Part 1 of 2 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation
By The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
Now the message entitled, The Seventh Seal of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to Saint John, Part 1. That is the kind of power that I am manifesting in the earth today. One of the places that I am manifesting is in Living Epistles. It could go like that. Do not worship the ministry here. What I am saying to you is that God is coming forth in the earth today in great power, and there is going to be a restoration of the power that was in the apostles, and the power that Moses manifested. It is coming and it is going to abide. It is not going to be a manifestation of the power that is going to be on one evangelist where he will have two thousand people, and there will be miracles, and then he will go home, and he will be a kind man, and celebrate pagan festivals, and he will not live a life of holiness. It will not be that. This is the power that is coming through holiness. They are working together, and as the power increases, we are required to be delivered of our sins so that we can get through the straight gate. You have to be skinny to get through the straight gate.
You are not entering into the kingdom, you are not entering into a place where this power comes from your state of being, while you hold on to your sins. It is just not going to happen. That kind of power that we saw on the evangelist, where they would have two thousand people, and people getting out of wheelchairs, and there would be great healing and all that. It was miracles of healing. There was no judgment involved with that. God had mercy on the people, but there was no judgment of the enemy, no judgment of anti-christ, that is in this ministry. Yet, there are going to be miracles, but the miracles are not going to be because God has mercy. He is not going to get you up out of your wheelchair because He has mercy. In this ministry His motive for getting you up out of your wheelchair is that it is time for you to be converted from a natural man to a spiritual man.
He does not want you to get up out of your wheelchair and continue with your carnal life. He wants you to become a spiritual man. So you may be seeing the same act, but God has a totally different motive. Can you understand what I am saying? We have to change. We have to get delivered from our sin so that we can enter into the kingdom of God, which we cannot enter into with sin. There is no way we are getting in with sin. Now what I am trying to say to you, I am having trouble getting it out. The mice overrunning this woman is a sign that the end time ministry is manifesting. In the old order ministry you can get your blessing. You can get delivered from poverty. You could get up out of the wheelchair, and God did not require you to be holy. It is different when you take that blessing from this ministry, not Living Epistles, but the ministry of Christ in the earth today.
It happens to be manifesting here right now for those that need a natural example. Can you see it? Yes, He is in Living Epistles at this minute. I hope He is here for a long time, but we are not going to assume anything. He is here now. This is the landmark. You know where to go if you want this ministry for the time being. If you partake of the healing, whether it be physical, emotional, spiritual or financial, if you take part in what He is pouring out here, and you still want to hold on to your sin, you had better expect to be plagued. You cannot do it in the new order. He is no longer giving it to you like you are a two year old child, and He is saying, there now honey, that is nice. He wants something back. What He wants back is your soul. He wants your sin filled soul, and He wants to give you His holiness. It is grow up time.
He is starting it at a little corner of the church world, a little corner of the world, because the world is not even half Christian yet. We are going to talk about this in the message tonight. There are natural men. There are men that are spiritual, that have been called to the church. Then in a little corner of the world, that is a little corner of the church, He is choosing vessels that He is starting to bring into this deeper walk where He is going to bless you, and He is going to meet your every need, but it is not for free. You have to pay. You have to give up your sin. You have to pay, and how you have to pay is with your sin.
He is not asking for a religious holiness from you. He is not asking for a religious righteousness from you. There is only one way you are going to be holy and righteous, and that is to fall into agreement with Him so that He can purge you of your sin. He is not talking about behavior. He is talking about the condition of your spirit and your soul. It is painful to get these things taken out of us. It is painful, but if you partake of this ministry, and you will not give up your sin, the plagues are going to fall on you. I am sorry, but I am telling you the truth. I am telling you the truth. God will plague you, and in His eyes you shall be a Philistine. Glory to God.
We are recapping the Alternate Translation of Revelation, Chapter 7, Verses 11 thru 17. We are going on to Chapter 8 of the Book of Revelation, the first three verses. I hope this is a blessing to you. I got very excited when God showed me what those first three verses mean.
Recapping Alternate Translation of Revelation 7:11-17.
And all of the spiritual men compassed the Father’s throne about, which is Christ, and they also compassed the throne of the elders, and the four living creatures about, which is the prostrated living soul, and descended into or manifested in the realm of appearance where they worshiped God, saying so be it. The ability to speak the words of God, and to have our greatness acknowledged, and the ability to have all our practical needs met, and the privilege of giving thanks to God through the fullness of His Spirit, and to be reverenced, and to have miracle working power, and the strength to put our souls underfoot, and keep them there as in our God for the life of the ages. So be it. And one of the spiritual men responded to the vision I saw, saying to me, what did you see? And who are these people who have received the righteousness of the imputed anointing, and where did they come from? I said to him, sir, you saw the vision for yourself. When he realized that I had seen the vision, but did not understand it, He said to me, these are the members of the living soul which are experiencing the intense pressure of the soul of Christ appearing in them, and crowding their human souls into a position of submission under His authority. So this is how the members of the living soul are being restored to the correct moral order, and Christ shall be the source of their every thought, word, and deed. And they shall lay down their soul lives so that Christ can be expressed in their spirits and in their souls, which are in their bodies. And the Father shall never leave them, and they shall share the same body. They shall not be without the word of God anymore, neither shall they be without the Spirit of God anymore. Neither shall the Christ within them judge their sin nor execute judgment upon their soul because Christ has become the center of their spiritual being, and shall be their minds, and shall guide them to the Father, and the Spirit of God shall blot out the authority which Satan’s spirit had over their souls. (AT)
That means that the members of the living soul shall be without sin. The reason there is going to be no more judgment is that there shall be no more sin. Brethren, God is righteous, and He shall judge you unto the very end of your life, if necessary, but He will judge sin. The only deliverance from the judgments of God is to get delivered from the sin within your own soul. He will not stop judging you. He will not say it is alright because you have my Spirit. Especially when you have His Spirit, He will judge you until you repent and get delivered. He will not relent, He will not turn back, He will not give up. The Church must be delivered of sin. He has called us to holiness, and to righteousness, by the power of His Spirit, not of righteousness or holiness that comes from religious work, but a holiness and a righteousness that results from His Spirit, purging your soul, and your spirit from sin. Your part in it is to confess your sin when He shows it to you, and to agree with Him, that you desire deliverance. Then you wait for Him to anoint you or somebody else with the power to deliver you. That is how it works. Glory to God.
Whoever He anoints, however it comes, it is by the power of His Spirit, and He demands the glory. He will not give man the glory for casting out evil spirits. You cannot do it without the power of Christ, brethren. You cannot do it. He wants to rule in His people. He is God Almighty. He is our Creator, our life, and our soon coming king. He is in the process of coming in us right now, and we must bow our knees to Him. He will rule in His house. When there is rebellion in the heart of His people, He relates to you in one way. He is your enemy. He will judge that rebellion. There is no discussion. There is no negotiation. There is no relenting. The rebellion in you must be broken, and when that rebellion is broken, then He will talk to you. He will tell you sweet things, and He will comfort you, but not while you are in rebellion, brethren. He is the worst enemy you have ever had in your life while you are in rebellion, and He is addressing that rebellion.
