237 - Part 5

Part 5 of 7 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


But I just know God is doing something special with these people, and it excites me because there just are not that many sons around. There just are not, and just for your own information, I will tell you what a son is. A son is a Christian who is moving in the Spirit of Christ. A son is a spiritual person who is spiritual by the Spirit of Christ. We have people all over the world who are spiritual, but the spirit -- what does it mean t- -- you know, I remember, years ago when I first heard that expression spiritual, someone said, is such-and-such a person spiritual? I think they asked me if I was spiritual. I did not know what it meant. What does it mean to be spiritual? To be spiritual means to be sensitive to the realm of the spirit and to be able to function in it. What does that mean? We function in this earth realm. We walk; we talk; we eat, and we find that a way to meet our needs in this earth realm. Birds function on the earth, and they also function in the sky. They know how to operate in the sky. The can fly. They are at ease. They know what they are doing.

Well, the spirit realm is another -- if you want to say it, you could say another dimension, and it is a very alien place when you compare it to this world that we live in, and once you get in there, you have to know how to function in there, just as if to say, if you found yourself one day in the ocean. If you do not know how to swim or float or tread water, that means you cannot function in the ocean, and the result of that lack of knowledge is --

            [?You drown?].

-- you die, absolutely. You will die. So to be a spiritual person means that there is something built into your being that is an entranceway into the spirit world. Now Jesus said, "I am the door." The door to what? Did you ever ask yourself the door to what? He is the door to this other world, and He said anyone that has come before me is a --

            A thief.

-- a thief and a --

            And a robber.

-- and a robber, so that means there are people who came before him. What does that mean? There are people who were doors to the spirit world who came before Jesus, but they were thieves. That means that they entered into this realm illegally, sneakily, and they were robbers which means they had no right to be in there, and they stole what belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ. So there is a spirit world, and f- -- and where is it with regard to us? How do we get into the spirit world? Do we get in a spaceship? How do we get there? Where is the spirit world?


OK, but what are Jesus' words. What is the name of the spirit world that Jesus is king over?


The kingdom of God, and the kingdom of God is -- where is it? It is inside of us, so to go into the spirit world, we have to go in. You have to go in. It is inside of you. It is the exact opposite of this world. So to be a spiritual person, number one, you must have something that is spiritual. You must have a door that is open which is inside of you, and to survive in that world or -- and to survive or to function as a spiritual person, you must learn how to swim, how to walk, how to talk, how to eat, how to function in this world, or even though you have a door that is open, you shall surely die.

So we have people in this world who not only do not have an open door, they do not even have a door. Some people have a door, and it is not open. Some people have a door which is a thief and a robber which gets them into the wrong end of the spirit world, and the -- and what happens when you enter into the spirit world and you are not entering in through Jesus? What is the -- what are the consequences of this?


Death, but the means of death is that God curses you. It is illegal, and you may not die in this generation, but this sins of the fathers are visited upon the children unto the third and fourth generation, and before death comes destruction. And the -- some of the consequences of illegal entrance into the spiritual realm are disease, pestilence. Anybody, anything else? Addictions of all sorts.


Not -- well, that is the very end of it, OK. Eventually, y- -- well, I do not know about -- you do not have to have starvation, but disease, drug addiction, alcoholism, mental illness, insanity and incest. There is severe judgment coming from the Lord Jesus Christ upon those who enter into the spirit realm through an illegal door, and it usually does not manifest until a few generations down the line. By the time it manifests, the person that it is manifesting in may very well not be involved in anything ungodly, and they cannot figure out for the life of them how they got into all of this trouble.

And I remember, as a very young child, crying out to God, saying, "What could I possibly have done that was so bad to almost die a horrible death at 10 years old?" Well, my ancestor's sins fell on me. They fell on the whole -- on all three of us that were in the family at that time, but they fell pretty he- -- well, I guess they fell pretty heavily on all of us. OK, so how did I get into all this? What was I talking about? How did I get in- --


[?Well?] --

            [INAUDIBLE] what a son is.

Oh, yeah. OK, I was talking about [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. I was saying there are very few sons of God around because to be a son means to operate, to function in the Spirit of Christ. It means to be a spiritual person by the power of the Spirit of Christ, so it is not enough that you read the Bible. I know some people, they can quote long passages of Scripture. That does not make you a son. That you do with your carnal intellect, but to be a son, you have to be moving in the realm of the spirit of Christ and not dying but, on the contrary, prospering. So for whatever reason, I have some ideas in mind. There are very few sons of God around. The average Christian is very, very carnal. Well, we are glad you are well. We prayed for you.




Celie, put that on pause, please.


So we see a very strange thing happening in the church today, that as the sons of God start to appear, we find them appearing f- -- largely -- now it does not have to be, but largely in people that have a background in witchcraft and people who have been into all forms of addiction. Why? Because these things open you to the spirit realm. Does not the Scripture say the drunkards and the prostitutes shall enter in before the Pharisees? That is what my Bible says. Why? Because when the -- because the spirit realm is opened up. Of course, it is an ungodly door to the spirit realm. It is opened up by substance abuse and prostitution and practice of the occult. Now this sounds like the -- one of the biggest contradictions I have ever heard in my life, but nevertheless it is the truth. You know all those pink elephants that alcoholics are supposed to see? Well, they may not be delusions. I knew someone who was a very bad alcoholic once, and he said, in his opinion, these people have entered into the pit. They have actually entered into the ungodly side of the spirit realm and that what they were seeing was real.

So we see, to be a son, we must have a spiritual door which is open in us, and we must know how to walk in that realm. And what I see happening, I have told you this before, is God ca- -- is that God is calling a lot of people who already have spiritual doors built into them because of sin, and He is laying hold of them, and He is taking them as a spoil of war, and these people who are spiritually developed are just flying through into Christ, and they are zooming ahead.

Now that is not to discourage people that do not have this kind of sin on their family line. All things are possible with Christ. I believe He can do anything, just that some people -- you know, different people go different ways. Do not let me discourage you. I cannot not tell you the truth as I see it, but please do not be discouraged because God can do anything. And I was at that convention in Connecticut when a prophecy came forth, that for those who had no womb to bear the Christ child, He would build a womb in the, so He is full well able to do anything.

But this whole exhortation came forth because I am telling you that I perceive [CROSSTALK] to be sons [AUDIO CUTS OUT] -- does confess that she was into witchcraft. She dabbled. So that is the story. To be a true Christian, you have to be spiritual. That is the bottom line because God is a spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth, and those who minister to God's people -- what is the ministry of the sons to be? Is it to stand up in a church and run a service? What is the ministry of the sons?


OK, to set the captive free. OK, to deliver the hopeless and the helpless from the bondages of Hell, which is this world system. To get those in prison, in spiritual prison, out, to heal the sick, to deliver the demonized. It is no- -- I am not against churches, but the sons are going beyond the churches. They are going into the streets. The ministry of the true son is in the streets because those people ca- -- are so bad off, they cannot even get to a church, and there is no way that you are going to get to the people that is God sending you to if you are not open to the spirit. And I want to tell you God does not give you information. He blows you. Is that not what the Scripture says? He who is born of the spirit blows with the wind. You never know which way you are going. Some people get frustrated with me. They think I do not know what I am doing. They think I am in confusion. I am not in confusion. I am open. My spiritual limbs are lax. When the wind blows, I move. Sometimes my body moves; sometimes my mind moves. Now if it looks to you like I am confused and indecisive, you do not understand spiritual things.

When June and I were in Nigeria, Margaret was very upset with me at one point. She thought -- she heard all this wonderful teaching, and then she met me, and she thought I did not know what I was doing. Do you remember that? She was really upset with me, but the like witnessed everything to her because whatever I said turned out. Whatever I s- -- I was -- I guess I was prophesying. To me, it was not prophesying, but whatever I anticipated, it came to pass. One night I told her that another preacher there, locally -- I think I had a message that he had called, and I said, yeah, he wants to -- I had a message that he wanted to take us out to dinner, and I said, "Yeah, he wants to preach to us," and it just came out of my mouth. So he took June and I out to dinner with his wife, and what did he do, June? June, what did he do? What did he do, June? We are in the Sheraton Hilton Hotel, and what did he do? 

            He did not eat his dinner. [CROSSTALK] preached the whole time [INAUDIBLE]

He did not even eat. 


OK, so we got in- -- we wound up in the car with Margaret and her sister Edith after that, and one of them said, "Well, how was your dinner? How was Brother Peter?" or something like that, and I said, "Oh, he preached to us." Now I had completely forgotten that I -- because I did not realize it was a prophecy. To me, it was just a offhanded remark. I had completely forgotten that I said, and Margaret said, "Well, how could he preach when you are eating?" And we started to laugh. The man did not eat. His dinner was on his table -- was on the table, so at that point, Margaret confessed that she thought I was very arrogant and lifted up in pride thinking that I expected him to preach to me. No, it was a word of wisdom, you see. He was not going to eat; he was going to preach to us. You have got to start to function in spiritual things because if you are carnal, you are going to think that the spiritual sons are lifted up in pride, that they are arrogant, that they are ignorant, that they are indecisive, that they are weak, that they do not know what they are doing.

