236 - Part 1

Part 1 of 2 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Praise God. Tonight we will be doing Romans 5. This message is going to be a little unusual because some of you may recall that we did, I believe, four verses -- five verses we did in our Christ series. We did five verses, Romans, I believe, half of Romans 5, and then Romans 6 through Romans 10. We worked up because we are dealing with the problem of the Christ mind dying at the beginning of time versus Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the man, dying only 2,000 years ago.

So we worked up those verses, and what I felt the Lord telling me to do today -- and He has been telling me this for a while now -- is that eventually I would like to work up Alternate Translations of every epistle in the -- of every book in the New Testament. If He would just let me, I would like to do it. I would like to see it in print, if He ev- -- you know, it is -- at the right time, He will let me do it.

So we are starting with verse 1 of Romans 5, and when we get to verse 6, or the second half of verse 5, I am just going to take the Alternate Translations that we worked up on message number 186, “The Christ, Part 6,” and I am going to just review the Alternate Translation because I believe that the King James translation of verses 6 through 10 of Romans 5 is inaccurate. I reject that translation. So I am going to take our Alternate Translation and include that in this message, which will be in two parts and will result in an Alternate Translation of the entire chapter 5.

Anybody hearing this message, I warn you that the translation of verse [sic] 5 through 10 that we will be dealing with is radically different than the translation in the King James. If you have a problem with it, or even if you do not have a problem with it, if you are a student that wants to follow this through, I suggest that you get our message series, number 186, part 6 and find out how we rendered this other Alternate Translation, which is really saying something pretty much the opposite of what the King James says.

But, of course, those of us that have been studying with this ministry for any length of time know that it is not unusual for us to look up every word in the Greek or every word in the Hebrew and find out that a verse is saying something radically the opposite of what the King James translators have translated it to be. That is not unheard of. Can anybody say amen to that? We found that out, OK.

And when we get the -- an Alternate Translation, we found witnesses to that radically different translation in other places in the Bible. This is not coming out of somebody’s head. Everything has been proven and witnessed to over and over.

So, basically, -- let me just review this here. Basically, the King James translation says that Christ died for us, Christ meaning Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Jesus Christ of Nazareth was the Christ. He was a man whose mind was Christ. Therefore, He was Christ. We are men whose mind is what?


Carnal. So we are therefore?


Carnal, except for those of us who from time to time manifest Christ. OK, so there is a difference between the mind that was in that man Jesus and that man Jesus who had a mind which was Christ. What is the difference? That mind which was Christ could also be in you, in you, in you and in me. The physical man Jesus cannot be inside of you, you, you and me. Now, that man Jesus of Nazareth has since been crucified, ascended and resurrected and has been glorified. He has been converted into a spirit, so in spirit form He can be inside of you, you, you and me, and He is in fact inside of us; but the man Jesus of Nazareth could not be inside you, you, you and me. He is a man. How could another man be inside of you? But that mind that was inside of Him can be inside of many men. So the King James translators say that Christ died for us, but as we did an Alternate Translation on those verses, we found out that they were not talking about the man Jesus of Nazareth who was Christ, but those verses were talking about the Christ which died at the time of the fall.

And I just rem- -- that is all I am going to say about this right now. I just remind you of what I have been teaching you for a couple of years here, that you cannot take anything out of context. You have to study a word inside of the context of the whole verse. You have to study the context of the whole verse inside of the context of the whole chapter. You have to look for modifying words, and you have to look for contradictions if you are truly seeking the truth. If you do not want the truth, if you just want to be safe, then take it at face value, but if you want to go on with God, if you have got a thirst for knowledge, if you really want spiritual truth, if you want to become a spiritual man, if you want the promises of God, if you want to take a chance believing that if you make a mistake, the Lord will help you and deliver you and set you back on the right path -- do you want a fan on?


You want the fan on? You want the air conditioner on? You can put it on if you want it on. No? OK.

This is a mature study group, brethren. We are going into the spirit of the Word. We are on a very exciting adventure to find out the truth of our origins and what happened to man to bring us to this condition and what is God’s plan to save us from this hell that we exist in right now; and that is what we do here. So you cannot be a scaredy cat, because if you are, you are not going to survive in this ministry; but if you are a scaredy cat and you desire to survive in this ministry, rebuke that scaredy-cat spirit and pray to Jesus with all of your heart and your mind and your soul and tell Him that you want to be where He wants you to be, and that if this is where He wants you to help you overcome that scaredy-cat spirit, and you are going to make it, you are going to make it.

So, OK, let us try this thing. Romans 5:1. OK. We are going to back into verse [sic] 4. Do you know that the chapters -- excuse me, the chapters and the -- even the verse markings in the King James translation were not in the Greek? They were all put in by the King James translators. So sometimes you will see the beginning of a chapter where it really should not be a new chapter. So in order for us to understand verse 1 of chapter five, we really have to back into chapter 4 to understand what Paul is speaking about.

I will just read you verse 1 of chapter 5, and then we are going to back up to verse 18 of Romans 4. Verse 1, chapter 5: “Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord, Jesus Christ.” “Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

So to find out what Paul is talking about, we are backing up to verse 18 of chapter 4. Paul’s speaking about Abraham, “Who against hope believed in hope that he might become the father of many nations; according to that which was spoken, so shall thy seed be. And being not weak in faith” -- Abraham was strong in faith -- “he considered not his own body now dead when he was about 100 years old.”

That means that according to the ways of men, Abraham at 100 years old was incapable of fathering a child, but an angel had appeared to him and said, “Abraham, thy wife Sarah shall bear a son,” and we are told here that Abraham’s own body was dead in that he could no longer father a child.

“When he was about 100 years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb.” So Abraham was not capable of fathering a child, and his wife Sarah was not capable of bearing a child, and an angel appeared to them and said, “Thou shalt have a son, Abraham.”

Verse 20: “Abraham staggered not at the promise of God.” What promise? That he was going to have a son, but he was physically incapable -- well, when both he and his wife were physically incapable of bearing a child, God said to him that he would have a son, and Abraham did not stagger at this promise. He did not rebuke the angel and say, “Ah, what are you talking about? What are you playing me for?” He did not stagger. He believed that God was capable of anything.

“He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; and being fully persuaded that what God had promised, He was also able to perform.” So, you see, there is a time lapse between the promise and the receiving of the gift.

“And, therefore, it was imputed to Abraham for righteousness.” What was imputed to Abraham for righteousness? The fact that he believed God. With his own body and his wife’s body both dead to the possibility of bearing a child, he said, “I believe that God can do it.” And for that faith, not in himself, but in the power of his God, the Lord counted this faith as righteousness to Abraham.

You see, there is all different kinds of righteousness. The Book of Job says that Job was perfect. You may have heard me mention this once before. I never got over it. A friend of mine called me up on the phone years ago -- I was just a young disciple myself -- and told me she had just heard a preacher on the radio say that Job was perfect, and, therefore, Job was without sin. To be perfect, or even to be righteous, does not presuppose that you are without sin because there are different kinds of perfection and different kinds of righteousness.

And this faith that Abraham had in God that it -- because of that faith, righteousness was imputed to him. He was not without sin. To be truly experientially in reality righteous, you must be without sin. But God imputed righteousness to him, which meant that he still had sin, but God gave him all the benefits that he would give to someone who was without sin. That is what it means.

And in this hour, everybody who is moving in Christ has righteousness imputed to us, but we are not righteous. We are getting the benefits of being righteous. What is that? God speaks to us. God helps us. God teaches us. God fights for us. God delivers us. But we are all wicked sinners lost down here in hell; lost in sin, every one of us, but the great God, the creator of the universe has had mercy upon us.

So righteousness was imputed to Abraham, who is as big a sinner as the rest of us. Is he not the guy that went down to Egypt and gave his wife to Pharaoh? He was so scared that Pharaoh was going to kill him. He said, “You can have my wife.” That is not righteous to me; but he was favored of God, and God forgave his every sin.

Now, did God forgive his sin of turning his wife over as a concubine to Pharaoh, and said, go ahead, go? You see, because God forgives your sin; it does not mean you can do it. When God forgives your sin, He hinders you. God spoke to Pharaoh in the middle of the night. He said, “If you touch that woman, you are a dead man!” Pharaoh woke up in the morning, and he went looking for Abraham. He said, “What are you doing to me, man? Take your wife, and get out of town. I did not know you were married. Why did you not tell me?”

And as if that was not enough, Abraham’s son Isaac went and did the same thing. Talk about a family-line curse. He took a trip down to Egypt and was so scared of Pharaoh, he turned his wife over. So we see that the patriarchs were not righteous. You know, I minister to a Jewish rabbi. He gets very upset when I talk like this. I thought he was going to go right through my ceiling. He was sitting right where you were sitting one day. I thought he was going to go right through my wall. If it was not for the fact that he was really upset -- I am laughing too, except for the fact that he was really upset, and he really believes that the patriarchs were without sin. The patriarchs were human beings, sinners, just like we are, but men who had received favor from God, just like we have. Therefore, it is a very great sin for any of us who have received favor to condemn anyone who is in sin because we are no better than they are.

            [?True, yeah.?]

Amen. We have just received grace, and they have not received grace yet, but they are just as eligible to receive it as we were before we got it. Amen?

