Part 7 of 7 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
It is a big error and deception and misunderstanding in the Church today. They think that natural man is going to be cleaned up. Natural man is not going to be cleaned up. He is going to die. He is going to die, but that spark of spiritual life, which was with the Father, before the foundation of the earth, that spark around which natural man was made, was covered over with death. Now remember the Son of God was propelled into the earth, so if this is the life of the Son, He was propelled into the earth and He was covered over with death. He was covered over with death. Ultimately, I am going to make this very simple. This death, which is the living soul, broke into many members in what we call personality. It broke into many members that look like the life of the Son. It is in every man buried deep in the heart of the earth like gold ore. What we call personality, that garment that is wrapped around the life of the Son, is death, and it is sin, and it has got to die.
It is death that has an existence. It is going to become death with no existence. It has to die. Right now it is death that has an existence. You are dead in your sins, but you live, you walk, you talk, you marry, you have babies. But we are coming to the place where this is going to be turned inside out. It is going to be turned inside out, and we are going to have the life of the Son, in the midst of Him, having been eaten and consumed, and devoured. It is like we have blood cells in our body, like we have all kinds of substances in our body being decomposed. Decomposed is the word masticated which means chewed up. The decomposed life of the soul shall exist in a new form of man called the Son of God or Christ. We are going to be turned inside out like a glove. Right now the life of the Son is on the inside, and the death or the personality, is on the outside. We are going to be turned inside out.
We cannot see the life of the Son. I do not know who He is. Jesus showed it to the apostles on the mount of transfiguration when He shined bright and glistering like no one could be. It was blinding. That was His spiritual light and it penetrated the shell of the garment of death that He was wearing. The day is coming that that is going to happen to all of us. The death is going to be on the inside and the life is going to be on the outside, and the death is going to be masticated, chewed up, consumed, and the form that it takes, that we know now as personality, shall not exist again. It is going to take a new form which will be the flesh of the Son of God. Can you understand that at all? Any question on that right now? We are going to be pulled inside out. Glory to God. Alleluia.
So the error in the Church today, or one of the errors, God help us, in the Church today, is that they think that man that looks like this, with the Son of God inside and death outside, is going to get clean. They think he is going to get clean, and that life is going to continue just like we know it now, except men are going to stop sinning, but that is not true. Natural man is sin. Natural man is death, the spiritual force that rules him. Now we are not just a personality. There is a spiritual principality, a spiritual power, that rules us, that impulses thoughts into our mind, that motivates us. Does anybody know what his name is? His name is Satan. His name is Satan. He is acting as and is the god of the natural man. Satan is not going to be cleaned up.
The Scripture tells us that Satan is the lawless one, that he is not subject to the law, and indeed cannot be. It is impossible to make Satan obey the law, so he is going to be put through a meant grinder. He is going to be chewed up, broken down into his basic constituent parts, and become the flesh of the Son of God. He will exist only in another form, because in this form, he will never be converted. The Scripture says he is incapable of any good thing, so his form has to be changed. In that change of form he shall die to the form that we now know him, but he shall nevertheless live as the flesh of the Son of God. Hallelujah. Did I make that clear?
He has got to die. Man, as we know it, is not going to just one day wake up and be good. When he dies, society as we know it, shall no longer exist. We shall have a whole new world, the kingdom of God, the garden of Eden, a whole new world. Glory to God. So that is the error in the Church today. Natural man is not going to become good. He is going to be destroyed. The soul that sinneth, it must die, and this spark of life that is the life of the Son that is hid in everyone of us, has to get out, has to get divorced from this personality, has to get divorced from Satan, and married to the life of the Son. Hallelujah. Our life is hid in Christ. Our soul is going to die, but our life is hid in Christ.
I am just going to put this on the tape. We has a sister tell us about a dream. Someone was in a coffin dead, and someone sitting on a couch live. All of a sudden there were two people sitting on the couch. I am suggesting to you that the spirit that originally came from the Son is going to be separated from the personality and be translated. The Scripture says into the kingdom of our dear Son. This is the kingdom of our dear Son. It is the creation of God, the fullness of the creation of God. We are going to be translated from the darkness of the soul realm unto the light of the realm of the Spirit. The Scripture talks about the soul being separated from the spirit, and the bones from the marrow. The apostle Peter talks about us being melted and liquified. Did you ever see the movie, The Wizard Of Oz, where the witch is melted and she goes down the drain? Well, that is a spiritual principle, brethren. The powers and principalities are going to melt. They are going to liquify, because right now we are solid. They are going to liquify and they are going to be melted down to their basic component parts, and they are going to become a part of the creation of God, which is ruled by the Lord Jesus Christ instead of Satan. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
The seven churches of the book of Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John. This is part 7, the church of Laodicea. As usual we shall start by recapping last week’s message. Last week we studied the church at Philadelphia. The book of Revelation, Chapter 3, Verse 7: And to the spiritual man who has entered into the spiritual realm of brotherly love, light, the One who was blameless, the One who was without sin, the One who was revealed to the church, the One who has the power to carve his image upon your soul and appear in you, thus setting you free from the soul realm and delivering you from the dense body that you dwell in, which body binds you to the earth, and the One who also has the power to deny this mighty deliverance to whomever He will.
Verse 8: I know all about your behavior, that you are manifesting brotherly love. Look, I have given you a vision of deliverance from the soul realm and life in the realm of my Spirit. And Adam cannot take that vision away from you because you have received a measure of my miracle working power, which you have used to keep Adam under the feet of my Son, who is appearing in you, and you have not rejected my Spirit.
Verse 9: Look, I will make them which gather in buildings to practice their religion, but live out of their soul lives, which say they are Christians, and are not, but are liars. Look, I will cause them to become your disciples and submit to your authority in the earth, and to know that I have joined myself to you.
Verse 10: Because you have used the power I have given you to keep Adam underfoot, and to live out of the soul of my offspring who has been birth in you, as a result of your hope in me, and because you have placed yourself under my authority by your own choice, I will also protect you from the time of testing, which will come upon the earth of mankind to ascertain the quality of those who are under the authority of the soul realm.
Verse 11: Look, I shall appear in you without further delay. Continue to diligently keep Adam underfoot so that he will not be able to separate you from me.
Verse 12: I will make the one who overcomes, a permanent fixture in the house of my God, and he will never fall down to the soul realm again, and I will engrave the image of my Father upon his soul, and I will give him the glorified soul of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which comes down out of the realm of the Spirit from my Father, and I will write upon him my new name, Christ.
Verse 13: Let the one who can hear spiritual things understand what the Spirit is saying to the spiritual men in your different stages of development. I would just like to emphasize on this tape as well as on the last tape, that the verse that I read where it says that there will be people who will come to worship at our feet and be our disciples, that that is not an act of vengeance. That is not the forceful power of God causing men to grovel and genuflect down on their hands and knees because they have hurt your feelings. God does not do things like that.
Our reward for being persecuted, and falsely accused, and hated is the appearing of Christ in us. We do not need men groveling and repenting to us. What that scripture means is, that these people that have persecuted us, because they could not discern the anointing on us, shall discern the anointing on us. They are going to see Christ in us, and they will recognize Him in us, and they will acknowledge that we have something that we could give to them that will bless them, that will give them eternal life. They will follow us, because of that, not for an act of vengeance, and they will be our disciples. They will worship us because we will be so joined to Christ that we shall be gods. The result of this worship is that Christ shall appear in these people too. Glory to God.
