Part 4 of 4 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Tongues: Yea saith the Lord, indeed, I am thy God, saith the Lord. Indeed, the Creator of the universe. He who is all in everything and shall be all in all, saith the Lord. Yea, I am the one, saith the Lord, who has raised thee up, and I indeed am the one who shall sustain thee by my right arm of power, saith the Lord. And none shall survive, saith the Lord, who come against thee, for indeed I shall cast him down, yea even the evil one, into the pit, saith the Lord. For I have ordained that thou shalt stand, and thou shalt stand, saith God, and I shall prosper thee, saith the Lord. See if my word is not true. Try my Spirit, saith the Lord, and see if my word is not true. See, saith the Lord, if I do not this thing.
Praise the Lord. This is Part 4 of The Four Horsemen of the Book of Revelation. We are in Chapter 6, and this is an ongoing series. Lord willing, we are going all the way through the Book of Revelation. As has been my pattern in the past, I have some comments to clarify things that I said on the last message. I listen to the message after I preach it, and if I perceive any questions that might be in your mind, I try to address them in the next message. I have about four points for you in Chapter 6 verses 1 thru 4. I will take any questions. Let me tell you what I have for you, and then I will take any questions. I did say in the last message that the natural man is being slaughtered, but we know from the Scripture that Jesus Christ is the one who was slaughtered, so that could sound like a contradiction. The answer to that is that to the carnal minds of men, Jesus Christ is the one who was slaughtered, but that is not really true. When he was crucified, he was not slaughtered. That is the middle part. The end part is that he rose from the dead. Hallelujah.
Indeed, he has ascended to the right hand of the Father. The spiritual reality of what happened to Jesus Christ on the cross is that his soul, his natural human soul, was joined to the soul of Christ. It was the soul of the natural man that was slaughtered, nailed to the Christ for the life of the ages, made impotent, castrated, unable to sin anymore. That is the truth of what happened. It is the spiritual reality of what happened on the cross. Because the soul of the natural man was made impotent and incapable of sin by the power of holiness and righteousness in the soul of Jesus Christ, who was now prevailing over the entire vessel, the body of the man known as Jesus Christ of Nazareth was raised from the dead and glorified. Hallelujah.
The second point is, I said that the sword given to the rider on the red horse was feminine. One of my Lexicons marked it as feminine, indicating that it had to be a sword of the soul realm, because nothing that Jesus does is effeminate. Everything that Jesus does is masculine. Some of you might be thinking that there is a sword that comes out of the mouth of Jesus Christ in Revelation 19. Well, the answer to that is that there are two different Greek words that are translated sword. The sword that was given unto the rider of the red horse to go forth and kill, that sword was a feminine sword. It is the lesser of the swords. It is more like a butcher knife. We had a whole teaching last week, and what is happening is that element in man is coming against that element in other men, that they are attacking each other, that we are having conflicts between believers. The result of it is that Christ is being glorified. Hopefully we are repenting of what in us is not of God, and by the power and the life of Christ, in his mercy, in his love, and in his wisdom, we are overcoming all conflict among believers by denying our own natural mind, and living our life according to the mind of Christ within us. Hallelujah.
This is the slaughter of the natural man because he must die. He must be crucified. We are in a spiritual crucifixion. Our body is not being crucified on the cross, but the resurrected life of Jesus Christ that is dwelling inside of our heart, has permitted our natural man to be crucified. If we were to be crucified before the life of Jesus Christ dwells in us, if our soul was to be butchered, our soul which is sin ridden was butchered, we would be destroyed off of the face of the earth forever. But now Jesus Christ has been resurrected from the dead, and has poured out, and is still in the process of pouring out of his spirit upon all flesh. If he has landed in your heart, and he has taken root in your heart, and his life is in your heart, now we are living by his life. You are living by his life, and it is now safe for the Lord to go forth, and crucify and butcher everything of our natural man, that is not of God, that is of sin, that causes us to sin, because the result of that sin is that we die.
The Lord Jesus Christ, in your heart and in my heart, is permitting us to be butchered, that which in us is sin, to be butchered that he might prevail, that he might be king over the entire vessel, and that there shall be no more warfare between the soul of man and the soul of Christ. He wants to be the king of your total vessel. He does not want any conflict. He does not want you to say, well, was this God or was this my carnal mind. He wants to be the only one that is putting thoughts into your mind. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
I had a fourth point for you that I thought you might be questioning. I said in the last message that Satan is God’s police force. The thought occurred to me that you might be saying, well then why is Christ at war with him? The reason Christ is at war with his police force is that his police force has rebelled. Satan, as we are going to find out in today’s message, is the new covenant equivalent of the pestilence of the Old Testament. When Israel sinned, God sent the pestilence upon them. In the New Testament, if people sin or if a believer sins, what happens is that Satan is loosed upon them until they come unto repentance. The reason the Lord Jesus Christ is at war with them is that he is in rebellion. His hour is almost over. We know that in the heavenlies it is over, but it has to be worked out in the life of every individual person, and he will have authority in the earth until every last person has come to repentance. Then there is no more need for Satan.
The Lord has no more need for him, but he is not willing to give up his authority in the earth, so now the Lord Jesus Christ is at war with his own servant. He is a wild ravaging beast. He has been here, and he has been permitted, for a reason and for a purpose. He did not get here by accident. His purpose is over, but he will not give up his position. For we know that all power and authority has been given unto the Lord Jesus Christ, but Satan will not remove himself, so the Lord Jesus Christ is at war with him. Hallelujah.
