The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
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By The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team
Pastor Sheila: Third feast now we have a series of three Hebrews feast which are symbolic of the three stages of the processing of God that is being visited upon man; which will result in Christ appearing in man. And when Christ appears in man his soul shall be redeemed and his body shall be adopted and we shall receive eternal life.
So the first the feast which is Passover represent the revelation of, well, that is not a correct word. Well it is a correct word the revelation of Christ to you in an immature stage. You do not have to have the Holy Spirit. There are many Christians out there, which have received the Spirit of Jesus Christ, not the Holy Spirit. And it evident that that Spirit in them because they have faith in the word of God, they study the word of God, and they seek God, okay. You can have a born again experience without having the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
The second Hebrew feast is Pentecost and it typify by the speaking with tongues and power in healing and deliverance and that is the second stage of the processing of God in your particular person that will eventually end up in His appearing in you.
And the third feast which we do not really see in this county today. We see people that have experience Passover, we see people that have experience Pentecost, but I personally do not know anybody outside the Lord Jesus Christ.
Who has experience the third feast whereby the Spirit of God in our case would be Christ appearing us in the case of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. It was a full manifestation of the life of God in the man known as Jesus Christ of Nazareth but in our case. It is the Spirit of Jesus Christ, which will appear in us. He will take over our minds. He will be our minds. He will our very thought and He will motivate our every word, in our every deed. And His righteousness and His life and His morality shall appear in our minds, in our thoughts, in our words, in our deeds and the result of it, will be that our soul should be redeem and eventually our body will be adopted.
But, I believe that there are several stages in the feast of tabernacles and that is born out by the scriptures, there are three parts to it.
One is the atonement, I am sorry, I do not know what the other are off hand. I was just asks this question spontaneously and I do not know what the names of the three stages of the feast of tabernacles are but we know that Jesus Christ of Nazareth walked on the earth in a human body that was capable of being destroyed. And He said while in that condition that no man can me, I lay down my l life no man can take my life unless I lay it down.
So the eternal power of God existed in a natural man. And then we know Jesus Christ was crucified resurrected and His body was glorified that is the ultimate the adoption of the body. I personally do not think that we can hope for that in our life time. What I am hoping for in our lifetime is the condition that Jesus Christ walked the earth, where our soul is redeem become Christ has become our mind and that is either the first or the second stage of the feast of the tabernacles. I am sorry I was not prepared for that question.
Did I answered you enough, do you have some understanding out of that.
Comment: [inaudible]
Pastor Sheila: I do not believe that is coming for a long time personally. Now, what I do not know and I honestly do not have an opinion about this is that when the catching up comes. I think that we are going to see this, okay Christ is going to appear in a company of people, our souls are going to be redeemed, and we would be in the condition that Jesus Christ of Nazareth was in, before that crucifixion.
I do not know at that point we will live beyond what we today considering natural life time. I know some people believe we will live a thousand years or two thousand years and if that is the case. Then there is a good chance we will see our bodies adopted, okay, but, I really do not know if that is going to happen, I believe that at least some of the apostles obtain to this condition.
I believe that John, Peter, and Paul came to a place where there body could not be destroyed; until, it was the specific will of the Lord that they lay it down.
Let me get this question on the message, okay. And they died-my whole point is that the Lord took their bodies home, okay.
Comment: At that time did they receive deliverance from all the demons.
Pastor Sheila: I believe so, I believe definitely in the case of Paul and I believe in the case of John and Peter. I think Paul made is very clear that he had died and that it was Christ that was living in him and we talked on other messages that Paul had obtain to preservation. He could not be killed, a snake bit him, something that should had kill a man and he did not die. He did not from it he was not subject to the pestilence.
His body was not subject to the pestilence of this realm and the only explanation for it that I am aware of is that Christ in His fullness was living in him.That is my understanding never the less it was within the plan and the will of the Lord God that, we know that Paul was crucified, we know Peter was crucified. I do not what happen to John. I do not even if it’s in the scriptures. I do not know what happen to him. But we know that their bodies was destroyed at that time, because it was not the hour for the adoption of the bodies of the bodies of Christ.
We know that in that hour we know that only Jesus Christ of Nazareth body was adopted. And that by in large the Church is two thousand years behind our head and our example is the Lord Jesus Christ, okay did I answered your question?
Okay the great hope for this hour as I see it is obtaining to preservation having all dominion over disease and destruction of our body. And having our mind converted to the mind of Christ, having the ability to not sin, having the ability to not sin, glory to God, Okay.
The message for today is, are there any other questions about anything prior to this before we start, okay because the Lord Is has told me that, I want to tell you something else too. The Lord has told me for the last ten months in this ministry we been learning deep spiritual principles with regards to the Revelation of The Lord to man. Jesus Christ is revealing the things of the realm of His spirit to men that is what happening and for ten months, we have been learning deep spiritual truths and we are moving into a new phrase in this hour. What we are going to start doing now is implementing those truths.
We are going to start going through scriptures in light of this revelation that we had been taught over the past ten months and try to find out and understand what God is really saying to man, Because this Bible is a message from God to man. That is what it so we are going to implementing everything that we had learn over these past ten months through translating and looking into the entire scriptures. And God has started us in the book of Revelation and I am very excited about that of course I never know what God’s going to do but it looks to me at this time, like we are going to be going right through the book of Revelation, halleluiah.
And before I start I want to tell you this when I was here Wednesday night, we had a very exciting meeting Wednesday night and it was something that I want to explain, something about what I had said and I could not remember and I remember what it was I want to tell you.
I had made a comment to the effect of man was created millions of billions of years ago, and I know that there are a lot of Christians that believe that man was created six thousand years ago. So I just wanted to comment on that and we know that the book of Genesis talks about the creation taking place in six days and therefore the church world makes the assumption that man is no more than six thousand years old. One thousand years for each day and we know that, I believe it is in the book of Peter, I might be wrong about that but he said one year with the Lord is as a thousand. One day with the Lord is as a thousand years but that is a general scripture brethren. And the expression one day in the scripture or one year in the scripture is a time period.
It is a time period God does not live in the realm of time. God is Spirit He dwells in the realm of Spirit. And there is no time there, there was six time period, it was six segment. God broke the creation down into six segments and we really do not know how long each one of one of those segments was.
In any event, I believe that I put this on other messages that science has a lot of truths and the day is coming that science and the scriptures are going to be in agreement, okay. And the people studying the word of God is going to work out all there kinks and the men. The natural men with all their brains studying science are to accept God and there everything is going to come into one mind in one accord.
But I really think that we have to start giving some credence to what these scientists say after putting it before the Lord in prayer. Okay there is a real possibility that we do not understand what we read in the Bible. I really believe this the church has to stop being so sanctimoniousand saying that the whole world has to be in accordance with thee. Revelation of the word of God because we have to admit that there are big gaping holes in our Revelation of the word of God.
So, they come up against a group of man that have presented evidence to us that there a vast discrepancy. The very least we should do is pray about it. The very least we should do is pray about it and see what God says If they are wrong they are wrong, but do not wipe them out because they are heathens. Because God has wisdom and knowledge to out the earth in any kind of man you can get spiritual knowledge from a Hindu from a Buddhist from anybody God’s spiritual knowledge is in men.
It is in men so the church has to stop being so narrow-minded and of course we do not compromise our spiritual principles, we do not compromise what we know to be spiritual truth and what we must reject, but we go to stop believing that truth is only in the church because it is not true. It is simply not true and I remember years ago. I had just gotten saved. I was about to be saved but was right on the line there. I did not have the salvation experience whereby I came to a church, came up, and made a confession.
