The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
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Praise the Lord! We're doing an interesting message tonight, I've called it the Two Witnesses Revisited because we have completely retranslated, I believe it's Chapter 11 of the Book of Revelation.
Now I tell you once again, as I tell you all the time, this does not mean that the previous translations were wrong, okay? No more than, well, in any event, if we're talking in terms of right and wrong, they were much more correct than the King James Translation. The translation of Chapter 11 of the Book of Revelation as it has appeared in our Alternate Translation was one hundred percent more accurate than the King James Translation of those Scriptures. And now we have matured, we have matured in doctrine, we have matured in understanding.
Now that we have matured, the Lord has given us an even deeper understanding of the two witnesses and I want to tell you it's a very exciting understanding because the King James Translation and the Alternate Translation just didn't get it, brethren, just didn't get it. It's not the two witnesses that are tread underfoot. It's Satan and Leviathan that are tread underfoot. God's witnesses are NOT defeated, they are NOT killed, they are victorious continuously and it is they who are treading Leviathan and Satan underfoot.
So, this is a very exciting message. I hope to do it in three parts, today and two parts on Sunday so that we could get it into, we're going to be printing out at least 50 copies of the Book of Revelation next week, so I'd like to get this in. It's just really exciting. And, the message is, "It's Time to Stand." Everywhere I turn the Lord is telling me, it's time to stand. And this, let me give you this in a nutshell so you know where I'm coming from.
This is the Word of the Lord to me, brethren, all of these years I'm saying, how do I know? How do I know? How do we know? Are we gonna wake up one morning and be in full stature? And the Lord has told me, I've shared this with you, that's a rapture mentality, that we're walking into the Kingdom, but I still have not really, really, really understood how it's going to happen. And, I don't know that I have the whole thing now, but I definitely have a better understanding of how this is going to happen.
Listen, brethren, when the Christ in us agrees with the Lord Jesus Christ in doctrine, okay, we'll be standing. The doctrine is essential. We are not saved by doctrine, we are saved by union with the Son of God. Understanding the doctrine out of our carnal mind will do nothing for us at all. The Christ mind must be conceived in us and as we wage our warfare against Leviathan and Satan, the proof that Christ is maturing in us is in the doctrine. That's the proof. That He's in there, you see. And the way that we know that He's got the truth, is that what He says, what Christ in us says, must agree with the doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Well, how do we know what the doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ is? The Spirit of Truth witnesses, the Spirit of Truth witnesses. Now, this is a very hard thing. Because there are people in the church that haven't even conceived Christ and they're reading all of these Scriptures here. For example, I'm not even on the right page, where it says, he who doesn't know that Jesus Christ is God, you know, that if you know Jesus Christ, you have faith that Jesus Christ is God, you're gonna enter in.
You can't believe Jesus Christ is God with your carnal mind. It has to be the resurrecting Christ in you acknowledging Jesus Christ is God and when this happens you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. And the Spirit of Truth witnesses that what's in your heart is lining up with what the Lord Jesus says. How do you know? You just pray. The Spirit of Truth witnesses to it. I seem to be starting off with the end, so let me go on with the end.
I'm in 1 John, actually I'm in the Amplified Bible right now, but any Bible that you have would be better. I'm in 1 John, Chapter 5. I'm putting the message in the Lord's hands, I don't know, I would like to finish what I have tonight, but we just have to go with the Spirit.
Okay, 1 John, Chapter 5, "Everyone who believes (adheres to, trusts in and relies) on the fact that Jesus is the Christ, is a born again child of God." Well, you see, brethren, we can't believe it, and we can't rely on it. Christ in us is the only one that can do that. Look, the whole catch is that the Scripture is not talking about our carnal mind believing it. The carnal mind cannot trust in Jesus being the Messiah, that's why so many people in the world are rejecting him.
The carnal mind cannot trust him. And, how many times have I heard it from believers that they can't trust him, they can't trust him, they know he's Messiah, they know he's God, but they can't trust him for that breakthrough, they can't trust him for that money. Because Christ is the only one that really trusts the Lord Jesus Christ. Trust meaning joining with Him. So, we've got a big mystery here. But, I don't want to camp on this message, Jesus, help me just pick out what you want these people to hear and go on.
"And everyone who loves the Father also loves the one born of him, his offspring." That's Christ in you, the one who's changing you, the one who's afflicting you, the one who's showing you your sins. You have to love Him too. "And this is how we come to know, recognize and understand that we love the children of God when we keep his ordinances and are mindful of his precepts."
Brethren, it's impossible for the carnal mind to keep His ordinances. If you keep His law you're a perfect man. The law is not for a righteous man. So, it's a very hidden truth, but what it's saying is, you can't do any of these things unless Christ is conceived in you. "For the true love of God is this, that we do His commandments." Only Christ can do that.
Okay, I'm just gonna get down here to verse 6. "This is He (talking about the Son of God) who came by water and blood." Jesus Christ, the Messiah, not by water only, but by water and blood. Well, we know that the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I suggest to you and I've told you this before, I've suggested this before that the blood is a spiritual context. It's talking about the Spirit of Life. But, brethren, I want to tell you that what this Scripture is saying is that the life is in the sperm.
Jesus Christ did not come just by the waters. The waters came and became the Serpent who is reproducing in her own image, but Jesus Christ is born of the sperm and the water. Can you hear that? Can you hear this? Do you remember what happened? That there was seminal fluid, and the water divided from the sperm and ran off and became the Serpent and incarnated her whole world, and that this whole world is incarnated by this water alone, who has become the Serpent. The water strengthened herself with the earth and made her own sperm out of the earth and the waters. Remember this? Is everybody okay?
Jesus Christ didn't come by water only. You came by water only, I came by water only, Jesus Christ was not born of water only. He was born of the sperm and the water. Now, this is the Amplified Bible, does someone have a King James there, what does it say in verse 7, does it say Holy Spirit? It says Holy Ghost and "holy" is not in italics. Okay. Well, I didn't look in the interlinear text, but here in the Amplified, "holy" is in italics. In other words, the original text says, "And it is the Spirit."
You see, most of the people in the church world today, they don't know that there's a difference between the Spirit of Truth and the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Christ. You see, there's only one Spirit but there's many different administrations. There's the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Christ are two administrations of the Lord Jesus Christ, and then the Spirit of Christ has many administrations, Spirit of Truth, Spirit of Life. So, it is the Spirit, doesn't tell you what kind of Spirit who bears witness, because the Spirit is the Truth.
Well, there it is right there, it's the Spirit of Truth, it's not talking about the Holy Ghost, it's talking about the Spirit of Truth. The Spirit of Truth, which is in Christ, bears witness to the Truth that Jesus is the only male offspring or the only Son of this fallen creature. Every human being that this creature produces is female. Jesus Christ is the only Son of Man, and he's the Son of Man because he was conceived by the sperm as well as the waters. So, there are three witnesses.
Now, the next two sentences were added in, I think by some Jesuit somewhere. Now, it's not indicated in the King James that they were not in the original text, but it is indicated in the Amplified Bible, that these two sentences, which I will read now, were not in the original Greek. "In heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one. And there are three witnesses on the earth." None of those words were in the original Greek text.
The original Greek text reads, "So there are three witnesses, the Spirit, the water, and the blood." The Spirit witnesses to the water and the blood. The Spirit of Truth witnesses to the one who was born of the sperm as well as the waters, the only male offspring ever produced by the adulterous woman. "And these three agree, are in unison, and their testimony coincide." And we read in Daniel 10 that, "Only those that have the Spirit of Truth will believe the doctrine."
Don't you see, the issue was not so much that you believe the doctrine, it's that Christ in you is mature enough to believe the doctrine. We will stand and not even believe it, brethren. The truth is, we will stand when Christ in us is mature enough to preach the doctrine. Now, don't get discouraged, because you're not the one that has to preach it. What has to happen is that he has to become mature enough in you to preach it. Can you hear the difference?
Okay, now, there's no way that you're going to preach this doctrine until you first understand this doctrine. So, if you have any understanding of the Doctrine of Christ at all, it's an indication that Christ is maturing in you, and as he matures you will understand more and more, and eventually you will preach it, because the Christ in you has to be saying the same thing that the Spirit of Truth says, which is an administration of the Spirit of Christ, which is an administration of the glorified Spirit of the Lord Jesus. This is the agreement, the reason I'm talking, I've brought these Scriptures out is because the Scripture talks about agreement. The agreement is the resurrected Christ to the glorified Christ.
