038 - Part 10

Part 10 of 14 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Glory to God, this is Around God’s Throne, part 10, and we are recapping

Ezekiel 1:23-26;

EZEKIEL 1:23 -26

23a. And having been brought into submission to the spiritual realm of God, the edges of their soul were made level as the mountains of pride were pressed down, and the valleys lacking righteousness were filled up as the spiritual realm of God reached down and entered into the living soul, and every man which appeared was doubled, he was filled in and connected to himself and every doubled man which appeared had their bodies clothed upon in the realm of time and space.

23b. And every man which appeared in the realm of the soul was now complete.  He was both negative, natural man and positive, spirit man.  He was soul and spirit joined in one and every man doubled in the realm of the soul also had his body doubled over because Christ covered over the soul and the completed soul covered over the body.

24.  And when they appeared, I heard the sound of their souls like the sound of many spirits, soul, spirit, as the voice of God, Christ, consuming His enemies, the sound of a great tumult, as the noise of a great herd of cattle, body, spirit soul and body, and when they ascended up into the spiritual realm of God, their soul lives declined as the day and drew to a close.

25.  And when they ascended and their soul lives declined as the day and drew to a close, there was a sound from the heavenly place which extended outward beyond the tops of their souls.

26. And above the high spiritual place which extended out beyond the tops of their souls was a structure of a canopied seat, which appeared to be heavenly without sin and incorruptible.  And upon the structure of the canopied seat, was a shape which looked like Adam from above, even the second Adam the creation of God sitting upon the throne.  ATB

I would like to go over those last two verses, I am going to put them on the board for you, Lord willing if I can find the time I am going to make up and exhibit for this, not so much for the people here because it is on the board, and if you want you can copy it, but for the people that are not here, that are listening to the message, this is difficult to understand.  In the alternate translation of verse 25;

25.  And when they ascended and their soul lives declined as the day and drew to a close…

there is only one reason brethren why your soul life would decline as the day, and that is because your soul life is typified by the moon and when the sun of the Lord Jesus Christ rises with righteousness in His wings brethren, your soul life is going to decline because the day shall have dawned in your heart.  Hallelujah. 

there was a sound from the heavenly place which extended outward beyond the tops of their souls.

We have been showing the soul as a circle, and within the midst of the circle, it starts out to be the human spirit which is fertilized by the Holy Spirit which birthed Christ.  We have Christ in the middle of the living soul and Christ is our spiritual substance, He is our spiritual being and He is a circle and the Lord is giving me a natural example that I did not think of at the last meeting with regard to the planet earth.  If you are up in a spaceship, if you are up on the moon, there is no top of the earth, if this is the moon and you are up there on the moon, and this is the earth down here, rotating on its axis, there is no top of the earth.  You could bomb any position on the earth that you want.  That is why there was such a race between Russia and the United States to get a man on the moon, to get a man in space, because he who rules space rules the earth.  If we go up in an airplane over the United States of America, we could only bomb the United States of America, to bomb another country, we have to fly east, west, north, or south to get over that country, but if you go up high enough, if you break the atmosphere, if you go up to the moon, or however high you have to go, into outer space, you are no longer over only one position on the earth, because the earth is rotating, there is no top of the earth, you just stand there and wait until the country rolls by and you drop the bomb.  Did I make that clear? 


With regard to the soul, there is no top, this center which is Christ, there is no top because He is a circle.  The top is measured from the center outward to the soul.  It is not measured from, there is no height; there is no width with regard to spiritual things.  It is measured from our spiritual substance which is deep within us outward to the edge of the soul, and there is no top on a circle.  When we are talking about the top, what is the expression that we use, the tops of their souls, we are talking about the distance or the outline that is farthest away from the spiritual center.  There is no top of a circle.  You do not have to be doing this complicatedly, you do not have to be thinking of the moon in the earth, you do not have to be thinking of the soul, just think of a circle, there is no top to the circle.  Spiritual things are measured from the most innermost part outward to the edge of the soul, and then there is a body around the soul and we can measure from our innermost spiritual substance all of the way out to the edge of the body, and that is outer darkness, it is the ends of the earth. 


The earth does not go any further, so if you are a spiritual being and you are dwelling in the midst of God’s creation, and you direct yourself outward towards the realm of darkness, first you come up against a barrier or the boundary called the soul and when you pierce through that, you will come to the ends of the earth which is the body that you dwell in, spiritual things are from within to without.  They are not high and low across and backwards, they are not up and down; they are within to without. 


This is a great mystery but I believe and am convinced that God has told me that as they say that the universes are infinite, as we look up into the sky, and we see the planets and we are told by scientists that the universes are infinite, that there is just universe after universe after universe, that in the same manner the depth to which we can go inward are infinite.  The only way we can possibly understand this is if we can understand that there is no time and space in the realm of the spirit.  If you cannot understand that there is no space in the realm of the spirit, you are going to say to me, how can you fit all of these things inside of you?  There is no space.  I am going to be honest with you, I do not understand it completely myself, and I really have a problem envisioning it, but I know that it is true, that spiritual life is within, and that realm, the realms within are infinite. 


What we see out there is a reflection of the spiritual world.  God put it up there to help us to understand spiritual things.  Jesus is not coming from out there, He is coming from within here.  This is one of the biggest problems in the church world today, they are looking for Him to come from out there.  He is not coming from out there, He is coming forth from within your own soul and from within your own mind.  Glory to God.  I hope I made that clear, and Lord willing I will get an exhibit up for people who are getting the messages.  Verse 26;


26. And above the high spiritual place which extended out beyond the tops of their souls…


We just decided that the top of your soul is all around the circumference of the circle, the top of the circle is any point on the circle.  If there is a place that exists on the top of your soul, it is a place that has to exist around the whole circumference of the circle; because every point on this circumference is the top.  Every point of this circumference of this circle which we are depicting as the soul is equal, it is equally distanced from the center.  If you draw a circle and you mark the center and you measure the difference from the center, to any point on the circumference on the circle it is the same distance.  Every point on the circle is the top of your soul or the top of your spiritual being.  There is something, there is a spiritual realm that exists outside of the top of your soul which means it exists all around it.  If your soul is a circle and the top is any point on the circumference, then the spiritual realm of God exists at every point outside of your spiritual being.  It is indeed another dimension and it is the dimension that is folding over the creation as it is glorified.  The Scripture we are dealing with says, and there was a sound from the heavenly place which extended outward beyond the top of their souls and I declare to you brethren, that this place is the realm of the spirit.  It is a dimension, it is the realm of the Spirit of God, and it is a dimension that is not known to the natural man. 


