268 - Part 3

Part 3 of 10 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


I believe we are picking up in chapter 4. I believe we are up to -- we are -- we left off approximately verse 34. "My meat is to do the will of Him that sent Me, and to finish His work." Could you put that on pause for a minute? [AUDIO CUTS OUT]

"My meat is to do the will of Him that sent Me, and to finish His work." Jesus is saying that He does not -- well, He is not saying that He does not need natural food. I do not know whether or not He needed natural food. We see in a few verses prior to this that Jesus' disciples are encouraging Him to eat, and He says, "I have meat to eat that you kn-" -- excuse me -- "you know not of." I honestly do not know whether or not Jesus needed natural food, but [?it?] -- I do believe that He took this opportunity of His disciples concern about His physical health to make a point that there is something beyond natural food. That does not mean that He did not and that we do not need natural food, but there is a spiritual food that can give health to your bones and life to your flesh, so Jesus was making this point. He took this opportunity to make this point, and He says, "I have meat to eat that you know not of." That is verse 32, and verse 34, "My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me, and to finish His work."

To do the will of the one who sent you is food. It is life to your bones and health to your flesh, so we will find ourselves consistently and continuously being faced with choices to do the will of the one who sent us or to do what we think is going to nourish our health and nourish us spiritually and nourish us emotionally. So to all of those who are in this conflict at this hour, I point out to you that your emotions will be directing you to fulfill the lusts of your own flesh, but it is food; it is meat; it is life to your bones to do the will of the one who sent you. And, frequently, when you do the will of the one who sent you, you will be in pain in your emotions because your emotions will be screaming for you to do something else, and your carnal mind will be screaming unto you to preserve yourself and preserve your own life. But the Scripture clearly says that he who saves his own life will lose it, that he who is willing to lose his life will save it.

Verse 35, "Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest." Now we see the same principle. His disciples spoke to Him about natural food, and He spoke to them about spiritual food. Then He says to them are you not saying in four months the harvest is going to be here, natural harvest? And Jesus says, I say unto you, look up; look into the realm of the spirit because the spiritual fields are already white to harvest.

What is Jesus saying to them? He is saying unto them you have to get your spiritual eyes working. He is saying unto them the same thing that I say to you every service that you come in here: You have got to get your spiritual senses working. And the way Jesus was continuously prodding the disciples to get their spiritual senses working, OK, was to answer their carnal questions with spiritual statements. In other words, He refused to play to the flesh. They asked Him a carnal question; He gave them a spiritual answer. And in another place, the disciples were walking around saying what did He say? What is He talking about? Who is going to kill Him? Or, what, did we forget to buy bread? They did not know what He was talking about because He spoke to them in -- Jesus spoke to the disciples in His language whether they understood Him or not. He did not stop speaking to them in His language whether they understood Him [AUDIO CUTS OUT]

Say ye not, There are yet four m- -- in four months the natural harvest is coming? Jesus says, "Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes." Look into the realm of the spirit, and look on the fields. And you may recall that we have had teaching here that the cultivated soul is a field. And what is a cultivated soul? The soul that has been ripped into by the power of God and turned over and had the rocks and the weeds ripped out, the soul that has had deliverance and ministry, the soul that has been turned over and is now the good ground, the field, the soul that is cultivated, the s- -- the field in which the seed of Christ has been planted.

These souls are ripe unto harvest. That means the soul that has had deliverance, that has had the seed of Christ placed into it and the soul in which Christ is being formed and the soul in which the fruit of Christ is appearing. That is the mature Christ; it is ready to harvest. Now what does this mean? It means that the kingdom of God in you is at a measure of maturity where it is time to start to -- cutting down your carnal mind because in the harvest two things happen: The fruit is separated from the vine, and the vine dries up and dies and is cut down. So when Jesus says the fields are ripe unto harvest, He means a- -- but the laborers are few. I do not know if He -- I think He says that in another place, that the laborers are few, yeah. He says it in another place, the laborers are few.

What He is saying is that you have a mature mind of Christ in you, so it is time to start separating from the carnal mind so that the carnal mind can be dried up and cut down. But the laborers are few, you see; many in whom Christ is being formed, many -- there are many in whom Christ are being formed but very few who are using this Christ or the power in Him to separate from the carnal mind and cut down the carnal mind. So the fact that the fields are ripe unto harvest means that there are many in whom Christ is being formed. That is what He [?said?]. He says cannot you see? Lift up your eyes; there is much work to be done.

And I want, also, to suggest to you here -- I want to take this a step further, that there are very few who are able to judge their own souls. The Scripture says if you judge your own soul, you will not be judged, but I suggest to you very few who can really look into their own hearts, who can hear from God and can really see every sin clearly enough so that they do not need another man to help them. There are some, but very few. So what Jesus is saying is that the fields are ripe unto harvest. He is saying there are many that have the mind of Christ, very few that are going to use that Christ to cut down their carnal mind, therefore the sons of God must manifest to start to cut down the carnal minds of the men who do not have the strength to do it themselves. It is time for the firstfruits company to go out and show their sins to God's people because most of them do not have the strength to see themselves. It is painful to look upon your sins. That is what Jesus is saying. That is the whole idea behind this.

Verse 36, "And he that reapeth receiveth wages." When you reap -- and the reaping is the separating of the fruit from the vine, the pulling of -- now, remember, Christ is growing inside of the carnal mind, so the reaping is the separation of the wheat from the tare, of Christ from the carnal mind, and there is a wage that you receive. The wage that you receive is all the power that comes in Christ, and He tells you are in the next phrase what the wages is. "He that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto eternal life."

We have found in other studies that the word gathereth is used to describe the gathering together of the components of the mind of Christ. I think we had that in the Sunday message. The word gathereth is speaking about the gathering together of the mind of Christ. First, the mind of Christ is being broken up; the human spirit is being freed, and the mind of Christ is being gathered.