We are doing the whole book of Revelation. It has been extremely difficult. This happens sometimes. Ideally, what I should be doing is studying and understanding the whole book of Revelation, or at least a whole chapter at a time before I preach, but I just do not have the time to do it. What happens is that it is necessary for me to make changes from time to time. I did make a couple of changes on last week’s alternate translation.
We are in Revelation, Chapter 6 verses 1 thru 4, talking about the first seal. I will just read you what I wrote. I have made more changes in the alternate translation of Revelation, Chapter 6:1, this time showing the opening of the first seal to be the release from Satan’s power of the first part of the living soul. The second seal, the second part of the living soul, goes back to Chapter 4, verse 7, where we see the living soul that has been redeemed, described in four separate parts. Those four separate parts are a lion, a calf, a man, and a flying eagle. Those are four different aspects of the whole of the living soul, just like man is body, soul and spirit. We know that God can be revealed as the Father, Son or the Holy Spirit. The Lord in the scriptures has revealed the redeemed living soul to be in four different parts, so that we can understand it better. I did not pick that up the first time I went through that study. The second part of the living soul, and the first part of the living soul, and also the third and the fourth too, is referring to those four different manifestations of the living soul. Glory to God.
In verse 4 there went out another horse that was red. Now what we studied last week was that that was the fallen Adam. We did a whole study on the fact that the fallen Adam is being totally ruled by Satan. We found out that the reason the horse is red is that if you study that word in the Greek, and you study the Hebrew equivalent, you will find out that the word red is really from the word Adam. This is Adam that has been utterly taken over by Satan. We studied over many months here that, in the original creation, Adam was to be the conscience of the creation, and Adam has fallen. So Satan in this hour in unsaved men is living his life through the conscience of many men. He is even living his life through the conscience of many saved men that are convincing themselves that they can do certain things, and they cannot do it. Sin will be judged, whether it is in an unbeliever or whether it is in a believer. God will judge sin.
I know we have some new people today, but I just cannot go over the whole teaching, but I am just trying to pick you up on a little bit. What I said last week was that was Satan manifesting through Adam’s territory. That was Satan manifesting through Adam. We found out that it was the second Adam, because the Scripture tells us that in the beginning Adam was a living soul, and in the end he was a quickening spirit. We found out that the white horse manifested the quickening spirit of the second Adam, and that the red horse manifested the fallen Adam, who was the living soul. What I found out when I studied the fourth seal, which is the pale horse, was that Adam and the red horse was a manifestation of Satan in the flesh.
We know that we have God the Spirit, and we have man in the flesh. That was our gift, God in the flesh. When God is in the flesh, He is Christ. If Christ is manifesting in you, you are a son of God. We have studied this for months here. We have also studied that Satan is a spirit, and Satan also can appear in the flesh, and when Satan appears in the flesh, the Scripture calls him a daughter of Babylon. That is because anything on the soul realm is feminine. This red horse, for all intents and purposes, the daughter of Babylon. We did that whole series on Babylon Has Fallen. The red horse is Satan manifesting in the flesh of the conscious mind. If one believer or one man comes up against another man, and willfully hates that man, that is Satan manifesting in the conscious mind. He knows he is hating that man, and he is yielding to it, and he is doing it. I did not make that clear last week.
We are going to find out that the pale horse is the unconscious mind, Satan, that is raging in our unconscious mind, and producing the demons. I am going to read you our recap of Revelation, Chapter 6 verses 1 thru 4 of the alternate translation, and then we will pick up on verse 5. And since my attention was already turned towards the vision, as it passed before my eyes, I saw Christ release the first part of the living soul, even the human spirit from Satan, and I heard the lion in redeemed man expressing his spiritual authority saying, let the work of the Lord Jesus Christ appear in the many members of the living soul, and let men be aware of it, and understand it. And as the lion in redeemed man spoke it, it came to pass in the realm of appearance, and I heard the sound of human spirits being expanded to the spiritual dimension of Christ.
I remind you that the place that we got the lion from is that we did a word study on that phrase, the noise of thunder, and we found out that it really means roar. We went into this verse 1, word by word in the Greek, and this is what we came down with it meaning. Verse 2. And as I continued to look into the realm of the spirit, a miracle, I saw the living soul clean and dazzling white with righteousness because the blood of Jesus, even the imputed anointing which covered her sins. And the Holy Spirit was within her, making her a weapon, and they were joined in their minds. That is the crown. And the seed of the Father took root and germinated, and Christ unfolded, overcoming Satan in the human spirit, and soon thereafter to overcome the other parts of the living soul. And as the power of Christ released the second part of the living soul from Satan, I understood that the calf in redeemed man, even the castrated Satan, who appeared in the flesh of men as the daughter of Babylon, was saying, let the work of the Lord Jesus Christ appear in the many members of the living soul, and let men be aware of it, and understand it.
I remind you, that all of these criminal elements of the living soul, are now praising God and saying, let the work of the Lord Jesus Christ appear in men, and let men understand it. Let everything that happened to the Lord Jesus Christ happen to the many members of the living soul. Let it happen, and let them understand it. It is not happening without understanding, brethren. It is not happening without understanding. We are on verse 4. And the other of the two Adams unfolded, and the spirit that was ruling through the second Adam, even Satan, was given authority to destroy the unity that is in rebellion against God, which exists in the conscious minds of natural men, setting them against themselves in their own minds, and also against each other. That is Adam and Eve, your soul and spirit, my soul and spirit, even the soul and the spirit, the bone and the marrow, should be separated. The reason for that separation is that they are to be restored to the correct moral order.