Who is our standard? The glorified Christ is the standard. But, no one believes what we're talking about, so who's going to know? Only the Spirit of Truth will know. The Spirit of Truth, wherever he's manifesting, will know, whether you are truly standing in Christ or whether you're not standing, or whether you're standing in the Serpent, by the words that you say.
Now, the words that you say aren't enough. It has to be Christ in you saying it. You could have Christ being formed in you and you could be talking out of your carnal mind. It has to be Christ in you speaking this doctrine. And by your words, you will either be justified or condemned. I remember when I was a young Christian there was a scare in the church, oh, watch every word what you say, because by your words you'll be justified or condemned. Brethren, by the words that you speak, it will be revealed whether or not you are the resurrected Christ or you are the lie. Jesus.
Okay, that was my whole point of going into 1 John 5 because this message in Chapter of 11 of the Book of Revelation, we've gotten through verse 6 tonight, is revealing this word that I have for you tonight, and it's a deeper understanding of how we can measure how mature we are. Isn't that what the two witnesses do, aren't they measuring? Aren't they given a rod and a reed in the King James translation and told to go and measure? What are they measuring? They're measuring the maturity of Christ in us. The standard is Jesus.
Well, what does that mean? What does that mean? Does that mean that we have to be doing miracles, that we have to be feeding 5,000? What is the sign? Jesus did many things. In what way do we compare ourselves to him to determine whether or not we're standing? Well, according to Chapter 11 of the Book of Revelation, and I'll show you the Scriptures, the comparison is in Truth. The comparison is in Truth. I don't know anywhere, and if you know it, please show me, where the Scripture says we are to compare ourselves to Jesus' miracles because the Angel of Light does signs and wonders.
We are to compare our nature to His nature. And His nature is that he speaks the Truth and he cannot lie. Not so much about whether he raided the cookie jar, cause it's not good to lie about anything, but the Scripture is talking about spiritual truth, the origins of the universe. Our origins. The truth of who and what we are. The truth of Jehovah's plan for us. The truth of what's going to happen to humanity. The truth! When we speak the truth, we will see Him, because He speaks the truth, and when we see Him, we'll be like Him. We're not to compare our miracles. Praise the Lord.
So, there are three witnesses - "This is he who came from water and blood. This is he who not only was born of the water but the sperm also." And who is the sperm? Well, I shouldn't say the sperm, the sperm is Elohim and he made himself himself into the seed, which is Michael. Jesus Christ, the Messiah, he isn't born only of the waters, he's not born only of Cain's waters, but he's born of the seed, which is Michael, and Cain, which are the waters, and it is the Spirit of Truth that bears witness to Jesus Christ because the Spirit is Truth.
So, there are three witnesses. The Spirit witnesses to the water and the blood. It's not the Spirit that witnesses to the water and the water witnesses to the blood, the Spirit witnesses to the combined water and blood. The Spirit witnesses. Now, you're not born just of water, but that the seed is there also. The seed of deity is there also.
Okay, what I would like to do now is go to the back of your notes, we're on page 8. Recap, Revelation, Chapter 11, verses 1-6: "And a new mind was given to me which had all the weaknesses of my mortal mind yet it was strong and Christ Jesus appeared in me saying, 'Transfer into my mind and estimate the maturity of the mind of Christ and of Christ's relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ who is above, which reveals the maturity of the whole individual who is worshipping God and the Lord Jesus Christ and Christ's time-line. But Captain Leviathan is estimating the maturity of the carnal mind, which is provided for the bestial multitudes, so therefore, cast Satan and Leviathan, your external mind, off of your Christ mind, because only the personalities that are holy will be able to tread their carnal minds under the two-headed beast.
Indeed, I will present two witnesses of myself which shall prophesy to mortal man that Satan and Leviathan, the Serpent's time-lines that are clothed in mourning shall die when the resurrected Christ mind marries the Lord Jesus Christ. And these two sources of the anointing, the Lord Jesus Christ and Christ are standing in human bodies in the visible, physical world. And if anyone is disposed to criminally violate these two witnesses, spiritual fire comes out of their mind to devour the hostile one who opposes them because anyone who is disposed to criminally violate the Lord Jesus Christ and Christ, has to die. And these two witnesses have authority to close up heaven so that the Serpent's time-lines are not moistened by the rain of their prophesy and they have authority to return the waters to Christ Jesus, their life, and to cut down the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil that is in the earth with all manner of public calamity and heavy affliction as often as they desire to do it.'"
Brethren, this is very exciting. Now listen, the two witnesses are Christ Jesus and Christ, and these two witnesses, they exist in you and they are sent to your carnal mind. As the two witnesses arise in you, the first person they are sent to is you, and they are afflicting you and they're executing judgment on you. And, in some cases, if you can't do it yourself but you're called, another man in whom Christ Jesus and Christ has overcome their carnal mind is sent to help you.
As there are many antichrists, there are many witnesses. Isn't there a scripture that says something about a cloud of witnesses? The two witnesses is not one man, and also please note that they have the power to shut up heaven, they can make a decision that someone will not receive salvation. That which you bind in the earth shall be bound in heaven, and that what you bind in heaven will be bound in the earth. It's not true that it's for every man, brethren, it's a lie. Ultimate reconciliation was a lie. Every human spirit will be returned to the Father. Every personality will not be saved. No physical body's going to be raised from the dead. Okay, let's start with verse 1, and I'll try and get through this. I have a lot of information for you today.
Revelation 11:1, "And there was given me a reed like unto a rod and the angel stood, saying, 'Rise and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.'" The Alternate Translation of Revelation 11, Chapter 1, I pretty much incorporated it into this message, I've just made a few changes to reflect what the Lord has shown me, a more accurate understanding of what the temple of God is and what the altar is. There's a table in your notes, we're dealing with the words "city," "temple," "altar," "fire," and "sacrifice," and I suggest to you that within the city is a temple and within the temple is an altar, and there is fire burning on the altar, and there is a sacrifice burning in the fire, that these words describe every human being. The only question is, what temple is in your city, because each of one of us is a city. What temple is in your city, what altar is in that temple, and who the fire is, and who the sacrifice is.
Now, the sacrifice has to be either Leviathan or Christ, and the fire has to be either Jehovah or the Serpent, and the mind has to be either Christ or the carnal mind, and the altar is the mind, whichever mind you are at the time that is married to the Spirit that is above it. God's temple. The city is the whole spiritual male, from personality through sacrifice, that is under the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Mind of Christ. What am I talking about? God's temple dwells in a spiritual man, a city which is a spiritual man.
If you're in God's temple, your mind is Christ and the altar in that temple is that Christ is married to the Lord Jesus who is above. Now, remember, the Lord Jesus above is a spirit, and Spirit dwells in mind, and mind dwells in personality. So, the altar, if you are living out of Christ, and you're a spiritual man, you are a city and your temple is Christ, and the altar in the temple is the union of the Lord Jesus who is above with the Christ mind, which is your temple, and there is fire burning upon the altar, and if you're in the, we're talking about the temple of God, now that fire is Jehovah, because Jehovah is in Michael, and Michael is in the resurrected Christ who is, in this New Testament is, I'm sorry, he's really the resurrected Adam, he's the next generation of Adam.
Why can't I say he's the resurrected Christ? Because Christ never died, it was Adam who died. Adam's rising from the dead in us, but he's the second generation of Adam. The first Adam who died, he was generated by Michael. The Adam who's rising from the dead in us today is Christ. He was generated by the Lord Jesus Christ. We're a more mature generation of Adam. So, it's Adam who's rising from the dead in a more mature expression. Now, he's your mind. If you are the temple of God, your mind is Christ and he is married to a spirit that is above the firmament, the Lord Jesus, and the Lord Jesus flowing through the mind of Christ in you is your altar. And, of course, Christ is the offspring of the Lord Jesus Christ, so for all intents and purposes, he's flowing through himself, if you can hear that.
He's both in heaven and in the earth. And the fire on the altar is Jehovah, because Jehovah is in the Lord Jesus, Jehovah sent him, and there's a sacrifice on the altar, there's always a sacrifice on the altar, for fallen man, there's always a sacrifice. Well, if you're in the temple of God and your mind is Christ, and your altar is Christ Jesus, that's the Lord Jesus flowing through your Christ mind, then the fire in your altar is your Jehovah. And if the fire in the altar is Jehovah, the sacrifice has to be Leviathan, the sacrifice is Leviathan. So, we're talking about a person who's fully given over to God and of course, the word "God" in the New Testament, well, it's speaking about the Lord Jesus, it's speaking about the Lord Jesus who is in Michael's role.
