109 - 1 Part

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



I got my passport, I am just waiting for the Lord to say "Go." This message is hitting Nigeria with a lot of strength. I am just waiting on the Lord, I do not ever want to get ahead of the Lord. It is definite disaster to get ahead of the Lord.


This is the real thing, the deep move of God. If you want to be in the forefront of His move, it is rarely in big crowds. God can do anything. It is for the people who have the faith to sit in a meeting like this, and say, "It is God." I know a lot of people could not do it. God tests us continuously, He tests me as a minister, and He tests you as disciples.


Before God put this group together, He had one person coming to me. I had to go on my face before the Lord. I said, "Lord one person meetings? I do not care, my pride is not worth anything. I just want to know that it is you. If you want me preaching to this one person I will preach to this one person." I took the victory, but the one person could not take the victory. The week she left, God raised up these meetings.


The week she ran out screaming like a lunatic, God raised up these meetings. The meetings were not even on a regular basis. It was when He called them, one every two weeks, one every three weeks. I said, "Lord what is going on here?" I really believe that it was a trial for me, and it was a trial for her. She did not make it.


This person came into my house last week, and said, "What is happening with the meetings?" I said, "They are regular meetings, Thursday mornings." She said, "Really , who?" I said," People, God brought people." She said, "Thursdays, I work Thursdays I will never be able to attend your meetings." God has a meeting Sunday night, and she was not there for me to tell her, He is rubbing it in her face, but she cannot seem to get it into her head, because she is carnal.


What am I saying? I am not knocking anybody, I am saying that if you really want to see God, you have to get this, and me also. We have to get this carnality out of our mind. We have to see Him in the spirit, we have to go where His spirit sends us, and be where His spirits sends us, even though it does not look like a big formal church. Then, maybe someday, it will be a big formal church. It is you, it is your personal walk with God.


If He sends you to a big formal church for five years, you go. If He sends you to a church with a small group in a basement for a few years or a few months, you go. You have to go where He sends you for as long as He sends you. You have to have a relationship with Him that will enable you to get up and move out when He tells you to go. Sometimes He even tells me to do things that are unscriptural. You have got to know your God.


Is that not a promise in the Prophets? "In that day my people they shall know their God. And they shall do exploits in His name."


If ever He asks you to do something, you feel that it is not right, but you feel that it is Him, if you just pray with an open heart, that you just need a witness that is going to make it legitimate for you, He will give it to you. He is testing everybody, He is laughing at the natural man.


I was going to this church for a season, and the minister did not perceive me accurately. He knew I prophesied, and that I had an anointing, but he really did not perceive me, because you really cannot. Very few people can perceive me.


On day I went to church on a Sunday, the Lord said to me, "You see that man sitting across from you?" I said, "Yes Lord?" He said, "I want you to anoint him for ministry, he is called to New Order." I said, "Lord I am sitting in another man's church on a Sunday. I have never ever hear of anybody doing that. I am even questioning that this is the Lord talking to me. I am in someone else's house, and I am not doing it unless you give me a witness that I cannot deny."


With in sixty seconds, it probably was 30 seconds, the pastor stands up in the pulpit, and says to the congregation, "I want you to know that this is your church also, and that God is a spirit. He can manifest through you as He can manifest through me. If you want to come in here one day, and God wants to manifest through you all you have to do is stand up, and I will recognize you." By the time he got the word out of his mouth, I was on my feet.


He looked up, and looked around, he saw me standing, and he did not know what to do, so he nodded his head at me. He knew that I was prophesying in the church, he knew that I was of God, but he never expected what God did the second he nodded at me. The Lord spun me around, and I went over to the man. I said, "The Lord is anointing you for ministry, stand up." I laid hands on him, prophesied over him, and they guy almost freaked out.


God is breaking all the rule. When Jesus walked the face of the earth, He drove the Pharisees crazy, He did everything they thought He could not do. I want to tell you that if you are at a meeting, God is running this meeting, if you get the urge to do something, you have the responsibility of praying in your own heart, "Lord is this really you? Do you want me to move in this meeting?" We are all grown up people here. You are responsible to try the spirit in your self, because if you speak out where it is acceptable, and it is acceptable here, definitely, if it is not God, I may have to say something to you.


If you make a mistake, do not worry about it, but try the spirit, just do not bluster forward, and do it. Christ is going to manifest where ever He wants to, and no man is going to tell Him that you cannot do it here, you cannot do it now, you cannot do it this way, that you are the pastor, and you cannot do it. No man is going to tell Him that, because He is the Son of God.


He is the Son of God. We are dust. Only, most of the time we do not know who we are. The hour is over, He wants to be seen for who He is. Most of the time when there is a minister who is really yielding to Him, the carnal Christians do not like the people, they have problems with the people, they do not even know what their problem is. They manifest, and they do not even know what their problem is.


You have to be able to draw the line between standing in Christ and being in rebellion, because you can be in rebellion, and the spirit is subject to the prophet. If you are in another man's house, you have to honor him, unless God says to stand against him. I have experienced both things. God said to me. "He has rebuked you, he does not know what he is doing, get out." I have also experienced Him sending me to that person, and telling him, "You are out of order."


You have to try the spirit, now do not be afraid. If you make an honest mistake, God will bring you around. You have to try your own heart, and find out whether it is pride operating in you. Is it pride, or is it rebellion trying to take authority over the minister?


How do you try the spirit? Look at your heart. Are you crying, moaning, and groaning for the sins in Israel? Are you distressed because you see something is not right in the minister, and your heart is breaking over it? You are crying out to God, "Do something, do something." After you are doing that for a month, He says, "Okay, you go, and tell him." The chances are real good that it is God. If you are having a personal clash with the man, it is a good chance that it is pride and/or rebellion.


The Scripture says, "Submit yourself one to another." Respect your elder in the church, even if they are not your spiritual elder. If they are running the meeting, you respect them. It is very hard, because I cannot give you a printed sheet, saying, "This is okay, this is not okay, and this is okay." I do not have a book to give you. Only God knows, and maybe some prophet He permits to witness to it. Only God knows what spirit you are in.


If you do it, and it is not His spirit, if you have made, an honest mistake, He is going to correct you gently. If your pride has gotten you into this trouble, your correction may not be gentle, but He loves you if you are still trying. When He first gave me this message to preach, it gave me a lot of distress, because I saw if fostering rebellion in a lot of people. I am preaching it in a little different way now. I saw the rebellion coming forth that was lying low in a lot of people. They hear this message preached, and they would say, "I am going after my pastor."


I would go before the Lord, I would say, "Lord did I make a mistake preaching this message?" He said, "No, but you have to preach it, I have to deal with their rebellion." I am trying to preach it in a different way now where I am making people aware that it could be rebellion in you, it could be pride in you, and if it is you are going to have to face your God.


It is a mature message for those that are coming into spiritual manhood. I have seen a lot of people, listen to it and get into a lot of trouble with it.


As a matter of fact, at a meeting a word of knowledge came forth. I did not even realize at the time (I am learning too), I did not realize it was for a specific person. I did not even know it was a word of knowledge. I do not even know why I said it. I said, " You should all come to me and spend some time with me. Let me hear what you think of the teaching, because if you are understanding it incorrectly I have no way of knowing it unless you come and have personal discussion with me.


It turned out to be a word of knowledge, and somebody that was utterly corrupting it in their mind (It was shortly after that they used it in a very ungodly way), they got into a lot of trouble. This word can be abused.


Glory to God. We are in the Book of Nahum, and the prophet Nahum had addressed the city of Nineveh which is the capitol city of Assyria, the great oppressor which brought Israel into captivity and utterly destroyed her. Assyria removed every citizen of Israel from their land, and replaced Assyrian citizens in Israel. The physical land that the ten tribes inhabited utterly became a part of the Assyrian empire, and disappeared to this day as the nation of Israel.


That is not what happened in Judah. Babylon attacked Judah, and although they removed all of the royal seed, the seed royal, the Scripture says, from Judah and took them into captivity, they left many citizens in Judah. They left the nation of Judah, the geographical physical nation of Judah.


When it came to Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, removed all the seed royal to Babylon, and he made them eunuchs in his household. He left some citizens of Judah and the geographical location of Judah, which existed up until the time of the manifestation of Jesus Christ.


The physical, geographical Judah was not wipe out until the Jews rejected Jesus, and He cursed them. He left them, and said, "You will not see me until you say blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord." Within a very short period the temple was destroyed, and the national homeland of Judah destroyed. As I am sure anyone that is listening to this tape knows, from that day till this present time, Judah has a nomadic people that go from nation to nation, and that something always happens where they wind up fleeing that nation.


They prosper where ever they go, and this is a very interesting manifestation. It is a curse, and a blessing operating side by side.


The blessing from Abraham is still upon 90% of the natural Jew. A large percent of them are very intelligent, and a large percent of them get good jobs. They have a mind that knows how to deal with money, they usually prosper, they are talented, and up until this recent date they have a very blessed home life. I see that it is disintegrating now, because it is time for them to come to Jesus.


They have been a very blessed people as they have been nomads, as they have run nation to nation. They have been persecuted as they passed through Hitler's Germany. The curse, and the blessing side by side.


Why is this? Because the blessing that God placed on Abraham cannot be disannulled. I declare to you that the blessing shall swallow up the curse. The Scripture says that if you cut off the natural branches, He has the strength to graft them in again. The Scripture clearly states that this happened because they were blinded, so that the message can go to the Gentiles.


For all intents and purposes, the natural Jew has been sacrificed as well as Jesus Christ of Nazareth was physically sacrificed upon the cross. The natural Jew has been spiritually sacrificed for 2000 years, so that this message could go to the Gentiles.


The hour of their being grafted back in is already upon us. This message of the prophet Nahum was against the king of Assyria, the rod that God used, the oppressor that God used to punish Israel. Brethren, no nation is devoured by another nation, unless God says that it can be so.


National armies, aggressor armies are sent forth by the Lord as judgment. The king of Assyria was a judgment that the Lord sent upon Israel, then God judges the tyrant. It does not make sense to your carnal mind, I am sorry, that is what God does.


He raises up vessels of honor, and He raises up vessels of dishonor, and after the vessel of dishonor does his work, He punishes the person for their sins. I prayed frequently for years, I prayed, "Dear God, let me be a vessel of honor. I have been a vessel of dishonor enough in my life." When you are a vessel of honor, you are persecuted. I said, "Let me be persecuted for righteousness sake rather than be a vessel of dishonor."


Not that I do not want the judgment, I do not want to be used that way. I want to be an ambassador of Christ.


We see judgment being visited upon the Assyrian capitol, Nineveh. All prophesies can be taken on two levels, the natural, and the spiritual.


In the realm of the spirit, the aggressor that is punishing spiritual Israel is the carnal mind. The carnal mind is ruled by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. The carnal mind is a product of our fallen adamic soul. If Christ is being formed in you, you have two souls. The soul of Christ, in the soul of Christ is the Father, God joining to your human spirit, that part of you which is your true life that you received from Christ from the beginning. There is a marriage, the Father God, and your human spirit, and the Son, Christ, is formed in you.


In your natural soul, the male is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. He is joining with your same human spirit, that is of God from the beginning, the daughter that they produce, the child that they produce is female, and her name is the carnal mind, or the daughter of Babylon, in the Old Testament, the daughter of Babylon.


Christ and your carnal mind are the two children that have been produced by God's creation in this hour. The Scripture clearly states that the child of the bond woman is to be cast out. The Son of the promise is to inherit all. Our carnal mind is to be cast out, and Christ is to inherit your whole earth, body, soul, and spirit. Eventually, the whole world as we see it. Glory to God.


As we go through the book of Nahum.


COMMENT: What do you mean, the whole world as we see it?


PASTOR VITALE: Spiritual life is within, the Kingdom of God is within, and the kingdom of darkness is within. This whole world that we see is an illusion. We are spirit, and spirit has no form or shape. Because God wants to be seen, He set up a complicated mechanism. I am going to be brief for this tape.


The reality of it is that He is casting an image so that He can be seen. It is an illusion. Let me give you another example. I am told that this scientific fact, that when I look at you my eyes are not seeing you, my eyes are taking a picture of you. This is the way the eye operates. A picture is taken, and I am looking at a reflection of you.


This is an established scientific fact, and this is the way this creation is set up, that what we see here is an illusion, it is a reflection of spiritual life. The soul that God created is a mirror. You know, when you look in the pool you see the reflection of yourself? Do you know what I am talking about?


COMMENT: The world is going to pass away?


PASTOR VITALE: It is going to pass away because it is a shadow. It is an Illusion. It is not real, but because God is so great, when He projects an illusion, we feel it. We feel pain. You lose a loved one, you feel pain, you get sick your body hurts, but the reality is, on a high spiritual level, if you can hear this, the whole world is an illusion. That is why I called it a bad dream yesterday. It is a nightmare. For us, because we are in it, because our Lord and Savior has subjected us to it, we are subjected to it. It is not real.