I know I taught here a few weeks ago that when God wanted to form the creation, well first of all we said that the creation exists in the realm of time and space, it has limits and the way we depicted it was that God has the realm of the spirit which has no limits, it is infinite, it has no edges, and so when God wanted to form time and space, He literally hung down a great big ball in the middle of the realm of the spirit, well that is what this is, we just drew it, that big ball in the creation.  It is the soul of man with Christ within and the body without, and it is hanging there in the midst of the infinite spiritual realms of almighty God.  A voice came from out here from the realm of the Spirit of God and it was heard by the consciousness of the soul that was hanging or existing in the realm of time and space.  Communication brethren between the realm of the soul and the realm of the spirit of almighty God.  Everybody is waiting to hear from the aliens.  I do not know about other countries of the world but I know all across this great country of ours, we are waiting to be contacted by the aliens.  There have been all kinds of movies made about it, they are going to talk to us with music, and they are going to talk to us through all different ways, but brethren I declare to you, a voice came from the realm of the spirit of almighty God.  I do not care what the demons have to say out there.    


26.  And above the high spiritual place which extended out beyond the tops of their souls…


There was a place out here, it extended out.  It started from within their center, and it extended out beyond the tops of their souls, there was a structure of a canopied seat.  We are all carnal, my mind is as carnal as yours, but if we are going to follow on what we are drawing, we would have to say that, that seat was a circle also; because it says here that the high spiritual place extended out beyond the tops of their souls, and on the top of it there was a structure and it looked like a seat.  Where is the top?  Brethren, this is a spiritual seat, I declare to you, and it was out there in the realm of the spirit


…was a structure of a canopied seat, which appeared to be heavenly without sin and incorruptible.  And upon the structure of the canopied seat, was a shape which looked like Adam from above, even the second Adam the creation of God sitting upon the throne.  ATB


What we are saying is that out here, first there is Christ, then there is a soul, then the body, then there is the realm of the Father, and out there, there is an image.  I remind you that the purpose of the creation is that God desired to appear in the realm of appearance.  We are going to understand this a little better, from the next verses that we are going to study tonight.  What the Scripture is saying here, is that when this criteria is met, when there is Christ dwelling in the midst of the soul which has been glorified, which is dwelling in the midst of the body, which has been glorified, which is surrounded by the realm of the spirit, there shall appear a throne with an image that is glorified man. 


What I am saying to you if you can follow what I am talking about, is that in the hour when Christ is not your center, in the hour when you are a natural man, whether you believe it or not, if Christ is not your center brethren, Satan is your center.  In the hour that you are a natural man, and Satan is your center, and your soul is exists, and your body exists, even the though the spiritual realm of God exists and the soul exists in the midst of it, the image that you are going to see out here, is the image of the beast.  The Bible does not tell us that there is a throne, but we know that there is a beast and that he has an image, and I declare to you that whoever your center is, whoever the spiritual entity that your center is, the image that appears out here beyond the top of your soul is the image of the spiritual life that dwells in your center.


To date, for everybody except Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the image that is being presented through our beings has been Satan, it has been Satan, I am sorry if that offends you but that is the truth.  This image is about to be changed in the realm of appearance.  Satan is not going to appear anymore, but he indeed is in the process of being unseated by Christ Jesus.  Christ shall be the center of every man, Christ, a spiritual entity, and he shall project forth the image of his spiritual life out here, and Christ shall be seen as a glorified man, sitting on the throne. 


We are going on to verse 27;

27. And I saw as the color of amber as the appearance of fire round about within it from the appearance of his loins even upward, and from the appearance of his loins even downward, I saw as it were the appearance of fire, and it had brightness round about.  KJV

We have discussed these words in earlier verses but I will give them to you anyway.  Amber is #2830 in Strong’s, and it means brass that was made smooth and polished, and this word comes from a root which also means smoothness and brightness.  Many words which come from the same root mean a kind of metal which means remarkable brightness such as gold and silver, and the last time we discussed this word, we mentioned that the language students are perplexed with this word, because brass is not known to give off the brightness that is indicated by the root of this word, it is usually applied to silver and gold, and the Lord told us earlier in this study that what we have here is the serpent, the serpent whose color is copper, who has been redeemed and is glowing with the brightness of the life of God.  That is an answer to that confusion.  He is indeed brass, he is still the serpent, but he is has been redeemed and he is reflecting the brightness of almighty God. 


The word color means eye or that which is seen with the eye, and the word round about merely means a circle, it means to circuit or to compass about on every side, and the word within, this is interesting, as I saw as the color of amber, as the appearance of fire round about within it.  That word within is Strong’s #1004 and it means house, family.  What it is really saying is, as the appearance of fire round about the house of it.  The word loins is Strong’s #4975 and they refer to the lower part of the back, and it is so called from the idea of strength.  When we think of the loins we are thinking of strength, and in the Greek, it refers to that part of the body which was bound about with a girdle.  We had this in an earlier message also.  In ancient Bible days, the men bound girdles around their waist and they hung money and other things upon that girdle.  This is an area of strength, an area that supports burdens, because in those days money was gold coins, it was heavy. 


It is also used to refer to the seat of pain in women about to give birth.  This is an interesting study, I have some verses for you, Isaiah 21:3 says;


3.  Therefore are my loins filled with pain, pangs have taken hold upon me as the pangs of a woman that travaileth.  KJV

This word appears to represent spiritual reproductive parts because in other Scriptures the word thigh is used to describe the natural reproductive parts of the woman.  That is how we are going to leave it here to typify the spiritual reproductive parts.  What are we dealing with?


27. And I saw as the color of amber as the appearance of fire round about within it… KJV


I saw as the color of amber as the appearance of fire round about within it, now this is what the image on the throne looked like, this is a deeper description of the image that looked like the Adam from above on the throne, we are getting a description of his construction.  This is what he looked like, he looked the color of amber.  He looked like a serpent that was shining with the life of God, and he had the appearance of fire round about the house of it.  There was fire within him and without him.  He was a redeemed serpent, he was a serpent within whom was burning the fire of almighty God, and he was not being consumed.  We know the only way to come in contact with the fire of almighty God and not be consumed is to be righteous, therefore the son must be present also because our righteousness is in Christ Jesus. 