But then, when the sledgehammer comes down on your head, you are going to find out that you are wrong. It is a whole different kind of life, a whole different way of thinking. Rita just said to me not too long ago, "I will never be able to figure out the way you think." Yes, you will, Rita, when you ascend to whatever place it is in the realm of the spirit. You will understand how I think. To the carnally minded man, I make no sense at all, but I make a lot of sense.

So, brethren, I encourage you not to be discouraged but to labor in prayer in a godly way, telling the Lord that you want a part of this inheritance that you are hearing preached. Do not look at anybody else. Do not compare yourself to other people's progress. Just keep your eyes on yourself, thanking God for every increase that you receive, and do your thing. Come to the meetings, listen to the messages, and ask Him what He would have you do today. When you open your eyes in the morning, ask Him to let you move in the spirit and to teach you, that you should learn at least one thing every day. He is faithful, and He has got a job for every one of us. Do not look at anyone else's job. You are going to be happy with the job He gives you. You may be unhappy getting to the place where you find out what your job is because He is killing you to get you to that  place, but once He brings you into obedience, you will be content with the job He gives you, so please be encouraged.

He is a wonderful God, and He has more than enough for everybody, and we do not understand Him, you see, because we are all carnal, and we want carnal things because we are carnal. So when He does not give you carnal things, we get all upset sometimes, and sometimes we rebel, and sometimes we think He is not with us, and sometimes we get into trouble. But the truth of the matter, brethren, is from the second you pray to be a spiritual son, He started to kill your carnal life, so do not be surprised if He is taking away the candy of this world from you. Do not be surprised if He is taking away what gives you pleasure in this world because you cannot have the pleasure that comes from spiritual things and have the pleasure that comes from carnal things because, like oil and water, they do not mix.

Now for a season you will have both because God does not rip every pleasure of this world away from you. You would probably die, but it is a process. He removes the pleasurable things of the soul realm, and He starts giving you the pleasurable things of the spirit, and the average believer does not understand, and they -- including me. They scream, and they yell, and they kick, and they carry on, and they are mad at God, and they think He has not heard them or He does not love them. And He loves you, brethren, and He is answering your prayer. You just do not like the way He is doing it.

Praise the Lord. I just pray for be here that would agree with this prayer, that the Lord builds His life in you and that you experience the things of His Spirit, which are glorious beyond any pleasure of this world that you could imagine. There is no holes in the pleasure of the Spirit, nothing that could hurt you, nothing that could disappoint you, just glory. You do receive persecution in this world, but if you live out of the Spirit, you shall receive your reward in the Spirit. And as you retreat into the things of God's Spirit -- there is a song like this, but it is really true. The things of this world grow dim. It is really true. You know, I -- lots of times I tell people that there are things that mean nothing to me, and they cannot believe it, that certain things mean nothing to me, and it really means nothing to me. And I look forward to the Lord bringing me inward even more, that nothing in this world should mean anything to me, and the ultimate end of it is what happened to Enoch. Enoch walked with God, and then he was not. There was nothing of him that was in this world, and of course that is what happened to Jesus too, on a higher level.

OK, does -- if no one has any questions about what I was just talking about, we will go on with the message. Anyone have a question on anything that I said? OK.

We are back in Romans 8 tonight. I hoped to finish this message tonight, but I could not do it. It looks like -- this is part 5, and it looks like we will have one more message beyond this. I am going to read you the Alternate Translations for verses 28 -- 27 through 30, and I just want you to know that I have made further modifications in them. Let me just go over what I do with these Alternate Translations. What we are doing here is that I look up every word in the Greek, and as in the English dictionary, there can be five, 10 or 15 translations for every Greek word. And under the anointing of Christ I study, and I wait for the Lord to speak to me, and frequently or some of the time if not frequently, I will choose another translation. I never change any of the original language word. [AUDIO CUTS OUT] -ever change any of the Greek words that appear in the original Greek text.

What I do change, not infrequently, is the selected trans- -- or the translation in which the King James translators have selected. I do that, and when I do it, I usually give you an explanation as to why I do it, and I base it on a revelation that the Lord has put in my heart, and I usually have other witnesses for you. And then what happens, as we do one verse at a time and work up and Alternate Translation, when I put them all together -- which is what I did here. I put together verses 27 through 30, and I read them through. I will get a better understanding of what the Lord is trying to say, and then I will make some other modifications, but I still have not changed any of the Greek words, just some of the chosen translations, and I may change some of the -- I cannot think of the word I want to use, the sequence. I will change the sequence.

Today what I did is that I put verse 27 after verse 30. I do not know why, but sometimes when we really go into depth in these Scriptures in the Greek, as I read it through and as you would read it through, if you have a grasp of the revelation that is coming through here, you will see that some of these sentences are just not in the proper sequence. I do not know why. I do not know whether the men who used to copy these Scriptures by hand thought they were in the wrong place and changed them. I honestly do not know, but I do know that we are not bound to the letter of this word and that when we see a revelation coming forth, which is very exciting to me, to see a revelation coming forth in Scripture that I never really saw it in before, I do not have any problem putting verse 27 after verse 30. And to be in this ministry, you have to role with the punches. We are not religious. We are not pharisitical. We go with the Spirit, and this is the word that the Spirit is bringing forth.

There is more sound Scripture for my Alternate Translations than a lot of the end-time teaching coming forth today. Celie and June and I were talking about that once. When you hear about Nebuchadnezzar's statue, and the 10 toes are the Common Market, I do not even know where they get all that stuff. Everything that I have is a legitimate translation of every Greek word in the Scripture. Praise God.

OK, so I want you to know, just in case anybody really goes in to study these verses and you hear these Alternate Translations are different than the way I read them on the last message, this is what happened. I put verses 27 through 30 together, and I made some further modifications so that they would ro- -- read smoothly from verse 27 through 30, or actually from verse 28 through 30 and then verse 27, so now we have a smooth-reading translation, and I am finding this revelation is always very exciting.

So basically what I did was -- let me just put this on the message. I further modified verses 27 through 30. I put verse 27 after verse 30, and I have also combined verse 28 and 29 because the two verses are really one sentence. Please note that in verse 27, I have replaced the phrase, "thoughts and purposes of the Spirit of Christ," with what those and purposes are. What does that mean? As we brought forth the translation, the -- we found the Scripture talking about the thoughts and purposes of Christ. Well, what are the thoughts and purposes of Christ? Anybody know what the thoughts and purposes of Christ are? I suggest to you judging the sins of men, exposing them, judging them, forgiving them and imparting Christ Jesus to them so that they can be raised from the dead. So that is one of the things we do here.

There is a Bible called the Amplified Bible, and we are doing the same thing that the Amplified Bible does. The Greek translation says "the thoughts and purposes of Christ," and I have changed that phrase to my understanding of what the thoughts and purposes of Christ are. I have also replaced the phrase, "their prayers agree with Christ Jesus." "The so- -- the prayers of the sons of God agree with Christ Jesus," and I have replaced that phrase with what I believe the prayer to be, and does anyone have any idea what the prayer of the sons is? 


Well, that is close. Anybody else?


Yeah, the -- me, as a son of God, my prayer for you, my prayer for everybody, my friends and my enemies. I have one prayer. My prayer life is very simple. I have one prayer, that this salvation that is imparted to me, that you should have it too, that the same Christ that is being formed in me should be formed in you. That is the prayer that I pray for my worst, most vicious enemy. May the Father forgive your sins, and may He have the same mercy on you that He has had on me, and every good thing that I have received from Him, may you receive it and experience it too, so that is what I have replaced in verse 27.

In verse 28, in the phrase, "them that love God," I have changed the translation of God. I ha- -- in the last message, I translated God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and when I read the whole sequence together, I should not have done that, so I have made it the Father. Everybody OK? And also please note that verse 28 is speaking about the predestination of the Lord Jesus Christ and that verse 29 is speaking about Christ Jesus, the second generation of Christ. I did not pick that up in the last message. That is very common in the Scripture. Verse 28 is speaking about the first generation of Christ. That is the Lord Jesus Christ, and verse 29 is speaking about the second generation of Christ, which is called Christ Jesus, which is us. And I changed the phrase, "spiritual son," in verse 29 and 30 to the Lord Jesus Christ in verse 29 and Christ Jesus in verse 30.

OK, Alternate Translations, verses 28 and 29, "And we also know that Christ Jesus is being formed in the men who have had a true union with the Father and that all of these are laboring together towards full spiritual manhood because the Father determined, before Jesus the Christ was incarnated, that His external form should appear as the offspring of men and that He should be the first of many human beings to be rescued from Hell and born into the kingdom of God."

Verse 30, "Moreover, the Father is also inviting the human offspring of Jesus the Christ" -- that is us -- "whose external form was determined before they incarnated, to be rescued from Hell and born into the kingdom of God by waging war against their own carnal minds. And He is restoring the men who are waging that warfare to the correct moral order, and those men who He is restoring to the correct moral order, He is also giving the mind of Christ."

Verse 27, "And we can recognize these sons of God. How do we recognize them? Because this is what they are doing. Because they are judging the sins of men and they are forgiving those sins, and they are praying that Christ Jesus be formed in them also."