So I cannot tell you exactly when I was saved it were very informal salvation and I remembered I had read somewhere in some scientific magazine that the female body was much more complicated than the male body. And that was much more evolve with is a natural man expression.
So when I first became saved, I went to someone in authority and I said, “How could the scripture say that man was create first, when science says that the female body is much more complicated and is thousand if not millions of years more evolve than the male body.
And they could not answer me and we study in this ministry in the last few months, one of the things we found out as radical as this may sound brethren it is the truth. The being that we know as Adam who was not formed a man, as we know a man today. The creation Adam was the mind of man and then we talk about that. The creation Adam was the mind of man, He did not get a body until after He sinned and fell. He was a spiritual entity; okay He was not a man or women, as we know man or women today. And we found out that when he did sin and He did fall and that he did take on the flesh that he was form of a female body.
And that everyone in relationship to God is female. Man in relationship to God is female and we know throughout the scriptures when the word man is use and when the word men is use it is talking about the entire race of Adam women included. So when we say the man Adam God was talking about God creation, which was a spirit. It was not in a body like we have t now and when that spirit first took on the flesh, okay. He was in the form of a being that had both female and male organs.
We have several messages on this, if this is the first message you are hearing. Write to us and we get you to the messages if you want them. Before the flood man was capable of reproducing without outside fertilization. And it was not until after the flood that they counter parts of Adam broke down to male and female beings.
And I declare to you that if there was a being call the creation Adam that was capable reproducing without outside fertilization that he had to bare female organs. Because how could he pass a child without a uterus. Do you hear what I am saying; you got to get spiritual brethren. And we got to stop being sanctimonious because as we move in God. He wants us to have spiritual truths; okay we touch on this last week. This expression this simplicity of the Gospels has nothing to do with being simple as we think as being simple.
It means to be single minded in the Gospel and that your mind is not to be perverted by the mind of the harlot that what it means. The simplicity of the Gospel means do not let your mind be polluted in the thoughts of the harlot, keep your mind single, keep your mind filled with the thought that comes from the Spirit of God.
So God wants us to have spiritual truth and I am going to tell you brethren Christ is not about to appear in you when you are in a condition of some of the church world today. When you in a condition of spiritual trials of knowing nothing because one of the signs of his appearing in you is that you will have spiritual truth. What are the two signs that He is appeared? Does anybody know? Anybody know?
Pastor Sheila: What
Comment: [Inaudible]
Pastor Sheila: Amen, the word and the spirit, when have the manifestation of the word of God and the Spirit of God proceeding forth from the earth, which is your soul. Christ is in the process of Christ appearing in you. So cannot be dancing around with your mind filled with the false doctrine in the church today.
And say that you are going to get rapture and all of a sudden at the snap of your fingers Christ you going to be in heaven. I do not even know what they think it Christ is going to with you and you are not going to die anymore, no, no, no, no no, you got to be willing to trust God.
You we know there a lot against spoken against the occult and rightly so. We are prohibited, forbid for being involved in the occult that does not mean we should be so frighten that we cannot touch on spiritual truth. Because if you do not receive spiritual truth Christ is not appearing in you, it is not a punishment now, I am not saying that if you do not receive spiritual truth he cannot appear in you.
I am saying that he is spiritual truth. He is the truth the truth of what. The truth of our spiritual existence, what do you think He is the truth about church? I am talking to anybody here. I just get frustrate with the church world what do you think He is the truth of? He the truth of our spiritual existence and He cannot appear if you if you refuse to even to pray about it. I do not know how I got into this today. Well away glory to God.
We are starting to today with a message number 35 part one and I call it and introduction TO THE BOOK OF THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST TO ST. JOHN, the name of the book is not revelation, it is THE BOOK OF THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST TO ST. JOHN, glory to God. Okay
This word revelation is strong 602 it the Greek word "apokalupsis" and that is where we get word apocalypses it is transliterated into English although the word apokalupsis does not appear in the actual Bible. It is use very often to describe the Book of Revelation and what it is, is that it is a transliteration of the word Revelation; it is the Greek word that had been made into an English word.
It is strong 603 and what it means is disclosure: - appearing, coming; manifestation; revelation; it means to lay bare; or to make naked. And what that means brethren is that there is a spiritual light dwelling inside of you and He is hidden and what is He hidden by, doses anybody know what is he hidden by? What covering over that spiritual spark of life that you are? Anybody know? The body of personally the body to your soul and your personally. When we look at each other, when we relate to each other, I am not there yet. I do not see you as the Son of God that you are. I see you as the personally that you are that‘s how I know you, that is how I relate to you, that is how I recognize you, okay.
Okay there is something that deep inside of us that is our true being. And that is spirit we are spirit and that spirit that we are about to be laid bare, it is about to be made naked, it is about to be reveal and that spirit that we are one with the Almighty God.
Glory to God, so we are talking about the word apokalupsis it also means a disclosure of the truth, and we were just speaking about the fact that Jesus Christ is the truth. When He is reveal in you brethren you are going to see him and you are going to be like him and you and going to have full spiritual knowledge and full spiritual truth and we have to stop being afraid because fear is not of God.
Either you believe He is going to keep you during this journey and quest for truth or you do not. And if you have fear you better get before God and get delivered because you cannot go on, He cannot appear in you with fear and again I am not talking about punishment. I do not want anyone twisting my words. There is not punishment but there is opposition. There is opposition, there was a woman here once, and she was called to a music ministry here. And told me in great anger once well you told me I was call to a music ministry and it is not coming forth.
And I said you were the word I gave you was not false but there is something in you that is opposing it. There is something in you that are opposing it. God is not positioning you. God is not punishing us if we do not go on. It means there is opposition coming forth from our own souls. And it has to be dealt with, brethren it has to be dealt with, okay we are talking about a disclosure of truth and Jesus is the truth and we are talking about particularly, instruction concerning divine things, and specifically, by the operation of the Holy Spirit, which is to be distinguished from other methods of instruction.
Instruction by the Holy Spirit is to be distinguish from other method of instruction and I know a lot of people in the church they hear this and they hear scriptures that no man need to teach you. The Holy Spirit will teach you and they aspect to get all of their teaching and there revelation coming for within their own mind but I declare unto you brethren empty minds cannot produce truth.
Empty minds cannot produce truth, when you first come to the Lord, you receive Him in seed form. You cannot aspect to get an education from children in kindergarten. So you have to come to the place where the Christ in you is so mature that He can teach you but until you get there, brethren you learn from other men. You learn from teachers, you learn preachers and from sometime you learn from unsaved men. And you take all the information and you input it into your brain which is like a computer and the Holy Spirit. What does the Holy Spirit do? What does the Holy Spirit do with the thoughts in your mind? He stiffs it out, amen. And He stiffs it into two categories good and evil, truth and lies. Do not be afraid to take the information into your mind. Trust God to reveal to you the nature of this information.
Because if you do not input the information into the computer, the computer cannot sort it and cannot deal with it, when you first come to the Lord your mind is 100% carnal mind. It is filled with lies. So, to sit there in a corner and say Jesus Christ is going to me brethren you know who is going to be teaching you the harlot of revelation and she is going to have the nerve to call herself God.
Be not deceive that scripture is true, no man need to teach you but you have to get to the place where the Holy Spirit in you is teaching you. And it has nothing to do with how many years you are saved; it has to do with the maturity of the Christ within you. You better pray brethren all of us in this hour we have a lot to pray about, pray all the time, pray indeed without ceasing, okay this word revelation strong 602 is from 601 and it also means to take off the cover; and to lay open what has previously been veiled or covered up. Our spiritual life, our spiritual substance has been veil and covered up and lock up in a soul in a body that the scripture liken unto lead. We are in a prison house for the simple purpose that the spirit man that we are has unto this day has failed to rule the flesh which is sin.