Remember, Michael came and raised Adam from the dead in the man Jesus, and that Michael above married Adam in the man Jesus, and then the two of them married Jesus' personality and Jesus became a magnificent man. That means, when we talk to Jesus, we talk to the Father, we talk to Jehovah, we talk to Elohim, we talk to Michael, and we talk to the Lord Jesus. All of them are in Him. Jesus is our everything. He is the full Godhead unto us. He is the Godhead bodily, He is the full Godhead. Every aspect of the Creator is in Him and He is our Father. He has generated us and He is raising us up as Sons of God.
Now, if you're an unregenerate person and you have nothing whatsoever to do with Christ, you are a city, which is a whole spiritual woman. I'm under Satan's seat now. You are a spiritual woman from your personality through your sacrifice. You are a spiritual woman who is under the authority of Satan and your carnal mind. And your temple is the carnal mind. Satan lives in your carnal mind. She's the god of the carnal mind, she's the god of this world. And your altar is the carnal mind married to Satan.
Now, this can be a temporary condition or a permanent condition. And the fire on your altar is the Serpent, she's a spiritual power, and the sacrifice on the altar is Satan's seat, it's Christ, your human spirit. He's offered up as a continuous offering, and when this offering is removed from Satan's seat, the world as we now know it ceases to exist. Now, I have here a column that's entitled the "Holy Ghost Temple."
Well, Paul did say that you are the temple of the Holy Ghost. This is really a transitional stage. We go from being Satan's seat to being God's temple but there is a transitional stage where we become the Holy Ghost's temple. Now, brethren, when you're the Holy Ghost's temple you're still a spiritual woman. You're not a spiritual man until Christ is rising in you and you're living out of that Christ. And, the Holy Spirit is not Christ. The Holy Spirit is the seed that has come to fertilize your human spirit that Christ might be engrafted. But, the Holy Spirit is of God, so you have to be doing a lot better than if you were a spiritual woman in Satan's seat. If you're the Holy Ghost's temple, you are a city which is a spiritual woman from personality through sacrifice, but you are a spiritual woman who is under the influence of the Holy Ghost. You are under the influence of the Holy Ghost but you are, you're a spiritual woman, you're Satan's seat, under the influence of the Holy Ghost.
Brethren, most of the preachers in the pulpit today are an expression of Satan's seat, hopefully most of them are under the influence of the Holy Ghost, but a lot of them may not even be under the influence of the Holy Ghost. If you are the temple of the Holy Ghost, you are a city, which is a spiritual woman, and the temple is the carnal mind. Brethren, the temple of the Holy Ghost is your carnal mind, which is bad enough. It's not your animal body. Spirit dwells in mind. And, the Holy Ghost is in your carnal mind, intending to join with your human spirit and engraft that human spirit to your brain, because mind operates in the brain. Mind is spirit. Brain is organic. But they work together.
How do they work together? Your brain is the control panel. Everything that you feel or experience is a result of the operation of brain, and the functions of the brain. The brain is the control panel. There is not any experience that you can have, pleasure or pain, that cannot be induced in a laboratory when an electrode is applied to the specific portion of the brain that will produce that experience. You can have whole experiences, technically you could experience a whole lifetime in a trance if your brain is manipulated correctly. Mind manipulates the brain, and the spirit manipulates the mind. The spirit instructs the mind, and the mind manipulates the brain, and we are an expression of the spirit who's instructing the mind who's manipulating the brain. That is the truth of our existence. You think that you're your own man, but you're not. Not too pleasant a thought, but the truth will set us free, the Lord said.
Brethren, the temple of the Holy Ghost is your carnal mind because Christ has not yet been engrafted. The Holy Ghost is in your mind. And the altar in your carnal mind is the carnal mind married to Satan (temporary or permanent), under the influence, I think we have to change that. Under the Holy Ghost temple, the carnal mind married to Satan, is temporary only, why? Because if it was permanent you'd be in a full stature of evil, and I honestly don't know if you could be the temple of the Holy Ghost when you're in a full stature of evil. I would not think so, but I don't know for sure. We will take that permanent off.
The altar of the Holy Ghost temple is the carnal mind married to Satan in a temporary condition under the influence of the Holy Ghost. Well, I don't even know if temporary is the correct word now. You would have to say partial, maybe not even temporary, partial... how about partial? What do I mean by partial? Brethren, when we're born, our personality and our mind is connected to Leviathan, and we're only connected to Satan in a very, I don't know if we're connected to her at all. If we are connected to Satan at all, it's in a partial way, because when we are fully connected to Satan, we go into a full stature of evil.
That's why, when I'm talking about Satan's seat, if you don't have anything of God in you at all, the carnal mind can be married to Satan as a temporary experience, or as a permanent experience by which you would be in a full stature of evil. But, if you're the temple of the Holy Ghost, I'm going to take the position that you would not be in a full stature of evil. I think everybody has the opportunity to have an isolated experience, either with the Holy Ghost or with Satan, that we could be caught up to a high spiritual place, and have a high spiritual experience, and then descend.
Okay? So, if you're in Satan's seat, if you don't have the Holy Ghost, if you don't have Christ or the Holy Ghost, you're probably just an average person, but it's possible for you to have an isolated experience where Satan reaches down and catches you up? What would it be called in our world? It would be called temporary insanity. Where someone goes out and just murders somebody or do they do something crazy? What do you think happens? Somehow, Satan got ahold of them and connected up that full stature of evil, but it was just a temporary experience. Praise the Lord.
So, if you're in the Holy Ghost temple, your carnal mind is partially married to Satan on a temporary basis, and you're under the influence of the Holy Ghost, and that is your altar. The temple is the carnal mind, your altar is your carnal mind married to Satan under the influence of the Holy Ghost, and the fire on your altar is the Serpent and the Holy Ghost, the Serpent and the Holy Ghost are the fire on your altar, you are double minded and you are confused.
People in this condition may find themselves in old order deliverance or a healing ministry where they're hoping that the spirit that's coming forth is the Holy Ghost, but it's very common in these kinds of ministries that Satan rises up and the average believer can't tell that Satan got in there and it wasn't the Holy Ghost casting out their demons. Very few can tell the difference at that time. And the sacrifice on the fire which is on the altar in the temple of the Holy Ghost, is Christ. It's Christ.
That may come as a surprise to you, but the Holy Ghost is not strong enough to sacrifice Leviathan. If you are the temple of the Holy Ghost, you are under the influence of the Holy Ghost, which is the beginning of the procedure which is determined to turn your world upside down and one of the things that happens when your world turns upside down is that Christ or your human spirit is no longer the sacrifice. That your human spirit increases into Christ Jesus and turns the table and sacrifices Leviathan.
Christ is sacrificed to the Serpent, and Leviathan is sacrificed to Jehovah. And you can't be doing two things at once. You may have two spirits at once, the Holy Ghost and Satan, but you cannot be sacrificing both Christ and Leviathan at the same time. Either you're sacrificing Christ, or you're sacrificing Leviathan. Receiving the Holy Spirit, brethren, is just the very, very, very, very beginning of a very, very, very long process which is designed to turn your world upside down and to deliver you from this animal body and this dark prison house of the carnal mind. The Scripture is very clear that the carnal mind is a dark prison house and the human spirit is trapped in it.
Alternate Translation, Revelation Chapter 11:1, "And a new mind was given to me, which had all the weaknesses of my mortal mind, yet it was strong. And Christ Jesus appeared in me, saying, 'Transfer into my mind, and from that mind estimate the maturity of the mind of Christ (now, that's your temple), and also estimate the maturity of Christ's relationship with the Lord Jesus who is above (that's the altar), which maturity, when you get your reading on how mature Christ and Christ Jesus are, when you get that reading, you're gonna get an understanding of how mature the whole individual who is worshipping God in their timeline is.'"
In whose timeline? Jesus Christ and Christ are a timeline. They're a timeline of their own. They're a timeline of their own. So, when you get a revelation of how mature Christ is (that's your temple), and how mature Christ Jesus is (that's the Lord Jesus connected to Christ, that's your altar). When you get a revelation of how mature they are, you have an understanding of how mature the whole person is that is worshipping Jehovah through the altar and the temple of Christ. So, what is this saying to us? We do not measure people's maturity by the miracles they do. We don't measure people's maturity by what church they go to, or by how many people are in that church, or by how they dress, or by how they deal with their money. We measure a person's maturity by the words that come out of their mouth. And if we don't have Spirit of Truth, we're not capable of judging their maturity. It's only the Spirit of Truth that can witness to the maturity of Christ.