The day that our Lord says "That is it, camera off, lights on." That is it, it is all over. What is going to happen that is the spiritual equivalent to "camera off, lights on," is that His life is going to appear in us, and this is all going to vanish. Did I answer your question enough for this tape?


COMMENT: That is called the twinkling of an eye?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, but the twinkling of the eye is not a snap of the fingers. The Lord did not say the snap of the fingers. He said a twinkling of an eye. The Scripture clearly says one day with God is like 1000 years with man.


A twinkling of an eye, I believe, is a human being's whole lifetime. The twinkling of your eye is from the time you are born until the time you die. Then you blink, and it is all over. When your eyes are open, you are appearing in this world system. When your spiritual eye closes, that is the end of the blink. Glory to God.


God is calling us to be spiritual. We are so used to being limited by the borders of time in our life that we have to pray for spiritual understanding. God Is infinite. We just live seventy, eighty, or ninety years, and it is a nice lifetime. Even in the Bible, they lived 900 years. Can you comprehend 900 years?


Do you know that men in the Bible did not get married until they were 40 years old, nothing but a youth at 40 years old. I have trouble comprehending that, let alone timelessness. The only way we are going to be able to understand it all is if we ask God that we would like to understand it. As He imparts it to us, we will understand it more, and more. I believe that He is building in us, a spiritual mechanism.


The Scripture calls it a foundation. You have all read that Jesus Christ is the only foundation, you all read that, but what does it mean? We read these things, but we do not know what it means.


Every spiritual thing has a natural example. The Lord Jesus is building a spiritual building. The temple is spiritual, amen, you all know that. He is building it inside of men. What? Well, that is what He is doing, and spiritual life is different than this world. If you cannot understand it, if you just open your heart, He will show it to you. He is building it inside of us, and the foundation that He has laid is Himself. It is His spirit. It is not like a floor inside of your house. The foundation of His spiritual life is Him.


The first thing that has to happen is that He has to get inside of you. What is He building it on? The foundation of Jesus Christ in the apostles. What is an apostle? If you study it out, you will find out that an apostle is somebody in whom the imparted anointing exists, in whom the very presence of Christ is dwelling, not a gift that is without repentance. Not the gift of prophesy, not speaking in tongues, not healing. These things are great, I thank God for them.


An apostle is one in whom the spiritual life of Christ abides. He rises up whenever He wants to, and does whatever He wants through it. When that is true in a human being, there are certain signs that follow them.


If you are interested I have a tape on it. There are several signs, it is very interesting. To be a full apostle all of these signs must be present in you. I know a lot of people have some signs, but you cannot be a little bit pregnant or a little bit dead. To be a full-standing apostle, all of the signs must follow you. I do not think it is really going to happen until we stand up in full...well, I believe that Paul was in full stature. I believe that Christ fully lived through Paul, and possibly John. I do not believe that the Lord was in full stature in the other apostles.


The other apostles, if you check it out, they did not have all of the signs. One of the signs of apostleship is that you bring forth the doctrine of the hour, what Christ is teaching to the church at that hour. I think there were several apostles that did not bring forth doctrine. Paul had every sign. He brought forth doctrine, He could not be killed, a snake bit him, and he could not be killed. He said himself, "It is time for me to be offered up." They could not have killed him anymore than they could have killed Jesus.


I believe Paul was in full stature, yet we know that Jesus named twelve, that He called them apostles, and I do not believe they were in full stature.


There has to be a line some where, I do not know exactly what it is. I do know this. To be an apostle, you have to have the indwelling Christ living His life through you. Not the imputed anointing, but the imparted anointing. Let us get on with this message. I do not know what this is with the prophet Nahum.


The prophet Nahum was prophesying destruction upon the tyrant that God used to punish Israel. I declare to you that is you are a member of spiritual Israel, and there is a spiritual Israel today, God has a tyrant that He is using to chasten spiritual Israel with. His name is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.


A lot of Christians are mixed up about Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. He is the servant of the Almighty God, he is the rod of the Lord, the sword of the Lord to the wicked. God uses him to chasten us, and when we are so well chastened that we submit to Christ, and He stands up in full stature in us, there will be no more need for Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Then God will judge Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.


Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, shall reign in this earth so long as there is sin. As long as there is sin in you, and in me, Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, will have a measure, within God's limits, of authority over us to bring destruction into our life, so that we can learn from it, so that we can repent, that the building that Christ is building in us, can continue to build, until there is no more sin left, and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, will be judged and destroyed in each individual as they attain to perfection.


Ultimately, when there is no more sin in the earth, he will be wiped out entirely. As long as there is one person with one sin in their heart, Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, shall live.


As we go thought the book of Nahum, we, in this hour being the church, are going to read this with the eyes of the church as the judgments that are coming upon Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, who is the king of the fallen living soul. There is fallen a living soul, and there are many parts to it as your body has heart, lungs, spleen, etc, etc.


The soul is made up of fallen adam, Eve, the darkness that was in the dust of the earth when God formed the clay. His name is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Do you not understand that? Praise the Lord. Here we go.


Chapter 1, Verse 1. "The burden of Nineveh, the book of the vision of Nahum the Elkoshite. God is jealous, and the Lord revengeth," ...the Lord takes vengeance. "The Lord revengeth, and is furious: the Lord will take vengeance on His adversaries, and He reserveth wrath for His enemies." I declare to you that God is furious at Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, for hurting His people, but nevertheless God has sent Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, to judge His people.


This may sound like it makes no sense to you, but I declare to you that there is no help for the human race. There is no help for us. We shall self-destruct in the very near future if the Lord our God, who loves us, had not made a provision to save us.


A lot of people believe that, that provision is to forgive us all of our sins, and leave us like we are. I declare to you, that is a lie. The provision to save us is for the Lord Jesus Christ to be fully born in us, placing us in a spiritual condition where we are incapable of sin. God will judge sin down to the last man. He will destroy His creation, He will not tolerate sin.


He has made a way of escape, and that way of escape is to give us a provision, a spiritual provision that we do not have as natural men. That is going to help us to stop sinning, so that He can stop judging us. God does not compromise. Hallelujah.




Father God, I just want to rebuke the spirit of sleep in this meeting. It is your word, Lord. I rebuke fallen adam. I rebuke you, you cannot shut them down. You cannot close their spiritual eyes and their spiritual ears. They are spirit, and they are Christ, they are called to this message, and I say, Father, if you want them to hear, you have to keep them up. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


I would like to point out to you here that, that Scripture says, "The Lord takes vengeance on His adversaries and He reserveth." That word "wrath" in the King James, the King James translator put in, "He reserveth for His enemies." I looked up those two words, I thought you would be interested in that. "Adversaries" means "opponent," and the word "enemies" means "adversaries." Very frequently, these King James translators get these words backwards.


The word translated "adversaries," is Strong's #6862, and it means the opponent of God. The word "enemies." is Strong's #341. These are the ones that hate God and are His adversaries. Now, the adversary is a word for Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. I am going to declare to you, I am going to suggest to you, what this means is that these is one spirit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Now I know this is not taught in the church world, but I want you to know that it is not true what they are teaching in the church world, that Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is an individual.


Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is a spirit, just like God is a spirit. He is in the mind of every man. He was in the dust that formed the clay, and he is in the mind of every man. He is our unconscious mind. The Scripture describes him as a sea. He flows through the many members of the human race.


The adversary of God is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. The spirit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, that is flowing through the many members of the enemies, or the opponents of God, are the individual members of the fallen living soul that are yielding to their carnal minds and rebelling against God.


They are in a different category. Why? Because Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, the spirit that flows through everybody's mind, he knows what he is doing. He is a spiritual entity, and he knows that he is the adversary against God. You, and me, until God revealed Himself to us, we did not know what we were doing. Even now as Christians, a lot of times we do not even know we are in sin until God comes, and says, "Hey, look at what you are doing." God has mercy on us.


This is what the prophet says, He is going to take vengeance against His opponents, those of us who are in rebellion. He is going to hold in reserve the adversary. What does that mean? He is going to take vengeance against us, and it means we will reap what we sow. It means that if you hate your brother, you will be hated, if you steal, you are going to be stolen from.


The adversary, the corporate spirit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, He is holding him in reserve. What is He holding him in reserve for? He is holding him in reserve for the final judgment that is going to destroy him totally. God is dealing with Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, on two levels. He is dealing with him in the individual, by giving us a reaping what we sow, and bringing us to a saving knowledge of Christ.


When He has done that to everyone He intends to do it to, He is going to deal with the adversary himself. He is going to say, "Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, you are finished, into the Lake of Fire for you." He is dealing with the human race on two levels. Hallelujah.


Verse 3. "The Lord is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not acquit the wicked: the Lord hath His way in the whirlwind, and in the storm, and in the clouds." Well, this King James Translation is not too good. It should say, "The Lord hath His way in the whirlwind, and in the storm, and in the clouds which are the dust of His feet."


I just talked about this. It says "The Lord is slow to anger, and great in power...," we know that, "...and He shall not at all acquit the wicked." Now a lot of people think Jesus is acquitting the wicked. He is not. We just talked about it. He is making a way of escape, He is helping us to stop sinning so that He can stop killing us, but He shall never acquit the wicked.


An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, is still in effect against spiritual powers, and principalities, not against men. Under the old covenant, the eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, it was against men. Why was it against men? You know how many people said to me, "Boy, that is some God you serve, He turned Lot's wife into a pillar of salt, He has no mercy, He is a hard condemning God,"


I want to tell you that He is a loving God, He knows that spiritual pestilence travels along family lines. He knows that, and He had a law in those days under the old covenant where He killed the person that was infested, so that the entire future generations were not polluted. He is a loving God, but He is no fool. He did not want this human race wiped out before His Son could appear in it.


He did a hard thing that would save us, and I thank Him for it. I just ask everybody that thinks harshly of Him in this area, receive the word of the truth. Glory to God.


He shall in no way acquit the wicked. "The Lord hath His way." That means He does what He wants to, He appears when He wants to, "in the whirlwind, and in the storm." Glory to God. The whirlwind, I am not really teaching today, so I am going to ask you to just take my word for it on a few things. We have established that the whirlwind typifies a man in whom Christ is appearing.


We know in the Book of Job, after all of his friends said all those wonderful things to him, the young man came up, and he was angry because God was not being told the truth. If you read those few verses of Job, the young man is declaring God, and all of a sudden God is talking out of the whirlwind. I declare to you that what happened is that the Holy Spirit rose up in such a strength that the man utterly disappeared, and that Job...all that Job could see was God.


It was God in the man, and it is described as a whirlwind. The Scripture says that He is also in the storm. The Hebrew word for "storm" is Strong's #8183, and it is from a root which means "terror or affrighted." I am suggesting to you that this verse is saying that God appears in those in whom Christ is living, and He is appearing in the frightened ones. Fear is a manifestation of hell. Fear is a manifestation of the unsaved man. Fear is sin, we are not to be afraid in Christ.


He appears in the saved, and He appears in the unsaved. I declare to you, He appeared in a donkey, and He will talk to you from the height of the Heavens or from the depths of hell. If He has something to say to you, there is nothing that can stay His hand. He will appear anyway, anywhere, in whatever form He wants, and no man can restrict Him otherwise. Glory to God.


The Scripture says, He is going to appear in the saved, and in the unsaved. "And the clouds, and the dust of His feet." I am not going to spend too much time on that. There are many Scriptures that indicate that Christ is a spirit. When He stands on the earth, the way He describes it, He uses the term "feet" to describe that He is appearing in a man. His feet are on the earth, and He extends all the way up into Heaven. When He talks about His feet, it is His members on the earth. That is you and me. We know that there are clouds. We have had many teachings on that, because they are spiritual men. Hallelujah.


He appears in the saved, He appears in the unsaved, and He appears in whom He glorifies. Hallelujah.


Verse 4. "He rebuketh the sea, and He maketh it dry, and drieth up all the rivers: Bashan languisheth, and Carmel, and the flower of Lebanon languisheth." I am going to skip over some of these verses. "He rebuketh the sea." The sea is a type of the unconscious mind of man, the corporate manifestation of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, which we were talking about earlier. "He rebuketh it, and He maketh it to dry up." That is referring to the fact that Satan, typified as a liquid, is going to be dried up. He is going to lose his power, he is going to lose his very existence.


Verse 5. "The mountains quake at Him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burned at His presence, yea the world, and all that dwell therein." Again, I am going to go through this quickly. We have this on other tapes. We have established that the mountains are the spiritual life that dwells in us, they are the high place from which we worship God. We must worship God in spirit, and in truth. The high place where we worship God from is our spirit. It is the spiritually mature place, it is not the high place like the sky.


We find that pagan religions seek to worship God on high hills, because they are carnal, but we who are spirit and worship God in spirit and truth, we worship God from the high spiritual place, the place that is closest to God, which, in the natural, is called a mountain.


