Part 3 of 4 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation
By The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
Before the message begins, I would like to make you all aware of a correction. On this message with regard to further study about the dragon of Revelation 12 and the scarlet coloured beast of Revelation 17, I recommended our message #8. That is incorrect. If you would like to pursue that further, the correct message is #5 Satan Swallowed Up.
Praise the Lord. This is The Four Horsemen of the Book of Revelation, Part 3. Glory to God. I would like to tell you right at the beginning of this message that there is another teaching that supports the teaching that you are going to hear tonight. If you would like to pursue it, it is a study in the second half of Isaiah 14:16 and verse 17 of Isaiah. It is on message #31 Part 5, and it picks up on it towards the end of the message. I just happened to be listening to it today, reviewing it for the Encyclopedic Index, and it might help you to understand this Chapter 6 of the Book of Revelation.
Last Sunday we did a study in the Book of Zechariah on the four horses that the prophet Zechariah saw. We found out that that was a prophesy regarding the living soul, and how it would unfold into many members, and what happened to it, how it was going to fall. You may recall that it said the actual reading of the scripture is that the horses were in the chariot. We found out what that meant was that the four chariots typified the fullness of the reproductive ability of the living soul, and the horses typifying the many members, when they are developed to their fullest, appear in the realm of appearance, at which point, in the past, we have called them horses.
I do not want to confuse you, but I have to tell you that in the study in Zechariah, when I did the study, I found out that the horses did not typify men in the realm of appearance. They typified the potential members of the living soul. You may recall at the end of our study in Zechariah, the living soul asked the angel, which is Jesus Christ, for permission to appear in the realm of appearance, and he gave the living soul permission to do so. When the living soul appeared in the realm of appearance, the members were still called horses. This is the way the Lord showed it to me. The horses typified the many members in utero, so to speak. When they did finally appear, they were still called horses. It typified the many members of the living soul in utero. For whatever reason, in the book of the prophet Zechariah, they were not described in a different form in utero, than when they were birth into the realm of appearance. I said it that time.
They were called horses, both when they were potential members of the living soul, and even after they had appeared in the realm of appearance. The Holy Spirit, through the prophet Zechariah, still called them horses. We found out that the potential reproductive ability of the living soul is to produce souls that dwell in human bodies. That is what we see across the earth today. The reproductive potential of the Christ is to bring forth or make life giving spirits, or quickening spirits, out of every soul that lives in a body on the face of the earth. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
Now in the Book of Revelation, in chapter 6, the horse is mentioned first. Then we talk about its rider. What I am trying to say without making this too complicated, is that in the Old Testament we are dealing with the development of the living soul from this embryonic stage in the realm of the spirit, until the point where it has appeared across the face of the earth. In the New Testament in the Book of Revelation, we are dealing with the living soul after it has appeared in many members on the face of the earth, and it is now a soul in a body in many members. It is a soul in many members, each member having a body, and we are dealing with the spiritual life that rules in the living soul. What we are talking about is Christ coming forth, and apprehending the many members of the living soul, and bringing forth his life in it, thereby converting us from a living soul to a quickening spirit. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
There is a point that I want to make. There is going to be a correction from a previous message here. I am going to try and convey a point to you. If I cannot do it, because it is really confusing, do not worry about it. Just pray about it, and God will get it to us. Now we had a teaching here that said the Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the earth became the natural man. The Lamb was slain, the Son of God was slain, and what happened to him? He became us. Remember that teaching? I hope that I made it clear on that message. At least, I tried to.
When the Lamb that was slain became us, he became man in the female element, with every full intention of God the Father, who was still in the realm of the Spirit, sending forth His spiritual life to fertilize the female element, and reproduce Christ in every member of the living soul. Jesus Christ of Nazareth, a man, overcame by the power of God, was crucified, was resurrected from the dead, and has ascended to the right hand of the Father. In God’s eyes, the living soul has already been raised up. We are told all power in heaven and earth has been given to Jesus Christ. Now he is bringing forth his sons in us.
In the Book of Revelation, when the Lord speaks about the Lamb, he is no longer talking about natural members of the living soul. When he talks about the Lamb in the Book of Revelation, he is talking about the Lamb that has prevailed. He was slain, and he has been redeemed. He has been raised from the dead. I hope I am making it clear. When God talks about the Lamb in the Book of Revelation, He is no longer talking about the natural man, who Jesus became when he was slaughtered, because that living soul has already been raised back up to the heavenlies in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. God is not looking at the members of the living soul that have not been raised back up. He is looking at Jesus. He is looking at Jesus, and He is saying that Lamb that was slain, that became the natural man, he has been raised up. He has been redeemed, and every human being in whom his life appears, is now a member of the Lamb company.
What I am trying to convey to you is that for purposes of our study in the Book of Revelation, the Lamb is not the natural man. The Lamb is that company of human beings in whom the resurrected Christ is appearing. Does anyone have a problem with that at this point? The Scripture makes a distinction between the Lamb in the living creatures. Now we know that when Christ appears in us, we are going to be a spiritual man. For all intents and purposes, the Lamb in the living creature will be one. Now this is another situation where we talk about the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. They are all one. The Lamb and the living creature is one.
The Lamb typifies the life of Christ inside of a man, the power that is going to raise us up. The Lamb in our study in Revelation typifies the resurrected Christ in you. When that resurrected Christ is birth in us, it is going to drag our soul up. It is going to raise our soul up and spiritualize it. So the Lamb typifies the resurrected Christ in a man. The living creature typifies the soul that has been dragged up and redeemed by the power of the Lamb, but they are one. It is a spiritual man. Jesus Christ was a spiritual man. It is like saying your heart is not a part of you. God does this consistently in the Scriptures to help us to understand.