That is how you recognize a son of God, brethren. OK, now most people do not have any problem with me saying you can recognize a son because they are praying that Christ be formed in them. Most people do not have any problem with me saying that the sons of God are forgiving men's sins, but a lot of people have a problem with me saying the sons of God are exposing sin in men. Well, brethren, you cannot forgive someone's sin until you expose it.

So this lines right up with the ministry of the two witness company, OK, and we read, in verses prior to this that I have not read for you today, that the sons of God -- the thought went right out of my mind.  What was I going to say? Well, I am going to go on because the thought went -- Father, if you want me to say it, you will have to give it back to me. OK, so put that on pause for a second. Maybe it will come back to me. What was I goin- -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT]

Continuing with Romans 8:31, "What shall we then say to these things?" What things? Everything that I just read to you. About what things? That God predestinated Jesus Christ to be born. It what is His -- it was God's intention, before He ever took on the flesh of a human being, that that would be what He would look like. Let me remind you that when we worked up that verse, we said that God's predetermination that Jesus would look like a human being is not talking about this physical body because this physical body is a fallen body. It is the image of --


-- Satan, yes. So when we are talking about the L- -- the Father predetermining that Jesus would be in the form of a man, we are talking about the what? Anybody remember? If it is -- if we are not talking about this body, what are we talking about?

            [?The soul?].

The soul. We are talking about the soul of man, OK, the living soul. God made a creation. It is called the living soul, and the Spirit of the Son of God is dwelling inside of that soul as a man dwells underneath his garment, so that soul should be in the form of a man. And we too have been predetermined by the Father, that there should be a second generation of Christ. What does that mean? It means there was one man. His name was Jesus of Nazareth, and the reason he was allowed to say, "I am Jesus the Christ" -- does anybody remember how come he had the right to say that, anybody?


Yes, because the mind of Christ was raised from the dead in that man. Every other human being on the face of the earth has a mind which is born of the --


-- flesh. It is the carnal mind. It is born of the flesh, but Jesus had a mind which was born or begotten of the Father, and therefore, he had the right to call himself Jesus the Christ. Jesus said, "If a corn of wheat fall into ground, it shall bring forth a great harvest." What does that mean? It means that the Lord Jesus Christ gave up His existence as one individual man, Jesus Christ, and He became pure Spirit, and now that pure Spirit, in this hour, is pouring out of heaven upon all flesh and reproducing itself in every human being that it falls upon. It is pouring out upon all flesh, white flesh, black [?fresh?], green flesh, yellow flesh, even Spock's flesh, if he exists. It is pouring out on everyone. That was a bad joke, but it was a joke.

So in this hour, there are many human beings born of a woman, like Jesus of Nazareth was, in whom the mind of Christ is being formed, and every human being, does not matter what your body looks like, does not matter whether it is a male or a female or what nationality you are. It does not matter. If the mind of Christ is being formed in you, when that mind is fully formed in you, is fully born in you, you can call yourself Christ.

Now we have a lot of people in the church that are very upset about the doctrine of the sons of God and, in fact, unfortunately, there are some Christians running around who are carnal, fallen men, committing every sin in the universe, telling everybody that they are sons of God. So the people in the church who are seriously trying to find God, who are genuinely upset, mostly because they do not understand this doctrine, when they see these men running around doing everything and calling themselves sons, the people who are genuinely upset are saying, "See, I knew it," but that does not mean that the doctrine is false. It just means that we have some false Christians in the church who are calling themselves Christ before they have a legal right to take that name.

So it was predetermined that there would be a second generation of Christ, that the human beings that are in the world today would have the same opportunity as Jesus of Nazareth to have the Christ that is in them raised from the dead. And when Christ died at the time of the fall, and He is appearing, a bone at a time. Each individual human being has a bone of Christ in them, and that bone is capable of being raised from the dead in the individual, and in the human being, that bone is called the bone of Christ.

            The spirit?

The human spirit, yes. The human spirit is that bone of Christ, that part of us which has the potential for the male -- mature, male, fully mature, overcoming mind of Christ to be born in us. So what shall we say then to all these things, that God is bringing forth a second generation of Christ who are going to be exposing and judging the sins of men and forgiving them and who have the ability to impart the life of Christ to these men? Because, you know, it is easy to expose sins. There is such a thing as a spirit of divination. Witches can expose your sins. They can look right into your heart and see what is there, find your weak point, and use it to bring you down and utterly destroy you. But the sons of God will expose your sins, but they will not destroy you. They will forgive you, and even beyond forgiving you, they have the miracle-working ability to implant the seed in you that will bring forth Christ Jesus, the mind of Christ, in you.

So, "What should we say about these things?" Verse 31, "If God be for us, who can be against us?" Well, I really could not go along with this translation. I had to change it a little, so this is what I did. "What shall we say then?" The word what can also be translated who. The Greek word translated say can be translated command. Now command is a much stronger word. What can I say to you? What can I command you? There is a big difference, and I suggest to you what this verse is saying, well, then after all this, if the mind of Christ is coming forth in all these men, who has the authority to command these men in whom the mind of Christ is being formed? What natural man has authority over these men? That is what it is saying. Stay with me.

Who shall command these things? Now this form -- the word translated these things is 5023, but I compared the actual Greek spelling. I looked for the actual Greek spelling in my reference books, and it turns out this form of that word is the neuter plural form of Strong's 3778, which can be translated this man. Let me s- -- I will tell you again. This word that is translated these things is in a different form of a word that can be translated this man. It is in a plural form, these men, OK, but it is also neuter, which means it is not male, and it is not female. So what does that mean? I want to suggest to you that the Scripture is talking about sons of God in full stature because there is no male or female in Christ Jesus, and when you stand up in full stature, brethren, there is no marriage or giving in marriage in heaven. OK, we have a lot of perverse people that try to make Jesus of Nazareth a homosexual, but, brethren, He was in full stature. He did not use His body like men down here in Hell use their body. Neither did He use His mind like men down here in Hell use their mind. He had a use of His mind in ways that men down here in Hell cannot even imagine. He did glorious things with His mind.

And I want to suggest to you that our natural type is a bird. Brethren, when you are flapping your wings and flying in the heavenlies and there is no ground under you, your feet do not function. So these things -- the reason the King James translators did not translate the word these men is because it is a neuter form, but I am going to translate it eunuchs for Christ. Does anybody not know what I am talking about? Jesus said there are three kinds of eunuchs, eunuchs who are born that way, eunuchs who make themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of God's sake and eunuchs who are made eunuchs by men. OK, that is pretty sad, to be made a eunuch by men. But if you are made a eunuch for the kingdom of God's sake, just look at Jesus; it is glorious.

OK, Alternate Translation, one half -- the first half of Romans 8:31, "Who then can command these eunuchs?"

Brethren, there is a company of men that is going around who have Christ in them who has matured to such a point that they are exposing men's sin, judging those sins and forgiving those sins and imparting Christ to those men. If you are doing that, what man can command you? I suggest to you no man can command you. Now that does not mean that you walk off in rebellion. If you still have a secular job, my Bible says submit yourself to your employers as you submit yourself to your Lord in heaven. Every work that you do, do it as unto God. Submit yourselves one to another, but of course that is the commandment of our Lord. No carnal man can command you. You obey God.

"If God be for us, who can be against us?" This is the second half of verse 31. Now in the Greek, the definite article appears, so the correct translation is the God. You may remember the teaching here that when the definite article appears before the word God, it is speaking about the one and only Most High God whose name is, anybody? The Father, Jehovah, the Father. And God without the definite article is speaking about Christ in the minds of men. The Father is always greater than the Son. Once again, there is a doctrine floating around the church that says once Christ begins to come forth in men, the Father no longer exists. I dispute that doctrine. The Father shall always exist. The Lord Jesus Christ shall always have the preeminence, and He shall always be greater than the Son. OK.

            I have a question. Is Jesus not [INAUDIBLE]

Do you think you could hold that till after the meeting? OK, remember it. We take questions after the meeting. Otherwise, I lose my whole train of thought. OK, I would appreciate that, OK.

"If God before us, who can be against us?" But now this Greek word translated f- -- OK, I have something else to tell you. Now we know that the Lord Jesus Christ is now one with the Father, is now one with Jehovah, so to just avoid confusion in our Alternate Translation, I am going to translate that God, the living God. You will see -- because -- you will see why later on because each verse it changes. We go from the living God to the Lord Jesus Christ to Christ Jesus to the sons of God, and each subsequent verse it changes. So for this verse, we are going to translate the word God as the living God.

"If God before us, who can be against us?" This Greek word translated for, Strong's 5228, can also be translated above, in one's stead, more, beyond or over, and I am suggesting to you that the correct translation is, "If God be our head, if God be over us, who can command us, brethren?" Who can command you if God is truly your head? And, brethren, God is only your head when you do what he tells you to do. You can have the mind of Christ, but if you are not doing what He tells you to do, men can command you. You are subject to the wickedness of men in this world system. But if you are walking in submission to Christ, I want to tell you, brethren, there is no weapon formed against you that can prosper. There is nothing that any man can do to you that will not be used for your good because my Bible says, "All things work for the good for those who love the Lord." Every time I mess up, every time I flub, God will teach me something and put me right back up on my feet, and my spiritual experiences that lead to full stature will continue to gallop ahead. There is nothing that can destroy me. I can be cast down, but I cannot be destroyed, and every time I stand up, I will stand up 10 times stronger. Every time you punch me, I will come up 10 times stronger.