So He says he that reapeth, he that separates from the carnal mind receives a wage or receives a g- -- something. Now it is not a gift. Now please notice that the gift is the Holy Ghost. We get the Holy Ghost as a gift, without labor, but the harvest, the separating of Christ from the carnal mind, gives us a wage. That is indicating that there is a labor in Christ, that we must work the work to get eternal life. Can you hear this? "And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto eternal life." The fruit which gives us eternal life which is Christ is not a free gift; it is a wage. It is something that is paid because we have worked. The free gift is the Holy Ghost, by which Christ begins to be formed in us. But once Christ begins to be formed in us, we must work. We must work the work; there is a spiritual labor in Christ, OK. Well, you know, usually, I do not like you to interrupt me, but since you have done it already, ask your question.

            [INAUDIBLE] is a free gift [?is it not?]?

Salvation is a free gift. Is that what the Scripture says?


Ye are saved.


Right. It is -- is the word salvation?

            [?That is the?] salvation in that verse, by grace [INAUDIBLE] [?is what it says?].

Is the word salvation? Salvation is not of works but by grace.

            Ye are saved --

You are saved by grace.


Yeah, but the c- --


OK. And who is the grace? What is the grace? Christ is the grace, and once you get Him, you have to use Him and work with Him. It is a spiritual labor. That Scripture is speaking about works of the flesh, OK. I know that is a very confusing point. I had a really hard time with it myself. I had a very hard time with it myself.

            And salvation and eternal life are the same thing.

Salvation and eternal life. Well, there is a subtle difference. Salvation -- eternal life is an experience. Salvation is of your soul.


OK, and of your spirit. The whole -- our whole person is saved, and when we are saved, we enter into the experience of eternal life, so there is a subtle difference, OK. So, "And he that reapeth receiveth wages," and the wage that he receives, that which he earns from the reaping is that he gathereth together fruit, I suggest to you is the mind of Christ, and then the mind of Christ is the life of the ages, that both -- and all that for the purpose that --


-- "both He that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together." And who is the one that sows? The Father is the one who sows, and -- the Father is the one who sows, and that which is sowed is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the seed. The Father sows the seed of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the one that reapeth is Christ Jesus, three generations of the godhead. Can you hear that? The Father sows the seed; the Lord Jesus Christ is the seed, and the one that reaps is Christ Jesus in the second generation of Christ. But since the Lord Jesus Christ and Jehovah are one, we can also say the Father is sowing Himself. He is sowing Himself into the earth, and we, humanity, Christ Jesus in humanity, is reaping, hallelujah, so "that He that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together."

"And herein is that saying true, One soweth, and another reapeth." The Father sows, and the Son reaps. "I sent you to reap that whereon you bestowed no labor: other men labored, and ye entered into their labors." "I sent you to reap that whereon you bestowed no labor." Now this is not particularly clear, but I would like to suggest to you that what the Lord Jesus Christ is speaking about here is the spiritual lifetime, and He is referring to Hebrews 11:31 where, in that chapter, Paul names all of the scriptural heroes and says, "But yet they could not enter in without us," OK.

Let me try and explain this to you. It is really not clear. You are going to have to pray about it. He says, "Other men labored, and you entered into their labors." It is as if to say, you, at 21 years old, are now entering into full spiritual manhood, but you could never do it if you did not have a 10-year-old person and a 13-year-old person and a 15-year-old person. You could never be where you are today if you did not have all of the experiences of your childhood. So Jesus is saying all of those men who lived and died, they had a lifetime, and they passed out of this world without entering into the promise, you have entered into their labor. You who are in the last generation are going to enter into their labor, and the average human, carnal reaction to this is that is not fair to live a whole lifetime and pass out into the draft, and only a memory of me is going to remain. And we have a lot of carnal people that are very upset over this, and that is like your 10-year-old saying I do not want to die so you could become 11; that is the bottom line.

So Jesus is saying many have labored; they have labored in the work of Christ. Many generations have had the mind of Christ, and they have not entered into the promise because they were not old enough, but you upon whom the ends of the ages have come, OK, you are going to enter in and partake of all of their labors. Is everybody OK? OK. That is a very -- that verse is a parable, very deep verse. Jesus, yeah.

OK. We will just take a minute on verse 48. "Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe." He is spea- -- Jesus is speaking to the Jews, and, again, He is rebuking them for needing something or desiring something that they could see with their eyes. Now go back with me, please, to verse 34. The disciples are speaking about natural food; He is speaking about spiritual food. Then He rebukes the disciples, saying you speak about a natural harvest; I speak about a spiritual harvest. And then a little further on He says, you Jews, you need a sign. You need something that you see with your eyes, but I am telling you that the work of God is spiritual, therefore the only sign you will receive, He says in another place, is what? The sign of Jonah, who was three days and three nights in the bowels of the earth.

And He was really saying to them, by saying that, that I know you will not believe that sign. Why would Jesus say that I know you will not believe that sign? Because it was a spiritual sign. They would have to believe that He rose from the dead, which He knew they could not believe, so that is why He rebuked them for wanting a sign and then said, well, I will give you a sign, but I will give you a spiritual sign. I am not going to give you your carnal sign. You have to grow up, and you have to come up where I am.

And I remember when I was a young disciple. Life was very hard for me, and I was crying one night, and I said, Lord, You told me that You would comfort me. Where is the truth of this Scripture? I am not comforted; I am miserable. I am crying myself to sleep. And the Lord spoke very clearly to me, and He said unto me I am not coming down there to comfort you; you must come up to where I am. The comfort is where I am, and it took a long time for me to get up there, and even now I have moments. I have painful moments, but at least now I know where the comfort is; I know what I have to do; I know how to get into Christ; I know how to lay hold of God and comfort my soul because all the pain is in my soul.

So if you want the comfort of the spirit of truth -- and please remember that the Holy Ghost is not the comforter; the Holy Ghost is the free gift. The comforter is the spirit of truth which is in the Christ; comfort is in the Son. You must go through whatever it takes to have the Son begin to be formed in you, and you must grow in grace and in wisdom, and you must enter into a place in Christ where you can enter in to the comfort of the Lord.

He said I go to prepare a place for you. Now, look, when He said I go to prepare a place for you, He had already talked about the Holy Ghost being sent to them. Going to prepare a place for you is d- -- is a different experience than having the Holy Ghost or the gift of the Holy Ghost sent to you. Even having a place prepared for you is different than having the comforter, which is the spirit of truth, sent to you because a place is a place that you get into, that you enter into, that you hide in. The spirit of truth comforts you. Truth comforts you, but the completion of the comfort is to get inside that safe place, to get inside of the truth, not just have the truth sing to you, but to get inside of the truth. Hallelujah.