I will just put this on the drawing board for you briefly. We have had it several times over these months. In the original creation, we have God and Adam. There was no death. This is called the age of innocence. There was no death. God was preserving Adam. In the next stage we know that God withdrew, and Adam was left alone as the defender of the law, and he failed. What happened was that Satan came up to a place of preeminence and Adam was thrown down to the bottom. This stage of humanity is known as death. We died and there is a third stage that is in the process of coming. This moral order is going to be reversed so that we can have life, and in that moral order Christ is going to be prevailing in the living soul, and Satan and Adam are going to be down here. This stage is called redemption or life; innocence, death, life. It is called life. Hallelujah.
The moral order of man was reversed. It is the same thing as saying this about natural man. Sometimes a baby is born and his heart is in the wrong place, or his stomach is in the wrong place, and the child cannot live. You cannot live if your stomach cannot process the food properly. Well man cannot live in this order with Satan ruling. He died, and he is dying, and he shall die, unless Christ moves in, appears in his soul, and becomes the ruling life factor in his soul. What is happening in verse 4 is that God is permitting Satan, in your mind and in my mind, to let us come against one another to conflict with one another because He has given us His Son. We have the soul of His Son. We now know what is right, you see. If I have a conflict with you, I now have a restored conscience, because Adam was the conscience, and Adam fell prey to Satan.
We have men in this world today that say it is alright to have an abortion. It is alright to fornicate. It is alright to lie. It is alright to commit adultery. No, it is not. What happened to them? Their conscience has been tainted with the life of Satan. But now we have the life of Christ. We have a conscience. So if I conflict with you, somewhere that little voice is saying to me what is right. God requires us to take the victory over our own soul. The end of that process is that Christ shall be restored to preeminence in our lives and in our minds, and we shall stop dying. We shall stop dying. That is what this is all about. Glory to God.
The living soul was created to live for the life of the ages. It was not created for its members to die after fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty or even one hundred and fifty years. Our bodies are supposed to become incorruptible when our souls become free of sin. Our souls are not going to come free of sin until they are ripped apart from this moral order. You see, when Satan came on top of Adam, when Satan took authority over Adam, they were fused into that moral order. It is in our minds, our genes, and our chromosomes. We are now going through the cleansing process of being ripped apart, and restored to this moral order where Christ prevails. When that process is completed, we shall stop dying.
Brethren, if you meet somebody that says he is a son of God, and his body is decaying, if he gets diarrhea, if he has hives, I declare to you it has not happened to him yet. The promise is glorious, and the promise is wonderful, but do not let us get ahead of it. It is not an intellectual experience. It cannot happen to you because you will it. It cannot happen to you because you read it in a book. It can only happen to you when the Lord Jesus Christ, in you, brings it to pass, and you have to wait for him. Hallelujah.
We are going on today with verse 5 of Chapter 6. When he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And lo, I beheld a black horse, and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. I am not going into this word by word because we have pretty much established this phrase when we studied verse 1 of Chapter 6, so I am just repeating it. I am saying that the Lamb opened the third seal, the Lamb typifying the power of God, the third seal being that part of the living soul that is being dealt with in this hour. And as the power of Christ released the third part of the living soul from Satan’s control, because the whole living soul is under Satan’s control, except for those in Christ. I understood the part of the redeemed man which was seen in the realm of appearance, even Adam, and I heard him saying, let the work of the Lord Jesus Christ appear in the many members of the living soul, and let men be aware of it.
And I beheld a black horse, and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. Now Webster says that the word black character is characterized by the absence of light reflecting or transmitting little or no light. So we have a pair of balances here. This is very unusual. The word pair is Strong’s #2218 and those three words, pair of balances, are all from the one Greek word, #2218. What it really means is yolk. It is used to express the burden or bondage of the law, especially the Mosaic Law. Acts 15:10 says; Now therefore, why tempt ye God to put a yolk upon the necks of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear? That word yolk is the same word translated pair of balances. Galatians 5:1; Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yolk of bondage. That word yolk is Strong’s #2218 translated pair of balances.
Matthew 11:30; For my yolk is easy and my burden is light. Again that word yolk is translated pair of balances in Revelation, verse 5 of Chapter 6. Now we are dealing with; And I beheld, and lo a black horse, and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. The word hand is Strong’s #5495 and it comes through the idea of hallowness, for grasping something. It also means power. I have some usage on that word. 2Kings 11:7; And two parts of all you that go forth on the sabbath, even they shall keep the watch of the house of the Lord about the king. Well what does that mean? It means that that word can be translated part. That word that we translate hand can also be translated part. We have been going through this for months. There are many translations for any one Greek word, and we have to get the usage, and we have found out that in many instances, the King James translators have chosen the wrong usage because they did not understand the spiritual concept that the Lord was trying to convey.
What I am suggesting to you here is that this Greek word hand, Strong’s #5495, which I studied in the Hebrew, that its equivalent Hebrew word is #3027 and it can be translated on his part. What I am suggesting to you, this means that Adam had a pair of balances in his hand. What it means is, in his part of the living soul, he was bound by the law. He was under the bondage of the law. Hallelujah.