And I saw as the color of amber as the appearance of fire round about within it, from the appearance of his loins even upward, and from the appearance of his loins even downward.  The translation that I am taking for the word loins, in this verse is the position or the point in the spiritual being of spiritual reproduction.  It is also a place that carries burdens and we know that the burden is the soul man.  The soul man is the burden that is being carried by Christ.  We just had this on the board, let us put it back here, our soul looks like a circle, and in the center, in the very center, from his loins, the loins are in the small of the back, so we are going to take a natural example, we are talking about the center of our being again, where Christ is present.  What was in the center of our being?  Originally it was the human spirit which is our female reproductive parts, and wherein she was fertilized by the human spirit, and if this is a glorified man, we should have Christ where our loins should be.  The loins are the small of the back, there is a small of the back, they are the place of the body where the girdle was wrapped around, and we know that the waist is almost halfway between the top of our head and the bottom of our feet, so we are going to take a spiritual application of this, we are talking about the center of our spiritual being, this is where Christ is, and indeed Christ is the place where our burdens hang.  Cast all your cares upon Jesus.  He is the place where all of our spiritual burdens hang. 


The Scripture goes on to say that from the appearance of his loins, even upward, and from the appearance of his loins even downward.  Let us find out what that means.  The word upward means above, overhead, from the top, the higher part, from the top.  Downward means beneath or below.  Proverbs 15:24 says;



24.  The way of life is above to the wise, that he may depart from hell beneath.  KJV

If you are wise, you are going to get the way of life that is going to let you live as much as possible in the spiritual realm of God, but you who depart from the way of God, your life is going to be hell beneath.  I suggest to you that above is the realm of God and beneath is hell.  The way of life is above to the wise that he may depart from hell which is beneath.  Deuteronomy 28:43;


43.  The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high and thou shalt come down very low.  KJV

I declare to you that this is to the sides of the pit.  If you let the stranger get above you.  If you let the stranger get above you, if you depart from the ways of the Lord, and the stranger who is Satan in your own mind, gets above you, you shall come down very low.  What we are saying here is that the word upward is referring to the things of God, and the word downward is referring to the things of the soul which are hell, I declare to you are hell.  What have we got here?  I saw as the color of amber as the appearance of fire round about within it, from the appearance of his loins even upward and from the appearance of his loins even downward.  I saw a serpent that had been redeemed who was still copper but nevertheless he was shining like precious metal; and I saw fire and it was all around him, it was around him and within him, and it was in his house also.  And also the fire went from what appeared to be his loins, all of the way upward into what appeared to be his loins all of the way downward.  The fire brethren I declare to you went out from the center of his spiritual being all of the way upward to the spiritual realm of God, and it went all of the way downward, we were just talking about it, it went in down to the depths of the pit which is the soul of man.


The fire of God was in this glorified man reached all of the way down to the depths of the pit.  There was no place of hell in this glorified man where the fire of God was not also purifying it.  Let me try that again.


And the fire was all around him, and it was within him and it seemed to go from his center, it went from his spiritual center which is Christ, it went from his center all of the way out beyond the borderline of his spiritual being into the realm of the spirit of God and the fire of God also descended within him as far down as he could go, the fire of God was in the soul of the glorified man purifying it and containing it and keeping it underfoot so that no unrighteousness should come forth from it.  The fire of God I declare to you was in every thought of the spiritual being of this man including the soul and the satanic realms of the soul, were subject to the fire of almighty God.


The word, let me read you the next part.


…And I saw as it were the appearance of fire, and it had brightness round about it.  KJV

The word brightness is Strong’s #5051, and it is refers to shining splendor.  It is used to describe the ascension of Christ in man.  Proverbs 4:18;


18.  But the path of the just is as the shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.  KJV

The perfect day brethren is the day that Christ appears in you totally and utterly blocks out every aspect of your soul life by the righteousness of His Spirit.  This word brightness is also used to describe the expression of God’s glory.  Hebrews 1:1-3, God hath in these last days spoken unto us by His son who is the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person.  The brightness of the glory of the Lord is the Lord Jesus Christ, the express image of His person. 


I have another verse for you where the brightness is used to describe the expression of God’s glory.  Ezekiel 10:4;


4.  Then the glory of the Lord went up from the cherub, and stood over the threshold of the house; and the house was filled with the cloud, and the court was full of the brightness of the Lord's glory.  KJV

I just wanted to go over that verse with you.  The glory of the Lord went up from the cherub, the cherub being the glorified man, and it stood over the threshold of the house.  I declare to you the glory of the Lord, Christ arose in the glorified man, and He stood at the place where the realm of the spirit which is in Christ met with the realm of the soul which was surrounding it.  And He stood over the threshold, the line, the place where the realm of the spirit which is Christ meets the realm of the soul, and the house was filled with the cloud.  I declare to you that Christ arose in the soul and He met the soul and the whole soul in the form of a cloud was filled with the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ, it over layered the soul of the natural man.  I remind you that a cloud can be seen in the realm of appearance, it is vapor with many particles in it, it is the soul, and it is referring to the spirit in the soul realm.  The Scriptures said, and the glory of the Lord went up from the cherub, Christ rose and stood over the threshold and stood at the place where the Christ met the living soul that He was coming forth in, and the house was filled with the cloud and the entire soul was filled with the glory of the Lord, and the court, was full of the brightness of the Lord’s glory, and I declare to you that the court is referring to the body, the court is referring to the body.  When the cloud of Christ filled and overtook the soul of man, the result of it was the body was full of the brightness of the Lord’s glory.  I have an alternate translation for you on Ezekiel 10:4;



4.  Then the strength and authority of the Lord even Christ sprang up in the midst of God’s creation and stood in a position of spiritual authority and power at the entranceway to man’s soul; and the soul life of man was filled with the life of Christ, and as a result of the soul being filled with Christ, the body became infused with the life of God’s life.  ATB

As another witness I have taken the alternate translation of Revelation 3:20 from the seven churches of Revelation part 7. 


20.  Look, I am standing at the entranceway to the spiritual realm of God trying to get your attention, if any man understands what I am saying, the door will be opened when he understands, (the opening of the door is in the understanding), and I will be present with him, by my Holy Spirit which is the imputed anointing, and eat with him and he with me, and we shall be joined, (which is the imparted anointing).  ATB

It is almost word for word the same thing. Christ appears in the soul of man and Christ is the entranceway into the realm of the Spirit of God.  There is a joining coming between the Christ and the soul and at least the beginning of the joining comes though understanding. 