Verse 23. “Now, it was [sic] written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him, but for us, also, it wa-” -- I am sorry. “It was not written for his sake alone, that faith was imputed to him; but faith was imputed to him for all of his descendants, of which we are.”

We are his descendants. Which one of his descendants do we descend from? Which one of Abraham’s offspring do we descend from? Abraham had Isaac; Isaac had Jacob; Jacob had the 12 sons of Israel. Whom do we descend from? Anybody?


Yes, we descend from Abraham’s spiritual seed. His name is Christ, but Jesus is OK. Christ is Abraham’s spiritual seed, and everyone who was in Christ is a descendant of Abraham and entitled to the promises that God made to Abraham.

“So, this righteousness was not for him alone, but for us also, to whom it shall be imputed if we believe on Him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead.”

Brethren, righteousness is imputed upon you if we believe on or into the one who raised up our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead; and as I explained to you the other day -- let me put it on this message -- this is not an intellectual believing of your carnal mind. We have all kinds of reprobate people, Satanists included, who could sit down and say, I truly believe that Jesus Christ of Nazareth was raised from the dead, and I declare to you that righteousness was not imputed to these people.

We must believe into Him. You see, belief is a thought, and a thought is spirit. We must believe it with such a conviction that our thoughts or our spirit start to reach out for the very Son of God Himself.

We see this in our world. If a man or a woman are attracted to one another, it is a spiritual thing. Their minds and their emotions reach out to one another. We call it chemistry. We romanticize it in our society. We call it love at first sight, but it is two spirits reaching out from across the room. They have never seen each other before, but they spot each other, and music plays, “Maria, I just met a girl named Maria!” Right? Well, it is what happens in the spirit. It happens in the spirit.

We must believe with such an intensity that our mind or our heart reaches out towards the one who raised Jesus from the dead, the very Father Himself. Now, you cannot force yourself to reach out. It is not that you can lift up your arm and reach out. You have to believe in such a measure that you reach out and touch Him. But Jesus said someone touched my garment, and His disciples said, “What is the” -- you know, “What are you talking about, Master? You are being crushed by the crowd. What do you mean, somebody touched you?” Somebody touched Jesus of Nazareth with their mind. Their mind touched His spirit, because I want to tell you there was no power in His flesh to heal anybody. The power was in His spirit because His spirit was joined to the Father; so somebody had faith in their heart, and they reached out in the realm of the spirit, and touched His spiritual being and was healed.

“But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe into Him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead.” So righteousness shall be imputed to us when we touch the Father. Oh, actually, the one who raised up Christ from the dead was the Spirit of Christ. I have to correct that. It was the Spirit of Christ.

OK, verse 25: “Who was delivered” -- speaking about Jesus our Lord. “Who was delivered for our offenses” -- let me just go back to verse 4 [sic]. “If we believe on Him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead.” Speaking about the man, Jesus our Lord, and it was the Spirit of Christ in that mind of Christ that raised up the man Jesus after He died.

Verse 25: “Who was delivered for our offenses and was raised again for our justification.” Brethren, when the man of Jesus of Nazareth was crucified, He was crucified because man had fallen into sin. He was crucified for our offenses. We needed a savior because we had and are still having -- I do not know if I s- -- offended -- I do not know if I said that right. He was delivered up for the human race because of the sin of our original ancestor Adam and because of all the offenses that corporate humanity has made ever since then.

But when He was raised from the dead, He was raised for our justification, justification meaning righteousness. He was raised from the dead so that we could receive of His life. So there is an atonement. There is an atonement. It was necessary for Him to die because we had sinned, but in His resurrection, His life is imparted to humanity. So we see that what is known commonly as Jesus’ work on the cross is in more than one part, and it is necessary to dissect the parts to truly understand not only what was done for us, but, much more importantly, what is happening to us now and what is about to happen to us.

Brethren, I -- you know, years ago, they would let young married women into the labor room having no knowledge whatsoever what it was like to have a baby. That must have been -- is that what happened to you? That must have been abs- -- you too? That must have been terrible. You had no idea what was coming. You did not know what to expect, just discomfort, stress and pain with no information at all.

Jesus does not want us to be in that condition. We are about to bear the Christ child. The church is about to bear the Christ child. Whether you are in a male body or whether you are in a female body, your mind is about to give birth to the Christ child. The Scripture says, “Behold, I will do a new thing. There will be a man sitting with his hands on his loins as a woman in travail.” It is a spiritual travail that is bringing forth the Son of God in our minds. Jesus wants us to know what is happening. He wants us to know what to expect. He wants us to work with Him, and He wants us to have as little distress as possible, and I think it is a real possibility that there are going to be people in the church world who will be bearing this Christ child without this knowledge because He has called a lot of people to this teaching, and they do not want to come, and He just may choose to come forth in some of them anyway.

            Excuse me.

OK, starting with chapter 5. Therefore” -- what do you mean therefore? Because the Lord Jesus Christ was delivered for our offenses and was raised again so that we could have righteousness imputed to us just as Abraham received it, “Therefore, being justified or being made righteous by faith, we have peace with God through Jesus Christ.”

Now, this faith is no simple thing. Just as I told you that this believing in Jesus Christ is not an intellectual exercise of the carnal mind, in the same manner, I tell you that the faith by which we are justified is not our fallen, corrupt, reprobate, human faith. For us to be justified, we must have that glorified faith, which is the Lord Jesus Christ in us. Our faith will not do it. If our faith can raise us from the dead, we would have been raised from the dead a long time ago.

Brethren, there is no good thing in us. There is nothing in us by which we can save ourselves, so to say that we are justified by faith and think that it is our fallen human faith, how childish, how naïve, how silly. I am telling you again. I will say it over and over. I do -- it is not my intention to insult anybody, but if you hear this message, brethren, you have got to know that you have not been taught properly, that the church at large is not being taught properly, that this birth is coming forth. Whether you have been taught properly or not, God’s purpose and God’s plan is going to manifest in the Earth, and there will be a record at that time that at least one preacher, probably a lot more, but at least one preacher, preached the truth. And we had eight people in the meeting that she preached it at while thousands of people who are out there jumping and dancing and singing and listening to teaching about the rapture. And that is the truth. Very few, brethren, very few shall find the kingdom of God.

So, Romans 4:25 says that Jesus our Lord was raised up again for our justification, and Romans 5:9 says that we were justified by His blood. So we are told further in Romans 5:5 that “the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost, which is given to us.” So what am I saying? I am suggesting to you that the faith, which is made available to us in Romans 4:25, which justifies us in Romans 5:1, and which is identified as His blood in Romans 5:9 is the very same Holy Ghost which is shed abroad in our hearts in Romans 5:5. This is a parable, brethren. You cannot understand this mystery unless God opens it to you. Let me say it to you again. Romans 4:25 says that Jesus, our Lord, was raised up again for our justification. That means so that we might be made righteous. Romans 5:9 says that we are justified by His blood.

I feel someone is not understanding it. Let me take this a little more slowly. Verse 1 of Romans 5 says we are justified by faith. Verse 9 of chapter 5 says we are justified by His blood. So what am I saying to you if we are justified by faith and we are justified by His blood, I am suggesting to you that that faith, that is not ours, but the faith of God, is in the form of His spiritual blood. The scripture is a mystery. If you study math, they will give you a problem, for example, which says, if -- I am trying to think of an example like this. X equals 2. X equals -- let me put this on the board for you.

If you study advanced math, algebra, you might get -- or maybe -- I hear they are giving this to the kids in the early grades today. If you are told that X equals the number 2, X meaning unknown, OK, and if Y, another unknown equals the numeral 2, then we can say that X is the same or equals Y. Can you see that? If X equals 2 and Y equals 2, then X equals Y.

So over here we are saying, if we are justified by faith, justification equals faith, and we are justified by His blood, justification equals the blood of Jesus, then we could say that another way to say faith is the blood of Jesus, or faith is the blood of Jesus. The faith that is not of a human being, the faith that does not come from fallen man, but the faith which comes from God has a name, and the name of it is the spiritual blood of Jesus; not the red blood that fell on Golgotha Hill, but the spiritual blood of Jesus. And they were also told in another place that the life of the flesh is where?

            [?In the blood.?]

In the blood. So the life of fallen man is in our fallen blood, but the life of the resurrected glorified Christ is in His spiritual blood, and His spiritual blood is His spirit. So the faith that justifies us is the spiritual blood of Jesus Christ, which is what? The spirit of? Anybody?


The spirit of Christ. All right. The spirit of Christ is equal to the blood of Jesus, and the blood of Jesus is equal to the faith, which justifies us. Any questions on this? I know. You come to church; you learn the science; you learn the math. Interesting. Glory to God. Thank God for this message. It is alive. It is alive. It is alive. There is life in it.


Any questions before I go on? OK. Glory to God.

And Romans 5:5 says that “the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts,” and I -- and that is the Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. And I am suggesting to you that in f- -- chapter 5, verse 1, the faith spoken about there which justifies us is just expressed in a different way in verse 5, where it is described as “the love of God which is shed abroad in our heart,” and that in verse 9, it is just expressed in another way as the blood of Jesus, and I would like to remind you that the Lord does not do this. He does not do what? He does not express the same concept in a multitude of ways because He is trying to make you stumble. Every time He expresses a spiritual concept in a different way, it means that there is a variation in the manifestation of that spiritual concept. What you have heard me preach most frequently is one spirit; many administrations thereof. That is what you have heard me preach.