Some people are in rebellion for years, and He does not deal with them. When He is getting ready to deal with you, and you are in a state of rebellion towards Him, brethren, you have got yourself one bad enemy, and it is not Satan that is coming against you. It is Almighty God. Repent, and submit to Almighty God, so that He might bless you, and bring you forth in His image into holiness and righteousness. The process is painful, and I am not going to lie to you, you have got to look upon your sins. You have got to confess them. You have got to hate them, and you have got to hold on and resist them, until by the power of His Spirit, He delivers you from them totally. For those of you reading this message, I have been through many years of this process. I know where I am coming from. Glory to God.
Revelation 8:1
1 And when the lamb had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about the space of half an hour. KJV
Now this is a very controversial scripture. A lot of people that read the Book of Revelation read this, and there is all kinds of speculation about this half an hour. The Lord told me something very interesting. I just pray that He imparts the ability to me to give you the understanding that He has given me. This word silence is Strong’s #4602 and it is a voluntary refusal to speak. It is not an absence of speech. It is not a vacuum. It is not a void. It is a voluntary refusal to speak. So somebody is being silent, and refusing to speak for a particular reason. We are going to try and find out who is not speaking and what his reason is. Maybe I am just going to go ahead and give you this off the top of my head, and then I will read you all my notes to back it up here. Help me Lord.
I want to remind you that we are dealing with the redemption of the entire living soul. Starting with Chapter 4 of the Book of Revelation, we see God prophesying that redemption. In Chapter 5 we see the appearance in the realm of the spirit of the sons of God. Starting with Chapter 6 we see the sons of God appearing in the realm of appearance. I just want to remind you the way God does things is in three stages. First He thinks of it. He imagines it. The next step is that it gets sketched in the realm of the Spirit. It appears in the realm of the Spirit. God thinks it. The next thing that happens is that it appears in the realm of appearance. Then it happens. Glory to God.
So starting with Chapter 6 we see the judgment of the sons of God, a manifestation of the sons of God including the slaughter of their own souls. We have been speaking here for awhile, to come forth in holiness, the process, or part of the process that is going to bring us forth in the image of God, which is holiness. God’s image is righteousness. Look across the Church world, brethren, there is no righteousness in the Church world. Some people might have measures of it, but there is nobody without sin. At least part of the procedure that is going to bring man, sin filled man, into the image of God, into the righteousness and holiness of God, is that his sin filled soul must be slaughtered. That is the scriptural expression. We studied that in Chapter 6 of the Book of Revelation. I know I wrote down the tape reference for you. I will give it to you when I come across it.
Your soul must be slaughtered. It has to be ripped to pieces. Why does it have to be ripped to pieces? Because it is filled with sin. That sin is going to be forcibly ripped out of your soul. How? By the power of Almighty God. I remind you that the sons of God have now appeared in holiness and spiritual strength. The next thing that happens is that they are moving forward to bring the balance of the members of the living soul into holiness. How are they going to do that? By slaughtering their soul. I believe this is in Revelation, Chapter 7, Verse 3, and this has all been done verse by verse. If this is the first message you are reading, you can get previous messages on it. Chapter 7, Verse 3, we hear Jesus saying to the sons of God; Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.
In our previous messages, we established that the trees and whatever else is named there, is typifying the different parts of the living soul, spirit, soul, and body, etc. Jesus is saying do not start to slaughter their souls. Do not hurt them until they have been sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, because if you start destroying people’s souls before they have been sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, you are going to kill them. When you tear something down, you have to replace it with something else. Even the people in the world know that. Psychiatrists will tell you that. When you go to a psychiatrist with an emotional problem, the first thing he does is impart his strength to you. He makes a Godly dependency upon him available, so that when he starts tearing down what is destructive in your mind, you can lean on him, and draw his strength, and develop in a healthy way.
He cannot take away your sick mind, and leave you without a mind. He has to give you something else. You have to get something else. If you are filled with wrong thinking, before God is going to deliver you of that wrong thinking, He must impart right thinking to you. If you have an evil spirit that is manifesting in your life, and you really think that what you are thinking, or what you are doing is correct, and he rips that spirit out of you, without first imparting to you the proper way of behaving in a particular situation, what good is ripping the evil spirit out of you? Maybe that is the only way that you know how to function, because that is how you learned, because of the family that you grew up in. I do not care. I am not blaming anybody. I am not blaming your parents. I am not blaming you. You grew up, and this is the way you think, because of what happened to you as you were growing up.
You think it is okay to steal. You think it is alright to steal, and there is no other way that you know how to survive. You do not know how to hold a job. You do not know how to work. You do not know how to manage your money. All you know is when you have a need you go to a store, and you steal, and God rips that out of your mind, you are going to die. You cannot support yourself. You do not know how to function in a job. You do not have any job skills. You do not know how to get job skills. You do not know how to work under authority. You cannot submit to a 9 to 5 job, and God rips this stealing away from you. You are going to lay down and die, brethren. How are you going to survive? You want to know why God tolerates sin for a season? It is because He cannot deliver you until He imparts His righteousness to you in that area.
There is a lot of sin in the church, brethren. Why does God tolerate it? You would die if He stripped you from it all at once. You could not survive in this world. First you have to learn how to submit to authority. You have to learn how to submit to authority. Then you have to learn how to do what you are told. Then you have to learn how to function in a 9 to 5 situation. You have to learn how to get along with your fellow workers. Then you need a job skill. Then He can deliver you from your sins, after He has safely established you in a lifestyle in which you can survive. Can you hear me? There is such ignorance in the church today. Help us to understand, O God.
Did you ever know someone that was committing fornication when they came to the Lord? They continued to fornicate for two years, going to church four times a week. Lightning did not fall down and strike them. But you know what happened? The people in the church decided it was their business to judge them. They stopped talking to them. They persecuted them, and drove the person out of the church. They had to go to another church where God finally delivered them. It is such a fine line, brethren. You had better seek God before you start executing judgment on people that are trying. I am not talking about people that are brazenly committing adultery and fornication in the face of the church. I am talking about poor, beat, helpless, whooped, hopeless people, that get dragged in off the street in a terrible spiritual condition, and that are trying. They are getting to church, and they are reading their Bible, and maybe they even know it is wrong, but they do not have the strength to walk away. My Bible says to strengthen the weak, brethren. It says to condemn the unrepentant. You had better find out from God whether that person is unrepentant, or not yet strengthened to the point that they can give up their sin. You had better check it out, brethren, or you are guilty of their sin. Hallelujah.
