460 - Part 2




Part 2 of 3 Parts   


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



Praise the Lord. I am going to start this message out by trying impart to you an understanding of some of the spiritual principles that came forth in Part 1 of this message that you really have not heard me preach before, because I did not know it before. Thank God that the Lord is teaching us, Amen? And I have worked up Alternate Translations for Verses 1-17 of Genesis, Chapter 27. So we will go through those verses relatively quickly, at least we will go through Verse 12 relatively quickly. I want to redo Verses 13-17 because the Lord has shown me a deeper understanding of it, and we will just go over a couple of principles here as the Lord reveals it.


So to start with the new revelation, we know it is not new to God, but it is new to us. There are some Pharisees that would say to us, There is nothing new, all revelation is revealed. Well that is true, all revelation is revealed, and it all exists in the mental plane of Christ Jesus, but for those of us who are climbing up the mountain, and just getting out toes or our fingers in the mental plane of Christ Jesus, for us it is new, we have never heard it before. And this is a little exciting for me, because every little bit that the Lord teaches us is another piece in the puzzle, and it just makes everything else make more and more sense. Basically speaking, I will give you the overall revelation and then we will go over it, and we will go over the drawing that I have on the board. 


The Lord revealed to us several months ago that we have a spiritual virginity, and that this spiritual virginity is the Fiery Serpent. I remember asking the Lord, going back at least a year ago, "Lord, I do not understand it, the Fiery Serpent's ascending, Christ Jesus is ascending, are they ascending together? Where are they?" I just could not get it straight in my head. And now it appears that the Lord is telling that the Fiery Serpent ascends, it is just a question of who she is joined to when she ascends. The Fiery Serpent is our female virginity. We. as personalities, we, as expressions of the earth, we are expressions of the earth, we are formed out of the ground, and the ground is divided. The ground is divided into male and female. Our personality is the female aspect of the ground, and our carnal mind is the male aspect of the ground. We are the products of incest and the products of a lesbian relationship because we are, in our spiritual being, our spiritual molecules look like the circles that are on the board. They are circles because the Primordial Serpent has joined to herself to produce us, and every one of our spiritual molecules are reproductions of the Serpent's sinful connection.


You may recall, in one of the teachings in the Serpent's Triangle, Jehovah's principles are never curves, they are straight lines. And Adam is a parallelogram, he is geometrically expressed as a parallelogram, a four-sided, straight-lined geometrical expression. And of course, every round molecule signifies the Serpent consuming her own tail, or her own phallus. She is male and female, everything about her is a perversion. This is one of the biggest obstacles that men will have to overcome to believe and to comprehend. that everything about this world, including the things about it that we love, when we compare them to the world of the Lord Jesus Christ who is above, everything here is a perversion. The finest, the highest most idealistic achievements and experiences of this world, in comparison to what we are supposed to be is a perversion, and our challenge is to believe that without condemnation, but to just accept it as a fact that this is what we are, and that there are many things in this world which are acceptable to the Lord Jesus for as long as we are down here, but that we should have a desire to return home.


You know, a memory of a Star Trek episode just popped into my mind so I am going to assume it was the Lord, and I am going to share it with you. In this Star Trek episode Captain Picard is kidnaped. Ultimately it turns out that his society was wiped out, and they just wanted someone from another society to experience their society so that they would not be forgotten, they did not want their name or their history to be forgotten. So to do this they captured Captain Picard, and Captain Picard lives a whole lifetime in this foreign world, and he never forgets the Enterprise or the whole world that he left behind. He marries, he has children, he has grandchildren, his wife is very frustrated with him, because she is so happy, she loves him so much, but there is this hunger in him and he is always out there looking to see if he cannot find a way to build a telescope or communicate with outer space.


This was not an advanced society, this was a primitive society compared to the society that the Enterprise was involved in, and his wife could not understand why she could not fulfill him, why he was not happy with her. And he lived his whole lifetime there, and when he died, he woke up back on the Enterprise. So he had this whole experience in about an hour of time, but as far as he was concerned, he actually experienced all of those years. I do not if you cannot understand that or not, I do not know that I understand it now, but I have enough of an understanding now to have a peace about it. There was a time where, if someone said something like that to me I would have been very upset because I could not comprehend it, but it is called a displacement of time.


It is an experience that is beyond time, that if we could just transcend this world -- you see, this world exists in time, and it is continuously going forward. That clock is ticking, tick, tick, tick, and this world is a loop, the latest information is that it is a loop. I think the Lord has agreed with the latest scientific information. The revelation here has agreed with it, that this system, this spiritual system that we live in, it is a loop, and just go round and round and round and round and round and round. Now if you can just ascend above the loop, you will not be affected by the loop. So if you can just get out of this gravity of this spiritual loop and ascend above it, you could have an experience that would last the equivalent of fifty, sixty, seventy years in this world, and then come right back into the same time slot that you were in when you ascended. This is what modern science teaches us, and I believe that the Lord has witnessed that truth to me, we are trapped in this black hole here, and there is an eternal world beyond it where nothing ages, nothing changes. It is just down in this black hole that time goes on, that people are born and die all the time, it is hell, we are down here in hell.


So, everything down here is a perversion. The Lord wants us to be in peace, but He wants us to be standing ready to leave when the call comes, and the only way that we can be ready to leave when the call comes is if we abide in the truth about this world. Now, I can do it but it is very difficult. You know, I do not really remember everything that I felt twenty years ago. It is not painful for me to understand that this world is a perversion, and that the highest ideals of this world will have to fade and bend their knee to the glorious world of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the challenge for us, to understand all of these things without being unhappy about it. We should be happy in this world. I think the Lord wants us to be happy for so long as it is OK to be here. Now, the day that the Lord calls us out and we do not come, well then some unhappiness may come upon us because we will be in rebellion. But we cannot get ahead of the Lord Jesus' program. So while we are down here he wants us to be happy. So this is our challenge, to be happy while we know the truth, enjoy ourselves to the best of our ability, but when the call comes, when the trumpet sounds, we have to be ready to go, because the people who do not know the truth are going to have a problem going when the trumpet sounds. Why? Because they are not going to know what to do.


I do not know about you, but when I was a little girl and there was a threat of war in the United States, we had training drills, you know, in case we were bombed. We had to get down under our desk and cover our neck and our head, we were trained. You have to know what to do when the call comes, you see. So this is what the Lord has revealed to me and to us in this most recent message, that the Fiery Serpent can be likened to a spiritual egg in a woman's ovum. Human women have two ovaries and, I think, millions or billions of eggs in each ovum. Every human being has one spiritual Fiery Serpent, but she is made up of many spiritual eggs, or spiritual molecules. She is not a particle, she is an energy stream, she is an energy source.


That is why I wrote it up there, because we are all so carnal, and even I sometimes tend to think of her as an actual snake. She is not, she is not formed like a snake, she is spiritual, she is an energy string and she flows. She can be likened to more to water than to an animal out here. She is an energy stream, and energy is typified by water. If you are looking for symbols that are going to help you understand spiritual things, energy is signified by water. She takes the form of the container. Water takes the form of the container. The Fiery Serpent, who is an energy stream, takes the form of the container. Who is the container? Guess who? So, we are she, if you can hear it. She has woven us out of spiritual substance, she is the warp and the woof of our being.


She is the substance of our physical body, she is the substance of our etheric body, she is the substance of our astral body, and she is the substance of our carnal mind. She has taken a basic fiber and woven herself into all of these different things. Just like you can a piece of cloth and make all kinds of garments out of the cloth, or you can take a piece of thread and weave all different kinds of garments. She is a spiritual energy source that is superior to the most brilliant human being that exists. She is a superior life form, but thank God, Christ Jesus is superior to her. But we are not superior to her. So we have a spiritual virginity. Her name is the Fiery Serpent, everybody has her. And this aspect of the Fiery Serpent, now I just told you, the Fiery Serpent is all of us, she is everything that we are, but there is an aspect of herself that she wove into this energy stream that lies sleeping in the root center.


As if to say, Look at me, I have a heart and I have lungs and I have a spleen, and I have all of these things, but my name is Sheila, and when you look at me this is what you see, this whole person. Well for spiritual purposes, the Fiery Serpent has formed us out of her own substance, but she takes the name Fiery Serpent, and when she takes that name she refers to out spiritual virginity. When she takes the name the Fiery Serpent she refers to that part of herself that has the potential to be born as a supernatural spiritual being. And we this physical body and the personality that she abides in, are the host. We are the host, we are the spiritual womb that she rests in. That is such a come down brethren, we are a host, that is what we are, that is what we are. There is no help if we do not know what we are, because no matter what we are now, we have the opportunity to be a son of God, but we have to know where our base is, we have to know where we are coming from.


We are the host, we are the host, we are the womb in which spiritual life grows. And this potential for this supernatural being to come out of us like a butterfly comes out of a cocoon, is in the Fiery Serpent. But she is undifferentiated. She can come forth as a spiritual male or as a spiritual female, depending on what spirit joins with her. I should not even say that, depending on whether or not she joins with herself to reproduce, or whether or not Christ joins with her, and that is the drawing that I have on the board. The human spirit in mortal man flows with Satan, Satan is the spiritual blood of the individual, the energy source that gives us animation and what we call life down here, and the human spirit flows with Satan, and the Fiery Serpent is the earth who is satisfying herself.


Now, before we died for the second time, because we died when Adam died, but then Jehovah put Humpty Dumpty back together again, and Michael connected with Abel and the creation was alive again; so when Abel was alive, the human spirit is joined with the earth. And over on your right, all the way over on the board, that is what the molecules of the Fiery Serpent look like when she is joined to Abel. She is a straight line, not really a straight line, but she has to be a four-sided, she has to be expressed as a four-sided geometrical expression when she is married to Abel. So the human spirit joined to the earth is Abel, but and the earth we will say, to make this simple for now, is Cain. Cain and Abel was the human spirit or Elohim's breath of life that was in the earth joined to the earth. That is who Cain and Abel are, they are a dual creature, Cain is the female animal, and Abel is the righteous mind of the female animal. But Cain keeps killing Abel. Abel is not able to take care of himself. Cain keeps killing him.


So in this hour, I am really just jumping around now because I could preach a whole hour on this one subject. The Holy Spirit is flowing in humanity. When the Holy Spirit enters into us, he seeks to connect with the human spirit, and when connects with the human spirit, the human spirit starts to separate from Satan. That is on your left, if you are looking at the board. that is what is happening on your left. I do not know how accurate these drawings are but just to get the idea across to you, the human spirit flows with Satan, they are completely one. But when the Holy Spirit comes into our life and sin is confessed, the symbol for the confession sin is to boil, to boil, we had that in Part 1 of this message. The Scripture says that Jacob was boiling and the carnal mind thinks he was making soup. No, Jacob was boiling Satan, he was a righteous man, he was living the most righteous life possible for a man in his condition. He was boiling.


I remember when God first gave me this revelation, it was years and years ago. It was when I was doing this study on Daniel, Chapter 7, our message #71. I do not know what I was researching but I was looking for, looking and looking, I could not understand something and when I finally found it, the Lord showed it to me through a Strong's concordance, I did not have a computer at that time, and that was the answer. He is boiling, Christ Jesus is boiling the creation. And I said, Lord, this cannot be you, what in the world does this mean, that Christ Jesus is boiling? But I preached it because I knew He was saying it to me. So every time we choose righteousness over sin we have boiled Satan. It is a symbol, it is a parable, it is an allegory, that is how we express a deep spiritual truth without talking about it for two hours like I do. That is what it means.


