Part 2 of 4 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation
By The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
Glory to God. Praise the Lord, everybody. This is the Four Horsemen of the Book of Revelation, Part 2. Today we are going to do a study in the Book of Zechariah, Chapter 6, verses 1 thru 8, which is about the four horses that appear in the Old Testament, hoping it will prepare us or give us a foundation to better understand the four horses and their riders in the Book of Revelation. There are no riders in the Old Testament.
This is a recap of Revelation, Chapter 6:1. And since my attention was already turned towards the vision, as it passed before my eyes, I understood that when the sons of God began to release men from Satan’s control, the first command they spoke into the realm of appearance by their spiritual authority was, let the work of the Lord Jesus Christ appear in the many members of the living soul, and let men be aware of it, and understand it. And as they spoke it, it came to pass, and the sound of human spirits being expanded to the spiritual dimension of Christ was heard. Hallelujah.
Verse 2 of Chapter 6 of the Book of Revelation starts with the first seals and the first four of those seals are the horses. As I said earlier, we are going now to the Book of Zechariah, Chapter 6, verses 1 thru 8. Now I would like to point out to you that this study on the four horses in the Book of Zechariah comes right after the study that we made on the living soul, which is message #8. We did a study on Chapter 5 in Zechariah. It is on message #8 if you would like to review it. It does not have that much to do with chapter 6, but it does because that whole chapter 5 was about the living soul, and how it raised itself up in military power against the living God.
Verse 10 of Zechariah, Chapter 5 says; Then said I to the angel that talked with me; Wither do these bear the ephah? You might remember that the ephah typifies the human body. It is the dark dense container that the wicked fallen soul has been locked up in as a penalty. In verse 11 the angel answered him and said; And he said unto me, To build it an house in the land of Shinar: which is Babylon, false religion, and it shall be established, and set there upon her own base. As we study that verse we found out that what it meant was that the living soul had separated from God, gone into false religion, set up its own religion, and has established itself on its own military base of spiritual power, from which it intends to wage war against the living God, whose desire it is to bring forth the fruit of His Spirit in the hearts of mankind.
I do not know if I mentioned it to you or not, but the original writers of the Scripture did not have these writings broken down into books, chapters, and verses. They did not have it broken down, so when you see the end of verse 11 of Chapter 5 and the beginning of Chapter 6, that was put there by the King James translators. What I am suggesting to you as we enter into Chapter 6 is that the angel is still teaching Zechariah about the living soul, that has established its own religion, and established its own spiritual military base, for the specific purpose of holding on to the souls and bodies of mankind, for what purpose? Does anybody know for what purpose the living soul wants our bodies? Anybody?
It is so he can manifest in the realm of appearance. Satan, the spirit that rules the living soul desires to manifest in the realm of appearance, and he needs a body to do that. He has established his own spiritual military base, from which he has declared war against the living God, for the ownership and the possession of the souls and bodies of the many members of the living soul which, brethren, are you and me. Hallelujah.
In the next eight verses, which the King James writers label Chapter 6, the angel continues to speak to Zechariah, I suggest to you, about the living soul. But all of a sudden, the symbol that he is using to typify it is horses. Now what I am suggesting to you is that he is really speaking from a different point of view. He told us that the living soul was a wicked woman. We know she is female. We know that she was locked up in this dark dense body. Now he is telling us what happens to her, and he is calling her four horses just to explain what is going to happen from a different point of view. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
This is Zechariah, Chapter 6, verses 1 thru 8. And I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold there came four chariots out from between two mountains, and the mountains were mountains of brass. In the first chariot were red horses; and in the second chariot black horses; And in the third chariot white horses; and in the fourth chariot grisled and bay horses. Then I answered and said unto the angel that talked with me, What are these, my lord? And the angel answered and said unto me, These are the four spirits of the heavens, which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth. The black horses which are therein go forth into the north country; and the white go forth after them; and the grisled go forth toward the south country. And the bay went forth, and sought to go that they might walk to and fro through the earth: and he said, Get you hence, walk to and fro through the earth. So they walked to and fro through the earth. Then cried he upon me, and spake unto me, saying, Behold, these that go toward the north country have quieted my spirit in the north country. Glory to God.
Now the Lord just asked me to remind you of something, back in Chapter 5, which is a deeper understanding. I am just going to touch on it. If you want to study it further, it is on message #8. In Chapter 5, verse 9, Zechariah says; I lifted up mine eyes, and I looked, and behold, there came out two women. Now there was one woman in the ephah, and in verse 9 there are two women. As I recall message #8, we questioned where did the two women come from. A deep study into the Hebrew showed us that they came forth by a form of spontaneous generation. In other words there was one, and there were two. All of a sudden there were two.
We mentioned an experiment that was done by a famous scientist that locked up some flower inside an airtight jar, and he let it stand. All of a sudden maggots appeared on the flower. Where did it come from? Where did it come from? There was something in the flower that was unseen that had the ability to produce life. If you want to hear that in more depth you can listen to message #8 again. The reason the Lord asked me to tell you that was what the study on the four horses is, is the separation of the living soul into its components, Adam, Eve, and Satan, so that he could multiply into many members. That is what the study of the four horses is. It is the breaking down of the living soul into Adam, Eve, and Satan. It includes the joining or the marriage of Eve to Satan, and the production of life, as we know it now, for the purpose of multiplication of the many members of the living soul.
Let us see where I got that from. The Book of Zechariah, Chapter 6, verse 1. And I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came four chariots out from between two mountains; and the mountains were of brass. Glory to God. You may recall, I remind you, that we have done studies, both here in Zechariah and in the Book of Revelation, about this concept of turning. When someone is in communication with an angel or the Spirit of God, this expression, I turned, means that they turned from looking at the realm of the natural into the realm of the Spirit. If you have ever had a vision or if you have ever witnessed anybody having a vision, this is the experience. I have had these. I have gone into trances by the Spirit of God, and one minute I could be looking at you, and the next minute if you look at me it appears that I am gazing into space. I have turned. I have turned towards the realm of the Spirit. Even though you are sitting right in front of my eyes, I am not looking at you. I am looking into the realm of the Spirit. That is the implication of this expression in both the Old and the New Testament.