I am trying to tell you that in Chapter 7, Verse 3, Jesus said, do not slaughter the souls of the people until Christ has been imparted to them, to the extent that they can stand when you take their sin away from them. In Verse 9 of Chapter 7, we see the multitude. This is all on prior messages in detail. We see the multitude having received the imputed anointing, the whole world having been sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. The balance of that chapter goes on to prophesy the fulfillment of their salvation unto holiness. The last voice we heard was Jesus Christ saying, do not hurt them until they are sealed. That was the last voice that we heard. Then we see them getting sealed. In Chapter 8, Verse 1, we hear, when the Lamb had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. Jesus Christ was not speaking for half an hour.
The last thing that He said was, do not hurt them until. Brethren, I do not know how to make this any clearer. I do not think anyone here has this problem. God only knows where these messages are going. I do not know how to make this any clearer. When Jesus Christ said, do not hurt them until, the only one that can say when until is over, is the one that gave the command. When Jesus Christ says now, it is now. It is not up to the soul man to say the until is over. There is a scripture that says, do not judge before the time. The time, brethren, is when Christ, in you, says until is over. Until you get a clear word from the Lord about judging sin in another believer, you had better really pray about what you are doing. If you are judging your brethren from your soul, you have condemned innocence, the innocent blood, and God shall judge you. If you cannot tell whether you are executing judgment out of your soul, or out of your spirit, please do not do anything; please. Be quiet. Mind your business, and humble yourself before God, and continue with your studies and your deliverance. Please, for your own safety.
In Chapter 8, Verse 1, Jesus Christ has given the instruction to not slaughter the souls of the people, not to execute judgment against them, and now there is a silence. This is a voluntary refusal to speak. Jesus Christ is deliberately not speaking, because the next word that He is going to say is, the next thing He is going to do is give the command to slaughter the souls. He is deliberately not speaking because the hour is not yet at hand. But when He speaks, what He is going to say is, slaughter the souls of the people. Glory to God.
I want to give you an idea of how the slaughtering of the souls is going to work. We are in the new covenant. We are dealing in the realm of the spirit. We are not touching people. We are not beating them. We are not hitting them. I have heard stories. A Jewish woman told me that she was accosted down South by a group of Christians that mocked her, and jeered her, and told her that she was the harlot Israel. I hear these stories, and sometimes I cannot even believe what I am hearing. Brethren, this is a spiritual work. The slaughter of the soul is a spiritual work that results in deliverance. Hallelujah.
It is going to be executed through the spoken word. God has shown me that the slaughter of the soul comes when Christ rises up in an individual that has been developed and prepared to the point to receive this anointing, and by the instruction of Jesus Christ, He goes to somebody, under the anointing, and not in his own timing. You know, God could give you this word, and you still have to wait for the right timing, brethren. Just because you hear a word from the Lord that you know that this sin exists in a person, that does not mean that, that is the hour that you go and tell them. I have walked around with spiritual knowledge for weeks before God has said to tell them. So the slaughter of the soul is under the anointing. If you get a word of knowledge that a particular sin is operating in somebody’s heart, you wait, and when God says now, you tell them in a spirit of meekness, and humility, and love, and in a desire to help them.
You minister the truth in Christ to them. If they hear or if they forebear, their blood is off your hands. If they will not hear, God will chasten them. Our job is not to chasten, brethren. God will chasten them. If they will not receive the rebuke, you deliver your word, and you withdraw. If the person wants to discuss it, you minister to them. If they become hostile, you withdraw immediately. There should be no hostility. If the person receives it, you counsel them, you minister to them, you give the word of God to them, and in due season, when they are ready, God will rip that sin out of their heart when He has replaced that sin with knowledge, in ministry, and understanding, and spiritual wherewithal of His Spirit, to survive when that sin is ripped away from him.
Only God will tell you when that spiritual work has been complete, that will enable them to function in that area of their life after the sin has been ripped out. It has been my personal experience, you can have to wait for a season for that deliverance from the hour that the understanding is imparted to you. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Jesus Christ is in control of the slaughter of the souls of the people. We serve Him, brethren. He is the high commander. If you review the messages on the beginning of Chapter 7, you will see that He is the angel, which is the mind that is functioning in the sons of God. That is how the Scripture describes Him.
This is the slaughter of the soul. God is going to be sending the people that He calls to this high calling, to individuals, one at a time. Sometimes it could come through preaching like this. I could preach about something that could be attacking sin in your soul. It could come that way too, but by and large, He is sending vessels in whom Christ is prevailing to a degree of strength, and He is sending them against other believers that He has determined it is the hour for them to get delivered from their sin. He is sending you, the one who is manifesting Christ, against the believer, who may be a believer, who may speak in tongues, and may have the Holy Spirit, but is not manifesting Christ in a particular area. Do not misunderstand me, please. When He attacks your sin in a certain area, in that area of your life you are not manifesting Christ.
If you had that sin underfoot, He would not have to be slaughtering you. If you have that sin underfoot, it would just be a matter of time until you were delivered. He goes to you in the areas where you are living, and freely manifesting that sin, very frequently not even aware of it. How are you going to get delivered when you are not even aware of it? Let me tell you something, brethren, this is a warfare. I do not know what is coming in the future. I just told somebody yesterday, every time God has ever sent me to somebody to tell them the truth about sin in their soul, I have been attacked.
Even if they come around, and repent, I get attacked. I get beat bad. I do not know whether it is going to be that way as I get stronger spiritually or not. What I am trying to tell you is that there is a warfare in the earth today, and it is between the vessels that are manifesting Christ a large percentage of the time. No one is one hundred percent, to the best of my knowledge, today. The vessels that are manifesting Christ a large percent of the time, and that warfare is against them, and people that are not manifesting Christ the majority of the time, or not manifesting Christ in a particular area that God has sent me to war against. I hope you understand what I am saying. Glory to God.
Jesus gave the command, do not slaughter the souls. Then He is voluntarily not speaking because He knows the next word that He is going to say is slaughter the souls. We see the entire living soul has now been sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. I want to talk about this half hour now. When he had opened the seventh seal, there was a silence in heaven, about the space of half an hour. We know that the silence is because we are waiting for Jesus to give the command to slaughter the souls. We want to find out what this half an hour is. We have had this word hour in other messages. The Greek word translated hour can mean an hour as we reckon time. It can also mean a time period of any duration. The intention is that it is involved with time, something that is going to come again. If you have one hour, then you have the second hour.
If you want to consider the time period five days, you can call it an hour in the Scriptures. A time period is called an hora in the Greek, Strong’s #5610. Well, you have to know that another five days is coming. The implication is that we are dealing with time, a time period that is going to be followed by another time period. It is on a cycle, a revolving cycle, but it does not have to be an hour as we measure it on our watches. I suggest to you that what we are talking about here is a spiritual hour, and I am suggesting to you that it is the spiritual time period that Jesus Christ has allotted, during which the entire living soul shall be saved. Jesus Christ has set a time that only the Father knows. Even the Son did not know. Jesus Christ did not know, and we do not know, but the Father knows there is a beginning and there is an end to this process that will save the living soul.