You want to get close to God in the natural, you climb a mountain. In the realm of the spirit, if you want to get close to God you have to worship Him in spirit and in truth, so the high place is your spirit . Glory to God. "The mountains quake at Him." The human spirits of men, when He joins with them, they vibrate, because vibration is the way spiritual life moves, or joins, or works together. When we worship God in spirit and in truth, we vibrate towards Him, and He vibrates towards us.


To the natural man it looks like a quaking. If you study the word "earthquake" in the Scripture, you will see whenever an angel appears, whenever there is a transition from the realm of the spirit to the realm of appearance or backwards, it is almost always accompanied by an earthquake. It is talking about the movement of spiritual life.


"The mountains quake at Him." They join together with Him, they vibrate together with Him. "The hills melt." The hills are lower than the mountains, we have established that they typify the border of our physical body. In this Scripture, it says "the hills melt." Brethren, this body is a prison house. It is a judgment of God that was placed upon the living soul that died because of sin.


They are going to melt, they are going to disappear when Christ becomes fully mature in us, and we are delivered from the prison houses. This body shall dissolve and shall be no more.


I cannot get into what is going to happen to the body now, but it is going in. It is not going to be discarded, it is going into the life of Christ to be our new glorified body.


"The mountains quake at Him, the hills melt, and the earth is burned at His presence." The earth refers to our soul, and our soul which is sin filled is getting thrown into the Lake of Fire. It shall burn until every sin has been consumed, and the only thing that is left of it is the gold that is buried in the earth of our soul, which is our human spirit. Only metal shall survive the fire. All of the wood, the stubble, and the dross shall be burned up. Glory to God.


"And the earth is burned at His presence, yea the world...," this world system, "...and all that dwell therein," are going in to the fire, and the only thing that is going to prevail, and the only thing that is going to survive is Christ. Christ is all there is. This world is an illusion, the flesh is an illusion. The Bible calls it hay, stubble, wood, and it will not survive.


The Scripture that says "Only what you do for Christ will prevail." Brethren, it is not what you think you should do, it is what Christ does through you. That is the only thing that is going to survive. You can run to church six night a week, you could do all kinds of religious works, but it is only what His life is doing through you that is going to survive, because the more He does through you, the more He increases in you, and when He increases to full manhood He is going to swallow up everything else in you.


The way He increases in you is that He has to get good food. He has to hear this word, He has to submit Himself to the spirit, and He has to move through you, and He has to exercise through you. He is going to grow up to full spiritual manhood and be your life. He is going to be your life.


Verse 6. "Who can stand before His indignation, and who can abide in the fierceness of His anger? His fury is poured out like fire, and the rocks are thrown down by Him." Glory to God. I would just like to point out a couple of things here to you. He is very angry. What is He angry at? Sin in His people. "Who can abide in His fierceness?" No natural man can abide it, you are going to get burned up. "And His fury is poured out like fire...," and this word "fury" is Strong's #2534, it means "poison," and it is from a root that means "separation." There are two points I would like to make here for you.


There is a big misunderstanding among carnal men. You see, God is not a man. God poisons people, God hurts people, God slays people, but when He does it, you live. When man poisons you, when man slays you, when mans kills you, you die. We are all dwelling in this realm of death. We have already died, the carnal mind is death. If you are living with your carnal mind ruling through you, which everybody is, and those of us with Christ, we have two minds. We are going back and forth. Believe me, if your carnal mind is ruling, you are already dead. The Bible says it.


When Jesus Christ poisons you, can you kill someone that is already dead? The poison of Christ gives you life. When God hurts you, you get strong. When He poisons you, you live, when He kills you, you live. There is no darkness in Him at all. Everything that He does brings forth life. This word has to get out to the people. There is nothing that He does that brings darkness. Hallelujah.


Man fell because darkness was found in him, inequity was found in the man. God did not do it to him. This word "fury" means "poison," which is from a root which means "separation." We are in Verse 6, "His poison is poured out like fire...," spiritual power typified by fire, "...and the rock are thrown down by Him." Rocks typify spiritual powers, and this word "poison" which also means "separation," I refer you to the New Testament Scripture "God is separating the soul from the spirit, and the bone from the marrow."


There is a separation coming. God is melting us. Why? I used to say, "Lord why are you separating the soul from the spirit? Why are you melting us?" He is melting us, because we are put together wrong. The reason why we are put together wrong is why we die.


He is melting us down, the similarity is the potter. He is taking the vessel, He is smashing it, and He is going to form it all over again because our spiritual combination, the way we are put together, is causing us to die. The natural example is that if you were born with your stomach on your hip, you could not live. There are babies that are born like that, and they die.


We are spiritually malformed, spiritual cripples, spiritually malformed, and the whole human race is about to self-destruct. He is melting us, He is breaking us down into pieces that we are made of, and He is putting us back together in the correct moral order. He is operating on us. Spiritual surgery, and it hurts. He is operating on us, He is putting our stomach back inside so that we can receive food. What is the stomach that can receive food? It is His very life. You cannot receive the manna from Heaven in your natural mind.


This terrible sounding prophesy from the prophet Nahum, "God is poisoning us," He is separating us, He is knocking our rocks down. Glory to God, and thank you Jesus for it. Can you imaging someone from Mars coming here, and going into a hospital, and seeing them cutting people open, sometimes amputating a leg, or moving their inside organs around? They would say, "What kind of crazy race is this?" That is what God is doing to us in our spiritual being. He is operating.


COMMENT: When we are formed, we will be like Him.


PASTOR VITALE: Amen. Like the lady said, when we are formed, we will be like Him in our spirit. This body is just clay, it is dirt, it is just waste, it is just for a season, and it is a prison house. Glory to God.


Verse 7. "The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble, and He knoweth them that trust in Him." He is good even though He is poisoning us. He is our strength. What is the day of trouble? Sometimes it is called "Jacob's trouble." It is the hour of child birth. It is the hour of spiritual child birth, it is the hour of tribulation, He is separating us. By much tribulation, you enter into the Kingdom of God. He is breaking our soul away from our spirit.


Our carnal mind is being separated and broken down. That is the hour of trouble. It is painful, we are being operated on, but He is good, the Scripture says. He is our strength, in our day of trouble when all these hard times are coming upon us, when we are in the surgery room, He is our strength.


"He knoweth them that trust Him." He will never leave you, and He will never forsake you. "But with an overrunning flood, He will make an utter end of the place thereof." What place? The fallen adamic soul, the place where we are living today. We have to get out of this fallen adamic soul and into the city of refuge. We have to get into Christ.


"With an overrunning flood of His spirit...," which is typified by water, He will make an utter end of the fallen adamic soul and this world system. "Darkness shall pursue His enemies." I did not look that up so I am going to go past that.


Verse 9. "What do you imagine against the Lord? He will make an utter end, affliction shall not rise up the second time." That word "affliction" is Strong's #6869, and it means "a female rival." We touched on this last night. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is a female. She is a female. When the separation between God and Adam took place because of sin, she rose up and took the authority over the family of man.


Like a widow whose husband died, she rose up and moved into the male role, but she is still a woman. She is still a physical woman, she is still an emotional woman, but she has taken on the male responsibility. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, a female has risen up, and filled the vacuum that was created when the creation was separated from God.


She is a tyrant because she does not have the maturity to rule in love. Christ is the only one that has the maturity to rule this human race in love. She cannot do it, she has been a tyrant, her stroke has been without end, she has tormented her people. The Lord says that once He puts her down in her place, she shall never rise up again. Glory to God, that is a good word.


Verse 10. "For while they be folden together as thorns, and while they are drunken as drunkards, they shall be devoured as stubble fully dry."


Who are folden together? In the realm of the spirit, every member of the human race is attached to every member of the human race. There is only one living soul that died. The Lord likens us to a plant that starts from seed, and then folds out to many leaves. That is what the human race is. The Lord is saying that we are all sticking together. This is in the realm of the soul now. We are all together.


Verse 10. "We are folden together as thorns...," That means we are sharp and dangerous. We are spiritual enemies. He says, "While they are drunken as drunkards." He also says that we are drunken.


We did a study on Noah in this ministry and found out that Noah did not get drunk on wine, that he squeezed from his grapes. He got drunken on the spirit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. He had a clear mind in his relationship with God. As Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, came and whispered to him, he could not tell that it was Satan.


The way we worked it up was by looking up all the words. We found out that, that deception is symbolized in the Scripture as being drunk. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, got him drunk on the wine of his spirit. We know that the Father is typified by wine. Spirit is spirit. We know that Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is the counterfeit, but the same symbols apply. Spirit is typified by wine. You look at the fruit.


When the Scripture says that somebody drinks wine, you look at the fruit. Noah fell. That could not have been the wine of the spirit of the Father that he drank. It was the wine of the spirit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. As we said the other day, we see in the New Testament the harlot drinking the blood of the saints. The blood of the saints are not dying, but that glorified blood in the saints is dealing with the harlot.


Drinking, whether is be wine or whether it is blood, both which are types of spirit, typified a spiritual change. When you are drinking something into you, it has to be affecting you. We are told in Nahum Verse 10 that they are drunken as drunkards on the spirit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. They are all sharp. Their weapons are their tongues, their minds are their weapons. They shall be devoured as stubble fully dry.


The Lord is saying that even though you are filled with the spirit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, you are sticking together, you are in your hearts, your minds, and your tongues. You are a weapon, and you are a thorn. Despite that, God is going to devour you, and when He devours you, you are going to be fully dried up.


He is going to dry up the spiritual authority of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, before He devours you. This whole prophesy is decrying the destruction of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Verse 11. "There is one come out of thee, that imagineth evil against the Lord, a wicked counselor." There is a wicked counselor in man, there is a wicked counselor in corporate man, there is a wicked counselor in each man. You have a carnal mind, Satan is in your mind. God wants you to see him, He wants you to recognize him, He wants you to resist him, and by the power of Christ He wants you to slay him. He is there, he is within you.


There is no such things as free floating spirits. Nobody wants to believe it is inside of them. Who are you fooling? It is the truth whether you believe it or not. Glory to God. The Lord said he is inside of you.


Verse 12."Thus saith the Lord: Though they be quiet, and likewise many, yet thus shall they be cut down, when he shall pass through. Though I have afflicted thee, I will afflict thee no more." Now this is a very poorly translated verse. The word "quiet" is Strong's #8003, and it means "complete." We know that complete is another way of saying you are saved.


We are complete in Christ Jesus. What does that mean? It means that God is making a creation, He is building it, it is like He is building an atom, and we are the negative charge. He is the positive charge, and when He joins with us we are complete.


This Scripture says, "Thus saith the Lord, though they be complete," though Christ is in them. The word "likewise" is Strong's #3651. It means "to be set up, to be justified." He is talking about Israel. He says, "Though they have Christ, and they are justified before God." If you even have the gifts and calling of God, you are justified. If Christ is being formed in you, you are justified. What does that mean? It means when you sin and God chastens you, the chastening is used for your good to bring you into a deeper walk with Christ.


He is talking about Israel. He says they are complete because they have Christ, they are justified because the first fruits are in them, but even so they are in that condition. The word "many" is Strong's #7227. It means "a long time." The Lord says, "They have Christ, and they are justified for a long time, but even so, yet thus shall they be cut down." Once saved always saved?? You better not believe it.


The truth is that we are not fully saved until He is fully born in us. We are in the process of being saved. How do I know it? People in the church still die. They still sin, they still get sick. We are in the process of being saved. He says right here that though they have Christ, they have been justified for a long time, they are still going to be cut down. Why? When He shall pass through...they shall be cut down when He shall pass through. Glory to God.


You are a natural man. When who passes through? When Christ passes through. All the carnal men, we have to go. Our carnal personality has got to go. Everything, every kingdom that we have worked for, every talent we have pursued outside of Christ, every church that we have built, every word that we have preached that has not come forth from Christ, it is worthless.


Your carnal man is being cut down. The only thing that is going to survive when Christ passes through is Him, and that which was with Him from the beginning, which is your human spirit, not your personality.


It is of Christ, and it is going back to Christ. He is the only thing that is surviving. He says, "Though I have afflicted thee, I will afflict thee no more." When He stands up in full spiritual strength in us, our affliction shall be over.


Verse 13. " For now I break his yoke from off thee, and will burst thy bonds in sunder." The full deliverance, the full salvation, the breaking of the yoke, and the bursting of the bonds is the maturing of Jesus Christ in us into full spiritual manhood. You know that has happened to you when someone shoots you, and you do not die. Now anyone hearing this tape, please do not go get a gun.


Let us first look for the signs that you never get sick anymore, that you are raising the dead, and feeding 5000 with your word. Let us try for those signs first. The true sign is that the Father shall raise you from the dead. That is the sign.


COMMENT: Is that spiritually raised from the dead?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, our bodies do not have to be killed. The resurrection from the dead is the standing up of Jesus Christ in us in full stature, and Him taking authority over our fallen adamic soul, forbidding it to sin. Successfully forbidding it to sin. All sin is in the mind. We sin in our thoughts. It is the destruction of the carnal mind, and Him taking His place as our new mind. Why does He not do it sooner? If He destroys our carnal mind now, and He is not in full manhood we would die, we would be without a mind.