What we have is a spiritual man that has been redeemed by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. God breaks him into two pieces. He says I am going to call you the Lamb, but He is referring to the power of Christ in you. When He calls you a living creature, He is referring to the soul man that appears in the realm of appearance, that speaks and talks. So when a natural man walks down the street, the risen Christ could be walking down the street, and when a natural man comes walking by, with no spiritual discernment at all, what he is going to see is a living creature. He is going to look at this form, and it is going to look like a man, and in that instant God will describe it as a living creature. When that man spoke and said to the unsaved man walking down the street, rise up and walk, that is the Lamb saying rise up and walk, because it is the spiritual authority coming forth from the living creature. Hallelujah.
The correction that I want to make is in Chapter 6 verse 1. I did not get the understanding when I studied this through, that there are four beasts, each opening up a seal. Each of these four beasts typify one of the four manifestations of the spiritual man which we read about in chapter 4 verse 7. The first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face of a man, and the fourth beast was like the flying eagle. We studied that and we found out that it typified four different character aspects of the spiritual man. In verse 1 of chapter 6 where it says; And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, I saw the power of God was in the spiritual man, releasing the natural man from Satan, and I heard as it were the noise of thunder.
We did a study and we found out that the noise of thunder was like the word ruwach. When we did the word study on it, we found out that it was likened to the word ruwach. What I missed was it was the lion aspect of the spiritual man that was opening this particular seal. We know that the lion aspect of the spiritual man is the Christ. It is the human spirit that has been joined to the Christ that has appeared.
I want to read you a new alternate translation on verse 1 in Chapter 6 of the Book of Revelation. And since my attention was already turned toward the vision, as it passed before my eyes, I saw the power of Christ begin to release men from Satan’s control, and I heard the lion in redeemed man expressing his spiritual authority saying, let the work of the Lord Jesus Christ appear in the many members of the living soul, and let men be aware of it, and understand it, and as the lion in redeemed man spoke it, it came to pass in the realm of appearance. And I heard the sound of human spirits being expanded to the spiritual dimension of Christ. Now in verse 2 it says, And I saw, behold, a white horse and he that sat on him had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
I may have made this point two meetings ago, but I am not sure. What has happened here is that in verse 1, the lion in the redeemed man, which is the Christ in redeemed man, has said let my wife be reproduced in the souls of men. And lo, it happened in verse 2. That is it happening and coming to pass. Glory to God. The word white is Strong’s #2022 and it means a light. There are different definitions here than in the Old Testament. I do not know what the significance of that is, but in the Old Testament, the word white really means white. In the New Testament it means light, bright, brilliant, and it is also used to describe ripening wheat.
In verse 1 we have the Christ coming forth, and the redeemed man saying, let it come to pass in all of you. All of a sudden there was a white horse, white typifying the harvest of Christ coming forth in the soul of man. Hallelujah. John 4:35 says; Say not ye there are yet four months unto you. Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields, for they are white already to harvest. So the white horse typifies the ripening fruit of Christ coming forth in the soul of natural man. That is the next stage in the development of man. Hallelujah. And he that sat on him had a bow. Now there have been all kinds of controversy over this scripture. Some Bible scholars say the weapon of the Lord Jesus Christ is a sword.
It never ceases to amaze me. I try not to take the blessings that God has given me for granted, but all you had to do was look in the Concordance and you could find out that the bow is a weapon of the Lord. He uses different weapons for different purposes. Any kind of hunter or military man uses different weapons for different purposes. A soldier has a rifle and a grenade. He has a knife. There are many different weapons. I just thank the Lord for this ability that He has given me. Let us just go on and see what He tells us.
The word bow is Strong’s #5115. It is the only time that it is used in the New Testament. Webster Dictionary says that a bow is a weapon made of a strip of flexible material such as wood, with a cord connecting the two ends, and holding the strip bent, and it is used to propel an arrow. Now we know that wood typifies man. So here we have a weapon made of the substance of which natural man is. We have a weapon made of wood. We have a natural man that is being used as a weapon, but he is only half a weapon. He needs an arrow. Webster says that an arrow is a missile weapon shot from a bow, and it usually has a slender shaft, a pointed head, and feathers at the butt.
Now we know that the arrowhead is usually either stone or metal, which typifies spirit. So we have wood, typifying the natural man. Now this is in the weapon. We have the wood of the natural man. We have the stone or the metal of the spirit, and the feathers that balance the arrow. We found out recently, one of the aspects of the redeemed man is that he is a flying eagle. That typifies man and spirit in the realm of appearance. So here we have a weapon, and it is a weapon that is being worked through man as he appears in the realm of appearance. We know he is in the realm of appearance because of the feathers.
Let us find out whose weapon this is. I think the Scripture is very clear that both the enemy and God uses a bow, but the Scripture does speak about God using a bow. Jeremiah 9:8; Their tongue is as an arrow shot out. This is showing you that men are arrows. Their tongue is an arrow. Men can be spiritual arrows. It speaketh deceit. One speaketh peaceably to his neighbor with his mouth, but in heart he layeth his wait. So if a natural man is a bow, the arrow within the bow is his tongue. Hallelujah. If you are speaking the words of the natural man, your arrows are of the enemy, but if you are speaking forth the judgments of God in righteousness, arrows are coming forth from your mouth, and you are the bow of the Lord. Hallelujah.