2Kings 11:7; And two parts of all of you that go fourth on the sabbath, even they shall keep the watch of the house of the Lord. That word, two parts, is the same word translated hand. Gen. 47:24; And it shall come to pass in the increase, that ye shall give the fifth part unto Pharaoh, and four parts shall be your own, for seed of the field, and for your food. That is the same word translated hand. Nehemiah 11:1; And the rulers of the people dwelt at Jerusalem: and the rest of the people also cast lots, to bring one of ten to dwell in Jerusalem the holy city, and nine parts to dwell in other cities. That is the same word translated hand, and it is talking about a portion of men, and I am suggesting to you that the pair of balances, or the yolk of the law that Adam held in his hand, was not in his hand, but within his part, which is the conscience, his part of the living soul. Hallelujah.
Alternate translation of the second half of Revelation, Chapter 6 Verse 5. And I saw in the spirit, and there it was, a part of the living soul, which was in darkness, and without the light of God, even the human soul, and he was under the yolk of the law in his part of the living soul. Now we know that Satan is not subject to the law. He is incapable of keeping the law. He is a wild venomous beast, and he is joined to Eve in the unsaved man. That means, she too, is not subject to the law. There is only one third of the living soul that is subject to the law. It is the human soul. His name is Adam, and he is under the judgments of God because he did not keep that which God gave him to keep. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
Alternate translation of all of Revelation, Chapter 6, Verse 5. And as the power of Christ released the third part of the living soul from Satan’s control, I understood that the part of the redeemed man, which was seen in the realm of appearance, even Adam, was saying, let the work of the Lord Jesus Christ appear in the many members of the living soul, and let men be aware of it. And I saw in the spirit, and there it was, the part of the living soul which was in darkness, and without the light of God, even the human soul, and he was under the yolk of the law in his part of the living soul. Satan is not subject to the law. Hallelujah.
Continuing with verse 6: And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, a measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny, and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. Glory to God. This gave me a run for my money, but the Lord is faithful. This was interesting. The word measures is Strong’s #5518 and what it really means is it is a measure that implies as much as would support a man of moderate appetite for a day. It is going to sustain me for a day. We are talking about a time period here. The word wheat is Strong’s #4621 and it refers to cereal grass, grain, especially wheat or corn. We did a series on grass here. I was very surprised to find out that wheat is a grass. Wheat is a grass. Wheat is the fruit of a grass seed. (Laughter) Hallelujah.
Now the word penny is Strong’s #1220 and it means denarius. Denarius was a silver coin originally consisting of ten and afterwards sixteen asses. What it signifies is the pay of the denarius of peace promised to each workman. There was the pay of one denarius each, promised to each workman in Matthew 20:10. I am suggesting to you that it typifies redemption. I will show you that in a little more depth later on. The word barley is Strong’s #2915 and that too is a cereal grass. We are talking about the harvest, brethren. The harvest is the redemption of mankind. As I told you earlier, the denarius typifies ten, the price of ten, and then sixteen animals. The animal life of the creation is Adam. He is the wild beast, but he is not redeemed. He is the wild beast. The Lord is redeeming the beast. The number ten is the law. Silver typifies redemption. Glory to God.
Now I just have some scriptures to back that up. Numbers 14 verses 20, 22, and 23. What I am trying to establish here is that the number ten typifies pardon. We know that it typifies the law, but it is also the number of release from the law, the number of pardon. Now this is the Lord speaking to Moses in verse 20; And the Lord said, I have pardoned according to thy word. Verse 22; Because all those men which have seen my glory, and my miracles, which I did in Egypt and in the wilderness, and have tempted me now these ten times, and have not hearkened to my voice. Verse 23; Surely they shall not see the land which I sware unto their fathers, neither shall any of them that provoke me see it. Ten is the law and it is the end of the law. It is the hour in which you are either going to move into Christ or you are not going to see the land. Glory to God.
Deuteronomy 23:2; A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation, shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord. What is implied there is that by the eleventh generation his offspring can enter into the congregation of the Lord. So ten is a turning point. It is the number of the law, but it is the turning point where you go from being an outcast to being accepted into the beloved. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
Jeremiah 32:1; The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord in the tenth year of Zedekiah king of Judah. The word of the Lord came in the tenth year implying that there were ten years of judgment, and then the Lord spoke. The heavens were brass, and in the tenth year the Lord spoke redemption, the end of the law. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
Hebrews 7:4; Now consider how great this man was, unto whom even the patriarch Abraham gave the tenth of the spoils. The tenth, brethren, is the first fruits of the wheat that is coming forth in your soul. God wants it. It is His. So we are talking about redemption, the first fruits coming forth in the souls of men, and the Lord is buying it back with a penny. He is buying it back with a silver coin, silver typifying redemption, which has been used, historically, to purchase animals. I am sorry, but that is what we are. We are animals until Christ joins himself to us, and then we are permitted to partake of his glory in every aspect, but that is all we are without him. We are animals.
I am going to go on now. We are going on with three measures of barley for a penny. We did one measure of wheat for a penny, and now we are doing three measures of barley for a penny. I suggest to you the only reason that the Lord changes the kind of grain from wheat to barley is that He is talking about two different things. The main concept is He is dealing with grain. He is dealing with the fruit of His Spirit coming forth in the souls of men, but there is a shade of difference between the one penny for the wheat, and the three pennies for the barley, so He changes the kind of grain to help us understand. Let us find out what the Lord is talking about here. Glory to God.
