am sorry. We will start with the first phrase. “And the coast shall be for the remnant of the house of Judah.” Now please note that verse 7 is not speaking about the sea coast; it is just speaking about the coast, so, therefore, we are going to take a different translation of that word. We translated the word -- we have been translating the word “coast,” “a band of men,” when that word “coast” is associated with the word “sea.” But the word “coast,” it is the same Hebrew word, Strong's 2256, stands alone, and in view of the context of the whole of verse 7, I am going to take the translation which is “rope” or “cable,” and I suggest to you that the significance is lifeline.

As a matter of fact, Ronda called just this morning with several dreams for me to translate, and in one of those dreams, somebody was in a hole in the ground, and the Lord was saying to them just stand still because, if you move, all the dirt is going to fall in on you. Did you ever see a movie about someone in a -- down in a mine where the mine collapsed? The -- and the Lord was saying just stand still. Do not move, or the dirt is going to fall on you, and the Lord threw a rope to this person. So it is a scriptural concept, a lifeline. God is throwing us a lifeline, and the name of that lifeline is --


-- Christ, yes.

So we shall choose the translation “rope” or “cable” and use it as “lifeline” in verse 7. And the coast or the lifeline shall be for the “remnant of the house Judah.” “Remnant,” Strong's 7611, means “survivors, especially after a slaughter.” Now we could take that on two levels. We could take that as the house of natural Judah, which has been in captivity for 2,000 years right now, and we can also take it for those members of the church whose carnal minds have been slaughtered. And you may remember Paul saying, “And those of us who are alive and remain,” and our translation of that Scripture in the New Testament was, “Those of us who survive the slaughter of our carnal mind and remain,” that part of us which survives the slaughter of the carnal mind, which is the what? The human spirit, amen. OK.

“And the coast shall be for the remnant of the house of Judah; they shall feed thereupon in the houses of Ashkelon.” “To feed,” the interlinear says “to pasture;” it is Strong's 7462. It means “to take care of,” “to delight” or “to join oneself to.” And in view of the way that this whole chapter is going, we are going to choose “to join oneself to.” In fact this word translated “feed” -- the Hebrew word translated “feed,” Strong's 7462, is the same Hebrew word translated “shepherds” in verse 6, so w- -- here you see a perfect example of the King James translators themselves translating the same Hebrew word two different ways within the same chapter. It is called translators’ license; it is perfectly legitimate.

“And the coast shall be for the remnant of the house of Judah; they shall feed thereupon.” “Thereupon,” Strong's 5921, translated “upon them” in the interlinear, and it means “the one who is over them.” Who is over us, brethren? Who is over us? Who is higher than we are? Who is our authority?


Well, if we are --


-- Christ Jesus, who is our authority? The Lord Jesus Christ.


Right, the Lord Jesus Christ, or you can s- -- you could say Jehovah, especially with these Old Testament prophecies. To be honest with you, sometimes I am not even sure when to make it Jehovah or the Lord Jesus Christ myself, but as far as my understanding that -- and at this time, that the Lord Jesus Christ and Jehovah are one, so both would be legitimate.

“And they shall feed thereupon in the houses of Ashkelon.” “Ashkelon,” Strong's 831; it is “a maritime city.” It is a city on the water, and it is one of the Philistine cities, and the Philistines are the enemies of Israel, and the name of this city means “to migrate.” Migrate means to move to another location. I suggest to you that the ones whose mind was changed from carnal to Christ migrated from the dead soul to the living soul. The ones who migrated then are a multitude of people who came forth from both Judah and the church because it is impossible for Judah, in the time that these prophecies were prophesied, to migrate. Why? Because the mind of Christ, the imparted anointing, the mind of Christ that would be actually growing out of their soul, was not available to them at that time. So these prophecies, as I mentioned earlier, shall be fulfilled for both the church and Judah in these last days, when Judah is grafted back into her own tree.

Alternate Translation, the first half of Zephaniah 2:7, “And the company of men who were wanderers but are now married to Christ Jesus shall be a lifeline to the survivors of the house of Judah, and those who migrated shall be joined to the one who is higher than they are.”

“And the company of men who were wanderers,” that is humanity, “but are now married to Christ Jesus,” that is the sons of God, “shall be a lifeline to the survivors of the house of Judah, and those who migrated,” those who went from death unto life, “shall be joined or married to the one who is higher than they are.”

That is the Lord Jesus Christ. When he is reproduced in our own soul, his name becomes --

            Christ Jesus.

-- Christ Jesus. Glory to God.

Continuing with the second half of Zephaniah 2:7, “They shall lie down in the evening: for the Lord their God shall visit them, and turn away their captivity.”