He who is greatest among you shall be a servant. In this soul realm, the great of the earth will wield great power and authority over mankind, saith the Lord, but in my kingdom, he who is greatest shall serve. Alleluia.
Laodicea is Strong’s #2993. Under #2993 there is no information. It is from a root that is #2992 which means ones own people, those bound together socially, entrenched. The author of one of the reference books that I use says, that even after considering the exceptions, the general rule is that this word means the chosen people of God as opposed to the masses of people in general. Laodicea is from two words, #2992 meaning the chosen people of God and #1349 meaning a decision or its execution, a judgment, punish, vengeance. So what we are suggesting here is that Laodicea means the judgment of God’s chosen people. The people, the spiritual men that fall into the category of the Church of Laodicea, are coming under the judgment that is falling upon God’s people.
Unger’s Bible Dictionary. Of the several cities named Laodicea in Syria and Asia Minor, only one is mentioned in the Scriptures. The one situated on the confines of Phrygia and Lydia on the banks of the Lycus, and about forty miles from Ephesus, not far from Colosse. After having been successfully called Diospolis and Rheas, it was named Laodicea in honor of Laodice, the wife of Antiochus 11, who rebuilt it. It was destroyed by an earthquake, which is a judgment of God, and rebuilt by Marcus Aurelius. It was the seat of a Christian church. It is now a heap of ruins, called by the church, Eski-hissar or old castle. God destroyed it.
We will read verses 14 thru 22 of Chapter 3 of the Book of Revelation. And unto the angel of the church of Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and the true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou were cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
Verse 14: And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, these things saith the Amen, the faithful and the true witness, the beginning of the creation of God. The word Amen is Strong’s #281 and it means firm, trustworthy, faithful. It is used as a confirming word you are all familiar with when someone is praying and another person is saying amen. It means most assuredly. This is a custom which passed over from the synagogues into the Christian assembly. When someone had read a prayer or read a discourse offered up as a solemn prayer to God, the others in attendance responded amen, and thus made the substance of what was uttered their own. It was a second witness that in their spirit they agreed with the prayer.
The Hebrew word, amen, is Strong’s #543 and it is a little different from the Greek. It means truth. We have several words translated truth in Hebrew, and this particular word truth comes from a root of #539 which means to build up or support, to foster as a parent or a nurse, to be faithful, to trust or believe, to be permanent or quiet, to go to the right hand, or hence to be established in God. This sounds a lot to me like the Holy Spirit, which is the paraclete. He is the teacher and the foster of young, a parent or a nurse. So this is the truth that is going to cause us to grow up into Christ.
You need the truth among other things to grow up in Christ. It is very in, in some ministries today, to preach about not letting doctrine separate us. We should not let doctrine separate us, but do not think that doctrine is not important, because you cannot move into the fulness with a false doctrine. We do not have to fight with other believers over it, but it is important that we know the truth. You are not going to manifest Christ in the fullness, believing in the rapture. I am sorry if that offends anyone listening or reading this, but it is not going to happen. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
I am going to give you a translation with regard to this word amen. He is the reliable and believable second witness to the presence of the life of God in the soul of man, even the one whose truth protects you like a parent until you can think with the thoughts of Christ instead of the thoughts of Adam. When you are still thinking with the thoughts of Adam, he is in there pricking you like a conscience giving you the truth. Glory to God. It is possible that in some Christians, this manifestation of the Christ is not functioning. We have talked about Christians that are members of other spiritual realms of other churches where they are totally immersed in false doctrine. This aspect of Christ is not functioning in them. Glory to God.
He is faithful, Strong’s #4103 meaning trustworthy and truthful. It is from a root #3982 and it means to convince by argument, to pacify or to conciliate by fair means. It means to assent to evidence or authority, to rely upon by inward certainty. So we have different manifestations of truth, all of which are Christ. One is a foster parent that is in you whose job it is to grow you up. The word that is translated faithful is a manifestation of the truth of God which witnesses the truth to you when you sit in a service and you listen to the preacher preach. You may not be particularly educated. You may be a new Christian. You may not have much experience, but there is just something deep inside of your heart that says I just know that is true or I just know that is not true.
That is this particular manifestation of the Christ that is described as faithful, Strong’s #4103. It is assenting to evidence or authority. That is what it is doing and it is giving you something within your own heart to rely upon with certainty. When you get confidence that this inner voice is Christ, you are going to have a confidence that you cannot be destroyed by false doctrine. You are going to know that even if you receive a lie, He is going to speak to you, and He is going to convict you until He corrects you. There is another side to this, brethren. You have to respond to Him. You cannot love the lie so much that you do not listen to Him, because if you do, does anybody know what will happen?
He will send you a spirit of delusion. What does that mean? It means this manifestation of the faithfulness of Jesus Christ will stop functioning in you. Right? If He sends you a delusion, what really technically happens is that the faithfulness, Strong’s #4103, of Jesus Christ will stop functioning in you because you love the lie more than you love the truth. There are believers that fall in this category, brethren. They will not let go of their lies. They will not let go of their lies. Hallelujah.
The one whose indwelling presence witnesses to and gives you an inward
certainty as to the truth or falsity of the preaching and teaching that is heard, confirming what is truth and what is a lie. This is the faithfulness of the Lord Jesus Christ, #4103. He is also the true witness. The word true meaning truthful. Now this is another word that means truthful. This one is from the root #227 and it means unconcealed. We had this word in another recent message. It means that He is the revelation of the life of the Father.
The disciples said to Him, we would see the Father. He said, after all these years that you have been with me, all this time that you have been with me, you do not know that you have been talking to, and relating to, and dwelling with the Father? He was wrapped in the flesh of this man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He is the revealed one. He is the revealed life of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the truth. If you want to see the Father, you have to look at Him.
True, truthful, Strong’s #228 from the root #227. He is the true witness. Witness is Strong’s #3144. We have had this recently too. The Greek word is martus. The English word is martyr and it means witness a judicial record or witness. It does not necessarily mean someone who is dying for righteousness. The Greek word martyr which is translated witness or martyr means a judicial record or witness. So why in the world would they be called a martyr? It is because, brethren, you witness to the Lord Jesus Christ. Who knows where the witness is? If you have the witness of the Lord Jesus Christ, where is it? Anybody? It is in your flesh, brethren. It is in your flesh. It is in your mind. It is in your thoughts. It is in your words and it is in your deeds. It is in your righteousness.
When you manifest Christ, brethren, you are a martyr, because you will be hated, and you will be persecuted. When you stand for the truth of God, when you stand for righteousness, whether people recognize that it is Christ in you or not, they are going to know that there is something about you that they hate. That is why you are a martyr when you have the witness of Jesus Christ. But the witness is not the fact that you are hanging on the cross. The witness is the Spirit of God in you. You are the record. You are the living epistle that declares the life of the Father through the Son, through the Son. Hallelujah.
He is the proof that the life of God is now and shall be revealed in the flesh of man’s soul. This is true witness that we are talking about. The proof that the life of God is now and shall be revealed in the flesh of man’s soul. Hallelujah. I have a witness for you on that. Revelation 19:10: For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophesy. When you have Jesus in your thoughts, words, and deeds, you shall prophesy, and the Scripture is not talking about a prophetic utterance that comes forth from the floor of the Church. If you do a study on prophesy, you will find out in any Bible dictionary, that the true prophesy is the one who speaks the oracles of God, who the mind of God speaks through at will, anywhere, anytime, anyplace.