So Jesus rebukes the Jews in verse 48. He says, "Except you see with your carnal eyes signs and wonders, you shall not believe." This is a deficit, brethren; it is a fault that can lock you out of the kingdom. And I tell you this without condemnation: If you need a sign and a wonder, if you need to be in a Pentecostal service where you can see people healed when they are being visibly healed in front of you, where you can see demons being cast out, where you see the gifts in operation, where you can see the gifts with your carnal ears, where you can hear people prophesying and speaking in tongues, if that is what you need, you are not going to get it but for a season. That is what the Lord is saying. I am showing you carnal things for a season, and during this season, I expect you to become spiritual, and you had better become spiritual or ask Me to make you spiritual because these visible signs are passing away. Brethren, does the Scripture not say prophecy is passing away, that the gifts of the Spirit are passing away? When are they passing away?


And what is that which is perfect?




So you have the gifts until Christ begins to be formed in you, and when Christ begins to be formed in you, He is supposed to be your ability to see in the spirit. And if you put this together with the few verses that we just read about, the fields being white unto harvest, what Jesus is saying, you have the ability to be spiritual within you, but you must use it. You talk to me of natural food; I speak to you of spiritual food. You talk to me of natural things; I speak to you of spiritual things. Jesus is saying come off of the natural; I am not even going to answer you because from here on in we know no man after the flesh, and you have got to stop abiding in Egypt. That is what this whole dissertation -- it is almost -- well, it is at least half of chapter 4. That is what it is all about.

You have got to get s- -- I will put it one sentence for you: You have got to become spiritual. Stop looking with your natural eyes because you are going to miss the whole thing. Do not run out into the desert when they say the Christ is there. Do not run here, and do not run there when they say the Christ is there because the Christ is spiritual, and He is within your own mind. You would have to run anywhere. He is spirit, and He is inside of you.

This is an urgent, important lesson of the hour, and if you are not functioning in the spirit or if you would like to function more deeply in the spirit, ask the Lord who gives to all liberally. And if you are feeling condemned by this message, rebuke your condemnation because I am not condemning you; I am here sounding a trumpet, saying it is got to be the Lord's way. If you are carnal, confess your sins and repent, and ask the Lord to help you and direct you and show you what you must do. I am here giving you a warning. I am for you; I am not against you.

Let us go on to chapter 5. We see, at the beginning of verse 5, the impotent man, Jesus asking him if he would be made whole, and Jesus saying, "Rise, take up your bed, and walk." Dow in verse 14, Jesus says, "Behold, thou art made whole." This is to the man who was healed. "Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon thee."

Now we see the whole -- almost the whole church world taking this verse and linking it up with a verse in another part of the Bible that speaks about an evil spirit coming and finding a house swept clean and bringing seven spirits more wicked than he. I want to suggest to you that these two Scriptures have nothing whatsoever to do one with the other. The Lord showed me years ago, and you may have heard me say it here, that that Scripture just mentioned about the wi- -- the spirit bringing seven more wicked than he with them, I have looked up every word in the Greek, and I am convinced that the Scripture is not speaking about a demon being cast out. The word is spirit, not [?daimonia?], and I am convinced that it is speaking about the spirit of man who continues [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- I should not say the spirit of man. I should say the spiritual man that is trapped here in the earth; his name is --


Fallen Adam. His name is fallen Adam. He is trapped down here in the earth, and every time a human body that he is dwelling in dies, he just incarnates in more bodies, and the human race or mankind is descending. And each time or each generation that fallen Adam incarnates, we are becoming more and more reprobate. We are the lowest -- you know, we are at a very low rate. Of course, when Christianity came into the world, it was an elevation. When God gave the Ten Commandments to Israel, it was an elevation for mankind. People were very pagan in those days. When Christianity came into being, it was an elevation for mankind, but we see Christianity falling away in this country. And if you have eyes to see, we are reverting rapidly to the paganistic ways of man before Christianity came because man is a pagan; man is a heathen; man is fallen. He is reprobate, and unless Christ is influencing his life, he is a killer and a murderer and an abuser and capable of every wicked abomination against his fellow men.

So I suggest to you, when the Scripture says that s- -- that when that house was swept clean and that spirit came in with seven more worse than he, it is speaking about the fallen man, Adam, continuing to incarnate and to bring humanity down lower and lower. You do not have to agree with me if you do not want to, but that is my opinion; I have held that opinion for years.

Today we are speaking about the Book of John, chapter 5 in verse 14, Jesus saying, "Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee." I would like to suggest to you that the worst thing that could come unto you than to be victimized by a sin -- now, remember, He is speaking to the man who was impotent. He was weak. He was lying by the pool, and he could not physically walk. He was sick; he was dying. And Jesus says, if you receive My healing and you sin again, a worse thing will come upon you. It does not say a worse sin; it does not say a worse demon; it does not say seven times worse. It says a worse thing, and I would like to suggest to you that the worse thing is the judgment of God.

And I refer you to Hebrews 11, chapter 6 [sic]. Let us turn there for a minute, Jesus. Hebrews 11:6 -- I think I am in the wrong place. I think it is Hebrews 6:11, Hebrews 6, chapter 4 -- 6:4. Where did I get 11 from? "For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost" -- now what is the heavenly gift?


No, the Holy Ghost, OK. You have tasted of the Holy Ghost, and then you were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, OK. So, first, you received the Holy Ghost. Then the Holy Ghost engrafted to you; you partook of what He was. And you have tasted of the good Word of God, which is Christ, which was formed in you after the Holy Ghost engrafted to you, and you tasted of the powers of the world to come, which I suggest to you is the Spirit of Christ. Do you see the progression there? "If they shall fall away" -- it is impossible, if they shall fall away, "to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put Him to an open shame."

