Part 2 of 6 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
If her belly would swell and her thigh would rot, it did not mean her external thigh. It is speaking about her representative organs. I am not sure whether it means her womb or her ovaries. The significance is her ability to reproduce. If her belly would swell and she was -- she would be afflicted by a physical ailment which would result in her loss of fertility. That is what it means. It is proven that she was an adulteress.
Brethren, not many people know it, but, you know, the ancient Hebrews were a very spiritual people. This sounds -- if this was not Jehovah, this would be witchcraft. This would be the practice of witchcraft. The ancient Hebrews were a very spiritual people, and they practiced a spiritual -- I do not even know what the word is. They s- -- they practiced spiritual ministry on the same level that it is practiced in a lot of witchcraft today. Oh, I know someone is going to misunderstand me. Let me put this on the board for you.
Listen, spiritual is spiritual; the issue is whether it is the Spirit of God or the spirit of Cain, but there -- let us say there are different levels of spiritual power -- different levels upon which spiritual ministry can be ministered. Let us call it Level A and Level B, Level B being more mature -- a more mature measure of the exercise of spiritual power. So on Level A, we see Jehovah allowing His people to engage in the exercise of spiritual power on Level A but not the man in the street, you see, only the priests, OK, and this would be ancient Israel.
Ancient Israel exercised spiritual power on a particular level that was characterized by potions, but only the priests had the privilege of doing it. And we see in witchcraft -- I do not really -- I am [sic] not know it -- I am not any expert on witchcraft, but from what I understand, voodoo includes use of potions, and on the various exercises of spiritual power -- I do not really even know how they break it down -- [?water?] spirits too. I believe you -- it engages the exercise of potions and brews, et cetera. This is the exercise spiritual power on Level A, see, but there is a higher level.
And on Level B we have the Sons of God exercising what kind of spiritual power? Well, the sermon is a gift. No, Peter, for example, did he not pronounce blindness upon Simon the Sorcerer? Did he use a potion? Did he use a mix? Did he gather herbs or use anything natural at all? No, spiritual authority generating directly from the mind. OK? So, we see blindness as a result of the exercise of spiritual power. And what was the other one? I think it was Peter also. Death. Did not Ananias and Sapphira die? Did he use any brews? Did he give them something to drink? No, he spoke the word.
And we have the same thing. We have the same thing in witchcraft. I do not know what to call it, but I know that I have heard about it. I saw it on -- I guess this would be A and B, and this would be -- two would be witchcraft. That spirit- -- the exercise of spiritual authority on Level B we see it in Israel and the Sons of God and we see it in witchcraft.
I know I saw a movie called “Shaka Zulu,” and the two kinds of spiritual authority were present. It was the witch doctor who was drinking blood and doing his thing with his rattle, and then there was the woman who was supposed to be hu- -- have been hundreds of years old. Did you see that movie? In Africa? The woman who was supposed to be -- have been hundreds of years old just stood upon the hill and invoked the power of her god with mind and spoken word -- exercise of a spiritual authority on Level B. [INAUDIBLE] and the spoken word.
So when I say to you that [?again?] -- I lost my context here. But when -- let me get my context back so I know what I was doing there.
OK, I was talking about -- OK, what I was saying to you was that this practice of the Hebrew priests of giving the woman a potion to drink, which, if she was guilty, actually had the power to render her infertile and probably with much pain if her belly swelled. She -- I am sure it would have been very painful for her. This practice of the ancient Hebrew or the Hebrew civil law -- let me put it that way because we -- as far as I know, Jews do not do that today -- that was the rule for the nation, the civil nation, of Israel. That was the exercise of law. That exercise of spiritual power is on the same level as voodoo.
Now, some Pharisee is going to hear this message and say, Sister Sheila said that the priests of Israel were practicing voodoo. No, I am saying that the degree of spiritual power that the priest -- that the Aaronic priesthood exercised was on the same level but on the positive side of the type of witchcraft that we know as voodoo, which is on the negative side, but they are both under category A. OK? I know someone is going to say that about me that is going to hear this message. I cannot worry about it. I explained it as best as I could.
So we see one Hebrew word being used to describe the swelling of the natural woman’s belly and another Hebrew word being used to describe the swelling of Eve, supposedly, but it really was not Eve; it was Adam. It was Adam incarnating as the woman instead of the man, but my -- also my point that -- the point that I am trying to make here is that in this message, Number 60, Part 4, we found the fulfillment of Jehovah’s curse upon Eve, and we found that she was proven to be an adulteress.
Now, who was Eve? We are saying that Eve is really Adam. OK. Adultery was proven, and we did an Alternate Translation on Numbers 5:25, which reads as follows. And, of course, we do not have our latest revelation as to the names in here, so just bear with it. “And the spiritual existence of Satan, the one who was causing” -- now, we would say it is Cain now -- “the one who was causing the detestable condition of the fallen creation, shall enter into the male reproductive organs” -- now, that was Adam when he was a man -- “and make the female generative organs to inflate into an army, and the female side of the creation shall be cast down from the heavenly realm of God’s spirit and revealed in the realm of appearance.”
[?Now,?And?] that is exactly what happened, and as we go on with this Alternate Translation we will see that the woman invaded the man. And, again, I apologize if I am offensive to anybody, but I ha- -- the revelation that I have is that the woman acted like a man and made the man a woman, and that somehow, spiritually, she engaged in a form of spiritual sexual intercourse in a role reversal, and the creation appeared in its perverted condition.
Let me read it to you again. This is -- I suggest to you that the Alternate Translation of Numbers 5:25 is the proof that adultery occurred -- a spiritual adultery occurred which resulted in the creation incarnating in a female mind instead of a male mind.
OK, here is our second witness to it, Alternate Translation, Numbers 5:22: “And Cain, the one who was causing the detestable condition of the fallen creation, shall enter into the male reproductive organs [?perversely?] and make the female generative organs to inflate into an army,” -- that is the many-membered creature that we become. Cain inflated into an army, all these human beings -- “and the female side of the creation shall be cast down” -- or born or pierced through -- “from the realm of the spirit and revealed in the realm of appearance.”
This is our second witness to what is happening in Genesis 4:1. Adam did not make love to his wife. Adam’s lower nature, Adam’s other self, his female side, acted like a man and made a harlot out of the man. Job 3:3. Now, I know it cannot be done in the natural, but it happened in the spirit. Jesus.
“And he recognized the spirit of the woman within him, and she conceived and she swelled up,” she increased into this many-membered creature, which we are.
“And she bear,” Strong’s 3205 [UNINTELLIGIBLE] she was born as. You see the implication the King James is that she [?bore before?] someone that was not herself, but the word to be born can be translated incarnated. Adam incarnated as. He perceived the spirit of woman -- of the woman inside of himself, and he incarnated as the woman.
And then, of course, that phrase, he swelled up, is out of place. After he incarnated as the woman, he increased into a many-membered creation, which we are. We are the offspring of the woman, if you can hear it. Let us go on.
“And bear,” and was born as.
And here is another word that is not translated. It is that same Hebrew word, 853. It means herself. And bear herself.
Listen, it -- to the translation. It should read “And Adam knew Eve, his wife, and she conceived, and bear herself Cain.” There is a word in there that is not translated - - herself. “She bear herself Cain.” And I want to tell you that it means she incarnated herself as Cain. Adam incarnated himself as Cain.
“And said, ‘I have gotten a man from the Lord.’” Well, first of all, the -- first of all, the word Cain is Strong’s 7014, and it means possession. And I think that eve- -- in this case, we are not even going to translate it as a proper name. It means possess- -- a possession. It means that Adam incarnated as a possession of the woman. See, the wife, traditionally, has been a possession of the man. Women’s libbers are very upset with that, and I do not blame them. No one wants to feel that they are someone’s possession, but we are talking about spiritual principles here. The spiritual principle is that the man possesses the woman, or the one in the male role possesses the woman.
So Adam incarnated as the possession and not the possessor. When we did ja- -- when we did the Alternate Translation on Daniel 8, in one of the beginning verses -- the Lord must be bringing this to my memory -- I recall the translation being “And there I saw righteous Adam standing as the possessor of heaven and Earth,” but we see that Adam was incarnated as the possession instead of the possessor. Says here was -- “He was born himself as Cain.” He was born as the possession. I do not even perceive that as a - - that it should be translated as a proper name.
“And said, ‘I have gotten,’” Strong’s 7069. This word translated, I have gotten, can be translated to stand upright, to found or to create. I have gotten, I have -- to stand upright, to found or to create. I have created, I have -- well, let me give you the next word first. I am having trouble explaining it.
“‘A man,’” now, this is not Adam. This is ish, Strong’s 376.
“‘I have incarnated as a possession and standing upright is the man ish’” -- which is the fallen man, which is the counterpart of a woman.
“‘From the Lord.’” You know, I s- -- why did I not finish this? From -- well, the Lord is Jehovah. Let me see this Alternate Translation.
“And Adam perceived the spirit of the woman within himself, and he swelled up and was born himself as a possession and declared, ‘I have incarnated’” -- or I have stood upright -- “‘I have incarnated as possession,’” or, I suggest to you, there is a word missing there -- “‘I have incarnated as the serpent’s possession’” -- or the serpent’s wife -- “‘and’” -- excuse me.
“And declared,” and said. OK. Now, in the King James, that last phrase is part of verse 1, “‘I have gotten a man from the Lord.’” I am making it a part of verse 2 because it does not make any sense otherwise.
“And Adam perceived the spirit of the woman within himself, and he incarnated as the serpent’s possession, and he declared” -- that is he said -- “‘I have gotten a man from the Lord.’”
I -- excuse me. “‘I have gotten,’” I am now or I next -- I am incarnating. Not I have gotten, I am incarnating. OK, to s- -- incar- -- gotten to stand upright. I am standing upright. I am incarnating as ish, as this inferior man. I am not incarnating as Adam, Strong’s 120, the spiritual man who has his strength through his union with Jehovah, I am incarnating as ish, the inferior man, who is merely the counterpart of the woman.
Oy, even better than [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- the Lord just told me this. What you mean the counterpart of the woman? The image of the woman, ish. See, Adam is the man who is in Jehovah’s image; ish is the man who is in the woman’s image. I am incarnating as ish, in the woman’s image. And are we not in the woman’s image? We all know that, right? Thank you, Lord. I just love it when He gives me a revelation as we go.
“‘I am incarnating as the woman’s -- in the woman’s image because,’” then the King James says, “‘I have gotten a man from the Lord.’” The word from can also be translated because. That is what I left out here. The Hebrew word translated from can also be translated because.
Jehovah. See, it says in the King James, from the Lord. Well, because Jehovah. What does that mean? There is a word left out. Anybody know what it is? Let me read you the whole thing; see if anyone can guess the word that is missing.
“And Adam perceived the spirit of the woman within himself, and he incarnated as the serpent’s possession and swelled up into a many-membered creation, and he declared, ‘I am incarnating as the -- in the woman’s image because Jehovah.’” Jehovah what? Because of Jehovah’s what? Judgment. Because of His judgment. Yeah, because of His judgment.
I will review it for you, but we did find out when we first did the Alternate Translation of Genesis 2:18-25 that it was Jehovah that took Adam’s substance and reformed into a female. So the ultimate responsibility for Adam incarnating as a female is Jehovah’s. Why? If Jehovah did not do whatever He did that resulted in the creature incarnating as a woman, the creature would have died. That was [sic] the only two choices. The manhood was killed. The creature’s manhood was killed, so there were only two choices: Let the creature die and start from scratch, or let the creature incarnate as a woman, and let her stay in this painful condition until the judgment which returns us to righteousness. So it was Jehovah’s judgment that we incarnated as a woman.