Zechariah said, And I turned. He turned toward the realm of the Spirit, and he lifted up his eyes. He focused his spiritual eyes. You could turn towards the realm of the Spirit, but then he had to look into it. I could walk into this room, and be standing right here, but not looking at you. So he turned towards the realm of the Spirit. He focused his spiritual eyes, and then he looked. He saw. He saw. He took his eyes off of the realm of appearance. He looked towards the realm of the Spirit. He focused his spiritual eyes, and he saw into the Spirit. Glory to God.
We are dealing with; And I turned, and I lifted up mine eyes, and I looked, and I beheld. There were four chariots there. There came four chariots out from between two mountains, and the mountains were mountains of brass. There came out four chariots. The word came out is Strong’s #3318 and it speaks of the place from where anyone goes out. It also means to germinate or expand as a plant. It speaks of that which goes forth from a field. That is the harvest. It is used of soldiers going out to war. It is used to express children or descendants that are said to come forth from their father, or the ancestor of the race. More fully, it is used to express the concept of coming forth from the womb or the loins of anyone.
I am suggesting to you that this is the emerging. We have had a study that I listened to recently. I did not note it here for you. It is a study of reproduction. We have it on message #18, part 9, the study of the different forms of reproduction. One of those forms of reproduction is described as an unfolding. Some plants reproduce by unfolding. I know I have house plants in my house. One day I walk over to the house plant, and I see that a new leaf has appeared, but it is all curled up, and it has to unfold. It has to unfold. First it is a solid mass. It does not even look like it is going to unfold. Then eventually it unfolds and becomes a thin leaf. This is a form of reproduction that has been attributed to the living soul. God does see us as plants. He does tell us that the soul of the earth is the ground in which He is growing His spiritual life, that He is the husbandman, and that He is bringing forth the fruit of His Spirit. Hallelujah.
The word chariot is Strong’s #4818 and it is a feminine word. Again we are dealing with the living soul, which we know is feminine. It is the feminine of Strong’s #4817 which means a chariot, especially a war chariot. We were just talking about the living soul setting up its spiritual base to wage war against the living God. It is also the seat of a vehicle, and a covering saddle. It is from another root that means to ride on an animal or in a vehicle. The implication is to be on top. It is not necessarily a chariot that you think of in Roman days that is pulled by the horse, but it can also mean saddle, which is on top of the horse. You may recall our recent studies in the Book of Revelation where we talk about Jesus sitting upon his soul. This entire concept of the life of Christ in us is rising up, joining with the spark of life in us, rising up joining with the soul of Christ, and suppressing or sitting upon our adamic soul. I suggest to you as we go on that you will see that this is the same concept.
Now the word four. We had a study on this recently in the Book of Ezekiel. I just want to remind you that it is Strong’s #702 and it comes from Strong’s #7251 which is the idea of sprawling on all fours. It means to be a quadrupedal, a four legged animal. I may have this on other messages. Let me tell you again because I do not know if I made it clear. The Hebrew language is very rich, and a lot of its words have so many meanings. To get the meaning you have to take it in the context of the whole sentence. Now this word that means four has another Hebrew word. I guess they break it into two words because there are so many different meanings. It is spelled exactly the same way. That other definition means to squat or lie out flat, especially in copulation. Now it is spelled exactly the same way. The only reason it is not listed is that this verb Strong’s #7250 is that the King James translators could not even conceive of this word meaning copulation in this context, so they said it was the other word. The two words have different numbers, but they are spelled identically.
I am suggesting to you that the meaning that the Holy Spirit intended for this word that is four, is to squat or lie out flat, especially in copulation. It means to generate. The word generate in Webster’s Dictionary tells us it means to bring into existence as in procreate or beget. It means to originate by a vital or chemical process. We know that the whole living soul came into being by a chemical process known as the big bang theory. It was an explosion. It means to produce, and this I found very interesting. The word generate can mean to trace out mathematically by moving a point line or surface. We have recently studied that the Lord has expressed His living soul in a mathematical form. Almost, what this is saying is that God is drawing us. If you want to use the word generate, that in some spiritual sense the Lord God has made a point, and He is drawing a line. He is literally drawing His creation. Well how is He drawing it? He is drawing it by His Word. Technically, you could say He literally has us on a drawing board, but He is not using a pen and pencil. He is thinking us into His imagination, and we are automatically drawn. Glory to God.
We had some teaching on being squared in the spirit, and I am going to talk some more here about being squared in the soul. Now we said that being squared in the spirit refers to spiritual maturity, and it refers to the fullness. If you are squared in your spirit, it is the fullness of spiritual maturity, which is the fullness of Christ in you. I am suggesting to you that the soul can be squared also, and it is referring to the fullness of the living soul. What is the living soul called to do? It is called to reproduce. Actually, what is your spirit called to do? Your spirit is called to reproduce. So when you are squared in your spirit, when the fullness of the Spirit appears in you, you have become a spiritual man, and you are capable of spiritual reproduction. Amen.
Well, when you are squared in your soul, it means that the spiritual entity known as the living soul has come to a position where it can reproduce. Now we know that when God first created the living soul, it could not reproduce. Why? It had no female organ. God created an entity and it was beautiful, and it was justified. It was in right standing with God, but it was not able to multiply. God had to separate out the female parts from the living soul, and He made those female parts out of the existing living soul, and then He joined them back together again. God had to prepare the living soul for reproduction. So I am suggesting to you what it means to be squared in the soul. This is a spiritual thing now. I do not believe it is referring to any individual. I believe it is referring to the entire living soul. For the entire living soul to be squared, it needs to be brought to a place where it was capable of multiplying into the many members that the Lord God had ordained for it to be multiplied into.
We are talking about four chariots. If I have not said it yet, I am suggesting that the chariot is the living soul. We talked about it in so many meetings that I guess I did not mention it. We talked about the fact that the spiritual life that rules is likened to the rider of a horse. The saddle that is upon the horse, or the chariot that the horse draws, is likened to the living soul because the spirit sits upon the soul, and the soul sits upon the body. Let me put that on the drawing board for you, just to make sure you have it straight.
We have this on many messages. The spirit equals the rider of the horse. The soul is the saddle or the chariot. The body of the natural man is the horse. The horse is he which appears in the realm of appearance. If you are being controlled by spiritual life, you are a horse. Now we have said that as far as the Lord Jesus Christ is concerned, there are human beings on the face of the earth that do not have the root of Christ, and God calls them beasts. Human beings that have been born into this world in a condition prepared to be fertilized by the Holy Spirit, they are sheep. Once Christ has appeared in you, and has brought your adamic soul into submission to the place that you are being totally controlled by Christ in you, you become the horse of the Lord.