Therefore, because God counted Abraham’s faith for righteousness, and because that righteousness was just not imputed to Abraham, but to Abraham’s offspring, and that includes all of us who are in Christ, therefore, we are justified. Righteousness has been imputed to us also. Glory to God. But I remind you, back to verse 24, it is imputed to us if we believe into Him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead.

So Paul is speaking to the Romans and, assuming that everybody that He is speaking to is touching the heart of God, he says, “You have had righteousness imputed to you because of the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ, which has been shed abroad in your heart, in the form of the Holy Spirit.”

If you have the Holy Spirit in your heart, I know that your faith has touched heaven. How do I know? He responded to you. You reached out to Him, and His response to you was to shed his Holy Spirit abroad in your heart.

Brethren, ladies, if you have a baby, I know that you have been to bed with a man at least once in your life. Do you hear what I am saying? If you have the Holy Ghost shed abroad in your heart, I know that there was an exercise of faith on your part that touched heaven, and heaven opened and poured out something upon you in response to your faith; but you would not have the ability to reach out and touch heaven if righteousness was not imputed to you because you are Abraham’s seed.

Before the sacrifice of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, at the time that Israel was at its height in its relationship to the Lord, anyone outside of Israel could have exercised all of the faith in the world, and they could not have penetrated into heaven because they were not Abraham’s seed; but in this hour, the whole human race is Abraham’s seed.

How can I say that? Because a human being, a man -- His name was Jesus of Nazareth -- attained unto righteousness and was raised from the dead by the Father, and because the firstfruits is holy, the whole --

[?Whole lump.?]

-- lump is holy. The whole lump of spiritual clay, which is this creation, is holy. That means if you reach out in faith, you have the ability within you, every human being alive, to touch Him, and we know every human being alive who touched heaven. Why? Because when you touch heaven, there is a response from heaven. You cannot touch God and not have Him touch you back. You cannot touch God and not have Him touch you back. Some people touch God, and they think they are going to get what they need, and He is not going to touch them back.


And a couple of years later, something that they cannot see is stalking them, and they think it is the devil, but it is not the devil. It is Jesus Christ touching you back saying, “I want you. I heard your prayer, and I answered your prayer, and I am laying claims on you. I am marking you as mine, and I want you; and if you do not come, I am going to take you anyway.”


I just ha- -- I have a witness for you here, Galatians 2:20, a witness that we do not -- that we are not justified by any faith or belief, that the heart of man possesses, but by the faith of the Son of God which has penetrated us and dwells in us.

Paul says in Galatians 2:20: “And the life which I now live in the flesh” -- that means in this body -- “I live by faith -- by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

And Romans 7:18 says, “For I know that in me, that is in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing; for to will is present with me, but how to perform that which is good, I cannot figure out how to do it.” For in me is -- dwelleth no good thing. I desire to do good, but how to do it, I just have not been able to figure it out yet. Do not have the power to do it. Do not have the power to do it.

And we are still with Romans 5:1, “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” So we are justified by faith; we are justified by the faith of the Son of God; we are justified by the spiritual life of Jesus Christ, which is now glorified and in the Earth -- glory to God. And we now have peace with God.

This question of peace with God, brethren; you cannot have peace with your neighbors, and you cannot have peace with your enemies, and you cannot have peace with your friends. There is no peace unless you have peace with God, and so long as your carnal mind, as your own will, is trying to run your life and do your thing, after Jesus Christ has reached out for you, you will have no peace until He brings you into submission to His will in your life. As we read about the account of Jacob and the angel, if He has to, He will break your leg. He will do anything necessary to break you and turn you towards Him and bring you into submission to Him and impart true peace and happiness to you.

We are our own worst enemy. The natural man, all of us, will fight God to the death because we perceive Him as an alien, hostile force trying to steal our lifestyle from us, trying to control us, trying to bring us into bondage; but the truth is that we already controlled and that we are already in bondage to the prince of this world, his name is?


Satan. It is just that He has been controlling us so long that we think we are running our own life, but it is not true. And if you honestly evaluate yourself and there is something that you would like to do, as I just read in another verse, and you do not have the power to do it -- you cannot figure out how to do it -- then you need to know that you are in bondage to someone or something that is making you do something that you do not want to do. And Jesus Christ is coming to bring you under His authority so that He can bless you and deliver you from every bondage.

But because our mind is fallen and spiritually insane, we see the Lord Jesus Christ as an enemy coming to capture and enslave us, and we fight with Him to the death. So He has to knock us down, and He has to beat us up, and it depends on how -- depending on how strong a will we have, that is how hard He has to knock us. I am a very strong-willed person; He had to beat me to a pulp. I just wish I did not have to go through what I went through. I am glad He did it. I would not want to go through it again, but I am glad He got me where I am now; but I would not want to go through it again, and I tell you that.

And, you know, a lot of people do not understand me now. They think that I -- they do not believe me. They do think I am for real. A lot of the things I say and the way I think and the things I feel, they cannot believe it because I guess it is not human. They attribute motives to me that I do not have. They cannot believe the motives that I do have. They keep expecting me to be like other men. I am not telling you that I am perfect or that I am Christ. I am not saying anything like that, but I am telling you that in a lot of everyday nitty-gritty human relationships, my reactions are not typical; and a lot of people cannot figure me out because I am not like them. I do not think like them; I do not feel like them; I do not do like them because I have been utterly crushed by the Lord Jesus Christ. And now I think and I do what I feel like I can because it is Him thinking and doing and feeling through me. So if you are expecting me to act like the other people you have known all your life, you are going to wait a long time to see it happen because even if I mess up every now and then, I usually get back up on the horse real fast. If I slip and fall down, usually it does not last for too long.

OK. So we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. That peace -- we are brought to that peace when He crushes our rebellion. “And the God of peace shall shortly bruise Satan under your feet” -- Satan in your mind. The God of peace, the God who makes peace, makes peace by bringing up Christ in your own mind and crushing the rebellion which is in Satan.

God is a god of order. He does not operate in rebellion. He does not operate in sloppiness. He is very military. His name is the Lord of Hosts, and that Hebrew word translated hosts means army. He is the Captain of the Host. He is a military commander. He speaks, and He expects you to do, and if you do not do, the next thing you know, you are running to your -- to someone to pray for you because Satan is after you. No, Satan is not after you. That is the Lord that is after you. You went the wrong way. He told you not to do it! He spoke to you as clear as a bell in an audible voice. He said, “Do not do it!” And then those without understanding say, how could God let that happen to me? He must be a myth. I want to tell you, there is a spiritual Leavenworth, and it is very real. Glory to God.

So I want to talk a little bit about the finished work of the cross. We have a big problem in the church. I am always talking about the problems in the church. We have a lot of Christians that come to preachers like me and say, what are you talking about? Do you not know that Jesus did everything on the cross? Now, repeat after me, I am saved; I am healthy. I do not have any problems. I have all the money I need. I have all the food I need. Any problem that I have is in my mind. And then you send the person away. And they f- -- they look up to heaven and they say, I must be losing my mind. I went to this preacher for help, and he just told me it is all in my mind. What am I going to eat for dinner? He just told me I am healed, and I too sick to work. These Christians are nuts.

It is happening in the church. So there must be some wrong thinking there. I am not here to mock anybody. I am just making a point. There has got to be an answer to this, and this is the answer. Jesus said, “It is finished.” He said it is done. Yes, the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ was completed. The provision that would enable the very life of God to be reproduced in each individual human being is completed. It is like saying a man has come into maturity or of a stage of maturity by which He can beget children. That is what we have got: the seed of God in the heavenlies, and it is in this hour sowing it into the earth of our hearts, which are female. The finished work is the completion of the male seed. Now you got to get the woman pregnant so that she can have the baby, so that she can be saved by childbearing and that Christ can marry His bride the church. That is just like saying you are married; you should be pregnant. No, there is something else you have to do after you put the ring on her finger before she gets pregnant, unless babies come by the stork. I do not know.

The seed is prepared, brethren, but the bride is really not having the baby, just a very small company of believers that are pregnant. The church is by and large rejecting her husband, and it looks like He is letting them do it because He has a plan. He is going to take a small group first because His church is so carnal that they cannot recognize His Spirit. They cannot hear His Spirit. If they hear His Spirit, they do not listen to Him anyway. He says do not do it; they go out and do it. He says go to the left; they go to the right.

So He has a plan. He is going to appear in a small group of men who speak language, and He is going to give them spiritual power to back them up, and He is going to send them to the multitudes, and He is going to speak His instructions to them in language that cannot be denied; and disobedience is going to result in judgment, which result in the mercy of God -- judgment is the mercy of God -- which will enable these people to obey the voice of God.

Why? So that they could stop dying and enter into the life. If your 2-year-old runs out in front of a car, you hit his behind because it could kill him. That is what God is going to do to us. We are going to kill ourselves. The human race is killing itself, and we will not stop. So a judgment must come; a correction must come; a discipline must come. And we are just going to keep on dying, and He loves us too much for that.

So this finished work of the cross is what? Can anybody tell me what it is? What is the finished work of the cross?