Paul said in another place, "We judge everybody. We know who you are, we know what mind you're coming out of, we see deep into the sin in your soul, but you cannot recognize us." Because your carnal mind cannot recognize Christ. Therefore, the carnal mind mocks and mistreats all forms of spiritual deity. Because they're in such darkness that they cannot recognize Christ when they see Him. Therefore, brethren, it behooves us to forgive the sins of all of those who are cruel to us and who would destroy us and pray for mercy for them, but that does not mean that you stand there while they chop you to pieces. We're talking about attitude, you forgive them, you do not hold a grudge, you acknowledge that they're ignorant and you ask the Lord to help them, but you don't agree that they should do damage to you.
"And a new mind was given to me, which had all the weakness of my mortal mind, yet it was strong, and Christ Jesus appeared in me, saying, 'Transfer into my mind and estimate the maturity of the mind of Christ, and of Christ's relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, who is above, which reveals the maturity of the whole individual who is worshipping God in the Lord Jesus Christ's timeline.'" Verse 2, "But the court, which is without the temple, leave out, and measure it not. For it is given unto the Gentiles. And the Holy City they shall tread underfoot forty and two months."
Now this word "court", it's Strong's #833, this word is translated "hall" once, "sheepfold" once, "fold" once, "court" once, this is the only time it's translated "court," Revelation 11:2, and it is translated "palace" seven times. I suggest to you that the word means "palace." And we have some revelation on what the spiritual understanding of palace is. We understand that there are two parts to the brain, the cerebellum and the cerebral cortex. One prominent, and one recessive. The cerebral cortex, you have a drawing in your notes, this is not the first time you've seen this. The cerebral itself looks like a serpent, it's Leviathan all coiled up in there expressing itself as the physical brain, and the Leviathan, the spiritual mind of the spiritual expression of the brain, dwells in the physical brain.
Then we have the cerebellum, which is a part of the nervous system, but you could see where it is, it's all the way down, literally covered over by the cerebral cortex, and I don't want to redo this whole teaching, I think we have something on it in spiritual foundations. But, the cerebral cortex, which typifies Leviathan and Satan is completely dominating the cerebellum, which typifies the palace of Christ. What does that mean? It means, when the Holy Spirit comes into a human being and engrafts and joins himself to the human spirit, there is a new life conceived, and that new life is called Christ, and just as in a human woman, once that egg is fertilized, it has to engraft itself to the womb. Does it not engraft itself to the womb?
When the Holy Spirit joins to the human spirit and the embryonic Christ is formed, that embryonic Christ is engrafted. Engrafted where? James talks about the engrafter... where is it engrafted to? Brethren, our spiritual being is in this animal. I suggest to you there is a place in this animal that the embryonic Christ is engrafted to and I suggest to you that that place is the cerebellum. The withered palace, that part of the brain that is unused for any intelligent purpose. The only function that the cerebellum is being used for in fallen man is for some very primitive muscular functions. I believe that's the part of the brain that enables us to walk on our two feet. Now, isn't that interesting? The function of the withered cerebellum results in a behavior on our part that differentiates us from the animals. The one thing that the cerebellum is doing is to differentiate us from the animals.
Brethren, when the Holy Spirit comes and when Christ comes, he is differentiating us from the animals. He wants us to distinguish between our spiritual self and our animal self. He wants us to know that we are not this animal body and then he wants us to be able to distinguish between our Christ mind and our animal mind, because the carnal mind is the beast. Although the carnal mind is an animal, sometimes these fine lines overlap. I think the beast is the whole man.
"But the court, which is without the temple, leave out." Well, what are they talking about? But the palace, which is external (that word "without," it means external, I'm down at the bottom of the page now). But the palace, which is external (of the mind, that's a translation of temple), cast off. Cast it off. Cast off the mind which is external. Well, what does that mean? The mind that's in the part of the brain that's on the surface, external means on the outside. As you could see, it's over the cerebellum, cast that mind off. That mind that is covering over the cerebellum.
Because I am convinced, brethren, I have no way to prove this to you, but I am convinced, that, if it would have been possible to have done a brain scan on Jesus of Nazareth, or to do it on any one of us when we stand up, that the cerebral cortex would be shrunken and the cerebellum will be expanded and these two lobes of the brain would be completely reversed. The palace of Christ will be fully expanded and the palace of Leviathan, the Serpent's Captain, will be completely withered. I'm convinced of that. So, I hope looking at your diagram helps you. I have it marked pretty clearly.
The cerebral cortex is Captain Leviathan's palace, the cerebellum is Christ Jesus' palace. Leviathan, the conscious mind, dwells in the cerebral cortex. And, of course, Captain Leviathan rules through the cerebral cortex, but the conscious mind is in there also, that's Leviathan. And the cerebellum is withered and dead until the Holy Spirit joins to the human spirit and engrafts the embryonic Christ to the cerebellum. And, I believe if I were to have a brain scan now, that there would be some enlargement of my cerebellum. I would expect there to be some enlargement. Because, everything's turning upside down, brethren, everything that's underneath is going on top and everything that's on top is going down underneath. And it's happening spiritually and it's happening physically.
That which is inside is coming out. That which is on top is going down under. Please note (I'm on page 3 now), that the Greek word translated "without" appears twice in the Greek, but it is translated only once. I suggest to you that we have a mind that is external (that word without, it means external now). I suggest to you that we have a mind that is external to our Christ mind, the carnal mind, and that the carnal mind has two parts to it, Satan and Leviathan, and that is why the word external appears twice. Cast off that external mind. Cast off Leviathan, cast off Satan. Okay, this isn't gonna make much sense, I'm just gonna read you what I have hear when I wrote down all these numbers and Alternate Translation.
The word "and" we're translating "also." The word "not," that's a negative particle, we're translating it "Captain Leviathan" or the "Serpent Captain." The word "it," we're translating "herself." The word "measure," we're translating "to estimate." See, I really never understood why the two witnesses would be measuring anything, but what they're really doing, it's even more than measuring the maturity of Christ. This concept of measuring is talking about finding out how equipped that mind is to wage war.
See, the Holy Ghost came to you with gifts because you were a woman at the time, you were a young spiritual woman and you didn't know which end was up, but He had a lot more in mind than giving you gifts. He had it in His mind to marry your spirit, to penetrate you, to bring forth His Son in you and to raise up that Son to a position of manhood where He would be strong enough to go out and defeat Satan and Leviathan. This is the Holy Spirit's intention in being nice to you. It is a free gift, but there are strings.
It's a free gift initially, but there are strings. He wants something from you. So, the two witnesses are going forth to see how equipped each individual is to defeat Leviathan. Brethren, the whole message is about war. That's what you're being measured for. Remember Jesus said, "Count the cost?" See if you're strong enough to defeat your enemy before you go into battle. Well, don't go into battle with Satan and Leviathan if you're not mature enough in Christ to take the victory. That's what this measuring is all about, brethren. How equipped are you to defeat Satan and Leviathan and return to your true nature. Deliverance from hell.
This whole concept of the two witnesses is about deliverance from hell. So, as I was saying, the word "measures," we're translating "estimates," because it is provided for the multitudes of the beast. And I'm translating "Gentiles," "beast". The word "and," we're translating "but." "City," we're translating "personality that is holy." The personality that is holy shall tread under, now what we have here in the Greek is, "But the court which is without the temple, leave out and measure it not for it is given unto the Gentiles," and I translated that "for it is provided for the multitudes of the beast."
"And the holy city they shall tread underfoot forty and two months." The number "forty" refers to the four-footed beast. The word "months" is referring to the moon. The word "month" is referring to the moon, and the moon talks about this world that we live in which is a lie. You see, the moon has no light of its own. The only light that the moon has is the reflection of the sun, and what is the reflection of the sun in this lunar world that we live in? Spiritually speaking, we're living in a lunar world. What is the light that lights this world? It is the human spirit. The only light in this world at all is the human spirit.