Lamentations 3:12 and13; The Lord has bent his bow, and set me as a mark for the arrow. He hath caused the arrows of his quiver to enter into my reins. So here we have substantiation that the Lord does use a bow, and He uses it to perform judgment. If we are the bow of the Lord, and the words that we speak are the arrows, what the writer of Lamentations is saying is that he has sent a prophet to him to speak the truth, and that that truth has gone right into his reins or his heart. If God sends someone to you to say something to you that causes you pain, brethren, it may be causing you pain at the moment, but the ultimate reason for it is to bring forth deliverance in your life. Hallelujah.
Jeremiah 50:29; Call together the archers against Babylon: all ye that bend the bow, camp against it round about; let none thereof escape: recompense her according to her work; according to all that she hath done, do unto her: for she hath been proud against the Lord, against the Holy One of Israel. So if the sons of God are the bow of the Lord, and they shall be speaking the arrows of His judgments, He is sending them against Babylon, which is false religion, brethren. That is the religious works that come forth from your own soul. What we are establishing here is that the bow is one of the weapons of the Lord.
Psalm 64:7; But God shall shoot at them with an arrow; suddenly shall they be wounded. The ones that the Lord God are attacking are the souls of men. God is not going to send one man against another. He is sending the Christ against the living soul. Now God might send a prophet to you with a word, but by and large, we are getting to the point where the warfare, the tribulation that we are coming to, is between the Christ that has appeared in you, and your soul. God might send a prophet to someone who has not yet birth the Christ, or who is not yet mature in Christ, but ultimately the war of the ages, the tribulation, what we are getting down to, every man has to fight it, brethren.
When Christ appears in you, he will wage war against your soul. That is the war of the ages, Christ in your mind waging war against your carnal mind. That is it. In an immature stage, God might send a prophet to you with a word, if the Christ in you is not powerful enough, or if the Christ in you needs to be strengthened, or if the Christ in you cannot deal with the particular situation, God will send another son of God to help you. Ultimately, the war of the ages is Christ in you coming to full stature and waging war against your carnal mind. Any word that comes to you from another believer, it is only happening in preparation for the Christ in you to come to full stature, when the real Armageddon will take place.
I know that most of us here have experienced God sending believers to one another, and we talk about the scripture in Jeremiah, where if you tell them the truth, whether they hear it or whether they forbade, their blood is not on your hands. We all know about that, brethren, but I suggest to you that that is a precursor. It comes before the real battle. All of this goes on in a stage of the creation which exists before Christ has appeared in you. The real battle, the real war of the worlds is the fully mature Christ in you and your adamic mind. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
I just want to comment on the weapon of the Lord being the sword, because the proponents of this theory that this man on the white horse, the rider of the white horse cannot be Christ, and they call him anti-christ. They base that judgment on the fact that he carries a bow. They say the weapon of the Lord is a sword. I just wanted to point out to you that a sword is made out of metal, at least the part that cuts. I do not know about the handle, but the actual weapon, the blade, is made out of metal, and metal typifies spirit. God is a Spirit. He is a weapon. He is power. He can do anything He wants, but He has decided that the power of His sword should manifest through men. He has taken that metal that typifies the sword and He has made it into an arrowhead, and He has tied it onto our tongues. This is the plan of the Lord. He does not want to be a sword. He wants to be an arrow in you. I do not know why, but this is His plan. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
Alternate translation of the first half of Revelation 6:2. I will read the first half to you from the King James Version first. And I saw, and behold, a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow. Alternate translation now. And as I continued to look into the realm of the Spirit, a miracle, I saw one who had been restored to the correct moral order, who was dazzlingly white with righteousness because Christ was manifesting through him, making him into a weapon. Brethren, when Christ appears in you, you shall have become a weapon.
I mentioned here one night, that we meet in a building where there are other rooms, and a karate school moved in across the hall. God never fails to teach me from everything that comes into my life. I walked past the sign on the door, and I do not know much about karate, and the sign was talking about the different classes that were available. On the sign it said, Weapons; First degree, Black belt and Green belt. These people that are in cultures that believe in karate and Jujitsu, have a revelation that man can be a weapon without needing a gun or a knife. They know that man, himself, can be a weapon. The world has this revelation, and they have done it. They have performed it. There are cultures that have total control over their body like a lot of these cultures in the Middle East.
I saw a movie not too long ago, where a man that was highly trained in karate and jujitsu, but he was caught and committed suicide by swallowing his own tongue. I do not want anyone twisting my words. I am not for suicide. I do not believe in suicide. My point is that there are cultures in this world that have a revelation that they can have total control over their bodies, that they can do anything they want to their body, by the power of their will. They can defend themselves. The can kill a man or they can kill themselves by swallowing their tongues. They do not need a gun or a knife or a pill. They just command their body and it does it.
Well brethren, we know that everything that God has is the reality of what is the counterfeit in the world. Of course, it is demonic, that you should kill yourself by swallowing your tongue. It is demonic that you should be trained to such a point that you could kill a man or break boards with your hand. In case anyone reading this and does not have this revelation, the way these men and women get so powerful is that they kick in demon power. Their power comes from demon power. If there is anyone reading this that does not know that, and is offended by what I just said about karate, I am sorry, but I am telling you the truth.
The power that comes to these people that causes their bodies to become a weapon is from the spiritual authority known as demons. But there is a promise in the Bible for men who will give their life to the living God, that their bodies can become a weapon, not by lifting up their hands and chopping blocks, but by the spoken word. This promise is for everyone that calls on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We have not seen it in the world, and there are many today that are saying, where is the promise of his coming since our fathers have long fell asleep?