As He gets stronger, He is weakening our carnal mind. It is a continuous process. He is growing, He is maturing, and He is putting down our carnal mind. In the last hour as He springs up into full spiritual manhood, He will put our carnal mind down, bruise it under our feet, the Scripture says. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, shall surely be bruised underneath your feet. Amen. Forbid it to sin.


From that point on, no matter what happens to us, the Father will raise us from the dead. If you are alive, nothing can kill you. The only reason that these bodies die is that we are already dead. It is a hard word, but it is the truth.


If life is flowing through your veins, the spiritual life of Jesus Christ is indwelling every cell of you body. Even if a car hits you, you cannot die. You cannot kill a spirit. When they crucified Jesus Christ, they killed His soul. You look it up in Strong's, they crucified His soul, they did not kill His spiritual life. You cannot kill a spirit that is living in a clay house. He will go out and build another clay house. Glory to God.


Verse 14. "And the Lord hath given a commandment concerning thee, that no more of thy name be sown." Now the word "name" in the Scripture typifies spirit. This is a little deep, but what I am suggesting to you what it means is the Lord hath given a commandment that no more of your spirit be sown. The way we come into existence in this realm of appearance is that our own spirit is reproducing itself. We are spiritual beings. In order to appear, we need a male spirit.


Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is an illegal male. He really is a female, but he is in the male role. He is having spiritual sex with our human spirit. They have produced a child, the carnal mind, the three are stuck together, and we appear in the realm of appearance.


It is our own spirit that is being sown in the earth, and the Lord says that is not going to happen anymore. It is going to be His spirit that is sown in the earth, His spirit having legal sex with our human spirit and producing Christ. When we are appearing here as result of the illegal joining, we are in a condition of death. When we appear as a result of the Father joining with the human spirit and forming Christ, we are alive.


There is a transfer coming, we have to transfer over from fallen adam to Christ. That which we really are, our true life, is being broken away from Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and it is going to be joined to the Lord. Our body is not going to be affected immediately, it is going to be happening within us. Spiritual things happen within us. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


"Out of the house of thy gods will I cut off the graven image." Now the house of the gods of man is this fallen adamic soul. The graven image is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. The clay, our soul is made out of the clay. In order for us to appear, there has to be an image in the clay. We are now in the image of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. I am sorry but it is the truth. We shall be in the image of Christ.


Jesus Christ said, "I am the shape of the Father." Jesus Christ's soul was engraved with the nature of the Father, God.


How do I know that we are in the image of Satan? Because we sin. We sin in our minds. We are in the process of having that engraving erased in our soul. We are going to be made virgins again. Amen. We are going to be engraved with the righteousness life of the Father. In that same place where sin and death dwell, righteousness and life will be glorified. Hallelujah. The graven image, the ultimate idol.


COMMENT: Inaudible.


PASTOR VITALE: That is okay, do not feel bad. Let me explain it to you. I know you have not been to these meetings before. This is a spiritual thing, your carnal mind is trying to shut you down. Do not be embarrassed, that is just my stop watch. Do not be embarrassed. I am glad you can still hear it. I have had people come in here and sleep for two hours. The second I would stop preaching they would wake up, and say, "Oh, hello everybody." Praise the Lord. I am glad you still get it.


This kind of message is a spiritual warfare. Just the fact that your ears are hearing it spoken is death to your carnal mind. He is trying to shut you down so you cannot hear it, that is what is happening. Should you continue to submit yourself to this type of teaching, it will affect you less and less. Do not be embarrassed no matter what. Hallelujah.


We are in Verse 14. We are not going to sow our own seed anymore, but the seed of the Lord is going to be sown in us. He is going to cut off the graven image, the ultimate idol is in your heart. Now a lot of people read the Scripture that says there are idols in our hearts, we know that. I do not think that people know to the fullest extent that the ultimate idol is your heart. The graven image that is made out of clay, you see, is your soul. It is graven in the image of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.


If that is your condition, you are worshiping him. Unless Christ is in you, and you are in the process of transition, if that is the only thing that you know, how do you have to worship God, do you bow down, and raise your hand?


Brethren, the true worship is submission. It is very nice to wave your hands and sing hymns, but if you walk out of church, and you do what Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, tells you, you are not serving God or praising God. The name of the game is submission. If Satan's image is engraved in the clay of your soul, and it is the only engraving and the only soul that you have, I do not care how many good works that you do, you have one big idol in your heart.


I have heard it preached, "Well it is your car, or it is your hobby." The idol is your soul, the molten image. We will see later on that it talks about a molten image. Molten meaning metal, is the condition that your spirit is in. We mentioned this earlier. Your spirit is likened to metal, and your soul is likened to wood.


Your human spirit is that which was from God from the beginning. If she is joined to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and has given birth to the carnal mind, that is your molten image. She is the great Harlot that has produced all of the names of blasphemy.


Name being spirit, every human being that is appearing in this world system because they are joined to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and they are a name or a spirit of blasphemy, a wicked or evil spirit. We are supposed to be appearing by Christ.


For thousands of years, there was only one spiritual power source that could cause a man to appear in the earth. When I say "appear," what do I mean? A baby is born, and there was only one spiritual power source that could generate it. His name was Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. How do I know? Everybody that was born, died.


If you are born of God, you do not die, except Jesus Christ of Nazareth, of course. Well, His soul died, but His Father raised Him from the dead, because His soul was righteous. Now for 2000 years, there is another power base. There is a second spiritual power source that is capable of generating humanity.


The greater is swallowing up the lesser. This power base has already produce the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He is in the process of brining in the second generations of the Sons. He is not doing it from outside of you. He is doing it from inside of you, and when He completes the work that He is in the process of...no, He is going to tear down you graven image and your molten image, which right now, comes from Satan.


He shall be seen no more, he shall be like a bad dream. Hallelujah. The reality is that he is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and the vessels that he has produced have been just papier-mache models of God's creations. Think twice please, before you walk around saying "I am in the likeness, and image of God, and I have the mind of Christ."


Examine your thoughts, look at yourself, look at your life, and do not be a fool. There is such a thing as a Scriptural fool, open up your eyes. Do not tell me you are in the image of God, and you have the mind of Christ. Look at you life. I condemn you not, just see the truth. The truth is going to set you free.


If you are in the image of Christ, you, and every human being you touch, your offspring, your parents, your entire family, your friends, every human being that you touch will reflect life. I do not know anybody that is doing that right now. Some people are touching on it, it is coming soon.


Do not deceive yourself, Jesus could not help the Pharisees, because they did not think they needed help. He said, "I came to open the eyes of the blind, but if you do not admit that you are blind what can I do for you? If you do not admit that you have sin, how can I deliver you? If you think that you are fully born now, and that you need nothing from me, what can I give you? Do not be a fool."


The church is filled with fools, Pharisaical fools. I am not being unkind. It is a Scriptural term, there is such a thing as a fool. The Bible says that a fools sees a disaster afar off and does nothing to protect himself. He sees the destruction of the living soul that died afar off, but he does not do what he has to do to submit to Christ, so that Christ can be formed in him.


When they day of judgment falls, and there is nothing in you...if you have been in rebellion against the Lord, and you refused to have Him formed in you, and the day of judgment comes, the burning comes upon you, and there is nothing of Christ in you, you are going to die. Hallelujah Thank you Jesus.


"I will cut off the graven image, and the molten image: I will make thy grave; for thou art vile." I did not look that up, "make thy grave," but we know that we are all vile. Everybody is vile.


Do you want me to go on to Chapter 2? Is everybody okay? I know that this is deep. I rebuke you Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, in my own mind. I went right past Verse 15. Glory to God. The best part! (laughing)


After all this destruction of our fallen adamic soul, we see and we receive the promise. Verse 15. "Behold upon the mountains...," upon your human spirit, "...the feet of Him that bringeth good tidings." He shall appear in your human spirit. Remember, I said earlier that the feet of Christ are His human members that stand on the earth, and the high place, the place where we communicate with God, is our human spirit. He shall appear in our human spirit. He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit. Glory to God.


"Behold upon the mountains...," the high place of our spiritual life, our human spirit, "...the feet of Christ that bringeth good tidings of life, that publisheth peace!" The peace that God brings is through the death of the enemy. Be not deceived, God does not collaborate, God does not compromise, God does not make a truce. God defeats His enemies down to the uttermost, and He rules.


Now you cannot reconcile the Old testament, and the New. I will give it to you again. The Old testament said, "Wipe out everything, every man, woman child, and beast. Take nothing." Now He is saying, "Love your brother, and turn your other cheek," because in this covenant the warfare is spiritual.


Love your brother, why? Because God is waging the same warfare against their carnal mind as He is waging against yours, and He is going to appear in them as He is going to appear in you. Now if you wage war against other men, you are waging war against the cities that the Lord Jesus Christ intends to appear in. You have just made yourself one big enemy. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ. Do not kill His cities. Glory to God.


He is going to appear in the human spirit, He is going to publish peace, He is going to make it known that the war is over, because the oppressor is slain. We read it in an earlier verse that this female adversary will not rise up again. We know it because she is dead. She is not in jail for life, she is dead.


"O Judah, keep thy solemn feasts...," and this is in the spirit of course, "...perform thy vows:" towards God. This does not mean your vows towards other men. Perform your vows towards God, fulfil your covenant with God. We are in a new covenant now, and that covenant says that He wants everything that we are. He does not want 10%, He wants the whole thing. He wants us, our mind, our soul, our heart, every aspect of us.


Then what He gives back to us, He gives back to us. Everything is His. Fulfil the covenant with God, Submit to Him, and He saves our lives. Glory to God.


"For the wicked shall no more pass through thee; he is utterly cut off." This expression "pass through" refers to a spirit manifesting in you. It does not have to be a spirit of devil worship. Any thought that comes from the carnal mind when he is manifesting, Christ is not manifesting in you.


You can only manifest one spirit at a time.


I have to read it again, it is glorious. "For the wicked shall no more," manifest in you, He is, but we are going to change it to "she." She is, because this is the hour of the revealing of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, we know that she is a woman. She is "utterly cut off."


"Behold, upon the high places of your spirit, Christ is appearing with the good news of His life. He is bringing peace to your soul, and to the world. O Judah, keep thy solemn feasts, perform thy vows, give God everything, for the wicked shall no more manifest in thee, she is utterly cut off. "


Glory to God. Chapter 2 of the Book of Nahum. Hallelujah.


"He that dasheth in pieces is come up before thy face: keep the munition, watch the way, make thy loins strong, fortify thy power mightily." "He that dasheth in pieces is come up before thy face." Now the word "face" in the Scriptures refers to the realm of appearance.


We found Scriptures in the book of Genesis that says a part of the creation...,I cannot quote it for you exactly, but the word "face" is referring to the realm of appearance.


The term darkness refers to the part that is not seen, or your unconscious mind. "He that dasheth in pieces is come up in the realm of appearance." The Lord Jesus Christ, who has been hidden for 2000 years, and many years before that, before His appearance, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, He is appearing on the face of the earth, and we know that He is appearing in men.


Why is He the one that dasheth in pieces? Remember we talked about it earlier, He is the one that is breaking your soul away from your spirit, your carnal mind away from the mind of Christ. Why? Because you are all put together wrong. Because you are put together wrong, you are dying. He is operating on you, and He is breaking you all apart, and sewing you back together perfectly.


You will not only recover, but you will live and not die. Glory to God. He is the one that dasheth to pieces. Our God is maligned daily because carnal minds read this Scripture, and say "What kind of God is this." Yes He dasheth in pieces, so that He can save your life. Did you ever hear of a doctor breaking a leg that was set wrong? Well he dasheth in pieces. Well, it is alright for the carnal man to do it, but not for God?


The problem is that we do not understand that we have been set wrong, that our brain is broken, and we are dying because of it. The Lord Jesus Christ, the one that dasheth in pieces, has come up before thy face. He is manifesting in the realm of appearance. Hallelujah. Glory to God. The carnal mind is saying, "Keep the munitions coming, watch out, make your loins strong." I remind you Paul said, "Gird up the loins of your mind."


We are talking about spiritual loins, we are talking about spiritual sexual parts. Keep the carnal mind strong, keep Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, joined to Eve, and the carnal mind, do not let him dash you to pieces.


In case you do not know it, all of these carnal people, I am talking about Christians, I am talking about people in the church, they are standing there, they may not be saying the words, it may not be in their conscious mind, but they are saying, "You are not dashing me to pieces."


When Christ appears to dash them to pieces, they do not recognize who He is. They perceive Him to be the enemy, they stand against Him. The warrior spirit that stands against Him is pride.


Rebellion is just a little guy in this end-time battle. Pride is the warrior spirit standing against Jesus Christ, and he is saying, "You are not dashing me in pieces, because I do not believe you are God." It is happening, It is happening in the church today. There is a remnant that is going to recognize this word, and recognize it even when it happens to them. Even though it is painful, they are going to say, "Lord, dash me to pieces." That remnant is going to be the first fruits company in which He appears.