We are told in another scripture in the Book of Zechariah that Israel is the horse of the Lord. Why? Because the rider of the horse is God, and the soul of the horse is Christ, and the body that appears in the realm of appearance is a son of God. You see, the Lord says if He is not ruling your life, and even if you do not have the root that would prepare Him to rule your life, He calls you a beast. I declare to you that is from the viewpoint of the Lord. If you are a natural man, you see, you are a horse, but your rider is Satan. Your soul is the carnal mind, and your body, as we have taught in other messages, is the daughter of Babylon. When you appear in the face of the earth, you are a daughter of Babylon.
We have discussed this several times. I do not want anybody to get confused. When God looks at something, very often He sees it differently than when the carnal mind looks at it. This is for those of you that are saying I can only be a horse when God is ruling me. Well, that is only true from God’s viewpoint, but from Satan’s viewpoint, if you are a natural man, he does not think that you are a beast. Satan does not think that he is a beast, or that you are a beast. He thinks that you are a horse right now, brethren. As we shall be getting to shortly in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 6:8, he is riding the human race right now in the passage that says; And behold I saw a pale horse and death sat upon him, and hell followed thereafter. That is a description of the horse of the natural man, or the horse that belongs to Satan. I am going on the premise that the chariot is the soul that is sitting upon. Glory to God.
Alternate translation for the first half of Zechariah 6:1; And I turned towards the realm of the spirit, and focused my spiritual eyes, and I looked into the realm of the spirit, and behold I was able to see spiritual things. A miracle, I could see spiritual things. What I saw was a squared soul, even the Lamb that had been slain, flattened out into the linear plane of the natural man, who had become the womb designed to beget the Christ. I saw him emerging forth and unfolding as the leaves of a plant. When he looked, what did he see? He saw the spiritual life of the Son of God that had been slain. When he was slain, what happened to him? He was flattened out. Now we have had teachings here that when you are in the fullness of the life of the Spirit, that you have depths. When you are a spiritual man, you are a two dimensional man, and then when you become a glorified man, your spiritual man is squared. So this was spiritual life. It had depth to it.
When the Lamb was slain, he became a natural man. He was flattened out, and this realm of appearance, when it is looked at from a spiritual point of view, is the flat plane. We are saying that because God called the natural man the linear man, and we know that we exist on the line of the earth. We go round, and round, and round. We cannot get up. We go round, and round, and round. We may be a curve line, but we are a line, and spiritually we exist in one dimension. So when he looked into the spirit, what he saw was the Lamb which had been slain. The spiritual Son of God had been made flat. He had been flattened out into the linear plane of the natural man, which was the womb designed to beget Christ.
He saw this condition, this Lamb which had been flattened out, he saw him emerging forth and unfolding as the leaves of a plant. He saw the living soul being multiplied into many members. Hallelujah.
This is the second half of Zechariah 1. And they were coming forth from between two mountains and the mountains were mountains of brass. Now we have many studies on mountains in the Scriptures being the projecting spiritual power that is rooted inside the soul. If you would like to study that further, it is expressed and explained on message #10. The mountains were brass. Brass typifies the Serpent. We have had many teachings on that. You can study that further on message #31 part 7. Now we are looking at the word between. They were coming forth from between the mountains of brass. The word between is Strong’s #996. They say it is the nominative form. That means that when you have a verb and you want to put it in the form of a noun, the grammatical term is it is a nominative form of the verb. So this is a noun form of the verb which is Strong’s #955 and it means to separate mentally, to stand apart, to be separate and distinct. I am suggesting to you that the living soul at this point, which was spiritual, which was one entity, was separated into Adam and Satan. God made it into two parts. God made it into two parts. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
Alternate translation of the second half of Zechariah 6:1. And as a result of the separation of the creation of God, which is the mind of man, into two distinct spiritual powers, Adam and Satan, with Eve being joined to Satan and made one with him. And these two projecting spiritual powers proceedeth forth from the Serpent. Now Eve is not a projecting spiritual power. I discerned that there may be some confusion coming on this. Eve is not a projecting spiritual power. She is the innocent spark of life, the helpless defenseless spark of life that was injected into the living soul to be the ovum or the ovary. After she had unfolded into many members, she would be the ovarian eggs that would bring forth the life of Christ in the many members. So therefore I am not saying that Eve is one of the projecting spiritual powers. I know that the Scripture really is not clear about Adam and Satan being separated. The only witness that I can give you is in Genesis 3, I believe, when it talks about the Serpent speaking to Eve. At that point, a separation had taken place into a conscious and unconscious mind of the creation, which is the mind of man. Did I make that clear? There was a separation.
Let me read you Zechariah, Chapter 6:1. And I turned towards the realm of the spirit, and focused my spiritual eyes, and looked into the realm of the spirit, and a miracle, I saw spiritual things. This is what I saw, a squared soul, even the Lamb which had been slain, flattened out into the linear plane of the natural man, and had become the womb designed to beget the Christ. I saw him emerging forth and unfolding as the leaves of a plant, as a result of the separation of the creation of God, which is the mind of man, into two distinct spiritual powers, Adam and Satan, Eve being joined to Satan and made one with him. These two projecting spiritual powers proceedeth forth from the Serpent. I still feel I may not have made that clear. I want to back up over that.
It says that the mind of man was separated into two distinct spiritual powers, and the result of it was that we saw something proceeding forth from it. It was not until Satan was separated from Adam that he was capable of joining with Eve and reproducing after his own image in his own likeness. Satan had to separate from Adam before he could join with Eve and reproduce in his own likeness, and in his own image. There is a lot implied here. Did I make that clear? I will read it again. And I turned towards the realm of the spirit and focused my spiritual eyes, and looked into the realm of the spirit, and I saw a miracle. I had a miracle. I was able to see spiritual things.
A squared soul, even the Lamb which had been slain, flattened out into the linear plane of the natural man, and who had become the womb designed to beget the Christ. I saw him emerging forth and unfolding as the leaves of a plant as a result of the separation of the creation of God, which is the mind of man into two distinct spiritual powers, Adam and Satan, Eve being joined to Satan and made one with him. These two projecting spiritual powers proceedeth forth from the Serpent. They are brass because they are proceeding forth from the Serpent. You may recall that the Serpent is man in his fallen condition. When man fell, he became the serpent.