So, Abel keeps getting murdered by Cain. You know, this is not a one time thing that Cain killed Abel. Cain has been killing Abel since the fall. Abel keeps rising, Cain keeps killing him. But now, glory to God, Jehovah has sent us a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ is in the earth today by His seed in the form of the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit can be flowing in a person without joining to the Holy Spirit, you see. So there a lot of people in the Church that have the Holy Spirit flowing in them. I believe you can speak in tongues and prophesy without the Holy Spirit having joined to your human spirit. The Holy Spirit comes with gifts. Does anybody remember what the qualifications are for the Holy Spirit to join with your human spirit? Does anyone remember? Whoever prefers the Lord Jesus over this world will find Him.


He is no respecter of persons. He wants everybody, but the one who hopes that His promises are true, and the one who prefers Him will connect with Him. So you can have the Holy Spirit flowing in you and never make a connection. But when the Holy Spirit connects, he connects with the human spirit. And the human spirit becomes fortified. You can see it board that I showed the black and the red energy strings twisted together, that is the fortified human spirit, he is now a germ cell. It is two seeds so closely united that they are really just one seed, but it is two seeds, it is the Holy Spirit and the human spirit, and that fortified human spirit goes forth and starts to interfere with the molecules of the Fiery Serpent that are joined to herself, why? Because Abel is rising from the dead, and who is Abel? Abel is, well I have it over on the right on the bottom. Abel is Adam's phallus.


Abel is Adam's roots in the earth. Abel is that which Adam can rise from the dead out of. Abel is the dust, we did a whole series here on Abel being the dust. You may recall, it was a couple of years ago. But when the spirit is separated from the Fiery Serpent, technically it is not Abel, because Abel, we can only call him Abel when the spirit is joined to the Fiery Serpent, as you can see on your right. Abel is not raised from the dead until he is penetrating some of those molecules of the Fiery Serpent and changing her. So we see that we have gone a shade deeper.


I have been teaching for years that the human spirit joins the human spirit, and Abel is raised from the dead. I always knew, for at least for a while now, I have had a feeling that I really did not have it quite right. Well, there is another step in there, it is not really Abel until he mixes with the dust. And to mix with the dust, he has got to get the Fiery Serpent's tail out of her mouth; and to get the Fiery Serpent's tail out of her mouth, he has got fight Leviathan's dog. Who's Leviathan's dog? Leviathan's dog is Satan. Now remember, the Fiery Serpent is really Leviathan, and I am not telling you that Leviathan looks like an octopus, it is just a really good example. If you want to think of Leviathan as an octopus, Leviathan is in the spiritual plane, she is not in this world, she puts her tentacles down into this world, and Leviathan has a tentacle in every human being, and at the tip of that tentacle is the Fiery Serpent.


So the Fiery Serpent really is Leviathan, but she is like the tippy tippy ends of Leviathan; she is the part of Leviathan that is in the individual. So Leviathan is watching out for her. It is just like saying this finger is me, I mean, I am not going to let you smash my finger, that is my finger. So the Fiery Serpent is only in an individual person. The Fiery Serpent exists only in individual people. But she is the fingertips, you might say, of the whole of Leviathan. So if you are hurting the Fiery Serpent, you have got a war with Leviathan, and Leviathan has a dog that he is going to sick on you, and her name is Satan. She is the dog. In the Book of Revelation, we are told the dog is outside of the city. Satan is the dog. So it sounds so simple that the Holy Spirit will join with the human spirit, and the fortified human spirit will pull the Fiery Serpent's tail out of her mouth, and satisfy her himself, and she will be married, except that you have got a war on your hands every step of the way to do this, and of course, the fortified human spirit is reconciling or converting a spiritual molecule at a time.


We had some teaching on that, at least six or eight months ago, it came forth in terms of eggs, that the molecules of the Fiery Serpent are eggs. They are black eggs, and when the fortified human spirit succeeds in pulling the tail out the Fiery Serpent's mouth and satisfying her himself, the whole configuration of the molecule changes, it becomes an energy string as you can see on your right. And at some point, at this point I do not really know what the point is, so many molecules are reconciled and now married to the fortified human spirit, we can say that Abel is established in the earth of that person, and Abel is our spiritual life. Abel is our spiritual life in Christ Jesus, and spiritual activity is illegal down here in hell in any other configuration except the one that is on the board.


If you are having spiritual experiences and you have not, your human spirit is not fortified by the Holy Spirit, and your fortified human spirit is not married to a significant amount of the molecules of the Fiery Serpent, I do not know what the number is, but Jesus knows. If you are engaged in spiritual activities and this is not your spiritual condition, you are engaged in illegal spiritual activities, and your spiritual potential is the Fiery Serpent, you are having your spiritual experiences, not with Adam's phallus, but you are having them with the worm that Jesus talks about, and that Jehovah was talking to Jacob about. You are having your spiritual experiences with just dirt, just an earthworm, and the fruit of those experiences is that you will raise up Satan, and you will be captured, you, your personality, and everything that makes you what you are will become the victim of the Satanic mind.


So the Fiery Serpent who is joined to the Holy Spirit, is -- in the Old Testament, the key word, the code word, is "hand". I have known for years, and I have been preaching for years, that the word hand, frequently in the Old Testament, and I have even used it in the New Testament, signifies Christ, or that is what I told you, Christ or some kind of spiritual phallus, but I never really had it like I have it now. So you can have the Holy Spirit and not have Adam's phallus manifesting in you. You can have the Holy Spirit joined to your human spirit, and Adam's phallus is still not manifesting in you. You have got a war on your hands for the spirit to join with the dust, and when the spirit is joined to the dust, Abel is raised from the dead. Any questions or comments on this?


OK, now we are going to talk about how Adam gets raised from the dead. Abel is Adam's phallus, Adam's root system. When we did the series, "The Lie About The Lice," the symbol or the parable in that study was that Abel is Adam's root system. We will find that the Scriptures will call the same thing by different names, depending on the point that the Scripture is trying to make. When Abel is raised from the dead, he has roots in the earth, you can see it right on that board. His spiritual roots are rooted in the Fiery Serpent. And out of this marriage Adam will eventually be raised from the dead. Now, at what point is Adam raised from the dead? First let me remind you, if you know the answer, raise your hand, but I do not know that you are going to know the answer.


Who is Adam? Abel is Jehovah's virile seed; the human spirit joined to the Holy Spirit joined to the Fiery Serpent, Adam's phallus is the virile seed. Who is Adam? Adam is the virile seed joined to the waters, the whole semen. Adam is the virile seed joined to the waters. Adam is the whole semen flowing in man. So look at what is happened here, the Holy Spirit is joining to the human spirit is joining to the Fiery Serpent, that is the resurrection of the virile seed in the individual. Now the virile seed is going out to capture the waters, because we need the whole semen, the virile seed plus the water, to be a supernatural man. We need the whole semen. So at the point, well let me say this first, so we see Abel, OK, the fortified Abel, I think I wrote fortified on the board, but I think it is just Abel, I will change that. We have the fortified human spirit and then Abel is raised from the dead, and then Abel goes out and starts waging a warfare against Satan, because Satan has the waters.


Now I am just saying it in a different way but I have been preaching this for a long time. I have told you, Abel is under the sea when He is raised from the dead, and he has to fight Satan and ascend to the surface of the sea, and when Abel ascends to the surface of the sea and He is standing in holding his own and dominating Satan, he becomes Christ Jesus, which is the resurrected Adam, that is what I have been telling you. I am just giving it to you now a little shade deeper, that it is much more than ascending to the surface of the sea, it is also the domination of the seas, which I knew that too, but I did not see it right now.


What we are talking about is the joining of the virile seed, which is Abel, to the waters in a configuration where the virile seed is ruling, and that is the resurrected Adam. That is what it means that he ascends to the surface of the seas. I knew that God gave me that word, but I really did not know what it meant, because I know it is not a sea like out here in Cedar Beach. So what it means for Abel to ascend to the surface of the sea, it means that Abel has become strong enough to dominate Satan, and that He is joining his virile seed to Satan's waters, with Abel in the dominating position. At that point -- and again, I do not know how many molecules this has to happen in, I just really do not know -- at that point, Adam is risen from the dead. And once Adam rises from the dead, he continues to wage war against the body of sin.


This is another spiritual principle that will come forth tonight. I did not really see it in Part 1 of this message. I found out what the body of sin is. I took that Scripture for you, Paul talks about the body of sin, in Romans 6:6, "Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, and henceforth, we should not serve sin." The body of sin, brethren, is the combined astral body and etheric body. Now remember, I say the etheric body but the etheric body is really a part of the physical body. The etheric body is the spiritual part of the physical body. It is considered physical. The astral body is the next plane up, that is our emotional body. That is our body of sin. I know I have talked to you about this for a long time, Are we supposed to develop etheric and astral sight? Because as you know, I do read occult books, and I put them before the Lord and I have gotten a lot of tremendous knowledge.


Now, according to the occult books that I read, to have your etheric and your astral sight opened is a desirable thing, but when it did not happen to me, I prayed about it, and the thought occurred to me that maybe it is not a desirable thing, because I know that I am reading an occult book, so there has to be things in there that will not be true for the son of God. And I have had this question before the Lord I think for over a year. I now have my answer, we are not to have our etheric or astral sight opened, our astral body and our etheric body is the body of sin and it is to be covered. We are not to be having spiritual experiences in the astral plane or in the etheric plane. That is the body of sin, and the body of sin is covered when Adam rises into the 6th center and marries the glorified Jesus Christ and becomes King Adam.


In the New Testament, I am getting my Testaments mixed up tonight, because I do not know whether I am high in the spirit or what. But in the Old Testament, Adam rises into the 6th energy center, and either joins with the Spirit of Elijah or Michael, and becomes what is called the preservative. In this account that we are studying in Genesis, Chapter 27, the metaphor for King Adam is the preservative, because when you ascend into the 6th center and you join to, in the Old Testament it is the Spirit of Elijah or Michael, in the New Testament the resurrected Adam is Christ Jesus, and when he ascends into the 6th energy center he marries the Lord Jesus Christ, you become preserved, you become the preserved one, and that is what this word savory meat in Gen.27 is talking about.


He is talking about the one who preserves you. Jesus talks about salt being a preservative. We found in our study of John, Chapter 21, that Leviathan, when dominated by Christ Jesus, becomes salted fish, preserved fish. That is what savory meat means. If you are willing to go past the parable, that is what it is talking about. And in several verses, the word "savory meat" appears in several verses in Genesis, Chapter 27, and it is not always used the same way. I think at least two or three times it may be translated King Adam, he is the preservative. When King Adam is manifested in an individual, we will stop dying, we will not be sick anymore and we will stop dying. He is the preservative, he is the salt.


So Jesus said, "If your salt has lost its savor, what are you going to salt yourself with?" What does that mean? If you do not have King Adam in anymore, if you have lost your connection to the world above, what are you going to preserve yourself with? You are not going to preserve yourself, you are going to die. Now Jesus was saying this to the Jews. It is a whole other story, is not it? I think it is just so -- I think it is just absolutely marvelous when you hear what these Scriptures really mean.


I am afraid to ask you if you are OK. (Chuckle). OK, so what I have been talking about here for at least a half an hour, if you want to fully understand our translation of Genesis, Chapter 27, this is one of the principles that you will want to know, because it is talking a lot about the preservative. Does anybody have a question or comment on this? No. Nobody knows what I am talking about. (Chuckle).


OK, the second spiritual principle that I would like to give you before we start the translation, is about the goat. In Verse 9, we see the word "she-goat," and I felt led to look up Daniel, Chapter 8, because I know that Daniel, Chapter 8 talks about the goat that enters into the garden and destroys the ram, and when we did Part 1, I mentioned to you that the she-goat was Ashtoreth or Astarte, I really do not know the difference. I think at this point that the only difference between Ashtoreth and Astarte is that they are really the same entity, but different nations have given them different names. That is my revelation right now, and when our Fiery Serpent ascends into the heart center, it is very hard to get into the heart center. She has to pierce through into the heart center. The Fiery Serpent does not have much trouble fluctuating up and down between the first and third centers, but the heart center is like the ceiling of the house.