That is why, when the human spirit is withdrawn, this world is going to go out like a light. Because the human spirit is the only light. We found that out when we translated Amos 5. This world is going out like a light when Jehovah's plan to extract His Son, who is completely dissolved throughout this whole creation, is returned to Jehovah. When Jehovah extracts His Son from this creation, His Son is everywhere. Christ is the Spirit that gives consciousness to this world. Consciousness light.
So, we're doing some interpreting here. We're translating the word "forty," "beast." We're translating the word "months," which is plural, "lunar orbits." I'm going to suggest to you that the months are the carnal minds of the many members of humanity. A month is talking about a lunar orbit, that's the definition in Strong's. It could be moon alone, or lunar orbit. And then we have the word "two," and this is what I got. Where did we get the two from? Two months… two lunar orbits, or the double-headed lunar orbits. But cast Satan and Leviathan, your external mind, off of your Christ mind, because Captain Leviathan is estimating the maturity of her carnal mind, which is provided for the bestial multitudes.
Now, I could just hear someone getting insulted about that, but brethren, the truth of the matter is, if you're an unregenerate man, if you're not living out of Christ, you're bestial. No matter how sophisticated you are, in comparison to the enlightened man with mind of Christ, you are a beast. You may be an enlightened beast, but you are a beast. That is the truth! Receive the truth, and it will set you free.
But the personality that is holy shall tread under the lunar orbits, or the minds of the multitudes, the minds of the beast two. But cast Satan and Leviathan, your external mind, off of your Christ mind, because Captain Leviathan is estimating the maturity of her carnal mind, which is provided for the bestial multitudes, but the personalities that are holy shall tread their carnal minds under the two-headed beast. The two-headed beast.
And this is it a little more cleaned up: "But cast Satan and Leviathan, your external mind, off of your Christ mind, because Captain Leviathan is estimating the maturity of her carnal mind, which is provided for the bestial multitudes. But the personalities that are holy, shall tread their carnal minds under the two-headed beast, or the double beast." And I'm suggesting to you that the beast is two-headed, Satan and Leviathan, two parts to the beast.
Now, the word "estimate" signifies determining whether or not the other mind can be defeated. Luke 14:28 says, "For which of you intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it." Now, it doesn't say "sufficient money," and the word "tower" indicates warfare. Jesus is our High Tower. Count the cost of the war, brethren.
Revelation 12 speaks about the Dragon with seven heads, and Revelation 11:2 speaks about the beast with two heads, although I added the word "heads" in. Captain Leviathan is the Dragon, and the personalities or the heads that she is appearing in are in full stature. See the term, "seven heads of the Dragon," it's referring to the fact that the personalities of Captain Leviathan are in full stature. Seven means complete. But the beast is the whole physical female animal, and she has two heads, Satan and Leviathan. So I put that in because I thought it might be confusing to you to hear that the Dragon has seven heads, but the beast is two-headed. "But Captain Leviathan is estimating the maturity of the carnal mind, which is provided for the bestial multitudes. So, cast Satan and Leviathan, your external mind, off of your Christ mind, because only the personalities that are holy shall tread under the personalities of the two-headed beast."
Revelation Chapter 11, verse 3: "And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand, two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth." Well, we have a lot of numerology, or number symbology here. I will give power unto my two witnesses, well, first of all, that word…ok, let's start with the numerology. And I will give power unto my two witnesses, now that's the Lord Jesus Christ and the resurrected Adam, which is Christ in you. And they shall prophesy a thousand, two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
Well, the number ten is the number for the law of sin and death, and ten times ten equals one hundred, which is the spiritualization of the law. Now, anything multiplied by itself, we haven't done this kind of study in a long time, but when we start seeing numbers squared, we're dealing with Einstein's Law of Relativity, and it usually means, and in this case I believe that it means the spiritualization of whatever the number being squared represents. So, the number ten represents the law that we're under, it's the law of sin and death, and the number one hundred is ten squared, ten multiplied by itself. That means the spiritualization of the law. And the spiritualization of the law brings us into the law of life, which is in Christ Jesus.
And we have the number one thousand, and that is ten times one hundred, and one hundred is the spiritual law. And I suggest to you that the law of sin and death, multiplied by the law of life, which is in Christ Jesus, results in the swallowing up of the law of sin and death. And then we have the number sixty, threescore is sixty. And ten times six, six is the number for man, and ten times six would be sixty; mortal man under the law. And I see that I don't have the number two hundred up there. I have it a little further down. One hundred is the spiritual law, and the number two hundred is the double portion of the spiritual law. Once again, it's the Lord Jesus Christ, and Christ. And together, the Lord Jesus Christ and Christ, are called Christ Jesus, or the first and the last Adam. It's that spiritual marriage which generates power.
Now, I have some notes for you on consciousness here. We're still on these numbers now. There is such a thing as sin consciousness. You hear a lot about the Christ consciousness. There is a Christ consciousness that is true. Most of the New Agers that I have ever heard talking about the Christ consciousness are speaking about the unregenerate human spirit, who is completely dissolved in Satan, and dispersed throughout the female animal, Leviathan.
So, to talk about the unregenerate Christ consciousness, you're talking about Satan and Leviathan because the Christ consciousness is the homosexual harlot of Satan and Leviathan. The unregenerate Christ, the human spirit, is being completely used by Satan and Leviathan to sustain the consciousness of this world. But, there is a Christ consciousness. Let's start at the top: Sin consciousness - Number ten talks about the law of sin and death, and the law of sin and death is the Serpent's captain.
Ten times six, mortal man, that's sixty, is speaking about the law of sin and death in a man, in a mortal man, and that is Satan and Leviathan. And we see that the Holy Spirit ministers to the, now, we're talking about consciousness now, brethren, and we're gonna see the twelve levels of consciousness in verse 3. The Holy Spirit ministers to the sin consciousness, the Holy Spirit ministers to the sin consciousness. The Holy Spirit ministers to the sin-conscious human spirit. Why is the human spirit conscious of sin? Because he is married to sin. The human spirit, which is Christ in His lowest, humiliated position, has a sin consciousness because He is married to the Serpent. He's married to the Serpent, He's married to the Serpent's captain, and He's married to Satan and Leviathan. He is completely dispersed through every area of this creation, and He is very conscious of sin. He's in bed with sin. He knows sin intimately. So, this is the truth of the Christ consciousness of what the New Agers are telling you about the Christ consciousness.
Now, the first and second levels of consciousness, that which ministry comes from the Holy Spirit, raises Christ from the dead. The first and second levels of consciousness that are given by the Holy Spirit raise Christ from the dead. The first level of consciousness is reconciliation, where you are brought into a relationship with the Holy Spirit. The second level of consciousness is justification, where the Holy Spirit marries your human spirit, which is the dead Christ in you, at which point Christ is conceived.
Now, from the minute Christ is conceived, you have a new consciousness that is not a sin consciousness, it's a God consciousness, and His name is Adam, He's rising from the dead. But we're calling Him Christ now because He's the next generation and he's been generated by the Lord Jesus. So, here we have our numbers again. Ten times ten, or ten squared, this is the third through twelfth levels of consciousness are coming forth here. We're getting all of this out of Revelation 11:3 now. Ten by ten, or ten squared, equals one hundred, and that is the ascension of the spiritual law of life in Christ Jesus. The ascension of the spiritual law of life in Christ Jesus, and that is the third and the fourth level of consciousness, which is sanctification and perfection.
So, you see, I don't know if I'm making this too clear. The first two levels of consciousness, the Holy Spirit ministers to the sin conscious human spirit. The Holy Spirit comes to the sin conscious human spirit, strikes up a relationship with him, reconciliation, and marries him, justification. Justification is the beginning of the resurrected Adam. And then, the ministry is no longer to the sin consciousness, but the ministry is now to the Christ, Adam in the second generation. And now, the consciousness of Christ begins to be raised, and He becomes sanctified, He becomes mature, and then He becomes perfect after He dominates His sin nature, and this is typified by the number one hundred. It's the third and fourth level.
Then we have the number two hundred, which is two times one hundred, and that is talking about a double portion of the number one hundred. And the number one hundred is talking about the ascension of the spiritual law of life, which is in Christ Jesus, it's beginning to ascend. Christ is beginning to ascend. And when we have the double portion, two times one hundred, that is the fifth level of consciousness, when Christ marries the Lord Jesus Christ, that's the fifth level of consciousness, the ascended Christ now marries the Lord Jesus, who is above. And that is the number two hundred.