If you are a true prophet, God will send you to men with a word, and ninety nine out of a hundred times, they will crucify you. They will deny that you are a prophet of God. They will deny that you are speaking the oracles of the Lord. They will say you are a natural man and they will curse you. If you live in a society where they can, they will try to kill you. They put Jeremiah down in a pit. Church history says they cut Isaiah in half. They will deny that you are bearing the word of the Lord. Why? Anybody know why? Because their hearts are evil. So testimony is the word witness.
We established that. Glory to God.
Alternate translation. This is the first half of the book of Revelation, Chapter 3, Verse 14: And write to the spiritual man abiding in the category of believers known as Laodicea. Even those upon whom judgment is about to fall. This is what the reliable and believable second witness to the presence of the life of God in the soul of man says, even the one whose truth protects you like a parent until you can think with the thoughts of Christ instead of the thoughts of Adam. Even he whose indwelling presence witnesses to and gives you an inward certainty as to the truth or falsity of the preaching and teaching you hear, confirming to you what is truth and what is a lie, and he who is the witness that the life of God is now and shall be revealed in the flesh of man’s soul. Glory to God.
The last phrase of verse 14; the beginning of the creation of God. He is the beginning of the creation of God. The word beginning is Strong’s #746 and it means commencement, chief power, principality, rule, the first cause, the absolute beginning, the absolute first cause of everything. He is Jesus Christ. This is what He is. This word, #746 in Strong’s is the same word translated principalities with regarding to demon principalities. I am not going to take the time to read all the scriptures, but I will give them to you. This word principalities appears in Romans 8:38, Ephesians 3:10, Ephesians 6:12, Colossians 1:16, Colossians 2:15, Titus 3:1.
I am suggesting to you that Jesus Christ is the first cause. He was the spiritual Son that was propelled into the earth that was made into the living soul which is the powers and principalities. He is also the Son that is in the earth in the form of his Holy Spirit that is joining to the first stage of the development of man. He is indeed the head over all the powers and principalities, and he too is the powers and principalities in his first forms condition. It is a radical word, brethren. If you cannot believe it, do not panic, and do not start attacking me. Pray about it. Pray about it, and maybe you will find out it is true. Maybe it is true. Glory to God.
This is the word make. I have a little study for you on this in Genesis, chapter 1, verses 26 and 27. Glory to God. The word make is to produce by labor. Genesis 1:26: And God said, let us make man in our image after our likeness. This is the conception of the idea. God wants to appear in the realm of appearance. He is going to make a man. Hallelujah. And God said, let us make man in our image and in our likeness. There are two stages of the development, brethren. He is going to make man in His image and He is going to make him in His likeness.
The word creation, back in Revelation, we are talking about the beginning of the creation of God. The word creation in Greek is Strong’s #2937 and it is the act of founding or establishing. It is the act of creation. It is the thing created. In Hebrew the word is Strong’s #1254 and it means to cut or carve out, to form by cutting, to form by cutting out. If you are a sculptor and you are going to sculp something, you take a lump of clay and you cut the form out of it. Creation means to cut or carve out, to form by cutting. If you are a carpenter, you take a tree and you cut the wood out of the tree and you make whatever you want to make out of it. That is what the word creation means.
Genesis 1:27 says; So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female, He created them. Glory to God. So first God said He was going to do it, and then He did it, and this is how He did it. Strong’s #3335 in the Hebrew means to form. Genesis 2:7 says, And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. God started to make man by forming the living soul. He took His Son and propelled him into the earth giving life to the earth and then He formed the earth around His Son and He made a living soul. Glory to God.
The word formed means to form or fashion as a potter fashions clay. It means to create by forming out of existing materials. This is how God did it. This is how He started to make the creation. He started by making the form or the outline of man. This is man in the likeness of God. When He made the creation, He cut out the building blocks, and He started by forming the clay, by patting it, and smoothing it, and squeezing it. The creation was when He cut it out. After He cut it out, He formed it. He made the form of the man. Glory to God.
He finished it. The only one in whom the creation is completed is the Lord Jesus Christ. This is how He completed man. He engraved the image or nature of God upon the clay of the living soul, thus joining man to God. This is man in God’s image. John 10:30; I and my Father are one. So first God thought about it, then He cut out the building blocks, which was the creation. He cut them out. Actually, I believe, He created the building blocks out of His own substance. Then He formed the shape of man. He decided what we would look like, and the final touches is the creation of man in God’s image to engrave the character and the nature of the Father upon the soul of man. The only cell in which this has been accomplished to date is the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah.
So we have an alternate translation of the Book of Revelation, Chapter 3, Verse 14, the second half. The first cause, the source of the life of, the substance out of which the creation of God is made. He is the beginning of the creation of God. He is the first cause, the source of the life of, the substance out of which the creation of God is made. That is what He is. A lot of people are getting very upset about this, but I declare to you God wanted a man, and He made that man out of His own substance. The first stage of the creation was darkness. The lamb was slain from before the foundation of the earth. He was slain when he gave his spiritual life and the riches of the heavenly realm to be made into the darkness of the living soul, knowing full well, and with full confidence that his Father would raise him up again in full glory plus a living soul in a glorified body. Hallelujah.
Alternate translation of Revelation, Chapter 3, Verse 14: And write to the spiritual man abiding in the category of believers known as Laodicea, even those upon whom judgment is about to fall. This is what the reliable and believable second witness to the presence of the life of God in the soul of man says, even the one whose truth protects you like a parent until you can think with the thoughts of Christ instead of the thoughts of Adam. Even he whose indwelling presence witnesses to and gives you an inward certainty as to the truth or falsity of the preaching and teaching you hear, confirming to you what is truth and what is a lie. And he who is the witness that the life of God is now and shall be revealed in the flesh of man’s soul. He is the first cause, the source of the life of the substance, out of which the creation of God is made. He is everything, brethren. He is everything. He is the first and He is the last. He is the alpha and He is the omega. He is the negative and He is the positive. He is the whole ball of wax. Glory to God.
Verse 15: I know thy works, that thou are neither cold nor hot. I would thou were cold or hot. The word cold is Strong’s #5593 and it means chilly. It is from Strong’s #5592 meaning cold, such as iced. We know that ice is solid. We have talked about the different forms that spirit can take. When you are pure spirit you are gaseous. When you are spirit in the realm of the soul, you are liquid. When you are natural man and utterly dense, at your lowest fallen state, you are solid. The same spiritual life of God in different forms, because there is no life outside of the life of God. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
So this word means cold. It also means solid. It is also from Strong’s #5594 which is the verb from which the word psucho, meaning soul, is derived. I am suggesting this to you about the word cold, when Jesus said you are neither cold nor hot. He is saying to you that you are neither cold, the word cold meaning living out of your soul. If you are cold you are solid, you are chilly, you are iced, and you are not hot, because the life of God is hot. Our God is a consuming fire. Amen. So the exact opposite of the life of the Spirit is the life of the soul. The life of God is light and the soul is darkness. Amen. Our God is heat and the soul is cold. Glory to God.