I do not know about you, but I have had a lot of dreams where I was in the attic of the house, or I even had one dream where I was walking on my head. I was like a helium balloon walking along the top of the house, and if you are in that condition, you are as close to the heart center as you can get without being in the heart center, you have to pierce through. See, the very top of the naval center, which is the 3rd energy center, is the foundation of the heart center. So you have to bore through, you have to pierce through to get there and that is not an easy thing to do. Leviathan's dog is trying to bite you every step of the way, and biting you if she can. It is a big war to pierce into the heart center, but when you pierce through into the heart center, spiritually speaking, you have the strength to remain there, you have taken a tremendous step in your spiritual growth.


Now at the beginning it is possible to ascend into the heart center, but not be strong enough to stay up there, you keep slipping back down. But there is a piercing through, there is a piercing through. It is a spiritual growth step that when you experience that you never go down below the heart center again. Now and the heart center is called the aeriel center. So once you get through to the heart center, you have some strong dominion over Satan, you really have power to go on, once you get through to the heart center. And from there, you start whatever growing spiritually until you ascend into the 6th center. And I think there have been a lot of people in the 6th center over the centuries. I think there were a lot of Jews that were in the 6th center, but they could not stay there. They kept falling out of it.


There is even a song in the King James translation where it says, we have fallen down. I remember asking the Lord about that. Well I do not think He is talking about the fall in the garden, this is Israel. What are you saying we fell down? They fell down out of the 6th center. They lost there supernatural, supernatural, supernatural (laughing), I am drunk in the spirit here, they lost there supernatural status, they could not get back up, they have not got back up yet. So, when we pierce through to our heart center, and we abide there, we take our personality with us and, spiritually speaking, we are identified either as a ram or a goat, depending on whether or not the Fiery Serpent has pierced through into the heart center with Abel or with Christ, or without him.


If the Fiery Serpent has pierced through into you heart center without Christ, you have a goat living in your heart center. But if the Fiery Serpent pierces into your heart center and abides there and dwells there, that is a garden, your heart center is a garden, and she abides there, you are a ram, and that is a symbol for Christ Jesus. Now what caught my interest, well let me say this before I say that; so our heart center, spiritually speaking, is a garden and our spiritual being, which has name, the goat, if there is a goat living in our heart center, that is who the devil is. Did you ever see a picture of Satan appearing as a goat? A lot of Satanists draw him as a goat. Well, that is who she is. She is the Fiery Serpent joined to, married to herself, who has ascended into the heart center, and is living through your personality with spiritual power. That is who the goat is.


And I got all excited cause I found out what Jesus was talking about when He said He was going to separate the sheep from the goats. I believe now that He was talking about the individual. He was not saying that some people are sheep and other people are goats, although that may by true. It is the same thing as saying, you can measure on a scale of one tenm and if you are above five you are a sheep, and if you are below five you are a goat. Well, that may be true that some people have more goat qualities than sheep qualities, and some people have more sheep qualities than goat qualities, that may be true, but the most important thing to focus on is that even if you are just a one; if you are really a goat, if even you are a Satanist, you still have the opportunity to become a lamb. It is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.


If you are evil, you can become good with the help of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am not saying that it is an easy thing to do. My whole point is that Jesus Christ is not throwing away any human being. He is not looking at any human being and saying, You are too evil for me to deal with, you do not qualify. And I am sure that everybody here knows that there are innumerable numbers of people in the Church going around saying, I am a wheat and you are a tare, or, I am a lamb and you are a goat, it is just not true, it is just not true. Jesus will take anybody who is willing to pay the price to prefer Him. Now the truth of the matter is that, if you are a one on the scale, if you are really a goat, then you are going to have a much harder time, you are going to have a much more difficult time following Jesus, but if you are willing to pay the price, He will get you through.


So, there is not anybody who is not eligible to enter into the kingdom of God. The lamb or the sheep or the goat is within us. And it is possible, according to the Scripture, to have a lamb and goat in our heart center at the same time. That is Daniel, Chapter 8. It is possible for them both to be there. That means that the Fiery Serpent is divided. Well, that should not be a surprise, we are double-minded. The Scripture talks about spiritual adultery, we are divided within ourselves. Our human spirit, half of our fortified human spirit is joined, I said that wrong. Our human spirit is joined to half of the spiritual molecules of the Fiery Serpent, and the other half of the spiritual molecules of the Fiery Serpent are joined to herself. And if our fortified human spirit is joined to enough of the molecules of the Fiery Serpent to pierce into the heart center, well, the whole Fiery Serpent goes with her, and all of the molecules that are not married to Abel, that are not married to the fortified human spirit become the goat in the heart center. And there is a war going on in your heart center.


So, Jesus says He is going to choose all of the sheep, which I bet that is, that has to be a wrong translation, the word really has to mean ram, it has to be a wrong translation there in the New Testament. Jesus is going to take all the rams, because for you to be in the heart center you have to be a spiritual male. There is no female sheep that is piercing through to the heart center. It is only the fortified Abel that is ascending into the heart center after a tremendous warfare, it is no little female sheep. So Jesus says, I am going to take the rams and I am going to say, Enter ye into the Kingdom, Oh ye blessed of the Lord, but all of the goats will enter into eternal judgment. What does that mean? It means they are going into the Lake of Fire. And who is the Lake of Fire? Christ Jesus, the ram in your heart center, is going to cover the goat that is in you, and Christ Jesus is the Lake of Fire, and the goat will burn. And the whole goat will be consumed, except for that part of her which is the human spirit. Only the gold will survive.


What Jesus is talking about is perfection when He says that about the sheep and the goats. It is a very exciting word. Those of you who are struggling, those of you who have pierced into your heart center and have a ram and goat battling each other all day and all night long, and you are weary from the warfare, take heart, because the hour is coming when the Lord Jesus will say, Enter into the kingdom, ascend up into the 6th center, Oh ye blessed of the Lord, and marry the Lord Jesus Christ, and become the fiery covering of the goat in your heart center, and let that goat be sacrificed in eternal judgment. Let that fire burn continually over that heart center so that the goat never rises up again!


In the New Testament we call that goat the devil, in the Old Testament she is either Astarte or Ashtoreth. Maybe we will take a break. One more spiritual principle before we go on to the alternate translations and that is about the two kids in Verses 9 and 16. We read about getting two kids from the flock. The Hebrew word translated "kid" means young male goat and the two young male goats, does anybody know who the two young male goats are? Oh you know? OK. Someone's been listening to Sunday's message.


COMMENT: Jacob and Esau.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, yes. Actually, the spiritual bodies of Jacob and Esau.


And this is a little deep so I wanted to explain it to you before I got to those verses. Genesis, Chapter 27 says that the goat, not the kids now, but the mature goat is a she-goat, but Daniel, Chapter 8 says that it is a he-goat. So I went into Daniel, Chapter 8 to see if I could reconcile this difference, and I found out that there is an untranslated word in Daniel, and that there are actually two words. One says he-goat and the other says she-goat, but the King James translators just translated it he-goat because they did not know what to make out of it. But we know what to make out of it, because the goat in the heart center is a he-goat that is really a she-goat, acting like a he-goat, but she is really a she-goat.


We know that Satan and every aspect of the Serpent's household is looking and acting like a male, but she is a butch lesbian. That is what she is, she is a female. The mature goat, the mother of the two kids, is a she-goat, she is a female, and the significance of the Scripture calling Jacob and Esau male goats is that -- brethren, we, everyone of us, every human being has a physical body, or the etheric part of the physical that has come forth from the she-goat in this spiritual plane. The Lord Jesus did not give us these spiritual bodies. I think the two biggest stumbling blocks for people ascending are these physical bodies and human sexuality. People are going to, they are just going to spiritually die left and right over these issues. These bodies are not of God, these are the Serpent's bodies, and there is a she-goat in the spirit, I do not have all the details, but they are coming in slowly, but somehow, somewhere these physical bodies have to start to be formed.


I have done some reading on it in occult books. There is no way I am ready to teach on it yet. So I have a little understanding, but I do not think it would do you any good, it would just confuse you more. The Lord will have to equip me to and tell me when He wants me to share it with you. You see, these physical bodies, they even start before the conceived egg, or well, you have a conceived embryo in the womb, but the body is being, has been formed, or is in the process of being formed in the spiritual planes, in the astral plane and in the etheric plane before even the embryo is -- well, I do not know exactly at what points, I do not want to, I mean I do not know, I mean it is possible that spiritual aspects of us, our etheric body and our astral body are even formed before the embryo is formed, before the physical sperm and the physical ovum connect to form the zygote, the first cell of the new embryo. It very possible that our spiritual bodies are formed in the spiritual plane. I do not know, but it is a real possibility.


What this Scripture is saying, what these Scriptures are saying, Verses 9 and 16, the ones that talk about the she-goat and the kids, is that the spiritual aspects of our being, our body of sin, the etheric body and the astral body are formed in the invisible planes and they are formed under the auspices, under the authority, under the direction of this spiritual she-goat. I do not have the exact word for you. Is it Leviathan, is it the Fiery Serpent? I do not know, but it is some member of the Serpent's household that has the authority to do this.


And for our study right now, the Lord has revealed to us that there is a spiritual part of us that is an entity in their own right. We have either the devil dwelling in us, or Christ dwelling in us, and the devil could be good or evil. There is a spiritual part of us, that if you are not a spiritual person, there is spiritual part of you that has whole existence that you do not even know about. And once you find out about her, you are in a war with her. You are in a daily war with her once you see her, but she is in there, whether you see her or not. There is a spiritual entity that has an existence that dwells within us, she is a parasite with a host. It is just the truth, denying will not help you, being afraid will not help you, it is the truth.


This is our condition. Jesus said, I have much to tell you but you cannot bear it now. There are, the astral plane and the etheric plane is just teeming with activity. I believe the Lord had witnessed that to me. It is teeming with beings that the Serpent has created that were never supposed to be created. They were never supposed to come into existence, they have to be covered, they are not supposed to be. They are the children that we read about in Ezra and Nehemiah, the illegitimate children, where the Jewish men married the Babylonian women, and when the Jewish men were called back to serve God they had to leave the children that were half-breeds. These two planes, at least that I know of, maybe there are more, that were formed by the Serpent, are just teeming with beings, and this is really hard to understand. I do not know that I really grasp it now, it has taken me a long time. They are disembodied beings, they do not have bodies, and they are living in us.


They live in us, we are their house. Well you say, I am not aware of it. Well, I say back to you, You have never been without them, this is what you have known your whole life. We are completely infested. There is a physical expression of it, you can get a parasite, you can get a tapeworm. If you have pets, you have to worry about heartworms and all kinds of pestilence. My father had a worm once. He was breaking out in boils all around his neck. The doctor gave him all kinds of antibiotics, nothing stopped it. One day he went back to see the doctor and the doctor spotted it under the skin. I do not know how it got in my father's neck, I do not know, it must have been something that he ate and then it flows in the blood and lodges somewhere, and this worm was just causing boils to break out all over his neck. The doctor saw it, grabbed hold of the worm, pulled it out, and my father was OK. We are infested with spiritual life.


Now, I have two things on my mind and I want to mention them to you so that I do not forget one or the other. Two images have popped into my mind, one of the Star Trek episode where Data is possessed by hundreds of bodiless entities, and the other thought that popped into my mind is a TV program that I saw about the Aliens where they kidnaped this woman and they took her supposedly to their ship, but it was really to another plane, and they showed her all of these babies, where they had a like a nursery there with hundreds of babies. And what the Lord just said to me, if I am hearing Him correctly, is that those are the spiritual bodies that will eventually connect with the physical body. Those are the astral and etheric bodies that will somehow be connected with a physical fetus that is ready to be born. That is what the Lord just told me, but you do not have to believe it if you do not want to.