It started with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. We are already two thousand years into it. We do not know when the end of the time is, but we know that half way through that period of time we are going to hear the command to slaughter the souls. Half way through that time period, that is allotted to save every last member of the living soul, Jesus Christ is going to give the command to start slaughtering the souls. Half of the world is going to be sealed. Do not hold me exactly to that. What he is talking about here is we have millions of members of the living soul, and he is moving in great power to impart the imputed anointing, the baptism with the promise of the Holy Spirit to the masses. It is happening today. Look around you. Look at what is happening in Russia. Russia has just been opened to Christ.
There are all kinds of Christians in China. They are fighting for democracy. I really feel in my heart that one of the primary driving forces of what is happening in China today, is that they want freedom to worship. This is what God has put in my spirit. They want freedom to worship, and they want freedom from having their babies killed against their will. You cannot have more than one child in China. They will not perform abortions. They bring that baby to term in your delivery, and the doctor breaks the baby’s neck as he catches it when it comes out from between your legs. There is nothing you can do about it. The doctor just catches the baby, and snaps its neck. You are laying there on the table, he catches the baby, and breaks its neck. You are not allowed to have more than one child.
I really feel that God is telling me that those are the two major issues. They want freedom to worship, and I hear that there is a real revival in China, and they want their babies to stop being killed. I heard someone say to me the other day, well what do they want? They say they still want their Communist government, but they want democracy too. They want democratic rights while their form of government is Communist. They are not opposed to Communist because Communism has really helped China. It has really put it on its feet, but they do not want to be in a slave state anymore. They want individual rights, primarily to have their children, and to worship God.
What we are saying here is that this first step is happening. It is going across the world. People are receiving the Holy Spirit of promise, but God is not going to wait for the very last person to be sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. While this revival is sweeping across the country, in another corner of the world He is going to start the second process of the slaughtering of the souls. We have got people in the church today, and it is their job to spread the word, and spread this impartation of the Holy Spirit of promise. After it reaches a certain point, this revival, this impartation of the Holy Spirit of promise, after it reaches a certain point, and only Jesus Christ knows when that point is, in a far corner of the church world, with a small group, maybe in a private house meeting, He is going to start with a small group, and their souls are going to start being slaughtered.
He is going to start the new move of God before the first move of God has been totally completed. Can you hear what I am saying? There is an overlapping. There is an overlapping. So in half an hour there was silence. Half way through the time that was allotted, the total time to save the whole living soul, half way through, Jesus Christ is going to give the command to start slaughtering the souls. He is not going to start with the people that have not received the Holy Spirit of promise. He is going to start it with the people that have already received the Holy Spirit of promise. When he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. Glory to God.
Revelation 8:1. As the power of Christ continued to release the many members of the living soul from the power of Satan, there was a waiting period between the time they began to receive the sealing of the imputed anointing, and the command from heaven to slaughter their souls, which waiting period lasted about half of the time period allotted to bring the whole of the living soul to full salvation. (AT)
Does anybody have any questions on that right now before I go on? I am going to read you my notes just in case I missed anything. Remember each man is coming in his own order. God is calling men one at a time so what the Scripture is saying is that when approximately half the time period allotted by God to bring the whole of the living soul into submission is passed, the slaughter of the souls of the many will begin, one member at a time, each man in his own order. There will be an overlapping then in the same time period of men who will not yet have been sealed, and who have been sealed, and men who have been sealed with the double portion. That is the sons of God. The slaughter of the soul is a part of the double portion sealing. The slaughter of your soul is the double portion, because at the end of the double portion, we are going to be raised up to holiness.
Brethren, there is no holiness without your soul being slaughtered. Your soul is filthy with sin. Every last one of us have inherited it. We were born in sin, and shapen in inequity. The way God is getting it out is that He is cutting it out with the sword of His Spirit. You are not flying away. You are not going to have an operation in your sleep, brethren. You are going to be awake. You are not having this baby with drugs, brethren. You are not having this baby flat out on your back with no conscious awareness of this birth. You are not having this baby, brethren, without pushing. It is not a cesarean section. You are going natural, brethren, and it is not Lamaze.
You are going by the power of Almighty God, and you are going to be working with Almighty God, because if you are not working with Almighty God, He is not going to be bringing forth this baby. His ministry to you is to be bringing you. I almost said bludgeoning, because that really is what it is. I do not want to scare anybody, but He is not fooling around. If you will not come, He is bringing you into submission to Him. He is breaking that rebellion in you. He is crushing you, and then when He says push, you are going to push. Hear it. Hear the word of the Lord. The review of the slaughter of the living soul is on message #40 Part 4, and also on message #41 we talk about it, if you would like to study that further.
Revelation 8:2
2 And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets. KJV
Now the seven angels which stood before God, I am going to suggest to you that seven is the number of completion. I suggest to you that the seven angels typifies the fullness of the angels. The phrase standing before God, we have discussed this in previous meetings. To stand before God, you have to be holy and righteous, because if you are in sin, you are lying down in front of God. The expression to stand before God means that you have been restored to holiness and righteousness by the power of His Spirit, and you are now standing up in spiritual strength. So the phrase seven angels that stood before God, refers to the fullness of the angels, which are the spiritual men, which we are in this hour, that have been restored to a position of spiritual strength and holiness because their souls have been slaughtered, and their sin has been surgically removed. Ouch! Glory to God.
The people in the world run to the doctor. The doctor tells you that you need surgery. Do you argue with him? You jump right up there on that table. You pay him thousands of dollars. You let him give you all kinds of tests. You let him do anything they want to, to you, brethren. Well, God has surgery for you. It has got to come out or you are going to die. It has got to come out. It has got to come out. Do you have surgery on your body without pain, without distress, without chagrin, sometimes with humiliation, depending on the area of your body you are being operated on? Why is it that people are thinking God is like taking candy from a baby? It is not. You are having an operation, brethren, and it is going to hurt. Sometimes it is going to be humiliating, but you are going to live. The prognosis is life. Hallelujah.
I saw the seven angels which stood before God. I saw the fullness of the spiritual men that had been restored to spiritual strength in an upright position, that standing position that permits them to enter into the kingdom of God at the straight gate. They are thin. They have been delivered of all of their sin, and they were standing before God, and to them were given seven trumpets. I would like to read you Unger’s Bible Dictionary comment on trumpets so that we can get an understanding of what this symbol means. Trumpets consisted of the horn of the ram or goat. The Hebrew word shofar, denoting ram or ram’s horn, is also another term for trumpet. The shofar was used for giving of signals for war. It was used to herald the war as in the case of Joshua, Gideon, and Joab.
Every time they were going to attack, they blew the trumpet. It announced the year of Jubilee. I remind you that the year of Jubilee is something that exists in the Levitical law. It is the year and the hour of total restoration. It is the 49th year. It is the Sabbath of years. Every seventh day is a Sabbath. This is the Sabbath of Sabbaths. It is the 49th year, and everything must be restored. If you had property, if you had land that you have inherited as a result of being of one of the original twelve tribes, the land that was allotted to you when you entered into Canaan, and you lost it because of financial reverses, illness, or whatever, you could buy it back. If in that 49th year you had a blood relative that had the money to purchase that land back, whoever owns it was obligated to sell it to you. As long as they had the purchase price, you had no right to hold on to what was legally theirs.