For all these people -- if you ever have anybody say to you, what kind of a God is this who lets all this evil exist in the world, the answer is it is His mercy. That may be hard for you to understand, especially people who are being tortured, who have been tortured and have the -- had loved ones tortured. It is hard for you to understand, but in the spiritual scheme of things it is Jehovah’s witness -- it is Jehovah’s wisdom that He chose to not let the creature die but to let us continue for a season in this fallen female mind until He fixes us.
And I just hear all the fallen minds saying, I do not agree with it. People tortured over the centuries, people skinned alive and drawn and quartered and tarred and feathered and stretched on the rack, it -- I do not agree with Jehovah. Well, all I can say to you, whoever is listening to this message that is thinking this, I cannot comprehend it. I cannot comprehend that Jehovah would choose to let people be afflicted with this kind of physical torment, but I do know this, that He is righteous, and that whenever there is a divergence in our opinions He is right, and I am wrong. So someday perhaps I will explain it. I cannot explain it to you now. I am just too young to understand it, but when I grow up I will understand it. He is always right. Always, always, always. Jesus.
So let me read this again. “And Adam perceived the spirit of the woman within himself, and he incarnated as the serpent’s possession and declared, ‘I am incarnating in the woman’s image because of Jehovah’s judgment,’ and he swelled up and increased into a many-membered fallen creature.”
I got all chills. Jesus.
I am hearing “swelled up into the sons of pride.”
OK. OK, let us try the two of them together here. This is now -- OK, now, these verses are not consecutive in the King James, but I am going to read them consecutively.
Genesis 4 -- well, I am having my problems here today. Genesis 3:20 and 4:21, I am going to read the Alternate Translations consecutively. “And the woman’s mind became the beast’s source of existence because she had killed the true life, and Adam perceived the spirit of the woman within himself and incarnated as the serpent’s possession and declared, ‘I am incarnating as this fallen man because of Jehovah’s judgment,’ and he swelled up and incarnated as this many-membered fallen creature.”
I see I have to work on that. I will have to work on that before I get it in the Alternate Translation, but I think I have given you the idea. OK, I guess it should be like this. I will try it one more time, and then we are going to break because after this I will start on Genesis 2:18-25. So we will do that this evening. I do not have this written in front of me. I am just doing it by the seat of my pants. I would like to try it one more time.
“And the woman’s mind became the beast’s source of existence, and Adam perceived the spirit of the woman” -- he perceived that mind within himself -- “and he incarnated as the serpent’s possession and declared, ‘I am incarnating as this inferior man because of Jehovah’s judgment and because Cain killed the true life,’” -- or killed my true life - - “and he swelled up and incarnated as a many-membered fallen creation.”
I find that very interesting that we have taken two verses from two different chapters of Genesis and they weave together so perfectly. Actually, the one was at the -- pretty much at the end of chapter 3 and the other was at the beginning of chapter 4. Who knows what the translators did with the original Hebrew to make sense out of this? Anyone that is distressed because I move words around or intersperse verses, you do not know what the King James translators have done. And every now and then we come across something where it is even obvious they leave words out, they add words in, theymake up their own translations, and the establishment supports them by putting those translations in the lexicons?
Brethren, it is time to arise and find out the truth of God’s word. For those of you are interested, I got an email message. I do not know whether you saw it laying here when you came in this morning are not. Someone found my name on America Online and not -- apparently not as a teacher. I do not know where they found my name, and -- but they found me in the religion forum, and they sent me this article which is alerting people that the King James translation is -- in many areas it is not at all accurate. And they are talking about the resurrection not being on Easter Sunday and Good Friday, the whole thing. We all went th- -- everyone listening to this message -- well, most of the people associated with us, we went through this years ago, these, what I consider minor, inaccuracies of the translation compared to what we are learning here.
So there are some people out there that are recognizing this, and it is the infallible word of God is in the Hebrew. The infallible word of God is not the King James translation of the Bible, and -- which is not going to be able to go on if we cannot get into this true doctrine as it is given to us by Christ Jesus, not as it is given to us by Cain through the occult. We have just got to get there, and I have often wondered why doctrine is such a big issue in the church. We were just talking about that last night.
Brethren, I suggest to you the reason doctrine is such a big issue is because the church is 99 percent a manifestation of Cain, and he knows that if the true doctrine comes into the church, his time is finished. His time is finished. He will be defeated when the truth comes forth in the church, but most people will not be able to see it. They will not be able to make that shift there. The King James translation is an idol unto them, and I just pray that God helps everybody.
Listen, brethren, I pray that God helps everybody, but for everybody that is not helped, for those who die, for those who do not make it, brethren, I want you and I challenge you to think with the mind of God. He is determined to deliver His creation out from hell, and that which He is delivering is the spiritual root of the creation. The people that you know and love, they are just temporary clay formations of a perverted spiritual incarnation no matter how much you love them. I am not saying they are bad. I am talking about their spiritual condition. If they die, they are not going to hell forever. Everybody that we know as a human being on the Earth in this hour is not entering in, but the whole spiritual root will be reformed into the righteous image of the Lord Jesus Christ.
If you can just hear it, do not waste too much time mourning the dead. Let the dead bury the dead. Just go on with Jesus because somebody has got to stand up and will stand up. And after them, a small group -- after that person, whoever it is -- and then that group together is going to go out and cleanse the world, and many will not -- many personalities, many people that we know as individuals, will not enter in, but their spirit will go on.
If you concentrate on Cain’s doctrine -- Oh, woe is me! All these people are not going on -- you will not enter in because where your mind is, that is where you are; and if that is what you are concentrating on, all the people that are not entering in -- and I want to give you a very hard word. If you are concentrating on trying to get the members of your immediate family in, you are looking in the wrong place. The best chance that your loved ones have of coming in is if you turn them over to Jesus and serve Him with all of your strength. Do whatever job He gives you to do and do not try to make your family members more important than anyone else, believing that the righteous judge will do good by you.
And that is a hard word, but I want to tell you the truth. You nor I -- neither you nor I have the power to bring our personal family members in. I do not care how much power we have or we think we have in Christ Jesus, we do not have the power to bring them in, and the Lord will not look kindly on us using our authority to give preference to one human being over another. All you could do is ask. I do not care how high your authority is, if you start concentrating and willing that your loved ones come in, you have come out from under the umbrella of the Lord Jesus’ authority and you are in witchcraft. And you do not even have to ask. Do you think the Lord does not know that you want your immediate family members to come in? Do you think He does not know that?
I exhort you to take your eyes off of yourself and your existence in this dot -- pinpoint in time and enter into eternity. Join with the mind of God, and do His will and His purposes in the Earth, and every aspect of your life will come into right order. I cannot promise you that your whole household will be saved. It is a big bone of contention in the church, but I will tell you this that the best chance that you have of your whole household being saved is if you yourself stand up as a son of God because most of us that have been waiting for 20 or more years for our whole household to be saved have found out that it is not happening, that because I have the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues my whole household is not being saved.
So if we are -- I wanted to say -- it was in my mind to say if there is any truth to that statement -- I am in no way suggesting that the Scripture’s not truthful, but I have not looked at the Greek. I do not know what the Greek is saying that it was translated that way, but if there is any hope at all that that was the intention of the -- of Paul -- that was Peter who said that. If, by any chance, the King James have accurately translated that communication that Peter was saying, it is -- from what I could see and what anybody should be able to see, it will only be a reality as you stand up in full stature. It is certainly not a reality of people speaking in tongues and dancing around and singing and being children.
And I am not against that. There is a time to be children, but there is a time to grow up and a time to be a man, and there is a time to go to war and serve your God. So serve your God and get your eyes [AUDIO CUTS OUT] your face up. Get your eyes -- you are myopic. You are just looking down at your own heart -- all kinds of things raging around; you cannot even see what is going on. Lift your head up and open your eyes and be a part of the wonderful thing that is coming upon the Earth and leave your families to God. He is righteous. It is the best thing you could do.
Well, praise the Lord. We are going to break for dinner, and we will be back here on the same message tonight. You can shut that off, please. Before you --
Praise the Lord. We have returned from our dinner break. I have a thought in my mind. It has been in my mind all afternoon. I suspect it is somebody else’s thought. Now, it may be your conscious thought; it may be your unconscious thought. I have prayed about it. It could be mine, but I do not think it is mine, so let me comment on it. The thought is that after this revelation about Adam and Eve there is a loss of confidence in the King James translation. This is my response to that. Please ask the Lord to help you to not be disappointed in the King James translation, certainly not to the point that you reject that translation of the Bible. It is still very valuable. The history is valuable. The Psalms is valuable. The Proverbs are powerful. Even the parable --
You see, the areas in which the King James translation is le- -- are least accurate are in the areas of the spiritual truth of our existence in Genesis and in Revelation, how we got here and where we are going; but, nevertheless, it is Jehovah’s message to humanity that -- I do not care how carnal the men who translated it were, I believe the men who wrote it were anointed. I believe Moses was anointed when he wrote it in the original language, but even Moses, we are told, did not really understand what he was saying. How much spiritual truth Moses had, I do not know. The Scripture says the holy prophets -- maybe that does not include Moses. Maybe that is just Isaiah and Jeremiah and et cetera -- did not understand what they were writing about.
But this thought is in my heart. Maybe it is nobody here. Maybe the Lord’s put in my heart to respond to people who may be listening to this message. I do not know, but I have a memory. A memory has come into my mind.
Oh, let me just expound on memories. For those of you who are not all that spiritual but who are hoping to be spiritual, let me teach you this, that one of the ways the Lord speaks to us is through memories. He will bring in -- see, the fact that you may not be all as spiritual as you would like to be does not mean that God is not speaking to you through memories; but if, in fact, you are not all that spiritual, what it would mean is that He is speaking to you in memories and you do not understand what they mean. OK? That is what I am here -- that is my job, OK, to tell you that when a memory comes into your mind of a past event, it is not just happen-chance [sic]. There has to be a reason for it. Some spirit has given you this memory. It is a form of a communication. It is saying something similar to this is happening now. OK?
The memory that is coming to my mind, let me share with you, is a testimony that I heard from Wade Taylor. Wade Taylor is the president of Pinecrest. He and Bill Britton were amongst the pioneers of the sonship message. Together they founded Pinecrest Bible College, and I heard Wade Taylor give this testimony only a few years ago. I do not really remember. I think he named the man that he was talking about, but I do not remember who the man was. He was talking about the early days of the sonship revelation. As far as I know, Bill Britton was the first man to really preach it publicly. You know, I believe that faithful men and women of God have had that revelation, even this revelation coming forth here, in their hearts as long as Jesus Christ has been around, but the first ministry to preach it publicly, to the best of my knowledge, was Bill Britton.
And so -- and then after Bill Britton came out and brought this doctrine forth and took all the persecution and rejection for it, eventually the Lord raised up many other preachers who preached from Bill Britton’s labor. They read his books. They listened to his messages. The revelation was reproduced in their heart, and they preached it too under the anointing, but there is a difference between the man who brings forth the revelation directly from the Lord Jesus and the man who gets his revelation from books.
It does not make anyone better and anyone less, but we need to know that it is a high apostolic office to be receiving revelation directly from God, not to glorify any man. But how can you be -- how could He be glorified in your not knowing the truth? That is the truth, OK? Paul brought forth the doctrine of his hour, and we now have thousands, maybe millions, of preachers preaching what Paul brought forth, but Paul is in his category -- just analogy. You need to know this. You need to know who you are, and you need to know who you are relating to. You need to know. Why? I do not know. I just know that the truth is going to set me free and that it cannot help you to be believing a lie or be- -- to be believing [?in?an?] error.