This is what Jesus is speaking about, so if you do that, if you receive the gift from the Lord -- apparently, Jesus' deliverance of this impotent man was to give Him Christ, and I have been preaching that for a while too, that He gave Christ to the adulterous woman, that He gave Christ to the Gadarene Demoniac. He did not just cast out their demons because Jesus would not say to you, "Go and sin no more," without giving you the ability to sin no more, so it was not just a question of healing this impotent man. For Him to say to this man, "Go and sin no more," He had to give Him Christ.

And then He says, if you sin again, a worse thing will come upon you, the judgment of God, which will take Christ away from you. Brethren, it w- -- I want to tell you, I was an impotent man; I was physically sick for years. I waited 13 years for my healing, and it was terrible, but if I want to tell you that if I sin again to the point that God would remove Christ from me, a worse thing would surely have come upon me, much worse than being sick, much worse than having infirmity. For me to have been enlightened and tasted of the heavenly gift and made partaker of the Holy Ghost and tasted of the good Word of God and the powers of the age to come, for me to fall away, to say that that would be a worse thing is putting it mildly.

And once I would fall away -- I do not even want to us myself as an example. Once someone in that condition falls away, what does that mean? Christ aborts in them. Once Christ aborts in them, you cannot be renewed unto repentance. Why? Because there has to be a s- -- a purging of the land. And we go on in verse 7 where it says, "For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receives a blessing from God: But he that bears thorns" -- that means -- the thorns typify the carnal mind, but the earth or the soul in which the carnal mind is manifesting and having its way, that earth is rejected by Christ.

"And is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned." That means judgment, brethren. You would have to go through a period -- to have Christ die in you, to abort, you have to go through a period of judgment that would purify your land. You cannot just repent; you cannot just say I am sorry and go on. You have to go through a period of judgment that is probably wormwood judgment, and then hopefully the Lord would give you another chance. And I suggest to you that that is what Jesus is speaking about. Hallelujah.

Verse 17 -- well, I did want to comment on verse 16, even though it is not Jesus' words. Verse 16 of chapter 5 says, "And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus, and sought to slay Him, because He had done these things on the Sabbath day." "And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus, and sought to slay Him, because He had broken their religious rules."

And I would like to refer you to chapter 7, verse 19 of the Book of John where Jesus says to the Pharisees, "Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none of you keep the law? Why go ye about to kill Me?" And the Pharisees said to Him, "You have a devil: who goes about to kill you?" And I suggest to you that Jesus knew that His end would be crucifixion and that the Pharisees at that point had no idea that they would be crucifying Him, but Jesus knew what was in their heart, and He knew what the end of their -- of the murder in their heart would be. And they told Him that He had a devil because they could not see what was in their own heart because of the carnality of their mind, but Jesus saw it, and they told Him He was crazy.

So watch out that you do not call the spiritual man crazy, and I say this with all love. [?We are?] paranoid, OK. Be very careful what you say because it is very scriptural that the spiritual man sees what the one under them cannot see. Glory to God.


I said be very careful if a spiritual man that God has -- that you know is a called man, sees something in your heart. If you cannot see it, you are of course free to say I cannot see it, but be careful that you do not turn around and say to that spiritual man there is something wrong with you, OK. You have a devil, or some people have thought that I am -- and I -- you know, some people have thought that I am paranoid. It is just the truth, right, OK. I am warning you: Be careful for your own sake because I am not just some man on the street. I am ministering Christ unto you, and it is very, very possible that I see something that you do not see.

So, therefore, in your own best interest, the thing to do -- you are certainly free to say you do not see it, definitely. You are not supposed to take what I say at face value, but I do not recommend at all that you turn around and say to me that I am -- that there is something wrong with me. That is a dangerous thing to do; it is not in your best interest. The thing to do is to just pray about it and just let it go until God speaks, and He may not speak for a year. That is OK. Let us just be at a truce. I know what I see, and you do not believe it, but we are both open to the word of the Lord, but be careful that you do not accuse me of something ungodly, OK, because you would not want to be making the mistake that the Pharisees made. It cannot possibly do you any good, OK. Glory to God.

Verse 17, "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." I suggest to you what Jesus is saying here is that My Father worked before this. He says I am not subject to your natural Sabbath, neither am I subject to the law of ordinances. My Father worked, and therefore I work. When My Father says work, I work. I do not care if it is Saturday; I do not care if it is Sunday; I do not care if it is in the middle of your business meeting. If the Spirit of the Father in me says heal that man, I will rise up and do the will of My Father despite all of your carnal rules and your carnal restrictions. So, brethren, let us be careful not to try to put each other in any kind of bondage. As long as what somebody is doing is not directly hurting you, we better be careful, and I say this to myself too. We better be careful not to be accusing them of doing something out of their carnal mind.

We see some pastors put a lot of pressure on their people to be at every meeting, and they give no possibility of the Lord sending that person someplace else. Now, personally, I feel that if you are in a ministry where the power of God is manifesting like here, that under most circumstances the Lord would want you here, but I acknowledge that it is a possibility that a night could come that He could send you someplace else. So I would not even attempt to put you under a human rule that you must be here every time the door opens, but if you take a night off or a series of nights off and I feel in my heart that it was not the Lord, I will come to you and ask you to pray about it. I will tell you that, in my opinion, I do not bel- -- agree with you. I do not think it was the Lord, and ask you to open yourself to the Lord, either confirming or negating what I have told you.

Usually, pretty much, speaking, that is all I ever do with you. I -- it is not doing you or me any good to demand that you agree with me. There is no fruit in it; there is no growth in it, if you would agree to do it, -- which probably nobody here would because we have got a bunch of very strong-willed, independent people that are being raised up to be the sons, OK. So even if you would be willing to agree with me, which you probably would not, there is no life in it for you to just agree with everything that I say. If I am speaking the words of life, it has to get inside of your heart; it has to mix with the power of Christ in you, and it has to start to grow and put down roots in your own heart, or there is no life in it.

So my job is to speak the words to you, and your job [AUDIO CUTS OUT] -- and you genuinely open yourself up to the Lord in the event that He would like to tell you that it is true. That is the way we work here because God wants His life reproduced in you. He wants everything in me that is of Christ to be reproduced in you, and there is a procedure, and I just told you what that procedure is. You cannot do it with your intellect; it has got to get into your spirit.