You may recall that the basic components of the living soul was the same. In the correct moral order we had Adam on top. We had Eve underneath him, and we had Satan, the unconscious mind underfoot, bound up, unable to move. That was in the creation that bore the light of God. The Scripture describes him as Lucifer, the anointed cherub. When that moral order changed, when Satan came on top, he married Eve. They produced offspring, the carnal mind, and they placed Adam down at the bottom. The name of the creation, technically it is called Satan. We do not use it too often. Even I do not use it too often, because people get upset, but it is basically the same creation, except that offspring is introduced. Over here, God calls the creation Adam because all three are one, so God called him Adam. Over here all four of them with the name of the creation changes to Satan, thus the mountains being of brass. It is the same components. The moral order changed and offspring was produced. Hallelujah.
Zechariah 6:2. In the first chariot were red horses and in the second chariot were black horses. Now I want to go over this expression, in the first chariot were red horses, and in the second chariot black horses. First of all, when I tell you in the Book of Revelation, the horse is mentioned first. And behold, I saw a white horse, and although mentioned second, the emphasis is really upon the activities of the one who had authority, who sat upon him and had authority over the horse. In the Book of Revelation we are dealing with the spiritual life that sat upon the horse. But in the Old Covenant, in the Book of Zechariah, we are really dealing with the chariot. We are dealing with the soul. Can you see that?
In the Book of Revelation, we are talking about the one, the spiritual life that was ruling in the horse. In the Book of Zechariah, we are talking about the chariot, which is the soul. There is no talk of the spiritual rider. I will just make that comment, and we will go over it again if you have any questions. Now in the Book of Revelation, it says, And behold I saw a white horse, and the one who sat upon him had authority over him. The word sat in the Greek is Strong’s #2521 and it means to reside or to dwell. The word on, the one who sat upon him, is Strong’s #1909 in the Greek. What it really means is over, superimposition, the one who had authority over. I mentioned earlier on this message, when you think of the soul as a chariot, it is going to give you a problem. I have it in my mind the thought of a chariot being drawn by a horse, but that word can also be translated saddle, which is upon the horse.
What we are talking about is spiritual things here, and who has authority over the horse. Is Christ sitting on your soul? Or is it Satan sitting on your soul? I suggest to you that if you are trying to understand this, think of the chariot as a saddle. It will make it easier for you. This is a little tough. Please God, help me to bring this forth. In the Book of Zechariah, the emphasis is on the chariot. In the Book of Revelation we are dealing with the spirit that had authority over the horse. That was my whole point. Like I said, in the Book of Zechariah, the emphasis is on the chariot. And behold, four chariots were coming, and with the first chariot were red horses. With the first chariot were red horses. This word with is very misleading. We are going to try and get an understanding of what that word with means.
I just want to repeat this because I do not think I made it clear. In the Greek, in the Book of Revelation, what I just tried to establish to you is that the spiritual life riding on the horse was really spiritual life that had authority over the horse or the vessel which appeared in the realm of appearance. Did I make that clear? In the Old Testament we are not talking about riders of the horse. We are talking about chariots, which is talking about the saddle. Let us find out what this word with means now. And with the first chariot were red horses. Now this word with is actually a prefix. It really is the Hebrew letter bet. It is pronounced bet. It is the B. When you look at the word in the Hebrew, it is not a word that means with. It is a prefix. A prefix is something that is not a complete word that goes in front of a word that changes the meaning.
Post means after. What word would we use with post? Postdated, that is a good one. You can have material dated or a check is dated, and if you postdate the check, it means that you have dated it for a day after the day that you are writing it. That is my understanding of it, and it is illegal, but people do it all the time. I’ve explained what a prefix is. Now this word that is translated with is a prefix. It is not a whole word. This is how it is translated. It is the Hebrew letter bet, and it can be translated in many ways such as in, such as in the city, among, such as among the nations. For our purposes, I have chosen the following uses. When it refers to the limits, by which anything is bound, such as within the gates; within the gates. It is referring to the limits by which something is bounded. Glory to God.
Let me show you this on the board. If you have a cup and it is filled with the Spirit of God, the limits by which it is bounded is the exterior of the cup. So if you are talking about a human vessel, the limits by which it is bounded is the body. Let us go on. We will go back over it. The red horses are within or surrounded by the first chariot. This is what the Scripture is saying. The red horses are within or surrounded by the first chariot. Now how could you have a chariot surrounding a horse? Well, we are talking about a soul surrounding a body. What in the world are we talking about? Well, I remind you, brethren, that in the spirit, everything is the opposite of what is in the natural.
You cannot have a soul surrounding a body, but you do have a body surrounding your soul. The red horses were within, or surrounded by the first chariot. There are natural opposites in the spiritual realm. This really should be the first chariot, or the soul, was within or surrounded by the red horses. Or at the first, or in the beginning, the living soul was surrounded by human bodies, and was in the condition known as red. I thought I changed that. If I changed it, I will just give it to you later. As you know I was really rushing to get this done this morning. I am going to read it to you just as I have it, and then if I have to change it, I have to change it.
The red horses were within or surrounded by the first chariot. The natural is opposite the spiritual realm. It really should be stated, the first chariot or the soul, was within or surrounded, by the red horses or bodies. Or you could say, at the first or in the beginning the living soul was surrounded by human bodies, and was in a condition known as red. We are going to discuss what the condition red means a little later on. I am just trying to put across this concept of what the word within really means. I am trying to convey to you the understanding that we are dealing with. This is prophesy, and everything is symbolic here. What the Lord is really trying to say to us is that one part of the living soul had authority upon the other part of the living soul.
In this little example I used bodies, but in this study in Zechariah, we really are not talking about bodies yet. I hope I am not confusing you. The point I am trying to make is that one part of the living soul has authority over the other part of the living soul. Now let us go on. The Hebrew prefix bet can also be translated at or upon, such as horses. The red horses were upon the first chariot. The natural is opposite the spiritual realm. It really should be saying, the chariot or the soul was upon or had authority over the red horses. Or at the beginning, the living soul was in the condition known as red. It had authority over the human bodies, which it sat upon, or which surrounded it. Can you hear that? I am going to read it again.