We see churches all over the world with no power; no power to heal, no power to deliver, no power in the Word, no power to defend, no power at all. It is filled with people that are self-righteous, because the power of God has not fallen to humble them, and impart the righteousness of God to them. We are living in the hour, brethren, when the promises of God are about to come to pass. The promise, of course, is eternal life, but associated with that promise is that we shall become a weapon, not to bring death, brethren. We are to be a weapon that will destroy death and bring forth life in others. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
Isaiah 41:15 says; Behold, I will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth: thou shalt thresh the mountains, and beat them small, and shalt made the hills as chaff. When I was in the deliverance church where I was raised up, we used to take that scripture and say we were going to beat the demons to a pulp. Brethren, the demons are in the people, and there is only one purpose in destroying demons, which are a part of the adamic personality, and that is to strip them of their power, which power is opposing the manifestation of Christ in that man. It is the only reason for dealing with the demons, to get them out of the way so that Christ can appear. Christ must appear.
If you are reading this message, and the emphasis in your life and on your mind is the demons, I adjure you to pray about this. Come up higher. Come up higher because there is more than casting out demons. I believe in casting out demons. We do it here, but it is not the end. The end is Christ in you. There is no salvation in the casting out of demons. Salvation is only in the name of the Son of God, which is his life being birth in you. Hallelujah.
Let us take a look at that scripture in Isaiah 41:15 again. Behold, I will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth: thou shalt thresh the mountains, and beat them small, and shalt make the hills as chaff. That word new is in the Hebrew, Strong’s #2319, and it really means rebuilt, not throwing away the old and taking something new, but rebuilding. We know that God is taking the natural man, and He is making a spiritual man out of him. He is not throwing anything away.
The word sharp is Strong’s #2742 and it really is a poor translation. It really means the result of having a sharp instrument applied to you. It means a trench that has been dug out by a sharp instrument. It refers to the gold that had been mined. That is what it means, something that has resulted from the sharp instrument being applied to it.
The word threshing is Strong’s #4173 and it means to thresh wheat. We know that wheat comes in a husk, and it has to be separated. That husk is called the chaff, and it has to be separated. The word instrument does not appear in the Hebrew. The word teeth is Strong’s #6374 and it really means a cutting edge.
The word beat is Strong’s #1854 and again we are talking to reduce in size by threshing out grain. We know that the edible part of the grain has to be separated from the chaff which reduces it from size. There is that very well-known scripture that says enter in by the straight gate. Everybody misunderstands that scripture, and they use it as few there shall be that enter in. Believers that do not understand use that scripture to say that God is only saving a very few of the members of the living soul. But I declare to you otherwise. I did a word study on that. Maybe someday God will let me put it in a message. What that word few means is that you have to be small to enter in. It means all of the chaff has to be taken away from you. It means only the spiritual life of Christ is going to enter into the kingdom. That is what it means, not few members of the living soul, but you have to be small and thin and narrow to get through. Everything that is not of God has to be done away with or swallowed up by Christ. That is what it means.
Alternate translation of Isaiah 41:15; Look, after I dig my spirit out from beneath the earth of your soul, I will make you into a rebuilt soul that will be a weapon which will be able to separate my life from the life of Satan, and you shall separate them from their vile natural bodies. I will make you into a rebuilt soul that will be a weapon which will be able to separate my life from the life of Satan in other men, and you shall separate them from their vile natural body. Because once you separate my life from the life of Satan in the minds of men, the life of Christ is going to go to war against the mind of Satan, and the result of it will be the glorified body; total deliverance. This is what God is doing. Hallelujah.
Revelation 6:2, second half in King James Version. And a crown was given unto him, and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. I would like to read you that phrase in the King James 2 translation. And a crown was given to him, and he went forth overcoming, and that he might overcome. That word conquer is in the Greek, Strong’s #3528, and it means overcoming, and it is the same word used throughout the first chapters of the Book of Revelation when Jesus is speaking to the seven churches, and he says, and he that overcometh. We have established that he that overcometh is the Christ in you. He that overcometh is the Christ in me. Hallelujah.
So here is another proof that the rider of the white horse is Christ. First of all, we established that his weapon, the bow, is natural man, and now we see that he is going forth to overcome, and we know the one who overcomes is Christ. I am declaring to you that the rider of the white horse is Christ. He is also white unto harvest. He is ripe unto harvest. He is ripe with righteousness. He is living out through men and he is overcoming through men. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
We are dealing with the second half of Revelation 6:2. And a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. Now this word give is Strong’s #1325 and it can be translated to give one to someone to whom he has already belonged. We know that the living soul belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ, but he was sold unto Satan because of sin. We are going to translate this word give that way. Jesus is taking back what is rightfully his. On a previous message we talked about the kinsman redeemer. It is in the Levitical law that at the 50thyear, the year of Jubilee, if a piece of land had to be sold out of the family because of a need for money, if there was a blood relative of that family that had the money to buy back that land, whoever owned it had to sell. He had to be given a fair price, but he had to sell the land back.
That is what is happening to us. The living soul, which was made out of the very substance of God, and was sold unto Satan for the purposes of reproduction, is now being repurchased by the Lord Jesus Christ, and the price that he has paid is Himself. He is our relative. We are made out of his life. We are made out of his substance. The natural man is made out of the substance of the Lord Jesus Christ. The price that he is paying to get us back is himself. He is the ransom, and he shall be nailed to our souls for the life of the ages, so that we can be righteous and live. Hallelujah.