“They shall lie down,” Strong's 7257; it means “to lie down in peace.” “In the evening,” Strong's 6153; we have had this word several times, particularly in our studies in the Book of Daniel. Gesenius Chaldee-Hebrew Lexicon says that this word, which is -- can and is l- -- can be and is legitimately translated -- excuse me, I lost my place. “In the evening” -- there are many Scriptures -- for a deep spiritual meaning, can be also translated “foreigners,” “strangers,” “foreign kings who made alliances with Israelites or auxiliary forces,” and we translated it this way in the Book of Daniel, and I suggest to you that now we shall translate this word, Strong's 6153, as “the auxiliary forces of the carnal mind.” The carnal mind is the foreigner or the stranger, the foreign king that does not belong in God’s property.

“And they shall lie down in the evening: for the Lord their God shall visit them.” “Shall visit them,” Strong's 6485, can be translated “to be found missing,” “to lack,” and I think we had that in a recent study. It may even have been the first chapter of Je- -- of Zephaniah. I think it was the first chapter of Zephaniah. What is going to be found missing? What shall we be lacking? When we wake up one morning after the rapture, what will be found missing?

            The carnal mind.

The carnal mind shall be found missing after the rapture.

            [?Praise the Lord?].

Amen. Wake up, everybody, OK. Glory to God.

And Jehovah their God -- “the Lord their God” is “Jehovah their God shall turn away their captivity.” “Turn away,” Strong's 7725, means “to be restored.” “Captivity,” 7622, means “captives.” So the Lord Jehovah is going to restore the captives. Where? Restore them back up into the heavenlies. That which came down from heaven and died is going to be raised from the dead and going back up into the heavenlies. Hallelujah.

Alternate Translation, the second half of Zephaniah 2:7, “And the foreign king shall be found missing, and their God Jehovah shall restore the captives, and they shall lie down in peace.”

“And the foreign kings,” that is the carnal minds, “shall be found missing, and their God,” and Judah’s God or the people’s God, not the foreign king’s God, sh- -- “Jehovah shall restore the captives, and they shall lie down in peace.”

Alternate Translation, the whole of Zephaniah 2:7, “And the company of men who were wanderers but are not married to Christ Jesus shall be a lifeline to the survivors of the house of Judah, and those who migrated shall be joined to the one who is higher than they are. And the foreign kings shall be found missing, and their God Jehovah shall restore the captives, and they shall lie down in peace.”

Amplified translation, put it in better English for you, Zephaniah 2:7, “And the company of men who were wanderers but are now married to Christ Jesus shall be a lifeline to the survivors of the house of Judah, and their God Jehovah shall reverse their captivity. And all of the men who are migrating from the dead soul into the renewed soul shall lose their carnal minds, and they shall marry Christ Jesus and lie down in peace.”


That glorious?

Recap, Zephaniah 2:5-7, “Woe unto the heathen who killed Christ and is appearing in the visible, physical world as a company of wandering men who are joined to their own souls. The resurrected Christ is against you, you dead soul, and shall stop Satan from living through you by cutting off your carnal mind.” Hallelujah.

“The company of wandering men who are married to their carnal minds shall use the spiritual, military power of the Lord Jesus Christ to divorce themselves from her, and they shall marry Christ Jesus.”

“The company of men who were wanders,” that is us, “but are now marrying Christ Jesus shall be a lifeline to the survivors of the house of Judah, and their God Jehovah shall reverse their captivity. And all of the men, Judah and the church, who are migrating from the dead soul into the renewed soul shall lose their carnal minds,” hallelujah, “and they shall marry Christ Jesus and lie down in peace.”

Now I laid hold of verses 1 through 7. As those of you who have been studying with us for a while know that, for whatever reason only God knows, these verses, when we work up the spiritual translations, they are frequently out of order. So after I put all the -- I do each verse separately, and then I read them together, and I put them a logical sequence. In other words, you know that you have to put your underwear on before you put your outer clothing on; that is the natural sequence. You do not put your outer clothing on and then your underwear. Well, the same thing with these Scriptures. It is just like saying Jesus was crucified, and then he rose from the dead. Sometimes the Scriptures come out saying he was rose from the dead, and he was crucified. I do not know why, but it comes out backwards, so I have interspersed these verses 1 through 7 for you. I have changed the order of the verses to read 5, 4, 6, 7. That is the way it goes: 5, 4, 6, 7. And I have also interspersed some of the sentences, and, actually, I [?have?] included from verse 1, and there are some various changes. It is very exciting. Let me read it for you, and then we will be finished up.

Verse 1, “Face the truth, you heathen nation, that your true identity, the spirit of man, is married to Satan and that your soul is married to his daughter, the carnal mind. Nevertheless,” do not worry about it, “because of the Lord Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for you, humanity is conceiving Christ Jesus, the one who shall offer Satan’s carnal mind up as a sacrifice to Jehovah so that your mind can be reformed in the image of Jehovah.”