OK. So in Wade Taylor’s testimony some -- one of the preachers who was preaching the doctrine of sonship that he had learned from Bill Britton’s labor, the way Taylor -- I guess it was in Pinecrest. And he took a copy of the King James translation and said, “Well, we do not need this anymore,” and he threw it on the floor. And apparently, there was a whole train of thought in the sonship movement saying, well, who needs this book anymore, and Wade Taylor went over -- or maybe it was not him. Maybe it was another man -- went over and picked the Bible up off the floor and dusted it off and put it safely ni- -- in his belongings.
We need the King James translation. Is that not -- now, let me do two things at once. Whatever the need for this is, unless someone confesses that it is their thought, I will have to assume that the Lord is just laying this on my heart for people who will be hearing this message. Or maybe it is someone here who, for whatever reason, would rather not say it. I do not know. It makes no difference to me.
But the reason I have this in my heart is that the Lord wants this on this message, OK. I had two witnesses that the Lord wants it on the message. I even mentioned to a few people who were here during the break that I have a feeling in my heart of a total loss of confidence in the King James Bible, and I did not know where it was coming from. I commented that I thought it was very strange because we have translated so many -- so much of the King James and found so many translations in the King James accurate, but this is the first time I ever felt almost a betrayal and then a loss of confidence in the King James Bible. I mentioned that during the day, but just before I came in to preach I had a second witness that the Lord wanted me to make a public content on it, and that second witness is this memory of the man throwing the Scripture away because they had this doctrine of sonship.
This is my answer to this, and I believe it is the answer of the Lord. You cannot throw this book away because no matter how inaccurate certain parts of it are, this is Jehovah’s point of contact with you. You see, you are still fallen. I am still fallen. Our mind is fallen. If we seek spiritual truth without Jehovah’s point of contact, which is given to us through the Lord Jesus Christ, OK, who are we going to contact? Who are we going to contact? Cain. Cain. You see, all spiritual knowledge comes from within. For spiritual knowledge, we must go within our own mind.
Now, the Lord has made a covenant with us. If we go within with the Word of God, He is going to meet us there. What does the Old Testament say? Where will He meet us? Anybody remember? At the mercy seat. He said, “I will meet you at the mercy seat,” you see, and where is our mercy seat? It is in our hearts. Christ Jesus is our mercy seat, OK, and this is His Word. This is His point of contact.
So if we are honestly seeking the truth with no selfish motive but honestly seeking to serve the Lord Jesus, Jehovah through the Lord Jesus, and we are laboring in doctrine, and we take this Word, and you listen to a message like this or you are following a ministry like this, and you are listening with an open mind, believing that - - foundationally that Jesus Christ is in this, He is going to meet you in the mercy seat of your mind, and He is going to witness the truth to you. But, you see, to enter in without the Word of God is tantamount to entering in without a sacrifice. You are going in unclad. You are going in uncovered. You are going in, in an unacceptable way to the Lord Jesus, and there is a beast waiting to receive you, you see.
And as we begin to translate Genesis 2:18-25, you will see that we still -- as far as I am concerned, we still do not have -- at least I do not; maybe you do -- do not have the full understanding of exactly what happened that caused this fall. I do not feel I have complete understanding of it, but we are told that Adam went within. He went within for the purpose of receiving a nature for the entire creature.
[?That is what is?] going on today. If you are serving the Lord Jesus, you are going in. If you are in the New Age movement, you are going in. Everybody is meditating. The Christians meditate, hopefully, on the Word of God, and the New Agers meditate on what is within their own heart or on some message that has come forth from St. Germain or whatever else. You go within. You go within your own heart and your own mind, and there is [sic] two waiting to meet you, you see?
We are going through a very similar -- I cannot say exactly it is exactly the same thing [UNINTELLIGIBLE], but a very similar experience to what Adam experienced at the time of the fall. He went within, and he went within, it is my understanding at this point, with the full intention of doing what Jehovah told him to do -- to join with Jehovah -- to marry Jehovah and to give the nature of Jehovah to the whole creature.
That is how it looks to me now, that was his intention to be obedient, but when he got inside that dark area -- when he got inside that obscure area where it was spirit and dust and earth, and somehow he got all confused. From what -- from the information that has come forth so far, there was a deliberate trick played upon him by a part of his own nature which had made a league with the earth. He was deceived. I believe it was a weakness in him that let him be deceived, pride that was in him. I still -- I have preached it; I have talked about it, but in my own heart I do not feel I really have the whole deep, full understanding, so we will just keep laboring. I am just very aware that I do not want to mislead anybody.
There is a whole element of the church saying that Adam did not sin. Adam sinned. It could never have happened to him if he did not have a potential for sin within him. It was a part of his own nature that made a league with the earth, and I know the sin was pride and rebellion, but I still do not have true revelation of what he experienced, though. I believe that he was sincere. I believe that he intended to do righteousness but failed to do it. Is there anybody here that has never experienced intending to do something right and failing to do it? Is there anyone here that could say they have never experienced that? God only knows, I have experienced it.
As a result of the test, his weakness was exposed, and the verse that we are translating today will reveal that he did not even know -- and this is not the first time this point has come up from the Scriptures. He did not even know that he had received the nature of the serpent until he saw his reflection. We are going to work it out tonight.
He did not know. It is like saying -- as silly as it sounds, it is like saying you are a married woman and you go to bed on your wedding night -- well, is that not what happened to Jacob? [AUDIO CUTS OUT] go into the tent on his wedding night, and he did not know until the next morning that he had been making love to someone who was not the woman he had worked for, for seven years?
[?And did it?] -- is it not a principle, a spiritual principle, that everything that occurred that resulted in our present condition -- every error, every weakness -- is still playing itself out throughout humanity over and over? The same error, the same error, different individual, same individual -- playing itself out over and over and over. Why? Because every human being on the face of the Earth is just an expression of the beast. We see that Jacob made the same mistake that Adam made. You see, Jacob just assumed that it was his wife in the tent.
Might we say -- and I do not know the answer. This is called a rhetorical question. I am asking it. I do not expect you to know the answer. I really only -- I have to -- this I have to hear from Jesus, and that -- you might have an opinion, but we want the answer from Jesus. Is it safe to assume, based on this example in the Scripture, that Adam entered within himself never even thinking for second that there might be someone waiting for him other than Jehovah? That he just went into his tent and he said, “Hi, I am here. Happy wedding”?
[?Now, in?] Jacob’s case, he saw his wife in the morning and realized it was not the wife that he had worked seven years for, but in Adam’s case it was a little different. He did not know he had been with the wrong husband until he saw the child.
Now see, Adam went within to join with Jehovah to receive His nature, and whatever nature Adam received would determine what he looked like when he incarnated. [?Then?And?] he had the wedding night. He did not know anything was wrong until he had the baby. He incarnated, and he looked at his reflection because this whole world - - the whole physical world is an image of the spirit that carved its nature on the creature, and when he saw what the creature looked like, he said, “Oh, my God! And I could not even tell that it was not Jehovah.”
Interesting, is it not? We have to walk that middle ground that Adam did fail because of sin, but I do not believe it was a willful, knowledgeable, rebellious “I do not care” kind of sin. Walk that middle ground with me. I do not see God condemning him. I see God loving him. The Scripture speaks about us being -- the whole creation being under condemnation. Well, we are. We are living -- we are experiencing the result of Adam’s error. That is the condemnation, this world, that we are in this condition that we are in, which it has a name. It is called hell. As for a personal condemnation of the man, I do not see it in the Scripture. And do not forget that we are that man. We are Adam. I do not see a personal condemnation of Adam in the Scripture. I see the love of God reaching down into the bottomless pit to pull us out.
A perfect example is your son. You warn him and you warn him and you warn him. Do not go out in the street. Do not run out in the street. Do not run out in the street. And as soon as you turn your back, he runs out in the street and he is hit by a car, and his two arms and his two legs are broken and his neck is broken. Well, he has been condemned. Look at what happened to him. But you call an ambulance, and you put him in the hospital, and you nurse him until he is well.
You see, we must strive to see the difference between results of our behavior, which is condemnatory, [AUDIO CUTS OUT] [INAUDIBLE] and condemning attitude, which interferes with unconditional love. The two are not the same. You see, Jesus loves us unconditionally. Jehovah loves us unconditionally, but that love will not stop us from experiencing the fruit of our disobedience.
You see, if Jehovah had not warned Adam, then Jehovah would be guilty of unrighteousness, but Jehovah did His job. He warned the man. He educated the man. He did everything He could do to prepare him for the test. The test is righteous. The law is holy. Adam failed; Jehovah did not fail. Jehovah completely satisfied His responsibility with regard to Adam. [?It is?] not Jehovah’s imperfection that caused the fall, nor was it Jehovah’s will or desire that caused the fall; it was the man’s imperfection.
“So,” says anti-Christ, “why did Jehovah make an imperfect man?” Well, I would not say Jehovah made an imperfect man. I would say Jehovah began to make a man, and before the man was completely finished his own weakness caused a misstep. Brethren, if you are an artist and you take it your canvas and your paints and your brushes, and you have a whole plan for a beautiful painting, but there is a big crash and your hand slips on the canvas, you made a mis-brush or a mis-stroke. Well, then you have to do whatever you have to do to fix it. What you do you do to fix it? Do you take turpentine or do you paint over it? Whatever you do --
You paint right over it? You do not scrape it off the canvas? You paint --
-- if it is oil, you scrape it off the canvas? OK. Now, that -- now, who is to say that the artist made an imperfect painting? In the process of the construction of the painting there was a mis-stroke. Does that make the artist incompetent? Does that make the artist untalented?
Jehovah did everything He could have possibly done, but the creature, before he was baked in the oven, before he was completed [AUDIO CUTS OUT] was a misstep. He is now experiencing the fruit of his misstep that he was warned about, but Jehovah has never stopped loving us, not for one second. Glory to God.
[INAUDIBLE] I did look up the two New Testament Scriptures that mention Eve. I am not going to me- -- spend much time on it. I will tell you that they are 1 Timothy 2:13 and 2 Corinthians 11:3. In both of those Scriptures, my interli- -- my Strong’s Concordance and my interlinear text tell me that the word Eve is just taken right of the Old Testament. They just say it is Eve. It is the name of the first woman. It means life, and they say it is from the Hebrew word that we spent probably over an hour on this morning talking about. And all that it means -- now, it is really not clear in the New Testament, but I find it very clear from our discussion this morning that that word -- that Hebrew word which means breath and life that is translated Eve in the Old Testament is signifying the breath of the fallen creation, the breath of the female mind. I hope I convinced you of that this morning.
There is no -- I just qui- -- glanced at these Scriptures briefly. I could not see any basis for coming to that conclusion in the New Testament, but please remember that the New Testament is supposed to be an extrapolation of the Old Testament, and if something is not clear in the New Testament, we go back to the Old Testament to look for it. If something is not clear in the Old Testament, we do not go to the New Testament to look for its root. Although something that -- it may be explained in the New Testament that was not explained in the Old Testament. I guess it could be either way. But basically speaking, if something does not make sense to you -- in this instance, the New Testament did not bear out what we preached this morning, but if we take the fruit of our discussion this morning and apply it to the two New Testament Scriptures, it does fit.
Let me say that again. I do not think I made it clear. I could not prove to you what I believe I successfully proved to you this morning in the Old Testament with the New Testament verses, but if you take the conclusions that we drew from the Old Testament verses, they can apply to the New Testament. They are not disproved in the New Testament. Let us just take a quick look at those two verses, and I will show you what I am talking about.