Had they only known what would have happened when they killed the Lord of glory, they would have never crucified Jesus. Why? Because there is millions of Him coming up in His place. It is just like you pull up a dandelion. You think you killed the thing, and there is going to be millions of men doing the same thing that Jesus did, appearing on the earth in the near future. And if anyone succeeds in actually killing my body, He will raise me from the dead, so, you see, there is nothing that you can do to me that is irreversible because Christ is my head. He is not only in me, but I am in submission to Him, and that means if I fail to submit to Him, I confess it as sin, and I repent, and He just picks me right up. There is nothing permanent that wicked men could do to me. There is nothing that God would not turn it around and make it for my good.

So, "If God be our head, who can be against us?" Now this Greek word translated against us, it is two Greek words that can also be translated by ourselves. That Greek word against, it is Strong's 2596, and it can also be translated by, and the Greek word translated us can be translated ourselves, by ourselves. Thayer, my Greek lexicon, says that the form of this word which appears in the interlinear text is usually used of that which so joins itself to one thing as to separate itself from another. Now remember the teaching. Our human spirit, which is completely joined to the carnal mind and Satan at this time, is reaching out towards the Christ which has invaded our being, and she is joining with the Christ, and Lord willing, she will join with the Christ so completely that she will cease to have any connection whatsoever with Satan and the carnal mind.

So, "If God be our head" -- let me tell you this first. So the phrase, against us, which appears in the King James translation, can therefore be translated by ourselves, or another translation that appears in Thayer is alone. "If the living God is our head, how then can we be alone?" Brethren, you are never alone. I do not care how lonely you feel. I do not care what it looks like. You are never alone, and I went through this with the Lord. I challenged Him openly. I said, "Lord, you are a Spirit. How are you going to do certain things in the natural for me that I need done?" And I was ignorant in those days, and I did not understand that the Lord God, the king of this world, will command any human being that he wants to, and that person will obey, Christian, non-Christian, donkey or dinosaur. They will do whatever He tells them to do, so if God is truly your head, you will -- you are not alone, and He will meet your every need. The only problem with us, brethren, is that what we think we need, He does not always think we need.

I remember once. I was complaining we had no music in this ministry, and He clearly told me by prophecy. "If you do not have it, you do not need it, so shut up," and now we have two musicians. Everything in its own time and season, brethren. If you do not have it, you do not need it. You have food. You have a roof over your head. You have clothes on your back. You have transportation, and that does not mean you have to have your own car. Do you have transportation? Your car or somebody else's car or public transportation. Can you get where you have to go? You should be giving glory to God for everything that you have.

"If the living God is our head, then how can we be alone?" The whole of Romans 8:31, "Who then can command these eunuchs? If the living God is our head, how can we be alone?"Well, that does not make any sense to me, did not make any sense to me at all, even when I read the surrounding verses, did not make any sense to me at all, so I have another -- a second interlinear text that I use, which is a difficult reference book that I only go into when I am desperate because it is a difficult reference book. I went into the Concordant Interlinear, which made even less sense.

So I prayed about it, and I am going to use the Alternate Translation that the Lord has given me. And anything I teach you, you are free to say yea or nay. This is what -- when we did it word-by-word, this is what we got. "Who then can command these eunuchs? If the living God is our head, how can we be alone?" That makes no sense. This is what the Lord gave me. "Who then can command these eunuchs other than the living God, who alone is our head." "Who then can command these eunuchs other than the living God, who alone or who is the only one who is our head." Can you hear it? OK.

See, brethren, you cannot be a Pharisees and get into the hidden manna, you know. You just have to pray about these things, and we do not even know what the original Greek looked like. It is been copied so many times, but it is -- the words that I am using, the Greek words that I am translating, they are close enough that if you have an open heart, you really should be able to hear that. Can you hear it? "Who then can command these eunuchs other than the living God, who alone is our head."

Please note that verses 28 and 29 speak about the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, Christ Jesus. Verse 30 speaks about the human offspring of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is the second generation of Christ. And verse 27, who I put at the end there, speaks about the sons of God, and verse 31 speaks about these eunuchs. Do you see the progression? The Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, Christ Jesus, the second generation of Christ, the sons of God who are these eunuchs, from verse to verse. If you do not have this kind of revelation, you think that from one verse to the next, there is no connection. There is no conne- -- but there is a connection. There is always a connection. You have to find it. You have to be a detective looking up all these words because there is always a sequence of -- not only a sequence of events, but there is always evidence of an evolution of the Godhead; the Father; the Lord Jesus Christ; the second generation of Christ, which is the mind of Christ in men; the sons of God, which is the humanity of those who have the s- -- the mind of Christ. And then we get additional information that to be in that high place, you are a eunuch.

Verse 32, "He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?" Now I could not go along with this either. You know, and it is just feeding to that king's kid prosperity message in the church. That word translated all things does not mean give us all things. It means to grant forgiveness. It means to pardon us. The all things that the Lord is giving us is to pardon us from our sins. When I looked it up in Thayer, I could not even find a translation as to give us all things. It means to grant a pardon, so let us find out what the Lord is saying here.

"He that spared not His own Son," to spare means to forbear, we are told. I looked that word up in Webster, and it means to hold back. "He who would not hold back His own Son, but delivered -- excuse me, delivered Him up or turned Him over for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give?" This word with, Strong's 4862, it means together or in union with, and I want to suggest to you that that glorified Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord Jesus Christ and the Father together, and They have become one. This Scripture is talking about the double portion, the Father together with the glorified Christ and the Christ in the men who are the second generation of Christ. If the Father alone had such great love that He gave up His only Son, when you get the Father and that only Son who was given up and raised from the dead, now you have two of Them. You have a double portion of the mercy and the love of God. How is it not possible that that Lord will extend this gift to all of humanity? That is what it is saying. All things can be translated all men.

Alternate Translation, Romans 8:32, "The one who did not hol-" -- now this is the middle of a sentence. We are speaking about the Father, "the one who did not hold back His own Son from death, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He, together with His Son, not also pardon all men?"

OK, now what I do is I go through this. I will give you a t- -- an Alternate Translation that is not in the best English because I want you to be able to see how I got it from the Greek, and then sometimes I go over it. I put it in better English, and I call that an amplified translation.

So this is the Amplified translation of Romans 8:32. "The Father, who is the one who did not even try to save His Son from death but rather handed Him over so that we could all be rescued from Hell, how shall the two of Them together then not also pardon all men?"

This world system is Hell. That is what this whole message of the gospel and work of the Lord Jesus Christ is about, not to stop us from going to Hell when this existence is over but to deliver us from this existence which is Hell. We are already in Hell. When the creation died and man fell, where did he fall to? He fell from heaven down to Hell. We are in Hell now, and the reason most men have trouble recognizing it is because they have a false vision of what Hell is, but a lot of people who are in the lower depths of Hell, whose life is really terrible, they have a revelation that this is Hell. Substance abusers, people who -- you know, and prostitutes, you know, people whose lives are terrible and they cannot climb out, they know they are in Hell. That is why the drunkard and the prostitute is going to enter in before the Pharisee, because the Pharisee, whose gotten a lot of financial gifts from God, who really feels like a king's kid who got his Cadillac and has all his financial things, he is going to have a lot of trouble believing that this is Hell. He is going to have a lot of trouble believing this message, so it is a great mystery, brethren. It is a great mystery, but glorify God in all of your travail because there are very few who have an easy life who are called to this glorious calling, very few.

So I honestly tell you, I really would not want to repeat any part of my terrible life, but I am glad that I have been called to this high calling. I would not want to go over it again, but I am really glad that I am called to this high calling, and it is happening. It is -- I cannot even tell you it is happening very soon. It is happening. Christ is arising in the hearts of His people, and it is happening, and we are going to see Him in great power very soon.

So my Amplified translation of Romans 8:32, "The Father, the one who did not try to save His Son from death but rather handed Him over so that we could all be rescued from Hell, how is it possible then that the Father and the Son together shall not also pardon the rest of humanity?"

It is impossible that He would cast us out or down to Hell. He shall pardon us, brethren. We just do not understand what that word means. I put verses 31 and 32 together, Romans 8. "Who then can command these eunuchs other than the living God, who alone is our head, even the one who did not try to save His Son from death but rather handed Him over so that we could all be rescued from Hell, how is it possible then that this double portion of the love of God shall not also pardon the rest of humanity?"

And I want to tell you, brethren, the way the rest of humanity is being pardoned is that God is taking His sons in this second generation of Christ, and He is sacrificing their life so that people who are too weak to reach out for Christ themselves can be ripped up out of Hell. I want to tell you that. Right here, in the here and now, He is challenging different people in different measures to lay down their life so those who are weaker than they are can be raised up out of Hell. There is a whole world full of people who would never make it without personal ministry. They are not going to make it in a church where you go to three services a week I am not knocking those churches. I am saying there is a whole world of people out there that will never make it in a ministry that requires you to pick yourself up, clean yourself up and get yourself to church two or three or four nights a week. They will not get there. They cannot get there. They need someone who is going to attach themselves to them and minister to them daily, and short of that, they would never come up out of this Hell.