There was an episode on Star Trek where Data --  The Enterprise was flying through space, cruising through space, and they came across what they call an anomaly, it simply means an unknown, it does not even have to be an object, it could be just an unknown, an anomaly is an unknown. And it turned out that there were hundreds, if not thousands, of disembodied spirits in this whatever it was, I do not think it was a ship. I do not think it could be identified as a ship, and Data, somehow through the machines that he was using, because of his position, or because he was an Android, I am not really sure, but they found place in him and they dumped from their space house -- whatever it was -- into Data's system. It was a very interesting episode because he suffered from multiple personalities, and one at a time they would rise up and talk for him, but he was totally dysfunctional, they crippled him.


These beings who were using these bodies for a house utterly crippled the host. You may recall from our series on powers and principalities and thought forms, that we have powers and principles living in our energy centers. It is just a question of who is living there. Is it the Serpent's household or Christ Jesus? We have powers and principalities living in our energy centers, and we also are surrounded by thought forms, but the powers and principalities are the ones that really make you sick. They live off of our energy, that is our condition. So therefore the Scripture says that Jacob and Esau were two kids. Well what does that mean? It means that the Scripture is not talking about the physical body, it is talking about the etheric and the astral body that are given by the she-goat, Leviathan, whoever she is. I do not know what the right name is at this point.


Everyone in a physical body, no matter how perfect you are in your relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ, you are still fallen. Jacob was as perfect as he could be, but he was a mortal man. The Scripture says that, when it describes him, it clearly says he was a mortal man. That means he had a physical body and an etheric body and an astral body, and Jehovah did not give him any of those three bodies, he got those three bodies from the Serpent's household. And I mentioned to in Part 1, that Jacob and Esau were one spiritual man. Esau had the water and Jacob had the virile seed, and together they made one spiritual man, but the only way they could function as a spiritual man, to do the works of God, would be if Esau would submit to Jacob, because Jacob had to be the head.


Believers in the Church can fight all they want over who has the anointing or who has the head; they could disagree, they could say anything that they want, but their words do not mean anything. The one who truly has the headship has the headship, and the one who truly has the headship will not be moved, but stay steadfastly in submission and under Christ Jesus who has called him. Eventually the rest of the Church will come into submission. I do not know, it could take years and years and years and years, I do not know, that is not my job. My job is to do what I am told, I teach what He tells me to teach you. I still did not finish the Serpent's Triangle, I still did not finish Out Of Zion, I just do what I am told. But the one who is glorified, the perfect man, h=Ge will bring the people who have the water into submission to the people who have the virile seed. It has to be and it will be, because it is not my will, but it is the will of the Ancient of Days, the one who no longer needs a physical body to exist.


So I know it has to come to pass. and that is when the power is coming into the Church. You have to have the whole semen, and when you have the whole semen, it has to be in right relationship. The men that have the water have to be in submission to the men that have the virile seed. Does anybody have any questions about this issue, that Jacob and Esau are called, well. they are not only called young goats, they are called young male goats, which is very interesting. They are not female goats, they are both male goats, which means they both had spiritual power. Esau had the water, he was highly spiritual, and Jacob had the seed. He did not have the active spirituality that Esau had, but he had the headship. He was the meek seed, he had the headship. They were both male. One was male in Jehovah and the other was male in the Serpent. Esau had just the water. When you have the water alone, you are male in the Serpent, when you have the virile seed, whether you attached to the water or not, you are male; in this New Testament you are male in Christ Jesus. If you have the virile seed, you are male in Christ Jesus, if you have the water without the seed, you are spiritually female. You are considered a male because of your spiritual power, but in relationship to the seed, you are female. You are the false male, you see, if you have the water without the seed, you are the he-goat that is really she-goat, but you are acting like a he-goat. (Chuckle.) It is nice to laugh once in while, this stuff is so serious.


I think that is all I have to say about the spiritual principles that are given to prepare you to understand these translations. There is one other thing, but I think I will wait until we get to that verse. Are there any questions or comments before we go on with the translation? Yes.


COMMENT: When Jacob and Esau get together, the virile seed with the waters, when they get together, would that be the mental plane, would that combination be the mental plane or would that still be the physical plane, or what plane would it be?


PASTOR VITALE: That is a good question. To the best of my knowledge, it is the mental plane, and we will find out when we get to the last two verses that we translate here, I think Verses 15, 16, and 17, that when everything comes into order, when Abel rises from the dead in Jacob, and he ascends and joins with, I cannot -- well, I have to decide what I am going to put in the alternate translations. It is really Michael that he joins with, but of course there is no mention of Michael, so people are going to say, What are you talking about? But for us here, when Abel rises from the dead and ascends into the 6th energy center where He is met by Michael, He becomes King Adam. He becomes King Adam, or sometimes we called him the fortified Adam, OK, he becomes a supernatural man. He ascends into the 6th center and He is nailed there by the strength of the one who is above, whether you want to say it is Jehovah or Elohim or Michael, whatever you want to say. He is nailed up there and He is strengthened by the one above. Then the next thing he does is cover Esau, and the Scripture says, And they became bread. Jesus said, I am the bread from Heaven. They became the supernatural man who had everything that is needed to feed and care for and heal humanity. And to the best of my knowledge at this time, that is the mental plane.


And also, you will see when we get to these translations, that they covered the body of sin. King Adam, resurrected in the two of them, in Jacob and Esau, covered the body of sin. Their etheric body and their astral body was covered. So we see that this is the germ seed, that is the Serpent's germ seed, the astral body and etheric body pressed together, is what Paul calls the body of sin. We are not to have our etheric sight opened, we are not to have experiences in the astral plane, we are to shun it wherever it appears. Our supernatural experiences are to be in the mental plane of Christ Jesus. So we may never see auras, we may never see it, I do not know what is going to happen. I know I do not see auras now. Sometimes I am, I do not know that I ever will. I know that I have, from time to time, if someone is getting a healing, I perceive that part of their body in the spirit of my mind, but I have never looked at a person with x-ray vision and seen into the body. You hear these testimonies from people who have healing in the Serpent, and I do not know that it will not come in Christ Jesus, I do not know that, but I do not have it now, and I know that I have been asking for a long time now, and I know, without a question of a doubt, we are not supposed to have any etheric or astral vision. But exactly what it is like to have the mental vision of Christ Jesus, I do not know. Lord willing, we will find out. I think the Lord is teaching as rapidly as he can teach us. Most people cannot even keep up with this, I cannot keep up with it, except this sister over here, she can keep up with it (chuckle).


If nobody else has anything to say we are going to do these translations, and we will go through, probably Verse 13 or so, and very quickly because they are real easy, but the last few verses I already did. I have given you the whole printout with the Strong's numbers, I know I did not do this in Part 1, but I am not going to read you all of the words and all of the choices, because I pretty much did that in Part 1. I will just do that if there is a change.


Verse 1, well the King James says, "And it came to pass that when Isaac was old and he eyes were dim so that he could not see, he called Esau, his eldest son, and said unto him, My son, and he said unto him, Behold here I am..." Alternate translation, "And as Isaac aged he lost his spiritual strength to appear in the visible world..." , and that is a, the strength to appear, is a translation of the word "eyes," to appear. "He lost his strength to appear in this visible world...," that mean he was dying. So he called Esau his eldest son and said to him, "My son, and Esau said to him, Behold, here I am..." Now I do have a couple of changes here, I saw it a little differently as I went through it this time. Verse two of King James, "And he said, Behold, now I am old, I no not the day of my death..."


Alternate Translation, "And he said, Look at me, I am old and Satan knows that I am about to die..." You know when I preached this to you in Part 1, I did not really get that, that Satan knows that I am about to die, and the significance here is that Satan was fully manifesting through Isaac, and I will show it to you, it comes out stronger in the next couple of verses. Also as I told you in Part 1, we have not gotten to the verse yet, but there is a verse later on, Lord willing, we will do it on Sunday, that when Isaac realizes what he was doing, he was under some kind of a seduction. He trembled with fear, and I think it is because he was under such an illusion, he did not even know what he was doing, that is my perception now. But Isaac seems to be completely under the control of Satan. I am not really sure, when I preached part one I felt very strongly that he was under a seduction from Esau.


Now for whatever reason, I am not getting that impression tonight. I asked the Lord about it when I was inside studying and He has not really spoken to me about it, He has not told me that this is not true. I think I am a little off tonight, I am coming down with some kind of a bug, so that may have something to do with it, but I am not sure at this point, whether it was Esau seducing Isaac or it just rose up in Isaac or it was the two of them together. We know that they had a strong soul tie because the Scripture says that Esau was the one that Isaac loved. So as I talk to you, I am thinking the same thoughts again, that it was not just Isaac alone, it was the two of them. Satan was flowing in the two of them together. And Satan knew that it was time for Isaac to die, and Satan also knew that before Isaac would die, he would have to give his blessing to his son that was the head.


Now, you remember when Jacob came to Egypt, and he blessed all of the twelve sons, and the children of the twelve sons, when it came to Manasseh and Ephraim, he crossed his hands, and Joseph was all upset. See, Jacob was in the spirit, and Jacob did not bless the older one, Jacob blessed the younger one, and Joseph was all upset and he said, My father, you have got the wrong child, that is the younger. And Jacob said, That is OK, I am blessing the spiritual elder, and I am in submission to the Jehovah. That is what that was all about, in case you did not know that. Here now we see Isaac is, it is time for him to pass the seed on, to pass the anointing on, and he was so under Satan's seduction he was going to give it to the wrong son, and it could very well have been Esau's seduction on him. It is coming to me again that this was the case.


So, when Isaac calls Esau and says, Satan knows I am about to die, He is saying to Esau, Well, I better get this seed to you. Satan wants me to get this seed to you before I die, he does not want me to die with the seed, it has to be transferred to you and not to Jacob. Satan knows I am about to die, so let us get this whole scheme going so that you, Esau,, can wind up with the whole semen, the virile seed and the waters, with the waters in the position of dominance. He was completely overcome, Isaac was completely overcome. I do not know if Esau was overcome or not, but it does not matter, because Isaac had the full authority, and therefore the full responsibility.


Verse 3, King James, "Now therefore I pray thee, take thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out into the field and take me some venison." Now there are some changes here. I did not understand on Part 1 what I learned from translating Verse 16, I think or one of the later verses, that the word "weapon" can be translated "vessel," and it is talking about the spiritual body, it is talking about the astral body. Now we know that the astral body is a weapon, the astral body is the emotional body that is Satan, and she is the weapon of the carnal mind. So Isaac said to Esau, "Take up your astral body and thy quiver, and the container that holds your astral body." What is the container that holds your astral body? It is the etheric body. They all fit into each other like a series of little cups, each one getting smaller and smaller. The astral body sits in the etheric body, and the astral body and the etheric body together become the body of sin, which is a weapon.


So he said, "Lift up, lift up your astral body." Now, what does that mean? How do you lift up your astral body? He is saying, "Let the Fiery Serpent be ascended in you and let Satan be raised up into spiritual power." Let Satan be stirred up in you, that is what He is saying. "And take it together with your etheric body, because the two of you together become a weapon." He is saying, "Go forth, astral project," that is what He is saying, "astral project as Satan's spiritual weapon or as the spiritual weapon of the Serpent's household." That is what the bow is. You become a bow when your astral body rises up and is joined to your etheric body; you become a weapon, and that weapon is a bow.


And he says, "And go out into the field." What is the field? It is not talking about a meadow, it could be any field, it could be, I really think these fields are talking about planes, it could be talking about the astral plane, the etheric plane. A field is any place where activity is going on. "So go out into the field," well, it would have to be one of the spiritual planes because Isaac just told him to raise up his spiritual weapon "...and take me some hunted meat." Now the online Bible says that there is a translated word here. I did not see that on Part 1 because I think I was just working with Bible Soft. The online Bible says that there is untranslated word here which is the feminine counterpart of the Hebrew word translated "venison". This would mean that Isaac was saying, "Hunt me some female meat," signifying that Isaac is desiring Satan's spiritual energy. 