We are talking about three pennies. A denarius means ten, so we are talking about the number 30. I suggest to you that we are talking about the number 30. Zechariah 11:12; And I said unto them, if ye think good, give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver. Verse 13; And the Lord said unto me, Cast it unto the potter: a goodly price that I was prised at of them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the Lord. The thirty pieces of silver, the price for the life of the Lord Jesus Christ was paid to the potter for the redemption of mankind. Jesus Christ was sold out for thirty pieces of silver, but the result of it was that mankind was redeemed.
Let us get rid of our carnal minds again. We said this earlier. Jesus hung on the cross, and a lot of carnal men think he was butchered. A lot of carnal men think he is still hanging up there. A lot of carnal men think he is dead, but he is not. Glory to God. He rose from the dead. He has become a Spirit. He is at the right hand of the Father, and the one who was butchered was the soul. It was Satan in the soul. He is finished. The Lord Jesus Christ is pouring out of his Spirit upon all flesh, and utterly subduing him, overlaying him, overtaking him, and adding himself as the righteousness of the living soul, who shall sin no more. Glory to God.
This is Judas speaking. Matthew 26:15; And said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver. They thought they killed the Lord, but had they only known they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. Had they only known that he was going to rise from the dead, and pour out his Spirit, and reproduce his life in every member of the living soul. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
This may come as a shock to a lot of Christians that are dancing and singing today, but you are not going to dance and sing until the rapture comes and fly away to heaven. That is just not going to happen like that. He said they hated me and they will hate you too. He said the servant is as good as the master. If he was crucified, I declare to you we shall be spiritually crucified. Our souls must die. Everything that is not of God that is in our souls, that is in our minds, it has to be rooted out, and it is not necessarily a pleasant process. I have some scriptures for you. Matthew 24:4 and 9; And Jesus answered and said unto them; Take heed that no man deceive you. Verse 9; Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.
Romans 8:33 thru 36; Who shall lay anything to the charge of God’s elect? It is God that justifieth. Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Tribulation is what we are going to go through. Distress you are going through. If you are not going through it now, you are going through it; persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword. As it is written, FOR THY SAKE WE ARE KILLED ALL THE DAY LONG; WE ARE ACCOUNTED AS SHEEP FOR THE SLAUGHTER. We are going through, brethren, but we are not going to be destroyed. What is going to happen is that our soul is going to be destroyed, and Christ is going to take over our minds totally, and his life shall appear in us, in our thoughts, in our words, and in our behavior. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
Jesus speaking. Matthew 10:34 thru 38: Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to SET A MAN AT VARIANCE AGAINST HIS FATHER, AND THE DAUGHTER AGAINST HER MOTHER, AND THE DAUGHTER IN LAW AGAINST HER MOTHER IN LAW. AND A MAN’S FOES SHALL BE THEY OF HIS OWN HOUSEHOLD. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. If you run from the persecution, brethren, he said you are not worthy of him.
Matthew 19:29; And everyone that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father or mother, or wives or children, or lands for my name’s sake, shall receive a hundred fold and shall inherit everlasting life. Glory to God. You do not get it lying in bed eating strawberries. I am sorry. It just does not happen that way. Our God requires a lot from us. He requires us to give up some things more than others. He has taken a lot from me, but He has given me so much more.
I have an alternate translation for you, but before that I want to note something about the oil and the wine. Let me read verse 6 here of Revelation, Chapter 6. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. What I am suggesting to you is that the penny for the measure of wheat is the redemption of your soul. God is purchasing you. The three pennies for the measure of barley, I am suggesting to you is when the life of Christ appears in you. See, first you are redeemed, then the life of Christ appears in you, and then they try to kill you all day long. You do not fly away in the rapture. Your soul has to die. Christ is born, your soul died, and Christ is glorified in you. You cannot miss the middle step. You cannot miss it. There is no way. Either you are going to go willingly or you are going to be dragged. I am sorry, but it is the truth.
Alternate translation of Revelation, Chapter 6, Verse 6: And I heard a spiritual instruction coming forth from the deepest recesses of the redeemed man saying, may the many members of the living soul be purchased back unto God. Let me stop right here. What I did hear was I mixed the phrases around. We found that very frequently in the scriptures, what is going to be happening first is listed third in the verse. Usually the reason for it is that the natural realm is the mirror image of the spiritual realm. So from God’s point of view, He is saying let it happen, and this is how it is going to be done; B, C, A. For our understanding here, I have taken that last phrase first.
The vehicle by which God is doing this, even the Holy Spirit and the life of the Father within him, must not be violated. Do not hurt the wine and the oil, so that the life of Christ may be birth in them. Because if you hurt the wine and the oil, if you destroy the Holy Spirit and the seed of the Father that he brings with him, Christ will never appear. If Christ will never appear, he will never be crucified, and if he is never crucified, the vessel will never be glorified. Hallelujah. So do not hurt the wine and the oil. Do not touch the Holy Spirit.
Those of us here know very painfully well that there are many Christians today that dance and sing. I am not knocking dancing and singing. I did it myself for five years. I danced in the Spirit, and I sang, and I screamed, and I yelled, and I went through the whole emotional scene. It just so happened, that in my life, I passed through it, but I am not against it. If the Lord ever brings that kind of a ministry back here, I am going to be the first one jumping up and down, but right now He is not doing it here. But praise the Lord, I am not against it. What I am telling you is that those Christians that are just dancing and singing, and think that is all there is, they are just mistaken, because you have to grow up. Some people have harder trials than others, but you have to go through, brethren. You have to go through.