Once the carnal minds of men in the church, and out of the church see it happen to a group of men, see them in full stature, see them working miracles, see them raising the dead, then they are going to say, "I know it is painful, but I think I will have the operation."


Some of them will still be resisting, but more people will be submitting. In this hour, as the Lord is going out by His spirit rounding up people that He is calling to this great honor, large numbers of them are saying, "I do not believe this word, you are not going to discover my sin, you are not going to reveal what is in my heart, you are not going to have me confessing it, and I am certainly not going to change! Do not try to change me." That is what they are saying. Glory to God.


He that dasheth to pieces, the Lord Jesus Christ, is manifesting in the realm of appearance, and the carnal mind is saying, "Keep the munition, watch the way, make your carnal mind strong, and fortify your Satanic power, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, mightily. Do not let Him do the work."


Verse 2. "For the Lord hath turned away the excellency of Jacob...," the spirit of the Lord lifted up off of natural Israel, Jacob. "...As the excellency of Israel...," which is spiritual Israel, the spirit of God has lifted off, "...for the emptiers have emptied them out, and marred their vine branches." I declare to you, for those Christians today that are saying "No" to God, ignorance is no excuse, for breaking the law. If He comes to you, and you do not recognize Him, you are deceived by the pride of your own mind, and you shall be emptied out.


Because this world is being broken down into two categories, those in whom He is appearing, and those in whom He is not. Those in whom He is appearing, and those in whom He is not appearing. I do not care if you have been a Christian for 20 years, I do not care if you cast out demons, I do not care if you feed the sick in Africa, I do not care if you were a murderer, you are all in one category. He has not appeared in you.


Although some people do not like to hear this, I declare to you, that when Christ appears, that which is in part is passing away. There shall be no more prophesy, there shall be no more tongues, there shall be no more gifts, and call of God without repentance. Either you are going to be an apostle, in whom He is appearing in full stature, or you are going to lose the imputed anointing you have.


If you preach you are going to lose your anointing to preach. Two categories in the earth, either He is appearing in you or He is not. There is going to be wailing, and gnashing of the teeth. I declare to you, there is going to be mourning in Israel. Hallelujah. Glory To God.


Verse 2 of Chapter 2. "For the Lord hath turned away the excellency of Jacob, as the excellency of Israel: For the emptiers have emptied them out." Your own carnal mind has caused you to die and has marred your vine branches, has destroyed your connection to the life of Christ.


Verse 3. "The shield of His mighty men is made red, the valiant men are in scarlet: the chariots shall be with flaming torches in the day of His preparation, and the fir trees shall be terribly shaken." This word "shield," is Strong's #4043. It can be translated "a scaly hide of a crocodile." It is in Gesenius' lexicon. The word "red" is Strong's #119 which is the name for the creation, fallen adam.


I am suggesting to you what this phrase means is that natural Israel, if we take this for the church today, Israel or the church today, is losing its anointing. I just said that before I got to this phrase. It is going to revert, and be under Satan's protection, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.


There is no more imputed anointing. The imputed anointing is passing away with prophesy and tongues. The Scripture says "The shield of the mighty men." If Christ is not your shield, Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is your shield. The scaly hide of the crocodile, of the men that are strong in their natural selves is made red, is made fallen adam. They are reverted to natural men.


Their shield, their spiritual shield, is no longer Christ. They have reverted to their spiritual shield as Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. They are made red, they are returned to mortality, natural men.


"The valiant men are in scarlet." This word "scarlet" is Strong's #8529. It means "dyed red." I am suggesting to you that Israel shall reflect Satan's spirit, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. We found this in the Book of Revelation when we studied the Dragon in Chapter 12. He is a red Dragon. Then we went to...I believe it was Revelation 17, where it talked about the scarlet colored beast. We found out what this means, that the word "red" is typifying the fallen adamic natural of the beast.


We looked all these words up. I am not teaching today so I am giving you this quickly. The word "scarlet," typifies spiritual power. It is a different color. It means "dyed color," it means that the spirit in you is making you red, because he is manifesting through you. Israel, natural Israel, it is to the church today, I am telling you, if you do not submit to the chastening, as painful as it may be, that is going to bring forth Christ, this shall be your condition.


Your shield shall no longer be Christ. It shall be the scaly hide of the crocodile. You shall revert to being a natural man, and the spirit that is being reflected through you shall be Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


"The chariots shall be with flaming torches in the day of His preparation." Chariots, we have found through many studies that chariots typify the human soul, that God talks about our bodies being horses, and that the saddle on the horse or the chariot that is drawn is the soul. The rider is either God or Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. It is a description of our spiritual being.


It says the chariot shall be in flame. That word means "flaming." The word "torches," is Strong's #6393. It means "divider." Again, it is talking about the separation of the soul from the spirit.


The chariots or the souls are being separated. They are being broken down into Adam, Eve, and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. In this day that the one who dasheth to pieces manifests in the realm of appearance, it says "The fir trees shall be terribly shaken." The fir trees refer to evergreens, and green refers to the life of Christ. It is saying, "Those members of the human race that have the life of Christ in them are going to be terribly shaken."


We have many Scriptures and prophesies that the whole world is shaking, earthquakes, and the moon is going to turn to blood. This is the destruction of our fallen adamic soul. It is the changing of the guard, it is the exchanging of the power, it is the casting down of the destroyer, and the planting or the placing of Christ in full eminence in our minds.


We are there when this is going on, and it is painful, and we shall be terribly shaken, but I declare to you that we shall not be destroyed. We shall be translated from this kingdom of darkness into the Life and the Kingdom of His dear Son. We shall survive the shaking.  


Lay hold of Christ, and do not let anything shake you loose. If you are hearing this word, He is calling you to it. Glory to God.


Verse 4 of Chapter 2. "The chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall jostle one against another in the broad ways: they shall seem like torched, they shall run like lightnings." I just looked up a little of that. The indication is that they are going to run as if they are mad. I believe that this is just describing this tribulation.


COMMENT: Inaudible.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, and no. I believe it is going to be us, yes, and no. I believe that if we are rooted in Christ, we are not going to run mad. I think people that are not rooted in Christ, they are going to run like they are mad. The torment is really going to bring them to great depths of mental confusion. The Lord has brought me into a pretty deep realm of spiritual warfare. I want to tell you, it is very tough. What is pulling me through, I am not all the way through yet, is this understanding that He has given me to share with whoever He sends me to.


Because, sometimes I think I am going crazy, the spiritual warfare is real. No matter how many times I go through it, no matter how many times I get delivered, that question is always in your mind. "Maybe I am just nuts," I just went through this just the other day, somebody was very angry at me, somebody that yields frequently to their carnal mind. Some people have a naturally inherited witchcraft power in their minds, their rage carries a lot of witchcraft power.


This person was very, very angry with me, and raging at me in their mind. I was resisting, and this cover just came over my mind like an oppression. It was the worst spiritual warfare that I have been through in a couple of years. I was having a lot of trouble working, I was depressed. I was resisting, and resisting finally I said, "Lord, I need help. I am not strong enough to ward this off myself."


The Lord sent me to someone for prayer. He anointed this particular person with discernment, and He delivered me. There was nothing special about this woman. He chose her for this job. Next time He will choose somebody else. After she finished praying for me, the whole thing just lifted off of me.


All I did was want to go to sleep. It was like I had been trough a real traumatic experience. I knew it was gone. I went to bed early that night, I woke up, and the whole thing was gone. I said "Wow, some people that are going through this, they are going to think they are nuts."


It is real, and every time He witnesses to me that it is real, it makes me feel better. I keep needing it to be confirmed to me that I am not crazy, that this spiritual warfare is real. As we develop into spiritual people, we become spiritually sensitive. When people rage at us like that, it registers in my spiritual being.


Part of the discernment that He gave this woman was that she saw hundreds of spears being thrown at me. She saw the missile being thrown at me. I am strong in Christ, and I could not take the victory. This was not the first person that prayed for me. The point is that no matter who prays for you, the deliverance will not come until Jesus Christ says, "The deliverance comes now."


Sometimes, He wants you to hold on for two or three days, sometimes a week, because He is using their wickedness towards you to develop Christ. If the Lord has determined that I am not going to deliver you, that you hold on to the horns of the alter for a week, you can have anybody pray for you. I do not know about you, I do not have any power to deliver anybody. When God makes a judgment to deliver somebody, and He raises me up as the vessel, I have power; otherwise, I have no power.


He required me to hold on and live through that. It was a tough couple of days. Then He delivered me. This oppression that was on me for days, it went off of me like a snap of the fingers. I went into bed, and I said, "Man, this thing is real." I keep needing it witnessed to me, because you do not want to believe it is real, your carnal mind does not want to believe it is real.


I want to tell you something, this person that was raging at me, they will be very upset. They did not intend to hurt me, but the rage, and the anger that rose up in their mind they could not control it.


There was a third person involved that was a under a severe mental onslaught. Although nobody prayed for her, she was aware that she got relief that night. It broke the whole three- way thing, it broke the power of it. I have been in this for years, I have been in deliverance for at least 10 years, if not more.


I have seen some heavy duty stuff. I am telling you, the carnal mind does not want to believe it is true. What am I saying? I have been in it for 10 years or more, and I still need continued witnesses that it is true. The carnal mind does not want to believe that somebody's thoughts could do to you what was done to me this week. It happens to me a lot.


COMMENT: Is that like something like the spirit of jealousy? It is in the Bible that a woman was accused, her husband never did anything but the spirit of jealously told her? In the New Testament? Then the activity started. She might even be jealous of your ministry.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes. That is another witness. There is a lot of envy, but I do not believe that she is aware of it. What am I saying? What is God saying here. When He build His life in us, He is making us into spiritual people, and we are going to be affected by other people's thoughts.


What does that mean? Jesus said, "We better get ourselves cleaned up because this is coming." He said, "Nothing is going to be hidden." If you have envy or if you hate your sister, and you think you are going to hide it behind a nice smile on your face, you are mistaken. There is only one way to deal with this in Christ, in this hour. That is to confess it as sin, and throw ourselves on the mercy of the God to ask Him for deliverance, because we are going to be exposed. We are going to be mortified and embarrassed.


This particular woman, I do not know if she will hear the tape or not, I told her that she was jealous. She looked at me, and said, "Jealous? What are you talking about?" Now God put the witness right on this tape, Maybe she will hear it, I do not know.


COMMENT: Another thing, does it not bring to mind about what the Lord is going to do through the apostles with Ananais and Sapphira? That is what is sounds like the Lord is going to bring forth.


PASTOR VITALE: Exactly, that is what we are coming to. This is no joke, and all these Christians out there are fighting with you, "No, a Christian cannot have a demon." What do you mean, a Christian cannot have a demon? You are about to be utterly ashamed. If you do not start cleaning up your heart; of course, only God can clean up your heart. You have to start by confessing it a sin, because you are going to be ashamed. It is already happening.


Let us go on. Boy, we really got off of that subject. Hallelujah. We were talking about Verse 4 of Chapter 2. That the chariots are going to rage in the street. It is going to appear as a spiritual madness. Only those who are rooted and grounded in Christ are going to make it through. I want to tell you there is no place to run from this stuff. There is no time, and space in the spirit.


If God brings you into this, and you are not looking to Christ for your deliverance, you know for instance, that somebody is mad at you, there is no place that you can run to get away from their mind. You can run to the other side of the world, there is no space or time in the realm of the spirit.


If they are raging at you, you are going to be touched by it. We are entering into a whole new way of life, a hole new way of existence. I want to tell you, for years, I think I have told you this before, I sought spiritual teaching in the church, and I do not know any where you can get it, but here. Maybe there are other places you can get it that I do not know about, where they teach about spiritual things.


God taught me through Star Trek. I was severely criticized for it, because it is a witchcraft program, God let me watch it. He said "That is witchcraft, but this is what is true of my spirit."
He taught me a lot of what I am preaching now. God taught me, but let me use the physical example of a witchcraft program. There is no book, there is no place to learn it.


I do not know if you have ever watched Star Trek, but I have seen a program where there is a man, and he is standing there, no other human being around him, then he is thrown across the room. He is moving as if somebody is hitting him, and that is what people's thoughts are doing to us.


Now I have not yet experienced being thrown across the room, but a lot of people do not like me, a lot of people do not like what I preach. A lot of people have negative feelings towards me. They have not moved my body yet, but I tell you they are doing some job on my emotions. Of course, I have not come up against somebody strong enough to knock my body around. I fully believe that it is possible, if someone is steeped enough in witchcraft.


COMMENT: Would that be a school of the spirit?


PASTOR VITALE: The way God taught me? Yes. Because, not any glory to me, He decided that I was going to be the preacher of this message, He had to teach me somehow. When He started to teach me, I was carnal. He had to give me some kind of something for me to understand it.