And there is a whole world full of people. There is a whole Long Island full of these people, waiting for the sons of God to manifest, to become strong enough themselves because God is not sending you to these people if they will drag you down. You must be strong enough to drag them up. There are people waiting, waiting for someone to be raised up and given their assignment to pull them up out of Hell, and it is happening now. You just need spiritual eyes to see it, and it is happening with men who are not yet in full stature, but it is happening.

Continuing with Romans 8:33, "Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth. Who is he that condemneth?" Now please note that I have added the first phrase of verse 34 to the end of verse 33. Why? Because that is where it belongs. "Lay anything to the charge" simply means to accuse. The Greek word translated elect means chosen, those who are chosen of God. The interlinear text does not show the word of in the Greek, and the word God is in the plural form, so the word God is in the plural form, therefore we know it cannot be speaking about Jehovah or the Lord Jesus Christ, but it must be speaking about the many-membered second generation of Christ. That is us.

Alternate Translation, the first half of Romans 8:33, "Who shall accuse those chosen to be God?"

OK. Let me go back. I did not explain this too well. "Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect." When I looked it up in the Greek, the word of was not there. "Who shall lay anything to the charge, God's elect." Now that did not make any sense to the King James translators, so they put the word of in, but I want to suggest to you that the correct translation is, "Who shall accuse those chosen to be God?" Now do not shut off the message, all you Pharisees. We are chosen to be God. We are not God now, but we are called to be God. The way we become God, brethren, is that the mind of God or the seed of the mind of God is implanted in our soul, and as that seed grows, as Christ is formed in us, he is separate from us, and we are not God. We -- as he grows in us, we have access to everything he is. We have access to his wisdom, to his understanding, to everything that is in his mind. We have access to his protection, to his counsel, to his glory, but we are not God.

But there is a day coming, the Scripture says, when Christ is fully born as a man in us, that he will marry us. And who are we? We are the living soul. Christ will marry us. There will be a complete union of the mind of Christ with the living soul, which we are, such a complete union that it will be impossible to tell the difference between the mind of Christ and our soul, and in that hour, just as a married woman takes her husband's name, we will take the name of our husband, Christ. And we shall have inherited everything that He possesses, and we shall be everything that He is.

But also, at that time, [AUDIO CUTS OUT] -- [?will?] not be God while we are still capable of sin, and anyone who tells you that is in error. Pray very carefully because God might be telling you to leave, but God might not be telling you to leave. Why? He might have ministry from you to that person, but if you are young, if you are a young disciple, God will move you out of there rapidly. That is a false doctrine that will bring -- surely bring destruction into your life. You are not God. Your mind is reprobate, and the very most that you can hope for in this hour is that you have two minds, one reprobate and one glorious. That means, some of the time, you are thinking with the mind of God, but probably most of the time or at least some of the time, you are not. And as long as there is a danger of you thinking with the reprobate mind at any given moment, you cannot and you are not God because God is perfect, and to be God, you must be thinking with the mind of Christ 100 percent of the time.

Now I just have to put this comment on here for those who are being confused now because, on other messages, you have heard me say you are not soul; you are spirit. I am speaking in two different contexts. When I say to you, "You are spirit," I am encouraging you to not live out of your flesh but to live out of the mind of Christ, which is in you. OK, when I tell you, "You are soul," I am talking about your relationship to that mind which is in you making you spirit. Did I confuse anybody? There is a mind in you which is spirit, and you are soul, but because this mind is in you, you have the option to reach out to that mind and live out of it. It is your inheritance. Therefore, I say unto you, "You are spirit. Live out of that spirit mind. You are spirit. It is your inheritance. Be spirit." But for the purposes of understanding the marriage, you need to know that the condition that we were born into this earth in is one of flesh, a soul and a mind that was born of the flesh. That is the condition we were born in, but reach up to spirit because God has called you to be spirit. Are you OK? OK. Are you OK, Mary? OK.

So I suggest to you that the correct translation of the first half of Romans 8:33 is, "Who shall accuse those chosen to be God?" That is us. We are not God. We are chosen to be God. We are not there yet. I know some people are chosen to be Marines, and I am sure almost everybody here must have seen some movie somewhere of what these young recruits look like when they walk into boot camp. There are all kinds of movies making jokes out of them. They cannot tell their left from their right. They do not know how to salute. They are all going in different directions. Brethren, we are not God. We are chosen to be God, and when the Lord gets finished with you, you will be God. After He kills every wicked thing that you are and rips it out of you, you shall be God, but do not call yourself God before you get there because it is blasphemy, and you are going to hurt people. You are going to hurt them real bad, and you will reap everything that you sow, especially if you hurt these little ones of the kingdom because of your own pride. God will not bless it, brethren. You are going to have a problem with the Father.

For your information, I thought you might like to hear two scriptural references that -- now why did I put that over there? I put this in the wrong place. "Who shall lay any thing" -- OK, does anyone have a pen I could borrow? Do you have a pen? I put this in the wrong place. Thanks. OK, I will put this over here. Thank you.

Continuing with the second half of Romans 8:33, "It is God that justifieth. Who is he that condemneth?" The interlinear text indicates that the word God in this case is singular and that the definite article appears with it, that is, the God or the Lord Jesus Christ. The God, the Lord Jesus Christ, is not one with the Father. Christ in the mind of a man is God without the definite article. When Jesus of Nazareth was the Christ in the days of His flesh, and the Father, who was always greater than Him, was the God. But in this hour, the Lord Jesus Christ is glorified, so He is Spirit. He is one with the Father. Now He is the God, and whoever is standing in full stature, He is God without the definite article. So, "It is God that justifieth," speaking about the Lord Jesus Christ. That is what I just told you, that this word God is speaking about the Lord Jesus Christ.

Please note that since verse 32 tells us that the Father and the Son are now one, we can safely substitute the Lord Jesus Christ for the God because He is no longer the Son. He is the God. OK, "It is God that justifieth." The Greek word translated justifieth means to make or to declare righteous. Brethren, God has declared us righteous. He has not made us righteous yet, but He has declared us righteous. Why? Because as far as He is concerned, it is just a matter of time that we shall be righteous. He is going to clean us up.

"So it is God who has the ability to declare men righteous. Who then can condemn men that God has declared righteous?" And the Greek word translated condemn means to judge worthy of punishment, so I suggest to you that the one who is judged worthy of punishment -- does anyone know who it is? Who is the one that is been judged worthy of punishment?


Yeah, it -- well, you are all right. It is the -- I suggest to you it is the whole living soul, and the carnal mind is the mind within that living soul, and Satan is the god of the carnal mind. OK, that is the one that the Lord Jesus Christ has condemned, judged worthy of punishment.

Alternate Translation, the second half of Romans 8:33, "The Lord Jesus Christ is declaring the condemning one righteous."

Now listen to what I did. In the King James it says, "It is God that justifieth. Who is he that condemneth?" Now the King James translators put in all these question marks. There is no punctuation in the Greek. "It is God that justifieth. Who is he that condemneth?" But the way the Lord gave it to me is that the Lord Jesus Christ is declaring the condemning one righteous. Now, brethren, we are the accuser of the brethren. Satan is the accuser of the brethren, and he is in men. The one who condemns is the carnal man. The one who condemns is the carnal man, is the carnal Christian. He is just like that little boy that you have that is so jealous of his big brother's bridges that he is building, but he is not old enough to build it himself, so he just goes in there and kicks the whole thing down. The carnal man is the accuser of the brethren, and he is the one who condemns the spiritual man almost invariably. If you are truly spiritual in Christ, you must be condemned, and it will most likely be a carnal Christian who will come up against you and tell you that you are breaking the law, because the carnal Christian is a Pharisee.

So, "It is God that justifieth," that has the ability to declare men righteous, so, "Who is he that condemneth?" That is not a second question, I suggest to you. The correct translation is, "The Lord Jesus Christ is declaring the condemning one righteous." I am excited with this message.

OK, this is the whole of verse 33, "Who shall accuse those chosen to be God? The Lord Jesus Christ is declaring the condemning one to be righteous." OK, I put it in better English. "Who shall accuse those chosen to be God, even the condemning one who the Lord Jesus Christ is declaring to be righteous?" "Who shall accuse those chosen to be God, even the many members of fallen mankind whom the Lord Jesus Christ are now declaring to be righteous?"

Brethren, who can accuse us when the Lord Jesus Christ has declared us to be righteous. There is now no more condemnation in Christ Jesus to those who walk after the Spirit of life. There is condemnation in this world, except to those who are following after the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. Brethren, you cannot just say, "Jesus is my Lord and savior," and say you are out of condemnation because it is not true. You have to be following after God. You have to be living for God. He has to be growing in your heart. For those who are looking inward, who are confessing their sins and who are accepting -- who are either judging themselves or accepting judgment from an external source, if that is what they need, to you, there is now no more condemnation in Christ Jesus.