No, the finished work of the cross is the preparation of the male seed. The finished work of the cross is the preparation of the completed male seed. It is ready to go because we are saved in childbearing. We are saved in childbearing. The human race must become pregnant with the man-child of Revelation 12. You have got to have the baby! Me having a personal Savior in me is not going to save you. I have some power to help you. I can pray for you. I have some power to help you. You have got to get your own Christ. He has to be growing inside of you. You must have Christ internalized in you. You must have God in the midst of you. You must have God speaking to you. I am only here for a season. You cannot stay an infant forever. You have got to grow up.

So I am going to read you my notes here. The finished work of the cross is the crucifixion, resurrection and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 5:5 calls this the Holy Ghost, which is the seed, which is given to us, and the pouring out of that Holy Ghost upon all flesh is the love of God towards us. This is the love of God towards us shed abroad in our heart. It is His salvation in seed form. So the finished work of Calvary is the Holy Ghost, but we are not -- excuse me -- brethren, we are not save by the Holy Ghost. You are not saved by the Holy Ghost. Who are you saved by? Anybody know?


You are saved by Christ. You are saved by union with the Son. He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit. Your spirit was joined with the Lord’s Spirit for you to be truly saved.

So Romans 5:10 says that we are reconciled or brought back into fellowship with God by the death of His son. This is speaking about the whole of humanity. I spoke about this earlier. Romans 5:9 says, we are justified or made righteous by His blood. This is speaking of the conception of Christ or the engrafting of the Word to the individual.

OK, we are reconciled back unto God by the death of the Son, and we are made righteous by His life in two stages. OK, the death of the Lord Jesus Christ reconciles us to God. What does that mean? It means it permits us to have a relationship to God. That means because Jesus Christ of Nazareth was crucified, raised from the dead, ascended unto heaven, and in this hour is pouring out of His Spirit and is present in the Earth, any human being on the face of the Earth that cries out to God with an honest heart and repentance in that heart has access to the throne of God and can expect an answer from the Lord; and that was not true before the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The resurrection of the Lord Jesus justifies us. What does justification mean? Anybody? It makes us righteous in the eyes of God. There are two stages of justification. Let me make that -- I did not make this clear. The death of the Lord Jesus Christ reconciles us to God, and He is in the form of the Holy Spirit. We are reconciled to God because the Holy Spirit is in the Earth, and it becomes real to us when He comes into our earth. The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ makes us righteous in God’s eyes, and that is in two stages. The first stage, can anybody tell me?


We are justified by His blood. Remember? We are justified by His blood. How does His blood get inside of us?


OK, the first stage is that -- the engrafted Word. James speaks about the engrafted Word. Sometimes here we call it conceiving Christ. The engrafted Word or the engrafted Lord Jesus, He engrafts to our soul. He engrafts to our soul. What part of our soul does He engraft to? Anybody? The what? Where? The human spirit. A woman does not conceive in her ear. She conceives in the fallopian tubes, and that baby, that embryo implants -- it is not even an embryo. Whatever it is implants in her womb. When the Lord Jesus Christ engrafts to us, He engrafts to our human spirit. It does not engraft to our carnal mind. It does not engraft to Satan. He engrafts to our human spirit. She is the female seed.

And the second stage of justification by His blood is known as full stature. It is the maturing of this engrafted Word to full maturity, full stature or maturity. It is like saying -- or it is the -- it is like comparing a woman who was one day pregnant with a woman with a full-term fetus -- a ni- -- a fetus in the ninth month. This is a full stature, is having a fetus that is full term, but not yet born. You are not really born again until you penetrate out of this uterine cavity that we exist in. This whole world can be likened to a woman’s uterus. We have to pass out of here and see what is outside of this place, and when that happens, we know we are fully born. And the name of that experience is? Anybody?


Glorification. Jesus Christ of Nazareth has been fully born. He penetrated beyond this world into the world of His father. He was fully born into the world of God’s Spirit; and now that He is a mature, fully born man, He can go back and forth between heaven, which is the world of His Father’s Spirit, and hell, which is this world system, and He goes back and forth without penalty. He is described in Daniel 7 as the ancient of days. He is the man who has matured to a measure of maturity such that He no longer needs a what? A human body. So the man Jesus of Nazareth, He still needed a human body to live; and when they killed that human body, He was fully dependent upon his Father to either let Him die or raise Him from the dead. That man Jesus needed that body. His mind was a fully mature mind of Christ, but the form that He was in was in needed that human body; and in His full dependency upon His Father, He was exalted into a higher realm where He no longer needed a body but could take on the form of the body if He so desired.

And we saw Him appear as Jesus of Nazareth before the crucifixion. We saw Him appear as another nameless man that possibly never even existed in the Earth, and in this hour, we see him appearing where? In us. In us. Yes. In human beings that were born in sin and [UNINTELLIGIBLE] in iniquity that knew nothing of God, and He is dwelling in us by His Holy Spirit, which is penetrating us and joining with us and reproducing His nature in us through the above stages. He is engrafting to our human spirit, and He is giving us a whole series of experiences, which we will read about in verse 3 and 4, I believe, that will result in His Son attaining to full stature in us.

And all of this is because He loves us. We are told in verse 4 -- in verse 5 that He is shedding the Holy Ghost abroad in our heart because this is His sign of His love for us. So, you see, some people want to be loved; they think they want to be loved. What they are looking for is a feeling. Love is not a feeling. Love is what you do for somebody or what is done for you. God loves us, and, therefore, He has made a provision to deliver us out of the hell of this world system.

Now, at some point, you will become delivered enough so that you will ha- -- feel comfort in your emotions; but relief from your present distress in your emotions is not necessarily a sign that you are loved because what you may be going through right now is a bad time which is causing you pain which you must pass through before you can enter into the peace and contentment that is promised to us.

Love is an action word. You might feel if you are a married woman that your husband is not romantic enough, but that does not meant that he does not love you. Romance and love are two different things. Love is commitment; love is responsibility; love is the honor; love is respect. Under certain circumstances laid out very clearly in the Scripture, you can join that form of love with sexual activity, or you can have it without sexual activity. You do not need to sexual activity to love somebody. What has happened is that God has said if you want sex, you should do it in the context of a whole, loving relationship, and, therefore, you will not get burnt, but they are two totally different things.

OK. Romans 5:9 says that we shall be saved from wrath through or because of Him; and Romans 5:10 says, more specifically, that we shall be saved by His life. OK, this being saved from wrath is referring to the engrafted Word, the first stage of justification; and to be saved by His life -- before we can be saved by His life, His life must be appearing in us; and His life is Christ, and that is the second stage of justification.

Romans 5:11 says that our Lord Jesus Christ is the one, or the seed, by which we have received the atonement or the atoning blood. Now, you have heard it preached that the atoning blood is that red blood that dripped down on Calvary. You may have heard it preached that as God requires animal sacrifices under the Old Covenant, the man Jesus of Nazareth was in place of the cow or the bull or the goat and God slaughtered Him because He likes the smell of blood. This is not true. This is the carnal mind’s understanding of this concept. It is not true.

The atoning blood -- and we will go -- I am not going to spend too much time on it because we are going to find it in verse 11. We are going to go into it. The atoning blood is the drop of the blood of Jesus’ life which atones for your personal sins. Brethren, I do not know how to make this any more clear to you or to whoever is listening to this message. If I have atoning blood in my life, I am limited as to what I can do for you. I can pray for you, and I can help you, but you must get your own atoning blood inside of your own head and inside of your own heart. I can pray for you. I can preach to you. I can minister to you, but it is not going to do you one bit of good if it does not get inside of you. It has got to get inside of you, and it has got to start to grow inside of you for it to be the atoning blood.

The example that I use is if I was from Mars or if I was from the hill country and I had never seen a civilized household and I had no idea what electricity was and I was in this house and all of these lights were out and it was daytime, so I did not need the lights, and my host left me here, and the darkness came, if I did not know enough to turn these lights on, I would be sitting here in the darkness.

The atoning blood of the Lord Jesus Christ is very present. It is available, but if it does not get inside of you, it cannot do you any more good than these lights would do for the man who was sitting in the darkness. You have got to make it yours. It has got to stick to you. It has got to start functioning in you. It has to start working for you, and the Scripture for that is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Christ in you, the hope of glory -- Christ, the second generation of Christ appearing in the individual in this hour as a result of great stress and intense warfare. If you think your carnal mind is letting Him in without a fight, you are naïve.  

Can you hold it till the end of the message?

I have been telling you for a long time, Satan does not really get nervous when you go to church. He does not even really bother too much when you have the Holy Ghost. He is all over the Pentecostal church with false prophecy and kitchen-table witchcraft. Everybody that has been around knows that. False doctrine, false everything; Satan is not nervous about the Holy Ghost at all, but when that atoning blood starts engrafting to you, when you get a revelation of the war and you start waging it, you had better expect retaliation and warfare on a day-to-day basis, or you shall be overcome.

And I look around me. I have told you this before. I see two categories of people in this war: very mature people that are just toughened up by life with lots of life experiences, and then some young people who, for whatever reason, God has made a judgment that if they do not get this atoning blood right now they may not make it. I see two categories of people in this war right now. Nobody that I know of is here by their own choice. Everyone is forced here by hardship circumstances.

OK. Boy, I am going very slow tonight. Let us try to get on with this.

So we are still in Romans 5:1: “Therefore, by being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Who is having peace with God? Ephesians 4:17-18: “This is I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their mind” -- he is talking to the people at Ephesus, talking to the church -- “having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness of their heart.”