Now, there is probably going to be someone listening to this tape, and saying I am teaching witchcraft. He used the witchcraft, and He said, "That is witchcraft, but this is my spirit." It is spiritual whether it is an ungodly spirit or the spirit of Christ. Spiritual is spiritual. That is how He taught me.


COMMENT: I do not know if this is getting off the track, we read the book "Prepare for War." He came to set the captives free, the enemies did the same exact thing. You are talking about the thought life. Do you think this is the same thing that the doctor went through being thrown all over the room?


PASTOR VITALE: I did not read the book, was he a Christian?


COMMENT: She was a Christian, so was the other ones. The one that went to the doctor...


PASTOR VITALE: That were thrown all over the room?


COMMENT: The one that would be the teacher, the other one was manifesting, and had the power of many, many men, and would throw her.


PASTOR VITALE: Well, it could be one of two things. It could be the demons within the person doing it. It could be somebody else's mind. It could be either one. If the person is highly demonized, the chances are it is their own demons doing it to them. The case that I am describing, it is someone's else's mind attacking me.


COMMENT: Were they not attacked by (Inaudible).


PASTOR VITALE: It could be either one, you have to seek God.


COMMENT: The other woman was a Satanist, and she became a Christian. They were persecuted.


PASTOR VITALE: It could be that under that circumstance. Anyone listening to this tape, I do not want you to be afraid. God is in full control of your spiritual education. He is not going to let you come up against anyone in powerful, ungodly spiritual authority if it is going to destroy you. He is just going to move you away from it. If you are afraid, it is not of God. You either call me or call somebody to pray for you.


We are becoming spiritual men, and men in our society are perverse right now. Our examples always go back to previous societies. Men were the ones that went to war. If you want to be a spiritual man, you are going to have to wage war. Woman run away, women hide. If you think you are called to be a spiritual man, somewhere along the line you are going to have to start waging this battle. I do not know how far I am going to go today. Tell me if you reach a point where you are not absorbing this word, and I will stop. It is a very long word, and I will go as far as I can.


Chapter 2, Verse 5. "He shall recount his worthies: "That word "recount" is Strong's #2142, and it means "to be marked recognizable, to be a male." We were just talking about that. There is no male or female in Jesus Christ. If you are one with Christ, you are male. If you are joined to His spirit, "He who is joined to Christ is one spirit." You are Christ, and you are male.


This Scripture says He is going to make it viable who are His males. "He shall recount His worthies." "Recount," Strong's #2142, "marked recognizable, to be male, to be visibly male in the exercise of your spiritual strength." The word, "worthies" is Strong's #117. It means "mighty or worthy ones."


It is going to be visible. You see, a lot of people are walking in a lot of spiritual authority, but you cannot see it with the carnal mind. It is going to be made viable in this hour. Glory to God.


"They shall stumble in their walk." At the same time that He is making the spiritual authority known on His people, there is going to be a stumbling in their walk. "They shall make hast to the wall." Let me back up. I believe this means that those who are going to be marked male, are going to stumble in their walk, because spirits do not walk.


As God makes you strong, and makes it visible that you are strong in His spiritual life, your carnal life is going to cause you to stumble. You are going to stumble in your carnal life. You cannot walk and fly at the same time. As He strengthens you spiritually, you shall weaken naturally. The Scripture says that, "When you are a child you go where you want, but when you are grown up I am going to bind you up so you go where ever I want you to go." You are going to stumble in your walk, simultaneously while He is marking you as a spiritual male.


This has nothing to do with your body whatsoever. "They shall make hast to the wall thereof." The walls, if you study this out in the Hebrew, typifies salvation. He is going to mark us as male, because we are worthy, and we are male. Again, this has nothing to do with this carnal life down here, male, female, women's lib thing.


This is all spiritual, and every human being alive has the opportunity to become a spiritual male. God is not setting up categories where you are relegated for the rest of your life as a second-class citizen. Everybody is called to spiritual manhood.


He is marking His males, He is making it visible to everybody. He is going to cause them to stumble in their natural life. He will cause them to run into the wall, which is Jesus Christ, their salvation, for help. When they see their natural life going down the tubes, I can say Amen right here, you are going to be screaming like a banshee, saying, "What is happening to my life? I lost all my power to sustain my life. I lost all my power to work, I lost all my power to earn a living, I lost all my power to do everything. Why?"


Because God is crippling you like the angel touched the thigh of Jacob, He is crippling you, so that you run to the wall of your salvation, which is the Lord Jesus Christ


Why would you do that? Because everything you have ever been taught on how to survive is failing you. You shall rush to the walls of salvation, even the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah.


"And the defense shall be prepared." This word "defense" is Strong's #5526. It means "covering." You are stumbling in your walk, you are running to Jesus, and you are covered, which is Christ. "Shall be prepared." The word "prepared" is Strong's #3559. It means "set up, firmly fixed, fastened," or it could be translated "interwoven."


God is marking you, He is calling you, calling you to spiritual manhood. He is going to cripple you in your ability to get things done by a natural way. You are going to find yourself rushing to the walls of salvation, Jesus Christ, because you are desperate. In the prior verse, you are going to be running around like a mad man, not being able to understand what is happening to you, unless you are blessed enough to receive this word. You are going to be scared, I tell you even if you hear this word, you might be scared, it is pretty frightening.


This word is going to help. While all of this is going on, your covering is being prepared. Christ in you is being firmly fixed in you, being interwoven with your human spirit, being firmly and permanently established in your spiritual being, immovable. When we did Daniel 7 we found something that sounded very much like this, in Daniel 7, in that prophesy. That He is going to firmly fix and fasten down the salvation of humanity within the hearts of men. This foundation is within us. It is a spiritual foundation.


The Scripture likens it to fastening down our tent, because this body, or this skin is a tent. It is a tabernacle for the life of Christ. He keeps losing His tent, because we keep dying. He keeps losing His tent, but He is going to firmly fasten us. Where? In this realm of appearance. He is the anchor of our soul. What is He anchoring us to? The realm of appearance.


This whole concept of fastening down means He is going to fasten us in the realm of appearance, because we are going to stop dying. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Verse 6. "The gates of the rivers shall be opened, and the palace shall be dissolved." I looked up the word "rivers." It is Strong's #5104, and it is from a root meaning "to sparkle." I suggest to you that it is typifying the human spirit that is Christ, which is in us from the beginning. "The gates of the rivers shall be opened." I remind you of the Scripture that says, "The gates of hell shall not prevail against my church."


The whole church is out there thinking that the gates of hell are going to stop us from getting in, and we are going to crash into hell. No brethren, we are in hell now. The gates are locking you in, you are in jail. Your jail is your body, and this carnal mind. God put you here. He said to hell, "Keep the watch."


The Bible says that there are two cherubim, and they have flaming swords that you cannot get past. The Lord says that when Christ firmly fixes His covering in you, the gate of hell shall not keep you from passing out of hell into Eden or the spiritual realm of God.


The gates of hell are locking us into hell, We are not breaking into hell, brethren, we are breaking out. Why would you want to go to hell? Oh, to get the captives out. What captives? The guy that is five degrees worse off than you? If you are dead, you are dead. This is hell. This is it right here.


The gate of the human spirit shall be opened. That is the carnal mind and this body. The palace, if you look that word up it is Strong's #1964. It is the same word translated "temple." In second Chronicles 37, this word is used to describe a Babylonian temple. "The gates of the rivers...," the prison house of the human spirits, "...shall be opened,"... the Babylonian temple," shall be dissolved. This fallen adamic soul that she is joined to, she married Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. She is joined to her, and the carnal mind. She is locked in this Babylonian temple.


COMMENT: Would that be considered the two leaved gate?


PASTOR VITALE: I really do not know off hand, but it sounds good. I have not looked it up, but it sounds good. Yes, we are locked in here.


COMMENT: I have heard that one day, and I have been reading, looking up different places, and I just cannot seem to...


PASTOR VITALE: The two leaved gate? Well the Lord just gave me a witness.


COMMENT: ...about opening up some gate, but I could not seem to find anything.


PASTOR VITALE: The Lord just gave me a witness. I said I did not know, but the Lord just spoke to me. He said that it is true because the two leaved gate is the gate that was in the wall of the city of Babylon. Did you know that?


COMMENT: No, I thought it was the temple.


PASTOR VITALE: Well it is the natural type. It was this gate in the wall of the city of Babylon, and when God executed the judgment against...was it Nebuchadnezzar? When He destroyed Babylon? It was Belshazzar. I may have the names wrong. When He destroyed Babylon, the way He destroyed them was that a foreign army penetrated their gates. Those gate were impenetrable. I think they tunneled under that gates or something like that. The two leaved gates refer to Babylon. Babylon is our fallen adamic soul. We just said that here.


COMMENT: It is also confusion?


PASTOR VITALE: Babylon? Yes, and within the city of Babylon there is confusion. There is a woman she thinks she is a man, she is all mixed up. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, she thinks she is a man. She has got this whole world convinced that she is a man, but she is still a female. Confusion alright.


The gates, the jail house, the prison house of the human spirit. Who is in hell? Our human spirit is in hell. We are spirit, and our spirit is in hell buried under the earth of our souls in our bodies. The gates of hell that are holding our human spirits in that are going to be opened. The Babylonian palace that Adamic soul, and this body that is holding it captive are going to be dissolved. Glory to God.


Verse 7. "And Huzzab shall be led away captive, she shall be brought up, and her maids shall lead her as with the voice of doves, beating upon their breasts."


Now, I am not going to spend too much time on that. I will suggest to you that, that is just a witness that Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is female, because if we can believe that Verse 6 says the human spirit is going to be released from hell, and that the fallen adamic soul is going to be dissolved, than Verse 7 is saying, "And the female ruler (who ever she is), shall be lead away captive, and her maids shall lead her as the voice of doves." What ever. That is what I suggest to you, it is up to you to say "yea" or "nay."


Verse 8. "But Nineveh is of old like a pool of water: yet they shall flee away. Stand, stand, shall they cry; but none shall look back." I am only going to comment on the second part of the verse, "stand, stand...," well, "...yet they shall flee away," they are going to run from God. "Stand, stand, shall they cry, none shall look back." That word "look back," really means "turn around."


I suggest to you that this is God's preacher saying, "Do not run from the tribulation, do not run from the attack on your life, stand, stand, it is Christ, and He is destroying your soul. He is going to be fully born in you, stand."


Included in this stand, in order for us to stand, we must confess our sins and repent, but they would not turn. They would not repent, they would not turn to God and confess their sins, and do what they had to do so they could be delivered.


As this onslaught falls upon our fallen adamic soul, what is happening is that our human spirit is getting freed. Do not run, stay under the onslaught, get your human spirit freed, but you must confess your sins, you must repent, and you must submit to the chastening that is going to cleanse you, but none would turn.


They would not turn away from their sins, they would not confess them, they would not repent. I remind you when the Scripture says "none" is going to do something, God always has a remnant.


Verse 9. " Take ye the spoil of silver, take the spoil of gold; for there is none end of the store, and glory out of all the pleasant furniture." I am not going to spent to much time on that. The silver is salvation, and the gold is deity. They are saying they are not going to turn away from their sins, but they are trying to steal from God. They are trying to steal their salvation, they are trying to steal the anointing of God.


They want the gifts, they want to be a big shot, they want to have a ministry, they want to have a place in the church, and all they are thinking about is their pride. They will not turn, they will not repent, but they are trying to take a spoil. They are saying that there is no end to the store, and the glory out of all the valuable furniture.


They are trying to steal from God. Most people hearing this they will not believe it, but it is true anyhow. They are trying to steal from God. It is amazing that they are trying to do it. That is how demented our carnal minds are.


We do not know how insane we are until we get the mind of Christ, until He start to renew our mind, and we start seeing things through His eye.


COMMENT: Does this refer to the "name it, and claim it" doctrines?


PASTOR VITALE: Definitely, but even more than that it is people's pride. They want to be a big shot. If you are in the ministry, you are here to minister to God's people. You are here to minister to God's children. He wants them to get educated and grow up. Your job is to minister to them, not to rule over them.


I want to tell you, it is very hard not to rule over them. Sometimes they are obnoxious and rebellious, and they hurt you. If they were little kids, you would put them over your knee, and spank them. if you are a minister of Christ, you cannot do it. The husband does all the discipline. Jesus Christ is all the discipline. I am subject to many offenses until He disciplines.


Verse 10. "She is empty, and void," Babylon, the fallen adamic soul, is empty, and void, "and waste." Why? Because God is destroying her ruling spirit, Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. "And the knees smite together," that is a Biblical way of saying her knees were knocking. There is fear in the midst of the fallen adamic soul, "And much pain is in all loins." I remind you our loins are our mind. There is mental pain, mental distress, that is very important. "And the faces of them all gather blackness."


This is a painful deliverance, brethren, you are not dancing into the Kingdom. You have to go through. I know when I was in the hospital, I wanted a healing, I did not want that surgery. I did not want it. I was knocking on God's door every day. He finally spoke to me. It was a very quiet soft voice, and He said "You have got to go through." I stopped banging on His door, and I started praying for strength.