Then we have the number one thousand, which is ten times one hundred. We've already determined that the number one hundred is, well, I'm saying here that it's Christ Jesus, I think that's wrong, He should really be Christ, the ascension of the spiritual law of life, that's Christ alone, that's not Christ Jesus. The number one hundred is Christ alone. The number two hundred is Christ and the Lord Jesus Christ, which together are Christ Jesus.
And ten times a hundred is Christ alone, that equals one thousand. And, I want to suggest to you that the number one thousand, as I told you earlier, it's the law of life swallowing up the law of death. And when the law of life swallows up the law of death, it means that Leviathan is going to die. And that is the sixth and seventh level of consciousness, Leviathan penetrated and Leviathan circumcised. And then Satan dies, that's the eighth level of consciousness. And then after that, although it doesn't appear in Revelation 11:13, we have the spiritualization of the whole man, and those are the ninth through twelfth levels of consciousness. So, that may have been a little confusing. Let me show you how I worked it into the Alternate Translation, it really excited me.
Incorporating all of that numerology into Revelation 11:3, this is what it says, "And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy (well, that's the King James), and they shall prophesy a thousand, two hundred and threescore days clothed in sackcloth. And I will present (we're translating the word "give," "present." The word "power" is not in the Greek. The Greek says, "I will give unto my two witnesses," and it what it's really saying is that I will give you my two witnesses. Not that he going to give power to his two witnesses, he's giving his two witnesses. To whom? To the church.
The two witnesses of me. The English words in the King James, "unto my," really means "of me." "And they shall predict"- now, the word "prophecy" means "to predict the future" - of the Serpent's timelines. What am I translating "the Serpent's timeline"… "days," okay. The word "days," if you look that up in Strong's, it's talking about the twenty-four hour day, it's not an eternal day, it's a day that's on a cycle, and we've translated this word, "the Serpent's timeline" before.
This whole concept of the twenty-four hour day is only in the Serpent's timeline. So, we're saying that these days are talking about the people here, just as I've told you in another way, we're all branches on the tree, we're all branches, we're on one tree or another tree. We're all our own timeline, we're all part of this one major timeline, and each one of us is a timeline in an of ourself. And to say that they're clothed in sackcloth, the word sackcloth is talking about mourning, brethren. And brethren, we are in mourning, our spirit is in mourning. Christ in us is in darkness, He's covered in blackness in the dark prison in the carnal mind, He is experiencing death and utter humiliation down here. He is in mourning.
And the covering that's on Him, this dark flesh is the covering that's over him, we're the dark prison of the carnal mind. So, He is in mourning. And a witness to that is Isaiah 61:3, "To a point unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, and the oil of joy for mourning." The Holy Spirit, or the oil… I'm sorry, the Holy Spirit is not oil… Christ Jesus is the oil. We're going to get oil. You see, that which is mourning right now is the human spirit. The dead Christ is in mourning. And we're going to get the oil of joy. What does that mean? The Holy Spirit is coming and joining to the human spirit and Christ is rising from the dead.
That's how we're getting the oil of joy for the mourning human spirit. Satan and Leviathan's death, that's the number 1000, Christ marries the Lord Jesus, that's number 200, and mortal man, that's the number 60, and this is what it sounds like: "And I will present two witnesses of myself, which shall prophesy to mortal man (that's the number 60), that Satan and Leviathan, the Serpent's timelines that are clothed in mourning shall die (that's the number 1000), when the resurrected Christ mind marries the Lord Jesus (that's the number 200). And I will present two witnesses of myself which shall prophecy to mortal man that Satan and Leviathan, the Serpent's timelines that are clothed in mourning in human flesh, shall die when the resurrected Christ mind marries the Lord Jesus."
Brethren, that's what we're doing in this ministry. That's what the Doctrine of Christ is. We are two witnesses to our own fallen nature, and we are the true two witnesses to whoever's picking up these books.
And there's all kinds of talk out there about who the two witnesses are, but I declare unto you that the spirit of the Scripture says that the two witnesses will prophesy the death of Satan and Leviathan. And I don't hear anyone else out there doing it. On the contrary, they're saying Satan and Leviathan will live. When the Christ mind in an individual agrees in doctrine with the Lord Jesus Christ, Satan and Leviathan will begin to die.
The doctrine in the church today does not line up with what the Lord Jesus is saying. Full stature is not only impossible without understanding the Doctrine of Christ, it is impossible without the ability to preach the Doctrine of Christ, because this ability witnesses to the maturity of the resurrected Adam, who is called Christ in this generation. Now, I'm gonna tell you again, I rebuke any carnal mind that is putting condemnation on anybody because they cannot preach this message.
Try to understand that when Christ matures in you, He will preach it through you. And as you submit yourself to the teaching in this ministry, He is coming forth in you, but of course you must also be confessing your sins and repenting. Because if you do not do that He will die in the ground. He will be a seed that dies in the ground, and I don't want to hear anybody discouraged from this message. Every time you sit under this message, you're sitting under the rain, and you'll hear that in a future verse, you're sitting under the rain that's coming forth from Christ, it's moistening your ground, it's seeding your ground, and in due season, if you DO NOT FAINT, you will reap. In due season, you will reap, if you DON'T FAINT. Now, resist condemnation and fear on every level, cause when He comes forth, He's going to do it through you. You will not be without a reward for your efforts.
"And I will present two witnesses of myself which shall prophecy to mortal man that Satan and Leviathan, the Serpent's timelines that are clothed in mourning, shall die when the resurrected Christ mind marries the Lord Jesus Christ." And the reason I just hesitated then is that I was looking at that term, "the Serpent's timelines that are clothed in mourning," and I just told you that it's the human spirit that's clothed in mourning, so I thought it was a contradiction. But the Lord just said to me, "No, because the human spirit is a part of the Serpent's timeline." There would be no timeline, the Serpent would have no timeline if she had not conquered, captured, and absorbed the human spirit. So the human spirit is part of the Serpent's timeline. He's married to the Serpent. Elohim's breath is married to the Serpent. This is quite an abomination.
Going on with verse 4, Revelation 11: "These are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth." These are two sources, these are two sources that make the anointing, "the anointing" is a translation of the word "oil," and "the containers," that's a translation of "candlesticks," the word "before" can be translated "opposite." And that's interesting, that word opposite, we've talked a lot about that but not recently.
The concept of the word opposite is that we're on two different sides. This world is diametrically opposite the spirit world. Spiritually speaking, technically speaking, we stand opposite one another as an image in a mirror stands opposite of us as we look in the mirror. That's the significance there. And this is interesting too. The word God, the God of the earth, we recently did a study on the comparison of the words "Lord," "God," and "Almighty." I had no idea why the King James Translators did this, but that English word "God" is not a translation of the Greek word "God," it's a translation of the Greek word "pulios," which is translated "word" in just about every other place. The Lord of the earth standing.
"And these two sources of the anointing stand in earthen containers opposite the Lord Jesus." And these two sources, what two sources? The Lord Jesus Christ, and Christ, together called Christ Jesus. And these two sources of the anointing, they both have oil. The Holy Spirit has water. Christ and the Lord Jesus have oil. And these two sources of the anointing stand in earthen containers opposite the Lord Jesus. The earthen containers are opposite the Lord Jesus. The Lord Jesus is spiritual, and the earthen containers are in the visible physical world. The significance of the word opposite is that if the Lord Jesus is in the spirit world, those opposite Him must be in the visible physical world.
This is verse 4, "And the two sources of the anointing, the Lord Jesus Christ and Christ, are standing in human bodies in the visible physical world." And these two sources of the anointing, the Lord Jesus Christ and Christ, are standing in human bodies in the visible physical world. The word standing signifies full stature or a higher level of consciousness. The lowest level of consciousness that you can be at and say that you're standing, is full stature.
Verse 5, "And if any men will hurt them, the fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies, and if any man will hurt them, he must in manner, be killed." Now, this is very interesting because there is no Greek word that means man there. The Greek word says, if any one. And I find that very significant because I think this verse is talking about Satan and Leviathan. If any one tries to kill Christ...this is a spiritual war, brethren. If there is any one, doesn't say one what, that tries to kill Christ, or the Lord Jesus Christ, they must be killed.
You see, the King James Translation says if there's any man that tries to kill them, they must be killed, so right away, we have this whole concept of punishment on human beings, that they're being killed, that they're going to hell, but the Scripture doesn't say men. I want to tell you, the one who's trying to kill the Lord Jesus Christ and Christ, she will surely die and she is Satan and Leviathan. The only reason the Lord Jesus is making war against you because you are in agreement with Satan and Leviathan. Fall out of agreement.