1 Timothy 2:13. Thank you, Jesus. 1 Timothy 2:13: “For Adam was first formed and then Eve.” The wor- -- the Greek word translated Eve, it is merely a tra- -- I think it is a transliteration. It is just carried over from the Old Testament. So what is it saying? Adam was formed first -- well, Adam was the living soul, that is true -- and then the female mind was formed. The fallen female mind was formed.
The context is, starting with 11, “Let the woman learn -- let the female mind learn in silence with all subjection because I suffer not the female mind to teach” -- well, look at the mess we are in because of the female mind teaching -- “nor to usurp authority over the male mind but to be in silence because Adam was first formed and then the female mind.”
Can you -- do you see what I am saying? That the conclusions that we drew this morning can apply to the New Testament verse. Actually, it is very clear in this verse, except that most people take it in the natural -- the woman should not teach because her body is female. She could be in full stature, but she cannot teach because her body is female. We better start growing up. Does anybody have a question on this verse? If not, I will go on.
So 2 Corinthians -- did you have a question?
The female mind was born after the male mind -- after the -- after -- the female mind was formed after Adam had spiritual sexual intercourse with the earth instead of with Jehovah, and then the transgression was completed when Adam incarnated with the female mind. Well, on the second thought, never mind.
OK. We are looking at 2 Corinthians 11:3. No, I guess that is not it. OK, 11:3: “But I fear lest by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.” The word -- did I say that -- did I say Eve? Did I have the right one?
Yeah. It -- Eve, simply, it is speaking about the female mind which incarnated after Adam transgressed and joined with the earth instead of Jehovah. It is not a woman, Eve, there, and you could never tell this from the New Testament verse, but we found the mystery or we unlocked the mystery when we checked it out in the Old Testament.
[INAUDIBLE] and, of course, the second witness to what we are saying is that there is a contradiction. If you choose to believe this verse on the carnal level, that the woman is tricked and that the man is this great one who is there to protect the woman -- and the man can never be tricked; it is just the woman that is seduced -- if you choose to believe that, if you choose to put people in such a general category, there is a contradiction in Scripture where Paul says there is no male or female in Christ Jesus, OK, when it says that -- when Paul says that it is all right for women to prophesy, OK. How can they be silent in the church when Paul is telling them it is OK to prophesy.
You said it was a female mind. So does that mean also that there was [sic] two minds at that time, Adam’s mind and the female -- the male mind and the female mind?
So I see contradiction with the carnal translation of this Scripture, but I have no problem with the spiritual translation, that it was the female mind that was seduced. You see, the creature fell in several stages. So Adam was tricked, you see. Adam went within himself to receive the nature of Jehovah and was tricked into receiving the nature of the earth. The implication of the word tricked is that it was possible for him to have avoided this, that it was some weakness in him prior to rebellion, whatever, that caused him to accept the trick. He should have known better, but once he incarnated with the female mind, then the serpent wholly seduced him.
Once his mind was female, he did not stand a chance. When his mind was male, he stood a very good chance against the serpent; but when he was not only evenly matched but superior to the serpent, he failed to take the victory because of his own lust for -- I do not know what it was a lust for. Lust for power, lust for incarnation. I am not -- I do not have it straight, but I know the Lord will tell us. It was his own lust which was rooted in pride and rebellion that caused him to allow himself to be tricked, and then once he incarnated with the female mind, he was completely, wholly seduced, and the creature continued to fall.
The last stage of the fall was in Noah. Everyone on the face of the Earth today is a descendent of Noah, and we have fallen down, as far as I can tell -- I preached to you before -- into the last stage of the fall, but the last stage of the fall is not completed. You see, every stage is a process. Everything that happens to us is a process. So to say that we have fallen into the last stage of the fall, that is true, but the fall is not completed. If you are falling down 1,000 steps and you have hit not -- the 998th step, you have been falling for quite a while, but the fall is not complete. See, the fall will not be complete until we are in full stature of evil. And Christ Jesus is coming, OK, just as you have seen in many movies, and He is about to scoop us up, just before we hit that one thou- -- the bottom of that 1,000 steps from which there is no return.
OK. Any questions along this line? If not, we are going to go on with our Alternate Translation of Genesis 2:18-25. I hope I can do the whole thing tonight. I would like to. We started on Part 20, so some of this will be review. And I did make some changes. I did get a chance to work on this translation, and there may be some changes on what I told you on Thursday’s message. I really had a chance to work these verses up and to intersperse them and put them in the right sequence. Glory to God.
Verse 18 -- we are in Genesis 2:18: “And the Lord God” -- that is Jehovah Elohim -- “said” -- what is another name for Jehovah joined to Elohim? Anybody remember? The life. Yes. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- that is what you said, right, life? [?Life.?Right.?] “Jehovah Elohim said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone. I will make him an help meet’” -- ahem. Just file that under fables of the King James translation. You see, the King James translators took a spiritual word and defined it within the context of their fallen life. See, the creation at this time was not even fallen yet.
“And the Lord God -- and Jehovah Elohim said,” this -- the word translated said, it is a pretty common word. It is Strong’s 559. It can also be translated vowed. Now, what is the difference between vowed and said? The difference is in intensity. To say, well, Adam said, he could have said “Hi, how are you? What is new today?” See, but the word vowed or the choice of the translation vowed shows an intensity. And Adam said, “I am going to get back to God if it is the last thing I do.” You see? And so words are so important. The word said is pretty neutral. It could mean anything, but the word vowed has emphasis in it. This is why I chose the word vowed as the translation of the word said.
“And Jehovah and Elohim vowed, ‘It is not,’” [AUDIO CUTS OUT] word it is -- believe it or not, I did not -- for whatever reason, I do not have a number in here. It is not the verb to be. It is another word that can be translated since. The word not is Strong’s 3808. This is the negative particle that we have translated as the devil or Leviathan or Satan so many times in other translations. I am suggesting to you -- now, sometimes -- there have been times that we have translated this negative particle not. We have translated even not or the negative side depending on the context of the verse. Everybody OK? Depending on the context of the verse. In this case, I have chosen to translate this word not -- it is not, I have chosen to translate it Cain. Since Cain. It is since not Cain.
“And Jehovah and Elohim vowed, ‘Since Cain,’” the next word is good, Strong’s 2896. That word can also be translated agreement. Since Cain’s agreement. [AUDIO CUTS OUT] Cain agree with? Who did he make a league with?
The earth.
With the earth, yeah. So there is a word missing there. It is a mystery, see?
“And Jehovah and Elohim said, ‘Since Cain’s agreement with the earth,’” OK. Now, the next few words are in the King James, that the man. That is Strong’s 120. It means Adam.
“‘Since Cain’s agreement with the earth that Adam,’” in the King James it says, should be. That is a conditional tense of the verb to be [AUDIO CUTS OUT] [?conditional?] tense of the verb to be. And these tenses, the King James translators took a lot of license with translating the tense. More often than not, it is the infinitive appearing in the Scripture. Although, to be honest with you, this time I did not check it out. I did not check it out to see whether it was the infinitive to be. I just felt that I would go with the theme of the verse, and I have changed the tense of the word should be to is. I have taken the word to -- the verb to be and I have changed it from the conditional tense to the present tense.
“And Jehovah and Elohim said, ‘Since Cain’s agreement with the earth that the man is,’” in the King James the word is alone. A legitimate translation of the word alone is separated. “‘Since Cain has agreed with the earth that Adam should be separated’” - - separated from whom? Separated from whom?
From Jehovah. Now, why would Cain and the earth want Adam separated from Jehovah? Anybody? Why would Cain and the earth want Adam separated from Jehovah? Yes! So that they could incarnate and steal the creation. Yes, exactly, divide and conquer. Separate -- divide Adam from his power source.
Do you think -- when the enemy attacks a Christian, where do they attack? Division, division, division. They will try to divide you from your God, and they will try to divide you from every believer that you have a true relationship in Christ with, every believer that you have a true spirit-tie with. When the enemy hits, he is there to divide you from anyone that is strengthening you. And for everyone that has a spirit-tie with another believer, we are strengthening one another. There is power in numbers. There is no question about it.
“And Jehovah and Elohim said, ‘Well, since Cain’s agreement with the earth that Adam should be separated from Jehovah,’” the next word in the King James, I will make. We are not going to agree with that tense. We are -- I am not going to use the first person. “‘Cain agreed that Adam should be separated from Jehovah make,’” Strong’s 6213, can also be translated to offer, make an agreement, offer an agreement, make him an offer, offer. We are going to use the word offer.
“‘Make him -- I will make him,’” the Hebrew word translated him, Strong’s 8705, can also be translated for the purpose of.
“‘I will make an help meet for him.’” I will make, we are translating it offer. Him, for the purpose of. The word an in the phrase, an help meet, an is not there. It was put in by the King James translators. We are taking it out. The Hebrew word translated help can also be translated gird, to gird, to defend, to conquer.
Listen, “‘Since Cain’s agreement with the earth that Adam should be separated from Jehovah, offer him for the purpose of conquering him.’”
[?I do not know?] what I did with that offer. Let us go on. “‘I will make for him an help meet.” The Hebrew word translated meet, 5828, can also be translated the other side, the other part, in the sight or the presence of. And whenever we talk about sight or presence of, we are talking about incarnation.
“And Jehovah and Elohim said, ‘Cain purchased Abel for the purpose of incarnating on the other side because of his agreement with the earth.’”
OK, let me give you an amplified translation [UNINTELLIGIBLE] this is verse 18. “And Jehovah and Elohim vowed that since Cain made a league with the earth to separate Adam from Jehovah and then conquered him” -- when? After they sep- -- after he separated -- “then conquered him and offered him up” -- as a sacrifice -- “for the purpose of incarnating on the other side.”
Can you hear it? Let me do it again for the message.
“And the Lord God said -- vowed, ‘It is since not Cain good agreement with the earth that the man Adam should be alone -- separated from Jehovah, make or offer him up for the purpose of him’” -- it is translated “‘for the purpose of conquering him.’” The word help can mean conquered. Meet can be translated the other side.
“And Jehovah and Elohim vowed that since Cain made a league with the earth to separate Adam from Jehovah and conquered him and offer him up for the purpose of incarnating on the other side” -- as you can hear, that is not a complete sentence. When we intersperse these verses -- and we found that verse 18 came down -- the third verse from the end. I will just finish the sentence for you now.
Verse 18 is followed by verse 24, which says, “It is therefore righteous that Cain should separate from Elohim and be smelted together with the earth, and that the urine and the semen should be one reproductive organ.”
We will do that in detail when we get to verse 24. Verse 18 is out of sequence in the King James. I will read it one more time.
Verse 18 followed by verse 24: “Jehovah and Elohim vowed that, since Cain had made a league with the earth to separate Adam from Jehovah and conquered him” -- conquered who? Conquered Adam after he was separated -- “and offered him up as a sacrifice for the pur-” -- as a sacrifice to who? As a sacrifice to the serpent -- “for the purpose of incarnating on the negative side, it is therefore righteous that Cain should now separate from Elohim” -- you see, he is reaping what he sowed -- “and be smelted together with the earth, and that the urine and the semen should be one reproductive organ.” The significance there is that the -- there is no longer any separation of the serpent’s seed and the royal seed of Jehovah.
Verse 19: “And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them, and whatsoever Adam called them -- and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.”