The word hot is Strong’s #2200 and I am suggesting to you that it refers to the life of the Spirit. It means boiling hot, and it is from #2204 and it is used of liquids boiling over or solids glowing. We know that when we are spiritualized, we are not going to be liquid. We are still going to have form and substance, but we shall glow with the life of the Spirit. I am suggesting to you that when Jesus is talking about hot and cold, He is saying you are either living out of your soul or you are living out of your spirit. Well how could that be? You have to be living out of one or the other. I am suggesting to you that these people are so doubleminded that they are flip flopping back and forth with such an intensity between their soul and their spirit that Jesus is saying I cannot tell what you are. I cannot tell whether you are a soul man, and I cannot tell whether you are a spirit man.
James 1:8 and 14 thru 17. A doubleminded man is unstable in all his ways. Verse 14: But every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed. Then when lust has conceived it bringeth forth sin and sin when it is finished, bringeth forth death. Do not err, my beloved brethren, every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. Every good thing comes from the Christ within you. If you sin or if you lust, it is not from Christ within you. It is from your soul, and we are told in verse 17 of James, Chapter 1 that every good and perfect gift is from above and there is no variableness.
I was speaking to somebody the other day that seemed to be surprised that we are doubleminded and unstable. Natural man is unstable. We shall not be stable until Christ has utterly swallowed up our soul. If there is anything in your personality that is not of God, it is not Christ. You have flipped over to your soul realm. God does not vary. He is righteous without variableness. Hallelujah.
I John, Chapter 3, verses 6 thru 10. Whomsoever abideth in Christ, if you are living out of the Spirit of God within you, sinneth not. Whosoever sinneth has not seen him, neither know him. Little children, let no man deceive you. He that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. Well you know, sometimes in the King James, the pronouns really get you mixed up. I am going to read it again. Little children, let no man deceive you. He, the man that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he, Christ, is righteous. If you are doing righteousness, you are living out of the Christ within you.
Verse 8. He that committed sin is of the devil. If you are committing sin, you are living out of your soul, brethren. Do not tell me you are saved, born again, sanctified and washed in the blood, so every sin you commit is from Christ. Christ does not sin, brethren. He that committed sin is of the devil or the natural man, for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. Where? Anybody? Where? In your mind. In your mind. In your mind. He that sinneth is of the devil, in your mind. He that doeth righteousness is of Christ in your mind. For this reason was the Son of God manifested in your mind, that He might destroy the works of the devil or the natural man in your mind, by placing him and bruising him underfoot.
Verse 9. Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. We have Christians that believe this. I have heard this preached, brethren, by a man that has the responsibility of teaching a group of believers. He said that if you have the baptism with the Holy Spirit you cannot sin. Brethren, what a lie. If you believe that you cannot sin, that means that when you sin, you are not going to repent. If you do not repent, brother, the judgments are going to fall on you. Then they come into church and they tell their pastor that Satan is after them. He sure is. God sent him. Glory to God.
The one that cannot sin is Christ in you. You can throw yourself in line with Christ in you by exercising the power He imparts to you or you can live out of your soul. Brethren, I do not want to put any condemnation on you. Someone called my up the other day to question me about this. If you are doing the best you can to live out of Christ, and one day you do not make it in a particular incident, in a particular circumstance, that does not mean that you are not living out of Christ. It is a state of mind. If your state of mind is turned towards a desire to live out of Christ, when you do not make it, you just repent and that sin is covered over, and God deals with it if you are desiring to live out of Christ. To be living out of your soul is someone that knows what they are doing, and is not even trying to resist. Did I make that clear?
If you are just going about, whatever you are doing, fornicating, hating your brother, whatever it is, and you are not resisting the sin, you know it is not of God. You know you are living out of your soul and you do not care, then you are living out of your soul, and this indictment is against you. Did I make that clear? If you are striving to live out of the Spirit of God and you do not make it, do not be condemned. I miss all the time. That does not mean that you are not striving to live out of your spirit. Did I make that clear? There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. The condemnation only falls when you are not doing the best you can with what God has given you.
God has given us all a different measure of His power, but He says if you use what I have given you, I will give you more. So if you take the power that He has given you, and you exercise it to the extent of trying to deal with your problems by that power, and you fail, God knows. When you are faithful, He is going to give you more power. You cannot fool God. You cannot just not care. You cannot be living out of your soul and say God does not know. God knows. Maybe I do not know, but God knows. It does not matter whether I know or not.
So the whole point is there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. You can be living out of your spirit and miss it. Nobody is living out of their spirit one hundred percent of the time. That is why the Scripture says the two soul man, the doubleminded man, the man that has Christ and Adam is unstable. Why? Because he keeps flipping back and forth between the two souls. But God discerns the intents of your heart, and He knows whether you are really striving for His Spirit or whether you are not. Did I make that clear? It is an important point. There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. Glory to God.
Verse 10. In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother. I repeat. In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother. Now that does not mean if one time you fail to love your brother, you are not of God. What it means is that, at that moment, you are living out of your soul. When you evaluate a believer, and I remind you, brethren, that we are permitted to judge the Church. Do not let anyone put any condemnation on you, brethren. The Church has it backwards. They are out there judging the world, telling them that they are all going to hell because they are sinners, and everybody that is sinning in the Church is saying aha, aha. Do not tell me aha, because if you read the Scripture you are going to find out that we do not judge the world. We leave them alone. We judge the Church.
Check it out. That is what the Bible says. So when you are discerning the heart of somebody, when you are discerning whether they are a son of God or a son of Belial, when you are trying to determine for Godly purposes which direction their heart is turned in, you evaluate their overall lifestyle. If someone has a bad moment and they fail to love their brother, it does not mean they are a son of Belial. But if they are living their whole life hating their brother, lying and cheating, and stealing and conniving, and manipulating, I do not care if they come out and cast out demons or not. Brethren, it says right here, in this the children of God are manifest and the children of the devil, whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.
That is one rough word, brethren, but there are people out there casting out demons, healing the sick, moving in the anointing, talking in tongues, doing miracles, and they are children of the devil. When they do not make it into the kingdom of God, they are going to be banging on the door saying, Lord, why not me? He is going to say, I never knew you. Do not show me how educated you are. Do not show me how much revelation you have. I do not care about your doctrine, and I do not care about your miracle working power. Let me see the heart of Christ. Let me see love and compassion, and mercy manifesting through your members. If that is the case, the rest will come.
If you are living out of Christ, and you do not have deep doctrine, and you do not have deep revelation, and you do not understand, and you do not move in the gifts of the Spirit, whether it is true or not, if you feel that you are not powerful in deliverance or healing, if you are truly living out of Christ, all of this will come. But if you have the gifts, if you are prophesying, if you are talking in tongues, if you are working miracles, if you have deep doctrine, and your heart is black with hatred and filthy lies, the love of God will not grow out of your heart as a result of the miracle working power of God. That is the imputed anointing and it is given without repentance. So let us get spiritual.
You know people get condemned all over the place. They do not understand. Do not desire the gifts, brethren. Jesus said to his disciples, do not be praising God that you have power to cast out demons. He said, thank God that your name is written in the book of life. Men just naturally tend to get things backwards. That is because we are backwards. We are the mirror image of God. We are backwards, so we get spiritual things backwards. Hallelujah.
I have one more witness for you with regard to this, Romans 2 verses 11 to 15. For there is no respect of persons with God. For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law. If you are a sinner, if you have not been exposed to the law of God and you sin, you shall perish. Why? Because the judgments are falling. And as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law, if you know better. If you should be subject to the law and you sin, the law will judge you.