And if any one is disposed towards, now, this simple little word "will" in the King James says "and if any man will hurt them," it's Strong's #2309, and it's a very significant word, it means "to be disposed toward." It's much more than just having a passing thought. As a matter of fact, I printed out the translations for you here. Strong's #2309, "to have in mind," if you intend to do something, now we're not talking about behavior here, we're talking about activity of the mind. If you intend to do something, do you have it in mind to hurt them, do you take delight in or have pleasure in being a Christ killer?
And further down, in the next paragraph, we see this Greek word can be translated, "to choose," or "to prefer." By implication, to wish, to be inclined towards, you don't even have to be thinking of killing them, it's the inclination of your mind is that, should the situation present itself, you would be inclined to kill them. You're guilty. Can you imagine living in a world where your inclinations are judged by fallen men? But you see, this is the righteous mind of Christ that's judging your inclination towards doing evil to Christ. And when Christ kills that inclination in you, righteousness will arise in you. Merciful corrective judgment. So we see that the whole world is surely guilty. Just have to have the slightest inclination under the right set of circumstances to kill Christ and the one in you that is in that condition, your carnal mind, must surely die.
Strong's says "by Hebraism"… by Hebraism it means "to delight in." What does that mean? It means the Hebrew word that would correspond with this Greek word is "to delight in." That somebody who knows both Hebrew and Greek, someone who was translating this Greek word into Hebrew would say, according to the vernacular, according the idiom of the Hebrew language, it means to delight in. The one who delights in killing Christ, must surely die.
And if anyone is disposed to criminally violate, that's a translation of "hurt." Now, this word hurt is talking about criminal violation, it's not talking about a little stepping on your toe. If anyone is disposed to criminally violate Christ, or the Lord Jesus Christ, spiritual fire comes out of their mind. Now, the word in the King James is "mouth," and we talked about this before, what you say originates in your mind, and since we're dealing with spiritual concepts here, I have no problem translating the word mouth, "mind." And if anyone is disposed to criminally violate Christ or Christ Jesus, spiritual fire comes out of their mind and devours the hostile one who opposes them, and that's a translation of the word "enemies," the hostile one who opposes them.
And II Timothy 2:25 says, "In meekness, instructing those that oppose themselves. If God, peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth." So, we see, we oppose ourselves. Again, I'll say it again, the two witnesses are prophesying to the powers and principalities within the fallen personality, where Christ Jesus is appearing. And Christ Jesus is prophesying to that person's immediate family. And then to that person's extended family, and to that person's spiritual family, and to the fullest degree that Christ Jesus in that person can withstand the assault, He is prophesying to everyone that the Lord brings to him.
And to prophesy death, you don't have to say, "Hey, did you know Leviathan and Satan are going to die?" It doesn't even mean that. If you are in Christ and you are persecuted for righteousness sake, and Leviathan or Satan rises up in someone and attacks you, and you pronounce death upon them, you're prophesying to them that they will surely die. Whether they hear it or whether they don't hear it, if you just rebuke them, if you just tell them that they're wrong, you're prophesying their death unto them. They've got to die, because they're killing the whole world.
"And if any man is disposed to criminally violate Christ Jesus, this is how, or in this manner, it is necessary that they must die. And if any one is disposed to criminally violate Christ Jesus, spiritual fire comes out of their mind and devours the hostile one who opposes them, and if anyone is disposed to criminally violate them, it is necessary that they must die." And if any man is disposed to criminally violate these two witnesses, spiritual fire comes out of their mind to devour the hostile one who opposed them, that's Leviathan, because anyone who is disposed to criminally violate the Lord Jesus Christ and Christ, has to die. They must really be corrupt. Jesus.
Matthew 16:19 says, "And I will give unto thee the Kingdom of Heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." I put that in the wrong place, that's in the wrong place, brethren. Jesus. Now, please note that the Scripture is clearly not speaking specifically about humans. The word is "anyone." This is a subtle way of saying that Satan and Leviathan must die in anyone who is acting out their nature. Now, if we judge Satan and Leviathan in ourselves, brethren, it won't be necessary for another Son of God to kill them, because if another Son of God comes to kill your Satan and Leviathan, he's killing you too. You're feeling the pain too. It's much easier if you do it yourself. But if you can't, and you're blessed, the Lord will send a godly Son to you, if there is no godly Son available, or if you're in rebellion against the godly Son, then Satan is the one that's judging your sins.
Revelation 11:6, "These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy, and have power over waters to turn them to blood and to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will." Now, the verse that I just read you, Matthew 16:19, that should be down here with regard to verse 6, because this concept of shutting up heaven is talking about refusing salvation to people. Now, that's a bit shocking, you know?
As much as I've known for a long time now that ultimate reconciliation is not a true doctrine, it's sort of shocking to see in the Scripture that the two witness company will have the power to shut up heaven, to shut off the power of salvation. What is the power of salvation? Brethren, there is no salvation without this doctrine. You can be reconciled without this doctrine, and you can be justified without this doctrine, but only the one who endureth to the end will be saved, and the end is the realization of this doctrine living itself out through you.
You know, this is a hard word, because it's only very recently that the Lord has laid it on my heart to tell a couple of people that they cannot study with this ministry anymore. Now, if you're still listening to the messages, I guess you still have your foot in it. But there are a couple of people that I won't even give the messages to. And it didn't occur to me at the time, all I knew was that the Lord told me that they were bringing confusion into the ministry, and that I was to cut them off.
I never looked at it this way that I was shutting up heaven to them. Because there's no way you're standing up without the doctrine. And unless you can get it yourself, if I won't give it to you, I have closed up heaven to you. That's quite awesome, brethren. That is a tremendous responsibility. But I know the Lord has clearly instructed me, I'm not to have anything to do with people that do not respect me, because I am the messenger of His Word, and if you don't respect me, you don't respect His Word, and if you don't respect His Word, you don't respect Him. And there's no way you're going to stand up without respecting Him, or His Word, or His servant. There's always the possibility of repentance.
"They have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy, and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will." Okay, these two witnesses have authority. See now, here the word "power" is in this verse. We had another verse where it said "power" and it wasn't in the Greek. I wonder where that was... verse 3, "And I will give power to my two witnesses", there is no word "power" in the Greek, but in verse 6, the word "power" is there. "And these two witnesses have authority, or power"...
Now the reason I'm saying "authority" here instead of "power" is that there are two Greek words that are translated "power." One is "exousia," which means authority, and the other is "dunamis," which means power that could be likened to brute force. It's talking about force, see? And there's a big difference between authority and force. Authority doesn't require an effort. If you want to... the only example I could think of right now is, if there's a big heavy object, there can be someone who has the brute force to pick this object up because their muscles are strong. But someone who had the spiritual power to cause that object to move, would not be exercising any effort at all. The authority to move that object by the Mind of Christ would be effortless. That would be exousia. But to move that object by dunamis, by the power of a man's muscles, it would require an effort. So, authority is effortless. Authority is effortless because the power is inherent in your state of being... if you can hear the difference.
So, these two witnesses have the authority to close up heaven so that lest not rain moisten. Now this word "rain," in the King James it just says "rain," but there are two Greek words there, Strong's #5205, which means "rain," and #1026, which means "moisten." "The Serpent's timelines," that's a translation of the word "days, by their prophecy." And "their authority," that's a translation of "power," they have over the waters. Now, this is how we opened the message, we're opening it with this concept and we're closing it with this concept. Power over the waters. Remember, this creation originally was made from semen that is water and sperm. And the water separated from the sperm and thickened herself with earth, made pseudo-sperm into herself, and fertilized herself.
This whole world has been generated by the waters without the sperm. Thus the Scripture says, the two witnesses have authority over the waters to turn them to blood, blood typifying life, the spiritual life. Life is in the sperm, life is not in the water, it's in the sperm. And I want to suggest to you that what this phrase means is that the two witnesses have the authority to turn the waters, which are polluted with the earth, to return them to the one who gives life. Because the waters that are being illegally used to produce this word, belonged to Michael, the one who is above, the one who generated Adam in the earth of the Garden of Eden. Michael is the seed, Elohim is the sperm, he made himself into a seed, Michael.