We are back at Ezekiel 1:27;


27.  And I saw as the color of amber, as the appearance of fire round about within it from the appearance of his loins even upward and from the appearance of his loins even downward, I saw as it were the appearance of fire and it had brightness round about.  KJV

27.  And as I looked at the glorified man, I saw what appeared to be a serpent shining with the life of God, even the natural man which had been made righteous.  He looked like he had fire all around him as well as deep within him, from what appeared to be his spiritual reproductive parts to the top of his spiritual being, even the outline of his body, and from what appeared to be his spiritual reproductive parts downward into the depths of his soul, even the bottomless pit.  I saw fire everywhere within him, and without him and compassing him all about was a body infused with the light of God’s life.  ATB

28.  As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about.  This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord, and when I saw it, I fell upon my face.  KJV

28.  As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about…

The word bow for some reason it is translated bow in the Old Testament and in the New Testament it is translated rainbow, it is the same word.  We are going to deal with that right now.  Genesis 9:12-15;

GENESIS 9:12-15

12.  And God said, this is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations:

13.  I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.

14.  And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud:

15.  And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.  KJV

It is a very exciting verse, I am going to give you an alternate translation on it, a little further down the line but right now we are trying to discover what God is talking about when He uses the symbol of rainbow.  Webster says, that a rainbow is an arch or circle that exhibits concentric bands, concentric means that they are simply the same distance from each other.  If you have an arch, like this and then you have another like this, it means that the same measurement, there is a same distance of space all along that arch between the two bands, that is what concentric means.  Webster says that a rainbow is an arch or circle that exhibits in concentric bands, the colors of the spectrum and that is formed opposite the sun by the refraction and reflection of the sun’s rays in raindrops, spray or mist.  This is what it is saying, this is a natural phenomenon, this is how the rainbow is formed, and the sun is shining.  We have the sun shining, and rain falls down, the rays of the sun pass through the raindrops.  I did not look this up, but if I am not mistaken, to be refracted means that they enter into the drop and they bounce off.  The ray of the sun pierces through the drop and the result of it is that the sunray instead of continuing along a straight line, goes up like that.  That is refraction.  I really should have looked this up, I hope I am right.  Reflection if I am not mistaken is instead of entering into it, it just bounces off of it.  It is not really that important, does that sound right to you?


Basically the concept that is important to us is that the rays of the sun are passing through the water of the rain or the mist and instead of continuing along on a straight line they hit the water and they go off in another direction.  Whether I have the definition of refraction and reflection right or not, what we are talking about is the bending of the rays of the sun.  We have been talking a lot about bending lately.  We have been told that natural man is a straight line, and that God is bending him and when he is completely bent, he is going to be a right angle man or a glorified man.  We know that God is spirit and spirit can be likened to the rays of the sun.  We are talking about some spiritual thing here, let us see what God is talking about.


First of all another definition of rainbow is illusion.  What are we saying?  We are saying when you see this rainbow over here, when you see the concentric circles of different colors, it really does not exist, it really does not exist.  What you have got is the rays of the sun and water, and there is some kind of chemical reaction occurring between the rays of the sun and the water that makes it look like what we call a rainbow, but the rainbow, if you try to touch it, if you try to grasp it, if you try to capture it, and put it in a box you could not do it.


It is an illusion, it is something that appears in the sky and you look at it, and you say how beautiful it is, but there is no way that you could capture it, because it is not real, it is an illusion, it is an image.  Glory to God.  I just want to read my note here to make sure that I did not leave anything out.  The sun is likened to the Spirit of God, water represents the soul realm and the clear water of rain represents God in the soul realm, because the soul realm where Satan is ruling, the water is not clear.


The clear water refers to God or Christ in the soul realm.  God is in Christ, and the rays of His Spirit shining through the water cause the reflection or illusion which we know as the realm of appearance.  Let us do it down here, right underneath the sun, we have the Spirit of God, right next to Him, we have the soul realm, the soul realm is typified by water, this is the soul of man, and we know that God is a spirit, and when He vibrates forth by His Christ, God the Father is in Christ, and when He vibrates forth, through the soul and remember the soul is a spiritual creation.  So when the rays of the Spirit of God vibrate forth through the soul, through the spiritual creation known as the soul, His rays are refracted and they bounce off in all different directions, and the result of those directions is that we get the image of man in the realm of appearance.  In the natural example we have the sun passing through the rain and what we see in the sky is a rainbow.  In the spirit, we have the Spirit of God, passing through the water of the soul and the image that appears is man as we know him.  What messes everybody up is that we to our way of thinking know that man is not an image.  We can lay hold of him, we can put him in chains, we can put him in jail, we can touch him, we can feel him, we can cut him, we can kill him, and all that I can say to you brethren, is that God is so great that even His illusions have a form of existence.  If you can receive it, it is the only explanation that I have for you.


We are spirit, we are not this body, neither are we this personality or this soul, we are spirit.  God is desiring to appear in the realm of appearance, he has therefore given us a soul, He is passing His life through our soul, and what we see as man is an illusion.  We do not look like this brethren. We are spirit, we have no form or shape, God has given us a form and a shape, but it is an illusion.  The only thing that is real is the spirit that we are.  Mankind has fallen to such a low spiritual realm that as far as he knows, he does not even know that he is spirit, but he thinks that this illusion is what he is and it is a lie.  Another definition for illusion is lie.  Your spiritual substance is not what you see in this world.  Glory to God.


I have a Webster’s definition of illusion for you.  It is a misleading image presented to the vision.  We are an illusion, if you look at me and I am an illusion and you believe this is the real me, you are deceived, the real me brethren is my spirit.  Paul said, we are to know each other after the spirit form here on in.  An illusion is a misleading image presented to the vision, something that deceived or misleads intellectually.  If you look at me and you think that what you see is what I am, you mistaken, if you think that I have pretty face and you think that my pretty face is what I am, you are mistaken.  If you think I have an ugly face and you like or dislike me because you either think I am pretty or I am ugly, brethren you are being deceived, because the true me is spirit.


How many of you know a young man or a young woman that fell in love with a beautiful member of the opposite sex and marry them to find out that their heart was desperately black?  Brethren if you marry for looks you are a fool.  Our children used to be protected because they had parents that had some wisdom about things like this.  In this hour our kids do not listen to anybody, they run out and they marry some beautiful person and they find out he does not work, or she is adulterous, or they are on drugs.  You are a fool if you believe what you see.  Glory to God.


We are still on Webster’s definition of illusion.  It is perception of something objectively existing in such a way as to cause misinterpretation of its actual nature.  It is the perception of something that exists for the specific purpose of hazing over what you really are.  You cannot see me as spirit.  You cannot see my spirit, it has no form or shape.  There is only one way you are ever going to be able to see my spirit, and that is if you have a like spirit.