And which overtakes the spirit man fornicates with him and causes him to sin. Thus the causing the body and the soul to die, we are in jail, we are locked up brethren but that which is within us Is about to be reveal. And it is about to be reveal because the righteousness of almighty God in the form of His Son the Lord Jesus Christ is joining Himself to our human spirit empowering it, growing it producing Christ in us and the power to rule our soul and our body. And when Christ is mature in us and we have the power to rule our soul and our body what that which is within shall be reveal to the outer realm.
This is the outer realm, right here, right now, glory to God. Now I have a reference book his name is TRENCH and I use him allot. I just want to quote him today. He says “the word "revelation" is basically a Latin term and it is used primarily, although not exclusively, by Paul in the New Testament. Sometimes it is rendered "coming," "manifestation" or appearance." It always has the sense of an unveiling by God of Himself to his creatures. The Hebrew equivalent of this word appears in the Old Testament.” I am going to read the again, It always has the sense of an unveiling by God of Himself. God Him is being unveil and unveiling by God of Himself to his creatures. God in this hour is cover up; He is unveiling Himself and revealing Himself to His creatures. And He is within, He is within us. He is in our minds, He is not sky, He is not in another planet, and He is not coming back from some way out place.
He is in our minds, glory to God. Daniel. 2:19, I have this word in Hebrew so the Hebrew equivalent. The Hebrew equivalent of this word it also appears in the Old Testament in: Dan. 2:19, 22, and 28. Verse (19) then was the secret revealed unto Daniel in a night vision. How was the secret reveal? In a vision, God is Spirit, God is not a man He is spirit, He is in our minds and He speaks to us frequently through vision, Verse (22) [Because God] revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness . God reveal the deep and secret things of God. He knows what is in the darkness of the minds of natural man, glory to God. Verse (28) [Yes], there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to King Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days.
Now King Nebuchadnezzar is a type of the natural man. He is type of the corporate natural man and we are told in the book of Daniel, verse 2, chapter 28 that there is a God in heaven. And where is heaven? Heaven and hell is in our minds, amen. And He revealth secrets and make known to the natural man, what shall be in the latter days. This is the latter day’s brethren.
This is the latter days of the program of God. The Lord Jesus Christ is preparing to appear in His creation, which was His purpose before the foundation of the earth. Man was never meant to live a life apart from God. And I just look around the earth today and you see all the mess that we are in and you can see that he is not capable of ruling himself.
WEBSTER says, that the word- APOCALYPSE is one of the Jewish Christian writings marked by fictitious names and symbolic mental pictures of things not actually present, which were described by John for the specific purpose of expressing spiritual truth which is indescribable. John was shown spiritual truths for which there are no languages. There are no words to describe it, so he conveyed to man when he wrote it down in a book. And he used symbols, he use pictures and we by the power and the spirit of God has to determine what these symbols represent. And I declare to you there is no way to understand the word of God and particular the book of Revelation which is totally a symbolic book unless it is reveal to you by the spirit and the power of God.
We have all kind of books written and all kinds of messages made by men, Christian men, some non-Christians, some Christians who think that they understands this book and what they had done has interpreted it by the power of deduction that exists in there carnal mind. And you cannot do it, you can do it. And you can write the books and all kinds of people can buy it. But you cannot understand what is saying to you but by the Spirit of God. Hallelujah, glory to God.
So what we are saying here is that the Book of Revelation it is marked it is signified by fictitious names and symbols or symbolic mental pictures of things that really that he did not see. He did not see these pictures they did not actually exist but he conveyed them, he use languages to convey symbols for the specific purpose of describing spiritual truth, which is indescribable. He did not know how to make man understand what he saw. He made up a parable.
The Book of Revelation is a parable and what God is doing in this ministry as He explain to us earlier, I do not know if it is on the message or not we have studying for approximately ten months basic and deep and spiritual principles of the spiritual truth of the word of God. And now as we go through the Book of Revelation with these spiritual principles as our tolls we are going to hopefully understand what the Lord is saying to us; but, let me give you an example, if you live two thousand years ago. And you had never heard of a jet plane, if you live five thousand years ago and you have never heard, of a jet plane. If you live five thousand years ago and you never heard or an automobile and I came to you and I say I am going to buy a 1988 Cadillac and I am all excited, what would you say to me? What is a Cadillac?
I would say it is a car; you would say what a car is? I would say it is something that has four wheels and a body and moves at great speed. You would not know what I was talking about, brethren. It would be impossible to know what I was talking about, your mind could not conceive it. Well, John saw things that our mind could not conceive; but, God has taught us many basic things and in light of these things that that He has taught us, okay we are going to go through the Book of Revelation trying to get a true understanding of what God is saying to us.
2 COR. 12:4. Says [And I knew such a man] .This is Paul speaking, How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter. What that means is unspeakable words; it means there is no word in the English language to describe what he saw. Now I am told that when Israel was formed, when modern Israel was formed as a state and the natural language was adopted as Hebrew, this was an ancient language that had not been used for centuries because the Jews in Europe by in large spoke Yiddish, which was a form of German.
They did not speak Hebrew and when this nation was form, the language had not been use in thousands of years. They had the scholars in the universities working overtime compiling and forming and formulating Hebrew words to describe all of the modern things, computers, cars, jet trains, technical, scientific terms that did not exist two thousand, three thousand years ago. So they had the scholars in the universities working overtime making up the Hebrews words that would express the concept of our modern world.
And they were publishing newspapers full of Hebrew vocabulary saying this is how you say fan, this is how you say computer, this is how say jet plane, this is how you say United Nation, this is how you say atom bomb. Do you understand what I am saying to you, we could not understand what Paul saw, there were no words that would describe it. So he gave us a parable, hallelujah, glory to God okay.
Revelation it is instruction from God; it is instruction from God,
1 Cor. 2:9-10. Verse (9) But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. Verse (10) But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God, Glory to God. These things are reveal by His spirit in us. There is no way that you can I understand the deep things of God unless you have His spirit. There are many of men that has written books and that are on television that think they understand it; but, brethren they do not.
They do not understand it and I said something to you earlier before the message started that natural man would attribute motives and thoughts to you that are in his own mind. I received a letter from someone that thought I was hurt or angry at them. I was not hurt and I was not angry with them; but because of what their own motives were when they wrote me, the letter that they wrote they assume that I would be hurt or angry. But I was not hurt or angry because Glory to God His spirit does manifests in me, from time to time and I responded to their letter with the spirit of God by His mercy and by His grace.
I was not hurt and I was not angry they could not conceive of the fact that I was not angry because in their mind it would been impossible for them not to me angry, okay you cannot receive this revelation without the spirit of God.
Now you do not get in an argument with someone out there that does not have the spirit of God that says they understands t, but; try the spirit brethren, try they spirit glory to God. That is happen to me several times people comes to me they cannot believe I am not mad at them. I am not mad at them. I have much more important things to do than be at people. Look at what God is bringing forth in this ministry it glorious. I have no time to be mad at you, glory to God. I love you there is nothing worthwhile except love. I tell you brethren your anger is a waste of time and it is a waste of your emotions that all that it is and it is just pride.
Eph. 3:3-4. How that by revelation [God] made known unto me the mystery . . . . whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge This is Paul speaking in the mystery of Christ . What is Paul saying? He says by revelation God gave Paul an understanding of the mystery, by spiritual means. That was God teaching him no man needed to teach Paul. God taught Paul, but; because that average man is not in that spiritual condition, Paul then went forth as a man and translated that knowledge into language so that he can give it to us. That is what he is saying. How that by revelation [God] made known unto me Paul the mystery whereby, when ye read, what I had written down you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ. Did you hear that? There are very few teachers today teaching as a result of revelation being imparted to them directly by God. You have to pray your way to one of those teachers, you have to ask God for one of those teachers, because if you get the wrong teachers you are getting the teaching of the harlot, amen, glory to God. Okay. Revelation is instruction from God.