Now, I am sorry, all you Pharisees, but Adam did not name the giraffes and the tigers and elephants. Adam named the creature that Jehovah had imagined which was still a spiritual seed not yet born. It had not incarnated yet. [AUDIO CUTS OUT] [INAUDIBLE] was to receive the nature that would appear in every -- well, I do not even know if it would have been [UNINTELLIGIBLE] many-membered creation if he did not fall. I do not know, but I do know that Adam received the nature -- or received a nature on behalf of the whole creature, whatever it was intended to be. It was Adam’s responsibility to receive a righteous nature and he failed, and we are -- he bit the grape and our teeth are still standing on edge. Adam bit the sour grape. He was the one that made the mistake. He bit into the wrong grape, and we are still reaping the results of the sour fruit.
In case anybody listening to this message is not that well versed in the Scripture, that parable appears in the prophets, and what it means is the sins of the father shall be visited upon the children unto the third and the fourth generation. [INAUDIBLE] we are blaming parents. Dig in, seek the Lord Jesus, confess your sins, repent and try, with the power of God, to turn the tide of destruction which is flowing towards you for yourself and for all your future generations. You will never get out if you are blaming an ancestor that does not exist anymore. You are just wasting your time.
[INAUDIBLE] deterioration into Cain and Abel began with a division of thought, and of thought that was a division of mind that was a division of purpose and intent.
[INAUDIBLE] twist from Jehovah until after -- Adam did not unt- -- actually untwist from Jehovah until he first separated in purpose within his own mind. He was supposed to be totally in agreement with Jehovah’s purpose for the creature, but [UNINTELLIGIBLE] - - Adam had a conflict. He had an inner conflict. Part of his own self was not in agreement with Jehovah, and it was this division of thought that resulted in the spiritual adultery that resulted in the creature incarnating on the negative side.
Jesus. I will read you the Alternate Translation, and then we will go back over it word by word. I have a translation and then an amplified.
“And Jehovah and Elohim formed the serpent out of the earthen part of the creature, and the spiritual part of Adam went within himself for the purpose of receiving Elohim’s nature for the whole since Adam’s name would be given to the whole living creature for its own.”
A- -- now, this is the amplified: “And Jehovah and Elohim formed the serpent out of the earthen part of the creature, and Elohim, the spiritual part of Adam, went within himself for the purpose of receiving Jehovah’s nature on behalf of the whole living creature because Adam’s nature would be passed on to the whole creation.”
[INAUDIBLE] [?I will?] show you how I got this translation. “And out of the ground,” the Hebrew word translated ground is earth.
“The Lord,” Jehovah.
“God,” Elohim.
“Formed [?every?] beast,” the word -- the Hebrew word translated every means whole - - the whole beast of the field. And we are told in -- at the beginning of Genesis 3 that the most subtle of the beast [sic] was the serpent. The beast of the field is the serpent, brethren, and we know that the serpent is Cain. So out of the earth, Jehovah and Elohim formed the serpent. Cain was formed.
Now, what does that mean? What does that mean, out of the earth, Jehovah and Elohim formed the serpent? It is not at all what it sounds like. Let me give you another thought. OK, first of all, this concept of saying Jehovah and Elohim. Elohim was really in charge. Remember, Elohim was half a man, and Jehovah joined to him to give him [?His?his?] wholeness, but Jehovah was not dominating Adam, you see. If you can hear what I am saying, Jehovah rent Himself, joined Himself, to Elohim so that Elohim could be complete, but Jehovah was not an interfering in-law, you see, because Jehovah did not try to dominate Adam because Adam could never have survived without Jehovah’s strength.
What am I saying? A lot of human beings, if they know that you cannot survive without them -- a lot of in-laws, they come in; they give you their money. They help you, and they want to take over your whole family. You are supposed to be a married man running your own family, head of your wife, head of your children, but if you need your dad’s money, he not only gives you the money; he comes in, and he tells you how to decorate your house. He tells you how to treat your wife. He tells you how to raise your kids. Does anybody not know what I am talking about?
Jehovah did not do that. Jehovah gave His spiritual wealth to Elohim so that he could be complete but did not try to dominate him. It -- sometimes it gets confusing to say Jehovah and Elohim, and on certain messages I began to say Elohim. I did not even mention Jehovah because we were really talking about Elohim who had been strengthened by Jehovah. Can you hear what I am saying? We are really talking about Elohim, and the only reason the Scripture says Elohim and Jehovah is that this is the Scripture’s way of saying that Elohim was complete. We are talking about a completed Elohim in this case. OK?
Now, let us look at it from this point of view. “And the completed Elohim -- the powerful Elohim formed Cain out of the ground.” He formed the serpent out of the ground. Well - - now, it sounds almost like that is what he was supposed to be doing. Was he not supposed to be forming the serpent out of the ground? I do not think that is what he was supposed to be doing. I think this is the Scripture’s way of saying that there was Elohim. He was complete in Jehovah. He had the power to completely obey the spiritual law of God that he had been instructed in, but, nevertheless, a part of himself separated in mind, intent and purpose and joined with the earth and formed the serpent.
The serpent was not supposed to be formed. The earth was supposed to be barren. [?Any --?Are you?] OK? James makes it sound like this is what was supposed to happen, that the serpent was supposed to be formed. No, the serpent was not supposed to be formed. Part of Adam’s spiritual being broke away from the dominant -- from Elohim’s domination and gravitated towards or made a league with the earth, giving the earth consciousness. And the name of the earth which had received consciousness is the serpent, and the personal name of the serpent is Cain. Are you OK?
Elohim formed the serpent out of the earth of the ground -- out of the earth of the field, and the field, that is Strong’s 7704. How is it different from the earth? It is speaking - - well, earth is speaking about the nature of the substance; the field is speaking about function. It is speaking about function. You might call it a background. If you take a canvas and you are making a painting and you sketch in -- on that painting the main figure is the ship. You sketch in the ship. Well, the balance of the canvas, it would be called a field. That is a background, or it is -- also it can be translated an arrangement of parts. We are going to call it an arrangement of parts. The field is speaking about the relationship between the earth and the spirit that Jehovah had ordained.
So what is this saying, “And Elohim formed the beast of the field” -- “And Elohim formed the serpent, Cain, the beast of the field”? He formed -- you see, there was an arrangement which was a relationship between spirit and earth. There was no serpent. You see, Je- -- you see, there was no serpent, but Elohim went ahead and changed the arrangement that Jehovah had originally made. A serpent was formed when Elohim could not control or could not dominate the totality of his being.
It is almost as if to say some cells, you know, if it were possible, for some cells of our body to fall away and join -- well, I guess you might look at it as cancer. Cancer is a cell that has run away. Cancer is a cell that is multiplying rapidly at an abnormal rate so that it becomes destructive. If you are looking for a natural example, that is what happened with Cain. It was a couple of Elohim’s cells; they started malfunctioning, and they increased, and they increased into the serpent. So let us not draw the conclusion that Elohim was doing a good thing or that he was doing what his Father had instructed him to do when he formed the serpent. You might say Elohim got cancer, you see. [?Elohim?He?] developed cancer. He has developed a cancerous cell, and that cancerous cell changed the arrangement of the creature.
“And he also formed the fowl of the air.” He also formed the spiritual man, you see. He was not supposed to be forming a spiritual man and an evil man. He was supposed to just be forming the spiritual man, but something went wrong in the mechanics. As he went forth to form the spiritual man, a cancer appeared or a leprosy appeared, and an abnormal growth appeared in the spiritual creation. I do not know how you could possibly get that without the spirit of revelation. I do not see how it would be possible, but it -- because it sure sounds like he did what he was supposed to do.
“And he brought them” -- “And he brought,” the Strong- -- the Hebrew word translated brought is Strong’s 935. It can also be translated went. We are going to translate it went.
“And he brought them unto,” the Hebrew word translated unto, it can be translated within Adam.
“And Elohim went within” -- remember I read you the Alternate Translation? -- “to determine what the nature of the whole creature would be.” Now, we read here that even before Adam went in, a part of him was already increasing abnormally and had wrapped around the earth.
You know, there is a disease. It is calls -- it is called Crohn’s disease that does something like this. The intestines start putting out these abnormal growths in the intestines -- and not necessarily [?cancers?cancerous?], but abnormal growths that reach out tentacles and leaders, and they can wrap around the intestines and bind up the -- and cause knots in the intestines, abnormal growths that can make you very sick. If you are intestines are not healthy, how could you survive? You have to have food passing through your body.
This is what happened. Look, the deterioration -- the beginning of the fall began before Adam even went within to have the nature engraved upon him. He had already become leprous or the beginnings of leprosy were found. He was failing to control the part of his mind that was closest to the earth.
So by the time Adam went within himself to receive Jehovah’s nature, he was already in danger. His being had already divided. He was already -- he already had the potential or the seeds of double mindedness. When he went inside, there were two potentials that he could have joined with, so his weakness did not begin with the wrong choice. His weakness began with the formation of the second choice that should not even have been there. Is everybody OK?
I am going to say it again. The serpent should not even have been present to be a choice. You see, Adam failed because he received the nature of the serpent instead of the nature of Jehovah. The fact that the serpent was present to give Adam his nature was already a perversion. It was already a spiritual cancer, the very fact that the serpent existed. Why? Because Jehovah had commanded that the earth should be barren. Jehovah had commanded that the earth should be barren and infertile.
Now, remember, the creature was water -- was in a water base. Adam was in a water base, so that means Jehovah’s original commandment that the waters above should be separated from the waters beneath and that all the waters should be drawn back and the dry should appear, that commandment was already failing in that the waters of Adam’s life were sleeping over the earth and allowing the earth to dissolve her seed. What does dissolve her seed mean? To activate her seed in the waters of life. So Adam’s failure goes back beyond having sexual intercourse -- spiritual sexual intercourse with the wrong one.
“And he went in within himself to see,” the Hebrew word translated see is Strong’s 7200. It can be translated to present oneself for, to be shown or to receive something or to receive vision. Adam went within himself for a joining, which would have [?been?] - - was to have imparted Jehovah’s nature to the whole creature.
“To see what,” now, I went into this on the last message, so I am not going to take too much time. This Hebrew word what is Strong’s 4100. It is -- and if you can -- if -- anyone hearing this message, if you cannot receive this, this is perfectly all right. You pray about it. You know, if you cannot receive it, it is OK, but this is a secret name. Just as the negative particle, Strong’s 3808 is a secret name for the -- either the devil or Leviathan, whatever negative aspect we give that name -- or whatever name we give that negative aspect, the Hebrew word translated what is a secret name for the Son. “Who” is the secret name for the Father and “what” is the secret name for the Son only when it fits in with the context of the whole verse.
As I told you, there are times that I translate the negative particle not because that is the intention. I take the whole verse together. And, of course, there are times when the word who and what are translated who and what, but, I suggest to you, that in this verse the Hebrew word what is a mysterious, secret word for the Son, and it fits into the context of the whole verse.
“What he would call,” the Hebrew word translated call is 7121. We have had that word a lot. It means nameless spirit.
“Them,” Strong’s 8705, can be translated for the purpose of. It is translated them, but it can the legitimately be translated for the purpose of. I do not see any connection there at all, but it is in the lexicon.
“And whatsoever,” Strong’s 3605, can also be translated the whole.
And then there is a word that is not translated. The King James translators just left it out. It is Strong’s 834. It can be translated since.
“Adam -- and whatsoever Adam called or named -- or whatsoever nature Adam gave,” here is another word that is not translated, Strong’s 8705. They just left it out. It means belonging to or would be given to.
“And whatev- -- whatsoever name would be given to every living creature,” the Hebrew word translated living, that is the same word that is translated Eve, if I am not mistaken. Is that the same word translated Eve? Jesus. Let me see. “And Adam called his wife’s name Eve,” 2332. No, it is a different word. This word is living. It is 2416. Creature, 5315. Living creature, OK.