Paul says that we, who are in the household of God, we discerneth the whole world, but no man can judge us.  What does that mean?  It means men that are natural men, they can discern other natural men, they can discern the intents or their hearts very frequently, there are some very wise men in the natural realm, but they cannot tell the Christ in us, they cannot discern Christ in us.  We discern them, we discern everything that is in their hearts, but they can only see as far as their natural heart can see, and if you are walking around in a full manifestation of Christ brethren, the most brilliant natural man cannot know who you are, that is how they crucified the Lord of glory, they could not discern His spirit, they were deceived by the illusion of the body known as Jesus Christ as Nazareth, when He lived in the days of His flesh. 


He lived before and He lives after, but there was a time period that we are told in the book of Hebrews called the days of His flesh.  I declare to you that if you are Christ you have lived before and you shall live after, and that these are the days of your flesh, a time sequence, a little moment in an existence that only God knows how long has been going on.


I am going to read you my note, I have the note here conclusion, what we see and know as the realm of appearance is a reflection or image of God’s creation which is spiritual.  Spirit has no form or shape, it is energy which flows and functions in accordance with established mathematical and physical principles.  Webster says that energy is a vitality of expression, the capacity of acting, power forcefully exerted, the capacity for doing work, power, electricity.  We found out in earlier verses that the glorified man is referred to as electricity.  Our spiritual being is power, energy, strength, that is what it is.  The soul and the body are slaves and servants of the spirit man. 


I have a point here that I want to make.  We have been talking about math and science, I am not going to spend too much time on it, but I am going to give it to you.  Whatever God does with it, so be it.  It is just a point.  As discussed in earlier messages, man which is an image, we just found out that he is an image or delineated form, delineated means man is an outline, that is what he is, can be expressed mathematically, that natural man is a straight line, the spiritual a right angle man, and the glorified man is a square. 


Man, you and I who have a delineated outline can be expressed mathematically.  Glory to God, on the other hand in the same way, God and His creation which are spirit, that are functioning in accordance with mathematical and physical principles because they are energy, God is energy, so His life exists in accordance with mathematical and physical principles.  He can be expressed as an image.  Let me say it again.  Man is an image, we are an outline, we are a delineated person, and we can be expressed mathematically.  God who is energy has no form or shape, can be expressed as an image.  Can you hear this?  Man that has a form or shape, he can be expressed mathematically, line, right angle, or square.


God who is energy existing in accordance with mathematical and physical principles, God is energy, He can be expressed, it is possible for Him to be expressed as an image.  Can you see that?  Man can be expressed mathematically, man can be expressed as a straight line, a triangle, or a square, and God which is pure energy can be expressed or made to look like, or a reflection can be from an energy source that will make Him appear as a man, it goes both ways, that is what I am trying to say.  The rainbow is the image of the energy source known as sunlight as it appears in the realm of appearance when reflected off of or through the chemical compound known as water, rain drops.  Glorified man is the image of the energy source known as almighty God, as He appears in the realm of appearance when reflected off of or through the chemical compound known as the living soul.  When God wants to appear, this is what He does, He shines Himself through or vibrates through the soul of His Christ, we had it on the board just before.  Do you want me to put it back on the board again? 


This is how God is forming the creation, He wants to appear and this is what He is doing; God is the sun, He is pure energy, He vibrates in rays and when He wants to appear in an image, what He does is He vibrates through the soul of His Christ.  The rays of the energy of God pass through the soul of His Christ, and what happens is that the rays are reflected or refracted, go off in all different directions and they wind up looking like a glorified man.  The man that we are looking at in Ezekiel 27 and 28.  This is how we get the glorified man and all of the glory that is being depicted in Ezekiel.  The energy source of God passes through the soul of Christ, and a glorified man appears.  What has been happening, all of these centuries, what has been happening for all of these centuries, hallelujah, is that we have the soul of man, and his center, his ruling spirit has been Satan, and if you recall the teaching, he rose up and made himself God.  Remember the teaching from Babylon Is Fallen?  Satan rose up, he is the spirit that stole the place of God, and as he passed through the soul, what we get is an image of natural man, this fallen creation, and all of the wickedness and ungodliness that is going on in this world is because Satan has lifted himself up as God, is vibrating through the soul of man and projecting the image of the creation that we see today with all of its wickedness and all of the terrible aspects of it.


The way this world is going to change brethren, I am not against you if you do this, I am not trying to hurt you or come against you at all, but brethren if you want to picket for abortion, if you want to picket for political measures, and that is what God has called you to do, praise the Lord, but I declare to you that there is only one way that this world is going to change, and that is when the center of man is no longer Satan, but it is Christ and the Father in Christ. 


I drew it out over here to make to simplify it for you, but I hope that you realize that it really does not look like that, that the way that it is really happening is that this is spiritual, and that the Spirit of the Father is right in here with Christ, He is really not coming from out here, I did it so you can understand it.  The Father is in Christ, He is in the center.  Let me do it this way, we have the Father, then we have Christ, then we have the soul, and then we have the body.  The Father cannot pass through to these outer realms until Christ is present, because He will destroy us.  Can you hear this?  Before Christ was here, it was just the soul. 


If the Father were to enter into the creation from the deepest recesses of our spiritual being, and try to vibrate outward, and cause a reflection of Himself, He would destroy our soul and our body.  The first step that He is doing is bringing forth Christ from the innermost recesses of our soul, so that when He does vibrate forth, He passes through Christ, and because He passes through Christ, He does not destroy our soul and He does not destroy our body, and the rays of His Spirit are reflected as they pass through the soul and we get the glorified man.  Can you see that?


As I was saying, I declare to you brethren, you can picket all you want, you can close down abortion centers, you can go to Washington, you can go and put out tracks about denominations that are preaching wickedness, and I do not say that God is not using it, He is using it, He is using everything that you are doing, but I declare to you brethren, there is only one way that this world is going to be converted and that is when Christ comes forth in every man, and the Father in Christ vibrates through the soul of Christ and projects the image of a glorified man. 


When that happens to every man on the face of the earth, this world as we see it will be completely changed, our bodies will be changed, our minds will be changed, there will be no crimes in the street, and probably the buildings and the trees and the animals will not be the same either, because everything out there is an illusion, and the only thing that is real is that spirit which rules in your soul.  What we are studying in the book of Ezekiel, the glorified man is a description, God is trying help us to understand what it is going to be like when He vibrates forth through His Christ.  First Christ has to come to full stature in us.  Most of here have birthed Christ, but we are not yet spiritual men.  God was speaking to me about it as I drove here this evening, that somewhere there is a threshold, there is a line, that when you cross over that line you go from being a natural man to a spiritual man. 