ROM. 16: 25-26. Verse (25) Now to him that is of power to establish you according to my gospel, (Paul speaking) and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began.
Now to Him that is God, that has the power to strengthen you spiritually according to my gospel. Paul calls this his gospel. He got a revelation directly from God that no one else had heard of. He was preaching what no one else heard of. He was bold enough to call it my gospel and he got it straight from God and he said that that gospel had the power to strengthen you spiritually, okay I am going to start from the beginning.
Now to him that is of power to establish you (God) according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began. There is a mystery the mystery of purpose of mankind who we are, what we are, where we are going that is the mystery it was kept secret from before the foundation of the earth and God gave Paul revelation or an understanding of the mystery.
And then Paul went forth, preaches, and wrote so that other men can understand this mystery, Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God. In this hour and typically in the scriptures God does not bring forth the new move of God or new revelation in the average believer. He raises up a man He impart spiritual truths to him and anoints that man to teach. That is the way God does it, if you are going to survive, brethren you have to get some knowledge of how God works. I had someone tell me once they were suffering from great pain, I said why don’t you come down to the church going to, I was not here I was going to another church and get prayer.
And they said to me everybody has the power to heal, I don’t have to go up to some man. Well, brethren everybody does not have the gift of healings; some people have it in a greater measure than others grow up people. The church is fill with proudful children, and if you want what God has for you going to have to go up because if you do not. I am telling you if are blessed enough to get to a ministry with a true revelation of God is coming forth you better believe a flaming sword going to rise right up, something, a situation is going to rise right up in your face to get you out of that ministry.
Someone is going to insult you, you are not going to like somebody, you are going to have a problem, this is wrong that is wrong, brethren you are not going to come marching into a place where the revelation of God is coming forth and sit down unopposed. I declare that to you, it is time for the church to grow up, okay. So we are being instructed on the mystery the spiritual truth of whom we are, what we are, what is our purpose and what God purpose is for it. And we are being instructed with regards to that mystery through a man who receive this information not my the word of the English language, not by the words of Aramaic, not by the words of the Greek and not by the words of the Hebrew, but by mental and spiritual impression conveyed to him by God who is spirit.
God is spirit. He may speak English because that is the only way He get down to the low level that you are one. God does not use language. He uses mental impression, okay. Whom is the revelation of the mystery for?
Eph. 1:1,17. Verse (1) Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints, which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus: verse (17) That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him. Who is the revelation of the mystery for, it this letter the letter to the Ephesians Jesus was speaking to the saints of Ephesus but He was also speaking to the faithful in Christ Jesus and if you are seeking God diligently with all of your heart, you brethren are among the faithful in Christ Jesus. The instruction and the understanding of the mystery of who we are in the spiritual life that we had been granted is for you.
Paul is an apostle of Jesus Christ because of the will of God; he is not an apostle because he names himself. God calls him to be an apostle and he is talking to the saints, which are faithful in Christ Jesus. That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of Glory may give unto you those who are faithful in Christ Jesus the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. Paul wants you to have what he has but because the spiritual work, which would permit you to receive it by direct revelation from God has not been worked in you. You are going to get it in the English language, or in the Greek language or in the Aramaic language. Wherever you are or in the French language or in the Italian language wherever you are you are going to get it in the language of man because the spiritual work require for you to get it directly from God had not been work in you.
And when it work in you are going to be teaching that is the way God does, okay. We found out that revelation is instruction from God. It is instruction with regards to the mystery, of our spiritual being nature and the purposes of God. With regard to us spiritual being in nature and it for those who are faithful in Christ Jesus and it will result the faithful the faithful receiving the spirit of wisdom and the revelation of the knowledge in the knowledge of God, halleluiah.
We will be receiving a revelation, which would give us a knowledge of God, halleluiah.
Eph. 1:18-19 Verse (18) [So that] the eyes of your understanding being enlightened: that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, verse (19) And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power.
When we get knowledge of God the eyes of our understanding should be enlightened and we will find out what is the hope of our calling, we are going to find out what God’s spiritual purpose for us is. We are going to find out why we were created. I heard of kinds of stories, God wanted fellowship, He wanted someone to talk to, no brethren He wants to appear in you, grow up, God did not need you to talk to him. He wants to appear in you so the purpose of receiving and understanding of the mystery, which will bring us closer in knowledge to God, is that we shall understand what is the hope of our calling what is happening to us and what we can hope for and what is the riches of the glory of our inheritance.
What we are about to inherit, okay, so when we get revelation we get closer to God and our understanding is open and we understand what we can hope for and what our inheritance it. Brethren you have an inheritance there is an inheritance waiting for you, preserve, incorruptible, protect by God until you are capable of receiving it and dealing with it. If a ten years old child was receives a five million dollar inheritance brethren it is in trust, very often it is in trust until they are thirty-five years old, if not twenty-five years old even at eighteen you do not get five million dollars brethren you will destroy it.
God is not about to let you do that, halleluiah. Verse 12 For I neither received this revelation of man, this is Paul talking), neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. What Paul is teaching you he did not get from man; no man taught him about it. He did not go to Bible school. He was not instructed. He had no degrees.
And I remind you that Paul was a member of the Sanhedrin. He was a highly educated man in the Hebrew Scriptures since he was thirteen years old probably fifteen years or more, twenty years he was studying the Old Testament which is the Bible of God. And he said that that did not teach him what he just found out, the mystery that been hidden from the foundation of the earth. What he found out what was the purpose of God for man was He got it straight from God.
Now no one taught him, hallelujah. 2 Cor. 12:1. It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. When you come to this place in God where you are call to be and apostle one of those whom Jesus Christ is appearing for the specific purpose of reaching the other members of the church in a human language, okay. You shall see visions and revelations and receive revelation of the Lord. God does not speak to you in English.
Sometime He does, you hear talk people say I heard an audio voice, you know. Sometimes He does but when God teaches you this kind of revelation brethren, He does not give you a discourse in English. He give gives you impression that causes you to understand the scriptures. He takes the scripture, He put a scripture in your mind and He will impress your mind and expand it so that you will understand what it means.
So if you are being taught in a dialog brethren I am not going to tell you it cannot be God but demons teach in a dialog. There are books on the shelves for sale today that had been literally dictated by demons manifesting in the minds of the man the sef series for examples. God does not dictate books brethren. He gives you deep understanding within your spiritual being. I know when it comes forth for you verbally it comes forth from your soul you are not being dictated to you are not under the possession of a sprit that is speaking through you.
The understanding is a spiritual understanding of the spiritual understanding and your own soul brings it forth with your own words. You understand the difference. You understand what I am saying demons would get inside your head dictate to you, that is not God. God gives you spiritual understanding deep within your being. And when you teach it comes forth in your own words, glory to God.
We are not puppet God never made or intended us to be puppet; but He did intend our soul to be in submission to the Spirit of God working with it as one. Just as a horse and a rider, glory to God. Okay I have one more scripture for you,
I call it what, who, why, and how. And it is Revelation 1 to 2 it put the whole thing in a nutshell verse 1, The Revelation of Jesus Christ, the disclosure of Jesus Christ. We are going to find out what He is really like which God gave unto John for the purpose of showing into His servant. That is us, things that must shortly come to pass. And He sent and signified it by His angels to show unto his servants’ things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John. Jesus Christ is the one who is being reveal, we are going to understand Him and gave this understanding to John for the purpose of explaining it to us because these things are shortly coming to pass.