Every sin that -- do not be afraid to have your sins exposed. Every sin that is exposed will work for your good. Why? Because you are not condemned anymore. Brethren, all the people out there in the world, they are hiding their sins because there is condemnation in this world, but if your sins are exposed under an anointing of Christ with people of God, it will work for your good. How is that? Your sins will be ripped out of you, and your life will change for the better. Grace and glory and peace and deliverance will come into your life. Do not hide your sins. It is time to let them all hang out because God has better things for you than what you have been living all of your life, and that includes in the church.

"Who shall accuse those chosen to be God, even the many members of fallen mankind whom the Lord Jesus Christ are now declaring to be righteous?" I have a witness for you on that. Revelation 12:10 says, "And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of God, and the power of His Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night."

Brethren, the church is accusing mankind, telling them how wicked they are and threatening to send them to Hell. The message of God to the church is, "I see your sin, and I hate your sin, and I condemn your sin, but you are My sons. Come to Me, and I shall declare you to be righteous and in fact make you righteous." That is the message of God to the world, forgiveness of sins, the granting of repentance to those who cannot find it within themselves to repent, the mercy of God upon the worst sin you could imagine. He will chasten you sore, but He will remove it from you. Satan casts you into Hell forever. God has better things than that for you, brethren. The creator of the universe, why would he punish you for the rest of eternity when He has the ability to rehabilitate you? Makes no sense at all, makes no sense. What kind of a god is that? How do you reconcile that with the God who said, "Forgive your enemies. Pray for those who hate you. Bless those who despitefully use you," and then you reject Jesus and He puts you in Hell forever? It is not consistent.

One more time, Amplified translation of Romans 8:33, "Who shall accuse those whom the Lord Jesus Christ is declaring to be righteous and chosen to be God?"

Brethren, when the Lord declares you to be righteous, that means He is in the process of making you what He says you are. You see, we have some religious people around who have been taught that you have to be clean before you come into the presence of God. Brethren, you do not have to be clean before you come into the presence of God. If you are trying to get yourself clean before you come into the presence of God, you will never get there because you are filthy. Right? You come to God filthy, and from the second He receives you and declares you righteous, He starts to cleanse you. You cannot do it yourself, and so long as you try, you will fail, and so long as you try and fail, you shall remain in your sins. Because unless your righteousness exceeds the righteous of the Pharisees, you shall never enter into the kingdom of heaven. Hallelujah.

I took out two Scriptures for you which indicate that Jesus Christ is the declared Son of God, John 1:18 and Romans 1:4. The Greek words translated declared here are different words than appear in the passage we just read, but they are similar words. I -- so I just thought to put this in. Let me read it for you. John 1:18, "No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared him." That does not just mean that He has announced Him. That means that God has made Him everything that He is. Romans 1:4, "And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead." So we see that Jesus was declared to be the Son of God when he was resurrected from the dead.

Continuing with Romans 8:34, "It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us." "It is Christ that died." Now that interlinear text -- the -- says the Christ, but -- which would indicate the Lord Jesus Christ, but I just happened to have the Concordant Greek Text open, because I used it prior, and the Lord showed me that that is not accurate. You see, the interlinear text that most of us use, it is by Jay Green. Pretty much everybody uses that one. There have been changes made in that interlinear text. The Greek Concordant Text is the closest thing that I know of to the original, and the Greek Concordant Text says Christ Jesus.

Now to the average believer, that makes no difference, Christ Jesus or Jesus Christ, but we who are laboring in deep study of the Scriptures know that there is a radical difference between the Lord Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus. The Lord Jesus Christ is the man, Jesus of Nazareth, who was glorified, and Christ Jesus is the name of the Christ mind which is capable of being born in you. It is the second generation of Christ. So we see here that verse 34 -- now we did a whole series on this. It is not Christ that died. We are not talking about the Lord Jesus Christ who was raised from the dead. This is Christ Jesus. This verse 34 is talking about the mind of Christ that died when, somebody?


At the fall. Christ Jesus, which is another way of saying the mind of Christ, died at the time of the fall. How did He die, anybody? How did He -- 



            -- when they [?took the?] tree [INAUDIBLE]


            They wanted [INAUDIBLE]

Well, that is true. That is very good, Tracy, OK.

            I listen to all the messages.

Oh, OK. That is very good. I wondered. I was surprised that you knew that. But more specifically, how did Christ die? What happened to Him, specifically? He was murdered. Christ was murdered, OK, and you said who murdered Him. You just said it.


The carnal mind murdered Him, OK. The carnal mind murdered Him. 

            Adam had the mind of Christ, right?

Adam --


Yes, Adam had the mind of Christ, and -- 


-- OK, did not have enough experience to resist evil, and Satan birthed her carnal mind in the same soul. And that living soul then had two minds, the mind of Christ and the carnal mind, and the carnal mind killed the immature, inexperienced mind of Christ, OK. So we see in verse 34, it is Christ Jesus that died, and when I read you all these verses together, you are going to see that it really would not have made any sense to say the Lord Jesus Christ, that verse 34 really is speaking about the mind of Christ. So it is the mind of Christ that died, "yea rather, that is risen again."

OK, "that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God." The right hand of God signifies the power of God to give blessings. The left hand of God is the power of God to give judgment. In the phrase, "the right hand of God," the definite article appears in the Greek, as well as the plural form of the word God. So what does this mean? We will take it slow. In the phrase, "the right hand of God," the definite article appears before God. The right hand of the God. Now we have been teaching here that when the definite article appears, it is talking about Jehovah or, after the resurrection and ascension, the Lord Jesus Christ. But also the word God is plural, so what does that mean? That is -- when I first looked at it, I said, "Lord, what does this mean?" I want to suggest to you that this combination of the God with a plural form of the word God signifies the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the God, present together with the many membered second generation of sons. It is Jesus Christ appearing in His sons together.

Now we had a verse earlier which talked about the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ together having enough love to raise the rest of humanity, and now in verse 34, we talk about the Lord Jesus Christ with His offspring together. And if you studied our 78 series on the harvest, we go through this whole thing. We see how the Lord Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and man, that when He joins with the Father, He is pure Spirit, and He is the Father. And when He joins or manifests through the mind of a man, He joins with His Son, and He is the second generation of sons. And the Lord Jesus Christ, the Spirit who is your new unconscious mind, is the only mediator between God and man. When He is appearing in the mind of a man, He is Christ Jesus; He is the mind of Christ. And that man who has the mind of Christ has access to the Father because in that mind, the Father dwells. The Lord Jesus Christ dwells in that mind of Christ. It is the two of Them together.

So please note that the next phrase -- let me read that for you, "who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us." Please note that the next phrase speaks about intercession and that verse 34 speaks about Christ for the first time since verse 17, and this, I suggest to you, supports what I am saying about the word God in verse 34. It is speaking about the two generations of Christ. The word at in the phrase, "the right hand of God" -- "at the right hand of God," does not appear in the Greek. The word at does not appear in the Greek. I suggest to you the phrase, "who is even at the right hand of God," should read, "who is indeed the right hand of God," not at the right hand of God.

Brethren, Christ Jesus, the sons of God, we are the right hand of God. We are the hand of God's blessing. If you are truly operating out of the mind of Christ, you have power to give the ultimate blessing of God, which is what? To impart the life of Christ to that person. That is the ultimate blessing that you could give because in Christ is all provision. So if you can get Christ engrafted to them, if you can get Christ to start being formed in them, you have given them everything that you have to give. So, you see, do not be upset if you have not cast a demon out of them, and do not be upset if they have an infirmity that you have not been able to heal. Get Christ engrafted to them, and you have given them all of their deliverance, all of their healing, everything. You've given it to them in seed form, and then it is up to the Father to make that thing grow, and He is going to start to whip them because every son that the Father receives, He chastens. And why does He chasten him? So that Christ can come up and replace his wicked mind with righteousness.

Alternate Translation, Romans 8:34, "Christ Jesus, having died, but rather raised from the dead again, who is indeed the right hand of the second generation of Christ, which also intercedes for us."

1 Timothy 2:5 says, "For there is one God, and one mediatory between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." That is a many membered man. You know, I ministered to a Hasidic rabbi, and I had the great privilege and honor of ministering this revelation to him. He is a very opinionated man. I love him dearly. It is hard to get anything in edgewise. I usually have to pray spiritual warfare to get him to listen to me, and he is convinced that Messiah is one individual human being. And God just shut his mouth and opened his ears, and I ministered this revelation to him, this concept of a spiritual man, just as Neanderthal man or a caveman is so radically different from modern man, that there is a new man on the horizon, a new form of man that is radically different, the man as we know him, the spiritual man who is capable of appearing as the mind of many men at one time. And he just looked at me, but it went in. I know that it went in. I planted that seed, and I watered it, and I believe that God shall give him the increase in due season. Hallelujah.

Amplified translation, Romans 8:34, "Christ Jesus, having died, but also raised from the dead again, who is indeed the power source of the second generation of Christ, which also intercedes for us."

I put verses 33 and 34 together, and then after I put them together, I saw that it did not flow too smoothly, so I amplified it further.

Alternate Translation, Romans 8:33 and 34, "Who shall accuse those whom the Lord Jesus Christ is declaring to be righteous and chosen to be God, Christ Jesus, having died but also raised from the dead again, who is indeed the power source of the second generation of Christ, which also intercedes for us."