The Hebrew prefix bet can also be translated at or upon, such as upon horses. The red horses were upon the first chariot. The natural is opposite the spiritual realm. It really should say, the chariot was upon or had authority over the red horses. Or at the beginning, when the living soul was in the condition known as red, it had authority over the human bodies, which it sat upon, or which surrounded it. So what we are really saying here, if we want to look at this in the natural, is that we have a horse and a chariot.
Well, this is going to be fun. You know me with my drawings. This is the chariot. I will put wheels on it so you can tell it is a chariot. (Laughter) This is the chariot and there are reins going out, and we have a horse. In the natural, it looks like the horse has authority. Now there is no rider in this chariot. There is no rider in this chariot, so in the natural it looks like the horse has the authority. He is running away with the chariot. The spiritual reality of it is that this chariot has authority over the horse. The spiritual realm is the opposite of the way it is stated in the natural realm. Glory to God.
Let us go on. If necessary, we will go over it again. In the first chariot were red horses. In the second chariot black horses. The word horses is Strong’s #5483 and it is a horse, so called from its leaping. The word red is Strong’s #122 and it means red or ruddy, and it is directly descended from Strong’s #119, which is the word Adam, which means blood in the face. Glory to God.
We all know the first horse means at the beginning or the first. The word second, with regard to the second horse, is Strong’s #8145 and it can be translated a second time, again, or second in place of authority. It is from a word that means to repeat, to be changed, especially for the worst. It is used of the mind. It is used to express a change of garments. It is used to express a change of one’s way, and it is used to transfer to another place. I am not going to make you guess. I am telling you right now. I am suggesting to you that the second in place is Satan. He is standing right there behind Adam. He is right behind him, and he definitely is a change for the worst, and he definitely is a change of garments. He definitely is a change of Adam’s way. He is Adam’s dark side, and when Adam collaborated with him in his mind, he definitely changed his way. He was definitely transferred to another place. He was transferred from the spiritual realm of God.
I know that some of you are all confused now because you are saying Adam did not agree with Satan. It was Eve that agreed with Satan. Well Eve was supposed to be protected by Adam. Eve did not even think. When Eve went along with Satan, for all intents and purposes, Adam was agreeing with Satan. I am not going to get into a whole big thing on that now. My whole point is when the creation went from the moral order that was right with God to the moral order that is bringing death into the life of mankind, there definitely was a transfer from one place to another.
We just spoke about it, the same creation, the same component, in a different moral order. There was a change of mind from the first condition. The condition of the mind with obedience to God, and in the second condition, the condition of the mind was rebellion towards God. There definitely emerged from that a change of place. The change of place was from dwelling in the heavenly realms with the Father to dwelling in hell, which this natural world is. We are spiritual life buried under the earth of these souls and these bodies, and this is hell, brethren. If you do not believe it, just take a look at some of the more exploited places in the world, if you think this is not hell. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
We are talking about the different kinds of horses now. The second horse was black. It is Strong’s #7838 and it is from a word that means dusky, like at the end of the day, or at the beginning of the day, just before the sun comes up. It is from a root that means to be dim or dark in color. This root that it comes from is not really from a root. It is another situation where there is another word that has the exact same spelling. That word means to be dim or dark in color. Hallelujah.
I have an example for you here. Song of Solomon, Chapter 1:5 says I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon. There has been a lot of controversy about that scripture. Some people try and say that Adam was black, that Jesus was black. Brethren, I declare to you, God is not concerned with the color of your skin. That black refers to a lack of light. We are talking about spiritual things. God is Spirit, and when you hear in the Scripture, especially in something as symbolic as the Song of Solomon, when God talks about someone being black, it means they are without the light of God. I am suggesting to you that the second horse is without the light of God. He is in second place. He is behind Adam. He has a different mind, and he is without the light of God.
We know from other studies that, indeed, Satan is without the light of God. I am suggesting to you that the first horse, which was red, was Adam. The second horse, which is black, is Satan. Let us go on now. The third part is Strong’s #7992 and it can be translated third part or third day, year, or time period. It is referring to a time period. I have a little something here in Isaiah for you just to emphasize that. Isaiah, Chapter 37 verses 29 and 30. Now this is God speaking to the living soul and rebuking him. Because thy rage against me, and thy tumult, is come up into mine ears, therefore will I put my hook in thy nose, and my bridle in thy lips, and I will turn them back, the many members of the living soul, by the way by which thou camest. Verse 30; And this shall be a sign unto thee, Ye shall eat this year such as groweth of itself; and the second year that which springeth of the same: and in the third year sow ye, and reap, and plant vineyards, and eat the fruit thereof.
What I am suggesting to you is that the third part, the third day, the third year, it is referring to the fruit. It is referring to the fruit. I just want to help you to understand Isaiah here a little more. This year ye shall eat such as groweth of itself. Groweth of itself is Strong’s #5599 and it means something spontaneously falling off, a self-grown crop. I am relating that to the simple fact that Adam started to unfold. It just fell off of him. It just came out from within him. And he said in the second year, that which springeth of the same. That word springeth is Strong’s #7823 and it refers to offspring. And in the second time period, or in the second age, ye shall partake of the offspring of the first manifestations of Adam. I am relating this to the three ages. In the age before the flood, we had beings that just unfolded from Adam.
We have had teachings in here in this ministry that the first age, the age before the Flood, that the beings were not in male and female bodies. Each being that existed was male and female within itself. I would assume it must have had a female body because it had to have the organs which could bring forth birth. At the age after the Flood, during the second time period, the bodies that were being birth from the men that were on the face of the earth started to appear, some male and some female. In case you do not know it, science tells us that when the child is still in embryo, the fetus or the embryo, maybe it is both, they are exactly the same before they become male or female. There is a time period where the embryo is exactly the same. What determines whether the fetus will become male or female is the hormones that are given off in the women’s body. They are exactly the same, even with regard to the sexual organs. What is the male sexual organ is the same as the female sexual organ. They are just developed differently because of different hormones.
This is an established scientific fact.
What I am trying to say to you is that there were three ages. In the first age we shall eat that which comes forth from itself. That is what naturally unfolded from Adam. In the age after the Flood was the offspring of the original creation. The difference was that the bodies were born separated, male and female. In the third age, sow ye and reap and plant vineyards and eat the fruit thereof. Sow what? The seed of Christ. Reap what? The fruit of Christ. And plant vineyards and eat the fruit thereof, and Christ is going to marry your soul. My whole point here is that the number three typifies in the Scripture, the age, or the hour, or the day, of the reaping of the life of Christ.