We are dealing with a crown was given unto him and he went forth conquering and to conquer. Now this word went out or went forth, is Strong’s #1831 and it is the equivalent of the Hebrew word #3318 that we used a lot in our study in Zechariah last Sunday. We said that the living soul unfolded like a plant into many members, and here we have the equivalent Greek word. We are saying that this rider on the white horse was going out to do what? He is going out to reproduce Christ in the many members of the living soul, and it says he unfolded. He spread his life all over. He unfolded like a plant, and indeed, he calls himself a tree. Hallelujah.
And that he might overcome. The word and is not in the Greek. Now concerning the word crown, we discussed that in earlier chapters of the Book of Revelation. The crown is not the gold crown that you see in fairy tales, but it is the crown from Roman days, where twigs were woven together. It is something that is woven that sits on the head. We established in prior messages that it refers to the weaving of the mind of Christ to the natural mind. When his mind is utterly woven to the mind of man, it will subdue every ungodly thing in it. The salvation for mankind and of man is in being woven together in our minds with Christ. That is where the salvation is.
Alternate translation of the second half of Revelation 6 verse 2. And the sons of God were joined with him in their minds, and his life took root and germinated, and he appeared, overcoming Satan in the minds of the first fruits company. If you are reading this message, it is probably you. You are probably one of them. So that through them, through that first fruits company, he might be sowed in the minds of the entire living soul, germinate, appear in them, and overcome Satan in each of them also. When Christ joins his mind to the members of his first fruits company, they shall be his bow. They are going forth and the arrows that they shall shoot shall fertilize the souls of men everywhere. Christ shall appear in them. He shall germinate, he shall unfold, and he shall rise up, and this is how he is taking over the entire living soul. He is purchasing it back with his very life as it appears in each member. Hallelujah.
I will read the whole verse for you. Alternate translation of Revelation, Chapter 6, Verse 2. And as I continued to look into the realm of the spirit, a miracle, I saw one who had been restored to the correct moral order, who was dazzling white with righteousness, because the resurrected Christ was manifesting through him, making him into a weapon. And the sons of God were joined with him in their minds, and his life took root and germinated, and he appeared, overcoming Satan in the minds of the first fruits company, so that through them he might be sowed in the minds of the entire living soul, germinate, appear in them, and overcome Satan in each of them also. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
I want to read you the alternate translation of verse 1 and 2 because they go together. I am trying to convey to you this idea that the Lamb opened the seal, the beast spoke, and then it came to pass. I am going to read verse 1 and 2 in the alternate translation. And since my attention was already turned towards the vision, as it passed before my eyes, I saw the power of Christ begin to release men from Satan’s control. And I heard the lion or the Christ in redeemed man expressing his spiritual authority saying, let the work of the Lord Jesus Christ appear in the many members of the living soul, and let men be aware of it, and understand it. As the lion or the Christ in redeemed man spoke it, it came to pass in the realm of appearance, and I heard the sound of human spirits being expanded to the spiritual dimension of Christ. And as I continued to look into the realm of the spirit, a miracle, I saw one who had been restored to the correct moral order. It was spoken and the sons of God appeared, who was dazzling white with righteousness, because the resurrected Christ was manifesting through him, making him a weapon. And the sons of God were joined with him in their minds, and his life took root and germinated, and he appeared, overcoming Satan in the minds of the first fruits company, so that through them he might be sowed in the minds of the entire living soul, germinate, appear in them, and overcome Satan in each of them also. Glory to God.
Verse 3. And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. We did the first phrase of verse 4 so that you could follow me. There went out another horse that was red. So we are dealing with the red horse. We are going to find out which manifestation of the redeemed man is the red horse. Alternate translation of Revelation, Chapter 6, Verse 3. And as the power of Christ released men from Satan’s control, I understood that the calf in redeemed man, even the castrated Satan was saying, let the work of the Lord Jesus Christ appear in the many members of the living soul, and let men be aware of it, and understand it.
Now I am going to go over where I got that from, but I want to emphasize right now that every aspect of the redeemed man was saying, let the Lord Jesus Christ appear, including Satan, who was under the dominion of the mind of the Christ. When Christ is woven to your mind, Satan in your mind who is killing you right now, is going to be saying, let Jesus Christ appear in the many members of the living soul. Let us see how we got that.
Verse 4. There went out another horse that was red, and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another, and there was given unto him a great sword. Now this is very interesting. I worked for hours on this. This is really fascinating. I am finding doing this harder than doing Old Testament prophesy, for some reason. I do not know why. It is just really difficult, but it is glorious. Now this word another. There went out another horse. I want to point out to you that you all know there are four horses. You could check this out on your own. This is the only horse where the word another is used. This is the only horse out of the four where it says another horse came out. Glory to God.
For example, in verse 8 it says; And I looked, and behold, a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death. It does not say another horse. Now let us try and find out what this word another means. It is Strong’s #243. It means other, different, the other of the two, the rest, the remainder, and it implies that there are just two. But we know that there are four horses. So what is going on here? I just have a couple of witnesses for you that this word is translated other of the two, or the remainder. 1 Corinthians 14:29; Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge. Let the ones who are not prophets judge.
John 21:8; And the other disciples came in a little ship. The disciples that were not already on the boat came in a little ship. Two categories. I am going to tell you what I am getting at so you do not have to guess. There are only two men in the earth. There is Adam and there is Christ. What I am suggesting to you is that the third and the fourth horse are in Adam. I am suggesting to you that this is the first Adam and the last Adam. We will work it through. I just do not want to leave you guessing at what I am getting at.