There is a line, let us say that line is over here, and if you are on this side of the line, you are a natural man, and if you are on this side of the line you are a spiritual man, well there are grey areas brethren.  If you are a natural man and you are all of the way back over here, let us say you got your salvation experience right over here, and you start moving forward and you move in the gifts and you speak on tongues and you prophesy and you pray and great miracles happen, but brethren, I declare to you, until you cross that line, you are still a natural man.  You are still getting sick, when snakes bite you, you are still getting very sick or dying, and you are still having all of the problems of the soul realm, the only difference is that God has raised up a mighty one to defend you, so we keep on going, and we keep on going to that goal, but I declare to you brethren, the day is coming that a company of people are going to pierce through that line, hallelujah, and they shall become spiritual men.


I tell you right up to this spot right here, until you pass through, you are a natural man, and this soul realm has authority over you, you have to pierce through brethren, you have got to come up on the other side.  We are dealing with this last verse in Ezekiel chapter 1.


28.  As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain… KJV

The word cloud, we have established in other meetings, I just could not take the time on this, we have established in many other meetings that clouds which can be seen are made of gaseous vapor which is spirit and they contain many particles which is soul, and that in the scripture they can typify glorified man or man ruled by Christ, and that many times God says He is going to speak out of the cloud.  He is going to speak out of the soul of the glorified man.  That is all I am going to do on that today unless you have a question.


28.  As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud…KJV

The bow is the Father, the bow is the ray of the sun, the bow is the image; it says here the bow is in the cloud.  What we are saying is that the bow is the image of the Father.  That is what we are saying, it is written there backwards.  Let us see if I could show you this.  What is the rainbow as we just described it?  The rainbow is the sun passing through the water.  It is the Father passing through the soul equals the rainbow.  The soul is typified by the cloud.  If you see the rainbow in the cloud, it is the natural manifestation of the presence of the Father.  Can you see that?  Coming from the spiritual realm out to the natural realm we have the Father, we have the cloud, and we have the rainbow going from your innermost being outward to the realm of appearance, we have the Father and the cloud and the rainbow.  Going from the realm of appearance backwards or inwards into the spiritual realm, we have the bow, we have the clouds and we have the Father. 


If you know there is a rainbow, and you know there is a cloud, what do you know?  It has to be the presence of the Father.  That is what this verse is saying, as the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, when the day comes that you see a rainbow in a cloud that is raining, so was the appearance of the brightness round about, so was the appearance of the brightness round about.  When you look in the sky and you see my sign, a rainbow, the natural example that the sun passed through the water and projected the image of the rainbow, I am telling you that is the sign that it is happening in your heart.


In the day that you look up and you see this, Christ is appearing in you, and my Spirit is vibrating forth and passing through Him and you shall soon see the image of the glorified man in the earth.  That is the covenant that He made.  We are going to talk about this further, let us just go on here.  Genesis 9:12-15;

GENESIS 9:12-15

12.  And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations:

13.  I do set my bow in the cloud… KJV

I set the image of my Spirit in the realm of appearance where you can see it, and when that comes to pass.  We have been seeing rainbows in the skies ever since Noah, that means ever since Noah.  The age before this was the age before the flood.  As far as I know there is all kinds of speculation about how many ages there are in the Bible, but as far as I know and I stand corrected from anyone that can show me otherwise, there was the age before the flood, then there was the age after the flood, and one the things that we have discussed in this ministry that changed after the flood was the means of human reproduction.  There is a new age coming, there is a third age coming, glory to God, and it is the age of Christ Jesus.  Ever since the age that started after the flood, the bow has been visible in the sky, and the Lord has said, for all of these thousands of years, you are living in a time period that will end.  There is a new age coming in which is the age of Christ Jesus.  Can you hear that? 


This age from the time period that started after the flood, the end of that age is going to be the physical sign of the bow in the cloud in the day of rain happening spiritually, the Father manifesting through Jesus Christ and appearing in the realm of appearance, if not at this point in the glorified man, as a spiritual man, and then we will have the new age, Christ Jesus.  We are dealing with the day of rain.

HOSEA 10:12

12.  So to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy, break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord till He comes and rain righteousness upon you.  KJV

The day of rain is the day that the Lord shall rain righteousness upon you.  The word brightness is referring to shining splendor as of fire, we already talked about that, it is used to describe the ascension of Christ in man and it is used to describe the expression of God’s glory.  I have an alternate translation Ezekiel, this is the first half of Ezekiel 1:28, and I am giving you the second phrase first. 


28.  So was the appearance of the brightness round about as the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain…  KJV

28.  And this is how the Lord’s Christ circling around the glorified man looked, He appeared as the physical expression of almighty God shining through the soul of His Christ at the end of the age, the time during which He shall pour out His righteousness upon the entire creation.  ATB

28.  And this is how the Lord’s Christ circling around the glorified man within Him and without Him, looked, He appeared as the physical expression of almighty God shining through the soul of His Christ at the end of the age, the time during which He shall pour out His righteousness upon the entire creation.  ATB

Remember these symbols that the book of Ezekiel is talking about, they are typifying spiritual things, this is the soul man.  Christ has come forth in him, the Father is present because Jesus and the Father are one.  We are talking about a throne, what is happening here is that the Father, this is the soul, and this is the body, the energy source of the Father is vibrating forth through His Christ, through the soul, there is no top now, it is happening the same on all sides of the creation, and what is happening is that it is not staying in a straight line as it passes through the Christ, it is shooting off the rays of the energy source that is the Father, is shooting off in all different directions.  Can you see that so far? 


What is happening is that the person that is looking at this from the outside because of the brightness of the glaring of the rays of the Father as he passes through the Christ, when you look at me, you do not see this, when you look at me, you see this, you see an illusion but that is what I look like.  Can you see that?  Of course I am not saying I am there yet, but when this happens to me, what happened to Jesus was that this was a spiritual being, the Father was in Him, He was Christ, and He had a soul.  Remember, this was from the deepest recesses of His being, outward to the realm of appearance.  He had the Father, He had Christ, He had a soul, and He had a body, and the rays of the Father vibrated forth through Him, and they formed the illusion that looked like a man.


He was so bright, He was so shining, and the brightness of the Father was so glorious that you could not look at it, you would be blinded, so the rays shot off reflecting off of Him and this is what you saw, was a man.  Can you hear that?  Remember when Jesus was up on the mount of transfiguration and He let them see the brightness shining through Him?  I do not even believe that He revealed everything to them, I think it would have blinded them. 