We have a third horse there. I am suggesting to you that it typifies Eve. The third horse is a second witness to that because it is white; white typifying righteousness. I am suggesting to you that the third horse is that innocent element in the creation, which is the life of God, that was injected into the living soul for the specific purpose of being the ovary, or the ovarian eggs, that would be fertilized by the Holy Spirit, bringing forth Christ. Glory to God.
The fourth horse. The number fourth, again, means to be four square. It could be an eighth fourth, a quarter. It can mean four sided. The fourth horse was grisled. Now this is really interesting because it is different than the Book of Revelation. I am not going to get into the comparison today, but in the fourth chariot the horses were grisled and bay horses. Now this word grisled is Strong’s #1261. What it really means is sprinkled. It is a spotted horse, but the spots are white. I know that there are some horses that are white with black spots, but these horses are grisled. This word grisled means speckled or dotted with white spots. This word grisled, Strong’s #1261, comes from the root Strong’s #1258, which means to hail. It also means variation in color, showing different colors or tints. I suggest to you that the spots are white because it comes from a root that means hail. I remind you that spots in the Scripture, in particular white spots, refer to leprosy.
Leviticus 13 verses 38 and 44. If a man also or a woman have in the skin of their flesh bright spots, even white bright spots. Verse 44; He is a leprous man, he is unclean: the priest shall pronounce him utterly unclean. So I am suggesting to you, at the point that we are dealing with the grisled horse, sin is appearing in the living soul. We are looking at bay horses. The word bay is Strong’s #554 and it means a strong color such as red. Now both Strong’s and Gesengus are in agreement that this word means red. There really is no way to deny that it means red. However, it is a different Hebrew word than the word that is translated red in verse 2. We are going to find out why the Lord would express the color red in two different ways.
We are just going to stay here a little longer with the word bay. It is Strong’s #554 and it is from a root that means to alert physically or mentally, to establish, to fortify, to harden, to increase, to prevail, to make strong. I suggest to you that the one who is prevailing in this hour is Satan. Although we know the end of the book, and he shall not prevail. I take that back. He is not prevailing in this hour. God is in control of everything. But the one who desires to prevail is the living soul ruled by the spirit known as Satan.
Who is the natural man? Psalm 12:4; Who have said, With our tongue will we prevail; our lips are our own: who is lord over us? I suggest to you this is speaking of the natural man that is saying he is going to prevail with his mouth. He is saying that he can save his own soul, that he can control his life by the witchcraft power that comes forth from his mouth. He says our lips are our own. Men that refuse to yield to the Spirit of God, and they say who is lord over us? Well, I tell you, brethren, the Lord Jesus Christ is your Lord, also. Psalm 9:19; Arise, O Lord; let not man prevail: let the heathen be judged in thy sight. If you are having any problem with man being the heathen, or with man being those ruled by Satan, or with man being Satan, hopefully, if you open your heart to God, this should help you with that problem.
I want to try and help you to understand why God uses two different words meaning red. This bay horse, I am suggesting to you is Adam under the power of the Serpent. The first red horse is called red because he has got the life of God in his face. He has blood in the face and he is ruddy. He has the life of God in his face and he is still in right standing with God. His moral order has not changed. When the moral order changed, the color of man is still red. If you want to check this out, I cannot go into the whole thing. On message #3 in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 12 verse 4, the red dragon is mentioned. On message #3 we go into the whole study where we say that the dragon is red because there is spiritual power that is flowing through him.
Then we skipped over to Revelation 17:3 where we talked about the scarlet colored beast. We said that that word scarlet covered really means dyed red. The teaching indicates that the scarlet covered beast is Adam. It is the soul in a condition of being ruled by the spiritual life of Satan. Now he is not red because he has the life of God in his face anymore, but he is scarlet covered because Satan, the red dragon, the one that has spiritual power is appearing in him. I hope I made that clear. Man at the beginning, when his moral order is correct, is red, and at the end when his moral order is correct, his color is still red, but two different Hebrew words with two different explanations. If it will help you, review message #3.
Alternate translation of Zechariah, Chapter 6 verses 2 and 3. At the beginning Adam, the living soul, ruled over the one who gave him form; Satan. Now getting this expression ruled over, and exchanging it with the saddles sitting upon it, I am simply saying he ruled over. At the beginning, Adam the living soul, sat upon or ruled over the one who gave him form; Satan. The one in second place in the living soul, Satan, ruled over or sat upon the darkness or unconscious mind, and the living soul also had authority over the third and pure part, the part in which Christ would appear, even Eve. When the living soul had multiplied, to its fullest, it had authority over many leprous sin filled members, and had increased and fortified itself, and made itself strong. Let me read that again.
This is Zechariah, Chapter 6, verses 2 and 3. I know that it sounds very far from what is in the book, but I remind you that prophesy is symbolic. We are trying to find out what the symbols mean. Anyone listening to this message, if you are having a problem, please pray about it. I suggest to you that the prophet really did not care about four horses. He is trying to impart spiritual truth and life to the people of God. If this sounds to you like it is far away, just pray about it, and leave it with God. Either He will quicken it to you or He will not. Just hang in there with it, okay.
Alternate translation of Zechariah, Chapter 6 verses 2 and 3. At the beginning, Adam the living soul, ruled over the one who gave him form; Satan. The one in second place in the living soul, Satan, ruled over the darkness or unconscious mind. And the living soul, also, had authority over the third and pure part, the part in which Christ would appear, even eve. When the living soul had multiplied to its fullest, it had authority over many leprous sin filled members, and had increased and fortified itself and made itself strong.
Zechariah 6:4; Then I answered and said unto the angel that talked with me, what are these, my lord? Meaning the horses. Alternate translation of Zechariah 6:4. Then I answered the angel that talked with me, and said to him, Sir, what do these four horses represent? Then I responded to the angel that spoke with me, and I said to him, Sir, what do these four horses represent? Zechariah, Chapter 6:5. And the angel answered and said unto me, these are the four spirits of the heavens, which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth. So here we see the angel is really not speaking about horses. What I did in the alternate translations of verse 1 thru 4 was that I gave you the interpretation before the angel gives it to you in verses 5 thru 8. That is what I did. Glory to God.