Verse 13. For not the hearers of the law are just before God. You could sit in church all your life, brethren. Not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. I remind you that the word justified means to be made righteous, not necessarily to have your spirit and soul cleansed. You can be made righteous because you have received the imputed anointing of Jesus Christ. He has covered you temporarily, until you are cleansed in your own right. So if you sit in a church all your life, you are not righteous. It does not make you saved, but the doers of the law are righteous. Now brethren, that does not mean someone with a black heart going out and doing all these good works. It is the doers of the law that is in your heart, good works preceding forth from the mercy and the life and the compassion of God. You cannot fool God. He knows why you are doing it. Hallelujah.
Verse 14. For when the gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these having not the law are a law unto themselves. You cannot be a person of God. You do not have to be a genie. You do not have to be a Christian. You may have never heard of Jehovah, Jesus Christ, or the Mosaic, or the spiritual law of God, and if because of your very nature you love your brother, and you do unto others as you would have them do unto you, God says that He is no respecter of persons. He says that these people are a law unto themselves. Why are all these people running around saying if you do not accept Jesus Christ, you are lost forever. That is not what this says right here. He says there are a group of people out there that are a law unto themselves. Why? Because the law of God is written in their nature. The law is spiritual.
Verse 15. Which show the work of the law written in their hearts. Their conscience also bearing witness. I want to tell you, brethren, I have met people that are not in the church that have more of a conscience than the people in the church. I have met people in the church doing terrible things. They do everything horrible in the church. Do not be naive. They do homosexual acts. They fornicate. They steal. They lie. They hate. They connive. They manipulate. They murder. They do everything that is done in the world. What makes you think you are righteous? There is none righteous but God. You are still natural man.
We are still in verse 15. Which show the work of the law written in their hearts. Their conscience also bearing witness and their thoughts in the meantime accusing or else excusing one another. I had to pray about that because it really threw me. What that means is that these people still have a natural soul, and their thoughts are still accusing and excusing, but nevertheless their conscience is stronger. They are still doing what is right. Their motive for doing what is right is coming forth from some spiritual thing that they were born with. They are not Christians. They are not a Jew. Maybe they are a Hindu. Maybe they are a Moslem. Maybe they are an atheist. Maybe they do not even believe in God, but they are loving their brother as they love themselves. They have a conscience with regard to their fellow man, and God says they are a law unto themselves.
I declare to you, brethren, that we all are going to wind up in the same place. God starts with some people, who may be heathens, and they have the law written on their heart. In another place He has Christians that have his Holy Spirit and they are absolutely filthy. So this group has one thing, and that group has one thing, and another group has something else. I declare to you that when God gets finished with this living soul, those of us that are coming from all different directions, are going to meet at the center, which is His life. Can you hear that? Can you hear that? Glory to God.
Alternate translation of Revelation, Chapter 3, Verse 15. I will give you the verse first because I really stepped aside here. I know thy works that thou art neither cold nor hot. I would thou were cold or hot. Alternate translation; I know all about your behavior. I know that you are living neither predominately out of your soul nor predominately out of your spirit. That you are fluctuating between the two to such an extent that you can be considered neither soul man nor spirit man. I desire that you would be either a soul man or a spirit man.
Verse 16. So then because thou art lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth. The word lukewarm is Strong’s #5513 and it means tepid, lukewarm. I suggest to you that it means not melted or liquified or separated. To get rid of the sin, brethren, the Christ within you has to manifest and melt your sin so that it can lay hold of the spiritual spark of your life and get it out, and join it to the life of Christ. That is the way God separates the spiritual spark of life, that you truly are, from your sin. He melts the sin. So if you are neither hot nor cold, you are nothing. You are nothing.
The word spew is Strong’s #1692 and it means to reject with extreme disgust, to vomit or throw up. Now I looked for this word in the Hebrew and I could not find it. What I did was that I wanted to call to your attention that the Greek word translated vomit, Strong’s #1829, that is used in 2 Peter 2:22 means to vomit out what has been swallowed. Now the word spew, we are told, means to reject with extreme disgust, and the word vomit means that it has already been swallowed and you vomit it out. There are two words in the Hebrew. I will give you your choice. I am going to give them both to you. I could not find any reference that told me specifically the Greek word translated spew is such and such a Hebrew word. So I am going to give the Hebrew word that is translated vomit and the Hebrew word that is translated spew.
The Hebrew word translated spew is Strong’s #7022 and it means intense disgrace, and it is from #7036. We had this a couple of messages ago. It means the pudenda, the female sexual organ. Strong’s #6958 translated vomit means to cast forth what has already been swallowed. I am suggesting to you that the Hebrew word translated spew which means the female sexual organ, means that He will stop the process of joining Himself to you. He is going to spew you out of His mouth. He is going to stop interacting with your female sexual organ which is the soul. If the correct translation is vomit, what He is really saying is, I will cause the son that I have birth in you to be cast forth from you. He has already swallowed you.
When He swallowed you, He has joined Himself to you, and when He has joined Himself to you, He has produced His son. So the word spew can either mean that He is going to take the son that is already growing in you and cast him out of you or that He is going to stop copulating with you, which if He does not stop, it will produce His son. So we really are saying the same thing in two different stages. Can you hear that? Did I explain that? Okay. The word mouth is Strong’s #4750. It really means an opening in the earth, and the earth is our soul. It is the opening through which the Spirit of God joins Himself to us.
Alternate translation of Revelation, Chapter 3, Verse 16. So then because you are not separating yourselves from the soul realm by the power of my indwelling Spirit, and my Spirit is thus not being revealed in your life, I will disgrace you by rejecting you as a wife and casting the fruit of your womb, even the soul of my Son out of the earth of your soul. So then because you are not living out of the spirit or the soul, which means if you are not living out of either one, you are not doing what you are suppose to be doing. Right?
You are suppose to be living out of the spirit and employing the power to destroy the soul life. So then because you are not separating yourselves from the soul realm by the power of my indwelling Spirit, Christ, and my Spirit is thus not being revealed in your life. Why? Because you are just living out of your soul too much. I will disgrace you by rejecting you as a wife and casting the fruit of your womb, even the life of my Son, out of the earth of your soul. You cannot backslide? This Scripture says to me that you can have Christ formed in you or you could lose it, brethren. Glory to God.
Verse 17. Because thou sayest I am rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing, and knowest not that thou art wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. Glory to God. The word rich and increased with goods is Strong’s #4147 and it means abundance, goods. It is the same word that we studied in Mystery Babylon. It means the imputed anointing and a mixture of soul and spirit. It is all we need spiritually. That is what they are saying.
They are rich and they are increased with goods and what they are saying is, all that they need is the imputed anointing and a mixture of soul and spirit. They do not have the revelation that there is more. I am sure you all know the church world is just filled with people like this. They think they have got it all, and they are waiting to die to go to heaven, the streets of gold. They are just holding on waiting for their Cadillac and their five bedroom Colonial house. They do not understand that this imputed anointing is just the promise. Glory to God.
So this is what rich and increased with goods means. It means abundance, but spiritual abundance and goods. Like I said, we studied that in Mystery Babylon. They think they are spiritual because they have physical things. We have a lot of prosperous people in the church. They have good jobs, prosperous businesses, and all kinds of good things. They think those people are spiritual. They do not realize that natural things, blessings from God, are not the equivalent of the spiritual life of Christ. So if you know people, or if you are someone who is very blessed financially and in the natural realm, that does not mean your spiritual life is in order. It just means that you are blessed.