So it is the church that is at war with God. Brethren, the only one that is at the war with God is the one that He is trying to apprehend. The people out in the world do not have any problems. They are healthy. They are happy. They are financially successful. Most of them are making it, no problems; but if He is chasing after you, if the Lord is calling you now and you are not coming, you have got trouble in your life. And most of us that have been around for a while know that almost everyone that comes to the Lord comes in great trouble because it is the trouble that drives you to God.

Alternate Translation, Romans 5:1: “Therefore, being made righteous by Christ, we have peace with God because of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Well, another way to say that -- that is really not the best way to say it. I will put it into better English after I do verse 2 because they go together, but what it is really saying is, because of the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, we now have Christ engrafted to our heart, and, therefore, we have peace with God because He has beaten us into submission. That is what it is saying.

Continuing with verse 2: “By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand and rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.” The Greek word translated access is 4318, and it means the act of bringing to, to approach or to advance. We are going to use the word advance.

Jesus clearly said, “My Father is greater than I.” When Jesus was glorified, He became so one with the Father that you cannot tell them apart. He evolved into a greater manifestation. If you have the Holy Spirit in you, the Holy Spirit is the manifestation of the power of God which is likened to a male seed. The child is greater than the male seed. The teenager is greater than the infant. There is an evolution.

The apostles had more authority than the church 2,000 years ago. The one who has a more mature Christ is the one who has authority in the church today or in the church 2,000 years ago. If you are in a church and the person that is claiming authority does not have a mature Christ, you better pray to God about going someplace else. Now, sometimes God lets you sit in a congregation when you are more mature than the pastor, but you better make sure that it is God; and if it is God, you are still respected [sic] to acknowledge his authority because God made him head over that house.

But the person with the mature Christ is supposed to be the one with the authority, supposed to be the one teaching, supposed to be the one preaching, supposed to be the one correcting, supposed to be the one counseling, and the way you know that everything is in right order is by measuring the fruit. Is there fruit in the ministry? Is there fruit in your life? Are there signs and wonders? Are prayers being answered? Is maturity coming forth? Are you overcoming problems? Are you stronger? Are you wiser? Are you coping better? Is your life changing? Are you growing? There has to be fruit, or run for the hills.

So we are going to translate the word access to advance, as in evolution.

“By whom also we had advanced by faith into this grace wherein we stand.” Well, our faith is Christ. We already established that, and grace we have established on many messages that grace is also Christ. So how come this verse is speaking about Christ twice? Now, we came up against this kind of situation in our studies in Revelation frequently, but I think it was before your time. This goes all the way back, and we found out that when the Scripture is speaking about two things that are really the same but with just a slight subtle difference -- like, we can say one spirit; two different administrations -- the same spirit but a subtle difference. God will name two words in a verse that really mean the same thing, and then you have to pray and ask the Lord for the subtle difference; and what I am suggesting to you is that these words, faith and grace being in the same verse is speaking about the two stages of the imparted anointing: the engrafted Word and full stature. They are both Christ, and in one, an immature Christ, and one, a mature Christ. Faith is Christ; grace is Christ: one, the immature Christ, and the other, the mature Christ.

So let us go on. Well, I am just going to read this to you here. I have a lot of notes here today. We are justified by faith in two stages: the immature, imparted anointing (or also called the engrafted Word), and the mature imparted anointing, Christ in full stature. Verse 1 of chapter 5 makes the general statement that we are justified by faith, but verse 2 breaks justification down into its two stages with the terms “access by faith,” which is the engrafted Word, and this grace wherein we stand, which describes full stature, and the following Scriptures show the relationship between grace and Christ.

Romans 5:15: “But not as the offense, so also is the free gift. For if through the offense of one many be dead, much more of the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, has abounded unto many.”

Romans 3:24: “Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.”

We are still in verse 2: “By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand.” The Greek word translated stand is 2476, and it means to cause to make stand. We have had that word many times. We know that to be spiritually impotent is described in the scripture as lying in a bed, and to be standing typifies spiritually virile; and to be sitting up in bed, which some of us are these days, is to be someone who is spiritually impotent who is slowly being raised up. So what this verse is saying, that Christ in us, the engrafted Word in us as He matures into full stature, causes us to stand up. We shall be standing when Christ arrives at full stature. We are sitting in the bed when the seed is engrafted to us.

There is an evolution of resurrection. We have studied that here, three stages of resurrection, and within each stage is a series of events. It is day by day by day. You are striving to attain to the next stage of resurrection. Right now, we are striving to attain to the first stage of resurrection, and we are fighting wars, and there is rumors of wars, and there is all kinds of trouble that we are overcoming, and the end of this whole series of experiences will be that we shall attain to the first stage of resurrection.

The word hope means the expectation of something good; and glory, I remind you, is the Spirit of God in this world system.

Alternate Translation, Romans 5:2: “By whom we have been advanced from the engrafted Word into Christ Jesus -- advance or evolved from the engrafted Word into Christ Jesus, our personal Savior and the God in the midst of us by whom we stand; and we rejoice in the expectation of the appearance of God in this world system, which is hell.”

I put the verse 1 and 2 together: “Therefore, being made righteous by Christ, we now have peace with God because of the Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have advanced from the engrafted Word into Christ Jesus, our personal Savior and the God in the midst of us by which we stand; and we rejoice in the expectation of the appearance of God in the hell of this world system.”

Now, we are going to do verses 3, 4 and the first half of 5 as one verse: “And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also, knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope; and hope maketh not ashamed.” The Greek word translated worketh is Strong’s 2716, and that is speaking about working into our nature, working into our nature. The word patience is Strong’s 5281, and it means endurance.

I do not know about you, but the word endurance to me is a very different word than patience, a very different word than patience. Endurance to me is a warfare word. You endure -- Paul said endure hardship like a good soldier. Patience is good -- it is not a bad thing to have patience, but it is more like a parlor game quality. We need endurance in Christ, brethren, because these trials and these wars go on for long periods of time, and we must learn how to abide in pain. I was speaking to someone about that today. We must learn to abide in pain. As I have told you many times, the first thing Satan tries to get you with is pleasure. That is his first line of defense. He will tempt you with pleasure, money, power. That is what he does to the youngsters. Once you are tough enough to overcome that stuff, he goes after you with what?


Pain. Pain. Pain. Jesus was baptized into suffering. There is a baptism of suffering, and God is challenging us to abide in the pain, abide in the discomfort. Do not let it control you. What do I mean abide? Do not let it control you. Do not let it control you. Something in you is driving you to do something that the Lord does not want you to do so that you can get relief from this pain.

And there is a technique of just abiding in the pain. When you try to make it go away, you are spinning your wheels, and you are using all of your energy to make it go away. It is not going away anyway, and you are wearing down your defenses. I do not -- I do not know how to tell you to do it. I am just telling you that there is a way to do it. Just ask God to show it to you. I do not know how to explain it to you. Ask him to show it to you. There is a way to abide in the pain. You do not stop functioning. You keep on going. You just live with it.

And we know that things like this exist in the natural. Some people live all their life with arthritic pain or all forms of physical pain. I lived with physical pain for years. You cannot make it go away, and you are draining yourself of all of your energies if that is how you are dealing with it.

Father, I just pray that you show them all how to abide in the pain without letting it control them.

Ladies, when you are in the labor room, you abide in the pain. There are some things you could do. You can go study Lamaze, and they will teach you how to breathe. There is something you can do to relieve yourself, but the pain will be there until you deliver. You can scream, and you can yell, and you could stamp your feet all that you want, and the pain will abide until you deliver. Deliver who?

[?The Christ child.?]

The Christ child. Amen.

Let me read this for you again. Oh, I am sorry. No, I will not go back to that.

OK, so we glory in trouble. Tribulation is trouble also. Not only are we rejoicing and expecting the appearance of God in the hell of this world system, but we are rejoicing in trouble. How do you rejoice in trouble? You get a revelation that the trouble is building Christ in you. As much as it hurts, what makes it bearable is that you know this trouble is building Christ in you. Ladies, when you are on the labor table, what makes it bearable is that you know in another few hours you are going to have a beautiful baby in your arms. It is important that you keep reminding yourself that you are in labor to bring forth the Christ child. You have got to keep telling yourself that, because if you lose sight of your goal, you could really freak out from the torment. You have got to keep your goal in sight. You are pregnant in the labor room, and you are bearing the Christ child, and the pain is continuous with short periods of rest in between contractions.

So “tribulation worketh endurance, and endurance leads to experience.” Now, what does that mean? You have never heard a translation like this before. Listen. When Christ brings you to a place where you are strong enough to endure, He is going to bring many experiences into your life. What kind of experiences? Painful, fiery trials into your life. Is the Lord going to bring painful, fiery trials into your life when you do not have endurance? Is He going to bring it into your life when it is going to wipe you out? No. No, but as soon as the Lord Jesus Christ sees endurance appearing in you, the trials will increase; and as you are overcome and become stronger, the trials will increase. Do not the labor contractions intensify as you get closer to the birth, all the mothers here? They come faster, and they come stronger. Amen? OK.