Alternate translation, the first quarter of Revelation, Chapter 6:4. I am translating it, and the other of the two Adams unfolded. Now the first Adam was Christ, the quickening spirit. He appeared first, and now the other Adam, the Adam that was the living soul, unfolded. 1 Corinthians 15:45; And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. The reason I draw this conclusion is that the word red is Strong’s #4450 and it means fire like, flame colored, and it is from a root that means lightning. Now the Hebrew equivalent of this word is Strong’s #122 that means ruddy. It is from Strong’s #119 which means Adam. Glory to God.
Revelation 12:3; And there appeared another wonder in heaven, and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. That is the same word, red. We established in another message that the red dragon was indeed Satan, and that this word red, and the translation lightning, refers to spiritual power, because Satan is the spiritual power that rules in the living soul. We are told in Revelation 6:4 that there went out another horse that was red, and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. Now that cannot be Adam because as I am going to show you in the next verse I have for you, that Adam has been utterly humiliated. He is being ruled by the spiritual power of Satan. Let us go on and we will talk about this a little more.
I just read you Revelation 12:3 and we said that there was a great red dragon. He had seven heads, ten horns, and seven crowns upon his head. He had developed into the fullest extent of the power of the living soul. Now Adam has become an illegal spiritual power and the fallen living souls’ name is changed from Adam to Satan, because Adam is totally ruled by Satan. This is how I draw the conclusion that this red horse is Satan. Revelation 17:3; So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. There were seven heads and ten horns, and no crowns on the horns. Now this word scarlet coloured is a Greek word that means tinted or dyed red.
Adam is a humble humiliated nothing, and the reason he is tinted or dyed red is that the red lightning, the other Greek word, Strong’s #4450, is shining through him. The life of Satan is manifesting through Adam. That is the reason Adam is only tinted red, because his life is worthless. Satan is utterly appearing in him. Adam, the human soul, appears in the realm of appearance, reflecting Satan’s nature, and Eve the human spirit, who was married to Satan, has tread Adam her protector, who represents the consciousness of God, underfoot. Because she is joined to her husband, Satan, she is part of the spiritual life that rules the human soul and appears in the realm of appearance through him. Thus she is sitting on top of him.
So Satan is the power ruling in the living soul. I declare to you that he, indeed, is the red horse, and that what has unfolded in this Chapter 6 is the two Adams. Christ, the quickening spirit has unfolded, and Adam in his fallen condition, known as Satan, has come forth. God is saying, let all of mankind be redeemed, and what appears is the two warring factors, Christ and Adam in his fallen condition, Satan, and they are about to go to war with one another for what? For the minds and the bodies of mankind. Glory to God.
And power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth. The word given is Strong’s #1325 and it can be translated to commit a thing to one, to give in to one’s power. Those of us that have been studying here for awhile know that whether you are in Christ, or whether you are not in Christ, that Satan is the servant of Almighty God. If you are not in Christ, his job is to bring you to repentance, and if you are in Christ, his job is to challenge you to overcome, by the power of God, everything in your own mind that is not of God. Satan is the servant of Almighty God.
Something was given to him. Apparently it had been given by God. Only God can give authority to Satan. We are told this in the Book of Job. God said to Satan, go forth and take peace from the earth. What is the Scripture talking about? Go forth and take peace from the earth. What kind of peace is there in the earth? Look around. What kind of peace is there in the earth? We know that the earth was already divided. We are in Genesis 11. I am taking little clips from verses 1, 3, 6 and 8. And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech, and they said one to the other, go to, let us make brick and burn them throughly, and they had brick for stone, and slime they had for mortar. And the Lord said, behold, the people is one, and they have all one language, and this they begin to do. The people is one, one mind, and one accord, and this is what they do, and nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
Apparently, they were doing something bad. So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth. Man was of one mind, and one accord, and they got involved in witchcraft. If you want to study this out further, you can study it on message #11. The message that gives the teaching on the scarlet coloured beast and the red dragon is message #8. I cannot go into this teaching now, with regard to man being of one mind and one accord, and then God scattering them. It is on message #11 if you want to study it. But according to this scripture, man is no longer in one mind and one accord. There is no peace on the earth. Everybody is fighting with everybody. Countries are fighting with everybody. Friends are fighting with everybody. Husbands and wives are fighting with everybody. Children are fighting with their parents. There is no peace in the earth. What in the world is this scripture talking about.
Acts 7:57; And they cried out with a loud voice. Who? This is about Stephen, the people that Stephen was preaching to. They stopped up their ears. They did not want to hear what he was saying. They ran upon Stephen with one accord. They killed him. But I thought man was not in one accord anymore. Well, I declare to you, brethren, there is only one way, one instance, one time, one thought, in which mankind is in one accord. That is in his rebellion against God. You want to see man drawn together? Stand up and start preaching to them. They will run upon you as one man, and if they are not saved, they will run you out of town. They will hate you with one mind. Glory to God.
1 Corinthians 6:15 and16; Know ye not, that your bodies are the members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid. What? Know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? For two, saith he, shall be one flesh. That means one soul. So the natural man is one soul in their thoughts towards Christ; rebellion. Christ came into a world inhabited by members of the living soul that were in total agreement in their rebellion against God.
Revelation 17:5; And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. If you are joined to the harlot, brethren, and you are a natural man, you are joined to the harlot. You are one flesh with her, and you are in rebellion against God. I do not care if you go to church every Sunday. I do not care what kind of good works you do. If you are living your life out of your soul man, you are in rebellion against God. You might think that you are fine and wonderful. On the surface, you might be living an apparent Godly life, but I declare to you, when the truth of the Scripture comes to you, you are going to raise your fist and shake it at God, until His life appears in you. Natural man is at enmity with God in his mind, and they are joined in one mind with the harlot, in this thought, in this attitude, towards God. Hallelujah.