“And every” -- excuse me. “And then whatsoever Adam called ev- -- the whole living creature was the name thereof -- that was the name thereof.” That Hebrew word translated that, Strong’s 1931, can also be translated as his.
“And was the name thereof,” Strong’s 8034, it can be translated own name.
“And Jehovah and Elohim formed the serpent out of the earthen part of the creature, and Elohim, the spiritual side of Adam, went within himself for the purpose of receiving Jehovah’s nature on behalf of the whole living creature because Adam’s nature would be passed on to the whole creation.”
Now, I suggest to you -- well, it says that the spiritual side of Adam went in. The spiritual side of Adam was Elohim, OK. Elohim went in to receive Jehovah’s nature. What does that mean? Elohim was twisted together with Jehovah. I suggest to you that he went in to be permanently sealed or smelted together with Him, and if you recall my reading you verse 24, the judgment upon Cain was “it is therefore righteous that Cain should separate from Elohim and be smelted together with the earth.”
Permanently joined -- smelting implies a melting of two or more elements and a union of those elements to form a new element that did not exist before. Our example is the cake that we are baking. Butter, eggs, sugar mixed so completely that each ingredient loses its original nature and that the final product is a cake, wherewith if you were not told there was eggs, butter and flour and sugar in there, you would never be able to identify the original ingredients. This is the significance of smelting.
I suggest to you, therefore, that Elohim went within himself to be permanently joined - - not twisted together, but permanently joined to Jehovah through smelting. Of course, he was deceived -- well, he was tricked and then deceived, that Cain wound up being smelted to the earth.
You see, it is impossible for us to be saved out of hell. What the Lord Jesus is doing is a miracle because it is impossible to get us out of here. We are smelted together in our minds with [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. The only answer is to kill us, but it -- in an act of infinite mercy, Jehovah did not kill us. He chose to let us suffer for a season until He could unsmelt us. That is why we have to be melting.
David tells us the elements are coming down with a crash. That is why we have to go into the Lake of Fire, to unsmelt us from our union with the earth. The Lake of Fire is the mercy of God because we are in hell right now. We are joined to hell. We are smelted together with hell. Hell is in every fiber of our being. [INAUDIBLE] separated by fire. It is the only way. Surgery, it is the only way. [?Cancerous?], we are leprous. We are in hell and we are dying, and without an operation -- well, I do not believe we would die. We will just be in hell forever and ever, and without this surgery we would be in a measure of hell that we cannot even imagine the depths of right now. It would be -- we would be in a full stature of evil, left to our own devices.
I just had a memory, you see. That means the Lord wants me to tell you about this. I have mentioned it to you before. I have never forgotten it. I went into Manhattan on an evangelical trip with my pastor, with the whole church, and it was on the West Side, which was not the best neighborhood. As we approached a diner to go have something to eat -- I did not realize it at the time, but we must have passed a hotel that was used by prostitutes. And there was a man standing outside the hotel with a dress on over his trousers. You see, it is illegal for a man to walk around in a dress. I do not know if it is a federal law or it is a state law, but it is illegal in New York State for a man to walk around dressed like a woman. You could get arrested. And he was advertising that he was a homosexual prostitute. The way he did it was to stand there with his trousers on and a dress over his trousers.
And I want to tell you, I saw hell in that man’s eyes. I saw hell and I saw a cry for help, and I did not know what it was when I first saw it. I have never forgotten that man’s eyes. What is waiting for us if the Lord Jesus turns us over? But thank God He is not turning us over, but it will happen to many. In these end times, as Satan rises up out of the bottomless pit, many are going to be baptized into a full stature of evil -- many.
Jesus. Verse 20: “And Adam gave names to all cattle and to the fowl of the air and to every beast of the field, but Adam -- but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.”
Poor guy, he did not have a wife, but all the elephants had a wife and the tiger had a wife and the giraffe had a wife, but the man did not have a wife. File it under childre- - - childish parables. File it with Christmas and the Easter bunny -- Santa Claus, Donald Duck and the Easter Bunny. [?Time.?]
“Adam gave,” the Hebrew word translated gave, Strong’s 7121, this is the same word translated named above. It is speaking about nature. He gave names -- one is a verb and the other is the noun. He gave -- he named them names. He gave them names.
“To all cattle,” cattle is Strong’s 929. That is the plural of [?behemoth?]. It is merely speaking about the many-membered beast.
“And he also gave names to the fowl of the air,” that is the spiritual man. He gave a nature to Elohim, and he gave a nature to the earth.
“And to the whole beast of the field,” that is Cain. He gave a nature to Elohim; he gave a nature to Cain. There was a division where there should not have been a division. And, of course, the word field -- I mentioned this to you before. It is from a root word that means arrangement. He gave a name to the beast of the arrangement. OK, what does that mean? To the earthen side of the balance between spirit and earth that Jehovah had established. We are talking about spiritual order.
“But for Adam there was not found,” OK, were -- these words were added in. But for were added in by the King James translators. We are keeping the but, but we are eliminating the for.
“But for Adam there was not,” we are eliminating the there was. The word not is Strong’s 3808. We are interpreting it not as a negative particle, but as the serpent.
“There was not found,” the Hebrew word translated found, Strong’s 4672, can also be translated encountered. That means to meet somebody or to detect something.
“There was not found an help [sic] for him.” Help, Strong’s 5828, can also be translated the one who had assisted him. The one who had assisted him in what? He could not find the one who had assisted him in incarnating. Listen, he could not incarnate without being melted to another part of him. He was supposed to be smelted together with Jehovah, OK, but he did not. He was -- he joined with the earth. So the one who assisted him is speaking about the one who was being prepared to be smelted together with him because Elohim was half a man. He had to be smelted together with another side to him. Or he was not -- he was not strong enough to incarnate without a union with someone, and that someone was supposed to be Jehovah.
The word meet, Strong’s 5048, we mentioned this earlier. It means counterpart. It can also be translated when he stood in front of him. OK, when he saw his counterpart - - Adam did not even know what happened to him until he saw his counterpart. You see, he did not know that he had become a fallen man until he saw the woman [?because?] when he was a whole man there was no counterpart. It was just he and Jehovah, but when he looked and he saw that he -- that there was one that was opposite him, he realized that he had deteriorated and incarnated imperfectly.
And the words for him -- or the words for -- the word for is not in the Hebrew.
Here is an Alternate Translation, and then I cleaned it up and smoothed it out and polished it up. So I have an Alternate Translation and an amplified.
Verse 20, Genesis 2: “And Adam gave his nature to the whole creature, to his spiritual part and to the bestial part of the arrangement, but did not detect that it was the serpent who had helped him to incarnate until he saw his counterpart,” or until he saw his image, his reflection.
“And Adam gave his nature to the whole creature, to Elohim and to the bestial part of the arrangement, but did not detect that it was the serpent who had helped him to incarnate until he saw Cain.” Until he saw Cain.
Are you OK? Yeah, I would like -- if you are OK, I would like to finish it, and -- are you all right? OK.
Verse 21: “And the Lord God caused to fall a deep sleep upon Adam and he slept, and He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof.”
Let me read you the Alternate Translation first: “And Jehovah and Elohim threw Adam into a trance, and he became leprous, and he married his other side and imprisoned his male reproductive organ, the woman.”
That makes no sense at all. OK, I put it into a logical sequence, and this is what we get.
Verse 21, Genesis 2: “And Jehovah and Elohim threw Adam into a trance, and he married his other side and became leprous, and the woman delivered him up -- and the woman delivered up Elohim, his male reproductive organ.”
Listen, “And Jehovah and Elohim threw Adam into a trance because he married his other side and he became leprous, and the woman delivered up Elohim, the male reproductive organ of the creature.”
This sounds an awful lot like Daniel 8. There was a ram, and then there was a ram and a goat, and the goat delivered righteous Adam up. Look at your Alternate Translation of Daniel 8. He delivered him up. He sacrificed him to the serpent. The goat is Cain. Cain sacrificed the other part of his own self, so that he could be the one to incarnate and possess all the kingdoms of the world.
He is the possessor of this world. He is the power and principality. He is the god of this world. You think you are your own man; you are not. How do I know you die? You are going to die just like everybody else unless you stand up in full stature. What does death mean? What does the death of this body mean? It means that you cease to exist because the spiritual being that is living through you has used you up. That is what it means.
OK, we are on verse -- OK, [INAUDIBLE] verse 20: “And Adam gave” -- I told you that one.
Are we on 20 or 21? We are on 21: “And the Lord God caused to fall a deep sleep upon Adam.”
“And Jehovah and Elohim caused to fall,” Strong’s 5307, threw down.
“A deep sleep,” Strong’s 8639, can be translated trance.
“Upon Adam,” Strong’s -- that is regular Adam.
“And he slept,” Strong’s 3462. He slept the sleep of death. He became leprous. You see, he did not die right away. He became sick before he died. Leprosy is a disease.
“And he took,” Strong’s 3947, can be translated to carry away or to take in marriage. Adam married. He married the earth instead of Jehovah.
“One,” Strong’s 259, can be translated his other. It is in the lexicon. The Hebrew word one -- translated one can also be translated his other. It means one of two. It can be translated his other. And he married his other side, is what it means.
The Hebrew word translated rib, Strong’s 6763, means sides, not the rib of a fallen man. It means a side. There are two sides to the creature, spirit and earth.
“And closed up,” Strong’s 5462, can also be translated spirit -- I am sorry. It can also be translated imprisoned. “And closed up,” also -- Strong’s 5462, can also be translated imprisoned.
“The flesh,” Strong’s 1320 -- it is translated the flesh, but it can also be translated the male organ of regeneration. The English word flesh is a translation of a Hebrew word which can also be translated the male organ of regeneration.
“And he closed up the flesh instead thereof.” The Hebrew word translated instead thereof, Strong’s 8478, can also be translated the woman or the one who was underneath, the one who is under authority. It is translated instead thereof, and it means the woman. Where in the world they got instead thereof -- they did not -- they just made it up because they did not know what to do. They did not know what to do with this Hebrew Scripture.
“And Jehovah and Elohim threw Adam into a trance, and he married his other side” -- he married the earth -- “and he became leprous, and the woman” -- the woman who was formed when he married the earth -- “delivered up Elohim” -- he delivered up his male reproductive organ. She castrated him. [INAUDIBLE] him.
Verse 22: “And made He the Lord God the rib which He had taken from man a woman and brought her unto the man.”
And she said, “Hello, dear. What would you like for dinner?” God help us. God help us with our silliness.
“And made,” it means that [?made for him?]. “The Lord,” Jehovah.“God,” Elohim.
There is an untranslated word present here. It is Strong’s -- it is -- this word, 853, it is almost never translated, and it means self. It is important because it -- we know that whoever the subject is, is talking about himself. And what it is saying is “And Jehovah and Elohim -- and Jehovah made from the rib, which was Elohim himself.” Look, there were two ribs or two sides, spirit and earth. “And Jehovah made from the rib that was Elohim himself.” He made a woman, OK? There were two sides to the creature, spirit and earth, and Jehovah laid hold of Elohim, the spiritual side of the creature, and out of Elohim himself Jehovah formed the woman. [INAUDIBLE] Elohim was male [INAUDIBLE] is a woman.
It is as if to say you take a lump of clay that is formed into the image of a man and you smash it and reform it into an image of a woman. You now have a woman. What happened to the man? He is gone. There is no more man. [INAUDIBLE] there is only one lump of clay, and in order for the clay to be formed as a woman the man had to be sacrificed. He ceased to exist.