And He signified it, by His angels, He signed it, He gave mental impressions to John by His servant verse 2 and who is His servant, I am sorry, His servant is John and He signified it by His angels. Who is His angel? Who is John angel? Who is the angel? The angel is the Christ within you. It was the mature within John. God was in him. God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself. God was in the Christ that was in John and he gave him mental impressions onto his soulish understanding so that he could take these impressions put them in the language that he was speaking and go forth and convey them to other people.
Verse 2 who, now this is taking about John, this is His servant John who bare record of the word of God and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw, Now how did he bare record of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ? By what he thought, by what he said, and by what he did, glory to God. We are going into that scripture a little further down line.
The word signified is Strong’s 4591 and it means to indicate. Webster says that indicate means to point out; to demonstrate or suggest; to express. And signify to show, to signal to gesture. This information was not imparted by language.
The word to bare record is one Greek word it is number 3140 and it means to be a witness, or to testify. Now where is this wittiness? 2 Thess. 1: verses 7 and10. Verse 7 and to you who are troubled, Who trouble? All of us brethren, Who are we trouble by? We are trouble by this soul realm who ruling spirit is Satan, there is not a man on the face of the earth that is not trouble brethren. And to you who are troubled, rest with us, when the Lord Jesus, shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels.
Where is heaven? It is in your mind. The Lord Jesus Christ is about to be reveal from your minds, with His mighty angels. The Christ in each of us, verse 10 when he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe in that day. Where is He going to be revealed? When He shall come to be glorified in His saints. He is going to be reveal in our minds and He is going to be glorified in His saints. He is going to reveal in our minds and He is going to be glorified when He is seen through our thoughts, our words, our deeds and He shall be admire in all them that believe.
This word admired is Strong’s 2296 and it is also translated many times, I did not stop to write down the scriptures, but it is translated many times to respect persons, to be preferred. Whenever you read all through the proverbs, it is all through the New Testament, do not respect persons that is this word that is translated admire and WEBSTER says to prefer means to choose or esteem above another; to put or set forward before someone.
I think it was James that said when the rich man in the gay clothing comes into the church, do not respect this person, do not put him in a spot of recognition or preference because he is rich, do not respect person all men are equal before God. But we are told in 2 Thess 1:10 that He shall come to be glorified in His saints and He shall be respected. He shall be admire in all them that believe.
He shall be put forward, He shall be preferred, we cannot respect one man about another man, but brethren the Lord Jesus Christ shall be preferred. He shall indeed be preferred, glory to God. It is illegal in accordance to the word of God to respect one above another, but Jesus Christ shall preferred about whom, Does anybody know who He is going to be preferred above,? He shall be preferred about the Adamic man.
He shall come forth like a root out of dry ground; and He shall utterly consume our carnal mind. He shall be preferred above Adam, above Satan and thank God for it, Halleluiah. Okay we are going to start in the Book of Revelation chapter 1 verse 1 and as of now, it look like God is going to let us go through the whole book, I got very excite last night, when He told me what to do, today.
The Book of revelation, chapter 1, verse 1. The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him to show unto his servant things, which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John, glory to God. The word servant is Strong’s 1401 and what it really means a female slave;, a bondservant; one who gives himself up wholly to another's will; a servant or attendant of a king; and we touch on this on prior messages. Natural man is the servant and the attendant of the almighty God, but what He requires of us is to give up our entire will and our entire life unto him.
To natural man this is very frighten prospect, but brethren, with God the result of it is the dissolution of all of our problems. That is what it is; it is a glorious promise and a blessing that will result in eternal life and total victory over the soul realm. Again I point out to you John is call a female slave because every man in relationship to God is female, Glory to God. The word signified, we touch on it before it means to point out, to demonstrate or suggest to express and signify means to show, signal or gesture.
Alt. Trans. - Verse 1
The following is a disclosure of the truth about the inheritance which God, the Father, gave to Jesus Christ. It is given so that natural men, who are His bondservants, (that is us) can understand the things which must happen to them in the near future, even their conversion into His image: And God, the Father, suggested mental images into His slave, John's, mind, by the Christ which dwelt within him.
The following is a disclosure of the truth about the inheritance which God, the Father, gave to Jesus Christ. We are the inheritance of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is given, it is given to John, so that natural man, who are His bondservants of God can understand the things, which must happen to men in the near future, even their conversion into His image of Christ. And God, the Father, suggested mental images into His slave, John's, mind, by the Christ which dwelt within him, glory to God.
CHAPTER 1 - VERSE 2 . Who bare (talking about John now ) who bare record of the word of God and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. And that word to bare record we touch on it before, it means to witness, to testify, it also the word that translated martyred. The word of God, we are going to find out he is going to bare record or testify to the word of God. Who is the word of God?
Revelation, 19 verses: 11-13. And I saw heaven opened, (that is the realm of the mind) and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man new, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. Jesus Christ is the word of God, halleluiah.
So John bare record that word of God was in him, halleluiah, and he also bare record of the testimony of Jesus Christ. What is the testimony of Jesus Christ? What we said is that the word of God is the person of Jesus Christ Himself. It is the person of Jesus Christ Himself. Rev. 19:10. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophesy, glory to God.
The word Jesus is strong 2424 in Hebrew it is 3091 and it means basically if you take it all the way back. The self-existent, or eternal, one, and Yeshuwa, He will save. It is God, okay. The testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of God, so what we are saying what John had, we are saying he the person of Jesus Christ and the spirit of the father, that is what we are saying.
2 John. 9. Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. He has both the father and the Son. What is the doctrine of Christ? The doctrine of Christ is the truth of the word of God. If you have the father, you have the son. I am sorry, if you have the son, you have the father.
The Son is the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Father is the Spirit of God, and the way He is getting to you, is through His son the Lord Jesus Christ. The Spirit of God will not dwell in an unclean vessel. He dwells in His son. His Son will dwell in an unclean vessel. That is the way He is getting us, everybody understand that, glory, I feel I want to say it one more time.
The Spirit of God will not dwell in an unclean vessel. We will be destroyed, the Spirit of God dwells in His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ can dwell in an unclean vessel because He is a man. He is the intermediary. He is the intercessor. A lot of people in the church world they think that Jesus Christ is on His knees for all time begging God to forgive us. That that is what intercession means, no brethren. That is not what intercession means.
The intercession of the Lord Jesus Christ for us is the fact that He has been brought to a place where He can dwell in man. Jesus Christ is a man, He can dwell in unclean man, and that is how the father gets to us. The father is spirit, if He tries to dwell in an unredeemed man, we will be destroyed instantly.
The way it is possible for the father to dwell in our heart is that He has made a way that the Son should dwell in our hearts and if the Son is there the Son and the Father are one. You have the father, the father and the Son are one, do you understand that? That is how He got into our hearts; it is a connection, Jesus that is the intercession.
He is not begging God to forgive us. He is the way that the Father can dwell with us. He has made it possible for the father to dwell in mankind. He is the intermediary. Yes He is, the intermediary, He is the intercessor but it is not what the church world preaches. What it is I am trying to think of a natural example and I cannot at the moment. He is the conversion process, God is giving me an impression but I cannot really understand what He is saying to me.
And what he is telling me that in construction sometimes you have a pipe and you want to connect it to another pipe. I guess that word is washer, you want to connect is to another pipe and if you put these two pipes together there is just no way that there are going to get together, but, there is something, I think it is call a washer, I am not very big on construction. And it looks something like this and it has threads on it and this pipe has threads here and it will screw into this end.
And this pipe will screw into this end and you therefore have these two pipes connected because of this piece in the middle. You know what I am talking about; does anybody know it is call? Is the washer the correct word, a nut, okay?