Well, I do not know that that is right. OK, I am going to go with what I think right now, that is all I could do, this is all by revelation. What I told you on Part 1 was that Isaac said, "Hunt me some meat, get me some energy," but it was coming to me while I was preaching, that Isaac was not really looking for Satan's energy, Isaac was looking for Adam's energy. What he said to him, what he was saying to Esau was, "Go out and get me the virile seed, you have the waters, go out and get the virile seed, I want to give you the whole blessing." That is what he was saying to him. Now why this extra word is here, "Hunt me some," the only thing that I could come up with now is that, Isaac said to Esau, "Let the female hunter in you bring me the male meat." "Let the female hunter in you bring me the male meat, let Satan in you bring in the virile seed." And that is what I am going to go with for now.


"Go forth into the field as a spiritual weapon. Please now, lift up your spiritual body and the container that holds it, and let Satan go forth into the field as spiritual weapon to catch Adam's energy." He wants Adam's energy. You see, what Isaac is saying here, this is really awesome because this is very wicked, and this is Isaac our patriarch, you know. It is shocking, but Satan is speaking to Isaac, and He is being very wicked, and he says to Esau, "Go and get the virile seed so that the whole semen can manifest in me so that I could be preserved, and so that I could humble Jehovah's personality." In other words, Satan was speaking right through him saying, "I am going to preserve Isaac and I want the whole semen in me with the waters in domination over the seed." And the problem here is that Satan could have never spoken through Isaac like that if she did not find place in him. Isaac was a mortal man, he was not a perfect man, so there had to be sin, there had to be this sin of pride, that Isaac would have liked to live forever, and that Isaac would have liked to have exalted himself; there had to be something there for her latch on to.


"Please now, lift up your spiritual body and the container that holds it, and go forth into the field as a spiritual weapon to catch Adam's energy." "Go forth into the spiritual plane and catch Adam's energy."


Verse 4, King James, "And make me savory meat, such as I love, and bring it to me that I may eat, that my soul may bless me before I die."


Alternate Translation, "That will preserve that I love..." "Get me some meat, get me some energy which will preserve the flesh that I love," his own flesh, not flesh that he loves to eat, brethren, but he wants energy that when he consumes it, will preserve the flesh of his own physical body that he loves. It is called narcissism, self love.


"Bring me energy that I may consume it, and that when I consume it, it will preserve this flesh that I love. And bring it to me so that I could consume it and make my animal life kneel down to me before I die." Now this word animal life is a translation of "soul," it is the Hebrew word "nephesh," and that is what it is, it is the animal life within us. "That I may make my animal life kneel down to me before I die." And of course, kneel down is a legitimate translation of the word to bless. Now look, brethren, if his animal life would kneel down to him, he would never die. If I had authority over this body, I would not have a bug tonight right? Isaac was saying, "Bring me Adam's energy so that I could have the whole semen, so that I could completely dominate this flesh that I love, and not die."


Now, what is coming into my mind right now brethren, is that this is just a scriptural witness to what most of here, if not all of us know here, to be a fact that there is an obsession in, not only the world, but in the Church, for this physical body. The believers, they do not want to believe that they are going to have to give up this body. Even when you tell them that they are going to get a glorified body, they do not want to give up this body. Why? Because it is Satan in them that will not give up this body. There is no marriage or giving in marriage in heaven, brethren, there is no sex when you ascend to the 6th energy center. Even if you are still living in this body, when your consciousness is in the 6th energy center, nailed to the Lord Jesus Christ, you are not using your members for fornication.


There is an idolatry in the Church and a love for the physical body, that when your spiritual eyes start seeing it, it is absolutely shocking. They will not give it up, and I think it goes way beyond human sexuality. What it is that puts this attitude in the people, it is Satan in the people, it is the fallen nature, it is Satan who wants these bodies. It is Satan who is fighting to keep this world where she can have experiences. Satan has experiences through us, and the experiences that she desires to have are spiritually illegal experiences, and the proof that they are spiritually illegal experiences is that the her experiences that she has through us kills us, we die. We are the Ox that is dying from generation to generation, but we are not supposed to be dying from generation to generation; we are supposed to married to King Adam and live forever. So, when you run into somebody and you recognize in their attitude or in the words that they are saying that they are in great distress in the thought of giving up these bodies, even when they have been told -- and then if Satan is talking to you right through that person, if you are really sure of it and you believe it is the Lord, you can rebuke Satan.


There are newsletters in the Church -- I have one man in mind, I have never met him, I am sure he is a very nice man -- all he preaches on is the physical body, and how it is going to be preserved, how this illegal vile body is going to be preserved. It is idolatry for the body, it is base-rooted narcissism, it is Satan in the individual. "And Isaac said, Bring me some meat that I might consume it that will preserve, so that when I consume it, this flesh that I love will be preserved, and then I will have the strength when I am preserved." The word "preserved" signifies that your consciousness has ascended to the 6th energy center, and that you are nailed there by a glorified spirit, by a disembodied spirit that is holding you up there.


And Isaac is saying, "When I am in that condition, I will put this physical body in its place, and I will preserve it and it will not be able to die, I will put it under me." See brethren, when we die, every human being that dies, what that means is that your animal nature who regenerated this physical body, has authority over the seed of Christ in you. Oh, I just hear the people in the Church screaming. It is true. If whatever manifestation, whatever measure of Christ is in you, had authority over your physical body, you would never get sick, you would not age, and you would not die. We are not there, the animal nature is still ruling in me, and as far as I know, every other human being on the face of the earth. We have not yet been salted, we have not yet been preserved. This condition is not granted to us. What condition? Of the preservation of the physical body, until our consciousness ascends into the 6th center, and marries the Lord Jesus, who nails us to that 6th center, so we can never fall down out of it. That is when we become preserved, that is when we have dominion over our animal nature. We are still under her. "... it will preserve the flesh that I love and bring it to me, so that I can consume it and make my animal life kneel down to me before I die." 


Verse 5, King James, "And Rebekah heard when Isaac spake to Esau, his son, and Esau went to the field and hunt for venison and to bring it."


Alternate Translation, Verse 5, "And Rebekah heard when Isaac spake to Esau his son, and knew that Esau went into the field to hunt for meat and to bring it to him."


Verse 6, King James, "And Rebekah spake unto Jacob her son, saying, Behold, I heard thy father speak unto Esau thy brother, saying..."


Now I told you this on Part 1, but I really feel I have to say it again. For years, I thought that Rebekah was just in the vicinity and heard them talking, but this is not true, Rebekah was a prophet of Jehovah and she heard in the spirit, and the reason that she heard this conversation in the spirit was because Jehovah deliberately opened her ears. Why? Because Jehovah wanted her to call upon Jacob, and the rest is history. Brethren, when we hear in Christ Jesus, we hear what the Lord Jesus wants us to hear. See, there are people who have spiritual power that hear in the spirit that is not in Christ Jesus, and they hear all kinds of things, they hear prophecies of death, they hear prophecies of disaster, almost every prophecy coming out of the spirit of this world is about disaster and destruction and death. I do not hear things like that, I hear in the spirit, I do not hear things like that. I hear people's sinful thoughts so that I could rebuke that and pray for them. But I do not hear prophecies about people dying or disasters, the Lord has never yet told me that there is going to be a plane crash or any such thing.


"And Rebekah heard when Isaac spoke to Esau his son, and knew that Esau went into the field to hunt for meat and to bring it to him." So Esau had astral projected and he was in some plane of consciousness, one of the higher planes of consciousness, seeking to capture the virile seed and to bring it to Isaac so that he could become a supernatural man without submitting to Jehovah. There is nothing wrong with becoming a supernatural man if the Lord gives it to us.


Verse 6, King James, "And Rebekah spake unto Jacob, her son, saying, Behold, I heard thy father speak unto Esau, thy brother, saying..."


Alternate Translation, "And Rebekah spoke to her son Jacob saying, Look, I heard your father speak to Esau, your brother, saying.."


Verse 7, King James, "Bring me venison, and make me savory meat, that I may eat and bless thee before the Lord before my death."


Alternate translation, "Bring me spiritual meat to consume that will preserve the animal life that I have acquired." Now that is new. "Acquire" is a translation of the word "to make". "Bring me venison and make me savory meat." The Hebrew translated "make" can be translated "acquire". "Bring me spiritual meat to consume that will preserve the animal life that I have acquired." Now this is Satan talking right through Isaac. She wanted to preserved Isaac, the animal life that she was living in, her host. So Satan was commanding Esau, right through Isaac, "Go and get the other half of this semen. I want this virile seed so that I can preserve the host here."


"Bring me spiritual meat to consume that will preserve the animal life that I have acquired so that..." oh, I must have written something wrong here. "Bring me spiritual meat to consume that will preserve the animal life that I have acquired, so that I can cause Jehovah's personality to submit to me before I die." "...so that I can cause Jehovah's personality to submit to me before I die." Well who is Jehovah's personality? It is Jacob, the personality in which the virile seed was manifesting, that is Jehovah's personality.


Now we have not translated all of the Scriptures concerning Isaac and Jacob. We translated several verses in Chapter 26, and we found that Esau went to Jacob and tried to bring his virile seed into submission, and failed. From this verse here I would fully expect that if I would study every account of Isaac and Jacob in the Scripture, I would find several verses that would indicate that Isaac had demanded that Jacob submit to him in an ungodly submission. Spiritually speaking, Jacob had the seed, and that Jacob had failed to submit to Isaac in ungodly circumstances, because we see that Isaac is sending Esau in the spirit to rob Jacob. I still do not understand it completely, but Isaac was instructing Esau to manifest, to work some kind of witchcraft that would have brought Jacob into submission to him. I do not understand it completely, but he wanted Jacob's inheritance and he wanted it for ungodly purposes. We know that Jacob stood against Esau, and I am going to ask the Lord right now if He is willing to do it, to show me those Scriptures where we would see Jacob standing against Esau in this ungodly request.


Verse 8, This is Rebekah speaking to Jacob, "Now therefore my son, obey my voice according to that which I command thee..."


Alternate Translation, "Now therefore my son, obey my voice, because it is I am who is commanding you.." The word "I," now when I did this in Part 1, I simply thought it said, I command you, but when I looked in the Interlinear text I see that the word "I" has its own number, Strong's #589, and whenever you see that the word "I" has its own word, because when you see the verb "command," it has a pronoun with it, it means "I command you," there is really no reason to write a separate word that means "I". Most of the time when you see that, it is really talking about "I am," which is the symbol for Jehovah.


"Now therefore my son, obey my voice, because it is I am who is commanding you." So Rebekah is saying to Jacob, "I am a prophet, I am is manifesting through me, I am prophesying to you, do what I say because it is not me, I am not telling you this on my own authority, this is Jehovah speaking to you through me."


Verse 9, King James, "Go now to the flock, and fetch me from thence two good kids of the goats, and I will make them savory meat for thy father, such as he loveth."


I do not think I told you this in Part 1, but I am going to translate the word "flock," the household of God. Remember that Esau was out hunting for wild meat, he was out hunting in Satan's plane, in the astral plane, but I think when Rebekah counseled Jacob to go to the flock, she was saying, "Go into the household of God that is within you to gather up spiritual strength."


And the word "fetch," this is new too, we are going to translate it "enfold". The word "two," we are translating "second," the word "good," I remind you, can be translated "desire," and we are translating it "the desire body," which is Satan.


"...of the young male goats and of the she-goat." And "savory meat" we are translating "preservative."