And the angel answered and said to me, these are the four spirits of the heavens, which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth. Again, I remind you, that the word four is Strong’s #702 in the Greek. I am sure it is the same thing in the Hebrew. I was in a hurry and did not look it up in the Hebrew. It means four, so the idea of sprawling four is to be quadrupedal or squared. I think I did do it in the Hebrew earlier. The word squared, Webster says is the product of the number multiplied by itself, raised to the second power, a shape suggesting strength and solidity, converted from a linear unit to a square unit. Well what in the world is the angel speaking about here?
The word spirits is Strong’s #7307. It is the Hebrew word ruwach. Indeed it does mean spirit. It does not mean soul, it means spirit. Well, let us find out what is happening. The word heavens is Strong’s #8064 and refers to the firmament, which seems to be spread out like a vault over the globe, and above which the abode of God and the angels were supposed to be. We know there are two realms of the heavenly. The heavenly realms of the soul, which is underneath, and the heavenly realm of God, which is above the realm of the soul. The word lord is Strong’s #113. It does not particularly mean God. It can refer to a man, sovereign ruler, master, owner, whether human or divine. Glory to God.
What are we dealing with? And the angel answered and said to me, these are the four spirits of the heavens, which go forth from standing before the lord of all the earth. Go forth is Strong’s #3318. It is the same word translated above, came out. Came out is in verse 1. And there came out four chariots from between the two mountains. That is the word that means to unfold like a plant. It means multiplication. It means reproduction. Standing, as standing before the lord of all the earth, is Strong’s #3320, and it means to stand upright before anyone, whether a victor before an enemy or a just person before a judge. It is used of the angels as presenting themselves before God. These are two references I have for you. Luke 1:19 and Job 1:6. This word standing indicates the ability to stand before God, which means righteousness. We cannot stand before God unless we are righteous. I suggest to you the word declares right standing with God.
Alternate translation of Zechariah 6:5; And the angel answered and said to me, the four horses symbolize God’s spiritual seed, which were in right standing with Him, when they were one with Him in the realm of God’s Spirit, before they unfolded and germinated forth as a plant from he who is the ruler of the earth, as well as the heavens. What I am suggesting to you is that the angel is saying, these are the spiritual seed of God, the spiritual sons of God, straight from the loins of the Father, and this is what happened to them. What happened to them? They were with the Lamb that was slain. They became a natural man, but originally they were spirit. They were spirit when they dwelt with the Father, and they have become a soul. I am going to read it again.
And the angel answered and said to me, the four horses symbolize God’s spiritual seed, which were in right standing with Him, when they were one with Him in the realm of God’s Spirit, before they unfolded and germinated forth as a plant from he who is the ruler of the earth as well of the heavens. And before they unfolded and came forth, they had to be with the son of God when he was slain and became a natural man. Glory to God.
Zechariah 6:6; The black horses, which are therein, go forth into the north country, and the white go forth after them, and the grisled go forth towards the south country. We studied this before. The word north is Strong’s #6828. It means hidden, obscure. The ancients regarded the north as obscure and dark. Gesengus says that the south on the other hand was regarded as clear and lighted by the sun. The word country is merely the Hebrew word Strong’s #776 and it means earth. The word toward is Strong’s #413 and means to tend to anything, to verge towards any place by motion or turning the direction of the body or the mind. It means the turning of anything in thought.
I remind you that the creation at this point is still the mind of man. He has not yet fallen into the body. So this word toward means a turning of the minds. A turning where? A turning away from God. We know that the living soul turned away from God when its moral order changed. When Satan seduced Eve, when Adam failed to protect Eve, the moral order changed, and the creation turned away from God. The word south is Strong’s #8486 as being on the right hand of a person, facing the east. Now the east typifies the spiritual realm of God. The south typifies someone that is looking towards God or looking towards the light. We are going to use the translation looking towards the light. Hallelujah.
Alternate translation of Zechariah 6:6; The darkness which the living soul had authority over, even Satan, unfolded into or became the unseen parts of the mind, or the unconscious. And the spiritually pure part of the creation, which the living soul had authority over, even Eve, became a part of the unconscious mind also, because she was joined to the darkness. So that is the dark and the white horse that Satan and Eve went into the obscure regions of the unconscious mind. The pure part of God’s seed went with the darkness into the north. Hallelujah.
And the sin filled part, even Adam the human soul. Now why was Adam sin filled? Because Eve joined with Satan, and produced the carnal mind, which filled the soul with sin, that is typified by the beast that the harlot is riding upon in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 17. Let me give it to you again. And the sin filled part, Eve and Adam, the human soul, unfolded towards the part of the earth that faced the realm of appearance, even the conscious mind. The south typifying the conscious mind, the part that is conscious and is described as light. The darkness typifying the unconscious mind and the light part typifying the conscious mind. I will read that again. The darkness, which the living soul had authority over, even Satan, unfolded into or became the unseen parts of the mind or the encountered, and the spiritual pure part of the creation, which the living soul had authority over, even Eve, became a part of the unconscious mind also, because she was joined to the darkness. And the sin filled part, even Adam, the human soul, unfolded towards the part of the earth that faced the realm of appearance, even the conscious mind. Glory to God.
Now I want to point out something to you here. You may notice that in the beginning there was actually five horses, but the grisled and the bay horses were attached to one chariot. There were five horses, but there were four chariots. The fourth chariot had two kinds of horses. You might notice in verses 6 and 7 verse 6 refers to the grisled horse, and verse 7 refers to the bay horse, and there is no talk of the red horse. The grisled and the bay horses have replaced the red horse. So we now have four horses. We just said in verse 6 that the black horse went into the north country, the white horse went with him, and the grisled horse went into the south country. In verse 7 it says, And the bay went forth and sought to go that they might walk to and fro through the earth. And he said, get ye hence, walk to and fro through the earth, so they walked to and fro through the earth. There is no more talk of the red horse. He has been replaced by the bay and grisled horses, which were no longer attached to one chariot. They separated out. We are going to find out what is going on.