So, trouble works endurance into your character, and when you have endurance in your character, fiery trials or experiences will come upon you; and the Hebrew -- the Greek word translated experience is 1362 -- I am sorry, 1382, and that word means proof of character. The reason the trial is coming upon you is to prove your endurance. Is it of Christ, or is it of the natural man? Is it of Christ, or is it of the natural man? And as the trials continue to flow -- you see, at the beginning, these trials could be overcome by any strong natural man; but as the trials increase, you are going to find out that there are trials that no natural man could overcome; and the end of the whole thing is that it will be revealed that your endurance is not in Adam, but in Christ.

So “trouble builds endurance; endurance brings trials that are going to prove your character; and the trials that are going to prove your character result in hope; and hope is a -- an expectation of the good things of God; and hope maketh not ashamed,” and this Greek word translated maketh not ashamed means does not dishonor you.

Now, I want to read to you this Alternate Translation. It is very exciting. I have been listening to this -- these verses for years, and it just does not do justice to the Word of the God.

Listen to this Alternate Translation: “But we rejoice in our hardships as well.” Now, just let me go back up. “In addition to the expectation of the appearance of God in this world, we also rejoice in our hardships as well, understanding that trouble builds endurance; and that endurance shall be tried by experiences, which shall prove whether we are Fallen Adam or Christ; and that by responding to those experiences out of our Christ mind shall not dishonor us, but rather produce an expectation of good things from God.”

It is a good thing to wage the warfare that will result in our responding out of Christ. It is a good thing, and it will not bring dishonor to us. When we respond out of our carnal mind, it brings dishonor and shame unto us. Responding out of Christ brings honor to you, and as you see yourself overcoming in Christ, it brings a hope that builds faith. We would call it faith. I am going through this now, that no matter what is happening -- I have been through so much; I have overcome so much, that I am just standing like I have never stood before, knowing that my God is in heaven, that He is faithful, that He is all powerful, that He is benevolent, and that He fully intends to bring victory to every righteous pursuit I put my foot to. And I have never seen Him answer prayer the way He is answering prayers these days. I have never seen anything like it because my heart is towards Him. And I am serving Him, and I am fighting for His people; and every place I put the sole of my foot, everything I attack, I am victorious, if I just do not panic while I am waiting to see the results.

He cannot fail, and He will not fail. He is not a man, but aside from all that, He wants to appear more than we want Him to appear. He is really doing it for Himself. So when you pray a righteous prayer, and you are waging a righteous warfare, you better believe He is right there ahead of you because He wants the results more than you do. Just make sure that your desires and your hearts -- and your heart and your motives line up with Christ, and you are undefeatable. You are undefeatable. If someone kills you, He will raise you from the dead. You are undefeatable; just line up with Him.

There is protection under His cover. When you are doing His work, when you are blessing His people, when you are saving the lives of the people who He wants to save, when you are praying for the people that He wants blessed, He is doing it. He is honoring every prayer out of your mouth. I have had three people within this last month say to me, I see your prayers coming to pass in my life. Exactly what you prayed for, I see it happening. That is very exciting to me. He said to Samuel the prophet, “Not one word out of your mouth will fall to the ground.” Why? Because every word that Samuel prayed, it was the will and purpose of God. Why would God not perform it? Actually, four people said that to me in the last month. I forgot about Michelle [SP]. You said that to me too, that what I pray came to pass. Four people in the last month said that to me. Very exciting. I have never seen Him move the way He is moving. Time is very short.

OK, we are now going to review the Alternate Translations that we did on message number 186, part 6. I mentioned this and explained it to you in the beginning of the message; and Lord willing, for the next part, part 2 of this message, we will work up Alternate Translations for verses 12 through 21.

Verse 5 -- this is the second half of verse 5: “Because the gift of God, which is the Holy Ghost, is poured out into our carnal minds as an expression of God’s love.”

Let me put that whole thing together for you. This is verses 3 through 5: “But we rejoice in our hardships as well, as in our -- as in the knowledge of God’s good intentions, understanding that trouble builds endurance; and that endurance shall be tried by experiences, which shall prove whether we are Fallen Adam or Christ; and that responding to those experiences out of our Christ mind shall not dishonor us, but rather produce an expectation of good things from God because the gift of God, which is the Holy Ghost, is poured out into our carnal minds as an expression of God’s love.”

So all this is going to happen. All this is going to happen. We are going to be reconciled. We are going to be justified. We are going to have endurance worked into our life. We are going to be tried. Expectation of positive things from God is going to come into our heart all because the Holy Ghost is shed abroad in our heart, and in the next few verses we are going to find out why God has shed the Holy Ghost in our heart.

But I just wanted to point out to you at this point that the average person in the street, as well as in the church, has evil expectations from God. They are afraid of going to hell. They are afraid of Him destroying this world system. They are afraid of His vengeance. They are afraid of His torment. They are afraid of His punishment and His vindictiveness, and they are afraid of His evil; and there is a lie being perpetrated around the world about the nature of our God.

And He wants the church, and He wants the world to know that He is benevolent. He is good. He is merciful. He is righteous. He loves us. Yes, He corrects our sins. Yes, He disciplines; and no chastisement is pleasant while it is happening, but it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness. It will bring forth Christ in you, and it will bring good things into your life; and joy cometh in the morning. Do not despise the chastening of the Lord, brethren. It is saving your life. Do not despise it. Do not despise it. Do not push against the pricks: lean into it, confess your sins, repent, take the correction, cry out to God. If He were not chastening you, it would mean you are a bastard. Do not despise it. Do not. Glory to God.

So please remember that the Holy Ghost engrafts to the human spirit, which is a part of the living soul, and then advances into Christ in us, or evolves into Christ in us, which is the hope of glory or of full stature. Verses 6 through 8 of Romans 5 tells us why it is necessary for us to receive the Holy Ghost. Verse 9 reviews the actual spiritual details of God’s plan of salvation for His wife, the living soul. Verse 10 tells us why the full stature is preferable to the engrafted Word, and verse 11 sums it all up by explaining that we could never receive the atonement or attain to full stature if it were not for the work -- or I should say the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Please note, if you go back to message 186 to review this, that I have changed verse 8. Verse 8 will not sound like it sounded on message 186, part -- I think it was part 6 -- part 6. I amplified it further. I put it into better English and changed it so that it would more adequately express or more accurately express what I believe God was saying in that verse. And then I also combined verse 8 with verse 9 because the two verses are one thought.

Verse 6 -- now, remember, verse sixes -- 6 through 8 is telling us why it is necessary for us to receive the Holy Ghost, to be reconciled to God, to be justified before God in two stages, the engrafted Word in full stature. Why is this necessary?

Verse 6: “Because in the Age of Innocence, which is now passed, Christ -- the mind of Christ, the immature Christ -- died when He failed to distinguish between good and evil, and we were cast down to this present evil age with Him and became ungodly.”

Does not [sic] the scripture say in Adam we all sinned, although we have not sinned after the similitude of Adam; but because he sinned, in him we all sin. Is that not what the Scripture says? Does anybody not know that the Scripture says that? That our sin goes back to the fall of our original ancestor Adam. We are all sinners, and none is good; no, not one, even though we have not sinned, after the similitude of Adam. In Adam, all die; but in Christ, all shall be made alive.

Let me read you this Alternate Translation again. This is why we need the Holy Ghost, brethren. We are fallen. And what does The Fall mean? Well, this is what it means. In the Age of Innocence, which is now passed -- let me tell you what the Age of Innocence is. The Age of Innocence was the age when the creation known as Righteous Adam was -- well, the creation known as Adam was righteous. He had a potential for sin, but he had not yet been tested. He was righteous because he had not committed any sin, but he had the potential for sin; but that Righteous Adam fell. He was tested, and he sinned; and the mind of Christ in the man Adam died, and this event is known as The Fall. And because he died, we died in him. All of his future descendants died when he died. We all fell when he fell, and that is why we need the Holy Ghost shed abroad in our heart, so that we can get reconciled unto God and get justified in two stages because we are fallen; and we are fallen because our original ancestor fell; and the reason he fell, that in the Age of Innocence he was tested, he failed the test. Everybody OK?

“Because in the Age of Innocence, which is now passed, Christ died when He could not tell the difference between good and evil.” That is what killed him. That is what killed him. Satan came to Him to seduce Him, and He could not tell the difference between the spirit of Satan and the Spirit of the Father. Does that sound way out to you? Brethren, the church is filled with people that call themselves Christians that cannot tell the difference between the voice of their God and the voice of the serpent. This is no secret in the church that young Christians are deceived all the time, but even mature Christians are capable of being deceived, especially in what area? In what area are we particularly susceptible to deceit? Where are we particularly vulnerable of being tricked by Satan?


Well, that is part of it, but basically where we are susceptible is when it comes to things that we really want. And we are saying, the word is not my rule, but yours, Lord, but in our heart of hearts we really want it. So our mouth is saying one thing, but our heart is willing for it to come to pass; and then one day we hear a voice that says, “It is all right, daughter; go and do it.” And it is not the voice of God; it is the voice of the serpent, and the only guaranteed safety against this form of deception is to utterly die to self and really not care about anything other than that the will of the Lord is manifesting in your life. There is complete safety in that. I liken it to what is going on with AIDS today. There is only 100 percent safety: abstinence. Die to yourself, and truly only desire the will of God, and you will never be snared by Satan.