Brethren, in the Scripture the land typifies our soul. Our souls are being redeemed because Jesus Christ has the funds to purchase them back, and no one, not even Satan, not even a rebellious manifestation of the living soul, can refuse to return that soul unto Jesus Christ, because it is legally his. It was given to him by Almighty God. The year of Jubilee is at hand. All of the slaves were delivered. If you were a bond servant, you had to be set free in the year of Jubilee. It is the hour and the year of the deliverance from slavery to Satan, brethren. There is a great celebration on the spiritual horizon for God’s people, and He calls it the year of Jubilee. The trumpet was sounded to announce the year of Jubilee. It is also used to signify approaching danger. Another type of the trumpet was metal. Moses was instructed to prepare two trumpets of silver. The two trumpets were also on Jewish coins. I remind you that silver typifies redemption. Unger says that two priests blew on the trumpets simultaneously. So we see trumpets heralding redemption, restoration, and a warning. Glory to God.
Revelation 8:2. And I saw the fullness of the spiritually mature firstfruits company, and they were given trumpets to announce the warfare against the living soul, and to warn the spiritual men dwelling with him in the same body, the spiritual man that is living with the living soul, and to announce the time of his redemption and of his restoration to the spiritual realm of God. (AT)
Let me read that again. And I saw the fullness of the spiritually mature firstfruits company, and they were given trumpets. The reason for that was to announce the warfare against the living soul. That is the slaughter of the soul. And to warn the spiritual men dwelling with the living soul in the same vessel. This warfare that is coming upon you, brethren, you had better line up with God because there is no way you are avoiding it. If you do not line up with God, you are going to be present with Satan when God judges him. Also, the purpose of the trumpet was to announce the time of the redemption of the living soul, and the restoration of the living soul to the spiritual realm of God. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
Revelation 8:3
3 And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer, and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar, which was before the throne. KJV
Now this is a heavily symbolic verse. It is going to take us awhile to get through it. I pray that the Lord give me the ability to impart this understanding to you. Just give me a second. Hallelujah. And another angel came and stood at the altar. In Chapter 7:2, I believe, we established that, that other angel was the Spirit of Jesus Christ dwelling in the minds of the sons of God. If you want to review that, it is on Message 42, Part 3. We established that, that other angel is Jesus Christ living in his offspring. The seven angels typifying his offspring, and he is the other angel that is dwelling in you, Jesus Christ living in the next generation. Jesus Christ has taken on new souls and new bodies, this time in a multitude of souls, and in a multitude of bodies.
The same Spirit that dwells in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the man, that Spirit that kept him alive, that Spirit by which he said no man take my life, I lay it down, that Spirit by which he raised his soul and his body from the dead, that Spirit, that bodiless Spirit, is now dwelling in the bodies and the souls of the members of the living soul. At this point, it is only certain members of the living soul. That Spirit has taken on a new soul, or many souls, and many bodies. I hope you can hear it, brethren. It is really important. Glory to God. Pray about it. He is now living in many souls, and many bodies. That man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, he was ruled by the Spirit of Almighty God. That Spirit is now not living in one man. He is living in many souls, in many bodies. The same Spirit has new souls and new bodies. Glory to God.
Now let us see if I can impart this to you now. And another angel came and stood at the altar. I remind you that the altar is Jesus Christ. We established that in Message 41, if you want to study that. Jesus Christ is the altar in our mind. I remind you that the tabernacle that Moses made in the wilderness was a type of the spiritual reality. The spiritual reality is that the altar is coming to dwell with men, and his name is the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. So another angel, Jesus Christ, the different angel, he came and he stood in spiritual strength and authority at the altar, and the altar is the sons of God. He is the altar. I remind you that there are two altars. There was a brazen altar, upon which the sacrifice was made, and there was a golden altar of incense.
What we are dealing with in this verse is the golden altar of incense. It was made of wood overlaid with gold. For those of you that have done any kind of a study into the tabernacle, this concept of the tabernacle or the parts of the tabernacle being made of wood and overlaid of gold typified natural man. The wood typifies natural man overlaid by the deity of Jesus Christ, where natural man is purged of his sin, and becomes righteous and holy. He shall be the fulfillment of the wood vessel overlaid with gold. The altar that we are talking about in this verse is glorified man. It is man that has been made righteous. The other angel, Jesus Christ, came and stood in spiritual strength at the altar. He appeared in the men that had become holy. That is what we are saying. He had appeared in the men that became holy.
Now this word came is Strong’s #2064 and it is used only in the present and imperfect tenses. The imperfect tense is a past tense in which the action has not been completed. It is still going on. We know that in spiritual things, an action can be going on for thousands of years. Jesus Christ is saving the entire living soul. It is taking thousands of years. He did say that he is saving it, and he shall save it. That is the imperfect tense. He is saving the entire living soul. I have a radical thing to say to you. Jesus Christ is being crucified, and is being raised, or resurrected from the dead, and that, that action has not been complete, because Jesus Christ is in many members, and it is still happening, and it shall happen until he has been crucified and resurrected from the dead in every member of the living soul. Glory to God.
He is still being crucified, and He is still being resurrected from the dead, and he is still in the process of ascending to the right hand of the Father, because Jesus Christ is the Son of God that was slain. He is the Lamb that was slain from before the foundation of the earth. When he fell into the earth, and was joined to Satan, he became the natural man. Jesus Christ of Nazareth was the first member of the living soul that was raised from the dead. Now Jesus is with the Father, and he is raising every last member of the living soul. Every one of us must be crucified. If you have not heard this teaching before, I am not telling you that you are going to be hanging on a cross. The crucifixion is spiritual, brethren.
What happened on the cross is that you saw the body of a man hanging on the cross with nails stuck in him. The red blood that fell on the dirt of Golgotha Hill is not saving your soul. It is the spiritual soul life of Jesus Christ, that became available to you when that happened, that is now sprinkling on you, that is inside of you, that is joining to your spirit, and swallowing up your soul, that is saving you. I hope you can hear me. The reason the body of Jesus Christ of Nazareth hung on that cross is because men are carnal, and they need to see things to understand. The reality of what happened on the cross is that the glorified soul of Jesus Christ, the soul that was God, the holy thing, the Logos, that was born in him, that was imparted to him, when the Holy Spirit hovered over Mary, that soul of Jesus Christ, spotless, sinless, was nailed to the adamic soul that he inherited from his mother Mary, and they became one. The two, out of the twain, one new man was made.