So Jesus said to the Pharisees, "My Father has done spiritual works, and therefore I work." Jesus says in another place, "Everything the Father does, I do." What Jesus is saying to the Pharisees is My Father -- I saw Him in the spirit, working; I saw Him in the spirit, healing. I saw it, therefore you cannot tell Me that I cannot heal on the Sabbath. I -- for many years I did not understand that Scripture, but that is what the Lord told me that it means. I am not subject to your natural law when the Father is the law within Me. When I have a choice between the carnal law and the spiritual law, I obey the spiritual law of God. For men that do not have Christ internalized, they do not have a choice between the carnal law and the spiritual law; they are under the carnal law. But I have the Father internalized in me, and I am not subject to your carnal law. That is what He said: I am not subject to your carnal law; I get my instructions directly from the Father.

Now, of course, there is got to be someone somewhere listening to this message that is going to use it against themselves and against God because we have people in the church who think they hear from God, and they do not. So all that I could tell you, this is a very tough ministry that God has given me. I really do not want anyone using me to justify rebellion or ungodly works. If you think that you are doing something which is motivated by the Father and you are not by the Father, you are only deceiving yourself, and it is just a matter of time until He brings correction upon you.

So everything should be prayed through carefully, and rebellion against authority is never ever of God. So pray carefully because you do not want to be diverted. I am not saying you are going to be killed or anything terrible is going to happen to you. But do you want to lose time? We are running a race. Time is very short, so we do not want to waste any time going off 5 miles to the left or 5 miles to the right, so pray carefully, and always -- well, respect everybody. Respect your fellow man; respect your elders. Be a person who is orderly. Walk orderly. Do what is right, and God will really bless you, and He will move you through as rapidly as possible.

Verse 19, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He seeth the Father do: for so things soever He doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise." "Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of Himself." The Greek word translated "of" is "from." The Son can do nothing from Himself, from within of His own self, from that which comes from [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- His human nature, He can do nothing, but what He sees the Father do -- and where is the Father? The Father is in Christ. "For what things soever the Father doeth, these things also doth the Son do likewise."

This sounds very confusing, but what Jesus is saying is He does not do what His carnal mind wants Him to do; He does what Christ and the Father, through His Christ, tells Him to do. If He has a choice of doing what the Father wants Him to do and what His own heart would like Him to do, the sign that He is a Son, at least in that instant, is that He does what the Father wants Him to do. And, frequently, brethren, we do not want to do what the Father wants us to do. Sometimes we despise the thought of doing what the Father wants us to do. That does not matter. What do you do?

Is there not a parable? I think it is one of the parables where Jesus said who is serving God? The ma- -- yes, I believe it was a parable of Jesus. He said, "There was a man, and the Lord said go and do something for me. And the man said, no, I refuse to do it. And then the Lord went and told another man, do something for me. And the man said, yes, I will do it, and he did not go, and he did not do what he said he would do." Did I get it right, or did someone change His -- I said -- I got it right.

            And then the first man actually went [CROSSTALK]

And then the first man actually went and did it. So who is the one that is favored of God?

            The one who actually did it.

The one who actually did it, so do not get too hung up on what people say. Do not get too hung up on it; it is what they do. I know some people; they talk a good game, and they do not do almost anything of what they say. It is all talk. So do not worry about it if your emotions are raging and your emotions do not want to do it and your emotions want you to do evil or your emotions want you to rebel against God.

Do not get all hung up on it; just do what is are because, in this hour, we do not have authority to control our thoughts. We have some authority to control our thoughts, but I know that I have had thoughts in my mind, recently, that I just cannot control. I have just stopped trying. I -- the -- I am so overtaken in my mind that I put all my energy into confessing my sins and repenting and asking God to forgive me. As I live with these thoughts in my mind, I do not act on them, but they are there, and I want you to know that it is a humiliation to know that they are there and I cannot succeed in making them go away. But the Lord understands. Just do righteousness, and do not be condemned for ungodly thoughts.

Verse 20, "For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth Him all things that Himself doeth." The Greek word translated loveth is phileó. It is not agape love; it is phileo. And it means that the Father has affection for the Son, and sheweth Him or teacheth Him all things that the Father does. So once again we see that the Son is being instructed. He is learning; He is having experiences, and, brethren, including being instructed is making mistakes. It is no crime to make a mistake. The Lord does not condemn you for making a mistake, but He does require you for having a godly attitude towards making a mistake. You have to admit that you made a mistake. You have to repent if you have hurt somebody by making that mistake, and you have to ask the Lord to please help you to not make it again.

And if you are in pain over this, your problem is pride because everybody makes mistakes. I make all kinds of mistakes. I make mistakes all the time. You have to go on, and pride will stop you from going on. Pride will try to fixate you on the mistake, making excuses, squirming around like a serpent, justifying what you did, talking about it, getting the last word in to the person that is corrected. You have got to have the last word. They corrected you, but this is why I did it. This is all pride. Just be silent. Say it; confess that you did it. Say that you are sorry. Ask the Lor- -- ask for prayer. Do not make excuses why you did it; it does not glorify God to justify or explain why you did it. You did it. You made a mistake; you committed a sin. Whatever it was, just be quiet. You do not have to get the last word in.

It is not -- when -- the Lord is tryi- -- wants me to say something, and I cannot. I have an impression, but I am having trouble finding the words. The impression that is in my mind, from the Lord right now, is a young lady being trained up to be in polite society, and this is what He is impressing on me right now, to take an attitude that, when you are corrected in a godly spirit, to have to get that last word in and to explain why you did it -- which does not make any difference. If you sinned or if you made a mistake, there is no explanation that is going to make any difference. You did it, but it is a spirit of pride that just wants to say, well, it was not really that bad, and it is a wrong spirit.

And the -- Lord, give me the words. He is showing me a young southern bell who is being trained up to really be a socialite, and it -- the -- well, I guess, the word that I am getting is it is not comely. It is just not comely for a young lady to act like that. If you did something wrong, act like a young lady. You do not have to get the la- -- that last word into that authority that told you what you did. Just say you are sorry; that is all. It is not comely. That is the prophetic word, brethren. It is not comely. Hallelujah. Glory to God. OK.