I heard a preacher say once, if you have not been sick for fifteen years, that does not mean that you have divine health. It just means that you have not been sick. Divine health means that you are incapable of becoming sick. So if you have not been sick for fifteen years, that does not necessarily mean that you have divine health. It just means God has blessed you. You have not been sick. So if you have wealth, if you have all of the natural things of this life, that does not mean you are okay spiritually. It just means God has blessed you and you have the natural things of this life. Do not read into it. It just means what it means. It does not mean something else. Glory to God.
Poverty is not holiness. Neither is riches holiness. Spirit is spirit. The word wretched is Strong’s #5005 and it means enduring trials and troubles, afflicted, and it is from the root #5007 and #3984. 5007 meaning wait or burden and 3984 meaning the idea of being pierced through experience. We know that we are being pierced by the Lord Jesus Christ, and as He pierces us, we shall experience Him. Glory to God.
The word miserable is Strong’s #1652 and it means pitiable. It is from the root #1656 which is the mercy of God toward sinners. The word poor is Strong’s # 4434. We studied this word when we did the study on Lazarus. It means to be crouched over, to be in a straightened circumstances, to be in a fallen condition, to be frightened, and to be without the protection of God. Glory to God.
Blind is Strong’s #5185 and this is an interesting word because it does not just mean the inability to see. It means to have your eyes darkened as if by smoke, darkened as if by smoke. It is from #5188 which means to consume with flame. I remind you that we had this in a message a long time ago that this whole living soul in under the judgments of God and the judgments of God are fire. If you look in somebody’s eyes and you see pain and torment and burning, that what you are looking upon is the wrath of God upon that person’s soul. That was in one of the earlier tapes.
I am suggesting to you that this word blind means that they are blind because they are under the judgment of God. They are burning and the smoke is covering up their spiritual eyes. So the judgment is not bringing forth the life of Christ. The judgment is really blinding them. I am suggesting to you that this is talking about believers that blame every trial and tribulation upon Satan and they will not acknowledge that it has anything to do with their spiritual processing or their spiritual maturation. God is burning them and it is not bringing forth the life of Christ because they will not repent. They will not admit it is a judgment for something that they have done. They think they are okay.
There is another scripture. I think it is either in Isaiah or Jeremiah. It says the founder is burning the fire and He is melting the parts of the living soul, but the wicked are not plucked out. Everyone cannot get deliverance. Your soul has to be brought to a place where it is going to release the wicked. The founder, of course, is Jesus. He has done everything to bring you to a place where the wicked could be plucked out, but the people are not plucking out the wicked. Why? Because they do not acknowledge that they are wicked. They think it is some guy in a red suit, some red freak out there, and his demons. No, no, it is you, brethren. It is you. Glory to God.
They are also nude. It is Strong’s #1131 and it means uncovered without clothing, clad in the undergarment only. In Bible days men wore two garments. They wore the tunic that you hear about and underneath it they had an undergarment. So there were two garments. In the natural our two garments are the soul and the body, but in this instance I am suggesting to you that we are talking about the realm of the spirit. When God says that we are clad in the undergarment only, He is saying that we are not covered by His Spirit.
From the natural realm it is the body and the soul. In the spirit everything is a mirror image. The cover is the Spirit of God. Can you hear that? For the natural man the cover is the soul and the body, but when we are talking about the spiritual man, the cover is the Spirit of God, and the cover comes from within. Our spirit is within, our deepest recesses. It vibrates out from us and covers us. Is that clear to everybody? We have studied that a while back.
Alternate translation of Revelation, Chapter 3, Verse 17. Because you think that having all of the material things available in this present world system means that you have received everything available from the realm of my spirit, and that you are missing nothing, and because you are ignorant of the fact that the one whom you think is my adversary, even the devil is my servant, and that the burdens and trials which you are experiencing, known as the tribulation, are a part of the process which is joining you to me. He is saying that you are ignorant of that fact, that Satan is His servant and that the trials and tribulations that you are going through is part of the process that is joining you to me. They are suppose to be bringing you to repentance.
You are not suppose to be binding and loosening the devil. You are suppose to be finding out what you did wrong, that this judgment of God is upon you, so that you could repent, and get free. Brethren, if God has got a judgment on you, you could bind and loose the devil from today until kingdom come. This is referring to people that get delivered. I am not against deliverance. I am a deliverance preacher. I have had years of heavy deliverance in a deliverance church, but I am telling you I saw a lot of people that did not get delivered. I am telling you the only ones from whom the demons were cast out were the people that were repentant.
The people that were crying out to God to help them saying, Father help me, a sinner. Help me. Even if they were saying I do not know what I did, but I am sorry, help me. They got delivered. People that went up to that prayer line and said I am okay, but some red freak is after me, did not get delivered, and they left that church bitter. There have been all kinds of people saying deliverance is not real. It is real, brethren, but you have got to repent. It is the judgment of God that is on you. Glory to God.
Because you do not know that you are the recipients of my mercy, which makes you eligible for healing, deliverance, and the power to live out of my Spirit. You do not know that either. Pretty ignorant people, huh? Because you do not know that the burning righteous anger of my Spirit has judged your sins, and you are therefore in a fallen condition, filled with fear and inhabiting a solid dense body which blinds you to the realm of my Spirit, and binds you to the realm of the earth. It blinds you to the realm of my Spirit and binds you to the earth. Why? It is the judgments of God that are upon you.
Do not think because I have prospered you in the natural that you are not under the judgments of God. You are carnal. You are blinded to the realm of the Spirit, and you are bound to the earth, and you do not even know it. Because you do not know that you are without the fullness of my Spirit, even the imparted anointing, which you need to become a spiritual man, you do not even know that you have not got it. They are all over the church world, brethren. Glory to God.
Verse 18. Because that is your condition, I counsel you to buy of me gold tried in the fire that thou mayest be rich, and white raiment that thou mayest be clothed that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear, and anoint thine eyes with eye salve that thou mayest see.
Alternate translation of Revelation 3, Chapter 18. I advise you to ask me for a purified spirit, so that you may be rich in the realm of my Spirit, and a cleansed and purified soul and body, so that the spiritually female reproductive parts of your soul, which are presently raped at will by the spirit which rules in the soul realm, can be clothed, and this shameful condition done away with, and ask me to heal your eyes, which have been denied spiritual knowledge because of my judgments which rest heavily upon you, so that you can see. I counsel thee to buy me gold tried in the fire. I ask you and suggest to you that you ask me to give you a purified spirit. Remember the study we did on Mystery Babylon? To buy spiritual things means to gather unto yourself the spiritual components that you need to form Christ in you. I advise you to ask me for a purified spirit; Christ. Glory to God.
That thou mayest be rich, because you are not rich. All you have is the imputed anointing. I also suggest that you buy from me white raiment, which is a purified soul, a purified and cleansed soul, and a purified and cleansed body so that you might be clothed. Well what does that mean? If you are not clothed, you are naked. What happens when you are naked? You are being raped on a continual basis by the spirit that rules in the soul realm. In case you do not know it, that is what has happened to you. Every time you sin, you have been raped by an unclean spirit in your mind. Jesus says get yourself clothed. You are being raped because you are walking around naked. You are vulnerable. You are open. You are not defensed. He says get yourself clean garments, which is my Spirit, and I am going to cover you over with my Spirit, and the spirit that rules in the living soul will not be able to penetrate you. That is what He is saying.