Jesus Christ was crucified to the tree of the adamic soul, and he shall be nailed to him, and joined to him for the life of the ages. The result of it is that the tree shall live. The result of it is that the living soul shall have life because Jesus Christ has been joined to him for the life of the ages. The soul life of Jesus Christ is being joined to the adamic soul, one member at a time. Jesus Christ of Nazareth did it, and now he is in you, and he is joining himself to you. He is crucifying himself to your adamic soul. That is how the crucifixion is taking place in every member. After you have been nailed to his holy sinless soul, you shall be raised from the dead. Glory to God. That is because you are going to be one with him. After you are raised from the dead, glory to God, you shall ascend to the right hand of the Father, and become a spiritual man. There are two men in the earth, Adam and Christ, and Christ is being crucified to Adam, thus saving his life, one member at a time. I hope I made it clear.
We are on Verse 3. Another angel. Jesus came and he stood in spiritual strength at the altar, which is the body and the soul of the natural man. He appeared in the mind of the angel. He appeared in the minds of the spiritual men. Glory to God. There was given unto him much incense. There was given unto him much incense. Now incense is always in the plural, and the correct expression is incenses. He was given much. The word for much can be translated many. He was given many incenses. I am going to attempt in the next five or ten minutes to convince you that incense is a type of the human soul. What I am saying is that he was given many souls. He was given many souls. Hallelujah.
I just want to talk about this word stood. He came and stood in front of the altar. This word stood is Strong’s #2476. I am really going by the Spirit today. First, that word came is Strong’s #2064 and it can mean appear, come or incense. That is how I said he appeared. He stood before the altar. He appeared at the altar, which is the natural man. The word stood, Strong’s #2476, means abide; continue; to be set in place; to be put there. It can also be used to describe a condition of the mind. I am suggesting to you that this expression that another angel came and stood before the altar, what the Lord is saying is that Jesus appeared in the minds of men, and he became their mind. I have a witness for you on that. This word stood can be translated as a condition of mind.
Ephesians 6:14
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness. KJV
That word stand is the same verb translated stood. It is just a different form of the verb. In this scripture it is talking about standing in spiritual strength. So Jesus came and he manifested in full stature in the minds of the men that had been caught up. Glory to God.
Another angel came and stood at the altar having a golden censer. He stood at the altar. The word at is Strong’s #1909. It can be translated over, upon, or on. I am suggesting to you that he laid himself over the minds of men. He laid himself over the living soul. We know that the soul of Christ is putting our human soul under his foot, and from our studies in the past chapters of the Book of Revelation, the way the scripture is expressing it is that he is sitting upon our soul. I declare to you that this is what is happening here. He is manifesting in the minds of men, and then he is sitting upon them. He is sitting upon the altar, which are men, and he was possessing a golden censer. Glory to God. He had a golden censer.
The word having is Strong’s #2192 and that could mean possessing. He was possessing a golden censer. Golden simply means made of gold. The word censer is a vessel for burning incense. It is just a vessel of something that the ancient Hebrews put incense in. It was metal. It was gold. So when they burnt the incense, the gold was not destroyed. The vessel that was holding that which was to be consumed was not destroyed. As I said to you, I hope to give you the understanding that the incense is the souls of men, and incense is always in the plural because according to the Levitical law, there were four different kinds of incense that were mixed together to make the substance that was burnt in the censer. So it is always plural, and the vessel was of gold.
I am going to tell you what I am getting at, and I hope that you can follow me. Christ is being imparted to us. Christ is the gold. So when he starts to consume our soul, when the Christ manifests in us, and the slaughter of our soul is the result of the burning of his Spirit, the burning of the fire of his Spirit, and the fire of God comes forth in Christ, and starts to burn our soul, we will not be destroyed because we will have the gold of his deity in our vessels. He will not burn up our soul until the gold of the deity of his vessel is present in us to preserve our life. The incense, which is our soul, is being placed in the golden vessel, which will keep us alive when the sin is destroyed. Can you hear that?
Yes, he is cutting the sin out of us. He is also burning the sin out of us. God expresses it in more than one way. The only thing that matters, brethren, is that He is delivering us from sin. He expresses it in different ways depending on different circumstances. The fire of the Spirit of the Father that is in Christ is going to be burning up our soul, destroying the sin, and only the gold of His Spirit shall remain. This is what is described in the golden censer. So what did we say? We said that Jesus Christ manifested in the minds of men. He stood in full spiritual strength in the many members of the living soul, that he was manifesting in, in that hour, and he had, or He possessed a golden vessel, the body of Christ, which was filled with many souls; many souls.
Let me see if I can give you some proof on that. The word much is many. I told you that. It is Strong’s #4183. There was given unto him much incense to put in the censer. This word given is Strong’s #1325 and it can be translated brought forth, committed, or delivered. There were delivered unto him many souls, and there was given him much incense. For what purpose? To put it in the censer and burn it. And there were delivered unto him many souls to put in the censer, the golden vessel that is the body of Christ, his life in men, that will keep us alive when we go through this devastating process of having sin ripped out of us, and burnt up.
I remind you of this, which had alluded me for the moment, the cutting out of the sin is from our soul. He takes the knife to our soul, and the burning is of the sin in our spirit. We put the metal in the fire, and that which is made of wood is washed by the power of the Spirit. If you have been taught that your spirit is without sin, you have been taught an error. I am not going to get into it now, because we are running out of time. You have been taught an error. Brethren, there is sin in your spirit. Your spirit is your conscience, brethren. Did you ever have a problem with your conscience after you started speaking in tongues? I have a problem with my conscience all the time. I have to look up the law to find out what is right, because I do not know from my state of being what is right. My conscience, my spirit, is not perfect, the minute I speak in tongues, brethren. You have bought a lie. Glory to God.
I am going to try and establish for you that incense typifies the human soul. I am going to read you what Unger’s Bible Dictionary has to say about incense. Incense is always in the plural; many incenses. Once in the Scripture it is applied to the fat of rams, the part of the fat of rams that is always burnt in the sacrifice. The only time it is used in the Scripture is as a sacrificial offering. If you do not know it, our soul is the reality of the sacrifice that God wants. The animals that have been sacrificed, the incense that has been sacrificed, these are all types, brethren. God wants your soul. He wants your soul. The animal sacrifice typifies your body that shall ultimately be glorified. It shall be burnt up by His Spirit, and you shall get a glorified body. The incense typifies your soul, which shall be consumed by the fire of His Spirit and swallowed up by His Spirit. Glory to God.
This word incense comes from the Hebrew word smoke. It is an aromatic compound which gives forth its perfume in burning. Both among the Hebrews and the Egyptians, we find no other trace of incense than in the sacrificial use. But in Persian sculptures we see it burnt before the king. It is a sign of homage, and respect, and submission to a higher authority. Now we will see what the incense was made out of. I told you there were four different incenses. I am going to hope to establish to you that the four different ones typify body, soul, and spirit. I believe the fourth one was the satanic realm. I forgot for the moment. We will go through it. The first incense was called stacte, and it is not the juice squeezed from the highly fragrant myrrh tree, but probably a species of gum resembling myrrh. You might remember message 18, Part 6, where we established that myrrh typified Satan piercing through from the spiritual realm and becoming hard. As we look at men today, this is what Satan became when he became hard. We established that on message 18, Part 6, if you want to hear it. Glory to God.