Verse 20, "For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth Him all things that Himself doeth: and He will shew or teach Him greater works than these, that ye may marvel." And what are the greater works? The greater works than what the Father does.


Yes. And what is involved in that? OK, the g- -- that is true. Reproducing the image of the Father in other men, which is an experience called full stature, and also includes the judgment because the Father says in another place the Father does not judge any man. All judgment is given unto the Son, so the Son brings men into full stature, and the Son executes the judgment, which results in full stature. So I see Jesus saying that the execution of righteous judgment is a greater work than the Lord Jesus Christ did. It is a great work. It is a great honor to be called to execute righteous judgment, if in fact it is Christ in you executing righteous judgment, and you will know that by the fruit. You will know them by their fruit. If they [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- if a son wounds you by pointing something out in you but the result is spiritual growth, you will know that you have been wounded at the hands of Christ who is reproducing the image of the Father in you.

Verse 21, "For as the Father raiseth up the dead" -- the Greek word translated dead is necros; that means completely dead. You may know that there are several words translated dead in the Greek. This one is necros, dead-dead, like in corpse. "For as the Father raiseth up the dead and quickeneth or maketh them alive; even so the Son will maketh alive whomever He will." That is exciting, going to be raising the dead.

Verse 22 -- now, remember, Jesus said I do not do anything except what My Father told me to do, so [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- Jesus says I -- the Son is going to raise whoever He wants to raise from the dead, but the -- He is only raising who the Father tells Him to raise. And who is the one that the Son is raising from the dead? Who is being raised from the dead?


Christ. Christ is the one who died. Christ died at the fall. Christ is being raised from the dead. Jesus.

Verse 22, "For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son -- but has committed all judgment unto the Son" -- that means either Christ in your own mind must be judging you, or Christ in another man's mind must be judging you, and, brethren, this is the way the Lord set it up. Everybody here is called to be a part of the sonship company that will judge other men. Right now, I am pretty much the one that is judging you. As far as I know, at this time, Rita is the only other one in this ministry that is anointed when the Lord anoints her to judge righteous judgment. What does that mean? To think with the mind of God and to analyze situations and recognize the operation of sin in other people, not to kill you, but to help you to see it because you cannot see it for yourself. And if you cannot see it for yourself, you cannot kill it, and if you cannot kill it, it is going to be alive, and if it stays alive, it is going to kill Christ in you. Either Christ in you is going to kill your sin, or your sin is going to kill Christ in you. So we are here to help you see your sins so that you can kill him -- kill her. It is female.

Eventually, everyone in this ministry is called to minister righteous judgment, OK. By and large, as far as I know, Rita and I are the only two who are doing it, so as soon as you get to the point where you have joined your own soul [?and up?], the Lord is waiting to catch you up into this glorious ministry. It is for everybody here, but you have got to grow into it. You have got to mature into it, and it is like you have to go through your own experience. You are not going to be judging the sins of others until the Lord is c- -- it is not my judgment. I do not have the authority to give you an anointing to judge other people's sins. Only Christ has the authority to give it to you, so I cannot give it to you; I cannot deny it to you, and if you have it, I cannot take it away from you.

I am here to preach, to teach, and when the Lord tells me to, to point out your sins and help you to see. Because Jesus said to the Pharisees, if you s- -- if -- you are blind, and I have come to sh- -- tell you the truth, and the truth is going to set you free. Tell you the truth about what? About your own nature. But if you say that you see, that you know all that there is to know, therefore you will not receive anything that I say because you have all knowledge, then you are going to die in your sins. I cannot help you, but I cannot give you the anointing. I cannot take it away from you, but that is given to you by Christ after you start to see your sins and get delivered. And it is a process, but if you are in this ministry, you are called to this high calling. It is a growth. You are not locked in forever. OK.

Verse 23, "That all men should honor the Son, even as they honor the Father. He that honoreth not the Son honoreth not the Father which hath sent Him." For the Father judges no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son for the reason that everyone should honor the Son, even as they honor the Father. And that does not say anything to me about the Son in full stature. It says He -- God wants you to honor the Son wherever He is appearing, whether that son is in full stature or not.

Verse 24, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word" -- and the Greek word translated heareth means understand, and the word -- the Greek word translated word is logos. Brethren, we have to understand this doctrine. It is important that we understand it, OK. We have to understand this Bible. It is not -- if you want to enter into full stature, it is not enough to say that you know the parables. We must have the understanding of the words. You know, some people can read a foreign language. They can read French, or they could read Spanish. They do not know what the words mean. Some people can read English, big words; they can read phonetically, but they have no idea what the worlds mean. We must understand the truth of the Scripture. It is part of our salvation. It works towards our salvation. Understanding is important.

So he who understands the Word of God and believeth into the Father hath everlasting life. And I want to suggest to you that to understand this doctrine, and as a result of understanding the doctrine to have faith in the Father, is the result of judging your own soul because you cannot believe this doctrine and have faith in the Father to bring it to pass in your life if your soul has not been judged. Because if your soul has not been judged, that means that your carnal mind is still active, and your carnal mind will never let you believe this doctrine. Your carnal mind will never let you believe this doctrine or have faith in the Father to bring it to pass.

So if your carnal mind is so strong that you cannot believe this doctrine or that you cannot believe parts of it or that you do not have faith that the Lord is going to bring it to pass in your life, you need the judgment of the Son, and the Father is going to send somebody to point out sin in your life to help you get deliverance so that you can believe this doctrine and that you can have the faith that the Lord will bring it to pass in your life. It is so simple: Either you judge your own soul, or God sends someone else to do it. It is nothing to be ashamed of. It is no condemnation. Everybody is not qualified to judge their own soul. I do not know. Is the word strong enough? I do not even know if that is the right word. I just know that God has a plan. Some people can do it, and some people cannot.

And if you have a problem with your soul being judged by other sons, than your problem is pride because the only that should make any difference to you whatsoever is that you stand up. It should be at any cost, any godly cost. Your pride -- if you have pride, you should be killing it and rebuking it every day because nothing matters except that you stand up. Hallelujah.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that understands the word of God and has faith in the Father to perform it in his life, that person has the Father and the Son, and in the Father and the Son is everlasting life, and they shall not come unto condemnation. The Greek word translated condemnation means judgment. Brethren, if you already have the Father and the Son, if you already understand this doctrine and have faith that the Father is going to bring it to pass in your life, you do not need to be judged because you cannot have an understanding of the word and faith that the Father is going to bring it to pass unless you have already received judgment.