And I heard a spiritual instruction coming forth from the deepest recesses of the redeemed man saying. Now I remind you that what this means is the redeemed man now has spiritual authority. So when he says it, it is going to happen. It is going to happen. The first fruits company has been birth. They have been raised up to spiritual men. They are the first fruits, they are the sons of God, whatever you want to call them. Now they are speaking this judgment onto the rest of the living soul, and this is what they are saying. May the many members of the living soul be purchased back unto God. May it happen to them also. But the vehicle by which God is doing this, even the Holy Spirit and the life of the Father which is within him, he must not be violated, so that the life of Christ may be birth in them, and then persecuted, and crucified, so that Satan can be swallowed up, and their new lives in Christ harvested into the kingdom of Almighty God. Glory to God.
This is what I tried to say before. I think I got off the track and lost my point. All of these people that have not yet entered into tribulation or deep trials, and they are dancing and singing, God has ordained it as such. Do not hurt the wine and the oil. If that is as far as they are in Christ, and heavy tribulation came upon them, they might not stand. They might not stand. Glory to God. He only gives you as much as you could bear, and I do not care what you are going through, you can bear it, by the power of God within you. You can bear it, and you can be victorious in Christ, who strengthens you. Just throw yourself on his mercy, and you will see miracles work.
Verse 7 of Revelation, Chapter 6. And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. Alternate translation of Revelation, Chapter 6:7; As the power of Christ released the fourth part of the living soul from Satan, I understood the flying eagle, which is the fourth part in redeemed man, even the unseen spiritual realm of hades saying, let the work of the Lord Jesus Christ appear in the many members of the living soul, and let men be aware of it, and understand it. Now I am going to tell you how I got that. I am saying that the fourth part of the living soul is the flying eagle, which again we get from Revelation, Chapter 4 in verse 7. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
It is the unseen spiritual realm of hades. Now you might remember what I said at the beginning of the message. The red horse typified Satan in the conscious mind, Satan operating in Adam’s dominion, Satan operating in the conscience. But now we have Satan operating in the unconscious mind. That is much harder to deal with, brethren, than the conscious mind. I declare to you that one of the things the Lord requires of us, as we move on in Christ, is to start discerning every motive that we have. It is not even just every thought, because we have to lay hold of every thought, but we have to analyze it. We have to take a knife to it, and cut it apart, and say where did that thought come from? What is my motive, because that is Satan in your unconscious mind, and he will destroy you.
Now you may recall that Satan is in the conscious mind, Satan in the role of Adam, and God is using him to let one believer come against another. The result of it, Lord willing, is that we are repenting and laying hold of that, which is in us, which is not Godly, and putting it underfoot by the power of Christ. So God is using the manifestation of Satan, the conscious mind, and it is turning out to be positive. But as you are going to find out in a few minutes, Satan in your unconscious mind, he has no redeeming grace. He has to be stepped on. He has to be utterly stepped on because he is not playing for marbles. He is out to kill you. He is out to kill you, and it is not just your body. He is out to utterly destroy your spiritual life, and separate you from Christ, which is your life. Hallelujah.
Revelation Chapter 6 Verse 8. And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beast of the earth. The word pale is Strong’s #5515 and it means green. I found this very interesting, and I do not have any explanation of it at this time, but this is the same word green that is used to describe the green thing that God creates in the Book of Genesis. It is also used to describe the green thing that indicates life in subsequent chapters of the Book of Revelation.
Apparently, in vegetable life, green means life, but in animal life, it means death. I have Webster’s definition for you of this word green. With regard to animals it means marked by a sickly appearance and typifies envy. We know that envy is one of the most salient characteristics of the natural man. If you are envious, you are not terrible, you are carnal. You are carnal. Green means not fully processed or treated, unseasoned, not in condition for a particular use. When green is used of a female fish, the word means it is not ready to reproduce. It means lacking training, knowledge or experience, not fully qualified for or experienced in a particular function. The word green in an animal means negative, lacking, without, incapable, immature.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. We have done several studies on death in this ministry. This is Strong’s #2288. This is the Greek word thanatos. This is the word death, that typifies the separation of the soul from the body. It does not typify the destruction of the spiritual life. Thanatos does not imply that the soul dies or that the spiritual life dies. It just says that it is a separation from the body, the result of which is that the body dies. We are talking about the death of the body.
The Hebrew equivalent of this word is Strong’s #1698 and it means pestilence. As I mentioned earlier in the message, the new covenant pestilence is Satan and his demons. The new covenant pestilence is Satan and his demons. Now the old covenant pestilence still exists in the earth today. There are still locusts and famine, but for God’s people, if you willingly and knowingly, without even trying to restrain yourself, yield to what is in your mind, you have to fight, brethren. This is a warfare. God never told you these thoughts are not going to come up in your mind. He never told you that you are not going to be envious. He never told you that you are not going to hate your pastor. He never told you that you were going to be perfect. He said fight, and I will give you the victory. You have to fight. Someone that has been trained in the things of God, someone that should know, and recognize these things when they manifest in their minds, and yield to them, the judgment is demons. He is not going to send locusts on their house in Long Island. You get a demon, you believe your lie, and He seers your conscience.
We are still dealing with Revelation, Chapter 6, Verse 8. And I looked, and behold, a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. This word Hell is Strong’s #86 and it is the Greek word that means hades. We have had many teachings on what hades really means. It means underground. It means the unseen hidden place. We have established in this ministry that the true hell, the true hades, the true unseen place is the place where spiritual life is buried beneath the earth of the human soul, and the human body. Glory to God.