Alternate Translation, Verse 9, "Go into the household of God and seize Abel.." Go within yourself. Brethren, the spiritual life is within. We have to go within ourselves and contact our spiritual principles, contact Christ within us. So Rebekah says to Jacob, "Go into the household of God," do not go into Satan within yourself, because every mortal man is a double man, we all have elements of Satan, and we have, if we are blessed, we have the household of God within us. So Rebekah was saying to Jacob, "Just do not go... become spiritual, make sure now that you contact the household of God, you do not want Satan's spirituality. Go with Christ," that is what she was telling him.


"Go into the household of God and seize Abel, the second offspring of Astarte, the she-goat's desire body." Now, that is a hard word, there are going to be a lot of people manifesting at this translation, but I am telling you, the brethren, that it is the truth, that the greatest prophet that has ever lived, as long as they were a mortal man, everyone has a desire body, everyone has an astral body, and everyone has a physical, an etheric and an astral body that has been given by the goat. That is why she has so much power over us, that even with Jesus working in our life, it is hell, at least when you first begin, it is hell. It gets better, it gets easier.


"Go into the household of God, do not go into Satan's household, go within yourself, go within your spiritual being, and seize Abel, make contact with the second offspring of Astarte, make contact with the sheep, with the ram in you, do not make contact with the goat, because first Cain was born, and then Abel was born, so make sure that you make contact with Abel, the second offspring of Astarte, the she-goats desire body, and I will make them into King Adam, Jehovah's preservative.


"...and make them," I think it turns out that Jacob does it, "... and make them into King Adam, Jehovah's preservative, because your father is committing adultery with Satan." Go within yourself, make sure you contact Abel and not Cain, and in order to contact Abel, you have to go within the she-goats astral body. See, I amplified the Abel, but I bet you she is even saying the human spirit. "Go into the household of God..." I have it right there on the board, "Go into the household of God and seize your human spirit..." Well it has to be Abel, the second offspring of Astarte. Who, it must be, well, I guess the translation is, who is, I am going to have to work on this translation. But what she is really saying when she talks about the astral body, she is saying, "Get your human spirit that is flowing with Satan," that is what she is saying. That is exactly what I have on the board.


Go into your astral body. Now do not connect with Satan, but connect with the human spirit that is in your body, so that we can raise Abel from the dead, or some such thing. I do not have the exact words right now, I am just giving you the general principle. "Go into the household of God and lay hold of the second offspring of Astarte, lay hold of Abel by entering into the she-goats astral body and making him into King Adam, the preservative." OK that is it, "Go into the household of God and seize Abel, the second offspring of Astarte by entering into the she-goats astral desire body, and make Abel into King Adam, Jehovah's preservative, because your father is committing adultery with Satan, and he wants to kill you."


"Your own father, Isaac, the patriarch, wants to kill you. So go within yourself, go within your spiritual being, and you are going to have to enter into Satan's energy field, because your only hope is to raise up King Adam, and to raise up King Adam, you have to start by entering into the astral plane, laying hold of your human spirit, and then going through..." It is not here, it is not in that verse, but it is everything that I taught you at the beginning of the message, that is on the board, that is what Rebekah is telling Jacob. You have to separate your human spirit when Jehovah, when Rebekah said this to Jacob, it was Jehovah speaking through Rebekah, so because it was Jehovah speaking through Rebekah, Jehovah's Spirit was going to do what I have on the board, showing you that the Holy Spirit was doing.


See, when Jesus said to the adulterous woman, Sin no more, He gave her the power to not sin anymore. So when Jehovah spoke through Rebekah and said to Jacob, "Go into your astral body and join, and raise Abel from dead, join with your human spirit," Jehovah was in the role that the Holy Spirit is in on that board, and Jehovah was saying, "Now do this, I am going to join with your human spirit, and we are going to lay hold of the Fiery Serpent and join with her, and Abel's going to rise from the dead, and after that Abel will rise up and Adam will rise from dead, and join with Me, I will marry him, and you will be preserved, because your father is out to kill you."


Now I do not think Isaac was looking to physically kill Jacob. When Jehovah says someone is out to kill you, or when Jehovah tells you that somebody died, He is talking about your spiritual life. Now again, I have to tell you that I do not really understand this fully, but I know that Isaac was a spiritual giant, he understood things that I do not fully understand, and that apparently he had the strength, either through himself or through Esau, to spiritually strip Jacob of his virile seed and capture that virile seed and take it unto himself, and impart to himself eternal life in the Serpent. Apparently Isaac had the power to do this, because Jehovah came to Jacob and said, "You better watch out because He is going to do it. He is going to rob you," and who is the thief? Satan is the thief that cometh to kill, steal, and destroy. Steal what? Steal the virile seed, and when your virile seed is stolen, you will be destroyed and you will die spiritually.


Verse 10, King James, "And thou shalt bring it to thy father that he may eat, and that he may bless thee before his death."


Alternate Translation, Verse 10, Now remember this is not really Rebekah talking, this is Jehovah talking through his prophet. "And you shall bring it to your father so that he may consume it and bless you before he dies." Now you what this means, look, again I do not have all the answers. Esau had some measure of spiritual authority and spiritual power, and he wanted lay hold of Jacob's seed. I am talking about Isaac now, he wanted lay hold of Jacob's seed so that Isaac could have the whole virile semen, the water and the seed.


"And you shall bring it to your father so that he may consume it before he dies." I do not have the full understanding here but apparently there had to be a union, a spiritual union between Isaac and Jacob before Isaac died. The question is, when they have this union, who would be in the headship? When Isaac's spiritual heritage flowed together with Jacob's spiritual heritage, would the virile seed dominate over the waters?


You see, in Verse 10 it is Jehovah speaking through Rebekah, and He says, "And you shall bring it to your father so that he may consume it and bless you before he dies." So first of all, Jehovah is saying, "Isaac is going to die. There is no way He is going to be preserved and his plans are canceled, I will not honor them and I have utterly defeated them. Isaac will die." And the second thing Jehovah is saying is, "Bring this preservative to your father that he may consume it before he dies." I think I am going to have to... "That he may consume it before he dies." "And bring it to your father that he may eat it, that he may bless you before he dies." I am going to have to work on these two verses, I did not quite see it this way, but what I am getting by the spirit is this, that there had to be a union of the spiritual energy of Isaac, whatever Isaac had to pass on, plus what Jacob had, OK, and that there would be a union. The struggle was over who would be in the headship.


Now if the union of the spiritual components of these two men, Isaac and Jacob, was in the way that Isaac wanted it, he would be in the headship. The waters in him would dominate the seed that was in Abel, and Abel would die spiritually, and Isaac would ascend in a perfection of the Serpent's timeline. So what Jehovah was saying here in Verse 10 is, "Take your preservative, go with King Adam in you and let your father consume it."  There is a whole concept of consuming, it is a concept of mixing. If I eat something it mixes with my whole spiritual being and the nutrients go forth and they make skin on my flesh, on my body. Once I eat something it becomes a part of me. So Jehovah is saying, "Go to your father, there has to be a mixing here." That is what the concept of the blessing is. "Let your father eat, let your father spiritually partake of the resurrected Adam in you," and you may recall, I may not have preached that yet. This anointing here is unreal!


I am going to try one more time. Jehovah said to Jacob, "There has to be a mixing of your seed with your father before he dies. What He has got that belongs to Me and what you have got that belongs to me has to join together." And the question is, after this mixing, who is -- you see, after this mixing there is going to be a strengthened form of spiritual power. Who is it going to abide in? Is it going to abide in Isaac at Abel's expense, or is the strengthened form of spiritual power going to abide in Jacob, and will Isaac's plan fail, and Isaac die? So Jehovah is saying to Jacob, "Go to your father, do not be afraid to have this mix with him because He is going to die and Adam is going to preserve you." That is what he was saying to him.


Also on this Verse 10, I do not think I had the whole significance of it. "And you shall bring it to your father so that he may consume it and be blessed before he dies." "...and be blessed before he dies," because if it kills Abel, he will be cursed when he dies. OK, that seems to be it, I am struggling a little with these two verses, but I feel the correct understanding of it is what I said earlier. There has to be a mixing of the spiritual beings of the father and the son. I do not understand that completely, but there had to be a mix, and depending on how that mix took place, either a blessing or a curse would go forth, both towards Isaac and towards Jacob, and towards the whole family, because when the headship is cursed, everyone underneath is cursed. That is a hard word, but it is the truth. If you are reading this message and you cannot think of any reason why you might follow a holy life, just know that every curse that comes on you is visited upon your children and upon your grandchildren, and your great grandchildren.


King James, Verse 11, "And Jacob said to his mother, 'Behold, Esau, my brother, is a hairy man, and I am a smooth man'." The significance of the hairy and the smooth is that hairy, the term hairy refers to the spirituality which is in the goat, and the word smooth, the Hebrew meaning of it really means to be even, to be level, and the Lord told me to translate that word "meek". We know that Moses was the most meek man that ever lived. That is the significance of the word "smooth," that Jacob was as in complete submission as he could be to Jehovah, considering his mortal condition.


Alternate Translation, Verse 11, "And Jacob said to Rebekah his mother, 'Look, my brother Esau is a spiritual mortal man, and I am a meek mortal man." And I went into this on Part 1, that the man who has the seed, the seed of Christ, is really no match for the man who is high in spiritual power without the seed.


Verse 12, King James, "My father peradventure will feel me, and I shall seem to him a deceiver, and I shall seem to him as a deceiver, and I shall bring a curse upon me and not a blessing." I do not think I changed anything here from Part 1, so I will just read the Alternate Translation.


Alternate Translation, Verse 12, "Perhaps my father will discern the spiritual world that speaks in tongues, and I will bring a curse upon myself instead of a blessing." And that word "feel" is translated "discern," I spent quite a bit of time on that on Part 1. Jacob was saying, "Perhaps my father will recognize that I am in a different spiritual world than Esau is in. I am in the spiritual world where I speak in tongues, and Esau is not in that spiritual world." It does not say here how Esau's world is described.


Alternate Translation, Verse 12, "Perhaps my father will discern the spiritual world that speaks in tongues and I will bring a curse upon myself instead of a blessing."


Verse 13, King James, "And his mother said unto him, 'Upon me be thy curse, my son, only obey my voice, and go fetch me them." Now we know that Jehovah is speaking through Rebekah and Rebekah is prophesying here. So that translation cannot be accurate. Alternate Translation -- well, I did change one word here, the word "fetch," I am translating it "enfold". "And Rebekah said to Jacob, "Satan, the mother of this fallen creation, is the cursed one, do not obey Satan's voice, but obey my voice only, and go and enfold what belongs to you." And this is Jehovah speaking through his prophetess Rebekah, "Go and enfold what belongs to you."


Now this is really quite a powerful statement when you understand what Jehovah is saying to him. What do you mean, "Go and enfold what belongs to me?" What are you talking about? OK. Jehovah was saying to Jacob, "You have the virile seed and I want you to go and attach yourself to the waters of my semen, that are appearing in Esau. I do not have it." The waters were apparently both in Esau and Isaac. Do you know what Jehovah is saying to him, "Enter into their spiritual being and possess their spiritual waters that are in those two men, Esau and Isaac," that is what He was saying.


You know, I read a whole chapter on this in an occult book. This is the witness that the Lord gave me. That there are people, I cannot do this, there are people in this world that can literally pierce your spiritual being and push your --I think that the term that they used, well I read this in a Theosophy book, they called it nerve fluid, they are talking about your spiritual blood. There are people who are so strong in witchcraft that they can literally inject themselves into your spiritual being and push your spiritual blood back completely off of your brain, and cover your brain with your spiritual blood, and you come completely under their control. This is the operation of mind control, this is the operation of illusion, this is the operation of seduction, that is how they do it. Their mind enters into your spiritual being. Their mind astral projects, pierces into your aura, and into your physical body, pushes back your own spiritual identity, covers over your brain and completely controls you.