And that the shame of your nakedness will not be seen, so that the spiritually female reproductive parts of your soul, which are presently raped at will, by the spirit which rules in the soul realm, can be clothed and this shameful condition of your nakedness, and you are being raped at will, be done away with. Also He said, ask me to anoint your eyes with eye salve. Ask me to heal your eyes. What is wrong with your eyes? They cannot see spiritual things. They cannot see spiritual things. That is what is wrong with them. So ask me to heal your eyes so that you could see.
Ask me to heal your eyes, which have been denied spiritual knowledge, because of my judgments which rest heavily upon you. Ask me to heal them so that you could see. Glory to God.
1 John 3:2; Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him. Why? For we shall see him as he is. Why do we want our eyes healed, brethren? To see. What is it that we want to see? We want to see Jesus. Why? So that we can be like him. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
Revelation, Chapter 3, Verse 19. As many as I love I rebuke and chasten: Be zealous therefore, and repent. The word rebuke is Strong’s #1651. It means to convict or to convince of sin. We also studied this all the way back in one of the early messages, that you could go to somebody in an ungodly spirit, and tell them that they are committing sin, and all that you have done is condemn them. When the Holy Spirit comes to you and tells you that you are in sin, He convinces you of your guilt. Why? So that you can repent.
If I come to you in a wrong spirit and I say you are guilty of fornicating, and you turn around and say to me, get lost honey, it is none of your business. I have not come to you in the Holy Spirit. Because if I come to you in the power of the Holy Spirit, you will be convicted, you will repent, and you will get deliverance. So that is what this word is, for when He rebukes us, He convinces us that we are guilty. Why? So that we can repent. Why? So that we can get delivered. Why? So that He can appear in us. That is why.
The word chasten is Strong’s #3811 and it means to train up a child, to educate, to discipline by punishment. The word chasten means to discipline you by severe trials and tribulations that will educate you. These
trials and tribulations have a purpose. They are to educate you. If you are trying to pray your way out of your trials and tribulations, if you are trying to have curses broken and demons cast out without changing the thinking that has brought these situations upon your life, brethren, you are wasting your time, you are wasting the minister’s time, you are wasting God’s time.
You have got to repent for what you are doing so that you do not birth another demon or that you do not come under another curse. A lot of people are very concerned about witch’s curses, and evil speaking, and all of that. Well I tell you, brethren, the only curses that I worry about are the curses that God has put on me because the others come off real easy. When someone curses you, or speaks evil against you, thinks evil against you, if you are walking with God, brethren, the chances are they will not even touch you. But if you are ground in Christ, and they do touch you, that is real easy to get delivered from.
It is the curses of God that scare me. You have got to find out what you are doing wrong. You have got to find out how you are thinking wrong. I will tell you something, brethren, if that person, if you are right with God, if that person is cursing you, and you are genuinely praying for them and loving them, that thing cannot get on you. I am telling you that thing cannot get on you unless you are a very young Christian and you cannot take the victory of praying for them and loving them, but if you are in Christ, if you are in the place where you can do that, where you can manifest out of Christ and love them and pray for them, that curse cannot cleave unto you.
If you cannot manifest out of Christ, you cry out to God. I have done this, brethren. It works. I have said, Lord, I see the whole thing clearly. They are cursing me. They hate my ever loving guts and I want to bless them and I cannot. I did not stop crying out to God, saying I want to bless them and I cannot until He gave me the power to do it. It took a couple of days, but I refused to curse them back. When He gave me the power to bless them it was all over, brethren. You are only in trouble when your own soul is responding on their level. If you are living out of Christ, you have no problem. Your only problem is your soul. Can you hear that? Glory to God. Hallelujah.
We did rebuke and we did chasten. The word zealous is Strong’s #2206 and it means to desire earnestly. I would just like to comment on that. There are two words expressing basically the same emotion in the Scripture. One is desire and the other is lust. Lust is illegal because, does anybody know? It is a manifestation of your soul, and therefore it is negative and destructive. Desire is basically the same emotion except that it comes out of the Spirit of God within you. It is absent of all the ungodliness that hangs on it from the soul realm, but it is basically the same emotion.
This word zealous is really the same word as desire. Desire is a very strong word. It is as strong as lust except that it is legal. God says you can lust after the things of God. You can pant after God. You could desire Him until it is coming out of your ears, your eyes, and your nose, and it is okay. If you are desiring God and the things of God, good will come out of it. Only good will come out of it. What will come out of it is He will appear in you.
If you are lusting for something that is not of God, even if it is a minor lust, it is not good because nothing good will come out of it. Can you hear that? You can have strong emotions. You can have strong desire for that which is of God because everything of God is good. Lust or strong desire for something that you do not have that is not of God can destroy you. We had a whole tape on lust here. It can destroy you. It can destroy you if you get it and it can destroy you if you do not get it. There are different kinds of lust. This word zealous really means lust, with a Godly lust. For what? For the things of the Spirit.
Alternate translation in the book of Revelation, Chapter 3 verse 19. I convict of sin and train up and educate everyone I love by severe disciplinary action. So to make things as easy as possible for you, desire the things of my Spirit ardently and repent. Did you hear that? I convict of sin and train up and educate everyone I love by severe disciplinary action. So to make things as easy as possible for you, desire the things of my Spirit ardently and repent. Glory to God.
I want to back up a little. I do not know if I made it clear what I was saying about curses before. I do not want anybody misunderstanding this. I believe that you can be touched by curses that are not of God, brethren, but the way out of it is to live out of Christ. Did I make that clear? If you are not yet in a place where you can live out of Christ, these curses can hurt you. I do not want to deny that they are real, and I do not want to deny that they can hurt you. They can hurt you if you are not yet in a place where you can get into Christ, where you can get into that hidden place. So they are real. They are not to be ignored. We have Christians that just ignore them and deny that they are there. They have to be dealt with, but they are not dealt with by throwing them back. That is witchcraft.
You have to seek God for deliverance. Sometimes you have to hold on to the horns of the altar. Sometimes deliverance does not come all the way and you can be hurt, but you can never be destroyed. Every curse that comes upon you that you do not take the victory over immediately, God will use it to build your spiritual growth. Did I make that clear? I do not want anyone to get a misunderstanding from what I am saying. I believe in deliverance. I believe in the reality of curses, both of God and of ungodly people, but I maintain that your only enemy is your own soul. I maintain that when your soul is in the right condition, which is in submission to the Spirit of God, nothing can hurt you, and that is what we are all striving for. Until we get to that place we have to seek God to help us. I have been the victim of many curses and God has delivered me out of every one of them. The answer is not to fight back on your own, brethren. Glory to God.
Verse 20. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. The word voice is Strong’s #5456 and it is not necessarily a voice as we know it. Through the idea of disclosure it could be a tone, a noise or a sound. The word door is Strong’s #2374 and it means a portal or an entranceway. It does not have to be a wooden door that gets you into your house. What He is talking about is an entranceway between the realm of the soul into the realm of the Spirit of God. He calls it a door so that we can understand that it is something that we have to pass through.