This message describes how myrrh typifies Satan piercing through into the realm of appearance. The incense being burnt does not typify the evil Satan, but a species resembling him. Now remember this is not the myrrh, it is something symbolizing myrrh. What this typifies is the Satan who has been brought into submission and castrated. Myrrh typifies the evil Satan that pierced through. This is something very close to him, and it typifies the Satan who has been brought into submission, and castrated. The second kind of incense is ananda, which literally means a scale, like a scale on a fish. It is the shell of a perfumed mollusca found in the Mediterranean and Red Seas, and it yields a musky odor when burnt. Now Webster says that a scale is a small flattened rigid, and definitely circumscribed plate forming the external body covering, especially of a fish.
I remind you that each member of the living soul is small in comparison to the whole, and we are flat, because natural man exists on the linear plane. The total number of members of the living soul forms the external body covering of the spiritual entity known as the living soul or Adam. We can be likened to fish in that we exist in a world which is 96% water. I am saying that agnate, the second type of incense, typifies the human body. We now have the satanic realm in the human body as being burnt. The third type of incense is galbanum, and it literally means fat. It is a gum that is obtained by making incisions in the bark of a shrub growing in Syria and Arabia. Now Unger’s Bible Dictionary tells us that the Hebrews distinguished between the suet or pure fat of an animal, and the fat which was intermixed with the lean.
Certain restrictions were imposed upon them in reference to the former, some parts of the suet that is about the stomach, the entrails, the kidneys, and the tail of the sheep which grows to an excessive size in many Eastern countries. It produces a large quantity of rich fat that were forbidden to be eaten in the case of animals offered to Jehovah, and sacrificed. The ground of the prohibition was that the fat was the richest part of the animal, and therefore belonged to God. The presentation of the fat, and the richest part of the animal was agreeable to the dictates of natural feeling, and was the ordinary practice, even of heathen nations. They knew that fat was for God. The burning of the fat of sacrifices was particularly specified in each kind of offering.
Unger says next to blood, the bearer of life stood the fat as the sign of healthfulness and vigor. In the Scripture, it is referred to as the fat of the earth, the fat of the wheat, the fat of the oil and the wine, even the fat of the mighty. I am suggesting to you that the fat, this particular incense, galbanum, typifies the fat, typifies the human soul. So far we see being burnt in the golden censer, the subdued satanic realm, the human body, and the soul. I am going to suggest to you that the fourth kind of incense, which is pure frankincense typifies the human spirit. Frankincense literally means white. It is a pale transparent pungent leaven, which when burnt is very fragrant. It is grown in Arabia and Judea. Glory to God.
Pure frankincense literally means white. Frankincense typifies the potential for righteousness in the human spirit, in that Christ shall be birth in her. Its transparency indicates that Christ shall appear in her, and the fragrance or holiness appears when she is purified by burning. Frankincense typifies the human soul. My conclusion is that the offering of incense is plural and typifies the spiritual sacrifice of the living soul in its all four parts. We are what is going to be burnt. The Levitical sacrifices are types that help us to understand. It is a spiritual burning. I hope nobody who reads this message and think that they have to go out and burn people. This is a spiritual burning, and the fire that is burning us is the fire that is Almighty God. It is spiritual. It is happening in the realm of the Spirit. It is unseen. This book of Revelation is a book of symbols, as we have been teaching you. Glory to God.
First half of Revelation 8:3. And Christ appeared and was established in his rightful place in the minds of the spiritual men, and he was possessing a sinless body and many souls were delivered unto him. (AT)
Let me try and give it to you a piece at a time. Then another angel, Christ, appeared, and took his rightful place in the minds of the spiritual men, and he was possessing a sinless body. I suggest to you the golden censer is the sinless body of Christ. And many souls were given unto him. There was given unto him much incense, and many souls were delivered unto him. Continuing with, that he should offer. The word it is put in by the King James writers. It is not in the Greek. It should really be them. That he should offer them with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar, which was before the throne. Hallelujah.
Now this is a little tough. I just pray, Father, that you help me to impart it. That he should offer it, the incenses with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. Now this word offer is Strong’s #1325. It is the same word translated give above, and it can be translated to deliver, or to give over property, to deliver up. I remind you that Jesus Christ was sent down to this realm of appearance to apprehend men, and give them over to the Father. That was the job that Jesus Christ of Nazareth was given. He was to be the intermediary, to be the mediator, to absorb man into his sinless soul life, for the specific purpose of turning us over to the Father. Glory to God.
Remember that word it is not there. That he should offer with the prayers of the saints. Now let me do this word prayer first. This word prayer is Strong’s #4336 and it means to pray to God. It is from a verb, a root, Strong’s #4314 that means with respect to, or towards, pertaining to Strong’s #2172, which means to wish or to will. Therefore, it is saying to wish or to will toward God. If you are praying to God, you are wishing, or you are willing towards whoever you are praying to. So if your prayers go to God, you are taking your will, and your desire, and offering it up to God. We know from the Scripture that if your will is not one with His will, those prayers shall be hindered. God is not going to give you everything you pray for. When you pray for the things that God would desire for you, your prayer is surely to be answered.
So prayer in its essence, Godly prayer that is going to get answered, is a state of your mind that is in submission to the will of God for your life. Can you hear that? True prayer is a state of mind, a state of your will and desire, whereby your will and desire is in agreement with the will and the desire of God for your life. Anything other than that, you can call it anything you want, but it is not a prayer. That he should offer with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar. Now this word with is a verb that denotes close union to a companionship, possession, and resemblance. That he should offer, or give over with the will of the members of the living soul. I am going to declare here, and tell you what I am getting at here. What God told me is that the will, and the desires of the living soul, have now been joined with the mind of Jesus Christ. He has apprehended them. They now desire, and will, and crave in their life what Jesus Christ craves for them.
As we studied in prior chapters in the book of Revelation, the minds of the members of the living soul are going to be intertwined with the mind of Christ, and they are going to become one mind. The Scripture says that he should offer over with the prayers of the saints, that he should offer himself, and the prayers, and the will, and the minds of the saints joined to him. Jesus is offering himself, and the many members of the living soul that are now in agreement with him, he is offering them upon the golden altar, which was before the throne. This is tough, and I am going to go over it again. Let me tell you this. The saints are number 40 and they are morally pure and blameless. They are members of the living soul that have been purified. All means all, the whole of the living soul. What I am suggesting to you is that this scripture means that Jesus is offering his mind, which has now been joined to the minds of the many members of the living soul. He is offering them together as one unit, because he now possesses them, to the Father as incense, as the many souls that shall be burnt in the altar, which is the human vessel before the throne.