“Because in the Age of Innocence, which is now passed, Christ died when He could not tell the difference between Satan and the Father, and as a result of the mind of Christ dying in the man Adam” -- and when that mind of Christ died, what kind of mind did he get? He got -- the flesh brought forth its own mind called the carnal mind or death, and because that happened to Adam, we were all cast down to this present evil age with him, and we became ungodly.

I want to tell you something, brethren. We see it in this world. It is a very rare thing for a child to ascend above his parents. The more reprobate and immoral his parents are, the harder it is for a child to stand up and walk in this world outside of the interference of the Lord Jesus Christ. Outside of a sovereign move of the Lord Jesus Christ, you cannot get above your parents. I tell you the truth. The more righteous your parents are, the more likely you are to be righteous. The more intelligent they are, the more likely you are to be intelligent. The richer they are, the more likely you are to be rich. The more educated they are, the more likely you are to be educated. The more lost they are spiritually, the more li- -- lost you are likely to be spiritually. If they are alcoholics, you are likely to be alcoholic. If they are drug addicts, you are likely to be an alcoholi- -- a drug addict. If they are adulterous, you are likely to be adulterous. If there is incest in your family, there is likely to be incest in your life. The whole world knows that. The Scripture calls it a curse, but the whole world knows that it is true; and if you come out of a family that is moving in what the Scripture calls heavy sin, you need the Lord Jesus Christ to give you the power to come up out from under those family line curses and lead a decent life because you are not coming up out of it by yourself. You are not.

And I will give you an example for those of you who saw the movie The Godfather. There were several sons in the family, and the youngest son did not want any part of this crime family. He was going to be straight. He was going to go to college. He was going to be a lawyer. He was going to marry someone who was not Italian, that was not a crook, whose father was not a crook. He was going to be the straight one, and the whole family was in agreement with it. His father was in agreement with it, and I think his two older brothers were in agreement. They kept all the dirty business away from him. They did not tell him. They did not let him know, and the whole family labored under this illusion for several years; and when push came to shove, who became the new godfather when the father died?

I want to tell you, brethren, you are not coming out from under your family line’s sin without a sovereign move of the Lord Jesus Christ in your life. He was the toughest; he was the hardest; he was the most criminal of all of his brothers. There is no place you could run. Do not move to the other side of the country. Do not run to Europe. It is a spiritual bondage that is on you, and you are not coming out from under it without a sovereign move of the Lord Jesus Christ; and you could laugh at me all I want, but I know what I am talking about. You try it, and if by any chance you make it, your children will not make it. But do not tell me I am cursing you because I am not. I am telling you the truth of the Scripture.

Verse 7: “Therefore” -- now, we are still talking about how come we need the Holy Ghost. “Therefore, the fall has made it very difficult for anyone to die to their carnal mind so that Christ can be fully born in them. Under these present circumstances that” -- what present circumstances? That we are fallen and that we are reprobate and that there is no way we are coming up out from under the sin of our original ancestor, except by a sovereign move of God. So “under these present circumstances then, how can anyone possibly not only slay their carnal mind” -- who has the strength to do that? -- “but also cross over into the life of Christ?”

Who can do it? It is a twofold salvation, brethren, and I am back to this again. There is a whole element to the church preaching half of it. Just cross over, brethren. Just cross over. No, you cannot cross over the sea until you slay the dragon in the sea. Why? Because the dragon in the sea is not going to let you cross over. Open up your eyes, you foolish Galatians or wherever else you are from. Open up your eyes. You are not tiptoeing across that Jordan. You have got to blast your way over. Do I tell you the truth?

“Therefore, the fall -- our fallen condition has made it very difficult for anyone to die to the sin of their carnal mind so that Christ can be fully born in them, because Christ cannot be fully born in you unless your carnal mind dies. Under these present circumstances then, how can anyone possibly not only slay their carnal mind, but also cross over into the life of Christ?” It is impossible, brethren, without a sovereign move of God, and that sovereign move of God in your life is laid out. First, you confess your sins. Then you repent. You call on the name of the Lord. Then you receive the Holy Ghost. Then the Holy Ghost engrafts to your human spirit, and Christ is conceived. Then He stands up in full stature, and when He stands up in full stature, He kills your carnal mind, and He gives life to your soul. That is the pattern. And let us not forget water baptism. The Lord just reminded me. It is necessary. Water baptism is necessary. Why? Because it is a contract with God that says if you do what little you can do -- put your body down under the water; that is just about as much as you can do. All you spiritual babies, which is a lot of us, you cannot do anything spiritual. You have no power. Spiritually, you are as weak as an infant that has just been born. Put your body under the water, and your warrior, Savior, champion, the Lord Jesus Christ, shall put down your wicked carnal mind under the water of His life and deliver you out from under his dominion.

Verse 8: “But since we are sinners, because the immature Christ’s death in the past age is still overshadowing us, the love of God is uniting the members of the whole living soul into Himself through the mature Christ.” Now, we are sinners because our original ancestor, which was an immature Christ, died in the past age, and we are still influenced by that death. And how are we still influenced by that death? We are dead. The human race is still dead because our original ancestor died, and he is still -- the creation is still producing dead people. So because His death, Christ’s death in the past age is still overshadowing us, God has to do something to make us alive again. So the love of God is uniting the members of the whole living soul into Himself, or into Christ, through the mature imparted anointing, which is full stature.

Verse 9: “Now, this situation, being” -- what situation? -- “being united into the -- into Christ through full stature, is much more preferable than the present righteousness which is available to us by -- when we receive the engrafted Word.” Many of us have received the engrafted Word, but I do not know anyone right now that is in full stature.

So verse 9 is saying full stature is much more preferable than the engrafted Word. Why? Because it shall save our soul from God’s judgment, which is unto destruction. It is unto physical death, which abides upon the fallen creation. Brethren, you could have the engrafted Word, and your body will still die. You could have the engrafted Word, and you are going to live your 70, 80 years, Lord willing, 90 years -- some people live 100 years -- and your body will die; but if Christ comes to full stature in you, He will be strong enough to keep your body alive. So to get the mature Christ in full stature is far more preferable than to have the engrafted Word. Is this amazing the way Paul sets this out? Come, let us reason together. Who in their right mind would want to go through these trials and tribulations? Because it is going to save your body alive. It is a salvation that is much more preferable to the engrafted Word alone, which brings blessings into your life and blessings upon your children, but you still only abide for a season and die. It is much more preferable to go on to full stature. It is worth the battle. It is worth the war. That is what he is saying; it is worth it.

Verse 10: “Because if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God because of the Lord Jesus’ Christ death, it is much better than being reconciled. Our souls shall be saved when the imparted Christ is fully born in us.” We will be fully saved when the Lord Jesus Christ is fully born in us.

[?Hey, now,?] I am just going to take a coup- -- are we on the second message there? Is that the second side of the second message?


OK, I am just going to do verse 11 quickly, and we are going to close this out.

Verse 11, chapter 5 of the Book of Romans: “And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement.” The Greek word translated joy means rejoice, and this word atonement is Strong’s 2643. It means reconciliation or adjustment of a difference. Now, you may recall that there is about three Greek words that are translated reconciliation. We have had one of those words several times recently, and it is translated ransom. And I have taught you what the ransom means. But this word does not mean ransom. It means the adjustment of the difference, and it means that this act of adjustment is completed. When the word reconciliation that can be translated ransom is used, it is talking about something that is still happening or has not happened yet, but this word indicates a completed act. It is the factor that adjusts the balance, and we know that every human being alive is negative. We are lacking. We need to be completed. We need something to be added to us, and that which must be added to us is?


Christ. He is our righteousness. We are righteous because we do not have what it takes to be righteous. We are lacking, but we are in a condition where the Lord wants to add His righteousness to us. So that is what this word reconciliation means. And it is talking about Christ in you, the hope of glory, the blood of Jesus, the life of Christ that is engrafted in your soul in full stature; and He is the atoning blood that will encourage and convince the Father to raise you from the dead when the god of this world tries to kill your body. It is not Christ Jesus in me. It is not the Holy Spirit. It is not the engrafted Word, but the atonement that will save you from death is Christ Jesus in full stature in your mind.

And Colossians 2:10 says, “Ye are complete in Him, which is the head of all principality and power.”

Alternate Translation, Romans 5:11: “And we are not rejoicing in the atonement alone, but we are also rejoicing in the Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we received Him.” That is what verse 11 is saying. Let me read it to you. “And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement.”

You know, I did not know what that meant, and I was so tired after working on this message all day, I just said, Lord, I do not know what that means, and I was ready to just let it go; and He told me. He said, “What that means is -- and it is happening in the church today -- people are getting the engrafted Word, Christ Jesus is manifesting in them, and they are forgetting about the Lord Jesus Christ; and they are saying that they are equal to the Lord Jesus Christ, and that they do not need Him anymore.” Now, they are also begotten sons. And a whole host of other nonsensical things. Brethren, the Lord Jesus Christ shall always have the preeminence. He is our unconscious mind, and Christ Jesus is our new conscious mind. The Lord Jesus Christ is our superior. Without Him, there would be no Christ Jesus, and I rebuke that false doctrine.

OK. We are almost done. I am just going to read you the Alternate Translations of Romans 5:1-11, and this is what you have a copy of, and we will call it quits, or I will take questions if you have them.

Verses 1 and 2: “Therefore, being made righteous by Christ, we have peace with God because of the Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have advanced from the engrafted Word into Christ Jesus, our personal Savior and the God in the midst of us by which we stand; and we rejoice in the expectation of the appearance of God in the hell of this world system.” 