It is spiritual life that is in bondage inside this body. We are in jail, brethren. We did a whole study on this in Zechariah, Chapter 5, about the wicked woman being locked up in the ephah. These bodies are a judgment of Almighty God upon the spiritual life, which we are, that dwells in them. We are in hell, brethren. Separation from God is hell. Union with God is heaven. Hell and heaven is in your mind. The word followed is Strong’s #190 and it means to follow the one who proceeds or to accompany him.
Alternate translation of the first half of Revelation, Chapter 6, Verse 8. And I looked into the realm of the Spirit, and there it was, a sickly looking horse, not qualified to reproduce. We all know that Satan has reproduced. What is the offspring of Satan? Yes, the carnal mind. He produced the carnal mind, but it is going to be destroyed because it is illegal. He is not qualified to reproduce, and the spirit ruling him was the spiritual pestilence of God, the judgment of the Lord, even Satan in the unconscious mind, and he caused the spiritual members of the living soul to separate from their bodies, and the spiritual life of the living soul to continue in an unseen place under the earth of the souls and bodies of natural men. As we studied here, without the interception of Christ, the living soul, the human race, is doomed to death. It will die unto every last man if it does not receive the life of Christ, which is in the process of receiving.
Going on with the second half of verse 8. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. This word power, you may recall that there are two Greek words that can be translated power. This is Strong’s #1849, the Greek word exousia. It means ability, privilege, force, and authority. That is opposed to the Greek word dunamis, which really means the power to do it. It would mean the power to pick up this desk, but we are dealing with the Greek word exousia, which means the authority.
The word kill in Revelation 6:8 is Strong’s #615 in the Greek. This word kill is a different word than we see used in Revelation 6:4 with the red horse, which is Strong’s #4969 if you want to check it out. Kill in Revelation 6:8 means to kill outright. This is not thanatos, which means the separation of the soul from the body. This word #615 means to kill outright, to put to death, to extinguish, to abolish, to put out of the way. It means total destruction of your body, your soul, and your spiritual life. This is what the unconscious mind has been given authority to do, and also to kill us with hunger. Hunger is Strong’s #3042 and it means scarcity of food. It means famine, through the idea of destitution. It means to be totally without.
I suggest to you that what the Scripture is saying, that if Satan can do it, if he can trick you into not using the power that Christ has imparted to you, you will be totally without the life and the power of Almighty God. We have had teachings in this ministry about treading Christ underfoot as it is described in Hebrews. We have been told that it is possible to birth the Christ, to have his life, to have his authority, to have his power in you, and the only way Satan is going to get on top of you, once you have that, is if somewhere, someway, somehow you are in agreement with Satan. Do not tell me you did not know, because you are responsible to dissect your own motives, and your own behavior. When that happens, when you join in your mind with Satan, Christ is forced back. You go from here to here. You go from Christ being in authority over your life to Satan being an authority over your life.
As we taught on another message, it is never in just one instance. You cannot say, well, I really do not want to fight off this thought. It just sounds too good, so I am going to yield to it today. Brethren, when Christ gets tread underfoot, when you turn from Christ ruling in your life to Satan ruling in your life, he is not getting back up so easy, brethren, because the Scripture says your ground, or your soul, is nigh onto cursing, if you have agreed with Satan. I declare to you, brethren, you cannot sin. If your mind is in union with Christ, if you really want the victory over something, and I am not suggesting it is going to happen in five minutes. You can fall down seven times, and God will raise you up every time, but God knows your heart. If you really want the victory over some wickedness in your heart, you are going to get it. Christ is not going to be tread under your foot.
If Christ is tread under your foot, I know what happened to you. Somewhere, somehow, someway, deep in the recesses of your mind, you love that sin. I am going to tell you something else, brethren. You do not need to be condemned over that either, because this is all you have to do. I have lived this, and I have practiced it. I have said to the Lord, Lord, I have this sin in my heart. I do not even want to repent, because I love it, but I know your law. I read your book and you told me that it is wrong. I want you to love me and I want your righteousness. Please give me repentance, and He gave me repentance. He will do the whole thing, brethren. Your heart just has to desire Him. Glory to God.
He is going to kill us with the sword. He is going to kill us with hunger, and it says He is going to kill us with death. This word death is thanatos. That is the separation of the soul from the body. We know that is the death of the body. We are dealing with death on two levels, the death of the soul and the death of the body. So He is going to kill us spiritually with hunger for spiritual food. He is going to kill us by killing our bodies. He is going to kill us with the sword. I think I went past that. That sword is not the sword that was given to the rider of the red horse, which was a slaughter weapon. This is the sword which is a sword of war. It is a saber. He is going to kill us with spiritual warfare, which I guess we were just speaking about. It is a warfare, and if you do not raise up the sword of Christ, you are lost.
I am just going to say it one more time because it is really on my heart this morning. You do not have to do this in your own power. You could be laying down, utterly paralyzed, and just think, Lord, I am lost. He is going to zoom in there and raise you up. It has happened to me, but you have to desire His righteousness. That is all He requires of you. You have to admit that you are wrong. When you do not desire His righteousness, do you want to know what the root cause is? It is pride. It is pride. That is all it is. To desire His righteousness you have to admit that you are unrighteous, and that you made a mistake. Glory to God.