Now that does not make much sense. It is not good English, so I polished it up, and this is what we have got. Amplified translation, Romans 8:33-34, "Who then shall be able to accuse those whom the Lord Jesus Christ is declaring to be righteous and chosen to be God since the mind of Christ, although having died at the time of the fall, is now raised from the dead and who is indeed the power source of the second generation of Christ, which also intercedes for us."

Basically, what that is saying is who can condemn anyone in whom the mind of Christ is being raised from the dead? Because that mind of Christ is the power source of the second generation of Christ and makes you an intercessor. What carnal man can condemn you? Let every tongue which condemns you be proven wrong. That is in one of the prophets. I pray it all the time. Not go to Hell, brethren, not be cast down to Hell, but let every tongue who condemns me, when I am in Christ, let him be proven wrong. Why? So that he might repent, and he too might enter into the glory that has been hidden for us from before the foundation of the world.

Brethren, we must stop hating our brothers. God is fully intending to save everybody. That does not mean you let people walk all over you, and it does not mean that you let them steal your property so that you go into poverty, but you must be praying for the salvation of your enemies if you wish to enter into this end-time ministry, and God will teach you the balance. That is one of the things we teach in this ministry, how to deal with people with reprobate minds because when Christ starts appearing you -- appearing in you, they come out of the woodwork, and you have to know how to deal with them in righteousness because if you deal with them out of your carnal mind, then you are in sin. So you must learn how to deal with them out of the Christ mind in you. It is one of the things we teach here, and it takes practice so that when you are in an encounter with someone who is approaching you with ungodly thoughts and attitudes, you know how to deal with them without being hurt yourself and without sinning against them. You need to learn how to do it.

Let me read that for you again. This is Romans 8:33 and 34 together. "Who then shall be able to accuse those from the L- -- whom the Lord Jesus Christ is declaring to be righteous and chosen to be God since the mind of Christ, although having died at the time of the fall, is now raised from the dead in us, and who is indeed" -- who the -- "and the mind of Christ is indeed the power source of the second generation of Christ, which we are, which also intercedes for us or for our humanity."

I have exchanged the words the mind of Christ for Christ Jesus in this -- these verses so as to emphasize what actually occurred at the fall of man, that it is was the mind of Christ that was killed. OK, we have one more verse to do. We are almost finished.

Verse 35, "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?"

"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?" The Greek text says the Christ, so we are speaking about the Lord Jesus Christ, but it also says the love of the Lord Jesus Christ, the agape love. And what is the agape love of the Lord Jesus Christ? How does He love us, brethren? When the Lord Jesus Christ loves us --


Exactly, He joins with us and gives us His Son because the Lord Jesus Christ -- and what is the name of the Lord Jesus Christ as He is appearing in the church today?


The Holy Spirit, OK. He is not permanently joined to us. He will have a temporary union with us, but hopefully He will deposit His seed within us, and His Son will be formed in us, and it is His Son, Christ Jesus, which is the God in the midst of us, which is attached to us, and it is that Son which is saving us in childbearing. We shall be saved in bearing the Christ child. So the love of the Lord Jesus Christ is His Son, Christ Jesus, and the presence of His Son that is attached to us makes us the son. We are whatever our mind is, brethren.

So, "Who shall separate us from Christ Jesus?" Brethren, do you realize what this is saying? Paul is saying, "I know that Christ Jesus, that immature mind of Christ, was killed at the beginning of time by the carnal mind, and the c- -- and Christ Jesus was separated from us. He was there. He was in the living soul, but He was separated from us." And now Paul is saying, "Who would dare to separate us from a form of the mind of Christ which is rooted in us?" Now the mind of Christ at the beginning of time was a part of us, but He was not rooted in. He was not joined to our soul. That was how He could die and get washed away, but Paul is saying now we have the mature, imparted Christ growing in us, who is strong enough to kill him.

But, you see, my Bible says that, "Christ, having been raised from the dead, dieth no more," so this new, mature manifestation of the mind of Christ in me, the imparted Christ, which is wrapping Himself around my carnal mind and possessing it and joining Himself to my soul, He cannot be killed by the carnal mind, and that is what Paul is saying. "Who can kill this Christ? Who can separate us from Christ Jesus?" He is boldly saying, "Carnal mind, you did it once, but you cannot do it again."

And then he goes on to tell us about the methods by which the carnal mind will try to destroy Christ in us, and these are the devices, brethren, of Satan, through his carnal mind. Tribulation, Strong's 2347, pressure and affliction. Brethren, when Christ Jesus begins to be formed in you, you shall have pressure, and you shall have affliction, and if you do not have pressure and hard times in your life, it is highly unlikely that Christ Jesus is being formed in you.

Now most human beings like their comfort. I do not know anyone that would ask for tribulation or trouble, but when you tell the Lord that you love Him or when you ask Him to help you or when you make a covenant with Him, you have asked for His Son, and you do not know what else, but you have asked for trouble, for pressure in your life, emotional pressure, mental pressure, tribulation, hard times in your life. Why? To crush your carnal mind, to break your pride and to teach you that all things are possible in Christ, that there is no problem that you can have; there is no enemy that can come up against you which is not defeatable if you seek the answers to your problems through Christ. If you fight in your flesh, you most surely can lose, so the Lord is training you to stop using your own ways and your own ideas to overcome your problems but to surrender to the Lord and let His ways and His devices deliver you out of every destruction.

The carnal mind also sends you distress, 4730. This word means narrow space, and I want to suggest to you that as Christ Jesus begins to be formed in you, you are going to find your life being forced into a narrow space. What does that mean? There are going to be fewer and fewer people that you can relate to. There will be fewer and fewer activities that will satisfy you. There will be fewer and fewer places that you can go to fellowship. You are going to be in a narrow place. You know, in the world, to tell somebody that they are narrow is an insult. That is to say that you are not worldly; you do not know about the things of this world; you are unsophisticated; you are a narrow person. Your mind only functions in one small area, and that is not a good thing to be in the world, but in Christ, it is a good thing to be because the Lord is bringing you into a very restricted space, but it is painful to your emotions, brethren.

And I am telling you in all humility, you should be th- -- anyone hearing these messages, you should be thanking God for the privilege of hearing these messages because I went through everything that I am preaching about, and I did not have any messages, and I did not have anybody to talk to me about this, and I did not know what was happening to my life. And I experienced great distress that I probably would not have experienced if I could have just heard a message like this, but I did not know anyone else who had gone through this. It looks like your whole life is being crushed. All my friends were taken away from me. I always had all kinds of friends. I spent years in this house by myself. I tell you the truth. I spent, literally, years in this house by myself, not understanding what was happening, that God was putting me into a narrow place, that it was only for a season.

At one point I was hysterical, and somebody called me up on the telephone, and the Lord just spoke out of her mouth, and she said, "It is just a trial." Well, what does that mean? If it is just a trial, it means it is going to come to an end. I thought the rest of my life was going to be like this. That is what some of the -- some of you think here, that the rest of your life is going to be like this. The rest of your life is not going to be like this. Everything is for a season, and when the believer said to me, "It is just a trial," it was like cool water just flowed over me, and when I got off the phone, I just cried. And it was j- -- it passed. It was a trial that lasted a few years, but it passed. Everything is for a season, brethren.

So the carnal mind will also attack us with persecution. Well, we all know what persecution is. Persecution is -- can take many forms. It can be physical. It can be spiritual. It can be emotional, OK. It comes in the form of a bully that tries to hurt you and torment you usually because you are standing for righteousness and you will not do what they want you to do, so they beat at you. Sometimes they beat at you physically. Sometimes they beat at you with your mind. Sometimes they harass you or torment you or mock you or make fun of you, depending on what your walk is. A persecution is never pleasant, and it is always painful, and we are challenged to love those who are persecuting us, and pray for their salvation.

The carnal mind also sends famine against you, Strong's 3042. Famine means scarcity of harvest, and can anyone tell me what the harvest is? Anybody know what the harvest is?


Nope, that is what the church teaches, nope. Anybody know what the harvest is? Why is nobody using the microphone tonight?


Uh-huh, OK. Let us pass this microphone around, please.


            [INAUDIBLE] Is it the -- what was I going to say? I guess I will [INAUDIBLE]

OK, did you have -- Tracy had something to say.


            Would the harvest be this teaching?

No. Let me give you a hint, OK. In the harvest, the fruit is separated from the plant. Harvest is separation of the fruit from the plant.



            I know I am close. I think I am close. Is it the human spirit going into Christ?

Well, that is close. The harvest is the separation of -- well, the fruit -- who is the fruit?


 The fruit is Christ. And who is the plant, and why does --

            The living soul?

The living soul is the earth of the plant, so the harvest is the separation of the m- -- of Christ from the plant. That means the coming to a place where we no longer need this fallen body to live, and the only one who has attained to this to date is the Lord Jesus Christ. So scarcity of harvest, I want to suggest to you, is speaking about the lack of other sons. The -- I am going to give you a sort of an expanded example of that. The scarc- -- the harvest, I am going to take it to mean the maturing of the fruit, the scarcity of other mature sons.