What happened on the Mount of Transfiguration was that Jesus let the apostles see what He really looked like.  He did not look like that man.  What they saw and thought of as Jesus Christ of Nazareth, was an illusion, because if they saw Him as He really looked, they probably would have gone screaming down the street, saying, man from Mars, because His real spiritual substance is not human.  He was the energy source known as God almighty.  Going on with Ezekiel 1:28;


28.  This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord, and when I saw it, I fell on my face.  KJV

28.  This was what the construction of the substance and magnificence of the Lord looked like, and when I saw it, my human personality bowed down and utterly submitted to Him.  ATB

This is the construction of the glorified man, and when the soul who is out here, when his eyes got opened and he looked within him, and he saw the Christ, and he saw the Father, he utterly laid down his soul life, and said, Lord you are God, rule my life.  Is that not what is happening to us in the church world today, we are no longer looking without us, we are no longer looking to be satisfied from without, but we are looking within and we are getting a revelation of Christ within us, we are finding out that He is there, that He hears us, and that we can talk to Him, that He can meet our needs.  We are not looking outward, we are looking inward. 


When our vision is clear to the point that we can really see the glory of the Father in Christ, we are stop walking after our own ways, we are going to bow down low and we are going to say, Lord rule our lives.  I know a lot of Christians that say that, and they do not even mean it, they think they mean it, but they do not mean.  When you stop looking outward, when you start looking inward, and when you get a vision of what is in the midst of you and the glory of Him, you shall stop walking after your own life and serve the living God.


When you come into this condition, the glory of the Father shall continue to vibrate forth in greater power, it shall overlay and convert your souls and ultimately your body.  This condition, this spiritual condition that we are being drawn to, God describes it as a man sitting on a throne with fire circling in the midst of him, and within and without Him.  Glory to God.


Paul said, I became all things to all men.  If the only way we can understand what God is doing to our spiritual nature, is to see Him as a man, God depicts Him as a man, a glorified man, righteous, without sin, sitting on a throne with fire within and without Him.  That is just so that we can understand.  This is what we are going to look like, it is going to be energy, pure power as described in the previous verses of chapter 1 of Ezekiel.  Glory to God.  Because people could not bear to look upon us, the brightness would be so great, God has made a way for His life in us vibrating forth to be refracted and reflected off of our soul and we are going to look like a man, but we are not, we are not going to be a man, we are going to be pure spirit, every aspect of our being, spirit, soul, and body shall be pure spirit. 


I just wanted to comment on Genesis 9:12-15;

GENESIS 9:12-14

12.  And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations:

13.  I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.

14.  And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud.  KJV

When you see it in the natural, what it is going to mean, when I bring the cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud, when you see it in the sky, what it means is that the water shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.  The waters brethren, refer to the soul realm.  When you see the rainbow, the spiritual reality of the rainbow coming to pass in the souls of men, what it means to you is that the waters of the soul realm shall no longer have the power to bring death into the lives of men.  Glory to God.


You say, What kind of token is this?  Everybody out there says, God is not going to kill everybody with the flood anymore, He is going to burn them up, He is going to send them to hell and let them burn forever, no brethren, no brethren.  When you see the spiritual reality typified by the rainbow in the sky come to pass, coming to pass in the lives of men, death shall be swallowed up in victory.  Glory to God.  I just want to give you an alternate translation.  In case you have opened up your Bibles, you will realize that this is not every word of Genesis 9:12-15, I left some phrases out.

GENESIS 9:12-15

And God said, the natural sign of the covenant which I am making between you and me, and every living creature is the rainbow in the clouds, so when you see a rainbow in the clouds, you can remember that I have promised to appear in the soul realm through my Christ, and when that event occurs, the living soul will no longer have the power to destroy all flesh through death.  ATB


12.  Wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin, and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.  KJV

1 CORINTHIANS 15:21-22

21.  For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.

22.  For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 

Oh death, where is thy power, where is thy sting, indeed it has been swallowed up by the life of Christ.  Glory to God.  Recap Ezekiel 1:27-28;

EZEKIEL 1:27-28

And as I looked at the glorified man, I saw what appeared to be a serpent shining with the life of God, even the natural man which had been made righteous.  He looked like he had fire all around him as well as deep within him, from what appeared to be his spiritual reproductive parts to the top of his spiritual being, even the outline of his body, and from what appeared to be his spiritual reproductive parts downward into the depths of his soul, even the bottomless pit, I saw fire everywhere within him and without him, and compassing him all around was a body infused with the light of God’s life. 

And this is how the glorified man compassed about by the Lord’s Christ looked.  He appeared as the image of almighty God shining through the soul of His Christ at the end of the age, the time during which He shall pour out His righteousness upon the entire creation.  This was what the construction of the substance and magnificence of the Lord looked like, and when I saw it, my human personality bowed down and utterly submitted to Him.  ATB

What I would like to do, I have about 18 minutes left on this message, I am going to start reading alternate translations Ezekiel chapter 1 starting with verse 4, and if I run off of the message, I am going to run off of the message.  Ezekiel 1:4-28;

EZEKIEL 1:4-28

4.  And I looked, and perceived, that God appeared with judgment, in the form of a many-membered man, which man witnessed to the presence of the Father and the Son, who compassed the man about on every side, and in the middle thereof I saw the appearance of smooth brass, which shone like gold, even the redeemed serpent, natural man.

5.  Also in the middle thereof was the essential nature, the physical material, the arrangement of parts, the structural design and the visible characteristics of human souls which had been multiplied by themselves, and thus made strong and solid, and raised to a higher realm of spiritual life. And in their minds they had the structural design and visible characteristics of Adam.

6.  And every soul had four dimensions to his personality, and every one had four aspects to his spiritual nature, height, width, depth, realm of the spirit.

7.  And the reproductive parts of the creation of God, even natural man, were made righteous, and revealed the peace of almighty God; and the spirit that rules in the minds of men, even Satan himself, was like one covered over and contained by the spiritual maturity and power of the elevated creation; and, having been delivered from their sins, they blossomed forth as serpents shining with the life of God.

8.  And each of the four dimensions of their personality, the corresponding spiritual nature over-layered it, and ruled it, thus preventing it from expressing ungodliness, and empowering it to express the nature of God.

9.  And each of the four of them were joined to each other in their personalities and in their spiritual life because of the mind of Christ ruling and reigning in them (i.e., not in their hands, or behavior - - there will be individuality in righteousness).  Not one of them manifested Adam as they went on with God; every one of them crossed over into the spiritual realm of God and returned to the Garden of Eden.