He is also going to kill you with the beasts of the earth, the earth typifying the soul. The word beasts is Strong’s #2342. It means venomous wild beast. Strong’s says it is a diminutive. We have spoken about diminutives in these services before. It means a little wild beast. Well, what in the world is a little wild beast? Strong’s also says that, almost without a question amongst all of the Greek scholars, the little wild beast is as venomous as the big wild beast. What is the scripture talking about? I suggest to you God is talking about Satan and his offspring, which indeed, is the carnal mind. We have had many teachings here that the carnal mind is made up of many personality characteristics which can be called demons. Just as the life of Christ is made up of the fruits of the Spirit; life, love, mercy, peace and temperance, also the carnal mind is made up of; evil, hatred, envy, and murder. Those are the demons, which the composite of, is the carnal mind. Hallelujah.
Alternate translation of the second half of Revelation, Chapter 6, Verse 8. And authority was given to him over the unconscious minds of men to utterly destroy them off the face of the earth by doing spiritual battle against them in their unconscious minds by depriving them of the bread from heaven, which is Christ, preventing Christ from coming forth, which gives eternal life, and by causing their souls to continue to separate from their bodies because of sin. That is the only reason your soul separates from your body, brethren. It is because of sin. He is also going to kill them with the demons, whose tyranny it is impossible to overcome without the power of Christ. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
A thought crossed my mind as I was reading that, and now I lost it. Let me read it again. And authority was given to him over the unconscious minds of men to utterly destroy them from off the face of the earth by doing spiritual battle against them in their unconscious minds, by depriving them of the bread from heaven, which gives eternal life, and by causing their souls to continue to separate from their bodies, because of sin, and with the demons, whose tyranny it is impossible to overcome without the power of Christ. The implication being the demons encourage you to sin over, and over, and over. They have spiritual power over your mind, over your will, and over your lusts.
Sometimes when we have to deal with a sin, there are demons that have to come out, but we have found out in this ministry that after many demons have been cast out, very often that sin is still in our mind. We found out that it is emanating from the root of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which is the soul of man. What the demons do is make it almost impossible for us to control that impulse. So when by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ, the evil spirit is cast out, then the impulse, which is the root of our spiritual being, becomes controllable, and can be brought into submission to the power of Christ within our hearts. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
I guess the Lord wanted me to comment on that, doing spiritual battle against them in their unconscious minds. That was what we were just speaking about. You cannot do anything without asking the Lord what your motive is. Unless it is something that I do every day like go to work at a secular job, I always say to the Lord, what is my motive? Do you want me to do it or do you not want me to do it. It does not have to be anything terribly spiritually criminal. It could be something that is going to drain my strength. It could be running to the other side of Long Island and it could just be Satan’s purpose in draining me. It does not have to be telling me to murder somebody.
The whole point is that our minds are supposed to be coming under the total control of the Lord Jesus Christ. I would not want to walk from here to there if my motivation was not the Lord. We have to bring every thought into submission, and you cannot do that until you identify every thought. You cannot identify every thought until you isolate every thought. You cannot isolate every thought until you question every thought. This is work. This is war, brethren. Laughter. Glory to God.
Alternate translation of Revelation, Chapter 6, Verse 8. And I looked into the realm of the Spirit, and there it was, a sickly looking horse, not qualified to reproduce, and the spirit ruling him was the spiritual pestilence of God, the judgment of the Lord, even Satan in the unconscious mind, and he caused the spiritual members of the living soul to separate from their bodies, and the spiritual life of the living soul to continue in an unseen place, under the earth of the souls and bodies of natural men. And authority was given to him over the unconscious minds of men to utterly destroy them from off of the face of the earth by doing spiritual battle against them in their unconscious minds by depriving them of the bread from heaven, which gives eternal life, and by causing their souls to continue to separate from their bodies, because of sin, and with the demons, whose tyranny it is impossible to overcome without the power of Christ.
Recap of Revelation, Chapter 6, Verses 5 thru 8. And as the power of Christ released the third part of the living soul from Satan’s control, I understood that the part of the redeemed man, which was seen in the realm of appearance, even Adam, was saying, let the work of the Lord Jesus Christ appear in the many members of the living soul, and let men be aware of it. And I saw in the Spirit, and there it was, the part of the living soul which was in darkness and without the light of God, even the human soul, and he was under the yolk of the law in his part of the living soul. And I heard a spiritual instruction coming forth from the deepest recesses of the redeemed man saying, may the many members of the living soul be purchased back unto God, but the vehicle by which God is doing this, even the Holy Spirit, and the life of the Father within him, must not be violated, so that the life of Christ may be birth in them, and then persecuted and crucified, so that Satan can be swallowed up and their new lives in Christ harvested into the kingdom of God. And as the power of Christ released the fourth part of the living soul from Satan, I understood that the flying eagle in redeemed man, even the unseen spiritual realm of hades saying, let the work of the Lord Jesus Christ appear in the many members of the living soul, and let men be aware of it and understand it. And I looked into the realm of the Spirit, and there it was, a sickly looking horse, not qualified to reproduce, and the spirit ruling him was the spiritual pestilence of God, the judgment of the Lord, even Satan in the unconscious mind, and he caused the spiritual members of the living soul to separate from their bodies and the spiritual life of the living soul to continue in an unseen place under the earth of the souls and bodies of natural men. And authority was given to him over the unconscious minds of men to utterly destroy them from off of the face of the earth by doing spiritual battle against them in their unconscious minds by depriving them of the bread from heaven, which gives eternal life, and by causing their souls to continue to separate from their bodies because of sin, and with the demons, whose tyranny it is impossible to overcome without the power of Christ. Hallelujah.
08/17/2013 Transcribed by MJS