[?It told us here?] that Jehovah was the one who did it. Why did Jehovah do it? We talked about this earlier. Because Adam had married himself. He married the earth instead of Jehovah. The creature was now a perversion, either to be destroyed or reformed, and Jehovah took the substance that was in Elohim and made a woman out of it and joined the whole creature to the female mind so that we would not be destroyed, that we should stay in this condition until the judgment that would produce a resurrection unto righteousness. That is why Jehovah did it. There is no more man. The man became a woman.
Look, brethren, if you know a man out there -- do you know this is not unheard of? A man is married. He has six children, and at 40 years old he decides he is a homosexual. And he leaves his wife and he leaves his family, and he goes out and he takes up housekeeping with a man and becomes a housewife. What happened to the man? He is gone. A bizarre example, but it happens. I know someone that it happened to. If you become a woman, you are not a man anymore. Look, when you become an adult, you are not a child anymore. Jesus.
[INAUDIBLE] the Lord God -- and made Jehovah from Elohim himself -- from the side which was Elohim himself.
“Which he had taken,” the Hebrew word translated which he had taken, Strong’s 3947, can also be translated to marry or to carry away or to acquire.
“Which he had married or acquired from man,” that word from is added in by the King James translators. We are going to eliminate that.
“And made from the man a woman.” He made from Adam a woman, Strong’s 802. That is the word that can be translated adulteress.
“And brought her,” Strong’s 935 -- the words translated and brought her can be translated and she fell upon, invaded or attacked. That is not even similar, and he brought her -- and brought her -- and he brought her to the man. No, and the woman invaded the man.
Listen, “And Jehovah formed from the rib which was Elohim himself, that had married Adam -- the rib that had married Adam, a woman, and she invaded the man.” Who was the rib that married Adam? The other side, the earthen side, married Adam, the spiritual man. So we see that Jehovah formed out of Cain the rib that married Adam. Jehovah formed out of Cain a woman, and as soon as she received consciousness, she invaded the man. I am very sorry if I am offending you, but to me, I cannot miss the implication there. She acted like a man. She did what a man did, and she -- right. You see, all you women out there who are women’s libbers, you have got to understand. I have done a lot of talking about this. When you act like a man, you make your husband a woman. There is no such thing as a 50/50, totally equal relationship. Only person is dominant, and ladies, if you are the dominant one, you have made your husband a woman.
So Cain rose up, the spiritual female, and the first thing she did was invade the man. She castrated him. From the minute she penetrated him, his manhood ceased to exist. Jesus. And Jehovah formed a woman from Elohim, the side of Adam which had married himself. I am not even sure if that is right. And Jehovah formed from the rib which was Elohim Himself that had married Adam, a woman, and I am going to have to pray about that. And Jehovah formed from the rib which was Elohim himself that had married Adam, He made a woman out of it. OK, I see it, and she invaded the man. And Jehovah formed a woman from Elohim, the side of Adam which had married himself, OK, and that woman invaded the man, and that woman castrated him, and he ceased to exist! He became a woman.
Verse 23, “And Adam said, ‘This is now bone of my bones and of my flesh, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.’”
Adam said. Once again, Adam vowed. He made a strong statement. This, the word this is Strong’s 2063, means this other one, this other one. What other one? The other woman, this other self. You see, Adam had two selves. You have two selves. I have two selves. We are dual. We are dual. All these preachers that are saying we are not dual, you are a liar. You are a liar. You are preaching lies. We are dual. We have two natures, and one must dominate the other. And Adam vowed, this other one, this other side of me now, and Adam said, this now bone, this now bone, this is now bone of my bone. OK, there is no verb translated is there. The Hebrew word translated now, Strong’s 6471, means footstep or anvil. Now footstep implies a -- an opposite. OK, a footstep is the complete opposite of the foot that makes the image, and the significance of anvil is that anvil is a piece of metal upon which something is placed so that you can hammer it, OK, and our nature is being hammered into the image of Jehovah.
And Adam vowed that this footstep, OK, this reverse image, this counterpart of him, of this bone, and the Hebrew word translated bone, Strong’s 6106, can also be translated self-same. This very counterpart of my other self, bone of my bones. Now, this bone of my bones, it is two words. It is the same word both, the same Hebrew word both times, but we are going to take two different translations for that word. Instead of saying bone of my bones, we are going to say, this self-same substance. And both self-same and substance are legitimate translations of Strong’s 6106, the word translated bone of my bones.
And vowed. This counterpart, this footstep of my very self-same substance, my counterpart that is made out of my very life and of my flesh, and flesh of my flesh, well, the -- all of these copulatives -- and, of -- they are all added in by the King James. We are going to remove the and. Of my flesh, Strong’s 1320, this Hebrew word, Strong’s 1320, translated flesh, is -- can also be translated the male organ, the male regenerative organ. Flesh of my flesh, and it can also be translated person, my own person. Flesh of my flesh, the male organ of my person. The male, spiritual, regenerative organ of my person, flesh of my flesh, shall be called woman.
She shall be called woman. This is the word 802. It is ishah. The male is ish, and the woman is ishah. It also means adulteress, and the significance is that they are counterparts of one another. They are mirror images, male, female, mirror images. So, whenever you see the word man in the Scripture that is a translation of the Hebrew word ish, you know we are talking about fallen man. And what is the name of fallen man? Abel. Abel, OK. We can say righteous Adam or fallen Adam, but fallen Adam got a new name, and it is Abel. That is what his name is.
OK, because she was taken out of man. Because is because. She was taken, Strong’s 3947. She was carried away can be translated carried away or married. And man, Strong’s 376, that is the word ish, can also be translated the servant. You see? The Scripture talks about the servant and the son. John 8 speaks about the house of the servant and the house of the son. Adam is the son, but Abel is the servant. OK, the man of this fallen creation is Abel. He is not acting like a man. He is not living in his office. He is dust. We have done -- we are in the middle of a whole study on that, but God still sees him as the man. In the same way that I have told you, ladies, if you are not happy with your husband, if he is not fulfilling his office, if he is like one of your children instead of your lord, as he is supposed to be, when you cry out to Jesus to fix your family, the first thing He is going to do is strengthen your husband who has been your child for 25 years. He is going to make a man out him, and then you are going to have to submit to the man.
So, my whole point being that Abel is the master of this creation. He is the male. He is the man. He is the master, but he is being treated like the woman, because he is powerless to take his authority back until he is crucified by the Lord Jesus and increases into the man, Christ Jesus.
So my whole point being, let me clarify this. I have known for a long time now that when I refer to righteous Adam and fallen Adam that there had to be another name for fallen Adam. I just did not know what it was, but I just found out. It is Abel. Adam is referring to the righteous Adam who was twisted together with Jehovah, the God or the master of this whole creation. Abel is the name of the fallen man that Adam became when he was castrated by Cain. OK, so we know the name of the woman is Cain, and the name of the man is Abel. How interesting. How interesting.
OK, because she, and -- so this word, ish, Strong’s 376, can be translated servant. It can also be translated another, another one. Let us see. Xxxx, please tap. No, no, tap, tap [UNINTELLIGIBLE] OK, thanks. Thank you.
Anvil, I have a definition of the word anvil for you, a heavy block of iron or steel with a smooth, flat top, on which metals are shaped by hammering. It also is a word describing the sixth jaw in a set of calipers against which an object is measured, on which an object to be measured is placed. So we see that an anvil is a standard. Who is our standard?
Jesus is our standard. Adam vowed this other standard, who was made of my male, this other standard, you see. Righteous Adam was a standard that everyone born was going to have to live up to, but now we have a new standard. Our new standard is Cain. Be as evil as you can be, this other standard.
The phrase -- now, the phrase taken out of man, I would like to comment on that. It might have made sense, but well, we are saying, woman was taken out of man. OK, man was whole. One of his ribs was taken -- this is the fantasy now -- and was made into a woman. This might have made sense if the Hebrew word translated man in this phrase was Adam, Strong’s 120. But it is not. The word man in this phrase, and she was -- will be called woman, because she was taken out of man. The Hebrew word translated man is ish. Ish is half a man. He is fallen Adam. So how could woman be taken out of a fallen man? It does not even make any sense. If you have -- if you begin to enter into this revelation, if you have any trouble believing this at all, that does not make any sense that woman was taken out of the man who was fallen and already half a man. Can you hear this? Do you hear what I am saying? Can you understand what I am saying?
If the man was whole, if the man was Elohim twisted together with Jehovah, and you said to me, part of him was taken out and formed into a woman, OK. But that is not the Hebrew word. The Hebrew word is ish. That is Elohim after he untwisted from Jehovah. We are talking about half a man. It does not even make any sense.
It is interesting. I just had an interesting thought. It does not make any sense unless you want to talk about the defective cell division that we were talking about, that Elohim engaged in a cell division from a defective position, and he -- Elohim ceased to exist and became Cain and Abel. It would fit into that.
There are many aspects. God is a great -- God is very creative, but every truth that we receive must be capable of being interwoven with the major threads of the garment. There are many shades of understanding, but they all must be compatible. They must be compatible, like an orchestra with many different instruments. When they play together, they create one song.
And Adam vowed that this other standard, which is -- this other standard, what does it mean? The greatest one is the standard. The greatest one is the one that you look up to, and you say, I would like to be like him. See, this other standard, this other footstep, this other image, this other anvil, this other one that we are placed against and hammered into his image, OK, which is made of the same substance that the male organ of his person was made of, shall be called adulteress, because she married the servant instead of her true husband.
Amplified. “And Adam vowed that his other self, which is made of the same substance that his male reproductive organ was made of, shall be called adulteress, because she married the servant instead of her true husband.” Please note that Adam continues to be called Adam until he actually incarnates as Cain and Abel. The Scripture calls him Adam until he actually is born in his deteriorated condition.
And this should go pretty fast. These last two verses are short, and you all look very tired. Verse 24. “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”
Therefore, Strong’s 5921, by reason of. I see. This Heb- -- this English word, therefore, is the translation of two Hebrew words. The first one, 5921, by reason of, and the second one, 3651, meaning righteousness. By reason of righteousness, it is righteous judgment. The King James translators translated it therefore. How weak. It is righteous. It is righteous judgment, what is going to happen to Cain because of what he did, not therefore, not -- therefore implies, well, and this is what happened next. No, it is righteous judgment that Cain should separate from Elohim and be smelted together with the earth.
Therefore shall a man -- now this is the man, ish. This is the fallen man. Now shall the fallen man leave his father and his mother. Now this is the first time that Strong’s 376, translated man, is used. And as I say [AUDIO CUTS OUT], this is the first time that the word ish is used, and eventually, and we will find out that the name of this fallen man is Abel. It is a word that is opposed to the Hebrew word woman. They are counterparts, man and woman. They are counterparts, and the two of them are the residue of the deteriorated and now dead Elohim.
Therefore it is righteous that the fallen man shall leave. Strong’s 5800 can also be translated to be loosed from or leave behind. It is righteous judgment that the fallen man should be loosed from his father. And there is a word -- there is an untranslated word here meaning self. He should -- it is righteous that he should be loosed from his self-fatherhood. What does that mean? From his manhood. It is righteous that the man should be loosed from his fatherhood. Fatherhood, manhood. What proves that you are a man? Becoming a father proves that you are a man. That is what your manhood is in, the pro- -- the ability to reproduce as a male. That is what this verse is saying.