Alternate translation of the second quarter of Revelation, Chapter 6:4. And the spirit that was ruling through the second Adam, even Satan, was given authority to destroy the unity that exists in rebellion against God in the minds of natural men, setting them one against another. Matthew 10:34-36; Think not that I have come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. Brethren, the sword that he sent is Satan. For I am come to SET A MAN AT VARIANCE AGAINST HIS FATHER, AND THE DAUGHTER AGAINST HER MOTHER, AND THE DAUGHTER IN LAW AGAINST HER MOTHER IN LAW. And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.
What I am suggesting to you is the red horse, Satan, that was given the authority to take peace from the earth is doing. What he is doing is bringing forth rebellion to Christ. In this area where Christ did not appear in the earth of the minds of men, there was peace in this area. But when Christ appears, Satan stands up and says we will not have this man to rule over us. The peace is taken from the earth and the warfare starts, in your own mind, between Christ and your adamic minds, and between you, when you are yielding to Christ, and other men that are totally sold under the influence of the living soul. There is warfare in the earth between Christ and the living soul, and that is the peace that is taken from the earth. Hallelujah.
Continuing with; And that they should kill one another. Well, what does that mean? Kill is Strong’s #4969. That is the same word as slaughter, and it means to maim violently. It is the word that is used to describe the Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the earth. Satan has been given authority to take peace from the minds of men, from your own mind, and between you and others, that you should kill one another. Let us find out what is going on. 1 Peter 2 verses 7 to 8; Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: Jesus is precious. But unto them which be disobedient, he is a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient. The clash is between Christ and Adam, brethren, both in your own mind, and between you and heathen men that know not Christ.
Hebrews 4:12; For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and the marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. I just gave you two scriptures, one indicating the conflict between someone submitting to Christ, and someone not in Christ. The second one is describing the conflict or the taking of peace from your own mind. When Christ appears in your own mind and says what you have been doing for forty years is ungodly, brethren, your carnal mind is going to war with Christ, and not want to come back.
1 John 3 verses 11 and 12. For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew, that is the same word to kill or slaughter, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Why did he slaughter his brother? Because his own works were evil, and his brother’s were righteous. The peace that is being disturbed in the earth, brethren, the warfare that is resulting from it, is between righteousness and unrighteousness.
As I said earlier on this message, we might pass through a season where it is between one man and another. I am going through this on my job now. There are people that have raised themselves up in my office. I have done nothing to them, and they are slaughtering me, spiritually, but we are just passing through that stage, brethren. I declare to you that the true slaughter is my own carnal mind trying to kill the Christ in me. The result is that my carnal mind is going to die. Did I make it clear?
We are passing through a stage where it appears to be man against man, but it is not man against man. It is not man against man. It is just a stage that we are passing through, and ultimately every man is getting to the point where the battle is in his own mind, between Christ and Adam. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
As we pass through the stage when God permits people to come against us, that slaughter us, that literally tear us to pieces, and we are innocent, the only one that is being torn to pieces, brethren, is Adam. Christ is not being torn to pieces. I declare to you that when you are crucified spiritually like this, if the Christ in you rises up and blesses those people, and forgives them, I declare to you Adam is being ripped to pieces and Christ is being prospered in you. So God is using those other people, when the Christ in you is not mature enough to rise up and take on Adam, he is sending other people against you to do it for him. But when the day comes that Christ stands up in full power, he is not going to need to send other people to do it. The Christ in your own mind is going to utterly slaughter Adam. Glory to God.
Let me read that phrase for you again. And that they should kill one another. This word one another is Strong’s #240 and it means that they should mutually kill each other. Matthew 24 verses 3 and 10; And as he sat on the mount of Olives, the disciples said, tell us when shall these things be, and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? Now this is Jesus answering them in verse 10. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. James 5:16; Confess your faults one to another and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. This is the reaction of the two different people, one the natural man, and one manifesting Christ.
We are being sent one against another to slaughter one another, but the only one that is being slaughtered is Adam in you. Christ is not being slaughtered. What Christ in you is supposed to be doing is confessing your faults one to another, praying one for another, that ye may be healed. What is the healing? He is not talking about the stub on your little toe. The healing that he is talking about, brethren, is the separation between you and Christ, when the living soul was separated from Christ. When we were separated from Christ, we died. The healing that he is talking about is the rejoining to Christ, through which rejoining we shall receive eternal life. He is not talking about your gallstones. Of course, the healing of your gallstones will be a byproduct of your receiving eternal life, but brethren, you have to start thinking spiritually. He is not talking about your gallstones. He is talking about your spiritual life. Glory to God.
Alternate translation of the third quarter of Revelation, Chapter 6 Verse 4. That they should slaughter one another, which will result in the separation of Eve from Satan, and from all of their ungodly offspring, so that she will be free to birth the Christ. Brethren, when your soul is attacked, and the Christ in you rises up, and confesses your faults one to another, and prays one for another, Satan, Adam, they are being brought underfoot. Eve is joining to the Christ, and she is being released from Satan’s power, the result of which is that she shall birth the Christ. She shall birth the Christ, and when he stands up in full stature, he shall utterly put Satan and Adam underfoot, and that particular vessel shall be a redeemed man. The whole living soul shall be a redeemed man.
Glory to God.