The word sought, Strong’s #1245 means to strive after, to desire, to request. The word go is Strong’s #3212 and it means to walk. The word translated walk is Strong’s #1980 and it means to walk, but it really means to go towards that which you are desiring. Now I already explained to you what I believe happened, why the red horse is no longer mentioned, but has been replaced by the grisled and bay horses. I am suggesting to you that the red horse, which typified the Adam that was justified before God, no longer exists, because he has been separated out from Satan. Satan is joined with Eve, the evil fruit has been produced, which has polluted the living soul, in particular Adam. So the red horse is no longer mentioned because for all intents and purposes, he does not exist, and what has taken his place is the grisled horse that was filled with sin, and the bay horse that revealed the reddish tint of Satan’s human spirit. Did I make that clear?
Alternate translation of Zechariah 6:7; And the creation of God, after the darkness and his reproductive parts had been separated out from him, is symbolized as a bay horse, the one revealing Satan’s reddish stain. That horse desired to appear in the realm of appearance. Let me read that again. And the creation of God, after the darkness and his reproductive parts had been separated out from him, is symbolized as a bay horse, the one revealing Satan’s reddish stain. That one desired to appear in the realm of appearance. And the angel said, go towards your desired goal, appear in the realm of appearance. So the many members of the living soul appeared on the face of the earth. Hallelujah.
And the creation of God, after the darkness, and his reproductive parts have been separated out from him, is no longer symbolized by the red horse, he is now symbolized by a bay horse, the one revealing Satan’s reddish stain, and he desired to appear in the realm of appearance. And the angel said, go towards your desired goal, appear in the realm of appearance so the many members of the living soul appeared on the face of the earth. Now if I did not make it clear, what I am suggesting to you is that the grisled horse, the one that is revealing the sin, is the human soul, and the totality of the whole living soul, in its incorrect moral order, is now typified by the bay horse. The red was the whole, and now the bay is the whole, and within the whole is the white, which is Eve, the black which is Satan, and the grisled, which is the sin filled human soul. Glory to God.
Zechariah 6:8; Then cried he upon me and spake unto me saying, behold these that go toward the north country, have quieted my spirit in the north country. I find it very interesting, but the notation in the King James version says that the word quieted means brought peace to my spirit. I said this cannot possibly be. The living soul is perverted. How can this spiritual perversion of the living soul bring peace to the angel which is typifying Christ? The living soul is a spiritual perversion. That is what it is.
Now let us find out more. Glory to God.
The Hebrew word cried upon is Strong’s #2199 and it means to shriek from anguish or danger, to announce publicly, to convene or to assemble. When I read it, I thought it meant he was crying, but he was shrieking loudly in anguish. He was in great pain, having looked upon what had happened to the creation of God. He was in anguish. Hallelujah.
The word saying is Strong’s #5598 and it means more than speaking. It means to bring to light. It means to give you understanding. It also means to promise. The word quieted is Strong’s #5117 and it means to cause to rest and to reside. As I mediated on this verse, I said Lord, this has to be a future tense. The tense in the King James is have quieted. The tense in the King James in my Interlinear was have quieted. That is past tense. I said, Lord, this has to be the future. I cannot prove it anywhere. I am just going to go for it because it is in my spirit, but the Lord showed me a notation in Gesengus, that the tense in the Hebrew of this verb is future.
Alternate translation of Zechariah 6:8; Then the angel in a loud anguish cry explained to me, you will see in due season that the parts of the living soul, that unfold towards the dark part of the unconscious mind, even the spark of my life, which is to bring forth Christ, but who is now joined to Satan, she shall yet be the place where my Spirit shall rest. Hallelujah. Then the angel in a loud anguish cry explained to me, you will see. He explained to me, and he promised to me, you will see in due season that the parts of the living soul that unfold towards the dark part of the unconscious mind, even the spark of my life, which is to bring forth Christ, but who is now joined to Satan, shall yet be the place where my Spirit shall rest.
I declare to you that the angel was anguished because of what had happened to the living soul, because of the separation, and because of Eve joining to Satan. But nevertheless, he declared to the prophet Zechariah, who was sent to Israel, do not fret, for indeed, in due season, this living soul in wrong moral order, shall yet be the place where my Spirit shall rest. Hallelujah.
Recap of Zechariah, Chapter 6:1 thru 8. And I turned towards the realm of the spirit, and focused my spiritual eyes, and looked into the realm of the spirit, and a miracle, I saw spiritual things. A squared soul, even the Lamb, which had been slain, flattened out into the linear plane of the natural man, the womb designed to beget the Christ, emerging forth and unfolding as the leaves of a plant, as a result of the separation of the creation of God, which is the mind of man, into two distinct spiritual powers, Adam and Satan, Eve being joined to Satan, and made one with him, and these two projecting spiritual powers proceeded forth from the Serpent. At the beginning, Adam, the living soul, ruled over the one who gave him form, Satan, the one who was second place in the living soul. Satan ruled over the darkness of our unconscious mind, and the living soul also had authority over the third and pure part, the part in which Christ would appear, even Eve. When the living soul had multiplied to its fullest and had authority over many leprous sin filled members, and had increased and fortified itself, and made itself strong. Then I answered and said unto the angel that talked with me, what are these my lord, and the angel answered and said to me, the four horses symbolize God’s spiritual seed, which were in right standing with Him, when they were one with Him in the realm of God’s Spirit, before they unfolded and germinated forth as a plant from he who is the ruler of the earth, as well as of the heavens. The darkness, which the living soul had authority over, even Satan, unfolded into, or became the unseen parts of the mind, or the unconscious, and the spiritually pure part of the creation, which the living soul had authority over, even Eve, became a part of the unconscious mind also, because she was joined to the darkness, and the sin filled part, even Adam, the human soul, unfolded towards the part of the earth that faced the realm of appearance, even the conscious mind. And the creation of God after the darkness in his reproductive parts had been separated out from him, as symbolized as a bay horse, the one revealing Satan’s reddish stain, and he desired to appear in the realm of appearance, and the angel said, go towards your desired goal; appear in the realm of appearance. So the many members of the living soul appeared on the face of the earth. Then the angel in a loud anguished cry explained to me, you will see in due season, the parts of the living soul that unfold towards the dark part of the unconscious mind, even the spark of my life, which is to bring forth Christ, but who is now joined to Satan, shall yet be the place where my Spirit shall rest. Glory to God.
I remind you that in that verse 8, he says that these that go toward the north country. So that is not only Eve, but Satan also, which shall yet be the place where His Spirit rests. Satan is the spiritual skeleton, which shall give the creation form. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
07/30/13 Transcribed by MJS