Verses 3 through 5: “But we rejoice in our hardships as well, understanding that trouble builds endurance; and that endurance shall be tried by experiences, which shall prove whether we are Fallen Adam or Christ; and that responding to those experiences out of our Christ mind shall not dishonor us, but rather produce an expectation of good things from God because the gift of God, which is the Holy Ghost, is poured out into our carnal minds as an expression of God’s love because in the Age of Innocence, which is now passed, Christ died when He failed to distinguish between good and evil, and we were cast down to this present evil age with Him and became ungodly. Therefore, the fall has made it very difficult for anyone to die to their carnal mind so that Christ can be fully born in them. Under these present circumstances then, how can anyone possibly not only slay their carnal mind, but also cross over into the life of Christ?”

Verses 8 and 9 together: “But since we are sinners, because the immature Christ death’s in the past age is still overshadowing us, the love of God is uniting the members of the whole living soul into Himself through the mature Christ, which is much more preferable than the present righteousness we receive by the engrafted Word because it shall save our soul from God’s judgment of destruction, which presently abides upon the fallen creation; because if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God because of the Lord Jesus Christ’s death, much better than being reconciled, our soul shall be saved when the imparted Christ is fully born in us; and we are not rejoicing in the atonement alone, but also in the Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we received Him.” Amen and amen.

What a message. What a message. Any questions? Would you just put that on hold, please? We will just give it a --           

That atoning drop of blood that you spoke about, is that the same as --

Can you take that off of [UNINTELLIGIBLE]?



Thank you.

Yeah. That atoning drop of blood that you spoke about, is that the same as the seed of Christ?

The atoning drop of blood is -- no, it is not the same as the seed of Christ. The seed of Christ, when it joins with the human spirit produces Christ Jesus in you, your own personalized Savior, the God in the midst of you, and that is the drop of the atoning blood. He has to be growing inside of you. The forgiveness of sins and the purification from sin is not an intellectual concept. It has to happen to you, and the way you are purified from your sin is that you get a drop of that atoning blood growing inside of you, and as He grows, He destroys the sin which is in your mind. It is something that has to actually happen to you. It is an ongoing process. Anybody else?

What happens when you are praying that God crushes your carnal mind?

Could you just try and talk [CROSSTALK] --

What happens when you pray for God to crush your carnal mind to -- and to bring forth the carn- -- the mind of Christ? [CROSSTALK]

Well, He probably crushes your carnal mind, but the whole -- see, we -- as I have been telling you for a long time here, these Scriptures have got to be made real to us. What does that mean to you, that God is crushing your carnal mind? It means that every time you think a problem through with your carnal mind, you are going to fail. Whereas before God started moving powerfully in your life, it would be possible to think a problem through and solve it with your carnal mind and succeed; but when God starts crushing your carnal mind, nothing that you do with your carnal mind will succeed. You will fail every time until He brings you to the place where you say, gee, I really -- I did this without asking the Lord’s permission. I did this without asking the Lord’s counsel. So you will just fail. You will come up against a brick wall every time you try to do something that is out of His purpose for you. Every time you think wrong, you will just, you know, hit a blank wall. Yeah, you have another question?

Is it witchcraft to pray that against -- for somebody else, that God will crush their carnal mind --


            -- and bring forth the mind of Christ? Yeah?

Unless it is under the anointing, but I would not play that game. I would be very careful. Unless you are really sure, and I will give you a guideline. This is some new information the Lord gave me. He just gave it to me a couple weeks ago.

I have been telling you here for a long time, you cannot pray against someone else’s personality. That is witchcraft. You cannot be trying to control other people’s personality with one exception. If God has given you authority over them, and you better make sure that God is given you authority over them. Now, if it is your child, you know that God has given you authority over them. If you have a son, and you see some ungodly manifestations in him, and he is your natural son, well, you know that you have the right to pray against those ungodly manifestations -- definitely so.

And as you move into maturity in Christ, God does give people an authority. If God sent you to minister to somebody and you know for sure they are under you, and you are sure that you are praying godly prayers with your only mode of being for their benefit, then it is possible that God has anointed you to do that; but you are playing a dangerous game. I am warning all of you. If you wind up convincing yourself that God gave you authority over somebody, and it is really just your own heart wanting them to do what you want them to do, and you are praying these kinds of prayers, God is going to stop you, and it will not pleasant. So be very careful. Be very careful.

How do you know that you are on the labor table and in pain if it is the pain -- what I am asking is if the pain that you are feeling, how do you know that that is the pain of childbirth, or is it some other pain? Just what if you are just in pain because of your own choosings [sic] or something?

Well, if you are truly on the la- --


-- there will be fruit; there will be spiritual growth. That is the number one sign: spiritual growth. See, if it is pain, that is -- that you are producing yourself because of sin or because of curses, your life will be going into destruction. See, nobody stands still. Either you are improving -- your life is improving and going into righteousness, or your life is turned downward, and you are going into destruction. It is impossible to stand still. So evaluate your life, and compare it to where you were five years ago, and compare it to where you were a year ago, and compare it to where you were six months ago; and if you see growth, then you know that your tribulation is -- you are on the labor table, that your tribulation is producing Christ in you. But if you are worse off than you were, even six months ago, you better get before God. But do not just do it yourself. Get some opinions of some elders because you could be under a negative spirit, OK? Anybody else?

When you talked about having authority over a son, you meant a son who had not come of age; am I right?

Yes. Well, you still have -- you see, Mary, this is such a -- I really s- -- I am so hesitant to say things like this because people misunderstand me all the time. You always have authority over your son, but there is a way to do things. [?You know,?] there is a way to pray. If you are interfering with His life, it is not God. If you see the kid is on drugs -- you know, [?you can go?] -- I do not what to say to you. I do not even know how to explain it. I know -- I do not even know what to say to you, just -- you have an authority, but it is how do you pray. It is how do you pray. You cannot be trying to control his life.

Would you just pray for somebody whose thinking processes are not right, just for the mind of Christ to [CROSSTALK]?

Well, --

            Can you pray that?

-- I will tell you again. I am going to say -- I am going to keep on saying it to all of you. I have said it a lots [sic] of times. I am going to keep on saying it. This is how I pray. This is how I pray. I go before God, and I say, Lord, look at this person. It is my son. It is my daughter. It is my mother. I have authority over my parents. Why? Because of where I am in Christ. It has nothing to do with their natural age. I am the high priest of the family. I am the only one that is in Christ. I go before the Lord, and I say, Lord, look at this. Look at what they are doing. What are you going to do? How are you going to help them? Give me a prayer. That is what I pray. Lord, give me a prayer, and sometimes the prayer comes right up then and there. Sometimes it never comes up. Sometimes it comes up in a week or in two weeks, but I know that that prayer came out of the mind of God, and I know that every prayer that comes through my mouth, that has come out of the mind of God is going to come to pass.

Do not pray out of your own mind. Report to the Lord. Report to the Lord. Say, Lord, look at this! That is what I did with my mother’s leukemia. I went before the Lord. It was before you came to the ministry. I said, Lord, look at this woman. She has made a lot of mistakes in her life. She has done a lot of good things. She raised three children. She sacrificed. She did the best she knew how to do. She worked hard. She fed us. She clothed us. She took care of us. She did the best she could do, and now in her last years, my prayer to you is that if it is her time to go, take her without suffering. If it is not her time to go, heal her; but I am asking You if You are willing to not let her suffer for five years before she dies? How does that glorify you? And I want to tell you, I expected Him to kill her, but He healed her. I thought she was going to die. My only concern was that she would not be sick in bed, tormented and my father tormented for five years. They lived a full life.

Do you at least get the principle of what I am saying? When it is a prayer that is coming out of your own heart, you are in great danger of praying witchcraft. When the prayer is coming out of your own heart, you are in great danger of having a motive that is -- will gratify yourself. So if you just stick with reporting to the Lord -- look at that, Lord! Look at it! What are you going to do? Give me a prayer. Tell me how to react to it. Give me your thoughts. Give me your heart. Give me your solution. Do not let it be my carnal mind. If you pray like that and you really mean it, you cannot fail; and you will enter into a measure, into a level of spiritual warfare, the likes of which you have never seen. I do not -- you do not -- some of the things I pray, you would not even believe it when the Spirit comes upon me. But it is not my prayers; it is His prayers. It is the Son praying through me.

So I continue to caution you all to be very careful, very careful of praying your own will on people. You cannot do it. The Lord is going to turn around and go after you. You cannot do it. But you do have access to Him. You do have communication with Him. Ask Him for instructions. Anybody else?

I want to tell you, the least prayers -- the person for whom I pray for the least is my daughter. I tell you the truth. I just say, God bless her, and help her, and bring them into the kingdom. He has not given me a prayer for her in a long time. I tell Him a lot. I say, Lord, do not forget Maria. I am praying for all these other people. Do not forget Maria, and that is the extent of my prayer. He has not prayed through me for her in a long time.

So you have to turn the kids over to God, you know. You cannot hold onto them. They have to live their own life. They have to have their own experiences. They have to make their own mistakes. And they have to come unto God, and they have to have their own relationship with Him. Anybody else?

01/21/15 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

01/27/15 1st Edit CAS/BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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