Jesus Christ is the nut, that sound terrible but you know what I am talking what I am saying, okay. This pipe is man let us say this is man and this is God there is no way that they are going to connect. There is no way they are going to connects, there is no way they are going to be one, there is no way they are going to dwell together because the threads on this pipe do not match the threads that pipe. So God made a made an intermediary and the intermediary is Christ and Christ is man and God amen everybody here knows that, Christ is man and God. So the God part of Him connects over here and the man part of him connects over here and He is the intercessor.
He is the intermediary; brethren He is not down on His knees begging God forgive you. He is the means by which God dwells in your heart, hallelujah, Glory to God.
Comment: [inaudible]
Pastor Sheila: Hold on let me get this on the message.
Comment: There are many things in life that are like that. You know all kinds of things that connect two different things.
Pastor Sheila: Well we know God has natural examples for us everywhere there is just no way we can understand the spiritual truth, well first of all we know we need His spirit, but He gives us these examples brethren. How could we understand? How could we understand? How could we possibly understand? But the examples are everywhere. There are everywhere. All through construction, you know. It just everywhere, nut, screws, whatever, it is not my (laughter) strongest field, okay, glory to God, hallelujah, He is present today. There is a strong presence of the Lord here today, okay, what are we up to.
We are talking about the testimony of the Jesus Christ, okay. And I have an alternate translation for you for verse 2 of chapter 1 of the Book of the Revelation. And John witnessed that the person of Jesus Christ and the Spirit of the Father were in him, when (this is how we witness it now) the impressions of spiritual truth which were imparted to John by God, the Father, were expressed and taught to men directly from John's own thoughts, words and behavior.
And John witnessed that the person of Jesus Christ and the Spirit of the Father were in him, when the impressions of spiritual truth which were imparted to him by God, the Father, were expressed and taught to men directly from John's thoughts, words and behavior. And in this instance brethren, John or Christ in John was the, what we call it xxxxx, the nut, what you call it a nut, that what John was.
He got the impression from God, he got the knowledge, through spirit means from God and the man in him taught it to men. Christ in John in this instance John was Christ. He had the witness of the word of God and the testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ. Because he was used as an intermediary between God and man, hallelujah.
And that does not mean because you stand up some place with a microphone that you are an intermediary between God and man. It is a spiritual office, brethren. And you are only going to find out, whether a person has that office by the Christ in you witnessing it to you.
Do not believe what anybody says, do not look for their degrees on the wall, do not look for the amount of people in the church, listen to what they are saying and ask God.
The only credentials of an apostle of God or an intermediary in whom Christ is manifesting, there is only one witness to authenticity of this person and that is Christ in you telling you it is true. And if you listen to men you are going to miss out. And if you listen to your fear you are going to miss out, glory to God, okay.
We are going on to verse 3, “Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand”. The word read means to be instructed or informed through printed matter, okay, you are not getting it straight from God, blessed of those who cannot get it straight from God, but who are striving to the best of their ability to get it on this side, over here, okay, glory to God.
Reading means to be instructed or informed through printed matter to learn what one has seen in writing; to understand the meaning of written or printed matter; to attribute a meaning or yield an impression of something read.
So if you are reading this book and you winding up by the Christ in you with the impression God gave to John, you reading. This word is not taking about pronouncing words and walking away without no understanding.
The man that wrote the book got an impression from God, if you read the words or you hear what He has to say. And you wind up getting the same impression, see if the words, if Christ in the words touch your heart and it touches the Christ in you and you responds to it and you get the same impression you read it. We have thousands millions of people across the world reading this book and they are sprouting such nonsense.
And there are books written and messages written, it is an abomination, it is just an abomination. You should not touch it; you should not touch it, glory to God.
The word hear means to understand and the word keep, this is interesting. Let me reads the verse again.” Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand”. So his blessing is in three category, those that read and a result of their reading get the same spiritual impression that the teacher got, glory to God.
And they that hear, okay, those that understand, so you are learning to two levels here, okay. The Christ is you is getting an impression, okay if you read, if you understand, okay, that is the natural man in you getting understanding, okay.
First, the word is coming forth, it is encouraging, it is stimulating the growth of Christ in you. Christ in you is saying yeah, yeah, I hear the word of my father, I hear the word of my father. And He is growing in you, okay. Your natural man is responding, because he is understanding, he is bless, that is two people that are bless. And the third person that are bless are those that keep those things which are written therein.
Now that word keep is strong 5083 and it means to guard; to keep unmarried; to preserve or hold firmly. And the Hebrew equivalent is the same word translated "keep" in Gen. 2:15 when God told Adam to dress and keep the garden. We had a lot of teaching hear about the fact that the garden was human soul and Adam was told to keep it from the corruption of the carnal mind. That is what God told Adam, keep your soul from fornicating with the carnal mind.
So we have an alternate translation, here Verse 3 Blessed is the man that reads, and those who learn and understand each of the words of this prophesy, and guard its true meaning from being corrupted by the Great Harlot who reigns over the minds of men.
Bless are you who hear the word the Christ in you is stimulated. Bless are you who understand the soul man in you is moving on towards redemption. And bless are you by the power of God within you. Do not receive the double mindedness of the harlot with regards to this book. Do not believe the false interpretations of this book, glory to God.
Okay moving to verse 4 John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne. The word church is ekklesia, it is Strong’s 1577, I Know that everybody here knows this, I just want to put it on the message. It is not referring to a building; it is not referring to a denomination. It is referring to the spiritual body of the call out one, which are in Christ Jesus, glory to God.
The word means, a calling out, a popular meeting, an assembly. Now the word Grace, John to the seven churches which are in Asia, Let me talk about that, John to the seven churches which are in Asia. Seven is the number of completion, so the church means a spiritual body that is comprise of all of the churches.
It is the people in the church that are baptize into the body of Christ. That are one spiritual entity that is the church. So when John talks to the seven churches, he is talking to the fullness of the church of God of the body of Christ. Did I that clear, he is talking to the fullness of the churches to everyone, it does not matter where you go or what denomination you are in. he is talking to a spiritual people that together comprise that church of the living God, did I make that clear, okay.
John to the fullness of the body of Christ, he said here which are in Asia, but we know that he is talking to the whole church. Grace be unto you.
What is Grace, brethren? Does anybody know what Grace is? Unmerited favor, anything else, anybody else knows what Grace is, okay. Grace Brethren the unmerited favor that gives you the ability to keep the law. We are dying brethren because we cannot keep the law of God in our minds. We cannot stop sinning in our minds. We could want to, but we do not have the power to do it, the harlot seduces us to sin everyday of our life. So Grace is the unmerited favor which gives us the ability to stop sinning the result of which is we shall stop dying.
Grace be unto you and peace. Does anybody have an idea what peace is, glory to God. Peace, peace, amen, peace brethren is a lack of enmity between man and God. There is only one peace brethren, and that is when you come at peace with God.
He said he shall make all of your enemies become at peace with you. But the enmity is in your mind, Paul said at one point we were enemy of God, alienate from him in our mind. So when he says peace be unto you. He is saying may you be at peace with the Lord Jesus Christ. And the Lord Jesus Christ is not going to come into submission unto you. There is only one-way to make peace with the Lord Jesus Christ. You have to stop resisting him and you have to lay down your rebellion against him.
So he is saying may the power to submit to your God be imparted unto you, hallelujah. And he said Grace be unto you and peace from him with is and which was and which is to come.
And I found that very interesting because in Rev.17.8.Now,The beast that thou sawest WAS, and IS NOT. And shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: And they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that WAS, and IS NOT, and YET IS.