John, Chapter 10, Verses 7 thru 9. Then said Jesus unto them again. Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door, by me, if any man enter in he shall be safe, and shall go in and out and find pasture. Jesus Christ is the entrance way to the spiritual realm of God. He is the way out from this realm of hell and death into a realm of peace and life and contentment and safety.
There is only one way to get in there and that is through Jesus Christ. There is no other name or spirit by which man may be saved, but by the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. That Spirit, brethren, has to get inside of you. The door is not outside of you. The door is inside of you. Things of the spirit are a mirror image of the natural realm. Glory to God. The word open is Strong’s #455 and the Hebrew use of it is used of those who begin to speak, to open the mouth, to begin to speak. The word to come means to be present with. It is Strong’s #2240.
Alternate translation of Revelation, Chapter 3, Verse 20. Look, I am standing at the entranceway to the spiritual realm of God trying to get your attention. If any man understands what I am saying and the door opens, I will be present with him by my Holy Spirit. That is the imputed anointing. After that I shall eat with him and he with me, and we shall be joined. That is the imparted anointing. Now this is translated I am going to knock and He is going to open the door. That reinforces this teaching that Jesus will not violate your will and He will not come in unless you let Him in. That is a lie, brethren. It is a lie.
I declare to you that the true translation is that he who understands what I am saying to him, the door opens. When you understand what He is saying to you, that is what opens the door. But you cannot understand unless He gives you understanding. That is what He is saying. When you understand, that is the opening of the door. You now have communication. He is with you. When you understand, He comes in and He is with you. Can you be with me if you do not even know what I am talking about? How can two men walk together if they are not in agreement? It is impossible. So when you understand, the door opens, but you cannot understand unless He gives you understanding. Glory to God.
Look, I am standing at the entranceway to the spiritual realm of God trying to get your attention. If any man understands what I am saying and the door opens, I will be present with him by my Holy Spirit. First the imputed anointing. And eat with him and he with me, and we shall be joined as a result of the eating. That is the imparted anointing.
John, Chapter 3, Verses 53 and 54 and 56. Then Jesus said unto them, verily, verily, I say unto you, except you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Who so eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day. He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and I in him. And if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me. He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and I in him.
When He is coming in to sup with you, brethren, He is not coming for a cup of tea. I have heard some people who have had visions that Jesus came and sat down at their table and had a cup of tea with them. Well maybe it was Jesus. I do not know, but that is not what this scripture is talking about. He has got to get inside of you, and you have got to get inside of Him. You have to become joined. You have to become one flesh. You have to get all mixed up inside of each other. You have to become so one that you are He and He is you, but of course, His Spirit shall prevail. You have to be so mixed up in each other that when people look at you, they will not know who is who.
At that point, Jesus will be appearing in you, and you shall be joined, and you shall be gods. Glory to God. You shall be a god when God is your total motivating controlling force of your life, when He generates your every thought, your every word, and your every deed. Did you hear that? When your every thought, and your every word, and your every deed is motivated by God, ye shall be a god. Can you hear that? You are not a god when you have two souls, brethren. You are dangerous when you have two souls. You are a threat to all of society until you learn to control them. Glory to God.
Verse 21. To him that overcometh, I will grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame and am set down with my Father in his throne. The word set down is Strong’s #2523 and it means to dwell to a point, to continue. Alternate translation of Revelation, Chapter 3, Verse 21. I will translate the life of the one who overcomes his own soul into my sinless soul and he will receive all of the benefits of my sinless soul, and it shall be his, just like I received all of the benefits of my Father’s Spirit when I overcame and became joined to Him in His soul.
Remember John 17. I pray that they should be one with me as I was made one with you. Jesus was joined to the Father. We are being joined to Him. When we are joined to Him, we get Jesus and we get the Father. That is the fullness of the creation, brethren. The Father, the Son, and us. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
Colossians 3:3: For ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God. I will translate the life of the one who overcomes his own soul. I am going to get it out of your natural soul, that spark of life that you are, and you are going to be joined to the sinless soul of the Lord Jesus Christ. When this happens to you, you will receive all of the benefits of my sinless soul, and it shall be yours, just like I received all of the benefits from my Father’s Spirit when I overcame and became joined to Him. Glory to God.
Verse 22. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the spirit sayeth unto the churches. Let the man that has spiritual understanding hear what the spirit of God is saying unto the spiritual men in their various stages of development. Recap, book of Revelation, chapter 3, verses 14 thru 22. And write to the spiritual man abiding in the category of believers known as Laodicea, even those upon whom judgment is about to fall. This is what the reliable and believable second witness to the presence of the life of God in the soul of man says, even the one whose truth protects you like a parent until you can think with the thoughts of Christ instead of the thoughts of Adam.
Even he whose indwelling presence witnesses to and gives you an inward certainty as to the truth or falsity of the preaching and teaching you hear, confirming to you what is the truth and what is a lie. And he who is the witness that the life of God is now and shall be revealed in the flesh of man’s soul. For He is the first cause, the source of the life of, the substance out of which the creation of God is made. I know all about your behavior. I know that you are living neither predominately out of your soul nor your spirit, that you are fluctuating between the two to such an extent that you can be considered neither soul man nor spirit man. I desire that you would be either a soul man or a spirit man.
So then because you are not separating yourselves from the soul realm by the power of my indwelling spirit, and my spirit is thus not being revealed in your life, I will disgrace you by rejecting you as a wife and casting the fruit of your womb, even the life of my son out of the earth of your soul. Because you think that having all of the material things available in this present world system means that you have received everything available from the realm of my Spirit and that you are missing nothing and because you are ignorant of the fact that the one whom you think is my adversary, even the devil, is really my servant, and you are also ignorant of the fact that the burdens and trials, which you are experiencing, known as the tribulation, are a part of the processing which is joining you to me.
Because of all that, and because you do not know that you are the recipients of my mercy, which makes you eligible for healing, deliverance, and the power to live out of my Spirit, and because you do not know that the burning, righteous anger of my Spirit has judged your sins, and you are therefore in a fallen condition, filled with fear, and inhabiting a solid dense body which blinds you to the realm of my Spirit, and binds you to the realm of the earth, and because you do not know that you are without the fullness of my Spirit, even the imparted anointing, which you need to become a spiritual man.
Because of all that, I advise you to ask me for a purified spirit so that you may be rich in the realm of my Spirit, and a cleansed and purified soul and body, so that the spiritually female reproductive parts of your soul, which are presently raped at will by the spirit which rules in the soul realm, can be clothed, and the shameful condition done away with. Also, ask me to heal your eyes, which have been denied spiritual knowledge because of my judgments which rest heavily upon you. Ask me to heal your eyes so that you could see. I convict of sin and train up and educate everyone I love by severe disciplinary action. So to make things as easy as possible for you, desire the things of my Spirit ardently and repent.
Look, I am standing at the entranceway to the spiritual realm of God trying to get your attention. If any man understands what I am saying, and the door opens as a result of his understanding, I will be present with him by my Holy Spirit. That is the imputed anointing. And I will eat with him, and he with me, and we shall be joined. That is the imparted anointing. I will translate the life of the one who overcomes his own soul into my sinless soul, and he will receive all the benefits of my sinless soul, and it shall be his just like I received all of the benefits of my Father’s Spirit when I overcame and became joined to Him in His soul. Let the man that has spiritual understanding hear what the Spirit of God is saying unto the spiritual men in their various stages of development. Glory to God. Any questions? Hallelujah.
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