So, I guess it's not Michael; it's Elohim. But Elohim is appearing in the form of Michael to us. So the two witnesses, they have the power to return the waters back to the life, to return the waters back to the sperm. And how do they do that? How are they going to return the waters back to the sperm? The waters must be boiled. Boiling is the only way to purify polluted waters. There is no way except judgment, Brethren. There is no way back without judgment.
So, these two witnesses, they have the authority to return the waters to the life, which is the sperm and the seed, the sperm that's been made into a seed, and they also have the authority to, the King James says "smite" now... that Greek word translated "smite" can also mean "to cut down", and I've amplified here and I want to suggest to you that they have the authority to cut down the tree that is in the earth. Now, the King James says, "to smite the earth," but in the Greek there is the word "in." See, it wouldn't make any sense to say, "to smite in the earth." It wouldn't make any sense. So, the King James translators didn't translate the word "in," but I suggest to you that the spiritual intention of the Scripture is to cut down the tree that is in the earth.
"With all public calamity and heavy affliction," that's a translation of "plagues, many times," and there's the word "if" there that's not translated, it's a conditional term, "if" they want to do it. They can cut down the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, they can return the waters to become living waters, because right now they are dead waters, and they can inflict plagues and public humility on anyone at any time that they please. Now, brethren, that is a frightening concept if this power were to be in the hands of mortal men. It would be an absolute disaster. But these powers are in the hands of Righteous Christ Jesus who is incapable of doing evil to a righteous man. But they will do evil to unrighteous powers and principalities, delivering the personality from their grasp.
So that means the two witness company have a decision, they can do it or not do it, but their decision is not frivolous. Their decision is based upon righteous judgment. And I will say at this point, I want to go back to something that I said a few minutes ago, that the two witness company has the power to shut up heaven to someone by denying them this Doctrine of Christ. Because there's no standing up without the Doctrine of Christ perfecting Christ in you.
Now, I want to say something very important here. If you have been denied the Doctrine of Christ righteously, which I hope there would be no other way that anyone would be denied the Doctrine of Christ in this ministry, even if you borrow the message from somebody else, if in the spirit, the two witness company has cut you off from this Doctrine, you can borrow messages from sixty million people and it will not mature Christ in you. Listening to the message is not enough. Listening to the message is supposed to be maturing Christ in you. So, if this ministry is denying you messages or books, and you get them from someone else, you might read them and you might listen to them, but if you're under righteous judgment, your reading and your listening will not mature the fruit of Christ in you. You're spinning your wheels and you're wasting your time.
These two witnesses have authority to close up heaven so that the Serpent's timelines are not moistened by the rain of their prophecy and they have authority to return the waters to Christ Jesus, their life. Or, to return the waters to living waters.
Living waters, I didn't get that when I worked this up. Praise God. And they have the authority to make the waters living waters and to cut down the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil that is in the earth, with all manner of public calamity... now, who's the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? That's us. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is our fallen nature, it's in US. And they're going to make the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil fall with public humiliation if that's what it requires.
Some people just have the gift of repentance. Some people need to be publicly humiliated all the time. The only thing that should matter to you is that this tree should come down in you by whatever method it takes. And they have authority to make the waters living waters and to cut down the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil that is in the earth, with all manner of public calamity and heavy affliction as often as they see fit. Do you know what that means, Brethren? They have authority over your life. Now remember, these are men, these aren't even men, this is Christ Jesus, and they're only doing this through men that are in complete submission to them. Anyone trying to do, to execute any kind of a judgment on anybody that's coming out of their carnal mind, will come under severe judgment from Christ Jesus.
Recap, Revelation 11, verses 1 through 6: "And a new mind was given to me, which had all the weaknesses of my mortal mind, yet it was strong, and Christ Jesus appeared in me, saying, 'Transfer into my mind and estimate the maturity of the Mind of Christ and Christ's relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, who is above, which reveals the maturity of the whole individual who is worshiping God in the Lord Jesus Christ's timeline. But Captain Leviathan is estimating the maturity of the carnal mind, which is provided for the bestial multitudes. So, cast Satan and Leviathan, your external mind, off of your Christ mind, because only the personalities that are holy will be able to tread under the personalities of the two-headed beast. Indeed, I will present two witnesses of myself, which shall prophesy to mortal man that Satan and Leviathan, the Serpent's timelines that are clothed in mourning, shall die when the resurrected Christ mind marries the Lord Jesus Christ, and these two sources of the anointing, that's Christ and the Lord Jesus Christ, shall stand stand in human bodies in the visible, physical world. And if anyone is disposed to criminally violate these witnesses, fire comes out of their mind to devour the hostile one who opposes them, because anyone who is disposed to criminally violate the Lord Jesus Christ and Christ has to die.'"
And these two witnesses have authority to close up heaven so that the Serpent's timelines are not moistened by the rain of their prophecy, that's talking about salvation. And they have authority to make the waters living waters and to cut down the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil that is in the earth, with all manner of public calamity and heavy affliction, as often as they desire to do it.
And let me refer you back to verse 4, this is talking about men that are standing. Carnal men are not judging other people's lives with public calamity and heavy affliction. Verse 4 says, "And these two sources of the anointing, the Lord Jesus Christ and Christ, shall stand in human bodies in the visible, physical world." But I would point out to you that we do have a measure of that here, but only with people who are in agreement. I have the authority to judge your sins and I do have power to help Christ come forth in you and to help you put Leviathan and Satan under your feet, but only for those who agree with me.
You have to be in Full Stature to judge the sins of people in this manner who are not in agreement with you. So, I know there have been a couple of times here, there's one person, I won't put her name on the message, but a couple of times I've had to ask her to write something on the board or make a public confession, it seems to be that that's what it takes to break her, you know? That's what it takes. And she agreed to do it, you see? I could never force her to do it, but she agreed to do it, and the couple of times that she did agree to do it, it broke her yoke. Some people, their pride is so thick that they have to be a public example.
Of course, when I do it, I don't humiliate you, but I think when the day comes that there are Sons that are standing in Full Stature, and the Lord explains to them that it's time to judge people who are not in agreement, there will be great, great humiliation. When it happens here, when it happens in this ministry, if the person agrees to it, everybody here is compassionate and understanding, and it doesn't go outside of these walls. But for the people that are so reprobate that they won't come of their own accord, and the Sons in Full Stature judge them, I suspect that their humiliation will be in front of people who are not keeping their secret.
Any questions or comments? Isn't this an exciting message? Wait until you hear the rest of it! I mean, it's really exciting! The two witnesses are NOT dying, they're not lying dead in the street. Leviathan and Satan are lying dead in the street. Christ cannot die anymore. He died once, and then the resurrection. He can't die again, brethren!! Christ cannot die again. See, Adam died and he was resurrected as Christ, and that's it! It's given unto a man once to die, and then the judgment that raises him from the dead in a strong enough condition to continue to stand. Any questions or comments on this message?
COMMENT: Before, when you were talking, the Scripture that came to me was "the life is in the blood." I just felt the Lord saying to me, "There's only death in physical blood."
PASTOR VITALE: Well, that's true, that's true. There's life... well, the Spirit is the exact opposite of the flesh, and there is death in the physical blood, every disease you can imagine is in the blood. It gives life to this animal until it kills the animal, because the same vehicle that gives life to the animal, kills the animal. It's a real paradox. The blood flows through the veins, and it gives us life until it kills us. There's just a matter of time until it kill us, and I'm told from the minute a baby is born, it starts to die. Because that which gives it life is killing it. Perversion.
COMMENT: And just the other day I was questioning in my mind about Moses turning the water into blood.
PASTOR VITALE: Moses? You mean Jesus.
COMMENT: No, I'm talking about Moses.
PASTOR VITALE: Oh, with the plagues, you mean?
COMMENT: Yes, and I thought, that just doesn't make sense to me. And it just seems to be.
PASTOR VITALE: Well, here's the answer to you. The Lord's very faithful. It's the same concept as other parts of the Book of Revelation where it says "the moon will turn to blood." The moon is talking about this world that we live in and the individuals in that world. And we're turning to blood, we're turning to the Truth, you see, we are alive, this whole world is alive, we don't have any true life, we are just a reflection of the true life. We're living off of the sun, we're something that is just going to fold up and roll away, but we're going to be covered with the blood, we're going to be covered with the living life, and we'll live, we'll be Truth, we'll cease to be a lie, and we'll be Truth. So, now you know, when you said, "Lord, that doesn't make any sense to me," it has now been revealed that you were thinking with your carnal mind. Amen.
09/21/00 – Transcribed by RH