So this sounds very similar here, okay so we have the Lord Jesus Christ over here and the scripture tell us in Revelation, Chapter 1, verse 4 that he is, he was, and he is to come. He is, and He was and He is to come. And we have the beast in Revelation 17 and we are told in regards to him that he was, he is not, and he yet is. Now what do we have here, Christ as oppose to the beast. Anybody know, another name for the beast? Anybody, Adam, amen, okay, Adam, natural man, amen.
That is us brethren, you are the beast, we are the beast, grow up time, glory to God. We are female in relationship to God and we are evil in relationship to God, hallelujah, He is righteous and we are evil. So Christ is and the beast who is also is. Christ exists and man exists, amen. Christ was and the beast was. He existed before this year 1988, brethren, amen, okay. So seems like they are running neck and neck, they both were, they both are, but what’s coming brethren in these last days the beast is not and Christ is to come and where is He coming from brethren. He is coming in men He is going to appear in men, the beast shall indeed be cast down, and he shall be no longer, glory to God, halleluiah, okay.
The seven Spirits of God this is verse 4 John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne.
I think I want to read you a part of that alternate translation before I go on
Comment: [Inaudible]
Pastor Sheila I do not know I did not look it up, maybe I should have. I have to make a note to go over that. For next week, I do not know why I skip past that. I will go over that next week, okay.
Verse, let me see, where I’m I, verse 4 Alternate translation, John, bearing the message of Jesus Christ, says to the totality of the spiritual Church in Asia. May you keep the law, may the ability to keep the law be imparted to you. And may there be peace between you and Jesus Christ, even the Eternal God who exists now, who existed from before the beginning and who shall shortly appear in you; and from the seven spiritual ages of the developing Christ in you, glory to God.
Verse 4 John, bearing the message of Jesus Christ, says to the totality of the spiritual Church in Asia: May you keep the law, and may there be peace between you and Jesus Christ, even the Eternal God who exists now, who existed from before the beginning and who shall shortly appear in you. And also from the seven spirits which are before His throne. He is saying grace and peace unto you from the Lord Jesus Christ and also from the seven Spirits which are before His throne, glory to God.
Isaiah 11:1-2 verse 1 And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:
Verse 2 And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD;
Seven Spirits of God the Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of wisdom, and understanding, the Spirit of counsel, and might; The Spirit of Knowledge and the Spirit of the fear of the Lord. Seven Spirits of God, hallelujah, glory to God
The Spirit of the Lord, I am going to suggest to you it is the Holy Spirit , it comes from, I think this is the Greek number 3068. That must be the Hebrew, I went back to the Hebrew it means Jehovah - the self-existent, or eternal, one. And I am going to suggest to you that the seven Spirits there are quite a few scriptures about the seven Spirits of God in the Book of Revelation and we will be getting to them as we go on and I am going to suggest to you it really seven in one. Are any of you are familiar with the book of Revelation at all? There are seven trumpets, then you get to those seven trumpets, and there are seven parts to the seven trumpets you familiar with that, you know what I am talking about.
Well, I am going to suggest to you that these seven Spirits of God that there are seven of them but they are six spirits underneath the totality, okay, so the Spirit of the Lord, there are six manifesting of the Spirit of the Lord. So the seven Spirits of God are the Spirit of the Lord in six parts and together with the spirit of the Lord makes seven.
The Spirit of the Lord, I am going to suggest to you that when you first start to move on with God and you receive the Holy Spirit. He starts to multiple in your life and He starts to grow in your life. Just like an embryo growing in your womb and He grows In six stages and the first stage that appears in you after you receive His spirit is The Spirit of Wisdom, it is the Spirit of wisdom, when you receive the Holy Spirit.
Now I am not talking about the baptism with the Holy Spirit. When you have, a salvation experience wisdom is imparted to you, maybe not the very next day but eventually as you start to read the word of God. And you move with Lord, wisdom shall be imparted to and wisdom is Strong 2451 it means skillful in any art; intelligent; shrewd; endued with ability to judge; to be strong and to be steadfast in your mind
Now I am not saying that this is true about everybody that comes to the Lord but a lot of people and I was one of them when I came to the Lord I really did not know what was right or wrong. I could not judge righteous judgment and, I had a lot of problems in my mind. So one of the first things that is going to happen to your mind if you receive your initial salvation experience that you will receive the ability to make sound decision about what affecting your life.
Some people they cannot tell if they have a choice two choices, and one is going to bring life, and one is going to bring destruction. They really cannot look at the two choices and say that this choice is going to bring destruction in my life and this choice is going to bring life. They really cannot tell the difference and they go down the wrong path I see it happen all the time, amen. I see it all the time, I know that if I touch those drug I would be destroyed. I should go to church and they take the drugs. I know that if I break into that store I going to wind up in jail.
I do not know what goes through their mind, they make the wrong decision, and they make the wrong decision. There are less extreme cases brethren, should I take this job or should I take that job, should I move to this town or should I move to that town. There are lots of people they do not have the ability in their mind to make the decision that is going to benefit there life and those for whom they are responsible and they make the wrong decision and fall into financial disasters and they fall into all kinds of disasters. Maybe the question is with regards to a wife or to a husband. They look at two men and say which man I am going to marry and they pick the man who is good looking, who does not work, whose not willing to make a commitment, who runs around and do not think that this does not happen in the church brethren.
Do not think that men do not run around and women do not run around in the church. Because they do, and then there another guy on the other side of the church he is not to good looking and he is not to exciting, he works hard, he loves you, he is willing to make a commitment to you and make a like with you.
And who do you pick and three years later you running to the pastor and saying I was so sure this was from God he is beating, how could this happen to me? Brethren God did not tell you to marry someone who He knew was going to beat you, glory to God.
So one of the first things that appears in your mind after your receive the Spirit of the Lord, glory to God which is the Holy Spirit not necessary manifesting in the baptism with the Holy Spirit is wisdom. You shall receive the ability to make sound decisions, which will affect your life.
So, the second Spirit or the second stage or the second increase of the Spirit of God you shall receive is The Spirit of Understanding, the Spirit of understanding. The Holy Spirit is increasing in you and by the way, this is the imputed anointing. We had a lot of talk, a lot of teaching here about the imputed verses the imparting anointing.
When you first receive the Holy Spirit you receive the imputed anointing, and bit is given without repentance but it purpose is to bring you to repentance and when it brings you to repentance you move into a deeper stage with the Lord but these gifts are given without repentance, glory to God.
Now I do not want someone to grab me on those words, yes when you come to the Lord you stand up and say yes I repent Jesus be my Lord and savior but brethren you do not even know what you have to repent of yet. You might make an initial repent and you say Lord I want you be Lord of my life but from that point forward He start revealing the deep sins in your life that needs to be repented of, okay, so I do not want anyone calling me on those words. And yes you make a childish repent if I say to xxx, you repent and she says sure I repent I love God , you know she is only, How old are you honey, she is only eight years old, what does she know, there are things that she does not know at eight years old, okay.
And then as you move on with God He shows you things and He requires you to repent and that is the test. I was listening to an old message the other day and someone was talking, we had some congregation participation. And they were saying that they had wanted deliverance in a particular area. And the Lord said to them, I am not going to deliver you from that right. Because there is something else that has to go first and on the message this person said I cannot wait to find out what has to go first, because I want to lose weight. They wanted to lose weight.
Well, God show them what they had to repent of brethren and they would not repent, they would not repent they are out of the ministry and they have still not lost their weight. So we do not know what God would show us and repentance is not as easy as saying la di da, I repent give me my house and my Cadillac, because I am the king kid.