Let me just read you this, the golden altar of incense, which is from Unger’s. The altar of incense occupied the middle space near to, and in front of the inner veil. It was, however, reckoned as belonging to the most holy place, apparently on account of its great sanctity. In construction it was a simple box of acacia wood, two cubic high, one cubic wide, and one cubic broad, with the top, and horns like the large altar, the whole being covered with gold. It had no grate because the fire did not come directly in contact with it. It had a molding around the edge, and rings to carry it, and staves. No utensils belonged especially to it. Upon this altar, neither burnt offerings, nor meat offerings were allowed to be offered, nor drink offerings to be poured. It was used exclusively to burn incense upon it morning and evening. What I am suggesting to you is that the brazen altar, upon which the burnt offerings, and the meat offerings were given, typified the consummation of our bodies by the fire of God. The altar of incense typifies the burning of our soul before God. That is why there were two altars. There is going to be two burnings.
Second half of Revelation 8:3. And many souls were delivered to him so that when he had possessed their desires and wills, and become joined to them in their minds, he could then turn over to God the wills and desires of all of the members of the purified, holy living soul, which were now directed towards God, so that their souls could be consumed in the fire of God, which had appeared in their own spirits, and the spirit of the prostrated living soul, which was appearing in the realm of appearance, in front of the prostrated soul of Jesus Christ. (AT)
Let me read that again. And many souls were delivered to him, to Jesus, so that when he had possessed their desires and wills, become one mind with them, and become joined to them in their mind, then what he is going to do after we are joined in our mind to Jesus, he could turn us over to God. He could turn over to God the wills and the desires of all of the members of the purified holy living soul, which were now directed towards God. Why are they directed towards God? Because you are in union with Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ is directed towards God. So when your mind becomes joined to Jesus Christ, when he turns his mind towards the Father, your mind and your will is going with him. Glory to God. So that he could turn over to God the wills and desires of all of the members of the purified, holy, living soul, which were now directed towards God, so that their souls could be consumed in the fire of God, which had appeared in their own spirit. Christ is appearing in your own spirit, and when he appears in your spirit, he is going to consume your soul. Glory to God.
Even the spirit of the prostrated living soul, in which Christ has appeared. That spirit is standing, is appearing in the realm of appearance in front of the prostrated soul of Jesus Christ. The Scripture says that they were standing before the throne. I remind you that the throne of God is Jesus Christ. Let me read you that last section for you again. Which was directed towards God. That is their thoughts and their desires, so that the souls of the many members of the living soul could be consumed in the fire of God which had appeared in their own spirits. That is Christ in your spirit, is the fire of God, even the spirit of the prostrated living soul. Because when Christ appears in your spirit, brethren, the living soul is going to go underfoot.
This prostrated living soul, which was appearing in the realm of appearance, it was in front of the soul of Christ. If you remember, we had it on the board at the last meeting, we are spiritual beings from within to without. At our deepest point is the Father. In front of the Father is Christ, and in front of Christ is the living soul. What this scripture is saying, is that Jesus was given much incense that he should offer it, the incense, the souls of the saints, that it should be offered up, their souls should be offered up with their wills and their desires, upon the golden altar, which is within this body, which appeared before the throne. This body is what is appearing in the realm of appearance. The throne of Christ is within us. It is our spiritual being. I just have one more witness for you, and that is it. I just wanted to remind you of this scripture.
1 Corinthians 15: 22-24. For as in adam, all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive, but every man in his own order. Christ, the firstfruits, afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming. Then cometh the end, even when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, Jesus shall deliver up the kingdom to God, even the Father, when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and all power. (KJV)
That is what this verse 3 of Chapter 8 is saying. When Jesus Christ has put down all rule and all power, in you, and in me, and in each human vessel, the next step is that we shall be delivered up to God. That is what this verse 3 of Chapter 8 is talking about. I am going to read you an alternate translation of the whole verse 3 of Chapter 8. Then I will recap, and that is it.
Revelation 8:3. And Christ appeared and was established in his rightful place in the minds of the spiritual men, and he was possessing a sinless body. And many souls were delivered to him, so that when he had possessed their desires and wills, and become joined to them in their minds, he could then turn them over to God in accordance with 1 Corinthians 15. We just read it. He could then turn over to God the wills and desires of all of the members of the purified, now holy living souls, which were now directed towards God, so that their souls could be consumed in the fire of God which had appeared in their own spirits, even the spirit of the prostrated living soul, which prostrated living soul was now appearing in the realm of appearance in front of the prostrated soul of Jesus Christ. The Father, the prostrated soul of Jesus Christ, the prostrated living soul, and what is going to be seen in the realm of appearance with the prostrated submissive living soul. (AT)
I just want to clarify that sinless body. I said he was possessing a sinless body. The body, the flesh, brethren, when there is no sin in the soul, the body shall be without sin. When there is no sin left in our soul, there shall be no infirmity. It does not matter who curses you. If you do not have sin, there is no way you are getting sick. If you get sick, it is because you have sin. God only knows, I am sick a lot more than I would like to be. Brethren, it is the truth. There is still sin in my soul or I would not be sick. There is no condemnation here. We have got to get delivered, each man in his own order, according to the timetable, the will, and the purpose of Almighty God.
Revelation 8:1-3. As the power of Christ continued to release the many members of the living soul from the power of Satan, there was a waiting period between the time they began to receive the sealing of the imputed anointing, and the commands of heaven to slaughter their souls, which waiting period lasted about half of the time period allotted to bring the whole of the living soul to full salvation. And I saw the fullness of the spiritually mature firstfruits company, and they were given trumpets to announce the warfare against the living soul, and to warn the spiritual men dwelling with him in the same vessel, and to announce the time of his redemption, and of his restoration to the spiritual realm of God. And Christ appeared and was established in his rightful place in the minds of the spiritual men, and he was possessing a sinless body, and many souls were delivered to him so that when he had possessed their desires and wills, and had become joined to them in their minds, he could then turn over to God the wills and desires of all the members of the purified, holy living soul, which were now directed towards God so that their souls could be consumed in the fire of God, which had appeared in their own spirits, even the spirit of the prostrated living soul, which prostrated living soul, was appearing in the realm of appearance in front of the prostrated soul of Jesus Christ, which was in front of the Father. (AT)
I want to close with this comment. Please note that the Lord will not even begin to consume your soul until your will and your desire has become one with Jesus Christ. His will and desire for you, brethren. Yes, He wants you to have a nice house to live in, and yes, He wants you healthy, but that is an aside, brethren. The will of the Lord Jesus Christ for you is that you should be spotless, without sin, and in His righteous image. That is His will for you. When that happens He will not have to heal your body. I want you to understand that the process, which will purge your soul from sin, will not begin until you desire His righteousness. Until you desire His righteousness, He is waging war against your rebellious heart. That is the condition of the entire living soul. Either He is waging war against your rebellious heart or He is in the process of slaughtering your soul, and consuming your soul, and burning it up so that the only thing that survives is the deity, the gold of His Spirit that is in you. Glory to God. Any questions? Hallelujah. Thank you Jesus.
10/30/13 Transcribed by MJS
10/31/13 1st Edit MJS