See, everybody has got to get judged. What this verse says is that if you are understanding [?and you?] have the faith, you are already knee deep or maybe even more than knee deep into the judgment. That is what the verse is saying. Maybe you are one who could do it yourself, or maybe you are one of the first ones to be judged at the hands of a son. But if you [?move in?] -- if you believe this doctrine and you believe God is going to do it for you, you are so deep into the judgment that you really do not have to worry about getting any more judgment. You are rolling; you are already rolling. Can you hear it? OK.

So verily, verily, I say unto you, he that understands the doctrine and has faith that the Father can perform it in hath everlasting life. That means Christ is being formed in him. Everlasting life is in Christ. "And shall not come unto condemnation" -- is not going to be judged by someone else. The judgment is already operating in his own soul, and that person has passed from death unto life. It means the carnal mind is no longer predominant in your life, but the life of Christ is ruling and executing the white throne judgment, sitting and judging sin in your own soul or willingly submitting to this judgment from the son that the Lord has placed over you for a season.

"Verily, verily, I say unto you," verse 25, "The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear" -- there is a word from in the Greek, where the dead shall hear from "the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live." "Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead Christ shall hear the voice of the Son of God" If there is a dead Christ in you and He shall hear from the Son of God in another man -- how do I know that? Because He is dead in you, so to hear, He has to hear from another man, and He is going to hear the voice of the Son of God. It is not going to be a spiritual experience; it is going to be a spoken word out of a human mouth. When you hear the Son of God preaching the doctrine of Christ, those that hear shall live.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead Christ shall hear the voice of the Son of God, in the company that is manifesting already, they in whom the dead Christ hears shall live. So it sounds to me like the dead Christ is not going to hear in every human being, and in what human beings will the dead Christ not hear? In the -- well, the dead Christ is now in the form of the human spirit, so the men in which the human spirit is in such severe bondage to the carnal mind and Satan, they may not hear, heavy curses, family-line curses. We are told in the Book of Jude that some men are just brute beasts; they cannot recognize spiritual dignitaries. Every man will not hear. Some men will have a human spirit that is buried so deeply under their carnal mind that they will not hear.

Verse 26, "For as the Father hath" -- is that tape going? It seems like it is on for an awful long time.


It is going? Is the tape almost over?


Really? That is all? OK.

"For as the Father hath life in Himself; so hath He given to the Son to have life in Himself." What this is saying is that the man in whom Christ is being formed that is going out and preaching the doctrine of Christ, he has life in himself; he has the ability to reproduce the life of Christ in you. And in another place, I think it is in the Book of Galatians if I am not mistaken, Paul says -- and I could be mistaken. Paul says that the proof of his apostleship -- does anyone know what the proof of his apostleship is? That he has fruit amongst the brethren, that is being formed in the people that he is ministering to, that they are growing, that Christ is developing in them, that the -- all of the indications of Christ [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- that righteousness is appearing, that holiness is appearing, in -- that is the sign of his apostleship.

One of the signs of apostleship is that you have life in yourself and therefore have the ability to transfer the life of Christ to other human beings, and this is not in the Holy Ghost, brethren. The seed of the life of Christ is in Christ. And I want you to know that if you have the life of Christ and that living word inside of yourself and God is using you as a vessel to convey this life, you are also engaged in the judgment of other men because I never met a farmer yet who planted a seed without first breaking up the ground. So God does not have one man out there breaking up the ground and another man putting in the seed. He has got one man in a many-membered company breaking up the ground of people's carnal minds through confrontation, through verbal, human confrontation, and then sowing the seed immediately into that open wound.

Verse 27, "And hath given Him authority -- and have given the Son authority the execute judgment also, because He is the Son of man." Well, there it is. I said it to you by the spirit, and it is in the very next verse. Look, verse 26, "For as the Father hath life in Himself; so hath He given to the Son to have life in Himself and give it to other men; and He hath given the Son also the authority to execute judgment because He is the Son of man."

Look, brethren, the two go together. The man that has the power to raise you up in Christ has the authority to execute judgment upon you. So to think that someone has the doctrine of Christ but has no authority to execute judgment, I give you these Scriptures in the Book of John 5:26-27 to disprove what you think. There is no such thing as authority in doctrine but no authority to correct. The execution of judgment is to bring a correct; the two go together.

Verse 28, "Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear His voice." The Greek word translated graves means visible grave, and I suggest to you that a visible grave is a sepulcher. It is a grave that is on top of the ground and that the sepulchers that the -- let me give you the exact word. Marvel not: for the hour is coming, in which all that are in the graves -- the creation of God which are in the graves, it is the spiritual creation of God which is the dead Christ in the form of the human spirit is -- are -- is in the sepulcher of these human bodies. A sepulcher is a stone house that is above the ground in a cemetery, and we are above the ground of the physical earth. We are walking sepulchers. In another Scripture, Jesus called the Pharisees sepulchers, and inside of them, He said -- inside of you, He said, are dead men's bones.

"Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear His voice, and they shall come forth; and they that have done good" -- the Greek word translated good, if you look at it in the Greek, it is really not talking about the good works of man. It is speaking of the good that comes out of Christ; that is the indication in the Greek. "And all those that have done good, unto the resurrection of life" -- and life is Christ. So all those that are living or doing good works out of Christ, the end of them is the resurrection of the dead Christ.

"And all those that have done evil" -- and that Greek word translated evil, it can mean evil, but it can simply mean worthless works. And I suggest to you the worthless works are that which the carnal mind does, all of the religious works. Brethren, we have talked about this a lot. It is wonderful to do carnal things. Please, people need your help. They need your donations of food; they need your mercy; they need, in some instances, even your carnal counseling if that is all that is available. They need your comfort because they are human and because they are hurting.