You got some learning to do brethren if that what you thing, so the third thing manifestation of the Holy Spirit in your life is that you get is understanding. And that is Strong’s number 995 and it means to distinguish; to separate and it means understanding which depends upon the power of discerning, it is also the ability to explain and to have power over one's mind. Now we touch on upon this quite a bit over the last few months and what we are talking about here is the washing of the water of the word.
It is the separating of the thoughts that are good and the thoughts that are evil which are the thoughts which are God as oppose to the thoughts of the carnal mind. And I should have not even said good and evil, yes you discern from good and evil but is going to give us the ability to do beyond that. He is going to give us the ability to separate the thoughts of God from the next of man.
Now maybe you want to take a bus into downtown Manhattan tomorrow. Well there is nothing evil about but if God says to you I want you to go to Port Jefferson I have something to do for you and you chose to on into Manhattan and you could not tell that the choice was between your carnal mind and God you do not have the Spirit of understanding. It does not have to be good and evil.
How could you stop rebelling against God if you cannot understand when it is Him that is speaking to you. We were talking about this early in the meeting. We are moving into a very spiritual day and we have to be able to discern spiritual voice is talking to us. It is God or is it the Harlot who blatantly calls herself God.
She would call herself God if she can do it to you, if she can deceive you, okay it is the ability to discern good from evil. And the next spirit we have under the imputed anointing is The Spirit of Counsel this in without repentance brethren the spirit of counsel it is the ability to resolve a spiritual problems. It is Strong’s 6098; it means advice, plan, purpose and the ability to give advice, guide yourself and others. And what we are talking about here is the ability to resolve spiritual problems.
Which is healing and deliverance, now okay do you see, I did really write this down, do you see the progression here, okay? First with wisdom we can make sound decisions, we can make sound decision, I am going to church tonight. I am not going off down the corner because I need spiritual help.
The Spirit of understandingis the ability to discern between God and man, okay. First, you are going to make a decision to what is going to help you. You are going to get to church. Then you can discern between God and man. Then you are going to get the ability to discern spiritual problems. And when you discern spiritual problems, you want help. You want to get healing and deliverance.
Once you discern the problem, you cry out to God for help. This is the imputed anointing. Okay we are moving on and we are moving onto the imparted anointing. Once you get pass all this as you progress and mature in God. The next spirit that comes to you is the Spirit of might. And what it is, is Christ birth in you. It is the Spirit of might. And what it is, is Christ is birth in you, Christ birth in you.
Now we know that he is not birthed in us in full stature. We know he is birth in us in embryo form but he is there and in him lies the seed potential to overcome every problem that could possibility come against us. In any manner shape, or glory to God. It is victory over the soul realm and it is Strong’s 1369 which is Feminine of 1368 is means force; valor; victory; mastery; strength; warrior; champion. But you are still female. You are still female but you would have all the victory, because your husband has been birth within your very own mind.
And I find that very interesting that the reference book Strong’s made it very clear that it is feminine. Now we know that it is not particularly female to be a warrior or to be a champion. These roles just do not apply to women, they just do not apply to women in our society but this is what happens to the female male natural man when Christ is birth in him. He became everything that his husband, hallelujah, glory to God, I am getting excited.
The next spirit that manifest and we are moving along. The imparting anointing is now increasing in us and we receive the Spirit of knowledge, glory to God. We receive of Spirit of Knowledge and this is Strong’s 1847-it means spiritual sight,cunning, perception, to know intimately. And it basically means intimately knowledge. And I am suggestion to you this is the point where Christ marries your soul.
Christ marries your soul, and receives intimate knowledge, you receive discernment, and you receive spiritual perception, okay. When Christ is first birth in you, you receive power, when he joins himself to your soul; you receive spiritual knowledge, spiritual sight, spiritual understanding, spiritual senses. He is operating through your soul. He has joined himself to your soul, glory to God.
And the last one, the last Spirit of the seven spirits of God is the Spirit of the fear of the Lord. It is the fear of the Lord. I am going to suggest to you that it is Christ appearing in you in full stature. Again it is Strong’s 3374 which is the Feminine of Strong’s 3373, God is making it very clear you are still a female and that everything you have is by the power of the presence of his son is your life.
You are still a women, brethren. You are still women in relationship to God. And it means reverence. The word is Strong’s 3374 and it means reverence, glory to God. And Webster says that reverence is to show respect and honor to; profound adoring awed respect; a gesture of respect, such as a bowing down, worshipping, to deferring to.
And we know that the true praise of the soul unto God is the submission of the soul. What God is bringing us to is that our soul should bow down and let the Lord rule in our lives. And that is what this is talking about, The Spirit of the fear of the Lord is being raise up to full stature in that God, Christ in you has brought your soul to the place.
Because you know you cannot do it but by the grace of God. To bow down and let, Christ rule you in your life. And its full stature, hallelujah. And this is the seven Spirits of God, what they really are the seven stages or the seven ages of spiritual development from the time when the Lord reveals himself to us, glory to God, hallelujah.
I want to tell you now what is the function of these seven spirits are Isaiah. 11: verses 3-4-5 verse (3) And [they] shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears:
Verse (4) But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked. (5) And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins.
Those are the purposes this is what we are going to do with these spirits in us, glory to God, Hallelujah.
Alternate Translation- Verse 4 of revelation Chapter 1John, bearing the message of Jesus Christ, says to the totality of the spiritual Church in Asia. May you keep the law, may you have the ability to keep the law being imparted to you and may there be peace between you and Jesus Christ. Even the Eternal God who exists now, who existed from before the beginning and who shall shortly appear in you; and from the seven spiritual ages of the developing Christ in you, the last age being the one in which your soul becomes God's throne, hallelujah.
John, bearing the message of Jesus Christ, says to the totality of the spiritual Church in Asia. May you keep the law, and may there be peace between you and Jesus Christ. Even the Eternal God who exists now, who existed from before the beginning and who shall shortly appear in you; and from the seven spiritual ages of the developing Christ in you, the last age being the one in which your soul becomes God's throne, hallelujah.
I am just going to read you all four verses and we will take questions if there are any.
The Book of Revelation Chapter 1, Alternate Translation verse 1-4
Verse (1) The following is a disclosure of the truth about the inheritance which God, the Father, gave to Jesus Christ. It is given so that natural man, who are His bond servants, can understand the things which must happen to them in the near future, even our conversion into His image. And God, the Father, projected mental images into His slave, John's, mind, through the Christ which dwelt within him, Glory to God.
Verse (2) And John witnessed that the person of Jesus Christ and the Spirit of the Father were in him, when the spiritual truth which was imparted to him by God, the Father, were expressed and taught to men directly from John's thoughts, words and behavior.
Verse (3) Blessed is the man that reads, and those who learn and understand each of the words of this prophesy. And guard its true meaning from being corrupted by the Great Harlot who reigns over the minds of men; even she who would seek to fornicate with them, thus birthing the false doctrines which corrupt the purity of God's Word.
Verse (4) John, bearing the message of Jesus Christ, says to the totality of the spiritual Church in Asia. May you keep the law, and may there be peace between you and Jesus Christ, even the Eternal God who exists now, who existed from before the beginning, and who shall shortly appear in you; and from the seven spiritual ages of the developing Christ in you, the last age being the one in which your soul becomes God's throne.
I do not know about you I am excite brethren do you realize what this means when understanding of this book of Revelation the true understanding of it goes forth into the earth it is time for it to happen. When, now this is not for the whole world if God comes into your life and starts to give you the true understanding it is going to happen to you. He does not tell you these things if the time is not at hand. I did not touch on that for some reason, it say right here at the end of verse 3 for the time is at hand. The time is at hand, hallelujah.
Any questions, okay Glory to God.
05/11/12 Transcribed by AM