10.  As for their nature, their appearance, and the way they were constructed, the squared ones, the men who had been raised to the second power, who had been made spirit, had the appearance, and were made in the visible pattern of Adam; and in their personalities they exhibited the spiritual strength, fierceness and cruelty of the fallen human spirit, and the squared ones, the men who had been raised to the second power, who had been made spirit, they had in their hidden, interior parts, the structure of the castrated violent adult spirit which had ruled the living soul by witchcraft, even Satan; the squared ones, the men who had been raised to the second power, who had been made spirit, the also had as part of their state of being, a spiritual dimension, even the life of Christ, which layered over Adam and Eve, completing them, and filling in what was lacking in them,  and it also layered over Satan, castrating him, and Christ expressed his nature through Adam, Eve and the powerless, utterly subdued, Satan.

11.  Now what you have just heard is a descriptive understanding of the four dimensions of God’s creation: and the spiritual dimension in the midst of them caused them to be divorced from their husband, Satan, the spirit which rules in the minds of natural man, and to be joined in marriage to Christ, who is above; each of the squared glorified men were joined to the other squared glorified men in that they all had a human spirit which had birthed Christ, and that they all had the identifying qualities and characteristics of an adamic man expressing the nature of Christ; and the glory of God covered over and hid both the castrated Satan and their human bodies.  Only Christ was seen in them.

12.  And every one of the glorified men crossed over into the realm of the Spirit of God; they all returned to the realm of the Spirit, where their spirit was intended to be; and as they crossed over, their adamic personality did not escape, and appear in them.

13.  As for the structure and composition of the glorified men, they appeared as the living garbage which had been illuminated by the life of God (Satan);  and they also appeared as highly esteemed men who shined with the authority and glory of God (Adam):  And the fire and the brightness (verse 4) circulated in and out of the fourth dimensional men; and the fire was brilliant, shining, and very hot, and there sprang forth out of this fusion of the Father, the son, and the living soul, enormous amounts of energy, and the atoms of the body of Christ were joined.

14.  And the manner in which the creation of God appeared in the earth is that their spiritual components rose and came into being, and then subsided, on a regular rhythmic cycle, and at an incredible rate of speed, causing outbursts of light to become visible suddenly and briefly, like the rapidly-moving frames of movie film, and the creation appeared in the earth.

16a. The spirits of the glorified men were formed by a fountain of liquefied copper, even the melted natural man, who was the fruit of their spiritual labor, which labor bruised the soul realm underfoot, and the soul realm was now joined to the spirits in the correct moral order; and the four spirits, even the human spirit, the Holy Spirit, Christ, and the Father, were formed as one spirit by the glorified natural man which covered them:

15.  Now, as I looked at the glorified men I saw a marvelous sight, the spirit united with the squared personality of the glorified men, and they appeared together in the realm of time.

16b.  And the appearance of the spirit and the appearance of the fruit of their labor, even the bridled and domesticated living soul, looked like a spirit dwelling in the innermost part of another spirit:  Because the living soul, which surrounded the Spirit of God, had become spirit also. 

17.  When they appeared in the realm of time, they appeared as complete, solid, well balanced, fully formed men:  And Adam was not able to manifest in them when they appeared in the earth.

18.  As for the souls which surrounded the spirit, they were so highly exalted that they were fearsome, and all of the valleys, or spiritual emptiness, which existed in their unglorified condition, were filled in at every pint in their squared glorified state, with fountains of the spiritual life of almighty God.

19.  And when the glorified men rose up from the earth and subsided on their regular rhythmic cycle, causing outbursts of light to become visible suddenly and briefly, like the rapidly moving frames of movie film, the spirits within them rose up and subsided also:  And when the glorified men appeared in the realm of time, the spirits appeared with them. 

20.  Wherever the Father intended to go, the living creatures went, and thus the Father went also;  and the Christ appeared together with the living creatures:  Because the mind of the Father, the spirit of the living creature, was in Christ.

21.  When the living creatures moved, the Christ moved;  and when the living creatures stood still, the Christ stood still; and when the living creatures were borne up into the realm of appearance, the Christ appeared in the realm of time with them:  Because the spirit of the living creature, even the Father, was in the wheels, even Christ.

22.  And the construction of the heavenly material covering the individual members of the living soul appeared as a clear, colorless, solid, many faceted chemical compound, even the cooled off product which resulted from the fusion which joined the living soul to Christ; and when caused the individual members of the living soul to turn aside against their own nature and bend towards that which is above.

23.  And having been brought into submission to the spiritual realm of God. the edges of their soul were made level as the mountains of pride were pressed down and the valleys lacking righteousness were filled up, as the spiritual realm of God reached down and entered into the living soul:  Every man which appeared was doubled, filled in and connected to themselves, and every doubled man which appeared had their bodies clothed upon in the realm of time and space.

And every man which appeared in the realm of the soul was now complete; both negative and positive, soul and spirit, joined in one, and every man doubled in the realm of the soul also had his body doubled over because Christ covered over the soul, and the completed soul covered over the body.

24.  And when they appeared, I heard the sound of their souls, like the sound of many spirits, as the voice of God consuming his enemies, the sound of a great tumult, as the noise of an great herd of cattle:  And when they ascended up into the spiritual realm of God, their soul lives declined as the day and drew to a close.

25.  And when they ascended and their soul lives declined as the day and drew to a close, there was a sound from the heavenly place which extended outward beyond the tops of their souls.

26.  And above the high spiritual place which extended out beyond the tops of their souls was the structure of a canopied seat, which appeared to be heavenly, without sin and incorruptible:  And upon the structure of the canopied seat was as shape which looked like Adam from above, even the second Adam, the creation of God, sitting upon it.

27.  And as I looked at the glorified man, I saw what appeared to be a serpent shining with the life of God, eve the natural man which had been made righteous; he looked like he had fire all around him, as well as deep within him, from what appeared to be his spiritual reproductive parts, to the top of his spiritual being, even the outline of his body, and from what appeared to be his spiritual reproductive parts, downward into the depths of his soul, even the bottomless pit; I saw fire everywhere within him and without him, and compassing him all around was a body infused with the light of God’s life.

28.  And this is how the glorified man, compassed about by the Lord’s Christ looked:  He appeared as the image of almighty God shining through the soul of His Christ at the end of the age, the time during which He shall pour out His righteousness upon the entire creation.  This was what the construction of the substance and magnificence of the Lord looked like.  And when I saw it, my human personality bowed down and utterly submitted to Him.  ATB

01/24/15 Transcribed by RR

02/04/15 1st Edit CAS/BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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