The indication of this Scripture is that these works that come out of your carnal mind have no power to raise the Christ from the dead in you. That is what this verse means. It is good to do good works, but there is no resurrection in -- of the dead as a result of these good works. And in the hour that the Lord calls you to start working the works of God because it is your turn to be raised from the dead, in that hour the Lord challenges you to turn away from the works of your carnal mind because it is your time to be raised from the dead. But we must be very careful to not condemn or look down on [?a?] carnal Christian who are doing kindnesses and acts of mercy to people who are suffering. Glory to God.

So when all those that are in the graves -- that is all of humanity -- hear the voice of the resurrected Christ coming out of the firstfruits company, Christ shall come forth in them also, and those that have the mind of Christ shall come forth unto the res- -- in oth- -- those in whom Christ is being formed shall be raised up to full stature, and those who are living out of their carnal minds, unto the resurrection of damnation. Now, well, that is more than coming out of -- let me make that clear; I did not do that too good. Let me try that again. Thank you, Jesus.

And they shall come forth. All those that are in Christ -- Christ shall be raise from the dead, and all those that have lived out of the carnal mind and speaking about Satan, unto the resurrection judgment. Now, brethren, the judgment -- the lake of fire is the presences of Christ controlling the negative aspect of humanity. Satan and the beast and the false prophet are not going to be screaming and stuck with pitchforks forever.

The concept or the doctrine, as we are told in Hebrews, I believe, chapter 6, of eternal damnation is a doctrine which says Christ, the burning fire of the Christ, shall be a purifying force over the whole creation. And the purifying fires of the Christ which shall be upon Satan and the beast and on the false prophet, all of the different elements of the creation -- and we know that the mind is in several parts -- shall be cast into the lake of fire, which shall be a preservative. Let your offering be salted with salt, but fire also, fire. It says salt but in another pla- -- what I was looking for was fire. Fire is the spiritual preservative.

So the doctrine of eternal damnation says that Christ will arise in the creation. The positive charge of the creation will arise which -- with such strength that He shall be a preserving force upon the negative element of the creation, holding that negative element of the creation in check so that the negative pole of the atom of creation shall do its job. And there is a function for him: He is part of the material which is making this creation visible. He is necessary. Right now, he is totally out of control. So the preserving fires of Christ will hold the negative charge of the creation in place, forcing him to perform his function not by torturing him but by holding him in place, restraining him and forcing him into the role that God has ordained for him, and however it got translated by the King James translators, eternal damnation.

Does anyone not know what I am talking about? It is the age-abiding control of the negative force in the creation by the purifying fires of Christ. No one is going to be in torment forever, not even Satan. Satan is going to bend his knee. Does the Scripture not say the lion shall lie down with the lamb? We have other Scriptures speaking about the ox being castrated. Satan is going to be forced into her God-ordained role and will eventually succumb to it, and peace will be everywhere in God's holy mountain, and this is the doctrine of eternal damnation. What a terrible way of expressing it. It is not what it sounds like in the King James. Eternal punishment is the control of Christ over the negative pole of the creation for the life of the ages so that we all shall live and we all shall have peace, including Satan.

Brethren, my Bible says that the wicked who is doing wickedly has no rest, is always in fear and without peace. Those men who are driven by Satan have no rest. It is a mercy of God that the purifying fires of Christ should force Satan down into her God-ordained role for the life of the ages. It is a mercy to humanity, and this translation of the word punishment is a very poor translation, very poor. It means restriction, but restriction without torment. Is everybody OK?

So we see that there is a resurrection coming, the resurrection of the dead Christ, is being raised unto life. He was dead. He is being raised unto life. And a resurrection of Satan, almost, you might say, from life unto death, OK, because Satan, right now, is having an existence. He is the prince of the power of the air. He is out there, or she is out there doing her thing, and she is going to die to this existence of freedom.

So if you can hear -- if you have ears to hear, Satan is going from life unto death, and Christ is going from death unto life because the creation is inside-out right now; it is backwards; it is upside-down, and that is why we are dying. And everything is going to be reversed. He which is dead is coming alive; he which is alive is going back down unto death. And the creation will go from being negative to positive, and we all shall live. Hallelujah. OK. So, of course, the correct word in verse 29 is resurrection of damnation. The evil is coming unto the resurrection of damnation, and we just found out what that means.

Verse 30, "I can of Mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just or righteous." Now check this out, "because I seek not Mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent Me." Brethren, we cannot want our own purposes to result from our judgment. If we judge a situation, if we judge a person's motives because it is in our best interest that the situation is resolved in a particular manner, God will not be glorified. The Son of God must judge that God's motives come to pass, and God's motive is always that the carnal mind should be exposed, that the person might have an opportunity to confess their sins and repent, that the man of sin might be destroyed. That is always God's motive, that the man of sin might be destroyed.

But the carnal mind of man exposes sin to get power over people, to have vengeance against people, to damage people, to use people, and these things cannot be, brethren. If you want to be in the son company, you can do nothing of yourself, but you must judge as the mind of Christ hears and sees for your judgment to be just. And you must not seek your own will but be willing to accept whatever the Father has for you in this judgment. Truth and righteousness must be the most important things to you. The will of the Father must be done.

Well, I think we are going to -- I do not know, I am losing a few of you again. We are only on the first tape, huh? Is that the first tape tonight?


Yeah, OK. Maybe we will take a few more. Verse 31, "If I bear witness of Myself, My witness is not true. There is another eth beareth witness of Me; and I know that the witness which He witnesses of Me is true." And I suggest to you that the two witnesses that Jesus is the Son of God is the Father in Him and Christ Jesus in Him, is the witness to the fact that the natural man Jesus is the Son of God, that He had the Spirit of Christ, which did signs and wonders and miracles, and that He had Christ Jesus, which is the wisdom of God which brings forth the doctrine of Christ. Hmm?


OK. I think we are going to stop here tonight because it goes on to another whole subject in verse 33, so I think we are going to call it quits here. Are there any questions on any of this tonight? Anybody have any questions? OK.

            The man with the infirmity for 38 years, is there a specific meaning about the 38 years?

Oh, I really do not know. I honestly do not know, 38 years. Good question. I just do not know. Hmm, anybody else?

08/18/15 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

09/03/15 1st Edit CAS/BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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