I want you to know, He was very faithful. I said, "Lord if I have to go through, do something with this fear." I tell you it was gone. Stop praying to get out of the trial, you have to go through. Pray that He gets you through with victory and with glory as a hero, not as a coward. Pray, He will do it, but you have to go through. There is no other way. You either go through, or you are going to die in the wilderness.


Verse 11. "Where is the dwelling of the lions, and the feeding place of the young lions, where the lion, even the old lion, walked, and the lion's whelp, and none made them afraid?" I did not look them up. I am going to suggest to you that, that is talking about the fallen adamic soul before Christ attacked her. The lion can typify Christ or Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Lions typify spiritual power.


In view of all the Scriptures before this, I would say this Scripture is saying, "What happened to that fallen adamic soul, where that raging lion dwelled safely, where none bothered it, it has come under the siege of the Lord Jesus Christ." That is what happened to it, and now she is full of fear and pain, the face of all her people gather blackness.


Verse 12. "The lion did tear in pieces enough for his whelps, and strangled for his lionesses, and filled his holes with prey, and his dens with ravin." In the fallen adamic soul before Christ attacked, life there was existence. There was enough to keep the Satanic spirits alive, but they are being dried up, they are being attacked, they are bing starved to death, and they are being destroyed.


Their food is being cut off. How is their food being cut off? Because the word of God is coming into the people's mind, the truth is coming, and the Satanic mind feeds on the lie. The lies are being wiped off the land, so they are starving to death. Glory to God. There is a famine in the land of the fallen adamic soul. Hallelujah.


Verse 13. "Behold, I am against thee, saith the Lord of hosts, and I will burn her chariots...," that is her souls, "...in the smoke, and the sword shall devour thy young lions." Let us stop there. I looked up a few of those words. "Young Lions, Strong's #3715, can be villages, covered in by walls. It is incredible, it is in the Lexicon. It is the same word, look it up yourself, "And I will cut off thy prey from the earth, and the voice of thy messengers shall no more be heard."


I am going to suggest to you for this Scripture, He is talking about villages. Our spiritual life is a village covered by the walls of this body. Amen. "I will burn her...," souls, "...in the smoke, and the sword shall devour." The sword of the Lord, the wicked, spiritual pestilence shall devour the villages that are fenced in, which is our souls that are within these bodies. "I will cut off thy prey front he earth, saith the Lord, and the voice of thy messengers shall no more be heard." Glory to God.


This word "prey" is Strong's #2964. It means "a fragment, a flesh leaf." It means "something torn off." If you have a living plant, and before that leaf dies, it is something newly torn off, it still has life in it. What does that mean to us. Glory to God.


"I will cut off thy prey," and I am suggesting to you that this leaf that is torn off is our human spirit. It is that part of Christ in us. It still has the life of Christ in it, because it has been regenerated by Christ.


Remember, when He was joined to the dust of the earth He was broken in many pieces. There is a piece of Him in you, and there is a piece of Him in me. It is our human spirit. It still has life, because it is being regenerated by Him.


What are we saying? The Lord is saying "I will cut off thy prey form the earth." He is separating our human spirit from the fallen adamic soul. Why? That is the whole point of our warfare, to get our human spirit out so that she can marry Christ. That is the transfer of our life from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of His dear Son. Our true life, which is our human spirit, has to get free of all this junk that she is chained too. She is in spiritual chains.


We found that in the Noah series, that a human spirit is spiritually chained to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. It is interesting how there are natural examples of everything spiritual. I have never seen it. I have been told in other countries, we do not do it here, that where they do not have big jails, because it costs a lot of money to build a jail. That it is not unheard of for the government to take a big strong man, and chain him, shackle him to the criminal. The criminal is shackled, and you have to live with this person. You know how close it is to be shackled to somebody?


We found in the Noah series that we have been spiritually shackled to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, as a judgment of God. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Verse 13, I will go over it again. The Lord says" Behold I am against thee, the living soul that died and Satan who rules in her. I am going to burn your souls, the souls of the many members in the smoke."


The sword, which is the wicked, shall devour your souls. I am going to burn you, I am going to have you devoured, and I am going to release from you the human spirits of the many members of the living soul that died, and the voice of thy messengers which is the carnal mind, shall be heard no more.


The voice of the messenger of the fallen adamic soul, ruled by Satan, is the carnal mind. She is the personality that appears in this realm of appearance. She is going to be heard from no more. No more confusion in your mind, you are going to just hear Christ. Glory to God.


Chapter 3. Well I guess we are going to finish it. Are you okay?


COMMENT: This is witnessing to me of all the things I have heard over these last, I do not know, how many years since 83 all the words that are part of this. I was relating them to everyday things. All the different things that I heard. When my brother died, I woke up that morning, and I heard there is a spirit in man, then what was the Scripture we were just doing? Separating the spirit, and the soul. The word of God is quick, and powerful. That Scripture together. I thought God was talking about my brother. See, now all these things are fitting into this.


PASTOR VITALE: He has prepared you for this word. I am blessed that you are receiving this. I am so informal. I keep saying that if God puts me in a formal church, I will not be able to function. Glory to God.


Chapter 3. "Woe to the bloody city! It is full of lies, and robbery, the prey departeth not." The bloody city, the city that is covered with blood, that is the fallen adamic soul. It has gotten its power illegally, and it has killed to get its power. It is called the bloody city, it is also called Babylon. There are two cities. There is Babylon, and there is Jerusalem. The bloody city is Babylon, and it has killed to get its strength. "It is full of lies."


We know that Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is the originator of lies, "and robbery." It has robbed life from God's people to bring itself into this position of authority, Glory to God.


"And the prey departeth not." The prey, we found in a previous verse, is the human spirit. Babylon, the fallen adamic soul, will not let our human spirit go. The natural Scriptural type is the Hebrew children trying to get out of Egypt. Our fallen adamic soul is Pharaoh. He will not release us, and we are not getting free until God bombs us free. When the bombs fall, they are falling on us too, and that is why there is so much pain. We are right in there in the warfare, but we have to believe we are going to survive it no matter what it looks like.


COMMENT: Would those bombs be the hails stones that are spoken of in the Book of Revelation?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, I am sure of it. That is one of the manifestations. God is waging war with many weapons, and that is one of the weapons. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Verse 2 of Chapter 3. "The noise of a whip, and the noise of the rattling of the wheels, and the prancing horses, and of the jumping chariots." This verse is just describing the warfare, that there are horses, there are human bodies, the jumping chariots of the souls, the warfare is both in the flesh of our bodies and in the mind, which is the soul. It is an intense warfare, and there is a lot of confusion and noise.


Verse 3. "The horseman lifteth up both." This is talking about lifting up to wage war with as a weapon, "He lifted up both the bright sword, and the glittering spear." I looked up those words. The word "bright" is #3581, and it can be translated "a large lizard." Now, before we had a crocodile, now we have a large lizard. The "glittering" means "lightening or spiritual power." The word "spear" is Strong's #2595, and it is from a root that means "to pitch a tent or to besiege."


I wrote up a note here. I said that the rider which is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, remember we said before, we are a spiritual life form, our body is the horse, our soul is the chariot. Either Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, or Christ is riding us. This Scripture indicates this is the horseman that is lifting his weapons up against God.


The rider, Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, fights with... his weapon is the unconscious mind. The bright sword, the large lizard, that is a cutting instrument. This word for sword is #2719, and it can be translated "cutting instrument or drought." This large sword is a large lizard, it both cuts, and wounds, and it produced drought in you. It dries up the spirit of God in you.


The carnal mind which is ruled by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, has two weapons. He fights with the unconscious mind which is the large lizard that dries up Christ in you. On the second level, he has the carnal mind which is the personality or our conscious mind in the realm of appearance. That is the spiritual power of the natural man.


I am going to tell you how I got that the word "spear" is #2595. It is from a root that means to pitch a tent. That is how I get the "natural man" out of it, the carnal man. He is fighting with the unconscious mind, which is the large lizard. He is fighting with a word that means "to pitch a tent, or to besiege." That is our carnal mind, the tent typifying the flesh. Satan is fighting against Christ through our unconscious mind, through our conscious mind, and through our carnal mind.


A lot of people do not know what they are doing, they are not aware of it, but God is saying, "Get in touch with your motives, there is no more excuse, the hour is over, there is no more excuse, get in touch with your motives." That is His command in this hour. Glory to God.


COMMENT: Would a lizard be like Leviathan?


PASTOR VITALE: To me, a lizard, is a cold-blooded, unclean spiritual power. Well Leviathan is a part of our fallen adamic soul. He is the beast in Revelation. He is our fallen adamic soul, so a lizard is referring to Leviathan, I believe that. Hallelujah.


We are still in Verse 3. "There is a multitude of slain," there is a multitude of dead people, because Satan is fighting with our unconscious mind, and our carnal mind.


People are dead, if you are dwelling in the carnal mind you are dead. The way the prophet expresses it, is that there is a multitude of slain ones. We still exist, but we are dead.


"And there is a great number of carcases." Carcases means a dead body, we know that people actually die. The result of Satan manifesting through our carnal mind is that we have a whole society, a whole race, a whole planet filled with walking dead. That is what the Scripture says, and physically dead, is the condition of the world today. "And there is none end of their corpses." The corpses, I did not look up the difference between corpse and carcase, to be honest with you.


"There is no end to them, and they stumble upon their dead bodies." I do not believe they are stumbling over their physical dead bodies. We have a lot of dead people preaching, a lot of dead people in the church, and we are stumbling over them. We are stumbling over the dead bodies that Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, has produced. Hallelujah.


Verse 4. That word stumble, I have a note for you. That word "stumble" is talking about people who are weak in the legs and ankles. That word "upon," it says they stumble upon it can be translated "because of." Their ankles and their legs are weak, because they are existing in death. We know that in the Scripture Peter said "stand up, and walk," and his ankles were immediately strengthened.


That is a Scriptural type of spiritual death, having weak ankles. It is because we are living out of our carnal minds which is ruled by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Hallelujah.


Verse 4. "Because of the multitude of the whoredoms of the well-favored harlot, the mistress of witchcrafts, that selleth nations through her whoredoms, and families through her witchcrafts." The harlot, I believe that is the harlot of Revelation. I suggest to you that she is Eve, our human spirit. She has become the Harlot, and she is producing all of the names of blasphemy. She is joined to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, in her mind, which has produced the carnal mind, which is Satan's daughter.


It is our ungodly personality in this realm of appearance. She is the prey that is being released from the fallen adamic soul. She is going to be cleansed, she is going to be made a virgin again, she is going to get married to Christ, and she is going to bare His child, the second generation of Christ, the children of Christ. It is going to come forth in her.


She who was a harlot in the same place is going to be the virtuous bride of Christ. Glory to God.


COMMENT: Is that almost symbolic of Hosea's wife?


PASTOR VITALE: I really do not know.


We are still in verse 4. "Because of your multitude of the whoredoms." Our human spirit is having sexual copulation with both Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and the carnal mind. She is a well-favored harlot. That means she has produced the carnal mind, and a lot of demons.


She is a mistress of witchcrafts. She is the one that is in charge of all witchcraft. All spiritual power involved the human spirit. If it is ungodly spiritual power, it is the human spirit in union with Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. If it is Godly spiritual power, it is the Father God manifesting through our human spirit. Everything that is spiritual, she is involved in.


In this Scripture, it says she is the mistress of witchcrafts. Whatever witchcraft is in the earth or in the church, your human spirit, if you are involved in it, is involved. You need to repent, and ask for cleansing. She has to be made a virgin again.


The Scripture says, "She sells nations through her whoredoms, and families through her witchcrafts." I suggest to you that she destroys. The term "selleth" refers to "destruction." We know we were sold under sin, God sold us to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. It is a downward word. She destroys nations by giving them ungodly thoughts. She destroys families through wrong thinking, not obeying the words of God, and though, basically, it is wrong thinking which are curses in the mind that will cause us not to obey the word of God, that will cause us not to submit to one another, and not to relate properly.


We are having a plague of that today with families being destroyed. It is a plague. It is a plague across the nation.


Verse 5. "Behold, I am against thee, saith the Lord of hosts;" He is talking to the whole living soul. For a few verses back, He was dealing with Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Now He is dealing with the living soul that died. "I am against thee, saith the Lord of hosts; and I will discover thy skirts upon thy face." I am going to reveal who you are really joined to. "And I will shew the nations thy nakedness, and the kingdoms thy shame."


I am going to reveal to the world what you are really about, that you are a harlot. You were never supposed to be joined to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, that you are the one that is destroying them, through their thinking, and through their lusting, through their raging. I am going to show my people who you are. Why? That they may resist you, and start to slay the one that you are joined to, so that you can be set free.