You know, I went through that. When I was dying, I was calling all over the country looking for people to pray for me, and I -- when I got Steve Bell [SP] on the phone one day. I called him, and he said, as soon as he heard my voice, he knew that the problem was there just were not enough people praying for me. Most people were trying to kill me. They hated this doctrine. They hated me. They hated this ministry. All kinds of people were praying against me, and there were very few people to pray for me, so the Lord raised up a lot of people to pray for me. And Steve, he prayed for me that God would raise up people to pray for me. Now I have people all over the world praying for me. I have half of Nigeria praying for me. Now we do not have many people in the Unites States. We have some faithful right now praying for me, but there are not many in the Unites States. There just are not, but God keeps adding. I know we have got some people down in Florida now. We have got some people in New Jersey, and we have people in North Carolina and some people in California, but there is a lot of very strong believers in Nigeria and in the Philippines praying for me, so I am just prospering. I am just getting better and better and better.

But it was rough going for a while, I want to tell you. When all those psychic prayers were coming against me and it was just our little group here, they were killing me. I am telling you the truth. They were killing me, but God raised me from the dead. He is faithful. So now those of you who are here, you are not likely to experience what I experienced. We have got a pretty strong group here right now, which we did not have. The first group was not this strong. Plus we have people across the States praying for the whole ministry. Plus we have the -- you know, the Mission Fields praying for us, so you are not likely to experience what I experienced, but I want to tell you it was terrible. And it is -- all of these things are all contributing to the fact that I am qualified to be the head of this ministry, what I have been through, you know, to be here.

So we see people all through the church, you know, and I am not talking about anybody here, but a lot of people, they think it is very exciting, you know, to have a ministry and have a microphone in your hands, and I guess it looks like I have this very great life. You know, I do not have the restrictions of a 9-to-5 job, but you would not -- I assure you, you would not want my aggravation. You would not want -- I promise you, you would not want my aggravation, but carnally-minded people look at this job, and they think that I have a soft job, but I [INAUDIBLE] [AUDIO CUTS OUT]

So I look at a lot of people, you know, they are just young in Christ, you know, and they are carnal, and they do not understand, and they think they would like this job, you know. You would not even get to this job. You would be knocked out after the first six months of tribulation. You do not know what you are talking about. Do not envy anybody's job. Just ask what God has for you.

Hmm, OK. The carnal mind also sends nakedness against you, Strong's 1132. It is used of want of clothing, and I would like to suggest to you that this is want or lack of clothing, and I would like to suggest to you that this is speaking about -- well, what is our clothing? Our clothing in Christ is the armor of light. It is a -- th- -- a Spirit of Christ in us which is mature enough to be a defense around us, and those of us who have an immature Christ Jesus being formed in us do not have that armor. We do not have that armor. I kn- -- I remember the days when I did not have that armor. I remember the days when I cried out to God, and, again, I did not have anyone to counsel me like you are hearing. What is going on here? I am reading this Bible. These people are sending curses at me. They are killing me. They are wrecking my life. Where is this armor?

This one particular man almost -- he really almost killed me. I mean, there are -- there is people here right now who prayed for me after he sent curses at me. I was really dead sick, you know. And I said, "Where is this armor? What is going on here?" And the armor was not built in me yet, and that is the bottom line. It was not built in me yet, and the Lord sent me into Love Church one night, where nobody knew me at that time, and the pastor of that church called me up. He had a prophecy for me. He was all excited. It was -- such an anointing came down that he was all excited. He could not get over it, that God gave him a prophecy like that when he did not even know me, and the prophecy was, "Do not slip, and do not slide. I am rebuilding the altar," and what that meant was He was building the altar, which is Christ, in me. I was weak. My defenses were down. My walls were down, and my enemies were just getting through. He said, "Just hang on. I am going to do it," but it took about two years after that prophecy came forth. I walk in a lot of power. Right now, I walk in a lot of power.

If most of you went through what I experienced in Nigeria -- it did not really touch June that much, what was coming after me in Nigeria. [AUDIO CUTS OUT] -- looks easy. Do not be mistaken. So I suggest to you that this nakedness is an immature armor of light. Your armor is not up. You are out there fighting all these carnal minds and all these demons and all these witchdoctors, and then throw a missile at you, it is getting through, and you just have to hang on until your armor builds up. You just have to hang on. But, of course, those of you who are in this ministry, you know, you have me. You have me. You see, you are not alone, OK. You have me battling with you. I was all alone. I mean, of course, I had the Lord. You know what I mean. There were no other human beings through whom Christ was manifesting.

And the carnal mind will also send peril against you, Strong's 2794. That means danger or the source from which the peril comes. And who is the source from which the danger comes?


Satan, and also you will find yourself up against the sword, 3162. This is a large knife used for killing animals and cutting up flesh. It is also a small sword distinguished from a large sword. It is a knife used for killing animals and cutting up flesh. You may recall that I have taught you that both the carnal mind and Christ are swords. They are your weapons, brethren. There is only one weapon that will fight against the carnal mind and Satan, and that weapon is Christ, and the Scripture likens Him to a sword. We are told in the Book of Revelation, "Men will be sword against sword." Well, it does not mean a metal sword, brethren. The battle is in the mind. I am going to say it until you are sick of hearing it. You are probably sick of hearing it already.

If your mind is not ready for battle in the very near future, you better find a rock to hide behind because this warfare is coming to the surface. They are going to be walking down the street zinging you, and if you do not know what you are doing, you are going to go down. What does that mean? You are going to be doing what they tell you to do, which will be destructive. You are going to have a severe anxiety attack that could make you make false decisions. Who? Whoever is moving in this strong carnal mind. I do not know who they are going to be, workers of witchcraft, witches or just everyday people, more likely everyday people who are being completely given over to their carnal minds. Turn on the T.V. set and listen to what these people are saying. I am telling you, witchcraft is manifesting in their mind, and in the very near future, you are going to find yourself up against mind-to-mind conflict with people, and if you are not trained, you are just going to be given over. What does that mean? You will become like them.

Look, either you are for them or you are against Him. Either you are going to be a manifestation of Christ, or you are going to be a manifestation of the carnal mind. It is real simple. This whole country, probably the whole world, is being given over to the reprobate mind. Which mind is going to be revealed through you? Are you going to be forced by the mind control of this world and sucked into their arena, or are you going to stand in Christ? You are not going to stand if you do not know what you are doing, brethren. If you cannot tell when someone else's thought has invaded your mind, you have already lost. What is a major point of the training here? To recognize when someone else's thought has invaded your mind. Is that not true?

You know, when you hear a voice with your natural ear, you know it is someone else's voice. When you become spiritual, when you walk through that door, you are going to hear all kinds of voices in the realm of the spirit, and until you are trained, you know what, they all sound like your voice. You think it is your thought, but it may not be your thought. It may be someone else's thought. Now if it is a godly thought, you have no problem, but if it is someone else's thought telling you to commit suicide, you have a problem. And if you think that I am a radical, you do not know what you are talking about because I know what I am talking about.

As you enter in through this spiritual door, you are going to hear all kinds of thoughts from all kinds of people, and they are usually reprobate. Will you obey, or will you resist? And what happens if you resist? There will be spiritual punishment, and if you think I do not know what I am talking about, you do not know what you are talking about. You will find out.

Alternate Translation, Romans 8:35, "And what shall be able to separate us from the mind of Christ? Not pressure or affliction, lack of satisfaction in our emotions, persecution, lack of support from the other sons, the immaturity of the armor of light, Satan nor the carnal mind." I do not know why they put it that way. It should really say, "And nothing shall be able to separate us from the mind of Christ, not even pressure or affliction, lack of satisfaction in our emotions, persecution, lack of support from the other sons, the immaturity of the armor of light, Satan nor the carnal mind himself."

Brethren, this mind of Christ in you is a winner. He is the winner of all time, but you are only under His protection when you are in submission to Him.

Recap, Romans 8:31-35, "Who then can command these eunuchs other than the living God, who alone is our head, even the one who did not try to save His own Son from death but rather handed Him over so that we could all be rescued from Hell? How is it possible then that this double portion of the love of God shall not also pardon the rest of humanity? Who then shall be able to accuse those whom the Lord Jesus Christ is declaring to be righteous and chosen to be God since the mind of Christ, although having died at the time of the fall, is now raised from the dead and who is indeed the power source of the second generation of Christ, which also intercedes for us? And what shall be able to separate us from the mind of Christ? Not pressure nor affliction, lack of satisfaction in our emotions, persecution, lack of support from the other sons, the immaturity of the armor of light, Satan nor the carnal mind himself shall separate us from the mature Christ Jesus."

Get ready. The trumpet is sounding. It is exciting. Do you remember your question, Tracy?


Could you put it on the microphone, please, so we can have it on the message? Thanks.

            [INAUDIBLE] OK, my question is, is Jesus not the bridge between us and God?

Christ Jesus.

            Christ Jesus.

Christ Jesus is the bridge between our humanity --


-- and the [CROSSTALK]

            It is like the flesh, and Jesus was partly flesh --


            -- at one time, and spirit --


            -- but God is just spirit, so He can --

Right, He goes both ways.


OK. Anybody else? Jesus is both flesh and spirit, as He chooses.

03/13/15 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

03/20/15 1st Edit CAS/MJS

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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