“But the prophecy that the lake of fire shall be formed in you has not been fulfilled because the engrafted word is not judging your sins. Therefore” -- because you have this problem, “Therefore, look to God to meet your needs, all of you who have formed the mind of Christ but are still miserable and afflicted in your emotions, and he will give you the ministry of reconciliation, which is in Christ Jesus.”

“And you shall search out man’s true motives and extend the mercy of Jehovah’s judgments to the spiritual criminal in the day that Jehovah delivers his people from their bondage to the carnal mind.”

“Woe unto the heathen who killed Christ and is appearing in the visible, physical world as a company of wandering men who are joined to their own souls. The resurrected Christ is against you, you dead soul, and shall stop Satan, fallen Adam’s unconscious mind, from living through you by drying up her sea.”

“And the company of wandering men who are married to their carnal minds shall use the spiritual, military power of the Lord Jesus Christ to divorce themselves from her, and they shall marry Christ Jesus. And Christ Jesus shall cut off the carnal mind, the Christ killer who violently carried the woman away, and make him barren, and your human spirit shall overcome Satan’s spiritual power and separate herself from the carnal mind, and Adam shall divorce Satan.”

“And the company of men who were wanderers but are now married to Christ Jesus shall be a lifeline to the survivors of the house of Judah, and their God Jehovah shall reverse their captivity. And all of the men who are migrating from the dead soul into the living soul shall lose their carnal minds, and they shall marry Christ Jesus and lie down in peace.” Hallelujah.

Any questions? What a message.


What a message. Yeah. There is such life in it.


What a message. It is hidden. Jesus said I have much to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. So the carnal minds of men cannot bear it, but this is the last days, brethren, and this is the proof knowledge is being increased. Glory to God. Would you put that on pause, please?


            I think this was such a precious message because it is what you have been teaching all along, but it was put -- I cannot tell you. It was just absolutely marvelous, of how God is going to use that have come in first to help the others, but it is just beautiful. I had a hard job staying awake, but, boy, [?I did?].

Yeah. Look, brethren, nobody in their right mind would refuse a salvation such as this. You have to be in your left mind to refuse this salvation. You cannot be in your right mind to reject eternal life; there has to be something wrong with you. So -- and I say that with all love; I do not say it with any malice or condemnation. There has to be something wrong with you to choose death over life. So the question is what is the Lord Jesus Christ going to do with you, the creator of the universe, the all-powerful, omnipotent creator. What is he going to do with you who are a child unto him? The Scripture clearly states we are children unto him.

Now just try and be reasonable. If you had a 2 or a 4-year-old child who was choosing death over life, who was insisting on going out in 0-degree weather  without a snowsuit, what would you do when you saw him walking out the door in complete defiance of you? Would you wave goodbye to him? Well, the Lord Jesus Christ is not waving goodbye to us. He is going to stop us from killing ourselves, and he is going to raise us from the dead. The reason it -- look, it -- the reason it does not look that way is because we are looking at the circumstances with our carnal minds. The Scripture says one day to the Lord is a thousand years to man. Technically speaking, we have only been dead for three days. The Lord Jesus Christ is working feverishly to raise his beloved from the dead.

And it -- he has a plan. His plan is that he is going to raise up a few men first. First, one man, the Lord Jesus Christ. Then the second stage of the plan, he is going to raise up a company of men. And then the third stage of the plan is that the Lord Jesus Christ appearing in this company of men are going back to raise the whole world from the dead. But because we are subjected to this fallen world and we are dead and our bodies wear out and we have seen so many generations go by ,the carnal minds of men say the Lord Jesus Christ is a phony or he is -- it is not true he is failing us or he is not going to do it, or some people say, well, it must be after the death of the body because -- some people say, well, the Lord Jesus Christ, he cannot be a phony; he cannot be a liar. He is our God, therefore, it must be after the death of the body. And then the other camp say, oh, he -- that is just a bunch of hooey. So everybody is wrong, except the few people that are hearing from Christ, which are very few in this hour, but eventually it will be everybody.

So we see that God is saving the whole creation according to a plan, and if we are heartbroken or if we do not believe or if we feel rejected, it is because we are carnal, and we are subjected to a 90 -- an 80 or 90-year lifetime that, because of our fallen mind, you know, we think that the Lord has failed us or abandoned us, but it is just the weakness of our minds that makes us think that. How could he burn you in Hell forever? He is the God that said turn the other cheek. Love your enemies. Pray for those who despitefully use you. Forgive seven times 70. How could he burn you in Hell forever? It is inconsistent, brethren, and I suggest to you that that doctrine is a figment of your carnal mind, and it is a lie, and you are immature, and you need to know that you are immature because if you think you are mature, you will be unteachable. But glory to God. The hour is at hand that the saviors that are coming from Mount Zion are about to appear to the church and to the world, and we are going to be seeing some outstanding miracles very, very soon.

12/23/15 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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