I am going to make it known who you are. First to my people, then to the entire world. It says "I am going to show you to the nations..." I am going to show you to national groups, "...and I am going to show you to the kingdoms." I believe the kingdoms are men who have a king which is Christ. Christ is the king.


Those who have Christ, she is going to be revealed to them, and to those who do not have Christ, you whole nations and individual that do not have Christ, you are a nation if you do not have a king. He is going to reveal her to the whole world, and why we are in the condition that we are in. Why we are suffering the pain that we are suffering? Because of what she has done.


Verse 6. "And I will cast abominable filth upon thee, and make thee vile, and will set thee as a gazingstock." That word "abominable filth" refers to "idols." God hates idols. This casting of the abominable filth upon her, and make her vile, and will set her as a gazingstock. This word "gazingstock" means "to be on a stage. I believe that means He is going to let her go to her worst form of idiolatry, the engraving of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, on her soul.


COMMENT: This is the Christian, not the so called people of the world?


PASTOR VITALE: No, this is the Christians.


COMMENT: Oh, wow!


PASTOR VITALE: He is going to reveal to the church and to the world that her engraving is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and not Christ. He is going to expose it. The church is filled with people that call themselves Christians, and they manifest Satan 99% of the time. He is going to reveal it, He is going to expose it, He is going to make it undeniable. He is going to put her up on a stage that everybody is going to see it.


How is He going to do that? He is going to bring forth His Sons that are truly in the image of Christ. We are going to have a contrast, and He is going to say "These are my Sons in full stature, and when you look at them, you see that you are not what you say you are." That is how He is going to do it. God works in contrasts.


Verse 7. "And it shall come to pass, that all they that look upon thee shall flee from thee, and say, Nineveh is laid waste: who will bemoan her? whence shall I seek comforters for thee?" It is going to come to pass when the Sons of God manifest, when carnal people see these natural examples, they are going to start to reject the fallen adamic soul.


They are going to want that salvation that they see in these men. They are not going to want anything to do with her. They are going to say "She has laid waste, she is finished, she is destroyed, who will mourn for her? And where shall I seek comforters?" They are going to start turning to Christ.


We see this in the book of Revelation, I think it is Chapter 17 or 18, where it talks about Babylon being burnt, being on smoke, and the merchants bemoaning at her, it is the same Scripture. It is talking about the fallen adamic soul.


Verse 8. "Art thou better than populous No," No is a city of Bible days, I did not spend much time on this verse. "Art thou better than populous No, that was situate among the rivers, that had the waters round about it, whose rampart was the sea, and her wall was from the sea?" The "wall" meaning "salvation." She, salvation, came from the sea. The sea typifying Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.


We are talking about a heathen city, the city No. The Lord is saying, "Are you any better than this highly populated city?" I did not research it to what it is, but apparently it was a blessed city, and it was defended by Satanic forces.


In Verse 9, we are told Ethiopia, and Egypt were the strength of No, and it was infinite. I looked up that word "infinite," it means infinite. She was so blessed that she was indestructible. I do not know what happened to her, but it sounds from these verses that she was destroyed. There is no more city of No.


Here it is in Verse 10. "Yet was she carried away, she went into captivity: her young children also were dashed in pieces at the top of all the streets: and they cast lots for her honourable men, and all her great men were bound in chains." The Lord is saying to Nineveh, "Are you any better than this great city No? I can bring down any city that I want. I am bringing you down."


The living soul is coming down, she is creaming, and yelling making a lot fo noise. She does not stand a chance.


Verse 11. "Thou also shalt be drunken: thou shalt be hid, thou also shalt seek strength because of the enemy." We talked about being drunken before. The Lord is going to say, "I will let her be drunken on Satan's spirit, you are going to be hidden." I remind you that the word "hidden," means "to be concealed." It is talking about being underneath. To be hidden or concealed you have to be underneath. The Lord is saying, "You are going underneath Christ."


Right now the living soul is not hidden. She is in the personalities of all of the human beings on the face of the earth, but she is going to be hidden, because she is going down under the feet of Christ. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


She is going to be destroyed, and she is going to have to seek strength because of the enemy. Who is her enemy? It is the Lord Jesus Christ. You are going to be drunken on the wine of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, you are going to be buried under the feet of Christ, you are going to be so weak that you are going to have to seek strength, but there shall be no strength to be found, because Christ has made Himself your enemy.


Verse 12. "All thy strongholds shall be like fig trees with the first ripe figs: if they be shaken, they shall even fall into the mouth of the eater." That is saying that she is going to be very weak, she is going to have no strength to have to hold on to her fruit.


What is her fruit? Her fruit is the carnal mind. The fruit of the fallen adamic soul is the carnal mind, and Jesus is going to come with a big wind. She is going to be so weakened, her fruit is going to get knocked right off - the destruction of the carnal mind. There is nothing that she can do about it. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Verse 13. "Behold, thy people in the midst of thee are women." There are no people that are strongly spiritual in Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Everyone in the fallen adamic soul is spiritually weak. The Lord describes them as women. "The gates of thy land shall be set wide open unto thine enemies: the fire shall devour thy bars."


Remember your land is your fallen adamic soul. The Gates are your shields and protection against spiritual pestilence, disease, death, mental illness. The Lord says, "I am killing you, your gates are going to be wide open, I am stripping you of all of your protection. You are weak, your fruit is being shaken off the tree, and I am sending the pestilence all over you. You are finished.


The fire of course is God. Throughout the Scripture, God is typified by fire. The fire shall devour your defenses, whatever they are.


Verse 14. "Draw thee waters for the siege." Water in the Scripture typifies spiritual strength. Gather spiritual strength from whatever Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, has left for the siege. The living soul is under siege. The Lord Jesus Christ is cutting off her strength. "Fortify thy strong holds...," each man is a stronghold. "...Go into clay, and tread the mortar, make strong the brickkiln."


Now this is a spiritual principal here. God has a spiritual enemy, her name is the living soul that died, and she is ruled by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. The Lord says "Go into clay, take on the flesh. I am going to get you in the flesh." This is a big issue in the church, judgment is in the flesh. The church tells you that you die, and judgment is after you die. That is not true. Judgment is in the flesh. Right here, I will read it to you again.


The Lord is saying, "I am ready to destroy you, and the judgment is in the flesh." He is saying, "Take on the flesh. Go into clay." I will read it again. "Draw thee waters for the siege,"


Verse 14. "Fortify thy strongholds...," that is the individual man "...Go into clay, take on the flesh and tread the mortar, make strong the brickkiln." That is just a way of saying you do not bake the blocks. It is just a way of saying, "build the bodies, take on the flesh."


Verse 15. "Take on the flesh, because there in the flesh shall the fire devour thee." Who is the fire? Jesus Christ is the fire. This is another big error in the church. They think that hell is filled with the fires of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. God is a consuming fire. He is light, He is brightness, He is heat, He gives life. Hell is cold, it is dark, it is hidden, it is death.


What is all this fire we read about in hell? The Bible says, "If I be in Heaven you be with me, if I descend into the lowest depths of hell you shall be with me." I declare to you that the fires of hell are the fires of Almighty God in hell burning up sin. God is everywhere


COMMENT: What does he mean by brimstone?


PASTOR VITALE: Brimstone, I do not remember all this, I did study it out. I believe that it is talking about sulfur which is a purifying agent. For centuries it was know as that.


The Lord is saying to His spiritual enemy, Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, "Take on the flesh because that is where I am going to devour you." Judgment is in the flesh. "The sword shall cut thee off." The sword of the Lord is the wicked. "It shall eat thee up like the cankerworm, make thyself many as the locust." Take on the flesh.


Verse 16. "Thou hast multiplied thy merchants above the stars of heaven." If you look up that word "merchants," it talks about people that travel. I am going to suggest to you that it is referring to the natural man. The stars of Heaven are the spiritual man, and the merchant is referring to the traveling man. He is a traveling man because he does not stay permanently in the earth.


He enters into he earth, he takes on the flesh for 60, 70, 80, 90 years, and he leaves. The spiritual life that is within this vessel leaves the earth. He is a merchant, he is a traveling man. Now if you are appearing in the earth today, and you are a Christian, you have a star in Heaven in you, which is the life of Christ. You also have a merchant in you, a fallen adamic soul that is not going to abide forever.


The Lord is saying in this Scripture, Verse 16, "Thou hast multiplied the natural man way beyond...." You living soul that died, you have produced many more natural men than spiritual men. "The cankerworm spoileth, and flieth away." What this is saying is you have produced all of these natural men, and so few spiritual men.


Even though the word switches to the word "cankerworm," what the Lord is saying is that natural men come to the earth, they destroy, and they fly away. The body dies, and they leave.


He is saying these vessels here, you can produce spiritual men, or you can produce natural men. You have not produced the spiritual man. Why? Because the living souls that died knows that if it produces the spiritual man it is the end of him. He is trying to kill the spiritual man. He is the Dragon that is trying to kill the man child.


Verse 17. "Thy crowned are as the locusts, and thy captains as the great grasshoppers, which camp in the hedges in the cold day, but when the sun ariseth they flee away, and their place is not known where they are." The crowned ones, the ones that are appearing, they are like locusts or grasshoppers. They appear in this realm of appearance. The cold day typifies the fallen place. We just said that hell is cold.


"They appear in the hedges in the surrounding areas." What does that mean? Christ is the innermost part. If you are a natural man without Christ, you are not appearing in your center. You are appearing in the hedges. We are not complete, if Christ is not in us we are incomplete. If you are a natural man without Christ, you are appearing in the surrounding areas. Do you understand?


He is rebuking Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and the human spirit for producing all of these natural men. He is saying they are appearing in a cold day. When Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is ruling the world, he is the prince of the power of the world. Then the Son arises. Christ is the sun. Christ is breaking forth in this realm of appearance. Everything that is of the flesh cannot abide His light, and it is flying away.


It is dying, either physically dying, the bodies are going to die, or the soul is going to die, and Christ is going to take over that body, or the kingdom, as the Scripture says. Hallelujah. Their place is not known where they are, they just disappear when Christ appears. This whole world is an illusion, it is a shadow. It shall disappear as it was never here, when Christ appears.


Verse 18. "Thy shepherds slumber, O king of Assyria: thy nobles shall dwell in the dust: thy people is scattered upon the mountains, and no man gathereth them." When we did our study in Revelation 17 and 18, we found out that these terms "scatter," and "gather" refers to "incarnation and death."


We have a whole series on it, that these words mean that when either Christ or Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, wants to incarnate, when a power base has the authority to incarnate, wants to be born, wants to birth a baby in the realm of the spirit, he starts gathering up different spiritual ingredients that is going to make this possible.


If you are going to make a cake, you get your flour, sugar, sugar, and vanilla. You put them all together, and you make a cake. I do not understand it completely, but we found it is the realm of the spirit, we cannot see it, whoever is getting ready to incarnate, they gather all these spiritual components. I have a whole tape on it, it is called Gathering. The spirit that is getting ready to incarnate, whether it be Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, or Christ, they are likened to a strong pole, a magnetic pole. They are drawing all of these elements on the...like clay would be garbed on a pole. Like an artist, then you mold the clay.


By spiritual authority, they are standing there like a magnetic pole, and they will to incarnate, and all these spiritual components start coming towards them and cleaving to them. That is the word "gather." The word "scatter" is when a human being dies, and these spiritual components that their life was made up of, goes back. The spirit goes to God, the soul goes back to the lump, and the body goes to the dust. We found out what these word mean in another study.


Verse 18. Again is talking to the living soul. It is saying "Thy shepherds," the ones that are in charge, they are sleeping. They have no strength, and, of course, we know God put Adam to sleep and he never woke up till now. He is awaking now to righteousness. "O king of Assyria: thy nobles shall dwell in the dust," they are going to dwell in carnality. "Thy people..." their bodies die, and their spiritual life "...is scattered upon the mountains, and no man gathereth them."


This living soul is being dispersed spiritually, she is being broken down, and no man shall ever put her, ever again. All incarnations shall be in Christ. Hallelujah.


Verse 19. "There is no healing of thy bruise; thy wound is grievous." I remind you, the Serpent received a deadly bruise, and yet he lives. I am going to suggest to you, I have heard all kinds of preaching on this. I am going to suggest to you that the deadly bruise that he received was that he was cast down into hell. He lost his spiritual life. The reason that he still lives, what that means is that he still has an existence.


This is not life, this is death. The one that was bruised, and yet lives, he fell down from spiritual life. He lost his spiritual life, yet he still has an existence. That is how he received the bruise, he died, he was slain, and he still lives. That is what this is talking about.


Living soul that died, there is no healing of your bruise. Your wound is grievous. As I said earlier on this tape, this world is about to self-destruct. "All that hear the news of you shall clap the hands over you. For upon whom hath not thy wickedness passed continually?"


Everyone that God permits to hear this word that you are hearing today, that the living souls that died, are finished, that she is destroyed, that she shall never rise again, is going to clap their hands in joy, saith the Lord, because what man hath not your wickedness tormented continuously. Glory to God. Good news. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Good news!






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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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