And those of you here know that I experienced that. I have not gotten over it yet, even thinking about it, it is distressing. It only lasted about sixty seconds, but I was completely possessed by this witch. I did not know was a witch, I thought was a friend, completely took over my mind, blanked me out totally for a minute or two. Now I know that everything that the workers of witchcraft do is legitimate and legal if Jehovah tells you to do it, and this is what Jehovah was telling Jacob to do. He was telling him to penetrate, I think it would be Isaac and Esau, I may not be right about this detail, but He is telling him to go and penetrate his brother. I guess it was just Esau, because Esau and Jacob were one whole spiritual man, and Jehovah was saying, "Go and penetrate, spiritually penetrate your brother and enfold what belongs to you." The spiritual waters that Esau was possessing belongs to Jacob, but Isaac was using it.


I am going to say it again, Esau and Jacob were one spiritual man, Jacob had the virile seed, Esau had the waters, the spiritual power, and Isaac loved Esau. Esau was supposed to be cleaving unto Jacob so that they could be one spiritual man, but Esau was not cleaving unto Jacob, Esau was cleaving unto his father, and Satan was manifesting through the two of them. So Jehovah said to Jacob, "Rise up in spiritual power, let Abel be raised from the dead, and go into your brother's spiritual being and lay hold of and enfold into yourself the waters of his spiritual being, so that you will have the whole semen, so that Adam should rise from the dead in you and preserve you." Brethren, this is a high spiritual account. These are high spiritual principles that are coming forth in this account. Isaac is about to kill his son, Jacob, to steal his spiritual inheritance, and Jehovah says to Jacob, "Penetrate your brother Esau, who is in rebellion against you, do it against his will so that you could be one spiritual man, so that Adam will rise from the dead in you, and preserve you and protect you from your father, who is trying to kill you. And the reason your father has the strength to kill you is that he has an ungodly soul tie with Esau, and is using his spiritual strength."


This is exactly the backwards, the exact opposite of the King James translation. Isaac is under Satan's seduction and is determined to destroy Jehovah's personality which is Abel, his own son. This is radical. A lot of people are going to be upset over this, but it is the truth.


Verse 14, I see that I do not have the King James in verse 14. Well, I have my Bible here so I will get it for you.


Verse 14, King James, "And he went and fetched, and brought them to his mother, and his mother made savory meat, such as his father loved.


Let me see if there is anything new here. The word "fetched" we are translating "enfolded" again, and the word "went" we are translating "he proceeded," and everything else I gave you on Part 1.


Alternate Translation, Verse 14, "And Jacob proceeded to enter into Esau and enfold Satan, the widowed mother of Jehovah's creature." I am going to have to take a look at that too, because what I am thinking now, because the one that he enfolded was the human spirit. "And Jacob entered..." Oh no, no.


"And Jacob proceeded to enter into Esau and enfold Satan, the spiritual energy, the waters that were in Esau." That is right, "...the widowed mother of Jehovah's creature, and made Adam the spiritual preservative out of his mother, and Abel, because his father was adulterous." Let us take that slowly.


"And Jacob proceeded to enter into Esau and enfolded Satan." Jacob penetrated Esau's spiritual being and possessed his spiritual energy and drew it into himself. Now brethren, if this was not God, it would be Satanic witchcraft, it would be spiritual vampirism. He literally laid hold of Esau's energy and possessed it, drew it into his own being and made it his own.


"And Jacob proceeded to enter into Esau and enfold Satan, the widowed mother of Jehovah's creature." And we know that Satan, that the mother, the word "mother" means "point of departure," and it is talking about Satan's kingdom, or the Serpent's kingdom, "...and made Adam, the spiritual preservative." Now what this is saying is that Jacob had Abel raised from the dead in him, he laid hold of Esau's spiritual waters, and he made Adam, he formed Adam out of the resurrected Abel and the spiritual waters. He completed the spiritual semen and Adam rose from the dead. The way it is expressed in this verse is that he made Adam, the spiritual preservative, out of his mother, that is the spiritual waters and Abel. And the reason that he did this was because his father was adulterous and was trying to kill him.


See, I have been telling you for a long time, brethren, that the deliverance of the Lord Jesus Christ is to raise Christ Jesus up to the 6th center in us. If you are about to be murdered, if you are about to be killed, if you are about to be attacked, and you have this kind of relationship with Jesus Christ, his deliverance for you is a spiritual ascension. He will move within your own spiritual being and raise you up to a higher energy center that will make you invulnerable to the attack. If you can hear what I am saying.


You see, everything is on a spiritual plane. I will just make this simple: if you are being attacked on the astral plane, if someone is shooting you with a gun that would really kill you on the astral plane, Jesus' deliverance for you, if you have this kind of supernatural relationship with Him, is to catch you up to the 6th energy center, which is higher than the astral plane. And if your consciousness is in the 6th energy center, if the bullet hits you right in the heart, it will not kill you, because your consciousness is higher than the laws of this world. I hope that you can at least understand that enough to let it carry you. It is hard, but it is the truth.


Now, I will give an example in that I was speaking to a minister that has a very powerful international ministry, He has got thousands and thousands and thousands of people following him all over the world, and this is his personal testimony to me. He was in India and he was being attacked by Kali, this is what he told me, Kali, one of the most popular gods in India, and he said to me, "This sounds strange but in India, it is very common that demons go around and beat people up." Well he called her a demon; personally, I think she is a power or principality, but that is just a technicality. He said, "Everyone that lives in India knows that this phenomenon happen, that demons go around and attack people." He was preaching in India, he went to bed that night and he was attacked by Kali, and she was defeated him. He was in this spiritual war with her, he was alone, and she was defeating him. He cried out to Jesus, and the next thing that happened, as far as this man knows, he saw a vision of the cross of calvary, and a drop of Jesus' red blood. See, God will give you a vision in accordance with your understanding of the Scripture. This man believed that the physical blood that was shed had saved him. So in his vision he saw a drop of the physical blood fall down off of the cross and hit him right in the middle of the forehead, and Kali was defeated.


Now do not you think it is strange that this red drop of blood hit him right in the third eye where the 6th energy center is? See, the Lord gave this man a vision because he wanted to comfort him, and He wanted the man to understand that He was really helping him, but what really happened is that the Lord Jesus manifested in the man and caught his consciousness up to the 6th energy center, which gave the man the power to overcome Kali. But this man could never have understood an explanation such as this, so the Lord, in His mercy, showed him a vision of the cross of calvary, and a drop of blood hit him on his forehead.


"Jacob entered into Esau and enfolded Satan..." He laid hold of Esau's energy and possessed him, "...and enfolded Satan, the widowed mother of Jehovah's creature, and he made Adam, the spiritual preservative, out of his mother, out Esau's energy, and out of Abel," out of the resurrected Abel in him. And the reason that he did this was that Isaac was adulterous, he was having adultery with Satan, and Isaac was in agreement with Satan to use Esau's energy to kill Abel.


Verse 15, King James, "And Rebekah took goodly raiment of her eldest son Esau, which were with her in the house, and put them upon Jacob, her younger son."


We have the word here "took," it is the same Hebrew word translated "fetch" and we will translate it "enfolded". "Goodly" is the "female desire body," "raiment," Strong's #899 is a covering of deceit, that is Satan's deceitful covering, it is the false covering, "eldest son, Esau," the words "and put them upon" we are translating "clothed". The Interlinear text in Verse 15 indicates that Rebekah is the one who enfolded, but the context of Verses 13-15 indicates that it was Jacob who enfolded Satan and Esau. The significance is that Adam is Abel plus Satan, and Satan is the waters, Abel plus Satan's waters. Adam is Jehovah's virile seed plus the waters, with the virile seed at the head. So Adam is not just a mixture, is not the just the restored virile seed the waters, the virile seed has to be the head of the waters. Jacob and Esau and were one spiritual man.


Alternate Translation, Verse 15, "And Jacob, the younger son, enfolded Satan, the deceitful desire body of Esau, the eldest son of Rebekah's household, and clothed Esau." "And Jacob, the younger son, enfolded Satan, the deceitful female desire body of Esau, the eldest son of Rebekah's household, and clothed Esau," or "... and Esau was clothed." What does that mean? It means that Esau's waters were forcibly joined to Abel's seed, and and Jacob was strong enough to be in the dominant position of the relationship, and therefore Esau was clothed.


You see, the Church today is unclothed. The reason there is so much sin in the Church today is that it is unclothed; the Holy Spirit is not a cover, Christ Jesus is the cover of the Church. The Holy Spirit is just the seed that has the potential to raise Christ Jesus from the dead. The Holy Spirit is not a cover. Christ Jesus is the cover. The Church is not covered today. The Church is a mess. People are sick, people are dying, there is all kinds of sin in the Church, and there is not much power, there is very little power in the Church. They are not covered, and not only are they not covered, but the kingdom, the people that call themselves kingdom, they are out there preaching that they are not supposed to have a cover. They want to be taught directly, and they are not being taught by Christ Jesus, they are being taught by Satan.


I saw that guy on TV this morning, the one that is got all those millions of people following him around, his first name begins with a B, he was praying to the Holy Spirit. He has got millions of people all over the world following him and the man is praying to the Holy Spirit; it is a false Holy Spirit. They cannot even tell the difference. Christ Jesus must stand in this nation and in this world, because there are too many people praying to Jesus Christ in the measure of faith that they have, and they are being deceived and seduced, and they are being set up to be completely captured by an alien spirit. Christ Jesus must manifest in the flesh. The spiritual elders of the Church must manifest in the flesh, or all these people who have faith in Jesus Christ, or have hope that His faith will appear, are going to be destroyed, and He will not let that happen. I do not believe it for a second, He will not let that happen, therefore He must stand. Therefore we must stand, no matter what our shortcomings are, and what you think about your own problems or your own weaknesses, or what I think about my own problems or my own weaknesses see, when the hour of His appearing arrives, Christ Jesus will ascend in us, cover all of our sin, and we will be prepared to minister to the Church. Right now we are not prepared, we have too much sin ourselves.


"And Rebekah took the goodly raiment of her eldest son Esau, that which were with her in the house, and put them upon Jacob, her younger son." Oh, I did do that, I just did not redo the Alternate Translation.


Alternate Translation, Verse 15, "And Jacob, the younger son enfolded Satan, the deceitful female desire body of Esau, the eldest son of Rebekah's household, and Esau was clothed."


Verse 16, King James, "And she put the skins of the kids of the goats upon his hands, and upon the smooth of his neck."


The word "put" we are translating "clothed," the word "skins" we are translating "the etheric body," I pretty much did this on Part 1, and the male kids. The skins of male kids, the etheric body, that is the skin of the astral body. "The skins of the male kids of Astarte, of the she-goat..." Now, the she-goat is spiritual, so that means her male kids are spiritual. The male kids of Astarte are the emotional bodies, the astral body, and the etheric body is the skin of the astral body. You may recall at the beginning of this message, I told you that the astral body and the etheric body together is called the body of sin. The etheric body is the skin of the astral body. And the word "hand," it means "phallus," we are translating it Abel. The word "upon," we are translating it "in addition," and "the smooth of the neck," I spent some time on this on Part 1. The smooth of the neck is talking about the area between the heart center and the seventh center which is ascended in the resurrected Adam and King Adam, or in the New Testament, in Christ Jesus.


We had a study a couple of years ago about Leviathan being the Serpent's neck, or about the Serpent's neck. The neck is talking about that spiritual, I do not even know what to call it, that spiritual area, or that spiritual entity of spiritual power between the heart center and the seventh center. And in Song of Solomon he talks about how strong, like an army, the neck of his beloved is; strong as an army, spiritual strength.