It is righteous that the fallen man, Strong’s 376, should be loosed from his father-self, that he should be loosed from his own fatherhood, and from his mother, Strong’s 517. This word can also legitimately be translated family bond. And I suggest to you that this Scripture means that the fallen man -- it is righteous that the fallen man lose his fatherhood and lose his connection to the family of God in heaven and cleave unto --
This Hebrew word translated cleave, Strong’s 1692, can be translated to cook. I suggest to you the significance is that the man is being smelted unto the earth, being made one with the earth. He was joined to the Lord as one spirit. Adam was supposed to have become one spirit with the Father. In the Book of Revelation, Jesus says, “I am the beginning of the creation of God.” He is a new creature, because all of his parts were smelted together after the Ascension or as a result of the Ascension. That is what we have to look forward to in glorification. All of our parts -- now we have conflicts in our mind, conflicts in our emotions. This will not exist after glorification. We are going to become one harmonious being, no more highs and lows, no more conflict, just the glory of God flowing through us.
So it is righteous that the man should lose his fatherhood and lose his connection to the family bond with the family of God here and lose his connection to Jehovah and shall cleave unto, shall be melted into his wife, the adulteress, Cain -- righteous that Abel, the fallen man, should be melted into, to be joined in one, not twisted together now, but completely made one with his wife, the adulteress. It is making it permanent, you see. It was made permanent.
And they shall be one flesh, the Hebrew word translated flesh being 1320, sexual organ. Please note that this is a reversal of Genesis chapter 1, verses 6 and 7. Let me read that once for the message, please. Genesis 1, verses 6 and 7. Thank you, Jesus. It is the second [?song?] in there, right?
“And God said, ‘Let there be a firmament in the midst of waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.’ And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.” In our Alternate Translation, we found out that part of the waters were clean and positive -- they were called -- we call them the spiritual seminal fluid -- and that part of the waters of the creation were contaminated with the earth, and that we call the urine, spiritual urine. Jehovah said, “Let them be separated,” and then, in the following verses, He said -- in verse 9, He said that the waters under the heaven, which are the urine, be gathered together into one place, and let the dry appear. Let the earth be rendered barren.
We see, in the union of Cain and Abel as husband and wife, this is undone, and the urine flows together with the seminal fluid. What is the result of the urine flowing together with the seminal fluid? I know I have mentioned it, but I doubt that you remember it. So I will tell you.
Urine kills semen.
Excellent. Excellent, yes. Urine kills semen almost instantly. So what does that leave us with? It leaves us with a barren or an infertile seminal fluid. Do you know, some men produce a seminal fluid that is without sperm. That man is barren. The seminal fluid still exists, because the whole -- this creation would not exist without the waters of the seminal fluid. We are a water-based creation. Everything that we see is an image, which is a reflection on the spiritual water.
So we have the waters of the creation without the semen, but what have we? We have the seed of the serpent, fully saturated, and that is what the spiritual urine is, the earth saturated in waters, a fertile serpent seed. So we see that the seed of the male Adam has been killed off, and only the seed of the female serpent remains. And does that not line up with the prior verse that says the woman castrated the male? As soon as she appeared, she castrated him. It all fits. It all fits. Jesus.
OK, I did not even realize I did this. I have printed out for you a copy of our Alternate Translation of these verses. Let me read them for you. “And Elohim said, ‘Let Christ be a foundation in the mix of the seminal fluid, which will separate the urine from the semen.’ And Elohim made himself into a foundation which divided the urine from the semen,” the purpose being that Elohim doing this protected the life of the semen. Elohim making himself into a foundation that separated the urine from the semen preserved the life of the semen, but Elohim died, and he broke down into Cain and Abel. And he was like a dyke that broke down, and the waters that were on either side of the wall flowed together into one ocean, the waters that had saturated earth in semen. It killed the fertility of the clean waters.
Look, brethren, if you pour polluted water into a reservoir of our drinking water, does the clean water purify the polluted water? The polluted water destroys the clean water. That is what happened. The seed of the man was completely destroyed by the urine. In this creation, in this fallen creation, only the female seed was available up until 2,000 years ago. We now have a male seed in the earth. And what is His name? Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, the male seed. He is the word. He is the seed. He is the sperm. That was His great sacrifice. That was what Jesus did. He was obedient to His Father unto the point where He gave up His existence in this world and became the male seed, which is flowing into the urine-infested waters of this creation and not being destroyed. It is a miracle that the semen is surviving in the urine. It is a miracle.
Jesus. Jesus, help us. [SPEAKING IN TONGUES]
Verse 24. “Therefore, it is righteous that Cain should separate from Elohim and be smelted together with the earth and that they should be one reproductive organ.” It is righteous that this should happen to Cain, OK, because he caused Elohim to separate from Jehovah. There is a reaping and a sowing there. Amplified. “Therefore, it is righteous that Cain should separate from Elohim and be smelted together with the earth and that the urine and the semen should be one reproductive organ.”
The mixture -- I will read you my comment. I think I have covered it already, but I will read it to you. The mixture of the seminal fluid and the urine produces one perverse organ of reproduction, because the urine kills the sperm, leaving only the female seed of the earth and dissolved in the seminal fluid. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
Last verse, and a short one, 25. “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.” And they were both, Strong’s 8147. I have written down here that it can be translated, and the two incarnated. And the two incarnated. Naked, Strong’s 6174, means to be without your outer covering. The man -- now this is the Hebrew word for Adam, 120 -- and his wife, ishah, and I know I am saying that wrong -- the adulteress, Cain -- and were not ashamed. Ashamed, Strong’s 954, they were pale. I think I did not -- and they were pale. OK.
And they were both -- and the two incarnated without their outer covering. What was their outer covering? Jehovah. The man, Adam, and his wife, the adulteress, Cain, and they were -- I do not know what I did with that not. I might -- my notes are not right here, but the word ashamed, we are translating it pale, pale being the exact opposite of Adam, who was ruddy. Adam was ruddy. He was filled with the life of God, but Cain and Abel were pale. They did not have the life of God. And Adam and Cain incarnated without Jehovah, and they were pale. I will check this out for the next message. I do not know what I did with that negative particle, not. What did I do with that negative particle? Oh, I see what I did with it. OK.
And the two incarnated, and his wife, without Jehovah, and the man, Adam, and his wife, the adulteress, Cain, and the not -- well, I do not know. I will have to check that out for the next verse. And Adam and Cain incarnated without Jehovah, and they were spiritually dead. They were pale. They did not have the life of God. They were spiritually dead. OK, I have the Alternate Translation of all those verses, and then I interspersed them. Let me just make myself a note to check out what I did with that negative particle there.
Alternate Translation, Genesis, 2, verses 18 to 25. “And Jehovah and Elohim vowed that since Cain made a league with the earth to separate Adam from Jehovah and conquer him and offer him up for the purpose of incarnating on the other side,” verse 19, “And Jehovah and Elohim formed the serpent out of the earthen part of the arrangement. And Elohim, the spiritual part of Adam, went within himself for the purpose of receiving Jehovah’s nature on behalf of the whole living creature, because Adam’s nature would be passed on to the whole creation.” 20, “And Adam gave his nature to the whole creature, to Elohim and to the bestial part of the arrangement, but did not detect that it was the serpent who had helped him to incarnate until he saw Cain.” 21, “And Adam gave his nature to the whole creature, to Elohim and to the bestial part of the arrangement, but did not detect that it was the serpent who had helped him to incarnate until he saw Cain.”
22, “And Jehovah formed a woman from Elohim, the side of Adam which had married himself, and she invaded the man.” 23, “And Adam vowed that his other self, which is made of the same substance that his male reproductive organ was made of, shall be called adulteress, because she married the servant instead of the true husband.” 24, “Therefore, it is righteous that Cain should separate from Elohim and be smelted together with the earth and that the urine and the semen should be one reproductive organ.” 25, “And Cain -- and Adam and Cain incarnated without Jehovah, and they were spiritually dead.” You see, it still says Adam and Cain. Adam is still being called Adam. He is not called Abel until he actually incarnates.
OK. I now have an amplified and interspersed translation. I meant to give you a photocopy of this. If you would like to do it after I read this onto the message, I mean, everyone here could get it tomorrow. If you would like it before you leave, I will do it for you before you leave. There -- this is an extensive interspersion, and this is how it reads.
Amplified, interspersed translation, Genesis 2, verses 18 to 25. “And Elohim, the spiritual part of Adam, went within himself for the purpose of receiving Jehovah’s nature on behalf of the whole living creature, because Adam’s nature would be passed on to all of his descendants. And Jehovah and Elohim formed the serpent out of the earthen part of the arrangement, and Jehovah” -- now, notice, Jehovah alone, not Jehovah and Elohim -- “And Jehovah formed a woman out of Elohim, the side of Adam which had married himself, and Adam gave his fallen nature to the whole creature, to Elohim, the spiritual part, and to the bestial part of the arrangement, but did not realize that he had married his other side, the serpent, and had received the serpent’s nature until he saw Cain. And Jehovah and Elohim threw Adam into a trance, and he became leprous, and the woman, Cain, invaded the man. As soon as he went into a trance and became leprous, the woman invaded him and delivered him up, and delivered up Adam’s male reproductive organ unto the serpent.
“And Adam vowed that his other self, which is made of the same substance that his male reproductive organ was made of, shall be called adulteress, because she married the servant instead of her true husband, Jehovah. And Jehovah and Elohim vowed that, since Cain had made a league with the earth to separate Adam from Jehovah and conquer him and offer him up for the purpose of incarnating on the negative side, it is therefore righteous that Cain should separate from Elohim and be smelted together with the earth and that the urine and the semen should be one reproductive organ. And Adam and Cain incarnated without Jehovah, and they were spiritually dead.”
I think it might -- the translations we did earlier this morning might even fit in here. Let me see if I could find it. “And Adam declared the woman’s nature to be breath. Well, and Adam’s mind became the beast’s source of existence, because she had killed the completed life, and Adam perceived the spirit of the woman within himself.”
And I guess I have to work on this Alternate Translation. I will try and do that for the next message, but these two verses that we did this morning would fit right in with this Alternate Translation that I just read to you. Even though they are not sequential in the King James, they just would fit right in, so, Lord willing, I will have that for you Thursday. Any questions or comments? Thank you, Jesus.
Are you saying to be naked is to be out of the mind of Christ, to be insane?
To be insane? I believe that the context here is that they came without their outer cover. I have heard this before -- I do not know that I actually researched it myself -- that in Bible days, men had two covers. They had what could be likened unto a loin cloth, and then they had their outer garment. And to be naked, in Bible days, would be -- was to be without your outer garment. You could still be wearing a loin cloth and be considered naked. The significance here was that they incarnated without their outer garment, which was Jehovah. I do not know where you got the insane from. Did I not understand your question?
I remember reading a Concordant Bible years ago, and that is what they had in it, insane.
Oh, well, I believe that this fallen mind is spiritually insane, yes. I have no problem with that at all. Although I did not see that definition in the lexicons that I used, I have no problem believing that Leviathan is insane, definitely. Somebody else?
Pastor Sheila, as you were reading that last page, I got a thought from memory. And I was thinking of those early times. Everything seemed to be so sexual. Do you think those early Israelites or Canaanites or whatever race, they had the obelisk, because in everything -- do you think that they thought of all these things in the physical, thinking that they were almost like what God was doing in the spiritual, of how a creation was?
Well, if I understood you correctly, I think the answer is yes. Let me say it again, so that the people on the message can understand, but if I am not saying you meant, you tell me, OK. Are you asking me, are the early people who were upon the earth that seemed to be so sexual -- we see so -- we see especially the symbol of the male supremacy, of the erect male organ, all over the earth. Were they doing this because of some perverted understanding of the spiritual truth? The answer is, probably true. You know, the answer is probably yes.
[INAUDIBLE] Thank you, Jesus.
10/24/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion 10/31/14 1st Edit CAS/BP