And there was given him a great sword; Satan’s weapon. Everybody is out there trying to get poor Satan, but he is actually doing the work of the Lord. As I said earlier, if you are not saved, his job is to bring you to repentance. If you are saved, his job is to destroy your adamic man. It hurts, and it is painful, but mostly because you are in accord with your adamic man. If you are not moving into this revelation, you are largely in accord with your adamic mind. When your adamic mind comes up against Christ, your adamic mind is going to get slaughtered. Your adamic mind is going to fight against Christ, and the result is that it is going to get slaughtered.
The word great; he was given a great sword. Satan’s weapon is a great sword. The Lord’s weapon is a bow, and Satan’s weapon is a great sword. This word great is Strong’s #3173 and it is feminine. So we have another witness here that this sword cannot be the sword of the Lord because nothing that God does is feminine. Only the work of the living soul is feminine. The word great is feminine and it means violent, mighty, strong. The word sword is Strong’s #3162. Now there are two Greek words translated sword in the Scripture. One is the warrior sword that you thrust with. That is not this word. This is the other word, and it is also feminine. This word sword, Strong’s #3162 is feminine. So the word great is feminine and the word sword is feminine. There is no way that this weapon can be the weapon of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the weapon of the living soul, and it is indeed Satan.
The sword of the Lord is the wicked. The sword of the Lord is Satan and his demons. This word sword is a large knife used for killing animals. That is our adamic mind. It is used for cutting up flesh. It is a small sword as distinguished from the large sword, and it is curved for a cutting stroke, as opposed to the thrusting of the large sword. It is the sword which is the instrument that is used of a magistrate or a judge. In other words, when a judge says I execute the judgment of death upon you, this is the sword that cuts your head off. Glory to God. It typifies judicial punishment. Satan is the police force of the Lord. It is a hard word, but it is the truth.
Alternate translation of the fourth quarter of Revelation 6:4; And Satan was given a powerful knife to execute the judicial punishment declared upon all men by Jesus Christ, that they should be separated from their sins, joined to the Holy Spirit, and produce Christ. If I did not make that clear, when the Lord first enters into your life, he comes in the form of the Holy Spirit. He comes in the form of the Holy Spirit and he is at war with Satan. That warfare results in the release of the human spirit. The Holy Spirit joins with her, Christ is birth, and Christ stands up and utterly swallows up Satan.
Alternate translation of the whole of Revelation, Chapter 6 Verse 4. And the other of the two Adams unfolded, and the spirit that was ruling through the second Adam, even Satan, was given authority to destroy the unity in rebellion against God that exists in the minds of natural men, setting them one against the other, that they should slaughter one another, which will result in the separation of Eve from Satan, and from all their ungodly offspring, so that she will be free to birth the Christ. Hallelujah.
I do not think I made it too clear in that alternate translation. I want to put it on the message again. The peace is being taken on two levels. What I left out of that alternate translation is that it is being taken from our own minds. Our own mind is in unity. Adam, Eve, and Satan is in unity in the unsaved man in their rebellion against Christ. When Christ enters into the mind of a man, there is a loss of peace in the mind of that man, because of Adam, Eve, and Satan. Adam, being the conscience, is in unity with Eve and Satan, saying it is alright to fornicate, it is alright to have the abortion. It is alright, alright, alright, and Christ comes in and says, no it is not, and peace is taken from the earth of your mind. It is also taken between you and your friends, because they want to know why you have stopped fornicating. They want to know why you have stopped committing adultery. They want to know why you have stopped gossiping and hating your neighbor. Even when you tell them, whether you answer them or you do not, they do not like it. So the peace is taken on two levels. Glory to God.
Recap of Revelation, Chapter 6 Verses 1 thru 4. And my attention was already turned toward the vision. As it passed before my eyes, I saw the power of Christ begin to release men from Satan’s control, and I heard the lion in redeemed man expressing his spiritual authority saying, let the work of the Lord Jesus Christ appear in the many members of the living soul, and let men be aware of it, and understand it. As the lion in redeemed man spoke it, it came to pass in the realm of appearance. And I heard the sound of human spirits being expanded to the spiritual dimension of Christ. As I continued to look into the realm of the spirit, a miracle, I saw one who had been restored to the correct moral order, who was dazzlingly white with righteousness because the resurrected Christ was manifesting through him, making him into a weapon. The sons of God were joined with him in their minds, and his life took root and germinated, and he appeared overcoming Satan in the minds of the first fruits company, so that through them he might be sowed in the minds of the entire living soul, germinate, appear in them, and overcome Satan in each of them also. And as the power of Christ released men from Satan’s control, I understood that the path of redeemed man, even the castrated Satan was saying, let the work of the Lord Jesus Christ appear in the many members of the living soul, and let men be aware of it, and understand it. And the other of the two Adams unfolded, and the spirit that was ruling through the second Adam, even Satan, was given authority to destroy the unity and rebellion against God that exists in the minds of natural men, both in their own minds, and setting them one against the other, that they should slaughter one another, which will result in the separation of Eve from Satan, and from all their ungodly offspring, so that she will be free to birth the Christ.
I just want to leave you with this thought. I mentioned it before, and I want to say it again. What I am saying here is that the two Adams unfolded, and we have two more horses, a black horse and a pale horse. What I am suggesting to you is that within the red horse, which typifies the fallen living soul, there is both Satan and Adam. I am going to study this through further, but that is the way it looks to me right now, that the black horse is Adam, and the pale horse is Satan. What the Holy Spirit is doing is that he is breaking down the red horse into its two components, and they are apparently have two different functions. I have not studied it yet, but that is what it looks like. Glory to God.
08/07/13 Transcribed by MJS