Alternate Translation, Verse 16, "And Jacob added Satan's waters to Abel, his spiritual phallus, and King Adam's smooth neck clothed the etheric bodies of Esau and Jacob, Astarte's two male goats." "And Jacob added Satan's waters to Abel, his spiritual phallus, and King Adam's smooth neck, appeared, came into existence, and clothed the etheric bodies of Esau and Jacob, Astarte's two male goats." They were both male, but when Esau was separated from Abel, he was male in the Serpent. But now they were both covered by the resurrected Adam. The Holy Spirit joins with the human spirit, and together they join with the Fiery Serpent to raise Abel, Adam's spiritual phallus, from the dead. Adam rises from the dead when Abel joins with and dominates Satan. The Fiery Serpent married to herself is masturbating, and is a spiritual worm. Astarte, the devil in the New Testament, is the many-membered she-goat, who is responsible for the physical bodies that are born into this world. I do not know about physical bodies, I think that should be astral bodies; astral and etheric bodies that are born into this world, both the children that are born, was Abel, fortified human spirit, and those who are born with a large measure of the Serpent's water energy, are called young male goats.


What did I write here? Astarte, the devil in the New Testament, is the many-membered she-goat who is responsible for the astral and etheric bodies that are born into this world. Both the children that are born, that should be a with -- both the children that are born with Abel, that is, having a fortified human spirit, and those who are born with a large measure of the Serpent's water or energy, are called young male goats. The one that is born with Abel is always spiritually male, the one that is born with the spiritual water, it may be called male because of her strength, if she is not attached to Abel, she is male because of her strength, but she is a male that is really a female. According to Verse 16, once Adam was raised from the dead and joined to Michael above, or joined to Jehovah above, King Adam's smooth neck covered both the astral and the etheric bodies of both Jacob and Esau. Now these are etheric bodies, they are hairy bodies, because the etheric bodies typify the skins of the goat. So the etheric bodies are hairy. The astral and physical bodies are illegal extensions of Jehovah's creature, together they are the body of sin. The etheric body is the spiritual part of the physical body.


1 Corinthians 9:27, Paul speaking, "But I keep my body under and bring it into subjection, lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway."


Matthew 25:32-34, "And before him shall be gathered all nations, and he shall separate them, one from the other, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats. And he shall set the sheep on his right hand.." I am sure that has to be rams, because it has to be males to be inhabiting the heart center, we talked about this earlier. "..and he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. Then shall the king say unto them on his right hand, Come ye blessed of my father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." Verse 41, "Then shall he say unto them on the left hand, Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels." The sheep are Christ Jesus, the New Man, and the goats are the Old Man, including the physical body.


Verse 17, King James, "And she gave the savory meat, and the bread which she had prepared, into the hand of her son Jacob."


The word "gave" can be translated "to put on or to clothe," "savory meat" is "to be salted or preserved". When you see those squiggly brackets, it means that is not in the Hebrew, the word "himself" is not in the Hebrew. Then we see the word "bread" here for the first time, the word "prepared" can be translated "to make, or to become," and we have the word "into," there is a prefix before that word "into" that can mean "household," and the word "hand," we know that means "phallus". So this is what we have got.


Alternate Translation, Verse 17, "And King Adam, the salted or the preserved meat..." King Adam is the preserved meat. "...clothed Abel, the spiritual phallus of Jacob's household, and he became bread." "And King Adam, the preserved meat, or the salted one, clothed Abel, the spiritual phallus of Jacob's household." Who is Jacob's household? Jacob and Esau are one household. Jacob's household is the Abel within him and Esau's spiritual waters, that is the household.


"And the King Adam, the salted preserved meat clothed the spiritual phallus of Jacob's household, and he became bread." So we see Abel covered Esau, and Adam covered Abel, and altogether they became the bread, they became the spiritual power, they became one spiritual man who had the power to feed the nations the doctrine of Christ, which would produce the life of Christ.


RECAP, Genesis 27:1-13, "And as Isaac aged, he lost his spiritual strength to appear in the visible world. So he called Esau, his eldest son, and said to him, 'My son,' and Esau said to him, 'Behold, here I am,' and he said, 'Look at me, I am old, and Satan knows that I am about to die, please now lift up your spiritual body and the container that holds it, and go forth into the field as a spiritual weapon to catch some of Satan's, some of Adam's energy...," we changed that, "...that will preserve the flesh that I love, and bring it to me so that I can consume it and make my animal life kneel down to me before I die.' And Rebekah spoke to her son, saying, 'Look, I heard your father speak to Esau, your brother, saying, Bring me spiritual meat to consume that will preserve the animal life that I have acquired, so that I can bless Jehovah's personality before I..."


Oh that is wrong, I changed that, "...so that I can cause Jehovah's personality to submit to me before I die." Not bless, to submit to me. "Now my son, obey my voice, because it is I Am who is commanding you. Go into the household of God and seize Abel, the second offspring of Astarte, the she-goat's astral desire body, and I will make them into King Adam, Jehovah's preservative because your father is committing adultery with Satan. And you shall bring her to your father so that he may consume it and bless you before he dies." There is something wrong with that verse, I will have to work on that.


"And Jacob said to his mother, 'Look, my brother Esau is a spiritual mortal man and I am a meek mortal man. Perhaps my father will discern the spiritual world that speaks in tongues and I will bring a curse upon myself instead of a blessing.' And Rebekah said to Jacob, 'Satan, the mother of this fallen creation, is the cursed one, do not obey my voice only, and go and enfold what belongs to you.' And Jacob proceeded to enter into Esau and enfold Satan, the widowed mother of Jehovah's creature, and made Adam, the spiritual preservative, out of his mother, and Abel, because his father was adulterous. And Jacob, the younger son, enfolded Satan, the deceitful female body of Esau, the eldest son of Rebekah's household, and Esau was clothed. And Jacob added Satan's waters to Abel, his spiritual phallus, and King Adam's smooth neck clothed the etheric bodies of Esau and Jacob, Astarte's two male goats. And King Adam, the salted preserved meat, clothed Abel, the spiritual of Jacob's household, and he became bread.


I think the Lord just told me what Esau was doing when he went hunting and what field he was in. From what I understand, we are all magnetic fields, I may not have this exactly right, my science is not always the latest, but I think each human being would be considered a magnetic field, and what Esau was doing was the exact opposite of what Jehovah authorized Jacob to do. He was traveling in the spirit to try to penetrate Abel's spiritual being and steal the virile seed from him. Let me remind you what Jacob did: what Jehovah authorized Jacob to do was penetrate Esau's very spiritual being, and lay hold of his spiritual energy, and enfold it into himself, and because Jehovah authorized it, and because that action brought all of the principles into the right moral arrangement, the end of the whole thing was that both Esau and Jacob were covered.


But Esau was trying to do the reverse, illegally. He was ascending into his body of sin, his astral and etheric body, he was traveling in the spirit to try to penetrate Jacob and steal the virile seed for his father. Do you not know what I am talking about, or are you just shocked? That is what he was doing. Brethren, you know this goes on today. Now according to this account, Esau knew what he was doing, and Isaac knew what he was doing, but if you are a rising son, brethren, there are people that are being sent into your life by Satan, maybe they are members of your own household, and Satan is rising in them to steal what you have from the Lord Jesus, and if you are going to -- you know, this sounds so radical, but I am telling you the truth. If someone in your household that is dear to you is Satan's pawn, you have to decide whether you are going to hold to the bloodlines of your physical family, or whether you are going to hold to the righteousness of Jesus Christ. And I will tell you right now, that if you hold to the physical bloodlines, if you are faithful to the physical bloodlines, not only will Christ Jesus in you die, but you are whole family that you are raised up to be the cover to, will die also. So that if you have this understanding, the right thing to do is to cleave to the Lord Jesus in all things, even if it means a conflict with a loved one in your physical family.


This conflict right here is between Isaac and Jacob, his father; Jacob's father. And, spiritually speaking, Isaac wanted to kill him. Now this is a spiritual account, I do not know how it was manifesting in the natural. I know that more people than I would like to admit have tried to kill me spiritually, and they did not even know what they were doing. It happens to me all the time, it has not stopped, it happens to me all the time. Satan rises in people and tries to kill Christ in me, and they have no idea what they are doing. So if you are reading this message, and you are very upset at what I am saying about Isaac, I hope this will comfort you. I have no idea at this point how this manifested in the physical lives of these people, I just know that I have read several verses ahead, and when Isaac realizes what was going on, he trembles and is very upset. All I could do is ask the Lord to direct me in my studies, I do not know how much further He wants me to go with this, but I know that I would like to know the answer, if it is in here.


Every detail is not in the Interlinear text or in the King James translation, it is not in the Interlinear text. I do not know how this manifested in the natural, but as far as Jehovah is concerned, the spiritual reality of what happened here is that Isaac tried to kill Jacob. Isaac tried to kill the very seed that he brought into the world. Does it sound so strange to you? Brethren, we kill each other all the day long. We kill people we love all the day long. We try to dominate them, we try to control them, for whatever our reason, we think we are going to lose them, whatever, we kill each other all the day long. So what am I saying about Isaac? This is what I am saying about Isaac: Isaac was a mortal man that was subject to all the potential for sin that every mortal man is subject to. And I am not telling you that Isaac was an evil man, because he probably was not, he probably was a man that was serving God to the best of his ability. He had a high experience with his father Abraham. I have not translated this whole Bible, but I know that account of Abraham sacrificing Isaac is not accurate, we translated that. Isaac ascended into the 6th center with his father. He probably was devoted to Jehovah, but was blinded and seduced by the Serpent, by his own sin nature in this account. That is what I am saying about Isaac.


As devoted as he was to Jehovah, he almost killed the very offspring that he brought into this world, spiritually speaking. What an awesome message!!  Brethren, the only one that you can trust 100% is the Lord Jesus, and if you are looking for human beings to trust, the people that you can trust the most are the people who are introspecting for, are looking within themselves, or facing their sin nature, and who are moving in some awareness of their own motives, because when Christ Jesus starts to manifest -- it does not have to be Christ Jesus -- when Christ starts to manifest in you, you need to know that Satan will rise up in every human being that does not knock her down. She will rise up in strangers in the street, and she will rise up in the people you love in your own family, and you have got to learn how to fight this without making enemies with every person that you know. You have to learn how to fight this in the spirit. And if you are covering for your wife or for your husband or for your children, if covering for them is the most important thing in the world, you need to know that you are sacrificing your own spiritual life, and by sacrificing your own spiritual life, you are destroying whatever cover you could be for them. So you have got to get your priorities and your loyalties straight, you have got to get this straight in your head.


Jesus Christ has to be absolutely first in your life. If you want to do the very best that you could do for your family and every conflict that you come into, the answer is to ask the Lord what the answer is. That is a hard word, especially if you are a woman, it is a hard word, because it will bring a conflict with your husband, and with the other members of your family. The best thing that you could do for your family is cleave to the Lord Jesus, He loves them, He is not forgetting about them, He is not going to leave them unministered to. Praise the Lord.


Any questions or comments about tonight's message? I will just say one more thing. Brethren, pastors kill their congregation all the day long. This does not mean that Isaac was not a man of God, he had a lapse. I believe he was a man of God, but an imperfect man, and in his imperfection he almost killed the seed of the Savior of all humanity. But praise be to God, Jehovah did not let it happen. Jehovah had a woman who was His prophet, who spoke His words without fear, and Jehovah had a son in the earth, who carried his virile seed, who responded to and obeyed the word of the prophet, and the whole family was saved, from that utter disaster, because of Jehovah's faithfulness, and because of two faithful people in the earth that responded to Him. So,you be the faithful one and your family will be OK, they will be safe from disaster, I am not telling you they are going to be saved as the Church world preaches it, but you stay close to the Lord Jesus, and you will be the cover for your family. Do not be seduced by physical loyalties when it comes to spiritual matters, it is the worst thing that you could do. Any questions or comments?


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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